Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials LCGFT Moving Image Genre-Form Terms Updated through August 17, 2015 (List 8) Compiled by Scott M. Dutkiewicz, Cataloger, Metadata and Monographic Resources Team, Clemson University Libraries,
[email protected]. Available at the OLAC website: or in Classification Web, Genre/Form headings. Source: Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Summary of Decisions, Editorial Meeting Number 35- (August 29, 2007- present) Instruction sheet H 1913: “Frequently asked questions about LC genre/form headings”: A guide that provides scope notes for all the terms is available at: Be aware that character and franchise genre/form terms were cancelled. See the PSD paper Be aware that specific sports films and television terms were cancelled in List 6 (June 18, 2012). The instruction [Not Subd Geog] may not appear after each term. Genre/form terms do not subdivide geographically. If so, use coding to indicate local application. Changes in this issue New terms: Conspiracy films; Punk films; Kammerspiel films New scope: None New references to: Rock films; Western films Cancelled terms: none Genre-Form Terms 3-D films [Not Subd Geog] [gf2011026096] 455 UF Stereoscopic films 455 UF Three-dimensional films Abstract films [Not Subd Geog] [gf2011026004] 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for nonrepresentational films that avoid narrative and instead convey impressions and emotions by way of color, rhythm and movement.