Noah, the Ark, and the Flood in Early Christian Literature
Scriptura 113 (2014:1), pp. 1-12 NOAH, THE ARK, AND THE FLOOD IN EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE Mark Wilson Old and New Testament Stellenbosch University Abstract This article surveys the literary traditions related to Noah, the ark, and the flood in early Christian literature. Mention of Noah, the ark, and the flood is found in five New Testament books – Matthew, Luke, Hebrews, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter – as well as in two documents in the Apostolic Fathers – 1 Clement and 2 Clement. The relevant passages in these books will be discussed seriatim. Significant historical and grammatical issues related to the texts will also be noted. Finally, the rhetorical functions – moral, homiletic, eschatological, and ecological – will be discussed. Early Christian literature depended on the Jewish Scriptures, particularly the LXX, and Intertestamental literature for the motifs and allegorisation found its own interpretations. The traditions related to Noah, the ark, and the flood were important for Jesus and the early church, and an attempt will be made to elucidate their significance for each author. Key Words: Noah; Ark; Flood; Repentance; Judgment; Ecology Introduction The March 2014 release of the Hollywood blockbuster movie ‘Noah’ has put the subject of Noah, the ark, and the flood before a global audience once again. In Turkey the resolution of the Kurdish conflict with the PKK has allowed scholars for the first time in forty years to visit Cudi Dağı, the purported resting place of the ark in some Jewish, Muslim, and Christian traditions.1 This article builds on renewed interest in the topic by surveying the literary traditions of Noah, the ark, and the flood in early Christian literature.
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