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Christmas in Ukraine, ever since the introduction of Chris­ БОГ ПРЕДВІЧНИЙ У ВИФЛЕСМІ ННШ By TED LUCIW tianity there in the year of 988, was always observed according НАРОДИВСЯ НОВИНА I am dreaming of a white.. health to celebrate the to the on 7-9. It was also the prac­ Бог Предвічний народився, У Вифлесмі вині вовява, free Christmas just like the Holidays, the Day of the As­ tice of the Ukrainians, be they Orthodox or Catholics, to cele­ Прийшов днесь із небес, Пречиста Діва зродила Снна, от I used to know in the far cension and live as many years brate the Nativity of Christ on that date, in their homelund. Щоб спасти люд свій ввесь, В яслах споввтвй, distant Ukraine where I lived as God has granted unto you whenever that was possible -and feasible. Тай утішився. Поміж бидлятв, as a child at my grandparents' Christ is Born!" For the last two decades when the overwhelming majority В Вифлесмі народився Спочив на сіні Бог веобвятяй. home many years ago. Al­ "Glory unto Him." Grandma Вже херувима славу співають, of the Ukrainian people found themselves under the domina­ Месія, Хрнстос наш, though we did not have as would answer and reward him Ангельські хори Бога ввтають, tion of Communist Russia, there has been no true celebration Господь наш, для всіх нас, many pretty gifts as the with a dignified kiss. The head Пастир убогий of Christmas. The Ukrainian- Orthodox Autocephalous Church Нам народився. American children have today, of the family carried the bund­ Несе, що може, — we enjoyed our Christmas im­ le into the house to the dining was annihilated in the middle 30's, while the traditional ob­ „Слава Богу" — заспіваймо, Щоб обдарити Дитятко Боже. mensely. The Ukrainian room and placed it in the right servance of Christmas was derided and mocked by the com­ Честь Сину Божому, Глянь оком світлим, о, Божий Christmas is interwoven with corner, behind the table. This munist oppressors of Eastern Ukraine. Since 1939, with the Господу нашому » Сяну, Christian and some pagan bundle of wheat was called Поклін віддаймо! exception of the war years, Ukrainian Catholics, too, were На вашу землю, рідву країну, customs, with religious and dldukh (old man) and rep­ subjected to the godless rule of Moscow. In 1946 the Ukrain­ Зішли вам з неба. other ideas, but it is nice, resented the ancient God of ian Catholic Church was brutally destroyed on orders of the Дар превеликий, really nice. Plenty who has always fed Kremlin, while some six million Ukrainian Catholics were ar­ НА НЕБІ ЗІРКА ЯСНА Вудь Тобі слава на вічні віка! Unfortunately, such Christ­ and protected the family. The bitrarily subordinated to the spurious, communist-controlled ЗАСЯЛА!- * mas Holidays as I describe girls would spread hay on the Russian Orthodox Church. НОВА РАДІСТЬ СТАЛА! are not as free today as they table; on this hay Grandma На небі зірка ясна засяла Today, when Ukrainians in the free world are preparing used to be. would put a head of garlic І ясним' світлом сіяс. Нова радість стала. The actual Christmas fest­ in each corner ("to keep the to observe their traditional Rizdvo, our thoughts must be di­ Хвиля спалення к нам завитала Яка не бувала. ivities start with the Christ­ bad spirits away," as she used rected toward the enslaved homeland_ of so many of us, and Там Діва Бога раждас, — Над вертепом зірка ясна mas Eve and the Holy Night to explain). A beautiful em­ of our forefathers, who came from Ukraine. Although more Щоб землю з небом в одно світу засіяла. supper. This takes place on broidered Ukrainian table cloth contacts have recently been made by free Ukrainians with their злучити, Де Хрнстос родився, January 6th according to the was spread over the hay. enslaved brothers and sisters in Ukraine, very little has been Хрнстос родився: Славіте! З Діва воплотився, old, Julian calendar, inherited signifying the manger in which attained unfortunately to alleviate substantially the plight and Благослови вас, Дятяко Боже. Як чоловік, пеленами — from Roman times when the the Holy Savior was born. A misery of the oppressed Ukrainian i>eople. Inasmuch as the Скріпи свосю ласкою, . Убого вповився. Christian church began. The big apecial holiday candle in communist masters prevent any major assistance projects to То і пекельна сила не зможе Просим Тебе, Князю, Ukrainian Church believes and a candle-stick was placed in with it many other churches the center of the table. As be carried out in Ukraine by Ukrainians from the free world. Нас розділити з ТобоЮг Небесний Владарю, in Europe, the Near East, and the twelve special, fatless and But, even though our enslaved brethren cannot openly Благослови нас, ми ж Твої діти, Даруй літа щасливії, Africa that the calendar meatless meals were slowly enjoy or celebrate the Feast of Nativity, they certainly axe Хрнстос родився: Славіте! Тому господарю! during which Christ was born brought to the table, the other not devoid of the Christmas spirit and everything which it has Благослови нас і збав вас, is the correct calendar. By the members of the "procession" brought them, as' part of the great Christian family. Хрвсте, ВОЗВЕСЕЛІМСЯ ВСІ РАЗОМ way. the present day calendar brought in the fresh, clean Christmas — Symbol of Hope Визволь вас, Боже, з недолі, НИЩ! used by the Western Church!straw and placed it on the Засій в серцях нам бажаніш ' came into being aa a result of floor. This straw was to rep- No matter to what degree religious freedom has been sup­ Возаеселімся всі разом нині, чисте, the changes made by the Pope I reeent the manger of Beth- pressed in Ukraine, we know that the vast majority of Ukrain­ Хрвстос родився в бідній яскнні Дай всім діждати двя волі! UKRAINIAN PROFESSIONALS Gregory ХЩ in 15fl2 when lehem where Baby Christ was ians believe in the true meaning of ChriBtmas. For them, aa Послідннм віком став Щоб Україна могла щадіти: чоловіком. MET WITH UCCA the days of the calendar were born. for many other peoples who live in misery and enslavement Хрисгос родився: Славіте! Всі утішаймось ва землі! moved ahead. We, chjldren loved to spread behind the Iron Curtain, Christmas symbolizes, something that On , before my Всі утішаймось ва землі гойно, NEW YORK. December 30. for a more steady and systema­ the Btraw, as Grandma was they have cherished and firmly believed in. As Christ І честь віддаймо Йому достойно. — Representatives of the tic support on the part of the grandparents, began their throwing candy, nuts, chocol­ Supper, they came to redeem mankind from its sins and to prepare it for a НЕБО І ЗЕМЛЯ Пожаданому, з веба даному. American Ukrainian Medical professional organizations. ate, and other small gifts into better life—in fact, an eternal salvation - so does the Feast Котрий увесь світ відкупна. Society and the Ukrainian En­ Representatives of the Amer­ would first send suppers to it. We picked up what we could Небо і земля (2) of Nativity give them renewed hope in the existence of justice Пісні співаймо согласяо, мали, gineers' Society of America ican Ukrainian Medical Society the needy folks, widowe, and running on our hands and вині торжествують, І торжествуймо всі разом щиро, met with eleven members of and Ukrainian Engineers' So­ orphans. Often they would knees imitating chickens ("so and freedom. Ангели й люди (2) Слава во вишніх, а мир для the Executive Board of the ciety of America expressed even be invited to eat with ua. that the chicks and crops Therefore, when we sit down to the Holy Supper, or sviata Весело празнують: важних!" Ukrainian Congress Commit­ their full understanding of When the first star showed be plentiful next year," as vechera, let us think of our unfortunate brethren m Ukraine Хрнстос родився, Весело світу голосім! tee of America for the pur­ the purposes and objectives up in the skies, we children hol­ Grandma used to tell). and those in Kazakhstan, Siberia and elsewhere. But let us Бог воплотився, • pose of exchanging views and Of the UCCA. They stated lered "The star, the star, let's After all this, the candle was not despair beeanse the entire Ukrainian ftation is in. the Ангели співи) »ть, БОГ СЯ РАЖДАС... ideas on the present situation that such a joint meeting was start the celebration." lighted; and the food, twelve І князі витають, thralldom of atheistic communism. What we should do. when Бог ся раждас, хто ж Го може of the Ukrainian community long overdue, inasmuch as the Grandpa, dressed in hie best kinds to honor the twelve observing our Christmas, is to redidicate our efforts and sacri­ Поклін віддають, знати, — in the United States. professional Ukrainian Ameri­ suit, with all his inborn dignity Apostles, was brought to the fices toward bringing the fruit of freedom to our kin in Ukraine. А пастирі грають, Ісус Му ім'я, Марія Му Мати! The initiative for the meet­ can organizations in the United would leave the house, follow­ table. Grandpa then asked his True, such a resolution will not be easy to realize, but it is Чую, чудо! повідають. Тут ангеля вудяться, ing came from the UCCA States feel they could contrib­ ed by other members of the eon. "George, did you deliver not impossible. We have witnessed that even the greatest Во Вифлесмі (2) Рожденного бояться, whose officials felt that both ute more substantially morally family, to the nearby shed and the Holy Supper to poorer Весела новина: in a few moments a special folks?" empires of the world cannot overcome the empire of Jesus А віл стоїть, трясеться, the Medical Society as well as and financially to the UCCA Чистая Діва (2) the Ukrainian Engineers' So­ and its multi-sided operations. "procession" would follow to "Yes, father," was the re­ Christ, for Ніч kingdom is based on love, charity and justice. Осел смутво пасеться, — Породила Сипа! ciety should be drawn more At the conclusion of the the houee. First, grandpa with ply. When that time comes. Ukrainians will resume the observ­ Пастнріс клячать, Хрнстос родився, closely into the a t і v it і e a joint meeting it was decided a big fresh bundle of wheat on "George, have you fed the ance of Christmas festivities with the same reverence and Бога в плотв бачать Бог воплотився, (І т. д.) and operations of the UCCA. that a special appeal will be his left arm. my aunts with cattle very well tonight?" Тутже, тутже, тутже, тутже, happiness as they did in the past, when they lived as free men. І ми Христові (2) Inasmuch as both organiza­ issued to members of the Con­ hay and other children with "Yes, father." тут! happiness as they did in the past, when they lived as free Богу поклін даймо! tions comprise several hundred ference of Ukrainian American straw would follow toward the The animals in the stables І пастирі там к Ньому men. „Слава во вишніх!" (2) members, they constitute a Professional Ass'n which will house. shared the Christmas feast. Пому заспіваймо! прибігають, powerful professional assets in be signed jointly by the UCCA As they approached the Grandiather took the holy- Continue Ukrainian Бог воплотився, (і т. д.). З Ньому Господа свойого the Ukrainian American com­ Executive Board and the ex­ house, Grandma would open the hay and the holy bread from But in the meanwhile, while Ukraine is still submerged by Хрнстос родився. ввтають. munity. ecutive committees of these door, as if to welcome them. the table and wished the ani­ the forces of darkness and godlessness, let us see that the beau­ At the joint meeting Prof. professional organizations. Grandpa would stop in front mals contentment. On this of the threshold and in his tiful Ukrainian Christmas traditions be continued by Ukrain­ Lev E. Dobriansky and Dmy- Representing the American night of the year the animals serious voice would say: are believed to have power of ians in the free world. It is true that some Ukrainians are Former L. A. Theatre is Now tro Halychyn. chairman and Ukrainian Medical Society were "I come to wish you a Merry speech and to speak among now observing Christmas according to the new calendar. But president of the UCCA. respec- , Dr. Bohdan Makarushka. presi- Center tively, outlined briefly the vari-jdent: Dr. Rostyslav Sochyn- Christmas. A Happy New'. themselves of the past, the in essence. &e Ukrainian Christmas tradition and customs will ed activities of the Ukrainian 1 sky. president-elect; Dr. Ro- Year; May you live in good! (Continued on Page 2) eventually find their way back to a free Ukraine, where they FUNDS ARE NEEDED BEFORE OPENING Congrese Committee of Amer-jman Osinchuk, editor of The •wwwwwamtmwc* will be reintroduced'to the Ukrainian people. ica. stressing the forthcoming; Medical Journal, and Dr. Ludo- Christmas Greetings from Some highlights of these traditions are: the preparation LOS ANGELES. Cal. — An faqade, and remodelled it to Shevchenko Centennial yearjmyr Zarytsky. chairman of the of syiata vechera, containing the twelve traditional meatless, appeal for funds in behalf of house an auditorium, library, and all activities planned for New York Branch of the So- (dith Hyder dishes, including kutia (boiled wheat with honey and pop­ the Ukrainian Culture Center recreational rooms, and class­ the occasion. They also em-'ciety; Messrs. Roman Rohoza. of Los Angeles was sent out rooms. py seeds), borshch with mushrooms, pyrohy or varenyky, phasized the activities of the Roman Baransky and Evsta- HA MELTON. Ont. Edith memornte the holy Birth of Our to the Ukrainian people of Cali­ The opening of the Center is Hyder, for over twenty years Saviour let US determine holubtsi, and others, symbolizing the twelve apostles. The sing­ Ut'CA connected with the 20th ehy Yarosh. represented the well to better unite in under­ fornia. a commentator on Canada's ing of or Christmas carols is also part and parcel of slated for a few weeks from anniversary of the founding of Ukrainian Engineers' Society of standing, in friendship and in Signed by Mykola Novak now, before which time dona­ airwaves sent her Christmas full endeavor. the Ukrainian Christmas tradition, glorifying the Divine In­ the organization and appealed America. and Ivan Dutka. president and tions or short-term loans are greeting headed "To All Let us know Pence will never fant and His Mother Mary. Gift-giving among your family and secretary of the Center, re­ needed, according to the Exec­ Шгаіпіап Friends". come to a world half-free and friends underscores the spirit of generosity which began with half-enslaved and Peace is the spectively, the appeal reads in utive Board of the Culture Two Ukrainian Women Die As The greeting reads as fol­ dream of all decent people. three Wise Men bringing gifts to the Christ Child. In Ukraine part: "(The building] which Center. The address for dona­ lows : Let us therefore < as our New this tradition was well entrenched, and it was a well-establish­ was being remodelled is al­ tions and loane ia given aa fol­ Tree Catches Fire Again—we near the time when Year slowly approaches and most ready to be officially our thought*, hopes and prayers Christmas leaves our lives this ed custom to donate a koliada, or , to some lows: Ukrainian Culture Cen­ center on the miracle of our dying year і let us look toward worthy cause in support of the Ukrainian institutions, churches opened to serve Ukrainian ter, 4315 Melrose Avenue, Los A. mother and daughter were put out the blaze, which was Saviour's birth. Hope for all man­ -Tomorrow and know what or welfare projects. people of Los Angeles and Ca­ Angeles 29. Cal. burned to death in Brooklvn consuming the tree and the kind was born (as well і when People of Good-will Must Do. lifornia. Only one generous rose,lt aid a ound the flrut Christmas was the ful­ Working with God and with the Let us celebrate Christmas by keeping the Christ Child on Monday January 2, while | '* f J u f Д,.^ filled Promise* of the Angela. dynamic force of conviction we effort from every Ukrainian " , . і shouted for help and Michael But free men have grown can bring forth the true — Peace in our hearts. patriot is needed to achieve BUFFALO PROCLAIMS de orating н thee for th..ir|Pi)pvk. sixtv.onep husband and (over the centuries* too comfor­ on Earth Good-will toward All Khrystos Ro«hdayet4la! Slavite Yoho! this. Costly remodelling has SHEVCHENKO YEAR family's observance of the Uk-1 father, who was in the base- table, indifferent and less humble Men which we now seek. Christ is Born! Praise Him! exhausted our funds. We re­ rsinian Christmas on Saturday. ment, heard their cries. He ran and so- cruel travail faces our May I wish you all God's blea- BUFFALO, N.Y.. (By wire). UnU-егае again in this Era of sinp and all the happiness pos­ quire immediately $10.000.00 The victims. Mrs. Jennie into the apartment and went Danger. sible now and m the days of 1961 for the necessary furnishings -Mayor Frank A. Sedsta of Popyk, fifty-nine, and Miss to the kithen. hoping to reach In this time, when we com- to come. and equipment to make the Buffalo proclaimed the year Vera Popyk. thirty-two. of the living room through the building ready to serve our 1961 as Shevchenko Year, on Ukrainian descent, were hang- French doors. people." Tuesday, January 3. according Ing electric bulbs on the tree He could not open the doors On the occasion of the Ukrainian Christmas, The Rather than build a new to Petro Samutyn, Chairman in the iving room of their | and was forced out of the Ukrainian National Association, with the Editors center, which would cost an of Buffalo's Shevchenko Com­ first-floor apartment at 276! apartment by flames and and Staff of SVOBODA and THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, mittee. estimated half million dollars, Boerum St. in the boroughs smoke. Two families in other send warm greetings to ай the readers, and wish the Los Angeles group pur­ -Dr. Nestor Procyk headed Ridgewood section when the, apartments also were forced to them a happy and merry celebration of the chased an impressive - looking the delegation which visited branches suddenly burst into flee when the flames began theatre of white stone or the Mayor's office on the oc­ flames. J reaching the second floor of Saviou,fs birth. marble, with an attractive casion of the proclamation. For a moment, they tried to the building. No. 3


By CLARENCE A. MANNING IN UKRAINE By THEODORfc LUTWINIAK і Continued from Page 1) There is quite a difference be­ column to "this subject We Very early in the history of Малу Traditions present, and the future. Thisihand the same spoon and the tween the two types of insur­ want the members and pros­ ; the Church began f Whcn the Thirtccn Colonies honor is shown to the animals wheat in it to Grandma and ance known as 20 Year En­ pective members of the Ukrain­ to commemorate on December I of Amcrica werc cstabliahed because their kind witnessed she would follow the style and dowment and 20 Payment Life. ian National Association to 25- in the Julian Calendar the in the seventeenth century, the the Birth of the Savior in the;the spoon would finally come Some people have the idea that know what insurance is all birth of Christ. As time past, people brought over with them manger. to me. This ceremony was con- both types provide for the about. People who.know what this service became distinct their, traditional customs in so "Lct us pray." Grandma sidered the highest moment for payment of the full face value they want in Jjiehrance make from the still older service of far as they could be adapted would command, and the en- the family, and іГsignified the in cash after 20 years, but this satisfied members; and that is the ur Theophany to the prevailing primitive tire family and, guests would .family's unity, is not true where 20 Payment what the UNA" wants. on January 6 and from that conditions. In the South, they kneel in front of the table. When someone had died, a Life is concerned. Holders of Actually, Payment Life in­ time all the historic churches followed the old English faring the holy icons on the special plate filled with this 20 Payment Life certificates or surance in. itself fa very good. have had special services com­ customs. In New England the wall. We prayed silently and Christmas cereal would be policies who have tried to col­ Of course, it does "not provide memorating, the sacred hap­ Puritan authorities did their long. Grandpa always asked kept at the place of the table lect the full value were great­ for full cash value upon matur­ penings. They have followed best to wipe out all recollec­ the new-born Child to help the where he used to sit. It is be­ ly disappointed to learn that, ity, but it is quite inexpensive the traditional rites and ce­ tion of the Christian year and Tkrainian people attain their lieved that his spirits would though the insurance was paid- and does provide protection for remonies of the special Church to substitute their own aus­ independence and freedom. He come at 12 and participate in up (meaning that dues or pre­ life although dues need be paid and they have remained tere views as to the sinfulness was kept in prison for that the eating of the kutia. BEHIND OUR BACK miums need no longer be paid), for only 20 years. Many UNA throughout the centuries rela­ of the enjoyment of life. It cause so often. Even now my mother-in-law only the beneficiary could col­ members have both Endow­ tively unaffected by the vary­ was only in the Middle States The metamorphosis of the whole of Eastern and part of Now the time to eat came. in Minneapolis always keeps lect the full value upon the ment and Payment Life certi- ing usages and customs that that there came any conscious­ Central Europe into the colonial empire of Moscow: the refusal Grandpa sat at the head of such a plate for her son. Earl, death of the insured. The in fiscates; that way they get have surrounded the festival in ness of the various elements of the West to recognize the present, formally legal state of the table and everyone follow­ who was killed near Iwo Jima surance, of course, could be cash and still have some paid- popular practice. which were to make up the affairs in that part of the world, and in particular the refusal ed, sitting to his right accord­ during World War II. When surrendered for its cash value up insurance. * - Popular Reaction future United States. ing to age and importance. to recognize the western frontiers of Poland along the Oder- one' is away, seeds of this by the insured, but this cash Readers may be interested In this area there were the The supper began with the Neise line, which is in part responsible for the long-standing For there was from the Christmas wheat are sent to value is only a fraction of the to know that the UNA has 20 Swedes along the Delaware special Christmas dish—the crisis of divided Germany, all these abnormal developments, give earliest times another aspect him by mail. I still receive face value. Some people were Year Endowment, and Endow­ who werc later annexed to .racked spring wheat, mixed mine, only now instead of so upset that they consulted rise to some abnormal conceptions and theories. One of these to Christmas, the popular re­ ment At Age 18 insurance for New Netherlands. There were with crushed poppy seeds and action. When we remember Grandpa, my uncle George is attorneys but, of course, noth­ children, as weU as Endow­ abnormal conceptions for ending the German-Polish problem German Moravian groups in honey called kutia in Ukrain that for centuries the world the head of the family and ing could be changed. They ment At Age 65. With the ex­ which would make both these countries happy would be the Pennsylvania, there were the ian. It was kept in special had been largely devoted to instead of enjoying the big then blamed the insurance ception of the Endowment At BO called "conception of compensation." Basically it consists Dutch in New Amsterdam and dish called makitra. Again and supported by agriculture house, consisting of two large company or the fraternal bene­ Age 18. the same types of of returning to Germany the "recovered territories," which along the Hudson River and he would stand up, look pi­ and had followed closely in its rooms and" a kitchen that fit society for the misunder­ insurance are available to later the British. English. ously toward the holy icons prior to World War II were part of that country', and com­ festivals the season of the Grandpa had, he has one room standing and they told their adults in addition to Whole Irish. Scotch and Welsh 411 on the wall, make the sign of pensate Poland for this loss with the Western Ukrainian lands, agricultural year, we can well ач the rest of the house was friends that the organization Life and Double Protection arrived especially after the the cross, repeat the same namely Eastern Galicia. which was part of Poland until 1939. understand why and how at bombed out and the shed in in question is a "crpoked out­ to Age 60. If requested. Pay­ capture of New Netherlands greetings he made before the as the result of the Treaty of Versailles (The Weekly Dec. 19.th e relatively slack period of which Grandpa kept hie fit." or Benefit Contracts art at­ and its annexation to- the threshold, and dip the big Christmas wheat was burned 24. and 31. 1960). This conception takes for granted the work at the time of the Winter Endowment insurance is tached to juvenile certificates, British crown. Here the aver­ spoon into the kutia, par­ during the German retreat eventual defeat of Soviet rule in Eastern Europe, and the Solstice in the end of Decem­ more expensive than Payment and Double Indemnity Con­ age citizen could not fail to take a few seeds of it and from Ukraine in 1945. Still. ber, there would come a period Life insurance and is payable tracts are attached to adult idea that the new masters of the world will be able to devidc notice the many varieties of Uncle George fixed as best he of relaxation and of such in cash upon maturity. Some certificates as they see fit the territories which now constitute the Union Christmas festivity and be in­ could the remaining one room, gaiety as the resources of the insurance agents, interested in More details, including in­ of Soviet Socialist Republics. fluenced by them. • rents of advertising and com­ and with his three children time allowed. selling as much insurance as surance rates, are to be found The followers of this conception are recruited primarily mercialism have in far too and his wife, who has just re­ The Christian Church met American Christmas possible, arc inclined to push in the booklet "Pacta About many cases destroyed much cently returned from the Si­ from among the German refugees or exiles who used to live on this problem from the earliest Payment Life insurance on peo­ the UNA." Do you want a Yet it was perhaps in 1§22 that was valuable and at­ berian exile, celebrates, the the lands taken over by Poland. Psychologically, their attitude times for even the early ple in low income brackets be­ copy? Send a post card to that we can begin to speak of tractive in the older customs, way his father did. is understandable: dreaming of the return to their former Apostles must have known of cause they cannot afford to Box 76, Jersey City 3. N. J., an American Christmas. It even to the temporary adding cities and villages in the land which they had once considered, the Roman Saturnalia held at After the kutia the other pay the higher rates for En­ and you will get one by return arose in New York where in to Santa's team of reindeer and still consider as their native country, they are indifferent as this i>eriod, when slaves were eleven dishes followed. The dowment insurance. As the mail. "Facts" are available in 1809 Washington Irving had Rudolph the Red-nosed Rein­ free to mock their masters borshch (beet soup) the cold average person does not know both English and Ukrainian. to what methods arc used to achieve this. Looking at the map published his History of New deer to be an automatic flash and to require favors that fish, the holubtsi (stuffed cab­ the difference between Endow­ Please mention our column- of Europe, it seems to them only fair that Germany and Po­ York from the Beginning of light, while department stores werc tolerated at no other bage) the varenyky, etc. all ment and Payment Life, is easy Knowing, what you want in land should be given back their old borders, which they held the World to the End of the and charitable collecting agen­ time of year. There werc were there on the table. to understand the agent's temp­ insurance will make you .a until September 1. 1939. for in this way the damage done by Dutch Occupation. It was a cies have put a professional periods when the Christian tation to push the inexpensive satisfied UNA certificate hold­ Hitler and Stalin would be repaired. This alleged, logic, how­ satirical but not bitter com­ on every street Next to the kutia the Church sought to abolish such mentary on the manners of insurance. This sort of thing er, so get your "Facta" and ever, does not take into account neither the political realism, corner and in every shop. The Holy bread was prepared by unseemly festivals; there were can and does result in confu- read it through. The UNA the Dutch in New York and modern American Christmas is ancient rituals this was re- nor the will of nations. ecclesiastics who- would not in some ways it may remind a real hodge-podge of the com­ regarded as most sacred by sion and bad feeling. That is pays the postage and there is It is true that the Soviet Union, which on September 17 tolerate this concession to the us of Kotlyarevsky's Eneida mercial and the traditional the whole family. It was given why we occasionally devote a no obligation of any kind. 1939. as the result of the secret Ribbentrop-Molotov treats- world, the flesh and the devil and others of the Ukrainian while far too many of the the honor of being placed in but as time went on, wiser and came out "in defense" of Lithuanians. Byelorussians and works of the pre-Shevcbenko Christmas cards that are sent the center of the table. ' more liberal leaders, contented Ukrainians living on the then -eastern lands of Poland, did period, even , through it. did out are in an artificial style themselves with reforming After the supper a time of not do it in the name of the principle of national sovereignty displease both the old fashioA- which has little to do cither these popular customs, giving "predictions" followed. Grand­ of these nations, but strictly in the name of Russian imperialist ed Dutch and the Puritan with art or with the religious them Christian significance Yankees of Connecticut, ,.,;.. pa wished to know how good interests. Similarly, not for any liking of Poland, but in symbolism of the season which a harvest one could expect for and openly opposing only the In almost the same jovial order to weaken Germany, did USSR agree to the taking must stilt be sought either in the next year. To do this he more obviously pagan rites mood in 1822 Clement ;С over by Poland of Lower Silesia, and the northern seaboard. Л the Various Church services or would take a spoonful of the PROPOSES UKRAINIAN CO-OP APABTME#$5 which could not be adapted Moore, then a serious profes­ in indnvndual survivals, for cooked wheat and throw it To TIIK EIUTOR OK TlIK UKRAINIAN WEEKLY: ..'f» It does not mean, however, that the methods used by I for Christian purposes. sor "in the newlv founded bur modern Christmas re­ against the ceiling. If many I .-.••- i»1 the Council of Ambassadors at the Varsailles Peace Conference, Hence it .CSjng, about, 'фа^ General ТЦесЛЬ^сФ Seminary^ present afl' peoples and all seeds would stick to it—the Mr. D. V. Riznyk should be at reasonable ргісез at' the where the Wilsonian principle of self-determination applied every part 'of Europ•opee, every 'wrote "for' V Tamily party lands".Even the red harvest would be plentiful, if congratulated on hia tackling places of the Ukrainian аоШе- only to a very limited number of nations: that the methods culture absorbed in its own his 'Twa* the Night . before ments. * ".?u"i is * southern flower originally few seeds would stick, the the problem of the Ukrainian used by the participants in the Yalta Conference—which de­ way some of the best and most Christmas. He wrote it for his Price for a room In ~ a- co­ brought from Florida and harvest would be poor. communities' going astray in cided on the peoples' fate without prior consultation of their picturesque elements of the children and thought nothing further South but now raised the American diaspora in his operative building still amounts will, should be continued. , old paganism. Celtic Europe of it but one of the guests comrrtercially in greenhouse to The girls would come next article entitled "Ukrainian Or­ to about $20 to $25 in a co­ with "predictions." They Not only the German refugees and exiles who group knew the Druids with their secured a copy and published fill the demand. ganization Life in the '60s" in operative ..apartment building, fires a d mis U( to it. It almost overnight became would gather the unwashed if the cooperative house • is M.ini.h monthly public l)er : nr і ; iu Onten. . " \ f: 7^%.Ш The Ukrainian Weekly of De­ K u Christmas table spoons and _..,.. . , і • . manic tribes had their Christ- popular and inaugurated a • Ukrainian Influence cember 31, I960. However, built on the genuine cooperative new method of thinking and forks, and go outside the but also some Polish immigrant dreamers and anachroniste, тад ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ Mr. Riznyk did not sufficiently principles. I feel certain that dreaming, of St. Nicholas American Christmas cus­ building to rattle them at the majority of the Ukrainian fam­ hold fast to the theory of "historic rights conjured up by Г er heard £ Christmas; The explain the reasons for the (later Santa Claus) with his toms have changed in the past garden gate. They would gloomy prediction of vanishing ilies with children would re­ themselves, completely forgetting about the right of the major- і g]av}c peoples and especially eight reindeer and his bag of and they will change in the listen for the barking of dogs of the Ukrainian communities main to live close to the Ukrain­ ity of inhabitans of any given teritorry to decide for them- j tne Ukrainians who were gifts with which he came down future. It is a far cry from and believe that their future in the U.S. ian churches and schools if selves by whom and how they are to be ruled. The Germans і mong the earliest peoples of :) each chimney. It was not so the simple parties of Clement sweethearts would come from The Ukrainian newcomers they could find dwellings in the around Der Europaeische Osten are very much mistaken if j Eastern Europe to receive much English or Dutch or Moore to the present day but the direction of the sound. were forced by economic rea­ neighborhood. they think that they can satisfy the appetites of Polish ex- j Christianity had their own German but' a mixture of all despite the advertisements After this—-the while fam­ sons to settle down in the In New York City, there tremists through the compensation of Lviv for Breslau; these! special customs which were these groups and it set the .and the broadcasting, there is ily would start off caroling, be­ worst shims of the American has been in existence a Co­ Polish fanatics will never willingly surrender the recovered blended as . elsewhere with pattern for the American still far more of the individual ginning with the ancient carol territories, even if the eastern border were moved to River cities. These slums are being operative Bjiildhtg Committee those brought by the Church Christmas decorations, first in than is usually thought and "Boh Predvichny": "The age­ gradually cleared for new at the Samopomich already for Zbruch. and by the Churchmen from New York and then through­ the Ukrainians if they wish to less God is Born to Us," to apartment houses and the about a year. Why doesn't this On November 11 of last year, Warsaw radio made note that the Balkans and Byzantium out the country. maintain their own individual bring us happiness and peace." Ukrainian families arc evicted Committee finally take some the lands beyond Buh-Sian Rivers have no Polish character­ Thus during the last more and traditional traits have no The caroling went on and and are forced to move to action? In my opinion, suffi­ than a thousand years, each Hodge-Podge Christmas istics, but strictly Byelorusso-Ukrainian, which was the reason reason to be ashamed of them on until almost the Christmas suburbia because they cannot cient number of the Ukrainian people has buiit up its own Customs why Lord Curzon in 1919 recommended the so-called Curzon as alien to the American morning. On Christmas day find suitable dwellings in the families would join the build? traditional customs and yet a Line along River Sian. as the eastern border of Poland. In logical but often undesir­ spirit. Perhaps in due time every, one would go to church. original neighborhood nor can ing coo;?rative if it would be surprising number have been "Goettinger ArbeitskreLs." a group of German scholars who able ways it influenced Amer­ they will find almost without they afford to move into the headed by responsible Ukrain* modifications of the same gen­ Christmas Holidays lasted study East European politics, made note of this Warsaw- ican habits which have stead­ their knowledge that some of newly built high-rent apart­ ian cooperative and other lead­ eral forms, the singing of ily reflected the increasingly their customs and their songs three days. broadcast in its periodical Archiv, of November 23. 1960. It ment houses. ers including representatives carols. special foods and diverse character of the Amer­ have been taken up in the After Christmas, the hay In the meantime our church of the Ukrainian churches. would have been much better, however, if the German circles special decorations. The giv­ ican people and has led to the great evolving mass of Amer- and straw were carried out of authorities build new schools By building the cooperative showed more interest in the voice of those who constitute the ing of presents was connected introduction into the tradi-.ican traditions and that they the house. Some of it is bound and churches and nobody cares dwellings at least some of the most competent factor in this respect: the Ukrainian people either with Christmas, with tional pattern of elements too will make their own in to the fruit trees to make who is going to attend those Ukrainian communities could around whom the whole question revolves. New Year's, with Epiphany or from almost every people who dividual contribution to the them productive. The rest is needed institutions in another be preserved but someone had Today even the African tribes are granted independence perhaps even earlier in Decem­ have sent their representatives Christmas usages of the carried out to the front gate. 10-15 years. This gloomy sit па- better start working before it and statehood. The times demand that they stop talking about ber with St. Nicholas' Day to the United States. At the* future America and the free formed into a cross and burn- tion could still be helped by is too late. us behind our back, and find out what we have to say to all this, calendaron Decembe. r б in the Western same time the modern cur- world. cd. constructing decent dwellings Michael Spontak

existed a long time before. The Ukrain­ tnitn of Ukraine in 1704, remarked in his The same statement was made 200 the dominions of the Grand Seigneur (ec. UKRAINE IS NOT A "PART OF RUSSIA" ian Kozak military republic, better memoirs: "...from Muscovy I went to years later by the American Secretary the Crimean Khan), and Poland, It has known as the Hclman State, la to be re­ Ukraine, the country of the Kozaks. Of State. Dean Acheson. testifying be­ been obliged to seek a protector, and garded as a continuation of the Kievan where for a few days I was the guest fore the House Foreign Affairs Com­ consequently a master in one of those — A HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Kingdom (860-1385, when the Polish- of Prince Mazepa, who is the supreme mittee. He said "...it is clear that this three states. It flrst put Itself under the By TH» JIKIKI". Млі KIW Lithuanian-Ukrainian Union was signed authority in this country." is the process of encroachment and con­ protection of Poland, which lorded It тік- Soviet Premier, Nlkita S. Khwi- fnre the revolution ( 1 ї» 1T > were on Aug. 15, 1385, in Krevo. Lithuania! The English envoy-c.xtraordinarv in solidation by which Russia has grown over them with too high a hand; It then shchev in his article "On Peaceful - regarded BS Russian ethnic groups and Let it be further understood that this .Moscow (1704-1711). Lord Charles in the last 500 years from the Duchy of transferred itself to the Muscovite, who existence" in Foreign Affair*, October. their languages as mere dialeets of the Hetman State (1849-1764) was an auto­ Whitworth (1675-1725), also distin- Muscovy to a vast empire." governed them, as much as possible, aS nomous state under the protectorate Of slaves. The Ukrainians once had the 19Г.9 described the resolution of the Russian language. • guiahcd the non-Russian peoples, such Not only foreigners but even the very U.S. Senate and House of Representa­ For example, there was Baron Hein- Muscovy, a condition which at this time as the Baltic peoples, the Finns, the privilege of choosing a prioce, with the was quite eommon. even for such coun­ well known Russian writer. Alexander name of general, but they were soon tives favoring the liberation of Ukrain'-, rii h von Huyseen 'd. 1712i. who not Kalmuks, the Kazbeks. the Tartars, the Hcrzcn. 1812-1870. not only distinguish­ i>nly served well as a Russian envoy in tries as Holland under Spain (1559- Uzbeks, the Ukrainians, and others in deprived of this right: their general was Byelorussia. Lithuania. Latvia, Estonia, ed Ukraine from Russia but recommend­ subsequently nominated by the court In Armenia Azerbaijan. Georgia, Kazakh­ Germany (1705-1710), submitted favor­ 16181. Prussia under Poland (1525- his memoirs. 1660). Livonia (Latviat and Estonia ed independence for the Ukrainian peo­ Moscow." stan Turkestan, and even a certain able articles about Russia to such СОП- The German participant in Charles ple. It is worthwhile to quote his opin­ tcrtiporary German magazines as Eu- under Sweden (1648-1721). Although Ural area as "an act • of provocation Ckraine was under the Russian protec­ ХП'в campaign against Moscow, Johann ion: "...B. Khmelnytsky (Ukrainian However, neither the false writings In other words, KhruahChev has ropacitchc Fama In l^ifV.ig. HlatorfocHo Wendcl Bardlll, after his return a pro­ //rfпіки. 1648-1657), not because of love of some historians, nor the suppressions ftcntarqucn in Hamburg, and S'ru-cr- torate, nevertheless, as the German his­ publicly denied the right of the above torian flans Schumann has observed In fessor of history at a Gymnasium in for Moscow ЬіЦфесаияе he hated Poland, nor draconic laws of the Czarist Govern­ mentioned non-Russian Republics "free­ oe/in U r HMotvicbcr Bttdereoal in Nu­ ' Stuttgart, remarked in his memoirs that surrendered to the Czar. But Moscow, or ment, (the famous Ems ukase of May remberg, but also, en the order of Petor his dissertation. Ukraine had her own ly to secede from the Soviet Union as territory, her own people, her own mili­ "Ukraine or Cossaquie is a country better Petersburg, deceived Ukraine and 18, 1876, which made it a crime to pub­ is provided for in the Soviet constitution the Great wrote a Russian history previously inhabited by Scythians, and made the Ukrainians hate the Musco­ lish, write or even speak In public in based not on the official archives but tary forces (namely the Kozaksi. her Moreover, in comparing them to Ameri­ own law, her own administration, her the Kozaks are their successors... who vites. Therefore, how to settle this prob­ Ukrainian) could stop the national de­ can States of the Union, such as Texas, і;nі;.' on what too was told to say. own monetary system, her own lan­ are a free people... and they do not de­ lem ? Superannuation of possession velopment of the Ukrainian nation. Arizona and California, Khrushchev at­ A very well known German historian. sire to be under either Polish or Russian means nothing. The loss of possession guage, her own history, her own culture, The famous Russian scholar O. Shakh- tempted to convince public opinion of Gerhard Friedrich Mueller., f 1705-1789), and even her own democratic system of rule." means even less. Law of conquest? The the integrity Of Soviet Russia as a Professor "f SI Petersburg University. one who conquers will rule until some matov. recognized the Ukrainian lan­ government, so that the creator of this As a matter of fact, about 200 years guage as an independent one. Further­ homogeneous nation. admitted ІЛ the Introduction to his military republic (Hctnian State). В .ago. a Danish scholar. Peter van Haven. one else defeats him. Conquest - it is ffbtlory of Russia that a Russian officer. fact but not law. And when Ukraine more, even Lenin, realizing the dynamic Tins Idea thai the USSR is a homogc- Khmelnytsky was an independent riiler 1715-1757, a professor of the University power of the Ukrainian people, recog­ neons nation is fostered not only by the isi' Count S Mishctsky), had delivered •of Soroe. who travelled in 1737 to remains oppressed by Muscovites and on the other hand will not forget the nized the rights of Ukraine as a member Russians but also by some foreign poli­ 'ri hrii sources about the Ukrainian Ukraine has been always distinguished "Petersburg. Moscow and Azov, and who of the Soviet Union. ticians, who were cdycatcd in the old Kozaks. from Musenvy For example. Patrick was a chaplain of the Danish Embassy Polish rule, she would not be cither Pol­ concepts "f East Kuropcan and parti- Another very well known German his­ Gordon. 1635-1699, a Scotch General in in Petersburg, remarked in his book ish or Russian In my opinion the correct The Supreme Congress (Soviet) of i ularly Russian history, torian. August Llldwig Schloezer, (1735- the Russian service and a friend of Czar about contemporary' Russia that "...it is solution of this problem is: In such the USSR (1924) and the United Na­ case Ukraine is to be proclaimed a free tions (1945) recognized the Byelorus­ ThiS influence IS due to the false 1809) < alias N Johann Joseph Hal- Peter the Great, distinguished Ukraine a well known fact that Russia'conquer­ gardl, wrote his work about Russia on from Muscovy in his memoirs, and in ed Siberia, Astrakhan, Kazan. Ukraine. and independent country" sian and the Ukrainian Republics as teaching of certain German historians. national states. * who at the order of the Russian Czars :)','• order of the Russian Czarina his World Alius drew separate bound­ . "the Baltic nations, and Finland, but the The Ukrainian people always have Catherine II aries between Poland. Ukraine and real original territory of Russia consist­ loved their freedom, and Voltaire re­ Even Khrushchev cannot refute the formulated the concept of the Russian Russia. people as в homogeneous nation. As the Let it DC fully understood that ed of four departments (gubcrnin) : marked in his Huttoirc dc Charles Xll historical facts. These facts cannot be result of this concept, all the non-Rus­ Ukraine did not appear in the history' Jean dc Baluse. a French envoy*In Novgorod, Archangelek, Nizhnyi Nov­ that "...Ukraine has always aspired to be ignored. On the contrary, they are of sian nation* in the ftussion Empire be- Of today like a Daw cr maehnni, but Moscow who visited Ivan Mazepa, Ucl- gorod and Moscow." free; but being surrounded by Muscovy, the greatest significance for the future." \ Young Ukrainian Intelligentsia NEWS WITHOUT COMMENT Long-Time Resident of Lviv Arrives in New York The ; Prefer Cosmopolitanism, Americans "Admire" Khrushchev, Says Pelensky Says Alexander Korneichuk Was It an Actuality? NEW YORK. Dec 30. 19fi() lensky observed that.it seems (Staff) There is a definite that the Ukrainians are con­ Several Soviet public figures!in I'ravdu denotmcing the I'nit- move among the young in­ centrated in the American lower who recently visited the United ed State,-; as the main barrier telligentsia in the United middle class where they re­ States are telling the peoples! to the USSR's disarmament States, away from the Ukrain­ main contented, while the Ameri­ of the USSR that American' scheme. ian nationalism, and towards cans in general in this category people arc fed up with the Speaking ;>t the Pi lytechnic the Ukrainian cosmopolitan­ strive to better themselves and cold war. want disarmament, і Museum in Moscow, Kornei- ism. This is a one-sentence reach a higher rung. In recent crave friendly relations with chuk declared: summary offered by Dr. Yaro- years such symbols of culture the USSR and are filled with slav Z. Pelensky of King's Col­ as increased interest in clas­ deep "admiration" for Premier "Everybody we net de- lege. Wilkes Barre. Pa. to his sical music and writings is Nikita S. Khrushchev. nounced the Eisenhower ad- ministration for the bad talk on the problems of young prevalent, he said. Such reports were brought RCt >f the government." Ukrainian intellectuals in the Answering his rhetorical by Alexander K о r n є і c h uk, j USA. at the regular meeting question. What is to be done? prominent Ukrainian p 1 a y- This was m relation to the of the Round Table Discussion Dr. Pelensky said that he feels Wright and president of the] travel restrictions imposed Club. there will be no improvement Supreme Soviet of the Ukrain- j upon Khrushchev by the U.S. The latest gathering of this in the situation, and nothing ian SSR. who recently visited [when he came to the UN discussion group took place much may be done about it. the United States for a Ford!1:lst September. today at the Ukrainian Insti­ The young intellectuals will not Foundation - financed meeting j Mr. Korneichuk further stat- tute on East 79th Street, with take a more active part in the at Dartmouth College with an;ed that some "great American approximately fifty members Ukrainian life, because among American delegation headed by. public figures" he did not and guests in attendance. present leaders and the major­ Norman Cousins, editor of identify them said the Soviet Dr. Pelensky. who is o,ne of ity of the people there is no Th» projector in Iho Franklin Institute Planelarium. With rt О pic­ The Saturday Review. ', Premier is widely admired members of the group of ture of th* hecrveris at th» time of Christ'* birth can 4м reproduced. desire to change the status quo. While telling -about the and respected in the United people of whom he was speak­ As is usual at the Round warm feelings the Americans States for "his frank and re- ing, explained that he based Table Club meetings, discus­ had for the USSR. Korneichuk alistic approach to the problem By OROVER MINKMAN without doubt were Persian his conclusions on his own ob­ sion followed the talk. Of signed a front-page statement of peace." Written Especially Jor Central astrologers who would sec mys­ servations and on those of his ac­ Press and >Thls Newspaper those who took the floor, some XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX tical significance in such a quaintances. In the estimation WAS THE' STAR of Bethle- phenomenon. supported the Speaker's views, of this young generation histo­ fcem, Men only by the Magi at Today, however, such mysti­ while others added their own Cleveland U.N.A. Branch Votes rian, there are about 500 Uk­ the time of Jasu3' birth, an cal significance is not attrib­ observations, or criticised the Actuality or a,myth? uted to a triple conjunction, as rainians in the United States, young intelligentsia for show­ Contributions at Annual Meeting Science baa a very plausible science can explain* it thorough­ who fit into the category of ing faults, but not remedies. •newer. ly. When viewed from the the young intelligentsia. There were also those who MICHAEL MOLESKY IS PRESIDENT Reunited with her daughter* after 16 years, is Natalia I-ewy- An old euperatition persists earth, Jupiter and Saturn pass Among other things, he advocated the taking over of eka of Lviv. Stefania Siryj is standing on her mother's right, that science ahvays contradicts each other in the sky. Triple stated that there still exists a community institutions The Brotherhood of Sts. Pc- Ukrainian United Organiza- religion. But many noted the- while Jaro*lawa Kraue/uk. who sponsored the Immigration, is conjunctions of Jupiter, Saturn strong anti-Ukrainian attitude by the younger generation ter and Paul Branch 102. UNA turns of Cleveland and the corn- Clogians will tell you this is an and the earth take place every on Mrs. Lewycka's left. in the scholastic field of this through concctrated effort, and held its annual meeting on | mutce for visitors of the sick Untruth. They cite the Star of 125 years. The last one oc­ country, and it places the running these in accordance Monday. December 26. 1960 at j are Nicholas Bobeczko. Vasyl Bethlehem as an example. curred in 1941. NEW YORK. This city'i that Jaroslnwa Krawczuk Ukrainian humanists at least, with the new and better ideas. the Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrain-1 Zuk. Steven Kosyk and Ana- Philadelphia's Franklin Insti­ a • • sponsored her mother's im­ tute Planetarium, in its annual in an awkward position. In ian Catholic Church Hall on toly Kokodyniak International Airport was the THE NEXT QUESTION that In his concluding statement, migration to the United States. Christmas show' correlates the W. Tth Street. The members of Branch 102 scene of a family reunion after comes to mind is: why are there • their respective fields as un­ Dr. Yaroslav Pelensky emphat­ religious account of the star Wasyl Kuchta and Mykola have always taken active part Mrs. Lewycka's other two no written astronomical records iversity and college professors, ically dissociated himself from sixteen years of separation. with a scientific. explanation Kawka served as chairman in Ukrainian affairs and as is daughters are Stefania siryj about such a rare celestial or as researches, they arc this idea of breaking down and Eighty-one year old Natalia Which takes much of the mys­ ami secretary, respectively, at customary it was voted upon to and Maria Kywemk. All are event occurring in 1 A. D.? labelled as Ukrainian national­ taking over. He called it a Lcwycka arrived here from tery out of this, strange glow­ this annual meeting. The pro­ give donations to Sts. Peter residents pf Philadelphia. Because, according to some ists by their American col­ nationalist mentality and a Lviv. Ukraine, on December 1 ing light that led the wise men ceedings included the annua! and Paul Ukrainian Church, ОЇ interest to Some leaders to Jesus' manager at Bethle- scholars, this conjunction ap­ leagues. On the other hand. historical tragedy of our na­ 1900 by KLM. Royal Dutch may be the fact that the new­ peared in the year 7 В. C. And reports of outgoing officers, the Ukrainian Congress Com­ Jjem. Ukrainian community looks at tion. Airlines, to Join her three ly-arrived Immigrant's three it seems possible that Jesus election of a new Executive mittee, the Ukrainian Relief Was It actually a star? them as too liberal-minded, or daughters who now reside in daughters are all former Dis- was born in the spring of the Unlike at other meetings of Board for 1961 and the dis­ Committee,, Ridna Shkola ' Scientists today believe it as passive participants in the Philadelphia. Pa. Mrs. Lcwy­ placed Persona who themselves was not a star in the scientific year 7 or 6 В. C. Scholars sub­ the Club, the majority of those cussions of new and old busi­ (Ukrainian School) and the stantiate these findings by re­ Ukrainian cause. cka was born in Kulykiv. West­ і to the United States tradition, but a rare conjunc­ present at this one were of the ness The ' newly elected of­ Shevchenko Memorial Commit­ eini; ferring to the major tax col­ Turning to the Ukrainian ern Ukraine, but for mam bui;; ago Their late tion or close passing of the ficers for 1961 arc Michael Mo- tee. lections of the period. community in general. Dr. Pe­ younger generation. years and right up to her im­ father j ml Mrs Lewycka's planets, Jupiter and Saturn. jesky, president; John Klyp- Dues will be paid to the KKXX'ZXXXXXXXXXXXX migration, she lived in Lviv. husband was a priest Rev. • • * The Gospel of Saint Luke re­ chak, vice-president; Nicholas Ukrainian United Organiza­ ' THIS CONCLUSION was fers to this time, but the exact according to Vera K. Shumey- Ilia Lewycky. BOOK REVIEWS Bobeczko, financial secretary; tions of Cleveland and to the Teached after a careful study year was unknown until 1923, ko of the Kowbasniuk Agency Mrs. Shumcyko did riot state Wini Selunski, ed. Antologiada Ilalyc'ko \olyns'ka dcrzava. Wasyl Kaminsky, recording Ukrainian Youth League of of all written records, ecclesias- when, near Ankara, Turkey, a in New York, who handled the how long it took her agency to Literatura Ueraniana. Rio deals with the Duchy of Ha^ secretary; Steven Kosyk. North America. I tical, scientific historic and tablet was found in a Roman necessary arrangements for complete the immigration pro- ruin that contained an inscrip­ de Janeiro. Companhia Bra- lych-Volhynia, a Ukrainian treasurer; Gregory Holubec,as­ Discussions were held on philosophical.(£уеп the .Scrip­ Mrs. Lewycka's arrival. lather and Mrs. Lewycka's ture authenticatesl theft?" ЬеііеГ. tion which, when' deciphered, sileira dc Artes Uraficas. state which existed from the sistant treasurer; Wasyl Kuch­ ways and means of increasing Mrs. Shumcyko explained case. The Bible reads: "Now when relates that in the reign of 1959. 171 pages. end of the twelfth to the mid­ ta Walter Pankiw, and Vasyl our memberships and on ac­ Caesar Augustus there were Jtesus.- was born in Bethlehem In spite of fragmentary dle of the fourteenth сеп^цгу, Zuk. auditors; Michael Moles- tions to be taken to activate three great tax collections, the of Judea in the days of Herod presentation. Dr. Wira Sclan- P. Hrycak (1925-1858) ky. Gregory Holubec, and Wa­ the Branch. COME AND JOIN US! „tea. Jftngi .bohoty there came first in 28. B. C, the second in ski succeeded in filling a long studied in detail some seventy syl Kaminsky delegates to the Nicholas Bobeczko wise' men ifom the'easx to Jeru­ '8 В. СІ. ahd tfre third frf 14 A. D. various sources, many of them salem, Saying, Where is he that • • • void - - an anthology of ЧХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ? is born King of the Jews? for THE TAXATION in 28 B. C. Ukrainian literature translated never before: or rarely UttCd ^We have seen.his jrtar in the was much too early to have into Portuguese. by researches in the subject. Publications Received **Шй{ few'are come to worship been the one mentioned in the The selection begins with a His conclusions, as might b< blm." Scriptures. The one in 14 A.D. fragment of Nestor's chron­ drawn from the monograph fHfc'REVIEW. Vol. 1. No. 6.'mimeographed fulj-scap sized .... Scripture further tells us was much too late as it followed icle. Then examples of folk ^ГС u th°r J^L&L (:1)thoі Toronto: Free World Socie- Publication arc unnumbered. ,thatjthe star, went before the ; too long after the death of songs, epics, and writings of Duchy of Halych-Volhvnm was і • , . •_. — , until Vjwy reached the Herod. The only tax that fita 1 of lhc some fifty poets and writers not a provincial state of the! У University of To-( ВШХЕТШ Vo, IV No 1ш of Jesus', birih. This is the description is that of 8 B. C. ! western Ukrainians, but a ronto. December, 1960. Montreal: Ukrainian Cana­ the wise men found the It is then conceivable that follow. Taras Shevchenko is dian University Students': infant King/ « Jesus was born a year later, represented with seven poems, kind of all-Ukrainian kindom) The editorial in this number Union. Fall I960. ' 'Fc* 2.ЧЮ0'' years, tnen have about 7 В. C. as it probably and Lesya Ukrainka with five. which took over the inherit іі of The Review commemorates {Sizzled ovcr^'the Christmas would have taken a year for Most of the other authors are ance of the hievan State ruin-1 Utv,a.s IndcPcndence Diiv. After some time, when no •tar. Astronomers never re­ the taxation decree to have represented with only one ed by the Mongolians ami and it also has a feature art-! issues of this publication ap- corded a strange light in the reached Galillce. And this date piece, either poem or fragment (2) the Duchy of Halve h- icle on Soviet imperialism byUx-arcd. the new one is under] sky at the time year 1 В. C. would coincide with the date of of prose. The translations are Volhynia entered as a com­ Oleh Pidhaini. The other con-! the editorship of Andrew dissolved into year 1 A. D. Few- the planets' conjunction, form­ ponent part into the Lithuan­ people realize that there is no ing the bright "star." done by Helena Kolody (poet­ tributions deal with the Unit-; Gregorovich. It is printed by ian kingdom after 1319 and evidence that anyone but the However, the calendar date ry) and Anna Maria Muricy ed Nations, Formosa. Soviet' offset and has a new cover, Magi ever saw the star. King of Christ's birth is far less im­ (prose). influenced its development in colonialism, and there are Roth Ukrainian and English Herod didn't, Ьіз high priests portant than the fact that He The book has a brief survey many ways for a long time notes ОП the Society's business. J languages arc used in the Winter Wonderland is SOYUZ1VKA—Open all year 'round, the didn't; the shepherds out on The author makes use of was born. And while it is fas­ by the editor of Ukrainian The twelve pages of this articles. Ukrainian National Association Estate in the Catskiils is just the desert faued to sec it. Only cinating to probe the past and. literature from the eleventh various documentary proofs the wise men. rjld. Why ? the thing for a weekend of fun: sU lifts, toboggan slopes, ask who the WiscJ'tcn were, century until today. Several to support his quite convincing and what was -the star they SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7th, 1961 cheerful atmosphere in the heated premises. The roads are Ш * reproductions of Ukrainian conclusions. followed, it is not the star, but The Shevchenko Scientific at 8:30 P. M. good, and the snow is crisp. SOME SCHOLARS believe the scene it illuminated that art pieces and views of Society should be commended І > > , Г that this was so because the has captured men's hearts down Ukraine add effectiveness to ІПС)К<(1С«ІС*(«ІС С>С«ІСІС«<С>СІ(<С«СЧ«ІС!С<Ч>СІС«!С<С'С С>Є С СІС)С«ІС<СЧ І star was not a true star at all, through the centuries. this very timely and worthy for publishing this work of a MALVINA LESHOCK, Pianist but a rare triple' conjunction of publication. very promising historian who That is the true Christmas UKRAINIAN COMPOSERS Holiday Season Starts passing of the bright planets. story. unexpectedly died in his prime Jupiter and Saturn. The Magi Pavlo Hrycak. Halyc'ko-volyn- of life. ON THE PROGRAM. I960 s'ka derrava. New York. • Among the special radio Shevchenko Scientific Socie­ Yar Slavutych Carnegie Recital Hall at SOYUZIVKA tMdy 4$* Quote and television programs during ty. 1958. 176 pages. $3.00. University of Alberta (Books 154 VV. 57th Street — New York the Ukrainian Christmas will Pavlo Hrycak's monograph Abroad. 1960, Autumn issue) TICKETS: S'i»<> at Carncg Recital On FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1960 be one hosted by Eugene Bar- Hall the Jay of performance. na. Secretary of Branch 504, U.N.A. It will be heard on The Muse in Prison Holy Supper СНгШіпия rttrd.i ittfll.fC Sat., Jan. 7 at 5 PM over Eleven sketches of Ukrainian Poets killed by Communists : Including Hie TRADITIONAL 12 COURSES mc tt6^ - Station CJSP —710 on the In translation of the UKRAINIAN CHRISTMAS MEAL. Why the kittens, why S Ukrainian New Year's Dance the rU>ct- dial, located in Leamington, by Sponsored by YAR SLA VUTYOH Why the Utile coaUblack Ontario — the heart of Cana­ UKRAINIAN NATIONAL HOME, Inc. ' ScotttibT.- da's onion-growing marshland. Price $1.00 Something simple now Elizabeth, N. J. Mr. Barna will also play Order from SVOBODA BOOKSTORE and thru; Saturday Evening Music by Зпуіпц ftVtbt"Good irill Ukrainian carols on his re­ 83 Grand Street Jersey City 3, N. J. : JANUARY 14, 1961 J. WANAT For the CI III DREN anil (lie vomit; p to mon.4 gular program, on Sunday at - J TOBOGGANING — SKATING 10:30 AM. 8:00 P.M. - —— ORCHESTRA MARGABKT FIBHBACK. at the UKRAINIAN NATIONAL HOME For Hie ADULTS: 214-216 Fulton Street Elizabeth, N. BOOKS MAKE'IDEAL GIFTS. LOOK OVER THE SELEC­ HUNTING — BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Hetman ot Ukraine Admission: SI 25, incl Tax For EVERYONE: TION IN THE. "SVOBODA" BOOK STORE. INQUIRIES REFRESHMENTS N01SEMAKERS BY MAIL ARE WELCOMED. 1 Committee reserves all rights. white, crisp SNOW, pleasant COMPANY, family NEW MUSIC FOR SOLOISTS! I ATMOSPHERE at the friendly SOYUZIVKA in the Catskill Hills. Ivan iViazeppa Please make the reservation in advance, by filling out 'lie form below and mailing it to the SOYUZIVKA. "LOVE UKRAINE" by Claience A. Manning Composition of Mykola Fomenko, Bookman Associates Publishers. Translated words by Wolodymyr Sosyura Price — $3.50 By M. 0. from Ukrainian Publication of the Ukrainian translated into English by Yar Slawutych American Youth Association, Inc. Now on the basis of new materials recently made available Introduction Published by the author has traced the almost fantastic events of Mazcppa's life and has drawn a rounded pictur* of his personality and By John F. Stewart Ukrainian National Association on its 60th Anniversary \ career. Order your copy of this book from: Chairman of the Scottish League for European Freedom $1.00 per copy ;! Price 75 cents. Order now! Svoboda Bookstore Order from SVOBODA, 83 Grand Stteet, Jersey City 3, N. J. 83 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. "SVOBODA", P. O. Box 346, Jersey City 3, N. J.


Секретар армії — за приспішення Західні держави узгіднили свою політику ЗДА мають 1,000 водневих бомб і мають продукції ракет „Ніке-Зевес" супроти Ляосу матеріял на дальших 50,000 Фсрбснк'с, Аляска, Ge-i спішити продукцію цих ракет і ІНҐКОН. — ЗДА, Англія І що нема цілком певних до- ! інція .які с членами ГПв-1 казів на прнявність по сто Ию Порк. — Піонер в про- дві великі водневі "бомби, які кретар армії Вілбер М. Брокер, ще перед їх кінцевим випро­ . . східнього азійського J роні комуністичних партиза-1 Дукції атомових бомб фізик разом мають силу 50 мільйо­ промовляючи н' відкритті бовуванням. Форт Вейнрайт нного пакту (СЕАТО)ІНІВ військ з Північного В'ст- Д-Р Ралф Лепп. промовляючи нів тонн вибухового матерія- Форту Джонетен М. Вейнрай- давніше був під зарядом ле- н тунства, на тепер він перей­ ашін свою політику су[наму, але що ситуація надалі а зборах Американського!лу ТНТ. Таким.^чином один т.і недалеко ФербенНу, заявив, ги теперішнього заколоту дуже грізна. Названий вгорі Наукового Товариства, зал-1 бомбовнк може везти бомби, що-копче треба прнспішптні шов під команду армії, і йо« B u го названо іменем генерала досі Вони різнились були лаоський прем'єр заявив ,що « - шо ЗДА мають коло од-'які мають 1.250 разів більше продукцію протиракетних ра> н <: вибухового матеріялу, як та Вепнрайта. який був комен­ [О то:ч>. чи треба буде ак-|він звернеться до Обсднаннх » ' тисячки великих водне- кет „НІКЄТЗЄВЄС", Щоб ті ра­ іі підтримати прозахідній Націй і „інших організацій", вих бомб, з яких кожна мо атомова бомба, що її скинули дантом Філіппін аж до япон­ m кети могли успішно якнапй- ської агресії проти цих остро­ \ Бука Ума. чи радше за допомогою, якщо уряд ма-1 ™ б знищитц велике місто, на Гірошіму в 1945 році, і шаидчс обороняти проти? мож­ вів. Брокер казав, що ракети ІІЯТИ невтралізації Ляосу тиме докази, що Північній Він додав, що ця країна мас яка мала силу вибухового ма­ ливого норо.кок. нападу. Бро­ ..Ніке-Зевес" з успіхом мо­ ІІСНО невтральннм урядом, В'єтнам переводить дійсну во­ матеріял, з якого можна б теріялу 20.000 тонн. Науков­ кер, ЯКИЙ 20-го січня залишає.! жуть нищити ворожі керова­ іму були б репрезентова- єнну агресію . випродукувати ще 50,000 вод­ ці підкреслювали, що СССР свос становище, внмагас прн-1 ні ракети. гкож комунісгн з руху т. невих бомб. Він твердив, що ніколи не погодиться на та­ :!..'. іст Ляо. що ведуть там # В ІлраілІ продовжуються ці дані походять із джерел, ку контролю атомової зброї, криза в уряді: прем'єр Давід • ну партизанку з допо- які не належать до оборон­ якої вимагають ЗДА І їхні со­ І.) від комуністичного Вен Гуріон і міністер хлібороб­ них таємниць, і що говорить ства, колишній шеф штабу Мо­ юзники, і тому світ стоїть пе­ 1-і і Північного В'єтнаму. тільки про великі бомби, не ше Даян не погоджуються з ре- ред загрозою нищівної ато­ івя вияснилася тепер ос- габілітацісю колишнього війсь­ згадуючи малих водневих і мової війни. Атомова зброя II. що -їжмгькиі! пярля- кового міністра й лідера' про­ атомових бомб, якими можна фесійних спілок Пінгаса Ляво- для держав стала тим, чим с II голосами проти 0 за- послуговуватися на фронті на. а міністер закордонних ;И1! В МИНу.'ІИЙ ВІВТОРОК справ Гольда Маг.р і інші міні­ для тактичних цілей. Кожний Д-™ налогових п'яниць алько- І Іл'на Ума. В столиці стри тримають сторону Лявона. бомбовик Б-52 може везти голь іу Бангкоку нараджува- , рада 8-членного СЕАТО ючно ! вінськовими пред* іннками тих держав. Ге- ільннГі секретар СЕАТО • Сарасін заявив згодом. ХРИСТОС MERRY CHRISTMAS Гаммершилд прибув and BEST WISHESI for до Нонґа HAPPY NEW YEAR Леопольдвіль Генераль­ нії.: секретар Обсднанях На­ ці.: Лаг Гаммершнлд приле- тії: до столиці Конга в мину­ ADMINISTRATION OF SOYUZIVKA лі середу 4-го січня, його привітала на летовищі юрба прихильників в'язненого пре­ мії і Люмумби окликами: „Звільни Лю.мумбу". Наспі- ЛП КОІІҐОЛІЙСЬКа Поліція ро­ зі: ні in демонстрантів. Гам­ мершнлд прилетів тільки на 36 і-одиіі до Конґа, ВІДКІЛЬ по­ летить до Південної Африки. Не > виключене, ЩО ВІН По­ ліції і. .: Африки ДО Ляосу, Віз заповів, що конферувати- мс з президентом Касавубу. вараз після свого приїзду він КОнферував з своїм репрезен­ тантом п Конго Расшваром Лазим та 11-ма членами т. сів. кояциліяторської делега- цп африканських держав. членів ОН, які хочуть замн- іріпи іюзсвареннх конголій" ких ватажнів. 6 Совєтах населення перемінює старі рублі ' на „цращі^ НОРІ Москва. — Від понеділка 2 січня цр. підсоастл;ькі грома? дяин-'почали стояти в довгих чергах перед всіма банками н окремими, для цієї цілі від­ критими банковими контора­ ми, щоб виміняти старі рублі на нові в реляції 10:1. Тому, що цей процес виміни грошей .може тривати всі три перші ^місяці року, дехто не дуже поспішає, але' багато людей, зокрема жінок, намагаються мерщій перейти через цю опе­ рацію, цікаві, як воно внііде в практиці. Західні обсерва­ тори в Совєтах стверджують, що загал не виявляє особли­ вого зацікавлення цією новою совстською реформою і сприй­ має її, як ще один експери­ мент, з резнґнаційннм споко- См, згори передбачаючи, що той експеримент може й вий­ де у користь совстській дер­ жаві та упрнвілейованій ко­ муністичній багатій верхівці, але пошкодить бідним масам. Практично, комірне іі інші ви­ датки життьової потреби зро­ сли на 10 відсотків. В Совєтах відразу викувався сатиричний дотеп, що за новою вал юто­ вою реформою і твердженням властей, що нова совстська аалюта ..твердіша за амери­ канську" - совстське авто ..Волга" через ніч стало вар- тісніше й краще за американ­ ського „Каділляка".

«'е<ех*с,с<с*е|с*ечч<*с>с*с <<•€«<«« Рідним, Приятелям і .Чнайомнм няйщиріші побажання з нагоди РІЗДВА ХРИСТОВОГО і НОВОГО РОКУ - • складають — Іван І Прісл ШІТВИЦЬКІ