"Radwayv Ants of Stalwart Republican Diva, Do "No; to a Press Correspondent by Travellers the by a Band of Required a Reputation Throughout the State
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A Lire. A lapartsrnt ArrawC. MATTERS IN AFGHANISTAN. Singer' B.iRTiioLDrsnia OFFICIAL. FIRE IN ALBANY. uihl. The fo of mwploious upon It neeragM s eep, creates' WEEK. Mme. Kilsson imparted to the PaU The Met 11. a the it a charaetw THE has Preudirr for fences sp th ya-te- 1 bis general moVamenta or com an appetite, Bald lVdeMal and. appearicei I by a Wall Fall- The Ameer to Have Little Faith Mall some interesting facta about cora-rlet- and renewed WllA I'oar firemen Burled Oauttt The BnrtholJi pedestal fuudfnrla nearly i. pnmonship, without waiting until be bai England or If the result. In the United States and the ing apon Thru, Iu .Russia. a ilnger'a lite. She says: The statuj has arrived nnd soon New robbed a traveler, fired a houso, ot murdered ink. Cl: ,.! In Albany, N. V., recently, Burch's stablu The London Standard prints advices from a "1 am obliged to go to bed as early as York harbor will be grace 1 by the inostmag-hirlce-n a fellow-ma- is an important function of "Every cloud ha a lUves ever seen. ind Gray's piano factory were burned. Four reliable source in India in regard to recent possible after singing, and evert Oti 'oil rvlotnal statu the world has shrewd detective. Even more imXrtant it liulng.." Old World. Enllghtenint; that World t" Wha the an-w- t of a which, If not checked. in frontier nights' am retire as early as "I.ilrty diease firemen were buried under fulliug wulls, aitd event eennection with the Afghan ordered to a priceless blesiing poraonrtl liberty fs. It is vrill blight and destroy a human life. J ht H KNOWN HOTS (Kidney and Uve You HF.MEDY th 23 horses perished in the flames. The property trouble. Tho Stan lard correspondent assert :onvenient after dinner. see, the the shrine at which people, groun 1 tirider the frequent cough, loss of appetlU, general cures Pain In STRIKING IN HIGH PLACES. hide. Back or Lolas, General 75,000 and that the Ameer of Afghanistan attaches little voice and the must be fresh in the bind of tyranny In the older worlds, worship or' debility, pallid Uln, bodily , loss will aigiegate between spirit lanu'T and iirfTTiTTfirrri Debility, Female Din-asea- JjdOO.OOO. was at value to the froindship either Kngland or so wilh a fervency that Americans can scarcely ache ami pains, amicunos) the approach of Chtsltra Among While tho conflagration it cf early morning for practice, as to give Disturbed Hleep, Loss of Ap- Rnnbm fonntcii height a terrible casualty oceured. l'ipeinan Russia. Ilia Ameer considers Lord Duffcrin space for rest and a drive in the open air realize; it ia a principle for which Nihilists pulmonary consumption, which is promptly petite aud bright's Disease. its Victims. Kng-lis- h willingly die the death of doga; and fit and and permanently cured by Dr. of etoamera Nos. 4 and 2 were stationed st a stingy. He had expected lrom the before sinking in the afternoon or eve- arresttd Tba death of Countess R unerul at Madrid narrow alley running along the north of the representative) much larger subsi- proper it is that at tho very entrance of the Pierce's " Golden Medical Discovery. Bold "Shallow brooks are often ning." suppose this extreme" Core U Pay ot New York this emblematic status noisy." from cboloia is I case in Madrid among piano factory, directing powerful streams dies ot money and arms than those by druggists. be first sin mid flash to world. through the windows of tho blazing structure. which have been given him. The' necessary !" " Even to the strongest a welcome the E.MEDY people of meant and position and living iu The press ii entitled to tb of this London produces .50.000 tons of soot per an HI NT' (Kldeey l4v.r II The hose was manned by Foreman F. J. al- corrcoiident says the Ameer, in woman tvho w isb.es to preserve her voice credit purely vegetable, and meet a want never before hud re- achievement Mr. Philip Beers; whd ha num, which is worth 200,000, and is used for a Rood neighborhood. The countess len and Knfus K. Townsund of steamer 4,fand giving lood to his subjects, first exacts tho con- for any pac of time. And you will f 'nrnisbed to the public, aad the almost re.iancs previously been making a circuit of the country od be- a fertilizer at a rate of 10 cwt. per acre. nay be placed in it. turned eight days lrom Barcelona, Foreman John A. Luby of No. 2, and D.miel dition that thoy will fight, if called upon, cithor recollect my voice 'is my which is badly infect od than Madrid. Hur that fortune,' half of the Ped wtal fund, says that the fund less Wbeder of No. 4. Suddenly a loud cracking the English or the Russian. A pilgrim from fine 'I loit t tVaiil Heller, bat Cure." infeo-tio- n ir," she said. "And a very fortune, will certainly be rnisnd, as the World does 'Dlsesxe Is soon shaken, by Banff Bsmedj taken.' deaih is therefore startling because the noise was heard above the roar, and the wall, Afghan-Turkesta- n reports that a feeling of ex- Is the exclamation of thousands suffering may have originated ia Madrid. Her too." "I have a quiet word for you." not know the word fail. towering 50 feet in the air, swayed for a moment treme dissatisfaction against the Ameer's rule Mr. he most from catarrh. To all such we say: Catarrh apartment was in one of the best buildings in Mme. Kilsson went on, "on the ruueh-talkcd-- Beers says that has found the and then fell with a crash on the daring firemen. exists among the officials there. He declares pronounced generosity among those of for- can be cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy OFFICIAL TESTIMONY. fashionable Her hutbund and three red-ho- a street. The narrow alley was pilod high with t that these oflictnls are ready and willing tojoin question of the earnings of eign birth. They seem more appreciative ot It has been ujne tn thousands or cases; way qunmutmed in these Lhan-Kna- Postmaster. oihers will be rigidly bricks, smoking and seething debris. Russia or Isa or It is also re-- roprani. I know you think the rate we liberty thud do Our nativo born. Moreover, not In vonrn? Your Hnnirer is in del&v. En w timbers Whitney, Assistant Postmaster, Potnam, rooms fur nine days. The countess' death a buried d that the Governor of Afghan-Turkesta- n prejudice e close a stamp to Worlds Dispensary Medico) H. 8. The crowd sprang to rescue the men, fiorti are paid is extravagant. I have had among some a strange seems to Conn., writes: "I have suffered untold agon within an hour returning from the theatre, i of and first drew from pilo tho mangled form opened direct negotiations with Russia, and UL Asportation, liutlalo, iX. X., lor pampniei kidney and ilver my water was ol tho severe losses at times, but these have with complaiute; and of a violent type cholera. of Mr. was terribly injured. His it is asserted that in this course he bud the per- "Prejudice? In whatnarticularr on this dUeas. rery bad, st times I actually passed blood. Hunt's for Luby. Ho nothing to do with the question, which Two physicians who volunteered cholera ribs were crushed, his skull fractured, bom s mission of the Ameor, but this is doubted. "I have ever found that however merito- Kidney and Liver Hrtr.ux ham benefited me nuve from we in the first It lv has 4.800 000 lemon trees, which bear medicines 1 used. service returned Cartlmgena altct broken in of body and inter- Largo bodies ol Russian troops are moving to- Is: Are overpaid! low, rious a thing may lie, thousands of peoplo Sore than all other, iu various parts tho 1.2U0,00O,0JO lemons annually. remaining three days in wretched lnziiicttos nal injuries sustained. He was beyond hopo ward M rv. place, mon ami, w are rare, we song will inovitably be prejudiced against it I its without dution, and pay. life I suburbs aoconmi' when reached, and in three hours, after A dispatch from Tiflis, by way of St. Peters- birds. You can count all the soprani of have spent most of my on the road and lungs, spitting blood, consump "Home lore Is the beet love." ing high prices for poor food. They any Unit diel know the American people Tike book.' In Weak of suffering great agnony. Mr. Townsund was burg, states that tho Russians are sending field the first line on the fingers of One hand. a tion, and kindred affections, cured without those entering Cartbngona are forced to re- trans-Caspia- n 1HVJ a personal misfortune illustrated this next brought out. Although it was feared hospitals to tho territory. Now, physician. Address for with two main 10 days in these lazarettos, and that the take our kindred artist, the painter. nrevailinsr nreiudicn. I wnn vorv ill. hadsuf- treatise, Town Clerk. that he was fatally hurt, a surgical examina- stamp, World's Dispensary Medical Associa Mr Othniel Gafrer, Town Clerk, Norwich, Conn.j' Ul,ggftK s exposed to the sun for a month be- BURNING EVERYTHING. He is not such a rare bird as a soprano. for several years with headache, fickle showed only of the leg tion, H.