Refurbishment of Bryson Generating Station


Bryson generating station was built in 1924 and 1925. It is located on the Rivière des Outaouais ( River), in Bryson, in the Grand Calumet channel. It is a run- of-river generating station with an installed capacity of 56 megawatts (MW). To ensure the continued operation of the generating station, Hydro-Québec is planning to replace its three generating units and two decks. 

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Project components

Deck Rivière

Cofferdam des Outaouais  Access road

 

Access road to be upgraded

Planned temporary jobsite Area to be dried out during construction j Bryson, M

Transmission line

Municipal boundary 

L'Île-du-Grand-Calumet, M  Hydro-Québec property TNO aquatique de la MRC de Pontiac, G (approximate boundary) Upstream

Cofferdam 

 (planned)  Headrace 

canal  Spillway  Area to be dried out Bryson

Chemin de la Montagne dam 

 Deck

 Bryson  generating station

120 kV 1130

Downstream Bryson j

120 kV 8113 substation

 

  120 kV 1110   

0 45 90 m Litchfield, M Réfection de la centrale de Bryson MTM, Zone 9, NAD83 (CSRS)  

0719c_buc2_slq_020_projet_171123a.mxd  Composantes du projet  Sources :

  Orthophoto, résolution 30 cm, MRC de Pontiac, 2011 SDA, 1/20 000, MRNF Québec, janvier 2017 BGTÉ, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie, décembre 2016 BGAP, Hydro-Québec Innovation, équipement Replacement of Construction of a cofferdam  et services partagés, octobre 2016

 Données de projet, Hydro-Québec, juillet 2017

generating units Hydro-Québec will need to dry out the work area. To do so, it will build  Cartographie : SNC-Lavalin Fichier : 0719c_buc2_slq_020_projet_171123a.mxd Bryson generating station has three generating a rockfill cofferdam (temporary dike) upstream of the generating station, units. The first was commissioned in 1925, in the headrace canal. The generating station will have to be completely 0 45 90 m the second in 1929, and the third in 1949. shut down for several months to conduct the work. MTM, fuseau 9, NAD83 (SCRS) Novembre 2017 To fulfill its mission of generating electricity The flow of the river will not be affected by the work. The water that and ensure the long-term operability of its normally flows through the generating station’s turbines will be directed to the spillway. Documentfacilities, for information Hydro-Québec purposes only. For any will other be use, dismantling please contact: Géomatique at Hydro-Québec Innovation, équipement et services partagés. and replacing these three generating units. Access roads and temporary work areas Replacement of upstream The work will require the use of three access roads. Two of these will have and downstream decks to be built: one in the dried-out headrace canal and another downstream of the generating station, near Bryson substation. The third access road, To improve equipment maintenance, located upstream of the headrace canal, already exists but will need to Hydro-Québec will be dismantling the be upgraded for optimal use. existing decks (concrete slabs on either side of the generating station) and replacing The temporary facilities needed for the work will be located within the them with larger, more robust decks. boundaries of Hydro-Québec’s property and the clearing required for their construction will be very limited.

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 HOST ENVIRONMENT AND Project components


Cofferdam des Outaouais  Access road

 

Access road to be upgraded

Planned temporary jobsite Area to be dried out during construction j Bryson, M

Transmission line

Municipal boundary 

L'Île-du-Grand-Calumet, M  Hydro-Québec property TNO aquatique de la MRC de Pontiac, G (approximate boundary) Upstream

Cofferdam 

 (planned)  Headrace Study area  canal 76°45' 76°40' 76°35' 76°30' Otter Lake

The project will be carried out Study area  entirely within the Pontiac MRC, Infrastructure Spillway Otter Lake, M  in the Outaouais administrative Litchfield, M Pontiac (MRC) Main roadThorne, M Area to be  Local road Bryson dried out region. Access to the generating Mansfield-et-Pontefract, M Chemin de la Montagne dam station will be through Route 148, Fort-Coulonge  Generating station

  *# Deck Chemin Wilson, the Monseigneur- Substation and transmission line Fort-Coulonge, VL # Private substation 148 Martel bridge and Chemin de Lac  Chenal Boundaries la Montagne. 45°50' Coulonge

Municipal boundaryThorne

 Bryson  The project study area covers L'Île-du-Grand-du generating station Provincial boundary 2 Grand 301

120 kV 1130 approximately 13.5 km in Calumet

Downstream the municipalities of Bryson, Calumet,M Bryson j Litchfield

120 kV 8113 substation L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet Thorne, M

 Chenail

 Clarendon, M

  120 kV 1110    and Litchfield. Campbell's Bay Réfection de la centraleCampbell's de Bryson

0 45 90 m Litchfield, M L'Île-du- Bay, M  Technical and MTM, Zone 9, NAD83 (CSRS)  Grand-Calumet

0719c_buc2_slq_020_projet_171123a.mxd  du Fendu Composantes du projet environmental 45°45' Rocher

45°40'  Sources :

  studies Orthophoto, résolution 30 cm, MRCLitchfield, de M Pontiac, 2011 SDA, 1/20 000, MRNF Québec, janvier 2017 BGTÉ, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie, décembre 2016 Hydro-Québec is currently BGAP, Hydro-QuébecBryson Innovation, équipement

 et services partagés, octobre 2016 Clarendon  conducting detailed technical and Bristol, M Bryson Données de projet, Hydro-Québec, juillet 2017 Clarendon, M

environmental studies to determine Bryson, M  generating stationCartographie : SNC-Lavalin*#*# Fichier : 0719c_buc2_slq_020_projet_171123a.mxd the exact features of the project, 120 kV 1173 become thoroughly familiar with 0 45 90 m # the host environment, identify the 45°40' MTM, fuseau 9, NAD83 (SCRS) Shawville, M environmental impacts and suggest Novembre 2017 Shawville 148 Litchfield, M 45°35' appropriate mitigation measures. Clarendon, M According to the information Ontario Portage-du-Fort, VL Document for information purposes only. For any other use, please contact: Géomatique at Hydro-Québec Innovation, équipement et services partagés. Portage-du-Fort we have to date, the main environmental and social considerations related to the Bristol project are the following: 0 2.5 5 km • Fish habitat MTM, Zone 9, NAD83 (CSRS) Rivière des Outaouais 0719c_buc1_slq_019_zetude_171120a.mxd 76°40' 76°35' 76°30'

• Presence of special-status 45°30' plant and animal species • Truck traffic and its impact 17 on the quality of life of Bonnechere River neighboring residents. Réfection de la centrale de Bryson

Situation du projet

Sources : Hydrographie et réseau routier 1/250 000, BDTA (MRN Québec) 3 mis à jour par HQIESP, avril 2017 SDA, 1/20 000, MRNF Québec, janvier 2017 BGTÉ, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie, décembre 2016 BGAP, Hydro-Québec Innovation, équipement et services partagés, octobre 2016 Localité, commission de toponymie du Québec, MRN Québec, janvier 2016 Données de projet, Hydro-Québec, avril 2017

Cartographie : SNC-Lavalin Fichier : 0719c_buc1_slq_019_zetude_171120a.mxd

0 2,5 5 km

MTM, fuseau 9, NAD83 (SCRS)

Novembre 2017

Document for information purposes only. For any other use, please contact: Géomatique at Hydro-Québec Innovation, équipement et services partagés. Public participation As this project is subject to section 31.1 of the Environment Quality Act, Hydro-Québec Favorable reception from local communities is one of the will file an environmental impact statement three essential conditions for Hydro-Québec projects. with the Ministère du Développement When developing each new project, the company seeks durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte to balance the impacts associated with the three pillars contre les changements climatiques. A of sustainable development: social, environmental public hearing may be held by the Bureau and economic. d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement As a result, Hydro-Québec has implemented a public (BAPE). participation and consultation process. The company will thus be able to take into account the concerns of the community and its leaders so as to best adapt the project to local realities.


Information meetings on the project Fall 2017 – winter 2017–2018 Permitting Summer 2018 – winter 2019–2020 Construction • Construction of cofferdam Winter 2020–2021 • Construction of access roads Fall 2020 – winter 2020–2021 • Replacement of generating units Winter 2020–2021 – fall 2022 • Demolition and replacement of decks Spring – summer 2021 • Dismantling of cofferdam and access road Fall 2022


For more information INFO-PROJECT LINE JULIE LÉONARD 1 8 0 0 4 6 5-1 5 2 1, ext. 6 0 2 2 Advisor – Community Relations – Lanaudière, , Laval and Outaouais Direction – Affaires régionales et collectivités [email protected]

This is a translation of the original French text. Ce document est également publié en français. 2017E2552-A

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