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The BG News September 2, 2011

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Volume 9i issue 7 ESTABLISHED 1920 An independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community v.

CAMPUS Move-in prompts bat problem Dr. Mary BRIEF Ellen Mazey

University works to prevent pest entry in residence halls, student rooms President Mazey renews University President Falcon Fridays tradition By Dam King Assistant Puke Editor Life, said there are many ways bats and found the bat when she got home could gain access to buildings. in the early morning hours Aug. 21, Students who showcase school spirit may After fall move-in, students aren't "Open doors, open windows, vents the weekend of in ive-in. receive a special prize on Fridays BGSU's school colors and logo are symbolic of the traditions and spirit of the always the only new residents on around the buildings would be a way She left her room and went down- University President Mary Blen Mazey educational mission at the University." campus. Bats sometimes move into that a bat would typically get into a stairs where the RAon duly Called the renewed Falcon Fridays thrs week, a Mazey said in the email. "I hope you II join building," Waters said. "The bats are University Police Department, who University tradition promoting school spirit residence halls too. me in creating a strong sense ol Falcon "We suspect that a lot of |the bats] moving toward sound, and so they called back approximately M) min- Students, faculty and staff are encour- pride and community on campus" had to do with move-in and doors get into the building." utes later with news that they were aged on Fridays to wear clothes featuring A copy of Mazey's proclamation orange and brown or Falcon logos A being propped open," said David Recently, sophomore Kristi unable to respond to her call due to desgnating the start of Falcon Fridays is specially selected cast wl walk around Crandall, University safety and Kopaniasz found a bat in her room in available at www.bgsu edu/downloads/mc/ health inspector. Kreischcr Batchelder Hall. campus looking for Falcon gear and handing See BATS | Page 2 filel00242.pdf Sarah Waters, director of Residence Kopaniasz is a Resident Advisor out prizes, according to a Wednesday email

"B-Dubs" Buffalo Wild Wings relocates store Reporter v The city's Buffalo Wild Wings closed it doors Wednesday and will reopen at a new loca- tion possibly by mid-March. The new site will be built in the Wooster Street plaza across from the Stroh Center, owner John Hoschak said. "I feel they should have built the new on* before they the old one," said junior

See B-DUBS | Page 2 "Spots" ^ Mister Spots moves to Main Street

ByGwffBu™ Report*

chicken wings, steak {that they deliver beer, thewidi Mister Spots will be moving |D Main Street right next to Hi H. The move to the new location will begin

See SPOTS! Page2

ILLUSTRATION BV NICK UKER Student remembered for JUST HANGING AROUND personality, dedication

By Bobby W*ddl« In Focus Editor Jarod Graves- Robinson Before starting school at the University in fall 2009, larod Graves-Robinson was Junior who died hard at work on a project at Case Western August 9,2011 Reserve University. He worked on his project with sev- k eral doctors to find a cure for a ten of Glenville High School's class in waterborne parasite. 2009. larod was also on the high school "Everyone there at ICase Western)was football team and played basketball in very proud of the outcome and how he his spare time. explained what they came up with," said Despite larod's serious dedication Deborah Graves, Jarod's mother. "That when it came to his studies, he also had was very exciting for him." a penchant for practical jokes and humor Jarod, a criminal justice major to lighten the mood among his family from Cleveland, died in a motorcycle and friends, accident Aug. 9. "Everyone knew larod as the funny Graves said her son maintained his guy," Graves said. "He was just so outgo- enthusiasm for life, particularly his pas- ing. Ilr wasl goofy at some points and sion for school, until the end. (wanted] everybody to laugh and just "He was very happy at Bowling Green." be happy." Graves said. "We had everything all Nick Doehr, administrative resident packed up. He was so excited about get- advisor of Anderson and Bromfield halls ting back to school." in Harshman Quadrangle, saw these As a student, larod carried a 4.0 grade passions come together when he was LAimtN wr- i THtBf.News point average at the University as well JEROME GABRIEL, dnector of the Outdoor Program, hangs from a tree to get students interested as graduating with honors in the top See ROBINSON I Page 2

CAMPUS FORUM PULSE PEOPLE ON THE STREET Groups recruit new members Lovers face eventual separation Walk a mile to discover local businesses Which do you prefer: Buffalo Wild Wings or Mister Spots? Why? Campus Fest saw over 300 student Columnist Mathew Davoli discusses the love There are plenty of things to do within a mile of DEANGELOLEISON organizations Thursday afternoon, giving of human beings with the inevitability of death the campus. Check out Pulse for all the hot spots Senior. Business Management away freebies and encouraging students and answers the question 'Why bother' in you may find yourself this weekend including On "B-Dubs. I've been there more to sign up. See Photos | Page 3 regards to love and life | Page 4 the Edge and Finders | Page 6 often" | Page 4 VISIT BGNEWS.COM: NEWS, SPORTS, UPDATES, MULTIMEDIA AND FORUMS FOR YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE 2 Friday. September 2 - Monday. September 5.2011 FROM THE FRONT PAGE WWW.BGNEWS.COM

FRIDAY NIGHTS SATURDAY 10PM til 2:30AM ,),-,//, BOOMER & S3 Pitchers/Beer! c DJ MANNY " ■ ■■■r«_jv£wii:Bi. • • ' S6 Pitchers/Mixed Drink! ' 18 & Up * 21 & over FREE irt*- * 3 FOR $5 Vodka Bombs! BLOTTER WED.. AUG. 31 of the Wood County Library. on Friday. down window and removing a fish- Complainant said it happened ing pole. He dropped it when an 1:02 A.M. sometime after 12;30 p.m. on the officer arrived. CORRECTION Cody Mccane Zachary. 23. of Bowling Green, was cited for open present day. THURS,SEPT.1 POLICY container within the 900 block of S. 1:15 A.M. 2:18 A.M. Main St 8:33 P.M. Brandon R. Steel, 22, of Bowling We want to correct all factual Paul E. Cornell, 21. of Pemberville. Complainant reported her bicycle Green, was cited for criminal mis- errors. If you think an error has was cited for disorderly conduct/ 823 P.M. stolen from the Wood County chief within the 100 block of N. been made, call The BG News at public urination within the 200 Complainant reported a bicycle Library bike rack. Complainant said Prospect St. He was spotted climb- 419-372-6966. block of N Main St. stolen from the bike rack outside it was stolen sometime after 4 p.m. ing into a vehicle through a rolled

rarily use. Fifther decisions concerning the umbfela pro-

Soon after the program's debut, a majority of gram are still pendng and wi be made later in the didn't take our jobs lightly at all." CAMPUS semester. Hassennk said ROBINSON the umbrellas went missmg. according to yourfel- Graves said Jarod fell a great From Page 1 BRIEF lowf akon members. "We put out 88 of the 200 umbrelas. so we responsibility to watch out for Courtesy umbrellas still "We think people may have mistakenly took rave enough if we want to put more out," she said. Jarod's RA during spring semes- his younger sisters. He also ran "Were remaning optimistic, but we haven't made considered possibility them, because it was unclear that they weren t to ter 2011. a Bible study and helped young- keep." said junior Meredrth Hassennk. an ongmal any final decisions yet about what we're going to "To my knowledge, Jarod was er children at his church where The yourf etowfakon council met Wednesday council member. "We don't think it was makious. do next" always in class," Doehr said. he was an usher and "very, very to address the challenges of its "courtesy umbrella The initiaove was the first large-scale project The group wil meet at 9:15 p m. next program, implemented Aug 26 "When I would pass him Ion spiritual." for yourfellowFalcon. a student organization with Wednesday in 115 Okcamp to welcome new mem- campus] he was with his friends, Jarod's desire to help people is The group suppled bus of orange umbrellas at bers Anyone is welcome to attend the meeting. the goal of creating a more wekoming University going to class." one of the reasons he ultimate- eight on-campus locations for students to tempo- campus. Jarod's social personality rubbed ly wanted to become a judge, off on Doehr and many other RAs Graves said. on the fourth floor of Harshman Another reason for Jarod's BATS Anderson hall. career choice was his interest in forensic science. From Page 1 "That was encouraging, I think, for a lot of the other residents "Growing up as a kid, he just more important calls, Kopaniasz said. on our floor because they saw loved science," Graves said. "He So Kopaniasz and another RA in the thai he was able to make friends was very, very serious when it building took matters into their own and have social connections with came to that. No practical jokes hands and went to get the bat out of her people ... thai lived all through- on that end." room themselves. They coaxed the bat out the building," Doehr said. His love for science led him out the window, and Kopaniasz ended Clayton Robinson, Jarod's to get involved at Case Western up sleeping in another room in her hall father, said he always looked for while in high school, and he but went back the next day to look for the good side of people. was also involved with a student how the bat had come in. "He believed in helping the technical enrichment program at "When I was in the process of clean- underdog and giving confidence NASA for two years. ing my room 1 found a hole under- to under-confidenl people," Jarod played piano and attend- neath my heating duct in the corner Robinson said. ed the Cleveland Institute of of my room," Kopaniasz said "When 1 Courtney Hampton, Jarod's Music while in high school. He looked on the outside there was a hole cousin, attends the University had played since he was nine in the brickwork." of Toledo. Growing up one year years old and also boxed with his The hole has since been repaired, behind him, she felt the effect of older brother since he was seven. and i i.miI.ill said he doesn't know if his personality. "He just enjoyed doing so the hole is where the bat came in or not. "He loved to laugh, but he was much thai he narrowed il down TThe residents think] it came from a protector," Hampton said. "Me to criminal justice," Graves said. their heater, and I'm not sure that it did, and him were both lifrr nnih iMil ' ~tli|nll I didn't find any evidence that it did," for the city of Cleveland, a ml we ( 1.11 ii 1,111 said. When the University built Kreischer, it put hot water pipes through all the Collegiate sports aren't the walls ( i ,iHIl.iII said. He said the holes B-DUBS only sports that are big at the are three-inches wide for half-inch From Page 1 restaurant. High school sports pipes, but he will fill up the holes if also bring a lot of patrons to the they suspect the bats are coming in restaurant, said Hoschak. through them. Ryan Evarls. While the restaurant is TYLERSTABILE IHEKNEVK "I don't want this becoming a myth. It will be a freestanding build- closed, Hoschak said the work- BOBBY BARRIGER I Banger Electric examines the lighting at the future location of Mr Spots. I don't want the idea that there are ing, which is a rare occurrence ers have the opportunity to Management projects the move to North Main Street will be completed within the ne«t thirty days bats coming out of the heaters too for the Buffalo Wild Wings fran- work at five other locations in widespread because I'm not sure that's chise, he said. northwest Ohio. watch football," (Javarome said. "I absolutely true," Crandall said. "But I There will be "radical" chang- The changes will bring a lot SPOTS just want people to realize the things can't deny it either." es, Hoschak said. of good things to the restaurant, From Paqe 1 that we're doing, such as opening an Waters said the buildings are "We really want to bring a fam- Hoschak said. upstairs in the new place for people inspected for holes such as these bul ily environment to the commu- "All positive - everything's very soon, said Mark Knldan. the to just eat and hang out with each that students should inspect the rooms nity," Hoschak said. positive (about the movel," he general manager of the restaurant. other, so it's going to be really cool. themselves as well. The goal for the new restaurant said. "There is no set date for when we ... We're doing everything we can lo If faculty or students find or even just is to be the place parents choose Many students are upset about are goingto move, hut I'mhopingthal get the new place running within the suspect pests such as bats in a building, to take their kids lo eat when they the large time gap between the it will lie sometime in September." next 30 days or even sooner." they can call maintenance or put in a come to visit, said Hoschak. closing of the old location and Knldan said. "We've been here for 25 Not only are the people at Mister work order, Crandall said. Hoschak isn't just hoping the opening of the new location. years, Bolt's definitely going to be dif- Spots excited about the new location, "The big thing is, what we tell families go to the restaurant. His "No one is working as hard ferent, bul we will gain fool traffic." junior Keith Wells is as well. people is try to remember where Ithe fondest memories of the old loca- as we are to get il open," said Mister Spols has been serving "The new place won't affect me bat] is, try to isolate it to one room if tion are when students from the Hoschak. people food for 25 years. Now with not going at all," Wells said. "I love they can," Crandall said. "There's a University lined up at 6 a.m. for Not only will the new building the change in location, the restau- their subs, and 1 think Mister Spots lot of myths about bats and yes, ihey St. Patrick's Day. itself be bigger, but the patio will rant hopes to improve many things is really good to eat at especially do carry diseases, but no, they don't "I feel it's ridiculous because also hold more than 70 people to such as the inside environment. because of their comfortable envi- attack people, normally." that's where college kids go to eat outdoors, I loschak said 'We are going to be upgrading the ronment." Last year there were 24 bat calls socialize," said junior Kara The restaurant has been in its interior of the new place to attract The restaurant hopes to gain more on campus, Waters said. Crandall is Campbell-Curl. old location since 1994. larger groups of people." Koldan said. popularity in changing locations as working with representatives from Game day is also a big deal at The best part of being that "The menu is going to remain the well as making sure they keep to Residence Life lo prevent bats in the restaurant. It will become a close to the campus is the conve- Same, although we are going to try their old and typical ways when it the future. much bigger deal when the res- nience for students to walk there, to add a few things that other restau- comes to serving food. Mister Spots "We're trying to come up with a bat taurant expands since there will Hoschak said. rants don't typically have, but we're is open seven days a week until 3 solution strategy," Crandall said. "We be more than triple the current Moving across from the Stroh not sure of what or when yet." a.m. and offers a free delivery ser- don't think there's just one way bats are number of TVs in the new loca- will put the restaurant closer Restaurant founder. Jim vice for customers who don't feel like getting in the building." tion, Hoschak said. to a range of apartments in the Gavarome. said he's been trying to driving there. The problem should decrease with The best part of working at the area and reach more people, establish the Spots legacy since 1984 thetemperature.accordingtoCrandall. restaurant is how fun it is dur- said Hoschak. when the place first opened to the "The thing about bats is once the ing football games, bartender "B-dubs is a pretty cool place, public. FUN FACT temperature's dropped lo about 55 and University alumna Saxon but I think there are enough other "There's going to be a comfortable The founder of Mister Spots actu- degrees at night their main food sup- Reboskysaid. restaurants and places to hang atmosphere for people to come in ally named the restaurant after his ply disappears, so they tend to either "Working with friends doesn't out until March," said freshman for beer and food or to get wings and pet cat migrate or hibernate." seem like work," Rebosky said. Mitch Seifert. "Besides, I expect March Madness is the new one will be even better." huge for the restaurant, which is the reason they VILLAGE are hoping to open by Offke Hours: Monday - Friday 18am - 4:30pm APARTMENTS March Madness or St. Preferred 530 S. Maple St. 1419.352.9378 * 1 +2 BR Patrick's Day, Hoschak Apartments Available * said. Properties Co. This year the Find a Place to Call Home * Semester Leases * ■ 144 Seats University will be host- ■ 45 Workers II Bedroom & Efficiency Houses Also Available) » Minutes from BGSU * ing the NCAA Women's ■ 30TVs • Pet friendly community * Tournament, so that will be a busy lime * Utilities included* for the restaurant, Hoschak said. CALl FOR SPECIALS! Andrew Tipton, a ■ JTO Seats Located at. marketing intern at ■ 150 Workers 300 Napoleon Road the University, said his ■ 100 or more TVs In Bowling Green Hr favorite part about the 419-262-2514 restaurant is game day.

t. 3 Fnday. September 2 - Monday. September 5.2011 CAMPUS WWWBGNEWS.COM Campus Fest attracts students to organizations


UPPER LEFT: SICSIC Sez was panting signs for anyone who wanted one at Campus Fest. RIGHT: Deborah Chester is able to stay on the moving surfboard that was in front of University Hall.

BOTTOM LEFT: Justin Bell sits m the big blow-up-chair to have his photo taken that was provided by the Counseling Center.



..,:. ... .

Campus Ministry 1428 EWoosterSt Bowling Green, OH 43402 Across From Harshman Dorms We invite you Bible Study Every Tuesday At 8:30PM to worship with us and look forward An Outreach Ministry Of: OPEN HOUSE to meetingyou soon! *•yww^f //rot* Friday August 26th 4PM - 10PM Saturday August 27th 12PM - 8PM mom* c.+r M nil Napofcnn Road ■» Boating Oraan, OH 43401 OLD DRINKS & COSMIC SUBS WVNf.WOfwOTHUVaOQ.iM0 41»-173-1I13

vWV'--- .Saturday .Muss ^■uM Sandal Nam ^fWrrHOMASr,,.. ■•—*-.•»- St. Aloysius $r Catholic Church We're on the corner of Summit & Cough St. H..IH.S.I...S(« \/eri as y (419)352-4195 III,,, mil .. ▼ , WKKKKNI) MASSES SAT: 5:30PM SUN:8, 10. and 12 NOON

ft Rev. Michael Malanga I Senior Pastor Welcome Back ST. MARK'S \\ Sunday Service I 10:00 AM LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 THE ALLIANCE Bowling Green Welcome students! J JMAmirw 28:18-20 Let BGSU feed your brains and Let St.Marks feed your soul ovenant Bowling Green Alliance Church Make Yourself At Home 1161 Napoleon Rd. 315 South College. Bowling Green Real God... (419)353-9305 Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 Real People. If you don't believe in the power of pra; 1165 Haskins Road just wait until finals Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 Traditional services held each Sunday phone 419.352.8483 morning at 8:30 and 11 a.m.. e-mail: [email protected] Sunday Morning Pick-Up Call for a ride: 419-352-3623 Praise Service also at 11 a.m. Casual service Saturdays at "I feel they should have built the new one before they closed the old one." - Ryan Evarts, junior at the University, on the dosing of Buffalo Wild Wings [see story, pg. 1]. FORUM Friday. September 2 - Monday. September S, 2011 4

PEOPLE ON THE STREET Which do you prefer: Buffalo WildWings or Mister Spots? Why?

'Mister Spots, "Buffalo Wild "Buffalo Wild VISIT US AT because it's Wings: they have Wings. I'm a k B6NEWS.COM amazing wings and vegetarian: wide Have your own take on today's People On The beer." variety of food" Street? Or a suggestion for SETH WEISS. KIM REESE AMBER HINES. a question? Give us your Junior. Senior. Freshman. feedback at bgnewvcom AYI English Art Education Dance and Business Organization, WHAT A DIFFERENCE! prayer relieves worry, stress

my faith life. Now was the chance to find it again. Every night, I would STEPHANREEO essentially just close my FORUM EDITOR eyes and talk out my prob- lems. After a while of ram- bling about how stressed Somi'timi's you just need to 1 was, 1 began to laugh at take a break from life for a myself because I was pray- little bit and organize your ing in order to fix conflicts thoughts. that 1 could fix myself. I learned this lesson my For example, I caught freshman year when all of myself saying, "Allow my life's problems (class- my ex-girlfriend to know es, health, relationships that I still care about her. etc.) started failing at the Maybe not in the roman- same time. tic way 1 used to, but Eventually I got to the more than what a normal point where I didn't know friend would." what I was supposed to 1 brought myself back to worry about. I began wor- reality and figured I could rying about worrying, and fix this problem by sending I could feel my blood pres- one text message to her. sure rise like yeast inside Was this an instant HANNAH SVPNIEWSKI I THIBGNEWS a metaphysical oven of answer to my prayer or just uncontrollable situations. plain rationality? 1 don't But then, at my lowest really know, but honestly, point. I took out the plan- I don't think anyone can ner the University provided really tell Regardless of What's love got to do with it? tome (and all students who any theological discussion/ live on campus) and I wrote debates about religion, I rate. Car crash, cancer, stab- species, the totality of living It is transcendent in that out all of my problems, pos- resolved an issue of mine, bing, stroke, shooting, heart- things and existence itself? it transcends these tempo- sible solutions to them and and the pressure in my life attack. It's all the same. What of our sun extinguish- ral, fragile, mortal coils and a tentative schedule to have diminished a little bit. The best one can hope for ing? What of the continual touches that other plane of them resolved by. Whether Cod exists or in a marriage is to live out one expansion and decay of the existence, that eternal, that I created a hierarchy of not, I cannot be posi- ofPoe's shorter poems: "Deep universe, with all things cool- numinous, that divine space my problems. On top was tive, but 1 will say that in earth my love is lying/ And ing down, with all things that knows not death nor my schoolwork. After all. praying helps me orga- 1 must weep alone." falling apart, until from decay. schooling is the whole rea- nize my thoughts and As my marriage date draws And of course if you are void to void there is no more 1 do not speak of spiritual son I was in Bowling (ireen. allows me to eliminate near, I am reminded of the not the first to die, you will and all dies without even a matters, but of real tangible Next came my health. Last the problems I should advice my summer co-work- die soon enough; we all whimper? things, family and friend- was my most irrational of not be worrying about. ers gave to me when I left work eventually do. I have heard it said before, ship and all other forms of worries: my relationships. Others don't have to pray. to pick up the ring: "What are With our deaths our bod- "What dreams may come?" human communion, that not I contacted all of my pro- Meditation is an excellent you, stupid? Your divorce is ies then go from dust to dust, I now say to you not what only make life worth living fessors and met with them way to figure yourself out going to cost a lot more than while memories of us become dreams, but what silence; but rend from The Reaper his in their office hours to talk and find what really mat- that stupid ring, believe me. as dust in the wind, first dissi- what dreamless, endless cloak, so that one can say the over what I had to do to get ters most to you. One of You stupid moron, why both- pating, then disappearing. silence will come of this emperor has no clothes. an A in their classes. Then I my friends walks by him- er? Why bother?" My great-grandparents are world, of existence itself, That is what I have with my wrote those solutions into self everyday around the As you may have noticed simply disparate phrases I without even one left to fiance'. Even though she hails my handy dandy planner outside of Kreischer, and from the cleaned up ver- overhear from older relatives weep for it. from another continent, I feel to be completed on their another takes a mile run sion, my co-workers were from time to time; my great- In the face of all this closer to her than even my respective dates. a few times a week; both not so keen on the whole great-grandparents are noth- lies a question, really the closest blood relatives, and After that, I set aside of these friends attest this "engagement idea." ing but nameless, decaying only question of any real although I have not known time, two to three times per time to be spent organizing Of course one could simply photographs on my parents' importance. her as long as my closer week, to hit the Hec for a their thoughts. discard their talk as frivolous mantle; and those still older Why bother? friends, she has become the little self-confidence boost. These actions may not banter that I shouldn't be couples I descend from are I know this column may closest friend I have. This helped solve all three fix your problems immedi- concerned with. but an empty void to me. seem to have gone off topic With our marriage, there of my problems. It gave ately, but they do provide a But isn't there some truth How far back can you from the original question will be that eventual separa- me a place to study, shed starting point. I believe it is to their question that should remember? Can you do a few posed to me by my co-work- tion. Everything is eventual, some weight and made me easier to tackle tasks when be addressed? more generations than me? ers, but I contend that this but with her now there is that feel a lot better about my you have a list of them in Because the separation of It doesn't matter. The point re-framing gets at the real feeling of the eternal, of love, physical appearance. front of you. couples happens every day, is that there is a line in the heart of it. that ultimately negates it. Along with this new- Without the organization divorce is an ever-lurking sands of your memory some- Why bother, why bother With that I dare say, I con- found organization, I of your problems, you begin specter, and 1 have known far where, and you yourself with doing something in face quer that Conqueror Worm, began to pray. At a time to worry about things that too many happy couples that will forever be behind that of the nothing that awaits us and I can tell Death and when Earth science pro- don't really matter. have succumbed to it for me line for future generations all? Is it not vain? Is it not Despair to be not proud. fessors boast about their to say that it will be easily soon enough. futile? Why bother? ability to make their stu- avoided. And what about our world? My answer is that love dents question their belief Respond to Slephan at Even if we do not get a What about the grand makes it worthwhile, because Respond to Mathew at in (lodls), I lost track of tlieiieici^bgiieu' divorce we will still sepa- comic death that awaits our love is transcendent. [email protected]

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I I, SPORTS Friday. September 2 - Monday, Sepiwiiber S. XII1 5


Cleveland St.. Niagara Women's soccer takes on on the pitch" Cleveland to take The Falcons travel to v> ByALxKr.mP"1"' team Reporter „ it. third straight game

jfS'SSSSSS*-'"" * and St. Francis (Pa.)* ^ lurning point

thebatr/uccarosmd . troub,c; ■•Every team can g our oppo Coach ^n°y "'^practice this week. Richards »u». Wt h-ve^ teady to get ncnts trouble .retu nv ^ k c eeds,o6e,,hc Vve brought a comp„ £ ^ „We n eiS sff-- See SOCCER IP^ 8 Volleyball heads to Cleveland St. "They will be a fun ■if»T-«SSttSSS

Reporter B Siblingsknow"ow«« member. Ring rights agamst'h* n ^ nerVes 0nly a few days alter 'h^X BC Sncsday ^'^i on the field. |rin«outry*oP^^*e

game even more ne is going P However Baradisa^ he wouW pnc £ P ,o approach this ga With nonly t«JL^;S will be right -rn arn a^tts,rongC:.eve,nd ihe Kristin lav "--— SSSEKBSSS*"'' "Practice highener dBeewyaW^W^ .. e are not Sgto^SndS,te-w,llW

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FACEBOOK TWITTER SPORTS BLOG TENNIS Become a Facebook fan Follow BG News sports on Twitter BG News Sports on the web Chirkosta wins Bob James Award Become a fan of the BG News sports The BG News Sports Staff has a Twitter. Follow us For continued coverage of all BG athletics, Christine Chiricosta. a recent graduate of BG and the department on Facebook. Log on to for breaking news and in-game updates from your extending beyond what goes in the paper, tennis program's all-time winmngest player, lecenlfy won your account and search "B6 News favorite Falcon sports. check out the BG News Sports blog at the Bob James Award The award is given to a student- Sports" to become a fan. athlete achieves a 35 GPA and displays good citizenship.


r "I feel they should have built the new one before they closed the old one." - Ryan Evarts. junior at the University, on the dosing of Buffalo Wild Wings [see story, pg. 1], FORUM Friday. September ? - Monday. September S. 2011 4

EOPLE ON THE STREET Which do you prefer: Buffalo Wild Wings or Mister Spots? Why?

"Buffalo Wild Mister Spots. "Buffalo Wild "Buffalo Wild VISIT US AT BGHEWS.COM Wings, flavors of because it's Wings; they have Wings. I'm a k Have /our own tale on wings and onion awesome. amazing wings and vegetarian; wide today's People On The rings" beer." variety of food." H*M Street? Or a suggestion tor CUIUNGE. SETH WEISS, lr>*JW mr* KIM REESE AMBER HINES, a question' Give us your Junior. Junior. Senior. Freshman. feedback at Marketing AYI English Art Education Dance and Business Organization, WHAT A DIFFERENCE! prayer relieves worry, stress

my faith life. Now was the chance to find it again. Every night. I would essentially just close my eyes and talk out my prob- lems. After a while of ram- bling about how stressed Sometimes you Just need to I was, 1 began lo laugh at take a break from life for a myself because I was pray- little bit and organize your ing in order to fix conflicts thoughts, that I could fix myself. I learned this lesson inv For example. I caught freshman year when all of myself saying, "Allow my life's problems (class- my ex-girlfriend to know es, health, relationships that I still care about her. et< started failing at the Maybe not in the roman- same time. tic way I used to. but Eventually I got lo the more than what a normal point when' I didn't know friend would. what I was supposed to I brought myself back to worry about i began wor- reality and figured I could rying about worrying, and fix this problem by sending I could feel my blood pres- one text message to her. sure rise like yeast inside Was this an instant a metaphysical oven of answer to my prayer or just HANNAH SYPNIEWSKI I '. uncontrollable situations. plain rationality? I don't Hut then, at my lowest really know, but honestly, point. I took nut the plan- I don't think anyone can ner the University provided really tell Regardless of at's love got to do with it? to me land all students who any theological discussion/ live on campus) and 1 wrote debates about religion, I rate. Car crash, cancer, stab- species, the totality of living It is transcendent in that out all ol my problems, pos- resolved an issue of mine, bing, stroke, shooting, heart- things and existence itself? it transcends these tempo- sible solutions to them and and the pressure in my life attack. It's all the same. What of our sun extinguish- ral, fragile, mortal coils and a tentative schedule to have diminished a little bit. The best one can hope for ing? What of the continual touches that other plane of them resolved by. Whether (iod exists or in a marriage is to live out one expansion and decay of the existence, that eternal, that I created a hierarchy of not. I cannot be posi- of Poe's shorter poems: "Deep universe, with all things cool- numinous, that divine space my problems On top was tive, but I will say that in earth my love is lying/ And ing down, with all things that knows not death nor mj schoolwork. Alter all. praying helps me orga- I must weep alone.'' falling apart, until from decay. schooling is the whole rea- nize my thoughts and As my marriage date draws And of course if you are void to void there is no more I do not speak of spiritual son I was in Bowling Green. allows me to eliminate near, I am reminded of the not the first to die, you will and all dies without even a matters, but of real tangible- Next came mj health, Last the problems I should advice my summer co-work- die soon enough: we all whimper? things, family and friend- was my most irrational of not be worrying about. ers gave to me when I left work eventually do. I have heard it said before, ship and all other forms of worries my relationships. ()t hers don't have to pray. to pick up the ring: "What are With our deaths our bod- "What dreams may come?" human communion, that not 1 contacted all ol my pro- Meditation is an excellent you, stupid? Your divorce is ies then go from dust to dust, I now say to you not what only make life worth living lessors ,uid met with them way to figure yourself out going to cost a lot more than while memories of us become dreams, but what silence; but rend from The Reaper his in their office hours to talk and find what really mat- that stupid ring, believe me. as dust in the wind, first dissi- what dreamless, endless cloak, so that one can say the over w hat I had to do to gel ters most to you. One of You stupid moron, why both- pating, then disappearing. silence will come of this emperor has no clothes. an A in theii classes I hen I my friends walks by him- er? Why bother?'' My great-grandparents are world, of existence itself, That is what I have with my wrote those solutions into self everyday around the As you may have noticed simply disparate phrases I without even one left to fiance". Even though she hails my handy dandy planner outside of Kreischer, and from the cleaned up ver- overhear from older relatives weep for it. from another continent, I feel to he completed on their another takes a mile run sion, my co-workers were from time to time; my great- In the face of all this closer to her than even my lespei live dales a few times a week; both not so keen on the whole great-grandparents are noth- lies a question, really the closest blood relatives, and Alter that, 1 set aside of these friends attest this "engagement idea."' ing but nameless, decaying only question of any real although I have not known lime, two to three times per time to be spent organizing ()f course one could simply photographs on my parents' importance. her as long as my closer week, to hit the Rec for a their thoughts discard their talk as frivolous mantle; and those still older Why bother? friends, she has become the little self-confidence boost I hese actions may not banter that I shouldn't be couples I descend from are I know this column may closest friend I have. This helped solve all three fix your problems immedi- concerned with. but an empty void to me. seem to have gone off topic With our marriage, there ol my problems. It gave ately, but they do provide a But isn't there some truth How far back can you from the original question will be that eventual separa- me a place to study, shed starting point. I believe it is to their question that should remember? Can you do a few posed to me by my co-work- tion. Everything is eventual, some weigh) and made me easier to tackle tasks when be addressed? more generations than me? ers, but I contend that this but with her now there is that leel a lot better about my you have a list of them in Because the separation of It doesn't matter. The point re-framing gets at the real feeling of the eternal, of love, physil al appearance. front of you. couples happens every day, is that there is a line in the heart of it. that ultimately negates it. Along with this new Without the organization divorce is an ever-lurking sands of your memory some- Why bother, why bother With that I dare say, I con- found organization, I of your problems, you begin specter, and I have known far where, and you yourself with doing something in face quer that Conqueror Worm, began to pray At a time to worry about things that too many happy couples that will forever be behind that of the nothing that awaits us and I can tell Death and when Earth science pro- don't really matter. have succumbed to it for me line for future generations all? Is it not vain? is it not Despair to be not proud. fessors boast about their to say that it will be easily soon enough. futile? Why bother? ability to make their stu- avoided. And what about our world? My answer is that love dents question their belief Respond lo Stephan at Even if we do not get a What about the grand makes it worthwhile, because Respond to Malhew at in God(s), I lost track of tliciieu*to<' divorce we will still sepa- comic death that awaits our love is transcendent. [email protected]

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Cleveland St., Niagara Women's soccer takes on

on the pitch" acvcland to take The Falcons tnwfw u tcam ByAI«»>'y Repoiw

■ a i.s third straight game

„uquesne, «• **J lo Mid-Amer.can

weekend s»m»tovc Ken n«* ^S'S^S-is taking on

.*««■ $

1 , "V-very l«J» "2-SS give our oopo- Coach Andy « ^'' tiicticc lhis week. Wchardssa.d. ^havewcgere el ncnts trouble i rcu. ourselves bt;ni»^-mnccds,0B See SOCCER \P^eB Volleyball heads.- Cleveland St. 'Ttev vfltt beafun tea.

1 J.^r- - J3 Reporter yrthagoodsette- f,„,. .heir win 00 only a lew days •*» 2Ej the »J fc'fTil li-tAiidi that '"cnSS^Ssta,eSau,rdava«5 that's" whatrfit *» is I* igh- now," sari mlone\swith3Skills(233Colonels w- game even more. na, ne te going ds the t B However,■****££, like he would coachDeniseVanOeV^ ^ a ^ d 10■**»• ^^ to approach IM K p-with «*™1&£Ube*J* will try to he Kristin -SSSShSBKS-- ■

n ssasatfa—-«* 1-Americanwd." Mongposted with five serving™i^ aaa^ and27 digs, seasonS off 3-0-. . bout how well 1V ^.Evcrvb,^y;-oexa.eUdWa earcplaying Named 'J ck for both teambcsW-^ ^ ^^ F on (hc wc is Cochrane. the * *hat thc Falcons ate that was so long:*P^r ,heseare notlooldnghatk. '»P ^, Uiyl,rsand SSlw-ndwhoiooUomake collegiate by am- lhe ^.es up Invitational last falcons have a chance^ bvbe,ng

easy game. rogtogeuhinusn — division-best ^-^"^ 8latlers. ,:alcons - cn, ,illt8 match with I*« season. W»^ Mid-Eastern "Our 0P " 0^-Vanl)eWalle including the zu'»

FACEB00K TWITTER SPORTS BLOG TENNIS Become a Facebook fan Follow BG News sports on Twitter BG News Sports on the web Chirkosta wins Bob James Award Become a fan of the BG News sports The BG News Sports Staff has a Twitter. Follow us For continued coveiage of all BG athletics, Christine Chincosta a recent graduate of BG and the department on Facebook. Log on to for breaking news and in-game updates from your extending beyond what goes in the paper, tennis program's all-time winmngest player, lecentty won your account and search "BG News favorite Falcon sports. check out the BG News Sports blog at the Bob James Awaid Tire award is given to a student- Sports" to become a fan athlete achieves a 35 GPA and display- good citizenship.

VISIT BGNEWS.COM: NEWS, SPORTS, UPDATES, MULTIMEDIA AND FORUMS FOR YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE THE PULSE Friday. September 2- Monday. September 5.2011 6 Ideas for veggie use WITHIN outlined in book


At the height of tomato sea- son, only one cookbook is getting me through the countless pints of cherry tomatoes and pounds of ripe heirlooms: "Tender." British food writer Nigel Slater dug up his lawn in urban HTTW/MI»«SAN0N0«i.COM London, planted a garden and wrote'Tendcr," a cookbook that times, humorous memoir of celebrates vegetables — from Slater's journey as a gardener, asparagus to zucchini — in cook and vegetable convert. well over 400 delicious recipes. It's also a reference book But it's not just a cookbook chockfull of logical and help- broken into chapters by veg- ful gardening and kitchen tips. etables, though: it's a coffee Because of all it is and can do, table book rich with artful I guarantee this is one book photographs of Slater's garden every food lover should own the produce and the dishes he's created A delicate and, at See FOOD | Page 7 Countless activities line Main Street for students' downtime

By Dana* King Street, the record store offers 1971. Store hours are Monday Wicks said the atmosphere Assistant Pulse Editor customers new and used through Saturday, 9 to 9 and is eclectic, relaxed. He wants CDs, movies, mugs, pens, Sunday 11 to 5. people to leave happy and Mb Feathers in Bowling Green Stale incense, vinyl accessories, feeling like they had a good, University is often said to be records and more. Grounds for Thought enjoyable experience. it's own community, which "There's not very many A coffee shop, book- Grounds for Thought females'hair take over may lead many students to record stores left," said store and roaster, Grounds is open 6 a.m. to midnight forget about the city that lies F.rica McClure, a cashier at for Thought offers "a lot of every day and is located at only a few blocks away. Finders. "We have a huge things," said Kelly Wicks, 174 S. Main Street. The city has a lot to offer selection of vinyl." who owns the store with his and new things to discover The record store will also wife Laura. For Keeps for students. If your room- special order records and Grounds has a selection of Since 1997, For Keeps gifts Serenity Spa & Tanning mate is driving you crazy other items for customers. 175,000 books. has been a store that provides ^^VB By Jonathan — located across from or you just need to get out "It's important to go buy "It's a place where students an assortment of things, said fVW Keilholz the Doyt Perry football of your room, walk down music arid CDs and records," land others; can relax, social- owner Amy Craft Ahrens. \^m Pulse Columnist stadium — offers three to Main Street and explore McClure said. "And not to ize, study, get work done and The gift shop is located at feathers for $20 with a what downtown has to offer. download it, but to support just hang out," Wicks said. 144 S. Main Street and is a flat installation fee of $5. local businesses." Grounds for Thought hosts general gift store with items Whether it be extreme fal- Junior Breanna Butler Finders is also on the CRU concerts, political debates such as candles, garden gifts, con spirit or a simple fash- put the money down Finders Card, which offers a dollar and more. The coffee shop Vera Bradley products and a ion statement, students and gave them a shot. With what cashier Erica off in the store to students also has friendly employees, lot of different things. are installing hair feath- "So far, it's been worth it," McClure said is an upbeat with the discount card. quality pastries and drinks, T want people who come ers like they're the coolest Butler said. "I've always done atmosphere, Finders "It's a really unique Wicks said. in to enjoy themselves, even thing since sliced bread. different stuff with my hair Records is a great downtown store, there's not that many Founded in 1989, the store if they don't buy anything," Unfortunately, they are like dyeing it. I thought the destination. around." McClure said. expanded from seatingfor 12 a little bit more expen- Located at 128 N. Main The store was founded in people to seating for 100. See MILE | Page 7 sive than a loaf of Wonder. See FEATHERS | Page 7



BY KENDRA CLARK math and science build- BYNATEELEKONICH list are not "upbeat" songs. BYZACHGASE anticipated fourth install- The Oaks is the perfect ing and sorority row. The It's been five years, but the The band has taken a new A lot has changed since Lil ment of the Carter series, place to go, if what you are food is wonderful and has boys of California have final- approach to their music, and Wayne's "Tha Carter III" sold which propelled the rap- looking for is a new place refreshing variety; from ly returned with their classic they had a lot of fun making >wer a 1 million copies in its per from just another one to hang out with friends Chinese to American, sound and a new guitarist for this album. first week back in June 2008. of those Ca$h Money guys and eat great food. vegetarian to pure meat their 10th studio album. The best part about "I'm After "Lollipop" turned from the late '90s to one of The dining hall is a and salad to dessert bars. After the commercial and With You" are the perfor- into a massive hit, a gang of today's biggest and most new all-you-can-eat- I recommend trying their critically acclaimed success mances by lead bass player rappers started using auto- popular rappers. buffet and is located right of The ' Michael "" Balzary. Flea tune (the robot voice first Living up to "Carter II" here on campus near the See OAKS I il "," it was is considered to be one of the made popular by T-Payne, and "C3" is a tall order, but going to be pretty difficult to best bass players of all time, although Wayne was argu- in lead single "6 Foot 7 Foot" top it, especially after win- and his skills truly show here. ably the first rapper to use it.) Wayne lets the world know NOW ON BGNEWS.COM ning five Grammy Awards, I lie bass riffs in songs like Wayne went to jail for he's up to the challenge with including Best Rock Album. "The Adventures Of Rain eight months after releasing many quotables including, CHECK ONLINE THIS WEEKEND FOR: But alas the Chili Peppers Dance Maggie" and "Factory his failed rock experiment "real Gs roll in silence like * Pulse columnist Ruben Santiago's reaction have put together a great new of Faith" are some of the most album, "Rebirth." But in lasagna" and "I got through to the 2011 MTV VMAs album that's fun to listen intoxicating musical stylings 2010 his Young Money team that sentence like a subject to, and that says a lot about I've ever heard. I consider dominated the charts with and predicate." • Pulse reviewer Geoff Burns' where the band is today. myself a pretty avid RHCPs extremely successful debut But Wayne's punchlines review of The Cabs new album "Stadium Arcadium" fea- fan and never have I heard albums from Drake and seem to grow old pretty "Symphony Soldier" tured 28 mellow songs, more bass cords from him in a way Nicki Minaj. quickly on "C4." While the meaningful to the band com- that define the songs so well. In late 2010, Wayne first four tracks are enjoy- • Pulse reviewer Erin Cox's pared to what they've pro- "I'm With You" is a fantastic became the second rapper able, they seem to get redun- review of'Apollo 18" duced in the past. "I'm With album, and any Red Hot Chili to have a number one album dant as they all feature a sim- You," on the other hand, is Pepper's fan shouldn't hesi- while in prison with his ilar formula which consists • Pulse reporter Rebecca a fresh take from the Chili tate in picking it up. However, EP-turned-LP "I Am Not a of Wayne rapping punchline Humburgers reaction to seeing Peppers that keeps you com- if you are just looking for a Human Being." And finally, RebaMclntire and Blalte Sheldon after punchline over solid, ing back for more. After couple great i limes tracks Wayne was released from but uncreative, production. listening to it all the way to download, I highly rec- Hikers Island in November And this seems to be the through about six times, you ommend "The Adventures 2010. main drawback of "Carter notice that only two or three Of Rain Dance Maggie" and After a few push-backs, songs of the fourteen track "Did I Let You Know." Wayne delivered his much- See CARTER | (V? THIS WEEKEND IN TOLEDO THIS WEEKEND IN TOLEDO THEY SAID IT

Tejano Festival Apple Fest "I will be the godmother." For anyone looking to celebrate culture or have fun, the The Toledo Farmers Market will host a juicy festival for anyone Tejano Festival at the Centennial Terrace will provide live who loves the taste of apples. The event will take place on -Nicki Minaj, of Beyonce and music and fun for all ages. The event will start at 5:30 Saturday, is free to the public and is open for all ages. p.m. on Sunday and costs $30 at the door. Jay Zs baby


THIS WEEK IN ENTERTAINMENT: THEBGNEWS SUDOKU CHER DEFENDS CHAZ AGAINST SOCIAL NETWORKING HATE 9 After thenew cast of'DancingwilhtheStars" was announced, people took a stand on one transgender competitor. Chaz 3 6 Bono, Cher's son who was born a woman, was the victim of social networking bashing when conservative groups voiced opinions against the show's pick. Cher took to her Twitter to 2 4 6 8 defend her son. Cher claims her son was "viciously attacked" on blogs and 5 2 1 message boards after the cast was announced on Monday. 4 "Mothers don't stop Getting angry with stupid bigots who Imess] with their children!" Cher tweeted. "This is still America 9 7 right? It took guts to do it." Some messages said "ABC should be ashamed of theirselves 4 for harrassing mainstream Americans and Christians." Bono is paired with pro dancer lacey Schwimmer on the show, which will premiere Sept. 19. 9 3 8 "The haters are just motivating me to work harder and stay on DWTS as long as I possibly can," Bono tweeted. "Thanks for 8 3 9 all your support mom." HnWnVMH00.COM/ 5 1 7 brilliant for dinner parties. ing one to bring the ingredi- Consider this passage from FOOD Slater's careful consid- ents to a simmer then blend- the introduction to Brussels SUDOKO I t 9 6 E 8 I » S From Page 6 eration of the seasons, his ing it into an electric green Sprouts: "I wake to a deep, To play: Complete the grid 6 I S L » I 9 E 8 deep reverence for food puree, I make other recipes eerie silence, the vegetables so that every row, column 8 £ t S I 9 L I 6 While the recipes might be and his commitment to a from "Tender" weekly, such sleeping under layers of heavy and every 3 x 3 box contains S 8 I £ 9 L 6 I t> a bit too narrative and intui- sustainable food system all as my two present favorites, snowfall, my yew hedges and the digits 1 to 9.There is no I 6 I » 8 S £ 9 I tive for some cooks, the sim- shine through each chap- Baked Tomatoes with Cheese climbing roses turned into guessing or math involved. 9 t> E I I 6 S 8 L plicity of dishes such as Beans ter's introduction and the and Thyme with Chicken a scene from Namia. It's the Just use logic to solve and Cheese or Moutabal (an recipes he chooses to include Broth, Pork and Kale. rosehips that make my heart I S 8 111 I 6 E eggplant dip) are perfect for such as "a Chicken Lunch for Quite frankly, I feel as melt, plump amber and » 9 6 I S £ 8 L I beginning cooks and pertinent a Searingty Hot Summer's though I've been living — scarlet baubles still visible E I L 8 6 I V S 9 reminders for advanced ones. Day" or "a Stew of Oxtail and happily — in "Tender." I beneath the powdery ." However, with a breadth of dif- Onions for a Cold Night." honor the beginning of Because of Slater's "Tender," ficulty levels, advanced cooks The proof, as they say, is in each season as I move from in these fleeting moments of Create and solve your can be challenged while emerg- the pudding. The only way the Peppers chapter into sun and heatlcrave winter and Sutfoku puzzles for FREE. ing cooks have more than to judge a cookbook is by the the Turnips, one and I rel- dream of sitting down to A Rich enough opportunities to cut success you have with the ish the distinct flavors of Dish of Sprouts and Cheese for their teeth on Slater's recipes. recipes. And I've had quite a each vegetable as I navigate a Very Cold Night. No doubt Those with dietary consid- bit of success. Even though between vegetarian dishes during the winter months will PRIZESUOOKUXOH erations will find many vegan, I wasn't completely won and those that include meat Slater have me longing for the vegetarian naturally gluten- over by "A Green Soup for a When I'm not cooking from fresh tomatoes of summer. free and wild game recipes use- Summer's Day," which calls "Tender," I read it like a novel. "Tender" truly is a book for ful for weeknight dinners and for peas and lettuce direct- Slater's language is stunning. all seasons, and for all cooks. they arc installed can vary," FEATHERS Some salons are even From Page 6 damaging the custom- Unfortunatly, there were employee greets a custom- er's hair, Falknor said. OAKS two things I didn't like. MILE er during their visit at the feathers looked really cool." "Sometimes they use glue From Page 6 Some of the food ran From Page 6 store. Butler thinks of the and the extension bead." out quickly, so more than feathers as semi-perma- Falknor said. "Serenity stir-fry, the fried potatoes half the time I would have Ahrens said. "You don't Art-a-Site nent fashion statements. just uses the extension and vegetable ratatouille. to wait a couple minutes for need anything here, but This art gallery and stu- "They're a really cool beads. The glue is really The selection of desserts is them to restock the selection. you browse and find that dio is primarily a venue for way to express your- not healthy for your hair." a bit small, but the soft serve And then there was the thing that needs to go home local artists, but also offers self." Butler said. "And you Falknor noticed the trend ice cream and the dessert pizza. Maybe it was an off with you." gifts and handmade works don't really have to worry in May and started offering shooters are to die for. day or something because the Customers can sign up . of art. about maintaining them" the service. Ultimately, she The thing 1 liked the most pizza was either overcooked for an email list to receive Everything inside is for For $25, something like said she thinks the feathers about The Oaks is the dif- or undercooked. The crust coupons and specials. sale and the exhibits rotate, this should last, right? Butler are only a temporary craze. ferent places to sit. There was either burnt black or Ahrens said she wants said owner and director said they've held strong so far. "They've been real- are bigger tables for large completely dough. That people to have a good time Becky Laabs. "I've had them for over a ly big for the past four groups, small tables for cou- was a disappointment, but in her store, to smile, laugh The gift shop was month, and they've stayed in months, but the draw is ples or even lounge chairs the grilled cheese made up and enjoy themselves. founded three years ago place." Butler said. "Actually, definitely calming down."' for a more casual atmo- for it. I was in cheese heav- "I just want to keep pro- and Laabs said she tries you can't take mine nut. Theyll Falknor said. "It's prob- sphere upstairs. You can en because it was so gooey viding a different shopping to keep the merchandise be there until my hair gets too ably just a summer trend." find seating for any kind of and warm. experience, a fun atmo- local and connected to the long and I have to get it cut." Perhaps they're a bit event or purpose for going Overall. The Oaks is the sphere," Ahrens said. community. Owner of Serenity Spa & strange but — in my per- there. place to go for practically A wide-variety of items Tanning Kasey Falknor said sonal opinion — they are Another reason I liked the any occasion. Whether you On the Edge are offered in the store, she can adjust feathers when much more acceptable dining hall was how friendly are there to chow down As a tattoo parlor, cards, accessories and jew- you need to get your hair cut. than pajama pants in class. the staff was. They are truly or to just munch and chill they also offer piercings, elry. Laabs even provides "After new growth, I can There are worse things. there to help you and will go with friends, The Oaks is the body jewelry and a full chalk outside the shop for move the feathers up," Falknor Wear those feath- out of their way to do so. place for you. line of clothing. any passersby who want to said. "But the way in which ers like falcons. BGSU. "It's definitely not the draw on the sidewalk. normal, everyday down- Pricing starts at 75 cents town business," said tattoo and goes up. a little less repetitive on artist and manager, Joe Fris. There is also a gallery CARTER bizarre but excellent beats "We have some of the best space for one or two artists From Page 6 like "Abortion," and he even artists here." to rent out at a time to show gets a little political at the Located at 136 N, Main their work. IF one SANPWICH IS IV." end of "President Carter," Street, Fris said the store In a few weeks, Laabs will At this point Wayne has which features a clever little has been there almost 12 also start teaching art class- essentially described in flip of Jimmy Carter's inau- years. es in the back of the shop. All YOU NE£P, every imaginable detail his guration. "The atmosphere is "I want it to be a warm, infinite affection for money, Wayne's best moments really relaxed," Fris said. inviting atmosphere where marijunana and women, on "C4" are also his most "Everyone is really easy to folks can enjoy and appre- WE PEIIVEP WITH and has gone through an ambitious. While "How to get along with." ciate the talents of others," Encyclopedia volume of Love" sounds like it could On the Edge is open Laabs said. LIGHTNING SPE6P! what the "F" in Weezy F. be an incredibly corny train seven days a week, from MICHEUi C. - rUBHOrl. OH Baby stands for (a line that wreck, his sincerity over the II to 10 Monday through Easy Street Cafe admittedly still gets a laugh slow and sparse track actu- Wednesday, 11 to 11 Easy Street Cafe offers from me). ally makes it seem like Mr. Thursday through Saturday a menu with extensive Wayne's lack of ambition Carter could pull off a soft and 12 to 8 on Sunday. options for burgers, sig- to try different flows and rock album as opposed to Fris said he wants people nature dishes and several tackle any sort of subject that "Rebirth" garbage. to leave with "the best tat- tippet izers to choose from. W '<£ matter really hurts "C4's" Wayne's last verse (on too they've ever had." "I want customers to feel replay value. the non-deluxe version of like they've come and had Songs like "John" and "She the album) of "It's Good" is Ben Franklin dinner with friends," said Will," which feature Rick also his best on the album. Ben Franklin craft store bartender and server Amy Ross and Drake, are two of Wayne sounds hungrier has been located at 154 S. Coup. She said the atmo- the record's best tracks, but than he has since 2008, Main Street in Bowling sphere is really friendly and s Wayne's redundancy makes taking illicit shots at "The Green since 1976 and owner easy going. S s,»»"* it so that he is outshined by Throne," as he sends a few Floyd Craft said they love to Easy Street accepts BG1 his collaborators. jabs at Jay-Z: have students in the shop. Card and BG Bucks as well Wayne's performance on "Two glock 40's, n"" The store offers every- as CRU Cards and has been the three-part track ("Intro," you got 80 problems" and thing from custom fram- open since 1987. • JIMMVJOHHS.cOM tB "Interlude" and "Outro), "Talklri 'bout baby money? ing, art, office supplies, gets lost in the cluster of I got your baby money / ink cartridge refills, party Something that draws all-star rappers delivering Kidnap your bitch, get that supplies, toys, candy, and college students is what the A-plus verses, including 'how much you love your more. restaurant calls the Hall of the underground all-star lady' money." "We do have a lot of nice Foam. It is a club that cus- 1616 E. WOOSTER Tech N9ne, the hungriest While "Carter IV" may things," Craft said. tomers can become mem- Nas we've seen in a while, not live up to the rhymefest The staff is friendly and bers of by drinking a bot- 419.352.7200 the ever-consistent Bun B, of "Carter II" or the vari- offers good service to cus- tle of every beer they sell, the always animated Busta ety of "Carter III," one thing tomers, Craft said. which is a selection of more Rhymes and an unexpect- hasn't changed for Wayne; "We'll point you in the than 100. ed (and uncredited) Andre his album is still expected right direction if you don't There is also a pub 3000. to sell an insane amount of know what you're looking above the restaurant called Production is pretty good, copies, as sources are pre- for," Craft said. Grumpy Dave's which AMERICA'S FAVOWTE but nowhere near the excel- dicting somewhere between He loves to say hello to offers customers karaoke, lence that was "Carter III." 700-850 thousand. his customers and tries live music, euchre tourna- SANPWICH PflWBW 6UYS! Wayne's braggadocio feels to make sure at least one ments and more. a4to». September 2 - Monday. September 5.2011 SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM

Men's golf begins fall The Daily Crossword Fix

1 Hostess snack cakes season in New York 2 "_ of golden daffodils': Wordsworth 3 Neopagan religion ByVinc.M.loni Drew even became teammates at 4 Some Soap Box Derby Reporter entrants Preston BG. Hewit and senior Bryan 5 Articulates Senior leads Mitchell grew up playing in 6 _Kosh B'Gosh 7 "Rats!" Expectations arc high for the the Falcons into juniors against each other 8 Out of harm's way BG men's golf team, with the in Ohio, while Cooper and 9 Invitation on a rep's button 2011 season. 10 Losing candidate team returning all eight mem- sophomore Chris Mervin did 11 Intimtdator on the State employee? bers from last year's squad, the same while growing up in bovine playground? 37 Pack (down) plus adding a new freshman. Freshman |oe Cooper will Massachusetts. 12 Online journal 39 Four-legged Oz visitor] 13 Jessica of "Sin City' 40 Comical Conway The team begins its fall sea- play in the first tournament, but "There is not one guy that 18 Slips up 43 Like a pencil point son on LabOf Day weekend Winger is still unsure whether doesn't get along with the 25 Show off one's mus- 45 Sea-dwelling super- des hero at the Turning Stone Tiger Cooper will play on the team group, which is beneficial 27 Dutch cheese 47 Car trim Invitational in Verona. N.Y. or as an individual. In 2010. the because we are also all com- 28 Prom duds 48 Farmland division "We created a difficult Falcons finished third out of petitive." 1 lewit said. 29 Bulova competitor 50 Skating maneuver 31 14-Across's Great 52 Teatime snack schedule this year, but it eighteen teams in the Turning Theleaderonandoffthefield Uke 53 Help 'or the clueless was done intentionally Stone Tiger Invitational, and is Preston, who just finished 32 Tennis net grazers 54 "Omigosh!" 33 Summer cabin beds 55 Boring because of the talent we they look forward to this year's competition at the United ACROSS 34 Boatloads 56 Where most people have." said Falcons' head tournament. States Amateur in Wisconsin. 35 Short-term Anzona live Bygone Peruvian 1 Big Hatley, in slang coach Garry Winger. "We are paired against TCU Hewit finished the year 44 Actress Basinger Not-so-little kid 5 'Marching Along' aulobiographer Senior captain Drew Preston in the first round this week- strong at the Mid-American 45 Bar brews Barbie's guy 10 "Mamma Mia!" group 46 Mar. parade celeb and fellow senior Parker I lewit end, and they are a great team, Conference Tournament last 14 Soap Box Derby stale 47 Presano PC brand agree with their coach in say- so it will be a great measuring year and played well over the 15 Hearth debris 49 Significant period 16 Off-peak period ing this is the deepest team stick to start off the season," summer to improve his play, 51 Comfortably rewarding 17 Meat used in place ot a puck? 55 Dinner and a movie, say ANSWERS they have played on. Winger said. luniors Wes Gates and Charlie 19 Untidy type 57 D-backs. on scoreboards 20 John Williams quintet? 59 Gillette razor named for its "There are going to be new TCU received votes in the Olsen are expected to do big S S 1 NHN N » 3 1 d ¥ T 21 Fridge sound blade count 1° 3 1 N 3H3 n 1 1 line-ups every tournament GCAA Coaches' preseason things this year and be pre- 22 70s Olympics name 60 One with a password ■■■■■■ 1 |; UNO n 3 3 x N o n 3 s n because we are all going to poll, as did Baylor, another one pared to take over the team 23 Fab Four member 61 Davy Jones at an abbey? 1" 1 1 3 V J i y « i ».a 24 Prepare beans. Mexican-style 63 Gimlet garnish h be pushing each Other, which of the fourteen colleges in the next year. A H S 0 a 3 26 Scary fry 64 Game show host ' w 1 " 0 V d H >o| 1 V d i i is huge because golf lasts all tournament. St. Bonaventure "This is a solid team; a MAC 30 Place for care instructions 65 Throw in a chip S 3 " v In i x |M 0 1 n 0 1 33 Mouse catchers 66 SoCal force school year."' Preston said. will also be playing in the invi- Championship is not out of 1 1 1 1 X V 1 0 36 Expected 67 Country singer Rimes i?»i '■' 3 H n H all | inn 1 s i » a In collegiate golf, teams of tational, and they are coached reach," Hewit said. 37 Professor's goal 68 Tabloid loch five play and combine scores by former Falcon |ohn Powers, Close friends, high expec- 38 Corrida cry 1 3 1 • lj 3 il! S 1 39 Surcharge for a cab nde? 1 " jfa u H H v 1 s to see which team has the a 2010 BCI graduate. tations and a difficult sched- 41 English _ r o i ■ u "■'• d V 3 S 0 best overall score, plus a sixth One of the things Winger ule will help prepare this 42 Drum heard in Westerns 9 O 1 sBx 0 0 H A 3 X D OH i t n IMS 3 H S « 1° 1 10 player competes for the tour- praises about his team is the team for not only a MAC v a a <|« • n o s 1° M V H nament's individual champi- chemistry, and in some cases Championship, but potential- onship. it started before the players ly a trip to regionals.

needs to get on the same SOCCER page. From Page 5 "Once we get that first BG rugby team hosts tournament, hopes win, we will be unstoppa- ship righted to start build- ble, Zuccaro said. ing momentum for later in The Falcons are taking on the season. Cleveland State tonight at 7 to improve off previous performance "Wehavetoturn it around p.m. and will host Niagara now to win more," she said. on Sunday at 1 p.m. at By Max Householder "We definitely expect to win, but we're not The Panthers will look Zuccaro said the team Cochrane Soccer Stadium. Reporter for Eloff, who played just going in thinking that it's all wrapped in the National Sevens The BG rugby team will host Tournament alongside cur- Bulls started the season the first annual Midwest up. We know we have to play well.'' rent Falcons Dominic Mauer NETTERS last weekend, dropping Sevens Tournament this and Max Narewski, to have From Page 5 two games to New Mexico Saturday at College Park Tony Mazzarella | BG rugby coach a strong game against the and New Mexico State rugby field. team who defeated them Atlantic Rookie of the Year. Universities. The tournament will play 15 players per side competing have to play well," coach Tony twice last season. Also earning First Team But do not count the host to teams like Wisconsin in two 45 minute halves. Mazzarella said. This tournament is All-MEAC honors, outside Bulls out. With a strong Whitewater, Miami University, BG is very confident One team that BG is not an automatic qualifier hitter Maline Vatai led the setter in Jessica Burghart Central Michigan and the about this tournament, overlooking is the defend- for the annual National conference with 407 kills. (41 assists) and dominant defending national champi- especially considering ing national champions from Championships, which The Falcons must also outside hitter in J'beria ons Davenport University. how they played a week Davenport University. Led starts in the spring. The USA watch out for right-side hit- Davis (28 kills), USF is a A Sevens tournament is a ago against the Cincinnati by All-American J.P. Eloff, Rugby Association does not ter Zoe Bowens, who led force to be reckoned with. tournament that forces teams Kelts, winning the game in Davenport looks to beat BG on run the event; it is an event the NCAA last year with .67 Further, the Bulls have the to reduce their roster to their a 38-12 rout. its home field. brought together by the serving aces per game and pleasure of competing on best seven players and play "We definitely expect That is something it failed schools involved. posted 350 kills. their home court. two seven minute halves. This to win, but we're not just to do last year, as the team The tournament will start The Falcons will face "Getting past South is different from the normal going in thinking that it's all went 0-2 against the Falcons around noon on Saturday at off with the University of Florida will be tough," Van rugby format that has teams at wrapped up. We know we in 2010-11. College Park. South Florida last. The DeWallesaid.

Services Offered Help Wanted Help Wanted For Sale For Rent

Classified Ads Campus Quarters Sports Bar Bartending, up to $300/day Employees needed to perform Used 2002 Volkswagen Passat "11-12 houses remain, NFL Sunday Ticket. No exp. needed, training crse. light production work w/ flex 1.8 Turbo GLS Wagon, manual. rooms low as $225. 419-372-6977 BG Browns Backers, avail, call 800-965-6520 x174. hours. Must work at least 15 hrs White, 1 owner, professor's car. 146 S College, up to 5, AC, W/D. per week, can be FT, many Well maintained, great condition, I he BG News will not knowingly accept College Football! 1BR apts mouse next to campus. 17 TVs. Sunday Liquor! BGSU students work here, easy no accidents, complete service all next to campus, 419-353-0325. wlveitliements that discriminate, or Looking tor cleaning help, encourage discrimination agilmt any 18 S Over until 9 on Sundays! walk from campus! Pay is record. Sunroof, Monsoon sound 1/1/12 rentals also avail 1-4 days per week. 5-15 hrs/wk individual or group on the basis ol race, $7.40*r. Pick up application at: syslem w/ cassette & CD players, next lo campus. sex. color, creed, religion, national ori- MUST BE AVAIL. MORNINGS & Advanced Specialty Products, heated seats, ABS, Michelm tires. CartyRentals com/some sem only gin, seaual oneniailon disability. status HAVE RELIABLE TRANSPOR- Inc 428 Clough St, BG, OH Great body integrity, new brakes, as a veteran or on the basis of any other Help Wanted TATION Starting pay $7.50/hr legally protected status. major service just completed. 4BR house near downtown, Contact Amy al 330-620-6927 Part-time delivery drivers & flyer S4.995 Call 419-353-6767 avail immed! W/D, A/C, garage, The BG New* rese t ves t he t igh t to decline, S1200/mo+utlls, 419-308-1733. discontinue or revise any advertisement •Yoko Japanese Restaurant now distribution Speedy Burrtto or 317-965-8350 By appt only such as those found to be defamatory Call 419-806-4727. hiring servers Flex, hrs, only 15 NOW HIRING POSITIVE, Medium sized 3BR house, lacking in factual basis, misleading or minutes from BG. 90% of past false in nature All advertisements are MOTIVATED PERSONSI Third St, close to BGSU. subject it) editing and approval. servers have been from BGSU! Wait staff. Bartenders, for the PT. time gymnastics coach tor Call 419-601-3225 for more info. Apply in person at: Food & Beverage team. Full or BG Gymnastics Academy 465 W Dussel Dr., Maumee. OH Part time Positions available Beginner classes thru competitive Newer, cozy. 1 BR duplex w/ (419)893-2290 Requirements include basic team. Prev. coaching exp. pref deck, close to campus, yr lease, Services Offered knowledge of the food and bever- Call 419-509-5795. $400/mo-eUtils, call 419-654-5716. Lawn care specialist & assistants age service Need to work well in needed TruGreen is hiring full a team environment. Candidate and part time employees to help must demonstrate an outgoing. Campus Quarters Carryout! fertilize and aerate lawns A good guest oriented and friendly NOW delivering!! driving record is a must. Visit our demeanor. Apply in person at Anything in the store 10 you website at: TruGreen Toledo com Stone Oak Country Club Every day 4pm-2:30am! or call 419-874-1945 Hours of 100 Stone Oak Blvd, Holland OH 419-354-BEER work: 7am-4pm or 2-3pm- 6-7pm.

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