JOURNAL OF CRUSTACEAN BIOLOGY, 21(3): 653–664, 2001 PORCELLIDIUM POOREI, A NEW SPECIES OF PORCELLIDIIDAE (COPEPODA: HARPACTICOIDA) FROM SEAGRASS IN PORT PHILLIP BAY, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, AND A REVIEW OF THE FAMILY Genefor K. Walker-Smith Crustacea Laboratory, Museum Victoria, GPO Box 666E, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia, and Zoology Department, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia (
[email protected]) Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 ABSTRACT A new species of Porcellidiidae, Porcellidium poorei, is described from the seagrass beds of Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. The validity of all genera of Porcellidiidae is discussed, and Mur- ramia, Acutiramus, Kioloaria, Kensakia, and Mucrorostrum are synonymised with Porcellidium. The family diagnosis is expanded. A key to the genera is provided. The family Porcellidiidae Boeck, 1865, with Nomarski interference phase contrast and a drawing comprises 36 species in the genus Porcellid- tube. Scale bars are labelled with lower case letters that ium Claus, 1860, and relatively few others in correspond directly to the figure with the same letter. nine smaller genera (Harris, 1994; Harris and SYSTEMATICS Robertson, 1994; Harris and Iwasaki, 1996b; Porcellidiidae Boeck, 1865 Harris and Iwasaki, 1997). A survey of the Porcellidina Boeck, 1865: 279, 280. harpacticoid copepod fauna of Port Phillip Porcellidiinae.—Brady, 1880: 4, 164. Bay, Victoria, Australia, revealed an unde- Porcellidiidae.—Sars, 1904: 74.—Lang, 1948: 417.— scribed species of Porcellidiidae living on the Harris and Robertson, 1994: 262.—Huys et al., 1996: seagrass Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens 304–306. ex Ascherson) den Hartog.