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Have Yon Read The Lyceum Tonight. Student Body Have You Secured Constitution; Your Student Ticket? TheRocky Moutain C ollegian by the Anociated Students of the Ohlorado Agricultural College VUI.UMB XXXVIII FORT COLLINS, COLORADO. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1028 NUMBER FROSH TO CLEAN Y. Af. CHEMISTRY DEPT. C. A. Starts Dr. Lory Returns “A” SATURDAY "NEW TRAFFIC Drive for Finances From Eastern Trip FACULTY COUNCIL The Aggie "A" is lo be weeded this! Plan* under for IS NOW ONE j arc way the annual President Charles A. Lory returned coming Saturday RULES before with SUPPORTED the game M. C. A. fitiHiiciul The drive. goal Huiunlay from a trip to Washington. PROPOSES NEW State jV. Touchers College. Every ' fresh **l la $1,700.00. They hope i l to obtain l!». C. and other eastern cities. Whib* "inti is expected to be on the Job Sat-' $OOO.OO from stihscripMotiM from the fa- | in the National capitol he nrday Driving Condition? Campus attended a OF morning The time of the de on 1 LARGEST and from culty $1,100.00 the students. meting of the Special Executive Greatly Both | ! meet GRADING | lM‘rture T«r the “A” will Improved; SYSTEM Saturday be The fnculty men have than more in I ing of the Association of Land Grant announced Students and In. at Chmtel Friday. former Faculty year*. Colleges and Universities Course Ac- The “A" club will for dorse New Plan Major Chemistry . j arrange tranr- 'Vnyne Iteltx im* lieeti ! a|i|H>lnted The meeting was held nt the Co*nm* nt Letter to counts For Growth In I port ion for a of the hut System Replace Per Ad- part men. head of the *iudent drive, lie met | A [ club of Washington, D. C* new tag day was Instigated on the I 1 rentage Hasis; More Ac- vance Classes; Depart- j they will appreciate the assistance of; with j twenty-four men. who are Dr. Lory cap- campus lust week which, it has f.«*?n ' j spent Sunday in Pittsburgh curate ment Sees any of the student with Grading: Expected Nearly botl.v private ' tain*. at file college cafeteria Tuesday where he visited his son ion predicted, will 'benefit both the atu- ' Mai and nl To Result From New Student jcars or trucks. Every j night, where they dlocussi si plans fori Mr. and Mrs. dents and Mic college. Sonic action 1 so saw Bice Johnson, Bull Koll was “ on 1 call will be taken at tl:*> “A.* the System Campus campaign. Each of the twenty-1 Clatworthy and Hinds. That necessary because of the increase in ' Bornice ami those not there nud not having four the of j captains tmbtn'Hed names evening tie journey to On of the hilr iht.* number of student car* this year, i Washington account on '■u I'licmihtry excuses will in* of the j ‘ Impossibility (t-ptirtimut taken care by five /»oys to work under him. Tliese where on Monday he was in conference the part Iluw causing coujection on the roads of Mr* of an Instructor to grade ar hml y momhens on it, "A” cluii nud the i ■ > nl teaching freshmen foot bn!! hundred and men will with twenty choose used most. Charles members of the department of curatelj and without len campus President ' variations, a new , *niff yettn ngo. thin vonr Mini i team. the cards of students whom they will Agriculture. 1 A. Lory took the matter into consider- * system of grading has been be humlkt ha* inn-eased to ten." It is the brought ! ~ stated • duty of every freshman to In tills |J talk to. way it is (KiHsible to Tuesday he fore the ’ aMon and the resulting tag day issued evening journeyed to Captain Glen DavU. will faculty council for Dr. G If. Whlteford. •'*• present and clean the who recognition Im-hc| of the t\ ! | help “A.’’ approach th« IKMsonnlly every man on for College Park. Maryland, where he action. As The tugs were the registration of 1 was ?ead the Farm, r grid men in their and propoacd, the present A. « . i liPtnlutry department. Heretofore Ike ha* giant letter al l campus. their for the a guest of President Pearson of th.* marking system, that of “The teacher* cars by owners, asking 1 opening game against Teacher* percents, will new this fall are way* been pa luted Mr* or whitewashed hut j The workers are divided iuto two ‘ owner’s make of number of * University of Maryland. They attended **x* replaced by the Paul name, car, Saturday. letter-system of Franfce. Miss lx>is K Miller ami! was deemed unnecessary this year. the and I Lf| team*, green the gold, with the tendered the 1 tlie auto license and in tlie ease of stu * faculty reception grading. Si«lne.v C. Toi*ey. »i*l freshmen Mr. Mrs Frnnke is ii turn out they can make' ; twelve captains on each side, it is freshmen of that institution dent’s ears the parent's name and ad- * during A i*ommltfee composed of Dean John substituting for Mr. IV, short work of out the i E. I*ykc. who , cleaning weeds.! expected that there will is* lively com- dress if tin* to him. Red freshman week. and car belongs * s«>n. Professor Coen, Registrar Mc- i*i doing graduate work In conjunction Musical i ■ —■ petitiou between the teams. Earl Lory from Cracken has tag*, as a warning, were also placed came Pittsburgh on Program been working on this prub with n teaching fellowship nt the I The M. ni Y. C. A should have the sup- and which had been parked con- Wednesday together they spent lem for some time. They have made of ' j on ears ' a Mendty Missouri. during n of all tlie students it does year’s' ; |sirt liecauae the day in conference with irary to the new regulations nnd the 1 numbers Given at detailed study of marking used have of absence. Mrs. Chapel systems Frnnke Is an things for the school. The Y. many mimtier of the war deportment, forestry de- in other Interest Grows In license was registered as one ‘ institutions, which Included Ac»de graduate and taught here In M. C. A. the student gets out directory. and the of black mark against the owner of the partment bureau agricul-1 After the results of a committee appointed j I H peppy yell, lead 1022-23. conduct* employment bureau and by -Windy” ; nn 1 * ture and vocation education In travel by the Association car. K ing, t!»«■ Monday chapel of Colleges and Sec “Mis* Miller received her A. B. de- Sunrise ; plans parties nnd hikes. program was Battery ing from one department to another , No drastic action will be taken mi- ' turned ondary Schools of the Southern states. friMii over to the of pn-i* Sterling. Kan.. and her A. M. conservatory able see I • they were to ii large portion, This committee less tin* new regulations are continual . music. had made a two years’ from the of Kansas, where University With 112 men turning out consistent of the city. i - in thill which CHANGES MADE IN !ly disobeyed some student: ' Prof»-Mir lead “Come study Included a tabulation of sin* was n Km.■die on Ag- laboratory Instructor it ly for the two batteries Sunrise lx* 1 al*o of They made a trip to Ft Meyer, the ease the right to drive « ear on th«- Liaise Pott, marking systems of two hundred chemistry. »,a*t CADET OFFICES ’ accomplished pian- year she taught -ion this promises lo •'*• another ban will taken and tin* Va to see <’apt. Mari* hut he wn* in and ninety institutions. I campus Im* away ' . j ist, demonstrated finish**! science in the Sterling high i u technique school. ner year for voluntary military. the hospital and did r student's imrents asked to do sonic- * they not get to 1 in her As a result of thl# study the commit “Mr. Several change* In the personnel of 1 two numbers, “Valse de Con- Tobey Is a Colorado This work University: was -turfed last spring see hi submitted the thing about it. in. tee following recom- * the cadet regiment were made last r : < ert ’ hy I.eritski. and “The Juggler” by graduate and hits nearly completed hi; by Sergeant Moretti when he signed' Thursday found them in Baltimore mendation: the of The the "’right work his master’s In Wednesday by Professor Mili- new regulations embody (played by request.) for degree micro- up alniut sixty who J where men volunteered to Earl entered John Hopkins fn- First, that student have four to the roads on the Professor James a poss- chemistry there tary Science and Tactics at the eleven plan k«-ep main ' of the Conservatory tinder Professor Poe. turn out each morning six-thirty | at to; 1 i iversity. While there President Lory i ing grades. 1 o’clock formation ccampus open to unrestricted driving 1 delighted the students with “Slavonic lie wus a laboratory instructor j at t\j! obtain practical instruction in all the ' met I>r. Charles Hubbard, old class Second, that of the nn a quality point system ! Carroll Orr who was given ap- and the increasing accessibility 1 Dan.o." by Dvorak, arranged by Kreis- I . last year. work of an ! conducting a battery of Fie! I mate of his from the University of I be used. of cadet has been of the campus proper while still allow- * ler. Ills second selection. “V’alse Trls- j “The growth of the of the pointment captain |»ersuunei Artillery.