D0006773 Exd-5 General Ndindiliyimana's Document
D0006773 EXD-5 GENERAL NDINDILIYIMANA’S DOCUMENT WS05-422(E) D000-1950-D000-1982 D0006774 CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE BOOK "Leavenone to te~the story. Genocide in Rwanda." By Alisondes Forges,a Consultantfor HumanRights Watch KarthalaPublishers, 1999 By Augustin NDINDILIYIMANA Major-General FormerMinister FormerChief of Staffof Rwanda’sGendarmerie [National Police] Brusseis,13 October1999 WS05.422(E) 2 D000-1950-D000-1982 D0006775 Rueau bois,488 1150Brussels 13 Oetober1999 MadamAlison Des Forges Consultant,Intemational Federation ofHumanRights (FIDH) 15, rue Campenhout 1000Brussels Dear Madam, Subject:My remarkson the contentof yourbook: "Leave none to tellthe story. Genoeidein Rwanda." Afterreading your book "Leave none to tellthe story. Genocide in Rwanda",published by Karthala(1999), I feelobliged to expressmy commentsand views to youin order contributetowards the discovery ofthe truth. It is, in fact, regrettable thatin spite of our discussionin Brusselson 19 October1997, you persisted in eanvassinginaccurate informationand interpretationsabout events that I witnessedfirst hand. In your voluminouswork, you positideas, concepts and argumentsthat, alas, need to be qualified,and even contradicted where they are truly baseless. I wouldlike to stressthat given the scopeof the Rwandantragedy and of its consequences,legally and humanly speaking, itis diffieult to approachthe issue in a neutraland objective manner. Since the tragic events of 1994,issues concerning Rwanda haveofien been approached partially and passionately. Furthermore,I note, with Prof. Filip Reyntjens in his letteraddressed to me on 1 December1998, that "clearly, there are people who are not interested inthe discovery ofthe truth and who, on the contrary, are pursuing political strategies ". Lastly,I also note that it isdifficult for Rwandan and non-Rwandan political leaders to acknowledgecertain factual realities, particularly when these facts implicate them in one wayor the other.
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