Apollon Issue 6 January 2001 the Good, the Bad and the Ugly:The Chiron-Pluto Conjunction Liz Greene
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Apollon The Journal of Psychological Astrology The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Chiron-Pluto ~ Liz Greene Leaving Home ~ Glennys Lawton North Node as Numinosum - Laurence Hillman The Dalai Lama: Priest-Politician ~ Freda Edis Pluto, Shamanism, and the Dance of Power ~ Kay Stopforth The Portent ~ a short story ~ Richard Leigh Issue 6 January 2001 £6 Apollon Apollon Apollon Apollon The Journal of Psychological Astrology The Journal of Psychological Astrology The Journal of Psychological Astrology The Journal of Psychological Astrology Brother-Sister Marriage ~ Brian Clark Astrology As A Healing & A Wounding Art ~ Anne Whitaker The Oracle & The Family Curse ~ Liz Greene The Sun-god and the Astrological Sun - Liz Greene The Eternal Triangle ~ Liz Greene The Sacred Marriage & The Geometry of Time ~ Robin Heath Spirit Child - Melanie Reinhart & Isabella Kirton Thinking Magically & Critically ~ Erin Sullivan Creativity, Spontaneity, Independence: Three Children Of The Devil - Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig Wounding & The Will To Live ~ Liz Greene The Golden Age ~ Nicholas Campion Whom doth the grail serve? - Anne Whitaker Eros & Aphrodite, Love & Creation ~ Erin Sullivan The Saturn-Uranus Duet ~ Charles Harvey Measuring the Daimon ~ Lynn Bell Fire and the imagination - Darby Costello Neptune and Pluto: Romance in the Underworld ~ Sophia Young Wilderness Transformation Trails ~ Marilyn McDowell & Philomena Byrne The Progressed Moon ~ Brian Clark Leonard Cohen’s "Secret Chart" - John Etherington A Fatal Vocation To Witness ~ Suzi Harvey An Encounter With “The Ambassadors” ~ Simon Chedzey Issue 2 April 1999 Issue 1 Issue 3 Issue 4 £6 October 1998 August 1999 December 1999 £6 £6 £6 Issue 1 - Creativity Issue 2 - Relationships Issue 3 - Healing Issue 4 - Fate & Prediction Issue 5 - The Child To order back issues of Apollon, see centre pages Cover Picture Silence Oil on gesso on paper, painted in 1911 Museum of Modern Art, New York, Lillie P. Bliss Collection Odilon Redon, b. April 20th 1840, d. July 6th 1916 “Like music”, he declared, “my drawings transport us to the ambiguous world of the indeter- minate.” ...Redon's art was always commanded by his dreams, but the thematic content of his work over his last twenty years is more densely mythical, brimming with newfound hope and light which rose quite unexpectedly out of the depths of the artist's personality. This is par- ticularly apparent in the various canvasses depicting the chariot of Apollo, the god of the sun." Symbolism, Michael Gibson, Taschen Apollon The Journal of Psychological Astrology Table of Contents Published by: The Centre for Psychological Astrology BCM Box 1815 Editorial 4 London WC1N 3XX England Dermod Moore Tel/Fax: +44-20-8749 2330 [email protected] www.astrologer.com/cpa The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 5 Director: Dr Liz Greene Liz Greene Admin: Juliet Sharman-Burke Distribution: Pluto, Shamanism and the Dance of Power 15 John Etherington Kay Stopforth Midheaven Bookshop 396 Caledonian Road London N1 1DN Leaving Home 21 England Crossing the Threshold to the Outer World Tel: +44-20-7607 4133 Fax: +44-20-7700 6717 Glennys Lawton [email protected] Advertising: North Node as Numinosum 27 Anne Whitaker 74 Victoria Crescent Road Laurence Hillman Glasgow G12 9JN Film: Gladiator 32 Scotland Liz Greene Tel/Fax: +44-141-337 6144 [email protected] The Dalai Lama: Priest-Politician 34 Edited by: A Kabbalistic and Astrological Perspective Dermod Moore 4 Midhope House Midhope Street Freda Edis London WC1H 8HJ England The Portent - A Short Story 48 Tel: +44-20-7278 9434 Fax: +44-20-7209 1648 Richard Leigh www.astrologer.com/apollon [email protected] Recollecting our Soul 54 Back Issues: Erin Sullivan Please see centre pages The Hierophant in the Tarot 62 Thanks: Anne, for services angelic Juliet Sharman-Burke John & Ruth for patience Liz, for window-opening CPA Seminar Schedule and CPA Press Order Form - centre pages Brian, for stone-rolling Printed by: Apollon The Magazine Printing Company Plc Mollison Avenue, Enfield EN3 7NT polon he who causes the heavenly bodies to move together in harmony United Kingdom haploun the simple, a euphemism for the complexity of the oracle, which is also honest iepaieon to heal, also to throw or strike (with consciousness) Copyright: ©2001 from Greek and Egyptian Mythologies, compiled by Yves Bonnefoy, transl. Wendy Doniger Centre for Psychological Astrology University of Chicago Press, 1992 All rights reserved Editorial Crisis - what crisis? k, ok, this issue is impossibly, ridiculously, again, urging us to share her enthusiasm for Oextravagantly late. My apologies. I blame Russell Crowe’s heroic Martial character my chart. I’m Pisces. I’m too spiritual for this Maximus in her review of the film Gladiator. world, I can’t cope with mundane things like publishing deadlines - I’m an artiste. Leave me to reda Edis joins us to offer a Kabbalistic and dance naked in the forest under the harvest Fastrological perspective on the life of the Moon, thank you very much, I’ll come out when Fourteenth Dalai Lama, one of the more attrac- I’m good and ready, and not a moment sooner. tive of the world’s spiritual leaders, who is also There’s a charming sycamore who’s been on treading a difficult path leading a political move- my dance card all night. ment to free Tibet. piritual emergencies are respected in some ichard Leigh then offers us a beguiling and Scultures - times to reflect, to look within, to Ratmospheric short story, entitled The heal, to rest; to discharge the demons that have Portent - ripe with mythic resonances. Erin gathered like static-crackling stormclouds Sullivan then examines the issues raised by the around a church steeple, needing to run to number of clients asking for spiritual guidance; Dermod Moore is a ground, to earth their crazy energy. what it means on a personal and societal level. Dubliner. A former actor And, lastly, Juliet Sharman-Burke completes this with Ireland’s National n our Western culture, these periods of deep issue with her customarily informative look at Theatre, the Abbey, he Ichange, prior to a deeper acceptance of spiri- the Tarot, this time introducing us to the priest- holds the Diploma in tual values, are frequently pathologised: depres- ly figure of the Hierophant. Psychological Astrology sions, breakdowns, phobias. Even mourning has from the CPA, where he broken into a suspect, unproductive state, to be s a recidivist Irish Catholic, spirituality has teaches. He is a writer, “remedied” with medication. Astrologers, of Anever been an easy thing for me to digest. columnist, and Psychosynthesis course, can be just as reductive, hiding behind Having grown up in a theocracy, where all sorts therapist. He has moderat- jargon to describe someone engrossed in a of crimes were committed in the name of so- ed the discussion group on soul-forging pilgrimage to the unknown and called “spiritual” values, it requires a special leap the Internet on psychologi- back: oh, he’s just having Pluto square his of faith to start believing again. Religion is the cal astrology since 1995, and Jupiter-Moon midpoint. Well, that’s alright, most profound divider of humanity, as well as runs the Metalog Directory then. That explains everything. unifier. I would hazard a guess that those who of Astrologers at are reading this journal are on a quest for www.astrologer.com. n attempting to describe the ineffable quality something far subtler than religion - perhaps a Iof spirituality, even the most skilled word- fine tuning in to that subtle melody of loving smiths are often silenced. But it’s always worth serendipity. trying. This issue, spirituality is our theme. nd that’s all we have time for this issue. o start, Liz Greene sets the tone by looking AWe’re taking a break from publication, Tat the challenges to our philosophical and hopefully not for too long, to see if we can spiritual worldview that the Chiron-Pluto con- regroup, and establish a firm enough container junction in Sagittarius has brought. Then, Kay to hold all this Apollonian light - it burns Stopforth introduces us to the modern practice potently, and attracts maenads. But it’s always of shamanism, and a brief look at its history. She worth the attempt to get it right, for the suggests that Pluto is the main significator of the rewards are sublime. Spiritual growth, or Self- shamanic journey, and looks at the charts of love, is described beautifully by Rilke, who shamanistic practitioners to support her view. speaks of an Old Testament angel: s a counterpoint to this issue’s theme, we Whoever was beaten by this Angel Ahave Glennys Lawton addressing the astro- (who often simply declined the fight) logical and psychological issues relating to leav- went away proud and strengthened ing home. Then, we have Laurence Hillman and great from that harsh hand, that kneaded shining some light on the often nebulous con- him as if to change his shape. cept of the Moon’s Nodes, in a clear and Winning does not tempt that man. 1 The Man Watching, Rainer insightful way. This is how he grows: by being defeated, Maria Rilke, Rag and Bone decisively, 1 Shop of the Heart, trans. f you subscribe to the idea that spirituality is all by constantly greater beings. Robert Bly, Harper Collins Ilove and pacifism and fluffiness, there’s Liz page 4 Apollon Issue 6 January 2001 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:The Chiron-Pluto conjunction Liz Greene If Liz Greene’s writing were edible, this article, on the current Sagittarian ferment, would taste like pickle; a sharp sauerkraut, or an edgy borscht with sour cream - for this is the flavour of the Chiron-Pluto conjunction. An acquired taste, perhaps, repellent to some, but rich, nutri- tious soulfood for those who are digging in and are here to stay.