Geological Map Lausitz-Jizera-Karkonosze And

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Geological Map Lausitz-Jizera-Karkonosze And Przegl¹d Geologiczny, vol. 52, no. 8/2, 2004 Geological Map Lausitz-Jizera-Karkonosze and Muskau Arch Geopark as examples of cross-border cooperation of the national geological surveys of Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany Jacek Robert Kasiñski1, Wies³aw Kozdrój2, Jacek KoŸma2, Ottomar Krentz3, Mojmir Opletal4, Andrzej Stachowiak2 A b s t r a c t . The article presents the cross-border cooperation of geologists from the Lower Silesian Branch of Polish Geological Institute and the national geological surveys of the Czech Republic and Germany. The current cooperation is discussed on the basis of Geological Map Lausitz–Jizera–Karkonosze as well as on geological research of the Muskau Arch. The Geological Map Lausitz–Jizera–Karkonosze, in 1 : 100,000 scale, with Comments, presents the geology of the north-western part of the Bohemian Massif. A short geotectonic evolution of the area from Neoproterozoic to Cenozoic is presented. The results of Polish-German geo- logical research and inventory of so-called “geotopes” are the basis to establish a cross-border Muskau Arch Geopark. Key words: geological map, Bohemian Massif, Cadomian and Variscan orogenesis, epi-Variscan cover, geotectonic evolution, geotope, geopark, geodiversity conservation, goetourism, Muskau Arch, glaciotectonics The Lower Silesian Branch of the Polish Geological 1997), Geological Map for Tourists, Góry Sto³owe Mts.,in Institute operates in southwestern Poland. A cross-border 1 : 50,000 scale (Èech & Gawlikowska, 1999), and Geolo- cooperation with geological surveys of the neighbouring gical Map for Tourists Góry Bystrzyckie and Orlickie Mts., countries, the Czech Republic and Germany, has been in 1 : 50,000 scale (to be published). They include crucial developing for many years and it has a really great tradi- information about the local geology, as well as some interes- tion. Until 1990, it was implemented on the basis of agree- ting data for tourists (characteristic of geological sites, ments of the Regular Geological Cooperation Committee, environmental protection, inanimate nature). Future coope- the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, and bilateral ration with the Czech and Saxonian geological surveys is agreements. At the very beginning there were consulta- planned to expand the projects. tions, conferences and exchange of professional experien- The next two topics describe the exemp latest echieve- ce between specialists in geological cartography and in ments of the cross-border cooperation. The first one, Geo- geology of mineral deposits. One of the first projects of the logical Map Lausitz–Jizera–Karkonosze, is related to a Polish, Czech and German geological services (in which traditional field of joint research. The second one discusses the Lower Silesian geologists took part), was the Metallo- the actions taken in Muskau Arch and presents new possi- genetic Map — Bohemians Massif and Northern Adjacent bilities of future cooperation. Regions (Lächelt et al., 1973), prepared in 1 : 500,000 sca- le. Also worth mentioning are projects about stratigraphic Geological Map Lausitz–Jizera–Karkonosze correlation of Pre-Cambrian and Palaeozoic rocks in the (without Cainozoic sediments) in 1 : 100,000 scale border areas as well as the projects concerning perspectives with Comments: An example of cooperation in investi- of mineral deposits in the Intrasudetic Basin (all of them gation of the geotectonic history of the Central Euro- were carried out in the 1980s, in cooperation between pean Variscides and the epi-Variscan cover Poland and the former Czechoslovakia) and Geological Maps in 1 : 200,000 scale, sheets Cottbus (Lippstreu et al., The Geological Map Lausitz–Jizera–Karkonosze (GM 2003) and Frankfurt (Oder) (Hermsdorf et al., 2003), as LJK; Krentz et al., 2000), supplemented with Comments well as Geological Map in 1 : 50,000 scale, sheet Frank- furt (Oder)/S³ubice (Schulz et al., 2000) — in cooperation volume (Kozdrój et al., 2001), resulted from the first joint between German and Polish geological surveys. project of geological surveys from Poland (Polish Geolo- The new era began in the 1990s and was accompanied gical Institute, PGI), Czech Republic (Èeská geologicka by intensified environmental geological research. Since sluba, CGS) and Germany (Sächsisches Landesamt für then, new projects such as: preparation of geotouristic Umwelt und Geologie, SLUG, Freiberg). They were elabo- maps and geodiversity conservation maps have been star- rated in years 1997–2001 by the core working group of ted. For territories which are situated closest to the national geologists from the SLUG: O. Krentz, H. Walter, K. Hoth, borders of Poland and the Czech Republic, a number of H. Brause, from the CGS: Mojmír Opletal, Stepanka Mra- maps has been prepared: Œnie¿nik Area Geological Map zova, and from the Lower Silesian Branch of the PGI: for Tourists, in 1 : 50,000 scale (Gawlikowska & Opletal, W. Kozdrój, Z. Cymerman, in cooperation and consultancy with H. Kemnitz (Potsdam), F. Schust (Berlin), R. Lobst (Bautzen), H.-J. Berger (Freiberg); V. Prouza, V. Valeèka, V. Kachlík and J. Cajz (Praha). Several other geologists 1Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, and computer specialists were involved in preparing the Poland; topographic background for the map (R. Tomas, M. 2 Polish Geological Institute, Lower Silesian Branch, Jaworowa 19, Zemková and J. Levý — CGS), technical editing and digi- 53-122 Wroc³aw, Poland; talisation of geological layers in the Arc-Info programme 3Saxony State Office for Environment and Geology, Hals- brücker Str. 31 a, D-09599 Freiberg, Germany; (A. Engelhardt-Sobe, H. Eilers, T. Reimann — SLUG; B. 4Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3/131, 11821 Praha 1, Jaranowska, G. BrzeŸkiewicz, C. Paderewska and E. Czerska Czech Republic — PGI) and editing of Comments (J. Ma³ecka — PGI). A 724 Przegl¹d Geologiczny, vol. 52, no. 8/2, 2004 digital version of the GM LJK and Comments BALTIC SEA recorded on CD is under preparation (K. Marti- CALEDONIDES nek, R. Tomas — ÈGS) and will be distributed EAST EUROPEAN PLATFORM in 2004. The GM LJK consists of three A0 format map 2 Be rlin sheets which cover an area of ca. 24,000 km . Harz Mts. A legend for the map was published in 3 bilingu- al versions: Polish, Czech and German, each RHENO-HERCYNIAN ZONE Wroc³aw associated with English translations. The Com- Mid-German Crystalline High LUGICUM ments volume accompanying the map, printed Northern Phyllite Zone exclusively in English, comprises the following Praha SAXOTHURINGIANZONE TEPLA- chapters: 1. Introduction, 2. Basic data, 3. Geo- sSM logical structure, 4. Stratigraphy; 5. Geotectonic BARRANDIENUNIT evolution. The largest part the GM LJK territory is MORAVIAN - ALPIDES composed of pre-Upper Carboniferous rocks MOLDANUBIAN ZONE SILESIAN ZONE affected by Cadomian and Variscan orogenies which are presently outcropping in geographical regions of Lusatia and Sudety Mts located in the Fig. 1. Position of the area of the Geological Map Lausitz-Jizera-Karkonosze north-western part of the Bohemian Massif. within the structure of the Bohemian Massif From a geotectonic point of view, they essential- ly constitute one unit, so called Lugicum being a northeastern prolongation of the Saxo-Thurin- gian Zone of the Central European Variscides GERMANY Zielona Góra (Fig. 1). As both in the field and in the majority of standard geological maps these old rock com- Cottbus POLAND plexes are covered by Cenozoic deposits, one of the most important goals of the GM LJK prepa- ration was to present them ”uncovered”. After long Leipzig Lus atia Region discussions about the ages and possible corre- Wroc³aw lations of numerous geological subunits named Elbe Görlitz / Zgorzelec Kaczawa Region as ”series”, ”complexes”, ”groups”, ”forma- Dresden Erzgebirge tions” or ”massifs”, often transecting national Jizera - Karkonosze borders, a unified legend for GM LJK was set Freiberg Zone Wa³brzych Ješted Wa³brzych up. Due to diversification in a chronology and Region Region - degree of tectonic and metamorphic transforma- Ústí nad Vrchlabi Region tions, seven geological regions (Fig. 2) were Labem distinguished within these old complexes and for each region a separate lithostratigraphical CZECH REPUBLIC Hradec Králowé division was done. These are: Lusatia, Elbe Zone, Erzgebirge (only a small, NE fragment of Praha the main massif), Kaczawa Region, Karkono- sze-Jizera Region, Ješted Region and Fig. 2. Division of the Geological Map Lausitz-Jizera-Karkonosze into three Wa³brzych-Vrchlabí Region. All regions are map sheets and seven geological regions parts of Variscan accretionary wedge, composed generally of fragments of Cadomian, Proterozoic (up to edge of the Rheno-Hercynian Zone (Avalonia Terrane) Cambrian?) basement (remnants of peri-Gondwanan Neo- (Franke, 2000). proterozoic magmatic arc, Murphy et al., 2002) and overly- The Variscan orogeny, inferring from data recorded by ing Cambrian–Lower Carboniferous sequence (Fig. 3). rocks of the GM LJK area, took place between the end of Lower Devonian and Visean/Namurian. Nevertheless, This sequence actually comprises two parts: Cm1-2 and O –C whose continuity was interrupted by thermal uplift compressional processes were diachronous and intensity of 1 1 deformations and metamorphic conditions were changing caused at the Cambrian/Ordovician transition by numerous in time and space. Comparing these factors in the above intrusions of Lower Palaeozoic granitoids. Geotectonic listed regions one may decipher the following, brief geo-
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    1. INFORMATION ABOUT THE REGION The province of Lower Silesia is a melting pot of cities with district rights and 169 communities were various cultures, traditions, and customs, the region established within its area. with thousand years of history. At the map of Poland The province is inhabited by 2.879 million people the location of the province of Lower Silesia is with the density of 145 people per 1 square kilometre exceptional – at the intersection of three borders: which constitutes 8.2% of the Polish population in Poland, Czech Republic and Germany. The advantages total. 70.9% of the population live in towns and cities. of such location are numerous, among others, fair The province of Lower Silesia is recognisable with chances for direct access to the market – nationwide its diverse landscape and varied physical composition and abroad or relatively large concentration of foreign of the terrain. It results from the fact that several investments. Additionally, by establishment of euro geographical regions – varying one from another – are regions numerous cross-border operations are located at its area: Œl¹sko-£u¿ycka Lowlands (in the stimulated. Consequently, the province of Lower Silesia northern west), Œrodkowopolska Lowlands (in the is one of the most dynamically developing regions in northern east), West Sudety Foothills, Sudety Poland. Highlands and Sudety in the south. INFORMATION ABOUT THE REGION The province of Lower Silesia covering 19 848 km2 Location of the province in the geologically old range is the 7th province in Poland in terms of the area (it of mountains causes that various rocks and natural covers 6.4% of the Polish territory).
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