The Oxford ^ Democrat.


I » i>. park. ble with Richard she allowed herself lbkrt FARMERS Restoring Lost Fertility. Tbe mother rebuked him with a look. in shreds from these tea parties, and "There!" ehe shouted at last. "That'l work of a perfect bungler. It couldu'l AMONG THE I I;ut 'eiu Id the oven." bave burt at but the child Uie unrestrained luxurj of tea γη. Here Licensed Auctioneer, To moat New England tenner· thi "Well. If It Rives her pleasure, Ned," It Is doubtful If the characteristics of do, gueas. all, angel his η clear out In the with the sting of raiu- " matter of fertilization ia of eu re mi It makes insiders In fact, Jlmmie marched with shovelfu raised to heaven loud, so;>ranc opeu. maim. SPEED THE ρ she expostulated softl}·—"If escaped entirely. PARI3, PLOW." was from sorrH It would be t< 1 the stove with these tea were in the way of tulips to one of the furnaces. Tb( bowl that expressed the la3t word l:i irops In her face, she free Moderate. importance. interesting the child hnppy to have p-.vties large Term know bow thousands of Maim the int- She did uot ueei rH PARIS, MAINE. For sandy soils, well rotted manures are note said Jimmie at once. rwolleti and her eyi ; re.', v.ith weep- potatoes, using one ton of high grade actly. You'll be Interested to "Potatoes," • · « · · · · The doctor aud the painter remained better, but for soils the reverse is sue was with Jain- Wright. Alton C-Wheeler. clayey fertilizer acre, one-half in the drill what form her energy will take this The day was clear, cold, bright. An for a long time in sileuce, Trescott ing a:id t!:-.t covred true. There is of loss per Jlmmle and the child, after be- tap- Thanks to the always danger b.v of angel was at time of planting and the other broad- time. And then, wheu the real crisis Icy wind sped from over tbe waters upon the window mud. lier hair flying wildly, leaching when rotted manures are used ing oppressed by innumerable admoni- ping reflectively cast or along the rows a few weeks later; on hat and walk he turned to the though the dampi: always made it J. N. STUART & CO., on sandy soils, so should be conies, you'll put your tions to behave the pane. Finally paint- they applied these clean, thorough cul- correctly during She turned Into the before are to make give potatoes out of the house and leave me to er and, said: "What Is that, the curlier. pas- AND shortly the plants succeeded in reaching the sniffing, Weather. i CIVIL l-VJINbEkS SURVEYORS, ture, the land in the fall again afternoon, t » ti a use of them. Fresh manure will plowing out. This is not a Willis? Don't you smell ture after dl-uiouniliig op' heavy ir.vh Street, South Paris, Maine. impair and straighteu things where the stove awaited them. something?" after digging the potatoes, sowing garden, as lie re- the of certain among this Is a The also sniffed. G gate, and she rode along quality crops, to and to as the scientific question; practical were painter "Why, yes! •By JOAJV/tA SIfit LE. to order. oats seeding grass early They enjoying themselves grand- her Maps and Plans made which are potatoes, and when used for matter." It's like—It's like moved her cap and. transferrin·? next as it is to work the when suow to full-so heavily turnips"" Mi ft', tlmberlandsan.:!" tiie Wm. C. Leavitt While the purchase of commercial his old flame was again to appear he the stove Into the stable aud there, going give Co., high as three or more tons per acre. ing watched the rain bent against the win- fell from her mouth into the mud fertilizers to a certaiu extent is neces- remained calm. In time had so the paces. A result of frizzling turnips, pins Now. after off this first crop of fact, safe from the storm, to continue dow. If she aud ltichard had not been taking was almost as as and water. Then she laughed loug and Main Me. sary for most farmers, and while these mended his heart that It was were met at the which tangible mist, St., Norway, if he has any which he can spare youthful festivities. But they In η sudden shower to the ut- are economical food hay, raught and gave the wind Its will undoubtedly plant ma- a of oblivion and bad blown In upou bis face and made heartily give the field a top-dressing of barn regular apple peace. door of the stable by l'eter Washing- ter ruin of her dress, she when we believe him "Good God! what very prettiest with lier hair. No one would see her judiciously applied, but do not any barn manure Her image in his thought was as the gasp. Willis, farmers fail to realize the ad- nure, apply ton. would never have been irritable aud many to the was can this be?" he cried. anyway. to the ground previous sowing track of a bird on deep snow—it "What Jim?" at vantages of the farm manures over com- you 'bout, quurreled with him about nothing As she neared the she felt oats for there is plenty of fertilizer left an but it did not concern "Wheel" said the painter. "It's aw- slough Hardware, Stoves, mercial fertilizers. Tbe farm manures Impression, "Now—It's snowln' so hard, we and she would not have for the all. expected warm and unfastened Ler habit in the soil from the ton used po- the However, he did what be- ful, Isn't It?" very contain a large amount of humus, which depths. thought we'd take the stove into the him to take the fault himself tato crop to grow the oats and they will The doctor made his upon at the throat. Ginger was plunging is especially beneficial to the soil. They fitted his state. Ile went out and brag- stable." way hurriedly stand up and fill out much better. Barn when she alone—after the weather- and tl»c mud nd and have a double as food, in the street: cousin in cornin' to his wife, but before be could speak snorting through value; first, plant manure will a rank of oat ped "My have er flah in it? sell! was to blame. And now It had rained Ranges. grow growth "An' No, he the business once with a th:;t almost and second, for their mechanical effect next week f'om New York. cousin. with her bad to endure stopped Jerk straw which is almost sure to My Don' a aud the inaction lodge G'w'on 'way fin heb!—g'w'ou! for nearly week, threw the from her saddle. The All K m.Is of Lead upon the soil. They lighten the soil so Is comln' next week f'om New York." of greeting a score of women. Then girl Pipe Repairing, badly, killing out the young grass plants, 'low no secb foolishlu' round yere. No. was driving her wild. She could only that the sun and air can work into it; he whispered, "Out In the hall there's wind caught at bur dress, and before Iron. resulting in a much smaller crop of "Girl or boy?" said the populace to over- and and thus act as a the sell!" think, think and vainly try she realized It the two luckless letters sponge, holding and also of but when enlightened they an awful"— water near so that the grain, hay following. bluntly, ain't to hurt come hc-r and send for him. tbe surface plants "Well, we goiu' your But at It came to tbem pride ; were out in the mud. It was Telephone 134-11. This method makes a simple and easy cried, "Oh. we remember her!" that moment spread cau avail themselves of and speedily are weV" asked Jinimie For the thousandth time she drew it, affording a run down farm with a old stable, on the of a sudden draft. The no laughing matter, for Richard would way to bring up were charmed, for they thought wings a measure of protection in drought. They from her dress his last letter aud re- was good profit on both potatoes and oats, Ironically. solemn odor of burning turnips rolled be sure to tind them, ami the mud i. WALDO Farm manures are also valuable as a of h*r as an outlaw, and they surmised NASH, and if the thus raised is fed on the The lamb eyed fulher preceded the an- "Dat Jim! Not so long's I read it: so she could not dis- hay a you ain't in like a sea fog and fell upon that deep posp!' ly means of the soil with nitrifying that she could lead them into very to her chamber. seeding farm and the manure saved and ijel child two Dearest— We have been friend* and as close to bacteria. properly lier ns keep my eyes right plumb squuah dainty perfumed tea party. It was al- mount. She drove Ginger we will have ecstasy of sin. They thought of rs and sweethearts all our live· returned to the fields, would hard- seb:" Peter be- aelglib. was The manure should be the lake. A grown person pinted at ol" Jim. No, most a If some unbidden them us possible and leaning barnyard much nearer the when a a bravo bandit, because they had been personality. ind should not let anything come between Licensed Taxidermist, brought day abroad save on in derision. so and so that it have been compul gan to chuckle and odious had enter- j«. and If will send owr reaching for them attentively thoroughly finely spread, farmer will be aehamed to own that his whipped for various pranks Into which ly extremely guest I love you, you just will mix well with the soil and the crops sion of a kind, and .vet when they were The two vagabonds stood before him ed the room the effect would have been jne word saying you want mo t will come that she did not roe Richard till he lands do not average him two tons she had led them. When Jinuule made MASONIO BLOCK, grass in- it your call und forget the nothing we will have more ready access to it than called to luncheon the two little s'm while he Informed them of their much the same. The talk rode up almost against her. of hay per acre.—E. A. Rogers in Maine his declaration fell into a state of sprightly about. Should we let anything when it is in they as their absurdities quarreled dropped larger portions. with great cries. iquities as well with a and looked a ll"r eyes met his, defiantly conscious Connection. NORWAY. Bulletin. and expectancy. piétons protested stopped Jolt, people 10 childish part u·? I look for word Telephone of our farmers have recently pleased shuddering own mas- Many ·**·*·» and further made clear his at each other. Then a few brave and from you. If It doe· not come. I shall of her tloat!:g hair and her soiled face the method of their Mrs. Treseott pronounced her point adopted hauling of In Oxford of the of their de- know that you really meant to brvak our letters. She Condition Crops County. The ladles of Whlloinvllle were terly grasp spirit considerate persons made the usual at- and above all the telltale manure and it with a manure of view: "The child is a uice child If and shall of course not trou- HOLLfSTCR'S spreading children so ingugemcnt was she Condition of grass fields, 103 per cent. somewhat given to the pagan habit of vices. Nothing affects to talk as if bad wis:lied her writing liner— spreader, and they have said that 12 only Caroline had some sense. But tempt away nothing Ole you. liut you couldn't have meant It, Mountain Tea Amount of stock turned to When a tea was to much as rhetoric. It may not involve could see that hateful "I love Kocî.y Nuggets loads in this way young Willis is like a wax tea parties. party happened. They all looked at their Edith? Fraternally youre. you" thoroughly spread cat- she hasn't. And A Baar Medicine for Busy People. as as in pasture: Colts, 107 per cent; young a certain house, one could rend any dellnite premutation of common wno wore an air or RICHARD COPELAND. froui where she now was! He lifted would be worth much 15 placed sec can befall Hostess, stuperac- ·' figure. I don't what be done Γ· Goiisa Hsaith and Hsaewed Vigor. tle, 02 per cent; 103 per cent. but if it is sur- and was down to hand a coarser and more bulky form. sheep, It In the manner of the prospective sense, picturesque they tlon. That we· all. but she Lad peut him his hat getting A lie for Indigestion. Live The of horses will induce the unless—unless you simply go to Willis Constipation. Whether the manure should be high price some render ileeeiiflv to Its Influence. l'eter her the letters when she hliu. π·· ν plowed who for days The odor of that In time he stopped Trouble;·. Pimple·, Eczema. Impur* to breed Seven aud the whole at him." hostess, previous burning turnips grew no word, thinking or on the in our farmers quite generally. put thing right l I\». I Breath. Sluggish Bowels, Headache under spread furrow, would go about this and was by nil means a rhetorician, and It "Richard you go right cent of the fruit trees winterkilled. for the of indication, twitching and grew. To Tnwcott It seemed to would come anyhow and then she Copeland, u » It's Mountain Tea in tab- the per Then, pui'itoses Rooky experience depends largely upon and Lore and was not liefore the two children Don't touch them. I will get f ·πιι. :i> cents a bo*. Qenuin» made The cent of loss in moet In- twisting that dusting long make α noise. He thought be could would let him coax her out of her away. by nature and condition of the soil. largest per she Improvised a speech: "Look here. i Dura Wis. had succumbed to him. Company, Madison, stances was with the Baldwin. ιι t i>r there. The ordinary hubits dismally They not come, aud she them myself." Tbe farmer who gives careful atten- Acreage Willie· rnn're mit llttln rl·· η··Ιι polishing tnger. But he Lad GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR TALLOW PEOPLE of corn. 93 per cent. No material in- of the household began then to dis- went away. for refus- "You can't. You'd get stuck In the tion to the matter can largely increase haven't yon? But, confound it, man. could not fall to respect him crease in small fruit culture is with her. and her unfortunate the stove In the snow, mud. Let me." the amount of his manure by converting reported. she is not the child ever agree Depositing ing to be played with. The of will be increas- enly girl 3Ut»w auu ubuci naoio u vw acreage potatoes husband and children fled to the to look at eat·!» oth- wretched and "If you »lu. I'll—hate you." pivuuvva into the There are a they straightened So she was very ed in most Farmers are brought sunlight. ί won't fertilizing material. This not only adds parts. generally lengths of their tethers. Then there er. It did not enter either head to re- blamed her own and the « mitlie '•You ι'.ο an; way, ami. i>esliles. Cord more attention to the in- lot of children. Children are an ordi- pride Wood, to the but it the giving sheep there was a tea the idea of the look at whatever it i.i you seem to quantity itnpoves qual- In China was a hush. Then linquish continuing The rain beat down warmly and inter as the dustry than formerly. nary phenomenon. they it to absorb and retain fatal a small But the situation seemed in- a value so." lit* dismounted, l»ut ity, helps wish party. On the afternoon game. mlttently. and all nature expanded coolly Swine can be utilized in con- FRYEBl'RG. drown girl babies. If you to sub- liquids. of latent enemies vulnérable. its moist Influence. Edltl «!ιο pprnng i'own ahead of lilm and mit to this and picked company throve under Slab Wood, verting some of the roughage into ma- We bave found sawdust the best frightful impostor ty- to lier Uli«mm» dry would meet. There would be a fan- The ungel child went on a scouting looked across the tioKl» te the south to a: idnlilug nure and working over the manure to absorbent for use in barn and rant. that is all very well, but why In possible one was In I hi· slush. Ginger started, and KU Ii- a fare of affectionate greetings, during tour. Presently she returned. Pres- Richard's home, which .lay prevent fermentation. It is settled stable. Have raised potatoes on farm the name of humanity do you make us which would measure to nn she returned "I know! have been also and s-av, 1 ■'.rd called "Whoa!" but gave the poor fact that pork raising is a profitable that were ueed to the cars submit to it'/" everylKHlv ently flying. to hers, manures, top a that sent Edgings, who the of what every- it in the cellar! In the cel- rain on his horse, coining sly cut with Ills whip business in Maine for the farmer in shipping. The last load drawn was Dr. Trescott laughed. "I wouldn't inçh Importance Let's have out In the it and while was Those who Hov, lier on a mad for home. He gives proper attention, pro- free from any in- to him." body else wearing. lar! Oh, It'll be lovely!" from the town α few miles away. gallop pronounced perfectly dare su.v it Edith the knows how to make of or rot. Barn and wore old dresses would wish then that The outer door of the cellar was two had ridden ahnnt the held Colonel by the bridle. Stove Wood and ducing pork, dications roughness "Anyhow," said Mrs. Trescott de- often they the most manure. stable manure mixed and tramped will they had not come, and those who saw- aud down some together! And u»« 11 faced him. terminedly, "that is what you shoul l open, they proceeded country The farm manures and commercial in ""'Γ < he wild, "hate me or not ferment. Such manure stored that in the were well with treasure. There was over He never come back "Now, Ki'.Hh." to him." company they steps their would fertilizers do their best when used in barn cellars will not leacb. Manure for say will hnvo to on Colonel Coal at clad would be pleased or exulted or plenty of light. The cellar was high «*· »»t for «t.. «"«.M not. Von get conjunction. The chemicals are of a hoed is under the "It wouldn't do the slightest good. It £-«*»■ crops always plowed filled with the of Then warm and named ,he do it? It was In the af... r- and lie taken home. Come- dear." nature and will start the is Joys cruelty. walled, dry. They early quick acting green sward, then the land again would only make him very augty, and "I'll die little first!" lie mounted it its and they had tea. which was a habit and a It an ideal place. Two huge cylindrical and she might «end her ttle plant and give early growth, plowed for oats, so manure is again I would lay myself perfectly open to a Loon, the to with none of them, their usual furnaces were one at brother over with a note. She hesi and. riding cIoûo to her, suddenly caught A. W. Walker & the farm manure will carrry crop mixed with the soil. The I had delight humming away, Son's, thorougly suggestion that better attend to her in his amis and drew her strug- maturity. Every plant, to derive the home mixing of chemicals seems much leverage being coffee with milk. either end. Overhead the beams deto- tated; then she went to her room and my own affairs with more rigor." ami to the saddle lu front South Paris, Maine. most from it, should have the best of to be desired, but there is a vast amount Usually the party jerked horribly in nated with the different emotions sut down to her desk It would be a gling angry "Well. 1 suppose you are right." Mrs. of care and the best of feeding. Economy of education necessary before it will be the beginuiug, while the hostess strove which agitated the ten party. relief to write to him, even If she him. consist in the use of a limited Trescott again said. "Kd" h." he wild. "I couldn't does not practiced. He who inaug- and and pushed to make its Jimmie worked like a stoker, nnd could not bring herself to «end it to help generally don't to Caroline?" pulled amouut. consists iu the use urates a of chemicals "Why you speak the M love vou' on the letter A Positive Economy system purchasing progress smooth. Then suddenly it soon there was a fine bright fire lu the him. seeing of both the stable and commercial ma for cash and teaches the farmers the asked the doctor humorously. The wilcnni odor of burulm/ turnip* v.ere bo nnxlm. ; about Was It CURE would be off like the wind, eight, fif- stove. The fuel was of small brittle " you nureina judicious way, applying them benefits will be a bene- "Speak to Caroline! Why, I wouldn't* rolled In like a sen log. for she felt thereof, great teen or a deal written uieV" "Suddenly to the extent that the of the is twenty-live tongues clattering, sticks which did uot make great Xt^îïtrirTSTl growth factor. Plowing under green crops for the world! She'd fly through the bear the dull roar of this outrage. Co- If I not been w.t and croe. that she could bear It no Blie with a noise like a cotton mill com- of smoke. οηΐ h" longer. needs. The important question is, not a success here. The should I not have plant crope roof. She'd snap my head off! S{>enk ller some circumstances lie might have ghuuld thought turned hor face ngiinst his shoulder it quick! absorbed. how much can I make out of ma- animals. The bined with the noise of a few penny we little of my be stored and fed to farm "Now, what ΊΙ cook?" cried a c"jj* to Caroline! You must be mad!" been able to take the situation from and cried, while he smoothed back her Ci»«> Relief at One·. nures? The farmer who utilizes these to is a rotation of whistles. Then the hostess had noth- fallowing good crops, On·· afternoon the doctor went to Cora. "What 'II we cook, Jim? We derives the most of view of comedy, hut the agony h :L· aud held her very close. lier It el soothes the best advantage for Ave years: Corn, oats, land seeded ing to do but to look Rind and see that point long mses, await his visitors on the of corao tjacn. benefit from them. in platform Df his wife was too acute and, for hiui, aie anil v. as < ι u i ι ο gone. She v. as In tears h-ami fo grass and clover, three years grass. everybody had enough tea and cake. trniTH. pride protects station. lie was we lov· you—always. ■ of manures more the railway thought- too visible. She was a felt that t_ mem· In the application B. Walker McKeen. When the door was closed behind the saying: "Yes; and fright generally. She For some reason we were r.i: is derived from a small application fully smiling. quaint saw the the last time in She eat looking at it Then her heart It was a miracle that he I It cures Ch- good GENERAL AVERAGE FOR THE STATE. last guest, the hostess would usually play positively than from a of laud he was convinced that he was to lie York. I liked It much. The her. It had been two her. the t.»rrli and drives yearly dressing piece as into a chair and "Thank New very misgave long could still lore He kissed was and Condition of grass fields, compared drop say, v.v ν ν λ Cold iu the very (as the old idea) treated to a manifestation of lit- act—the and heavily last 97 cent. Amount of quick There would isccue in the secoud gloomy months since they part«l. heinUbt only available place, which happened then it down for a time. with year, per heaven, they're gone!" H 1 lie- seeding long tle Cora's peculiar aud Interesting pow- and all that, and oo care for her. He might car to be her left ear. Then he a*kcd her quickly, from fre- voung stock turned to pasture, as com- be no malice In this It church, you know, longer et< re* the Sense· of The best results are obtained when expression. with last 96 per ers. Ami yet the train paused the organ playing, aud then when the for Fay. The ueighbors had said ho again about the letter. Τm; and Smell. Full size 50 cts., at Drug· the land and applying a pared year:—Colts, simply would l»e that, womanlike, she quently plowing 92 90 ut the station there to him came In"— But se- her. The letter was "but of fertilizer. Prof. J. \V. cent; young cattle, per cent; sheep, api»eared at ac- four sinking little girls had been to "I meant It for you," «he owned, gi*ts r mail ; Trial Size 10 et», by mail. light coat had flung herself headlong the by cent. In the majority of counties only a pretty little girl in a fur lined Trest'Ott that she did too She could couldn't send aud I was misera· Warreu Street. New York· Sanborn, in addressing the farmers of per of a which she comprehended altogether unguarded. I it, Ely brothers,56 that horses are complishment pleasure at the farmers' institutes a few the high price bringing hood and with her nose reddening not know if she was of a not tell him she loved So she ble." Maine could not even define and at the end talking play will stimulate the horse breeding in- the sudden cold and—attended hlm_ years ago said that he fed every acre of from Dr a earelc. thrust it luto her dress v.ith lie softly ami bade her look some extent. About 8 she felt only weariness. parachute. sly laughed A new Lot his laud both the and dustry to per her He smil- every year, tillage respectfully by parents. of He had not been in the room twenty the letter from blm. up, aud Colonel somehow understood should be cent of the fruit trees have died during The value and beauty or oddity the meadows. The fields ed again, reflecting that he had com- seconds before his brow suddenly She tried to herself about the that he was to go very, very of Goods. The best of the winter. In most sections the the was another element which busy expected Plumbing often, and when they are in past the of dear teacups she η plowed loss was noticeable with the ically exaggerated dangers He slid the thovd lu upon the red coals flushed with an angry Inspiration. He house, but somehow could slow. oak woodwork for closets. No old heart the roots and stubble will be greatest entered largely into the spirit of these good corn as little Cora. It amused his philosophy the room behind work. She was restless and felt as If the Baldwin. Acreage of compared The of the must have something to cook, yon left hastily, leaving goods. Call and see this line. worth much toward feeding coming he had lieen terrible enterprises. quality Job- with last 95 per cent. Small fruit to note that really per- blm an incoherent of apology, her mother and sister saw It and would No Clover roots and stubble are year, tea was an element which did not know." phrase bing attended to. crop. a more atten- turlted. Habite cf Monkey». promptly for this as culture is receiving little said Jimmie. and charged upou his office, where he know that she fretted for She valuable purpose, enter at all. it was rather "Potatoes," state live in for team. especially than in some localities. A Uniformly Rlchard_ it In their will monkeys charge contain amounts of tion formerly As the big sleigh sped homeward But the child made a scornful found the somnolent. tried to read In her own room, but they large nitrogen. bad. But the Some of the more angel painter ο·! on increase in the acreage of potatoes cups! the woods, the trees, aud feed The of our farm manures is in- slight there was a sudden shrill outcry from "No. I've cooked 'bout a he cried sternly, "come with teemed like a Xj. M. Longley, quality the state. ambitious to have cups gesture. "Willie," prison. leave·» and iusects. live of is from most parts of mam- people aspired as if fruits, They fluenced somewhat by the character reported the angel child: "Oh, mamma, million I Potatoes me! It's that d—η kid of yours!" Along about 3 o'clock she felt are more each of a different potatoes, guess. and never go Norway, Maine. which the animal consumes. Farmers not generally giving pattern, possessing, together lit companies the food ma! They've stove!" areu't ulce more." The was immediately agitat- the day had been years long. She attention to the sheep industry than forgotten^py in fact, the sole similarity tliut with any painter alone when wish to rob au or- In the buying of commercial feeding hush!" said the moth- more She on they a increase is re- "Hush, dear; Jimmle'e mind was all said and done ed. Πβ always seemed to feel could bear It no longer. put it be remembered that formerly though slight their odd curves und dips of form they chard or find their food. It seems as stuffs ûiould er. "It's all In world the shoes and an oldwater ο from some sections.—Maine right." a when the question- of potatoes had than any one else the pe- eome heavy these have two values, one what the ported each resembled anything but teacup. if they laid regular plans, for part of Bulletin. "Oh. but. mamma, they've forgotten been nnd he looked at culiar of his child to create riding habit, wound her balr animal receives and the other the ma- Others of the more ambitious aspired passed, weakly ability proof to the of stove!" then stand watch approach after been consumed my his resounding excitement, but be seemed closely under a little cap andiutooAbe^hr nurial value having Horse Notes. to u quite severe and godly "set," companion. enemies aud part enter the Held. They re- The doctor thrust his chin suddenly In to exhibit his very fore the thinking what a frith by the stock. The farmer should viewed one with "Haven't you got auy turnips always feelings glass from Inform Yourself Feed the young colts grain regularly. which when appalled form a straight line, reaching value of a out of his coat collar. "Stove?" he hurried and rather in member that "the fertilizing top resem- your house?" she inquired contemptu- late. He arose hastily and she looked rejoicing It is not all wear that uses up the har- its austere and rigid family those within to some place beyond feed is substantially determined by its «aid. "Stove? What stove?" "Iu house we have turnips." after Trescott to the top of the Inside fact. What was the use of being beau- ness. Lack of care will do it faster than blances and made one desire to ask the ously. my which is a retreat for them. When of The concen- a of the child's," ex- Im- Trescott motioned tiful when Richard no loved percentage protein." actual service. It to the "Oh, just toy was not the fa- "Oh, turnips!" exclaimed Jimmie, cellar stairway. longer feeds rich in are much pays keep hostess if the teapot they are all arranged In due order trated protein oiled. plained the mother. "She's grown so relieved to find that the honoi him to and for an instant they leather well cleaned and the little and ut the mensely pause, near trees About Your more valuable for manurial purposes ther of all cups sad- those In the orchard the Be in the use of the brashes, fond of It. she loves It bo. that If we of his was safe. "Turnips! Oh, listened. slipped out to the barn aud Eyes than those with a lower protein content. generous same time protesting gallantly that family heSb· throw the fruit to those outside as fast but in the use of the comb. didn't take It with her bushels! Out Jim!" cried the lit- dled her little mare, mounted Bulletin. sparing everywhere and cream bushels an' bushels an' "Hurry up, busy Ginger, Think, they work fifteen hoars —Maine be done such a young charming jug as they can gather It. These pass It Good grooming should every she'd suffer dreadfully. So we always in the shed!" tle Cora. "Here's another whole batch aud rode quickly out of the gate and a and do so unassisted or may- could not be their mother. over those nearest to them till the day to the open, the skin surely want to to be of Alfonso of is about to day keep pores bring It." go un' u whole lot," com- of lovely puddings. Ilurry up, now, northward, as she did not pass are by a pair King Spain hair is course the serious Is that "Well, get fruit Is all In their hut handicapped healthy and the hair silky. Soft But of part Her mother saw bei nicely lodged Glasses. There is no start cattle oo a scale. Be "Oh!" said the doctor. He pictured manded the angel child. "Go au' get an' put 'em In the oven." Richard's house. imperfect farming big warm is a nonconductor of so differed In style or retreat. If the one who acts ae an very and these collections the and wondered middle ground in wear- is for the purchase of a little ilu trinket. But when the a whole lot. Grea' big ones. We al- Trescott looked at the painter; ride off lu the storm Spectacle negotiating heat. and the obvious amount paid for them sentinel perceives auy ono coming, he have a of island -situated in one of the beautiful stove was unmasked it turned Then the was crazy, but was too ing, you either pair leave a mess of wet really ways have grea' big oues." painter groaned. they appeared girl going Here he Never reeking that could be happy. The"poor- makes a loud noise, and they all run Classes that are right bays of northern Spain. pro- horses. It out to lie an affair of cast Iron as big nobody Jimmie went to the shed nnd kicked In the middle of the great late to call after her. At first (.luger perfectly straw and manure under the ones violently even will take else to build a summer residence, lay er ones envied; the richer feared, that away. Yet then they they are wrong and injure poses the and and is a dis- as a portmanteau and, as the stage at a of which kitchen of the hotel with a thousand wheeled and refused to belleve most ruins health eyes to gently company turnips some fruit under euch of their arms or your out a farm according to the mod- the poorer oues continually striving lur d. sight. to any horse owner. say, practicable. There was the frost had amalgamated. He made In It. "Jlnimle, go upstairs!" iho was expected to splash ern ideas and breed cattle. grace people the leaders, the leaders al- people aud also In their mouth·. γ purebred overtake to aud from the cellar, of mud and Yorepaws Scrub breeding gets scrub progeny trouble that when came three journeys said Trescott, and then be turned to hoofs through such pools It is understood that be was moved to tome evening with their heads turned back to are mischievous animale and an* and brings scrub prices. ways carrying always the very largest types watch the deal with the water, but ufter a few snorts of They Don't this the of King Edward the hour of children's bedtime. Little none painter angel ;î; Take Chances. by example at a meal and too much be- hear footsteps. And po- noy travelers exceedingly by throwing Any who raise Too much overtaking from his father's store. Four of them child. test Edith convinced her with the qulrt u>d many English noblemei*, Cora burst into a. wild declaration did tween meals are alike bad for the horse. of these thiugs hero written they little Cora's stove. tJ stones and sticks at them, and they beasts. The is for the filled the oven of With some Imitation of wrath the tiint this wlud and rain were really Come in and talk it over with us: prize queen delighted little salt will the that she could not retire night that will follow them for some X she is a A every day keep know. Instead of seeing they fact did not her, so they beast frequently we with the in which taking was This please stalked to his daughter's side be faced, and the litUe settled can tell you whether you need plan, colts free from worms. Barrel salt is unless th« stove carried upstairs painter distance when are Ç. keen interest. were very stupid, they thought they three rows of on the hot they passing through or old While the placed turnips and her by the arm. Into a spiteful trwt. £ (ilasses not or whether yoor better than rock. and placed at her bedside. and grasped the woods from tree 10 tree. were very line. And they gave the child, lu t ie by leaping ones are still the ones for The of should mother was to dissuade the top. Then angel profoundly "Oh. papa, she screamed. Edith rather rejoiced buffeting £ proper were made at the Tenne- poorer qualities hay trying heart papa!" are of at- λ Experiments took heart bruises—fierce, deep an suddenly aud wind he They capable forming strong you to wear. be cut and fed with molasses. child the Trescotts held their peace moved by Inspiration, "You're pinching me! You're pinching itorm. The rain cooled see station in 1902-3 to determine the bruises — nnder clear impression tach nents even with other aulmala, Ο All should be well shaken up incident .the cried out: me! You're me, hot cheeks, and the open air relieved value of manure from hay and ga*»»d with awe. The was the pinching papa!" fertilizing bogs a little that of such kind of rubbish let's we're of her aud they exhibit mildness, affection was esti- and moistened by sprinkling lamb father "Oh, Jimmie, piny keepln' At first the had seemed re- the unbearable tension S. during the feeding seaaon. It closed when the eyed The charac- painter and RICHARDS, water on it before kingdom of nice people. hnve to cook for 'bout a time since the trou- docility. mated that the value was from $1.20 to feeding. the stove In bis arms and a hotel an' got solved to keep his grip, but suddenly he ness. For the first gathered teristic's of outsiders of course emerged an' those two fur- animal. The estimates to her cham- thousand people, let go her arm In a "I've hurt Paris. 95.23 per higher preceded the angel child panic. Graduate Optician, South nitro- Successor of Town Meeting. be the an' I'll be the were made for those fed highly ber. naces will ovens, her," he said, turnlug to Trescott. foods such as The is the successor of skim-milk, soy grange logical In the morning Trescott was stand- chief cook"— Trwoft had swiftly done much to- '^OOc><>OOOC8CÎC8SC8C8tt0OOC8ÏC>O η meal, etc., and the lower estimates the ola New town meetings, cook some of Kous England wltn his back to the dining room "No; I want to be chief ward tlw oblitération of the hotel kitch- for the carbonaceous, such as corn when where the citizens met to discuss the ing Rickets. when he beard The the time," Interrupted Jimmie. en. but he looked tip now and spoke, alone. Thus both and business of the as Are, awaiting breakfast, Kidneys fed experience community, just be chief cook my own self. For a of Present- When «re weak, or stagnant, "No; I'll after à short period of retiectiou. that bones Service investigation show conclusively that the stockholders meet to discuss the busi- noise descending guests. they torpid, Simply the visible sign baby's tiny You must be my 'slstant. Now I'll "You've hurt her. have Well, A excrements of swine are valuable for ness of a conoern. A community is s ly the door opened, and the party en- the whole system suffers. Don't neglect you? are not right good Berkshire Boar, just 'em. See? Au' then you put her her!" he cried forming rapidly enough. Increasing the land fertility. joint atook company. If its business tered In regular order. First came the them at thla time, bat heed the warning of prepare hurt agalu. Spank the are suc- 'em In the ovens. Get the shovel. confound cause. size. Service fee $i.oo. was as wisely administered as angel child, then the cooing mother and the sallow enthusiastically. "Spank her, Lack of nourishment is the right the aching back, the bloated face, I'll fix 'em cessful business the money with his arm We'll play that's the pan. man! She needs It. n«>re'j your The state of Iowa has recently com- enterprises, last the great paluter and you, A. K. complexion, the urinary disorder, begin 'em In the oven. her Scoffs Emulsion nourishes baby's JACKSON, pleted what is said to be the very finest we pay for current publie expenses full of the stove. He deposited it gen- an' then you put chance. Spank her, and spank would fine schools and all treatment at once with it still now." Me. building in the world at Its state place roade, in a corner and sighed. Trescott Hold good. Spank her!" Stimulates and makes bone. South Paris, dairy at the tly entire system. at Ames. A herd manner of advantages command Jim held the coal shovel while little The wavered over agricultural college if wore a wide grin. painter naturally cows will be used in con- of every resident. It's yoar fault you a of ar- need». of a hundred "What are that all Hood's Cora, with frown importance, this incendiary proposition, but at last. Exactly what baby labora- don't secure them.—Farm and Fireside. you enrting thing 6arsaparilla t We Do all Kindt nection with this building, and which contain· the best and safest curative iu rows upon it. She burst of he of.... over the house for?" he said brutally. ranged turnips In one supreme daring, ALL DRUGGISTS· BOe. AND IIjOO and work will be I tory experimental It some substances. each one daintily and then back- shut bis and again grabbed bis will be of the more than breed: "Why don't you put place patted eyes carried on which great- Feed is important chocolated with her bead JOB PRINTING. can with It and leave In usual liquid form or tn ed away to view It, offspring. est benefit to the dally interests of the and sometimes the way the feed is fed where she play precions at is more than the feed. It there?" tablet*knownularMUb·. lOOdosesH. critically sldewnys. The spanking was lamentably the 14 country large. important

0 West Paris, Ball Ομμ». ESTABLISHED lats. Qreeawood. Saturday'· THE WEEK IN MAINE. wer· oat THE OXFORD BEABS. M lu Cleo RnMell has finished her The 4th of July baa come and gone, A quiet Fourth here! Many aa It >( town tod a few fire crackers and β. £îu (Retord gcmocrat, ichool at Hurricane Island and returned aud still the world la rolling on, south PABis 7 ; watkbfobd The Most Important State Newel baa rolled and will ome fire works in the evening were at the Tools ISSUED TUESDAYS. to her home. years before, Sooth Parle defeated Waterford THE DOINQS OF THE WEEK IN ALL long The be- Briefly Told. Mr. ▲. Μ. Edwards and family have ar- till time shall be no more. Those who bout all of importance. night fair afternoon in a fine j Haying grounds Saturday at the re- ore some of the had a little inn at SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY. rived in Bethel and opened their sommer attended the celebration city boye game in which every one present got of others but no SOUTH PABIS, MAINE, JULY », 1907. home. ported a good time for a small fry, and be expense damage their money1· worth of ball playing and Governor Cobb lut week nominated I raa In the there was a Mr. L. B. Hopkins is at home for his the day was all that could be desired. done. evening jxcitement. Neither team was sure of Hon. Charles F. Johnson of Waterville I The schools all olosed last tail at Dunham's with about one of Parts MIL. sommer vacation. Wednesday, Hall, forty the game until the laat man was out, as a member of the state board legal A were a success. in attendance. There was atwood Forbes, Wednesday evening the home of Mr. and we understand they ouples good team in one inning and the other examiners. members of the or- leading Ν. Bolster & Co.'s. tad and Mrs. Rowe was the scene of a Ours cloaed with declamations and sing- nusic by Norway nevor the Hilton Proprietor·. Ceylon in the next, and through game from a run- Dayton rtr«t Church, Εβτ.Ι.Ο. Taylor, pastor ice cream Michael Welch fell 45 feet Baptist home when their the followed a fine heatra and at intermission two scores θΒΟΚβΚ M. ATWOOD. A. E. rOEBES. at 10:4& A. H. eonday very pretty wedding ing by scholars, by irere they more than apart. coal Preaching every Sunday the ras The whole affair was away at Randall & McAllister's I School at 12 m. Sabbath Service at child, Herbert C. Rowe, and Miss treat on confectionery, including furnished. not recovered Evening only A. C. Cole, although fully in fracturing bis 7 JO p. a. T. P. S. C. K- Tueaoay evening. Russell were united in of aiz with inder tbe auapioes of the W. P. Portl»nd, Alice marriage by company, conaietiog persona from the injury he tecelved the Fourth, PiCn of be died! Snaths, Tikm —·1 JO a If strictly In advance. Pr*y«r Meeting Thursday evening at, 30. a were some visitors in town. skull, from the effects which Scythes, Bakes, Drag year paid ^Cove- Rev. Israel Jordan. the immediate the writer, all of whom got generoua There iras in the box for and while not a 4 centa. nant the laat before the lit Only Paris, was 301 Otherwise fri.OO year. Single copie· Meeting Friday is a them Mr. E. S. and a few hours later. He about Sunday of the month at Ϊ30 p. m. AU not families and a few invited friends were share. Misa Richardson first class ,mong being Berry is effective aa in the game, be — previous of a widow and Adtutuuuutt· All levai advertisements are Invited. wo of Mechanic Falls. years age, and leaves Forks at lowest otherwise connected cordially present. The couple were the recipi- teacher and has engaged the fall term. grand-ohildren ball and deserved to win. Rakes and are cive α three consectlve Insertion· for flJO UnlvereallatChurch, Bev.C. A. Knickerbocker, home the next pitched good two children. j contract· ents of beautiful Misa Annie Kimball, who taught at They returned day. also well for Water- per Inch In length of column. Special Pastor. Preaching service every Sunday at 10 :i5 many presents. They Sanderson pitched and adrertla- a ia here on a visit and baa also S. B. and Allan Cole are made with local, transient yearly A M. Sunday School at 11:45. left on the evening express for wed- the City, Ellingwood ford; be had excellent control and his The trustees of the Portland Water en. η where Mr. and will their return, re- the fall term at that place. She Upton and vicinity Eliing· two to first were both to District offer the Portland Water Co. prices. 1 Work on the state road between South ding trip upon engaged passes given faat electric has terme of ten rood ia for his fur Jo· PuxTue Sew type, presse·, Pari· and Pari· Hill is well. lide on Park Street. Mr. Rowe has long taught thirteen school, prospecting trapping Dole when there were men on bases, and and the Standish Water and Construc- workmen ami low price· I progressing no hia power, experienced who been in business with bis of whioh were in thia town and needa fall. It was evident be did not intend to tion Co. a total of for their combine to make this department of oar Mr. aod Mrs. Charles L. Case, dry goods put 12,700,000 solid steel baal-1 Rowe has been assist- further commendation. Mrs. Susan H. Edwards is aupplying could is and it I The oe·· complete ami popular. have been the summer in father, and Mrs. the ball over the plate where Cole properties. The offer declined, corrigated spending office for several The last the deaths of he pulpit at tne Free Baptist church now to take tbe Europe, sailed from London July 3d, and ant in the post years. paper reported will be necessary friends who extend two with whom we used to be luriDg July and Auguat. went out of are due in New York 10. Immedi- They have many persons first Waterford property by the slow process warranted, $1.00. •CieLE COPIES. July fi team aeema rather ^In'the Inning very scythe, fully Nathan Hills and Bradford West Paria rat ball Paris made a for condemnation of the Democrat are four cents their arrival will come hearty congratulations. acquainted, in order, but good try proceedings· Single Copie· ately upon they was our first 'down on luck." At a last Satur- on Last the Bisbee, (he latter of whom game but with men on second and third each. They will be mailed receipt of price by to Paris H ill. Sunday morning, (June 30) rune, It is that there will be teams or for the convenience of as the news of couaiu. These two our death on Whitman'a field played with probable the publishers patrons Prof. E. A. Daniels of New York has community was shocked carry lay they md only one out, they could not score. India steel j'ngle of each Issue have been placed on first half and were beaten. Score 6 toi. from at least three companies of the I The celebrated copies here with* hie Miss the death of little Gertie Lowe was made record up to twenty during the iorway Neither team did In the second, ■ale at the following places In the County : arrived daughter, as in anything Maine National Guard in tbe annual known. she had been suffer- of the not a very t was quite an intereating game Brown's ridel Shurtleff's Store. and son, Orland. Mrs. Daniels Although year. This, although [n the third, Kuight's single, C. South Paris, Drug Mary, be first few it was "neck aod shoot at Mass., this year, are Store. mother from an attack of she had record to shows us, at innings N. and Wakefield, our leaders. Norway. Noyes' Drug has goue to Canton to visit her ing tonsilitis, pleasant keep, sacrifice, Brown's single, Spring's team from scythe, 75c., Stone's Store. and bow "we are down ieck" between the teams. ha* July 22-27. The champion Drug but will the here in a few so far recovered as to be dressed least, rapidly going Norway error gave Waterford two rune. Pans KuckdeM. Alfred Cole, Postmaster. join family " team and a Co. I) of Norway will of course be there, as came down when morn- the one one good played good game, rot back and one more iu her half I'arls Mrs. Post Office. weeks. Miss Mary Daniels has guests stairs, Saturday valley by these Util, Harlow, a ["here are in tbe Weat and it is that there will also be Samuel T. White. Sweet- she was taken ill and died Last year Herbert Ring put in silo, good players un Clark and a base probable West Pari·. Miss Edna Layton, Misa Georgie ing suddenly singles by Hebbard, F of and Co. F. A. Shurtleff A Co. was a worked so well that his brother 'aria team and we they will make teams from Co. Sanford B, ser and Miss Frieda Brown, all students early Sunday morning. She very which hope on balls to Cole, and Spaulding's error now at work on one for him- effort to capture some of the Second Rogiment, of Lewiston. of Barnard New York. bright little girl and will be much miesed Wesley is big on Spring's hit. Waterford got a run in College, is lonors aoon. NKW ADVKHTISKMENTS. Gueets at White Mountain View Farm by her playmates. Much sympathy self. the fourth on Clark's error and Stuart's Ghnrlie, the 17-year-old son of Joseph I Mr. and Mra. S. W. Dunham are at B. Fowler for the The still continues, this two-base the score. took in the east of Canaan, & this week are Dr. family. population tying They Gower, part N. Bolster Chauncey expressed five where will two hit, living Inform Yourself About Your Eyes. of The Fourth of was ushered in time it it* a girl and belongs to Mr. and Islands, they epend the lead in the when a base on while at Lake Co, And Dr. Robert Scrim geour July fifth, Saturday So 2. Brooklyn, their H. R. bathing night Fact with the usual noise. The to Mrs. Frank Maxfield. >r three weeks with son, Munroe's hit a is lad Dayton of day proved Clark's error, and was drowned. It said the Orchard Village Fanr.. Ν. Y., and Mrs. Stickney Franklin, a balls, | George the "Horri- One of the on the 4th was a base )unham, of Waterville, who is having SO MARKET SQUARS1, Heavy Saddle and Breeching. Mass. be fine. In the morning plays fielder's choice gave them two scores. was subject to fits. Two other boys I and at 10:30 a of ball between the and Patch 'acation there at his summer cottage. Haying Tools. In an and interesting base bles" appeared, game game City They could not score in the next three were bathing with him, but were unable (ice-Half Price. exciting Mrs. Ellen of South Paris | SOUTH: PARIS, MAINE. men of the base ball was at Riverside Park Mountain, the latter leading in the Mary Bryant but a man to first in each. to reuder aid. The was re- Unlou Underwear. ball game July 4th, the single played innings, got any body the married and men. 13 to 8. s making a visit here. July, a Month of Bargains. defeated the married men 6 to 5. between single game by Paris could not score In the fourth and covered in eight feet of water Sunday village to 2. It was us ia a of Bliss Col'ege. The usual time was at The former won the game 7 Lying before piece money, fifth, but got a run In the sixth. Tit- good enjoyed a Buckfield. night. a well milled on the and containing Parlln laid down a nice the Universalist Circle held at Academy played game. edge, comb singled, of fire- ! I F. A. KIH'IITLKKF * CO. F. Α. ·ΗΓΒΤΧΕΚΚ A CO. () "More Things in heaven and Earth." one which are these As a result of Fourth July | was furnish- In the afternoon, horse racing called bust on side, around Rev. A. W. Pottle was called Thurs- bunt and beat the Titcomb Hall Friday eveniDg. Music throw, going works the of Pembroke in Wash- l· "Even in pronounced Christian coun- orchestra the lovers of that to the park. word·»: Edward VII Dei Oratia Hex iay forenoon to conduct the funeral to on Clark's out to center village ed by three pieces of Stearns' eport third, scoring was almost Γ tries the watchful care of who, were a fow and In a circle on the lervices of Blake Keene of who a ington County entirely angels aud ice cream was sold during the dance. There private parties, Imperator. opposite Sumner, field. Cole started the seventh with were to and in out fire Thursday evening. I when on earth related us. Hill the tire works upon the lawn of Mr. Seth side is the word Newfoundland, >assed away Tuesday afternoon, July 2. Hebbard filed out to the wiped by A party of Paris young people tringle, pitcher burned were INSECT KILLERS. the theme uf and were the little the 50 ail the letter- was of and The buildings Pennamaquo made frequent song a at Thurs- Walker enjoyed by guests center cents, 1004, 3e seventy-eight years age and sacrifioen; with two out, the had picnic Hooper's Ledge spring the store \ which attracts our attention when I who is in eaves a widow and one Lauren A Hotel and stables, large general I Now is the time to cucumber*, ι story of Miss Therese Metcalf, visiting ing being capitals. son, crowd begged Lowell to get a hit anu r protect your potatoes, squashes, day evening. sense of Hobart the variety the different civilizations." on her and uncle. is now on, in every of who resides in and two with a clean Pettengall Co., considering A Fourth the grandfather Hoeing Hartford, daugh- score Cole, he responded &c , from the 11 de- remarkably quiet is store of E. R. and several small bugs. We confess to the belief that the true of the The from W. F. Woodbury of the word, while haying, so to speak, ters, Mrs. Anna Gouchier of Buckfield drive over the return to the Varney whole; especially is this reports second, residences and store houses. I have a greater knowledge of us seemed to i'ottsville, Pa., are encouraging, and his knocking at the door. ind Mrs. Ella Bradeen of Sumner. to catch Cole was and Low- buildings, parted "night before." The boys plate high, were I we have of them. We have been who the in all fourteen buildings destroyed. Paris Green, thao that the summer are worth brother, Rev. Webster Woodbury, The Buckfield W. C. T. U. and ell around to third. Bolster a realize guests got poped loss is estimated at accused of a If it is was with him until the crisis of the fever nembers of the Nezinscot Club third The $50,000.00. being spiritualist. more to Paris Hill than a night of sleep- West 'Bethel. History fly to third but the sun bothered the Bug Death., meant one of the it has returned to his home in were the of the Turner W. C. T. scored. Titcomb of ttble-tipping stripe, less disturbance and they are entitled to passed, The brave red clover «tancée In the mowing. gueste baseman and Lowell Philip K. Green, professor English is as far from the truth as it can Mass. ie tho daisies white are last at the home of or possibly great praise for this. South Framingham, In upland fit-l blowing, [J. Wednesday Capt. singled, putting Bolster third, but and mathematics, and Professor David I Hellebore, there are wider the honor- The west wind sweet sounds of life to ladies and be. You know spaces Mr. Albert E. Davios of New York has Bowdoin College conferred brings Henry Irish. About fifty Parlin closed the inning to the A. Dur assistant in the agricul- me, by hitting ward, t and oMier insect killers will save the if when the 11 than lands can measure or the seas can of A. F. were among the In the with one at tbe Mount Hermon plants applied joined bis family here. ary degree M., upon Principal "Work," says the wind, "all things do work gentlemen present, pitcher. eighth, out, tural department between a truth and a lie, with thee." number the local and to take now fill—spaces Prof. C. C. Wright of Harvard Uni- E. Hanscom. being clergymen Shaw doubled, Sanderson refused school for boys, were drowned Tuesday \ bugs first appear. Better buy something of thu. kind and be 11 Bowler and wives. The address of welcome for instance. has his house here for the Mr. Ε C. son, Ernest, The air Is with the scent of roses; their a chance on Cole and passed him; Heb- at East Northfield, Mass., by the up- versity opened heavy ι You will find all the best kinds ! We are a have returned from the Jamestown Ex- The and each morn discloses was made Mrs. tbe while on the prepared. | simply Scriptual spiritualist. summer. twilight lingers, by Quimby, president bard flied out but Spring singled, scoring setting of their canoe | If the unseen world around us is not Ν. A fresh, new world to my delightful e/es, if tbe Turner Union, and repooded to Shaw. Waterford made a to Connecticut River. Green in Charles E. Case of Rochester, Y., position. I dream or Paradise. great try belonged OF with the invisible ones A. T. Rowe of Boston In which work, yet of tbe Buck- AT THE PHARMACIES peopled coming joined hie family who occupj the Mr. and Mrs. by Mrs. Pottle, president even up the score in the ninth. Knight North Bridgton, Maine, was a graduate if the suburbs of the that summer home on A fine of was and going, city Forbes house, on July -1th. have opened their fleld Union. programme sent a slow one to Bolster and beat the of Bowdoin in the class of 1905, and reach from the Wild roses are the whole air per- was after which all hath foundations do not Miss Alice Buel of Rochester, Ν. Y., Broad Street. bbomlng, entertainment given, he then stole second. C. Brown a member of the Delta Fra- fuming, throw; Upsilon sunrise side of the grave away and away, Mr. Tom F. has so far recov- gat down to a A en- was is the of Charles E. Case and Hastings Each morn with their sweet; picnic supper. very sent a to first and out, He was 24 years of age. guest fragrance grounder ternity. IF. A.SHURTLEFF& II as CO. kifows then the Bible is seen the street. occasion is God where, ered as to be upon If you wander In highways, or 'long country by- joyable reported. Knight taking third; N. Brown singled, or family. off James W. Hawley of Bath be- I unreliable as the weather department and Mrs. Wm. L. are ways, The "Glorious Fourth" passed Munroe flied out to Capt. Dr. Thompson MIDDLE INTEKVALK. The breezes their retreat. Knight scoring. lieves that the outlook for a medical aluianac in its betray and much coastwise! prognostica- at Elmhurst this week. very quietly pleasantly, very Spring, but Spaulding hit safely. With were not guests A letter from Mrs. R. J. Coffin, an Ox- The Fourth and with- of conservative tonnage never was betfer than a» pres- 3 ' Maine. tions. If ministering spirits Mrs. William Wise of St. Louis is passed quietly, to tho gratification the. men on second and third and two out, Stores, 18°ΙΤΤΗ/ΛΒ'8·WEST PAEI8, !· now hie faith in this ( j Jj are not sent forth to minister, strike ford in Denver, Col., out accidents. in tbe We hear of ent, and shows opinion |t and a few weeks with her County lady, element community. Sanderson made a good try for a hit but spending daughter, "Our winters here are fine. A John Stiles attended the auction sale that he will build a four SUMMER STORE—PARIS MILL. the statement out of your mother's at says: no drunks or accident and are inclined in his after a short, hard by announcing Mrs. Francis C. Case, Lyonsden. Spring pulled fly work to at once. I few snow storms, but snow does not stay of horses in Pond Wed- we are fast a masted schooner, begin I I Bible. Mrs. Jarvis C. Carter of Montclair, N. Bryant's village to tbink that becoming run, and the supporters of the Paris I here but a few hours—have not eeen a are and vessels scarce, ho Are the shadowy shapes that appear here. Misses nesday. model community. team sent a howl of for the Freights high F. A. inCBTLEFF A CO. F. A. SIIITRTLKKK A CO. J., has joined the family up delight, should be a I and that and come since being here, three years. The Elbert R. who has been in Miss teacher in tbe Sher- says. If this is true there disappear, go again, Julia and Dorothea will come later in the sleigh Briggs, Amy Sbaw, game was theirs. the divine dis- climate here is nearly and eastern South Paris three weeks, is to win is at home for her revival in the building of small coasters, all through recordings, summer to a short time. perfect, expected School, Boston, The features of the game was the work spend have no idea what our return this week. which Meet is almost reduc- ordered fancies! And is the story of the of Dixfield people really summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. of the Waterford and the daily being William G. Harlow spent Stuart, catcher, one a mere with no Colorado sunshine is like, until they Mr. and Mrs. Kufus A. have ed. There is practically but ship- rv«urrection ghost story with his sister, Mrs. George M. Skillings I. W. Shaw. baiting of the Paris team ; every man on or but Sunday have been here. The stretch their three with them for the and of West yard in Maine now engaged in this busi-1 foundation in fact! Accept reject, At wood. prairies daughters Mr. Luther Irish family the team at least one hit. The score: to the mountains, and there are no summer. friends got ness, that of Sawyer Brothers at Mil- our acceptance or rejection changes Miss Frances Carter of Bethel is spend- away Paris are spending the week with woods." She when ehe thinks of watermelons are now in SOUTH PARIS. which in the few years bas I nothing. Do eveuts never cast at the Carter says Big displayed in town. Their little Eliza- bridge, past coming ing a few days this week daugbtor A.H. Κ. B.1I. P.O. A. I. shadows before? Are not there our New hills, rivers and for- and are corre- is fast into a most in- turned out some staunch and handsome their house. England shop windows, prices beth developing Shaw.l.f < » ® " she to see them and " little three stickers. j more things in heaven and earth than are of books and ests, hopes again, spondingly big. teresting member of tbe family, especial- Γη Ια ι» 3 \2 Ο ♦> g The circulation maga- the dreamed of in Ham- the home of our childhood, place A. C. Hobbs made a short visit to hie in the estimation of her HebUrilVl'b. β of your philosophy—as zines from Hamlin Memorial Hall for ly doting grand- * i0 2I î♦ « ?1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nelson Page incredulous smile I which will retain when all else home in Ν. II., last week. Spring, c.f let is made to say? An month of June was as follows: memory Conway, parents. b δ 1 4 10 will the summer at the nee Lowell. 3 Washington spend JULY wide as the size of the face is forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. Coffin, Edwin R. will go to Auburn Mrs. Thurza and Mrs. A. W. * " 1 spreading 07 natural science, 7; Briggs Crockett Bolster. ; 1 ork Harbor, whore they have a cot- Fiction, volumes; and son left next to attend the Probato 2 4 1 2J 3 o will admit is not Packard, Frank, Brooklyn, Tuesday Horton of Sumner bave been calling on Titcomb, b Another author! explanatory. literature, 3; travels, 2; biography, 1; r.f < " tage. distinguished Here is a bit of unwritten that Ν. Y., for her health three years ano. Court of County. friends in town the week. Parlln, ? J ^ history | a total of 70 books aud 11' maga- Androscoggin past Clark, J who will spend the summer at tbe same making _ or smile: Her son Frank has enlisted in the Na- W. D. Mills has returned homo from Edward J1 _ _ awaits your explanation your zines. Mr. Leander Kilbrith and eon, ^ _1 resort will be Finley Peter Dunne the I tional Guard for three and is now Ν. and is in his 37 7 13 «7 # 3 A few years before our memory got into of the Maine Bible years, Dummer, II., working of Canton, have been the guests of Totals,.... of Mr. Bar Harbor and Mr. Ε. T. Garland is E., creator Dooley. an uncle of ours was a member of Troop C Cavalry, and blacksmith and on his farm. his Mrs. Gilbert Tilton. Master working order, Society, Portland, supplied the pulpit at shop sister, WATERFORD. adjacent resorts will have quite a galaxy and now in practice. His great-great- Our school closed .lune 2Sth a of four κ. ν > α. κ. foully murdered in Louisiana—shot the church target village Edward is bright boy years a.b. η.π. ο. of literary Among them will be Baptist Sunday. Daniel was a Miss ft 1 1 1 1 lights. died Sitting in her room here several. grandfather, Packard, with a picnic, and Gwendolyn and is all any way. Munroe, 2 b of instantly. It has been moving week with right 5 0 ;1 0 1 1 Dr. S. Weir Mitchell Philadelphia in the Grandmother heard the character in "The Spy," Hollister by Stearns has given good satisfaction as J. M. Millet and and SpauMlng, a.s village Daniel Winslow has moved to the north family Harry Sanderson, ρ ·> 0 0 s « the noted author of Hugh Wynne, and she turned to name and the incidents took place teacher. ex- J A of the and there, attended the School 1 " *·ι 0 1 of 4 Month report Garland Mr. and Sunday l b other Dr. Van pistol, wnt in the house; re- Dudley Manning, many novels; Henry Dyke that bad been in New York, as J. Fenimore Cooper G. L. Allen and wife of Kennebunk cursion and at Anasa- Stuart, c 4 grandfather saying Henry Mrs. James Gibbs have moved to the picnic Thursday, ϊ Τ ΐ η Arthur Train of New York, was W. Brown. 3 b 4 " 1 1 » ° Princeton; Bargains was The camc lates it. Mrs. Coffin compelled have come to West Bjthel to the Lake. shot and dead. message south rent in the Union House; spend gunticook 4 2 2 o 0 « (assistant district and a well Reginald leave her home and Knight, r.f attorney, to the The father heard no through ill health to summer with his L. E. Allen, Mrs. Melissa who has been 0 0 0 mother. Cummiugs has moved into the court brother, Cressey, C. Brown, c.f 2 1 1 known writer of current fiction; Pres- w,as before the of go to Colorado, "The land of wealth and and for some with Mrs. N. l.f 4 1 4 sound. This days house rent and Alonzo Pomeroy, has family. etopping weoks Brown, ident Charles W. Eliot of Harvard and distance health." All roads lead to Denver, pop- Nature wears a face since the _ϋ _ϋ wireless and long Maxim's house. smiling Benson, is visiting at North «J 12 3 Seth Low of New both telegraphy moved into Benjamin a Stanley Totale 37 6 24 ex-Mayor York, Xo wires had been stretch- ulation 175,000. The above is from rain of last week, but insects of all AT telephones. Francis C. Case, Esq who has been Buckfield. of whom are well known in the literary in- letter sent to her sister in kinds are to check the of Score by Innings. ed from Louisiana to Maine, except at for some recently trying growth Mise Julia A. Gile is visiting in Bos- Burton the well with his Lyousden ι» world; Mrs. Harrison, invisible hands. family Bethel. from home 1 2 3 4 S 7 8 »—Total. visible wires stretched by returns to New York and vegetation. ton, intending to be away known and James Ford Rhodes, time, Tuesday, 0 0 3 0 0 1 2 1 x— novelist, smile has subsided W. H. Hobbs and Alanson are two or three South Pari», After your perhaps will come to Paris Hill later in the Tyler weeks. « 0 2 2 0 0 0 1- Β a historian of national agaiu Pond. G. Whitten of this Waterford, 1 reputation. you will admit that that is not the usual Bryant's employed by L. Mr. Kimball Prince had his summer season. Waterford 2. N. as for the sale of on Earned runs, South Pari* ft, which news is transmitted—out IUV « VV» Rev. K. Iiose of Newark, J., village agents pictures house in a reversible order Wed- Carr. way by ilUlUli^ lue UtllTUiO VA Henry put Twobasehlts, Shaw, Stuart. First base on Elbridge Qerry church and and hare met with suc- of the ordinary—not uatural—sort of is Mr. Waddle* of New York. While it will preach at the Universalist frames, good nesday night. We are not informed balls, off Cole 1, off Sanderson J. Struck out. bv What the writer expected for some as it will ex at A. m. cess in the towns visited. tbe Cole 5. Sanderson 1. Left on bases, South were, if you seem in bad taste to comment thus July 7. Services 10:30 that Mr. Prince superintended job by has occurred. Gerry supernatural may Paris Waterford 5. K1 ret base on errors, years Elbridge cuse me. No celebration 4th. Ward Lary of this village died on the bimself. However, it seemed to be well 10, of Ox- upon the personal appearance July South Paris 1, Waterford 2. Umpire, Never*. Carr, known as the hermit poet publicly of is at of 4th of of of our summer we are Samuel Frost Togus boarding morning July consumption. done. Scorer, ford was found on the B. S. Prince's. Thayer. & Z. guests, S. County, lying any He leaves a but no children. His burn to-day a cousin who was in the to be for E. Crooker's. wife, floor of his room at dead willing forgiven remarking West Sumner. Λϋ11»Λ1 « E.D1 ΓΛΑΙΟ 1. living Mexico, was are visit- and his wife's reside U, army. A battle going on. His from the II. £. Cole and wife of Lynn, pareuts parents afternoon the 2'2 ult. that, judged sausage standard, como and rhursday Monday was not anil he was here. here. The glorious Fourth has The Oxford regiment engaged, Waddles maintains a pretty fair average, ing relatives County League game before, his neighbor, Robert Berry, car- of when her qone. It was ushered in very at West Parie was won a tree in Mrs. £. J. is r quietly, Saturday UllU V/UUACU iUl. up pursuit knowledge, as what he lacks io length of legs he Thompson visiting played 1ICU lUUll, UUUIU^ and but before the a gay and the third ABBOTT NORWAY, MAINE. he heard the command short and sharp, of and best of in Davis, West Virginia, North Paris. day paeeed by Norway, making straight Carr sick but did nut him as BLOCK, makes up in length body, daughter and be- regard He was to the make a to the Jamestown festive throng gathered, things has won from West Paris. to "Fall in!" quick obey all, he's dear to the heart of childhood. will also trip Mrs. Arthur Bessey and Marion of game Norway in a very serious condition. and none too to came lively. The ladies of the Baptist The score: command, quick escape When our friend Olban A. Maxim Exposition. Pond, with her father and A Kumford man who was looking after in his good Woodfords and Bryants Circle served dinner to two hundred per- the shell that struck the perch out hie tackle and Mary P. Bartlett of Mrs. M. D. of NORWAY. horses in a near Mr. Carr's house tiihiug goes mother, Mr. aud Dow was pasture and in to see is had been Lewiston were sons. A short entertainment given, Λ.Β. R. B.U. P.O. A. K. L3TP. S. Watch the windows also call what doing. tree. But—no command given own the its Mrs. Etta Bartlett Day of were Β. K. Dow's found notitied Mexico's overseer of brook awfully dangerous West Sumner, at July There 4 1 1 1 0 0 bim, at mortal If there Sets of music and readings. Price, 3-b least by tongue. for innocent and trout to in town Monday. consisting 0 0 the who took the to an under- S. Β. I'. unsuspecting 1st. were babiee Llbby, l.f 5 1 2 3 poor, body really are guardian spirits, it was lucky with his bait. A Mr. I. A. Hall and party of Paterson, is Iiih twenty present, namely: c.f. 4 2 2 2 0 1 taker at Rumford Falls. try tlirting practical Walter Littlehale visiting Gerald Hayes, for the that bis was on arrived here and are oc- Vernon Redding, Ida Bisbee, l b 5 0 1 7 0 0 boy guardian illustratiou was to the writer on N. J., July 3, Albert at Gammon, With reading of Scripture and prayer brought the brother, Littlehale, Durham, Rita and Jordan, 2-b 5 1 1 3 2 0 guard about that time of day; and still, cottage at the foot of Hammond, Myrtle Ryerson, Rev. M. S. ho was side a plate, thank you. cupyingtfheir Ν. H., for a few days. β.β 5 ο 2 2 2 1 by Howes, buriod so to the the Kenneth Odell Heath, Marion Pike, had he not been prompt obey Mrs. J. B. and sou Howard went lake. Mr. Hall entertained people Mrs. Evie Pulsifer, Anderson, r.f 4 Ο 0 1 Ο Ο of his wife in the "Corner Cole Mrs. Mary Denham, Lappin Linnie A va and Cemetery." call that never came he would have es- with a fino of tire works 4th. Ames, Dyer, Amy Gerry, Perkins, c 4 Ο 0 8 2 0 Monday morning to Guildhall, Vt., display July and two children and Mr. Bicknell spent Mr. Carr was an excellent machinist. the hell of Andersonville. The who left here last week for Annie Chandler, Edna Thomas, Mildred Bleb, ρ 5 1 10 0 1 caped where they will spend two weeks. Guy Cole, the 4th at M. S. Bubier's. Fie worked at Great Falls, Ν. II. Form- next the be off Wilson's Mills where he is station and Kachel Small, Lawrence Marston, time, my boy, guard may The challenge cup for women is being agent, The Prentiss family have paid over Totaln, 41 C 10 27 β ing an acquaintance with one Salley, a to a the acci- Rachel Dyer and Clifford Abbott, who duty, and out you go join mightier for at the links this after- was badly hurt July 4th, by fund held them so Mexico man, he came liore in the late played golf the library by many took the a crib Velma WEST PA HIS. than the of the Potomac. dental of a revolver. He is first prize, quilt. a GOOD army Army noon. Miss Gertrude Brown now holds discharge to the directors of the Prentiss Α.Β Κ. 11.11. P.O. A. forties, bought a half lot of land, built re- years took the second a baby I wonder if it be a fact as divinely Miss Helen now in the Central Maine Hospital. Bonney prize, 3-b 4 0 0 0 Λ house and a barn the cup aud is challenged by Library Association. Andrews the Bowker; good story-and-a-half "Your men shall see of Boston is jacket, and Lawrence third, J. r.f 4 1113 corded that, young Cole. Arthur Peverley stopping Marcellus Littlehale is at Falmouth. Farnum, p., on it and there has lived, nearly 00 years. a All it a very W. Farnum, 2-b 4 0 0 4 4 11 visions and your old men shall dream at Dexter Peverley's. pad. pronounced enjoy- wife died some LOOKING Mr. J. Murray Quimby has gone to Sadie, Gertrude and Grace Uoward of N. Howe, l.f 4 0 110 (» Ilis twenty years ago And I wonder if there has is low. able occassion. About $22.00 was realized dreams." Boston for a few this week. Mrs. Matoria Billings very are their Mrs. 1-b 3 0 1 10 0 and his home wait from a neat, days Norway visiting cousin, from the dinner and the sale of votes. Emery, r.f., changed noticeable in the struct- for her is a.8 .3' 0 0 1 1 1 been any change Miss Marie Morris of Fort Williams, The hope recovery very slight. Francis Littlehale. Klitlon, one, to such a one as he could those from out of town were Mr. 3 0 0 10 1 1 I well-kept ure and general of young men A few farmers have haying. On Among Shaw, 1-b., ρ he lived alone STYLE. make-up 1'ortland, is the guest of Miss Gertrude begun Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Audrews and Cole, c.f 3 0 ο 3 0 0 make for himself, having men man was moulded. is and Mrs. of South Paris, and old since most farms, grass not grown yet. Joseph Noyes c 3 0 0 β 1 o all the later No children were Brown this week. of Portland are at his father's, and L. Howe, years. we a on dreams and a in town family the Miesee Louise and Lelia Chase Do build theory week's arrivals at The Beeches There was large crowd Wed- the summer. born to them. No known relatives live This America Andrews' for 15 β You want in visions? Not on dreams and to atteud the auction of the Ε. E. Field and family of North Paris, Totale 31 1 3 27 style your doughnut are Miss Grace Wright of Philadelphia, nesday Mr. and Mrs. Smith are at A. T. iu this vicinity. cheese visions. stock. A. D. Park was and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Beck of Wood· want old Miss Packard of Providence, Κ. I., Miss Thompson livery Mollis'. Score by Innings. clothes : hut you them Here is a dream for you to with auctioneer. The stock was all itock. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-Total. play Ditnan of Providence, R. I., Miss Nellie nearly A WONDERFUL HAPPENING. to on You'll P. moved to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bobbins and son, 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 0— 0 look well you. and smile over. Uncle B. Nichols of Miss Z. Smith of Bos- soid by 3 P. u. The V. I. S. furnished Norway Boston, East Sumner. are an will West Pari* 0 0000000 1—1 Port Ν. V has witnessed one Kentucky with his family, leaving behind and Miss of Portland. dinner for the crowd at the Grange din- Rupert, taking outing. They Byron, find our clothes will give ton, Ogden A. Barker. Scorer, McKenney. • cases an mother, and the and the hall. The "Glorious Fourth" off spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Umpire, if the most remarkable of healing aged days ing passed the latest at all a M. Andrews at their at LEAOIJK 8TANÛINO. ever recorded. Amos F. of that you styles nights went on. One night uncle woke Frank Bartlett and wife of Long Island very quietly. With the exception of camp Sbapp King Oxford. Pond. W. AVE. "Iiucklen's Arnica Salve crying and was asked the reason. He are boarding at A. C. Kicker's. few explosions of fire crackers one Ο. L. place says: t'mes and at the lowest price of Bos- .. 4 4 0 1000 sore on had said his mother was dead, tie had seen Miss M. I. Corning and her uncle, Mr. Rowe celebrated his would realize that we were cele- Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Heath Norway, cured a my leg with which I Stephen ninty- hardly SOUTH 4 2 2 500 The of and ton are the of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. PARIS», suffered over 80 I am n··* 85." for goods. spring her in a dream passing up the sky. That Gardiner Spring Hartford, Conn., second birthday July 4th. He was born brating the nation's birthday. Very few guests Waterford 3 1 2 years. good to cure all F. A. night she died. Ο, I guess there are Miss Nellie Hayes came here last week in Hebron, now a part of Oxford in 1S15. went away on the trains and the day Heath. W est Parle 3 0 3 tu» Guaranteed sores, by fabrics are very attractive. more in heaven and earth than to the summer at and wife and Lee M. was void of features. A few At a meeting held Monday evening, Shurtleff & Co. 25 cents. things spend >Ήighiields.,, Augustus L. Rowe any special Next South Paris will rorpt new all was to the Saturday The colors include are dreamed in The pupils and friends of Prof. Ε. H. Rowe and wife the with him. went to the at A1 Hadley hired gather of, Horatio, your philoso- passed day picnic Anasagunticook Norway again at the fair grounds. The all Pratt presented him with a chair and ex- Lake and a few went away with their ;ream in place of Warren French, who Bora. the new shades and combi- phy right. game is sure to furnish some good ball was at the East in 1872. tension book case. Mr. Pratt's teams to celebrate the elsewhere. has I teaching resigna- Hebron. day resigned. and a whole lot of excitement nations of so the tion as of the School is a with playing In to the wife of Elmer Twit gray, popular There was a sick girl in neighbor- principal High L. and two The boys cut up few antics old a Oxford. .Inly I, Mrs. J. Bumpus daughters and should be witnessed by large a and the scholars was a lov- much regretted hie many friends. loose but no West Lovell. cbell, daughter. this season, blues in hood, among by have been visiting in Berwick, Me. carriages, boards, etc., crowd. In Bethel, Jur.e 3o, tu the wife of Milan Chapln, plain friend of hers. One morn- Miss Lena Perkins is the or trouble resulted. Wellman with his wife and ed girl early attending Mrs. Rowe of Poland visited Miss damage John a daughter. and weaves, and many summer scbonl at Orono. a schedule has been In June to the wife of Frank fancy ing tbia friend dreamed that the sick last week. The funeral services of D. Blake friend, all of Lynn, are stopping for The following ar-1 Ureeuwood, 27, Grace Bumpus Maxfleld, a daughter. one came to her bedside clad all in white, Rev. Mr. officiated at Me- au citizen of occur- ;en at V. H. McAllister's. for the teams for tlie other effects in club checks Newport Mrs. J. C. Do η ham and Miss Hazel Keene, aged Sumner, days' trip ranged league In North June 21, to the wife of Sel- son Fryeburg, and chanic Falls at the funeral of the of ed 5th. Lord is at home from month of ■ smiled upon her, pointed upward Donham are at home from Lakemont, Friday, July Miss Evelyn July: len I'lnkham, a slaughter. and All of our suits came Mr. Normau Snell of to the wife of Hen stripes. vanished. Soon after they in to Massachusetts, Ν. where Miss Dunham has beeu We have just returned from Kineo, at tforth Bridgton, where she went to Saturday, July 13. In Bryant'a I'ond, June Y., Pan· at West Parle at Wat- Κ. a eon. are tailored in the most satis- tell her that Lottie was dead. formerly a resident of this town. Moosehead where we attended the ffork. South Norway; Killings, teaching in Palmer Institute the past Lake, erford. In East Denmark, June 16, to the wife of Roy You are at to call these things Mr. aod Mrs. Walter Dawes of Auburn of the Fish and Game Associa- W. S. Fox had a severe attack with his liberty two years. meeting Saturday, July 20. Hale, a eon. manner. one are Mrs. Dawes. ntl to the wife of I. factory trivial—straws—but they all point visiting Mary Mrs. and her Mr. tion, of which we may refer later. iiead from the effects of working with South Parle at Weit Parle; Waterford In Norway, July 1. Carroll Judge Wing son, of Mvermore a eon. A few of the many in Miss Bertha Ilazen of Portland is at Our school closed on and < Norway. liray Falls, way. "thing#" Nahum with hie wife and child Wednesday lynamite. 27. earth not dreamed of in home for a few weeks. Wing, of Saturday, July heaven and your of are a few was very successful under the charge L. E. Fox of Bangor, wife and child, Weat Parla at South Parla; Norway at Wat- Sack Suits $5 to $20. Mr. Horatio Smith of Welchville died Auburn, spending days philosophy, Horatio, when strengthened with Mrs. Η. K. Stearns. Mies Palmer of Hollis, who, we learn ie ; ire visiting his relatives here. erford. Married. and buttressed the divine Word, June 30, after a long and painful illness. to teach at the next term. the from North by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Butterfleld and Rosenbloom, peddler TOT SHOP STREAKED MOUNTAIN 4. for the He leaves a widow and one 16; June Itcv. Etta U. make a solid background thought daughter. child are his Mrs. Kev. J. S. Richards of North Yar· Conway, was through the place Wed- In ritttflelJ, 2·!, by Tracy, visiting sister, Ralph the I Mr. E. Rnwe of Oxford anil Misa Julfa that man is not a bubble tossed up on Miss H. H. Hersey sailed for Europe, mouth is expected to supply the pulpit On higlyschool grounds Saturday Benjamin Glover. lesday. the team won from A. Seeklne of Plttefleld. the tide of time to be whirled for a mo- June 27th. She is somewhat improved hero on 14tb. cloeed 2d. afternoon toy shop H. B. Mrs. Strout and two little daughters July School July In Norway, July 3, bv Rev. S. U. Davie, Mr. Foster, then vanish into iu health. Streaked Mountain team by the above and Mac Mr. ment and nothingness of Portland are at Fred Sturtovant's. The Congregational Society have been | William Moore Mise Rradhury; us is Prof. Caldwell and students came on East Brownfield. one-sided score. and Mlee Ina all of —that the invisible world around and Miss Etta their buildings in and Leroy Bradbury 1'enley, Mrs. J. D. Sturtevaut putting repair, Norway. One Price Clothier, not an lifeless, void, Saturday to the summer school at camp when the is will be Last afternoon and unillumined, empty Sturtevant have been at the old home job completed they Friday evening The ^th at Poland Camp dround. In Bethel, July 3, by Rev. Ierael Jordan, Mr. and that there is a thoroughfare from Oxford. in shape for occupancy. kfr. and Mrs. C. D. Feasenden of Herbert C. ltowe and Misa Alice Rueaell. Copyright 1907 by for a week. good Frye- "are on the Old Maine. the back door of every cemetery, from Mr. Harry Hayes and wife of Balti- The of the Oxford Road celebrated their Those who tenting In East I.lmerlck, July 3, Mr. Burton W. Norway, Hart Scharf'ner is* Marx Mies Eva Barrows ie at home for the meetings Baptist iurg forty-fifth Sanderson of Kant Waterfordand Mlee Minnie and unknown, cared more are to come as a to Ground," although somewhat re- every grave—known expected guest summer vacation. quarterly meeting held here recently wedding anniversary. There was a large Camp llalford of Limerick. hands—in hie Mr. and Mrs. moved from were not al- f λγ or uncared for by human parents, Cyrus Hayes. Mrs. H. A. Cushman and Miss were said to be quite well attended and ι attendance, including many out-of-town civilization, universe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank visited in Lewis- Daisy lowed to that Thursday was July all God's Cushman are at A. M. Richardson's. interesting. Many were prevented from | ;uests. forget arm me from ton at Mr. Miles Sturtevant'e. 4th. Died. "An angel's can't snatch Miss Nina Glover went to the evening services on Marion Johnson has been in Vermont attending visiting o'clock me Knowledge ends here.. Mr. Alonzo Cbadbourne of Worcester, account of a thunder shower. Cornish. At twelve Wednesday night, grave." for the summer. June Mrs. Ιλ- of can't confine me Mass., a former is his Monday the bell at the stand out its In North Waterford, 36, Nancy "Legions angels resident, visiting Arthur Ueald and family of South The Circle was enter- grand peeled 89 Congregational of America's devotion broke, aged years. there." Belief enters here. But we are relatives here. East VVaterford. Mass., are stopping for a tained Mrs. E. A. 6. and message young In Hlllsboro, Ν. H July 1, Mr*. Ella (Thur- Weymouth, by Stickney with no un- not anxious to exchange belief for Born July 1st, to the wife of Elmer time at the Heald homestead on Sumner Isabel at their on Mill and untiring perseverance low) Boaworth, formerly of South Woodetock, L. M. Sanderson went to Limerick laughter cottage 3.' not while we are able to Twitchell, a certain sound, and "ever and anon" the aged yeare. knowledge, daughter. to attend the of his Hill. toad. | In East D. Blake Keene. Wednesday wedding slumberere were disturbed until at sun- Sumner, Ν chore round some. John. Summer are on It seems that on the before the In Bethel, June 30, Gertie Low, of PEROLI son, Burton who at noon of that guests arriving nearly night daughter Lovell. W., lire it nshered in the Glorious Pourth. Mr. and Mra. Will Low. was united to Miss Minnie Haiford every train along the line, indicating a Ith the janitor said, "Curfew Shall not Resolutions. A storm of day The further exercise· of the were heavy thunder, lightning of Limerick. We wish them all heavy travel this season. ting To-night," for it is claimed that day | has and rain over here about one possible and informal, of fan- Whereas, The angel of death again passed :be tongue was removed from the bell original consisting WANTED. happiness. tastics and dress rapped at our portal and summoned from o'clock Saturday morning. No damage Mexico. ι 10 that the could not it. parade accompanied by j PEROLIN is a Sweep- The Fourth passed very quietly. "boy·" ring Man who wants to make money granulated our midst a and loved member that we know. T. fair held June 28th the usual amount of noise and hilarity. big worthy The Mclntire's had their usual picnic The visitors of last week were many, The W. C. U. and health insurance for the it is but and that The of Suncook on At the close of the afternoon all selling accident of order, just right meeting Grange at Pond on the Fourth. them Geo. I. who has a iras very successful, about twenty dot- nearly was Pappoose among Virgin, af in the about in num- a Home that gives its policy- ing Compound. in recognition of her many virtues and Friday evening largely attended. ara received. The L. T. L. had a those grove, fifty Company The family gave aa entertain- brother, Leavitt 0., and many other being a free Doctor. to Nation· a tribute be offered to Six were elected to and Kemp in groups, holders Apply exemplary life, membership ment in Haskell'· Hall W. who able of articles, whlob sold ber, gathered partaking Tuesday evening. relatives here; Wm. Bolster, fancy quite of of ice a al Insurance Co., 102 Exchango her Therefore, four admitted by initiation. The entertainment was fur- ibundantly cream, enjoyed Casualty a memory. Ansel Bean is at home from to was the of his Mrs. Abbie L. esdily. Me. 28 PEROLIN is Dust Absorbent. in the death of Koxan- W. B. Hurd and wife are for a Togus guest aunt, locall after which all went to Street, Room 43, Portland, 26, Resolved, That visiting until after Auburn. Rev. Mr. lished by the hour, they stay haying. Reed, both from Legion. for races and fire works. na Elder, Paris Grange recognizes and week at Milan, Ν. H. Gertrude Stevens Leavitt has "Suneet Hill," At an entertainment in Temple Hill Fisher bad as guest Hon. Josiah Croby, Mr·. mourns the loss of a true and loved The Fourth wa* very here. Mr. Hall, the candy manufacturer, of quiet School House at the close of the term a from Dexter. >een entertaining her mother, Mrs. L. ORCHARD VILLAGE FARM, PEROLIN cleans and one who its Some went to the celebration at Jr., furnished boxes of preserves sister, practiced precepts, small admission fee was asked and ice and U. N. Stevens and Miss Anna Gordon Portland, generously loo tree* soon will have 200 bbls. a year, β acre», Dennis M. Davenport wife, having as and was ever when health would Chatham and some to North Lovell. shocolates to be given prizes. The 9 room etable 26x30, aide walks, ready cream sold. was realized to a three weeks' visit with relatives if Portland. cosy house, Enough pay made races as aa the floors. to in its work; one whose At North Lovel) there was a celebra- received while irinners of the were follows: eewera, all In good repair, price only φΐ,ΐυο, permit help for a second-hand organ for use in the In Massachusetts and Rhode re- Several slight injuries estate must be settled this month See No. 10214, were of a tion the and with Island, Small Harold Swift of I gems of thought high order, during day evening, the Fourth. boys' running race, β of "«trout's Ll«t 18" for In- meetings. turned Wednesday. elebrating Auburn. page travelling and were listened to with and dancing in Grange Hall. Leon Mincher is at L. R. Giles*. struction». E. A. Strout Co., 335 Water 8treet, pleasure Miss Emma Gleason is an ex- Potato race, JCvelyn Hall of Portland. dust can- its members. making Augueta, Me. 28 PEROLIN is porous and admiration by Wilson's Mills. tended visit in rela- There was a display of fire-works and Wlrl»' running race, Joeepblne Swift, Auburn. as a Franklin, visiting race, Leon Wler of Port-1 Resolved, That while we fratern- Denmark. >alloo ascensions In this Thurs- Large boy·' running 1 A of Parmacheenee Club mem- schoolmates and former neighbors. village land. mourn the loss of our we real- party tives, not ity sister, Mell at Garland lay evening. Warning. escape it. Mr. Fred Sanborn has closed his saw bers came down the river Tuesday in the Doyen's camp Pond, The races were followed a dis· I ize the keener grief of those who were the 4th by quite mill at the Bartlett timber and has be- steamer live miles of Roxbury, was visited by Will L. were As rock is a occur- nearer and dearer, and extend a heart- Bobcat, through LONG LIVE THE KING! play of fire works, which greatly blasting daily at bis lower mill. The in the river will a Noble and wife, Arthur Kidder, Peter « felt to those who mourn the gun sawing shingle logs. logs keep enjoyed by all present. rence on Crocker Hill, the owner of PEROLIN emits a and sympathy club members Kinnear and W. ι the cry European pleasant Mr. Augustine Ingalls is sawing good many from making Burns, Harry Henry popular throughout "Sunset Hill" is one of the most beaut- ! to lose of mother, sister and friend. ladies. while in the of the property gives notice shingle at his mill. their annual trip to Parmacheenee Lake. Park, Jr., accompanied by ountries: America, cry situated elevation· in the com-1 hereby O, we m lu bar. saUly m 1m her; fully state, : All the odor. Base Hiram vs. a lawn was be is "Long live Dr. King1· this effect persons entering healthful From our sight she Is lalil away ; ball Saturday, last, Wednesday evening party present day sanding a âne view of the celebrated Mason. few of Throat and do so at their own risk. But again we nope to meet her Denmark, resulted in favor of Denmark, held at D. C. Bennett's in the interest of Discovery, King Poland House, the White Oak property 1b realms of endless Bean from and Remedies!" of whiob Mrs. Julia Spring bright

% I ■ oee an occaaion like John Webber and wife are visiting I 1 Barrett of Sumner vialted Loul Bue Ball Tournament. The Fourth at ParU Hill. How shall we beet Orford J? two era) a wlde- pt Le wis ton this week. Clark over the Fourth. NORWAY. thla?. Let as cberiah together and incluaive Let NORWAY WINS BOTH HER GAMES AN! — public apirit. Walter β [ Ed C. Window ha· sold bis grocer; THREE DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS. i lookiog Richardson viiited hie parent Miae Florence Jewett of Denmark ii ι us our to the N. Tabbs who will renew allegiance general Price. at TAKES MONET. business to One-Half Mechanic Falls FIRST SOÛTHPABIS. over lie Fourth. guest at A. W. Walker'· tbia week. Joseph PATRIOTIC AND EDUCATIONAL CELE welfare. Let us re-write in our own continue the same at the C. N. Tubbs laws of of com- Guy Swett spent the Fourth at Biddi Mr. Ed of Auburn was her and Lafrance BRATION. mind· the equal juatioe, SOIT Η ΡΑΚΙ» POST OITlC*. Kuight 51 With out» of the finest day· of the yeai store. L. J. Brooks George In the ford m the of his uncle there. over Alio mon intereat and of private duty. T.U. guest Sunday with hie aiater, Uiaa and a crowd of enthusiastic will clerk for the new firm. It is gen- 7Λ)A.M. to7Λ) j large sup of thoae who made the re- ufto«Hv.ur»: the that Mr. Window will high spirit Here «re countless in Ladies, Misses and Children's KAIL WAT. Mrs. C. H. Howard i· a fei f Knight. porters of the varions teams present, erally understood if ever has a Parla Hill andiencc and styles JACKETS THUNE spending Rarely public possible by the pledge of life, this week with at who base ball tournament at the fair again in trade as soon as he can bad the of to thre« in Cumuiencloit June IB, lyt/7, days relatives Oxford Mra. Helen M. Childs, bas beei ground* engage opportunity listening fortune and saored honor, let ua join and all made to our order this season, and are cut one-half secure store. SUITS, prices at South Bostou for aome July 4th was the moet successful of any « suitable more than those a both _ time, recently distinguished speakers, the covenant-oath of TUAIS» LKAVK SOUTH PARIS Charles Brett and Fred Lee are build was as great people tournament held there in recent years. July 7th, observed who faced there on the commor no the than the material would cost a returned home. Snnday, village honeat and free: the Eternal! which it much less you. A. M.. daliv ; 9 M a. m .. iog frame camp at Marshall Pond ii } No. "By regular price ,· ,in.,lown'eM*)—»Λ1 The first two were interesting memorial Sunday by Norway Lodge, on tlie of 4, where gather man Sun>l*y ; 4 w r. «tally ; β.do ρ κ ·· Hebron. games morning July one aball be and every «Λ·ι·ι Mias Iva McArdle had the miafortum and at I. O. O. at which time it wronged, toiïy oulv. although a trifle loosely played 16, F., annually ed together to observe the day fittingly, Sunday to her ankle while off ο of shall have hia own." 3Sf.l A. B. eprain getting there were other times when there is customary to decorate the graves listened to remarks Rev. C. A, ..oIdkui wert)-9 57A.M.. dally; Hammond, formerly clerk fo times, they by in mixtures of all silver grey satin lined, P. 10 :« the electric car Priday. of the order and for ALEXANDER D. D. PRINCE CHAP SUITS grey wool, jacket Sunday; 10:15 «tally; W. L. Farrar, is driving the Xorwa was fast playing and fine work by deceased members Knickerbocker of Arlington, Mass., REV. MANN, d^Sceplouly. their this the members of the a full a for were $15.00, now only $7.50 H Sunday Bakery team. Miae Grace Murphy of Woodfordi the pitchers, who pulled respect- purpose lodge pastor of the Taris Hill Universalis! Ladies and Gentlemen, or rather, if skirt, good style fall, ive teams out of some holed. visited Rustfleld and Pine Orove Ceme- O. be Caswell is confined to th apent Sunday here with her parente very tight church, Rev. Charles Gordon Ames, a very new comer to Paris Hill may with fine mont Kuuice Arthur Clark and a as ETON SUITS of fine Panama, handsomely trimmed braid, stylish family spent Jul; Mr. and Mra. Juhn J. The last game proved to be farce teries. D., of Boston, pastor of the Church ol so to addreaa you—Frienda house. 4th with Mrs. Clark's Johi ( Murphy. permitted were now $0.26 brother, far as South Paris was concerned, how- The July term of the Norway Munici- the and Rev. Alexander Mann, and sleeve with cuff, lined with good quality silk, $12.50, only is in the a t of of the aermon Disciples, Neighbors: Villa Jenne hospital Gerry, Lewiston. Subject at the Uni there was some excuse for their Court was held on the D. Church of Bos- our National ever, pal Tuesday D., Rector of Trinity There are two holidaya in in attractive for treatment. veraaliet church next Sunday "Beins of second of the month. PONT SUITS of Chiffon Panama in fine quality, made most style, I.ewiitoD Dan Fraiser has left the toy factor; poor showing and this will be spoken day ton. calander which to me with apecial burn "The new birth." in appeal now $8.20 of to to wil , again," later. W. C. Stiles of New York is visiting The was that could and the Fourth jacket lined with extra quality satin, were 316.50, only yrs Arthur S. Hall Bucktield calle* 1 go Berlin,. Ν. H., where he day everything force, Thanksgiving Day One of the features of the for a time. warm and are in town the 4th. work as cook in a hotel. Mr. Charles Seaaiona of Hillside Ave pleasing day ^own bave been desired; not too of July. There are other days which and stitched otl friends who The annual bv the mem- JACKETS of Broadcloth, neat cut, trimmed with straps, buttons nue, who has been ill for the past twc was the work of Record, umpired picnic outing not too cold. At half past nine the Nor- eectional or local in their intereat, but Stuart is a vacs Miss Blanche Barrows is rela was abso- bers of the M. E. church Sabbath School $2.49 yirs. (irmfill spending visiting ia comfortable at all three games. His work which was for the two are national. On the one we silk, were $4.08, now tives in weeks, quite present way band, engaged theae with relatives at Peak's Island. Dover, Ν. H. She is to spent I fair and to all four at Gibson's Grove was held on con- tj.,n lutely very gratifying Thursday, morning arrived, and gave a band confeaa our upon a common with several weeks from home. Mrs. Louiae J. who has beet was excellent dependence JACKETS of extra Broadcloth made in most attractive style, lined Brigga, of the teams. the 4th. The attendance cert the common until the on we reaffirm quality Grace B« nnett is at home for th } contending upon begin- God, and the other Miss spending aome time with her sister in crowd the re- and the was both "Skinner" were now $5.00 from her teaching in Mrs. Walter Penley and Miss Allci The large brought gate day greatly enjoyed by ning of the exorcises at ten thirty. our to a common country. satin, $10.00, Tication Amesbury returned to her home hert a and allegiance of Greenwood Portland, up to a high figure aud added old young. Seats were in a circle before Local and local are Penley visited relative! ceipts arranged pride holidays good tbe for summer, for Mass. Friday. substantial sum to the of each F. E. Tower, of B. F. be- JACKETS of mixed goods, neatly trimmed, just thing in town a few days last week. treasury superintendent the steps of the Baptist church and things in tbeir way, as for example, the s· Strickland is in the Main } & Co's and en- $1.00, $2.00 Mrs L Mrs. T. S. Barnes and Misses Helen team, which was, in most cases, badly Spinney factory, family hind a table, upon which was draped the Battle of Lexington and Bunker Hill Day $2.40, Portland, for surgica I Misses Bertha and Rose Pulsifer the Fourth with their friends and were an General Hospital, and Olive Barnes will go Tuesday tc needed. joyed American flag, the three speakers in Boaton, but on the 4th of July of Natick, are in in Mass. CHILDREN'S JACKETS in mixtures, trimmed with braid, velvet coinins, Mass., visiting Locke's Mills for a two There was a slight delay starting people Lynn, seated. U. Atwood acted as chair- American from of the country fancy neatly treatment. their Dudley Cottage, George any part grandfather, Hiram Pulsifer. the first caused the late ar- Kev. C. A. Brooks was in Portland the and the exercises. Rev. Dr. of citizene and now for $1.40, $1.00 Grace has gone to Kenne week's outing. game, by man, opened feela at home in a gathering buttons, $1.36, Miss Penley Paris teams. first of the week and attended the dedi- she will be I Arthur E. Mrs. A. T. Forbe» rival of Waterford and West Amçs delivered the prayer. As the first of aection. bunkp'Tt where employee Forbes, The members of Hamlin K. oi Home. any Lodge, Â8 soon as lots were cation of the Deaconese' Mr. Atwood introduced Mr. thia on thla in summer. and Miss Maud Douglass have gone on t they appeared, number, So here morning green this P., are requested to be present Friday drawn and West Paris and met C. N. Tubbs was in Berlin, Ν. II., the who read two weeks' camping trip to Pond Norway Francis C. Case of New York, a New England village we bave met, This store will be closed Friday afternoons during .July and August. G. is at hom< ( Shagg as business of will Paris and first of the week on business. Mis.- Mabel Hathaway evening, importance for the first game and South the Decleration of Independence. Rev. some of us are from the South, some from her it Miss Crooker, who teaches school ai come before the The first The band concerts at Witherel Park are f, r tlu· vacation teaching lodge. Waterford for the second. Mr. Knickerbocker was the first speaker, from the West. We nave listened while Minot has come to tht the and Rock per?. Mass. Corner, spend M. Shaw, who has been employ- game was then called. much appreciated by village and he was followed by Dr. Ames and the band has played "Star Spangled summer with her Mrs. Walter Harry town's sister, ed in Boston for the two and WEST PARIS 3. people. Dr. Mann in the order named. The and "Marching Mr>. Cuvier Colby and two children o: past years NORWAY 7; Banner," "Dixie," Bonney. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Soule of Boston were all of a order and be- and we claim all S. visited at F. A. a now has an excellent position there, ia won the toss and took the Hpeechee high through Georgia," etc., H., Taylor's Norway are the of Mr. John Hazen on Berlin". Harold Gammon and at home for a two weeks' vacation. guests low we abstracts of each. the and we are all as one in our fcw last week. wife are spend- field, they were evidently a little nerv- print songs, days Pleasant Street. It can be understood that with this which to Mr. Gammon's vacation from the ous themselves in a bad readily celebration of day belongs t ing Mrs. I. F. Evans and Mra. Theodore and found place new house on THOMAS Edith M. Maxwell, who is Ed C. has>his our sucb abstracts as we SMILEY, Miss store of y, O. Bolster Jfc at Thompson limited space us all. Co., camping with Mra. Lettie almost immediately; West Paris filling for the in Melrose, Mass., is visiting hei Thayer spent Sunday Tucker Street up and ready are able to cannot do to the to me that no better teacher Stoneham. the bases with one man out. how- give, justice Indeed it seems Maine. I Dr. Stewart. Thayer at Bethel. Mrs. Evans will con- Rich, masons. He his his stable well for Norway, sister. Mis struck out two along. speeches themselves. of the principles J. tinue her to visit relatives in ever, steadied down and will have one of the exemplification Harry Fitield returned Saturday trip Upton Mr. Thompson Between each and after the ex- which this stands can be found than A. L. Λ E. F. Goss Co. have jusl men, West Paris only one run. speech day morning to Boston, where he will at- and Errol. getting most attractive places in the village. ercises band rendered selections, and in this in a furnace at the came to the bat West the this crowd gathered together tioisbed putting a When Norwry dance at the tend summer session of Burdett Busi- and Mrs. The usual social Opera lemonade was eerved to all some of There are no soldiers e of E. Brett. South Paris friends of Mr. and allowed them by country reside»· C. ness Paris played loosely House 3d. Music Stearns' village. College. will be inter- July by the ladies. no The and Uarry Burnham of Boston to score three runs on two two young here, police. peace the good a went on a combined busi- hits, orchestra. Good attendance. Ό Oscar Mas·1 W. R. Fletcher and children of Fitch- ested to know that have After the order of the are the result simply of they opened errors and a sacrifice bit. and wife the REV. C. A. KNICKERBOCKER. day at; ieasur· trip to hie old home in George T. Tubbs enjoyed the senee of Bess burgh, Mass., are for the summer their cottage at Norway Lake for the both teams better the self-control and respon- ' last week. guests opening inning played week at Leavitt's cottage at the lake. There are some who have so far for- Betii Mason at summer. of each individual citizen. Now- Almon Churchill's. Mrs. Churchill and West Paris worked hard, as to sibility althought The office, banks, offices, library the days of their a crowd and F. is Mr. Fletcher's aunt. post gotten youth where in the world will you find Wi'.iani P. Morton George Mrs. Charles Seeeiona of she was not able to overcome Norway's a enthusiasm Providence, and R. F. D. messengers enjoyed wish that all the noisy so after and a at Con- was a that needs little looking Battman spent few days Camp Κ. who has been several lead. The feature of the game the celebration of this Mr. D. Casey, an old veteran of the I., spending holiday Thursday. which marks day is so well able to take care of itself as a iu last week, on a tish- of a he was Underwear α.Γ'ΐ Woodstock on catch pop Pike; his am sure that Union civil is a welcome at Mrs. G. weeks' with Mr. and Mrs. Sessions fiy by M. P. Stiles had from be but I war, guest and Capt. peas might abolished, crowd of American citizene. Compare Hillside returned to her home to make a dive for the ball, on Kev. C. A. Brooks of the to iott trip. C. Pratt's home. He was a friend of Avenue, obliged garden the 4th. the very clamor day helps the behavior of the crowds at the it, at full length on 3d. to past ; G. Wheeler, who is on the her husband, G. C. in the last Saturday. caught stretching had a mess from bis field on July differentiate it, to set it apart, giving with similar crowds Howard Capt. Pratt, score: Chicago Exposition with the ground. The know how to them. the the and the idea. We are ruatl in téléphone work, headquar- army. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Needham and They grow thoughtful opportunity in England or in France. The right was at home for NORWAY. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hills of Union to its meanings. ters at i'· irliugton, Vt, Gus Lord and wife of Miss Clara of suggestion study deeper And here it seems to me is one mean- Auburn spent daughter, Mae, Portland, P.O. the A.B. K. B.ll. A. E. were the of their son and wife, I am equally sure that if we kept stands for the Ameri- the Fourth. the Fourth with Mrs. Lord's with Mr. and Mrs. Ε. N. 0 guedfe ing of the day. It parents, spent sunday Price, 3-b 5 1 1 υ J Mr. and Mrs. Vivian W. Hills the and within bounds and "Union Suits" and Anderson. Miss Needham will remain 4 1 1 2 « U during boys girls wholly can for the liberty and the con- selling Mr> W W. Walker and son Harold of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake. Mr. Lord is Ltbby, l.f of the the idea, c.f 3 112 0 1 week. banished the ringing bells, sense of of the in- «V ,1: is have been with relatives here associated with the Last Co. for a week or more. Hayes, sequent responsibility Goodyear Gammon, lb 4 0 1 9 0 1 Frank Kimball, of tbe Noyes Drug of the horns, the firing of crack- was of tooting dividual. It is not law, not military for a tew Mr. Walker here Auburn. will have a food 2 b 3 0 1 4 3 2 the for of our own who want Comfort days. The Epworth League Jordan, Store sails from Boston Otli, ers and the booming cannon, not but the sense of indi- people Fourth. Pike, s.s 4 2 15 10 force, police over the sale at the M. E. church 0 He will return about the last indifference would let the back Leslie L. Mason of the Mason Manu- Saturday, July Anderson, r.f 4 1 2 0 0 Eugland. day slip vidual obligation that makes a peaceful 13. Sale of food to at 3 p. si. 0 0 Λ 2 1 level of the and all its Let α : and wife of West Bethel, facturing Co. arrived iu town Friday begin Perkins, c 3 of August. to the dead year and Let nothing are them. »yl«>r 110 12 orderly community. and Fit with his two orders for food may be left Rich, p..... 4 Tbe VV. C. T. U. held their meet- would be lost. On second purching wh" sp it λ few «lays last week visiting evening wife and children. Any special July inspirations weaken or obscure this American ideal. on came from Mr. Mason's at Dr. Buck's not later than Wed- with Mrs. C. N. Tubbs, Main Street, I shall be to suppress relative- Norway, called friends in They Portland in office, Totals, 34 7 9 27 8 7 ing thought, willing We hear much now days of reform car. 9th. programme, the horns. are of see them. Smlh l'iris July 4th. touring nesday. WEST PARIS. Tuesday, July Literary They suggestive legislation, of the necessity for better Come and refreshments. unless it be that some of our and son Λ.Β. Κ. B.H. P.O. Λ. K. nothing laws and there is in some quarters a i· b Nichols has re- Selectman Bowker has a crew of men Mrs. W. R. Henry Lester, Mr- recently c.f 4 0 110 0 I). M. French and party enjoyed a fish- ancestors sold fish. But in general our teams at on between Mrs. W. W. and two Billings, tendency to beleive that, given turned t'roiu a visit of a few weeks in and work the road Payne cbildreu, J. 4 12 0 11 Mountain N. of the is a growing and Farnum.p ing trip at Pond, Chatham, ear-splitting observance day the result will be a and was her here and Paris Hill. will build and Mrs. C. A. daugh- V. Farnum,2-b 5 0 17 1 1 perfect legislation i;, «toi: accompanied by They Ilemmingway aid to the of its pat- of ter went to Rumford Falls Wed- Emery, r.f 5 0 2 1 0 0 M., recently. genuine emphasis etate. That is the error ·ιι, Gilbert Swett. state road this year from Eben Chap- Kutb, five in- perfect j Action. 0 2 113 P. for > of l.f S Lieut. M. years riotic Freedom grands N. Rowe. S.B., Stiles, make men where left off last to where Mr. and Mr. significance. Socialism. It seeks to good man's, they year, nesday, Henry Payne Shaw, l b 5 0 0 6 0 11 of for Co. 1st N. it The ( Κ Weston, who lias been spector rifle practice D, What does signify? préserva- in a idea is that laws working the board below the are at work. Bowker, 3 b 4 10 110 mass, ite good guide watering 0 G. S. has that and tion of our traditions. True, we may GARMENT PROM NECK f, r the 1'aris Manufacturing Co., has Rldlon, l.f., β.β 4 1112 M., resigned position somehow make good men. A SMOOTH, ELASTIC, trough. At the service Sun- 0 0 5 7 0 F. has been ap- name we not under- left t!:> ι·ηΐ| .·>· and will go to Auburn Epworth League L. Rowe, c 2 Guy Stevens, Corporal, not them; may fully Over it there is what I have NO SHIRT TO ROLL UP IN THE and interest- Lieut. Stiles' feel them.- Each against TO ANKLE; wheie he will lind From the crowd around the station day evening excellent very pointed to fill the vacancy. stand them; but we do termed the American the idea employment. Totals 38 3 9 *23 13 0 idea; BACK NOR DRAWERS TO DRAG DOWN when the down train went ing reports of the State League Conven- | duties as ceach of the state rifle team recurrent Fourth of July deepens our of to Locke's Saturday sanctioned by centuries Anglo-Saxon CON- M·- Maud Carter has gone tion were Buck and demanded his entire time. His work in confidence in the future of our THE HIP8. PERFECT COMFORT, morning, one have inferred that given by Myrtle uunieu on tuini sirine. country the idea indeed of the Bible it-. AROUND t«> two weeks at might •Mbby oui. history, Mil'» spend camping was Sara as attended this line is of the order. because it increases our reverence for OF ACTION. either President Roosevelt coming Swett, who, delegates, Score by Innings. highest that the thing to begin with is the VENIENCE AND FREEDOM south Γ l with the of her sister, was held officers in self, J family on the train or that it was the the convention which recently 3—Total. The semi-annual election of its past. but of the indi- Paris. through 1 2 3 « 5 Β 7 8 reform, not of society Mr- Dr. Packard of West at Dover and Me. Pennesseewassee No. K. of Our latners canea cue imy unie^rnm- Berlin excursion. It was only circus day Foxcroft, 3 0030001 x— 7 Lodge, 18, P., that the man makes the; Norway as be vidual; good the in Lewiston. West 1 0000200 0-3 resulted follows: enco I wish the name might Twenty members of Morton, Remember the Universalist picnic Parte Thursday evening Day. good society and the good state. — for the ι r ami Forbes families ate a Earned rune, 2. Two-baeehlta, Llb- C. C Frank A. Mann. It stands independ- like this in Suits kett picnic Jordan of in Grove. Games Norway preserved. And certainly a gathering Union Harry T. Philadelphia, Wednesday Penley's Anderson. Finit base on balle, off Rich 4, V. C —Walter E. Currier. and for the in- j u Grove on the by, ence of the United States a is a most excellent dinner I'enley's Fourth, of Keith's and a time forenoon and afternoon. 1. Struck Blcli 6, Far- Prelate—Kit win Rlchar■ in- regulations Urn, k' 'u, where Ralph Penfold and Don week but Mrs. Jordan and lieorge η. uuwu ιι.ιβ of the that police come tyranny English government conecioueness of and of YOU CARE. a hotel. dren will remain here all summer. School are invited. Let all The second was called at 1:30 in Botanical liberty obliga- ING? YOU MAY IF Bry :s are running sportsmen's Suuday game vitation to the Josslyn Society the of the people and the S who will and the and was much more in- their spirit English tion to his fellows. ! enjoy day. the afternoon of Portland to visit Norway during traditions of not Mr. Ε. N. Haskell and Wm. K. Kimball Post, G. A. R., and to English liberty might I must not detain you longer. As the family opened than the score would seem for a field work. on Ladies of the G. A. R. held a dinner in Walter L. ia working with an teresting Oxford visit, day's from the earth. I the i" ! at the Haske'.l farm July Gray Paris iu perish last in the list of appointed speakers and in of the indicate. commenced scoring Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burnham of Phila- of their deeds carries Prices $1 $1.50. 4th will live there the re- their hall Immediately after the employ Norway The memory atn reminded that some consideration is They during Thursday. engineer the first three and a have taken their residence at marched to the on Water to establish the level inning, singles delphia up with it the two-fold of our some- mainder of the summer as in dinner they grove Company runs. In obligation due to this but previous sacrifice hit earning them two their lake Restland. are patriotic possibly Pine Street, the Methodist for a new reservoir to make the water cottage. citizenship: To see to it that we audience. The story is ; years. opposite the third inning, two singles, a base on is in the what fatigued where short were of the more efficient than W. M. Twombly putting in town and state and who F. parsonage speeches supply village a double them three more C. fltl^ represented told of a certain minister preached J. PLUMMER, Miss Eunice Fobes, who teaches in At it balls and gave foundation for a now house opposite to see to it that we are made several of the comrades. it has been in the past. present 1 nation; abovo all a sermon the of the Old ) home for the by runs. In the seventh Waterford He has some of his lumber upon prophets Wakefield. Mass., arrived seems that if the Norway com- inning W. Home's. tit to be and Market SOUTH PARIS, ME. likely six errors and these represented. Testament. He began with Samuel ; 31 Square, va at: ι·ι last Miss Eva Swett, W. S. of Bethel now has charge be on made five of her on the lot. have Tuesday. Wight pany put in a reservoir here it will But this is Paris Hill. Wo, too, weut down the line. At last after an ! 1 beeu in Massachusetts of the course ticket list for with a two-base-hit gave Paris her last the Fourth in win. visiting subscription the bill back of Walter Swett's. Norway boys enjoyed our traditions. We are proud of the down to 106-3. in hour or so he came Malachi, | Telephone fui tw weeks, returned with her. the Maine Music Festival Portland, two rune. the old style, plenty of noise and have from this hill- good great men who gone and "Now friends, what place Oct. Madame Calve, prima donna. A runaway in the square Monday The nearest Waterford came to scoring lots of fun. There was nothing very do said, my 1 to administer affairs and a tall man ! Mr and Mrs. Alton C. Wheeler, Uarry but no done. Howard With two men no top large shall I to Malachi?" and Any one wishing for a course ticket morning, damage was in the fifth inning. however, done by the lade, and in the naiions his- give M and Miss Mabel A. bad, their part shaping with a face rose in the midst of Wheeler, Hayes their name on the list now if Shaw had driven the hotel team down Thomes reached first on an error over a but to weary should get out, one became so angered joke have been many and con- if of Auburn, went to Wash- to his boat the next' tory. They the and aaid, "Parson, Wednesday they want a seat. Give your name into the cemetery landing and stole second; Manning, recover The bells were congregation where good immediately. have no Malachi can have burn l'ond in Woodstock, they or write Mr. and hitched there. The horse objected batter beat a throw to first but Thomos twelve. The old spicuous. you objection, to Mrs. Cora Briggs Wight rung with a will at As I look into the faces of these boys wiii some two weeks in camp. to in and when he to iny I'm going home." spend at Bethel, Me. being quartered the cemetery was out at the plate tried cannon was found and made to do goad men in the mak- place, hie before me, I see great made a off his bridle made good score. The feature of the game was the with all the rest. A few of the Mr. and Mrs J. Κ. Plummer was the pulling service Groat shall be their A MEMORABLE DAY. Harry W. Ilunt ot Dexter Street and to the and each mak- ing. they though :<> Itritton's Mills the Fourth, to visit escape through Maple batting of Wheeler Cole, timid and those more sensitive to the the con- trip victim of au accident at the toy factory names be unheralded beyond One of the we remember Fred Ad- hotel stable. Fortunately every post three hits, one of Wheeler's being the took their resi- days with,, Mri. Hummer's sister, Mrs. which resulted in the ing joys of Fourth, up tines of their native town, as shall to our afternoon is still as well as with _ the in M. W. Friday from the cemetery to the stable for two bases. His batting was re-1 dence for the time at their lake cottages, of pleasure, profit AND. PUMPS. kios. made trip Hunt good millions of others in our rich land wo OXFORDS They loss of one of his little one on which became : WOMEN'S lingers. five of Paris1 his health, is the Maxim's Orient motor and had standing. sponsible for scores, but arrived on hand to enjoy the good common wagon was on a and in some I promise, if we, the citizens, with Dr. Now Life working jointer hits just when needed them in the Some antics were acquainted King's j to show this searon. All excellent trip. of lumber back coming they things evening. maintain the integrity of our traditions that cure I We have a line you way the piece slipped  party of South Parie young people —with two men out. found its Pill·!, the painless purifiers splendid cut such as an old boiler so to the know we can suit to shine and Hunt's was in the ma- on a two or three up that minister surely beauty and the ; new all kinds of leather. We you. <>' thic Street continues up. linger caught will start Tuesday Four men were the sisters' store headache and biliousness, keep the styles, here injured during way into the Prince door; and the of our The cement walk has been extended past Hunt has been employed to Shagg Tond. At face a certainty hopes. bowels 25 cents at F. A. Shurt-. chinery. days tenting trip game; Hebbard was hit in the by Dr. Parmenter's and V. W. Hills' signs to the right. Ε. M. a here from the entire If we are thus true in ourselves and the houses of George Wise and less than week, coming the time of to press Fifield was hit on the arm was leff & Co.'s drug store. SOROSIS, $3·5ο $4.00 going batted ball; were Hills' large post sign then shall our on the north side of the street. Dexter last bad not been made but up to changed; heritage of our fathers, Dunham only Monday. party up, a ball; Cole was hit by ai in front of Dr. Par- EVANGELINE $3.00 it is the have by pitched well established nation be as strong as the great mount- The residents on the street say Paris the present time the following sig- ball in the 8th and A jolly party of South young pitched inning obliged menter's store, while Parmenter's sign that watch us from the west and as NEW CENTURY, $2.50 < >ratnonwealth Avenue of the town. nified their intention of the it ains went to the Morton joining to retire from the game after winning j was at Hills' store; W. L. people Saturday Misses Olive and Sarah Swett, suspended pure and invigorating as this glorious WELLESLEY, $100 a into where will re- party. his excellent and Thomes were ex- Wednesday morning deer came camp in Woodstock, they by pitching, Merrill's and Miss Libby's signs air that blows across our upon Uxtords and Miss Eva Miss Florence Richard- in to first hill-top Men's Other Lines for $1.50 $1.25 the uear the 1'ark Street bridge, main a week. In the party who went to Taylor, turned hie ankle badly running wfcile Shorty Cook's barber village Locke and Gordon Abbott. changed, this more glorious day. in front of the house are Misses Kittie and son, Barry and was unable to continue playing. The was taken to Mr. Cook's residence came up Park Street Camp Concord will as pole IN is a Remember cm find what Flora Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morton go score: well established KEV. CIIAJtLES G. Λ M ES, D. D. Every kind bargain. you "f ·>■ Κ Murch, and after looking around Isabel Morton, Leona Stuart, f on Pleasant Street and lines of all kinds of is chaperones. 9 PARIS. of a want here. We one of the a while, >wam across the river and was Murch and Grace Penley. The party SOUTH opposite the house. Other things Mr. Ames oppressed bis full symathy you carry largest A.H. K. l-.O. λ. K. into a line of Trunks, and υπ. Ile »as seen several tuaile up of members of the B. U. M. S. 11.11. harmless character were carried with all demonstrations which are footwear in the State. Also good Bags by people. KINO DISTRICT. 5 ο ο ο ο ο noiey Patent Vici and the Wo Are Seven Clubs. Mrs. Shaw, l.f the but no done natural and rational but Colt, Kid, 4 3 3 1 1 0 effect by boys injury tho sign of joy, Suit Casee. > Cole, ρ > « bath rooms for the two tenements went as Wild strawberries are 0 one's to in a cele- Prentiss Crockett chaperone. plenty. Purlin, ρ 0 0 0 1 0 to'any property. he was especially glad join are fitted in the addition built 1-b 5 1 1 12 1 2 II. of which being up is tine around here. Hebbard, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hayden bration of tho nation's birthday Valour and The The Mermaids tried the new restaur- Grass looking c.f 3 2 2 1 0 0 Gun Metal, ο the house of Arthur E. Clark. Sprlnir, Mass., are at their lake cot- recalls us to the of God Shoe ant at and found it Wheeler, r.f 5 13 0 10 Haverhill, principle equal The Ε. N. Swett Company, Mixiiu store and tenement, Norway Friday night Carrol has a new hay their for the summer. so our holi- building, King bought Flfleld, s.s 4. 0 2 3 2 0 tage with party given human rights, making very satisfactory. Five of them, Misses wil be occupied by Aldrich's meat fork. Tltcomb,2-b Λ 0 14 2 0 Mrs. Charles L. Hathaway fell on the a He Ibsen's say- Russet Addie and Lottie Miss Alice Γ» 2 ο day holy day. quoted Calf, Maine. 111 irne it is that Giles, Clark, c 3 ο ο since and is now to §4.00,3.50, House Block, Norway, and understood George to Leon Brooks' cellar stairs a few days ''It is the task of Free Society Opera Mrs. Walter Penley, and Mies Eva Allen has cone Brlggs, 3 b 4 0 0 0 4 0 ing: A lin^s will occupy the market where Penley, with a arm. make a noble of man.11 No base 1113-0. bread to work. suffering badly injured every Tolophono to Jessica Curtis broke together, 13 2 for Mr. Alilrich uow is, which belongs° Total» 37 7 12 27 Frank Kimball left Sunday morning no tribe of Hottentots, can have after came back to J. J. people, 3.00,2.50,2.25,2.00. him. wbich, they look well around here consider- WATERFORD. his to a Our is safe and Miss Alice Bisbee Crops trip England. republic. system only Murphy's, where join- we A. E. ing the late spring had. Α.Β. R. B.H. P.O. sound as it reste on virtue— is to ed the and Mise Jessica Curtis wdl 4 0 intelligent Also Μ;» Olive Swett, who studying party, Munroe, ρ 3 0 0 2 State Teachers' Examinations. and affections of a finished her work at 0 1 on the convictions t>" » trained nurse at the Newton llos- with a rug, which she will use Grace Allen has Spauldlng, s s 4 0 0 2 preseuted 3 0 0 2 1 1 Augusta, 1, 1907. too to be fooled at near future. Amos of Oxford and returned Sanderson, r.f., 2 b July constituency intelligent P't.i Newton Lower Falls, Mass., is in house in the Barnett's ο Bare Foot keeping N. Brown, r f... 1 0 1 0 0 The annual examination of candidates and too virtuous to be corrupted. Full Line of h'»m«· tor She is visited home. 5 2 0 avacation. by Vhomes, 2-b 3 0 2 for state certificates will occur M. Horace J. Morton and wife of Chicago 4 0 0 7 1 1 Friday, A friendly Frenchman, Laboulaye, M'»·» h ν» is studying a the Miss Bertha Twitchell from Ashland, Manning, 1-b at 8 o'clock is Sandals for Children. raylorwho Mrs. Morton's niece, Mrs. 1-b 4 0 0 1 1 0 August, 30, 1907, beginning has told us that "What kills republics wuie Other at Benj. are visitiug has been her uncle, Amos Wilson, ii'ispital. guests is at South Mass., visiting Stuart, c 3 0 1 8 2 1 A. M. the if you son V. D. Bolster. Mr. Morton ignorance. Enlighten people, *w>n ;ire xjr \ Abbott and Cauwell and this week. W. Brown, l.f 3 0 0 0 1 2 held at such of name is interest of the Morton Kiln family, Examinations will be fear Satan's true n Paris in tbe C. Bruwu, c.f. 3 0 0 0 1 0 despotism. oorii' of Lynn, Mass. named as a suffi- No doubt is one of Co. of Chicago of which he is the head, the following placcs ignorance." ignorance W. 0. The Corporation Meeting. Totals 31 0 4 27 13 6 cient number of candidates shall register tho of but the Frothingham, of in anew Special powers darknese; prince LOOK Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Heald, Mr. and for the purpose putting dryer at the Belfast, the devils is intellect. South Paris. *"· Umes Mr. and Mrs. Lester at the mill of the Paris Manufacturing Not a large attendance spooial Score by Innings. for, namely, Alfred, Augusta, of all unprincipled lleald, Cor- tho Robin, Mrs. Ernest Mr. Morton last in a meeting of the South Paris Village 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 »—Total. Bethel, Biddeford, Bingham, Brownfield, The untaught and thoughtless may and niece, Mr. and Co. year put dryer Ells- Hats" at which was so suc- though a 2 Brunswick, Calais, Cherryfield, become the tools of the demagogue, At our "Trimmed I; K'i»ell and little daughter. Beryl, of at the West Paris mill poration Tuesday eveuing, South Parts, 03000200—7 easily Facts No. 2 N the need of interest was manifested in the Waterford, 0 00000000—0 Fort Fairfield, Guilford, Houlton, but the most enemy, •'·> miner, and Satumie lleald were cessful that the company felt good worth, dangerous public was Earned South Parle 4. Two-base-hits, Mechanic is the cun- ;rt1' wf of Mr. and one in the mill here. The dryer matter for which the meeting par- runs, Kittery, Lincoln, Machias, the most poisonous anarchist, i.'e July guests having Wheeler, Flfleld. First base on ball*, off Cole 1, N. Nor- self- reduced own called. Falls, Milo, Newport, Berwick, ning monopolist, the shrewd and Glasses. prices. v l) ''ark at their farm on the is one of Mr. Morton's get up upon ticularly off Munroe 1. Struck out, by Cole 5, by Munroe About Eye greatly was to order Old Town, Pembroke, man of who sets his I,1*et'i it was and a he holds most of the The meeting called by 8. Leftonbaeei, South Paris 7, Waterford 7. way, Oakland, seeking affairs, traps, A jolly party which patents. Skow- Clerk Ε. X. Ilaskell at 7:45, and Walter Double plays, Cole to Tltcomb to Hebbard. Presque Isle, Kuinford Falls, and his nets, to gather for him- seventeen years prac- hue time was had. 2. spreads During my on the First base on errors, South Paris 4, Watorford or the E. A. A accident happened L. was chosen moderator. Warren, Winterport, Wiscasset, self, hi* partners his party, pow- as an I have MRS. HOWE, peculiar Gray lilt by ball, by Cole 1, by Munroe 2. hegao, tice Eye Specialist fair Fourth of Ε. Π. Dorr as ono pitched ers and the benefits and ad- Α ι'arty which was at Camp Owsley, grand stand at the grounds The resignation Umpire, Record. Scorer, Thayer. Yarmouth. resources, to the new Maine. who was desire to take all. found nothing equal South Paris, ir n, from Wednesday to Saturday, of July day. Mrs. George Swift, of the assessors of the corporation If any ten candidates vantages, which belong to was NORWAY 18; SOUTH PARIS 2. than we *a* composed of Mr. and Mrs T. S. lives between here and Norway, accepted, and on a small vote W. L. the examination at any place other For the security of our institutions this was a base will be made the J· 1>· Sprague of Chicago, coming down from the gr;ind stand, was elected to succeed him. As already said, game the above, arrangements must therefore work steadily to top So-Easy-Mountins. x'.'riu"!: M.r>l Libby The in- of will *r*. Nathan A. Chase of Ilion. Ν. Υ when in some manner she slipped and The resignation of W. H. Jenne as an ball comedy in nine innings. therefor. The final list places of their bent, all the agencies that may feet on an- in the first and no- Please call and see them. Walker, Miss Alta C. fell. When she was assisted to her assessor was also accepted, and juries that Paris received be announced about August 15, improve the quality of the population; was was the team be sent to all who intelli- ÏÏL Kvi..E'8 Florence M. Jewett oi it was found that one leg broken other small vote James S. Wright game weakened materially. tice thereof will we must raise the standard of tw ■ never have been time in the η mark, Miss Helen Barnes, and Misa just above the ankle. The peculiar part elected his successor. The team would have registered at that by sending gence and virtue in the family, S. Rlonards, was of "I've Barnes of Portland. of the accident is that the fall so The next article on the warrant was to recognized as the same one, and most in preliminary examination reports, church, in the school, In social life, in stand unable to will be furnished on South Paris. very slight, that none on the grand hear the report of the water committee. them seemed play anything blanks for which politics and in trade. If to was here it Parlin started to of information, you want know how it suspected any injury whatever until This report was made by Chairman like good ball. pitch, application. Circulars t:i<' ^ it cor- loose al- will be sent to all before the Fourth, depends was reported after she had been helped George H. Davie of the board of and good hitting and fielding suggestion and advice 8TORE8. will runs in ^=1 BLUE *"meupon whom you ask. One from the grouude. poration assessors, and consisted mainly lowed Norway to score seven desiring them. * V'"i that there wasn't a great deal ol in reading the proposition submitted by three innings. This was too much for Payson Smith, wai Davie of the Oxford con- Schools. "-net. and another will say that it Superintendent the Norway Water Co. just before the Capt. Cole, and although suffering State Supt. of Public business so far In fact U was Pfobablj County Creamery reports first of The price named in this, siderable pain and against the advice of rt been April. H ,Teyt· racket- The increased this summer that has is a he went back into the box to Cerundola Discharged. S. U8Ual *°P« as is generally known, $42.50 per doctor, of r'hlhe ύ .uth we., worked, and quite a lot of gun new cream routes Norway After some informal discussion, most- Parlin went back into the box simply Stearns at the hearing Municipal so was from at Turner rates and to the battef-s on the that Finest Location and powder was burned, that there been taken creamery ly relating to the increase in lobbed the ball up Norway Court last Tuesday, ground Strongest Faculty, Largest Attendance, Equipment awake about the mid Center and added to this creamery so service, the report who fattened their batting averages ac- the was done in self-defence. ia the unsatisfactory stabbing TALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 9, 1907. λΆ »1 ® of„lyin« In the suburbs it wai that now the South Paris creamery Fifield's arm also troubled village. was laid on the table. cordingly. after In a Out of an of un to α course for you and graduation place you position. a N" of mischief th< » to Portland average forty relative him so that he too was to A SUSTAINING Ί)ΙΕτΓ Allow arrange 1M. is big piece by shipping The last article in the warrant, badly obliged calls for the year wc could only supply jr an in- Three Hun* reported, but most of ten-gallon per day, making to the of water stop These enervating days, The 1907 are now ready. Send ing matter taking playing. Catalogues were strewec crease of about per cent ovei K. as has men by the the '«Ί» about the place just fifty Pond, was taken up, and George NORWAY. somebody said, drop Maine. 28-36 in the lightest of clothing during of last at this time. a if the of Fire had dawn- BLISS BUSINESS COLLEGE, Lewiston, Dressing °d, and some of them were unnecee the shipments year who was chairman of recent A.B. K. B.H. P.O. A. E. sunstroke as Day Morton, to for comfort. η y iniashed in the A of trade on this Price, 3-b 7 2 4 S 1 0 ed. are fraught with danger next few weeks is necessary up operation. known citizen ol committee of the board They absolutely ο Γ J. W. Penney, a well l.f. 6 1 3 0 0 0 are sustain- "as burned in the yard was called upon to such in- Llbby, whose systems poorly th ,lr· was in town last weel matter, give c.f β 3 3 10 0 people at us a few weeks ago ?°,nick school and more or les.' I Mechanic Falls, Mr. Morton Hayes, and this leads us to say, in the in- Some of you laughed house, of soldiers formation as he could. Gammon, 1-b 7 3 2 10 1 0 r the burial places ed; of our arrels and other movable proper^ looking up that in his and in the Jordan, 2-b 5 4 12 10 terest of the less robust readers, and in Mr. hai stated opinion 0 and when saw the furnishings of the Revolution. Penney β.· 0 2 110 Saddle you light clothing ,D waa ex of who had made in· Pike, that the full effect of Hood's Sarsaparilla quiet, of this kind for opinion others Anderson, r.f β 1 2 0 0 0 Breeching. cot. ,tbat' data of at the Ui r been collecting of water in ae to the Heavy — must some somewhere. is 6 1 0 10 1 0 is such suggest propriety our stores. Now ^,η9β later on, will b< vestigation, there plenty Perklne, c what need for you get J'*11 few years which, ic 4 0 medicine besides Just you haying. Woundseronr^'.k there being no kind of publi. past the not for Hebron which Rich, ρ 5 110 calling this something over to the of the Som pond only celebration in the two towns. turned society for South Paris at a blood and tonic,—say, a sus- in bool now using it, but 18 27 8 0 purifier of the Revolution and Totale 54 17 it tnuch easier to published and ne considered it very impor- taining diet. It makes Fre. \ finds that some five hundret I well, Some Good Ones $11.00 ''arry Bonney, a half-brother of form. He of the SOUTU PARIS. bear the assures refreshing sleep, I Have not of us? in Oxfort I tant, in consideration present heat, Why buy Wed soldiers settled P.O. A. E. much ionney, came to Fred's house revolutionary of the Watei A B. R. B.H. and will without any doubt avert of whon rates and service Norway l.f 2 1 0 0 0 1 I have three sets of second hand double work ' afternoon with hi· wife. Fo r County, about four hundred if Sbaw, at this time of that it should be secured possible, Parlin, 3-b 4 12 0 12 sickness year. and to $12.00 f.S in Boi were on tbe rolls. Persons wh< Co., p., and Give me a Suits, grays blues, $5.00 was a motor-man pension con c 8 0 0 10 0 0 for $20, $25. Outing to thi > The Trustees of Hebron Academy Hebbard, the harness, $15, -,efr8 the e,r*in of an 1 are able to information as c-f 4 0 0 1 0 0 Penobscot salmon has reached to ,υηίί give trol Hebron Water Company, anc Spring, of kind of a harness. Trousers, effects, $2.00 $ 4.50 h r these soldier the r.f 4 0 0 1 0 1 cute now sell for call when in need any Outing gray broken UDdeifrs be went to and fo burial places of any of trade had Wheeler, poor man's price. Best piece·, the committee of the board of ·.· 2 0 0 2 3 4 with date of or desire infor Flfleld, 25 cents a and tail and head monthe bas been aufferin ζ death, etc., trustees at com Tltoomb, 2-b 4 0 1 1 4 0 pound win t< > a conference with these if'*· The doctors ο mation of this kind are requested 1-b 4 0 1 8 0 S slices are sold for 15 cents a pound. trouble. gav > It was tbe ol Monk, Mechanic mencement time. request 1 0 0 2 0 1 Un- JIT,*ttle but sent hii with Mr. Penney at all iti Krigge, 3-b N. Shirts, Belts, Neckwear, Hosiery, encouragement, correspond the trustees that the matter in 0 0 0 1 1 C WOMAN JAMES FAVOR, Fancy t Cole, ρ THE CHARMING G^E3°sFsT«CKER c°u«*try in hopes that the qui* Falls. be Bolster, 3 b 2 0 1 1 0 C Norway, Maine. an.) bearings should fully investigatec one form Ol Main flit.· ϋ Wednei e.a 2 0 0 0 0 C is not of perfect the m,«bt be beneficial. wa s on a en Rawson, necessarily to A reanion and by competent a woman who Straw and Crash Hats JJ: went for a rid e very pleasant family reported and features. Many plain derwear, complete .ηυοη bicycle at Eln ι a committee of the trusteei 2 5 27 9 IS an,ι » held at the farm of F. E. Buck gineer and Totals $2 never serve ae an artist's model, asd'rec*®d towards Penley'· Grov< to oonsider such ι could « Hill on the Fourth. There were presen t has been appointed Score that all the He duwc Λ<:Γ08β the and sine é by Inning·. possesses those rare qualities REMOVAL NOTICE. at our stores for Pwk. and wife, Buck, A ν » when made. 9-Total outfit here your inspection thL t0 no □ F. K. Buck Guy report 12845678 world admires: neatness, clear eyes, right "P Thureday night sig i was a little discussion followinf of Win Young and family, Cbarle There 2 0 5 1 0 3 0 2 6—18 skin that him™* Wilbur Farrar wj s Leach, a motioi Norway, clean smooth aqd sprightliness MV Alton Maxim am i Mr. Morton's statement, and South Paris, 000000020—2 I AM NOW IN in tfa e ,n j*004? Β e AU kinds of outdoor game* sport Struck out, Rich 10; by Parlin 8, by Cole 3 nerves, eyes, smooth, CO. with * broken bicycle. R. Morton by give strong bright F. H. NOYE8 racw « ed as this committee, George Lett on baee·, 13, South Paris 7. Dou and con- wi* „an,i,*ble to tell where had been, bi it were enjoyed, including running Norway velvety skin, beautiful complexion, has been fitted and 10 aa to be more attractive the β A. B. Shurtleff, John J Flfleld to Tltcomb; Pike to Gammon Which up enlarged it in which Geneva Young took priz John A. Scott, bleplaye, F. A. Shurtleff A Co.'e, me to Better and More **ms most that he went I η W First baae on error·, Norway 12. Hit by pltchec Guaranteed at venient for and which enables do Work, probable Maxim for men W. B. Young, Charles customers, of Stores,) Norway. women and Alton Scorer > see the South Paris, *a>< h of some which be sa 0 for Emeley, ball, by Rich 2. Umpire, Record. 50 cents. heretofore. Call and look the rooms over and sample· (a pond lilies the ic β and Arthur E. Forbes. Promptly than horse shoes and turning Bowker, Thayer' Fact. I do and two °>iles below Mecha Pitching of the ap A Certain Cure for Aching Latest in Photos. Along with my regular work, Developing - cream freezer were gamei '» The unexpended balance Styles Dark Room for ic K^iiDR4 Ηβ bas talk< d popular BOLSTER'S MILLS TOY SHOP &. a cure· .Tired for and do it as it should be. Free Use of day> *β°· Charli ■ for and water investlga 7; Allen'· Foot-Ease, powder; Finishing amateurs, of th ,W I. the latter at which propriatlon light Swol'en feet. 8ampTI fern °f li,iee βτβΓ >iDC« bi· arr especially 1 wa Bolster's Mills defeated the Aching, Sweating, those who wish to do their own work. CASTORIArwrrtettedchMiw. took the cake. There were ι tion, amounting to about $160, toy sboj also Sample of Foot-Eabk Samitari ïl î^W that it wi a Young in a FREE, 3 « COMtantlT members of the famil y at the of the oommitte team at that place the Fourth ver] *new Invention. Address, Allen Kin y tw° th it all twenty-seven dlepoaai I £Ρ·*·ζΑ5· Norway, Me. Ito KM Ym Alvais iMCht onlv^l«ec}fre on If they see cause. farm, prescribing and one rich milk. Heat to formation bureau, a manicure parlor, big hurry," hare an attack of headache." jelery onp " Disk medicine and but how small animal into a conjunc- a nu- on the shoulder chair. Harrows, of deceased: treatment, telling creeping the and add one boiled electric and aalt water batha, gym 'I'll Just tap you he climbed Into tbe barber's yours, SIMON R. RLLI9, late Paris, boiling point, ex- Respectfully the diaeaaea have been prevented, 5. Into a an a la to snore,' be as as and. will and petition for probate thereof present**! might tion. Something very precious inion forced through a puree strainer, llum, a nursery, palm garden, every time you begin uGet through, with me quick you Mr. George Kneel Charlotte R. the executrix therein and down rules for feed res- without by Rills, laying apeciflc a part of the body. β. A short disser- tnd two butter, creamed and oarte restaurant and a table d'hote 'That'll stop you for I wunt to catch a train." He Sulky Plows. named. and in tablespoons plained. can, and care in health, in sickness a 7. seats for over six hundred a little I'll drop tation into the border of garment. mixed with three tablespoons flour. taurant-—with waking you, and after threw himself back In tbe chair and comes a dose of "L. F." SARAH A. SAMPSON, lueof Hartford, de convalescence. farmer an When sickness Every keeps a Into an until mixture thickens. Remove rooms, and codicil and for The chief division of poem Cook diners,—two smoking off closed IiIh eyes, and before tbe mon- to- ceased, will, petition probate some veterinarians are to between the myself.' Atwood's Bitters will work wonders thereof W. H. Rastman. the execu- livestock—good 8. The broad of an oar Prom range and add the whites of two elevator carry passengers like a charm. I felt bis preeented by acarce. insect. part "It worked act tor therein named. beaten until stiff. Season to taste nix decks on which they are berthed. off I went ward making a recovery. They but into a 9. A fruit Into a quick, »ggs for a time, but Anally Each is fully answered, boy. bas a crew of aix hundred taps KL17. \ D. PRNLRY, late of Rumford, de- inquirer with pepper, and lemon juice, She nearly and 10 and on the whole Dr. Smead far he be- blow. 10. A small glass bottle salt, train- ou a dream of $10,000 salary ]aickly beneficially ceased, will and petition for probate thereof goes beyond this; sharp rum into a first in cold men not to speak of ladies' maids, one meld, dipped sir, when I by Henry Davis, the executor there- lieves that any information wbich Into a bitter plant with a strong odor. ed and masiciana. per cent commission. Well, system, purifying blood, strengthening •rater and let stand twelve hours. Re- nnrses, gardeners tbat Îiresentedn named. farmer needs is also needed What holds the coals Into a small rare and beautiful in the morning tbere was bowels. 35c. at drug- intelligent 11. move from mold, cut in thin slices and Her furniture ia of awoke itomach, cleansing de- hundreds and thouaanda of others, shoulder reg- PRANK R BARRETT, late of Sumner, by animal. 12. To bind fast Into a cord. between thin elices of buttered white varieties of wood, upholstered in silks, chap tapping away at my cease·'.; that Emma A. Barrett or some so his answer as put pits. petition and he often broadens ft substance. and brocades. and be sound asleep other suitable be admlnls 13. A color Into resinous bread. Remove crusts and cut in finger· damask·, tapestries ular as clockwork, pen-on appointed to make it a eeaay on the sub- at her see? trator. presented by Emma A. Barrett, widow. complete ihaped piece·. Seen by a passing ship night, Been at it all night, don't you discussed. A year or two ago Mr. electric make her A. W. WALKER & Sumner, ject 157.—A thousands of lights of SON, JAMES A. BARROWS of ward; of No. Recipe. NOISETTE SANDWICHES. Force habit." Sunday for allowance Hollls Tur- B. Walker McKeen, Fryeburg, Me., look like a illuminated town ou the Next account presented by Take a single each f ν 1 ρ: brilliantly he beamed indulgently said in a of farmers that a valu- now in the And TO SOUTH PARIS. ner, guardian. meeting η Make an entire wheat bread mixture, on a hillside. EXCURSION Two each of tloc; Loitering York Globe. ~ able horse had been attacked with a dis- in the silent ATKINS D. COOK, late of Paris, deceased; And then five a's and s'a three; using one-half cup, each, boiling water, drawing-room and then palm- party.—New had known petition for distribution and tinal account pre- ease of which he nothing Mix all together properly. ind scalded milk for the wetting. After garden one has to see the surging billows RANOELEY LAKES sented by Walter L. Gray, administrator. until he had read of it in The And when In order, mind, one and one-half one is not in some Maid's Keys. recently arranged the first rising add to be convinced that The Bachelor VIA THK what Dr. will And. of a latch- ZINA E. STUNS, late of Lowell. Mas»., de New-York Tribune Farmer; Two famous cities you tablespoons molasses, and, while knead- fashionable hotel ashore. She is steered "I)o 1 enjoy the freedom ceased, flrst account of Luther K. Stone as him him to bit- R. R. Smead had taught enabled one-half cup, each, candied orange steam, and her rudder, weighing exclaimed the bachelor maid MAINE CENTRAL HILLS, trustee under the will of said deceased presented arose ing, by key!" of save his horse. Another farmer Να 158.—Hidden Name·. and nut meats is controlled a wheel not To ami return for allowance by Emily M. Stone, executrix peel, finely cut, pecan many tons, by terly. "Look at tbat bunch"—holding Oquoasoc and Graduate will of Luther K. Stone. and eaid he bad had a similar women hidden In buttered a child leave 7.*5 a.m. Jeweler Optician. the experience. Find the names of broken in pieces. Put into more than four feet in diameter; of "Fifteen, aud Lewlston, " 2.00 saved in one aloft a ring full keys. 8 (W Five or six hundred dollars turn it An electric tele- Poland " -'.00 EDMUND DeCOSTER, late of Buckfleld, de the following sentences: Dne-pound baking powder tins, having could easily. all of them all the fall* 8.14 bv one of the C. C. In 1 have to carry Mechanic " 1 75 ceaseo. flrst aceoiiut presented far allowance town by copy paper! were a berth pans one-third full. Let rise and and the captain 8.40 1. The best I could get only graph telephones put one is the key to the studio HuckfleM " 1 60 ITred S. DeCoster and Charles E. DeCoster, ad- M. of North Vt., writes cut in thin all of her. time. This ».rj Waller, D., Troy, bake. Cool, slice·, spread communication with parts to Canton » 1.Î5 ministrators. 23: and a cot. to own studio, this #.2β to Dr. Smead, under date of April with and in over the one CAn see what building, this my Dlxfleld " 1.00 likeness butter, put together pair·. High bridge Pa 114 9.40 MARY K. late of deceased; to 2- The pictures are flue. The at the Rum ford '· SHAW, Buckfleld, "1 desire to express my gratitude you in or an old piece seems like an kite frame, and that my club, this to my hamper 11.05 000 dnai account α for allowance George Wrap paraffine paper empty Oquossoc (Rangeley Lake*), in present by The New-York Tribune Farmer, Is perfect. for the wireless mes- desk, this to the se- Umsl Prices Oxford County. W. Shaw, administrator. through of linen wrung out in very hot water, is the web that catches club, this to my is made at with as most a a Connection Oquossoc and to say that I you the 3. The dog race was comical sight. from other and the and of the desk, this to of Sumner, regard transportation. sages ships land, cret drawer AULBEP AND WAS to and from giving JOHN D. DUNN, Ute deceased; and safe a In HE liAD FALLEN FABT steamers Rangeley, H. Bon. able, practical thoroughly 4. A flue treat is to spend day us in touch with both when noth- this to my let- entire petition for distribution died by Charles HUNTINGTON SANDWICHES. keeps trunk, this to another, ΒΗΟΒΠΚ}. time for a beautiful sail the length administrator. writer of the present age, and to expreea the is visible of either. their machine— for dinner ney. country. ing They give ter box, this to my sewing their of Lake and 3 hours MAINE. that live to aerve the any uneweetened wafer cracker we ours to them. had half recovered from Rangeley NORWAY, ABB1E HUTCH INS, late of Hanover, de- my hope you may Spread newe to us, and give who comes to clean keys Lake House and see- a wood- oh, the woman was at Rangeley sight flrst and tinal account for al- farmer and our dumb friends for many with cream cheese worked with It all In the little that yes„ scare he had fallen fast asleep and ceased; presented No. 159.—Charade. appears newspaper her annual sewing lowance Η. Η utchtns and Charles F. to come." en until of the to studio would do ing. by George years My first and second form a food, spoon right consistency is on board every afternoon. my snoring. Hutchlna, executors. with published to my box in the from Mechanic Fall* to Rumford The regular of the New-York So rich and sweet and good; spread easily, then season sparingly are not to see this luxurious- there if 1 didn't—this wanted—a hair Fare price yellow, We likely "What did ho say he Returning train ADDISON Ε. H EKKICk, Judge of said Court. Tribune Farmer is One Dollar a year, Tin an, It gets no word of praise; •«alt. Cover with olives and this to the piano—to Falls and return 11.05. My chopped nees and substantial comfort surpassed safety depo-iit, or a asked the chief at KILLthe COUCH A true : summer of cut shampoo?" 3.35 p. arriving copy—Attest but we will send it with The Oxford A bother 'tis through duya moistened with Mayonnaise dressing. further woman from using it. leaves Oquoeeoc ALBERT D. PARK. Register. in our time, although novelties, keep the hlfl assistant. rai one for with crackers and barber of 7.05 p. m. m CURE LU Ν CS Democrat, both papers year Cover press together. such as a tank and a tailors' 1 forget what Lewiston My whole, a creature fair to aee, swimming course—this—positively didn't answered Jimmy. will 12.00. Pack in a tin box for transportation. for and it often. "He say." at one fare the round trip NOTICE. It seems a living poesy; and dressmakers' shop pressing it is for, but I know I need Tickets "Well, i guess you bud better wake to intermediate It on earth Its brief bright day. clothes are to be introduced in around η also be sold from and ·"" The subscriber hereby gives notice that she spends SWEET SANDWICHES. repairing I'm simply worn out lugging tu the last it fades from earth away. which the Ham- him up and ask him." stations where trains are scheduled has been duly appointed executrix of And then a larger ship to hold them all. Dr. CANNOT Cover thin slices of white bread, slightly wrist bag big enough re- of Grand will and testament of RHEUHATISM line is now building.— "Well. I guess I'll resign my Job," Passengers from line King's ever stop. GEORGE F. HAMMOND, late of Paris, with with burg-American dear, that if you excur- Puzzle. spread sparingly butter, quince I assure you, my "If I wake him up he'll can connect with this in the of Oxford, deceased, and No. 160.—Letter The Youth's Companion. plied Jimmy. Trunk R'y County given BE CURED UNLESS which has been beaten with a fork have committed matrimony you both and bonds as the law directs. All having jelly hear I sion at Mechanic Falls going persons ·- to α eat me up." New deceased arc 18- 2-20- 4- 1 until of (he consistency spread Was so Anxious. friends I needed demands against the estate of said right Why She may tell ull my said the chief. returning. Discovery 'Then I'll shave him," /Consumption prier desired to present the same for settlement, URIC-0 IS USED evenly. Sprinkle with chopped English for me."—New _Λ_ 84-10- β 29 16 28 Comstock was talking in man to carry uiy keys F. Vice President and Λ and ail Indebted thereto are requested to make walnut meats and cover with elices of Anthony that isn't what he wants, GEO. EVANS, I OUGHSand 50c 51.00 about certain information "Maybe FOR1 payment Immediately. 24 -δ- 27 New York York Sim. said General Manager. Free Τ al. F. HAMMOND. 7-85-·- buttered white bread. Remove crusts and he'll eat you up," Jimmy. ^OLDS CHARLOTTE that had been lodged with mm. General June 1907 Heart Failure and and cut in squares, oblongs, I cut his hair?" F. Ε. ΒΟΟΤΠΒΥ, Passenger ISth, Sudden Deaths, •-13-31-21-30-15 triangles, "It is information," th· Nation. "Then snpiHise 25-31 Surest and Quickest Cure i,·. all or perhaps helpful Greater Than and and Ticket Are Caused Poison· * diamonds; circles, any fancy shape. confess that I mistrust "He muy not want his hair cut, Agent and LUNO TROUB- NOTICE. Paralysis by 86 9 32 22 12 lie said, "but I is a certain congressman who, THROAT There that." he ous Uric and Rheumatic Acids ΟΚΑΝΟΕ CAKES. its motive. hold in he'll eat you up for or MONEY BACK. The subscriber hereby gives notice that 14-11- 8 2Γ» 83 8 whatever authority he may LES, has t>een executor of the last "It to me an incident that oc- "Then I I'll cut his hair and duly appointed · Cream one-fourth cup butter and add suggests Is of compara- guess of 19- *- the councils of state, will and testament 17-26-28- while one- curred last month in Matawan. shave him both." EUGENE WADSWORTH, late of Hiram, gradually, beating constantly, minor in his own The Rheumatic person Is skeptical regarding five "A woman of Matawan said to tively importance Picture Frames in the County of Oxford, deceased, and given Crosswords: 1. A continent. 2. Per- half cup sugar; then add the yolks of young "He'll eat us both up then." a» a it has been un- For Sale in South Paris. as the law directs. All the claims of almost any remedy advertise»! her husband one household. Indeed, bonds persons having to Ionia. 3. To lessen the force eggs beaten until thick and lemon-color- night: The chief scratched his head and the demands the estate of sail deceased are can taining " a in the that his wife is "the against cure for Rheumatism and one scarcely and one extract. dear, there is gentleman kindly intimated The house and land belonging the desired to the same for settlement, and of acuteness of. 4. To regard with ed, teaspoon orange 'My assistant scratched his head, but pres- present Maine him for «ο. Α 1 the and He wants to to their establishment. all Indebted thereto are to make pay- being plasters Mix and sift flour with parlor. speak you.' whole thfug" in estate of the late Mrs. Sarah \\ li. wett, requested or astonishment. 5. A broad seven-eighths cup " combined never cured a case wonder do know?' the hus- had ently Jimmy says: ment !m medlatelv. liniments actually one and one-half teaspoons 'Who is it; you and Mrs. Blank and Pictures, situated in the center of the villi,'.·. has B. TWITCHELL. armor carried on the baking- Representative would like to off to WALTER of Rheumatism. may relieve It In one piece of defensive band asked. "Boss, I get today seven ami. m .ma They and add with one- to Baltimore one afternoon. two apartments of ι.·; June 1Mb, 1907. James A. Warren. Agent. powder, alternately " been quarter, but It Is sure to break out somewhere arm. 6. Explodes. 7. A groove. milk first mixture. Bake 'Dear,' said his wife, 'you must for- go and see a sick friend." with ami is in fourth cup to When left the train at Washing- sheds, large attic, Ac., The true to cure RheumaUsm is words have been that haa bothered they answered the chief, as NOTICE. else. only way When the following in a buttered and floured cake tin, and give me—but cough dis- "All right." excellent condition. The are ton o:i thair return Mrs. Blank gnun. 1'arii. in the County of Oxford, deceased. All persons tion from Shakespeare. frosting set, pack and tiptoed as easily as they* could JAMES WRIGHT, Agent the estate of said de- nent cure for Rheumatism comes in. It seeks arms around bis neck. 'What would I she de- having demands against in a box lined with paraffine paper. "Where's my umbrella?'» out of same settle- across the until they not & ceased are desired to present the for out the Rheumatic poison tn the blood, muscles, do if I were to lose you?" she moaned. plain <$«. to manded. Mouldings ment, and all indebted thereto are requested Favorite. ORANGE FROSTING. " the lion, and then ran. and renders It Inert and harmless and No. 161.—An Old said the young man, earshot of they make immediate!v. kidneys, 'Come, come,' "I'm afraid I've forgotten It, my Desirable Residence for Sale, pavment Is l'rlc-0 one- 'men he went to another barber June 1907. EMILY M. STONE. drives It out of the system. That why Mix one tablespoon orange juice, her shoulder tenderly, And unless ISth. patting dear." meekly answered the congress- Work The Η. N. Bolster home- ts such an admirable and effective cure for half teaspoon lemon juice, and the grat- don't die of a slight cold. So you've shop Mr. Lion hasn't had his shave or Grade Portrait Capt. see man. "It must still be In the train." High I'aris NOTICE. Rheumatism. ed rind of one orange. Cover, let stand called in the doctor, eh? Well, I'll hulr cut from that to this.—Chica- stead situated in South village, the day The subscriber gives notice that he reason that Uric Ο Is such a won- minutes and strain a if it will make feel easier. "In the train!" suorted lady. hot water heat hereby The chief thirty through him gladly you go Tribune. thoroughly finished, has been duly executor of the la Add that the affairs of the Water appointed derful cure for Rheumatism Is, that It design- double thickness of cheese cloth. Which one is it? Squills?' "And to think in Crayon, color, and all modern last will and testament of " equipment· attached, to cure RheumaUsm and Rheu- the of one was the answer, to a man who : LEVI P. late of Uebron, ed and to egg, slightly 'It isn't the doctor,' nation are intrusted .ι: YORK, prepared gradually yolk " a ell and anti- add con- a two story house, stable, In the County of Oxford, deceased, given matism only. It Is composed of per'ect beaten, and when well blended, 'It's the life insurance agent.' doesn't Know enough to take care of A DISAPPOINTED SHAH. bond· as the law directs. All having and Oil a located. to persons dotes for the rbeumaUc acid poison In the eye fectioners' until of the con- specialty. Apply demands the estate of said deceased are eugar right woman's umbrella!"-Success. Sepia centrally against of Its wonderful success. to Orders an S. VVRIGIIT. Adm. •icslred to present the same for settlement, anu tern. That Is the secret sistency spread. Obeyed Strictly. Queer Story of ■ Prizefight In Eng- JAMES to make In a all Indebted thereto are requested pay- Rheumatism simply cannot exist person's mother had him an ap- lish Garden. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ment Immediately. CALIFORNIA JUMBLES. Harry's given The Mystery of Death. Royal system If Crlc-O Is used. and told him to it before he ate June lath. 1907. A. K. P. KNOWLTON. Cream one-half and add ple peel how bitter Is the thought In his book of memories Major Gen anil Boiler Urlc-0 Is sold by druggists at 75c. and $1.U0 cup butter, to the room after a few Oh, death, Steam Engine one- it. Returning Tudor Burns tells a but If silll feel about Its gradually, while beating constantly, of thee! How thy approach! eral Sir Owen NOTICE. tbe bottle, you skepUcal moments' absence and seeing no peeling, speedy Sale half cup eugar; then add the yolks of IIow uncer- of the llrst visit of a shah to JPor CImmi|>. The subscriber hereby gives notice that he efficacy you can test It free of charge by cutting she asked : IIow stealthy thy steps! story last two and one and one-half pas- L. M. executor of the and same, to- eggs cups universal Britain: TUFTS, has been duly appointed out this advertisement sending "Did your Harry?" tain thy hour! IIow thy Great six horse will and testament of once sifted. Make into balls yon peel apple, Second hand, power with your name and address, also the try flour, answered cuunot escape The shah wanted to see a prlr.ofight, KEl'BEN D. RAND, late of Greenwood, gether oaa "Yes," Harry. sway! The powerful horse oiler. Smith Com- the size of hickory nuts and place Nichols St.. SOUTH PARIS, and powei In the of deceased, and given name of your druggist, to The Drug "What did do with the know net how to avoid with blood. After much anxious engine eight County Oxford, one inch Olr- you peelings?" thee; the wise bonds a» the law directs. All having Ν. and will send you buttered tin sheet apart. Call and see them at A. C. persons pany, Syracuse. Y., they she asAd. have no strength to aud consultation with Lord Jones' demands the estate of said decease·! nieh with a of or nut thee; the strong thought against a bottle free. To who write and piece citron, raiein, Petition for Me. same for settle- sample persons "Ate them." bribe innocent Discharge. Machine South Paris, are desired to present the and in a moderate oven nntil the rich cannot Queensberry an glove light Bankrupt's Shop, have never used and want to meat, bake oppose thee; In the matter of ment, and all Indebted thereto are requested to say they Urlc-O, ) but not brown. thee with their treasure. Thou art α was arranged in the Buckingham pal- STEPHEN F. KNIGHT, In Bankruptcy. make pavment lmmedlatelv. test It thoroughly, and will agree to take It sys- yellow, "Look at poor Mrs. Smith working } YEARS' E. RAND. a sword to half Bankrupt. ) 60 June 18th, 1907. EBEN to directions, fre- mower. Isn't it a that always strikes, ace etabies. take place quietly tematically according they GINGER SNAPS. that heavy lawn hummer of the Die- which all the shah was to receive To the Hon. Clarence Hale, Judge EXPERIENCE a "5c. bottle free. Urtc-O Is never a net into an hour before quently give regular molasses to shame?" that dull, trlct Court of the United States for the Dlitrlct NOTICE. Heat one-half cup boiling must en- the Is sold and recommended by F. A. Shurtleff Λ "Tes, perhaps it is! but listen to poor fall, a into which all Lord Shaftesbury and archbishops of Maine: notice that he 1 point, add one-fourth cup clarified chick- prison The subscriber hereby give*, South Parts and West Paris, Maine. Mr. Smith the to «II must venture, a and with a memorial asking F. KNIGHT of Milton Pl.. In the administrator of the Company, en one-half one- putting baby Bleep." ter. a sea on which bishops STEPHEN has Iteen duly appointed fat, tablespoon ginger, » Countv of Oxford, ami State of Maine, one which all must suffwr. a trib- him to the interests of the that estate of half tablespoon soda, dissolved in B. penalty protect In «aid District, respectfully represents ROSE L. G. BURHANS TESTIFIES"AFTER was STEVENS. The name of a Uctitious personage warm teas- all must Oh, deatfl. Christians in Persia. on the l-'th day of May, 19"W, he Milton Plantation, tablespoon milk, one-half ute which pay. late of FOUR YEARS. duly adjudged bankrupt under the Acta of of deceased, and given who Is a favorite with children and one and one-fourth cups enemy to the hu- But the shall slept late. The prize- hue in the County Oxford, great spoon salt, death! Implacable Congress relating to Bankruptcy ; that he as law directs. AU having 6. B. of Carliale Center, Patents bonds the' persons bread Hour. Toss on a floured board Burhans, enter into the A all his and right* Λnr*· [astern la here represented. man didst thou fighters overlapped prelates. duly surrendered property I RADfc m said deceased Company. race! Why the estate of Sieisli demands tbe against and roll as as with X. Y writes: "About four years ago I of property, and has fully compiled with all the same for settlement, thinly possible; shape de Granada. footman made κ mistake in opening Designs are desired to present that I had been en- the world?—Luis requirements of said Acts and of the order·* of are to make a small round first in wrote you stating .... Copyrights Ac. and all indebted thereto requested Portland Division. No? 162.—Double Aoroatic. cutter, dipped the door. and bishops fol- Court his bankruptcy. a severe trouble Archbishops touching a sketch and deacrtp'!· η payment Immediately. flour. Place near on a butter- tirely cured of kidney Wherefore he That he may l>e decreed Anyone «ending TRACT. The and Anal» spell the together Sur· It Waa Used. the shall in a moment found prays, ancerlaln our opinion free whether an June 4th, 1907. OSBU&NR O. primais less than two bottles of Made lowing the Court to have a full from all quickly « ed tin sheet and bake in a moderate by taking Foley's by discharge ΙητοηΜοη is patentable. Common DAILY LINE, SUNDAYS INCLUDED noted in m said probably I'n'c.u names of two lovely flowers. It the An old fariner and bis wife, themselves more or less ring debts provable against his estate under tlonaatrlctlyconlldentlaJ. HANDBOOK on oven. Kidney Cure. entirely stopped are ». 3. An a custom The Bankruptcy Acts, except such debts as •ent free, oldest agency for securing pat··· I. To mend. 2. A disturber. brick dust add and symp- for their had round the two prizefighters. Munu A Co. rec*if« Portland and Boston. FRENCH STUFFED PRUNES. sediment, pain niggardliness, excepted by law from such discharge. Patents taken through American I oue match the without charge, in the eastern country. 4. A North toms of kidney disease disappeared. of allowing the servant only bishops hustled back to reception Dated this 15th day of June, A. D. 1907. tptclal notici, Far· one |I.1S| Round trip (l.OO. Soak selected over never had a STEPHEN F. KNIGHT, Bankrupt. REMEMBER! way Indian. 5. The head of the Jewish prunes night. am glad to say that I have the tire with each morning. room, the tight was stopjied, tbe shah remove and fill cavities to light of water. 7. Drain, stones, return of any of those during failed to kin- was and and Lord ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. American. Me. Steamers leave FranVlin Wharf, Port- church, d. A large body symptoms Oue morniug the match an«rry disappointed, Scientific fir· Morris Klain, Norway, with of prune. Roll in and I A handaonely Illustrated weekly. I.argei' on which1 we pieces granulat- the four years that have elapsod bed- was heard "A ss. Tern·'.. 13 β Can afford to and will pay more for rags, rub- land, week at 7 P. u., at An odor. 8. the planet so the servant went to their Shaftesimr.v shouting: District of Maine, culatlon of any disentitle Journal. days Sundays ed sugar, and in a box lined with to and dle, Suld byall news r,. bers. anil metal than any stranger that call· to pack am evidently cured stay cured, oue. of the On this 22nd of June, A. D. 1907, on read- year: four iDuntha, 11. 8 p. m., for Boaton. live. room door aud asked for another prizefight in the garden queen's day your bou*e. paraffine paper. recommend Kidney the Urn, It Is— dellv· heartily Foley's was held I will denounce log roregolng petit He pave from #5 to 99 per ton for Iron or A consultation palace forsooth! you Ordered the Court, That a hearing l>e had New York tickets via this Cure to any one suffering from kidney whispered by â Co.3618'·"1""·β26 Κ Bt, Wasbmgtou. D. C ered to him here. Through Company's No. 163.—Revereible Words. the wife Mutual the same on the 12th of July, A. D. Branc Offlee. bladder trouble." F. A. Shurtleff A between the two, then audibly all over the kingdom!" expla- upon day He buys folded newspapers. steamers are on sale at all principal Beat the white of one add 1907, before said Court at Portland, In said Dis- a I cannot of fine raiment egg slightly, the matter was set He Is for mixed rags, I cent pound, 1. my Co. nations followed, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon ; and that no- paying railroad atationa. one nut meats of and said: trict, Rubbers according to market. Pays market I wear this cup many kinds, ane, to the tlce thereof be in the Oxford Demo- when "Will you risk her wl' aulther right, weweut special messages published price for bran sacks. stir until well coated with the egg. Put at the a In said District, ami rates are as low as 2. She gave au unmistakable as The fair Vaesar graduate stood to it out or the press, crat, newspa|>cr printed Freight always in a with salt, John?" reporters keep that all known creditor*, ami other persons In Specialist lines. the dripping-pan, sprinkle corner at the threatening attitude ex- xald time ami other she reluctantly turned looking doot we'll hae tae risk her. Janet," and I was later on privileged to Interest, may appear at the place, and bake until thoroughly heated of two urchins in the midst of an "I the PARKER'S angry an' seek a who took the and show cause, If any they have, why often and the John, "but be sure plain it all to the i|ueeu. of said should not l>e HAIR BALSAM All freight, except Live Stock, is in- through, stirring keeping eager and expectant crowd. replied prayer petitioner granted. ami brautiAca the hair. Fraction·. last uicht."— more than her And It Is further ordered the Court, Tluit Cleaner* sured fire and marine risk. Vulgar oven door open throughout the process. "Are the intents of thoee belli- sicht o' the ane she got matter much calmly by Promues a huunaat powth. against at boys the Clerk shall send by mall to all known cred- Specialist to that Bobby learned Cool and in a small TlmMH Once back, how- Never Tail· Barter· Orey 1I Everything pack glass jar. cose?" she asked. Oluuimw lord chnnihorlain. itor· of said and this order, ad- air to lta Youthful Color. copies petition ror xixicen year» nave niteu κ··'·" Β J. F. General Agent, school he endeavored to In his inside we dressed to them at their of resilience as Cure· ecalp dieaaer· a hair taking. LISCOMB, apply HONEY. the addressed. ever, Hucktngham palace, places ■ * yUINCK "No, 'm," replied boy His Wif·'· Relatives. stated. fcctlvu cyee and nothing el«e—that mak· 10c. and tl.w at Prutxieta Portland, Me. life and walk. When hie mother to our milled feathers and ■ dally Put "Them's only going ecrap." Smith wild that re- all smoothed Witness the Hon. Clarence Hale, Judge If trouble li > '). Pare and five Sydney marriage «peclallet. your eyee you one hits new grate large quinces. at Port- asked him If of frlende to a most oration from of the said Court, and the seal thereof, ι1 ι·> "lf five in a a of shears—often mov- listened gloomy ami If you want expert a'lvlce lo ri pounds granulated sugar granite- seiuliles pair In said on the £2mt of June, an child looked wise Do you use an atomizer in treating land, District, day wtl·» was only Bobby ware add two water in but Lord Shaftesbury. » r« low game, come to the man who I.·» a β|» ι, kettle, cups boiling Nasal Catarrh? Then will ing opposite directions, alwaye and you appreciate ai uae luivrruiniu^ JAMES Β. Clerk. one fur c\ ·· ix;>" '·"· triumphant. and stir over the fire until sugar is dis- those who came between The «nan. angry [L.B.J HEWEY, doc·» thing only. No charge Liquid Cream Balm, the mildest, punishing A true copy of petition ami order thereon. "He's got Just one sister," said Bob- solved, then add quinces. Cook eight- Ely's of his prizefight, turned round to Sir utlouB or conuuitatlon. quickest, surest remedy for this disease. them. Certaluly those who would Attest: JAMES E. HEWKY,Clerk. The New-York by. "He tried to catch me when he een minutes, turn into jelly glasses, cool, Rawlinson and growled In Per- In all curative properties it is identical conte between husband nnd wife de- Henry told me he had two half sisters, but I and cover. If cooked too long the sian: the Christians in Persia! DR. with the solid Cream Balm, which is so serve to be punished. We ought to "Hang W. PARMENTER for mixture has a reddish if cooked Ë. CHANDLER, Me. Tel. I-· ALMOST guess I know enough fractions color; famous and so successful in Tell them they're all right!" Rawlin- Eye Specialist, Norway, it b&H an amber color overcoming keep upon terius of intimacy with our that!"—Youth's Companion. just long enough, Fever and Cold in the son translated that Into a long, elo- like Use for bread or cracker Catarrh, Hay relatious-in-luw, and the best way of honey. head. There is relief in the first dash of and Iteautlful reply to the depu- Tribune sandwiches. doing so 1a not to nee too much of quent Excellant. spray upon the heated sensitive tation, while doubtless the disappoint- AS Something BA8PBKKKY SHRL'B. air-pas- them, especially during the first year. Builders' Finish I Tri-Weekly All 75 cents, a I had which sages. druggists including boxers were consolritlon "At luncheon something "Are domestic relations agree ed having for almost as Pick over three quarts tube, or mailed by Ely Bros., 50 your is a metropolitan uewspaper busy people, Was excellent but not substantial." raspberries, put spraying In the «tables. Lord Kii.ifte*· I will furnish DOORS ami WINDOWS of any an add two Y. able?" was the put to an un- scrap a and Rural Free Carriei one-half in earthen jar, cups Warren Street. Ν. question Sise or Style at reasonable price*. as daily, your Delivery "What was It?" did not denounce them, though GOOD three times week. cider vinegar, cover, and let stand happy looking specimen of humanity. bury rings it to your door every leaders lived in terror {ood "Au excellent appetite.** a "I cracked a lawyer's house the other are all the shah's bear It is on Wednesdays and Fridays, twenty-four hours. Strain through "Ob, my domestic relations published Mondays, said the first for some all the most news of The double thickness of cheese cloth. Pour night," burglar disgusted- It Is my wife's relations who days. and contains important Daily was there with a Mght! I Also Window & Door Frames. to Puzzler. over and "and the lawyer The lord chamberlain blamed tne. which is a of its value. Kay tha liquor remaining berries, cover, ly, are the trouble." ...... AS Tribune, guarantee all for me. He advertised me causing blamed the THE or a farm and have not Flowers: 1. Sweet- let stand hours. gun ready blamed the shah, the shah If you live in the village on No. 14tt.—Familiar twenty-four Again If In want of any kind of Finish for Inside or a thickness ter out." for a be in close touch 8. strain liquor through double git He Could Walk. the equerry blamed the foot- Outside work, send In your orders. Fine time daily newspaper you may kept briar. 2. LUac (lie, lack). May pink. off the other. equerry, cost. of cheese and meaeure. To each "You got easy," replied one ber and Shingle· on hand Cheap for Cash. with all important news of the world at a very small 4. Fuchsia (few she a). 5. Salvia (sal cloth, All are not soldiers who wear a uni- man, the footman blamed every of add one-half cut "Not much, I didn't! He charged me National Bank A The regular price of THE NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY via). cup juice pound form. as L'encrai Lew Wallace found all round, and we gave the prizefight- Norway heat to the 125 for de advice." is #1.50 but can secure it with sugar, gradually boiling a writ- TRIBUNE only per year, you No. 150.—Geographical Puxrle: Mont- out at Fort Donelson. He saw four er· £5 apiece, with resolution and Job Work. local The Oxford Democrat, point sugar ehould be dissolved) Planing, Sawing your own favorite newspaper, (when WAS IN FOR YEARS. a who seemed that never would any of gomery. Pennsylvania. and let boil minutes. Bottle POOiThEALTH soldiers carrying fifth, ten In blood issues checks twenty Matched Hard Wood Ftoor Hoards for sale. payable even for DAILY No. 151.—Diamond: 1. C. 2. Fad. 8. and cork. Dilute with iced water for Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield, l'a., to be wounded. us again arrange a prizefight, was in health for two Apple. 4. Capitol. 5. Satin, β. Log. to suit individual tastes.—Ex. writes: "I poor "Can't that man walk without assist a shah of shahs, In a royal palace gar- serving, from and blad- in all of f. L. years, suffering kidney anceV" asked Wadace. den. E. W. CHANDLER, nearly parts Hints. der trouble, and spent ^considerable men. "He is NEWS- One Year for $2.25. No. 152.—Cburade: Leghorn. "Oh, no!" said the Papers money consulting physicians without West Sumner Maine. No. 153.—Contracted Anagrams: Ed- For croquettes to each cup of in the curren- potato any marked benefit, but was dying." the world hot mashed allow one beaten obtaining near order and to The Oxford Democrat, ucation; duet, I can; tune aid; daunt, potatoes cured and I de- Just then a shell exploded by, BEYOND THE GRAVE. Send your money with by Foley's Kidney Cure, n. egg. Whip the potatoes very tour men their burden South Paris, Maine. 1; aunt. I; It an; It a; at; light sire to add my testimony that it may be and the dropped on PAPER. the eggs, a little melted butter, enough of the Your name and address on a postal card to THE NEW· No. 154.—Numerical Enigma: Smooth the cause of restoring the health of and tied. The man who was sup|H>sed Victor Hugo'· Views on th· Question cy country milk to make the mass of the right con- A LOW PRICE YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, New-York City, will runs the water where the brook Is others." Refuse substitutes. F. A. to be wouuded ieaped to his feet and of a Futur· Life. sistency to handle, and salt and pepper you a free sample copy. Shurtleff A Co. ran even faster than the others. on the drawn. bring deep. to taste. Pnt all into a saucepan and Victor Hugo's opinion que»· which 1. leaf. the was a — ON — No. 155.—Transposais: Flea, stir until hot, then eet aside to get very make a tlon of life beyond grave "Did young Spurtleigh good H· Liked the Family. 2. Wear, ware. 8. Statement, testa- cold. When cold, form with floured record his collegiate course?" remarkable one. The great French- during "Dick proposed to me last night" FOR SALE. ment. hands into small croquettes, being care- "No, the wind was against him." man was flrmly convinced that he "What did tell him?" ful to have these uniform in size and "What's that?" you would meet all hie friends In a future The Alva Shurtletl'house in South RELIEF FOR and roll in if "I said he had better ask mamma. QUICK ASTHMA SUF- shape, flour, or, preferred, "I say be won the hundred and the world. Ho was equally sure that he Paris. Location on Pleasant Street in a beaten then in cracker dust. do think the wretch FERERS. egg, all but be had to do it And what you existed from the ante- Lot two-twenty right, had always is one of the best in town. 75 Set in the ice box for an hour or two, and the wind and his time was said?" Wool and Tar affords im- against poor." diluvian times, when the Creator plac- room Foley's Hooey to a brown in deep, boiling over 200 feet. Twelve mediate relief to asthma sufferers in the fry golden "Goodness know·." He believed that he Carpets by fat. Drain in a heated oolander to free ed him on earth. water Colnmbus meeting a big "He said he had asked her house, steam heat, Norway worst stages and if taken in time will just landed; already, exist Inasmuch as he the croquettes from every bit of grease. chief with a under his would forever, All in effect a cure. F. A. Shurtleff A Co. Indian package and she wouldn't have him." to close out odd and clean and water apple pie Serve hot in a dish lined with a was. "Great felt in his soul thousands of hymns, patterns spring very arm, he asked what it order. napkin. Hollister's Mountain dramas and poems that bad never Mrs. Dash have never medicine. Rocky One Ring and Another. up stock. away—Why you or A. E. SHURTLEFF, married? For break a cake Tea," said the Injun. 35 cents, Tea when 'the first be- found expression. a of the Plant Industry Build- fudge, half-pound "I wonder ring' Paiis. The above illustration is from photograph Tablets. F. A. Shurtleff A Co.; 0. D. When the atheists would say to him, iStf South D. C. It is located in the Colonel Oldboy—By George, madam, of unsweetened chocolate into bits, and came connected with fighting?" said U. S. of Agriculture, Washington, Stevens. that will not exist in ing. Department The Government you sorely couldn't expect me to be add to it its weight in butter, one and follower of "Oh," "The proof yon heart of the and is covered with Paroid Roofing. also the pugilism, replied city each a fool as to a woman one-half of brown and the future Is that you did not exist In NOTICE. warehouses, etc. It uses Paroid because it marry who pounds sugar, "I suppose it dates back to for uses Paroid for stables, barracks, "Did ever sell your vote?" asked llenpeck, Court of the Unite·! >ut··» would be fool enough to marry me! a half pint of rich milk. Boll all to- you reli- the Hugo would answer: In the District finds its the friend. the l>cgluning of the Christian past," the District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. nothing equal. in an saucepan, stir- impertinent I did not exist In the is the ideal for barns, stables, sheds, poultry houses, ware- gether agate-lined "What's th'at? What has "Who told you Chas. F. ) Paroid roofing about few minntes. When a little "Never," answered Senator Sorghum. gion." pugi- Ridlon, In the matter of valuable for or It is Talk your breakfast foods, ring every You will that Is In Banlrupte/. houses, outbuildings, etc. Equally roofing siding. per- "A vote is of no lisi. to do with "Oh, I past centuries? say JAMES S. WALKER, } A thoueand yoo ean into iced water is stir in single consequence religion?" of ) is to is eparlc and cinder proof, light slate color, see; dropped brittle, the of the ages. The has Parts, Bankrupt. manent in character, easy lay, from these days. You've to contract to were of the wed- legend poet Walker, In lb· run in summer. I woold oot have them as a a teaspoonful of vanilla, and take got thought you speaking To the creditors of James 8. no tar, does not crack and does not gift, 'Life Is a tale twice writ- l contains atooce to beat the deliver them in bunches." Press. written, fairy Ox font nnd district aforecal be for Write for free But would have Rocky Moontain Tea. the Are. Begin candy ding ring."—Philadelphia County of 01 What is eood for the Government will good you. sample a on the '.\'ηΊ lay F. ▲. and thin until it ten.' lie might have said thousand Corner Main and Danforth NoUco 1* hereby given that booklet and name of nearest dealer. Shurtleff à Co.; 0. D. Steveos. bard, keep up "sugars." Sts., the »ald James S. Wa'ker of Paroid ana see what it is. Also ask tor WAR AGAINST CONSUMPTION. do not believe In •tune, A. D. 1907, Turn into buttered pans and mark off The Doctor'· Aim. times written. You an·! that the lor book of υρ-to-dai· poultry aad Una building pUoa. duly abjudicate·! bankrupt, oflK*|jr* Saod · 2 cent sum» are to check of of hi» creditors will be helil at the Mr. Kurios—So Miss Marian is your into squares. All nations endeavoring frivolous has remarked tbe doctrine surviving personalities meeting South Some person ut the Hefcree, No. H Market Square, eldest sister? Who comes after her? the ravages of consumption, the "white for the reason that you do not recollect I). 1 South fleT For Baltimore cake cream to- that illness was like a struggle between Parle, on the 16th «lay of July, A. S. P. MAXIM & SON, Agents, Paris, Small but Lady that claims so victims MAINE. which time tne Brother—Nobody oow, pa plague" many resem- your anterior existence. But how can NORWAY, 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at gether one cup of butter and two cups of two people and that the doctor their claim·» says the first feller comes after her can each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures of vanished re- eald creditor* may attend, prove sugar, and when very who Intervened to the recollection ages FOB SALE. examine the bankrupt, have her. powdered light and colds and you are bled the third man, appoint· trustee, and smooth work in a of fresh milk. coughs i»erfeotly main on your memory when transact such other business as may proper·/ cup in no of Do not them with a club. Sometimes imprinted One Concord wagon in condition, danger consumption. separate a good come before eald meeting. Beat the whites of six eggs until stiff, and you do not remember thousand and one two-bone ma- Daring the sommer kidney risk your health by taking some unknown he hit the disease on the head McCormick mowing South Parle, June J4. li«(T. irregulari- then whip them gradually into the one scenes und events of your pres- a WALTEK L.GRAY, ties are often caused exoessive drink- preparation when Foley's Honey and TaT sometimes the patient.—Hospital. chine, Champion horae-rake, second by mixture, and, when all these 1802 there have been Kefcree tn Bankruptcy or overheated. ingredients is safe and oertaln in results. The gen- ent life? Since hand driving harness, a lever butter- ing being Attend to the are blended add three of well large cups In me. Do think and a Blanchard churn. For fur- kidneys at once by oslng uine is in a package. F. A. intermission. ten Victor Hugos you worker, Foley's Kidney flour that have been sifted twioe, with yellow ther mm». Cure. F. A. Shurtleff à Shurtleff & Co. that I can recall all their actions and particular· Inquire of for t" PIANOS. Co. level of Πβ at the of his voice for in the DUtrlct Court the Uni tel .S tau·· two teaspsonfuls baking powder. yelled top A. J. PENLET, of Stir to mix add a tea- and then all their thoughts? District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. jnst enough well, two hours stopped. South Pari·, Maine. Prescott and The Lauter First Tramp—After all, it pays to be rose and into "Really," remarked Miss Paasay, "I "The tomb Is dark, and when I shall In the matter of ) The Mehlin, Poolo, Merrill, Player Piano, spoonful of water, pour "Well," said bis mother, "are you June 1907 25tt In Bankruptcy. pardner. don't see woman should to tomb Into 17, AUGUSTUS F. WILEY, } polite, tins. Bake in an even why any try Have finished have passed the to emerge are all first instruments, and are sold for as low greased layer going to he good? you of Stow, Bankrupt. ) class, high grade just Second Tramp—Not always. The oven. and to- conoeal her Now I'm willing all more all these Victor In When ceol turn out put age. light once Hugos To the creditors of Augustus K. other I was aotin' deal an1 dumb time to let know Tm 25." cryiug?" TOWN NOTICE. Wiley. as can be sold for the of the instrument. Also I have day with a made the people will be almost strangers to me, COunty of Oxford and district aforesaid money they quality a man me gether filling by boiling said "I have not fin- wholly If you bave a bill the town, either high- .Sod when gave sixpence. I says a Miss Knox, "doe· it do "No," Tommy, airains! Notice 1· hereby that on the "J on Prices three cups of granulated sugar with "Bat," replied but It will be the same soul."— way or the Selectmen ilk you to given K. several medium A stock hand. "Thank and he had me arrest- I'm onlv always poor account, June, A. D. 1807. tne Mid Augueius grade pianos. large always yoo Mr," of water until it threads. from any You know Lincoln said: 'Yon ished; resting." account at once to the Selectman that t e gill Take good? " your va» bankrupt, and ed. the all Scrap Book. of the town. duly adjudicated terms Send for and we will try and interest you in the fire and can't fool all people the time.' Rresentyour section irai of hie creditor» will be held at low, easy. catalogue pour, beating steadily, upon 8KMCOTMEN ΟΓ PARI8. meeting s»mnUJ Business. oBce of the Referee, No. 8 Market Squat*. the stiffened whites of three eggs. Beat Forcing South 1907. at the best that are on the market. Paris, July 1, on the Ifith of Α. I». 1997. pianos STIMULATION WITHOUT IRRITA- oa a lack· of Changeable. I'art», day July, the until thick, adding as do so one oup Your brain goes strike when you Coster (Irritable through l·) In the at which time you she's o'clock forenoon, TION. of seeded and one both need blood a box o* lozenges, Bill—You say very popular with aild creditor· their claim·, ohopped raisins, cup overload your stomioh; trade)—Buy cough may attend, prove end HAVE YOU TRIED CUR-X-ZEMA? a the bankrupt, That is the watchword. That is what of ohopped nuts—English walnuts or to do business. Nutrition la what yon haven't got a the men ? appoint truetee, examine J. WHeeler db 'ang yer! Bystander—I It quickly ami permanently cure· Ecsema, transact »uch other business as may properly W. Co., Orioo Laxative Fruit does. nuts—and six ont into thin and it comes Holllster's me an' yes, because she's never the Burn*, Syrup Clean-1 pecan figs want, by taking cough. Cosier—Wei', fight boy Jill—Oh, Itching Pile·, Cuts, Sunburn, and all come before said meeting. sea and stimulates the bowels wkthoat strips or into dioe. Beat hard to mix Rooky Mountain Tee. 86 cents, Tea or Tit* Mme. One day she's a blonde and the skin dTseasn, affr all other remedies fall. At South Parte, June M, 1907. some stuff for black eyes.—London 00c. 10c. Cur-X- irritation in form. F. A. before on the cake Tableta. F. ▲. Shurtleff A O. D. drnggtatt, Sample· by mall, WALTKB L. OKAY, any Shurtleff thoroughly spreading Co.; dut a bruattt·.—Yvufcip Stoteanoa. Zema Ν. Τ. 3ΜΘ la Stevens. Bits. Co., WatarvUet, Beta*· Bankruptcy- »Utll ft Co. layers.