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Richardrendellwf THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. RADIO-TELEVISION PROGRAMS rSIPAT. JUNE K?. 1903 A-29 renTals Radio Today Fridoy, x...», 1953 rßent TV"| Tm! WMAL 610 WICIIO WWDC 1180 WOOK 11*0 WIAM 11.0 WOl 1450 WTO>~MM VIRGINIA Star Hast Nanai Eld Cat Walff Rickard fata* Hart Baris Nanai Inst Nmc~taatsaa 1 , :N Cikkaaii detlai Earl Sadnla 12M Caadstasd Sparti; Rata "”t Nana Milt Craat Cert Massey MONTHLY 6:11 " ” ,M Skirmaa BaUar Otrgmaa: Nans Nanti Malady Gtipai Haw link Sksre Skan News tad Sparta JA. 7-7722 REASONABLE - “ RATES • ¦ •• » - < • News Ijßental - ,4j J-Stsr Eitra Nans Best la Baade Lentil Tkaaas TVI Call 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ? Dl. 7-5941 ? iSB Batten Nens Syppkaaatta Feltea Lento, tr News; keen Hark Ravil Newt; Craat Italtl *—ADAMS 4-7414——¦ " " American Service Center Every Day Is Sale Day liner Ready Ratn Rarla Baadi lariat " Milt treat e. Baacraft on New and Reconditioned :M last Raaiar Nanai Britt? Cakriti Heattai " " Faulty Skaltaa TV 7:19 " "i Nana Oat Mea t Faulty Raadstaad; Maady " ” R. Sets at Oar Store (A . ¦4B Edward alarm :M Retard Slap Eddit Fitktr Newsreel: Maslt Nans; Ratn Hark Baris Newt; Craat Mr Kata. Tricar' NEED A PLUMBER? Sktrwaa Batlar Rtstuary Clsaaay Buieut Ckattsr Rtady Rain Milt Iraat at Utt Ftrseas Fer Repairs, Remodeling CUT-RATE ” " TV ” * :3* " ” Nana tkat Teas lasekall littta Malar . » Mr. Ckaualtaa 6r on Work " " Bids New 8:1*,4s"" " ” Unity Vlawpsiat Ussat lasekall - AND APPLIANCE . FOR AIL THOSE CO. Nans'; Call . ~M Onlt tad Harriat All-Star Paradt lastkall ftwl LittTTMajar Nina; Lana Carsicaa Bratkan D 2X31 Penn. Ave. N.W. " " " " c as Basts Detrait Caldflsk Bawl Ltasat lastkall Jacksta lint Wehrle & Drury Md. Optn A to " " M 1:00 P.M ill Matt Ctrllss Bak aad Ray rs. • la Arlinctnn Marla Cab Stead ky fat LU. 1-3000 RA. 6-3382 fJO " " " “ 9:l* " ” MtW Arcktr | Caaaty _ ,49 Waskiastaa - Crime ODD JOBS * Spit. Biaak Basekail Skaat’g tka :*r Cavalcade at Sktra Nans: law! Brttzt Fraak Edairdt~ Weird'Clrda BRICKS • SAND CEMENT ” U 4 A:IS Baraada Wards la tk* Night Caldfisk Bawl lallaky Trait lasidt Car t. TV-. | U:3t rs. Nans; Radis P'ritn Teatk laaiaf Ntna-Wtatktr Jacksta lent Mat la tka ,-Rent ” " " " OUTDOOR HOMES-HOSPITAL-HOTELSI id* Siardtllt Fra aad Cat Irraak Edwards Lallaky Trait Iraa Mask IT CAN BE FIXED! FIREPLACES I ST Repaid; Sparta Nans; Flalpy SM Mniiy News; Nib Si|« Off' Nans; lint Tka GARDEN TOOLS * Wsrld Taalskt Aah about $5 womb plan " I TkaNliktWatckuaa Haw ts Brtaan Eraaiai Spirituals Jacksta Una Newt; Sparta GUARANTEED REPAIR WATERPROOFING " " H iM Jerry Straas laa Bsytaa Nans: Massey Peklic Sanies Maaatlal BERVICE ON » " " WALLBOARO • BEACON RENTAL nil!>45 Nkws at tka Wartd UN Massey Heast Pjrty " • • PAINTS 1132 7th St. N.W. IS:M TkaNliktWatckuaa Nans; Rtk aad Ray **BS Mastty Nans; Party Ntwt; Lana Nani; Mesft AUTOMATIC AND CON- MISC. BLDG. MATERIALS VENTIONAL ASHERS I—/DAMS 4-4688 ~ 1 Coll ME. or JA. 7-0411 Radio Saturday, Juno 27, W e M»»U. # (ur Tomorrow 1953 # Apex >v;' • ABC e GE Sots, • Open 'til 1 P.M. A.M. WMAL 630 WRC 9»0 WWDC 1260 WOOK 1340 WIAM 1390 WOL 1450 WTOP HOP Bendix e Thor •*a Him ClMtat Nans; Raid Art Brant Nana; Spatial Nawsi' Express Nani; Crawfard Nawa-Salata < " " All Major Appliance t “AUTO RADIO” Jia Slkkeas lek Reed Uptewa Special Canuetar'a Eiprt. Siarga Crawfard Eraat; " Madltatiaa :lt Ntnsi Slkkeas " News; Irena " " » " “ " V Nan*, Ivaaa Repaired (SIFFITH-(ONSUMERS 6ilS " " SALES, REPAIRS «<• " " _ Matte—Sparta Art Brant Maralat Splrltaals »r. Crtwlay Mark Ersts AND INSTALLATION «*B~ Nam, Slkkeas Nana; Wrlikt Art Irana Nana; Splrltaals Nana, Express Nan*; Crawfard Hants Eraat NG ROSSLYN CIRCLE, VA. On* of the f*w places in town ill Jlu Slkkeas Bak Read Rkytfcu SptcJM Cauuatar’s Exprs. Starts Crawfard Mark Craat wh*r* " * (End you can drive in far >9B Nana; Clkkaat News; Brewa Nans; Makaaty fviDEOi~c of Key Bridge) prompt dependafcA* service. •• " 7 i4S Moiic—Waatkar Nan* Art Brtwa Crtwlay, Bavatlaas Nans Raaaiap SuMial ill Jlu Clkkaat Wtrld Reeadep Art Irana Nans; Spatial Platkrstk Pnitta Waatkir: Crawfard Warld Nana " “ HUdson 3-8931 Drivin Radio Saleservice Matlc—Sparta Bak Raid Rhythn Special Crawfard SaMlal Starts ' Nans; '* ” " " At* Rh.d* Island Ave. N E. N. J. Art. * O St. N.W. LL 4-1614 m :SC Clkkaat Ntwt; Read Nans; Brtwa Unity Vlawpsiat Ctuuatar’t Expra. BilS “ " ¦ " " «<*_ Jlu Slkkaat lek Raid Art Irena Rkytku Special ", Newt ”, Otvatlaas i« Skeruaa Sutler Handy Dttdy Art Brtwa Nans; Special Tan Talk News: BaMataaT Nana at Auariat " " " ” sW M ” Rkytku SpackM " " Baadttaid Mark Evm " " " :H Cisea Rid Evaat, News, Brant “ " ", '* " Children's Near 9 " Up-to-the-minute " MS Art Irana * » " » " - iN Sktrnaa Butler Arckia Aadrans M. Q. Ftrd Pttplt Ntwt; Salta Brake " News: Ckildraa’t Near Baadstaad 4Asl * " " Deukla OR Raadstaad Retard Skip Span Petrel Mary Ln Tayiar Nans; Ftrd Matlc Skip Hark Barit Hit Parade " * IU:N " " " ” *?» M. 0. ftrd was Wlsdau " ", Nans " " Oppartaalty aad Vaa Jerry strait My lacrat Stary M. 8. Ftrd Nans; Matlt Stop Hark Darla Nans;' Crawfard Nani; Sraad 4 4 !l» ’’” “ ” ""r Masic Skcp " " Starts Crawfard Caatnl Statin " " " " | I >*• Madara Rauaaca Nina; Fard Midday Spirituals " Siva aad laka n " " " " " • A " " " :4* Sparts; Nans ¦ Jtk* Raid Rial ~ PM. JgfiS around the clock! 1 •CC Jany Straas Haws; Naralattt Ttday " IMS BaadsUad Haws, Matlc Hark Barit Haws Tkaatar as 1923 New York Ave. N.E. |A:IS " Lack ta TillBay Music Sktp ” " Starfu Crawfard kraut Starting Tomorrowl lack ta tka Cufftu lu Wask Haws; Baadstaad oppartaalty * • * « » Start Orar I4:M " " Raver " " \ Get • Beauty Treatment >49 Dikii Hick Scknl Sparts " » Christian seltan Ntllynttd >M Nans; Music 0. Fard Bant; Spirituals Tina Nans; far Ail while yea Faru-Haatt" Naur M. Walb Scad Faa vr?V/ Caralcadt as Music " " " Splrltaals " " Its Saad " " Afttraaaa " •N Felix Craat Uaittd States News; Ferd » » Latin Rkytkut " Clip Mespltnl t:ld *• " " " ' N 3BB^ .49 Aruy land M. Q. Ftrd " " *i Ntwt " " ", Brake ill Nans; Music Marla* laad M. I. Fard Nans; Party laadstaad t* Nans; Lana Mail* Wttk " " " Mtah " SAFELY with NEW WORKDAY—Constance Clausen, one of Ralph Bellamy’s Caralcadt at Masic Dandni Party Srandstaad Jacksta Lana tka Sirli ” " " " leading-lady troupe on “Man Against Crime,” which will move :JI Felix Craat Tina far Mae Nans; Fard » " Ufa Prataad • MW " “ 1 2:ts ” " " •• " ” " " \ ttout iAS McGarry M. Q. Ftrd to a Friday night date, WTOP-TV, starting July 3. - ______ ST Nans; Big Bit! Tina fer Mia Prbt Party Nans; Party laadataad ta Ntwt; Lana IIHy Jakaaaa " " Meat Mr. Callaskaa McGarry Party Srandstaad Jackin Lana " " oaaclai *• " " ” " • " " :3d Nans; Party » “ • HOMEIER » 3:19 »• •• - " " /amftm m On the Air ,41 Prixa Party Adana GREASELESS :0B Meet Mr.'Callaskaa Time tar Mae 12SS Cluk Newt; Party Baadstaad ta Haws; (rant USAF Saad Sweepstakes McGarry Pail Hsllett Dane in Party Grandstand Milt Iraat Rtaait Vineaat liquid Suntan Cream " “THE LEDGE" * JNBHrj " " " '*' :9S Haws; Callahan Parade as Saids News; Hallatt • Eire pa Stary in D 4:19 " -t " Rich Vitamin fig " “ " " " " When o boy on a . panics high ledge and lanolin to keep MSS3SHB I NBC Promises to Bring >4l Mnt Mr. Callahaa Paul Nallett "; Newt - soft, —will death or a your skin I :S8 Skeruaa Batlar Ludlau't Lidia Bud as tht Weak Newt; Party Hark Barit Skaw News; Craat Saturday Syupkuy girl’s love wint smooth, and healthy? I " " ” " " " (WMAL) Skew Vtcal Varietias Oaaciag Party Milt Craat “ “ " " Mountain Climbing to TV :9B Naws; kutlar Rtservid far Yta IMB Baadstni " '* Clrctu tka Tana i WTOP-TV 5:19 " • " " " ¦a Puklic Affairs "; Sparta Hi-Way San Kaatuaa AND ABC RADIO NETWORK By Harry MacArthur Cluk Tint . Helln CHANNEL 9—9:00 P.M. Now it is the National Broad- and Peter Birch. Music will be ‘ The Bear That Mede Mawuehe# Famous ; casting Co. which has caught supplied by the Fred Waring Glee Television Today Friday, June 26,1953 FM Stations mountain-climbing fever. It Club an orchestra directed WRC-FM—93.9 Me., Ck»*al 239 jthe and (CK. 9) ! has purchased the television and by Roy Shields. Albert McCleery, P.M. IWNBW (CH. 4) WTTG <Ch. 51 WMAL (Ch. 7) WTOt> 5:30 a.m. tc 1 a m :M Ftttliikl Tktater Wasters Tatca 9 O’Claek Tkaatar Earls Ska* WTQP-FM—M.3 Ml., Ckaaatl 241 i A > I , HIBf I ‘a a M'Hllllr^M radio rights for the Ameri- regular “Hall director, ” üßk PROTECT third of Fame” " ” " I “Tka o**l»w Trail" 5:30 a.m ta ? a.m brought to you by your can Karakoram which is directing “The Mercer Girls.” Tkrct " -1 expedition, Movietone Jos's Raack . ** * * •M Mnialtcars” Newt ‘ WRUZ-FM—M.T Me. Ckaaail 144 go 6:19 p.m. p.m. Brewing YOUR HOME and will have a at K-2 shortly. •4S News; Starts Mippit Maries *H tke News weatker; Naws 3 to 9 01993—J0t. Sehlltz Co, Milwaukee, Wlfc _ WASM-FM—97.l Milwaukee, | A series of filmed programs on CHANGES—You will be well Captala Vllia Tim Gikkaas Mark Eea«* Skaw Me., Ckaaatl <4l Breweries at Wh.. and IrooMy* N.Y; Sl Matt tki Visa " “ p.m p.m NBC-TV in the fall will report advised to rely on the printed ” " ” 12:30 ta IMS Chevrolet Dealer with Sains Placas ' Me., YARD program St* Erwin ESwartt WOl-FM—M.7 Ckiaaal 294 the complete story of the at- schedules rather than :M Hy SarSaer Ska* Nawt; p.m. a.m. 7:19 EMI* Fisker Skaw (CtwMy) Parry 9 to 12:30 tempt, success or failure.
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