Esingle FORM for HUMANITARIAN AID ACTIONS 2016/00263/IR/01/01
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eSINGLE FORM FOR HUMANITARIAN AID ACTIONS 2016/00263/IR/01/01 REFERENCES HIP/Decision Reference ECHO/-HF/EDF/2015/01000 Agreement number: ECHO/-HF/EDF/2015/01012 Action type Non-emergency action Document type Intermediate report Submission date 31/01/2017 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Name of Humanitarian organisation CARE-AT 1.2 Title of the Action Emergency WASH and Livelihood Support to Drought-affected Communities in Amhara Region, South Gondar Zone. 1.3 Narrative summary The proposed action will address critical WASH and Food Security / Livelihood needs and opportunities in a gender sensitive way for the most drought-affected populations in South Gondar, Tach Gayint and Ebinat Woredas. Affected communities have identified critical WASH needs that include improved access to safe drinking water together with the rehabilitation of water systems and hygiene and sanitation education and promotion. Urgent livelihood needs include access to income and the restoration of productive assets to protect livelihoods and strengthen community and household coping abilities in the face of severe drought. The proposed Action is in line with the WASH Cluster objectives of reducing WASH related morbidity rates and therefore saving lives among drought-affected communities. Through the proposed WASH interventions such as rehabilitation of existing water supply schemes, the action will address immediate and medium-long term WASH needs. Gender sensitive Livelihood support that address immediate needs and link to longer-term development aspirations of affected populations include: Cash for Work activities linked to WASH such as rehabilitation/maintenance of water supply systems and construction of feeder roads, unconditional cash transfer for the most vulnerable groups; and providing access to livestock to improve food and income security, particularly for very poor women. The overall objective is to reduce the impact of the El Niño induced drought on affected communities through gender sensitive WASH and Livelihood support by improving access to and use of safe and Page 1 through gender sensitive WASH and Livelihood support by improving access to and use of safe and adequate water supply and increasing rural incomes and livelihood opportunities. As a result, 4,682 women, 4,498 men, 5,498 boys and 5,722 girls will be supported, thereby improving health, income and food and livelihood security outcomes overall and strengthening household and community resilience to current and future droughts. 1.3.1 [INT] Narrative summary El Nino induced drought affected 10.2 million people in the country during 2016. 147,188 people residing in four woredas (districts) of South Gonder, that included CARE's intervention woredas of Ebinate and Tach Gayint were affected. Based on the initial assessment, this project was designed to address the critical WASH and Livelihood support needs of the two woredas. As part of the WASH component 8 non functional water schemes (one in Ebinate woreda and seven in Tach Gaynt ) were rehabilitated and maintained and eight new hand dug wells were constructed / developed (six in Ebinate and two in Tach Gayint). Moreover, among targeted 3,400 school girls of reproductive age, 1740 of them received personal hygiene kits (pair of reusable sanitary pads, underwear and 2 bars of soap). From the livelihood component 589 HHs received livestock support: 240 HHs received goats and poultry (five each), 232 HHs received plough oxen (one each) and 117 youth received one donkey each. As part of the livelihood support component of the action, cash transfer (both conditional and unconditional ) was implemented in the two woredas . A total of 3,100HH beneficiaries were engaged in cash transfer program out of which 617HH received the cash transfer unconditionally. As a result, a total of 51, 623 person days (PD) were generated and used for different public work activities (Water scheme rehabilitation and development, feeder road construction and water harvesting structures). The total number of people that benefited from cash for work increased as more beneficiaries dropped out and were replaced by others who met the targeting criteria. The reason given for the drop out rate was the improvement in the harvest and improved food security in some of the areas. Overall, the support provided by the action has contributed in improving access to WASH services and income through cash provision as well as household productive asset building through livestock provision. 1.4 Area of intervention World area Country Region Location Africa ETHIOPIA Amhara South Gondar Zone, Ebinat and Tach Gayint Woredas 1.4.1 [INT] Area of intervention No change in the project location 1.5 Dates and duration of the Action Start date of the Action 01/04/2016 Duration of the Action in months 13 Duration of the Action in days - Start date for eligibility of expenditure 01/04/2016 Justify the duration of the eligibility period before the start date - 2. HUMANITARIAN ORGANISATION IN THE AREA OF INTERVENTION 2.1 Presence in the area Page 2 CARE has been operating in Ethiopia since 1984 supporting both rural and urban vulnerable groups affected by chronic and acute/transitory food insecurity and malnutrition. CARE is currently implementing large scale relief and development operations through active projects covering Food and Nutrition Security, WASH, Livelihoods Diversification and Expansion, Pastoral Livelihood Development, Climate Change and Adaptation and Sexual Reproductive Health in several of the larger regions of the country including Amhara, SNNP, Afar and Oromia. CARE in Ethiopia has had an established presence in Amhara Region, specifically in South Gonder Zone with an office in Debre Tabor, for over 15 years, working on both development and emergency programing. CARE has an excellent understanding of the particular operating context of Amhara Region and is able to successfully implement emergency humanitarian interventions. CARE in Ethiopia has also given priority to emergency humanitarian interventions, especially in addressing food insecurity and malnutrition from direct food assistance to integrated nutrition and health interventions and WASH programming. CARE has a well established management and logistics infrastructure managed by experienced program and support staff, with adequate vehicles, offices, financial management and accountability systems and procedures. CARE has an up to date registration with the Government, under which the agency can respond in emergencies. 2.2 Synergies with other actions This proposed action was designed based on the extensive experience of CARE with the targeted areas and communities, including local leaders; the feedback provided throughout previous programming efforts; the assessed needs of communities, and the results of independent evaluations of similar interventions. Key government actors at Regional and Woreda levels have also confirmed that the design of the proposed action is consistent with the GoE's current strategy and ongoing plans for emergency relief efforts and early recovery. Through this action CARE will continue to work with all other actors working in the same areas to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of the response. CARE currently works in Ebinat Woreda, through its Nutrition Project targeting children under 5, following the CMAM approach. There are also two long-term development projects, one providing nutrition education (Nutrition at the Center (NAC) and one addressing food security, strengthening economic stability and resilience building. The proposed action would complement and integrate with CARE's development projects and other actors in the area, to multiply the impact of each intervention. CARE works in partnership with the local Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water Resources and the Disaster Management and Food Security Sector to support their capacity to mitigate and to respond to emergencies at all (Federal, Regional, Zonal, Woreda & Kebele) levels. The action was designed with the Government led PSNP in mind and CfW activities will be aligned accordingly. Additionally, this action will compliment the Joint Emergency Food Operation (JEOP) currently being implemented in South Gondar by helping to meet identified food gaps among the drought-affected populations. 3. NEEDS ASSESSMENT 3.1 Needs and risk analysis 3.1.1 Date(s) of assessment In the first week of December 2015 CARE conducted a rapid assessment in the Amhara Region with a focus on Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). The rapid assessment focused on the critically affected Woredas and Kebeles as highlighted by both the Federal and Regional Governments of Ethiopia. An additional needs assessment was conducted in South Gondar, Ebinat andT ach Gayint Woredas, during the week of December 21st, 2015. CARE's technical staff also took part in both Multi-Agency Meher Assessments in October and December 2015. 3.1.2 Assessment methodology The objective of the rapid assessment was to assess the impact of the current El Niño induced drought Page 3 The objective of the rapid assessment was to assess the impact of the current El Niño induced drought in Amhara region and enable CARE Ethiopia to develop a WASH/FSL Emergency Intervention Strategy. The assessment team included the CARE Ethiopia Food Security and Livelihood Technical Advisor, CARE Ethiopia Water Resources Advisor and the CARE International Emergency Group Response Team WASH Specialist. Field Office staff also participated in the assessments, including