Lawrenc Democrat. dry Aloud axicX. opetxro KTot."' ' " VOLUME XX. LAWIIENCECURG, TENN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1901. : - NUMBER 13.

ECHO OF SLOCUM DISASTER OCTOBER...1904 JAPANESE WOULD THE KING IS DEADs (Tennessee State News) Sun. Mon. Tnes. Wed. Thn. Ttl Sat Reporfof the Investigation Com W.R. KINO KING mission is Made Public WELCOME PEACE LONG LIVE THE Attornty at Law 2 3 4 5 zz6 7 8 Memphis Auto Manufacturing Plant. Died In the Telegraph Office. resident Roosevelt In a, Lett to 9 Secretary DU-mli- ul 1 . The Memphis Motor Carriage W. V. Forrest, a mechanic, whose 10 11 12 13 14 15 Metcalf, Orders Mikado's Kingdom Shocked B7 King George of Saxony Died at of Gulltjr Officials. D. W. STARNES, Company haa been incorporated home is at Henderson, N. C, died 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Slaughter of Their Enemies. .. Pillnltz Saturday Morning. with a capital stock of $100,000. in the teleprraph-ofli- ce at Hodges, Washington, Oct 17. The report of Attorney t Law, Incorporation papers were secured the scene of the recent 5125 2Gl"2728"l'29 the United States commission of in LAWlBNCSaORO, TKN2TKISK1 October 8 and the company will on railway. wrul t the southern vestigation upon the disaster to the RUSSIAN HONOR NOT INVOLVED FREDERICK AUGUSTUS REIGNS begin at once to prepare for the j awaiting to response a message 6ent steamer Gen. Slocum, appointed June manufacture of steam vehicles, HORACE FRIERSON, JR. home askinsr thecondition of his 23 - last by the then Secretary of Com Two - j For-chas- acres of land have been pur- invalid wife and dying- child. ed - The Period of tho Royal Mourning Attornty at Law, merce and Labor Cortelyou, and con A Leading- Japan Official Says t in South Memphis, where rest went to .Has Been Fixed to Cover Twen Knoxville to get work, sisting of Lawrence O. Murray, assist Everr Intereat of Humanity De Offloe at roar of Tresaioa Bros. ty-Fo- ur the plant will be located. The new and receiving word f CDEEENT Adjunt-mc- nt AVeeke rreparlngr that his TOPKIS ant secretary of commerce and labor; aianda the Peaceablo IiATTKEgCEBtJBQ, 1 TBKNBME1 wilKbuild every descrip- - For the Funeral. ily were sick and destitute started Herbert Knox Smith, deputy commis of Difference!, tion of steam vehicles, from light a horns penniless. At Ilodges ha . THE mWSTOEIEP. sioner of corporations; George Uhler, 16. King ROBT. B. WILLIAMS, eight-hors- e Dresden, Saxony, Oct runabout to an power begged mes-freig- ht Tokio, 17. There is a strong the operator to send the supervising inspector general of the Oct early truck that will carry twen- - PERSONAL AND GENERAL. appeal for peace in the appalling trag- George of Saxony died at Pillnltz Attorney Law, Bage asking the condition of his steamboat inspection service; Gen. Saturday morning, shortly after he had at ty-fo- ur edy which is now under enactment bales of cotton and haul loved ones. The reply would have Four business blocks were destroywl in Jqhn W. Wilson, U. S. A., retired, and Manchuria. Both armies have fought designated Crown Prince Frederick jftAWBBMCBBUEO, t TSNK8S1B two wagons loaded with twelve been erood news to the anxious fath. in the heart of Winnipeg. Man., on the eloping 1,- - Commander Wlnslow, U. S. N., was Augustus, husband of the -1 L ferociously for a week, and desperate mine company will also er, when lltn up but the operator called to made public Sunday. In connection fighting still continues. is probabt Crown Princess Louise, to take J. D. BURCH, build furniture vans, delivery Durlng an attempt to haze freshmen It wag' tea lum that his child was better with the important' findings of the death roll will be largely in- the duties as king because of his seri ' made by a party of sophomores at the that the ons, ambulances, phaetons and death had claimed him. commission, presented in the report, fired. ous illness. Attorney at Law Michigan college of mines at Hough creased before the final shot is coaches propelled by steam, using President Roosevelt, to whom the re The preliminary reports indicate Prince John George and the Princess OoIUcUobs a Specialty. Claims An ton, Mich., on the 11th, serious in bedside King ordinary coal oil as fuel. The com- Exclusive Franohlie. port was submitted, has written a let- that about 60,000 men have Mathilde were at the of : : jury, which it is feared may result fa- been either ETHKIDGE, TENNESSEE ' The Jackson ter to Secretary Metcalf, of the depart or larger portion George when he expired. pany claims to own patents on the and Suburban Street tally, was done to one of the freshmen. killed wounded, the Railway, ment of commerce and labor, briefly of them being Russians, The new king, Frederick Augustus, most simple and economical com- which operates an electric A Tokio dispatch of the 11th gives since the ar M. KENNEDY, summarizing the report and directing mies the two belligerents eldest son of the deceased monarch, re- J. pound engine ever devised for ve- light plant, has served an injunction the first account of the sinking of the of closed in him to carry into effect the recom combat ceived the ministers and officers of the PhyilcUn and Surgeon hicle use. It claims for it the distinc-- against the city council passing an Japanese gunboat Hel-Ye-n oif Pigeon mendations of the commission. He Even the Japanese, to whom the royal household and fixed the period of - ordinance bay September 18, having come in con-p- st LAWBSKCESUB9, JXXV. tion of being the simplest, Btrong- granting a street fran-- also directs that Robert S. Rodle, su great mourning at 24 weeks. The king was wlth a mlne storm. All victory, is of paramount import and most efficient' engine on the chisc to the Jackson Electric Light tact. durlnR pervising inspector also occupied with many details of tok Offlea uthwsat corner nubile aojara. . 1 of the second dis ance, seem to be shocked by i ... ATt Knar1 rt aa tr 300 men, perished, the Market...... is stated that lour gal-- 1 company, a new organization. The trict steamboat inspection service, and slaughter enemies. lng over the government and consult It . - I save four, ' of their The Jap Ions of coal oil be sufficient to om company claims an exclusive James A. Dumont and Thomas H. Bar-let- t, anese people ing: in relation to the funeral and A. will Three boys ware drowned, on the are receiving the news G TINSLEY, twelve-horse-pow- er franchise. A local inspectors la charge of the field mourning arrangements. v propel a vehicle legal fight wijll be the 11th, by the overturning of a skiff at from the of battle calmly, and port of New York, be discharged from there can be heard no shouts in The shutters are up at all the shot) Physician and Surgeon 100 miles. . The factory will be result on the question of whether the KlugPtos Mines, 111. the holding re- half-ma- st g the service, them directly streets proclaiming the victory of their windows, flags are at and equipped and ready for manufactur-in- city can grant an exclusive fran As Indicative of the desperate na TENN. sponsible for the laxity of the steam- Few flags are displayed. Prob- the bells are tolling. LAWRENCEBTJRG, by January 1, 1905. chise. ture of the lighting in the battle south nation. boat Inspection, to which the Slocum August 8,1832, - of Mukden, in Manchuria, it is said ably later on there will be a proces King Geojge was born Office on North Military straet, tin- disaster was directly attributable. Al Syrian Qett Twenty Yean. The Bullet Glanced. that in a single Russian regiment, out sion, with the consequent Jollification, and succeeded his childless brother on d door from square. Commissioner Uhler dissents to that but there are heard many expressions bert two years ago, thus dispossessing week Charles Frank H. Woodworth, a leading of over a hundred officers, only eight In Nashville last portion of the report which places re of opinion no demonstration of Queen Caroline. The state religion of ' hardware merchant and a wealthv escaped either death or wounds. that Shaia, a Syrian, accepted a sen- sponsibility on - the supervising in- - WHITE, , A burglar who was ahot and killed any kind should be held. A prominent Saxony is Catholic, but Queen Caro- LB, tence of twenty years in prison man, shot himself in the head at ppector of the second district, Robert 'on while plying his vocation in the room' Japanese said to a press correspond line was a Protestant princess, and the his place of business in Chattanooga S. Rodie, otherwise he concurs with Attorney at Law the charge of murdering his sister, Ing house conducted by Mrs. - John ent Sunday: birth of an heir to the throne might last week in an attempt to commit the commission, Appended to the re Sallie Naomi. At the time of the Volsmer, in Louis, early on the We have won a sweeping and a de have changed the religion of the state, LAWRBNOEBURO, TENN. St port is a report from the department may prove shooting Shaia was laboring under suicide. The bullet glanced oil the morning of the 15th, wa3 found to be cisive victory which to be The family of King George Is devoted of justice on the criminal proceedings tho impression that his two sisters skull and Mr. Woodworth is 'only wearing corsets, probably to protect the salvation of our country's exist- to the church of Rome, hl3 eldest son, connected with the disaster and the ence, we regret both our own had bertayed the family honor, and slightly injured. Despondency over bis body in case of attack but losses Prince Maximilian being bishop of T. B. BURDINE, life preserver cases. and the terrible slaughter which our being profes took both of his wife's serious illness is supposed The Philippine Exposition board, in Kulm and in addition a shots at them in the flVAAd A TTA InAI AfAll AA tkt net w to addition to 75 grand prizes to Philip sor in the University of Freyburg. Physician and Surgeon frenzy of his suspicions. Both have temporarily unsettled Mr. MOnlAH I pine exhlbtors, will have struck a spe- DATTtni tArLUUtU We regret still more the necessity Frederick Augustus, crown prince of ver- Woodworthis mind. Offloe over ths National Bank women .were wounded. The cial bronze medal commemorative of which forced us to engage in this Saxony, who succeeds to the throno, Fin! Hen Eight Injured Both Phones. ' dict in the case is the result of the . Scalper In Jail. exposition, and every Filipino man, Three Killed and war. married the Archduchess Loulsle of the By Mortar Explosion at Fort living sister's entreaties that Shaia including scouts A member of the diplomatic corps, Austria,. daughter of the grand duke of a Leon Daniels, aged 23, recently woman and child, the Wlnthrop, bo not prosecuted on the charge of battalion and Philippine constab Danka, Ma. In an interview with the correspond' Tuscany. The new king has the repu engaged in business St. Louis as the W. M. GALLAHER, -- murder. in ulary attending the World's fair will ent, said: tation of being rather dull and heavy a cut-ra- te ticket broker, 16. was arrested receive one. , Oct. Three men of the "I believe the world will recoil from wltted. Like most of his family, he is Physician Eighty-nint- and Surgeon . -- To Assess Lumber Companies. at Knoxville a few days since on h regular coast artillery the sickening slaughter The Louisiana Purchase Exposition of this battle. a soldier pure and simple. He has ' were killed and eight injured by the Every humanity LAYTBBNCBBUBG, XlXN. . A movement to' assess lumber order from Chief Isaely of St. Louis Co., on the 15th, paid Into the United Interest of demanda lived a life of one of his rank without s Offloa BofcartMa. on the charge of grand larceny. He States subtreasury at Louis 500,-say- explosion of a mortar battery at Fort the adjustment of the differences be- any serious scandal or without having door Berth of companies on the amount of prop- St the Jeweler. 000, being Beml-monthl- y pay Banks, Winthrop. It is feared... that tween the two nations and the procla erty they have for sale has been that he does not know how anv the ninth done anything particularly brilliant. uiussoa' pnons at retwanaa, mcnt on the 14,600,000 loan from the three of the injured may die. mation of peace. The situation be- greatest to outside of started in Davidson county by State Buch charge can be made against His claim fame, government, leaving but 9691.850 yet The dead: tween the two belligerents is a dell the was crown prince of him and agreed to accompany St. fact that he OARDf. Revenue Agent T. B. Johnson; an Que, Sergt George Nevlns. cate one, but what a splendid triumph BUtlNISC Louis officers back to that city with Saxony, has been that he was the bus agreed statement of facts in the case Official reports regarding Gen. Kurc-- Private Keiley. for diplomacy it would be if peace band of the eloping Princess Louise. will be prepared and submitted to out requisition papers. patkin's side of the fight south of Mufc Private Higgins. could be arranged. It seems to me that He has three children. Petersburg, on The injured included Sergt Foley the Question of honor is no longer In- the Supremo Court for decision. Race Will Be Full. ilen were lacking in St. The new king was sincerely attached Thq lumber men claim that they the 12th, and, in consequence, there is and seven privates. The accident oc volved. If Russia feels that such a to his wife, knd it is regarded as not is tho in circles question Is surely It talk political considerable uneasiness, curred while the artillerymen were en involved, the herolo impossible some of a Hello! arc not liable, for the taxation of at all that sort about the capital that, if the consti The Japanese government has decld gaged In target practice. and successful defense of Port Arthur reconciliation may be patched up be articles . manufactured from the tutional amendment lengthening the ed to float a domestic loan of $40,000,-00- 0, and the valor shown by Russian sol product of the soil. The State in tween the two. It has more than once term of governor fails of approval representing the balance of the INDIANS CAUGHT IN A TRAP dlers on the fields of Manchuria should been hinted that only the irreconcila sists, on tho other hand,. that they forever quality Rus in November there will be half a amount authorized by the diet determine the of ble opposition of the dead king has are liable as other merchants if the sian courage. Russians should remenv Hello! dozen candidates seeking the nomi Manuel Quintana was, on the 12th Mexican Soldier Surround Foua prevented a reconciliation before this. manufactured product is held for inaugurated president of Argentina, ber that the distance dividing her nation before the next as Hundred Rednklna at Feast Democratic The event passed off without especial strength and the limitations of her State Among Near Magdalen. A CHANCE FOR INDIAN GIRLS. Have ytt a telethon? convention. others incident The republic is calm. railway are historical factors in this If bKjp aretflln yew!! Whitecapplng Charge. whom, it is said, will be in the field,' hanged war. These factors, are generally af me ! the eaTemlaaess, John Harper, a negro, was San Antonio, Texv Oct. 7. According frtatait ;"' known. They are appreciated by ev A Proposition to Giro Thoee Capa ota for VnsioiMa man api t&a That judges of circuit courts in are E. E. Eslick, Joseph E. Jones at Magnolia, Ark., on the 12th, for the to advices Mazatlan, Mexico, Gov. from erybody, and are not looked upon as ble a Chance to Acquire a heuaehMPMr, Ths rates are lew. Middle Tennessee are becoming and James M. Head. murder of his wife last February. He Isabel, of the state of Sonora, captured BbeaU try oae. - guHt faults." Higher Education. . aroused over actions of mobs and admitted his 400 Yaquai Indians after a bloodless City Won't Be Bluffed. W. R. Eaves, former cashier of the whitccappers is shown by the charges coup at the town of Magdalena. t. Louis. Oct 1C Superintendent In spite of the fact that the Knox- - Citizens' national bank of Arlington, go- MUST ACCEPT A REDUCTION Ihey are now giving to the grand ju The Indians have for years been S. M. McCowan of the Indian school Cumberland is-- w Tex.,who fled from that town a year viUe y fo"Snt the ing to that place for the fiestas, and v.he i vies in their courts. At Pulaski, last Watf CP ago, under a charge of embezzling at World's fair, has receive! a EUance $750,000 worth of mum- - this year Gov. Isabel had a strong mil Illinois Steel Company at Sooth Chi I WnMinif . communication from C. A. Madison Telaphona and Telegraph Jnd Sam churn! 110,000, was arrested in St. Louis on cago Serve Notlee on Ita bouds by citizens itary force in readiness. . superintendent of the Rescue Mission Ihe grand jury to give special atten-- 1 "Pal vted .the .f the 13th. About 400 reds let their fastnesses, Employee. Poughkeepsle, N. Y., i,vnOTf of the purpose of erecting a municipal Chicago is to have the largest hotel of in which he Company. tion to whipping John and while they were making merry at to grant a water plant, and now threatens to In the world. It will cost 110,000,000, offers building tor Brazier by whitecappers. Judge the game booths the soldiers sur Chicago, Oct 17. Steel workers em use as a girls - carry the litigation to the United be 22 stories high, and dwarf in Eize school for Indian of all J. A. OKldSBV, Maaafar. lidding told the jury that if they rounded the town. ployed in the rail and sheet depart United States Circuit Court of and magnificence, it is promised, any the States In.lian schools. . His failed engaged Appeals and The Indians will be taken to Her Co.'s to indict the parties of kind ever erected ments of the Illinois Steel plant plan is to offer those who have r sacked to the Supreme Court of the United structure the mosllo, and from there transported to In this affair on reasonable proof, he Miss Bessie Stone and Robert Gill, at South Chicago have been notified advanced grades, or who have shown States, the city has advertised for Yucatan and the isthmus of Tehuante- - present would want to know why they did who eloped from Ashland, Va., October that when the agreement ex talent in special lines, such as music, to bids for the construction of the new pec. pires,' January 1 next, it will not be art or elocution, an opportunity to de , not. He 6aid he was determined : 11, were found dead with their hands A 11 1 plant. . van aw a Ttl a Vrnrlrman linAroto velop these talents. He also offers SUBSCRIBE FOR break these- - criminal clasped, near a pond in that vicinity, up practices. MA J. CARRINGT0N ARRESTED to mean they will be to give them scholarships Vassar on the 13th, by a searching party. Both this that asked in .Gambling Tables burned. to accept the same reduction in wages college. Mr. Madison stated that be Injured In a Runaway. had died from pistol shots, d ' Sheriff Ho la Chara-e- With Falsification oi lengthening Indian school Kreis' deputies went to a The William Rudolph murder case and the same of hours as fore his visit to the he 'V. E. Mebane, a prominent "citi-a- n Voucher! of tjs Philippine were recently enforced in the com knew nothing of the Indians, and Lawrence gambling house in Knoxville last was BUDnmtea to tne Missouri "bu of Huntingdon, was badly in- Civil Government. pany's plant Jollet. The Jollet steel looked upon them as "human Texas week and removed four fables and nreme court, on the J3th,- - and a de- - at accepted cut 15 to 43 per Incapable ever becoming jured in a runaway a few days ago. gambling paraphernalia, which were clsion may be expected in about one workers a of steers," of Democrat Manila, Oct. 16. The prosecuting at wages,, and work day educated, but since he has become an J lis horse ran away and Mr. Mebane publicly opposiU court- - month cent in their burned the torney has filed briefs in five cases two enthusiast, would do all was thrown from his buggy to the Fire, on 13th, destroyed three was lengthened about hours. Near Indian and house. the against Ma. Carrlngton, charging him power opening the ground, the vehicle passing over his buildings of the plant of the United ly 4,000 more men will be affected at in his to assist in with falsification of vouchers of 'the Chicago. of opportunity to Indian girls. Romantic Marriage of Memphis Girl. Klne Chemical Co. at Argentine, South door body. He was picked up in a badly ft civil government to the amount of fl,-- GooIdV ( Kas., causing a loss estimated at f 100 bruised condition. The htfrse was also Richard oi , 500. MaJ. Carrlngton has been arrest 000. MICHIGAN CONVICTS ESCAPE VALUABLE IF SUCCESSFUL badly lacerated and the buggy total- Canada, and Lena Elsie Coleman of ed. The fourth day of the great battle Memphis, were marrif.d last week Maj. Carrlngton Blovr- - Do You Enjoy ly demolished. commanded the of Prteon Officials Are Kow Device Intended to Prevent ville, by Bouth of Mukden found the Russian went Force Heavy in Jefferson Ind,, Squire Philippine scouts. He to the St fleeing-Farltlvee- . hack Bxplonlona in Fifty-Tw- o New forces retiring under the terrible pres- Fanning the Banks. Applegate. They doped Louis exposition to take charge of the Naval You from sure tho Japanese, who had turned Ordnance. What Eat? Fifty-tw- o State banks with a total of scouts there, but was ordered back Jto Yon eat whatever and Memphis and expectca to keep the .flaftiwj Tha losses on both sides are can vrhanevsi capital of $1,291,000, have been the Philippines to answer the charges, New York, Oct 16. A device intend yea like if yn take Keiol. By the tu marriage secret lor two weeks, lie said to be very heavy. Upwards of lackson, Mich., Oct 17. Robin of thia rematy disordered digastion had chartered in Tennessee during the is a traveling salesman. ed to prevent accidents like that Thia is the thirty guns had been captured by the SIAM TO BE REPRESENTED ame8 Mc0ee Mont Harding diseased stomachs are so completely re- past year. This breaks all previous second venture of both parties. Japanese. aboard the battleship Missouri several store to health, and tha full perform-ano- a l1' of a Twenty-thre- months ago, when several men of their fuaatioas aaturally, that records. e of the new A St Petersburg dispatch of the The Kins of Slam Taking-- Intereat state penitentiary, escaped from that Sorv-ln-La- such fooda as wanld tia ana lata a twenty-on- e Killed by His Japanese institution Sunday night They, gun crew were killed by a "blowback" banks are located in the 13th. said that five cruisers In Lewie and Clark Expo- with - -- the in one of the turrets, is being in doable- bow knot are eaten without counties of .West Tennessee. Eight- At Clarksburg last week Anthony were reported off Vladivostok. The sition Portland. two others, had been detailed to paint vea a Yumblliif " and with a poaitive at ' ' here on the battleship Ken well-know- Choosing stalled een arc located in Middle Tennessee Fearson, a n negro far commander of the fortress had sum- a smokestack. a moment pleasure ana enjoyment. Ana wna the to surrender when the guard was not looking, they tucky. It is called a smoke ejector and la mora these foods are assimilated and eleven in the' thirty-fou- r coun-- " mer, was assassinated by Jim and moned inhabitants Portland, Ore., Oct 16. The king of firearms of ajl descriptions within a stole a ladder from the tool house, is designed to force out of the bore all and transformed into tha kind et natr! ties in East Tennessee. Gibson coun- Uues Williams sona-in-la- The Slam has made known his interest In is appropriated by tha blood week. placed it against the north wall and the unburued gas and smoke remain mint that the' Lewis and Clark centennial of 1905 . ty leads with four new banks. assassins escaped. outside. Twenty ing after the gun has been discharged. and tisanes. A Tokio dispatch, via Berlin, on the by becoming a purchaser of souvenir dropped down or Kodol ia tha only digaaUat or 13th,-said- : thirty of the prison officials are pursu Masonic Carnival at Glarksville. Fatal. Whisky Cuarrel. "After an incessant bom- gold dollars issued in commemoration Stamped to Death Br a Boll. blnation of digesUnta that will dig ee bardment lasting three days the great- ing the fugitives. , all olaasee of food. Is addition to this guarantee fund for the pro As a result of a difficulty over a of the explorers. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct 16. Wllhelmlna contains, Milmllativa forin, The er part of Port Arthur is in. flames. fact, it in The coins were ordered through ' Masur, aged 50 years, wife- - of John greatest know tonle and rooon posed carnival under the auspices pint of whisky at Mount Tleasant Many troops are Steel Plant Reanmea. tha of the Russian hoist former Minister to Slam John Barrett Masur, one of the oldest newspaper Btraollve properties. of the Masonic Temple directory a few days ago, Frank E. Simmons lng flag surrendering." Braddock, Pa., Oct 17. The light the white and The souvenirs will be sent to the pal men of Pittsburg, was stamped to Kodol oarea indigestion, dyspepsia of Clarksville is in eight and the was shot and instantly killed by his ammunition grade rail plant at the Edgar Thomp- all disorders arising therefrom. The question of is said ace at BangkoK. iam is taking an death by a bull In the stable at their and will be nephew, Jesse Quarbig, who was to becoming serious son steel works went on double turn carnival held during the ar be a factor at Port active Interest in the Pacific coast cen home in Allegheny. The animal was Kodol Digests What You Eat Arthur. The immense expenditure Sunday, giving employment to 200 week of October 24. rested. in tennial with a view of participating. raised by Mrs. Masur. Make th Stomach Sweet, volved in repelling Japanese assaults men. nxulee only. Retnlar Hh, II M. kolafBf Itf Thirty-Seve- n Won by One Vote. Safe, Bat. Mlas Moaer. Counties Delinquent and driving them out of captured posi Wreck Trial Trip of the Colorado. Wreck With I.oas of Life. Mmee the trial else, for M eMH. - thirty-se- Wenona, 111., Oct 16. Burglars en 16. three-- ay (X DeWITT CO., Comptroller Dibrell reports The election conteut case of John tions is rapidly reducing the supply, New York, Oct 17. The new 14,000 Highland Light Oct The rMparot C Vhleagt while the close Japanese blockade Is tered the bank of Ales It Ward, at masted schooner El wood Burton, Capt Vet tale by reemo Bros. ven counties delinquent in 1903 Baggett vs. W. R . Attaway from ton armored cruiser Colorado arrived f District 18 of Knox county was de- preventing its replenishment Magnolia, 11 miles northwest of We in port Sunday evening from Williams, was wrecked on Peaked tax collections, as follows: Sevier, Phila cap- A west-soun-d train on the Balti nona, and wrecked the vault with dy Hill bar during the night and the Bledsoe, radley, Campbell, Cannon, cided last week by Jodgc Tyler in delphia, She is making her way north more & Ohio railroad was partly de- namite. The funds In the vault were tain and two seamen perished. The Claiborne. Coffee. Fentress, Grain- - favor of the defendant. Baggett and ward for her official trial trip, which is railed at Garrett Park, Md, on the not secured, the robbers being evident to be given over the Cape Ann course mate and two other sailors were res rer, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Attaway were candidates in a special 13tb. ly disturbed. cued from floating wreckage. . off the coast on Octo THIS 13 ON FU.B Jackson, Lewis, Loudon, Macon, election held to fill a vacancy in the King George PAPER V of Saxony uied at Pill. Verdlrt of Manslaughter. ber 26. For Sonth America. Madison, Monroe, Mont- county court from District 18, Atta. nits on the 15th. His was peace Bnlllon McNairy, end Mount Vernon, 111., Oct 16. The 16. IN CHICACO , facr Death of Temperance Worker. London, Oct. Bullion amounting gomery," Morgan, Overton, Terr-- way winning, according to the ful. . Jury case of Power, in the Walter for Fox Lake, Wia, Oct 17. Mrs. Mary to 20,000 was withdrawn from the Putnam, Rhea, Rutherford, of the returns, by one vote. Baggetl The officers of the American Euro- Cleveland NEW YORK Folk, the murder of Adams last B. Warren, widely known as a tem- Bank of England for shipment to W claimed irregularities m the electioi pean squadron were the guests at a - --41 ec omen a-r- Sequatchie, Sevier, Shelby, Smith April, returned a verdict of manslaugb- perance worker, authoress and philan- South America, and the sum of 42 been 'inner of the Welsh regtmert at Trousdale, Union, Unicoi, Van Bu Steps have taken to orgamz :r. A motion for new trial has been thropist is dead at home 000 was withdrawn for shipment to England, on the l?th. her in this H,ll,KelIte!;:rC rea, Wayne and White. " and contested. lied. village. She was 75 years cl age.