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Deliverable 4.3 SYNTHESIS & COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF Ref. Ares(2019)3547784 - 31/05/2019 Deliverable 4.3 SYNTHESIS & COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES FOR PROMOTING THE SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE OF WIND ENERGY V2 Date: 31.05.2019 Summary WP 4 Name of the WP: Best practice cases including socially inclusive governance forms and mechanisms Dissemination level: Public Due delivery date: 28.02.2019 Nature: Report Actual delivery date: 31.05.2019 Lead beneficiary: Ecorys ES Contributing beneficiaries: All Partners Authors: Ecorys Spain: Pouyan Maleki-Dizaji and Nicoletta del Bufalo, in cooperation with all project partners (FUB-FFU, Seecon Ingenieure, ENEA, Ecoazioni, IPE, LEIF, CICERO, NVE, KAPE, ACER, ICLEI) Document history Version Date Submitted by Partner Reviewed /approved by/Partner Date Rosaria Di Nucci & Michael Krug 24.05.2019 V0 16.05.2019 P.Maleki-Dizaji Ecorys (FUB FFU) 27.05.2019 R.Di Nucci & M.l Krug 29.05.1019 V1 28.05.2019 N. del Bufalo, Ecorys (FUB- FFU) 30.05.2019 V2 31.05.2019 N. del Bufalo Ecorys R. Di Nucci & M. Krug (FUB-FFU) 31.05.2019 WinWind has received funding from European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement Nº 764717. The sole responsibility for any errors or omissions made lies with the consortium. The content does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission. The European Commission is also not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. WinWind – 764717 Public D4.3 – Synthesis and Comparative Analysis of In-depth Best Practice Cases Abstract The overall objective of the EU project WinWind is to enhance the (socially inclusive) deployment of wind energy by increasing social acceptance of, and support for, onshore wind energy in ‘wind energy scarce regions’ (WESR). The identified target regions are: Saxony and Thuringia in Germany, Lazio and Abruzzo in Italy, Latvia as a whole, Mid-Norway, the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship in Poland and the Balearic Islands in Spain. This report review provides an inventory of best practice case studies (from the WinWind countries) for promoting community engagement and social acceptance of wind energy as well as a comparative analysis of the best practice cases. Work Package 4 of the WinWind project develops a set of transferable best practice cases that showcase successful measures for improving the social acceptance of wind energy. These cases take into account the specific situations and needs of the WinWind target regions and can serve as orientation in other contexts. The present deliverable - D4.3 (synthesis and comparative analysis of in-depth best practices) - directly builds on the two proceeding deliverables in Work Package 4: D4.1 (Methodological framework for best practice selection & analysis) and D4.2 (Good Practice Portfolio), which also selected the 10 best practice cases for in-depth assessment. In this regard, the present deliverable has utilised numerous primary and secondary research methods to carry out an in-depth assessment of the 10 best practice cases. On the basis of the outcomes and findings of these assessments, this deliverable provides a synthesis and comparative analysis on the lessons learnt concerning the successful removal of barriers of social acceptance, as well as the extent to which such measures are potentially transferable to other regions or countries. Deliverable 4.3 proceeds by introducing the deliverable (section 1), an explanation of the structure of the report (section 2), followed by a clarification of the key/central concepts (section 3), the determination of the methodology of the synthesis and comparative analysis (section 4), a reminder of main identified categories of social acceptance factors and the 10 selected cases (section 5), followed by execution of the synthesis and analysis (section 6), by the conclusion (section 7) and a statement on ethics/privacy (section 8). The annex provides the full in-depth case studies and other relevant documents. 1 WinWind – 764717 Public D4.3 – Synthesis and Comparative Analysis of In-depth Best Practice Cases Contents Summary .................................................................................................................................. 0 Abstract ................................................................................................................................... 1 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5 2 Structure of report............................................................................................................. 7 3 Key concepts ..................................................................................................................... 8 4 Methodology .................................................................................................................. 10 5 Categories and selection of best practice cases................................................................ 15 6 Research Synthesis & Comparative Analysis .................................................................... 18 6.1 Summary of Best Practice Cases ......................................................................................... 18 6.1.1 Community Wind Farms in Schleswig-Holstein ...................................................................................18 6.1.2 Service Unit Wind Energy & Quality Label in Thuringia ........................................................................22 6.1.3 Abruzzo Repowering ...........................................................................................................................25 6.1.4 Sardinia Tax Cuts and Landscape Commitments .................................................................................27 6.1.5 Proactive Landscape Planning North Vidzeme ....................................................................................30 6.1.6 Local House Birkenes ..........................................................................................................................32 6.1.7 Fosen Community Dialogue ................................................................................................................35 6.1.8 Kisielice Municipality ..........................................................................................................................38 6.1.9 Gran Canaria Wind and Water ............................................................................................................41 6.1.10 Som Energia Energy Cooperative ........................................................................................................43 6.2 Drivers for social acceptance .............................................................................................. 46 6.3 Overview of main findings and conclusion .......................................................................... 47 6.4 Comparative analysis of drivers for social acceptance ......................................................... 53 6.5 Overview of lessons learnt on the successful removal of barriers to social acceptance ......... 63 6.6 Transferability: Analysis and looking ahead WP5 & WP6 ..................................................... 68 7 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 72 8 Ethics / Privacy ................................................................................................................ 73 9 References ...................................................................................................................... 74 2 WinWind – 764717 Public D4.3 – Synthesis and Comparative Analysis of In-depth Best Practice Cases 10 Annexes ....................................................................................................................... 75 10.1 Annex 1: Template for data collection of case studies ......................................................... 75 10.2 Annex 2: In-depth best practice case studies ...................................................................... 78 10.2.1 Case Study 1 .......................................................................................................................................79 Community wind farms and local benefit sharing: Examples from Northern Friesland and Dithmarschen (Germany) .......................................................................................................................................................79 10.2.2 Case Study 2 .......................................................................................................................................98 Service Unit Wind Energy and Quality Label for Project Developers in Thuringia (Germany) ...........................98 10.2.3 Case Study 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 114 Wind Repowering in Abruzzo (Italy) .............................................................................................................. 114 10.2.4 Case Study 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 122 Tax Cuts and Landscape Commitments in Sardinia (Italy) .............................................................................. 122 10.2.5 Case Study 5 ....................................................................................................................................
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