Tibetan Elemental Astrology (Ancient Tibetan Wisdom to Lighten Our Path of Progress and GUide Our future) Copyright © Drungtso Publications 2002 First Published in 2002 by Drungtso Publications Printed at Indraprastha Press (CBT), New Delhi. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any Conn or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording. or other wise, without prior permission in ",'Tiling from the publisher. Cover art & Drawing by: Tenzin Dawa Drungtso Publications C/O Men Tsee Khang College, Gangci1en Kyishong. Dharamsala-1762 I 5, H.P. (India) Tel: 01892-28034 (Res.) Handy: 9817092550 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] Ts,orillJ; 00111111 /J1'I1II.t:.IS,1 1I,,,jf~, ,'O/ldUClillg ('ours!! 1111 ',h,'lm' iSlrulo.t:.y Price: Rs. 3501- ISBN: 81 -901395-0-9 CONTENTS Author 's pre.face ............................................................. v Tibetan Eletnental Dedication ..................................................................... vii Acknowledgments ....................................................... viii Astrology Foreword ........................................................................ ix Ancient Tibetan Wisdom to 1. History & Origin of Tibetan Astro. Science. 1 Lighten Our Path of Progress and 2. What is Elemental Astrology? .......................... 7 Guide Our Future 3. Introduction to the Five Elements ................ 11 4. Recognition of Bone Element (Rus khams) 15 5. Elemental Relationships .................................. 17 6. The Twelve Animal Signs ................................ 27 1. Characteristic of Twelve Animal Signs .......... 28 Tsering Dolma Drungtso 11. How to Find Your Animal Sign (10 rtags)? ..... 49 111. Suppose one knows one's animal sign and does not know one's age .......................................... 54 iv. If one knows one's age and does not know the animal sign .................................................. 56 v. The Sixty Year Cycle and its Interpretation ..