Hersenen in balans: cognitieve focus en flexibiliteit Prof. dr. Roshan Cools, hoogleraar cognitieve neuropsychiatrie, Radboudumc & Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour

Toelichting: In het onderwijs en onze werkomgeving leggen we veel nadruk op het belang van cognitieve focus. Afleidbaarheid, impulsiviteit en prikkelgevoeligheid worden gezien als nadelig en zijn geassocieerd met ADHD en verslaving. In mijn lezing zal ik aan de hand van kennis over de rol van in hersenen, cognitie en gedrag laten zien dat optimale prestatie een balans vereist tussen cognitieve focus en flexibiliteit. De waarde van flexibiliteit en prikkelgevoeligheid voor creativiteit en nieuwsgierigheid moet niet worden onderschat.

CV: Roshan Cools completed her undergraduate degree in Experimental Psychology at the University of Groningen, , in 1998. She then moved to ’ lab at the University of Cambridge, UK, for an MPhil degree (1999), a PhD degree (2002), a St John’s College Junior Research Fellowship (2002-2006) and a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship (2002-2006). She spent two post-doc years at UC Berkeley working with Mark D’Esposito from 2003, before moving back to Cambridge in 2005, where she obtained a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (2006-2007). In November 2007 she returned to The Netherlands, where she is now Principal Investigator at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychiatry at the Radboud University Medical Center. She studies the cognitive and motivational control of human decision making and its modulation by dopamine and serotonin and currently supervises 13 PhD students and 7 postdocs. She has obtained many personal awards and prizes, including a Vidi (NWO, 2008), a Vici (NWO, 2014), a Human Frontiers Science Program grant (2009), a James McDonnell Foundation scholar award (2012) and the Young Investigator Award from the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (2012). In total, she has obtained in total more than 8,5 million euro’s of grant funding. Moreover she serves as Senior Editor for the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, and is a member of the (Government) Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (AWTI, since 2014) and the board of the Rathenau Institute (since 2012).

Contactgegevens: Organisatie: Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging Contactpersoon: Tildie Stijns Adres: Kapittelweg 29 Postcode en plaats: 6500 HB Nijmegen E-mailadres: [email protected] Telefoonnummer: (024) 361 06 51