NHBSS 054 1J Pauwels Reptil
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NAT. NAT. HIST. BUL L. SIAM Soc. 54 (1): 89-108 , 2006 REPTILES OF KAENG KRACHAN NATIONAL PARK , WESTERN THAILAND Olivier Olivier S. G. Pauweli and Tanya Chan-artf ABSTRACT On 白巴 basis of original field observations ,the exarnination of preserved museum spec 泊施ns and and availabl 巴 reliabl 巴 literature , we here provide a list of 出e reptile species curr 官ntly known to to inhabit the 1訂 gest Th ai protected area , Kaeng Kr achan National Park (Phetchaburi and achuap Pr achuap Kh iri Kh an provinces) ,westem Th ailand. Th e list includes 63 species (5 chelonians , 2 crocodilians ,30 lac 巴rtilians and 26 ophidians) distributed in 14 farnilies and 46 genera. Th e range range of several species is extended in the country ,either northwards (Sphenomorphus cf. tersus) tersus) or southwards (Lycodonfasciatus , Xenochrophis piscator ,Sinomicrurus m. macclellandi) , suggesting suggesting that Kaeng Kr achan is situated in a zoogeographical 甘'ansition zone between the Sundaic Sundaic and In. do-Himalayan reptile faunas. The park is thus currently known to harbo 町 afi 創1 of 出e 百別 reptile species ,but is predicted to host up to a 血ird INTRODUC 百 ON With 2,915 squ 紅 e kilometers ,Kaeng Kr achan National Park is the largest protected area area in Th ailand. It is mainly situated in Kaeng Kr achan Di strict ,Phetchaburi Province , but it it also encroaches on Nong Ya Plong and 百la Yang districts of the same province , and in the the southem part of the park the Pala-U waterfall site is situated in Hua Hin District , Pr achuap Kh iri Kh an Province. 百le park was established in 1981 by His M 司jesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej. In its eastem part ,it includes the Kaeng Kr achan reservoir , where the the Huay Mae Prakon and the Phetchaburi River flow. 百le southem part of the park is drained drained by the Pr anburi River. Most of 出e park is covered with mixed deciduous forest , 合y dipterocarp forest and evergreen fores t.百 le highest peaks 釘 e Kh ao Phanoen 官1U ng (1 ,207 m asl) and Kh ao Sam Yot (871 m asl) ,bo 由 belonging to the Tenasserim Range which which crosses north-south over the park. Detailed Detailed descriptions of the park and its fauna have been published (see a.o. ANONYMOUS ,2000) , and its high richness in bird and m an1ffi al species has been emphasised. In In contrast , the p訂 k's he 中etofauna remained st i1l largely unknown , although at least 30 species species have been recorded from the p訂 k in the literature since 1987 (see species accounts in in the Results). PAUWELS ET AL. (2003) , based on the general distribution and ecological requirements requirements of 百四 reptiles ,suggested 血at 出e number of species known from Phetchaburi Province Province would be greatly increased through field research in Kaeng Kr achan National P紅k. 'Dep ぽ tment of Recent Vertebrat 巴s,Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique , Rue Vautier 29 , 1000 Brussels ,Belgium. E-mail: osgpauwels@yahoo .f r 2National 2National Science Museum ,Technopolis , Klong 5, Klong Luang District ,Pathumthani 12120 , Th ailand E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] Received Received 27 April 2005; accepted 15 June 2006. 89 90 O Ll VIER S. G. PAUWELS AND TANYA CHAN-ARD Recently Recently new field research was made possible through an initiative by the Wildlife Conservation Conservation Society and the Department of National Parks ,Wildlife and Plants of Th ailand to to host a regional field he 中 etology 甘aining c'O urse in the park (ANONYMOUS ,n 'O date) , in which we participated as instruct 'O rs. 百le trainees , mainly forestry officers , 'O riginated from Camb 'O dia ,La 'O P.D. R., Myanm 紅佃d 百lailand , and during their training in December 2002 ,many new observati 'O ns were gathered. Other new observations were made by TC 加 July 2004 during a workshop organized by the Department of Nati 'O nal Parks ,Wildlife and and Plants at the Forestry Training Center 4 (Cha-am). Th ese recent observations ,c'O mbined with with our study 'O f the preserved material known in museum c'O llections , give us the 'O pp 'O rtunity t 'O provide here a synthesis 'O f the current kn 'O w ledge on the park' s herpetofauna. MATERIALS AND METHODS New field observati 'O ns were made during the herpet 'O l'O gy 佐伯 ning course (13-22 Dec. 2002) 2002) and during the w 'O rkshop at the F'O res 町 Training Center 4 (20 ー31 July 2004). Th e preserved preserved museum c'O llecti 'O ns that we studied mainly originated 合'O mf 'O ur localities: Ban Kr ang Camp (1 2 0 4 7' 46" N-99 0 2 7' 22" E) ,Huay Mae Prieng Subdistrict ,Kaeng Kr achan District ,Phetchaburi Pr 'O vince; Kaeng Kr achan National Park's headquarters (1 2 0 31' 49" N-99 0 29' 56" E) ,Kaeng Kr achan District ,Phetchaburi Pr 'O v.; Kaeng Krachan Dam (near the the headquarters): b鉱水s and islands in the reserv 'O ir ,Kaeng Kr achan Dis 出ct ,Phetchaburi Pr ov.; and Pala-U waterfall (ca. 12 0 32' 16" N-99 0 2 7' 41" E) ,Hua Hin District ,Pr achuap Kh iri Khan Pr 'O v. S 'O me material that we examined was reported by 'O ne of us in NAB lliT ABHATA ET AL. (2004) as 'O riginating from “Phetchaburi: Kaeng Kr achan" ,with 'O ut reference reference t 'O preserved material. Th is material studied by our team is still c 'O nsidered t 'O be firstly firstly recorded in the present work , in 'O rder t 'O better qu 如 tify our global c'O ntributi 'O n to the the herpet 'O logical knowledge of the park. Only 'O ne new record (Cylindrophis 叫が IS 叫が IS) presented presented by NAB lliT ABHATA ET AL. (2004) c'O ncems a species that we did not encounter during during 'O ur recent surveys , and is thus n'O t regarded here as a first rec 'O rd. Main diagn 'O stic scale characters were recorded from every preserved squamate specirnen ,and c'O mpared with the m 'O中 hological data available in the literature ,a. 'O. Cox (1 991) ,HI 阻 DA ET AL. (2001) ,LANG & BOHME (1 990) ,MANTHEY & GROSSMANN (1997) , POPE (1935) ,Sc 阻止z (1996) ,TAYLOR (1 963) , and VOGEL ET AL. (2004). F'O r the sake 'O f brevity ,scale counts will n'O t be presented here , except the for species f'O r which the kn 'O wn range range is here extended ,'O r if they differ from the kn 'O wn meristic variati 'O n,'O r c 'O ncem r紅 e species species 'O r taxa 'O f difficult identificati 'O n. Snake ventral scales were c'O unted according to DOWLING's (1951) method; the terminal po 泊ted scute 'O f the tail is excluded 合om the number of subcaudals. Th e numbers of snake dorsal scale r'O ws are given respectively: at one head length behind head , at midb 'O dy (above the ventral c'O ηesp 'O nding to half 'O f the t 'O tal number of ventrals) ,叩d at 'O ne head length before ven t. Paired meristic c'O unts 訂 e given given leftjrigh t. For For the generic all 'O cati 'O n of the skink species formerly included in 出e genus Mabuya Fitzinger ,1826 ,we f'O llow MAUS 回 LD ET AL. (2002). We ad 'O pt the view of BOHME & ZIEGLER (1997) 'O n the tax 'O n'O my 'O f 出e Varanus bengalensis gr 'O up. F 'O r the generic and familial familial all 'O cati 'O n 'O f snake taxa ,we f'O ll 'O w the m 'O st recent species list available f'O r Th ailand by DA VID ET AL. (2004) , except for the species formerly included in the genus REPTILES REPTILES OF KAENG KRACHAN NATIONAL PARK 91 Trimeresurus Trimeresurus s. 1., f'O r which we f'O ll 'O w MALHO 叩 A& 百 0 即 E (2004). Acc 'O rding t 'O AUL 町 A ET AL. 's (2002) subdivisi 'O n 'O f Python reticulatus ,we at 凶bute 出eKaeng Kr配 han p'O pulati 'O n t 'O the n'O min a1 subspecies. We f'O ll 'O w PAUWELS ET AL. (2005) f'O r the use 'O f the bin 'O men Boiga Boiga siamensis. Abbreviati 'O ns: BLS: Bryan L. STUART (FMNH ,Chicag 'O); CUMZ: Chul a1'O ngk 'O rn University University Museum 'O fZ 'O'O l'O gy ,Bangk 'O k; FMNH: Field Museum 'O f Natur a1 Hist 'O ry , αucag 'O; KKNP: Kaeng Kr achan Nati 'O na1 Park; QSMI: Queen Sa 'O vabha Mem 'O ri a1 In stiωte , Th ai Red Cross S'O ciety ,Bangk 'O k; RFD: R 'O ya1 F 'O rest Department ,Bangk 'O k; SVL: sn 'O ut- vent vent length; THNHM: Thai Natural Hist 'O ry Museum ,Nati 'O nal Science Museum , Pa 白um 白血i; YC: Y 'O dchaiy CHUA YN 阻 RN (Nati 'O na1 Science Museum ,Pathumthani). RESULTS CHELO Nll Trionychidae Trionychidae Dogania subplana (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire , 1809) TC and YC caught and released tw 'O specimens in as 佐'eam (Huay Pran) ne 紅 Ban Kr ang Camp in July 2004. Th e skull (THNHM 3250) bel 'O nging t 'O a disl 'O cated c釘 'cass was f'O und at the s創 ne l'O cality.