Soil & Water Res., 2, 2007 (2): 35–44

Altitude and Forest Type Effects on Soils in the Mountains Region


Department of Soil Science and Geology, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences in , Prague,

Abstract: This paper is focused on the as a region strongly influenced by man in the past. The structure of the natural forest was changed. Species monocultures with similar tree ages were planted. High acidificants concentrations in atmosphere led to the decline of these monoculture forests in the top parts of the mountains and the high acidificants deposition damaged the soils in the whole region. The goals of this study are to describe the distribution of the soil properties in altitude transects, where temperature, precipitation, and vegetation gradients are recorded, and to compare the soil properties in spruce and beech forests. The soil samples were collected from soil pits in a surviving nature-close beech forest, in a production spruce forest, and also in the top dead forest area with a grass cover. Soil samples from sufficiently deep diagnostic horizons were taken for the study of chemical properties. The basic soil characteristics were determined by the commonly used methods (pH, effective cation exchange capacity – eCEC, and the contents of cations in the sorption complex,

A400/A600 as humus quality parameter, the contents of available Ca, Mg, K and P, pseudototal content of Ca and Mg, and two differently extracted Fe and Al forms contents). The soils of the Jizera Mts. are strongly acid with a low eCEC which is the result of the natural and anthropogenic acidification processes. Soil chemical properties of the most affected top mountainous parts are in some aspects more favourable than lower parts (binding of potentially toxic Al in organic matter, slightly higher pH), but in other aspects they are still endangered by the acidification symptoms (higher leaching of base cations, especially Mg). The soils of nature-close beech forests represent more favourable soil properties than those of planted spruce forests. Generally, it can be concluded that the natural systems have higher resilience, and that natural mechanisms are able to mitigate slightly the soil degradation.

Keywords: forest soils; altitude; forest type; beech; spruce; elevation transects

Soil acidification in the Czech Republic presents system has been disturbed by human activities. a serious problem in forest soils of mountain- Natural stable forest ecosystems were changed to ous areas. Soil acidification is a natural process spruce monoculture production forests with acid, conditioned by naturally acid parent rocks, high hardly decomposed litter. This step led to natural precipitations and slow organic matter decomposi- acidification processes acceleration; soil pH de- tion producing various organic acids. This natural crease and base cation loss increase. A number

Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, Project No. 1G57073, and by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Project No. MSM 6046070901.

35 Soil & Water Res., 2, 2007 (2): 35–44 of studies showed the differences in the soil char- At present, the concentrations of acidificants in acteristics between broadleaved and coniferous atmosphere are decreased. However, the forests trees, especially between beech (Fagus sylvatica) still stay threatened by long-term changes of the and Norway spruce (Picea abies) (for example: soil conditions (lower base saturation, lower pH, CRONAN & GRIGAL 1995; ZIMKA & STACHURSKI and high contents of potentially toxic Al forms). 1996; MISSON et al. 2001; OULEHLE & HRUŠKA In the Jizera Mountains, the damage of soil and 2005). In 1970’s and 1980’s, a period of enormous forests led to the forest decline in the top parts of coal mining, thermal power stations and heavy in- the mountains. This area was fast invaded by grass dustry development, huge amounts of acidificants as a natural mechanism of ecosystem restoration.

(SO2, NOX, etc.) were emitted to the atmosphere. The soils under this grass cover have often better High levels of acidificants deposition increase the chemical properties than soils covered by forests intensity of soil acidification and change some due to the grass litter quality, its influence on N mechanisms of this process. The presence of cycling, organic matter turnover and base cations mineral non-complexing acids (H2SO4, HNO3) leaching (ADAMS & EVANS 1989; KOOIJMAN et al. in soils leads to mobilisation of potentially toxic 2000; FIALA et al. 2001). elements like Al or heavy metals (RICHTER 1986; This study is a continuation of the project dealing HOVMAND & BILLE-HANSEN 1999; PIERZYNSKI with the whole region of the Jizera Mts. Some results et al. 2000; HRUŠKA & CIENCIALA 2003). Though of the complex project showed effects of altitude sulphur emissions decreased dramatically in the and forest type on the soil properties distribution last decades, the effect of S accumulation is long- (BORŮVKA et al. 2005; MLÁDKOVÁ et al. 2005, 2006). termed; moreover, the nitrogen deposition is still The goals of this study are to focus on this relation- fairly high (HRUŠKA et al. 2001; HRUŠKA & KRÁM ship in greater detail, to describe the distribution of 2003; UHLÍŘOVÁ et al. 2002). soil properties in altitude transect, and to compare This paper deals with the Jizera Mountains region the soil properties in spruce and beech forests. located in the North of . The region is one of the areas most affected by human activities MATERIAL AND METHODS in the Czech Republic (SUCHARA & SUCHAROVÁ 2002). High concentrations of acidificants in at- Area of interest and sampling mosphere, originating mainly from thermal power The Jizera Mountains region is plutonic area stations in the Czech Republic and in , with uniform granite bedrock. Complex soil stud- also called “”, occurred in the past. ies of this region are presented e.g. in MLÁDKOVÁ

Table 1. Description of sampling sites on Paličník and Smědava transects

Paličník Smědava Pit soil type forest age soil type forest age 1 Haplic Podzol spruce 40–50 Haplic Podzol spruce (+ pine) 10 2 Haplic Podzol beech 80–120 Haplic Podzol spruce 10 3 Haplic Podzol spruce 10 Haplic Podzol spruce 10 4 Haplic Podzol beech 80 Colluvic Regosol spruce 10 5 Haplic Podzol spruce 30–40 Colluvic Regosol spruce/beech 10/110 6 Haplic Podzol beech 170 Colluvic Regosol beech 110 7 Haplic Podzol spruce 60 Haplic Podzol beech 150 8 Entic Podzol beech 80–120 Haplic Podzol beech (+ birch) 150 9 Entic Podzol spruce 90 Entic Podzol beech 140 10 Cambisol beech 120 Entic Podzol beech 150

36 Soil & Water Res., 2, 2007 (2): 35–44

Figure 1. Map of sampling sites with colour emphasise of stee- pness (degree); scale change with distance, equidistance is 25 m (Paličník – 972 m, Smě- davská hora – 1084 m)

et al. (2004, 2005, 2006), BORŮVKA et al. (2005). were collected. The samples were air dried in room This paper deals with two elevation transects in temperature and sieved through 2 mm mesh. the north part of this region (Figure 1, Table 1). Basic soil characteristics were determined. The The first transect, Paličník, represents the altitude values of pH , pH , and pH were measured H2O CaCl2 KCl range from 600 m to 950 m with western orien- potentiometrically. Humus quality was assessed tation. The soil samples were collected from ten by the ratio of absorbances of pyrophosphate soil soil pits. Five soil pits are placed in a different age extract at the wavelengths of 400 nm and 600 nm spruce forest (Picea abies) and five in a more than (A400/A600 – POSPÍŠIL 1981). Organic carbon con- 100 years old nature-close beech forest (Fagus tent (Corg) was determined oxidimetrically by a sylvatica). The soil type changes with decreasing modified Tjurin method (POSPÍŠIL 1964); this altitude from Haplic Podzols over Entic Podzols analysis was done only on samples from the mineral to Cambisols. The second transect, Smědava, rep- horizons. Available nutrient contents were deter- resents the altitude range from 600 m to 1050 m mined in Mehlich III extract (PMIII, KMIII, CaMIII, with northern orientation. The soil samples were MgMIII) (ZBÍRAL 2002). Pseudo-total contents of collected also from ten soil pits. The forest cover Ca and Mg were measured after soil digestion with differs with decreasing altitude from the dead forest aqua regia (CaAR, MgAR) (ZBÍRAL 2002). Effective with young free-growing spruce and a high grass cation exchange capacity (eCEC) was determined abundance to old beech forest. Haplic Podzols are by the Mehlich method with unbuffered 0.1M the prevailing soil types. The middle steepest part BaCl2 extraction solution (PODLEŠÁKOVÁ et al. of the slope contained Colluvic Regosols while that 1992). The contents of exchangeable elements of the altitude of around 600 m Entic Podzols. were measured together with eCEC (Caexc, Mgexc, Kexc, Naexc, Mnexc, Alexc). The contents of two dif- Basic soil characteristics ferent Al forms were determined according to The soil samples were collected from sufficiently DRÁBEK et al. (2003): potentially toxic Al forms deep soil horizons: organic fermented (F), organic were extracted with 0.5M KCl solution (AlKCl), humified (H), mineral humic (A), mineral albic and organically bound Al forms were extracted (eluvial) (E), mineral spodic humic-sesquioxidic, with 0.05M Na P O solution (Al ). The 4 2 7 Na4P2O7 spodic sesquioxidic, spodic red, and cambic (B) soil contents of iron forms were measured in the same horizons, and the substrate (C). In total, 104 samples extracts as Al (Fe , Fe ). Aluminium and KCl Na4P2O7

37 Soil & Water Res., 2, 2007 (2): 35–44 iron concentrations in both extracts were deter- Al ions in the soil sorption complex is less than 1. mined by means of ICP-OES (inductively coupled However, the criteria of this ratio evaluation (where plasma – optical emission spectrometry, VARIAN commonly used critical value is 1) exist only for Vista Pro, VARIAN, Australia). Statgraphics Plus the soil solution (CRONAN & GRIGAL 1995). The for Windows 4.0 (Manugistics 1997) was used to contents of the available elements decrease with perform correlation analysis and t-tests. depth (Table 4). While the pool of these elements is almost sufficient in the surface organic horizon, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION it is very low in the mineral horizons. The con- tents of PMIII are often below the detection limit, Maximum and minimum values of the studied soil and also MgMIII contents in the deepest mineral properties are shown separately for each transect horizons are below this limit. The distribution of in Tables 2–5. For a better illustration, Figures 2 MgAR in the soil profile does not correspond to and 3 show the distribution of the selected soil MgMIII distribution mentioned above. Pseudototal characteristics on both transects in the H hori- Mg content increases with depth and this distri- zon. This horizon was picked out because of its bution corresponds more to the high leaching in similarity in all soil pits from the pedogenesis acid conditions. The distribution of CaAR corre- point of view. sponds probably to the distribution principles of Acidity of the surface soil horizons ranges from the podzolization process. The lowest contents strong to very strong (Table 2 ). Deeper horizons are found in eluvial E horizon. Al and Fe forms are less acid. Humus quality is rather low as it is distribution in the soil profile is controlled by typical for forest soils (Table 2 ). Table 3 shows the podzolization process (Table 5). Their release the characteristics of the soil sorption complex. from the E horizon and transport to the B horizon Soil sorption capacity decreases with the depth of is the principal mechanism of this process. The the soil horizon, probably due to the decreasing relative assessment of this process intensity and of organic matter content. It is evident that the the contents of the released potentially toxic Al main part of the sorbed cations is composed of forms could be a good indicator of the acidifica- aluminium ions. The ratio of the base cations to tion level.

Table 2. Maximum and minimum values of studied basic soil characteristics on the Paličník and Smědava transects separately for soil horizons

pH pH pH C (%) A /A Horizon H2O KCl CaCl2 org 400 600 (samples) min max min max min max min max min max Paličník transect F (10) 3.57 4.49 2.66 3.28 2.80 3.40 7.22 25.65 H (10) 3.09 4.02 2.83 3.42 2.90 3.50 7.71 17.00 A (5) 3.51 4.06 2.87 3.43 3.10 3.70 5.73 10.52 3.70 7.86 E (4) 3.69 3.87 3.04 3.25 3.25 3.45 4.01 7.86 4.88 6.04 B (19) 3.64 4.54 2.99 4.19 3.25 4.30 3.01 9.55 5.79 11.82 C (7) 4.45 4.63 4.05 4.25 4.10 4.45 0.98 4.48 3.57 12.19 Smědava transect F (8) 3.85 4.38 2.89 3.51 3.05 3.65 7.19 19.67 H (10) 3.85 4.15 3.02 3.64 3.15 3.80 6.20 10.50 A (5) 3.76 4.17 3.13 3.57 3.30 3.75 6.73 10.27 4.12 11.32 E (4) 3.95 4.33 3.33 3.61 3.55 3.85 1.67 7.54 4.68 8.42 B (8) 3.96 4.56 3.37 4.27 3.60 4.55 1.15 9.60 4.38 10.47 C (6) 4.44 4.59 3.89 4.35 4.15 4.55 1.10 5.14 3.73 10.53

38 Soil & Water Res., 2, 2007 (2): 35–44

4.1 Figure 2. Selected H horizon 1600 soil properties distribution on 3.9 1400 Paličník transect separately for 3.7 1200 beech (BK) and spruce (SM) 1000 3.5 forest (exchangeable cations 800 3.3 600 contents (Kex, Mgex and Caex) 3.1 400 are presented in mmol/100 g, 2.9 200 all other elements contents are

2.7 0 presented in mg/kg). 600 700 850 900 950 600 700 850 900 950


300 1.4 250 1.2

200 1 4.3 1600150 0.8 4.1 0.6 100 1200 3.9 0.4 50 3.7 0.2 800 0 3.50 600 700 850 900 950 600 700 850 900 950 3.3 Mg BK KKMIIIMIII BK BK MgMIIIMII BK CaMIIICaMIII BK BK KexK BKBK Mgex BK Caex BK 400 ex Mgex BK Caex BK KKMIIISM SM MgMIIIMg SM SM CaMIIICa SM SM KexK SMSM Mgex SM Caex SM3.1 MIII MIII MIII ex Mgex SM Caex SM

0 400 2.92 600 700 850 900 950 620 750 850 950 1050 FeKCl BK AlKCl BK Alex BK 300 pHH2O pHKCl pHCaCl2 FeKCl SM AlKCl SM Alex SM 1.5

300 4.3 1400 1.4 200 1 2504.1 1200 1.2

3.9 1000 200100 10.5 3.7 800 150 0.8

03.5 6000.60 620 750 850 950 1050 100 600 620 700 750 950 1000 1050 3.3 4000.4 KMIII MgMIII CaMIII50 Kex Mgex Caex 3.1 2000.2 0 2.9 0 0 600 700 850 900 950 620 750 850 950 1050 600620 700750 850850 900950 1050950 KMIII BK MgMIII BK CaMIII BK Kex BK Mgex BK Caex BK


400 2

300 1.5

Figure 3. Selected H horizon 200 1 soil properties distribution on Smědava transect (exchan- 100 0.5 geable cations contents (Kex,

Mgex and Caex) are presented 0 0 in mmol/100 g, all other ele- 620 750 850 950 1050 600 620 700 750 950 1000 1050 ments contents are presented

KKMIIIMIII MgMIIIMgMIII CaMIIICaMIII KexK MgMgex CaCaex ex ex ex in mg/kg).

39 Soil & Water Res., 2, 2007 (2): 35–44

Table 3. Maximum and minimum values of soil sorption parameters on the Paličník and Smědava transects separa- tely for soil horizons (eCEC and exchangeable cations contents are presented in mmol/100 g; Alex detection limit is 0.5 mmol/100 g)

Horizon eCEC Caex Mgex Kex Naex Mnex Alex (samples) min max min max min max min max min max min max min max Paličník transect F (7) 20.39 26.05 1.68 7.25 0.70 1.19 0.54 1.37 0.07 0.10 0.03 0.12 9.39 21.35 H (10) 10.13 27.03 0.37 1.28 0.41 0.86 0.34 0.80 0.06 0.09 0.01 0.05 3.76 18.38 A (5) 8.89 12.07 0.20 0.66 0.33 0.53 0.17 0.23 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.08 6.27 8.45 E (4) 7.21 10.45 0.35 0.62 0.15 0.49 0.10 0.22 0.05 0.08 0.01 0.01 4.56 9.20 B (19) 4.13 14.80 0.06 6.60 0.10 0.64 0.05 0.23 0.04 0.11 0.00 0.09 2.98 17.34 C (7) 1.64 4.41 0.09 0.43 0.23 0.53 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.16 0.01 0.03 <0.5 3.16 Smědava transect H (7) 10.06 24.00 0.37 1.84 0.68 1.47 0.22 0.81 0.04 0.10 0.01 0.30 6.07 24.44 A (3) 11.10 11.91 0.46 0.69 0.25 0.95 0.15 0.22 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.05 7.20 9.92 E (4) 2.87 9.82 0.28 0.45 0.21 1.25 0.05 0.11 0.04 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.24 8.65 B (8) 1.08 12.92 0.16 0.74 0.15 1.25 0.05 0.26 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.24 1.99 11.87 C (6) 0.88 5.81 0.16 0.48 0.11 0.69 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.80 5.85

Assessment of altitude effect altitude in the Paličník transect. It could indicate that a higher portion of Al is bound in organic The altitude effect was assessed by correlation matter in the higher parts of the transect. Negative analysis. The results from the Paličník transect correlations of AlKCl contents in A and E horizons are shown in Table 6. The content of AlKCl in the could be explained rather by a stronger podzoliza- surface organic horizons decreases with increasing tion process in the higher parts of the transect.

Table 4. Maximum and minimum values of available and pseudototal contents of studied elements on the Paličník and Smědava transects separately for soil horizons (all values are presented in mg/kg; detection limit is 10 mg/kg for available contents)

Horizon PMIII KMIII MgMIII CaMIII MgAR CaAR (samples) min max min max min max min max min max min max Paličník transect F (10) < 10 58 199 481 70 196 225 1630 524 1444 237 2058 H (10) < 10 62 84 290 28 100 124 322 321 1871 201 525 A (5) < 10 28 60 97 20 39 89 188 1136 2289 245 346 E (4) < 10 <10 33 93 11 25 96 136 647 1567 129 330 B (19) < 10 22 20 102 <10 58 38 147 1258 4031 167 544 C (7) < 10 26 18 37 <10 50 55 123 3092 6303 441 1102 Smědava transect F (8) < 10 25 164 677 47 186 129 906 809 1857 353 1380 H (10) < 10 13 84 298 25 130 92 377 515 2318 255 615 A (5) < 10 <10 46 82 19 29 72 153 904 3915 319 517 E (4) < 10 <10 16 37 12 23 77 242 418 1450 248 316 B (8) < 10 <10 16 94 <10 25 45 152 1516 4248 268 477 C (6) < 10 23 19 28 <10 15 52 109 1246 5462 289 642

40 Soil & Water Res., 2, 2007 (2): 35–44

Table 5. Maximum and minimum values of studied Al and Fe forms contents on the Paličník and Smědava transects separately for soil horizons (all values are presented in mg/kg)

Al Al Fe Fe Horizon KCl Na4P2O7 KCl Na4P2O7 (samples) min max min max min max min max Paličník transect F (10) 212.2 1 710.0 1 057.3 9 216.9 18.1 679.2 1 466.3 5 388.8 H (10) 310.2 1 633.4 1 885.8 13 229.7 18.3 453.7 2 498.4 8 132.3 A (5) 351.6 969.7 1 094.7 5 656.9 91.1 258.7 1 613.2 7 445.7 E (4) 307.6 737.4 1 074.7 1 677.8 62.2 173.0 347.0 3 559.1 B (19) 230.7 1 089.7 2 033.5 12 723.5 9.6 595.6 1 862.7 19 627.5 C (7) 140.5 281.3 2 188.5 7 006.7 8.2 19.6 300.6 3 825.4 Smědava transect F (8) 220.1 929.2 1 602.9 7 707.1 158.4 1 075.2 2 401.8 6 872.6 H (10) 24.8 1 318.1 3 344.4 8 565.0 31.8 1 266.6 4 764.9 8 490.6 A (5) 83.0 999.7 1 608.9 6 263.9 250.8 759.0 4 009.3 7 260.6 E (4) 69.1 887.7 100.2 1 646.6 43.5 417.8 183.6 1 553.2 B (8) 10.6 1 304.4 3 143.1 10 582.8 8.1 434.4 341.8 11 427.2 C (6) 9.4 486.4 1 654.9 7 350.0 6.0 371.8 132.8 5 034.1

The same process could explain the positive cor- and soil properties will be underway in further relation of Fe content with altitude in the research. Na4P2O7 B horizons. The results also showed negative cor- Generally, we can say that altitude has no effect relation between MgAR and altitude in the surface by itself. Different altitudes represent changes in organic and mineral A and E horizons. Higher temperature, precipitation amount, vegetation precipitation amounts in higher altitude and the cover, deposition rate, and so on. Soil chemical consequent higher leaching could be responsible properties of the most affected top mountainous for this fact. However, no correlation was found parts are in some aspects more favourable than in the case of MgMIII, where sorption on organic those of lower parts (binding of potentially toxic matter could play an opposite role. Al in organic matter, slightly higher pH). Natural The results of correlation analysis for the Smědava mechanisms as grass expansion in dead forests transect are shown in Table 6. MgAR content in the are able to mitigate slightly the soil degradation. surface horizons decreases with increasing altitude In other aspects, this mountainous parts are still in the Smědava transect as well as in the Paličník endangered by acidification symptoms (higher transect. The B horizons are also enriched with leaching of base cations, especially Mg). Fe and, moreover, with Al in the Na4P2O7 Na4P2O7 Smědava transect. AlKCl content decreasing with Assessment of forest type effect increasing altitude was not found in the surface horizons of this transect, but it was found in the The Paličník transect to altitude 900 m was used A and E horizons. for the assessment of the forest type effect on soil The situation that correlation is in many cases chemical properties. The soil pits placed above rather weak can be caused in part by the fact 900 m appertain to different vegetation zones by that the relationship does not need necessarily forest typology and for this reason they were re- to be linear. The search for a non-linear func- moved from the data set evaluated. The results of tion describing the relationship between altitude the t-test performed are shown in Table 7. Beech

41 Soil & Water Res., 2, 2007 (2): 35–44

Table 6. Correlation coefficients of relationships of altitude versus studied soil properties on the Paličník and Smědava transects separately for soil horizons or groups of soil horizons; significant correlations at the significance level of 0.05 are in bold letters

Characteristic All horizons F + H F H A+E B C Paličník transect pH –0.048 0.111 0.386 –0.193 –0.002 –0.123 0.535 H2O pHKCl –0.111 –0.030 0.031 –0.090 –0.009 –0.216 0.395 pH –0.128 –0.019 0.057 –0.095 –0.152 –0.267 –0.214 CaCl2 Corg 0.267 –0.186 0.240 0.345

A400/A600 –0.166 –0.173 –0.213 –0.147 –0.530 –0.062 –0.163

AlKCl –0.263 –0.509 –0.610 –0.396 –0.675 0.019 –0.237 Al 0.171 0.201 0.080 0.301 –0.062 0.171 0.907 Na4P2O7 FeKCl –0.228 –0.367 –0.565 –0.133 –0.253 –0.252 0.632 Fe 0.217 –0.217 –0.550 –0.083 –0.203 0.548 0.619 Na4P2O7 PMIII 0.226 0.342 0.555 0.212 0.596

KM III 0.059 0.210 0.240 0.320 0.031 0.513 0.314

MgMIII –0.133 0.091 0.301 –0.251 –0.371 –0.824 –0.439

CaMIII 0.119 0.254 0.377 0.169 0.307 0.242 –0.315

MgAR –0.286 –0.606 –0.562 –0.672 –0.687 –0.361 –0.359

CaAR 0.021 0.238 0.360 0.129 –0.230 –0.196 0.091 eCEC –0.054 –0.049 –0.264 0.166 –0.717 0.318 –0.112

Caexc 0.131 0.206 0.598 0.573 0.458 0.231 0.482

Mgexc –0.050 0.059 0.155 0.339 –0.247 0.364 –0.441

Kexc –0.081 –0.035 0.164 0.156 –0.067 0.445 0.093

Naexc 0.283 0.117 0.408 0.274 0.197 0.552 0.480

Mnexc –0.107 –0.272 –0.184 –0.181 0.126 0.162 –0.021

Alexc 0.114 0.016 0.275 –0.041 –0.155 0.398 0.518 Smědava transect pH –0.145 –0.177 0.053 –0.504 0.239 –0.281 0.083 H2O pHKCl –0.177 0.105 0.469 –0.056 0.344 –0.459 –0.704 pH –0.227 –0.020 0.317 –0.180 –0.004 –0.504 –0.579 CaCl2 Corg –0.040 –0.276 0.198 0.252

A400/A600 0.023 0.355 0.748 –0.406 –0.383 –0.625 0.007

AlKCl –0.231 –0.196 0.292 –0.409 –0.795 0.268 –0.692 Al 0.177 0.389 0.532 0.413 –0.016 0.713 0.234 Na4P2O7 FeKCl 0.385 0.475 0.282 0.602 –0.021 0.589 0.833 Fe 0.135 0.365 0.620 0.331 –0.196 0.835 0.020 Na4P2O7 PMIII –0.115 –0.379 –0.881

KM III 0.142 0.204 0.114 0.432 –0.138 0.212 0.150

MgMIII 0.181 0.315 0.087 0.676 0.437 0.154 –0.182

CaMIII 0.141 0.047 –0.268 0.630 0.508 0.734 0.828

MgAR –0.449 –0.706 –0.532 –0.820 –0.514 0.001 –0.667

CaAR 0.068 –0.017 –0.340 0.623 0.165 0.508 –0.310 eCEC 0.256 0.386 0.252 –0.637 0.629 0.507

Caexc 0.418 0.610 0.870 0.094 0.867 0.581

Mgexc –0.244 0.042 –0.233 –0.544 –0.603 –0.299

Kexc 0.330 0.617 0.781 –0.184 0.128 0.716

Naexc 0.454 0.904 0.889 –0.342 0.173 0.553

Mnexc –0.063 –0.469 –0.474 –0.398 0.465 0.200 Alexc –0.133 –0.492 –0.482 –0.839 0.402 –0.112

42 Soil & Water Res., 2, 2007 (2): 35–44

Table 7. t-values of the difference between beech and spruce forests on the Paličník transect; plus values present higher levels of concrete characteristic in beech forest, minus values in spruce forest; significant differences at the significance level of 0.05 are in bold letters

Characteristic F H Bhs C pH 1.272 0.155 1.116 0.499 H2O pHKCl 4.141 2.979 3.505 –1.543 pH 6.306 3.017 4.243 CaCl2

Corg –1.293 –6.934

A400/A600 –1.470 0.648 1.134 –3.092

AlKCl –2.080 –3.102 –2.820 4.108 Al 0.940 1.145 1.673 –2.026 Na4P2O7

FeKCl –3.243 –1.284 –8.222 –1.382 Fe –0.140 –0.190 –0.170 –0.737 Na4P2O7

PMIII 0.017 –1.327

KMIII 0.255 –1.956 1.223 –0.680

MgMIII 0.255 –1.511 –2.280 –1.482

CaMIII –1.749 –2.040 –0.057 –0.693

MgAR 1.010 0.434 0.389 –0.478

CaAR 1.202 1.180 –0.005 –1.213 eCEC –3.088 –0.834 0.384 0.706

Caexc –0.092 –0.096 4.561

Mgexc 0.478 –0.126 –2.600 –0.728

Kexc 0.588 –1.161 1.400 –0.200

Mnexc 0.000 –0.195 0.447

Alexc –0.670 –0.251 1.165 –0.292 forest soils had significantly higher pH (except Generally, it can be concluded that natural sys- pH ) in the surface organic horizons than spruce tems presented by beech forest have higher resil- H2O forest soils. Also, they contained less AlKCl and ience to anthropogenic changes. FeKCl and they had lower eCEC in these horizons than spruce forest soils. This may be in connec- tion with the lower content of organic matter in Reference s beech forest caused by an easier decomposition of leaves. Beech forest soils contained more Ca ADAMS W.A., EVANS G.M. (1989): Effecs of lime applica- AR tions to parts of an upland catchment on soil properties and Mg in the surface organic horizons, but this AR and the chemistry of drainage waters. European Journal result was not significant. of Soil Science, 40: 585–597. The higher Corg content in the C horizon of spruce BORŮVKA L., MLÁDKOVÁ L., DRÁBEK O. (2005): Factors forest soil could indicate an easier migration of controlling spatial distribution of soil acidification and the low quality organic matter through the soil Al forms in forest soils. Journal of Inorganic Bioche- profile to deeper soil horizons. The soils of natural mistry, 99: 1796–1806. close beech forests represent more favourable soil CRONAN CH.S., GRIGAL D.F. (1995): Use of calcium/alumi- properties than the soils of planted spruce forests num ratios as indicators of stress in forest ecosystems. on the same stand. Journal of Environmental Quality, 24: 209–226.

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Corresponding author: Ing. LENKA PAVLŮ, Ph.D., Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Fakulta agrobiologie, potravinových a přírodních zdrojů, katedra pedologie a geologie, Kamýcká 129, 165 21 Praha 6-Suchdol tel.: + 420 224 382 632, fax: + 420 234 381 836, e-mail: [email protected]