Red Bank Register
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RED BANK REGISTER LXV.NO. 50. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 3,1943. SECTION ONE^-PAGES 1 TO 12 i USO Junior Hostesses Women Named Colorful Ceremony Rumson Parochial Committee Named As Sector Aides School To Give To Give Annual Show At Little Silver Marks Irwin Award Entertainment For Hospital Drive Attached to War Pupils to Present TKe Nutcracker* Of 1943 To Be Army-Navy "E" Pennant Presented W. Raymond Johnson Reid Bank Chairman Service Division Play and Variety By Rear Admiral J. M. Irish Given At Local Club Tuesday Night Of Defense Council Program Sunday For Monmouth Memorial Campaign f—-—; <• Presentatlon of the Army-Navy Junior hostesses at the local USO With the official opening of Mrs, Robert Hothwcll, principal of "K"/ pennant to the Irwin yacht The annual spring entertainment will glvo thalr annual show, "The Township Sells works for its excellent record In tho presentation of the Holy Cross paro- mouth Memorial hospital's 11)43 cam- Nutcrackers of 1B43," Tuesday nlgnt Red Cross Blood the Llttlo Silver school and chair- aign set for Thursday, Juno 17, ;< man of the community war service building of Navy plane re-arming chial school of Rumeon will be given at the club for servicemen under boats took place Saturday afternoon Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In Mrs. George K, Bodman*, general the direction of lira. Ruth 8. Lewlo, division of the defense council, has ampaign chairman, has announced Donor Unit To Be appointed her sector aides for the Bay Shore Lots at one ot tho most colorful ceremo- the hall of the school. club program director; Miss Dolores nies to be held In this borougH. Two portions will make up the everal committees to serve irt ateas Moraller, a junior hostess, and Addle borough. These women are respon- throughout the county. Whllo dis- sible for the dissemination in their ,., The presentation was made by program, one a play in three acts Kind, The general public' will bo InBoro June 17 Taken On Tax Iieii Rear Admiral J. M. Irish, United entitled "The Quest of the Pink trict chairmen and local chairmen admitted by complimentary ticket*. sectors of Information and Instruc- re still, for the most part, organis- tion pn nutrition, child care, emer- States Navy, supervisor of shipbuild- Parasol" and the other a variety pro- ing for the third Naval district. The gram featuring three speciality num- ing their complete committees, many ' Appointments May gency feeding and related subjects. Charles Doeer Buys 4 esidents throughout the county The aides, their addresses and sec- pennant was accepted upon behalf bers, "The Dashing U. S. Ma- Lots at Ideal Beach—To of tho firm and its employees by rines," an-all-^oy 'review; "I've Got have accepted tho opportunity to Be "Made at County tors are .as follows: Mrs. Cheater Captain Charles P. Irwin, and was the Mumps," mixed chorus; and the erve In the campaign for "prs- Apy, East Garden road, Sllverwhite; Open Sea Breeze Way raised to the staff by a color guard kindergarten rhythm band. aredness on the home, front" and Chapter Headquarters Mrs. Frank Merrltt and Mrs. G, C. consisting; of United States Coast will begin their work Immediately. Morford, Plnckney road, Pinckncy; The pupils In the "The Quest of Guardsmen. the Pink Parasol" are as follows: W. Raymond Johnson has accept- Mrs. G, Mlddleton and Mrs, Edward The Mlddletown township commit- ed the chairmanship for Red Bank ' The mobile unit of the Red Cross Pins wero presented to the work- Fairy Queen Joan White blood donor sorvlce will be In Red Lowemeir, Alden terrace, Colonial tee sold several lots at auction at its or tho second consecutive year. H« Terrace; Mrs. Elinor Kenyon, Thursday meeting. Charles Doerr of era by Lleut.-Col. Henry M. Busener, Ruth .....'. : Anita Wright will be assisted there by Mrs. Mau- , Bank Thursday, June 17, at tho United States Army, executive officer, Poppy maid . Eleanor Kuhner Methodist church Fellowship hall ac- Branch avenue, Madison" to Wood- Tots Doerr's 'tavern, East Keansburg, hardener .'. Raymond Desmond lco Schwartz, president of the Red for tho first military district, and Poppies—Margaret Costigan, Mary Bank auxiliary to Monmouth Me- cording to an announcement made bine on Branch; Mrs, Horton Garri- purchased lots 14, 17, 18 and 19 In Frlscfa, Carolina Guerrle'r. Claudette Mfn- son, Branch avenue, Woodbine' to block Y, Ideal Beach, for $200. Mrs. were accepted for the workers by morial hospital; Mrs. Harry H. But- today by the district chairmen, Mrs. Charles Boucher. aldi, Anne O'Leary. Kathleen Peluso. Elea- Frank Groff of Red Bank and Mrs. Humson on Branch; Mrs. J. Grover Corine Breton of East -Keansburg nor Desmond. Katherino Kenny, Jane Mln- ton, Miss Florence Kridel, William , The start of the ceremonies was aldf, J'oan Mears, Virginia Oskes, Margaret A. Miller, Theodore D. Fartonj, William Matthews of Shrewsbury. Carter, Woodland avenue, Woodland bought lots 178 and 170 on the map Ann Shea, Ruth Dudley, Jean FrlBela. Jean and White road; Mrs. Joseph Mori, of New Keansburg for J150, and lots delayed about 45 minutes because of Harrington, Anno Mac Murray, Mary Craig C. Hill, William H. Pether- Tho unit staff will collect blood from a breakdown at Elizabeth of the car donors between 1:15 p. m. and 6:15 Wlnfleld drive, Wlnfleld Gardens; 131 and 132, Homestead Park, for Dursteultz,' Joan Cioni, Eileen Desmond, brldgo and Ensley M. White. Mrs. Edward Anderson, north Sun- J250. which was bringing Admiral'Irish to Ellen O'Urlon, Jean ltitcney, Patricia'Do- Middletown township has been di- p. m., assisted by members of the tho plant. Sediment In gaa purchas- browolnkl. Catherine Tllton, various volunteer special services nycrest drive, Sunnycrest drive; Mr*. Mr. and Mrs. Frfcd Leon purchased vided into districts, as in previous ed enroute, tho admiral stated, clog- Queen's pages—Doris Mrars, Palrlcin ears, with Theodore J. Labrecquo corps of the county chapter. Howard Ungerer and Mrs, Harry lots 82 and 83, New Keansburg, for ged the fuel line. Deckcrt, Joan Heckt," I)etty Langler, Irene Appointments may be made at the Dunbar,'Carlisle terrace, Carlile ter- J200. Two sales were made at Leni- Andre. Joan Hcaiy. Ann Hcgan. as general chairman and a chairman race; Mrs.. Harriet Moore, White Bon Manor, Campbell's Junction. Lot No one seemed to. mind the delay, The play deals with the Inter- named for each' district. They are chapter headquarters, 107 Monmouth however. The weather was ideal and street, Rod Bank 3443, or by calling road, Branch: Rumson to Carlile; 165 was sold to William H. Smith for change of a mortal and a poppy in Mrs. J. Marshall Booker, president $75, and lotB 189 and 190 wero sold the Fort Monmouth band entertained Fairyland, with subsequent conse- of tho combined auxiliaries to Mon- the district chairmen. Tho mobile Mrs. William Rea, Maple avenue, the large gathering with martial and unit will be at Keyport, Friday, June Maple; Mrs. 0.' I. Lyons, Branch to Richard Luker for $200. quences and restorations; It is in mouth Memorial hospital chairman popular music. 'The Interior of the three acts. Act one take place in for Naveaink River, road; Mrs. Sam- 18, at the Calvary Episcopal church, avenue, Branch: Carlile to Syca- Mrs. Mayetta Helmner submitted main plant and the spacious area and at Freehold, Tuesday, June 29, more; Mrs. Frank Dean, Oceanport an offer of *1BO for lots 73 and 71 at the poppy garden at twilight; act uel RIker, Jr., Mlddletown village; along the river were elaborately dec- 2, dawn, and act 3, midnight, Mrs. Amory I* Haskei), secretary of, at the Freehold high school. ' Mrs. avenue, Oceanport avenue and Syca- East Keansburg •Manor. The com- orated. Army, Navy, Coast Guard Pupils in the kindergarten rhythm Officers Elected, the combined auxiliaries, Navesink , MRS. RUTH S. LEWIS. Herbert West Is Keyport district more; Mrs. Portland Merrill, Rlver- mittee agreed to re-open Sea Breeze Reserve officers, dressed in white, and Chapel Hill territory; Mrs. Fred- chairman, and Mrs. A. E. Moreau vlaw avenue, Rlverview and East- way along Rarltan bay at Ideal blue And khaki uniforms, and men of band are Paul Dobrowolskl, Edward Bernard erick Frelb'ott, chairman, and Mrs. MUBIC for the show will be and Mrs, Albert Duval, chairmen of view^ M«, Nathaniel Gaynes Silver- Beach. The state road appropriation the Coast Guard and Reserve in Glunco, Joseph Grimm, Urgent Need For Frederick Neff, vlco chairman, Port * furnished Jjy, an orchestra from Fort tho Freehold-Marlboro area, Should side avenue, Stlvcrslde and Alwyn for 1943 was referred to Craig Fln- white, added considerable color to Keany, Robert Letionp William Monmouth; -William C. Johnson, i Monmouth, and Miss Sylvia 4affo the quota be filled for any of these terrace;;Mra. John Borden, Parker negan, engineer, and the road com- the scene. Mears, John Cook, •William Smith, Bast Keansburg; Gardiner S. Har- dates names of extra volunteers will avenue, 'Parker; Mrs..Harry Pound, mittee. Betty Downs, Janet Pelt, Patricia Workers Stressed will be piano accompanist. The show be put on Hie and the committee will • Before the start of the ceremony lng and J. Daniel Tuller, Lincrolt will feature both old and new songs, Willow drive, Willow: Oceanport to Earl KK.. Easlmond and Chester Kelly, Helen Langler, Helen Mears, and Everett, notify theso substitutes, shoud the Point; Mrs. Robert Ferguson, Wil- three boats of the Red Bank flotilla Hazel Mlnaldl, Reglna Muegge, Janet _andlwilL_pe_foll_owed by jjonclng_ need arise. — ~ Henry were appointed, special police of the Coast Guard Reserve, under Mrs. E. M. Crane Named John H. McDonnell will serve aa \ Fvt.