University of Self Evaluation Report

Prizren 2013/2014

Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren

1. Facts about the University of Prizren

The University of Prizren (UPZ) was established in 2010 after the decision of the Government of . The University has its seat in Prizren, one of the oldest cities in Kosovo, with approximately 300,000 inhabitants. The UPZ is the second Public University in Kosovo. In 2010 the number of students was nearly 1700 and in now around 8000 students of different nationalities. University is accredited since 2010, last was accredited last year until October 2015. We offer bachelor programs in International Managemnent and Bussiness Administration within Faculty of Economics, Law, Software Design and Information Technologies within Faculty of Information and Technology, German Language, School Education and Preschool Education within Faculty of Education and we offer master studies in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management. All of the above mentioned programs are accredited until October 2015 except of the master which is until 2016.

Mission statement

Mission Statement of the University of Prizren

The University of Prizren serves the region of Prizren and The Republic of Kosovo by recruiting, developing and educating students to be successful graduates in the labour market of Kosovo, the region and Europe.

The Vision

The University of Prizren and its Management is committed to quality enhancement of its learning and teaching and associated activities of the University, in order to strengthen its comparability and standing with other institutions in the region and Europe.

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren

2. Study Programs

Management of the University of Prizren after the approval in the Senate and in accordance with the Ministry of Education takes a decision for new study programs. Particular faculties leading by the Dean work on the program which is checked by the Vice rector for study and research and the quality assurance office.

There are two regular examination periods, and there might be a third one after the decision of the senate, when ususally students are allowed to enter in maximum two examinations.

The way of grading the students depends on the field of study. Every teacher plans the method in the syllabie he delivers to students in the beginning of the semester, Guidelines for bachelor and master thesis are drafted and approved on the university level which are also to be find at the university administration.

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2. Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti” Description of Institution (name) Faculty of Filology, Prizren Name of study programme Albanian Language and Literature Categorization (BA, MA, BSc, MSc, PhD, BA Doctorate, University Course) Academic Degree and the name of Diploma BA in Albanian Language and Literature in final form and shortened. Profile of Academic Programme

Group to whom is addressed the offer To those students who completed secondary school. Minimal time duration 3 years (6 semesters). Form of study (regular, without disconnection from work, distance study Regular etc.) Number of ECTS 180 1. Introduction to Linguistic 2. Introduction to the science of Literature 3. Classics (Albanian literature) 4. The culture of Albanian language 5. The folks of Literature 6. English language I 7. Computing 8. The culture and Albanian Civilization 9. The history of Art’s 10. Phonetics 11. The theory of Literature 12. Reading and Interpretation 13. The children’s of Literature 14. Folks and Ethnology 15. English language II 16. The history of Albanian standard language 17. The history of Albanian population Modules /Courses (Short content) 18. Antique Literature 19. The history of Phonetics 20. Albanian Morphology I 21. Romance – The history of Albanian Literature I 22. Lexicology 23. Academic writing 24. The theory of transition 25. English language III 26. Anthropology 27. The Albanian Philology 28. Etymologic 29. Journalism 30. Albanian Morphology II 31. Romance – The history of Albanian Literature II 32. Balkan Linguistics

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33. The philosophy of language and Latin Civilization 34. The comparative of Literature 35. English language IV 36. Creative writing 37. Arberesh Folks 38. The culture of Sociology 39. The history of Morphology 40. Realism – The history of Albanian Literature 41. Albanian Syntax I 42. The world of Literature 43. Dialectology 44. Native methodology 45. Indo-European Linguistics 46. Literary Criticism 47. Stylistic 48. Sociolinguistic 49. Latin 50. Albanian Syntax II 51. Modern Albanian Literature 52. General Linguistics 53. The teaching methodology of Literature 54. Psychology 55. Theses 56. Albanian Journalism 57. Essayist 58. Semiology and Semantic 59. Greek

Number of study places 60 Leader of study programme Prof. Ass.Dr. Shkelqim Millaku Permanently academic staff (scientific/artistic)

(Number according to the category of personnel) Study Fee 50 euro per semester

The Intellection of Academic Programme

Bachelor Program in Albanian Language and Literature in general aims for training students who will be capable of practicing for their future professional. Studies in this Program, Albanian Language and Literature will last for six semesters, and within the three main fields of studies and all of them are harmonized:

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren

a. Language (and communicative), b. Literature, c. Culture. These fields, will be elaborated within particular course, than the students will develop and deepen their language (literature, culture) skills, as well as their academic skills, in order to increase their language proficiency that will enable them to communicate accurately and fluently in academic and non-academic circles and cope with the challenge encountered in the labour market and society in general. Apart from the programmatic aspect, students of this Program will also be equipped with in depth knowledge related to different levels of language and literature system of Albanian through subjects of: Albanian Grammar, Phonetics and Phonology, Morphology, Syntax and Lexicology (Introduction to Linguistic, The culture of Albanian language , The folks of Literature, English language I, Phonetics, English language II, The history of Albanian standard language, The history of Albanian population, Antique Literature, The history of Phonetics, Albanian Morphology I, Lexicology, Academic writing, The theory of transition, English language III, Anthropology, The Albanian Philology, Etymologic, Journalism, Albanian Morphology II, Balkan Linguistics, The philosophy of language and Latin Civilization, The comparative of Literature, English language IV, Creative writing, Arberesh Folks, The culture of Sociology, The history of Morphology, Albanian Syntax I, II, Dialectology, Native methodology, Indo- European LinguisticS, Latin, General Linguistics, Greek). Albanian studies are offered through subject that present the most important literary periods: Renaissance, Neoclassicism, Romanticism and Modern Albanian Literature (Introduction to the science of Literature, Classics (Albanian literature), The culture of Albanian language, The folks of Literature, The culture and Albanian Civilization , The history of Art’s, The theory of Literature, Reading and Interpretation, The children’s of Literature, Romance – The history of Albanian Literature I, II, Realism – The history of Albanian Literature, The world of Literature, Literary Criticism, Stylistic, Modern Albanian Literature, The teaching methodology of Literature, Psychology, Theses, Semiology and Semantic) etc. Albanian language modules allow students to explore the relationship between Albanian (pre- history, history, modern) language and communication than modules for Literature that explore the relationship between Albanian (pre-history, history and modern) Literature and Culture, too. Elective course in the Program of Albanian language and Literature studies to provide additional knowledge and skills in order to expand students’ spectrum of their knowledge. - 6 -

Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren

Through the subjects of choice students will be equipped with knowledge and ability in specialized professional fields according to the needs and preferences of the students, such as: The culture of Sociology, The Albanian Philology, The history of Morphology, Anthropology, The history of Phonetics, Antique Literature, The history of Albanian population, The history of Albanian standard language, The history of Art, The culture and Albanian Civilization, Computing, Arberesh Folks, Creative writing, Etymologic, Literary Criticism Sociolinguistic, Stylistic, Latin Albanian Journalism, Essayist, Semiology and Semantic, Greek. In order to be better prepared to keep pace and cope with contemporary requirements, this Program offers students modules of English language I, II, III and IV, as well as foreign language (Latin, Greek, German and French) with the propose of expanding their linguistic knowledge, and their ability to be competitive in the labor market.

Nacional and international comparability of the “academic programme” and the academic degree Albanian Language and Literature Programme is comparable to BA studies. The programme is comparable to the programmes of Albanin as the University of Prishtina, , Korca, Shkupi, Tetova, Shkodra and University of Wien, University of Munche, University of Ljubljana, University of Budapesti.

Market Research Currently, Kosova is lacking for the qualified professionals on delivering teaching in Albanian language for primary and secondary schools as well as high schools. In accordance to the present situation there are no teachers containing proper qualified competences. The main employers of the graduated students, but not limited to will be the primary, secondary and high schools throughout Kosova. However, the graduate students can teach also the private classes in different Language Centers. Finally, students during their studies will have the opportunity of doing the practical work in either primary or secondary schools.

The orientation of the studies program

The University of Prizren (UPZ) was established in 2010 after the decision of the Government of Kosova. The University has its seat in Prizren, one of the oldest cities in Kosova, with approximately 300,000 inhabitants. The UPZ is the second Public University in Kosova. Albanian Language and Litereature is the second Faculty in Kosova

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The objectives and aims The ultimate aim of the undergraduate students in this Program is to prepare professionals of the title Bachelor of Albanian language and Literature studies. In order to obtain the title Bachelor of Arts in Albanian language and Literature studies, the student must accumulate at least 180 ECTS credits, and complete exams foreseen by the study plan and program. Students are completed by the public defense of diploma paper in front of the appointed commission. Upon the successful completion of the students, the graduates from the Program of Albanian Language and Literature studies will have a wide range of opportunities for employment. They will be able to get a job in various governmental and non-governmental organizations, in public or private school, in public administration, in different private and public companies that practice education, culture or similar things. They may work in a wide variety of positions in which either communication, or mediation in Albanian (…). The diploma of Bachelor of Arts in Albanian Language and Literature studies will also enable graduate students of this Program to continue further their academic and professional achievements and always based on the requirements of the Bologna.

Upon successful completion of this Program students will be able to: - Communicate fluently and accurately at advance level in writing as well as in speaking. - Demonstrate a high level of knowledge of the language system and the ability to apply it in practice in different forms and at diverse levels of public communication. - Demonstrate a high level of knowledge related to Albanian language and Literature, and similarities culture or differences, and mediate in order to facilitate inter-cultural communication.

The relationship between theory and practice Upon the successful completion of the students, the graduates from the Program of Albanian Language and Literature studies will have a wide range of opportunities for employment. They have theory and nessesery practices. They will be able to get a job in various governmental and non-governmental organizations, in public or private school, in public - 8 -

Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren administration, in different private and public companies that practice education, culture or similar things.

Duration and volume (semester, ETCS, semester hours) This Program of studies is three years with six semesters and the ETCS are distributed according to parameters provided for under the Bologna system, in total this Program of studies has 180 ETCS credits, and for one year has 60 ETCS credits, where as one semester has 30 ETCS credits; 1 ETCS credit is calculated with 25 hours of engagement for the student. The Load of work for the student’s and its engagement is dispersed according to the University Statute and Regulation of Exams at the public University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”.


Our University has relationship between some primary and secondary school with the aims for to realize the practices by the students.

The researcher plan - Plani i hulumtimeve për programin/ programet në vlerësim;

a. Tema: Mësimi i shqipes standarde nga klasa e pestë deri në klasën e nëntë

Aktiviteti i hulumtimit: Ky projekt hulumtimi ka për qëllim dhe objektiv thelbësore për ta njohur dhe parë funksionalizimin e mësimit të shqipes standarde nga klasa e pestë deri të klasa e nëntë në disa shkolla. Hulumtimi ka disa detyra orientuese dhe parimore; duke u mbështetur dhe ndërtuar pyetësorët për ta zhvilluar procesin e hulumtimit, i cili, parimisht verifikon respektimin apo mosrespektimin e gjuhës standarde nga mësimdhënësit dhe mësimxënësit. Detyra e dytë e projektit është analiza dhe testimi i teksteve shkollore të gjuhës shqipe. Këto dhe detyra të tjera do ta plotësojnë hulumtimin dhe objektivat e projektit. Ky projekt studimi dhe hulumtimi do të jetë orientues vetëm në disa shkolla që do të konsiderohen pilot-projekt në Prizren dhe rrethinë. Projekti i hulumtimit do të ketë pyetësorët të dedikuar për fëmijët dhe mësimdhënësit. Projektin do ta realizojnë profesorët në bashkëpunim me studentët. Planifikohen rreth 1500 fëmijë për t’i “intervistuar” apo pyetur dhe rreth 150 mësimdhënës në disa shkolla të komunës se Prizrenit. Rezultatet e tyre

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren do ta konfirmojnë se gjuha standarde shqipe dhe tekstet shkollore, a janë të përshtatshme në nivel dhe a duhen ndryshuar.

Bartësi i hulumtimit: Prof.ass.dr. Shkëlqim Millaku, Prof.dr. Asllan Hamiti, Prof.dr. Ismet Osmani

Numri i studentëve: 60

Buxheti i paraparë: 12000 euro

Aktivitetet tjera: Trajnime, Konferencë shkencore, botimi i broshurës (rezultatet dhe rekomandimet).

b. Tema: Mësimi shqipes nga klasa e 1-9 në disa shtete të regjion

Aparktiviteti i hulumtimit: Ky hulumtim ka për qëllim disa objektiva studimi, se pari teorikisht për të bërë hulumtim në disa qendra shqipfolëse, për të për parë dhe verifikuar se sa respektohet gjuha shqipe në: Prishtinë, Shkup, Tiranë, Podgoricë dhe Preshevë. Këto qendra do t’i krahasojmë se nga cili cikel kanë filluar mësimin e gjuhës shqipe dhe si është pranueshmëria e saj në rreth ku ata jetojnë. Hulumtimi i dytë është ai praktik duke hulumtuar drejtpërdrejt në qendrat të ndryshme regjionale. Mënyra e tretë e hulumtimit është hulumtimi dhe krahasimi i teksteve shkollore të gjuhës shqipe ndërmjet shteteve në regjion dhe krahasimi i tyre. Hulumtimi si objektivë është krahasimi i plan-programeve të gjuhës shqipe në regjion (verifikimi i dallimeve, ngjashmërive dhe mospërputhshmëria e teksteve). Projektin do ta realizojnë profesorët (bashkëpunim me ata në regjion) në bashkëpunim me studentët. Planifikohen rreth 3000 fëmijë për t’i “intervistuar” apo pyetur dhe rreth 300 mësimdhënës të gjuhës shqipe në disa shkollat. Rezultatet e tyre do ta konfirmojnë gjendjen e gjuhës shqipe në vend dhe rrethinë.

Bartësi i hulumtimit: Prof.ass.dr. Shkëlqim Millaku (Prishtinë), Prof.dr. Asllan Hamiti (Shkup), Llukman Misini (Preshevë), Ruzhdi Ushaku (Ulqin), Ali Jashari (Korce), Sadik Idrizi (Prizren).

Numri i studentëve(vendor dhe të huaj): 150

Buxheti i paraparë: 18000 euro

Aktivitetet tjera: Trajnime (seminare), Konferencë shkencore, botimi i broshurës (rezultatet dhe rekomandimet).

2.12. Entitled to enrol this studies programme are: To be admitted to the undergraduate of the application must: - Successfully completed high school in Kosova and certificated by a diploma, - Successfully completed elementary and high school at least 12 years of schooling and certificated by a relevant degree,

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- A candidate who is running for the record, who has completed high school outside of Kosova, documentation (diploma) High School should verify for equivalency by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosova. - Selection is based on the ranking in the list of points collected for each candidate according to the success of the school.

2.13. THE STUDIES PLAN The first year (I) Semester I No. O/Z The name of the course L+U ECTS Lecturers

1. O Introduction to Linguistic 3+2 5 Prof.Ass.Dr.Shkelim Millaku

Prof.Dr. Rifat Ismajli 2. O Introduction to the science of Literature 3+2 5 Ass.Xhevahire Topanica

3. O Classics (Albanian literature) 2+1 4 Pro.Dr. Sebaudin Cena

Prof. Dr. Asllan Hamiti 4. O The culture of Albanian language 2+1 4 Rijete Simitciu

Prof. Dr. Zymer Neziri 5. O The folks of Literature 2+1 3 Ass.Xhevahire Topanica

6. O English language I 2+1 3 Prof. Dr. Shukrane Germizaj

Z Computing 3

Z The culture and Albanian Civilization 3

Z The history of Arts 3 Total 30 21

Semester II No. O/Z The name of the course L+U ETCS Lecturers

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1. O Phonetics 3+2 5 Prof. Dr. Asllan Hamiti

2. O The theory of Literature 3+2 5 Prof. Dr. Rifat Ismajli

3. O Reading and Interpretation 2+1 4 Prof. Asoc. Dr. Ismet Osmani

Prof.Dr. Ajten Qamilaj 4. O The children’s of Literature 2+1 4 Ass.Xhevahire Topanica

Prof. Dr. Adem Zejnullahu 5. O Folks and Ethnology 2+1 4 Ass.Xhevahire Topanica

6. O English language II 2+1 4 Prof. Dr. Shukrane Germizaj

Z The history of Albanian standard language 3

Z The history of Albanian population 3

Z Antique Literature 3

Z The history of Phonetics 3 Total 30 21 The second year (2) Semester III

No. O/Z The name of the course L+U ECTS Lecturers

1. O Albanian Morphology I 3+2 5 Prof. Ass.Dr. Shkelqim Millaku

Romance – The history of Albanian Literature 2. O 3+2 5 Prof. Dr. Myrvete Dreshaj Baliu I

Prof. Dr. Flamur Shala 3. O Lexicology 2+1 4 Rijete Simitciu

Mr.Xhevahire Topanica, Phd 4. O Academic writing 2+1 4 Candidat

5. O The theory of transition 2+1 3 Prof. Dr. Ismet Osmani

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6. O English language III 2+1 3 Prof. Dr. Vedat Kiseri

Z Anthropology 3

Z The Albanian Philology 3

Z Etymologic 3

Z Journalism 3 Total 30 21 Semester IV No. Status O/Z The name of the course L+U ECTS Lecturers

1. O Albanian Morphology II 3+2 5 Prof. Asss. Dr. Shkelqim Millaku

Prof. Dr. Myrvete Dreshaj, Baliu Romance – The history of Albanian Literature 2. O 3+2 5 II Ass. Xhevahire Topanica

3. O Balkan Linguistics 2+1 4 Prof. Dr. Diter Nehring

The philosophy of language and Latin 4. O 2+1 4 Prof. Dr. Ragip Mulaku Civilization

5. O The comparative of Literature 2+1 3 Prof. Dr. Rifat Ismajli

6. O English language IV 2+1 3 Prof. Dr. Vedat Kiseri

Z Creative writing 3 Z Arberesh Folks 3 Z The culture of Sociology 3 Z The history of Morphology 3 Total 30 21

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The third year (3) Semester V No. O/Z The name of the course L+U ECTS Lecturers

1. O Realism – The history of Albanian Literature 3+2 5 Prof. Dr. Ekrem Kryezi

2. O Albanian Syntax I 3+2 5 Prof. Ass.Dr. Shkelqim Millaku

Prof. Dr.Sebuadin Cena 3. O The world of Literature 2+1 4 Ass.Xhevahire Topanica

4. O Dialectology 2+1 3 Prof.Dr. Flamur Shala

5. O Native methodology 2+1 4 Prof.Dr. Hasan Muja

6. O Indo-European Linguistics 2+1 3 Z Literary Criticism 3 Z Stylistic 3 Z Sociolinguistic 3 Z Latin 3 Total 30 21 Semester VI No. O/Z The name of the course L+U ECTS Lecturers

1. O Albanian Syntax II 3+2 3 Prof. Ass.Dr. Shkelqim Millaku

2. O Modern Albanian Literature 3+2 5 Prof. Dr. Rifat Ismajli

3. O General Linguistics 2+1 4 Prof. Dr. Diter Nehring

4. O The teaching methodology of Literature 2+1 4 Prof. Dr. Sebaudin Cena

5. O Psychology 2+1 3 PhD. Cand. Shpresa Zaplluzha

6. O Theses 10 5 Z Albanian Journalism 3

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Z Essayist 3 Z Sociology and Semantic 3 Z Greek 3 Total 30 21

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2.14. Description of subjects S1

Lector: Prof.Ass.Dr. Shkelqim Millaku

No MODULE: Introduction to Albanian Linguistics

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: First Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Introduction to Albanian Linguistics is a well-balanced theoretical and practical course which aims at introducing students to basic theoretical concepts and mechanisms that govern to Albanian Linguistics. The main focus of the course will be placed on meaningful elements, commencing with sentence analysis and breaking it down into clauses, phrases, and further into words and morphemes, phones etc. Introduction to linguistic is a well-balanced theoretically practically course Course Description and 6 which aims at introducing students to basic theoretically concepts objectives (Competence) and mechanisms that govern the Albanian language. The main focus of the course will be placed on meaningful elements, commencing with sentence analysis and breaking it down into clauses, phrases, and further into words and morphemes. The second main of this course is to study and analyze the phenomena of phonetic, semantic, general grammar etc., in the report of Indo-European language.

Evaluation: The first test has from 1-30 point

7 The second test has from 1- 30 point

All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

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Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Rami Memushaj, Hyrje në gjuhësi, Tiranë, 2002.

Bevinton. G. L. Albanian Phonology, Wiesbaden, 1974.

Bloomfield, L. Language, New York, 1980.

Literature: Cabej E. Studime gjuhësore, I-VI, Prishtinë, 1976. 10 Chomsky, N. Language and mind, Harcout Brace Jovanich, Inc.,


Chomsky, N. Syntactic Structures, Paris, 1971.

Harris, Z. Structural Linguistics, Chicago, 1963.

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Lector: Prof.Asoc.Dr. Rifat Ismajli

No MODULE: Introduction to the science of Literature

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

Academic Year: First Semester 2

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

This course will present for the Introduction of Albanian literature scientific and the aims of skills are to practice and Course Description and 6 studies for the basic and historical information of Albanian objectives (Competence) literature. The second aims are too comported with the foreign literature that are developing in Balkan or in Europe area.

The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

Examinations and  Discussions...... 10%.

9 Grading:  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%

 Final Exam...... 60%

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The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Zejnulla Rrahmeni, Teori e letërsisë, Prishtinë, 2003 Sabri Hamiti, Letërsia modene shqipe, Prishtinë, 2000 Literature: 10 F. Dado, Teoria e veprave letrare, Poetika, Tiranë, 2006 R. Qosja, Historia e letërsisë shqipe – Romantizmi I, II, III, Prishtinë, 1984

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof. Dr. Sebaudin Cena

No MODULE: Classics (Albanian Renaissance)

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: First Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

This course is a short survey of Albanian literature during fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which is known as Course Description and 6 the “Illuminist” and Humanism”. It is one of the great and the objectives (Competence) glorious ages of Albanian literature. Its most remarkable representatives are Buzuku, Budi, Bogdani, Budi, Bardhi etc.

The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20% Examinations and  Course Projects...... 10% 9 Grading:  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

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50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: A.Xhuvani, Letërsi e vjetër shqipe, Tirane, 1955. J. De Rada, Poezia shqipe e shek. XV, Tirane, 1956. 10 M. Domi, Libri i parë shqip dhe Letërsi e vjetër shqipe, Tirane, 1955.

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Lector: Prof.Dr. Asllan Hamiti

No MODULE: The culture of Albanian language

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: First Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

This course has for object of studies the rules of Albanian standard language. The students can improve their knowledge Course Description and 6 with theory and practical of skills. This course can help our objectives (Competence) students to have and to possess the skills for use the standard of Albanian language.

The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20% Examinations and  Course Projects...... 10% 9 Grading:  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

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50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Anastas Dodi, Fonetika e gjuhes se sotme shqipe, Tiranë, 1983 2. Rami memushaj , Shqipja Standarde , Tirane, 2004 Literature: 3. Jani Thomaj , Leksikologjia e gjuhes shqipe, Tirane, 1984

10 4. ASHSH, Gramatika e gjuhes shqipe, I, II, Tirane, 2001 5. Fjalor drejtshkrimor i gjuhes shqipe, Tirane, 1976 6. Fj alori i gjuhes se sotme shqipe, Tirane, 1984 7. Rregullat e pikesimit ne gjuhen letrare shqipe, Tirane, 1981 8. Remzi Nesimi, Gramatika e gjuhes shqipe, Shkup, 1997.

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Lector: Prof.Dr. Zymer Neziri

No MODULE: The Folks of Literature

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: First Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

This course has for aims to inform the students and studies for Albanian folks and for traditional virtue. This course is very Course Description and 6 important and it is obligation for students for to develop their objectives (Competence) knowledge for folk-song, morals, (mores) and are important to comported with folk that are in neighbour.

The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20% Examinations and  Course Projects...... 10% 9 Grading:  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

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50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: V. Bala, Çështje të historisë së letërsisë shqipe, Korçë, 1955. 10 G. Dara, Këngët e sprasme të Balës, Tiranë, 1951. Q. Haxhihasani, Naimi dhe folklori, Tiranë, 1972.

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Lector: Prof.dr. Shukrane Germizaj


1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: First Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

English Language I course design aims at the development of students’ receptive and productive skills, both integrating them, as well as focusing on separate skills in turn. Apart from strategies and techniques for the development of language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), the course will foster

Course Description and the development of students’ study and language learning skills. 6 objectives (Competence) In addition, structures and vocabulary will be incorporated into communicative tasks undertaken within the scope of the course, focusing on usage rather than form. Additional component of the course will be the development of students’ ability in using sources and resources in order to improve their language learning and studying skills. The course will lead students from level A2 to B1 of CEFR. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

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8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

1. Cunningham, Sarah & Peter Moor, Cutting Edge - Pre- intermediate, Student's book, PearsonILongman 2. Cunningham, Sarah & Peter Moor, Cutting Edge - Pre- intermediate, Workbook, PearsonlLongman Class CDs 3. Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones & Philip Kerr, Inside out, Pre-

Literature: intermediate, Student' s books, Macmillan (American English version) 10 4. Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones & Philip Kerr, Inside out, Pre-

intermediate, Workbook, Macmillan (American English version) 5. Classes CDs 6. Paul Davis, Barbara Garside and Mario Rinvolucri, Ways of Doing, Cambridge University Press 7. Stuart Redman, English Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press

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8. Joanne Collie and Stephen Slater, Cambridge skills for Fluency, Listening 1 , CUP 9. Joanne Collie and Stephen Slater, Cambridge skills for Fluency, Speaking 1 , CUP 10. Simon Greenhall and Diane Pye, Cambridge skills for Fluency, Reading 1 , CUP 11. Andrew Littlejohn, Cambridge skills for Fluency, Writing 1 , CUP


Lector: Prof.dr. Asllan Hamiti

No MODULE: Phonetics

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Second Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Phonetics course design aims at the development of students’ communicative skills, in particular in increasing their speaking

skill through the improvement of their pronunciation ability. It provides of opportunities to develop students’ analytical skills in Course Description and 6 description of Albanian and the mother phonetically level. objectives (Competence) Although it comprises both theoretical and practical aspects, the

heavy focus will be placed on practical skill alongside meta- cognitive skills. The object of this course study is to learn and study the standard and variants of Albanian consonant and vowel, too.

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The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

I.Anastas Dodi, Fonetika e gjuhes se sotme shqipe, Tirane, 1983. 2.Rami memushaj , Shqipja Standarde , Tirane, 20043 Literature: 3Jani Thomaj , Leksikologjia e gjuhes shqipe, Tirane, 1984.

10 4.ASHSH, Gramatika e gjuhes shqipe, I, II, Tirane, 2001. 5.Fjalor drejtshkrimor i gjuhes shqipe, Tirane, 1976. 6.Fj alori i gjuhes se sotme shqipe, Tirane, 1984. 7.Rregullat e pikesimit ne gjuhen letrare shqipe, Tirane, 1981. 8.Remzi Nesimi, Gramatika e gjuhes shqipe, Shkup, 1997.

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Lector: Prof. Dr. Rifat Ismajli

No MODULE: The theory of Literature

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Second Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

The course has some aims to develop the knowledge of students’ in the theoretical and practical to analysis, creative Course Description and 6 creations and individual creation. The first literary texts and objectives (Competence) evaluated from the perspective of literary analysis, critical are comported with different theory and culture.

The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20% Examinations and  Course Projects...... 10% 9 Grading:  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

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50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Zherar Zhenet, Figura, Prishtinë, 1985 Literature: Zejnulla Rrahmeni, Teori e letërsisë, Prishtinë, 20

10 Sabri Hamiti, Letërsia modene shqipe, Prishtinë, 2000 F. Dado, Teoria e veprave letrare, Poetika, Tiranë, 2006 R. Qosja, Historia e letërsisë shqipe – Romantizmi I, II, III, Prishtinë, 1984

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Lector: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Ismet Osmani

No MODULE: Reading and Interpretation

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Second Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

The purpose or the aims of this course are to prepare students to read study and interpret well in the standard level allowed. This Course Description and 6 course prepares them to be guiding the way for excellent objectives (Competence) performance, which is built from reading understandable, speaking and creative.

The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20% Examinations and  Course Projects...... 10% 9 Grading:  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

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50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

R.Qosja – N. Mjeda – nga libri “Dialogje me shkrimtarët” Prishtinë 1968 , fq.163.

Uellek&Uoren - Teoria e letersisë , fq.147. Literature: K.Petriti – Në poetiken e Camajt , fq.77. 10 Z. Rrahmani, Teori i letërsisë, Prishtinë, 2003.

V. Bala, Çështje të historisë së letërsisë shqipe, Korçë, 1955. G. Dara, Këngët e sprasme të Balës, Tiranë, 1951. Q. Haxhihasani, Naimi dhe folklori, Tiranë, 1972.

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Lector: Prof.Ass. Dr. Ajten Qamilaj

No MODULE: The children’s of Literature

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Second Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

The children of Literature are different from adult literature to cause severe psychological layers of its pedagogical nature. The Course Description and 6 course aims to study the function of the games, fiction, objectives (Competence) humanism, etc., which constitute the essential backbone of the

course. This course has for aim to inform the students for attractive literature that are important for kids. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%. Examinations and  Mid-term exam...... 20% Grading: 9  Course Projects...... 10%

 Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

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01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: A.Bishqemi, Letërsi botërore për fëmijë, Elbasan, 1999. A. Deva, Romani ynë për fëmijë, Prishtinë, 1977. 10 A. Deva, Poezia shqipe për fëmijë, Prishtinë, 1982. B. Dedaj, Burimet e letërsisë shqipe për fëmijë, Prishtinë, 1978.

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Lector: Prof. Dr. Adem Zejnullahu

No MODULE: Folks and Ethnology

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Second Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

This course has for aims to inform the students and studies for Albanian Folks, Ethnology and for traditional virtue. This course Course Description and 6 is very important and it is obligation for students for to develop objectives (Competence) their knowledge for folk-song, morals, (mores) and are important to comported with folk that are in neighborship counties.

The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20% Examinations and  Course Projects...... 10% 9 Grading:  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

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50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: V. Bala, Çështje të historisë së letërsisë shqipe, Korçë, 1955. 10 G. Dara, Këngët e sprasme të Balës, Tiranë, 1951. Q. Haxhihasani, Naimi dhe folklori, Tiranë, 1972.

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Lector: Prof. Dr. Shukrane Germizaj

No MODULE: English language II

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Second Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

English language II course is a course that succeeds English language I. The main goal is to build upon the language skills gained in the preceding course and develop them further.

Consequently, the focus will be both on integrated skills, as well as on particular skills, including receptive and productive skills. Course Description and 6 The skills development will be based on topical content which is objectives (Competence) in the students’ sphere of interests, and at the same time

informative and educational. They are comprised in the primary literature; however, students will be encouraged to explore and contribute to the course by bringing in materials to be shared with their peers. The course will lead students from level B1 to B2 of CEFR. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

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 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

1.Cunningham, Sarah & Peter Moor, Cutting Edge - Intermediate, Student' s book, Pearson/ Longman 2. Cunningham, Sarah & Peter Moor, Cutting Edge - Intermediate, Workbook, Pearson/Longman 3.Accompanying CDs of the course 4.Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones, Inside Out, Intermediate, Student' book, Macmillan

Literature: 5.Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones, Inside Out, Intermediate, Workbook, Macmillan 10 6.Adrian Doff & Carolyn Becket, Cambridge skills for fluency,

Listening 2, CUP 7Joan Collie & Stephen Slater, Cambridge skills for fluency, Speaking 2, CUP 8.Simon Greenall, Diana Pye, Cambridge skills for fluency, Reading 2, CUP 9.Andrew Littlejohn, Cambridge skills for fluency, Writing 2, CUP 10. Mary A.De Vries, The new American handbook of letter writing and other forms of correspondence,

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Second edition, 2000 I1. Stuart Redman. ( 1 999). English Vocabulary in Use, CUP 12. Paul Davis, Barbara Garside and Mario Rinvolucri, ( 1 999). Ways of Doing. CUP.


Lector: Prof. Dr. Shkelqim Millaku

No MODULE: Albanian Morphology I

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Third Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Albanian Morphology I course (The basic system of Albanian Grammar and Word-formation) is a description and, to some extent, an explanatory account of the grammatical system of modem Albanian structure, with special emphasis on the basic

grammatical units. Students will also be introduced to major Albanian word-formation processes, as an independent part of Course Description and 6 Albanian Grammar, because it is widely accepted that its study objectives (Competence) plays an important role in language learning. After analyzing

unfamiliar words students will find them much easier to remember them, since word bases, prefixes, suffixes and compound is an excellent mnemonic device. The language described is contemporary standard Albanian. To ensure active acquisition of theatrical knowledge, various tasks and exercises are selected from various contemporary Albanian

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grammar books. Exercises will give after every lecture, in order to illustrate grammar rules by examples which are characteristic and natural. Grammar examples are descriptions of how Albanian words; i.e. they are a guide to help students understand the language, not rules to be memorized. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: Mahir Domi, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe I, Tiranë, 2002. Musa Nushi, Gramatika e sotme shqipe I, Gjakovë, 1998. 10 Latif Mulaku, Gramatika e gjuhës se sotme shqipe, Prishtinë,

2002. Ali Jashari, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe 1, Korçë, 2003.

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Ali Jashari & Bahtiar Kryeziu,Gjuhë amtare, Prishtinë, 2010. Bahri Beci, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe për mësimdhënësit e gjuhës shqipe, Prishtinë, 1998. Kristaq Cipo, Gramatika shqipe, Tiranë, 1949. Shaban Demiraj, Sistemi i lakimit në gjuhën shqipe, Tiranë, 1975. Eqrem Çabej, Studime gjuhësore III, Prishtinë, 1976. Xhuvani & E. Çabej, Parashtesat e gjuhës shqipe, Tiranë, 1956. Xhuvani & E. Çabej, Prapashtesat e gjuhës shqipe, Tiranë, 1962.


Lector: Prof. Dr. Myrvete Dreshaj Baliu

No MODULE: Romance – The history of Albanian Literature I

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Third Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

This course gives a short survey of Albanian Literature during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This course introduces Course Description and 6 students to Romanticism literature. The course examines the objectives (Competence) main thematic concerns in the Romanticism Age, related to issues

of gender, class, social reform and religion. The age saw as a heavily industrialized nation, impacted in a variety of ways.

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The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: DH. Shuturiqi, Historia e letërsisë shqipe të Rilindjes, Tiranë, 1949. 10 R. Qosja, Historia e letërsisë shqiptare I, II, III, Prishtinë, 1984. De Rada, Poezia shqipe të shek. XV, Tiranë, 1956.

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Lector: Flamur Shala

No MODULE: Lexicology

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Third Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Lexicology course provides a systematic and accessible introduction to the lexicology of modern Albanian. In a word, it is an account of the sources of modern Albanian words. To be

Course Description and more precise, it examines: What are words? Where do Albanian 6 objectives (Competence) words com from? How are words made up? How do words ´mean”? How can words be investigated?, etc. It includes the main themes of modern Albanian lexicology: word building, semantic changes, phraseology, borrowings, neology and lexicography. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

Examinations and  Discussions...... 10%. 9 Grading:  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%

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 Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Jani Thomai, Leksikologjia e gjuhës shqipe, Tiranë, 2006. 1. Androkli Kostallari (...), Studime mbi leksikun dhe mbi formimin e fjalëve në gjuhën shqipe, I, II, III, Tiranë, 1972. 2. Shefkije Islamaj, Çështje të sinonimisë në gjuhën shqipe, Prishtinë, 1985. Literature: 3. Shkëlqim Millaku, Studime gjuhësore I (Kompozitat), 10 Prishtinë, 2011. 4. Ibrahim Goci, Antonimet e gjuhës së sotme shqipe,

Prishtinë, 1985. 5. Jani Thomaj, Leksiku dialektor e krahinor në shqipen e sotme, Tiranë, 2001. 6. Mehmet Halimi, Çështje fjalëformimi në gjuhën shqipe, Prishtinë, 1996. 7. A. Kostallari, Parimet themelore për hartimin e “Fjalorit të gjuhës shqipe”, SF, 1968, 2.

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Lector: Mr.Xhevahire Topanica, Phd candidat

No MODULE: Academic writing

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Third Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

The course is obligatory to students of the first year of the department of Physics and Chemistry. It has five credits and the following will be taught during the first semester.

Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to teach all the students how to Course Description and 6 write and to respect the standard rules. They are obliged to know objectives (Competence) how to use well first of all the Albanian orthography and to

recognize the different writing genres like description, argumentation, analysis etc. The methods of teachers Lecture is the main method, but also exercises, analysis, group- work and discussion. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Thomas Kana, Si te shkruajme shqip, Tirane, 2010. Bernard Zeneli, Sonila Danaj, Shkrim Akademik, Tiranë, 2006. X.J. Kennedy, Dorothy M. Kennedy, Maria F. Muth, (Përkthyes: Bojken Abazi, Elvin Gjevori, Roland Lami, Granit Zela) Udhërrëfyes i avancuar i shkrimit akademik, Universiteti U.F.O, Tiranë, 2009. Sylvan Barnet, Pat Ballanca, Marcia Stubbs, Shkrim akademik,

Literature: (përktheu Stavri Pone), Tiranë, 2000. Ferit Baca, Hartimi i një temë diplome, Tirane, 2010. 10 Si të shkruajmë ese, (Përgatiti Bardhyl Musai), QAD, Tiranë,

2004. Majlinda Nishku, Procesi dhe shkrimet funksionale, QAD, Tiranë, 2004. Elona Boce, Si të shkruajmë një punim kërkimor, CDE, Tiranë, 2004. Umbero EKO, Si shkruaj, Prishtinë, AIKD, 2003 /përktheu: Vehbi Miftari. ABC of Esse. Academic Writing. www. academic.writing,com Umberto Eko, Si bëhet një punim diplome. Përktheu dr.

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Kristina Jorgaqi, Botime “Përpjekja”, Tiranë, 1997. Laurence Behrens and Leonard Rosen, Writing and Reading, Across the Curriculum, United States, seventh edition (2006!). Drejtshkrimi i gjuhës shqipe, “Rilindja”, Prishtinë, 1975.


Lector: Prof. Dr. Ismet Osmani

No MODULE: The theory of transition

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Third Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Translation Theory course integrates theoretical and practical issues of translation studies. It aims at introducing the key

Course Description and concepts of translation studies in order to increase students’ 6 objectives (Competence) awareness, as well as to arouse their interest and motivation to pursue the studies independently. It also aims at improvement of students’ skills and abilities in translating, as well as in correcting and proofreading the translation products. The first test has from 1-30 point Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point 7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

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Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

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Germizaj, Shykrane, Translation Theory in the Classroom, Prishtina, 2005 Bassnett, Susan, Translation Studies, London and New York, 1980 “Fjalori i Termave të Planifikimit”, Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë, Vol. 27, 1989.

Adejunmobi, M. (1998) TranslationandPostcolonialIdentity. AfricanWritingandEuropeanLanguages. In: The Translator 4: 163 – 181

Allwood, J. (1976) LinguisticCommunication as ActionandCooperation”, Monografi në Gjuhësi 2, Departamenti i Gjuhësisë, Universiteti i Goteborgut, Suedi.

Literature: Belin, A. &Allwood, J. (1985) “Të folurit dhe prozodia – studim krahasues”, Departamenti i Gjuhësisë, Universiteti i 10 Goteborgut.

Rami Memushaj, Hyrje në gjuhësi, Tiranë, 2002,

R. W. Brislin, (1976). Translation: applicationandresearch. NewYork: GardnerPressInc, f. 1

Tupja, E. (2004) Për disa huazime që shprehin gjendje emocionale në gjuhën shqipe, “Rreth huazimeve në shqipen standarde”, Akte të seminarit III, Fakulteti i Gjuhëve të Huaja, Universiteti i Tiranës.

Vermeer, H.J (1996) A Skopostheoryoftranslation (Someargumentsforandagainst), Heidelberg: TEXTconTEXT.

Venuti, L. (1995) The translator‟sinvisibility, London:


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Lector: Prof. Dr. Vedat Kiseri

No MODULE: English language III

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Third Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

English Language 3 course designee aims at further development of students’ receptive and productive skills, both integrating them, as well as focusing on separate skills. Apart from strategies and techniques for the development of skills (listening, speaking reading and writing) the course will foster the development of the

Course Description and students’ study skills and language learning skills. Apart from 6 objectives (Competence) this, structure and vocabulary will be incorporated into communicative tasks undertaken within the scope of the course, focusing on use rather than form. Additional component of the course will be the development of students’ ability in using information and computer technology as essential resource of both research and language learning purposes. The course will lead students from level B2 to of CEFR. Evaluation: The first test has from 1-30 point

7 The second test has from 1- 30 point

All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

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Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature 1.Personal collection of materials 2.Textbooks of upper-intermediate level 3 .Selection of academic texts Literature: 4.Selection of ICT based materials

10 5.Relevant websites dedicated to English as a second/foreign language 6.Lynch,T.(I983). Study Listening. Cambridge: CUP 7.Lynch,T. & Anderson,K.( 1 992).Study speaking. Cambridge:CUP 8.Bamet, Sylvan ( 1 998). Critical Thinking, Reading & Writing: A brief Guide to Argument. Bedford Books.

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof. Ass. Dr. Shkelqim Millaku

No MODULE: Albanian Morphology II

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Fourth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Albanian Morphology II course is also a descriptive and an explanatory account of Albanian language words classes (parts of speech). It is a basic guide to the grammar and usage of Albanian word-classes. In the way, it is a reference course to look up problems they encounter in using the language forms and their manages. The course is a self-contained course. The designed material may

be presented in class in more than one way. Most of the material conversing word-classes is organized inductively and should not Course Description and 6 present any difficulty for the students’ understanding. Of course, objectives (Competence) we are open to present the material in a condensed from when

that is required. The language described is contemporary standard Albanian. To ensure active acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge, various exercises will be selected from various contemporary Albanian grammar books, in order to illustrate grammar rules and usage of parts of speech by examples which are characteristic and natural. In one word, grammar examples are descriptions of how Albanian works; i.e. they are a guide to help students understand the language, not rules to be memorized.

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The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Mahir Domi, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe I, Tiranë, 2002. Musa Nushi, Gramatika e sotme shqipe I, Gjakovë, 1998. Latif Mulaku, Gramatika e gjuhës se sotme shqipe, Prishtinë, Literature: 2002.

10 Ali Jashari, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe 1, Korçë, 2003. Ali Jashari & Bahtiar Kryeziu,Gjuhë amtare, Prishtinë, 2010. Bahri Beci, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe për mësimdhënësit e gjuhës shqipe, Prishtinë, 1998. Kristaq Cipo, Gramatika shqipe, Tiranë, 1949. Shaban Demiraj, Sistemi i lakimit në gjuhën shqipe, Tiranë,

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1975. Eqrem Çabej, Studime gjuhësore III, Prishtinë, 1976. Xhuvani & E. Çabej, Parashtesat e gjuhës shqipe, Tiranë, 1956.


Lector: Prof. Ass. Dr. Myrvete Dreshaj, Baliu

No MODULE: Romance – The history of Albanian Literature II

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Fourth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

This course gives a short survey of Albanian Literature during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This course introduces Course Description and 6 students to Romanticism literature. The course examines the objectives (Competence) main thematic concerns in the Romanticism Age, related to issues

of gender, class, social reform and religion. The age saw Albania as a heavily industrialized nation, impacted in a variety of ways. Evaluation: The first test has from 1-30 point

7 The second test has from 1- 30 point

All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

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Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: DH. Shuturiqi, Historia e letërsisë shqipe të Rilindjes, Tiranë, 1949. 10 R. Qosja, Historia e letërsisë shqiptare I, II, III, Prishtinë, 1984.

De Rada, Poezia shqipe të shek. XV, Tiranë, 1956.

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof. Dr. Diter Nehring

No MODULE: Balkan Linguistics

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Fourth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

This course will present and studied some phenomena of linguistics that are in area of Balkan. The objects of studies are Course Description and 6 corporate phenomena that are spoken in Balkan and have the objectives (Competence) contact with Indo-European language.

The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20% Examinations and  Course Projects...... 10% 9 Grading:  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

- 57 -

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50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: E. Çabej, Studime gjuhësore III, Prishtinë, 1974. Sh. Demiraj, Gjuhësi ballkanike, Tiranë, 2004. 10 Robert Robins, Historia e gjuhësisë, Tiranë, 2007.

Sapir, E. Language, New York, 1921. Sosyr, F. dë, Kursi i gjuhësisë se përgjithshme, Prishtinë, 1977.

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof. Dr. Ragip Mulaku

No MODULE: The philosophy of language and Latin Civilization

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Fourth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

The importance and the differences of culture, language between the philosophical of Greek and Latin with ancient civilizations Course Description and 6 Pelasg-Illyrian Albanian are the aim of the course. The object of objectives (Competence) studies for students is very important to develop their skills of

language, culture, etc., between Albanian, Greek, Latin and who are later proven to submit in our countries. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%. Examinations and  Mid-term exam...... 20% Grading: 9  Course Projects...... 10%

 Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

- 59 -

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01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: Muharrem Cerabregu, Gjeo dhe Hartolinguistika, Prishtinë, 1989. Mark Tirta, Etnologjia e përgjithshme, Tiranë, 2001. 10 Sh. Demiraj, Gjuhësi ballkanike, Tiranë, 2004. Robert Robins, Historia ne gjuhësisë, Tiranë, 2007.

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof. Dr. Rifat Ismajli

No MODULE: The comparative of Literature

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Fourth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

The aims of the comparative literature are to develop and study the early and Renaissance of Albanian literature that are writing

Course Description and poetry, romance, drama etc. The authors have creative different 6 objectives (Competence) composition and for this course are important to comport with native and forging authors. The period of studies for this course is level diachronically and synchronically usually to comported between Albanian and the forging authors. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%. Examinations and  Mid-term exam...... 20% Grading: 9  Course Projects...... 10%

 Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

- 61 -

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01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: Rexhep Qosja, Prej letërsisë romantike deri të letërsia moderne, Tetovë, 2007. 10 Bashkim Kucuku, Letërsi bashkëkohore shqiptare, Tiranë, 2001. Sabri Hamiti, Letërsi moderne shqipe, Prishtinë, 2000.

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof. Dr. Vedat Kiseri

No MODULE: English language IV

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: Fourth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

English language 4 course design aims to develop the students’ studies and receptive the productive skills, both integrating them, as well as focusing on separate skills. Apart from strategies and techniques for the development of language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), the course will foster

Course Description and development of students’ study skills and language learning 6 objectives (Competence) skills. Apart for this, structures and vocabulary will be incorporated into communicative tasks undertake within the scope of the course, focusing on use rather than form. Additional component of the course will be the development of students’ ability in using information and computer technology for both research and language learning purposes. The course will lead students form level C1 towards C2 of CEFR. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

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8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

I. Personal collection of materials 2. Textbooks of advanced level and post advanced level 3. Selection of academic texts 4. Selection of lCT based materials

Literature: 5. Relevant websites dedicated to English as a second/foreign language 10 6. Lynch,T.( 1 983). Study Listening. Cambridge: CUP

7. Lynch,T. & Anderson,K.( 1 992).Study speaking. Cambridge:CUP 8. Barnet, Sylvan ( 1 998). Critical Thinking, Reading & Writing: A brief Guide to Argument. Bedford Books. 9. PeckJ.&Coyle.M.(1 999). The Student's guide to writing. Palgrave

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof. Dr. Ekrem Kryezi

No MODULE: Realism – The history of Albanian Literature

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The fifth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

This course gives a short survey of Realism during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This course introduces Course Description and 6 students to realism literature. The course examines the main objectives (Competence) thematic concerns in the Realism Age, related to issues of gender,

class, social reform and religion. The age saw Albania as a heavily industrialized nation, impacted in a variety of ways. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%. Examinations and  Mid-term exam...... 20% Grading: 9  Course Projects...... 10%

 Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

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01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

DH. Shuturiqi, Historia e letërsisë shqipe të Rilindjes, Tiranë, 1949. Literature: R. Qosja, Historia e letërsisë shqiptare I, II, III, Prishtinë, 1984.

10 De Rada, Poezia shqipe të shek. XV, Tiranë, 1956. Rexhep Qosja, Prej letërsisë romantike deri të letërsia moderne, Tetovë, 2007. Bashkim Kucuku, Letërsi bashkëkohore shqiptare, Tiranë, 2001. Sabri Hamiti, Letërsi moderne shqipe, Prishtinë, 2000.

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof. Ass.Dr. Shkelqim Millaku

No MODULE: Albanian Syntax I

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The fifth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Albanian Syntax I is a well-balanced theoretically and practical course which aims at introducing students to basic theory concepts in syntax and enable them to apply them in

Course Description and practice. The main focus of the course will be placed on 6 objectives (Competence) phrase structure in order to prepare students to further their knowledge on methods of combining phrases in order to form clauses. This course has for object of studies to analyze the words in the function of simple or compound sentence. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

Examinations and  Discussions...... 10%. 9 Grading:  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%

- 67 -

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 Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Mehmet Çeliku, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe II, Tiranë, 1997 Spiro Floqi, Mahir Domi (...), Gramatika e gjuhës së sotme letrare shqipe, Prishtinë, 1991 Georgio Graffi, Sintaksa, Tiranë, 2003

Literature: Bahri Beci, Gjuhë shqipe 6, Prishtinë, 2012 Bahri Beci, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe për mësimdhënës, 10 Prishtinë, 2002

Ahmet Kelmendi, Gramatika e gjuhës se sotme shqipe, sintaksa, Prishtinë, 2002 Shkelqim Millaku, Strukturat sintaksore (përkthimi i librit Chomsky, N. Syntactic Structures, Paris, 1957), Prishtinë, 2011. Josif Mita, Hyrje në sintaksën gjenerative, Prishtinë, 2005 Tafil Kelmendi, Kështjella e sintaksës, Prishtinë, 2006

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof. Dr.Sebuadin Cena

No MODULE: The world of Literature

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The fifth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

The aim of this course is for to develop the skills with the

studies of Ejection, Arabica, Japan, German, English literature. The earlier literature has had for object of studies Course Description and 6 and comported with the world literature but in this course objectives (Competence) students’ have to study for study and comport with

Mesopotamia literature. The aims of the course are to develop the skills of students with the knowledge of literature in the world. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

Examinations and  Discussions...... 10%.

9 Grading:  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%

 Final Exam...... 60%

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The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Grup autorësh, Histori e letërsisë shqiptare, Prishtinë, 1989. Eskili (525 p.e.s), Prometeu i mbërthyer. Sofikliu 497 p.e.s.), Antigona Euripidi (480 p.e.s) Medea Arsitofani (445 p.e.s) Bretkosat Dante Aligeri, Komedi Hyjnore Migel Servantes, Don Kishoti. W. Shekspiri, Iliada, Odisa,

Literature: An Anthology of American Literature - George McMichael, Macmillan, New Yourk, 1 985, Vol. I, II. 10 Highlights of American Literature - Dean Curry, Washington

D.C., 1 995 American Poetry and Prose - Ed. Norman Foerster, Norman S. Grabo; Houghton Mifflin Company (volume I - II); Boston Alexander Pope, excerpts form his Essay on Criticism James Thomson, excerpts ("Spring", "Autumn", "Winter") Thomas Gray: "The Deserted Village"; William Cowper:: "The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk"; Thomas Chatterton: "Minstrel's Song"; William Blake: "Reeds of Innocence" David Daiches, "A Critical History of English Literature, vol. 3 & 4, Warburg, London, 1 972;

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren

The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 1 & 2, 2006; The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, ed. Boris Ford, vol. 4 and 5, Penguin Books, 1 982,


Lector: Flamur Shala

No MODULE: Dialectology

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The fifth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Course Description and This course of Dialectology has for aim to studies the

6 objectives (Competence) Albanian dialects and varieties. With this course the students can inform with different varieties of Albanian

language. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

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 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

J. Gjinari, Dialektologji, Tiranë, 2004 Literature: F. Raka, E folmja e Kaçanikut, Prishtinë, 2007

10 Bahri Beci, Gjuhë shqipe 6, Prishtinë, 2012 Bahri Beci, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe për mësimdhënës, Prishtinë, 2002

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof.Dr. Hasan Muja

No MODULE: Native methodology

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The fifth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Course Description and Native methodology has for aims to develop the method of

6 objectives (Competence) teaching. The methodology of linguistic is the object of studies. The way of research and studies is with theory and

practices. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%

Examinations and  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% 9 Grading: The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

- 73 -

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61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Bardhyl Musaj, Mësimdhënia dhe të nxënët ndërveprues, (gjuhë-letërsi për klasën 6-12), Tiranë, 2008. Bardhyl Musaj, Metodologji e mësimdhënies, Tiranë, 2003. Fisher, R. Teaching Children to Think,UK, 1995. Fisher, R. Teaching Children to Learn, UK, 1995. Barer, I.M. (1997), The Elements of Teaching, Yale University Pres. Pajazit Nushi, Të nxënit e lëndëve mësimore dhe zotërimi i tyre, Prishtinë, 1992. Literature: Sofokli Garo, Mësimdhënie bashkëkohore, Tiranë, 2008.

10 Majlinda Nishku, Procesi dhe shkrimet funksionale, QAD, Tiranë, 2004. Umberto Eko, Si bëhet një punim diplome. Përktheu dr. Kristina Jorgaqi, Botime “Përpjekja”, Tiranë, 1997. Eleni karamitri, Arti i mësimdhënies, Tiranë, 2001. Gëzim Dibra, Metodologjia e mësimdhënies, Shkodër, 2004. Islam Krasniqi, Mësimi i leximit dhe shkrimit fillestar, Prishtinë, 2002. Florwer, F.D., Language and Education, Oxford University Press, 1975. Bardhyl Musaj, Psikologji edukimi, zhvillimi, të nxënët, mësimdhënia, Tiranë, 1999.

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No MODULE: Indo-European Linguistics

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The sixth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

The aims of course are to see the rapports between Indo- European language and Albanian language. The Albanian Course Description and language was studied by different scholars from German, Greek, objectives (Competence) 6 and Latin etc., so a lot of researcher have publicized their results for Albanian language is between Geek and Latin. The object of studies is to comported consonant and vowel of indo-Europeans language. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%. Examinations and  Mid-term exam...... 20% Grading: 9  Course Projects...... 10%

 Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

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01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Literature: Robert Beekes, Gjuhësi indoevropiane, Paris, 2001. E. Çabej, Studime gjuhësore I-VI, Prishtinë, 1974 10 Shaban Demiraj, Histori e gjuhës, Tiranë, 2002.

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Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof.ass.dr. Shkelqim Millaku

No MODULE: Albanian Syntax II

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The sixth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Albanian Syntax II is a well-balanced theoretically and practical course which aims at introducing students to basic theory concepts in syntax and enable them to apply them in Course Description and practice. The main focus of the course will be placed on objectives (Competence) 6 phrase structure in order to prepare students to further their knowledge on methods of combining phrases in order to form clauses. This course has for object of studies to analyze the words in the function of the compound sentences. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

Examinations and  Discussions...... 10%. 9 Grading:  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%

- 77 -

Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren

 Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Mehmet Çeliku, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe II, Tiranë, 1997 Spiro Floqi, Mahir Domi (...), Gramatika e gjuhës së sotme letrare shqipe, Prishtinë, 1991 Georgio Graffi, Sintaksa, Tiranë, 2003 Literature: Bahri Beci, Gjuhë shqipe 6, Prishtinë, 2012

10 Bahri Beci, Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe për mësimdhënës, Prishtinë, 2002 Ahmet Kelmendi, Gramatika e gjuhës se sotme shqipe, sintaksa, Prishtinë, 2002 Shkelqim Millaku, Strukturat sintaksore (përkthimi i librit Chomsky, N. Syntactic Structures, Paris, 1957), Prishtinë, 2011. Josif Mita, Hyrje në sintaksën gjenerative, Prishtinë, 2005 Tafil Kelmendi, Kështjella e sintaksës, Prishtinë, 2006

- 78 -

Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren


Lector: Prof. Dr. Rifat Ismajli

No MODULE: Modern Albanian Literature

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The sixth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 3+2, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

This course introduces students to Modern Albanian Course Description and literature, a literary period lasting during the nineteenth

6 objectives (Competence) century and the first part of twentieth century. The course examines the main thematic concerns in the Modern

period, related to issues of gender, class, social reform and religion. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%. Examinations and  Mid-term exam...... 20% Grading: 9  Course Projects...... 10%

 Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

- 79 -

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01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

DH. Shuturiqi, Historia e letërsisë shqipe të Rilindjes, Tiranë, 1949. R. Qosja, Historia e letërsisë shqiptare I, II, III, Prishtinë, 1984. De Rada, Poezia shqipe të shek. XV, Tiranë, 1956. Rexhep Qosja, Prej letërsisë romantike deri të letërsia moderne, Tetovë, 2007. Bashkim Kucuku, Letërsi bashkëkohore shqiptare, Tiranë, 2001. Sabri Hamiti, Letërsi moderne shqipe, Prishtinë, 2000. W. B. Yeats - "His Romantic beginnings: down by the Salley Literature: Gardens, The Lake Isle, Innisfree,

10 The Song of Wandering Angus, W. B. Teats - Realist and Philo:,opher: Easter 1916, The Second Coming; T.S. Eliot - Tradition and the Individual Talent; T.S. Eliot - Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock The Waste Land; W. H. Auden - Poetry and Politics: Song for the New Year; Stephen Spender - Ultima Ratio Regum; Joseph Conrad - Hard of Darkness, excerpts; James Joyce - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, excerpts; D. H. Lawrence - Sons and Lovers, excerpts Grup autorësh, Histori e letërsisë shqiptare, Prishtinë, 1989. Eskili (525 p.e.s), Prometeu i mbërthyer.

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Sofikliu 497 p.e.s.), Antigona Euripidi (480 p.e.s) Medea Arsitofani (445 p.e.s) Bretkosat Dante Aligeri, Komedi Hyjnore Migel Servantes, Don Kishoti. W. Shekspiri, Iliada, Odisa.


Lector: Prof. Dr. Diter Nehring

No MODULE: General Linguistics

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The sixth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

The aims of course are to develop the knowledge of students’ Course Description and studies. The Albanian language was studied by different scholars

6 objectives (Competence) from German, Greek, and Latin etc., so a lot of researcher have publicised their results for Albanian language and the report of

them with Geek and Latin. The object of studies is to comported general for linguistics. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

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8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points Examinations and 01-49= 5 9 Grading: 50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Robert Beekes, Gjuhësi indoevropiane, Paris, 2001.

Literature: E. Çabej, Studime gjuhësore I-VI, Prishtinë, 1974 Shaban Demiraj, Histori e gjuhës, Tiranë, 2002. 10 Sh. Demiraj, Gjuhësi ballkanike, Tiranë, 2004.

Robert Robins, Historia e gjuhësisë, Tiranë, 2007. Sapir, E. Language, New York, 1921. Sosyr, F. dë, Kursi i gjuhësisë se përgjithshme, Prishtinë, 1977.

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Lector: Prof. Dr. Sebaudin Cena

No MODULE: The teaching methodology of Literature

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The sixth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Course Description and The teaching methodology of Literature has for aims to

6 objectives (Competence) develop the methods of teaching. The methodology of literature and linguistic is the object of studies. The way of

research and studies is with theory and practices. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%.  Mid-term exam...... 20%

Examinations and  Course Projects...... 10%  Final Exam...... 60% 9 Grading: The evaluations of points

01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

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61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Bardhyl Musaj, Mësimdhënia dhe të nxënët ndërveprues, (gjuhë-letërsi për klasën 6-12), Tiranë, 2008. Bardhyl Musaj, Metodologji e mësimdhënies, Tiranë, 2003. Fisher, R. Teaching Children to Think,UK, 1995. Fisher, R. Teaching Children to Learn, UK, 1995. Barer, I.M. (1997), The Elements of Teaching, Yale University Pres. Pajazit Nushi, Të nxënit e lëndëve mësimore dhe zotërimi i tyre, Prishtinë, 1992. Literature: Sofokli Garo, Mësimdhënie bashkëkohore, Tiranë, 2008.

10 Majlinda Nishku, Procesi dhe shkrimet funksionale, QAD, Tiranë, 2004. Umberto Eko, Si bëhet një punim diplome. Përktheu dr. Kristina Jorgaqi, Botime “Përpjekja”, Tiranë, 1997. Eleni karamitri, Arti i mësimdhënies, Tiranë, 2001. Gëzim Dibra, Metodologjia e mësimdhënies, Shkodër, 2004. Islam Krasniqi, Mësimi i leximit dhe shkrimit fillestar, Prishtinë, 2002. Florwer, F.D., Language and Education, Oxford University Press, 1975. Bardhyl Musaj, Psikologji edukimi, zhvillimi, të nxënët, mësimdhënia, Tiranë, 1999.

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Lector: PhD. Cand. Shpresa Zaplluzha

No MODULE: Psychology

1 Study Program: Albanian Language and Literature (BA)

2 Academic Year: The sixth Semester

3 Compulsory/ Elective:

4 Ratio, Duration: 2+1, 15 weeks

5 No. Credits ECTS: 6 (six)

Psychology is the course that can inform the students to be all Course Description and ready for teacher. The course has some duties: The first the

6 objectives (Competence) students need to study for different situation because they have their profession to be a good teacher. The second the students

need to develop their knowledge for really live. This course will organize with theory and practice. The first test has from 1-30 point

Evaluation: The second test has from 1- 30 point

7 All the activities in the class have 1-20 point

Finally test has 1-20 point.

Total: 100 point

8 Teaching Elements: Lessons, seminars, colloquiums, final exam.

 Discussions...... 10%. Examinations and  Mid-term exam...... 20% Grading: 9  Course Projects...... 10%

 Final Exam...... 60% The evaluations of points

- 85 -

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01-49= 5

50-60 = 6

61-70 = 7

71-80 = 8

81-90 = 9

91-100= 10

Njazi Kamberi, Psikologji e edukimit dhe mësimit, Prishtinë, 2006 Pajazit Nushi, Psikologji e edukimit, Prishtinë, 2001. Musaj, Psikologjia e Edukimit, Tiranë, 2003

Literature: Grup autorësh, Histori e letërsisë shqiptare, Prishtinë, 1989. 10 Eskili (525 p.e.s), Prometeu i mbërthyer.

Sofikliu 497 p.e.s.), Antigona Euripidi (480 p.e.s) Medea Arsitofani (445 p.e.s) Bretkosat Dante Aligeri, Komedi Hyjnore Migel Servantes, Don Kishoti. W. Shekspiri, Iliada, Odisa,

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2.1. Theses Students can unroll for the topic of diploma only after successfully passed the third year of studies. The topic of diploma studies is the final exam and offered it with written form. This exam is an independent work and the students’ project that testifies to the level achieved scientific and student skills in the practical application of theoretical knowledge acquired.

2.2. Forms of lecturing and learning Main methods of lecturing and teaching are: Traditional and interactive lectures; lectures from professionals of fields with high degrees; lectures with video (PC) projector; - Exercises, - Seminar classes – individual and team work, - Practical implementation of project, - Consultation.

2.3 Evaluation Regular student knowledge evaluation method is carried: - In written, - Oral exam, - Oral and written exam.

2.4 Determination of academic success is applied with the following methods: - Colloquiums, - Active attendance in lectures, - Seminar works, - Practical test, - Final exam.

3.1 Description of assessment system

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Mark ECTS Points Definition mark 10 A 91 – 100 % Excellent 9 B 81 – 90 % Very good 8 C 71 – 80 % Good 7 D 61 – 70 % Satisfactory 6 E 51 – 60 % Passable 5 FX 40 – 50 % Insufficient 5* F ------Bad

3.2 Teaching methods - Lectures, interactive lectures, - Lectures with video projector, - Presentation of seminar workshop in front of the group, - Exercises, consultations, - Active learning, - Different works and tasks, - Reading e.g. in foreign languages.

3.3 Time duration Three years studies, respectively six semesters.

3.4. International comparatively of study management and academic degree The curriculum is designed in accordance with international educational institutions curricula in order to meet the requirements not only in Kosova but also in the regional market and international work. The program is designed based on the University of Prishtina, Tirana, Korça, Shkupi, Tetova, etc.

4.1.ACADEMIC STAFF Nr Name and Surname Qualification Contracts 1 Asllan Hamiti PhD, Prof. Ordinary

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2 Shkelqim Millaku PhD, Prof. Ass. Full time 3 Ismet Osmani PhD, Prof. Asoc. 4 Diter Hehring PhD. Prof. Ordinary 5 Shukrane Germizaj PhD. Prof. Ordinary 6 Flamur Shala PhD. Ligjerues 7 Haki Xhakli PhD. Ass. 8 Ramadan Ramadani Mr. Ligjerues 9 Xheladin Zymberi PhD, Prof. Ass. 10 Hasan Muja PhD, Prof. Ordinary 11 Rifat Ismajli PhD, Prof. Ordinary 12 Ajete Qamili PhD, Prof. Asoc. 13 Sabaudin Cena PhD, Prof. Ordinary 14 Ragip Mulaku PhD, Prof. Ordinary 15 Ekrem Kryeziu Phd, Ligjerues 16 Vjollca Dibra PhD, Ligjerues 17 Zekri Morina PhD, Ligjerues 18 Muharrem Gashi Mr. Ligjerues 19 Shpresa Zaplluzha PhD. Candidate 20 Xhevahire Topanica Ma. Ligjeruese 21 Zymer Neziri Prof. Dr. 22 Begzad Baliu Prof.Dr. 23 Adem Zejnullahu Prof.Dr. 24 Myrvete Dreshaj Prof.asoc.Dr. 25 Rijete Simitciu Ma.

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2.2 English Language and Literature (BA)

English Language and Literature Programme Name of study programme Categorization (BA, MA, BSc, MSc, PhD, BA Doctorate, University Course) Academic Degree and the name of Diploma BA in English Language and Literature in final form and shortened. Profile of Academic Programme

Group to whom is addressed the offer To those students who completed secondary school. Minimal time duration Form of study (regular, without disconnection from work, distance study Regular etc.) Number of ECTS 240 Modules /Courses (Short content) 1. Dev. Comm. Comp. in Engl. I 2. Eng. Composition 3. Introduction to Theory of Literature 4. Albanian I 5. Second Foreign Language 6. Dev. Comm. Comp. in Engl. II 7. Study and Res. Skills 8. Poetry of Renaissance 9. Albanian II Electives: 10. Second Foreign Language– Intermediate Course 11. Rise of the Novel 12. Sur. of App. Ling. 13. Romantic Poetry 14. Phonetics and Phonology Electives: 15. Structure of Modern English 16. A Survey of American Literature 17. British Culture and Civilization 18. English for Academic Purposes 19. Victorian Literature 20. Morphology Electives:


Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren

21. American Society 22. Analyses & Interpretation of Selected Literary Texts 23. Modern American Literature 24. Syntax 25. TEFL: Listening and Speak. 26. Renaissance Drama Electives: 27. Research Meth. in TEFL 28. Advanced English Course 29. English for Specific Purposes 30. TEFL: Read. & Writ. 31. TEFL: Young Learners 32. Methodology with practical work I Electives: 33. English Modern Poetry 34. Sociolinguistics and Education 35. Translation English-Albanian 36. School Experience in TEFL 37. Methodology with practical work II 38. Modern Novel Electives: 39. Use of Lit. Texts in TEFL 40. Mater. Eval. & Prep. in TEFL 41. Translation Albanian-English 42. Teaching Practice in EFL 43. Testing and Assessment 44. Seminar on Practice Teach. Electives: 45. Classroom Management 46. Introduction to Scientific Research 47. Lesson Plan and Implementation Number of study places 60 Leader of study programme Prof. Vedat Kiseri Permanently academic staff (scientific/artistic)  (Number according to the category of personnel) Study Fee 50 uros per semester


Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren

 Academic Programme Objectives and Aims

The Department of English Language and Literature offers a B.A. program in English Language and Literature and graduate programs leading to M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in English Language and Literature.

The basic components of the undergraduate program consist of professional courses in linguistics (structure of language), theoretical linguistics, written literature in English (with special focus on Anglo-American literature), history of literature, interpretation of literature, history if culture and civilisation, history of language, research concepts and methods in linguistics and literature, text theory and practice, language practice (practical course of English), methods of teaching English as a foreign language, etc

The Department of English Language and Literature provides additionally, courses of general language teaching methodology and organizes practice teaching in selected schools, thus meeting the requirements of the labour market for English teachers both in primary, secondary and high schools (Gymnasium level).

 List of Learning Objectives of the proposed program:

Learning objectives of the programme are as follows: - familiarizing students with culture, language and literature of English speaking nations;

- providing language students with the skills and knowledge necessary for effective communication in the foreign language; - providing adequate training for those who plan to continue their language study in postgraduate programs and for those who plan to enter one of the many professional fields that require a mastery of a foreign language. - theoretical knowledge on applied linguistics of English - Research methods in English Language;

- translation and interpretation skills (at intermediate levels)

 Market Research:

Currently, Kosova is lacking for the qualified professionals on delivering teaching in English Language for primary and secondary schools as well as high schools. In accordance to the present situation there are no teachers containing proper qualified competences.

Considering the research statistics of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in 2010 in the entire Kosova for the academic year 2008-2009 when they planned to introduce the English Language and Literature from the 3rd grade, there was a need for 150 qualified teachers in the English language for primary schools.


Self Evaluation Report – 2013 – University of Prizren

In accordance to the latest developments in the pre-university level the English Language is foreseen to start from the first grade. So far, the English language has been taught from the 3rd grade. Therefore, there will be a need for at least 150 teachers. Beside, this number of qualified teachers to be employed, there are a lot of unqualified teachers at the primary, secondary and high levels of education that do not have a proper qualification on the English language.

This program aims on providing the students with the key competences on teaching English language and literature by including the following core courses: General Linguistics, Language Skills, Literature, Teaching Methods for English as a Foreign Language, Western Civilization. There are some additional courses classified either as obligatory or elective that will further enhance skills of students in teaching English language.

The main employers of the graduated students, but not limited to will be the primary, secondary and high schools throughout Kosova. However, the graduate students can teach also the private classes in different Language Centers.

Finally, students during their studies will have the opportunity of doing the practical work in either primary or secondary schools.

 Student Workload (semester, ECTS, hours per semester):

The studies at the Department of English Language and Literature are organised as full-time and part-time studies. Classes for part-time students are organised in a different schedule. Classes are organised in two semesters of 15 weeks each (winter semester 1 October - 15 January, summer semester 15 February – 31 May). BA programme “English Language and Literature” lasts 8 semesters. By the end of the studies, students will have collected at least 240 ECTS through obligatory and elective courses. On average, students spend around 20-22 hours per week at school, whereas the general workload per semester covers around 750 hours (326 contact hours, 25 hours of lecture and the rest covers student’s independent work). The workload of 750 hours equals 30 ECTS credits (1 ECTS = 25 hours). Bachelor studies are completed upon the successful defence of diploma thesis.

 Entry requirements:

Entitled to enrol this study programme are:

- the candidates who finished 12 year or 13 year secondary level education, who passed the state matura exam (candidates from the Republic of Kosova only), and

- the candidates who finished secondary level education including candidates without state matura exam from Kosova and other states.

Candidates are admitted in accordance with the University entrance announcement. The selection of the candidates is carried out based on the following criteria:

- Secondary school results (maximum 20 points)

- State matura results (maximum 50 points) 93

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- Entrance exam results (maximum 30 points)

Candidates who finished secondary level education including candidates without state matura exam from Kosova and other states score maximum 20 points for their secondary school results and maximum 80 points in entrance exam.

Entitled to be included in the list of eligible candidates are those who score at least 30% of the total points in the entrance exam.

 International comparability of the academic programme and the academic degree

English Language and Literature programme is comparable to BA studies of English as a foreign language in and outside the English speaking countries. The programme is comparable to the programmes of English as a foreign language at the University of Zagreb, University of Ljubljana, Marmara and Boğaziçi Universities.


Curriculum Overview Matrix No. of teaching Course title and number No. of Study years/semesters hours Teacher ECTS L E 1. Dev. Comm. Comp. in Engl. I 2 3 8 Prof. Dr.Shykrane Germizaj 2. Eng. Composition 2 3 7 Ph.D. Candidate Mr.Sc. Sermin Turtulla 1st semester1 3. Introduction to Theory of Literature 2 0 5 Prof. Dr. Vedat Kiseri 4. Albanian I 2 2 5 Ass. Prof. Dr. Shkëlqim Millaku 5. Second Foreign Language 2 2 5 Mr.Sc. Ramadan Ramadani

Total 1st semester 20 hours 30 6. Dev. Comm. Comp. in Engl. II 2 3 8 Prof. Dr.Shykrane Germizaj 7. Study and Res. Skills 2 3 7 Ph.D. Candidate Mr.Sc. Sermin Turtulla 8. Poetry of Renaissance 2 2 5 Prof. Dr. Vedat Kiseri First year First year 2nd semester2 9. Albanian II 2 2 5 Ass. Prof. Dr. Shkëlqim Millaku Electives: 10. Second Foreign Language– Intermediate Course 0 2 5 Mr.Sc. Ramadan Ramadani 11. Rise of the Novel 2 0 5 Prof. Dr. Vedat Kiseri Total 2nd semester 20 hours 30 Total ECTS 1st year 60 12. Sur. of App. Ling. 2 3 7 13. Romantic Poetry 2 2 8 14. Phonetics and Phonology 2 3 7 3rd semester3 Electives: 15. Structure of Modern English 2 2 4 16. A Survey of American Literature 2 2 4 17. British Culture and Civilization 2 0 4 Total 3rd semester 20 hours 30 18. English for Academic Purposes 2 3 7 19. Victorian Literature 2 2 8 Second year year Second 20. Morphology 2 3 7 Electives: 4th semester 21. American Society 2 0 4 22. Analyses & Interpretation of Selected 0 4 4 Literary Texts 23. Modern American Literature 2 2 4

1 In the first semester all the courses are obligatory 2 In the second semester there are four obligatory courses and students will have to choose one elective out of two. 3 In the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth there are three obligatory courses and students will have to choose two elective courses out of three. 95

Total 4th semester 20 hours 30 Total ECTS 2nd year 60 24. Syntax 2 3 7 25. TEFL: Listening and Speak. 2 3 7 26. Renaissance Drama 2 2 8 5th semester Electives: 27. Research Meth. in TEFL 2 1 4 28. Advanced English Course 2 1 4 2 1 29. English for Specific Purposes 4 Total 5th semester 20 hours 30 30. TEFL: Read. & Writ. 2 3 7 31. TEFL: Young Learners 2 3 7 Third year 32. Methodology with practical work I 2 2 8 6th semester Electives: 33. English Modern Poetry 2 2 4 34. Sociolinguistics and Education 2 2 4 35. Translation English-Albanian 0 2 4 Total 6th semester 20 hours 30 Total ECTS 3rd year 60 36. School Experience in TEFL 2 4 7 37. Methodology with practical work II 2 2 8 38. Modern Novel 2 2 7 7th semester Electives: 39. Use of Lit. Texts in TEFL 2 2 4 40. Mater. Eval. & Prep. in TEFL 2 2 4 41. Translation Albanian-English 0 2 4 Total 7th semester 20 hours 30 42. Teaching Practice in EFL 0 6 7 43. Testing and Assessment 2 2 7

Fourth year Fourth 44. Seminar on Practice Teach. 0 4 8 8th semester Electives: 45. Classroom Management 2 2 4 46. Introduction to Scientific Research 2 2 4 47. Lesson Plan and Implementation 2 0 4 Total 8th semester 20 hours 30 Total ECTS 4th year 60 Final thesis/project Final Thesis/Project Total ECTS of the study program 240 96


Course description including competences acquired (specify generic or subject-specific), topics covered.

1. Developing Communicative Competence in English I

Class-work with application follow-ups to develop effective language use in formal and informal situations. Focus on information gap, opinion activities, role plays, group discussions and other message-oriented tasks. The course also focuses on the vocabulary and expressions used in many career areas. Memos, advertisements, telegrams, schedules, and other career documents.

2. English Composition

Extensive writing practice on principles of writing from paragraph to essay: both as class- work and application follow-ups.

3. Introduction to Theory of Literature

This course is designed as an introduction to the methods and terminology of literary study and an examination of several representative texts, with the aim of allowing students to develop basic skills of reading critically.

4. Albanian I

This course is designed to enhance the students for successful communication as required in college-level courses. Emphasis in placed on the grammar, writing and editing of compositions for grammatical accuracy and clarity through the use of supplementary learning media and materials.

5. Second Foreign Language Course Descriptions

 French  German

French I Beginning French course that presents basic language skills of speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing, with emphasis on effective linguistic functioning in real situations.

German I Beginning German course that presents basic language skills of speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing, with emphasis on effective linguistic functioning in real situations.

6. Developing Communicative Competence in English II

Class-work with application follow-ups to improve formal and informal language use. Emphasis on effective speaking in front of a group.

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7. Study and Research Skills

Developing research skills of students through classwork and application follow-ups with emphasis on finding, storing, and evaluating sources systematically. Preparation of a literature review, using conventions of academic writing.

8. Poetry of Renaissance

16th- and 17th-century authors, genres, themes, or movements, including humanism, the Reformation, metaphysical and cavalier poetry, and scientific empiricism.

9. Albanian II

Continuation of learning grammar and language skills.

10. Second Foreign Language– Intermediate Course

French II Continuation of language skills. Practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing; grammar.

German II Continuation of language skills. Practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing; grammar.

11. Rise of the Novel

This course examines central texts in the development of the 18th and 19th-Century English novel.

12. Survey of Applied Linguistics

Language and language learning. Application of linguistics to language teaching. Techniques of applied linguistics.

13. Romantic Poetry

A study of selections from the major works of such poets as Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats.

14. Phonetics and Phonology

This course introduces articulatory phonetics and acoustic phonetics.

15. Structure of Modern English

Structure of Modern English is an advanced course in the grammar and structure of English. It is designed to give intensive study and practice in analyzing the structure of English sounds, words, phrases, and sentences.

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16. A Survey to American Literature

Provides an overview of American literature from the Native American through the Nineteenth Century

17. British Culture and Civilization

The course deals with the development of British society from a historical perspective, focusing on the development of its political systems, culture and civilization, as well as on religion, the economy, art and architecture.

18. English for Academic purposes

This course is for students who want to develop their English in order to progress to further study of their choice.

19. Victorian Literature

This course allows students to explore major novels, essays, and poetry from a period of immense literary creativity.

20. Morphology

The aim of this course is to provide the students with a general introduction to English morphology.

21. American Society

The course deals with the development of USA society from a historical perspective, focusing on the development of its political systems, culture and civilization.

22. Analyses and Interpretation of Selected Literary Texts

A study of selected texts in fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama, and an analysis and critical evaluation of translated texts with a review of major grammatical points in both source and target languages.

23. Modern American Literature

The course considers selected authors in American literature from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present.

24. Syntax

The aim of this course is to provide the students with a general introduction to English syntax.

25. Listening and Speaking

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Detailed study of techniques used in teaching listening and speaking. Peer teaching in the classroom followed by peer evaluation under the supervision of the instructor.

26. Renaissance Drama

The main goal of this course is to teach students to read the drama of Shakespeare as well as of his contemporaries and rivals.

27. Research Methods in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Introduction to qualitative and quantitative research design in education; small-scale research applications in real settings.

28. Advanced English Course

This course is aimed to integrate the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing at a more complex level, to further develop language proficiency in order to gain an insight into the study of English to acquire adequate fluency and correction levels.

29. English for Specific Purposes

English for specific purposes (ESP) teaching involves teaching English with particular attention to a certain area.

30. TEFL: Reading and Writing Detailed study of techniques used in teaching reading and writing. Practice in reading for comprehension and main ideas with discussions on what has been read. Study of vocabulary, idioms and phrases for beneficial application to writing as well as speaking and practice in transforming from spoken language or conversational styles into written prose or vice versa. Peer teaching in the classroom followed by peer evaluation under the supervision of the instructor.

31. TEFL: Young Learners

Developing an awareness and appreciation of theory and practice in teaching English to young learners; focus on teacher training, assessment, syllabus design and materials preparation or evaluation.

32. Methodology with practical work I

The course will be comprised of theory and practice. The theory aspect will deal with the contemporary teaching methods and techniques. For the practical part students will be asked to observe and conduct practical work at the selected schools in duration of a month. Observation and supervision of carefully prepared student teaching in those schools will be followed by critical appraisal.

33. English Modern Poetry

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This course aims to acquaint students with major poets and the poetry of the modern period.

34. Sociolinguistics and Education

Study of language in its socio-cultural context; examination of social factors as these influence language use and the teaching and learning of foreign languages.

35. Translation English-Albanian

This course provides an overview of translation studies from English into Albanian as a separate discipline, focusing on its importance in society and offering its key concepts as a vocation.

36. School Experience in TEFL

Familiarizing the student teachers with secondary schools in terms of instructional programs, materials, technical resources and administration as well as the teaching profession before the start of full practice teaching. Requiring student teachers to do structured observation tasks followed by discussions related to theoretical and experiential considerations in EFL.

37. Methodology with practical work II

Further course in comprise of theory and practice. The theory aspect will deal further with the contemporary teaching methods and techniques. For the practical part students will be asked to conduct practical work at the selected schools in duration of a month. Observation and supervision of carefully prepared student teaching in those schools will be followed by critical appraisal.

38. Modern Novel

A survey of developments in British fiction from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1950s. Major authors might include Conrad, Woolf, Joyce, D.H. Lawrence, E.M. Forster, Waugh and Orwell.

39. The Use of Literary Texts in TEFL

Examination of literary texts as motivating language material. Application of various language based activities to literary texts through peer teaching.

40. Materials Evaluation and Preparation in TEFL

Evaluation, adaptation and development of multi-skill activities and lesson plans in relation to the specific learning situation, using authentic content and a variety of course books, other commercially prepared educational media (video, computers etc.) Application follow ups of principles of curriculum design to various learning situations in EFL.

41. Translation Albanian-English

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This course continues to provide an overview of translation studies from Albanian into English as a separate discipline, focusing on its importance in society and giving its key concepts as a vocation.

42. Teaching Practice in English as a Foreign Language

Observation and supervision of carefully prepared student teaching in selected schools followed by critical appraisal and reflection.

43. Testing and Assessment

The course presents the value of classroom-based assessment as a tool for improving both teaching and learning. It includes different assessment strategies used in language classrooms and skills in planning and carrying out effective and comprehensive assessments.

44. Seminar in Teaching Practice

Regular seminar meetings to discuss relevant literature and aspects of the teaching experience.

45. Classroom Management

This course is an introduction to classroom management techniques. Topics include: physical space, norms of behaviour, safety, time management, managing student work, and managing other special classroom needs.

46. Introduction to Scientific Research

The course gives an overview of research procedures, including literature searches and data collection, and guidance in developing a personal plan for immersion in research and scholarship as an undergraduate. It gives a special emphasis in developing basic skills appropriate to the discipline.

47. Lesson plan and Implementation

The course aims at offering novice language teachers an opportunity to learn how to plan and put into practice their teaching sessions, through classroom activities, demonstration, observation of peers, feedback, microteaching experience, shared experiences and discussions.

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2.3 Mathmatics

Name of the study programme Mathmetics Categorization (BA, MA, BSc, MSc, PhD, ) BSc Academic Level and the name of the BSc in Mathmatics diploma in final form and abbreviations Profile of the Academic Programme Group to whom the offer is addressed Stuudents who finished secondary school Minimal study duration 3 years (six semesters)

Form of study (regular, unbreakable from work, distance studying etc.) Regular

Number of ECTS 180 1. Mathematics Analysis I 2. Algebra I 3. Analytical Geometry I 4. Basic Mathematics I 5. English Language I 6. Mathematics Analysis II 7. Algebra II 8. Analytical Geometry II 9. Basic Mathematics II 10. Computer Applications 11. Englisg Language II 12. Mathematics Analysis III 13. Linear Algebra 14. Basics of Geometry I 15. Descriptive Geometry Modules /(Short Content) 16. Data Base 17. Theory of Matrixes

18. Mathematics Analysis IV 19. Basics of Geometry II 20. Linear Programing 21. Vectorial Analysis 22. Concrete Mathematics 23. Basic Theory of Numbers 24. History of Mathematics 25. Metrics Spaces 26. Theory of Probability 27. Methodology of Mathematics 28. Algebrical Structure 29. Numeric Methods 30. Filozofi e edukimit 31. General Methodology of Teaching 32. Statistics 33. Common Differential Equatitions

34. Methodology –Internship 35. Differential Geometry 36. Elements by the Real Analyse 37. Elements of the Functional Analyse 38. Thesis

Number of students 60 Leader of the study course Prof. Ismet Temaj Permanet sicentific /artistic staff (Number according to the categories of the personnel)

Study Fee 50 uros per semester

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 Justification of the study programme

In the department of mathematics studies will be conducted at an educational degree in teaching.

Therefore, considering the order of MEST (all running at bachelor level to be under 3 +2 +3 system), Department of Mathematics has applied for accreditation with 3 +2 +3 system.

 International Comparability of the Mathematics Programme

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

Department of Mathematics

Bachelor Master PhD

Number of ECTS for study programme: 180

University of Prishtina Universiteti #1 Universiteti #2 Name of the University of Prizren University of Ljubljana University of Zagreb Universityt University of Maribor University of Rijeka

Faculty Mathematics and Natural Faculty of Education PM Fakultet Science Department Mathematics Dvopredmetni ucitelj Matematika

Name of the Mathematics Matematika-racunalnistvo Studij za nastavnik study Matematike - programme informatika % Comparison  85-90  70-80 %


 Analysis of the realization of the study programme

Management studies curricula of mathematics degree is in accordance with the rules and criteria of the studies according to the Bologna system and in each semester has obligatory and elective courses, while the distribution of ECTS is the weight of the object in the corresponding directions. Number of ECTS is 30 ECTS per semester, ie 60 ECTS for one year of study. By this is meant that the Bachelor studies in mathematics have a total of 180 ECTS.

Exams are held in the form of a written and oral test - conversation with the teacher. Written exams - tests depending prepare educational matter. Terrm to sit for the exam is that the student has performed exercise successfully during the lectures and has a satisfactory consistency in lectures. As another that affects the student's final evaluation seminar work which also applies in some cases. In the final evaluation of the student indicates also on student activity and exercise classes during the academic year.

 Labour Market

Graduate students in the level bachelor of mathematics, will be trained for teaching the subject of math in high school and lower high school senior. Graduate students in this regard knowledge acquired during studies may also apply in similar private educational or social.

 b) Data for Admission of the students

Department of Mathematics has foreseen to enroll for each academic year 80 students. In this program can be admitted:

• Anyone who is in a possession of a certificate (diploma) of completion of secondary education.

• Anyone who possesses a certificate of completion of the graduation national test.

Other conditions will be set by the Senate of the UPZ.


 Acquisition Results of the study programe in general

At the completion of the study programe Bachelor of Mathematics students will be able to:

• forming habits and systematic approach to work, in order to initiate the desire for acquiring new knowledge in the field of mathematics.

• describe the terms, concepts, laws and principles of mathematics and theoretical part of these to be able to implement in practice.

• be able to use professional literature and develop mathematics skills to use literature

• implement teaching strategies in learning, teaching mathematics to analyze and develop critical thinking in learning.

 Aims of the study programme.

Study programme Bachelor of Mathematics has the aim of that in which the students will:

• acquire knowledge of mathematics and other exact sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, etc. The definition of the material world and acquire the right knowledge in mathematics • implement and cultivate positive qualities of personality: critical thinking, creativity, honesty, curiosity, freedom of thought and expression and ability to help others. • Understand the development of scientific research in mathematics perennial resulted in significant impact on improving standards and better conditions for life.


 Description of the courses included in the proposed study programme. Study Curriculum: Bachelor of Mathematics

Study Programme: Teaching

First Year – First Semester

No. Course Hours(L+E+L) ECTS Status Professor

1. Mathematics Analysis I 3+2 7 C Ismet Temaj

2. Algebra I 2+2 6 C Fevzi Berisha

3. Analytical Geometry I 2+2 6 C Abdullah Zejnullahu

4. Basic Mathematics I 2+2 6 C Naim Braha

5. English Language I 2+2 5 C Rasim Hoxha

Total 21 30 Vedat Kiseri

First Year – Second Semester

Nr. Course Hours(L+E+L) ECTS Status Professor

1. Mathematics Analysis II 3+2 7 C Fevzi Berisha

2. Algebra II 2+2 6 C Abdullah Zejnullahu 3. Analytical Geometry II 2+2 6 C Naim Braha

4. Basic Mathematics II 2+2 6 C Rasim Hoxha

5. Computer Applications 2+2 5 E Naim Braha

6. Englisg Language II 2+0 5 E Vedat Kiseri

Total 21 30

Instruction: The student has to choose one of the elective courses offered in this semester.


Second Year – Third Semester

Nr. Course Hours(L+E+L) ECTS Status Professor

1. Mathematics Analysis III 3+2 7 C Ismet Temaj

2. Linear Algebra 2+2 6 C Isak Hoxha

3. Basics of Geometry I 2+2 6 C Rushit Rexhbeqaj

4. Descriptive Geometry 2+2 5 C Rushit Rexhbeqaj

5. Data Base 2+2 6 E Edmond Alijaga

6. Theory of Matrixes 2+2 6 E Rasim Hoxha

Total 21 30

Instruction: The student has to choose one of the elective courses offered in this semester.


Second Year – Fourth Semester

Nr. Course Hours(L+E+L) ECTS Status Professor

1. Mathematics Analysis IV 3+2 7 C Ismet Temaj

2. Basics of Geometry II 2+2 7 C Rushit Rexhbeqaj

3. Linear Programing 2+2 6 C Abdullah Zejnullahu

4. Vectorial Analysis 2+2 6 E Qamil Haxhibeqiri

5. Concrete Mathematics 2+2 6 E

6. Basic Theory of Numbers 2+2 6 E


7. History of Mathematics 2+0 6 E Rushit Rexhbeqaj

Total 21 30

Instruction: The student has to choose two of the elective courses offered in this semester.

ThirdMESTRI Year II – Fifth Semester

Nr. Course Hours(L+E+L) ECTS Status Professor

1. Metrics Spaces 2+2 7 Qamil Haxhibeqiri C

2. Theory of Probability 2+2 7 C Fevzi Berisha

3. Methodology of Mathematics 2+2 6 C Ismet Temaj

4. Algebrical Structure 2+2 5 E Rexhep Gjergji

5. Numeric Methods 2+2 5 E Rexhep Gjergji

6. Filozofi e edukimit 2+2 5 E Luljeta Veselaj

7. General Methodology of Teaching 2+2 5 E Luljeta Veselaj

Total 20 30

Instruction: The student has to choose two of the elective courses offered in this semester, one professional and one pedagocical.

Third Year – Sixth Semester

Nr. Course Hours(L+E+L) ECTS Status Professor

1. Statistics 2+2 7 C Fevzi Berisha

2. Common Differential Equatitions 2+2 6 C Ismet Temaj

3. Methodology –Internship 0+2 5 C Eda Vula

4. Differential Geometry 2+1 5 E Menderez Gashi


5. Elements by the Real Analyse 2+1 5 E Qamil Haxhibeqiri

6. Elements of the Functional Analyse 2+1 5 E Qamil Haxhibeqiri

6. Thesis 10 7 C

Total 23 30

Instruction: The student has to choose one of the elective courses offered in this semester.


Short description of the course:

Description of the course: Mathematical Analyse I

Introduction to real numbers, real functions and meaning that are related with it. In particular, students have to create skills by the continuation of the functions and elemtns of the differential calculation.


1. D. Adnadevic, Z. Kadelburg: Matematicka analiza I. Nauka, Beograd 1996 2. Walter rudin, Principles of mathematical analysis, Mc-Graw Hill, 1974

Descritpion of the course: Algebra I

This is fisrt year course of the Bachelor level which is devoted to the basic algebrical notions which are used in many fileds of the Mathematics. The aim of the course is introduction to students with elements of the theory of units, reflection of the realtions and the mathematics logics.


1. E. Gashi, Teoria e bashkësive dhe logjika matematike, UP, Prishtinë, 2000. 2. John B. Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th Ed.; Boston, London: Addison-Wesley, 2003. 3. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7th Ed.; Mc- Graw Hill, 2011..

Analitical Geometry I

In the course of analytic geometry will be studied vector algebra which will be used to coordinate the introduction of systems afine in straight line (bar), plane and space. Meaning given vector and vector operations (addition and subtraction of vectors, vector multiplication of the number (scalar), scalar product, vector product, production and manufacture of mixed dual vectors) and the properties of such actions. Then, will be studied the theory of first-degree lines - straight line (bar). Various equations given in the plane and studied direct line mutual positions of lines at plane. In the following lines will be studied second instance - conic (ellipse hyperbole and parables). Given their common definition - as the plane set of points with the property that the ratio between their largesës from a fixed point (focal) with their largesën from a fixed straight line (direktrisa) be constant size-

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eccentricity (that is smaller, larger or equal to 1). Given different equations (such as canonical, polar axle, peak) of conical cuts.

Basic Literature:

[1] Berani, I., Gjeometria analitike, ETMM, Prishtinë, 1988;

[2] Riddle, F.D., Analytic Geometry, PWS, Publishing Company, Boston, 1996;

[3] Kletenik, D., Zbornik zadaç po analitiçeskoj geometrii, Moskva,1972.

Basic Mathematics I

This course contains the most essential parts of algebra and analysis, plan and program for high school mathematics. Some chapters of quadratic functions, and logarithmic eksponeciale included in this course.

Basic Literature :

1. Naim L. Braha dhe Armend Shabani, Permbledhje detyrash per pergatitjen e testit te matures, Prishtine, 2008. 2. Terry H. Wesner, Harry L. Nustad: Intermediate Algebra with applications, WCB Group 1991

English Language I

-To get further habits gained knowledge from the secondary school in there aspects of laguages: lexim, të folur dhe shkrim;

-to use properly words and known expressions. Reading fluently and accurate. To use properly the word stress and the sentence stress.

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-to expand their vocabulary with words and new expressions with different topics.To understand and know to use entire known lexis;

-to get better gramatical knowledges learnt belore and having gained new gramtical features that are included in the programme;

Basic Literature:

1. John and Liz Soars- New Headway (pre-Intermediate and Intermediate) Oxford University Press 2. Jon Eastwood-Oxford Practice Grammar 3. Penny Ur-Gramar Practice activities

Mathematics Analyse II

Meanings of integrals, primitive function, basic properties of integrals of unspecified methods of computation of integrals, superseding method, the method of integration by parts, integration of rational functions, integration of irrational functions, integration of trigonometric functions, integration of different functions , integral understanding of certain properties of certain integrals, funksionevete integrated classes, functions monotonous, continuous etc, Newton-Leibniz formula, integral certain applications, topless surfaces, lengths of curves, volume of rotating bodies, surface of rotary bodies, functional series, the equivalent convergence, convergence conditions that a valuable, functional properties of the series, passing the limit, derivative, integral polynomial series, radius of konvergjes the polynomial series, the series decomposition of polynomial functions.

Basic Literature:

1. Walter Rudin, Principles of mathematical analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1974

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2. Brian S. Thomson, Judith B. Bruckner, Andrew M. Bruckner: Elementary real analysis, thomson bruckner, 2001 3. K. Bukuroshi, analiza Matematike I, Tirane , 1977. 4. Adnadevic.D dhe Kadelburg .Z, Analiza matematike I (serbisht)Beograd, 1998.

Description othe course: Algebra II

This is a first year Bachelor study in which elements of the theory of polynomials, matrices and determinants, and systems of linear equations and their solutions will be studied.

Basic Literature:

1. E. Gashi, Algjebra I, UP, Prishtinë, 2001. 2. John B. Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th Ed.; Boston, London: Addison-Wesley, 2003. 3. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7th Ed.; Mc- Graw Hill, 2011

Analytical Geometry II: In the course Analytical Geometry II, which is a natural extension of analytic geometry of course, will be studied conical cutting elements (diameters, tangents, axles, and asymptate centres). Studied the general equation of second degree turning it on and reduce the types of canonical equations, where the classification of second-grade lines. In addition, given the general equation (vector and numeric (scalar)) of the plane; studied various forms of incomplete equation of the plane and its normal equation supplied also various equations in space and studied bars mutual positions and lines at room of the straight line mutual positions and plane in space. At the end, will be studied different surfaces – will be given their definitions, properties and their equations.

Basic Literature:

[1] Berani, I., Gjeometria analitike, ETMM, Prishtinë, 1988;

[2] Riddle, F.D., Analytic Geometry, PWS, Publishing Company, Boston, 1996;

[3] Kletenik, D., Zbornik zadaç po analitiçeskoj geometrii, Moskva,1972

Basic Mathemtics II

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This course contains chapters plans trigonometry and hyperbolic trigonometry. Main chapters of this course are: trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, trigonometric equations, trigonometric inequations, hyperbolic trigonometry.

Basic Literature :

1. Naim L. Braha dhe Armend Shabani, Permbledhje detyrash per pergatitjen e testit te matures, Prishtine, 2008.

2.Terry H. Wesner, Harry L. Nustad: Intermediate Algebra with applications, WCB Group 1991

Computer Applications

Digital systems, the presentation of numbers in the computer, the computer hardware, computer software part, DOS operating system, Windows operating system, application programs Windows operating system, application programs officce the package, Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Power Point, multimedia, internet, other advanced application programs .

Basic Literature :

1. N. .Braha, F.Merovci, Bazat e punes me kompjutere, 2006, Prishtine 2. Linda Null and Julia Lobur: The essentials of computer organization and architecture,Jones and Bartlett Publishers,2003. 3. Miles mMurdocca and Vincent Heuring, Principles of computer architecture,Prentice Hall,1999

English Language II

To use properly words and known expressions. Reading fluently and accurate. To use properly the word stress and the sentence stress.

-To expand their vocabulary with words and new expressions with different topics.To understand and know to use entire known lexis;

-To get better gramatical knowledges learnt belore and having gained new gramtical features that are included in the programme;

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Basic Literature:

1. John and Liz Soars- New Headway (pre-Intermediate and Intermediate) Oxford University Press 2. Jon Eastwood-Oxford Practice Grammar 3. Penny Ur-Gramar Practice activities

Mathematical Analysis III

This course will enable students to get better knowledge and mainly expanding their knowledges by the matemathical analyse.

Basic Literature:

1. Ljashko, I. I; Borjaquk, A. K; Gaj, Ja. G; Kalaida, A. F, Matematiqeskij analiz, (pjesa II), Kijevë 1983. 2. William Trench, Mathematical analysis, 2012.

Linear Algebra

At the beginning will be worked in order to explain the meaning and basic notions of vector spaces subject. Tasks will actually explaining and understanding the basis of the vector space dimension, then the meaning given under space and linear circle. Furthermore, we will actually do tasks related to operations under space. After these objectives have been will be achieved it will continue with linear operators and their properties. In terms of linear matrix operator and then studied group regular operators. So will be achieved a sufficient basis to study and then invariant subspace of fully reducibil, reducibil operators, Going on with personal values and vectors diagonalization of the matrix respectively operator. After these goals are achieved will be studied the bringing of matrix in canonical according to Zhordan.

Basic Literature:

1. Gashi E., Pupovci. D., Hapësirat vektoriale, Prishtinë, 1998, 2. Charles G.Cullen, Matrix and linear transformations, Canada, 1990, 3. Zhang.F., Matrix Theory, Springer-Verlag New York, 1999,

Basics of Geometry I

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To understand the basic methods for building Geometry, Geometry To distinguish absolute Euclidean geometry and none euklidiane geometries (hyperbolic geometry and elliptic geometry). To study groups izometrics a straight, flat and presenting izometrics space as central symmetries products, axial and level;

Basic Literature:

1. Shaban Baxhaku, Leksione të gjeometrisë së lartë, Tiranë, 1991.

2.Mileva Prvanoviq, Osnovi geometrije, Beograd,1980.

3. Levi S. Shively, An introduction to Modern Geometry, New-York, 1959.

Descriptive Geometry

Elements of descriptive geometry, geometric elements (points, straight, flat), relations (incidentës, distances). Llojete designs: central projections, parallel prokektimet. Theorem of Dezargue. Perspective projections. Invariants of perspective projections. AFINE projections. Invariants of AFINE designs. afine perspective projections and the district. Designing in a plane normal: distance methods. Normal projections in both direction.

Basic Literature:

[1] Zagorka Shnajder, Gjeometra descriptive, Beograd 1979.

[2] Vilko Niče, Deskriptivna geometria, Zagreb 1987

[3] Branka Alimpiq& Zagorka Shnajder, Përmbledhje detyrash nga

gjeometria projective dhe gjeometria descriptive, Beograd 1981.

Data Base

Processing and introduction with basic elements of the data base, forms of presentation of the data base,relatinoal bases, primary elements on access, object of the tables, connection of the data base and their types, obejcts of the questionaries,manipulation with advanced questionaries , logical and arithmetical operators, forms, elements of the toolbox in the forms, reports and actions with them, mcrot, normalizztion of data, basic elemtnetsof in SQL.

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Basic Literature:

1. Mastering access , Autore:Alan Simpson,Celeste Robinson ,Botimi 1999 2. Database system concepts , Autore :Abraham Silberschatz,Henry F.Korth,S.Sudarshan,Botimi 1997 3. Database modeling and design, Autore:Toby .J.Teorey,botimi 1999 (gjindet ne biblioteke te fakultetit) 4. N. Braha dhe A. Berisha, bazat e te dhenave ne access, Prishtine, 2008

Theory of Matrixes

First we will explain the basic concepts and meanings associated with matrices will then be reviewed and action matrices in the matrix blocks in blocks. Furthermore, will explain some special types of matrices and then will start the transformation elemantare by rows and columns. Below we will explain some basic concepts related to vector spaces such as basis, the dimension of space, subspace, etc. operations under space. Once these objectives have been achieved will continue with personal values of matrix, determinant and matrix inverse of matrix blocks, the inverse of the sum, product range and amount of personal values and ultimately the production of matrices.

Basic Literature:

1. Charles G.Cullen, Matrix and linear transformations, Canada, 1990, 2. Zhang.F., Matrix Theory, Springer-Verlag New York, 1999, 3. Gashi E., Pupovci. D., Hapësirat vektoriale,

Mathematical Analysis IV

This course will eneable students to enforce and mainly expand their knowlegdes by the matemathical analyse.

Basic Literature:

1. Ljashko, I. I; Borjaquk, A. K; Gaj, Ja. G; Kalaida, A. F, Matematiqeskij analiz, (pjesa II), Kijevë 1983.

2. William Trench, Mathematical analysis, 2012

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Basics of Geometry II

Will be given elements from the hyperbolic Geometry and to be build model of Poincar of hyperbolic Geometry in the Ecuidean level. To provide construction elements of syntetic and algebric of the Projective Geometry.

Basic Literature:

[1]. Shaban Baxhaku, Leksione të gjeometrisë së lartë, Tiranë, 1991.

[2].H.S.M. Coxeter, Projective Geometry, New York-London-Toronto, 1964

[3]. Dr. Shaban Baxhaku, Gjeometria projektive, Tiranë, 1991.

Linear Programing

Linear Programming learning object has a great importance for preparing students to more easily explain math problems in schools. Also, the study of mathematical programming, elementary student earns a base to deepen his knowledge in this field as well as in other mathematical fields. This course also plays a special role for the study of many other economic sciences, technical etc.

Basic Literature:

1. Bernard Kolman, Robert E. Beck, Elementary linear programming with applications, 1995

2. Louis Brickman, Mathematical Introduction to Linear Programming and Game theory, 1989

Vectorial Analysis

Known meanings of mathematical analysis functions are scalar argument for argument vector functions. Also given meanings without which you can not explain the very thought of physical notions of other sciences. Further, meaning the results obtained from this course serve to monitor the course of differential geometry.

Basic Literature:

[1] Dr. sc. Minir Efendija, Analiza III & IV, Universiteti i Prishtinës, 2005;

[2] Dr. sc. M. Efendija, Dr. sc.R. Zejnullahu, Përmbledhje detyrash të zgjidhura nga Analiza matematike II, Universiteti i Prishtinës, 1995. - 120 -

[3] Zarinac-Francula, B, Diferencijalna Geometrija, Zbirka zadataka i repetotorij, Skolska knjiga, Zagreb, 1990.

Concrete Mathematics

This course shows connention Continuous +discrete=concrete. This includes requiestioning formulas of finite diffrences.

Basic Literature:

1. Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, Oren Patashnik: Concrete Mathematics, ADDISON-WESLEY . 2. Islam Shehu dhe Naim L. Braha, Matematika diskrete, vizioni per Arsim, Prishtine, 2012

Theory of Numbers

Basic meanings of the theory of numbers, new meanings as logical implications of meanings previously known, the application of knowledge in other areas of mathematics with special emphasis on algebra and computer science.

Basic Literature:

[1] M. Nathanson, Elementary Methods in Number Theory, Springer, 2000.

[2] G.H. Hardy, E.M.Wright, An introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Fifth Edition, Oxford Science Publications, 1979

[3] A. Karcanaj, Teoria e numrave, Tiranë 1983.

History of Mathematics

Math students should know the history of mathematics, because, first, the association of teaching mathematics with short historical knowledge of the subject matter made more attractive to students and, secondly, often handling a new mathematical topic in the context of historical development its makes it more accessible to students.

Basic Literature:

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1. J. Friberg, "Methods and traditions of Babylonian mathematics. Plimpton 322, Pythagorean triples, and the Babylonian triangle parameter equations", Historia Mathematica, 8, 1981, pp. 277—318. 2. Neugebauer, Otto (1969) [1957]. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity (2 ed.). Dover Publications. 3. Heath. A Manual of Greek Mathematics. p. 5.

Metric Spaces

Will be given the definition of metric space which is illustrated with various examples of such spaces characteristic. Studied several meanings metric metric spaces (the distance between communities, the diameter of the community, kufizushmëria, full kufizushmëria) and topological properties of such spaces (interiors, sealing, seize Him, open community, closed community, community derivative, etc.). Different classes of functions such as continuous functions, uniformly continuous, Lipshit and their properties examined, further, in this course. Will be treated also complete spaces and some important theorems about such spaces (theorema of Banah upon fix point, theorema of Kantor and that one of Ber). At the end, also will be provided the meaning of compactness and interconnection of the metrics and topological spaces.

Basic Literature:

[1] Haxhibeqiri, Q., Hapësirat metrike, (Ligjërata të autorizuara), Prishtinë, 2007-2008.

[2] Buskes,G.&Van Rooij,A., Topological spaces- From Distance to Neighborood, Springer, New York, 1996.

[3] Haxhibeqiri, Q.,Përmbedhje detyrash nga topologjia, UP, Prishtinë,1996.

Theory of Probability

Algjebra of probability (elementary and complex) and elemetns of combinatorics. Basic menaings of the theory of probability ( undercondtional probability, independent probability, formula of Bayes, full probability). Sudden variables (discrete and continues types , share of the probability and the function of distribution, mathematical hope, variances and standard deviation) Some characteristic of distribution (uniform, binomial, geometrics, distribution of Poisson, distribution of student and normal distribution (Gauss). Boundary theorema: jNone equatition of the Chebyshev and worse law of huge numbers, cetral boundary theorema, strong law of the huge numbers.

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Basic Literature:

1. "Probability theory, Encyclopaedia Britannica". Retrieved 2012-02- 12. 2. Grinstead, Charles Miller; James Laurie Snell. "Introduction". Introduction to Probability. pp. vii. 3. Hájek, Alan. "Interpretations of Probability". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 2012-06-20. Methodology of Mathematics

It is a combination of theory, research and practice processes of learning and teaching. In this course will examine theories of learning mamtematikë, ndërvepriese teaching methods, techniques of teaching and collaborative learning. Also, the course will examine the types of evaluation and assessment in course of the mathematics.

Basic Literature:

1. Wilder, S.J.; Wilder, P.J.; Pimm, D. & Westwell.J: Learning to teach Mathematics in the Secondary School, Second edition, Routledge, London and New York, 2005; 2. Brumbaugh,D.K; Ashe, E.D.;Ashe,J.L.&Rock,D.: Teaching secondary mathematics, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, Mahwah, New Jersey, 1997 3.Martin,W.Gary;Strutchens,Marilyn E; Eliott, Porta C (sixty-ninth yearbook) The learning of mathematics, NCTM (2007)

Algebrical Structure

To deepen the knowledge of algebric structures, as are groups, rings ,nets and fields. To understand abstract algebra structures and their concrete application in other fields of mathematics, but as well as in other sciences.

Basic Literature:

1. Dr. Rexhep Gjergji: Ligjërata të përgatitura. 2. E. Ademaj & E. Gashi: Algjebra e Përgjithshme, Prishtinë 1986. 3. Rexhep Gjergji: Përmbledhje detyrash të zgjidhura nga Algjebra e përgjithshme I, Prishtinë 2000.

Numerical Methods (MF)

Numerical analysis is concerned with numerical solutions to problems, especially those which analytical solutions do not exist or are not easily accessible. This course provides an

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introduction to the subject matter and address themes for solving nonlinear equations as a variable as well as with many variables, solving systems of linear equations, and approximation of functions by polynomials. These topics are of great practical importance in science, engineering and finance, and also internal mathematical interest. This course focuses on the theoretical analysis and the development of practical algorithms. As part of the experiment the students examples in Java implementation of algorithms provided by the lecturer.

Basic Literature:

1. R. L. Burden, J. D. Faires, Numerical analysis, Brooks/Cole, 2001.

2. C. F. Gerald, P. O. Wheatley, Applied numerical analysis, Addison-Wesley, 1994.

3. W. H. Press, e.a., Numerical recipes in C++, Cambridge, 2002

Philosophy of Education This course will also help them to understand the student’s basic notions

Of education, history of education and the school during the development stages, social conceptions of the great philosophers and teachers as well as the contemporary theories of education as pragmatism, progressive education, cognition, constructivism, humanism, etc.

Basic Literature:

Hajrullah Koliqi, Historia e pedagogjisë I, Prishtinë, 1997,

Hajrullah Koliqi, Historia e pedagogjisë II, Prishtinë, 1998.

Bardhyl Musai, Psikologji edukimi, Tiranë, 1999

General Methodology of Teaching

It is a combination of theory, research and practice processes of teaching and learning process. The main purpose of this course is to prepare students and their training for teaching in high schools.

Basic Literature:

1. Musai.B.(2003). Metodologji e mësimdhënies, Tiranë. 2. Muka. P.(1997). Të mësuarit me objektiva dhe modeli A-94, Prishtinë. 3. Musai.B. (1999). Psikologji edukimi, Tiranë.

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The main goals of this course are knowledge, processing and analyzing statistical data through regressions analysis of those data.

Basic Literature:

1. N. Braha, Bazat e statistikes, Prishtine, 2006 2. John A. Rice, Mathematical statistics and Data analysis, Duxbury Press, 1995 3. Grinstead, Charles Miller; James Laurie Snell. "Introduction". Introduction to Probability

Common Differential Equatitons

At the beginning the students will be introduced to the general meanings difernciale equations. Will be proven fundamental theorem of the theory of ordinary differential equations, (theorem of existence and unity of the solution). Furthermore, differential equations will be studied first order solvable by quadrature (separation of variables, homogeneous equations, linear equations, exact equations, the equation of Bernoul, equation of Riccat), the solution of differential equations method. Once achieved sufficient skills to problems mentioned will be studied singular solutions of a differential equation.

Basic Literature:

1. Merovci Y., Ekuacionet diferenciale të zakonshme, Prishtinë, 1983, 2. Ravi P.Agarwal, Donal O’Regan., An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, New York 2008, 3. Hartman, Ph., Ordinary differential equations, New York, London, Sydney, 1964.

Methodology –Internship

During the course will focus on issues relating to the recognition and understanding of teaching practices within prepare for teaching mathematics in the case of lower secondary school and upper secondary school. In practical teaching, students will develop skills of observation; will recognize the basic elements of the program with the child at the center, planning successful educational work in this educational level, understand the elements of effective interpersonal communication, and creating a climate socio-emotional healthy school environment. Over the course will examine such issues as: a lesson planning, planning a series of related units, evaluation and assessment of student learning, preparing teaching aids using materials that are available.

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Differential Geometry

This course covers parts of lines and surfaces, as well as studying the lines on surfaces, in particular studies curving and torsion of a line in a given point, Frenet-Serre formula and examines the inner part of the surface geometry (curvature of Gauss).

Basic Literature:

1. Sh. Baxhaku: Gjeometria diferenciale I, Tiranë. 2. Sh. Baxhaku: Gjeometria diferenciale II, Tiranë. 3. Martin M. Liptschuit: Differential Geometry, Schaume’s Outline Series.

Elements by the real analyse

The real numbers: axioms of completeness and equivalent claims, cardinal numbers. Families communities: rings, σ-rings, algebra, σ-algebra, Borrelial communities. Functions with limited variations. Riemann-Stieles integral and its application. Measure: introduction, basic properties, the problem of invariant measure on R. Lebesgue outer measure and σ- algebra of Lebesgue measurable community-t. Lebesgue measurable functions and approximate these simple functions. Integral of Lebesgue measurable functions limited to Lebesgue Integral of measurable functions non-negative. Integral of Lebesgue measurable functions (arbitrary): counatble additivitety, continuity of integration uniform, integrity.

Basic Literature:

[1] Shehu I.: Analiza matematike III (Bazat e teorisë së masës dhe integralit), Prishtinë, 1997;

[2] Shehu I.: Analiza matematike III (Detyra të zgjidhura), Prishtinë;

[3] Halmos P.R.: Measure theory, New York, 1952;

Elements of functional analysis

Functional analyse studies vectorial spaces norme by infinite dimensions and its functioning.

Basic Literature:

1. Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1978.

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2.4 European Integration and Public Administration

European Integration and Public Name of study programme Administration Categorization (BA, MA, BSc, MSc, PhD, Master of European Laws (LL.M.Eur.) Doctorate, University Course) Academic Degree and the name of Diploma Master of European Laws (LL.M.Eur.) in final form and shortened. Profile of Academic Programme To all students that have completed four years Group to whom is addressed the offer of Bachelor studies in laws and have 240 ECTS. Minimal time duration Form of study (regular, without disconnection from work, distance study Regular, in Campus etc.) Number of ECTS 120 Modules /Courses (Short content) 1.1 Theory and Practice of the International Public Law 1.2 Constitutional Law (positive) of Kosovo 1.3 Historical Development of the EU Institutions’ 1.4. Introduction to EU Legal English 1.5 Choose one of these courses: 1.5.1 International Economic Institutions 1.5.2 Transnational Litigation and Arbitration 1.5.3 International Criminal Law 2.1 European Law 2.2 European Administrative Law 2.3 Procedure and Administrative Conflict in Kosovo 2.4. Deepening and Widening of the EU 2.5 Choose one of these courses: 2.5.1. Local Self Governance in Kosovo 2.5.2 European Ecologic and Comparative Law 2.5.3 European Agricultural Law 3.1 The European System of the human rights and freedoms 3.2 The European Labour and Social Security Law 3.3 Protections Against Bribery and Corruption in Comparative Law 3.4 Methodology and legal writing 3.5 Choose one of these courses: 3.5.1 The rights of National Minorities in the Comparative Law 3.5.2 The European Business and Comparative Law ; 3.5.3 The European Property Intellectual and Comparative Law 4.1 The European Public Procurement and Comparative Law. 4.2 The European Competition Law 4.3 The EU Court System 4.4 The Unification & Approximation of

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Private Law in the EU 4.5 Choose one of these courses: 4.5.1 The European Liability Law 4.5.2 The European Criminal Law 4.5.3 The European Spatial Planning and Comparative Law. 4.6 Master Thesis Number of study places 30 Leader of study programme Prof. Dr. Bashkim Zahiti (LL.M.) Permanently academic staff (scientific/artistic) Two Assistant Profwessors (Number according to the category of personnel) Study Fee 300 Euros per semester

3.3.1 The aim of the Programme

“Europe’s unification will not be complete until the Balkan countries are members of the Union”. This statement by former President of the European Commission Romano Prodi at the Thessaloniki summit in 2003 still holds true today: The advancing European integration has made South Eastern Europe the Centre of the European Union’s enlargement and integration efforts. The LL.M.Eur. Programme focuses on the special situation of Kosovo and its approximation to the European Union, studying its legal past, present and future.

Council of the European Union Conference of Santa Maria da Feira in June 2000, beside this it was decided that Kosovo’s the status of potential candidate for EU integration will be recognized. Also the Government of Kosovo has already defined EI as one of the most strategic national objectives to achieve planned in the medium term. In the empirical relationship with the national strategic goal regarding European integration is to be noted that in the coming years Kosovo institutions will be preoccupied with completing and implementing the Copenhagen criteria which will carry the main burden in the unification and harmonization lawyers ("acquis communautaire ") of national legislation with the EU. This program scientific Master was developed also considering the fact that over 90% of Kosovo labour market for lawyers represents jobs in public administration. In this empirical relationship should be noted that the annual progress reports on Kosovo European Commission qualitative deficiency consistently criticizes Kosovo's administrative capacity to implement reform policies arising from Kosovo journey towards European integration. This is the general issue of the fact that lawyers in Kosovo have little or no practical skills acquired during their studies and for this reason have difficulty with employment. The purpose of this program is to give students practical knowledge related to the implementation of integration policies by institutions. This valuable skill gives students an advantage in the market, because when they graduate will gain real-world experience.

It should also be noted that such a kind of program Master (LL.M.Eur.) no institution of higher education in Kosovo is offering such programme. This fact will certainly be an advantage in the job market for graduate students in the Master Program: “European Integration and Public Administration” (LL.M.Eur.) of the University of Prizren.

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3.3.2 Aim of learning

In their study courses students must acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of justice. They will become a specialist in the field of justice will be able to understand the broader context of law, with all its functions. Teaching which is based on research that should enable students to develop critical way of thinking and be able to discuss various legal issues in a meaningful way. Graduates will have the academic skills adaptable to the needs of the market and will be able to develop strong communication skills, oral and written, which are necessary for efficient spreading and clear analysis of the law, in the native language and in English. These skills are also intended to show success in career (mainly public sector) that logically follows degree offered by this program. So in general after graduation of the student, general goals of learning for level Master “European Integration and Public Administration” (LL.M.Eur.) are multiplied: Legal analysis: Students should analyze more deeply the EU Legal System and Kosovo as well as develop critical skills of reading and understanding the legal authorities and the legal recognition of European and international issues through case being able to make comparisons with national law, to interpret it and make decisions. They should be able to use specific methodologies that will allow them to review the legal cases and make decisions. Legal Writing: Students should have the ability to draft legal documents as an annex to common constitutional amendments, administrative instructions, complaints, legal requirements; they should be able to organize legal analysis and argument, to use the legal authorities in written documents and the practice of persuasive writing. Legal Researches: Students must learn to articulate effective research questions, understand the importance of using primary authorities such as court cases (particularly constitutional cases in court) Other skills: Students have to learn after graduation the skills of the interviewing and counselling or negotiation. Having into consideration that the English Language is the labour language of the EU institutions and its knowledge is essential for the career of the graduated in this Master programme “Introduction to EU Legal English” will be a compulsory course in the first semester. Also some lectures can be taught in English by the guest professors if could happen a real international for this Master programme.

3.3.3 International Cooperation

Law Faculty of UPZ in the development agenda itself has one of the priorities of international cooperation. In this context models used for the development of this program have been Master Syllabi: “South-East European Law and European Integration” of the University of Graz-it, “Europäische Integration” of the University of Saarbrücken as well as the “Europäisches Recht” of the University of Bremen.

The real possibility of implementation of an international cooperation in the framework of Master programme “European Integration and Public Administration” (LL.M.Eur.) of UPZ, i.e. through exchange of guest professors in the framework of TEMPUS, will be elaborated in later stages.

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3.3.4 Admission Criteria

The right to access / competition in the Masters Program "European Integration and Public Administration" (LL.M.Eur.) University of Prizren will have all candidates who meet the minimum criteria as follows: a) Be a graduate program in Bachelor of Laws degree with four years of study, or have the equivalent of 240 ECTS credits accumulated. All students who have graduated out of the Republic of Kosovo to have the right to access / competition in the Masters Program "European Integration and Public Administration" (LL.M.Eur.) University of Prizren should bring decision on the recognition / equivalency diploma. b) have achieved outstanding success in basic studies in law, with a minimum GPA of 8.0 (eight) and show success in the entrance examination. c) have average knowledge of English language use. Candidates must pass the threshold of 5 points in English from the total of 10 points. d) have completed and submitted the application for admission to the program, according to the vacancy announcement.

3.3.5 Students Admission

Admission will be done through the entrance examination competition, where the minimal number of students must be 20 and the maximum number of 35 students. The entrance exam will have a total of 40 points by subject: European Law (10 points), administrative law (10 points), Public International Law (10 points) and English Language (10 points).

Study Fee The study fee will be assigned by the University of Prizren and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosovo.

3.3.6 Financing

The issue of budget for implementation of the program of study, then spaces, equipment, classrooms, teaching labs, etc, is adjusted for other programs of study established by the Faculty of Law and the University of Prizren, through public funds and Task / University of revenue realized. For the financing of this program are applicable to this part of the rest of adequate institutional self-evaluation report. In addition, the implementation of the program of study in the case of international professor’s involvement will be part of any eventual international program, for example TEMPUS program.

3.3.7 Partners

In the framework of cooperation agreements between the University of Prizren and other universities aim to find relevant partners from the Law Faculty of UPZ.

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3.3.8 Content of the Curricula

I - Year Semester 1st Hours/Week No. *O/E L U ECTS Lectures 1. O Theory and Practice of the International Public Law 3 6 Dr. Bashkim Zahiti 2. O Constitutional Law (positive) of Kosovo 3 6 Dr. Mazllum Baraliu 3. O Historical Development of the EU Institutions’ 2 5 Dr. Hajredin Kuqi 4. O Introduction to EU Legal English 2 4 Dr. Mazllum Baraliu 5. E International Economic Institutions 2 4 Dr. Arif Riza 6. E Transnational Litigation and Arbitration 2 4 Dr. Mazllum Baraliu 7. E International Criminal Law 2 4 Dr. Ismet Salihu Semester 2nd 1. O European Law 3 6 Dr. Bashkim Zahiti 2. O European Administrative Law 2 5 Dr. Arif Riza 3. O Procedure and Administrative Conflict in Kosovo 3 6 Dr. Agur Sokoli 4. O Deepening and Widening of the EU 2 4 Dr. Hajredin Kuqi 5. E Local Self Governance in Kosovo 2 4 Dr. Arsim Bajrami 6. E European Ecologic and Comparative Law 2 4 Dr. Bashkim Zahiti 7. E European Agricultural Law 2 4 Dr. Blerim Reka II - Year Semester 3d 1. O The European System of the human rights and 3 6 Dr. Bashkim Zahiti freedoms 2. O The European Labour and Social Security Law 3 6 Dr. Iset Morina 3. O Protections Against Bribery and Corruption in 2 5 Dr. Blerim Reka Comparative Law 4. O Methodology and legal writing 2 4 Dr. Mazllum Baraliu 5. E The rights of National Minorities in the Comparative 2 4 Dr. Bashkim Zahiti Law 6. E The European Business and Comparative Law 2 4 Dr. Mazllum Baraliu 7. E The European Property Intellectual and Comparative 2 4 Dr. Arif Riza Law Semester 4th 1. O The European Public Procurement and Comparative 3 6 Dr. Visar Morina Law 2 O The European Competition Law 2 5 Dr. Blerim Reka 3. O The EU Court System 3 6 Dr. Bashkim Zahiti 4. O The Unification & Approximation of Private Law in the 2 4 Dr. Hajredin Kuqi EU 5. E The European Liability Law 2 4 Dr. Arif Riza 6. E The European Criminal Law 2 4 Dr. Iset Morina 7. E The European Spatial Planning and Comparative 2 4 Dr. Mazllum Baraliu Law. 8. O Master Thesis 20 Total of ECTS 120 O – Obligatory, E – Elective; Choose one of the elective courses

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3.3.8 Course Description:

Number of Course description by including content, covered topics, acquired the Course competences and used literature: and Title:

1.1 Content: General Principles of Public International Law, the main course of Theory and international law, the development of international law, sources of international Practice of the law, the relationship between international law and national and key theories, International Public Law states as subjects of international law, the elements state, population, territory and sovereignty, recognition of states, types of knowledge, international responsibility of states, international liaison bodies, diplomatic and consular missions, international treaties, peaceful resolution of disputes, and the current problems of international law in the interlinked with the Kosovo case. Competencies: Problems and challenges of implementing international law, the role of subjects of international law in the creation of international law, the international responsibility of states etc.. Literature: Zejnullah Gruda: E drejta ndёrkombёtare publike. Botim i plotёsuar dhe i pёrmirёsuar 2007. -Arben Puto: E drejta ndёrkombёtare publike; Botim i 8-tё, Tiranё 2004. Literatuara e avansuar: Knut Ipsen: Völkerrecht. Botim i pestё 2008. Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum: Völkerrecht. Botim i pestё 2010. 1.2 Content: This course covers the substantive and procedural Constitution of the Constitutional Republic of Kosovo. The aim of the course is to provide knowledge, Law (positive) competencies and ways of functioning of constitutional bodies such as of Kosovo Parliament, President and Government of Kosovo and the separation of powers, control operation between them, avulsion of formally and materially conform to the laws of Kosovo Constitution, guaranteeing rights and freedoms and the exercise of constitutional remedies. Competences: Students will have in-depth knowledge of the Kosovo Constitution and the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court. They will be able to understand the provisions of the Constitution of Kosovo and to use constitutional remedies, in particular those relating to the proceedings before the Constitutional Court. Literature: E drejta kushtetuese, Kurtesh Salihu, Prishtinë, 1998 E Drejta kushtetuese , autore Luan Omari & Aurela Anastasi Tiranë 2010 E drejta kushtetuese , autor Aurela Anastasi ,Tiranë 2003 Kristaq Traja, Drejtesia Kushtetuese, Tirane, 2000 Literatura e avansuar: Europäisches Verfassungsrecht Theoretische und dogmatische Grundzüge Hrsg. v. Armin von Bogdandy u. Jürgen Bast 2009,2., aktualis. u. erw. Aufl.

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1.3 Content: Since the Treaty on European Union, the Treaty of Lisbon, the EU is Historical also explicitly a value-based institutional action system. Is characterized that its Development of development by the tension between individual and collective interests of the the EU Institutions’ Member States with regard to existing and still held for the required responsibilities and other forms of cooperation, as well as by its own logic of development of European institutions, it has become clear, especially on the occasion of the economic and financial crisis. In the seminar this view based on individual institutional forms of action should be considered exemplary and deepened. 1.4. Content: This class aims at giving participants an overview of the Introduction to constitutional & institutional law of the European Union using all the relevant EU Legal English legal terminology. Students will become familiar with the language of English the treaties and the institutions as well as introducing them to the most important themes in EU law. Having completed these class participants should be able to communicate freely in English about all of the major issues in EU law. Although EU law is identical in all member states, a knowledge of all relevant issues and terms in English is indispensible to all lawyers. Providing this ability will be the main object of this class. 1.5.1 Content: For the economic development of the region and its progress towards International possible accession to the European Union the participation in international Economic economic institutions is of much importance. The course first gives a general Institutions introduction into the institutional aspects and activities of international economic organisations and their role for global and regional economic governance. In particular, the World Trade Organisation, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are studied together with regional organisations like the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Through a number of case studies taking the examples of the countries of the region, the relevance of and participation in the work of international economic institutions is being analysed with regard to its impact in practice. Literature: Arif Riza, Organizatat Ndërkombëtare, 2012. Leroy Bennet, International Organisations (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1995) i njejti libër në gjuhën kroate (i përkthyer). Bashkim Zahiti , E drejta Evropiane, botimi i katërt, 2014. 1.5.2 Content: The course has two main parts: International civil procedure and Transnational international arbitration Litigation and I. International Civil Procedure – selected chapters: Arbitration 1. Competence in legal disputes in connection with a contract 2. Applicable law in disputes arising from a contract 3. Recognition and enforcement of foreign court decisions II. International Arbitration – selected chapters: 1. Ordinary jurisdiction versus arbitration 2. The Arbitration agreement 3. Applicable law in arbitration proceedings 4. Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards (New York Convention 1958) The aim of the course is to provide students with basic knowledge on international civil procedure and the international competence in legal disputes in connection with contracts as well as the legal relations concerning court decisions. The basics of international arbitration and of arbitration agreements

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will be taught through a practical approach. The students will also be introduced to arbitration in Kosovo.

1.5.3 Content: In this course, students will study development of international International criminal law since Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunal This course will study and be Criminal Law concentrated on important developments of the last decade, including the work of the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, international Criminal Court, international prosecutions, trials and national human rights commissions and truth (cases here can include South Africa and Iraq). The course will also pay attention to international political context that has led towards the commission of genocide. Crimes against humanity and war crimes in the past, and also determine the order of the options available to deal with them. Competences: The purpose of this course is not only to provide an overview of some of the main tenets of international criminal law and procedures (including elements of international crimes, international criminal responsibility bases, and procedural models used to track and test these cases) but also to provide students an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of international and domestic approaches to deal with violations of human rights in the past measure. 2.1 Content: Course will provide knowledge of the powers of EU bodies, the right European to primary and secondary EU, it was adopted, the right of the EU to the Law European level and development issues in the EU. Key in the case breakdown is conceptualized political system emergency EU, where there is a continuing liaison between the processes of government (legal and institutional frameworks of action), public policy (adoption and impact of political decisions and EU legislation), and politics (the interests, ideas, opinions and values of political actors - e.g. citizens, businesses, regions, government ministers, bureaucrats, the leader of the party). To use this information to potential its full course will develop your understanding and use of more general theoretical explanations in political science and law. Among others, these theories help us to explain: Why the Commission and the Court Parliament has gained new powers; Why informal political networks are as important as those who do regulation decisions? Although market integration and regulation procedure is faster than social and environmental protection? Why elections in Europe are having breakthroughs? And Why the EU is more legal process governing then other many systems? Competences: Course Aims Also develop a critical-analytical approach to many questions facing Europe's citizens and political The leader in the next decade. For example. How can the EU be more accountable? Should the EU institutions be designed? Is The EU Law delegitimize or legitimizing the Union? Is the EU creating the structure of nation states and national governments or the European level is creating a kind new of political and legal advantage? Literature: Bashkim I. Zahiti: E Drejta Evropiane, Botimi i katërt, Prishtinë 2014 Oppermann /Classen /Nettesheim: Europarecht, 5., vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage 2011. Rudolf Streinz: Europarecht: 9., neu bearbeitete Auflage 2011.

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Ezrachi, Ariel, EU Competition Law: An Analytical Guide to Leading Cases, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010.

2.2 Content: The course covers the fundamentals of European administrative law, European in particular, general questions, sources of law, laws binding the citizen in the Administrative European administrative law, and the administration by EU institutions, Law organization of the Commission, agencies, occupational forms of direct EU law enforcement, liability. The aim of this course is to give participants an insight into the European Union as an "administrative space" and to arouse a "field of law in the making" interest, including by the European administrative law and not only from the perspective of the German but also the French - British administrative law is treated. Although the course has been selected as the type of event, questions or contributions to the discussion of the participants are always. 2.3 Procedure Content: Introduction to administrative procedures basis of the Administrative and Procedure Law in Kosovo, in view of the specific areas of Administrative Law, Administrative Environmental Law, the Law of Building and Spatial Planning or the Police Conflict in Kosovo Law. More specifically, the case should impart knowledge and skills related to Kosovo's administrative procedures, which are primarily regulated in the law on administrative procedure and the law on administrative disputes. So special reference will be held in connection with the conflict in Kosovo administrative and judicial review procedures after an administrative decision. Competences: The spread basic knowledge, to encourage a problem with orientation towards thinking. Literature: Dr.Agur Sokolo, E drejta procedurale administrative, Fakulteti Juridik, Prishtinë 2005. Akademik Esat Stavileci, Hyrje në shkencat administrative, Enti i Teksteve dhe i Mjeteve Mësimore i Kosovës, Prishtinë, 1997. 2.4 Deepening and Widening of the EU with a Focus on the Situation of South Deepening Eastern European States. The following topics will be discussed during the and Widening course: of the EU - The EU as an open system of integration;

- Motives and experience concerning the enlargement(s); - Motives and experience concerning the revisions of the treaties and the European Constitution; - Scenarios of enlargement in South Eastern Europe; - Smaller and middle-sized states in a future European Constitution. 2.5.1 Content: General principles of local administration, the competences of local Self Local administration, relations and conflicts between local and central administration, Governance in the main challenges and the opportunities of offering good services to the Kosovo citizens, Kosovo legislation on local government, etc.

Competences: Students will now how practically local administration works in Kosovo and which are their main responsibilities and challenges. Literature: Sistemi Kushtetues i Republikes se Kosoves, A. Bajrami. 2011 (Pjesa e administrimit lokal). Howard Elcock, Local government (Policy and management in local authorities),

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Routledge, 1994. Tim Blackman, Urban Policy In Practice, Routledge, 1995. Kurtesh Saliu, E drejta kushtetuese, Prishtine, 2001 Hilaire Barnett, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Cavendish Publishing, 2002. Kushtetuta e Kosovës (2008) Ligji për Vetqeverisjen Lokale (2008). Ligji për Financat e Pushtetit Lokal (2008) Karta Evropiane e Qeverisjes lokale (1985)

2.5.2 Content: The aim of the course are familiar with institutional sitstemin environmental European management gobal level, European and local; legal recognition mechanisms, financial Ecologic and and political global, European and local environmental management, familiarity with Comparative Law basic duties of States in relation to environmental conventions and directives EU, knowledge management with environmental situation in Kosovo. Competences: At the end of the course students are expected to understand the history

of environmental management in the world, to understand and to be able to issue obligations of States Parties to the environmental conventions and European directives, to understand the specifics of environmental problems in Kosovo in relation to those of the region, Europe and beyond, to get acquainted with the implementation of environmental legislation in Kosovo. Meßerschmidt, Europäisches Umweltrecht (München 2011) Winter/Krämer, Umweltrecht, in Schulze/Zuleeg/Kadelbach (Hrsg.), Europarecht (Nomos 2010). 2.5.3 Content: European Agricultural Law "provides a systematic overview of the European Common Agricultural Policy and the functionally relevant agriculture Agricultural regulations of the European Communities. Law The agricultural sector was recognized from the outset by EU law and " communitised " . Also the products are already specified in the annex to the contract. Today for the agricultural sector are 4 main legislation , namely : Regulation ( EC) No 1234 /2007 establishing a common organization of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products ( Single CMO Regulation ) Regulation ( EC) No 73/ 2009 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers and amending Regulations ( EC) No 1290/ 2005, ( EC) No 247/2006 , (EC ) No 378/2007 and repealing Regulation (EC ) No 1782/2003 These two regulations are also called first Pillar of the common agricultural policy called Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers and amending Regulations (EC) No 1290/2005, (EC) No 247/2006, (EC) No 378/2007 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 These two regulations are also called first Pillar of the common agricultural policy called. Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) This Regulation is also a 2nd Pillar of the common agricultural policy called. Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005 on the financing of the common agricultural policy. An outline of the way the European Union and of relevant multilateral agreements complements the lecture.

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3.1 Content: Presentation of the idea of human rights violations in history and the European main doctrines, the concept of human rights in international law, international System for conventions on human rights, international institutions that are authorized for Human Rights and Freedoms the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, institutions international procedures and their treatment of cases of abuse of human rights, obligations of states regarding human rights in Kosovo and their importance today. The role and importance of human rights in Kosovo and minority rights. Case studies will be used to pee in-depth knowledge of the international law of human rights. Presentation of the European system of human rights, to generalize the discussion of human rights, implementation and enforcement of human rights and selected issues. Students will work in e chosen as case study. Competences: Introduction to the international protection of human rights and the use of case studies to gain deeper understanding of the fundamental questions of international law and standards, institutions and the International Law procedure on human rights, awareness of the potential and limitations of international law violations replying human rights; beneficial skills and presentation skills in reading and evaluation of selected legal cases. Students will be able to understand the importance of protecting human rights in international law, international institutions responsible for the protection of human rights and their procedures as well as their importance in Kosovo, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights the Human Rights Charter of Fundamental rights of the EU, the exercise of remedies before the Court of Strasburg. Basic Literature: -Mbrojtja Ndërkombëtare e të Drejtave dhe Lirive të Njeriut, Bashkim Zahiti, Prishtinë 2014. Advanced Literaturer: -Internacional Protection of Human Rights: Achievements and Challenges, Felipe Gomez Isa & Koen de Feyter, 2006 Bilbao, në internet: tional%20protect.pdf -Internationaler Menschenrechtsschutz, Theodor Schilling, 2. Auflage,Tübingen 2004, në internet: &source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false 3.2 Content: The European Union law that governs the rights of employed persons European is in the middle of a rather tense area of conflict: the internal market, free Labour and competition, and the employees’ need for protection. Social Based on these notions, we will get to know the different areas of labor and Security social security law that are affected by European Community law. First, we will Law cover those areas that are affected by primary legislation (free movement of workers, equal treatment for men and women, etc.). We will then look at the development in specific sectors, such as the security of employees in case of their employer’s insolvency, the employees’ rights in the event of the transfer of a business, and new legislation on concluding an employment contract (no discrimination, proof of the contract, etc.). The court decisions of the European Court of Justice will play a central role in our discussions, as their interpretation of Community law very much reflects the European Union’s aims.

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3.3 Content: The main idea of this class is to give students an overview of the Protections theory of corruption as well as the existing array of anti-corruption measures Against (protections), in particular as they are promoted by the European Union vis-à- Bribery and Corruption in vis accession states and in the framework of SAA agreements. Corruption is Comparative probably one of the oldest types of deviant behaviour, but only in the final Law decade of the twentieth century it became a focal point of attention. As of today, it seems that fears about corruption are a veritable folk devil and are used even against EU accession candidates. On the other hand, while today Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index is one of the best-known barometers of perceived corruption, the question may be worthwhile asking whether there is also a scale of perceived anti-corruption activity. From this point of view, an accession candidate may manipulate its own record by staging an anti-corruption policy which is perceived to be most active, e.g. by creating new specialised institutions. 3.4 Content: Providing knowledge about legal techniques to create legal norms and Methodology legal. The course is applicable toward the creation of legal norms and legal acts and legal regardless of their species. The importance of this case is great for the students writing of past generations have not got knowledge about writing and norms and legal acts, for that reason they have difficulty in following this direction. Competences: The course is theoretical as it is more practical, because, comes on with theoretical expression in the establishment phase of norms and legal acts. 3.5.1 Content: Over time, the minority protection to an element of international law The rights of has developed. The first international agreement for the protection of national National minorities is from the Congress of Vienna in 1815. Minorities in the Comparative In the 1970s, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Law began to deal with the problem of minorities. On 29 June 1990, the CSCE adopted the "Copenhagen Outcome Document on the Human Dimension" - a milestone for the international legal recognition of human rights in Europe. Part IV of the Copenhagen document goes into detail on the collective rights of members of national minorities: You should be able to exercise their human rights and fundamental freedoms in full equality before the law. In addition, the OSCE member states should commit to "take special measures to secure equality with other citizens." A person should also be allowed to decide for themselves whether it is or not belonging to a national minority have the right. The final document of the Copenhagen Document also contains the so-called individual rights of minorities: use of the mother tongue, religious freedom, guaranteed cross-border contacts with members of their own ethnic group, freedom of association, the right to carry out cultural activities, education in the mother tongue or the language as a language of instruction, protection and promotion of the identity of national minorities and the establishment of local and autonomous administrative units 8 February 1991, the Venice Commission adopted (European Commission for Democracy through Law) the Euro Europe a draft "European Convention for the protection of minorities" before. In contrast to the above two documents here, the term "minority" clearly defined, and it is clear that foreign nationals should not be included. Belonging to a minority will depend on the decision of the individual. Furthermore, it is recognized a collective right of minorities, and the states in obligations that correspond to a combination of individual and group rights. The Committee of Ministers adopted on 5 November 1992 a

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convention whose development lasted eleven years. The "European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages” contains provisions "for the protection and promotion of minority languages in schools, in the Administration, in court and in the media". The protection of minorities in Kosovo, which has very high standards, is to compare with European standards.

3.5.2 Contents: Introduction in view of the general principles of business law in The Kosovo. The consequences of incorporating the principles of limited European responsibilities. Duties and Responsibilities of Directors. Corporate Business and Comparative Governance. Remedies of shareholders and protection of minority shareholders. Law Mergers and Profit (property). Bankruptcy and Corporate Card schemes Law Reform Organization's business and the role of the European Union. Competencies: Module Business Organization Law offers a deep cover principles related to dealers only, partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and joint stock companies. Also taking the relevant legislation. Will consider the problems that have arisen in the field of corporate governance and recommendations are made to address these. Also the student will have the opportunity to be notified during lectures with relevant principles of business law as defined in the national legislation of Kosovo and compare them with European ones. 3.5.3 Content: Copyright, Trademarks and issues patents factory, designed industrial The rights, confidentiality and data protection, electronic contracting and electronic European signatures. Intellectual Property and Competences: The module will provide an academic approach to the current Comparative law governing the existence of the right of intellectual ownership. Module will Law focus on national law, but will also take into consideration the impact of external international relations associated with intellectual property, as the Paris Convention, the Berne Convention, agreements (TRIPS) and treaties (WIPO), the principles arising from treaties and organizations established to administer them. The student also there will be the possibilities that these principles are derived from various international rates compare them with national positive law. 4.1 Content: The tender is a way of business initiation, when a customer makes The public its services to its desired conditions. This is done in newspapers, European magazines or the Federal Tender Journal. While the public sector is usually Public Procurement required by law to increasingly commercial and private customers use to and minimize their costs here in recent years the possibilities of the tender in hope. Comparative The bushings are mostly subject to statutory provisions. law For calls from the thresholds (often erroneously "Europe-wide tender" called) the rules of the "Government Procurement Agreement" (GPA) apply. The Government Procurement Agreement is an agreement between the European Union and other 14 members of the World Trade Organization, Armenia, Canada, Hong Kong China, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan , United States, on non-discriminatory, transparent and rule of public procurement. In tendering procedures under the thresholds only national law applies. Bidders are allowed to participate from the entire "European Economic

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Area" (EEA). This includes not only the member countries of the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Difference between "Public tenders" - from reaching the threshold "Open procedures" and called "Limited Tenders" - named after reaching the threshold "Restricted procedures". In public tender (open procedure) will be awarded Services / construction procedures prescribed in response to calls of an unlimited number of companies to tender.

4.2 Content: The course aims to provide its participants with an in-depth European understanding of the basics of European competition law. Building on Competition economical theoretical background, it covers such issues as restrictive practices Law of undertakings (Art. 101 TFEU), abuse of dominant position (Art. 102 TFEU), merger control and state aid. Procedural questions of competition law enforcement will be addressed with a special focus on the network of competition authorities and the central role of the Commission. Furthermore, foreign implications of European competition law, such as extraterritorial application and cooperation with competition authorities of third countries, will be studied. Positive integration, laws [using examples from several policies of the EU]. EU competition policy [legal and economic background of EU competition law, cartels, abuse of dominant market positions, state aid, special Commission competences and procedures]). During the course, every participant is supposed to make a case summary and to present it at one of the lectures. Literature: Jones, Alison & Brenda Sufrin, EU Competition Law: text, cases, and materials, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 4th edition, 2011. Korah, Valentine, An Introductory Guide to EC competition law and practice, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 9th edition, 2007. Whish, Richard, Competition Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 6th edition, 2009. Rosenthal, Michael & Stefan Thomas, European Merger Control, München: Beck, 2010. Bacon, Kelyn, European Community Law of State Aids, New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Ezrachi, Ariel, EU Competition Law: An Analytical Guide to Leading Cases, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010. 4.3 Content: The purpose of this course is to familiarize the participants with the The EU judicial architecture of the European Union, various types of proceedings before Court the Community Courts (both the Court of Justice and the Court of First System Instance) und their methods of interpretation. The overall approach of the course is to equip the participants with the capacity to handle the procedural aspects of cases. This course deals with the various means of judicial protection in Community law. It examines the status of the Court of Justice, the interaction between the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance, the authority of judgements, references for a preliminary ruling, and the different procedures envisaged in the EC Treaty for challenging acts of the Community institutions, failure to act by the Community institutions, obtaining damages from the Community institutions, and challenging failures by the member states to comply with their obligations under Community law. It also looks at current issues regarding the judicial architecture of the European Union and the system of judicial

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protection afforded in the second and third pillars of the Union system. After having completed the course, the participants will be able to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the judicial procedures before the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance and the word of the Courts. Participants will be capable of assessing what legal proceeding is adequate and admissible in a given case (litigator’s perspective). Literature: Kapteyn/VerLoren van Themaat/Gormley, Introduction to the Law of the European Com-munities, 3rd Edition, 1998; Plender, European Courts Practice and Precedents, London 1997; Rengeling/Middeke/Gellermann, Rechtsschutz in der EU, 1994; Gündisch/Wienhues, Rechtsschutz in der EU, 2. Aufl. 2003; Schermers/Waelbroeck, Judicial Protection in the European Communities, 6. Aufl. 2001 4.4 Content: Unification and Approximation of Private Law in the EU. The Unification presentation is aiming at a better understanding of the basis, instruments, scope and and aim of unification and harmonization in the field of private law and conflict Approximati on of Private of laws within the European Union. Newest enactments and certain envisaged Law in the measures will be discussed. EU 4.5.1 Content: This course will focus on three different levels of European tort law. The The course will start with a brief overview of the situation concerning various European national tort law systems within Europe. Furthermore, different aspects of the Liability Law European Union’s liability law will be examined with a focus on state liability,

liability of the Union under Art 340 (2) TFEU and product liability. Finally,

harmonization and unification of European Tort law will be dealt with on the

basis of the European Group on Tort Law’s Principles of European Tort Law. 4.5.2 Content: European Criminal Law is a new area of law that the entry into force The of the Lisbon Treaty has acquired a special significance in law. As for the European material side of European criminal law consists of super national norms, Criminal Law international and national in between which have a hierarchical special report. European Criminal law is a matter of particular type sui generis. Will be discussed among other things the main factors Europeanization of criminal law, in particular the EU competence to harmonize criminal law and interstate cooperation in criminal issues. 4.5.3 Content: The objectives of this course are to be discussed European policies The and national spatial planning and urban regulation powers. Competences of European Local and Central Government and spatial planning, urban planning normative Spatial Planning and regulation, procedures for construction permits. The report looks at the Comparative environmental spatial planning. The need of this course in Kosovo is very big. Law It is enough to have a look around the landscape to be noticed and damage interventions made landscape in Kosovo and pollution from agricultural land and illegal construction none planning spatial no standard construction of spatial planning. This subject should explain the need for environmental protection and spatial planning during construction. Competences: The course will provide specific knowledge to students in the building right (i.e. administrative act of building permit) and spatial planning, as in the national sphere but also in Europe. Literature: Dr. Agur Sokoli, E drejta procedurale administrative, Fakulteti Juridik, Prishtinë 2005. Klaus Finkelnburg, Karsten-Michael Ortloff, Martin Kment, Öffentliches Baurecht

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Bauplanungsrecht, 2011, 6., überarb. Auflage. Horst Locher, Ulrich Locher: Das private Baurecht, Lehrbuch für Studium und Praxis, 2011, 8., neubearbeitete Auflage

4.6 Content: Each student will have a mentor and professor and his / her Master's Master Thesis. Students have the right to ask one of the professors of the Master Thesis program "European Integration and Public Administration" at the University of Prizren and their discretion, faculty must act as soon as possible. Master Thesis theme should be chosen after consultation with the professor and a mentor of subject areas examined. Each student should receive a formal approval from the faculty to the elaboration of the theme of his / her choice. Condition for approval of the topic / Master Thesis of the Faculty is that the student has passed all examinations of semester 3 (third). Faculty will maintain a register of topics made / published so that each has a Master Thesis content/ unique theme / to separate. With Master Thesis student must demonstrate that he or she possesses the academic skills to use the knowledge gained during studies independently: - To formulate scientific questions in the field of study; - To build a study to answer this question in an academic way responsible; - Collect, align, analyze, connect, and evaluate the relevant data of this study; - Provide support to find the answer arguments and, when necessary, to provide valuable solutions; - Present the design, implementation, and results of the study clearly systematic and verifiable written. Master Thesis offers students the opportunity to identify, reflecting the empirical relationship for the development of their professional and academic. Academic writing is an integral part of the Master Thesis, which will be offered as a subject in the third semester. Master Thesis accounted for 20 ECTS and should be done / written in one of the subjects of the Master program "European Integration and Public Administration" (LL.M.Eur.) University of Prizren and can be written in Albanian and English. Recognizing the supervision of Master Thesis, Mentor Professor takes care for the workload for the selected topic coincides with a maximum of 20 ECTS. Students will work in close collaboration with the supervisor of his / her which will give clear explanations of how developed diploma thesis. Volume Master Thesis must include 45 or 60 pages Din A4 without(including) contents, bibliography and abbreviations. Mentor teacher should evaluate the thesis and assess / project within two months after the student submits it officially.

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2.5 Master in Bussiness Administration – MBA

5. Data regarding accreditation of study programme: Master of Business Administration - MBA Name of the study programme Master in Business Administration - MBA Categorization (BA, MA, BSc, MSc, PhD, ) MSc Academic Level and the name of the Master in Business Administration - MBA diploma in final form and abbreviations Profile of the Academic Programme 1. Business Administration To all students that have completed level of Bachelor studies in the course of economics, Group to whom the offer is addressed law, social sciences, technical sciences, and application sciences. Minimal study duration 2 years (4 semsters)

Form of study (regular, unbreakable from work, distance studying etc.) Regular- full time

Number of ECTS 120 1. Research Methodology 2. Managerial Economics 3. Financial Management 4. Advanced Managerial Accounting 5. Marketing Management 6. Marketing of Agriculture and Food 7. Public Economics 8. Corporate Governance Modules /(Short Content) 9. Food and Agriculture Policies 10. Advanced Financial Accounting 11. Strategic Management 12. Operational Management 13. Management Information Systems 14. Managerial Skills 15. International Business 16. Business Ethics 17. Managerial Decision Making 18. European Economic Integration Thesis Number of students 80 Leader of the study course Prof. Dr. Behxhet Brajshori - Prof.assistant Permanet sicentific /artistic staff (Number according to the categories of the personnel) Ten Professor Assistants

Study Fee 300ros per semester

2.2 Justification of programme for labour market

The MBA is an interdisciplinary advanced programme of the university studies compiled carefully for students who are interested for common business management. The aim of this programme is building and implementation of a practical orientation of the business management at the inner and outer business environment with a higher business competition.. The structure and content of the courses in this programme are providing it more with a Master of the managerial character multi functional and advanced in which are included the courses of business administration field, marketing and those of the economics integration which makes the programme reasonable and competitive for the labour market.

2.3 International Comparability of the programme

This programme is based on the post graduation studies at the Economic Faculty of the University of Tirana.

2.4 Target groups dedicated to this programme

All of them who completed bachelor studies in economic science and the necessary required ECTS.

2.5. Orientation of the study programme according to the principle of institution management.

This progamme is in conformity with vision, mission, aim and the philosophy of the University of Prizren whose mission is getting prepared professional staff for internal and external labor market and being competitive in the science of scientific research.

2.6 The aim and profile of the programme

Master Program in Business Administration-MBA is advanced interdisciplinary program of graduate studies carefully designed for students who are interested in contemporary business management. This program is aimed at building, developing and implementing a practical orientation in business management business premises of internal and external with a high business competition. The structure and content of the courses in this program offers with a master of multi functional character management and advanced which includes courses from the fields of business administration, marketing and economic integration.

The goal of the program is to provide master education for developing human resources required for setting up and managing a business that will be competitive in the global market. Competition requires highly developed business manager professionally prepared and very high level that will successfully mobilize all the resources of the company and their efficient use in order to achieve the vision, mission and purpose of the company.

Another goal of this program is to develop analytical and strategic skills of the student, promoting concepts that derive from a wide range of academic disciplines. This program allows students to reflect creatively and effectively in the global business environment. - 145 -

Studies provide an integrated conceptual and empirical network for generic areas of business administration.

2.7 Expected outcomes

After completion of the studies students will be prepared:

• To enter the internal and external labour market as qualified professionals with advanced knowledge of business management. • Operate in competitive business environment. • Analyze the strategic level, to choose problems and make decisions in the more complex environment and changeable business. • Apply their knowledge in practice and communicate them to specialized audiences clearly and convincingly. • Prepare and present theses, reports and seminars by professional standards. • Guide the investment projects. • Organise and conduct a research project. • Manage time efficiently and independently. • Possess a number of computer and communications skills. • Business and manage independently and responsibly.

Level: by the completion of the studies MA students will obtain a title of Master – MBA

2.8 Connectivity between the theoretical and practical part

The report between the theoretical part and practical part is upon functioning of the programme implementation and provides achievement of the required level of knowledge’s by the theoretical part and practical part. In this concrete case the report is 65 with 35.

2.9 Calculation of the ECTS

The calculation of the ECTS in this study programme is in harmony with the required number of the hours for implementation of the programme and that are included in the theoretical and practical aspect of development of the certain course. The program in total has 120 ECTS. One ECTS is equalized to 25 teaching hours.

2.10 Internship

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The University of Prizren has got a practical agreement for internship with Business Community for the students of Bachelor Level.

2.11 The research plan for programme

To date the University of Prizren has completed a numerous number of signed agreements with different international universities for cooperation in the field of research and students’ mobility and that one of professors. Whilst regarding the plan of research in this programme it will be implemented in the framework of the general programme of the research at the University.

2.12 Terms for enrolment of the students and the selection procedures

In this study program can be enrolled all the students who have completed basic studies Bachelor of three years from the fields of economics, law, political science, computer science and who have accumulated at least 180 ECTS credits. Students who prove that the first level of completed studies with a GPA of 7.5 or higher and earn the right to be involved directly in MA. Students with a GPA below 7.5 should be sitting for the qualifying exam. Additional explanation information Diploma Supplement –see supplement On completion of the studies students will receive a diploma in addition to the diploma supplement. The aim of the diploma supplement is to provide sufficient data to improve 'transparency' and fair recognition of academic and professional qualifications. It is designed in such a way to provide description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed.

Duration and Volume (semesters, ECTS, classes per semester) Master studies last 2 years with a total of four semesters, while the total number is 120 ECTS. Three semesters of five compulsory subjects and one elective, while the fourth semester is dedicated to the preparation of the Master thesis, which will have 30 ECTS. Students will attend compulsory and elective subjects. Courses include ECTS, which correspond to 60 classes of lectures. Every year should be obtained for about 60 ECTS from 1500 to 1800 classes per year.

Form of study, the structure and duration (study in the presence or unbreakable from work, regular study or distance, system modules, joint organized courses, etc.) Forms of study will be regular studies, where the presence of students in lectures and exercises will be required.

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Quality Assurance Quality assurance, along with mechanisms for monitoring and improvement intervention was organized by the Office of Quality Assurance at institutional level. Also, quality assurance coordinators for each faculty are responsible for tracking and closer monitoring of all procedures necessary for quality work in the Master program of this faculty.

Rules for procedures of quality assurance Regulations relating to quality assurance are - Rules of Procedure of the Committee on Quality Assurance and Quality Assurance Guidelines for the UPZ and Strategy for Quality Assurance. These regulations clearly provide procedures and mechanisms through which institutions and study programs ensure that the quality of teaching and research to be desired standards of local and international.

Number of students for studying – 80

Curricula MASTER – Business Administration

First Year – First Semester N0. Course O/E Courses Classes/Weeks ECTS Professor 1. O Research Methods 4 6 Dr. Bekim Berisha O Managerial 2. 4 6 Dr. Hysni Terziu Economics O Financial 3. 4 6 Dr. Halil Kukaj Management O Advanced 4. Managerial 4 6 Dr. Florije Govori Accounting O Marketing 5. 4 6 Dr. Gani Gjini Management

First Year- Second Semester No. Course O/E Courses Classes/Weeks ECTS Professor O Marketing of the 1. Agriculture and 4 5 Dr. Isuf Lushi Food

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O Dr.Behxhet 2. Public Economics 4 5 Brajshori O Corporate 3. 4 5 Dr. Florije Govori Governance O Politics of the 4. Agriculture and 4 5 Dr. Hysen Bytyqi Food O Advanced 5. Financial 4 5 Dr. Bekim Berisha Accounting

Elective Courses4 No. Course O/E Courses Classes/Weeks ECTS Professor 1. E Business Ethics 3 5 Dr. Bekim Berisha E Managerial 2. 3 5 Msc. Petrit Hasanaj Decision Making E European 3. Economics 3 5 Dr. Gani Gjini Integrations

Second Year – Third Semester N0. Course O/E Courses Classes/Weeks ECTS Professor O Strategic Dr.Behxhet 1. 4 6 Management Brajshori O Operation Dr.Neriman 2. 4 6 Management Bajraktari O Management of 3. Information 4 6 Dr. Bekim Berisha Systems O Managerial 4. 4 6 Dr. Hysni Terziu Capabilities

4 Notice: In the second semester students by the three elective courses on aforemtnioned table will chose only one. - 149 -

O International 5. 4 6 Dr. Gani Gjini Business

Second Year – Fourth Semester No. Courses Classes/Weeks ECTS Mentor 1. Thesis 50 30

Module/ Course Description

Course: Methodology of Scientific-Research Work Aim and expected outcomes of the students’: The purpose of this module is doubled: To provide students with knowledge and skills with application in the workplace and to provide students with knowledge of scientific research methods applied quantity (quantitative) and qualitative (quality). Given that research and analysis are valid only if presented in the form of elaborate clear and well-structured, students will learn the methodology and rules of academic writing.

Content: Academic Writing. The process of academic writing (choice of topic and focus, planning and structuring, writing and drafts audit, audit content). Specifying the content and organization of the scientific paper. Ways of making the thesis. Reference system. Writing the essay. Research methods - qualitative approach (qualitative) and quantitative (quantitative). Interviewing. Compilation of research questionnaires. Data processing, quality analysis (qualitative), statistics, linear regression, etc. probability models Forms of teaching and acquisition: Lectures, students’ presentations, discussions, seminars, research projects, group projects. Literature: 1. Bigwood, S and Spore, M (2003) Presenting Numbers, Tables, and Charts, Oxford University Press, Uk., Boce, E. (2004) Si të shkruajmë: Procesi dhe Shkrimet Funksionale, Qendra për Arsim Demokratik, Tiranë, Boce, E. (2004) Si të shkruajmë Ese : Procesi dhe Shkrimet Funksionale, Qendra për Arsim Demokratik, Tiranë, Boce, E. (2004) Si të shkruajmë një punim kërkimor, Qendra për Arsim Demokratik, Tiranë, Gujarati, D (2005) Essential of Econometrics (rev ed), McGraw Hill Higher Education.

Course: Managerial Economics

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Aim and the expected outcomes of the students’: The aim of the curriculum is to gain knowledge and skills for management and economic development, treatment and research facility of managerial economics in general, where students get acquainted with the scoring methodology as developmental effects of micro- economic perspective and also from the aspect, macro-economic managerial functioning . The aim of the course is managerial economics that dominate the methodology for the preparation of managerial entrepreneurship programs in economics, as well as managerial skills for leadership. Knowledge, skills and theoretical methodological skills, the student will gain during lectures organized by using modern methods: projector, computer, media, etc.. The task of this course is for students to gain knowledge about the management of the economy, and recognized the possibility of developing theoretical and practical forms, different methods of application of managerial economics and implementation of projects arising from the business of their direct in the relevant field, to gain insight into the practical application of all models and building principles of economy management standardization. Students will develop the skills needed for a successful professional Managerial Economics. They will analyze specific aspects that will be faced during the development and design of projects, which will acquire the skills needed to manage resources efficiently in construction and application of managerial economy. So itself the purpose of the course is expected to affect the level of knowledge, skills and attitudes of students, such as by: a) Knowledge: The course relates to students knowledge of basic concepts of economics and management practices, to establish adequate standards, which are necessary for applications in their work. Occurrences management of economic activities appear as a necessity of studying the management of social-economic financial relations, which is also becoming more emphasized due to the new conception itself that is taking the subject of managerial economics as a science lesson, which carries within itself potential to be functional, because it enables business management perceptions. b) Skills: Students are expected to enable the practical application of course concepts and develop these concepts and criteria according to different models of intellectual education in university academic and scientific institutions of the respective field. c) Attitudes: Students are expected to be aware and understand the importance of professional development of teaching physical education and professional principles and forms of managerial economics at universities and evaluate knowledge gained from this course.

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Content: Introduction I. Management Economic and Economic Principles of leadership: What does managerial economics represent? The main principles of an economic efficient management. II. Market Demand and Offer: Market. Demand and demand curve. Offer and supply curve. Market equilibrium. Applications of the theory of equilibrium. III. Quantitative Analysis of Demand: Elasticity of demand. Calculating the elasticity of demand of demand functions. Evaluation of the demand function. Regression analysis. IV. Theory of Individual Behaviour: Consumer Preferences and indifference curves. Budgetary restraints. The balance of the customer. Indifferences curve applications. V. Process of Production and Cost: Production Function-term periods. Productions function in the long term. Cost function. Costs in the short term. Costs in the long term. Economy of scale and economy of space. Optimal choice of inputs in the short and long term. VI. Enterprise and units: Enterprise and input procurement methods. Transaction costs and optimal procurement of inputs. Principal-agent problem and how to resolve it. Units and its model structure-conduct-performance analysis .VII. Competitive market monopoly and monopolistic competition: Competition and types of markets. Management in competitive markets. Management in monopolistic markets. Managing competition in markets monopolistic. Break-event analysis. VIII. Under oligopoly models: oligopoly and strategic interaction. Maximizing profit in Sweezy oligopoly. Maximizing profit in oligopoly Cowrnot. Maximizing Profit in Stackelberg oligopoly. Maximizing profit in oligopoly Bertrand. Comparison of oligopoly models. Contestable Markets. IX. Oligopoly and game theory: strategic interaction and game theory. Simultaneous games and not repeated. Infinitely repeated games. Repeated games of finite sets. Subsequent games. X. Pricing strategies: basic strategy and specific strategies in oligopoly. The simple rule to add the cost factor marginal. Strategies associated with even higher profits. Pricing strategies for specific cost structure and demand. Strategies in markets with fierce price competition. Other pricing strategy. XI. Decision-making under conditions of uncertainty and risk, uncertainty and risk. Some rules of decision making under conditions of uncertainty. Measuring risk by probability distribution. Making Decision in terms of risk. And market uncertainty. XII. Capital Budgeting: Methods of evaluation of capital investment projects. Liquid cash flows and cost of capital. Capital budgeting and implementation of the principle of optimization. Capital budgeting in terms of risk. Forms of teaching and acqusition: Lectures, discussions, working in groups, student’s presentations, discussions, seminars, research projects, projects in groups. Literature: Obliged Literature: Ahmet Mançellari, “Ekonomiksi menaxherial”, Tiranë 2012. Michael R. Boye, Managerial Economics and Business Strategy”. Additional literature : Dominick Salvatore, “Managerial Economics in a global economy”, Thompson Learning/ South-Western, SHBA, fifth edition, 2004. David Besanko, Ronald R. Braeutigam, “Microeconomics An Integrated Approach”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2002.

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Course: Financial Management Aim and expected outcomes of the student: The aim of the course Financial Management is : That the students will gain knowledge’s and capabilities regarding organization, functions and the duties of financial management in contemporary terms of the business development. Content: Students who successfully complete this course will be able: Analyze financial statements of the company and implement appropriate measures depending on the financial situation in which the company, Do financial planning, The right investment decisions, Take right decisions regarding sources of financing the enterprise, To manage financial risk, and Right to manage working capital of the enterprise. Form of teaching and acqusition: Lectures, exercises, interactive approach, consultations, seminar paper, working in groups, etc. Literature: 1. Isa Mustafa, Menaxhment Financiar, RIINVEST, Prishtinë, 2007 2. Berim Ramosaj & Izet Zeqiri, Menaxhment – Udhëheqja dhe menaxhimi financiar i ndërmarrjeve ekonomike, Dukagjini, Prishtinë, 2003, 3. Halit Xhafa, Drejtimi financiar, Pegi, Tiranë, 2010

Additional literature:

James C. Van Horne, John M. Wachowicz; Fundamentals of Financial Management, Prenice Hall, New Jersey, 2004

Viducic, I; Finansijski Menadzment, Mate, Zagreb, 2006

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Course: Advanced Managerial Accounting Aim and expected outcomes of the student: This course will help student’s participant’s to gain the skills need to generate information and knowledge to better understand the phenomena relevant economic business areas. During lectures, exercises and seminars, students will learn how to find answers or solutions to important issues related to the management of the use of resources by organizations in continuous value creation and how it can be managed effective. The course will challenge students to an accelerated study and discipline. The course will help students understand the basic concepts and theories of management accounting, have to help managers to: The estimated cost of the resources used for future actions, and returns associated with the use of these resources, To help managers decide how resources (investment, allocation for more efficient use them) Provide structures for resource planning and demand deployments, To measure the costs of resources used and results (performance value created) The use of these resources, and To control the resources used. Students who successfully will complete this course will be able: 1. To understand the major influences on pricing, effectively utilize scientific literature. 2. Understand how cost information to support important decisions such as pricing management and product planning. 3. Understand Target-Costing Approach to product prices and the impact of markets to determine price and required rates of return on costs. 4. Understand the strategic implications of blocking costs within the value chain. 5. Understand the cost-plus approach, especially in the government sector firms / defense contractor. 6. Understand the different types of competitive strategy with particular emphasis on the theory of Professor Michael Porter. 7. Understand the value of ongoing analysis and its implications for equalization point. 8. Understand and calculate variances and sales-volume-Mix subdivisions in sales and sales-volume variances of variance. 9. Understand and estimate the market size and market gaps. Form of teaching and acquisition: Lectures, exercises, interactive approach, consultations, seminar paper, working in groups, etc.

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Literature: 1. “Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis” Plus My Accounting Lab with Pearson ETextBook (14th Edition), Charles T. Horngren, George Foster, Srikant M. Datar, 2. Madhav Rajan and Chris Ittner, Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN - 9780132960649 Cost/Managerial Accounting Exam Questions and Explanations book, 10th Ed.Irvin N. Gleim, Gleim Publications 3. Authorized lectures prepared by Florije Govori.

For this course are well worth following sources: 5. “Accounting for Decision Making and Control”, Jerold L. Zimmerman, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2010 6. “Management Accounting: Information for Decision-Making and Strategy Execution”, Anthony A. Atkinson, Robert S. Kaplan, Ella Mae Matsumura and S. Mark Young, Pearson, 6th Edition, 2011 7. “Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis”, Edward Blocher, David Stout and Gary Cokins, McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 5th edition (September 23, 2009)

Course: Marketing Management Aim and the expected outcomes of the student: In the business world "nothing happens until the sale is done" With this phenomenon companies generate revenue hoping that will exceed the cost of the product and service sold in order to obtain profit. The company's marketing department is responsible for the development of the means through which it sells its products and services at a profit. Marketing has direct responsibility for contacting the market and convince people or organizations in the market to buy their goods or services. In this context it should be noted that marketing functioning, is influenced by globalization, technology and ethics. To explain its various aspects of marketing. Describe the main types of markets and their importance. Identify and describe the elements of the marketing environment. Identify and understand the objectives leading the company. To understand why it is important that the concept of brand value. To sequence the steps of the development process of new products and how to place each. To describe the life cycle of the product and how it can be used to manage existing products. To distinguish between the distribution channels for consumer products and industrial products. Content: - Markets - Marketing Environment - Gathering of information for markets and environment - Objectives - Clients Management Forms of Teaching and Acqusition: Lectures, students presentations, discussions, seminars, research projects, projects in groups.

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Literature: 1.Gaspar ,Bierman, Kalari, Hise ,Smith, Aureola – Risa : Hyrje ne Biznes (An introduction to business) Tiranë 2007 2.Jolibert A. et Jourdan P. Marketing Research Dunod Paris 2006 3. Bardhyl Ceku, Hamit Aliu, Hasim Parimet e Marketingut Deari Tetovë, 2011 4.Churchil Gilbert A. Bazik Marketing Resarch, 4E. Smath – Thomson – learning 2001 5. Roccoo Šodan . Previśić. Marketing izvozne prirrede Zagreb. 1984 .

Course: Marketing of Agriculture and Food Aim and expected outcomes of the student: This course provides a broad introduction to agricultural and food products in Kosovo Production of food and agricultural products constitute a very important component for consumers including laws, regulations, decisions, actions and other institutions that affect agricultural production and food distribution and their consumption. The course will be in consideration for the student, the concerns related to the economic interests of farmers, but also for the consumer include food, sustainable agriculture, ecological environment and food safety. The student will have knowledge of agricultural marketing functions, benefits, bonus, market structures and institutions of food agri-products marketing. Will contribute in the decision making marketing alternatives to farmers and intermediaries. To give knowledge necessary for market structures, the position of farmers on production and market prices, and also the processors: the market power of firms in relation to the sale and purchase agreements. At the end of study, the student will be able to: develop a view of the economy in general application to agricultural marketing issues and monitors and analyzes critically analyze current events and their potential impact on agricultural marketing.


Forms of Teaching and Acquisition: Lectures, student’s presentations, discussions, seminars, research projects, projects in groups.

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Literature: 1.Kotler, Ph.”Principles of marketing”. 2.Perreault,McCarthy,”Basic marketing”. 3.R.L.KOHLS,Joseph N.UHL.”Marketing of agricultural products”,Perdue Universyti New Jersey,2002. 4.Ph.Aurier,L.Sirieix.”Le marketing des produits agroalimentaires”,Paris,2004. 5.Fred Emerson Clark”Principles of Marketing”-Marketing Principle in Agriculture. 6.Kolnikaj,P. Verquni,A. Male,B “Marketingu i produkteve bujqësore”,2006,Tiranë. 7.Hudson D.Agricultural markets and process,Blackwell Publishing,2007. 8.Barkley, Andrew and Paul Barkly: Principles of Agricultural Economics. Edition 1. 2013. ISBN: 9780415540698. 10.Joseph N. Uhl, Richard L. Kohls: Marketing of Agricultural Products. Date Published: July 1, 2001. ISBN: 9780130105844 11.Materialet e ligjëratave dhe ushtrimeve (Skripta) të përgatitura nga arsimtari i lëndës të cilat do të iu dorëzohet studentëve në fund të çdo ligjërate.

Course: Public Economics Aim and expected outcomes of the student: Public Economics course will include the role of government in the economy of a country. Public Economics requires you know how governments or other public bodies behave in public relations and economic development. It suggests that governments should act as optimal. Governments are not needed if they are not effective. However, global markets may fail in delivering economic efficiency or to provide citizens sensitive to inequality. Therefore, it will create opportunities and responsibilities for governments to improve efficiency and provide a fair distribution of available resources for the benefit of citizens. Content: Public Economics course will include role allocate, distributive, regulatory, and stabilizing the government. Course will also include basic knowledge of public policy defining, formulating, adopting, implementing and evaluating them using various methods such as Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Cost-Effective Analysis. Forms of teaching and acqusition: Lectures, exercises, interactive apporach, consultations, seminar paper. Literature: C.V.BROWS,P.M JACKSON-Public Sector ECONOMICS,4th Edition,1990,Great Britain. Brajshori,B.Njohuritë Bazë mbi Politikat Publike,Prishtinë,2012 Dr.Mathew Cahn,Public Analysis Format,Public Ploicy Analysis,California State University,USA

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Course: Corporate Governance Aim and the expected outcomes of the student:

Content: This course is oriented to the needs of students who will meet with corporate governance systems, as a matter of orchestrated globally. The course is designed to provide a deep insight into how corporations are governed and enterprises. At the end of the course, you should have a good understanding of how boards make jam, though stock options do not always work, work as business groups, although workers may be good members of boards and governance can help enterprises. After successful completion of the course, students will develop skills and will be able to: 1. Understand corporate governance systems that are formed in the past by economic forces, political, social and cultural. 2. To identify the consequences of reflection of the contemporary forces affecting corporate control of the future of corporate governance. 3. Select and identify the best models of corporate governance system for corporations and other institutions. 4. Discuss the importance of the composition of the key elements of corporate governance. 5. The importance of transparency in the selection process of the members of the corporate governance structures. Literature: Shyqyri Llaçi & Jorida Tabaku, Qeverisja e korporatave, 2008 Cikël leksionesh. Claesssens, World Bank, Corporate Governance and Development, 2003 Candbury Code, The Code of best practise”, 1992 London

Course: Politics of Agriculture and Food Aim and expected outcomes of the student: This course provides a broad introduction to food policy in the EU, Kosovo and the world. Agricultural and food policies including laws, regulations, decisions, actions and other policies affecting agriculture and food production, distribution and consumption. Controversies and debates related to economic principles, research tools, policy analysis, and contemporary data sources. The course will take into account not only for student concerns related to the economic interests of farmers, but also include food, sustainable agriculture, and environment and food safety. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: develop a view of the economy in general application to agricultural issues and policy- makers, monitors and analyzes critically analyze current events and their potential impact on agricultural policy and food, expand their knowledge of food and agricultural sectors in Kosovo and the global sphere, develops critical thinking skills and to appreciate how domestic politics and policies affecting world agriculture and food, and we critically analyze the causes and possible solutions to global food shortages and famine.

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Content: Introduction to agricultural and food policies, procedures related to agricultural and food policies, food production and the environment, global politics, food and agricultural market, the role of trade, trade policy, food production, policies related to agricultural farms and tools agricultural policy, dietary guidelines, labeling and advertising of food products, food sources, policies related to agriculture and food, rural community, hunger and food insecurity, nutrition assistance programs, food safety, food and nutrition assistance, etc. Forms of Teaching and acqusition: Lectures, stundets presentation, discussions, seminars, research projects, projects in groups. Literature: 1. R.D. Knutson, J.B. Penn, and Barry L. Flinchbaugh, Joe L. Outlaw. NJ: Agricultural and Food Policy, 6th ed. Prentice Hall, 2007. 2. Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore’s Dilemma. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2006. 3. Mark Bittman, A Food Manifesto for the Future, available at 4. Knowing Which Foods Are Making Us Sick: 5. Food Insecurity Up in Recessionary Times: 6. Global Economic Crisis Threatens Food Security in Lower Income Countries: 7. Materialet e ligjëratave dhe ushtrimeve (Skripta) të përgatitura nga arsimtari i lëndës (H. Bytyçi) të cilat do të iu dorëzohet studentëve në fund të çdo ligjërate.

Course: Advanced Financial Accounting Aim and expected outcomes of the student: This course will help student participants to gain the skills they need to generate information and knowledge to better understand the phenomena relevant areas of advanced financial accounting. During lectures, exercises and workshops, students will learn how to find answers or solutions to important issues related to the consolidation of financial statements, business combinations, teach and demonstrate techniques of consolidation, to identify transactions profit entities, legal aspects of mergers or business bankruptcy. The course will challenge students to an accelerated study and discipline. Content: Students who successfully complete this course will be able: clearly identify businesses that combine effectively utilize scientific literature understand the importance of investment in shares understand the procedures and techniques of consolidation Gain identify transactions between entities identify transactions in foreign currencies understand accounting units Mother-Daughter, and Joint Venture of corporate. be able to discuss the legal aspects of companies in liquidation or bankruptcy Forms of Teaching and Acquisition: Lectures, exercises, interactive approach, consultations, seminar paper etc.

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Literature: 1. Binaj, A., Kontabiliteti financiar i avancuar 2. Asllanaj, Rr., Kontabiliteti financiar 3. Ligjërata të autorizuara të përgatitura nga Bekim Berisha.

Course: Strategic Management Aim and the expected outcomes of the student: The course aims to prepare students for a skilled manager to increase competition in the business field. The focus of this course will be on strategic analysis, decisions and actions that the organization takes action to create a sustainable competitive advantage by considering the environment of internal and external business. Course is concentrated in choosing the best way to implement an organization's strategies by means of organizational changes. In various forms and with adequate instruments will consider issues related to ethical decision making, corporate social responsibility, the aspects and interests of claimants in the company, and the relationship between business and government and community. Course also includes the role and responsibility of the business manager for the design and implementation of the strategic plan, the types of strategies, internal factors and external competencies in an environment of high competition business. Content: By studying this course, students will take the knowledge from the fields of management, knowledge of methods and instruments for the implementation of managerial objectives and their application. Also they will learn enough knowledge, why are important strategic decisions as well as techniques for formulation and implementation of strategy. They will come to understand the interactions and consequences of contemporary elements in the company's development strategy and that by means of strategic thinking to develop the company's original strategy. Forms of Teaching and acqusition: Lectures, student’s presentation, discussions, seminars, projects in groups. Literature: Thorell,HB(1977),Strategy+Structure^Performance:The Strategic Planing Imperativ, Bloomington Indiana University, Pres. Lewis G, (1993)”Concepts in Strategic Management”, A.Morkel and G.Hubbard-Australian Strategic Management Concepts and Case Studies. Vasilika Kume, Strategic Management Concept, Theory, Enforcement , third edition ,Tirana, 2010

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Course: Operational Management Aim and the expected outcomes of the student: The aim of this module is that students will gain knowledge from operations as one of the main functional areas with an important role in interacting with marketing efforts to do research, design and development for new products and services information systems to improve productivity and reduce overall time in the action of these operations. All students gaining knowledge’s, expected to be clear after these lectures which are competitive priorities operations management as those practiced by various firms in practice. Content: Simplified and clarified definitions of the basic concepts of operations management. The repositioning of the balancing issues of treatment operations and service output. Exercises and examples to clarify some of the qualitative and quantitative techniques described in operations management. Alternative options for different situations ranging lectures and a place in the management of operations. Forms of teaching and acqusition: Lectures, student’s presentation, discussions, seminars, projects in groups, research projects. Literature: Literatura"Operations Management"-International Student Editon,ninth edition, William J.Stevenson 2007, "Operations Management"- fifth edition, Nigel Slack Stuart Chambers,Robert Johnston,2007. "Operations Management"- eighth editon , Jay Heizer , Barry Render,2006. "Operations Management"-an integrated approach, R.Dan Reid.Nada R.Sanders, edicioni i dytë, 2005.

Course: Management of Information System Aim and the expected outcomes of the student:

Recent advances in computer and communication technology have sparked an information revolution that has radically transformed the way we do business and the nature of the work. Perhaps nowhere has the impact of information technology been more emphasized than in the accounting system and accounting profession itself. Accounting is generally concerned with identifying, collecting, processing, analyzing, interpreting and communicating economic information about an organization, and as such, there is a considerable degree of affinity between accounting and information systems fields. Accountants, as information specialists should take a common body of knowledge about information systems if they want to succeed in today's increasingly competitive business environment and computer loaded technologically driven.

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Content: The aim of this course to provide the kernel knowledge of the Systems (except the topic of the programme),which will help to:

1. Understand the relationship between accounting information systems and other systems in the organization, within a general framework of information systems;

2. Gain background knowledge and language needed to communicate effectively with professionals and information systems to participate in the design, development and evaluation of accounting information systems;

3. Basic understanding of security and control issues and audit considerations relating to computer-based accounting information systems, and

4. Acquire a working knowledge of basic concepts and spreadsheet database and data analysis tools, and become familiar with the World Wide Web and the Internet as a business communication and computing platforms.

Forms of teaching and acquisition: Lectures, student’s presentation, discussions, seminars, projects in groups, research projects. Literature: Boockholdt, James L., Accounting Information Systems: Transaction Processing and Controls, Irwin, 1994. (A competitor to your textbook focusing on control issues.)

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Course: Managerial Skilful Aim and the expected outcomes of the student: The aim of the course is gaining managerial knowledge’s and skills regarding management of economic development, treatment and object of the managerial skills studying in general, where the student’s will get knowledge’s within methodology of pointing the development managerial effectives by the micro and macroeconomic aspect to enforce the managerial capabilities and functioning of the economic social system. The aim of the course is to prevail the methodology of preparing the managerial entrepreneurship programmes in economy, also the managerial skills for governance, knowledge, theoretical skills and methodological mastery, which the student will gain during the lectures that will be organized by using the most contemporary methods with: Computer, projector and media. The duty of this course is that the student will obtain knowledge and certain skills for management of the economy, projects and will be introduced with the possibility of theoretical and practical development of the forms, different methods of applications of the managerial skills and implementation of the projects that derive by its direct business in respective fields, to gain knowledge’s to enforce practically of all models and building of the principles of the standardization of the managerial efficient economy. The student’s will develop necessary skills and capabilities for successful professionalism. By having into consideration the managerial skills. They will analyse the certain aspects with they will face up during the development and compilation of the projects, where they will gain necessary skills on management of the recourses in effective manner, in building and applying the common managerial economy. Whereby itself the aim of the course is expected to impact on the knowledge level, skills and capabilities, but as well as the student’s attitude like: Knowledge’s, skills, capabilities and attitudes.

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Content: Preface Managers’ and their creation Nature of management: cycle management, practice management. How people become managers? Relationships with organizational, managerial escalation. Conflict between expert activity and activity management: the nature of the problem, job titles. Specialist career structures and their limitations: the overall problem, managerial responsibilities “hybrid " pressure employees experience in the field of information technology. The reasons that people avoid managerial responsibilities : failure to identify the elements of a work management , rewards , job preferences , personality factors , it pressure from the experience of developing countries , the consequences of specific knowledge managers . Regulatory strategies and updated: defining the role of managerial selection. Training and development managers, monitoring. Activity in relation to effectiveness: managers “proactive " managers face “reajtuvë " , meaning work , effectiveness . Identification of managerial work: short-term pressures and long-term needs, identification of objectives. analysis of roles : potential advantages , explanations on technique , mismanagement reasons of time , the structure of work , individual priorities , organizational priorities , information and assessment , stress management , application and interpretation of individual management of the time : identification of priorities , the order of work , critical path analysis , fatigue , evidence of research , social needs , time saving others , strategic planning , needs planning , planning mechanisms , factors to be taken into the added , realistic objectives . manager and organization , theories of organization : scientific and classical schools of management , school human relationships , theories of systems , mechanical and organic structures , matrices structure , classification " handy " work peters and waterman , flexible organization , revision of theories . factors that determine the organizational structure : The technology , The technology of information , size , intellectual capital , national culture , links between the activities of the organization : department , effect " Domino " ( consecutive ) decisions, preventive strategies , role behavior ( based on position ) : personality compared with the behavior of role , conflicts mitigation . Quality management, quality circles, total quality management. General developments in the private and public sector, private sector, restructuring the public sector, private sector comparisons. effects of information technology in the appendix topic : differences between management characteristics and trends in managerial management, management style : the concept of managerial style , authority manager , organizational development , legal difficulties , social, human authority of knowledge , power and influence , lateral relations , managers as moderator , the style of management options , features theories , theories Mr. Gregor x and y , the style of " continuity of leadership : the Tannenbaum and Schmidt nets by black and mounting managerial theories of uncertainty , Belbinit mix managerial team , unitary and pluralist framework of reference . Organizational factors: the nature of work, organizational values , superior style. The impact of national culture: important variables, the model " Hofstede " local culture , diversity management , work abroad , national culture and ethics . Aggression: aggressive behavior, non- aggressive and assertive, servitude, delegation skills : the nature of delegation , definition , responsibility , accountability in the public sector . The need for delegation: effective use of time , effective use of subordinates , development of addiction . delegation skills : discrete authority , setting priorities , working direction , control mechanisms , control of professionally qualified staff , the use of substitutes , training . Obstacles to effective delegation, time, lack of training, factors outside the control of the manager, uncertainty management, employees irreplaceable. Granting authority - empowerment: history, definition, empowerment in practice, significant issues seeking answers. motivation ; performance at work : Low performance reasons, assume the reasons that make people work. theories of motivation : Masloe , Herzberg , reception theories , the theory of social and technical systems , the impact of national culture , work design , ergonomics , marketing , the basic structure of the work , labor distortion . The expansion work, job rotation, selection, training and wages. Weakness and stress: involvement a nd care organization. communication ; Importance of communication , effective communication obstacles facing , time , language , hearing problems , lack of feedback , false feedback , resistance to criticism , selective perception and neutrality , gender differences . Effective verbal communication skills, manipulate information, active listening, environment preparation, selection of language, communication through " body language " . verbal presentation skills , communication constraints from top-down , specific skills . Written communication, use of language , forms , internal memos , telephone service to help customer , internal magazines . Organizational structure, organizational structure options , operational problems . National culture: Hofstedes results, the context of high and low cultural level of feedback, building and maintaining relationships " body language " in different cultures . Selection, definition of work, medium and long term needs. Selection criteria: special feature of the person , the skills needed to perform the work , other issues , monitoring and evaluation of the selection process . Collecting information about candidates , references and certifications , accuracy of information , internal candidates , evaluating structures , psychometrics tests :

The selection interviews: planning, interviewing skills, common problems. Selection committees, commissions reasons why constructed, objective selection of candidates, Potential problems, the role of the chair of the committee. Equal opportunities: framework, Overall, gender and racial discrimination, discrimination against age. Interviews: problems, Dealing potential, process analysis, presentation, tips for being successful in next interview. Effective strategies for maneuver: the construction of an optimal scheme use of job-description, classification and registration, preparation of the assessment interview, Feedback, self evaluation, informal orientation, auditing within audit group, estimation 360 degree. Special Types of Evaluation: Duty promotion, work experience-probationary period, reviews of the duties. Performance management: setting goals, acknowledge and development of important skills, salary based on performance. Training and management development: for effective needs barriers to trainings. & effective development management, active learning, recent developments, other strategic issues. Specific skills: choice of consulters, stages of the process of problem identification, active listening, counseling measures of confidentiality.

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Forms of teaching and acquisition: Lectures, student’s presentation, discussions, seminars, projects in groups, research projects. LITERATURE: Obliged Literature: AFTËSITË MENAXHERIALE, BOTIMI I PARË 2006 TIRANË NGA PROF.ASSOC. DR. ANDRI KOXHAJ, DAVID, SAUL 1997. MILITARI BLUNDERS, THE HOË AND ËHY OF MILITARY FAILURE.


Course: International Business Aim and the expected outcomes of the student: Companies continually strive to develop strategies for improving cash flows in order to further enrich their shares. Some of these strategies have to do with penetration in foreign markets. Recently, many of the barriers of entry into foreign markets have been reduced or eliminated completely, prompting companies to engage in international business. Consequently, many societies have evolved into multinational corporation which are defined as companies that develop a form of international business. This course explains the goals and motives of companies with international business risks. This course will stimulate curiosity about the business practices of companies that seek market opportunities abroad. Will enhance student awareness to the importance of viewing company’s business from the perspective of international, regional and global levels. The student will have reflection for very dynamic changing’s. Will form an economic analysis skills and a fair reflection of the economic situation. Good knowledge of international business can help students make the right decisions and argumentative. Content: Necessity of international business. Theories of the international business. Methods of the international business and international opportunities. International exposure. The International financial flows. The International financial markets. Forms of teaching and acquisition: Lectures, student’s presentation, interactive approach, discussions, seminars. Literature:

Course: Business Ethics Aim and the expected outcomes of the student: The course will include challenges along ethical and cultural impact by confronting the individual and the enterprise in order to conduct business in national cultural level as well as internationally.

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Content: Students will develop the skills needed for Ethics in Business. They will analyze specific aspects that will be faced during the development of career and acquire the skills necessary to manage Business Ethics. Forms of teaching and acquisition: Lectures, student’s presentation, discussions, seminars, projects in groups, research projects. Literature: Kline, John M., ETHICS For International Business, 2nd Edition, Routledge, 2010 (“Kline”); Gannon, Martin J, et al., Understanding Global Cultures, 5th Edition, Sage Publications, 2013 (“Gannon”).

Course: Making of the Managerial Decisions Aim and the expected outcomes of the student: This course will give students knowledge about the decision-making process and the quality quantitative methods used by managers to increase the quality of decision making in conditions of different environments in which business can operate. Will deepen knowledge on the concept of effective groups, conflict, personality, rationality and decisions will be made use of a few quantitative techniques combined with quality to create a systematic framework to decision making exact. Content: Students will develop the skills needed for successful decision making. They will analyze specific aspects that will be faced during the development of career and acquire the skills needed in various management decisions. Forms of teaching and acqusition: Lectures, student’s presentation, discussions, seminars, projects in groups, research projects. Literature: Prof. Dr. Vasilika Kume, “Marrja e vendimeve menaxheriale”, Prof. Dr. Justina Pula Shiroka, “Menaxhmenti dhe Vendosja”

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Course: European Economic Integrations Aim and the expected outcomes of the student: First ideas of the establishment of the European Union. Key regional economic integration of Europe. Authorities of the European Union. European Union institutions. Establishment of the European Union. European single market. Unique European Monetary System. Political development and political development in the field of agriculture policy in the field of industry. Overview of key economic data - social member countries of the EU. On this course students will gain knowledge of the overall European economic integration, and in particular the role and content of the EU as international regional economic strength. Also, students will gain knowledge of organization that precede on Establishment of the EU, and the conditions that must be met in order to join the EU. Students will be introduced to the common agricultural policy reforms in agriculture. Students will be able to understand the industry development policy. The main purpose of this course is to encourage students to gain knowledge on the processes of expansion and activities of the largest international association and currently form the largest economic and political impact of regional and global special. Content: Forms of teaching and acqusition: Lectures, exercises, interactive apporach,consultations, seminar paper. Literature: 1.Bashkim Europian : Përmbledhje traktatesh Botim i Qendrës Europiane Tiranë . 2000 2. Dritan Tali : Integrimi i Europës në UE. Koha. Prishtinë. 3. Blerim Reka : E drejta e Unionit Europian Prishtinë 2008 4. Gani Gjini : Europem Perspective of the Ballkans , Karadeniz. Aratirmalari Yaz 2007 . 5. Musa Limani : Integrimet Ekonomike Europiane

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1. International Reports and Researches

International cooperation of the University with other insitituions, universities and faculties.

University of Prizren is in a possession of cooperation agreement with a lot of sibling universities inside and outside the country like: with the University of “Hasan Prishtina” Prishtina, the University of Tirana, the University of “Luigj Gurakuqi“ Shkodra, the University of ”G.d-Annunzio” Chieti-Pescaro (Ud-A) , the University of Varshava- Poland, the University of Telematica “Leonardo da Vinçi” Italy ,the University of Bologna” Alma MaterStudiorum (Unibo), and many other faculties and scientific institutes.

Cooperation with labor market partners’

The university has the cooperation agreement with “Kosovo Business Alliance”, is in cooperation with banks, insurance companies, governmental institutions, and with public institutions.


In the framework of the university there is a centre for scientific studies as well as the scientific magazine which will be published in regular period of time. The magazine intends to get number of ISSN according to which the publication will go under the international process of review, while further the efforts will be done that in the future to get review with international IMPACT Factor.

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2. International Reports and Researches

International cooperation of the University with other insitituions, universities and faculties.

University of Prizren is in a possession of cooperation agreement with a lot of sibling universities inside and outside the country like: with the University of “Hasan Prishtina” Prishtina, the University of Tirana, the University of “Luigj Gurakuqi“ Shkodra, the University of ”G.d-Annunzio” Chieti-Pescaro (Ud-A) Italy, the University of Varshava- Poland, the University of Telematica “Leonardo da Vinçi” Italy,the University of Bologna” Alma MaterStudiorum (Unibo), and many other faculties and scientific institutes.

Cooperation with labor market partners’

The university has the cooperation agreement with “Kosovo Business Alliance”, is in cooperation with banks, insurance companies, governmental insititutions, and with public institutions.


In the framework of the university there is a centre for scientific studies as well as the sciebntidic magazine whuich will be published in regular period of time. The magazine intends to get number of ISSN according to which the publication will go under the international process of review, while further the efforts will be done that in the future to get review with international IMPACT Factor.


Description of the Institution (name) University of Prizren Computer Science and Technologies of Name of the study programme Communication Categorization (BA, MA, BSc, MSc, PhD, ) MSc Academic Level and the name of the Master of Science in Computer and diploma in final form and abbreviations Technologies of Communication Profile of the Academic Programme

Students who have a Bachelor degree in TIT, Group to whom the offer is addressed Software Design, Computer Science Minimal study duration 4 semesters

Form of study (regular, unbreakable from work, distance studying etc.) Regular- full time

Number of ECTS 120 M1O1. Mathematics for advanced Computer Science M1O2. Development of information systems and services M1O3. Advanced data modelling and databases M1O4. Advanced principles of programming languages M1Z1. Computer multimedia M1Z2. Principles of geographic information systems M2O1. Selected algorithms Modules /(Short Content) M2O2. Software system development and management M2O3. Data Mining M2O4. Cloud computing M2Z1. Language technology M2Z2. Discrete Mathematics M3O1. Selected topics form Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence M3O2. Selected topics of computer security M3O3. Wireless Sensors Networks M3O4. Empirical research methods M3Z1. It governance M3Z2. Mechatronics

M4O1. Master thesis Number of students 60 Leader of the study course Prof. Dr. Ermir Rogova - Prof.assistant Permanet sicentific /artistic staff (Number according to the categories of the personnel)

Study Fee 300 euros per semester

General Information

The 2nd cycle masters study of Computer Science and Technologies of Communication is a two-year programme (4 semesters) with a total load of 120 ECTS credits. The obtained professional title is: »master of.

Main objectives of the programme

The 2nd cycle Bologna study programme is a sensible continuation of 1st cycle programmes. It enables computer and information science graduates to broaden and extend their knowledge acquired at the 1st cycle study level. It is also attractive for graduates of other disciplines who wish to upgrade their knowledge with practical and theoretical skills in computer and information science. The study programme will provide future graduates with the knowledge necessary to follow technological changes and development in this penetrating and rapidly developing field and to join the developmental and scientific work.

The study programme's course syllabus covers all the basic content important for future Masters of Science. It enables students to adapt their studies according to their own wishes, motivation and inclinations, taking into consideration the different possibilities of professional specialization. After the initial common courses students choose from a selection of elective courses and thus design their studies to fit different specialized professional fields.

General competences acquired through the programme

 Development of critical, analytic and synthetic thinking.  The ability to define, understand and creatively respond to professional challenges in the field of computer and information science.  The ability to use the acquired knowledge for solving professional and scientific problems and to extend the acquired knowledge.  Proficiency in research methods in the field of computer science.  The ability for administrative management of processes related to research, industry, education and other fields. - 171 -

 The ability of professional written communication in the fields of computer science and communication technologies both in Albanian and English.  The ability to transmit knowledge.  The ability to search knowledge sources and critically evaluate information.  Compliance with security, functional, economic and environmental principles.  The ability of team work within the professional environment.  Development of professional responsibility and ethics.  Basic competences in the field of computer and information science, which include theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and skills essential for work in the field of computer science and communication technologies.  Detailed understanding of computer and information science and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to technical and other relevant professional fields (economy, organizational sciences, etc.).  The ability to transmit knowledge to co-workers in technology and research groups.  Practical knowledge and skills of computer hardware, software, information technology and communication technologies necessary for successful professional work in computer and information science.  Graduates in the 2nd cycle of the study programme have the competence to independently tackle demanding developmental, engineering, and organizational tasks as well as moderately demanding research tasks in their fields of study.  Competences in computer and information science granting access to further study at 3rd cycle doctoral programmes.

Market Research Actually there is no significant market research regarding the labor market relevance of this study program. However, there is an assessment of the information and communications technologies (ICT) sector in Kosovo conducted at the request of USAID/Kosovo. The purpose of this activity was to assess opportunities for USAID to support Kosovo’s ICT sector. This sector encompasses several areas of business including telecommunications, a variety of services related to the development, customization and use of software and hardware and services and products that are delivered via telecommunications (both voice and data) networks. The objectives of the assessment were to answer two questions:  Are there parts of the ICT sector in Kosovo that have significant potential for growth in revenues and employees which could be increased if key constraints were addressed?  How might USAID efforts to support the ICT sector benefit overall economic growth in Kosovo?

The team used general factors typically used to identify target business sectors for economic growth assistance. These factors were then tailored to the ICT sector based on the experience of other economic growth projects and the characteristics of the sector. The team also used a SWOT approach throughout the information gathering and analysis, i.e., identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the sector. Although it is difficult to separate the ICT sector cleanly into independent sub-sectors, the team generally analyzed the IT (information technology – meaning work related computer software applications and hardware) from telecommunications (meaning the provision of voice, data and video services via telecommunications networks, either Internet (IP) or mobile phone networks).

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In Kosovo there are 3 major Internet service providers (ISP) : IPKO, Kujtesa and PTK. They also come to conclusion that IT combined with the telecommunications sector appears much stronger than the IT sector alone. They are more optimistic about the potential for this sector to be competitive, especially when combined with an effort to strengthen the development of value added services to take advantage of the quickly expanding mobile phone service networks. There are also 11 main ICT companies operating in Kosovo (Comtrade, Komtel, iSoft, Ipko, Rrota, Cactus, ProNet, Rrota, LogicPlus, Microsoft, Kujtesa, Ati-Kos). It appears that the key constraints for this sector are education and training; improvements to the telecommunications regulatory capacity; stronger sector entrepreneurship and business skills. It is well-known that these companies have many gaps mainly with respect to professional staff. One of the reasons may be found in poor engineering programs offering from universities currently in Kosovo. In Kosovo there are some Universities (public and private) which offer the different programs in Computer Science and Technology. University of Prishtina (Mathematic Faculty and Technical Faculty) provides two programs mainly software oriented. Technical Faculty provides also a new program in Mechatronic, but all these programs are only partly similar to our proposed program. The main private Universities that provide programs in Computer Science and Technology are UBT (University for Business and Technology), AAB-Riinvest as well as Iliria. Although the programs of these Universities are in some relationships with some Universities from abroad (case UBT), there is no indication of any big achievement regarding the labor market and society needs. This first of all because the programs do not meet the requirements of labor market. According to USAID, Engineering schools in Kosovo may have basics, but far behind providing tech-skills for work. Based on their analysis the IT Sector alone currently provides only little potential economic impact but ICT is a promising sector with a great impact on the future economic development of Kosova. Therefore, this study program aims to provide these companies and society in general, professional staff in order to make them competitive with similar European companies and worldwide.

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Curriculum Overview

MSc in COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES OF COMMUNICATION Study No. of No. of years / Module title Lecturer Type hours ECTS semesters M1O1. Mathematics for advanced Computer Marjan Demaj 60 6 Obligatory Science M1O2. Development of information systems Malush Mjaku 60 6 Obligatory and services

M1O3. Advanced data modelling and Ermir Rogova 60 6 Obligatory databases M1O4. Advanced principles of programming Faton Berisha 60 6 Obligatory


st languages

1 M1Z1. Computer multimedia Arjanit Maraj 60 6 Elective

M1Z2. Principles of geographic information Arjanit Maraj 60 6 Elective

systems M2O1. Selected algorithms Faton Berisha 60 6 Obligatory

M2O2. Software system development and Shaban Buza 60 6 Obligatory

First year management M2O3. Data Mining Ermir Rogova 60 6 Obligatory

semester M2O4. Cloud computing Mentor Hamiti 60 6 Obligatory


2 M2Z1. Language technology Naim Braha 60 6 Elective

M2Z2. Discrete Mathematics Marjan Demaj 60 6 Elective

Total ECTS 1st year 60 To include 8 obligatory modules and 2 out of 4 elective modules

M3O1. Selected topics form Machine Shaban Buza 60 6 Learning and Artificial intelligence M3O2. Selected topics of computer security Naim Braha 60 6 Obligatory

M3O3. Wireless Sensors Networks Arjanit Maraj 60 6 Obligatory

semester M3O4. Empirical research methods Faton Berisha 60 6 Obligatory


3 Second year M3Z1. It governance Malush Mjaku 60 6 Elective

M3Z2. Mechatronics Arbnor Pajaziti 60 6 Elective

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M4O1. Master thesis Various 30 Obligatory




Total ECTS 2nd year 60 To include 8 obligatory modules, 1 out of 2 Elective modules and the thesis.

Total ECTS of the study program 120

Summary of Course Contents

The object of this course is to review the basic mathematical topics which are necessarily at this level of computer and information science and prepare the students for mastering applications of mathematical principles, methods and models in solving specific problems from various domains of computer and information science. Fundamentals of discrete structures, linear algebra, calculus and probability with statistics are the basic building blocks in M1O1. Mathematics for advanced modelling, analizing and understanding structures in Computer Science computer science, procedures and programs theoretical model and its implementation in various fields of computer and information science

Lit. 1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons. 2. Gilbert Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Cambridge press.

Development of information systems and services - a methodological approach. Advanced modeling approaches, techniques and standards (e.g. UML profiles). Process frameworks - agile and conventional. Model driven M1O2. Development of development. Software Product Lines and Software information systems and services Factories. Software patterns. From software to service engineering. Service engineering - process model customization for eService development, service modeling, development and integration of enterprise services, service deployment and governance. Tools and integrated

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environments supporting IS development, software and service engineering. Testing and metric-based assessments and process improvements. Lit. 1. Information systems development by David Avison and Guy Fitzgerald 2. Principles of Information Systems by Ralph Stair and George Reynolds

Databases according to domain and time. Concepts of database modelling and database design as a part of information system life cycle. Advanced database modelling. Advanced SQL. Transaction Systems. Database management systems and tuning. Organizational memory technologies. Data management and administration. Coordination of stakeholders, requirements and planning. Master data and master data management. Latest IT and databases. M1O3. Advanced data modelling Lit. and databases 1. Data Modeling and Database Design by Richard W. Scamell and Narayan S. Umanath 2. Database Modeling and Design, Fifth Edition: Logical Design (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems... by Toby J. Teorey, Sam S. Lightstone, Tom Nadeau and H.V. Jagadish (Feb 24, 2011)

Introduction: history and classification of programming languages, design criteria for programming languages. Concepts of programming languages: values, storage, binding, abstraction, encapsulation, type systems, sequencers, concurrency. Syntax and semantic: introduction to theory of formal languages, lexical analysis, syntax analysis, abstract syntax, attribute grammar, denotational semantic, axiomatic semantic, generation and code M1O4. Advanced principles of optimization. Paradigms: imperative programming (Pascal, programming languages ADA), functional programming (Lisp, Haskell, ML), logic programming (Prolog), object programming (Smalltalk, C++, Java, Python). Lit. 1. Programming Languages: Principles and Practices by Kenneth C. Louden and Lambert 2. Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup

Introduction: what is computer multimedia, multimedia characteristics, non-linearity, interactivity, development of multimedia, multimedia usage. Multimedia data types: static M1Z1. Computer Multimedia and dynamical multimedia contents, multimedia contents operations, distribution of multimedia contents, data encoding, why do we encode data (standardisation, data

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transmission, data compression, cryptography). Basic data compression techniques: run-length encoding (RLE), scalar quantisation, statistical methods, adaptive statistical methods, dictionary-based methods. Lossy image compression: discrete cosine transform, data structure for compression and decompression, quantisation matrices settings, Huffman coding/decoding tables, compression of individual blocks. Wavelet compression: 2D wavelet transformation, wavelet smoothing, EZW, SPIHT and WDR algorithms, JPEG 2000. Compression of geometric data: compression of topologically consistent polygons, triangular network compression, voxel data compression. Digital sound compression: analogue and digital sound representation - characteristics and operations, human auditory system and basics of psychoacoustics, WAV, AIFF and AU file formats, lossless audio compression (MPEG-4 ALC), speech compression (non-linear quantisation, PCM, ADPCM, delta modulation, LPC), basics of lossy sound compression, MPEG-1 audio layers (MP1, MP2 and MP3), MPEG-2 and AAC, MPEG-4, HE-AAC, AAC-SSR and BSAC, MIDI and SMDL, audio editing and production software. Digital video compression: analogue and digital video - characteristics and operations, digital video compression algorithms, codecs and data formats, MPEG family, MPEG-2 and DVD, MPEG-4 and DivX, H.261, H.263, H.264 and AVC, sound in digital video, streamed video. Vector animation on internet: FLV, SWF in SVG. Synchronisation and integration of versatile multimedia types: describing the temporal structure of a multimedia presentation (SMIL), MPEG-7 - formal multimedia contents description, open framework for multimedia applications MPEG-21. Lit. 1. Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Animation by Malay K. Pakhira 2. Computer Graphics and Multimedia: Applications, Problems and Solutions by John DiMarco

Introduction: spatial data and information technology. Historical overview: acquisition of spatial data, development of geographic information systems. Types of digital spatial data: raster-based maps, vector data, iso-lines, digital relief model, irregular triangular networks, voxel data, vectorisation of raster data.. Topological and geometrical M1Z2. Principles of geographic consistency of spatial data and their relation to non- information systems geometric data. Global systems for acquisition of spatial data: GPS, LIDAR, satelite images, formats and characteristics of data. Remote sensing (capabilities and applications). Projections, coordinate systems, and registration of spatial data. Integration of heterogenious spatial data into a unique GIS: distributed spatial data,

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spatial search, WEB-based GIS, OGC consortium. Standard spatial WEB formats and WEB services: Shape, GML, WFS, WMS, SDL, MrSID, Google-Earth. GIS systems: commercial systems (ESRI, Intergraph, MapInfo, AutoDESK), open-source systems (GRASS GIS, Quatium GIS, MapServer, GeoServer), mobile GIS. Lit. 1. Geographic Information Systems and Science by Paul A. Longley, Mike Goodchild, David J. Maguire and David W. Rhind 2. Introductory Geographic Information Systems (Prentice Hall Series in Geographic Information Science) by John R Jensen and Ryan R. Jensen

Sorting networks: comparison networks, zero-one principle, bitonic sorting network, merging network, sorting network. Arithmetic circuits: combinational circuits, addition circuits, multiplication circuits. Algorithms for parallel computers: pointer jumping, CRCW algorithms, EREW algorithms. Matrix operations: solving systems of linear equations, inverting matrices, symmetric positive-definite matrices and least-squares approximation. Polynomials and FFT: representation of polynomials, DFT and FFT, efficient FFT M2O1. Selected algorithms implementations. Number-theoretic algorithms: elementary number-theoretic notions, greatest common divisor, modular arithmetic, solving modular linear equations. Approximation algorithms: vertex-cover problem, travelling-salesman problem, set-covering problem, subset-sum problem. Lit. 1. Algorithms (4th Edition) by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne 2. The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven S Skiena

Life cycle models. Phases of software development. Requirements analysis. Architecture and implementation. Verification, validation and maintenance. Software quality and metrics. Documenting the software. CASE tools. Organisational aspect of software development. Cost benefit analysis and cost models. Technical Environment and Management. Resource management. Conflict management. M2O2. Software system Time management. Computer support to management. development and management Lit. 1. Managing the Development of Software-Intensive Systems (Quantitative Software Engineering Series) by James McDonald 2. How to Do Systems Analysis (Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management) by John E. Gibson, William T. Scherer and William F. Gibson

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The course will cover theoretical and practical aspects of the following data mining approaches: 1. Introduction to data mining, taxonomy of data mining approaches and tasks 2. Data mining programming environments (scripting, visual programming) 3. Data preprocessing (dimensionality reduction, feature construction, identification of outliers) 4. Classification, including support vector machines and feature interaction discovery 5. Clustering, with emphasis on techniques that can consider very large data sets, and techniques for to determine an appropriate number of clusters 6. Evaluation, including permutation-based and cross- validation approaches, statistical scoring of models 7. Data and model visualization techniques, visualization of networks 8. Text mining, text-based kernels for support vector machines M2O3. Data Minig 9. Integrative aspects, including ensemble methods and mining with inclusion of prior knowledge 10. Typical mistakes in data mining and how to avoid them

The course will be composed of lectures in core data mining techniques and tools, which will then be employed on practical problems during lab work. We will focus on open source solutions and modern scripting languages (e.g., Python). Students will use scripting to access various data mining techniques which will they, in a programming framework, combine into their own data mining procedures. Lit. 1. Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Third Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data... by Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank and Mark A. Hall 2. Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management by Gordon S. Linoff and Michael J. Berry

Developing applications for the server-side Definition of cloud computing: what is cloud computing, purpose, role and importance, objectives Challenges: Infrastructure Management, Application Architecture for cloud, data storage, security, other aspects Features: on M2O4. Cloud computing demand self-provisioning, elasticity and scalability, access in the form of services, monitoring, sharing of resources (pooling), etc.. Service models: IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a- Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), SaaS (Software-as-a- Service), XaaS Detailed overview of IaaS: • Overview of concepts, architectural perspective

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• Private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud, virtual cloud • Getting to know and compare the most important IaaS technologies Detailed overview of PaaS: • Overview of concepts, architectural perspective • Changes in development models: data persistence: distributed file systems, unstructured storage, NoSQL database, SQL database in the cloud; Business tier: Web services, REST services, other technology runtime environment • Understanding and comparison of major PaaS technologies: Java EE, Azure, Google App Engine, etc. Detailed overview of SaaS: • Overview of concepts, architectural perspective • Access Models, Development Concepts • Business models, Cloud Services (location, data delivery, data enrichment, integration services, business intelligence, etc.). Deployment models • Private, public, hybrid, shared cloud • On premises, remote, hybrid model, overview of providers 1. Migration to the cloud Control, management, SLA and QoS Lit: 1. Barrie Sosinsky, Cloud Computing Bible, Wiley; 2011. 2. George Reese, Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud, O'Reilly Media; 2009.

Introduction: natural language processing, natural language understanding. Word-level descriptions: morphology, lexicon. Syntax: lexical and syntactic categories, context- free grammars, parser. Semantics and pragmatics: building semantic structures, semantic interpretation, meaning. Web applications: text retrieval, extraction, categorization. Application of natural languages processing: machine M2Z1. Language technology translation. Lit. 1. Natural Language Processing with Python by Steven Bird, Ewan Klein and Edward Loper 2. Graph-based Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval by Rada Mihalcea and Dragomir Radev

1. Graph connectivity, decompositions, blocks, 3-connected M2Z2. Discrete Mathematics components. 2. Menger and Hall theorems, flows, Ford-Fulkerson theorem, matchings.

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3. Planar graphs, 5-colorings, colorings of planar graphs, discharging algorithms. 4. Tree decompositions and tree width, cops and robbers game, graphs with bounded tree width. 5. Graph classes, properties, recognition, optimization. 6. Problems on directed graphs. 7. Graph minors, disjoint paths problems. 8. Computational geometry, sweeping algorithms. 9. Basic problems on polygons, triangulation. 10. Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulations.

Lit. 1. M. de Berg, O. Cheong, M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars,Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications, Springer Verlag, 2008. 2. S. Even, Graph Algorithms, CS Press, 1979. 3. G. Valiente, Algorithms on trees and graphs, Springer Verlag, 2002.

Lectures: The survey of ML field and its applications What is learning? Natural na machine learning and intelligence Basic principles of ML Knowledge representation Reliability, calibration and explanation of predictions Search algorithms in ML for searching large spaces (for model building, parameter tuning, feature subset selection, attribute discretization and binarization, clustering and constructive induction) Attribute quality measures in classification and regression Data preprocessing and visualization Constructive induction

Unsupervised learning: association rules and clustering M3O1. Selected topics form Symbolic learning Machine Learning and Artificial Bayesian learning intelligence Numerical methods for ML Artificial neural networks Introduction to formal learning theory review of basic methods (Bayes and naive Bayes classifier, learning of trees and rules, handling noise, pruning of trees and rules); MDL principle; Support Vector Machines; evaluating success of learning and comparing learning algorithms; learnability and theoretical limits for learning. Other paradigms of machine learning: inductive logic programming, reinforcement learning, constructive learning and discovering new concepts with functional decomposition. Reasoning with uncertainty: reasoning and learning in Bayesian networks, construction of

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networks and causality. Qualitative reasoning and modelling: qualitative and quantitative modelling, modelling without numbers, qualitative simulation of dynamic systems. Genetic algorithms, genetic programming and other problem-solving paradigms. Lab. Work: Practical applications of the knowledge gained through lectures. The emphasis is on the autonomous work of students with the help of assistants. Students will, in small groups, independently solve real-life problems under the supervision of different experts in ML and DM. The groups will describe their solutions in written reports and present them in short presentations and through those will receive their mark from lab. work. Lit. 1. Machine Learning: The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data by Peter Flach 2. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig

Introductory chapters on security and the aim for assuring security. Principles and approaches: information systems' security principles, information systems' security assurance. Operating systems: security of modern operating systems (Windows, Linux, Unix), security of servers. Attacks and threats in network environments: attacks on web servers, taxonomy of attacks, malware. Authentication procedures and technologies in network environment: fundamentals of authentication in network environments, authentication protocols. Web application's security: security of web browsers, and client software, secure design and development of web applications, attacks on web applications, technologies and standard for securing web applications. Digital signatures: fundamentals of digital M3O2. Selected topics of signatures, public key infrastructure, certificates, computer security certification authorities, standards related to digital signatures, contemporary digital signature algorithms. Protection of communications: technologies for communication security, protocols for securing communications, firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems. Security of wireless technologies: security of wireless networks, security of wireless local area networks, security of wireless technologies of short and long range. Lit.

1. Computer Security: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition) (Stallings) by William Stallings and Lawrie Brown

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2. Computer and Information Security Handbook (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Security) by John R. Vacca

Basic topics: 1. Single – node architecture 2. Network architecture 3. Physical layer 4. Naming and addressing 5. Time synchronization 6. Localization and positioning 7. Network topology 8. Routing protocols M3O3. Wireless Sensors Networks 9. Data centric and content – based networks 10. Transport layer

Lit. 1. Holger Karl, Andreas Willig, “Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks ”, 2. Shashi Phoha, Thomas F. La Porta, Christopher Griffin, “Sensor Network Operations”

Introduction to empirical research: conceptualisation of research in informatics, research practice, research problems, cognition process, research approaches. Research design: design of valid empirical research in informatics, formulation of research questions, design of research process, measurement and measuring techniques, research ethics and politics, science and empirical research, objectiveness, causality. Literature review: information services, web data bases, patent bases, impact factors, citations. Research methodologies: quantitative research methods (experiments, surveys, analyses, focus groups), qualitative research methods (case studies, action research), M3O4. Empirical research internet researches. Metrics: importance of metrics in methods software engineering, establishment of software metrics program, complexity, product and process metrics. Data collection: data sources, samples and populations, data coding, data collection methods and techniques, data reduction and visualisation approaches. Data analysis: descriptive statistics, evaluation of parameters, hypothesis testing, correlations, regression analysis, use of statistical tools. The presentation of research results, research reports, scientific writing and publicizing. Social determination of research: personal and social worth, bias and problem of objectivity, research ethics, social responsibility.

M3Z1. It governance IT processes Service support Acquiring of services

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Service Management Security management Infrastructure management Applications management Risk Management Change management


1. R.H. Sprague, B.C. McNurlin: Information Systems Management in Practice (7th edition), Prentice Hall 2005.

M3Z2. Mechatronics Introduction: definitions, aims, viewpoints, robotisation, and references. Robot systems: typical robot, components, and working space. Mechanism theory fundamentals: kinematics chains, minimum configuration, and singularities. Geometric modelling: coordinate systems, transformations, and modelling methods. Trajectory generation: task description, velocity profiles, and interpolation algorithms. Robot control and safety: hard and software, control hierarchy, and reliability. Programming: robot teaching, textual programming, and languages. Robot dynamics: kinematics and dynamics, properties, and control. Robot performance: technical data, experiments, and measurements. Grippers and tools: manipulation, grasping, pushing, welding, etc. Sensors: joint sensors, task sensors, and computer vision. Robotics: technical, economic, and social aims. Introduction: the course of master's thesis preparation, planning activities, source searching methods. Professional and research work methodology: definition of purpose and objectives, definition of problems to be dealt with, assumptions and limitations, setting hypotheses on the appropriate ways for dealing with the problems, the procedure of problem solving and presentation of solutions M4O1. Master thesis in accordance with the type of the thesis theme. Written thesis preparation: instructions for the written thesis preparation, professional writing in Slovene, use of professional terminology, proper citation of sources. Oral presentation preparation: instructions for the presentation preparation using information technology, guidelines for oral presentation, argumentation, and answering to questions at the master's thesis defence.

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3. Organization, management and planning

The statute of the University of Prizren regulates the basis of organization and operation, procedures, academic affairs and progress of all processes within the campus of the University of Prizren.

The presented Organizational Chart presents the way of functioning of the University of Prizren. The board of guvernors (consited from nine members, three of them international) is the highest decisiontaking body, which besides other proposes the candidate for rector to the minister, and the minister apoints the rector.

Academic affairs, academic policies, implementation and control of performance and student academic affairs, promotion of academic staff are issues that are highlighted in modeling management. Other secondary authorities of the University are divided into faculties or departments and programs. These departments, in cooperation with the Rector, will be responsible for organizing the educational process within the field of study, will organize the assessment process, administer the curriculum, will develop plans for joint research, etc. Most of the other official divisions are established and charged with specific processes that assist in the daily operation of the university. It is important to note the establishment of the Office for International Relations and Quality Assurance.

The management of modern higher education needs bboth, a strong leadership at senior level and a high level of participation in decentralized units at the same time. The former is needed to follow the dynamics of higher education and the rapid change in higher education environment, while the latter is needed to extract the expertise held by the Researchers. Dealing with that challenge departments of University that combines the power to inclusive policy-making very formal, but more informal groups ("meetings with the Deans") who have the right decision declaring the procedures (advisory) but have no authority to slow the decisions. This kind of balance is also needed in all levels of management of the institution.

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4. Staff

1 Abdullah Karjagdiu Regular Proff. 2 Abdullah Zejnullahi Regular Proff. 3 Abdullah Zymberi Regular Proff. 4 Ahmed Kasumovic Regular Proff. 5 Arbnor Pajaziti Regular Proff. 6 Bajram Jakupi Regular Proff. 7 Faton Berisha Regular Proff. 8 Fevzi Berisha Regular Proff. 9 Hamdi Ajazaj Regular Proff. 10 Hasan Mujaj Regular Proff. 11 Isak Hoxha Regular Proff. 12 Marjan Dema Regular Proff. 13 Qamil Haxhibeqiri Regular Proff. 14 Ramadan Zejnullahu Regular Proff. 15 Regjep Gjergjizi Regular Proff. 16 Riza Smaka Regular Proff. 17 Shaban Buza Regular Proff. 18 Shukrane Germizaj Regular Proff. 19 Skender Kaqiu Regular Proff. 20 Vedat Kiseri Regular Proff. 21 Zahadin Shemsedini Regular Proff. Total 21

F 1

M 20

Full 0 Time Part 21 Time

Profesorët asistent

1 Adem Zejnullahu Prof.assistant 2 Amela Lukac Prof.assistant 3 Arif Riza Prof.assistant 4 Bashkim Zahiti Prof.assistant 5 Behxhet Brajshori Prof.assistant 6 Ermir Rogova Prof.assistant 7 Fitore Abdullahu Prof.assistant 8 Florije Govori Prof.assistant 9 Gani Gjini Prof.assistant

10 Halil Kukaj Prof.assistant 11 Halim Gjergjizi Prof.assistant 12 Hysni Terziu Prof.assistant 13 Ismet Temaj Prof.assistant 14 Isuf Lushi Prof.assistant 15 Izer Maksuti Prof.assistant 16 Malush Mjaku Prof.assistant 17 Mentor Hamiti Prof.assistant 18 Nerimane Bajraktari Prof.assistant 19 Sadetet Pllana Prof.assistant 20 Sead Resic Prof.assistant 21 Shkëlqim Millaku Prof.assistant 22 Xhevat Krasniqi Prof.assistant Total 22

F 5

M 17

Full 15 Time Part 7 Time

Profesorët Ligjerues

1 Abdurrezak Ukallo Lecturer 2 Agron Mustafa Lecturer 3 Ahmed Bihorac Lecturer 4 Ajka Aljilji Lecturer 5 Anamaria Farkas Lecturer 6 Arber Hoti Lecturer 7 Ardian Gola Lecturer 8 Arianit Maraj Lecturer 9 Armend Podvorica Lecturer 10 Arsim Susuri Lecturer 11 Artan Nimani Lecturer 12 Astrit Hulaj Lecturer 13 Avni Islamaj Lecturer 14 Bahrije Besimi Lecturer 15 Bahtjar Berisha Lecturer 16 Bajram Aliaj Lecturer 17 Behar Selimi Lecturer 18 Bekim Berisha Lecturer 19 Bertan Karahoda Lecturer 20 Besim Limani Lecturer

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21 Blerim Canaj Lecturer 22 Bulent Kirle Lecturer 23 Cengiz Cesko Lecturer 24 Diedon Dorambari Lecturer 25 Drita Krasniqi Lecturer 26 Ebgul Galo Lecturer 27 Edmond Aliaga Lecturer 28 Elsev Brina-Lopar Lecturer 29 Emrus Azizovic Lecturer 30 Enver Buçaj Lecturer 31 Eqrem Kryeziu Lecturer 32 Ercan Canhasi Lecturer 33 Esad Kurejsepi Lecturer 34 Esen Spahi Lecturer 35 Esma Canhasi Lecturer 36 Fatmir Mehmeti Lecturer 37 Fridrik Dulaj Lecturer 38 Gani Pllana Lecturer 39 Ganimete Podvorica Lecturer 40 Halim Bajraktari Lecturer 41 Hamdi Hoti Lecturer 42 Hashim Çollaku Lecturer 43 Husniye Koro Lecturer 44 Ilir Bytyqi Lecturer 45 Jusuf Mustafa Lecturer 46 Kadri Kryeziu Lecturer 47 Lavdim Krasniqi Lecturer 48 Luljeta Veselaj Lecturer 49 Medain Hashani Lecturer 50 Mefail Zylbehari Lecturer 51 Meleq Bahtiari Lecturer 52 Mentor Borovci Lecturer 53 Mentor Çollaku Lecturer 54 Mimoza Dugolli Lecturer 55 Muhamet Avdyli Lecturer 56 Muharrem Faiku Lecturer 57 Muharrem Gashi Lecturer 58 Muharrem Sopi Lecturer 59 Muljaim Kacka Lecturer 60 Munever Muyo Yildirim Lecturer 61 Mybera Mustafa Lecturer 62 Naser Bajraktari Lecturer

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63 Naxhi Kucani Lecturer 64 Nazli Tyfekqi Lecturer 65 Nehat Krasniqi Lecturer 66 Nuri Brina Lecturer 67 Nysret Demaku Lecturer 68 Petrit Hasanaj Lecturer 69 Ragip Mulaku Lecturer 70 Rifat Osmanaj Lecturer 71 Rushit Rexhëbeqaj Lecturer 72 Ruzhdi Kadrija Lecturer 73 Sadik Idrizi Lecturer 74 Safet Hoxha Lecturer 75 Sahadete Sadikaj Lecturer 76 Sakip Imeri Lecturer 77 Sefik Bajmak Lecturer 78 Sermin Turtulla Lecturer 79 Shefsat Kryeziu Lecturer 80 Shkelzen Nuza Lecturer 81 Shkurte Veli-Ajdini Lecturer 82 Shpëtim Zymberaj Lecturer 83 Shpresa Zaplluzha Lecturer 84 Sidorela Doli Lecturer 85 Smajl Kuci Lecturer 86 Soner Yildirim Lecturer 87 Sylejman Klinaku Lecturer 88 Valon Jupa Lecturer 89 Vedat Bajrami Lecturer 90 Veli Lecaj Lecturer 91 Vilson Marku Lecturer 92 Vjollca Dibra Lecturer 93 Vjosa Morina Lecturer 94 Xheladin Zymberaj Lecturer 95 Zeki Morina Lecturer 96 Suzana Ejupi Lecturer 97 Zihrije Hasani Lecturer Total 97

F 22

M 75

Full 6 Time Part 91 Time

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Profesorët e asocuar

1 Arbër Çeliku Prof.asoc. 2 Azra Verlasevic Prof.asoc. 3 Hysen Bytyqi Prof.asoc. 4 Ramiz Hoti Prof.asoc. 5 Rifat Ismaili Prof.asoc. 6 Mejdi Elezi Prof.asoc. 7 Sabahajdin Cena Prof.asoc. 8 Xhafer Ismaili Prof.asoc. 9 Ajet Ahmeti Prof.asoc. 10 Fatmir Faiku Prof.asoc. Total 10

F 1

M 9

Full 1 Time Part 9 Time

Administration Staff Nr Name Surname Gender 1. Mazllum Baraliu M 2. Hamdi Ajazaj M 3. Behxhet Mustafa M 4. Nuran Malta F 5. Blerta Hajra F 6. Adem Sallauka M 7. Përparim Avdullahu M 8. Arbnore Shehu F 9. Nora Rada F 10. Blerim Shehu M 11. Rion Kryeziu M 12. Jasmin Jusufi M 13. Shaban Bajrami M 14. Ramadan Baraliu M 15. Xhevat Kallaba M 16. Vetim Hajredini M 17. Naser Buzhala M 18. Mujdin Lutfiu M 19. Bajram Kolgeci M 20. Halim Haziraj M 21. Blerta Ferati F 22. Tauland Thaqi M - 190 -

23. Edona Haliti F 24.

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5. Students

There is a table of registered students presented below. You can see a dynamic growth in two years after establishment of the UPZ. Number of students for each program, failed students, and total number of students (not including students of the Faculty of education)

In annex you may find more forms and different analyses of the students based on the requirements of KAA in November 2012

Gjithësej Academic year Gj. F

2009/10 2010/11 2153 730 2011/12 3625 874 2012/13 1630 872 2013/2014 1018 520 Total 8426 2996 Graduated 170 84 Drop Outs 250 170 Scholarships 49 38 Alumnai

6. Quality Assurance

University of Prizren founded the Quality Assurance Office (QAO) and appointed the QAO Officer. This has been done in cooperation withithin TEMPUS Project. QAO will operate on a regular academic level within university. This fact makes this office a wide and independent promoter of the objective information.

The Quality Unit covers all aspects of quality in the institution including not only teaching and learning, but also research, community outreach and administration. Mostly, the QAO will be engaged in the conception as well as the execution of instruments for quality assurance.

The QAO closely cooperates with the university management, with the Commission for Quality Assurance, the administrative and academic units, students and external stakeholders, particularly with staff or units assigned for personnel development and strategic monitoring / reporting. Leading Principles in Quality Assurance Quality assurance at the University of Prizren is in full accordance with the respective European developments (Bologna process, “European Standards and Guidelines”) and the University strategy. As suggested by the European University Association, the main goal is the promotion of a quality culture within the University of Prizren, particularly among its staff. The Unit supports the University to be a learning institution dedicated to the paradigm of continuous enhancement. Therefore, the Unit has to fulfil two functions:

Monitoring: collection of data, regular comparison of key indicators, etc.

Development: enhance motivation, provide assistance, etc.

Collecting, processing and providing data, the Quality Unit applies scientific principles. As a support unit within the University, it is meant to be at the service of academic and administrative units as well as the university management.

One of the basic responsibilities of the quality assurance unit is evaluation of the study programs, courses and teachers. Main instrument in the evaluation is queswtionaire which we regurarly updated. At the moment we are working on digitaluising the evaluation based on the best pratctise of some european universities. The data of the evaluation is delivered to the management and is only for internal use. Steps undertaken based on the results are transparent.

7. Facilities and equipment

Inside the Campus of the University there are three buildings with a unique architecture built in 1970s. In 2009 Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) made a projects for reconstruction of these buildings. Most of the projects have been finished.

After the reconstruction of the second building, the space has been dabbled for the study process. At the moment we have two buildings in use, with a total space of 8500m, used from about 4800 students (including students from the Faculty of education).

During the period of time 2011/2012 many projects have been done which have had a direct impact on study process. Some of the projects are: reconstructing of the second building, yard, parks around the campus, etc.

Library and IT

The library has been reconstructed and supplied with around 1000 new texts for students, from all necessary fields. The books were ordered consulting with the programme directors and the professor s. The UPZ library is now a member of Assotiation of electronic Libraries in Kosovo and with that a member of EIFEL (Electronic Information for Libraries) which is done in cooperation with Higher-KOS.

In the first building there are three IT labs, reconstructed and supplied with the necessary IT technology for a normal study process.

Both of the buildings have been supplied with necessary office supply. There are also two monitors installed in the halls for a higher quality of informing the students. Inside and outside the buildings there are security cameras installed for a secure environment during the study process. All of the classrooms are supplied with projectors, speakers, microphones and other necessary equipment needed for a higher quality of teaching.

Future plans

In order to fulfill our needs, Infrastructure projects are going to continue in coming. The third building inside the campus is almost finished with the reconstruction. We plan to locate there the amphitheatre and other offices for the deans needs. An annex is also under construction with approximately 2000m2 inside the university campus, which will fulfill our needs in three coming years.

8. International Relationship and Research

International relationships for The UPZ are priority. We know the fact that our university can profit a lot from the developed universities and universities with tradition. Establishment of the Office and appointment of the coordinator for International Affairs is just one step of the internationalization of our university. The establishment of the office has been done in partnership with the TEMPUS project. In coming months UPZ will work on drafting the strategic plan for internationalization. It is our aim that during the period of time 2012-2015 to sign a contract of cooperation with tens of universities in different fields, like: exchange of students, research, workshops, organization of seminars and many more.

We established partnership with the following universities when this document was signed. The contracts of cooperation can be found attached in annex.

 University of Bremen -  University of Cologne - Germany  University of Hamm-Lippstadt - Germany  University of Sakaraja - Turkey  Universitety of Prishtina  University of Balikesir – Turkey  Univgersity of Nigde - Turkey  University of Bharath – India  University of Kacaeli – Turkey  University of Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina  University of Tirana - Albania

We are in procedure of creating cooperation with the following universities:

 University of Mostar - Bosnia and Herzegovina  University of Shkodra – Albaniai  University of Gjirokastra – Albania  Universiteti of Korça – Albania  State University of Tetova - Macedonia


Only two and a half years have passed since the establishment of the UPZ. During this period of time, as mentioned before, The UPZ was facing problems of the basic functioning nature. This the reason that the sector of research hasn’t make progress. However the UPZ during March established the commission for research. The priority of this commission during the first months after establishment is creating the strategic plan in order to start researching in different fields. Without doubt this process will have a full support from other mechanisms within university.


University of Prizren is benefiter of the TEMPUS project, which includes assistance and development of the UPZ in several fields. As the result there are three offices established, Office for the international relationships, Office for Quality Assurance and Student Support Service. They will also finance the master program in Cultural heritage and Tourism Management. We will follow the agenda offered from TEMPUS. Agenda includes seminars and workshops which are going to take place inside and inn many EU countries.

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9. Finance

UPZ Budget Plan and the way of its finance (2012-2015) Budget for year of 2012

Number of Nr: Budget Category: Approved Budget Employees 1. Employed in 2012 95 928,184.00 2. Wages 1,131,203.00

3. Goods and Services 170,000.00

4. Utilities 200,000.00

5. Self income 0.00

Subventionsand 6. 0.00 Transfers 7. Capital Expenses 800,000.00

8. Total 3,029,387.00

Budget for 2013-2015 Academic Year:

Nr: Budget Category: 2013 2014 2015 1 Number of Employees 115 125 140 2 Wages and Salaries 1,123,591.00 1,221,000.00 1,368,000.00 3 Goods and Services 1,187,763.00 1,244,323.00 1,306,539.00 4 Utilities 170,000.00 187,000.00 187,000.00 5 Capital Expenses 1,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 Total: 3,981,354.00 4,652,323.00 4,861,539.00

Financial resources for 2013-2015 Academic

year: Nr: Resource : 2013 2014 2015 1 Consolidated Budget of Kosovo 3,631,354.00 4,302,323.00 4,461,539.00 2 Subventions 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 3 Self income 200,000.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 Total: 3,981,354.00 4,652,323.00 4,861,539.00


Academic Year of 2012

For the academic year of 2012, the budget was approved the budget in amount of 3,029,387.00 Euros. This budget in general will be financed by the Kosovo consolidated budget . (KCB).

The foreseen number within budget is 95 and the foreseen amount for their salaries is 928,184.00 Euros (31% of total budget).

Regarding economic category “Goods and Services” are foreseen 1,131,203.00 Euros, or 37% of total budget.

Regarding capital investment are foreseen 800,000.00 Euros, or 26% of total budget. All aforementioned categories are foreseen to be financed by the KCB. It was not planned to be spend self income amount of 200,000.00 Euros.

Financing Plan for academic year of 2013-2015

Planned Financial Resources

In the academic year of 2013 it is planned that the resources of funds will be 3,981,354.00 Euros, respectively to be increased for 30%. From this resources 3,631,354.00 Euros are planned to be financed by KCB (91% of total resources), 150,000.00 Euros from different subventions (4% of total resources) and 200,000.00 Euros from the self income (5% of resources).

In the academic year of 2014 planned budget in amount of 4,652,323.00 Euros will be financed 92, 5% by KCB, 3% by subventions and 5, 4% by self income.

In the academic year of 2015 the planned budget in amount of 4,861,539.00 Euro will be financed 92% by KCB, 3% from different subventions and 5% from self income.


Number of employees and their salaries

In the academic year of 2013 was planned that the number of personnel to be increased for 21% in comparison with 2012 (20 new employees), while the planned budget for wages and salaries of that personnel will be 1,123,591.00 Euros. This budget is planned to be bigger than in the year of 2012 also, for 21%.

In the academic year of 2014 number of employees is planned to be 125 and the budget for their salaries will be 1,221,000.00 Euros.

In the academic year of 2015, number of employees is planned to be 140 and the budget for their salaries will be 1,368,000.00 Euros.

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Note: the increase of the employees number is happening because at the UPZ the number of students will be increased continuously upon ongoing years of study as well as additional joining of the Faculty of Education.

Goods and Services

Regarding academic year of 2013 it is planned to be spend 1,187,763.00 Euro founds for goods and services. This budget is planned to be bigger than in the year of 2012 for 5%.

Regarding academic year of 2014 it is planned to be spend 1,244,323.00 Euro (5% more than in the previous year) and for the year of 2015 it is planned to be spend 1,306,539.00 Euro (also 5% more than in the precious year).


In the academic year of 2013 are not planned to be increased the budget requests for economic categories (remain 170,000.00 Euros, as in the 2012), while in the academic years of 2014 and 2015 are planned that these expenses to be increase for 10%, respectively about 187,000.00 each year.

Capital Investment

Regarding economic category for the year of n 2013 are planned to be spend 1,500,000.00 Euro, that is more than in the previous year for 87.5%, while in the years of 2014 and2015 it is planned to be spend about 2,000,000.00 Euro every year..

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Public University of Prizren-Faculty of Economics

Programme- Business Administration

Curriculum - SYLLABUS Study Level Bachelor Programme BA Academic Year 2011/12 Course Costs Accounting Year Second Status of O Semester Fourth Course Code ECTS 3 Teaching Hours 45 Lecture Exercise Teaching Week 15 2 0 Methodology of Teaching Lectures, exercises, seminar paper, consultation, tests. Consultation Teacher Mr.Petrit Hasanaj e-mail [email protected] Tel. 044675302 e-mail Assistant Tel.

Aim of the course study Beneficiaries of Students The course aims that in conceptual manner Students will develop their necessary capabilities introduce complexity of development and for successful decision making. increase of A new business, by including also They will analyze specific aspects with which evaluation of advantages and weakness, chances they will face during the career development and and threats which are around the business will gain necessary capabilities on management environment. The course offers basic knowledge of different decisions. upon theory and practice in the area of Accounting of Costs.

Methodology regarding enforcement of teaching topics: Lectures, exercises, seminar paper, consultation, tests.

Conditions regarding realization of teaching topics: Adequate Literature, use of IT Equipment. Manner of Students Evaluation ( in %) Evaluation in % Final mark One seminar paper Up to 10 points and the 51-60%-mark 6 points are estimated in 61-70 7

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total of including 71-80 8 colloquium and final 81-90 9 test. 91-100 10 50% possible points+1 point of colloquium will be considered Colloquium successful will be added

to the points of final test. 50% of possible points +1 point the exam will be evaluated positive. To these points will be added the points from seminar paper and colloquium to get the Final Test of the exam final evaluation.

Students Obligations: Lectures: Students have to attend regularly lectures and exercises ,to use all possibilities to get knowledge, to muse the obliged literature and wider, to be active and obey rules upon higher education of the ethic of behavior and for cooperation.

Students Course Duties Activity Hour Day/Week Total: Lecture 2 15 week 30 hours Exercise 0 0 0 Practice work Contacts with teachers/Consultation 0,33 15 week 5 hours Practice in field Seminars 0.33 15 week 5 Homework Self study time 2 15 week 15 Final Preparation for exam 2 15 week 20 Spent time on evaluation (tests, quizzes’, final exam) Project, presentations etc. Notice: 1 ECTS =25 hours engagement, E.g. if the course has 3 ECTS Total load: student has to have engagement of 75 hours during the semester . 75

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LITERATURE Prof. Dr. Skender Ahmeti, “Management of Accounting” i, Prof. Dr.Rrustem Asllani, “Financial Accounting”

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2.1 STUDY PROGRAMS ...... - 3 -


2.3 MATHMATICS ...... - 103 -




4. STAFF ...... - 186 -

5. STUDENTS ...... - 192 -

6. QUALITY ASSURANCE ...... - 193 -



9. FINANCE...... - 197 -

ANNEXCONTRACT ...... - 200 -

SYLLABUS ...... - 204 -

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