The Ukrainian Weekly 1961, No.1
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb ЗДгрййй Eojfjtrapetgm — Cfjrigt їй porn! I§0 I KHRYSTOS ROZHDAYETSIA! — j^ing ijhesr Carols anb Jtfep ®nr CHRISTMAS IN UKRAINE CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS MERRY CHRISTMAS! Christmas ФгаЬШглю J5*fc IN UKRAINE Christmas in Ukraine, ever since the introduction of Chris БОГ ПРЕДВІЧНИЙ У ВИФЛЕСМІ ННШ By TED LUCIW tianity there in the year of 988, was always observed according НАРОДИВСЯ НОВИНА I am dreaming of a white.. health to celebrate the Easter to the Julian calendar on January 7-9. It was also the prac Бог Предвічний народився, У Вифлесмі вині вовява, free Christmas just like the Holidays, the Day of the As tice of the Ukrainians, be they Orthodox or Catholics, to cele Прийшов днесь із небес, Пречиста Діва зродила Снна, от I used to know in the far cension and live as many years brate the Nativity of Christ on that date, in their homelund. Щоб спасти люд свій ввесь, В яслах споввтвй, distant Ukraine where I lived as God has granted unto you whenever that was possible -and feasible. Тай утішився. Поміж бидлятв, as a child at my grandparents' Christ is Born!" For the last two decades when the overwhelming majority В Вифлесмі народився Спочив на сіні Бог веобвятяй. home many years ago. Al "Glory unto Him." Grandma Вже херувима славу співають, of the Ukrainian people found themselves under the domina Месія, Хрнстос наш, though we did not have as would answer and reward him Ангельські хори Бога ввтають, tion of Communist Russia, there has been no true celebration Господь наш, для всіх нас, many pretty gifts as the with a dignified kiss. The head Пастир убогий of Christmas. The Ukrainian- Orthodox Autocephalous Church Нам народився. American children have today, of the family carried the bund Несе, що може, — we enjoyed our Christmas im le into the house to the dining was annihilated in the middle 30's, while the traditional ob „Слава Богу" — заспіваймо, Щоб обдарити Дитятко Боже. mensely. The Ukrainian room and placed it in the right servance of Christmas was derided and mocked by the com Честь Сину Божому, Глянь оком світлим, о, Божий Christmas is interwoven with corner, behind the table. This munist oppressors of Eastern Ukraine. Since 1939, with the Господу нашому » Сяну, Christian and some pagan bundle of wheat was called Поклін віддаймо! exception of the war years, Ukrainian Catholics, too, were На вашу землю, рідву країну, customs, with religious and dldukh (old man) and rep subjected to the godless rule of Moscow. In 1946 the Ukrain Зішли вам з неба. other ideas, but it is nice, resented the ancient God of ian Catholic Church was brutally destroyed on orders of the Дар превеликий, really nice. Plenty who has always fed Kremlin, while some six million Ukrainian Catholics were ar НА НЕБІ ЗІРКА ЯСНА Вудь Тобі слава на вічні віка! Unfortunately, such Christ and protected the family. The bitrarily subordinated to the spurious, communist-controlled ЗАСЯЛА!- * mas Holidays as I describe girls would spread hay on the Russian Orthodox Church. НОВА РАДІСТЬ СТАЛА! are not as free today as they table; on this hay Grandma На небі зірка ясна засяла Today, when Ukrainians in the free world are preparing used to be. would put a head of garlic І ясним' світлом сіяс. Нова радість стала. The actual Christmas fest in each corner ("to keep the to observe their traditional Rizdvo, our thoughts must be di Хвиля спалення к нам завитала Яка не бувала. ivities start with the Christ bad spirits away," as she used rected toward the enslaved homeland_ of so many of us, and Там Діва Бога раждас, — Над вертепом зірка ясна mas Eve and the Holy Night to explain). A beautiful em of our forefathers, who came from Ukraine. Although more Щоб землю з небом в одно світу засіяла. supper. This takes place on broidered Ukrainian table cloth contacts have recently been made by free Ukrainians with their злучити, Де Хрнстос родився, January 6th according to the was spread over the hay. enslaved brothers and sisters in Ukraine, very little has been Хрнстос родився: Славіте! З Діва воплотився, old, Julian calendar, inherited signifying the manger in which attained unfortunately to alleviate substantially the plight and Благослови вас, Дятяко Боже. Як чоловік, пеленами — from Roman times when the the Holy Savior was born. A misery of the oppressed Ukrainian i>eople. Inasmuch as the Скріпи свосю ласкою, . Убого вповився. Christian church began. The big apecial holiday candle in communist masters prevent any major assistance projects to То і пекельна сила не зможе Просим Тебе, Князю, Ukrainian Church believes and a candle-stick was placed in with it many other churches the center of the table. As be carried out in Ukraine by Ukrainians from the free world. Нас розділити з ТобоЮг Небесний Владарю, in Europe, the Near East, and the twelve special, fatless and But, even though our enslaved brethren cannot openly Благослови нас, ми ж Твої діти, Даруй літа щасливії, Africa that the calendar meatless meals were slowly enjoy or celebrate the Feast of Nativity, they certainly axe Хрнстос родився: Славіте! Тому господарю! during which Christ was born brought to the table, the other not devoid of the Christmas spirit and everything which it has Благослови нас і збав вас, is the correct calendar. By the members of the "procession" brought them, as' part of the great Christian family. Хрвсте, ВОЗВЕСЕЛІМСЯ ВСІ РАЗОМ way. the present day calendar brought in the fresh, clean Christmas — Symbol of Hope Визволь вас, Боже, з недолі, НИЩ! used by the Western Church!straw and placed it on the Засій в серцях нам бажаніш ' came into being aa a result of floor. This straw was to rep- No matter to what degree religious freedom has been sup Возаеселімся всі разом нині, чисте, the changes made by the Pope I reeent the manger of Beth- pressed in Ukraine, we know that the vast majority of Ukrain Хрвстос родився в бідній яскнні Дай всім діждати двя волі! UKRAINIAN PROFESSIONALS Gregory ХЩ in 15fl2 when lehem where Baby Christ was ians believe in the true meaning of ChriBtmas. For them, aa Послідннм віком став Щоб Україна могла щадіти: чоловіком. MET WITH UCCA the days of the calendar were born. for many other peoples who live in misery and enslavement Хрисгос родився: Славіте! Всі утішаймось ва землі! moved ahead. We, chjldren loved to spread behind the Iron Curtain, Christmas symbolizes, something that On January 6, before my Всі утішаймось ва землі гойно, NEW YORK. December 30. for a more steady and systema the Btraw, as Grandma was they have cherished and firmly believed in. As Jesus Christ І честь віддаймо Йому достойно. — Representatives of the tic support on the part of the grandparents, began their throwing candy, nuts, chocol Christmas Eve Supper, they came to redeem mankind from its sins and to prepare it for a НЕБО І ЗЕМЛЯ Пожаданому, з веба даному. American Ukrainian Medical professional organizations. ate, and other small gifts into better life—in fact, an eternal salvation - so does the Feast Котрий увесь світ відкупна. Society and the Ukrainian En Representatives of the Amer would first send suppers to it. We picked up what we could Небо і земля (2) of Nativity give them renewed hope in the existence of justice Пісні співаймо согласяо, мали, gineers' Society of America ican Ukrainian Medical Society the needy folks, widowe, and running on our hands and вині торжествують, І торжествуймо всі разом щиро, met with eleven members of and Ukrainian Engineers' So orphans. Often they would knees imitating chickens ("so and freedom. Ангели й люди (2) Слава во вишніх, а мир для the Executive Board of the ciety of America expressed even be invited to eat with ua. that the chicks and crops Therefore, when we sit down to the Holy Supper, or sviata Весело празнують: важних!" Ukrainian Congress Commit their full understanding of When the first star showed be plentiful next year," as vechera, let us think of our unfortunate brethren m Ukraine Хрнстос родився, Весело світу голосім! tee of America for the pur the purposes and objectives up in the skies, we children hol Grandma used to tell). and those in Kazakhstan, Siberia and elsewhere. But let us Бог воплотився, • pose of exchanging views and Of the UCCA. They stated lered "The star, the star, let's After all this, the candle was not despair beeanse the entire Ukrainian ftation is in. the Ангели співи) »ть, БОГ СЯ РАЖДАС... ideas on the present situation that such a joint meeting was start the celebration." lighted; and the food, twelve І князі витають, thralldom of atheistic communism. What we should do. when Бог ся раждас, хто ж Го може of the Ukrainian community long overdue, inasmuch as the Grandpa, dressed in hie best kinds to honor the twelve observing our Christmas, is to redidicate our efforts and sacri Поклін віддають, знати, — in the United States. professional Ukrainian Ameri suit, with all his inborn dignity Apostles, was brought to the fices toward bringing the fruit of freedom to our kin in Ukraine. А пастирі грають, Ісус Му ім'я, Марія Му Мати! The initiative for the meet can organizations in the United would leave the house, follow table. Grandpa then asked his True, such a resolution will not be easy to realize, but it is Чую, чудо! повідають. Тут ангеля вудяться, ing came from the UCCA States feel they could contrib ed by other members of the eon. "George, did you deliver not impossible. We have witnessed that even the greatest Во Вифлесмі (2) Рожденного бояться, whose officials felt that both ute more substantially morally family, to the nearby shed and the Holy Supper to poorer Весела новина: in a few moments a special folks?" empires of the world cannot overcome the empire of Jesus А віл стоїть, трясеться, the Medical Society as well as and financially to the UCCA Чистая Діва (2) the Ukrainian Engineers' So and its multi-sided operations.