Golgotha y


l Session 5: Death Like No Other; l

a V

Session 6: Resurrected Like No Other




d ’ Third North Wall i

Golgotha K WHERE (Gordon’s Calvary) orth W Tower of nd N a co ll Sheep’s Pool Psephinus Se Mount of Olives s’ (Pool of u h Bethesda) Session 7: Ascended Like No Other p e s Fish Gate Jo Antonia Struthion Fortress Mt. of Olives T Israel’s yr Pool Pool op Bezetha o Judgement e o Sheep Gethsemane Gate n Temple Gate Golgotha V Mount (traditional a Warren’s Gate l location) l Solomon’s Portico e Altar Wilson’s Arch Shushan Gate (bridge) y WALKED Tower’s Beautiful Gate Pool Tower of Hippicus First N. Wall

Xystus? Temple


Josephus’ L


Tower of Phasael Herod L Royal Portico

L Pinnacle of L

Antipas’ Barclay’sL

Tower of Mariamne Gennath L Temple

L Huldah Gate palace 35 E L Gate 36 E

L (traditional

L Gates L

Praetorium Wealthy L location) L residential L ABILENE L L Herod’s Palace Upper area LLL Valley LL L Gate L L Herod’s City TheaterL L L Robinson’s L Family House of L L Arch L Sidon Tomb(s) Caiaphas, L d L i L (stairs) Gihon Spring the high priest L v L a L L D L

Serpent’s L f L A Hezekiah’s L b t Pool O a Essene L ) n a L n Tunnel ITUREA R.

L Lower y e Quarter L t

L i LL m E

L C LL p LL r City LL ca LLL Es R LLL Siloam ar R. Pool Y Mt. Hermon arp Upper Room Water Ph (traditional Gate T location) Essene Gate it0ani R 1/8 1/4 Mile ( L . Caesarea-Philippi Tyre n o m 0 150 300 Meters i n V a l l e y (Panias) H A I

C I N Cadasa E (Kedesh) Sea of Raphana O Gischala SessionL. 3: Power Like No Other (Gush Halav) Huleh 33 N H 33 N P A

E Ptolemais N TRACHONITIS (Acco) Capernaum A Bethsaida T GALILEE A Sea of Gergesa (Kursi) B Jotapata Galilee Gamala Canatha Mt. Carmel Geba Tiberias . Mt. Hauran Nazareth R k Yarmu Xaloth (Chesulloth) Adraa E Mt. Tabor sd Gadara (Edrei) Dora Legio K ra is el (Megiddo) h on AURANITIS o V n alle y R Bostra

. Caesarea Maritima Scythopolis (Strato’s Tower) (Beth-shan) Dion Ginae Pella A (Jenin)

E D Aenon E


Salim . A


O W n () L . a N Sebaste F Mt. Ebal ar d I (Samaria) ia r Amathus S A o Neapolis J J E Apollonia Mt. Gerizim a[eastb of . River] (Shechem) bok R R. N on Coreae Session 4: Teaching Like No Other Yark (Aphek) A Joppa R Ephraim Gedor (Gadara) R P (Ophrah) E E R 32 N Lydda E 32 N T A Philadelphia () I Archelais D E Jamnia Emmaus M Azotus Cypros Esbus (Nicopolis) () (Ashdod) Jerusalem Mt. Nebo Medeba Mesad Hasidim Bethlehem () Ascalon (Ashkelon) Betogabris (Beth-guvrin) DEAD SEA (Zereth-shahar) Bethlehem En-gedi Gaza on R. Session 2: A Birth Like No Other rn A IDUMEA Eastern Desert


. Arad B e Malatha s Beersheba o r

0 10 20 30 40 50 Miles

0 10 20 30 40 50 Kilometers

31 N 31 N h Z ere Khirbet Tannur a d R b . a r Pack Item 2 • Where Jesus Walked • For use with “Like No Other: The Life of Christ” A

35 E 36 E