Finishing Touches Koppin Beats by City and Farms
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GROSSE POINTE,'MICHIGAN, APRIL 5, 1956 $3.50 Per Year TWO SECTIONS Fully Paid Circulation _ DEADLINES Construction ..Pr'ogressing on N'ew John R. Barn'es School Finishing Touches Koppin Beats of the WEEK · '. k McKnight for As Compiled by the Belng Put on Par s Mayor Again Grosse Pointe News Apathy Evident as Only, 'I'hursday, March 29 By City and Farms 2,760 Out of 9,530 Quali .. PHILADELPHIA was rocked fied Voters Go to Polls by a bomb-like explosion wh~ch Big Expansion Proi~cts on' Lakefront Recreation Sites destroyed a big grain ware- house in a busy commercial Expected to Be Completed Before A light turnout of voters in area of the city. At least four Opening of New Season the Woods on Monday, April persons were reported dead and 2, saw the return of all in- about 115 'injured. including 14 cumbents to office and the night class students at the The City of Grosse Pointe Farms will open bids or passage of three c h art e r Drexel Institute of Technology. Friday, April 6, for the construction of 57 lockers for boat amendments by a substantial owners at the Municipal Pier. The installation of the lock- The school, along with other •. majority. major educational, governmen- e):s is one of the last jobs left to be finished. before the Only 2,760 voters, out of ap- tal and business institutions, is park improvement program is complet~d. proximately 9,530 qualifi~, saY' located within the five-block On the same day bids will be ~~------------ fit to express their chOIce on area which bore the brunt of opened for the dredging of the election day. the explosion. swimming area in accordance Mayor Koppin Re.el~cted The explosion was attributed with plans prepared by the to heavy accumulation .of dust city's engineering office. Boy Admits Mayor Kenneth Koppin top .. in a grain elevator. More than Building New Bridge ped his opponent."'>IWaid Mc- 500 policereen were sent to the' A concrete bridge between Wholesale Knight, former mayor and a scene to keep order, direct traf- the boathouse area and the sticker candidate in this elec- tion. by 718 vO'tes, receiving fic and prevent looting. south boat mooring dock is 1,661, as compared to. Mc. '" about to be constructed. The Vandalism . Knight's 943. Last year, Koppin PRESIDENT EISENHOWER old bridge was removed and the " edged McKnight out of office and Secretary of State John new one prepared for concrete Police Estimate Damage Foster Dulles held a meeting by about 64 votes. by the pier personnel. The new Of the incumbent coundlmen, which was veiled in secrecy. Wreaked With BB Guns I bridge will be built with a 3,000 Kenneth McLeod received the The Secretary later said the , pound mix with steeltex wire And Othe- Missle5 Will highest number of votes, get. meeting was not urgent. The mesh for about $3?". Pass $500 ting 1,844. conference, which was billed as A concrete ramp will be erec- Harry Pratt received 1,551; f'important" by White House ted to replace existing wooden James Hunt, 1,532; and James aides, was held shortly after -Picture by Fred Runnells steps at the point where the A week .:>f vandalism with Bowling was given 1,510, mak- the President r~turned from The John Barnes Elementary School construction the building is approximately $700,000. Built on a 12-acre R. main sidewalk on the south side a BB gun was brought to an ing him a councilman in his the North American "summit is nearing completion. Equipment will be moving in this site in Torrey Woods the school is located in Morningside meets the boathouse. own right. He was appointed When the ground settles, it is abrupt halt late Monday meeting" with the chief exe- summer .and the school will open for some 500 students drive at Fairford road. Classes will include kindergarten to fill the unexpired term. of cutives of Canada and Mexico. in September. It contains 17 classrooms and the coSt of' through the 6th grade. hoped that a black top covering afternoon, April 2. The arrest the late George Heckendorn. Dulles said that he and thel- ---------------------- . can be laid on the par"king lot. and confession of a 14 year who died August 1955, but ac- President had "discussed an There is also the possibility ld P . h 1 h cording to law; had to run for accumulation of St ..te Depart- S d Th. f that additional sidewalks will 0 omte yout so ved t e the balance of th~ term at the: ment business." Other sources care ze be built. mystery of a score of broken next election. said it was about the Middle University of Michigan Park Pushes Will Complete Program windows and smashed park- Loses to Incumbent. East cri~is and possible ways These final construction jobs ing meters. Rodger Graef, who opposed. of avertmg wat between the Flees. from Student Groups to Offer Program to will c :> m p 1e t e the expansive . the councilmen incumbents for park improverr.ent pro g ram CIty pollee apprehended the Arab napons and Israel. the full tenn of office, P k H which co'sf ove;-$500;000~' . boy in one of the village parking two-y~ RUSSIA ~GREED to lost out with only 1,069 votes. ~A; ar orne Entertainment'a-t ..Center' Protect Elms:" Boa~ owners' may use the lots a!ter. he had shot out the The. three amendments pass- President Eisenhower's "open- pier's docking facilities begin- glass In frv.e me~ers and broken ed by a big majority. sky" disarmament inspection 13-Year-Old Girl, Mother Famed nPsurfs" and "Miss Chords" to Provide Variety of Tree5 on Private Property ning May 15, but swimmers are two car WIndshields. Amendment 1, which would plan. which it once turned Roused by Thief; Unlocked Musical Numbers in Free Program Set for ~pril 16 Also Being Sprayed Des- not expected. to take to the Another to Be Quizzed increase the authorities of the down. American' sources were water until a later date. city administraJtor in making The City is also making pre-' On March 24, he and another of the opinion that it was a Door Makes Entrance Easy Poin ters are due for another evening of fun .and light pite Protests of. purchases and sales of personal f'solid proposal" and not pro- vocal entertainment at' the Grosse Pointe War Memorial, parations to open its municipal boy, who will be que~tioned property and aWlarding public Professionals park, at the foot of University when he returns :from Florida, paganda. A burglar who brazenly Monday, evening, April,lB, at 8:30 p.m. The program is approvement contracts !rom Informed sources at the five- place at Jefferson. smashed the rear doors of three $500 to $1,000, received. a yea invaded a Park home at 2:50 open to the public without charge. The Park' will. go ahead. Ice floes have continued to stores in the Village, setting off power disarmament conference, The "Psurfs" are all Univer- <S vO'te of 1,640; and' no. 835. now in its fourth day in Lon- a.m. on Sunday, April 1, with it program of ~praying make the harbor inaccessible to their alarms. They also broke Amendment 2, which would sit~ of. M~chigan Law Students. Gray, Dick Ruby, Bill Whitfield, don, said the Soviet offer goes privately owned .elm trees, lake craft, but when. it has ten more meters the same night. increase the mayor's term of while the occupants were ThIS smgmg group was organ- Roger Boernia Bob Brown Ted along with city-owned trees, melted, boats owners will be The pair then moved up to the office from the present one. further than ever before. but ized in 1941 with just one view Dunn John H~rbert Ron P~nta~ the part pertaining to the Presi- s 1 e e pin g, was frightened in spite' of a pending COUI't able to moor their vessels. Kercheval Hill shopping area year term to two years, was ap- in mind-to entertain. cost, Jack Ross, Mike Kelly ~nd dent's plan is hedged with 8 away before he could be rec- hearing scheduled for around To Plant New Property and shot up three more store proved by 2,070 V'Otes,with only Popular on Campus . Dave Osgood find their schedule Final grading and lawn and doors, which tripped burglar 518 voters opposing the mea- thicket of restrictions. The ognized or apprehended. The current members,.