Charisletter November 2013 Volume 14 - Issue 10 Sat, December 7, 2013 More information, pg. 4 Hear the sound of my cry to you, lifting my hands to your holy place. Psalm 28:2 Oír el sonido de mi grito a ti, levantando las manos a tu lugar sagrado. Salmo 28:2 Sábado, 7 de Diciembre, 2013 Mas información, pg 4 Most Rev. Thomas J. Flanagan Father Bob Hogan, BBD Liaison for CCCR Associate Liaison PLEASE SEE THE NOTICES IN THIS NEWSLETTER FOR: 1) Music Ministry Workshops, November 2 and 9 from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm at CCCR. English and Spanish work shops for musicians, praise leaders, and core leaders. 2) Night of Renewal, Friday, November 15, 7:00 pm at St. Paul’s Church. 3) Washing of the Hands and Blessing of the Renewal Mass and Social, Bilingual, December 7, 10:00 am at St Henry Church and CCCR with Bishop Tom Flanagan. RSVP needed for meal plates by November 25. 4) Bishop Thomas Flanagan Letter asking for donations to support the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal. Your donation helps for the rent, insurance, stipends, electricity, phones, copying machines, etc. at the Center. You support our work with 60 prayer groups (English and Spanish) in the Archdiocese, our youth ministry, our conference, nights of renew- al, training sessions, etc. Thank you for your support. Fully Catholic (ecclesial maturity) and Fully Charismatic The Second Vatican Council taught that the Church is both hierarchical and charismatic (Lumen Gentium, 4). In Catholic Charis- matic Renewal we embrace and celebrate the role of the hierarchy (pope, bishops, priests, deacons), the importance of the Magis- terium (teaching authority of the pope and bishops), and the charismatic dimension of the Church in which the Holy Spirit continues to impart his gifts to every member of the Church for the building up of the Body of Christ, evangelization and service. Fully Catholic means that persons supporting charismatic renewal (individuals, groups, ministries) work in communion with the Catholic Church (teachings, leadership, ministry). Pope John Paul II called this “ecclesial maturity.” The characteristics of ecclesial maturity (Christifideles Laici, 30) include: 1) Giving primacy to the call to holiness; 2) Fidelity to the Church’s Magisterium in doctrine and morals; 3) Communion with the pope and the local bishop; 4) Sharing in the mission of the Church; 5) Commitment to furthering the dignity of the person in human society. We seek to keep these five characteristics in mind so that our groups work fully in communion with the Catholic Church. We em- brace and celebrate all Catholic teaching, structures and ministries, while bringing to them our call to be a reminder in the Church of the ways the Holy Spirit is important for each area of Catholic life. Fully charismatic means that we seek to live in union with the Holy Spirit in his full role. We foster the dynamic grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit which empowered the members of the early Church at Pentecost. The action of the Holy Spirit includes: 1) Experiencing union with God. 2) Inner transformation (the Spirit of Truth and Love forms in us a new mind and heart), leading to personal holiness. 3) Ministry empowered by charisms, including the gifts of tongues, prophecy, healing, and one-to-one witnessing for the purpose of evangelization and service. 4) Building communities that witness to a renewed Catholic life. We seek to be formed, empowered, and led by the Spirit. We embrace and celebrate all the charisms, and charismatic activity throughout the history of the Church that has been tested and affirmed by the Church. We seek to grow in the gifts of Isaiah 11 and the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5). NOV 2013-Page 2 By: Mary Esther Lopez Por Mario Fernández Chair-English Service Committee Presidente del Comité Hispano Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Catholic Center for Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo les envio un saludo fraterno. Charismatic Renewal (CCCR) is looking forward to celebrating with each one Les extiendo la Invitacion a que sigan asitiendo a las noches of you the Washing of the Hands Bilingual Mass and Social scheduled for Saturday, December 7, 2013. The Mass will begin at 10:00 a.m. at St. de Renovacion el primer Sabado de cada mes a las 6 pm en Henry’s Catholic Church (next door to the CCCR) and the Social will take el Centro Carismatico. Estas reuniones han encendido un place in the CCCR Building immediately following the Mass. The Social will fuego en nuestros corazones que no se apaga. Gloria a Dios! include a catered meal and the opportunity to fellowship in the love, peace, Les comparto que el comite hispano organiza un evento de and joy of the Holy Spirit. Those who are interested in participating in recaudacion a beneficio del Centro Carismatico sera un the fellowship must RSVP by no later than Monday, November 25, 2013 by 3 p.m. Please keep in mind that the Center can only hold about 175 Concierto de Alabanza y Adoracion el 23 de Noviembre 7 pm people and we will have plates only for those who RSVP’d by the dead- a 10:30 pm en la parroquia Santa Maria Magdalena en el line. On the day of the event, we will operate on the policy of honesty and salon parroquial. Compartiran en la alabanza Hiram Limon y integrity regarding your RSVP for the fellowship. Prayer Group leaders, Victoria Steward el Padre Will Combs dirigira la adoracion al please pass this information along to your prayer group members especially Santisimo Sacramento. La donacion sera de $12 incluyendo to those who may not subscribe to the Charisletter on a monthly basis. la cena. Vengan a apoyar la obra de Dios y reciba For those of you who may be new to the Charismatic Community, I would abundantes bendiciones. Tambien tendremos el primer taller like to share some background as to the origin of this beautiful tradition and para ministerios de musica y alabanza el 2 y 9 de Noviembre its spiritual significance. Bishop Tom Flanagan began this tradition 20 years ago that allows us an opportunity to recommit ourselves to the Lord and His de 9:30am a 12:30pm. work. All of us at some time or another in our life, for whatever reason; have Les comparto esta reflexion sobre lo fascinante y grandioso lost sight of what is really important. The Washing of the Hands Bilingual Mass gives us an opportunity to refocus by helping us see what is essential que es encontrar el Reino de Dios.(Mateo 13:45-46) Aquí and non-essential in our every day life. I would like to encourage you to tienen otra figura del Reino de los Cielos: un comerciante que begin preparing your heart for the Holy Spirit by praying this Prayer of Com- busca perlas finas.Si llega a sus manos una perla de gran mitment noted below that was distributed by the Office of Evangelization to valor, se va, vende cuanto tiene, y la compra. every church within the San Antonio Archdiocese in support of the Mutually- Shared Vision of the New Evangelization that makes clear to all why we Jesús compara el Reino de Dios como a aquel comerciante exist; how we will communicate and behave; the path that we will follow in que vende todo lo que tiene para comprar la perla que encon- the next five years, and what this Archdiocese wants to accomplish in the tró de gran valor. Con esta parábola el Señor nos muestra next 18 to 24 months: con un ejemplo sencillo pero de gran profundidad de cómo es “Heavenly Father led by your Holy Spirit, [I] commit el Reino de Dios y aquel que lo encuentra. Así como el co- [myself] to living in sacramental communion with one merciante vende todo lo que posee para adquirir la perla de another, making disciples and missionaries of Jesus Christ to prepare for the promise of Eternal Life. Holy gran valor. Así nosotros también una vez que conocemos el Spirit, [I] commit [my] heart so you may fan the fire of Reino de Dios mediante Jesús que es una realidad transfor- faith within [me]. Holy Spirit, [I] commit [my] hands so madora de nuestras vidas que enciende en nuestro corazón that [I] may serve with love and compassion. Holy Spir- un fuego purificador y santificador del Espíritu Santo que nos it, [I] commit [my] feet so that you may lead [me] on a lleva con alegría y entusiasmo a un cambio radical, a una path of faith. Holy Spirit, I commit myself so that [I] may proclaim our Future in Faith, Encountering Christ, and nueva vida provocando un cambio de prioridades pues ahora United as Church! Holy Spirit, lead [me] so that [I] may lo primero es Dios y todo aquello que no esté alineado con su achieve the priorities and goals of our Mutually Shared voluntad será removido pues el Espíritu Santo nos conduce Vision as [I] pray, “Ven, Holy Spirit, Ven.” al desprendimiento de todos los ídolos y apegos desordena- And when the day of the Washing of the Hands Bilingual Mass finally arrives dos de nuestros corazones y de todo aquello que obstaculicé and your hands are gently placed by the Prayer Minister in the bowl of el tener una relación personal con Jesús nuestro Señor y Sal- blessed water, allow this prayer to be the love song that your soul sings vador. Pues atreves de Jesús somos rescatados de la muer- through the power of the Holy Spirit to God.
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