
Overview Aging and cognition Mara Mather∗

As we grow older, we gain knowledge and experience greater emotional balance, but we also experience loss and difficulties in new associations. Which cognitive abilities decline, remain stable or improve with age depends on the health of the brain and body as well as on what skills are practiced or challenged in everyday life. Recent research provides a growing understanding of the relationship between physical and cognitive changes across the life span and reveals ways to increase mental sharpness and avoid cognitive decline.  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. WIREs Cogn Sci 2010 1 346–362

impairments in both cognitive performance and motor ognition changes across the adult life span, but skills after a concussion.8 Cnot in a monolithic fashion. Some cognitive In aging, there are many possible ‘common abilities decline, whereas others remain stable or cause’ factors that could affect both physical and improve. To understand the mechanisms of these cognitive functioning. For instance, diseases such as cognitive changes, it is important to know how they Parkinson’s affect brain regions involved in cogni- are related to physical changes in the body and brain. tive as well as motor function. Cardiovascular disease This article highlights some of the key changes in often leads to small lesions in white matter brain tissue. cognition that occur with age. The extent to which older adults show white matter damage has been correlated with motor function5,9 as well as with cognitive function.10–13 COGNITION AND THE BODY White matter consists mostly of myelinated axons that connect various gray matter areas of The relationship of the mind to the body is a long- the brain to each other. Thus, white matter is standing problem in philosophy and neuroscience. essential for efficient communication among different Although few modern-day scientists see the mind brain regions. In general, cognitive processing and as something separate from the body as argued by motor responses slow with age,14 and this age- dualists such as Descartes, it is also unusual for related slowing is related to age-related declines in cognitive psychologists to pay much to white matter integrity.15–18 Slower processing seems physical health. However, recent studies have revealed to contribute to many of the age-related declines seen surprisingly strong relationships between physical and in cognition14,19 and so may be one common cause cognitive functioning among older adults.1–5 For factor of age-related changes in functioning. instance, simply asking an older adult to walk 8 ft In addition to the relationships seen between at their normal rate and observing their gait speed can motor functioning and cognition in aging, the linkages help predict how much they will decline cognitively between sensory processes and cognition also get over the next 7 years.6 The predictive relationship stronger as people get older20,21 and changes in has been found going from cognition to physical sensory functioning over a 6-year period are associated ability as well; for instance, performance on cognitive with changes in cognitive functioning.22 Because tests predicts gait speed decline in the next 3 years.7 sensory processing is an integral component of One potential explanation for these associations cognition, there are several potential reasons for between motor performance and cognition is that these associations. A lack of sensory input may they both reflect decline in some global aspect of brain lead to sensory deprivation that causes cognitive function—analogous to athletes who show correlated decline. Sensory impairments may force people to devote more attention to interpreting sensory input, ∗Correspondence to: [email protected] leaving fewer cognitive resources available for other Davis School of Gerontology and Department of Psychology, aspects of the task. Sensory impairments may simply University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089,USA distort incoming information, impairing the ability to DOI: 10.1002/wcs.64 use it effectively. Finally, there may be a common

346  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 1, May/June 2010 WIREs Cognitive Science Aging and cognition cause of both sensory and cognitive decline in the WAIS-R 80 brain. Related to this issue, neuroimaging studies have 75 revealed that older adults tend to show less activation 70 than younger adults in posterior visual processing 65 60 brain regions but more activation in anterior executive 55 processing regions in .23 One 50 possibility is that such increases in prefrontal activity Test score 45 40 compensate for sensory processing deterioration. 35 Whatever the mechanisms of these sensory, physical, 30 and cognitive associations are, they are important to 15 35 55 75 consider, as they reveal interrelationships in how aging Age affects basic mechanisms and more complex processes. Shipley 39 DIFFERENCES IN THE IMPACT 37 OF AGING ON VARIOUS TYPES 35 33 OF MEMORY 31 Test score People commonly associate aging with memory loss. 29 Indeed, the popular phrase ‘senior moment’ typically 27 refers to a brief memory lapse.24 Among adults over 25 the age of 65, complaints about memory difficulties 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 increase with age.25,26 Although it is not always Age clear how much subjective memory complaints reflect FIGURE 1| Test scores from a meta-analysis of vocabulary scores actual memory impairment rather than other possible among younger and older adults. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence factors such as , longitudinal studies Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) requires production of definitions for words and certainly show marked decline in abilities.27 the Shipley is a multiple choice test. Reprinted with permission from However, not all types of memory are equally Ref. 28 Copyright 2003 American Psychological Association. affected by aging. For instance, , such as general knowledge or vocabulary, shows little older adults also produce fewer contextual details decline with aging, with older adults often performing when imagining future events,36 and the numbers of better than younger adults28 (see Figure 1). Implicit details older adults produce for past and future events memory also shows little age-related decline.29,30 are correlated with each other as well as with a mea- does not involve conscious recol- sure of memory for associations between words. This lection and is revealed when people do a task faster or suggests that simulating future events requires mem- better because of previous learning.31 Implicit mem- ory binding processes that recombine details from past ory can contribute to skills such as riding a bike or to into new episodes.37 A later section in this the simple act of how quickly one can read or identify article reviews age differences in memory binding and a word, as seen in experiments. People also possible brain mechanisms. show less brain activity in response to stimuli they have In general, the more that a memory process encountered before. This ‘‘neural priming’’ effect is requires self-directed strategies such as organizing lists maintained among older adults,32 consistent with the by category, keeping certain items in mind, keeping lack of age differences on other implicit memory tests. goal-irrelevant information out of mind, or creating In contrast with the well-maintained seman- new associations that can be used later as retrieval tic and implicit memory systems, there are clear cues, the more likely it is to be affected by aging.38 age-related deficits in .33 Episodic Thus, is affected more than recognition27 memory is the ability to remember specific past events and tests requiring conscious retrieval reveal more and involves the conscious sense of remembering. impairment than tests measuring increased efficiency Age-related episodic memory impairments are seen of processing due to previous exposure to the in as well as in laboratory information. tasks involving recall and recognition. For instance, Perhaps the most important self-directed process when asked about past events, older adults include in memory is control over which mental representa- less perceptual, temporal, and spatial information and tions are currently the focus of attention. Keeping more semantic information and feelings in their mem- certain things in mind while avoiding distraction ory reports than do younger adults.34,35 Intriguingly, from irrelevant information is necessary in order

Volume 1, May/June 2010  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 347 Overview wires.wiley.com/cogsci to complete goals and work through problems. As (a) 70 Single Repeat Refresh reviewed below, older adults show deficits both in 60 keeping task-relevant information in mind and in keeping task-irrelevant information out of mind. 50 In terms of keeping desired information in 40 mind, many studies have revealed that the ability 30 to keep information active via rehearsal processes declines with age.39 Behavioral studies indicate that 20 Mean corrected recog age-related impairments are more pronounced when 10 tasks require both maintenance 0 of information and simultaneous processing of the Young Older 40 information, suggesting that executive processing Age group components of working memory are affected more in aging than or maintenance components. 30 Young However, recent functional magnetic resonance (b) 20 imaging studies reveal that older adults show more 10 prefrontal activation than younger adults do during 0 tasks that emphasize maintenance, suggesting that −10 older adults engage executive or strategic processes to 30 Older compensate for declines in maintenance processes (for 20 a review see Ref 41). % Signal change 10 Complex working memory tasks involve several L R 0 component processes. Recent work has revealed an −10 age deficit in a basic self-directed process of reflection, 2 4 6 8 10 12 known as refreshing.42,43 This refers to briefly think- Seconds ing of a just-activated representation, foregrounding FIGURE 2| (a) Mean corrected recognition (Recog) scores for single that representation relative to other active represen- presentation, repeat, and refresh trials. Bars indicate standard error of tations. A task used to measure refreshing42 involves the mean. Figure reprinted with permission from Ref 42 Copyright 2002 reading one word at a time as it appears on the Wiley-Blackwell. (b) Left prefrontal region in which older adults showed screen. Some of the words are followed by a new less refresh-related activation and the corresponding average time word (single condition), some by the same word courses within a trial for younger and older adults. Asterisks show (repeat condition), and some by a dot that cues par- results for refresh trials, circles show results for repeat trials, and ticipants to say the preceding word again (refresh squares show results for read trials. Figure reprinted with permission from Ref 142 Copyright 2004 Wiley-Blackwell. condition). In general, people are slower to name words on refresh trials than on the other trials; how- There also was a control ‘passive-view’ condition to ever, older adults take disproportionately longer to measure baseline activation levels. After the sequence, refresh words42–44 and benefit less from refreshing 42,44 there was a blank screen for 9 s and then participants in how well they remember the words later (Fig- in the remember conditions were tested on the faces ure 2(a)). Compared with younger adults, older adults or the scenes. Younger participants showed greater show reduced refresh-related activity in left dorso- activation during the stimuli presentation period of the lateral prefrontal cortex,43,44 (Figure 2(b)), an area 45,46 trial in a region of the brain specialized for processing involved in refreshing, suggesting that a frontal scenes in the remember-scenes condition than in the component of the refresh circuit is disrupted in aging. passive-view condition, and less scene-specific brain Older adults also perform more poorly than activity in the ignore-scenes condition than in the younger adults on tasks that require inhibiting the passive-view condition. Older adults showed the same first response that comes to mind or avoiding being 47–49 degree of scene-specific enhancement in the remember- distracted by goal-irrelevant information. One scenes condition, but did not show any difference study used the fact that different brain regions process in scene-specific activation between the passive- faces and scenes to examine how well younger and view condition and the ignore-scene condition. older adults were able to ignore certain stimuli when 50 Thus, the older adults seemed to have a deficit instructed to do so. In the study, participants were in suppressing neural processing of task-irrelevant either instructed to remember faces and ignore scenes information, consistent with behavioral findings or to remember scenes and ignore faces from a short indicating reduced ability to ignore or suppress goal- sequence of alternating faces and scenes (Figure 3). irrelevant information among older adults.

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(a) Instruction Cue stimuli Delay Response ITI 800 ms 800 ms 800 ms 800 ms 9 s 1 s 10 s

Remember faces ++ ignore scenes

Remember scenes ++ ignore faces

Passive view ++

(b)Younger subjects (c) Older subjects 5.0 5.0 * 4.5 * 4.5 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 * 3.0 β β 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0 0 Remember Passive Ignore Remember Passive Ignore scenes view scenes scenes view scenes

FIGURE 3| (a) Participants completed working memory trials that differed in the instructions given at the beginning of the run about whether to remember the faces, the scenes or just observe the images. (b) For younger participants, signal magnitude within a scene-processing region of the brain was greater when they were trying to remember the scenes than when they were passively viewing them—but more interesting, signal magnitude within this same region was lower when they were trying to ignore the scenes and remember the faces than when they had just passively viewed all the images. (c) Older adults showed greater signal magnitude in a scene-selective brain region when trying to remember scenes than when passively viewing, but they did not show the same suppression of activity as younger adults in the ignore-scenes condition. Figures reprinted with permission from Ref 50 Copyright 2005 Nature Publishing Group.

STRATEGIC PROCESSING IN MEMORY Furthermore, older adults’ deficits on memory tasks involving strategic processes, such as memory for the What might be the cause of older adults’ deficits source of information, tend to be correlated with in strategic memory processes? Possible candidates their performance on measures tapping prefrontal are functional or structural changes in prefrontal function.54–57 brain regions. Patients with prefrontal brain lesions Despite the linkages between older adults’ show impairments in memory that are due to deficits patterns of memory decline and the type of in effortful memory processes, such as the use of memory tasks that have been found to rely on organizational strategies or control of interference. prefrontal brain regions, there is little evidence directly For instance, whereas normal participants do much linking prefrontal volume and strategic memory task better at remembering the word sequence when asked performance in older adults. In fact, in some studies, to learn the order of words on a list than when not the relationship is the opposite of what would be asked to learn the order, patients with dorsolateral expected, with older adults with smaller prefrontal prefrontal lesions show little improvement when gray matter volumes doing better on certain memory informed about the test in advance.51 Prefrontal tasks (for a review, see Ref 58). brain regions decline more in volume in normal aging However, several studies have revealed cor- than many other brain regions (Figure 4),52 and older relations between age-related decline in prefrontal adults show impairments on many of the tasks that dopamine activity and episodic memory tasks as well reveal deficits in patients with prefrontal lesions.53 as executive tasks more broadly (for reviews, see

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Longitudinal changes in regional cortical volume together different traces in memory.68,73,74 Thus, five years interval 1.1 patients with medial temporal lobe lesions are able 1.0 to maintain several objects or locations in working 0.9 memory but not able to maintain object–location 0.8 conjunctions.75 ) d 0.7 Given the patient literature on the role of the hip- 0.6 0.5 pocampus in memory binding, one possibility is that 0.4 older adults’ memory binding deficits are related to

Effect size ( 0.3 age-related hippocampal atrophy. However, along the 0.2 same lines as the prefrontal cortex findings reviewed 0.1 0.0 earlier, research studies reveal no clear relationship between hippocampal volume and memory abilities PFC HC IPL OFC IT FG EC VC among people in general76 (Figure 6). The lack of an Cortical regions overall relationship between hippocampal volume and FIGURE 4| Summary of 5-year changes in cortical regions. The memory function may be the result of two opposing effect size (Cohen’s d) is the difference between the baseline and 5-year factors. The first is that in early development, the loss follow-up measures in standard deviation units. PFC, lateral prefrontal of cortical gray matter is associated with improvement cortex; HC, ; IPL, inferior parietal lobule; OFC, orbitofrontal in cognitive abilities, consistent with findings that cortex; IT, inferior temporal cortex; FG, fusiform gyrus; EC, entorhinal smaller hippocampal volume predicts better memory cortex; VC, primary visual cortex. The bars indicate 95% confidence among children, adolescents, and young adults.76 The limits of d. Reprinted with permission from Ref 52 Copyright 2007 The second is that declines in hippocampal volume among New York Academy of Sciences. older adults are a signal of Alzheimer’s disease and associated with memory decline.77 Refs 59, 60). Dopamine receptors and transporters It is also important to keep in mind that changes both decline in normal aging61,62 and the dopamin- in volume and counts in a brain region provide ergic system plays a role in many cognitive pro- only partial clues about how it may be changing with cesses requiring prefrontal cortex involvement, such aging. Recent studies have revealed that, unlike in as working memory, planning and episodic memory. most of the rest of the brain, new are created Thus, some of older adults’ difficulties with cognitive in the of the hippocampus throughout control may be due to the decreased effectiveness of adulthood, with evidence of neurogenesis seen even dopamine to modulate processing.63 in people in their late 60s and early 70s.78 These Recent neuroimaging studies also reveal altered new neurons only survive for a short time and it patterns of brain activity in prefrontal regions during is unknown what role they might play in memory,79 strategic memory processing. Older adults show a although one hint is that survival of new neurons in the more bilateral pattern of frontal recruitment than dentate gyrus is often enhanced when animals learn do younger adults64 and also show an increase new information.80 The number of newly generated in frontal activity associated with a reduction in neurons in the primate hippocampus declines linearly posterior brain activity.23 Increased recruitment of with age,81 which may compromise the ability to form frontal regions may reflect the need to engage more new associative memories. cognitive resources to compensate for the diminished Furthermore, studies with animals reveal age- effectiveness of certain neural processes.65 related impairments in synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus,82 including deficits in long-term potentiation.83 Long-lasting memories are generally MEMORY BINDING believed to depend on late-phase long-term potentia- Memory binding, the ability to remember associations tion that depends on gene transcription and protein between different items or components of an event, synthesis. Both age-related declines in neurogene- is another memory function that is particularly sis and synaptic plasticity may contribute to age- affected by aging66–72 (Figure 5). Theories about related declines on memory tasks that rely on the the neural underpinnings of memory generally agree hippocampus. that the hippocampal formation (the cornu ammonis fields of the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, and EMOTION AND COGNITION subiculum) and the adjacent regions of the medial temporal lobes (including the perirhinal, entorhinal, Emotion can have a powerful impact on cognition, and parahippocampal cortices) are necessary to link influencing what people pay attention to and what

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(a) 500 ms Object 1000 ms

1000 ms

1000 ms

8000 ms

500 ms Test 2000 ms

or Object target Object lure Samples of test probes in other conditions:

Location target Location lure Combination target Combination lure

(b) 4.0 Single feature 3.5 Combination 3.0 2.5

d' 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Young Older

FIGURE 5| Participants completed a working memory task (a) in which they were shown a series of three objects in specific locations and then had to keep the information in mind during an 8-s delay before responding to a test probe. On object trials, they were prompted to remember the objects, on location trials they were prompted to remember the locations and on combination trials they were prompted to remember the  object–location pairings. Older adults were more accurate (measured using d ) for the single-feature object and location trials than for the combination trials, and this difference between feature and associative memory was greater for older adults than younger adults (b). Figure adapted with permission from Ref 69 Copyright 2000 American Psychological Association.

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35 arousing than if it is neutral.92 In these studies, the advantages in detecting arousing items were as large for older adults as for younger adults. Thus, automatic processes that preferentially 28 process emotionally arousing stimuli are well main- tained among older adults. However, despite these similarities in automatic emotional processing, age differences emerge when people are able to process 21 emotional information in more strategic or goal- directed ways, with older adults showing more of a positivity (or anti-negativity) effect than younger adults. For instance, compared with younger adults,

# memory tests 14 less of what older adults recall from a picture slide show consists of the negative pictures,43,93 and auto- biographical memories are more likely to be distorted in a positive direction.94 7 Older adults’ positivity effect may be the result of a greater focus on emotion regulation goals among older adults than among younger adults, leading older adults to prioritize positive over negative information 95 0 in their information processing. Consistent with −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 this goal-directed account, older adults have response Pearson r biases favoring remembering positive items over negative items.97–99 Older adults who do well on tests | FIGURE 6 Frequency distribution of reported correlations between measuring cognitive control show greater positivity hippocampal volume and 107 memory tests used across the 33 studies effects than those doing poorly,43,100 consistent in a meta-analysis. Correlations between 0.60 and 0.50 were collapsed and plotted as 0.55, correlations between 0.50 and 0.40 collapsed and with the notion that older adults engage cognitive plotted as 0.45, and so on. The distribution reveals no consistent resources to help direct attention and memory in relationship between hippocampal volume and memory performance. ways that support emotional goals. Furthermore, Reprinted with permission from Ref 76 Copyright 2004 Elsevier. when distracted and thus unable to engage cognitive resources in the service of emotional goals, older adults no longer show a positivity effect in attention 43,89 they remember. Emotion’s sway remains strong or memory, but instead show a negativity bias throughout the life span and may even increase its (Figure 7(b)). influence.84 One possibility is that emotional brain These findings suggest that well-maintained systems, which show relatively little decline with age, cognitive processes may help older adults maintain compensate for other decline.85 Emotion’s influence a high level of well-being. In turn, being in a good over cognition can be separated into two broad mood may have benefits for cognition by increasing categories: those resulting from arousal and those engagement in activities and social interactions and resulting from valence.86,87 Many studies reveal that, decreasing . Indeed, in a large representative for younger adults, emotionally intense or arousing sample, older adults with higher cognitive function 101 stimuli attract attention and are remembered better had higher levels of well-being. (for a review, see Ref 88). This advantage for emotionally arousing stimuli seems well maintained among older adults. Like younger adults, when LANGUAGE presented with a neutral and emotional picture, their eyes tend to fixate first on the emotional picture89 Language—and especially verbal knowledge—is an (Figure 7(a)), revealing that information gathered aspect of cognition that appears to be mostly before any eye fixations have occurred direct attention resistant to age-related decline. However, speaking, to the emotionally arousing picture. Older adults are reading, and comprehending a language are complex also faster at detecting threatening faces in an array of processes that involve some of the cognitive processes neutral faces than at detecting other types of faces90,91 already reviewed, such as attention, semantic memory, and faster at detecting that one of nine objects is not working memory, and memory binding. Thus, it is not from the same category as the others if that object is surprising to find subtle deficits in language processing

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(a) FIGURE 7| Younger and older adults’ eye movements were measured while they looked at pairs of pictures for 6 s each. An example negative–neutral pair and an example neutral–positive pair are shown (a). Divided attention participants were distracted by a (b) Younger adults Older adults concurrent listening task 0.70 0.70 while they looked at the 0.65 0.65 pictures, whereas control 0.60 0.60 participants just looked at fixations 0.55 fixations 0.55

the pictures. As indicated Proportion of Proportion of by the above-50% scores, 0.50 0.50 participants’ first fixation Control Divided Control Divided attention attention was more likely to be on an emotional picture than % First fixation to positive pictures when shown a positive and a neutral picture on a neutral picture, % First fixation to negative pictures when shown a negative and a neutral picture regardless of age (b). However, age differences emerged in the remaining time the pictures were (c) Younger adults Older adults 0.70 0.70 shown, with older adults showing a positivity effect 0.65 0.65 in the control condition 0.60 0.60 fixations but a negativity effect in 0.55 fixations 0.55 Proportion of the divided attention Proportion of 0.50 0.50 condition. Figures adapted Control Divided Control Divided with permission from attention attention Ref 89 Copyright 2007 % Positive fixations when shown a positive and a neutral picture American Psychological Association. % Negative fixations when shown a negative and a neutral picture reflecting these processes, such as reductions in the use DECISION MAKING AND PROBLEM of context in language comprehension.102 SOLVING In contrast with language functions that are well-maintained or show only subtle changes with age, Making decisions can take many different forms and word finding shows more dramatic age effects. Indeed, involve many different processes, from quick decisions older adults report people’s names as their such as which television channel to watch or which most irritating and embarrassing memory problem.103 cereal to buy, to difficult and complex decisions about Speaking requires rapid retrieval of appropriate words which job offer to accept or which medical treatment to convey one’s meaning. Despite the fact that plan to select. Furthermore, decisions sometimes are retrieval of the meaning of words and other semantic embedded in a process in which the processes show little change with aging, older adults decision maker needs to generate alternative solutions show a decline in the phonological aspects of word or strategies and then decide on a strategy. Given the retrieval.104 This decline is correlated with gray complex and multifactorial nature of decision making, matter density in the insula, a region involved in it is challenging to discern consistent patterns in age phonological processing.105 Age-related weakening differences in decision making. of connections among linguistic representations may However, given what we know about age dif- impair phonological retrieval more than semantic ferences in cognition more generally, researchers retrieval because semantic networks have more have made several predictions about how decision redundancy in their interconnections.104 making and problem solving should differ with

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(a) Safety Fuel Cost Handling Comfort economy Luxor Anima very good | Venture FIGURE 8 Participants were asked which of five hypothetical car models they would Accentra purchase and were given information about Atlas each car’s safety, fuel economy, cost, handling, and comfort that could be displayed by clicking (b) 0.6 on the corresponding box (a). Compared with 0.5 younger adults, older participants spent a larger 0.4 proportion of their time examining positive Negative 0.3 attributes of the cars and a smaller proportion Positive 0.2 of their time examining negative attributes (b). displayed 0.1 Figure adapted with permission from Ref 109

Proportion of time Copyright 2005 American Psychological 0 Younger Older Association. age. One prediction is that because older adults should increase as the complexity and cognitive are more focused on emotion (as reviewed above), demands associated with a decision increase. Indeed, they will show more influence of emotional goals when presented with information about health plans, (such as avoiding negative affect) in their decision dietary options, mutual funds, or banks, older processes.106,107 Supporting this possibility are find- adults made more comprehension errors when asked ings that older adults spent relatively less time search- questions about the information.117 Furthermore, ing out and considering negative features of choice older adults tend to seek less information when options and spent relatively more time on the pos- making decisions (for a review, see Ref 107). These itive features than younger adults108,109 (Figure 8). reductions in the quality and amount of information A greater focus on protecting emotional experience considered are likely to affect decisions, although may also help explain older adults’ greater tendency seeking out less information may in some cases be to distort memory for past choices in a choice- an indication of expertise or more efficient decision supportive fashion.110 In particular, when asked to making. explicitly evaluate chosen options, older adults end up listing more positive and fewer negative attributes HOW CAN WE AVOID COGNITIVE and end up more satisfied with their decisions than do younger adults.111 Older adults also select their DECLINE IN AGING? favorite options more frequently than younger adults People with more cognitively challenging careers or do when planning future consumption episodes rather activities tend to show less cognitive decline,118 and than prioritizing variety,112 a decision strategy that one obvious conclusion is that cognitive engagement should help protect future well-being.113 helps to maintain cognitive function. However, In the problem solving literature, findings another possibility is that factors in early development are mixed regarding age differences in problem may predict both how much people chose to challenge solving effectiveness, with some evidence that it themselves mentally in their daily activities and careers declines with age (for a review, see Ref 114) and and how susceptible they are to develop some that it improves with age (for a review, see related pathology later in life. A study of nuns who Ref 115). However, one consistent finding is that wrote autobiographies when entering their convent older adults are especially effective at solving inter- around their early 20s found that the idea density personal problems116 and that when younger adults expressed in the essays predicted which of them outperform older adults, the age differences are larger showed memory impairment in late life (Figure 9), as for instrumental than for interpersonal problems.114 well as their brain weight and degree of Alzheimer’s Thus, older adults’ decision-making style may be well disease neuropathology at the time of death.119 suited to handling the emotional nature of interper- Likewise, intelligence test scores from age 11 predicted sonal problems. change in cognitive test scores in later life.120 Those Another prediction researchers have made about with higher childhood intelligence scores tended to older adults’ decision making is that age differences improve their cognitive test performance from the test

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30 low density 20

FIGURE 9| The percent Percent prevalence of early life 10 prevalence of low idea density in 0 early life autobiographies by late life Intact Mild Global Mild Global Dementia cognitive state for 180 participants cognition cognitive cognitive cognitive cognitive in the Nun Study. Data from Riley impairment impairment impairment impairment 119 et al. Memory intact Memory impaired to retest session in late adulthood, whereas those with practiced. For instance, a study in which about 2800 lower childhood intelligence scores showed decline in participants between 65 and 94 years of age were their cognitive test scores from the initial test to the assigned to one of three cognitive training groups retest in late adulthood. (targeting memory, reasoning or speed of processing) Findings that people with higher intelligence, or a no-training control group revealed that each education, occupational attainment, or engagement intervention led to improvements in the targeted in stimulating leisure activities show less age-related domain but no effects on everyday function.122 cognitive decline have been interpreted as revealing However, there are ways to improve cognitive cognitive reserve in which brain networks that are function without actually practicing the specific more effective to start with may be less susceptible to cognitive skill. This review began with a discussion disruption and the existence of alternate networks may of the strong relationship between cognition and compensate for decline.121 However, thinking about the body. Thus, it should not be surprising that protection against loss may not tell the full story of health-related factors play an important role in why those with higher initial intelligence or education predicting cognitive abilities during aging. Studies show less decline, as indicated by the finding that those that have randomly assigned people over the age with high intelligence at age 11 showed improvement of 55 to or control groups have found that between ages 77 and 80 when tested twice with the exercise enhances performance on executive processes, same cognitive test. People with higher initial cognitive spatial abilities, and speed of processing, with the test scores may be more likely to learn new skills and largest benefits seen for executive processes.123 Much information. When presented with a cognitive test, research with animals indicates that intermittent they may be more likely to think analytically about it fasting or calorie restriction has protective effects in ways that would improve their future performance for the brain (for reviews, see Refs 124–126). The on the test. Likewise, in their everyday lives, they may beneficial effects of reducing food intake seem to be more likely to learn new information and skills. extend to humans, as well. For instance, normal- Thus, rather than a bank of accumulated cognitive to-overweight older adults who reduced their calorie reserve buffering them against loss, it may be their intake by 30% for 3 months had better learning of new strategies and information that helps at the end of the 3 months than those in a control avoid decline. group.127 Related to this issue is the question of whether Related to both exercise and diet, a health factor the act of acquiring new learning might have benefits particularly likely to affect cognitive function for older beyond just the acquisition of the specific information. Americans is cardiovascular disease. As shown in Studies that have attempted to give participants a Figure 10, over 70% of Americans between the ages cognitively engaging intervention have found that of 60–79 suffer from cardiovascular disease.128 In people get better at whatever cognitive skill they are comparison, dementia prevalence estimates for North practicing, but there is not much evidence that the new American adults range from 0.8% for ages 60–64 to learning has benefits beyond the specific skill domain 6.5% for ages 75–79.129 The fact that the majority

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100 92 worse delayed recall and and smaller 83 hippocampal volumes than those with moderate or 80 75.1 71.3 decreasing levels.136 Even brief intervals of acute stress 60 can impair cognition. For instance, on days when older 39.139.5 adults experienced more stress, they also had more 40 memory failures.137 Likewise, 20 min after experi- 20 14.8 encing an acute stressor, older adults’ strategies in a 9.4 Percent of population driving game were less effective than when they were 0 not stressed,138 whereas stress had less of an impact 20−39 40−59 60−79 80+ on younger adults’ strategies. Another suggestion that Males Females stress may have a larger impact on older individu- als comes from a study showing that chronic stress FIGURE 10| The percent prevalence of cardiovascular disease in decreases neurogenesis in the hippocampus more for adults aged 20 and above by age and sex. Figure reprinted with 139 permission from Ref 128 Copyright 2007 American Heart Association; older animals than for younger animals. data from the 1999–2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination The damaging effects of stress seem to be Survey. somewhat reversible, even among older adults. A study in which people between the ages of 70 and 79 completed a story recall test once and then again of older Americans have cardiovascular disease is 3 years later found that 76% of those whose cortisol cause for concern not only for the associated health levels declined over that period (indicating decreased and mortality risks but also because symptoms of stress) had improved story recall, whereas 70% of those whose cortisol levels increased had worse story cardiovascular disease have been linked with cognitive 140 decline in many studies.130 For instance, in a large, recall 3 years later. One’s reaction to stress in stroke-free British cohort, men and women with the environment may play a key role. For instance, vascular disease performed worse than those without one population-based study found that the degree of vascular disease on memory, reasoning, vocabulary, stress in one’s work environment did not predict later and verbal fluency tests.131 In addition, hypertension susceptibility to dementia, but that people who were more reactive to stress were more likely to be assessed predicts future cognitive decline, especially when not 141 treated.132,133 as having dementia about 30 years later. Although not fully understood yet, there appear to be many reasons why cardiovascular fitness and CONCLUSIONS disease affect cognition. At the most basic level, neurons depend on blood cells to deliver oxygen and During aging, many functions decline in effectiveness other substances and to eliminate waste products. while others remain stable or improve. General knowl- Neurons, glia, and vascular cells coordinate in edge, vocabulary, and unconscious learning (known regulating cerebral blood flow during brain activity, as implicit memory) either decline little in normal but this neurovascular coupling is disrupted in aging or show improvements. Older adults also retain conditions such as hypertension and stroke.134 In the ability to quickly detect emotional information addition, hypertension impairs both the structure in the environment. Furthermore, supporting effective and function of cerebral blood vessels, making them emotion regulation, older adults are more likely than less effective for challenges such as maintaining a younger adults to show positivity effects in attention relatively constant cerebral blood flow even as arterial and memory. In contrast, the abilities that decline pressure changes.134 Thus, cardiovascular disease is most in aging reveal impairments in self-directed cog- likely to have widespread effects on brain function nition and the ability to integrate new information. and improving cardiovascular function should be Older adults are less effective than younger adults at a primary goal for anyone concerned about brain focusing on targeted information while ignoring irrel- function. Furthermore, improving cardiovascular evant information. The ability to create links among function by exercising does more than just stave off new information in memory also declines more than decline, as it stimulates new blood vessel growth in the just learning individual pieces of information. brain and leads to an increase in new cells, especially The interrelationships reviewed in this article in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus.135 suggest common factors that may affect multiple Stress reduction may also have cognitive ben- functions. For instance, age-related declines in efits for older adults. Older adults with high or cognitive abilities such as memory and reasoning increasing cortisol levels over the past few years had can be predicted to an impressive degree by physical

356  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 1, May/June 2010 WIREs Cognitive Science Aging and cognition abilities such as walking and balance. Cardiovascular volume and cognitive function among healthy older disease and fitness affects brain function in ways that adults suggests that we need to reexamine the com- impact a wide array of cognitive abilities. In contrast, mon assumption that bigger is better in terms of gray the surprisingly weak evidence for links between brain matter volume in the .


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