The weekly report from Kurdistan region of for the last week of July 205


U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter visited Kurdistan on Friday

(24th of July, 2015)

Slemani: U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter visited Kurdistan region on Friday. According to different media sources Carter met Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani and other Kurdish officials. During the meeting Carter discussed with Barzani the war against (IS) and the liberation of Mosul. Barzani asked Carter for more support for forces, from his side Carter praised Peshmerga forces and stated that US will continue his support to the Kurdish region and Iraq in the war against terror.

KRP Issued a Statement on Turkey's Military Actions against the PKK



(25th of July, 2015)

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Kurdistan Region Presidency issued a statement on Turkey's shelling of several Kurdistan Workers' Party, PKK bases in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The statement made reference to a phone call between President Barzani and Turkey's Prime Minister, Mr. Ahmet Davutoglu after the shelling where President Barzani expressed his distress that the situation had reached that level, a nd Prime Minister Davutoglu had provided an in depth set of reasons for the attacks. Furthermore the statement also stated that all efforts should be dedicated in pursuit of the success of the peace process in Turkey.

PUK party condemns Turkey’s attack on PKK


(25th of July, 2015)

Slemani: A member of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Party politburo condemned Turkish fighter jets attack on Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Iraqi Kurdistan adding the violation of peace process will not serve Turkey and Kurdish issue in Turkey. Sadi Ahmad Pira, told Roj news “we condemn the attack and international investigation must start to assess the attack and breaching the peace process” Pira added “Turkey must hold talks with PKK to end the disputes and do not use military to flare the situation.” According to Pira, Islamic State group (IS) is the major threat for Turkey and the region and every one must work on defeating (IS)”.

PKK to KDP: ‘We are going to stay’

Rudaw media network

1 (25th of July, 2015)

Duhok: The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has vowed not to retreat from the Shingal Mountains in the Kurdish region of Iraq. “We are not a visiting force, we are here and we are going to stay,” said Raparin Angizak, commander of the Protection Units of Shingal (YPS), which is an affiliate of the PKK. The PKK recently completed a military training course in the Military Academy that they established on the Shingal Mountains. The academy teaches military skills and ideological values to the Yazidi Kurds and prepares them to be recruited by the YPS. YPS is under PKK command and was formed in 2014 after the fall of Shingal to the Islamic State. “Our people will protect themselves with the YBS and the YPG of Shingal,” said Angizak during the graduation ceremony of 21 Yazidi Kurds from the PKK military academy “. The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) is opposed to the presence of PKK forces on the Shingal Mountains and considers them an illegal force in the Kurdistan Region. In response to the KDP’s opposition, Angizak said, “We are not guests here, we will stay here and we will be victorious.”

Kurdistan Parliament condemns Turkish airstrikes on PKK bases


(26th of July, 2015)

Erbil: Kurdistan Parliament has condemned the Turkish air campaign that began targeting the bases of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) inside Iraqi Kurdish territory late Friday. Parliament issued a statement Saturday, saying none of Turkey’s previous governments had successfully solved their issues with the Kurdish fighters through war. The statement mentioned that “The previous governments of Turkey tried to solve the issues with Kurds by war, but this way will not produce anything except blood-shedding, poverty and destruction,” the statement called for a quick end of the airstrikes on PKK bases and headquarters and a return to the 2013 ceasefire, but it also called on the PKK to hold back.

Gorran calls on Turkey to stop airstrikes on PKK

Levin press

(26th of July, 2015)

Erbil: Kurdish MPs from Change (Gorran) Movement in Iraqi Kurdistan parliament condemned the recent Turkish airstrikes on Kurdistan Workers’ Party PKK in Iraqi Kurdistan and called on Turkey to stop airstrikes against the Kurds.

Protesters in Slemani and Erbil denounce Turkey’s strikes against PKK

Hawler news paper

(26th of July, 2015)

Erbil - Slemani: Dozens of people gathered in Slemani and Erbil in Iraq’s Kurdistan region to protest against the recent Turkish airstrikes on Kurdistan Workers’ Party PKK targets in Iraqi Kurdistan. The protesters said “We condemned the attack and asked the Turkish government to stop it” in Erbil the security force took extra measures to protect the surroundings of Turkish general consulate general in Erbil.

2 Iraqi oil minister met Kurdistan President to discuss Erbil-Baghdad disputes

Xebat news paper

(27th of July, 2015)

Erbil: Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani welcomed Iraqi Oil Minister Adil Abdul al-Mehdi in Erbil, where the pair restarted talks aimed at solving the oil and budget issues between Erbil and Baghdad. President Barzani and al-Mehdi focused on the December 2014 agreement between Erbil-Baghdad and talked about the obstacles, which have so far led the accord to fall. Erbil and Baghdad regularly accuse each other of violating the terms of the agreement. Barzani and al-Mehdi stressed that cooperation and negotiation must continue until the issues are resolved.

Massoud Barzani met with European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid

(28th of July, 2015)

KDP info Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, President Massoud Barzani received a European delegation headed by Mr. Christos Stylianides, the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management. During the meeting President Barzani and Mr. Stylianides spoke of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Kurdistan Region as a result of the influx of hundreds of thousands of IDPs following the attacks of the terrorists of the Islamic State in June 2014. The two sides reviewed the current state of the Kurdistan Region.

Massoud Barzani received a military and diplomatic delegation from the United States headed by General Lloyd Austin


(29th of July, 2015)

Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, President Massoud Barzani received a military and diplomatic delegation from the United States headed by General Lloyd Austin, the commander of the U.S. Central Command. The meeting was also attended by the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Stuart Jones. President Barzani and General Austin reviewed the latest military operations against the terrorists of the Islamic State in the areas bordering the Kurdistan Region and also spoke of the latest combat operations in al-Anbar and Salahaddin provinces in central Iraq. The two sides also spoke of Turkey's latest efforts against the Islamic State and stated that they are pleased with such move. President Barzani did state that the latest operation against the Kurdistan's Workers' Party creates obstacles for the peace process between the Kurds and Turkey, a process which had given hope to millions of Kurds and Turks alike. He added that the Kurdistan Region of Iraq will continue to support the peace process there and urged both sides to remain committed to the peace process. General Austin stated that the United States will continue to support the Kurdistan Region and that this war must be ended with the utter defeat of the terrorists.

Massoud Barzani Met in Erbil with the assistant secretary general of the Iranian National Security Council

Kurd news

3 (30th of July, 2015) Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, President Massoud Barzani met with Mr. Ahemd Amiri, the assistant secretary general of the Iranian National Security Council. The both sides emphasized the importance of cooperation in fighting (IS). Mr. Amiri stressed that the stability and the security of the region is very important for Iran and that Iran will support Iraq and the region in the fight against (IS). From his side Barzani stated that Kurdistan Region is appreciating the support of Iran.

Peshmerga issues a general amnesty for Islamic State members on a condition

The Kurdish version of VOA

(30th of July, 2015)

Erbil: Peshmerga forces announced on Thursday a general amnesty for members of Islamic State group (IS) who want to leave (IS) and return to their families without, legal prosecution with a condition of not being involved in murder and slaughter crimes. The commander of Kirkuk in Peshmerga forces, Wasta Rasoul told the Kurdish version of VOA that any (IS) militants willing to lay down their arms, can return to their family without any legal prosecution. From his side a member of Kurdistan Parliament for Change Movement, Beston Faeyq said that the amnesty includes the militants who are not convicted and have no claims or legal complaints registered in courts. Many young Kurdish militants have joined IS group ranks, it is not known that this amnesty of Peshmerga forces will contribute in turning themselves in or not.

Turkish envoy briefs Barzani about raids, anti-terrorism campaign

Kurdistan TV

(30th of July, 2015)

Erbil: Feridun Sinirlioglu, Turkey’s Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary, met with Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani on Wednesday, briefing him on Turkey’s agreement with the United States to step up its war against the Islamic State group (IS). Sinirlioglu told Barzani that “Turkey’s goal is to defeat IS, the return of Syrian refugees to their homes, and delivering humanitarian assistance,” he also said that “Turkey values the Kurdistan region and considers it a factor for the stability and development of the region”. And he added” We will continue developing our relations with Kurdistan region. From his side Barzani asked the both sides to return back to peace process and talks.

Turkish envoy met PUK top leaders and Jalal Talabani PUK Secretary General and former Iraqi President in Sulemaina

Kurdsat news

(30th of July, 2015)

4 Slemani: Feridun Sinirlioglu, Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary, met with members of politburo of PUK and the Secretary General and former Iraqi President Jalal Talabani the delegation explained the reasons beyond Turkish airstrikes against (PKK) in Kurdistan region. Talabani stressed that both sides must return to dialogue and to the principles of the peace process.

Protesters in Slemani went anger at visiting Turkish delegation

Lvin press

(31st of July, 2015)

Slemani: During their visit to Goran party’s headquarter in Sulemaina a Turkish delegation that they have been in a visit to Iraq’s Kurdistan Region cites were forced to cut their meeting and return back to Turkey after a gather of angry protesters outside of venue where the meeting was held. The protesters vented their anger against Ankara for attacks on the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). They were mainly Kurds from Turkey and pro-PKK people showed their anger by raising anti-Turkish slogans”


Bas news

Turkish warplanes and artillery attacks Kurdistan workers party (PKK) bases in Iraqi Kurdistan region

Duhok: Iraq’s Kurdistan Region health officials revealed that two citizens were injured as a result of Friday night’s Turkish airstrikes and artillery bombardment of Al Amadia (Amediye in Kurdish) region in Duhok province. On Friday night and Saturday morning Turkish jets targeted PKK bases in the Qandil Mountains in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region as well as the villages in the area including; Bloka, Kielie, Marzie, Eik Mali, Kaneya, Salanie, Hoglie, Chamie Shart, Wiershki, Warakhal and Biezaleyan. Theses villages are all located in Dohuk Province. According Najib Saied, the head of Amedi hospital in Duhok Province, two civilians have been injured in the attacks, one of them is a 13- year-old boy who has lost a leg and the other is a 45-year-old man.

Turkish air raids destroyed a health clinic in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region

Rega TV

(30th of July, 2015)

Duhok: Turkish airstrikes on Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) targets in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region destroyed a health clinic in Duhok province Thursday, but there were no immediate reports of casualties.

An Attack shuts down Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline carrying Kurdish oil


(30th and 31st of July, 2015)

Erbil: The Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline which transports crude oil from the Kurdistan Region to Turkey, has been shut down due to sabotage, Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said on Wednesday. The pipeline was bombed in Turkey’s province of Sirnak in the southeast, according to information by the Turkish Energy Ministry. “We have shut down the pipeline after an explosion to stop the oil flow. We have taken the necessary steps and the attack will not impact supply and demand,” said Yildiz. On Wednesday, the official website of the armed wing of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey, the People’s Protection Forces (HPG), claimed its forces had carried out a sabotage operation in the area between Silopi and the Cizre district, both in Sirnak, where the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline passes. From his side KRG in an official statement condemned this act and described as unacceptable.


“Goran” deputy: Kurdistan oil policy is failed


(23rd of July, 2015)

Erbil: A deputy from Change Movement (Gorran) blamed Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) oil policy and said an 18-billion-dollar debt has made the policy a failure. Ali Muhammad Salih told the media that Kurdistan regional government’s ministry of natural resources owes 4 billion dollars to foreign oil companies drilling in the region and 3 billion dollars to internal oil firms. He stated that the debts of the ministry are over 18 billion dollars in total and the reality proves that the oil policy of the region is defeated and the ministry should accept the responsibility of this failure.

(29th of July, 2015)


Nechirvan Barzani calls on UN to supervise oil exports

Erbil: Iraq’s Kurdistan Region PM has called on the United Nations to monitor the region’s oil exports to Turkey, saying that he’s ready to visit Baghdad for further talks with the Iraqi central government. This statement was given by PM Barzani while he received on Wednesday July 29th the German ambassador to Ira q Ekkehard Brose and a German governmental delegation in Erbil. During the meeting, the German envoy expressed a desire to see recent issues between Erbil and Baghdad resolved and said the federal system is the best system for Iraq. Barzani agreed that the Kurdistan wishes to solve its issues with Baghdad through dialogue and for that he’s ready to visit Baghdad and meet with Iraqi leaders. He also invited the UN to monitor the Kurdistan Region’s oil exports to Turkey.


6 UK provides £1 million for Iraqi Federal and Kurdistan Region’s humanitarian crisis coordination center

Nawaxo radio

(27th of July, 2015)

Erbil: The Federal Government of Iraq’s Joint Coordination and Monitoring Centre (JCMC) and Kurdistan Regional Government KRG’s Joint Crisis Coordination Centre (JCC) on Sunday met in Erbil to discuss how to effectively reach out to more than 3 million displaced Iraqis in the country, as funding is drying up. The United Kingdom and UN Development Program (UNDP) also signed a new partnership of £1 million (US$ 1.5 million) to build the capacity of these two key institutions. Responsible for coordinating one of the region’s largest and most complex humanitarian operations, the two crises centers will cooperate to reach out to millions of displaced people through prioritization, planning and targeting, as well as resource mobilization. Karim Sinjari, Minister of Interior of the KRG, spoke to the media and stressed the importance of stronger coordination. “Today we are facing the worst humanitarian crisis ever. Cooperation between the JCC and JCMC is crucial as it is important to overcome coordination barriers across the country to jointly confront the current crisis”.

EU announces €25 million in humanitarian funding for Iraq

Kirkuk now

(28th of July, 2015)

Kirkuk: An EU official said that European Union is providing €25 million (over $27.6 million) to Iraq for humanitarian projects in water and sanitation, including a €5 million fund for Kirkuk. Kirkuk Governor Dr. Najmaldin Karim met with the EU’s Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides and EU ambassador in Iraq Jana Hybaskova in Kirkuk to discuss the crises of the large number of displaced people in the province. It is further to mention that Kirkuk is receiving currently hundreds of thousands of Iraqi IDPS from different Iraqi cities which created a big pressure on the city.