Building a Foundation with Yoga with Adriene November 2015

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Easy Pose Bound Angle Pose Reclined Twist Table Top Position Cat-Cow Mountain Pose Runner’s () 8:07 () (Supta 11:11 (Marjariasana- () 12:30 6:03 Staff Pose Reclining Bound ) Extended Child’s Bitilisana) 8:49 Standing Forward Downward Facing () 6:33 Angle Pose (Supta 8:40 Pose (Utthitta Victorious Breath Fold () Dog (Adho Mukha Baddha Konasana) Wind-Relieving ) 6:14 ( Breath) 6:52 7:58 Svanasana) 7:57 10:51 Pose Down Dog to Lunge (Pawanmuktasana) Transitions 12:20 9:19 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Plank Pose Sun Salutation A Engage Your Warrior I Pose Chair Pose Knees, Chest & Sun Salutation B (Phalakasana) 7:01 (Surya Namaskara Warrior 13:18 ( I) () 8:03 Chin Pose (Surya Namaskara Cobra Pose A) 4:52 Equal Standing 6:56 Breath of Fire (Ashtanga B) 9:03 () 4:51 Alternate Nostril (Samasthiti) 2:26 Warrior II Pose ( Namaskar) 7:19 Locust Pose Breathing (Shodhan (Virabhadrasana II) ) 13:40 Corpse Pose () 8:04 Pranayama) 10:57 5:15 (Savasana) 9:26

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Tree Pose Triangle Pose Half Moon Pose Extended Side Yoga for Healthy Gate Pose Yoga for Healthy (Vrksasana) 12:08 () 8:24 (Ardha Angle Pose (Utthita Wrists 3:40 () 14:16 Posture 14:58 Lion’s Breath Chandrasana) 14:27 Parsvakonasana) Side Plank Pose Standing Wide- ( 9:09 (Vasisthasana) 7:29 Legged Forward Pranayama) 11:19 Wild Thing Pose Fold (Prasarita (Camatkarasana) Padottanasana) 3:18 12:57 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Bridge Pose (Setu Warrior III Eagle Pose Garland Pose Pigeon Pose 8:19 Crow Pose Standing Splits Bandhasana) 9:45 (Virabhadrasana III) () 14:12 () 9:09 Hip Openers 11:15 () 10:52 (Urdhva Prasarita Yoga for Daily Neck 13:49 Lizard Pose (Utthan Cooling Breath Eka Padasana) 9:01 Relief 3:42 Pristhasana) 10:12 (Sitali Pranayama) 11:22

29 30 How to do a Foundations of Headstand Flow (Vinyasa) 19:49 (Sirsasana) 17:59 Legs up the Wall () 6:48