Archdiocese Catholic Center NONPROFIT ORG. for U.S. POSTAGE Charismatic Renewal ... woe to me if I do PAID 1707 South Flores Street SAN ANTONIO,TX Dec PERMIT No. 1310 2009 San Antonio, TX not preach the Gos Charisletter Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal Newsletter 782041926 pel! 1Corinthians 1707 S. Flores, SA, TX 78204 210-226-7545 Phone (210) 2267545 9:16 Volume 10 Email:
[email protected] Website: Issue 12 Y hay de mí si no predicara el Evangelio! Catholic Radio San Antonio Helpful Numbers: CCCR-Youth Office: (210) 226-7070 89.7 FM KJMA (English) & Chariscenter USA: 1-800-338-2445 1380 AM KWMF (Spanish) Website: 3308 Broadway, Suite 400, San Antonio, TX 78209 For General Catholic Information: 210–821-5050 Archdiocese of San Antonio (210) 734-2620 Annual ‘Washing of the Hands’ DECEMBER Mass 3 Bilingual Healing Mass with Fr. Jorge Baistra, 10am at CCCR Chapel 5 Annual ‘Washing of the Hands’ Mass with Bishop Tom Flanagan, 10am at St. Henry’s Church with Bishop Tom Flanagan Christmas Social will follow at CCCR. 8 The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception CCCR will be closed Saturday, December 5, 2009, 10:00 10 CTSA Channel 15, Programa Carismático en Español, “Hazme Volar”, 89pm 15 Bishop Flanagan’s Mass and Anointing of the Sick, 10:30am, CCCR Chapel am 21 CTSA Channel 15, “Fanning the Flame” Charismatic Program, 89pm 2425 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY CCCR will be closed at St. Henry’s Church JANUARY 1619 South Flores, SA TX 78204 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY CCCR will be closed Christmas Social to follow 19 Bishop Flanagan’s Mass and Anointing of the Sick, 10:30am, CCCR Chapel 23 Conference Breakfast—Reserve the morning to come to the Breakfast.