A 142–144, 151, 153, 157, 168, 179, A Computer in the Art Room: The Origins 283, 291–292 of British Computer Arts, 19, 58, 207, Artificial Intelligence Meets Natural 307 Stupidity, 72, 87 AARON Arts and Humanities Reseach Council, acrobats-and-balls period, 65, 67 45 early 1990s period, 66 As We May Think, 39, 55 jungle period, 65 Ascott, Roy, 24, 38–41, 49, 54, 64, 185, program, 140, 145 211, 221, 227, 230, 239 Adelaide Festival, 302 Ashby, William Ross, 39, 114–115, 123 aesthetic evaluation, 51 Atari, 217–218 AHRC, 23 audience experience, 235, 252, 255, 261 Akam, Yaacov, 226 Audiovisions, 244, 249 Alberro, Alexander, 214, 221 Audiovisual Discourse, 241, 243–244, Aldis, Maddy, 246 248 Alexander, Igor, 29 Australasian CRC for Interaction Design, Algorithmic Poetry, 310, 312 23 ALgorithmically Integrated Composing Australian Government's Research Environment (ALICE), 68 Centres Programme, 23 Amarel, Saul, 80, 82 authorial responsibility, 27, 33, 35, 47, ambient art, 17, 251–252 49–50 American Association for AI (AAAI), 61, auto-destructive, 32, 58 153 Autogena, Lise, 107 An X on America, 280–281 automata theory, 24 And Herein of the True Functions of the Autonomy, 5, 13, 19, 27, 35, 37, 47–48, Workman in Art, 19, 104, 157 50, 55, 104, 304, 306 Apple Macintosh, 218, 350 Autopoiesis, 39, 52 Aristotle, 9, 37, 242, 312 B ARPAnet, 38 Babbage, Charles, 77 Ars Poetica, 312 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 68, 346 Art and Technology Committee, 183 BACON program, 79 Art Appreciation, 7, 40, 44, 91–95, 97, BACON suite, 64, 80 99, 101, 103, 105, 129 Baltic, 348–349 art in software, 15, 215 Bann, Stephen, 201, 205–206, 246, 248 Art Theory, 23, 212 Barbaud, Pierre, 292–293 art-generating program, 36, 45, 92, 141 Barthes, Roland, 280 artificial genomes, 114 Bartlett, Frederic, 69 artificial intelligence (AI), 3–6, 19, 24, Beautiful Phase Violations, 348 34–35, 49–50, 55–64, 68–74, 77–88, Beethoven, Ludwig van, 69–70, 92 97, 102, 104, 107, 122–125, 129,

365 366 INDEX behavior of collectors, 191 C Benjamin, Walter, 4, 139 CA-art examples, 34 Bense, Max, 25, 143, 292–293 Cage, John, 23, 226, 228, 299 Bernstein, Jeremy, 352 Candy, Linda, 17–19, 23, 26, 55–59, Bertalanffy, Ludvig von, 114, 124, 236, 83–84, 105, 151, 179, 223, 227, 234, 239 239, 254–261 Bertrand-Castel, Louis, 243 Cardiomorphologies, 252, 261 Beta_Space, 17, 252, 256 Cariani, Peter, 81 Beyond Modern Sculpture, 55, 306 Carnegie Mellon group, 79 Beyond the Buzz, 45 Carroll/Fletcher, 189–190 Biasi, Alberto, 200 Castelli, Leo, 193 Biccoca, Hanger, 349 Castner, Frederick, 243 Bilda's Engagement Framework cellular automata, 24, 35, 102, 107, Adaptation, 259 120, 231, 357 Anticipation, 259 CG-art, definition of, 33–34 Deeper understanding, 259–260 CG-Artists' Skills, 95–100 Learning, 259 Chamberlain, John, 315 Bilda, Zafer, 255, 258–260 Chance and Order and Chance, Order, Bill, Max, 14, 199–200, 206 Change, 31 Biological evolution, 9, 49, 81–82, 100, Chopin style, 69 109–116 choreographing, 339, 342 Bird, Jonathan, 28, 54, 59, 116–117, Christov-Bakargiev, Carolyn, 183 121, 124–126 chromatic music, 248 Bishop, Bainbridge, 243 Church-Turing thesis, 33 Black Elk, 309–312 CI-art, definition of, 40–41 Black Shoals Stock Market Planetarium, Clark, Andy, 52 107 Clark, Sean, 15–16, 42 Blow, Joe, 82, 148 Claude Monet's water lily, 37 Boden, Margaret A., 3, 5, 23, 61, 91, Closed system, 224 107, 127, 155, 282, 301 Cohen, Harold, 6–7, 18, 24, 48, 58, Bollo, Alessandro, 251, 260 64–67, 83, 96, 104, 107, 125, 140, Boole, George, 314 152, 167, 187, 205, 216, 265–266, Boreham, Dominic, 204 269, 282–284, 305–306 boundaries of art, 215 Collingwood's theory of art, 10–11 Brecht, George, 315–316 Collingwood, Robin, 7, 10–11, 19, Breton, Andre, 31–32, 55 93–94, 127–153, 176 Briscoe, Chris, 303, 305 ColorField painters, 42, 54, 146 British Computer Society, 143 colorist, 35, 68, 140 Bronte, Charlotte, 156 colour organ/color organ, 243, 249 Bronte, Emily, 155–156 Communications Game, 38 Brown, Andrew, 269, 343–346 computational art, 25, 29, 238, 270 Brown, Paul, 35, 48, 58–59, 119, 163, Computational Intelligence, 23 175, 204–205, 209, 270, 301–302 Brown, Richard, 28–29, 101, 168 and Art World, 183–186 Brown, Spencer, 306 and Gothic art, 155 Burnham, Jack, 26, 55, 212–215, 221, definition of, 29 227, 239, 306 Taxonomy of, 27–32 Bush, Vannevar, 39 367 INDEX computer arts (C-art) Copley, Peter, 71 3-D printing (3DP-art), 27, 46 Cornock, Stroud, 15, 19, 46, 56, 98, artwork on the Internet (Net-art), 104, 201–202, 206, 224, 230, 239 27, 45 Correspondence 1, 246–247 computer-assisted art (CA-art), 27 Costello's Pleasure Framework computer-generated art (CG-art), 27, Camaraderie, 258 45 Captivation, 258 computer-generated virtual world Competition, 258 (VR-art), 27, 46 Creation, 257 digital art (D-art), 27, 45 Danger, 258 electronic art (Ele-art), 27, 45 Difficulty, 258 evolutionary art (Evo-art), 27, 45 Discovery, 258 (G-art), 27, 45 Exploration, 257 interactive art (CI-art), 27, 46 Fantasy, 258 interactive art (I-art), 27, 46 Sensation, 258 live coding art (LC-art), 27, 46 Simulation, 258 robotic art (R-art), 27, 45 Subversion, 258 Computer Arts Society (CAS), 63, 171, Sympathy, 258 186, 194, 302, 308, 330 Costello, Brigid, 46, 56, 257–261 Computer Arts, Contexts, Histories, etc. Courbet, Gustave, 11 (CACHe), 303, 307–308 Cramer, Florian, 210–211, 221 computer code, 3, 15, 17, 188, 197, Creative Skills, 91, 93, 95, 97–99, 101, 241, 265, 267–268, 339 103, 105 Computer Graphics, 23, 25, 59, 89, 104, Cronly-Dillon, John R., 115, 125 119, 126, 153, 170, 187, 201, Cybernetic Landscapes, 275–276 217–218, 271–277, 280, 317–318 , 87, 98, 104, computer programming, 3, 15–16, 171, 119–120, 126, 143, 165, 179, 186, 200–206, 209–212, 219, 222, 200, 207, 228–229, 240 265–268, 283, 337 Cybernetic Spatiodynamic 1 (CYSP 1), Computer systems, 9, 17, 209, 251, 304, 228, 304 343 cybernetic vision, 24, 54, 221, 239 computer virus, 185 cybernetics, midcentury, 24 computer-based art, 5, 16, 183–195, Czarnecki, Gina, 225, 239 200, 205, 212, 216, 229, 241, 266–267, 281–282 D computer-generated work, 187 d'Arezzo, Guido, 68 Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), DAM Gallery, 193, 195 15–16, 19, 254, 261 Danto, Arthur, 128, 151 Conceptual art, 10, 18, 57, 97, 104, Darwinian evolution, 110 128–129, 151–152, 163, 214–215, Davies, Char, 252, 261 221–222, 275, 280 Davis, Miles, 347 Concrete Poetry, 280–281 Dawkins, Richard, 37 Constructed Abstract Art in England, 201, DC_Release, 247 207 de Maria, Walter, 10, 134 Constructivism, 9, 14, 198, 201, 207, degeneration, 32 214, 221–222, 305 Demoiselles d'Avignon, 123 Control Magazine, 227, 240 Denes, Peter, 273 Cope, David, 6, 35, 68, 129, 139 Derivation of the Laws, 314 Descartes, Rene, 37 368 INDEX

Devcic, Robert, 188–189, 195 Escher, Maurits, 129 Dibbets's oscillating sticks, 39 EURISKO, 78, 86 Dibbets, Jan, 31 Evans, Thomas, 72 Digital Art, 3–4, 17, 25, 29, 186, Evo-art, definition of, 36–37 192–194, 205, 211, 231, 239, 241, Evo-values, 122 248, 252, 270, 280, 292–293, 310, Evolving Gravity, 272, 275 315, 330, 343, 356 Experimental Department, 202 Digital Decomposition, 331 Experiments in Musical Intelligence digital media, 188, 195, 248, 330, 337 (EMI), 68, 70 Dodds, Douglas, 186–188, 194–195 Eye Music, 248 Donovan, Andrew, 183, 195 Eyecon software, 341 Douglas Lenat's program, 77 DRAWBOT Project, 1 F Dreyfus, Herbert, 64 Fanelli, Sara, 187 Dreyfus, Hubert, 52 Feigenbaum, Edward, 64 Duchamp, Marcel, 23, 40, 49, 56, Félibien, André, 243 149–152, 159, 225–226, 239 Fell, Mark, 219, 246–247, 268–270, 348 Dumitriu, Anna, 336 Fels, Sidney, 234 Duplicability, 138–139 Film as Subversive Art, 334 Duprat, Hubert, 32, 147 Fishwick, 215, 221 dynamic equilibrium, 311 Flavin, Dan, 183 Fletcher, Steve, 190–195 E Flowers in Blue Vase, 44 EARLY BIRD, program by Hodgson, 81 Floyd, Pink, 301 Eco, Umberto, 226–227, 239, 279 Fodor, Jerry, 73 Eden and Future Garden, 175 FORTRAN, 217, 222, 271, 292, 295, Edmonds, Ernest, 3, 5, 13–19, 23–26, 304, 310, 317, 319–320 38, 42, 46–47, 54–58, 64, 71, 82–83, Fountain, 37, 159 98, 102–105, 120, 128, 142, 151, Fourier, Charles, 158 165–166, 170, 175, 178, 183, 197, Franco, Francesca, 185–187, 195 199, 202–206, 209–210, 216, Frankenstein, 155 219–224, 227, 238–241, 246, 248, Freeman, Julie, 268, 270, 321–322 251, 255–261, 265, 348 From Typeface to Interface, 275 Em, David, 188 Fry, Roger, 19, 130, 159, 178 embodiment, 24, 49, 51, 114, 119, 212, 255 G Emily Howell, 69 Gage, John, 178, 243, 248 Emmy Galápagos, 232 basic method's description, 70 Galileo's law, 79 music, 69 Gardner, Howard, 174, 178, 216 program, 129, 149 Gartland-Jones, Andrew, 71 Emmy, program by Cope, 71, 129, 139 GAs mimic, 110 Emotion, 131–132, 135, 143, 147 General Problem Solver programs, 31 Eno, Brian, 25, 268 General systems, 24, 114, 124, 236, 239 Environments, Situations & Spaces, 316 generative aesthetics, 25 épater le bourgeois, 137 generative art, 3, 5, 14, 23–26, 30–34, Epigenetic Painting: Software as Genotype, 40, 46, 55, 124, 146, 203, 209–210, 313 214–217, 238, 248, 301, 310, 344, Eroica symphony, 92 354, 356 369 INDEX

Generative Computergraphik, 25, 58 human-computer interaction (HCI), Genetic Images and Galapagos, 36 254–255 Gere, Charlie, 205, 307 human-computer interactions, 41 Giuliani, Mayor Rudolph, 137 human-human communication, 41 Goethe, Johann von, 156 Hume, David, 117 GOFAI-based models, 80 Husbands, Phil, 304 Gogh, Van, 44, 146 Goldberg, Ken, 37 I Goldsworthy, Andy, 32, 118 I-art, definition of, 39 good old-fashioned AI (GOFAI), 35, Iamascope, 234–235, 239 62–64, 69, 73, 80, 102 Ihnatowic, Edward, 13, 27, 59, 163, Goodman, Nelson, 51, 57, 214–215, 221 179, 228–229, 305 Gordon Pask and His Maverick Machines, Information Arts, 59, 231, 240 28 information technology (IT), 97, 213 Gough, Maria, 198, 214 Informedia, 230 Grau, Oliver, 42 Institute for Research and Coordination Greenberg, Clement, 146 in Acoustics/Music (Institute for Grice, Malcolm Le, 248–249 Research and Coordination in Grieve, Alastair, 201 Acoustics/Music (IRCAM)), 63, Gropius, Walter, 175 344–345 Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visuel Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), (GRAV), 227, 239 302 Guernica, 11, 123 Intelligibility Gwilt, Ian, 45 through Description, 99–103 Gympie Regional Gallery, 344 through Programming, 97–98 Interaction Engagement, 252 H Interactive art, 4–5, 16–19, 26–27, Haacke, Hans, 31, 215, 221 33–36, 39–40, 55–58, 104, 184, Hacking Choreograph, 337 223–232, 235, 239–240, 251–257, 260 Harrison, Michael, 117, 125, 149, 152, interactive art 244, 248 Datapack, 230 Harvey's robot's environment, 117 developments, 230 Harvey, Inman, 112 growth of, 231–234 Haugeland, John, 35, 63 The Senster, 230 Haydn's dice music, 41 Interactive Objects and Art in Public Hendel, Robert, 65 Spaces, 231 Hendrix, Jimi, 355 Interactive Plant Growing, 232 Hill, Anthony, 58, 201 interchange, 237 Hiller, Lejaren, 62 International Joint Conference on Hind, Elissa, 337 Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-97), Hirst, Damian, 329 82–83, 86, 88 Hockney, David, 30, 95, 142, 152 intrinsic aesthetic interest, 96 Hodgson, Paul, 81 Isaacson, Leonard, 62–63, 68 Hofstadter, Douglas, 35, 48, 53, 57, 69–70, 73–76, 80, 82, 85, 129 J Homo sapiens, 114, 117 Jackson, Martha, 316 HTML Monkeys, 337 jagged philosophical rocks, 52 Huebler, Douglas, 32 Jameson, Dorothea D., 243 Hughes, Malcolm, 201–204, 305 JAPE, 77, 88 370 INDEX

JavaScript, 322, 339 346–347, 356–362, 364 jazz drummer, 118 live coding (LC), 5, 18, 27, 44, 46, 98, Jewansky, 243 104, 177, 203, 216, 241, 245, 285, Johnson, Bryan, 31 334, 340, 343, 346–347, 356–364 Johnston, Andrew, 227 Lockwood, Philippa, 337 Jones, Colin, 201, 204 Logic programming, 218, 220 Journal of Visible Language, 274 Logic Theorist team, 63, 80 Joy, Steve, 316 Lohse, Richard Paul, 200, 207 Julez, Béla, 267 Lopes, Dominic, 5 Just a Bit of Spin, 257 Lovelace, Ada, 80 Lowe, Peter, 201, 204 K Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael, 191 Kant, Immanuel, 117, 166 Kantian sublime, 34 M Kaprow, Alan, 239, 315 M.Naumann, Francis, 226, 239 Katzan, Harry, 217, 222 Mackay, Donald, 62 Keitai novels, 28 Madonna, 109, 136–137, 157 Kekule, Friedrich von, 118 Magnusson, Thor, 37 Kelly, Kevin, 321 Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich, Khut, George, 252, 261 197–198, 207 Kinetica Art Fair, 192–193, 195 Mallen, George, 186 Kinetica gallery, 53 man-machine system, 49 Kirby, Michael, 227, 239 Marcus, Aaron, 267–268, 271–272, 280 Klee, Paul, 268, 279 Martin, Kenneth, 31, 58, 201 Knuth, Donald, 210, 222 Martin, Mary, 58, 201 Kostelanetz, Richard, 281 Mase, Kenji, 234 Kovacs, Ernie, 278 Mason, Catherine, 205, 307 Kyoto to Sheffield, 247 Mathematic, 271, 273 Mattes, Franco, 185 L Maturana, Humberto R., 236, 239 L-systems, 24, 35–36, 59 mature Emmy, 35 La Plissure du Texte, 38, 54 Max/MSP, 219–220, 246–247, 304, 323, Lambert, Nicholas, 205, 307 327, 351, 354 Langley, Patrick, 79 May, Alex, 269, 330–331 Lansdown, John, 171, 307, 339 McCormack's bubble, 25–27, 31–32, Latham, William, 36–37, 59, 71, 81, 89, 50–53 99–100, 105, 107, 111–112, 126, 141, McCormack, Jon, 23–27, 31–35, 43, 50, 153, 168, 170, 173, 179 53, 56, 58, 84, 104, 107, 124, 152, 175 layman's sense, 62 McDermott, Drew, 72, 78 Layzell, Paul, 49, 54, 116–117, 124 McGill, Donald, 170 Lenat, Douglas, 77–78, 86 McLean, Alex, 98, 340, 356–357 Lenz, Melanie, 186–188, 195 McRobert, Laurie, 252, 261 Leonardo's mechanical lion, 37 Media Handling Area, Leicester, 201 Letter Spirit matrix, 76 Medieval cathedrals, 155, 161, 165, 175 LeWitt, Sol, 32, 129, 214, 268 Men in Black, 273 Lieser, Wolf, 161, 193–195, 231 Metken, Günter, 226, 239 Life Spacies, 232–233 Metzger, Gustav, 32–33, 58, 147 Live Coding, 5, 18, 44, 98, 104, 216, Michelangelo, 95, 138, 149 241, 245, 285, 334, 340, 343, Mignonneau, Laurent, 9, 41–42, 121, 371 INDEX

232–233, 239–240 Ofili, Chris, 136 Millennium Dome , 101, 168, On Growth and Form, 201, 207 234 Ontology, 27, 50, 146, 149 Mills, Ashley, 107 Open system, 114, 119, 121–122, 225, Mimetic Starfish, 29, 101, 104, 168 236 Mind as Machine: A History of Cognitive open-ended evolution, 80, 114–116 Science, 55, 61, 83, 124, 151, 178 Open-Endedness, 113–114, 119, 138, Minsky, Marvin, 72 141–142, 149 Mitchell, Melanie, 74 Openness Modularity of Mind, 73, 84 in Art, 117–119 Mohr, Manfred in Biolog, 113–116 awards, 293 Opticks, 243 FORTRAN language, 217, 319–320 Originality in Machine Performance, 62 Max Bense's information, 292 Owen, Robert, 158 plotter drawing, 204, 309, 319 work is represented in, 293 P Mona Lisa, 91, 138, 147 Panspermia and Aquazone DeLuxe, 175 Mondrian, Piet, 175, 310 parallelResonance series, 297 Monk, Meredith, 301 Parker, Charlie, 81, 347 Morris, William, 12, 19, 156, 158, 179 Parker-style jazz, 81 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 14, 30, 70, Particularism, 129, 132, 139, 143, 146, 139, 147, 313 148, 150–151 Musicolour and Colloquy, 27 Pask, Gordon, 24, 28, 57, 116, 125, 229 My Magic Hand of Chance, 314 Pasteur, Louis, 118 Patric Prince collection, 186, 194 N Peacock, Kenneth, 109, 240, 243, 249 Nake, Frieder, 25, 200, 267 Peasants of Flagey Returning from the natural language processing (NLP), 63 Fair, 11 Nees, Georg, 25 Penny, Simon, 233 neo-Guernica, 123 perceptual selection, 232 Neoclassicism, 156, 162 Philip N. Johnson-Laird, 70, 86 Net-art, definition of, 37–41 Philosophical Aesthetics, 5, 9, 46, Neumann, John von, 25, 213 127–128 New Tendencies, 194, 200, 207 Photo-electric Viewer Programmed Newell, Allen, 62 Coordinate System, 215 NewFAI community, 64 Picasso, Pablo, 11, 110, 167 Newman, Barnett, 315 Pieta, 109, 138 Newton, 63, 91, 243, 313 pioneering Logic Theorist, 61 Nine Abstract Artists, 58, 201, 206 Planetary Network, 185 Nixon, Richard, 281 Polanski, Roman, 155 Noise Barrier, 275, 278 Pollock, Jackson, 31 Noll, Michael, 267, 273–274, 279 Port Hacking, 247n1 nonevolutionary, 108, 119, 121, 141, Portway, Joshua, 107 172 Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, 102 Pozzolo, Luca Dal, 251, 260 O presentation notation, 214–220 O'Hear, Anthony, 53, 58, 65, 87, 127, Principles of Art, 19, 128, 152 153, 176–177, 179 Principles of Gothic Art Obalk, Hector, 226, 239 Changefulness, 164–166 372 INDEX

Coda, 175 Rinaldo, Kenneth, 39 Grotesqueness, 168–172 Rochester, Nathaniel, 62 Naturalism, 167–168 Romantic myths, 6 Redundance, 174–175 Rosemary's Baby, 155 Rigidity, 172–174 Rosen, Margit, 200 Savageness, 160–164 Rotary Glass Plates, 226 probabilistic system, 62 Rothko, Mark, 15, 54 problem-solving, 6, 61–63, 73, 217 Ruskin critique, 177 procedural programming language, Ruskin's Footsteps, 155 217–218 Ruskin, John, 7, 11–12, 19, 47, 94–95, process notation, 216–220 98, 103–104, 155–179 process-based art, 25 program, Cohen's AARON, 33, 140 S programmability, 344 SAGA-evolved forms, 112 programmed fitness function, 36, 48 Salon des Refuses, 23 Programming SAM, 27, 41, 88, 228–229 as a craft, 211 Samuel, Arthur, 66 as Art, 211 Sandlines and Infinite Permutations, 35 programming language, 18, 44, 98, 203, saw recognition of the processes of 215–219, 268, 295, 319, 339, 343, 351 skilled art making, 94 Prophet, Jane, 39 Schöffer, Nicolas, 228–229, 240, 304 Proust's madeleine, 117 Sennett, Richard, 211 Psalms in Sound and Image, 309 Senster, 28–29, 37, 41, 163, 173, 179, Pseudo-code, 339–340 229–230 psychological mechanisms, 6, 157 Seven Lamps of Architecture, 177 Pugin, Augustus, 156 Shanken, Edward, 213 Pulse Room, 191 Shaping Form, 16, 42, 237 Shapiro, Ehud, 218, 222 R Shelley, Mary, 155 Radical Evo-Art, 119 Sicchio, Kate, 270, 336–337 Radical Novelty, 8, 107, 109, 111, SIGGRAPH Art exhibition, 185 113–115, 117, 119, 121, 123, 125 Silvers Alter, 225, 239 radix malorum, 131 Simon, Herbert, 61–62, 70, 73, 78–89, Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 78 122, 125–126, 222, 233 RAND harbinger, 62 Simple Analytic Recombinant Algorithm RAND memo, 61–62 (SARA), 68, 187 Rauschenberg, Robert, 228 Sims, Karl, 36, 48, 59, 81, 89, 100, 104, Reichardt, J., 58, 87, 99, 104, 119, 126, 107, 111–112, 126, 141, 153, 175, 143, 153, 165, 179, 200, 207, 228, 240 231–232, 240, 321 rejection of C-art, 177 Slovenian pavilion, 186 Rembrandt self-portrait, 44 Smith, Dave, 68 Representations Smith, Davis, 230 Generative Composition, 216–217 Sociocultural processes, 32 Graphical, 219–220 software art, 25, 185–186, 194–195, Logic Programming, 218–219 220–221, 313–314, 356–357 Procedural, 217–218 Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, 157 Ridley, Aaron, 128 Sommerer, Christa, 9, 41–42, 121, Riley, Bridget, 308 232–233, 239–240 Rimington, Alexander Wallace, 243 Sorensen, Andrew, 347 373 INDEX

Spielberg, Steven, 168 Turnbull, Deborah, 183, 195 static system, 224 Turner Prize, 136 Steele, Jeffrey, 201–202 Turner, Mark, 77 Sterling, Leon, 218, 222 Turner, Scott, 77 Stimson, Blake, 214, 221 Turner, William, 141, 167 stimulus, 117–118, 237 Studio International, 87, 104, 126, 179, U 207, 240, 265 Universal Zoologies by McCormack, 43 sublime, the, 130, 156 Upsidedown Book, 318 Surrealism, 31, 55, 163 V Sutherland, Ivan, 42 Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, 254, 261 swarm grammar, 57 Vallée, Jacques, 230 Systems artists, 14, 204 Valuable, 9, 18, 41, 51, 70, 91, 104, Systems Group, 14, 201–202, 205–206 109–110, 117, 123, 128, 169, 172, Systems, Arts Council exhibition, 201 194, 206, 253, 276 T Varela, Francisco, 125, 236, 239 Tate Britain, 35, 107, 140, 187, 283, 292 Venice Biennale, 185–187, 302 Tate Modern, 187, 330 Veronese, Paul, 157 Tebby, Susan, 204 Verostko, Roman, 269, 309, 311, 321 technological art, 25 Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), TeleGarden, 37–39 185–188, 194–195, 293, 307–308, telematics, 25, 54, 230 330, 336 The Art of Computer Programming, 210, VIRTUAL BIRD, 81 222 virtual reality (VR), 27, 41–43, 46, the behavior of other robots, 39 51–52, 167–169 The Flock, 39, 52 visual display units (VDUs), 25 The Holy Virgin Mary, 136 Visual Rhetoric in a The Jewish Bride, 44 Pictographic-Ideographic Narrative, The Lake, 324, 326 280n3 The Legible City, 235 Visual Syntax, 280 The Living Room, 9, 42, 121 Viva, Musica Elettronica, 301 The Magic Hand of Chance, 310, 314 Vivaldi, Antonio, 68 The Matrix, 52, 224 W The Separable User Interface, 210, 221 Waismann, Friedrich, 149 The Stones of Venice, 11, 19, 104, 156, Walpole, Horace, 156 175, 179 Walter, Grey, 39 The Syncretic Sense at Space, 230 Warhol, Andy, 315 The Unfortunates, 31, 57 Watson, Keith, 192–195, 346, 348 The V&A's Computer Art Collections, 185 Webern, Anton, 301 Theremin, 230 Webster, Andy, 28 Thompson, Adrian, 304 Whitelaw, Mitchell, 107, 233 Thompson, D'Arcy, 201, 321 Wilfred, Thomas, 243 Todd, Stephen, 71, 100 Willats, Stephen, 227–228, 240 Trans Plant, 41–42 Williams, Emmet, 268, 281 Transformable Relief, 226 Wilson, Stephen, 231 Tuning Pask's Ear, 28, 59 Wuthering Heights, 155–156 Turbulence by McCormack, 35 Turing, Alan, 62 374 INDEX

X X-Y plotter, 288

Z Zielinski, Siegfried, 244, 249 Zuse, Konrad, 62, 172