Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 233 / Wednesday, December 4, 2019 / Rules and Regulations 66309 damage resulting from subsidence, and corresponding Federal regulations and 12, 2014, Federal Register (79 FR prompt replacement of water supplies SMCRA. 67116). In the same document, we affected by underground mining DATES: The effective date is January 3, opened the public comment period and operations. 2020. provided an opportunity for a public (6) At 11 AAC 90.457(d), in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: hearing or meeting on the amendment’s accordance with the requirements at 30 Jeffrey Fleischman, Chief, Denver Field adequacy (Administrative Record CFR 816.116(a)(1) and 817.116(a)(1), Division, Telephone: 307–261–6550, Document ID No. OSM–2014–0007). Alaska must submit a program email address:
[email protected]. OSMRE did not hold a public hearing or amendment (or description of the meeting, as neither were requested. The SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: amendment with a timetable for public comment period ended on submission) to clarify its program by I. Background on the Wyoming Program December 12, 2014. We received II. Submission of the Proposed Amendment revising 11 AAC 90.457 to indicate that III. OSMRE’s Findings comments from two Federal agencies all selected revegetation success IV. Summary and Disposition of Comments (discussed below in section ‘‘IV. standards and sampling techniques V. OSMRE’s Decision Summary and Disposition of which may be incorporated into VI. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews Comments’’. individual permits will be put in I. Background on the Wyoming III. OSMRE’s Findings writing and made available to the Program public.