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RESEARCH for ANIMAL HEALTH Dear Reader RESEARCH FOR ANIMAL HEALTH Dear Reader For more than 100 years the Friedrich-Loeer-Institut (FLI) has conducted research in the field of animal health. Over this time period scientific communication has undergone considerable changes. Not only has it left the ivory tower and moved to the heart of society. The speed at which scientific results are commu- nicated and publicized also has steadily increased. At the same time, the interest of society in scientific issues has grown and with it our responsibility as a federal research institute to communicate comprehensibly what we are doing and what we are able to do, and to explain complex scientific contexts and their background. This can be done by publications, media contribu- tions, and in a public dialogue. At the FLI, 850 sta members conduct research for the health To generate scientific data, assess risks, and communicate results and well-being of food-producing animals. However, research on objectively and transparently, is only one of our tasks. As a scienti- animal health also is research for the protection of humans from fic research institute we also act as advisers for decision makers at zoonotic infections which aect both animals and humans. As a the national and international level and support political actions consequence of climate change and worldwide trade and travel and legislation with our scientific findings. formerly “exotic” infections rapidly become commonplace and globalization also holds for epidemics. Furthermore, questions re- The aim of this brochure is to describe our diverse activities com- lating to species-appropriate animal husbandry and responsible prehensibly, and above all to pique your curiosity for our scientific handling of farm animals become more and more important. work. To meet these challenges successfully, innovative research ap- I hope you enjoy reading this brochure proaches, transdisciplinary cooperation, and worldwide networks Friedrich-Loeer-Institut Cover picture: Fluorescence-microscope image of cells infected with are needed. For this purpose, the eleven specialized FLI institutes Federal Research Institute for Animal Health Variegated Squirrel Bornavirus cooperate closely with each other and are involved in numerous projects with national and international research institutions. Headquarters Insel Riems, Südufer 10 Editors: Kristin Schalkowski, Elke Reinking Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas C. Mettenleiter D-17493 Greifswald - Insel Riems Authors: Kristin Schalkowski, Elke Reinking President of the FLI Web:, E-Mail: Layout and Composition: Katja von Einsiedel Printer: Druckhaus Panzig Photographs: Friedrich-Loeer-Institut Published July 2018 1 Research for animal and human health The Friedrich-Loeer-Institut, Federal Research Insti- In addition to collaborations with numerous universities and re- tute for Animal Health (FLI), conducts research for the search institutions, the FLI participates in projects of international health and well-being of food-producing animals and organizations such as the World Organisation for Animal Health for the protection of humans from infections which (OIE), the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), the World Health At headquarters on Insel Riems, six of the can be transmitted between animals and humans. Organization (WHO), and the Food and Agriculture Organization eleven specialized FLI institutes conduct of the United Nations (FAO) and is a member of various commit- research in the fields of epidemiology, tees. In accordance with the “One Health concept”, i.e. the unity of immunology, infectology, molecular viro- This is the focus of 850 sta members distributed over five sites human and animal health and the environment, there is intensive logy and cell biology, novel and emer- in Germany. The headquarters of the FLI are located on the island exchange between natural scientists and specialists in human and ging infectious diseases, and diagnostic of Riems close to Greifswald. At this site, research concentrates veterinary medicine. Thus, the FLI also is involved in the German virology. The Institutes of Bacterial In- on the prevention, diagnosis, control, and epidemiology of viral Centre for Infection Research (DZIF) to strengthen this centre’s fections and Zoonoses and of Molecular infections. Laboratories and experimental animal facilities up expertise in the field of animal health. Pathogenesis are located in Jena. With to the highest biosafety level 4 are available. The infectiologist the Institutes of Animal Nutrition, Farm Friedrich Loeer founded the FLI at this site in 1910 – thus it is In the frame of policy advice on the national and EU level, the Animal Genetics, and Animal Welfare the oldest virus research institute worldwide. In Jena, basic and FLI prepares expert reports and advisory opinions. As an indepen- and Animal Husbandry in Braunschweig, applied research on bacterial diseases is conducted. Furthermore, dent higher federal authority of the Federal Ministry for Food and Mariensee, and Celle, respectively, the FLI the Institutes of Animal Welfare and Animal Husbandry in Celle, Agriculture (BMEL) essential tasks of the institute are defined in has the full range of expertise needed of Animal Nutrition in Braunschweig, and of Farm Animal Gene- Article 27 of the Animal Health Act. This includes the function as to deal with the multifaceted aspects of tics in Mariensee address classical farm animal sciences. National Reference Laboratory for all notifiable animal diseases. animal health. Greifswald - Insel Riems Mariensee Celle Braunschweig Jena Large photo: FLI site island of Riems; row of photos: FLI sites island of Riems, Braunschweig, Mariensee, Celle, Jena 2 3 Law for the Prevention and Control of Animal Diseases ANIMAL HEALTH (1) The Friedrich-Loeer-Institut conducts research in the fields of animal diseases, animal welfare, animal husbandry, animal nutrition, ACT and farm animal genetics. (2) The Friedrich-Loeer-Institut is responsible for: 27 Observation of Annual Animal animal disease Health Report INFORMATION & ADVICE Federal Government situation worldwide & Federal States Expert opinions and Risk assessments General Public Recommendations PREVENTION IMPROVEMENT OF DIAGNOSTICS & Support of investi- Diagnostics Licensing of QUALITY ASSURANCE gations of animals Diagnostic Agencies for notifiable animal invitro and animal products TRANSMITTAL OF SAMPLES CLARIFICATION OF SUSPECT CASES diseases diagnostics for import & export DIAGNOSTICS PREVENTION OF CROSS-BORDER Training of personnel & Support SPREAD OF ANIMAL DISEASES Action & monitoring plans OIE, EFSA, WHO, FAO Support of COOPERATION & SUPPORT Federal Government & epidemiological investigations Federal States, EU & third countries CONTROL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR VACCINATION Standing Committee on Veterinarians, Vaccination in Veterinary Medicine Animal holders 4 5 On the trail of infectious agents From ultrafiltration to modern diagnostics The filter developed by Shibasaburõ Kitasato made At the end of the 19th century, when Another milestone was set by methods variegated squirrels in 2014, which also “ultrafiltration“ possible. By means of fine-pored Friedrich Loeer and Paul Frosch started which do not detect the complete infec- infected and killed several humans. porcelain and kieselgur material, solutions could searching for the causative agent of foot- tious agents themselves but their genetic be filtered under vacuum conditions. Bacteria Modern diagnostic procedures rely generally do not fit through the pores. and-mouth disease (FMD), they worked material (DNA/RNA) instead. As a molecu- In addition to the increasingly ecient with ultrafiltration through porcelain and lar diagnostic method, especially polyme- pathogen analysis, the FLI also develops on targeted and sensitive methods kieselguhr filters, at that time a “high- rase chain reaction (PCR) has accelerated detection systems for rapid diagnostics, that are often based on the detec- tion of the genetic material of animal tech” method. These filters withheld even diagnostics from the 1990s on. Genome so-called “point-of-care“ or “pen-side pathogens. Decisive here is correct the smallest bacteria, but not the causative segments from saliva, nasal secretions, tests“. preparation of the sample according agents of FMD. Based on this observation, blood or tissue samples are amplified mil- Without elaborate laboratory technology, to the requirements of the detection the two scientists postulated the existence lions of times and detected. PCR delivers infectious agents can be detected quickly method. Also important is the deve- lopment of the appropriate software of novel, even smaller pathogens: viruses. reliable results within hours - a particu- and reliably on site. Thus, the FLI also sup- for analysis of the huge quantities of Therefore, Loeer and Frosch today are larly important aspect in animal disease ports countries where no appropriate labo- data that are generated. rightly regarded as the founders of virus diagnostics. ratory facilities are available. research. Portrait Friedrich Loeer In addition, PCR paved the way for rapid An end of further enhancements and new Certainly, Loeer and Frosch would have and easy complete sequencing of genetic developments is not in sight. The FLI will Friedrich Loeer and Paul Frosch, 1898: been glad to observe these ‘tiniest of li- material. Meanwhile, “high throughput continue its research work to develop “Therefore the assumption cannot be denied that ving beings‘ themselves. However, this only sequencing“ methods are so sophistica-
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