9847 Hon. Robert W. Edgar

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9847 Hon. Robert W. Edgar May 3, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9847 RECESS UNTIL MONDAY, MAY 7, 1979 THE JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Amalya L. Kearse, of New York, to the U.S. Peter J. Wilkes, of Illinois, to be U.S. mar- Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, if there be for the second circuit, vice a to be transacted, I circuit judge shal for the northern district of Illinois for no further business new position created by Public Law 95-486, the term of 4 years, vice Harvey N. Johnson, move that the Senate stand in recess un- approved October 20, 1978. Jr., deceased. y, May 7, 1979, at 12 noon. IN THE ARMY til Monda Henry A. Politz, of Louisiana, to be U.S. The motion was agreed to; and at 7: 09 circuit judge for the ñfth circuit, vice a Lt. Gen. Edward Charles Meyer, xxx-xx-... the Senate recessed until Monday, p.m., new position created by Public Law 95-486, , Army of the United States (brlgadier noon. May 7, 1979, at 12 o'clock approved October 20, 1978. general, U.S. Army), for appointment as Mary M. Schroeder, of Arizona, to be U.S. Chief of Staff, United States Army, in the NOMINATIONS circuit judge for the ninth circuit, vìce a grade of general, under the provisions of nominations received by the new position created by Publlc Law 95-486, title 10. United States Code, sections 3034 and Executive 3066. Senate May 3, 1979: approved October 20, 1978. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ve that the federal As you know, Carpooling and Vanpoollng VANPOOLING eral years of effort, I belie laws we needed to promote vanpooling essen- programs are self-sustaining. Participation zation, tially are in place. I am proud of the role I fees for Vanpools cover vehicle amorti HON. ROBERT W. EDGAR played last year in developing and introduc- operating, and maintenance expenses. The ing Section 126 of the Surface Transportation federal role is limited to promotion of the OF PENNSYLVANIA Assistance Act of 1978. mode by dissemination of informatlon and avail- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This section did the following: technical assistance. Grants-in-aid are to States under the able to M.P.0.'s and other public bodies to day, Mav 3,1979 First, funds allocated Thurs federal-aid primary, secondary, and urban assist in the promotional effort. I expect EDGAR. Mr. Speaker, in his recent system highway programs now may be used that many M.P.0.'s and many States will be 0 Mr. as a result of the the President called on for carpool and vanpool projects if the States interested in Vanpooling energy message nts, which require line by com- so choose. We have eliminated the con- Clean Air Act amendme Americans to conserve gaso ools are consideration of various shared-ride and by public transportation notation that carpools and vanp muting to work "demonstration projects." Carpool and van- transportation control strategies to reduce or by forming carpools and vanpools. pool promotion now can be an ongoing com- pollution. The Environmental Protection The Congress has been ahead of the ponent of State transportation programs. Agency estimates that each Vanpool reduces administration on both of these issues. Second, Section 126 exempted interstate atmospheric pollutants by 1.8 tons annually. cities The Surface Transportation Assistance Vanpools from regulation by the Interstate Vanpooling must be looked upon by Act of 1978 authorizes significant Commerce Commission. Some public trans- as an essential component of any program amounts of new funding for public trans- portation unions argue against the granting with a goal of reducing vehicle miles exemption, but-wisely I think- travelled. portation, and a Federal carpool and of this the advice and recognized .Section 126 is now law, but some of the was enunciated for the Congress ignored vanpooI policy the inappropriateness of such regulation. financial aid provisions have, unfortunately, ñrst time. Third, Section 126 declared to be Na- not been implemented. The $1 million au- van- This evening I will be discussing tional Policy that special efforts should be thorized for the internal use of DOT in deal- pooling with the National Center for Ad- made to promote commuter modes of trans- ing with regulatory issues, (...) and the ministrative Justice, which is interested portation which conserve energy, reduce $9 million authorized for grants-in-aid, have in reform of the legal and regulatory en- pollution, and reduce traffic congestion. To not been appropriated. This funding will vironment in which vanpools must oper- my knowledge, this ìs the ñrst time that draw-down the highway trust fund, but first policy has been enunciated an action of the Appropriations Committee is ate. I submit for the RECORD here these this sensible within the highway statutes. Section 126 required. The Carter Administration dld not remarks on vanpooling for those who request these funds in its FY 1980 budget. learn more about this inno- further directs that the Secretary of Trans- would like to portation assist public and private employ- Last month I testified before the Transporta- vative and promising technique to save ers and employees who wish to establish tion Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations to urge that they appro- energy and to improve the utilization of carpooling and vanpooling programs. The priate these funds, and I believe that the our transportation system: Secretary also is instructed to assist State Committee will act favorably on this request. FOR ADMINISTRATIVE Jus- and local government in removing legal and NATIONAL CENTER On the one hand, the President has exhorted VANPOOLING-AN EMERGING COM- regulatory barriers to carpooling and van- TICE' the public to form Vanpools and Carpools, MUTE-TO-WORK OPTION pooling. and on the other hand his budget planners (Remarks of Representative ROBERT W Fourth, Section 126 authorizes $1 million have refused to ask for the extremely modest EDGAR) in FY 1979 and $1 million in FY 1980 for amounts of money authorized to promote use by the Secretary of Transportation in I am pleased to be here and I would like to such efforts. This hypocrisy must end. deferring the Department of Transporta- thank the National Center for Administrative vanpool- Jf we get an appropriation, and if DOT convening this conference to dis- tion's internal costs in promoting follows through with the clear Intent oí Justice for technical assistance on cuss the regulatory and operational problems ing and in providing Congress in passing Section 126, I beìleve that impede expansion of vanpooltng. Most conferences in Washing- regulatory problems that the Congres.lonal role in the effort to . ton seem to be focussed on the Congress; on Vanpooling promote Vanpooling will be over. Attention often, the intention is to whip up sentiment In addition, $3 million in FY 1979 and $9 now must turn to the State and local level for some new spending program. By contrast. million in FY 1980 is made available to the and to regulatory questions. I hope this Con- this conference deals with a topic-the topic Secretary for grants-in-aid to States, local ference can be helpful to the DOT and to of Vanpooling-where federal spending pro- public bodies, and metropolitan planning others in assessing the regulatory problems grams aren't all that important. While fed- organizations for the purpose of establish- we face.* eral technical assistance could be very help- ing and promoting Carpool and Vanpool ful in promoting the start-up of new vanpool programs. These funds are not intended to programs around the country, once organized, defer the cost of vehicle acquisition or to MAcARTHUR MEMORIAL WEEK Vanpools are self-sufñcient. The key to pro- cover the normal operating expenses of Van- moting the use of Vanpooling probably rests pools. This is purely technical assistance with reforming the regulatory and legal en money, to be used for such activities as HON. CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI vironments in which they must operate. This, matching riders with other riders, evaluat- OF WISCONSIN I understand. is the focus of this confer- ing the viability of specific vanpool pro- ence-and I think it is a very appropriate posals, and so forth. For further guldance on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES one. the intent of this program, I draw your Wednesdav, May 2, 1979 As background, let me examine with you attention to remarks I inserted into the some of the things the federal government CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on September 27, • Mr. ZABLOCKI. Mr. Speaker, on June has done to promote Vanpooling. After sev- 1978. 8, 1979, a commemorative statue of Gen- 0 This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or inserti ons which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 9848 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 3, 1979 eral of the Army Douglas MacArthur the approval of the legislative commit­ coveries to proceed to development and sub­ will be unveiled in Milwaukee, Wis., tees concerned with this issue. jects the finest onshore oil and gas area in highlighting a week of celebrations to The text of the Policy Committee Alaska to thorough study and analysis. It commemorate the distinguished General statement is as follows: maintains the present level of productivity for the timber industry, thereby preserving MacArthur and his forebears. I am H.R. 39-ALASKA NATIONAL INTEREST LANDS introducing today a joint resolution jobs. CONSERVATION ACT H.R. 39 also deals equitably with other authorizing and requesting President The Alaska National Interest Lands Con­ important interests by facilitating com­ Carter to proclaim that same week, ~ervation Act is one of the most sweeping pletion of the Statehood land grants and rec­ June 8, 1979 through June 14, 1979 as environmental measures to be considered by ognizing the rights of other users of the "MacArthur Memorial Week." the Congress of the United States.
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