Nazi Press Hails Molotov Ás Step Toward Reorganization

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Nazi Press Hails Molotov Ás Step Toward Reorganization Leased United Press Wire Service, Complete Coverage of Local News, and the Finest Features Obtainable. VOLUME 57 MOQRHEAD. BilNNjB^TA, ife^^Y, NO^MBE» 11, 1940 NUMBER 267 States Faith In Democracy First Snowstomi "Didn't Die In Vain,9> of Year Strikes Washington, Nov. 11 (UP)—Pre- gressive armaments; breaking donm tjie era of clemocracy in bumajn iron heds will, tbemielves,' tMoAì' sident Roosevelt declared today of barriers in a more closely-knit- affEdrs can or will be snuffed cait he said. that the men who suffered and ted world; restoration of the hon- in our lifeitime," he said. "... we, aUvé today,r-no?; in Temperatures Drop or of the written and spoken word , "I, for one, do ^ot believe that existant demQj^^ies alone' but 1,000 BeHeved KiUed died in 1917 and 1918 were not and improvement of the processes mere force be successful in among the pofiql^tions : of In Northwest, Bus sacrificed in vain and stated his of democracy, sterilizing the seeds which had smaller, natioas' a»«^ w In Four Tremors ; Oil faith that democracy, the "new or- Mr. P.oosevelt spoke amidst a taken such firm root as a harbing- are taking òRste^^^ tpnpa Lines Cancel Trips der of the ages" will survive the new war raging 22 years after the er of better lives for mankind. maintenimc» of 3 -new order Said Damaged present era of modem feudalism first World war terminated in the "I, for one, do not believe that which we accus Driven by a high-velocity wind, and dictators. 1918 armistice. But he said that a the world will revert either to a and to which? «ifr^tttkend to the first snowstorm of tlie season century from now historians will modem form of ancient slavery or tinue." V- Bu(^ftrest, Rumania, Nov. 11 The president spoke at the Ar- (UP)^Two new earth shocks rock- struck the Moorhead area—and the lington naitional cemetery amphi- brand as "puny and false" efforts to controls vested in modem feud- The march'of democraey led^by midwest—with a vengeance today, theater after a solemn ceremony in to convince the world that the alism or modem emperors or mod- America aid the British Ides, ed : Bucharest today, bringing new iliiil blood sacrifices of the first world ern dictators or modem oligarchs Roosevelt said, had ifa first gra^ teriW to those who had escaped disrupting highway traffic, obsciur- which he placed a wreath on the death in Rumania's most devasta- ing visibility and causing canceUa- tomb of the unknown soldier. war were "wholly in vain," in these days. challenge in 1914 and it hurled-the tion of numerous Armistice day He called for elimination of ag- "I, for one, do not believe that "The very people under their challenger back. > tmg earthquake since 18Q2. Officials estimated that 1,000 per- programs. sons had been killed and between Temperatures were d r o p p i n g 3,000 4,0(M injured in the eartìi- throughout the northwest with the quâlE;e wiiic^ óc'curired early Sunday mercury at noon today standing at moiraing. Two mòre shcicks were 12 de^ees above zero at l^é Moor- félt 'at mtdi^ht and two more tb- head weather bureau. Snow Which Nazi Press Hails Molotov For day at arm. which startéd falling Saturday night There werè nò casualties as a re- was continuing to come down and sult of thé new ishocks, but thous- highways and sideroads were re- ands ru^ed widly into streets and [ ported to be bloddng up rapidly by parks. * drifting snow. max PriTMAN Wind Velocity High. ' Seek safer Lodgings. Former Éritnk Prikne At the Fargo airport weather sta- Ás Step Toward Reorganization Authorities pleacied with the tion the wind velocity was recorded! Mmister TJies In throngs to return to their homes at 50 miles per hour at one time and employes ui^ed workers to re- this morning. Hamp^ire Hcmie port to their jobs. Thousand liv- ÉUS companies reported trips Official Quarters State ing on uppei: floors placed their be- nort^, eest and south from Moor- 40 Are Poisoned Ibngii^s in suitcases and began Dies of Heart head had been cancelled. Buses London, Nov. il (UP)—A state seeking safer lodgings». running west, however, were to lünor^ was plañid tOd^ for "^e new âiôcks' came as the gov- move on schedule. Reports from Silent On Likely Death Toll Reaches 11 In Pittsburgh Complète Plans former Prime Mlniater Névi 11 e ernment sougpit to deterinine the Atta^ In Reno western points of North Dakota in- Chamberlain, who in. 1938 assured casualties from the Sunday earth- dicated the storm was clearing in Great sritaiin (d^ t "peace in our quake whi(di left many towns and that section. Ne w Soviet Pact Pittsburgh, Nov. 11 (UP)— The men were stricken short- 1941 Session timé'^ and in 1939 led l^tain into villages in ruins. Heavy Snow Reported. The death toU mounted to 11 as ly after they had eaten a break- Only wésteria Rumania was spar- Death May Pressure Ih Minnesota, heavy snowfall was authorities opened an investiga- fast of pancakes, bacon and Óhamberlairì dij^ "peacefully" at ed. Ma^ towns and villages were Action To Adjourn reported in the Minneapolis and St. Reich Believed Asking tion into the poisoning of ap- coffee at the center. It was Lawrence HaJl Sktëd 5:30 o'clock Satui^y' aft^con in in' ruins and their livhig and ui^- Paul area, and Minnesota state proximately 40 men stricken feared roach powedr may have liis country home in HamBshire jured inhabitants took to the fields Session of Congress highway department officials warn- Ì Russians To Exert after they had eaten breakfast been introduced into the pan- To Be Re-Elected while German ^. raióérs wére fearful of recurring quakes. Many ed motorists to keep off the roads. today at the Salvation Army cake. batter accidentally. Bem- winging tjieír way over Hamp- buildings in Bucharest were shaken Northwest Airlines officials said Pressure On Turkey men's social service center here. nantk of the breakfast were con- Speaker of Hou^e ^ire^s neatly mowm fields f^thejr and at least 200 were killed or hope- Wastogton, Nov. 11 (UP)~The that planes were still operating Police immediately b^an a fiscs^ed for analysis. nigibi^ attack on les^ trapped when the 11-story death of Chairman Key Pittman of though behind schedule. A United search for a former cook at , Chamberlain was 71., A tired Carlton apartment building collap- the soiato foreign relations com- Press report from Minneapolis Berlin, Nov. 11 (UP)—Progress the center, who was dismissed Two of the victims died at St. Paul, Nov. 11 (XJP)-rOi^anl- sed. mittee was expMted to lead to toward "reorganization of tiie en- the center before they coidd be zatibn of the Minnesota houœ of and aü^ man, líe Kye^ ipdl cón- stated that all planes had been three weeks ago because of néì^to with the' groernnient' on stronger administration deihands grounded. tire world" was forecast by the "unsatisfactory service." An^- removed to hospitals. Eight ad- representatives for flie 1941 Oil Fields Damaged. for adjournment of congress tiiis nazi press today in comment on ditionial victims succumbed at lative session was (complete todi^^.i 3 and retlréd to. àlwait The oil fields of eastern Rumania The Tri-County American Legion orities said a preliminary in- qnable ' tó. livjp 'íw the out- week. meeting tonight was postponed to the. arrival tomorrow of soviet vestigation indicated that roach St. Precis hospital, where most Party lines; ^ alrewiy -^e dray^ which produce large aniounts of oil Premier Viacheslay Molotov for of th(^ stricken were taken, following re^ecttve caucus meéï-j eifficke or 1¿he trár lie had hoj^: to fór thé Oéman armies and air The ^ senate meets tomorrow and Wednesday and an Armistice day powder may liave been mixed mènii ^p^^ ' the diétatoBs, will T recess iminediateiy as a mark parade in Fargo was called off be- conferences with German leaders, with batter from which pan- and oife at St. Margaret's hos- ings oi liberal and coiisiOTati^ forete were, severely: daiiau^ed. In including the nazi ambassador to pital membërs cS the hoi|se. ftméj^l plannéd sòme ^stìlcts: p^at fires still were of respect fbr Pittman who ffled cause of the raging blizzard. cakes were made for the men. early, yes^day oi ii heart, ,¿ttack Colder Tonight ForecwflU Turkey. Police . said tliey were told In addition to those who died, La^irrep!» M. Hall^ St. CSoud, "tras burii^ toda|r and Gioman miU- Official quarters remained silent b{r Adjutant Soy Bari^, in approxunately 35 others were^ m on the Mokytov visit, declining, to charge M tlie ^t the reportedt suffering symptoms of tlié/ hìif^^ HiiU's ^œdldâ^ was cloudy, occasional l^ht snow^ was say whetlier the presence of a large dismissed cook had threatened food poisoning. Several of these endófsied W ® li^latotìi at Ca of iOTmfiiiiiis; It wBs iEocfteciKed'thi^^ Disrt^tiòh of ' coinniuhications the local weatiier forecast. Lowest party of foreign affairs and eco- to "get even" bceanse of his were described as in serious caucus of tlœ inajQ^ty cohservative the ibbi^jr .wwld; be brouj^t to .'ijon- madç it diffièult iòr ofïiciâls .to Bfoyy Appoint Carvflle. temperatwe recorded Sunday was nomic experts in the soviet en- discliarge. condition. group Saturd«r. Only 66 votea iare dcni-irer a ^te'rf^ desEpite the estimate canities or damagcù' Of- 10, with 24 the high mark. Pre- tourage meant that a new treaty necessary for control oi the Iwuse.
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