
Year: 5 Topic: What if we didn’t have a monarchy? History NC Objectives: • a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066

Links to Prior Learning Y3 What if the Romans had never invaded? Y4 What if you lived in Saxon Times? Y4 What if the Vikings had never Invaded?

Knowledge Key Vocabulary Claimants The • the causes and consequences of William I’s invasion in 1066 • the was the first census of Stamford Bridge • King John lost power when the Barons rebelled against him and William, duke of / forced him to sign the Magna Carta • Achievements of Edward I Battle of • The War of the Roses - there isn’t an obvious heir to the throne. Edgar the Atheling Family trees can be used to justify claims Tudors Bayeaux • Henry VII marrying Elizabeth of began the Normans • Henry VIII created the - the benefits it gave him. Domesday • Henry VIII wives Records • The changing religions during the Tudor time period Census Magna Carta • Other Tudor Monarchs - Edward VI, (Queen for 9 days Barons but never crowned) and were brought up as Protestant. Revolt Mary I was brought up as committed Catholic, Crusades • Life in Tudor England Plantagenet Stuarts Kings • Reign of James I Conquer • The Puritans gained power in Parliament • What life was like under the Puritans. Lancaster • Charles I York • How Charles I actions upset people Roses • Why there was a civil war War • Charles I's reign they had gained enough support in Parliament to Succession pass laws imposing their views about living on all English people Family tree • Why Charles I was executed Timeline • Parliamentarians and the Royalists often called Roundheads and Tudor Cavaliers. Henry VIII Catholic Protestant • Head of the Parliamentarians – Abdication • Charles II was restored to the throne in 1660. He liked entertainment Divorce and reopened the theatres, Inns and allowed much more freedom.

• During Charles II reign there were 2 major disasters in (Plague & Great Fire of London) Windsors • Role of current royal family and how this is changing with the times