Race Relations Survey
file:///G|/ProjWip/Products/Omalley/Tim/04%20Transition/T_SAIRR%201990-1994/SAIRR%20Survey%201993-94.HTM RACE RELATIONS SURVEY 1993/1994 CAROLE COOPER ROBIN HAMILTON HARRY MASHABELA SHAUN MACKAY ELIZABETH SIDIROPOULOS CLAIRE GORDON-BROWN STUART MURPHY JULIA FRIELINGHAUS Research staff South African Institute of Race Relations SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS JOHANNESBURG 1994 Published by the South African Institute of Race Relations Auden House, 68 De Korte Street Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001 South Africa Copyright South African Institute of Race Relations, 1994 ISSN 0258-7246 PD 4/94 file:///G|/ProjWip/Products/Omalley/Tim/04%20Tra...T_SAIRR%201990-1994/SAIRR%20Survey%201993-94.HTM (1 of 1172)25/11/2004 15:22:11 PM file:///G|/ProjWip/Products/Omalley/Tim/04%20Transition/T_SAIRR%201990-1994/SAIRR%20Survey%201993-94.HTM ISBN 0-86982-442-2 Members of the media are free to reprint or report information, either in whole or in part, contained in this publication on the strict understanding that the South African Institute of Race Relations in acknowledged. Otherwise no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writers of this Survey wish to thank all those who assisted in producing this volume. We are indebted to Ferial Haffajee for writing the chapter on Labour Relations. The writers are also grateful to all those who provided information, including organisations, trade unions, companies, government officials, officials of political parties, members of Parliament, academics and other researchers.
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