Manual da AssembleiaManual of theGeral OrdináriaOrdinary and e ExtraordináriaExtraordinary da GeneralDuratex Meeting S.A. of S.A. 29.04.2021,29.04.2021, atàs 11am 11h exclusivamenteexclusively digital digital

CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company


1. Message from the Board of Directors...... 3 2. Information on the General Meeting ...... 4 a) Date, time and format ...... 4 b) Installation and approval quorums ...... 4 c) Documents available to Shareholders...... 4 d) Participation in the Meeting ...... 5 e) Shareholder identification and representation documents...... 5 f) Guidelines on proxy representation ...... 5 g) Guidelines for participation by sending a Remote Voting Bulletin...... 5 h) Guidelines for participation on the digital platform ...... 7 i) Information on the election of members to the Board of Directors ...... 8 j) Information on the installation of the Fiscal Council and election of its members ...... 9 k) Conflict of interest...... 9 l) Communication channel with the Board of Directors...... 9 3. Ordinary General Meeting ...... 10 a) Balance Sheet, other Financial Statements and Explanatory Notes, related to the fiscal year ended on 12.31.2020 ...... 10 b) Allocation of net income for the year 2020 and ratification of the anticipated distributions of interest on own capital and additional dividends ...... 10 c) Establishment of the number of full and alternate members to compose the Board of Directors and election of the members ...... 11 d) Ratification of the remuneration paid to the administrators in 2020 and fixing the global budget for 2021...... 12 4. Extraordinary General Meeting...... 13 a) Amendment to the Long-Term Incentive Plan Regulation...... 13 Attachments Attachment 1 - Call Notice ...... 15 Attachment 2 - Comments of the Board of Officers (Item 10 of the Reference Form - Attachment 24 of ICVM 480/09) ...... 17 Attachment 3 - Allocation of Net Income for the Year (Attachment 9-1-II of ICVM 481/09)...... 55 Attachment 4 - Information on the candidates nominated for the Board of Directors (Items 12.5 to 12.10 of the Reference Form - Attachment 24 of ICVM 480/09) ...... 61 Attachment 5 - Management Compensation (Item 13 of the Reference Form - Attachment 24 of ICVM 480/09) ...... 80 Attachment 6 - Long-Term Incentive Plan Regulation ...... 110 Attachment 7 - Information on the Regulation of the Long-Term Incentive Plan (Item 13 of ICVM 481/09) ...... 115 Attachment 8 - Powers of Attorney Model “A” of power of attorney...... 119 Model “B” of proxy for attorneys-in-fact provided by the Company...... 123

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1. Message from the Board São Paulo, March 2021.

Dear Shareholder,

The year 2020 was marked by the crisis triggered by the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), which required quick decisions to ensure the health and safety of everyone. Faced with a series of uncertainties, we believe that the role of the Company was to care for its employees, which is why measures such as home office, intensifying the hygiene of factory areas and reinforcing communication were the first deliberations carried out in the Crisis Committee, created to centralize information and make decisions in an agile, efficient and transparent way. We also prioritize being proactive and collaborating with society to combat the effects of COVID-19. We join with large corporations to gather all possible help and, in parallel, we seek to serve hospitals and institutions in the most critical regions, bringing products and necessary supplies to ensure patient care. In total, these donations totaled more than R$ 10 million. In operations, after the first months of the crisis, when we had to make difficult decisions such as the suspension of operations from almost all units, we lived a period of unexpected demand expansion, which led us to end 2020 with the best result in the history of Duratex. Still, the continuous improvement in cost management in the Wood Division, coupled with Deca's agility to adapt to the scenario, strengthening its commercial actions on different fronts and the important evolution in the process of capturing synergies between Ceusa and Portinari, made it possible anticipate our 2020-2025 growth agenda and end the year with a positive recurring Economic Value Added (EVA) in all Divisions. The speed of our actions also made it possible to maintain all of the Company's growth projects, in particular the construction of the new dissolving wood pulp unit, which is on schedule and within the budget. Thus, in 2020, we were able to overcome the moments of apprehension and transform the difficulties into learning and evolution opportunities, in addition to consolidating the strategic movements made in recent years, with an emphasis on consistent strategic planning, cultural change and the search for sustainable results. In view of these advances, we are optimistic for the coming year, though the challenges of the pandemic persist, and prepared to overcome adversity and evolve in our journey of growth. Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on society and in line with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health for the population to avoid events and agglomerations, Duratex will hold the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting on April 29, 2021, at 11 a.m., in exclusively digital form. Sincerely,

Alfredo Egydio Setubal e Salo Davi Seibel Co-Chair of the Board of Directors

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2. Information about the General Meeting a) Date, time and format The Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of Duratex (“Meeting”) will be held on April 29, 2021, at 11 a.m., for examination, discussion and voting on the matters contained in the Call Notice (Attachment 1). The Company informs that the Meeting will be held exclusively in digital form, for which reason it will be recorded in its entirety, in compliance with the provisions of Article 21-C, Paragraph 1, II, of CVM Instruction 481/09, as amended by CVM Instruction 622/20. The Call Notice regarding this Meeting will be published on the days of April 6, 7 and 8, 2021, in the newspaper publications “Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo” and “O Estado de S. Paulo”, and will also be made available on the websites of the Company’s Investor Relations (, ( and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission ( b) Quorums for assembly and approval The Meeting will be assembled at the first invitation with the presence of Shareholders representing at least 1/4 of the Company’s shareholder equity, in accordance with Article 125 of Law 6.404/76 (Brazilian Corporation Law). We clarify that if there is not enough quorum for the installation of the Meeting at the first invitation, notice of a second invitation will be announced in due course, and the period for realization will not be less than 8 days, pursuant to Article 124 of the Brazilian Corporation Law, and will be installed with the presence of Shareholders holding any number of shares. Under the terms of Article 129 of the Brazilian Corporation Law, the deliberations of the Meeting will be based on an absolute majority of votes, not including blank votes. Each ordinary share confers the right to one vote at the Meeting. c) Documents available to Shareholders The Management Report on the company's business and the main administrative facts for the year and the Financial Statements of 2020 were approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting on February 8, 2021. These documents, accompanied by the Audit Reports and Risk Management Committee and of Independent Auditors, were made available on the Company's Investor Relations websites (, B3 ( and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission ( on that same date, and published in the newspapers “Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo” and “O Estado de S. Paulo” on February 10, 2021. In order to instruct the matters to be resolved at the Meeting, the Company makes this Manual available to Shareholders, which contains the information required by CVM Instructions 480/09 and 481/09, which is available at the Company's headquarters, as well as on the websites of Investor Relations of the Company (, B3 ( and the Securities and Exchange Commission (

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d) Participation in the Meeting In view of the current restrictions on movement and the recommendations by both national and international health authorities surrounding the spread of the COVID-19 (“coronavirus”) in and around the world, the Company, on an exceptional basis, will hold the Meeting in an exclusively digital format, for which reason the participation of Shareholders can only be carried out:  via the Remote Voting Bulletin (“Bulletin”) ; and  via a Digital Platform, to be made available by the Company for access on the day and time of the Meeting. e) Documents for the identification and representation of the Shareholder In addition to the supporting documents for identification and representation of the Shareholder below indicated, it will be necessary to present a statement of ownership of the shares issued by the Company that proves his/her status as a Shareholder (“Documents”), which must be sent by 11 am on the 27th April 2021, in PDF format, to the email [email protected]: (i) Individuals: identity document of the Shareholder or his legal representative (in this case, accompanied by proof of powers); (ii) Legal Entities: corporate documents that prove the legal representation of the Shareholder and the identity document of the representative; (iii) Investment Fund: documents indicated in the previous item and fund regulation. Exceptionally, the Company (i) will dispense with the presentation of a certified copy and/or original copies of the Documents; and (ii) it will not require the notarization of the power of attorney instruments to be sent to the Company and/or the consularization or apostille of the power of attorney instruments, nor will it require the sworn translation of the Documents drawn up or translated into Portuguese, English or Spanish. f) Representation guidelines for proxies To assist Shareholders who wish to participate in the Meeting via proxy, the Company has made available a proxy model form in Attachment 9 – Model “A”. Alternatively, Duratex is making 3 suitable proxies available to represent the Shareholder at the Meeting. These proxies will vote strictly in keeping with the voting preferences expressed by the Shareholder, shown in the model in Attachment 9 – Model “B”. g) Guidelines for participation by sending a Remote Voting Bulletin The Company's Shareholders may participate in the Meeting by means of remote voting, according to the model of the Remote Voting Bulletin made available by the Company on the Company’s Investor Relations websites (, of B3 ( and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission ( ).

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The Shareholder who decides to exercise his right to vote at a distance must do so from March 30 to April 23, 2021, using one of the alternatives described below: a. Dispatch of the bulletin by the Shareholder to the custodian/broker In this case, the Shareholder holding shares deposited at B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão must transmit the voting instruction to his custodian/broker, in the period mentioned above, unless a different term is established by him, and the established procedures must be observed as well as the documents required by the respective custodian. The Shareholder with shares held in more than one institution must send his voting instructions to only one institution and the vote will always be considered by the total number of shares of the Shareholder. b. Dispatch of the bulletin by the Shareholder to the Company's bookkeeping agent (Itaú Corretora de Valores S.A.) In this case, Itaú provided a website for the Shareholder to exercise the right to vote at a distance. To vote on the website, it is necessary to register and have a digital certificate (additional information c. Dispatch of the bulletin by the Shareholder directly to the Company c (i) Shipping method and deadline The Shareholder must send a PDF file of the Bulletin by April 23, 2021, duly completed, initialed and signed, accompanied by a copy of the aforementioned Documents which, due to the pandemic, will be received by the Company exclusively through the email [email protected]. Once the aforementioned documents are received, the Company will notify the Shareholder within 3 days of their receipt and acceptance, pursuant to CVM Instruction 481/09. The Bulletin and Documents received by the Company after that date will be disregarded. In order for the shareholder not to have his vote disregarded due to any defect, the Company recommends that the Bulletin accompanied by the Documents be received by April 15, 2021, in time for any adjustments to be required, which must be timely regularized and returned to the Company within the maximum period indicated above (April 23, 2021). If the voting slip sent to the Company is not completely filled out or is not accompanied by the supporting documents described above, it will be disregarded and such information will be sent to the Shareholder through the electronic address indicated in the Bulletin. c (ii) Deadline for changing the vote and cases of discrepancy between the Bulletin and the Voting Map During the voting period, the Shareholder may change his voting instructions as many times as he deems necessary, so that the last voting instruction presented will be considered on the Company's voting map. Once the voting period has ended, the Shareholder will not be able to change the voting instructions already sent. If the Shareholder believes that the change is necessary, he must attend the Meeting through the digital platform, as instructed below, and request that the voting instructions sent via the ballot are disregarded.

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Except for the exception provided for in CVM Instruction 481/09, if there is a discrepancy between any remote voting ballot received directly by the Company and the voting instruction contained in the consolidated voting map sent by B3 with respect to the same CPF registration number or CNPJ, the voting instruction contained in the voting map will prevail, and the bulletin received directly by the Company should be disregarded.

h) Guidelines for participation through the digital platform The request for virtual participation of the Shareholder in the Meeting through the digital platform must be sent to the Company to the email [email protected] accompanied by the Documents previously described until 11am on April 27, 2021. The Shareholder who does not present the request accompanied by all necessary Documents within the time and in the form required in this Manual, will not be able to participate in the Meeting and will be disregarded by the Company. In view of the need to adopt security measures for virtual participation in the Meeting, only after the request has been received and the identification and representation documents have been verified, the Company will send the guidelines, the link, the data for connection and the access password for the Shareholder's participation through the digital platform. The e-mail to be sent by the Company will contain personal access information, which should not be shared, under penalty of Shareholder liability. The Shareholder who participates through the digital platform may express himself and, if he wishes, exercise his right to vote, and will be considered present at the Meeting and sign the respective minutes, pursuant to Article 21-V, III and sole paragraph of the CVM Instruction 481/09, as amended by CVM Instruction 622/20. The Company (i) recommends that the Shareholder who requests his participation in the Meeting be familiarized in advance with the use of the digital platform, as well as guaranteeing the compatibility of his electronic device with the referred platform; and (ii) requests that, on the day of the Meeting, the qualified Shareholder accesses the platform 30 minutes in advance of the time scheduled for the beginning of the work, in order to allow the validation of access and his/her effective participation. Shareholders who have requested to participate in the Meeting through the digital platform and have not received an email from the Company with access guidelines by 11am on April 28, 2021 should contact the email [email protected] or by phone +55 11 3179-7045. The Shareholder who has already sent the Bulletin may register through the digital platform to (i) simply participate in the Meeting; or (ii) participate in the deliberations and exercise their right to vote at the Meeting, in which case all voting instructions previously sent by means of the Remote Voting Ballot will be disregarded by the Company. The Company is not responsible for any operational or connection problems that the Shareholder may face, as well as for any other event that may make it difficult or impossible to participate in the Meeting through the digital platform provided by the Company. In case of doubts related strictly to access or use of the digital platform, the Shareholder may obtain technical assistance by e-mail [email protected] or by calling 0800 096 1235.

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company i) Information on the election of members of the Board of Directors According to the Brazilian Corporation Law, the election of members of the Board of Directors can be carried out by majority vote, multiple voting process or separate vote. As the various voting procedures may have an impact on determining the number of effective and alternate members of the Board of Directors, for a better understanding of the dynamics of this election, the voting processes are detailed below: Multiple Vote Those interested in requesting the adoption of a multiple vote in the election of the members of the Company's Board of Directors must represent at least five percent (5%) of the voting capital, pursuant to CVM Instructions 165/91 and 282/98. According to Article 141, Paragraph 1, of the Brazilian Corporation Law, the option provided for in said article that deals with the adoption of multiple votes must be exercised by the Shareholders at least forty-eight (48) hours before the Meeting is held, and to direct the deliberations of the aforementioned Meeting, prior to informing the Shareholders, in view of the "Attendance Book", the number of votes necessary for the election of each member of the Board of Directors. Separate Vote Article 141, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the Brazilian Corporation Law guarantees the right to elect, in a separate vote, one (1) member of the Board of Directors to the holders of at least 10% of the Company's shares (excluding controlling shareholders). Only Shareholders who prove the required ownership of the required shareholding during the period of at least 3 months immediately prior to the date of the Meeting may exercise the right to vote separately. Shareholders who make up the percentage of Appendix 21-LI of ICVM 481/09, as amended by ICVM 561/15, and who intend to include candidates for the Board of Directors in the Distance Voting Bulletin, should send correspondence to the e-mail [email protected] until April 4, 2021, making available with the request the minimum information indicated in items 12.5 to 12.10 of ICVM 480/09, the complete qualification, the candidate's short curriculum and the necessary proof of compliance with the minimum eligibility requirements applicable to the position, provided for in the Brazilian Corporation Law and CVM Instruction 367/02. After that date, nominations can only be made at the Assembly itself. The Company, within three (3) business days of receiving the inclusion request, will inform the requesting Shareholder whether or not the inclusion complies with the provisions of ICVM 481/09 and if the candidate will be included in the Bulletin to be disclosed by the Company, in accordance with Article 21-N of ICVM 481/09. The requesting Shareholder may amend it until the expiration of the said term, that is, April 4, 2021. If there is a request for the adoption of multiple and separate voting at the same Meeting, the Shareholder must choose in which process to allocate its shares, being certain that he can use part for the multiple voting process and part for the voting process in separate.

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company j) Information on the installation of the Fiscal Council and election of its members In accordance with Article 26 of Duratex S.A.'s Bylaws, the Fiscal Council is a non-permanent body and may be installed at the request of Shareholders representing at least 2% of the Company's common shares, pursuant to CVM Instruction 324/00. As in previous years, the Company's management did not propose the installation of the Fiscal Council, as it understands that the Audit and Risk Management Committee, in operation since November 2009, adequately performs the functions of supervising the internal control processes and management of risks inherent to the activities of the Company and its subsidiaries, as well as the work carried out by the internal and independent auditors, and to assess the integrity of the financial statements. Pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 161 of the Brazilian Corporation Law, the Fiscal Council of Duratex S.A., if installed, will be composed of 3 effective members and an equal number of alternates, elected by the Meeting for a term of one (1) year. If installation is required, minority shareholders representing at least 10% or more of the common shares issued by the Company, will have the right to elect, in a separate vote, 1 (one) effective member and respective alternate.

k) Conflict of interest During the holding of the Meeting, the Shareholders must manifest themselves due to the existence of a possible situation of conflict of interests or particular interest in any matter under discussion or resolution, in which their independence may be compromised. Any Shareholder who is aware of a conflictual situation in relation to another Shareholder and the subject matter of the resolution must also be informed. When the conflict of interest is manifested, the conflicting Shareholder shall abstain from deliberating in relation to that matter. If the conflicting Shareholder refuses to abstain from the deliberations, the Chairman of the Meeting must determine the annulment of the conflicting votes taken, even after the Meeting.

l) Communication channel with the Board of Directors We emphasize that the Shareholder can send suggestions, criticisms or doubts directly to the Board of Directors through the email [email protected] and in the subject field inform that it is “Recommendations to the Board of Directors for the General Meeting”.


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3. Ordinary General Meeting Under the terms of the proposal submitted by the Board of Directors, the following matters will be submitted for approval by the Shareholders: a) Balance Sheet, other Financial Statements and Explanatory Notes, related to the fiscal year ended on 12.31.2020: The Management Report and the Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting on February 8, 2021. These documents, accompanied by the Reports of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Independent Auditors, were made available on the same date, on the websites Investor Relations Office (, B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão ( and the Securities and Exchange Commission ( and published on February 10, 2021 in the newspapers “Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo” and “O Estado de S. Paulo”. b) Allocation of Net Income for the year 2020 and ratification of the anticipated distribution of interest on own capital and additional dividends: Considering that the net profit obtained by Duratex in the year ended December 31, 2020 was R$ 453,811,688.14, plus the realization of the revaluation reserve in the amount of R$ 1,235,370.69, the Board of Directors submits for examination and deliberation of the General Assembly, proposed to allocate it as follows:

(i) R$ 22,690,584.00 to the Legal Reserve; (ii) R$ 9,948,387.86 for the Tax Incentive Reserve, pursuant to Article 195-A of Law 6,404/76; (iii) R$ 205,308,086.97 to the Statutory Reserves, of which: R$ 183,752,031.76 to the Dividend Equalization Reserve, R$ 17,244,844.17 to the Working Capital Reinforcement Reserve and R$ 4,311. 211.04 to the Reserve for Capital Increase of Investees; and (iv) R$ 217,100,000.00 destined to the payment of the minimum mandatory dividend, declared in the form of interest on own capital, according to the faculty provided for in Article 9 of Law No. 9,249/95. On February 8, 2021, the Board of Directors unanimously decided, ad referendum of the General Meeting, to pay the interest on own capital declared on 12.8.2020 (R$ 217,100,000.00) and declare dividends of R$ 0.43442952264 per share, equivalent to R$ 300,000,000.00, of which: R$ 180,000,000.00 on account of the result for the fiscal year 2020 and R$ 120,000,000.00 of the Dividend Equalization Reserve of 2019. Therefore, the amount of 2020 net income allocated to the Dividend Equalization Reserve will be R$ 3,752,031.76. Accordingly, it is proposed to ratify the advance distributions of interest on own capital and additional dividends declared by the Board of Directors at meetings held on December 8, 2020 and February 8, 2021, which were paid on February 26, 2021. No declaration of earnings added to those declared will be proposed. The information required in the form of Attachment 9-1-II "Destination of Net Income", of CVM Instruction 481/09, is contained in Attachment 3 of this document.

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c) Establishment of the number of full and alternate members to compose the Board of Directors and election of the members of the Board of Directors: According to the Brazilian Corporation Law, the election of members of the Board of Directors can be carried out by majority vote, multiple voting process or separate vote. As the various voting procedures may have an impact on the fixing of the number of full and alternate members of the Board of Directors, the voting processes were detailed on pages 8 and 9 of this document, for a better understanding of the dynamics of this election. The Company's Bylaws provide that the Board of Directors will be composed of 5 to 9 full members and alternate members, elected by the Meeting. The unified mandate of the directors is 1 year, with reelection permitted. At the Shareholders' Meeting of April 29, 2021, the Controlling Shareholders will propose the provision of 9 full members, two of which 3 will be considered independent, in addition to three (3) alternates on the Company's Board of Directors. Thus, the Controlling Shareholders will propose the election of the persons listed below to be members of the Board of Directors:  As full members: Alfredo Egydio Arruda Villela Filho Alfredo Egydio Setubal Andrea Laserna Seibel Helio Seibel Juliana Rozenbaum Munemori (*) Márcio Fróes Torres (*) Raul Calfat (*) Ricardo Egydio Setubal Rodolfo Villela Marino (*) Independent  As alternate members: Alex Laserna Seibel Alexandre de Barros Paula Lucas Setubal The full members may be replaced by their alternates as follows: full members Andrea Laserna Seibel and Helio Seibel with alternate Alex Laserna Seibel; full members Alfredo Egydio Arruda Villela Filho and Rodolfo Villela Marino by alternate Alexandre de Barros; and, the full members Alfredo Egydio Setubal and Ricardo Egydio Setubal for the alternate Paula Lucas Setubal. In order to comply with the requirements of article 10 of CVM Instruction 481/09, the information in items 12.5 to 12.10 of the Reference Form provided for in Attachment 24 of CVM Instruction 480/09, are contained in Attachment 4 of this Manual. The number of members of the Board of Directors may be increased by a decision to be taken by the Shareholders at the Meeting itself, if minority shareholders exercise the right to elect a member of the Board of Directors in a separate vote, and provided that the requirements provided for are met in Article 141, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the Brazilian Corporation Law.

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company d) Ratification of the remuneration paid to administrators in 2020 and fixing the global budget for 2021 In defining the general parameters of management compensation, the Company takes into account, pursuant to Article 152 of the Brazilian Corporation Law, the values practiced by large companies in different sectors in the market, in line with the strategy of attracting, retaining and encouraging managers in conducting social businesses in order to keep the remuneration package competitive. These values are consistent with the great experience, the responsibilities, the time dedicated to the functions, the competencies and the high degree of the administrators’ commitment with the Company. The Annual and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of April 30, 2020 approved the annual global amount of up to R$ 38.5 million, including social charges, for management compensation in 2020 (Board of Directors and Board of Officers), the Board of Directors being responsible for distribution of this amount among the members of these bodies. However, in 2020, R$ 42.5 million were actually spent (excluding social charges), of which R$ 5.6 million for the members of the Board of Officers and R$ 36.9 million for the members of the Executive Board. The projected global compensation did not include the results obtained in the year 2020, which exceeded the Management's expectations for the year, which is why the payment of profit sharing to the members of the Board of Officers exceeded the target initially provisioned. In view of this, the administration proposes the ratification of the aforementioned amount. In accordance with the guidance contained in the Annual Circular Letter issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the General Meeting must set the global annual amount of management compensation taking into account any and all forms of remuneration (fixed and variable), in addition to benefits of any nature, direct and indirect, and representation fees, as well as the amounts paid to the managers based on the stock option plan or other types of stock-based compensation plans. In turn, Official Letter/CVM/SEP/No. 01/2021 presented the understanding of the CVM Collegiate in CVM Proceeding No. 19957.007457/2018-10, in the sense that the employer's social security charges are not covered by the concept “benefit of any kind” (benefício de qualquer natureza) referred to in article 152 of the Brazilian Corporation Law, therefore, they should not include the amounts of global or individual remuneration subject to approval by shareholders at the General Meeting. Thus, for the period from January to December 2021, it is proposed that the Meeting fix the global annual amount of the administrators (Board of Directors and Board of Officers) of up to R$ 48 million, for total remuneration (fixed and variable, comprising benefits of any nature and excluding the social charges of the Company's responsibility), and the Board of Directors is responsible for distributing this amount among the members of these bodies. For the year 2021, management considers the correction of the compensation made to the members of the Board of Directors at the end of 2020, as well as the correction of the compensation for the members of the Board of Officers, the provision of the variable remuneration portion to the Officers at the maximum amount of short-term incentive program and no longer by the target, as well as updating the values of the long-term share-based incentive program. The Management Compensation proposal, as specified in Item 13 of the Reference Form - Attachment 24 of CVM Instruction 480/09, is contained in Attachment 5 to this Manual. ______

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4. Extraordinary General Meeting Under the terms of the proposal submitted by the Board of Directors, the following matter will be submitted for approval by the Shareholders: Amendment to the Regulation of the Long-Term Incentive Plan The Regulations for the Duratex Long-Term Incentive Plan were approved at the General Meeting on April 26, 2019 and re-ratified at the General Meeting on April 30, 2020, and became effective as of 2020 (“Regulation”). The Regulation includes Performance Shares, Matching and Restricted Shares incentives, which are in line with the Company's continuous growth and with the interests of the beneficiaries and the Company, and its purpose is to attract, motivate and retain the best professionals. Management's proposal aims to improve the wording of the Regulation to register that the Statutory and Non-Statutory Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries are considered participants in the Performance Shares and Matching incentives. See below a comparative chart containing the records of the proposed changes follows: Current Writing Proposed Writing III - CRITERIA OF THE PLAN III - CRITERIA OF THE PLAN a) Performance shares a) Performance shares The Performance Plan will be applicable only to directors who The Performance Plan will be applicable only to statutory and are not employed (“statutory directors”). non-statutory directors. b) Matching a) Matching The Matching Plan will only be applicable to non-employed The Matching Plan will be applicable only to statutory and non- directors (“statutory directors”). statutory directors. V - SUMMARY OF PLANS V - SUMMARY OF PLANS

VI - ELIGIBLE PUBLIC VI - ELIGIBLE PUBLIC 6.1 For the purposes of this ILP Plan, the eligible public initially 6.1 For the purposes of this ILP Plan, the eligible public initially comprises, for the criteria “a” and “b” of item III, the Statutory comprises, for the criteria “a” and “b” of item III, the Statutory Directors. and Non-Statutory Directors. The consolidated version of the Company's Long-Term Incentive Plan Regulation is transcribed in Attachment 6, and the information required in the form of Attachment 13 of ICVM 481/09, is included in Attachment 7 to this Manual. ______

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- Attachment 1 - Call Notice

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(Attachment 1)


The Shareholders of DURATEX S.A. (“Company”) are invited to meet at the Annual and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting, which will be held on April 29, 2021, at 11:00 am, in an exclusively digital form, in order to: On the ordinary agenda: 1) take the management's accounts, examine, discuss and vote on the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended on 12.31.2020; 2) to resolve on the proposal for the allocation of net income for the year 2020, and to ratify the anticipated distribution of interest on own capital and additional dividends; 3) set the number of members of the Board of Directors for the next annual term; 4) elect the respective full and alternate members of the Board of Directors; and 5) ratify the remuneration paid to administrators in 2020 and fix the global budget for 2021. On an extraordinary agenda: 1) amend the Duratex Long Term Incentive Plan Regulation. General information: 1) Legitimation, Representation and Participation in the Meeting: Shareholders, their legal representatives or proxies, provided with an identity document, proof of powers and a statement of ownership of the shares, pursuant to Article 126 of Law 6,404/76, may participate in the Meeting or participate and to vote in a virtual way through the Digital Platform, under the terms of CVM Instruction 622/20. To this end, Shareholders must send a request accompanied by the necessary documentation in PDF format to the email [email protected], until 11am on April 27, 2020. The guidelines, the link, the data for connection and the password will be sent until 11 am on April 28, 2020, only to those who express such interest and present the necessary documentation by 11 am on April 27, 2020, according to detailed instructions in the Meeting Manual. 2) Remote Voting: Shareholders who choose to exercise their remote voting rights must complete the Remote Voting Bulletin and send it, by April 23, 2021, to the Company's stock registrar, to custody agents (brokers) or directly to the Company, according to instructions contained in the Meeting Manual; 3) Multiple Voting: Shareholders interested in requesting the adoption of the multiple voting process in the election of members of the Board of Directors must represent at least 5% of the voting capital, pursuant to CVM Instructions 165/91 and 282/98 and request at least 48 hours prior to the Meeting; 4) Separate Election: Minority Shareholders may elect, in a separate vote, a member to the Board of Directors, subject to the conditions provided for in Article 141 of Law 6,404/76, only votes relating to shares held by shareholders that prove uninterrupted ownership of the shareholding since January 29, 2021 will be counted; and 5) Documents available to Shareholders: all documents and additional information necessary for analysis and exercise of voting rights are available at the registered office and at the Company's Investor Relations website (, B3 ( and CVM ( São Paulo (SP), March 29, 2021. BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Alfredo Egydio Setubal and Salo Davi Seibel Co-Chairs of the Board of Directors

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- Attachment 2 - EXECUTIVE OFFICERS’ COMMENTS (Item 10 of the Reference Form - Schedule 24 of CVM Instruction 480/09)

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(Attachment 2)


10.1. Executive officers should comment on: a) financial and equity positions in general The comments of the Board of Officers are presented below, which analyze the financial and equity conditions for the years ended on 12.31.2018, 12.31.2019 and 12.31.2020. The balances presented include the new IFRS accounting standard in accordance with CVM Instruction 485/10. The Company's consolidated gross indebtedness presented the following balances at the end of the years of 12.31.2018, 12.31.2019 and 12.31.2020: R$ 2,862.6 million, R$ 2,948.5 million and R$ 3,205.7 million, respectively. The evolution of gross indebtedness in 2020 is mainly linked to the raising of R$ 1.6 billion in the first half of the year as a way of guaranteeing the Company's financial liquidity in the midst of the COVID- 19 crisis. However, it is worth mentioning that the strong cash generation allowed the Company to make a prepayment of R$ 510.0 million as part of the liability management strategy. As investments for maintenance, efficiency gains and capacity expansion projects, R$ 484.3 million, R$ 455.7 million and R$ 487.4 million were invested in the years 2018, 2019 and 2020, respectively. The increase in 2020 was partly due to the consolidation of the results of Cecrisa, acquired in August 2019. The equity, in turn, in the analysis of the administrators, has shown a slight growth over the years: R$ 4,634.9 million, R$ 4,932.2 million and R$ 5,188.4 million, for the periods of 2018, 2019 and 2020, respectively. The relationship between total indebtedness and equity went from 61.7% in 2018 and from 59.8% in 2019, to 61.8% in 2020, within the appropriate parameters in Duratex's capital structure strategy and reinforcing the commitment with financial deleveraging. In 2020, debts were amortized, and interest was paid in the total amount of R$ 1,512.9 million and R$ 1,640.8 million was contracted in new debts. At the end of the period, there was R$ 1,728.4 million in cash, which is higher than the total amount of short- term loans and financing, which totaled R$ 573.4 million, indicating the liquidity capacity to honor commitments with short-term creditors. At the end of 2020, net debt, calculated as short and long-term loans and financing less available cash, was R$ 1,477.3 million, equivalent to 1.2x the Adjusted and Recurring EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and depletion), which represents a reduction in financial leverage compared to previous years, which was 1.9x in 2019 and 2.0x in 2018, explained by the strong cash generation and historical operating results of the current period. Management understands that, in a limit situation, this indicator could be raised to 3.5x, without prejudice to the Company's solvency condition and without impacting existing debt contracts. In addition, current liquidity in 2020, given by the ratio of Current Assets to Current Liabilities, totaled 1.7 and indicates the availability in R$ (Reais) to cover each R$ 1.00 of short-term obligations. Regardless of the possibility of financial leverage, the operational performance of the Company's operating segments (wood panels and finishing materials for civil construction) should provide sufficient liquidity to meet short and medium-term requirements, in addition to being sufficient for the implementation of the Company's long-term business plan.

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b) capital structure One of the practices in the operational scope is the contracting of credit lines to finance operations. Since August 2010, the Company has an Indebtedness Policy that establishes limits based on indicators based on net debt, which is the result of total indebtedness less available cash. The limit is defined by one of the three alternatives: (i) net debt divided by equity less than 1.0; (ii) net debt divided by Adjusted and Recurring EBITDA less than 3.0 and (iii) short-term net debt divided by Adjusted and Recurring EBITDA less than 0.5. The table below confirms the balanced capital condition, as discussed in the previous item, and compliance with the conditions established in the Policy. (Consolidated in R$ ‘000) 2020 2019 2018 Cash and equivalent 1,728,413 1,243,223 1,162,241 Short-Term debt 573,384 871,865 704,413 Long-Term debt 2,632,337 2,076,675 2,158,191 Total debt 3,205,721 2,948,540 2,862,604 Net debt 1,477,308 1,705,318 1,700,363 Equity 5,188,364 4,932,168 4,634,867 Adjusted and Recurring EBITDA 1,288,306 908,858 848,549 Net debt / Equity 28,5% 34,6% 36,7% Net debt / Adjusted and Recurring EBITDA 1,2 1,9 2,0 Short-term Net debt / Adjusted and Recurring EBITDA Net Cash Net Cash Net Cash Despite the increase in gross debt in relation to the previous year, in 2020 there was a significant reduction in the Company's net indebtedness, still as an effect of the strong cash generation mentioned above. c) payment capability in relation to the financial commitments assumed Duratex's liquidity indicators, as shown in the table below, indicate that the Company has a solvency capacity to meet short, medium and long-term commitments. These indicators showed a significant improvement, suggesting Duratex's financial strength.

Liquidity Ratios 2020 2019 2018 Current Liquidity Ratio 1.7 1.6 1.8 Dry Liquidity Ratio 1.4 1.2 1.4 Quick Liquidity Ratio 0.7 0.6 0.6 General Liquidity Ratio 0.8 0.7 0.9

Likewise, net working capital, resulting from the difference between current assets and current liabilities, had a surplus of R$ 1,808.2 million in relation to short-term obligations in 2020. In 2019, net working capital was R$ 1,364.1 million and in 2018 it was R$ 1,579.3 million. The use of equity and third parties can be found by the ratio between the equity and the total assets. This indicator, which has been decreasing over the years, was 45.1% at the end of the fiscal year 2020, while in 2019 it was 46.0% and in 2018 it was 48.8%, considered thus in line with the results presented.

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company d) sources of financing for working capital and investments in non-current assets that were used The main sources of financing for working capital that the Company uses are its own operating cash generation, in addition to traditional working capital lines obtained from public and private banks. Investments in non-current assets are financed through specific financing lines (BNDES, Finame, 4131, Export Credit Note, Agribusiness Receivables Certificates, Debentures and Bank Credit Notes, mainly) and own cash generation. e) sources of financing for working capital and investments in non-current assets that it intends to use to cover liquidity deficiencies The Company has open credit lines for working capital financing in several banks and which, due to its solvency condition, are not taken. In addition, the Company has the practice of maintaining cash in a minimum amount equivalent to 60 billing days to meet any short-term demands. f) indebtedness ratios and characteristics of the debts, describing: i. relevant loan and financing agreements Below, a table containing all the financial debts contracted (in R$ ’000) according to information available in Note 18 that accompanies the audited financial statements for 2020.

The main loan and financing agreements in force presented the following balances as of December 31, 2020:

BNDES – Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social: The total debt with BNDES was R$ 83.5 million, with R$ 10.5 million falling due in the short term and R$ 73.0 million in the long term.

Safra: The balance, at the end of 2020, with the bank was R$ 63.4 million, maturing in full in the short term

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Bradesco: The Company has contracts with Bradesco, whose balance at the end of the year was R$ 258.5 million, all of which maturing in the short term.

Caixa Econômica Federal: The Company has contracts with CEF, with a balance in Dec/20 of R$ 230.5 million, of which R$ 95.6 million maturing in the short term and R$ 134.9 million maturing in the long term.

Santander: the contracts with Santander had a balance at the end of the year of R$ 143.0 million, of which R$ 140.6 million maturing in the short term and R$ 2.4 million maturing in the long term.

BNB – Banco do Nordeste do Brasil: contracts with BNB had a balance at the end of 2020 of R $ 22.1 million, with R$ 1.2 million falling due in the short term and R$ 20.9 maturing in the long term.

Itaú: contracts with Itaú totaled R$ 515.4 million, expiring in full in the long term.

CRA: The Company has a contract with Ourinvest, with a balance at the end of the year of R$ 700.3 million, of which R$ 0.3 million matures in the short term and R$ 700.0 million matures in the long term.

In addition to the aforementioned financing, the company also has in its portfolio the 2nd issue of Debentures by Duratex S.A., which was already part of the company's debts in 2019. The characteristics and balance of the debt can be seen in the table below:

ii. other long-term relationships with financial institutions

The relationship that the Company maintains with financial institutions is of a commercial nature, in operations involving the collection of its securities, management of its employees' payroll, Authorized Direct Debit (DDA), payment of securities to suppliers, closing of foreign exchange, pass-through of loans and contracting of financing. The main commercial partners, in 2020, in these modalities were , Bradesco, Itaú Unibanco, Safra, Santander, among others.

iii. level of subordination between debts

Of the final consolidated net indebtedness of the 2018, 2019 and 2020 financial years of R$ 1,700.4 million, R$ 1,705.3 million and R$ 1,477.3 million, respectively, only a small fraction equivalent to 2.04%, 3.49% and 0.21%, which corresponds to a balance of R$ 58.4 million, R$ 102.8 million and R$ 6.6 million, respectively, presented real guarantees in the form of chattel mortgage. In this case, these debts were contracted to finance machinery and equipment, in the FINAME modality and in the acquisition of Cecrisa (2019), it was incorporated its 6th Debentures Issuance (settled in February 2020). Therefore, at the end of the year, approximately 99.8% of the consolidated debt had no collateral.

iv. any restrictions imposed on the issuer, in particular in relation to debts limits and the contracting of new debts, distribution of dividends, disposal of assets, issue of new securities and disposal of stockholding control, and whether the issuer has been complying with these restrictions

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The Company undertakes to maintain certain ratios of debts and liquidity in its contracts with BNDES, Caixa Economica Federal, Ourinvest (CRA) and Simplific Pavarini (2nd Issue of Debentures).

The indices are calculated annually according to the parameter below:

I. BNDES – Annual Verification Rule Limit 2020 Ebitda (CVM 527/12) / Net financial expenses = or > 3.00 9.42 Equity / Total assets = or > 0.45 0.45 Ebitda (CVM 527/12) / NOI (last 4 trimesters) = or > 0.20 0.22 II. CRA – OURINVEST / Hcommcor Net Debt / Adjusted and Recurring Ebitda < 4.00 1.15 III. DEBENTURES 2nd ISSUE - SIMPLIFIC PAVARINI Net Debt / Ebitda (CVM 527/12) < 4.00 1.14 IV. Caixa Econômica Federal – Export Credit Note Net Debt / Ebitda (CVM 527/12) < 6.5 1.14 g) limits on the use of the financing already contracted and percentage used The only line of financing that the Company has an open financing limit and not yet released is in partnership with Banco do Nordeste. This financing is used for planting and forests, acquisition of machinery and equipment in the state of Alagoas. The total value of this line is R $ 31.3 million, of which R $ 19.5 million has already been released. h) significant changes in each item of the financial statements

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COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN 2020 AND 2019 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents: On 12.31.2020, cash and cash equivalents totaled R$ 1,728.4 million, which, compared to the end of 2019, represents an increase of R$ 485.2 million.

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Trade accounts receivable: The variation of R$ 127.2 million in 2020, represented an increase of 11.5% when compared to the balance of 2019, mainly due to the increase in revenue of 17.3% in relation to 2019. Related parties accounts receivable: The reduction of R$ 23.1 million in 2020 in relation to the balance of 2019, refers to the reduction of accounts receivable from the client Leo Madeiras. Inventories: Increase of R$ 71.4 million in relation to the previous year, inventories increased by 8.4% in 2020 compared to 2019, closing at R$ 924.7 million against R$ 853.3 million in 2019. Despite the increase, this account showed a reduction in relation to the Net Operating Revenue (14% in 2020), down 4p.p. vs. 2019, indicating greater efficiency in Working Capital using the Duratex Management System. Other receivables: The increase of R$ 47.4 million in this account is mainly due to the transfer of R$ 42.6 from the long-term receivables account due to the maturities in the next 365 days of payments from the sales of farms that occurred until 2019. Recoverable taxes and contributions: The reduction of R$ 9.8 million in this account refers to (i) an increase of R$ 4.0 million related to income tax and social contribution to be offset; (ii) an increase of R$ 1.6 million in ICMS/PIS/COFINS on the acquisition of fixed assets; (iii) reduction of R$ 16.9 million related to PIS/COFINS/ICMS and IPI to be recovered and (iv) increase of R$ 1.5 million in other. Other credits: Increase of R$ 7.5 million in 2020, mainly due to prepaid expenses on insurance contracting. Non-current assets held as available for sale: Increase of R$ 0.2 million in 2020, there was no significant variation in this account. Non-current Assets Other receivables: The reduction of R$ 42.6 million is due to the transfer of amounts receivable to current assets due to the maturities in the next 365 days of payments from the sales of farms that occurred until 2019. Biological assets: Forest reserves that supply the factories with wood from the reforestation activity. It is a self-sustainable operation and integrated with its industrial complexes which, together with a supply network, provides a high degree of self-sufficiency in the supply of wood. The reduction of R$ 401.1 million is represented as follows: (i) (+) R$ 12.9 million referring to the positive change in fair value, of which: R$ 117.3 million from the positive variation related to price and volume and negative R$ 104.4 million, related to the exhaustion of fair value; (ii) (+) R$ 72.2 million positive due to the change in historical value, of which: R$ 199.4 million from the positive change in historical value due to the formation of forests and R$ 127.2 million reduction due to the exhaustion of the historical value; and (iii) (-) R$ 486.2 million reduction, referring to the capital contribution made in the affiliate LD Celulose S.A. Deferred income tax and social contribution: The reduction of R$ 46.0 million is shown in the table below.

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Restricted deposits: Increase of R$ 4.6 million in relation to 2019, representing the variation between new deposits and write-offs due to the termination of lawsuits, civil, labor and tax. Pension plan credits: This item showed a decrease of R$ 14.7 million in relation to the previous year, referring to the present value of the normal future contributions of the sponsors that form the social security program fund, which, according to the plan's regulations, has been used to offset contributions of the sponsors. Recoverable taxes and contributions: Positive variation of R$ 1.2 million occurred due to PIS, COFINS and ICMS on the acquisition of fixed assets and offsetting of values. Investments in subsidiaries and associates: The increase of R$ 836.3 million, refers to: i) an increase of R$ 850.9 million in the investment in LD Celulose S.A., being: an increase of R$ 1,018.2 million related to the investment and capital increase, reduction of R$ 55.6 million for equity equivalence on the result, reduction of R$ 19.0 million in foreign exchange variation and a reduction of R$ 130.7 million related to reflex equity method, due to changes in equity that did not pass through the income statement; and (ii) a reduction of R$ 14.6 million related to the investment in Viva Decora, which was eliminated from the consolidated balance sheet after Duratex acquired control. Other investments: Variation of R$ 0.1 million in 2020, there was no significant variation in this account. Property, plant and equipment: The negative variation of fixed assets of R$ 53.7 million is represented by: (+) R$ 281.4 million from the acquisition of assets; (-) R$ 380.3 million related to depreciation and write-offs; (+) R$ 70.7 million from foreign exchange variations; (-) R$ 9.4 million in amortization of surplus value; (-) R$ 8.8 million in capital contributions to LD Celulose; and (-) R$ 7.3 Reclassification of goodwill (mais valia) to price premium (ágio). Right-of-use assets: The reduction of R$ 217.2 million (R$ 338.5 million in 2020, compared to R$ 555.7 million in R$ 2019) occurred, mainly due to the cancellation of rural land lease at Duratex Florestal. After the capital contribution with forest assets in LD Celulose, the leases of rural land were negotiated directly by LD Celulose with the lessors. The main impact on the Group is related to operations with rural land leasing, as shown below:

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(*) Amount recorded in the cost of formation of forest reserves of biological assets. Intangible assets: The increase of R$ 10.9 million occurred, mainly due to: (i) (+) R$ 54.2 million in additions (ii) (+) R$ 5.4 million of goodwill increase due to expected profitability future in the acquisition of Cecrisa; (iii) (-) R$ 38.6 million in amortizations; (iv) (+) R$ 2.7 million in foreign exchange variation; (v) (-) R$ 12.8 million in software write-offs. LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Personnel: The increase of R$ 39.4 million in 2020, mainly refers to the 13% increase in the number of employees in 2020, when compared to 2019. It is worth mentioning that in addition to Duratex having made efforts to maintain jobs in the face of uncertainties from the pandemic, the number of employees increased by 3.6% in the 4th quarter of 2020. Suppliers: The 74.3% change, when comparing 2020 to 2019, mainly refers to the impact of the increase in volume, inflation and continuous efforts to expand deadlines. Lease liabilities: For a better understanding, the variation in this account must be analyzed together with the variation in the long-term lease with third parties and related parties, whose total variation is reduced by R$ 212.2 million: (i) (+) R$ 1.2 million positive variation in current liabilities (R$ 22.2 million in 2020, compared to R$ 21.0 in R$ 2019); (ii) (+) R$ 45.2 million positive variation in non-current liabilities with third parties (R$ 308.0 million in 2020, compared to R$ 262.8 million in 2019); (iii) (-) R$ 258.6 million of negative variation in non-current liabilities with related parties (R$ 29.9 million in 2020, compared to R$ 288.5 million in 2019) due to the renegotiation of lease agreements for rural land in Duratex Florestal. After the capital contribution with forest assets in LD Celulose, the leases of rural land were negotiated directly by LD Celulose with the lessors. The main impact on the Group is related to operations with rural land leasing, as shown below: (*) Amount recorded in the cost of formation of forest reserves of biological assets. Taxes and contributions: The reduction in this item of R$ 45.3 million, mainly refers to: (i) (-) a reduction of R$ 5.4 million due to the payment of installments of taxes by Cecrisa; (ii) (-) reduction of R$ 43.8 million in income tax and social contribution payable; (iii) (+) increase of R$ 3.7 million in PIS, COFINS, ICMS, IPI and INSS payable; and (iv) (+) R$ 0.2 million increase in other taxes.

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Loans and financing: Reduction of R$ 235.4 million compared to 2019, as shown below.

Debentures: The reduction of R$ 63.1 million, refers to: (i) (-) R$ 60.0 million in payments of debentures by Cecrisa (6th issue) and (ii) (-) reduction of R$ 3.1 million payments, net of interest appropriation in the period. Dividends and interest on capital: The increase of R$ 11.2 million in this account when compared to 2019, refers to: (i) (+) interest on capital, provisioned as mandatory minimum dividends in 2020, in the amount of R$ 126.8 million; (ii) (+) an increase of R$ 141.6 million related to interest on capital in excess of the mandatory minimum dividend of 2019. (iii) (-) payment of interest on capital related to 2019 in the amount of R$ 257.2 Accounts payable: The increase of R$ 88.5 million refers to: (i) (+) R$ 55.0 million in advances from customers; (ii) (+) R$ 19.9 million increase, referring to bonuses, product guarantees, technical assistance, maintenance and commissions; (iii) (-) R$ 31.2 million reduction due to the liquidation of SCP Santa Luzia; (iv) (+) R$ 14.3 million increase in freight and insurance (v) (+) R$ 18.0 million increase due to the acquisition of reforestation areas; (vi) (+) R$ 2.9 million in consulting services; (vii) (+) R$ 1.4 million increase in statutory interests; and (viii) (+) R$ 8.2 million increase in other accounts payable.

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Related parties accounts payable: Positive variation of R$ 0.6 million, refers to reimbursements and services payable.

Non-current liabilities Loans and financing: The increase of R$ 39.8 million is shown in the table below:

Related parties loans and financing: The balance of R$ 515.4 million refers to the loan at Itaú Unibanco, made under the conditions agreed between the parties and within the limits established by Management. Debentures: Positive variation of R$ 0.4 million compared to 2019, related to the updating of Debentures Simples, not convertible into shares, in the total amount of R$ 1.2 billion. Lease liabilities: For a better understanding, the variation of this account must be analyzed together with the variation of the lease account in current liabilities, whose total variation is a reduction of R$ 212.2 million: (i) (+) R$ 1.2 million positive variation in current liabilities (R$ 22.2 million in 2020, compared to R$ 21.0 in R$ 2019); (ii) (+) R$ 45.2 million positive variation in non-current liabilities with third parties (R$ 308.0 million in 2020, compared to R$ 262.8 million in 2019); (iii) (-) R$ 258.6 million of negative variation in non- current liabilities with related parties (R$ 29.9 million in 2020, compared to R$ 288.5 million in 2019) due to the renegotiation of lease agreements for rural land in Duratex Florestal. After the capital contribution with forest assets in LD Celulose, the leases of rural land were negotiated directly by LD Celulose with the lessors. The main impact on the Group is related to operations with rural land leasing, as shown below:

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(*) Amount recorded in the cost of formation of forest reserves of biological assets. Related parties lease liabilities: The variation in this account is an R$ 258.6 million reduction and refers to lease agreements with related parties (see explanation in the previous item). Accounts payable: The reduction of R$ 75.3 million, mainly refers to: (i) (-) R$ 93.5 million reduction in accounts payable with acquisitions of companies; (ii) (+) R$ 32.6 million in the acquisition of farms (iii) (-) R$ 21.6 million referring to the reduction in the provision of post-employment benefits; and (iv) (+) R$ 7.5 of provisions with partners in the Caetex joint operation; and (v) (-) R$ 0.3 million from other accounts payable. Taxes and contributions: The reduction of R$ 40.2 million in this account refers to payments of tax installments by the subsidiary Cecrisa. Related parties accounts payable: Reduction of R$ 2.3 million, related to the provision of services and payments to other related parties, referring to the transfer to current assets. Deferred income tax and social contribution: The reduction of R $ 69.2 million is shown in the table below.

Contingencies: The increase of R$ 110.6 million was due to: (+) R$ 29.1 million related to the updating of tax, labor and civil lawsuits; (+) R$ 138.0 million of provisions, after analysis by legal advisors; (-) R$ 50.7 million for payments of tax, labor and civil lawsuits; (-) R$ 73.8 million of reversals of provisions for decay and other write-offs; (+) R$ 66.3 million of possible and remote provisions accounted for in a business combination in the acquisition of Cecrisa; (+) R$ 1.5 million related to the reduction in the offsetting of judicial deposits related to the provisioned contingencies; and (+) R$ 0.2 million exchange variation on the movements of subsidiaries abroad.

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INCOME STATEMENT Net sales revenue: Despite the impacts resulting from the interruption of economic activities that occurred in periods of the year 2020, the rapid recovery added to the price adjustments led the Company to end the year with net revenue of R$ 5,879.6 million, 17.3% above the same 2019 period. The volume targeting to the foreign market remains strategic for the Company, given that, since the beginning of the year, it has been conquering new markets such as the United States, which led the export revenue to increase by 26.9% compared to 2019, representing 18.0% of the result. The increase of R$ 867.9 million in net revenue, when compared to 2019, is mainly due to: (i) 8.8% increase in revenue in the Deca Division compared to 2019, mainly due to the resumption of demand in the 4th quarter 2020, showing a consistent improvement in the profitability of its products, through the restructuring process implemented based on the Industrial Efficiency and Logistics pillar of its Strategic Growth Agenda, the increase in the volume sold, especially of the Hydra brand, triggered a greater Deca's exposure in markets with lower added value, which partially offset the price increases implemented; (ii) 10.8% increase in the Wood Division compared to 2019, can be justified by the robust strategy of resuming and positioning the Company's products in the market, which, coupled with the strengthening of customer relations, propelled it to present relevant Market Share gains in all product lines, especially in coated products. In the foreign market, despite the strong impact of COVID-19 in Latin American countries, the Company's main markets, the increase in sales to diversified markets and the strategy of strengthening exports, led to a 30% increase in export volumes; (iii) 82.3% growth in revenue from the Ceramic Tiles Division compared to 2019, mainly due to the significant increase in the volume sold and the full incorporation of Cecrisa's revenues in the full calendar year. Changes in the fair value of biological assets: Negative 7.0% change, impacted both by the change in the discount rate to 7.05% compared to the 5.3% used in 2019 and by the effects of the variation in the volume of wood. Cost of products sold: An increase of 7.8% in relation to 2019, mainly due to the higher expenditure on variable expenses due to the significant increase in sales volume, mitigated by the reduction in costs and the record of industrial use, which offset the negative impacts resulting from the temporary suspension of the factories that occurred at the beginning of the second quarter. Selling expenses: Selling expenses increased by 9.1% in the year 2020, compared to the previous year, mainly due to the higher expenditures resulting from the consolidation of Cecrisa in the Company's results. However, these additional expenses were offset by gains in scale in the second half. It is worth mentioning that, despite the negative impacts of COVID-19 on the provision for doubtful debts, the Company's strong control over credit management in line with the improvement of its commercial relations enabled the rapid recovery, ending the year close to normal levels. General and administrative expenses: Increase of R$ 22.7 million, in the year 2020. Duratex directed its efforts in cost reduction projects with the support of a specialized external consultancy, which justified the 10.6% increase in general and administrative expenses of the year. These projects involved a strict review of the production costs, already noted in the improvement of the unit cash cost of the divisions, and of the negotiation process with suppliers, which contributed, for example, to the 45-day increase in the Company's payment term.

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Other operating income, net: The negative R$ 369.6 million variation in this account occurred as shown below:

Equity in the results of investees: The negative balance of R$ 66.6 million is represented by the participation in the results of the companies LD Celulose, LD Florestal and Viva Decora. Financial income: Financial income increased by R$ 29.1 million compared to 2019, with the following variations: (i) (-) reduction of R$ 12.9 million in income from financial investments; (ii) (+) an increase of R$ 56.0 million in exchange variation; (iii) (-) Reduction of R$ 8.7 million in monetary restatement and (iv) (-) reduction of R$ 5.3 million in interest and discounts obtained. Financial expenses: Financial expenses increased by R$ 5.8 million in relation to 2019 with the following variations: (i) (-) reduction of R$ 55.0 million in charges on financing in national currency; (ii) (-) reduction of R$ 11.7 million in charges on financing in foreign currency; (iii) (+) an increase of R$ 26.2 million in foreign exchange variation; (iv) (+) increase of R$ 7.4 million in monetary restatements; (v) (+) increase of R$ 42.5 million in operations with derivatives; and (iv) (-) a reduction of R$ 3.6 million in other financial expenses. Deferred and current income tax and social contribution: Increase of R$ 7.5 million in this expense, when compared to 2019, as shown in the table below:

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COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN 2019 AND 2018 ASSETS Current assets Cash and cash equivalents: As of December 31, 2019, cash and cash equivalents totaled R $ 1,243.2 million, which, compared to the end of 2018, represents an increase of R $ 81.0 million.

Trade accounts receivable: The reduction of R$ 72.7 million in 2019, represented a slight reduction of 6% when compared to the balance of 2018, mainly due to the receipt in 2019 of sales of forests with balance receivable in 2018. Related parties accounts receivables: The reduction of R$ 6.3 million in 2019 in relation to the balance of 2018, refers to the reduction of accounts receivable from the client Leo Madeiras. Inventories: Increase of R$ 56.0 million in relation to the previous year, affected mainly by the consolidation of Cecrisa in 2019, in the total of R $ 98.8 million and a reduction of R $ 42.8 million by actions to reduce inventories, this was achieved in Working Capital using the Duratex Management System and greater inventory provision. In addition, the São Leopoldo (Ceramics) and (Panels) factories were closed. Other receivables: The reduction of R$ 270.1 million in this account, mainly refers to the receipt for sales of farms from the subsidiary Duratex Florestal to the company . Recoverable taxes and contributions: An increase of R$ 37.3 million in this account refers to (i) an increase of R$ 16.7 million related to income tax and social contribution to be offset; (ii) reduction of R$ 0.5 million in ICMS/PIS/COFINS on the acquisition of property, plant and equipment; (iii) an increase of R$ 17.4 million related to PIS/COFINS/ICMS and IPI to be recovered and (iv) an increase of R$ 3.7 million from others. Other credits: Increase of R$ 4.4 million in 2019, mainly represented by the consolidation of Cecrisa in the amount of R$ 1.6 million. Non-current assets held as available for sale: Increase of R$ 32.6 million in 2019: (i) by the consolidation of Cecrisa in the amount of R$ 40.9 million, related to properties of paralyzed units; (ii) a reduction of R$ 9.1 million from the sale of forests; and (iii) R$ 0.8 million for the inclusion of new properties received as payment for accounts receivable.

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Non-current assets Other receivables: The increase of R$ 13.0 million mainly refers to: (i) reduction in the receipt of assets in the amount of R$ 41.8 million as payment in the negotiation of the fiberboard unit (ii) increase of R$ 56.6 million for the sale of farms owned by the subsidiary Duratex Florestal; and (vi) a reduction of R$ 1.8 million in other receivables. Biological assets: Forest reserves that supply the factories with wood from the reforestation activity. It is a self-sustainable operation and integrated with its industrial complexes which, together with a supply network, provides a high degree of self-sufficiency in the supply of wood. The reduction of R$ 20.6 million is represented as follows: (i) R$ 44.7 million negative referring to the change in fair value, being: R$ 126.0 million positive variation related to price and volume and R$ 170.7 million negative, related to the exhaustion of fair value; (ii) R$ 24.0 million positive due to the change in historical value, of which: R$ 193.5 million from the positive change in historical value due to the formation of forests and R$ 169.5 million reduction by exhaustion of the historical value; and (iii) a reduction of R$ 9.1 million related to the transfer to current assets account available for sale. Deferred income tax and social contribution: The increase of R$ 101.0 million is shown in the table below.

Restricted deposits: Increase of R$ 7.6 million in relation to 2018, representing the variation between new deposits and write-offs due to the termination of civil, labor and tax lawsuits. Pension plan credits: This item presented an increase of R$ 9.4 million in relation to the previous year, referring to the present value of the normal future contributions of the sponsors that form the social security program fund, which, according to the plan's regulations, has been used to offset contributions of the sponsors. Recoverable taxes and contributions: Positive variation of R$ 3.0 million occurred due to PIS, COFINS and ICMS on the acquisition of fixed assets and offsets.

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Other investments: Positive variation of R$ 76.0 million, refers to: (i) R$ 67.3 million in capital contributions to LD Florestal S.A (shared control of Duratex S.A.); (ii) R$ 5.3 million in capital contributions to Viva Decora (an affiliate of Duratex S.A.); (iii) R$ 1.4 million of equity in changes in the equity of unconsolidated companies; and (iv) R$ 2.0 million of investment properties. Property, plant and equipment: The positive variation of fixed assets of R$ 327.5 million is represented by: (+) R$ 293.1 million from the acquisition of assets; (-) R$ 473.0 million related to depreciation and write-offs; (+) R$ 9.8 million from foreign exchange variations; (-) R$ 7.9 million in amortization of goodwill; (+) R$ 284.1 million for the consolidation of Cecrisa; (+) R$ 222.3 million of capital gain in the acquisition of Cecrisa and; (- ) R$ 0.9 million referring to transfer to non-current assets available for sale. Right-of-use assets: The balance of R$ 555.7 million in 2019 refers to the implementation of IFRS 16 (Leases), which introduced a single model of accounting for leases in the balance sheet for lessees. A lessee recognizes a right-of-use asset that represents its right to use the leased asset and a lease liability that represents its obligation to make lease payments. The main impact on the Group is related to operations with rural land leasing, as shown below:

(*) Amount recorded in the cost of formation of forest reserves of biological assets. Intangible assets: The increase of R$ 297.9 million was mainly due to: (i) (+) R$ 26.4 million in additions (ii) (+) R$ 163.0 million of goodwill due to expected future profitability in the acquisition of Cecrisa; (iii) (+) R$ 154.0 million of capital gain of the Portinari brand in the acquisition of Cecrisa; (iv) (-) R$ 34.2 million in amortizations; (v) (+) R$ 0.3 million in foreign exchange variation; (vi) (-) R$ 12.0 million written off from software; (vii) (+) R$ 9.2 million for the consolidation of Cecrisa and (viii) (-) R$ 8.8 million referring to the impairment of intangible assets.

LIABILITIES Current liabilities Personnel: The increase of R$ 26.1 million in 2019, mainly refers to the increase of R$ 25.1 million due to the consolidation of Cecrisa, complemented by other variations that added up to R $ 1.0 million. Suppliers: The 41.7% change when compared to 2019 to 2018, mainly refers to the impact of the increase in volume, inflation, continuous efforts to expand deadlines and consolidate Cecrisa.

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Lease liabilities: The balance of R$ 21.0 million refers to the 12-month period of the lease agreements related to the implementation of IFRS 16 (Leases) in 2019, which introduced a single model of accounting for leases in the balance sheet for lessees. A lessee recognizes a right-of-use asset that represents its right to use the leased asset and a lease liability that represents its obligation to make lease payments. The main impact on the Group is related to operations with rural land leasing, as shown below:

Taxes and contributions: The increase in this item of R$ 85.1 million mainly refers to: (i) an increase of R$ 26.9 million due to tax installments in the consolidation of Cecrisa; (ii) an increase of R$ 38.9 million in income tax and social contribution payable; (ii) R$ 19.3 million increase in PIS COFINS, ICMS, IPI payable. Loans and financing: Increase of R $ 101.7 million in relation to 2018, as shown below.

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Debentures: The balance of R$ 65.7 million refers to: (i) R$ 6.7 million of interest appropriation for the issue in May 2019 by Duratex SA of Simple Debentures, not convertible into shares, in the total amount of R$ 1.2 billion; and (ii) R$ 59.0 million for the consolidation of Cecrisa, related to debentures (6th issue). Dividends and interest on capital: The negative variation in this account of R$ 430.0 million refers to: (i) interest on own capital, provisioned as mandatory minimum dividends for 2019, in the amount of 115.9; (ii) dividend payment for the year 2018 in the amount of R$ 545.9 million. Accounts payable: The increase of R$ 23.7 million refers to: (i) (+) R$ 15.4 million increase, referring to bonuses, product guarantees, technical assistance, maintenance and commissions; (ii) (+) R$ 5.6 million to be paid to the partners participating in the joint ventures (SCPs - Sociedade em Conta de Participação); and (iii) R$ 2.7 million related to other accounts payable. Related parties accounts payable: Amount related to the provision of services and payments with other related parties. There was no variation in this item.

Non-current liabilities Loans and financing: The reduction of R$ 1,279.5 million is shown in the table below:

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Debentures: The balance of R$ 1,198.0 million refers to the issue in May 2019 by Duratex S.A. of Simple Debentures, not convertible into shares, in the total amount of R $ 1.2 billion. Lease liabilities: The balance of R$ 262.8 million in long-term liabilities added to the balance of R$ 21.0 million in current liabilities, plus the balance of R$ 288.5 million in liabilities of related party leases which together represent the total liabilities of the Group in total of R$ 572.3 million, refer to leasing contracts related to the implementation of IFRS 16 (Leases) in 2019, which introduced a single model of accounting for leases in the balance sheet for lessees. A lessee recognizes a right-of-use asset that represents its right to use the leased asset and a lease liability that represents its obligation to make lease payments. The main impact on the Group is related to operations with rural land leasing, as shown below:

(*) Amount recorded in the cost of formation of forest reserves of biological assets. Related parties lease liabilities: The balance of R$ 288.5 million refers to lease agreements with related parties (see explanation in the previous item). Accounts payable: The increase of R$ 136.6 million, mainly refers to: (i) R$ 92.9 million payable for the acquisition of Cecrisa; (ii) R$ 42.0 million referring to post-employment benefits; and (iii) R$ 1.7 million with other accounts payable. Taxes and contributions: The balance of R$ 127.3 million refers to the installment of taxes of the subsidiary Cecrisa, absorbed by the consolidation of the balance sheets of this subsidiary in 2019. Related parties accounts payable: Reduction of R$ 2.6 million in the amount related to the provision of services and payments to other related parties, referring to the transfer to current assets. Deferred income tax and social contribution: The reduction of R$ 45.5 million is shown in the table below.

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Contingencies: The increase of R$ 172.6 million was due to: (+) R$ 26.9 million related to the updating of tax, labor and civil lawsuits; (+) R$ 206.8 million for constitution of provisions, after analysis by legal advisors; (-) R$ 39.9 million for payments of tax, labor and civil lawsuits; (-) R $ 154.2 million of reversals of provisions for decay and other write-offs; (+) R$ 89.2 million for the consolidation of Cecrisa; (+) R$ 99.4 million of possible and remote provisions accounted for in a business combination in the acquisition of Cecrisa; and (-) R$ 55.6 million referring to the increase in the offsetting of judicial deposits related to the provisioned contingencies.

INCOME STATEMENT Net sales revenue: The increase of R$ 62.3 million in net revenue, equivalent to 1.3%, is mainly due to: (i) 6.4% in the increase in revenue in the Deca Division compared to 2018, mainly due to the resumption of demand in the 4th quarter of 2019, showing a consistent improvement in the profitability of its products, through the restructuring process implemented based on the Industrial Efficiency and Logistics pillar of its Strategic Growth Agenda; (ii) 10.4% reduction in the Wood Division, which directed its efforts to apply its commercial policy and prioritize the sale of products with higher added value, which led it to end the year with a drop in volumes greater than the market, however with significant improvement in its profitability; (iii) 158% growth in revenue from the Ceramic Tiles Division, mainly due to the five-month consolidation of Cecrisa's result, acquired in 2019. Changes in the fair value of biological assets: The variation in the fair value of the biological assets of 2019 was at levels normalized by the development of the biological assets, impacted by the reduction of the discount rate to 5.3% compared to the 5.7% used in 2018, and the effects of the wood volume variation. Cost of products sold: The increase of R$ 44.6 million, representing a slight increase of 1.2% compared to 2018, occurred mainly due to the consolidation of 5 months of Cecrisa's results, being mitigated by the continued cost reduction due to initiatives of the Duratex Management System. Selling expenses: Selling expenses increased by 2.4% in 2019, compared to the previous year. This increase represented R$ 17.0 million and was mainly driven by the increase in sales volume of the Deca Division in relation to 2018, mainly in the 4th quarter of 2019 and by the 5 months consolidation of Cecrisa's results.

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General and administrative expenses: Increase of R$ 34.4 million, mainly due to: (i) spending on innovation and projects and (ii) consolidation of 5 months of Cecrisa's results in 2019. These increases were mitigated by gains from the Duratex Management System initiatives, reflecting Duratex's commitment to efficient cost and expense management. Other operating income, net: The variation of R$ 37.0 million in this account occurred as shown below:

Financial income: Financial income decreased by R$ 19.4 million compared to 2018 with the following variations: (i) reduction of R$ 9.6 million in income from financial investments; (ii) a R$ 3.7 million reduction in foreign exchange variation; (iii) reduction of R$ 7.6 million in monetary restatement and (iv) increase of R$ 1.5 million interest and discounts obtained. Financial expenses: Financial expenses decreased by R$ 9.3 million, mainly due to the drop in interest rates in the country and the re-profiling of Duratex's financial liabilities. Deferred and current income tax and social contribution: The reduction of R$ 77.3 million in this expense in 2019 compared to 2018, is related to the lower income tax and social contribution base: (i) (+) reduction of R$ 35.1 million on the base tax result; (ii) (-) a reduction of R$ 9.8 million related to the variation in the interest on own capital deductibility; (iii) (-) an increase of R$ 20.0 million due to the decrease in the difference in taxation of controlled companies; (iv) (+) a reduction of R$ 36.9 million on the impairment of intangible assets; (v) (+) a reduction of R$ 27.5 million due to the write-off of IR and CS on a negative basis tax loss and (iv) (+) a reduction of R$ 7.6 million on other transactions.

10.2. Executive officers should comment on: a) the issuer’s results of operation, in particular: The year 2020 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the local and world economy. The initial uncertainties led to the temporary suspension of trade and services activities and, consequently, the paralysis of part of the industrial sector. Government measures to mitigate impacts on income (such as emergency aid) and employment of the population, in addition to reducing the level of interest rates, ensured that after the process of easing social distance began, in the middle of the year, the recovery economy to happen faster than previously estimated, especially in the construction and home improvement sectors, which also benefited from the impacts of the pandemic on people's consumption habits and lifestyles.

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To mitigate the effects of the crisis, Duratex acted, through the creation of the Crisis Committee, directly on 5 fronts: People and Communication; Technology; Industrial/Supplies; Commercial and Finance, which were fundamental to deal with the moment of low demand and also focus on the Company's agility and assertiveness in the recovery process. The speed of its actions combined with the rapid recovery of demand, mainly in the construction and home improvement sectors, led Duratex to achieve the best result in its history for two consecutive quarters, ending the year with a 41.7% growth in its EBITDA Adjusted and Recurring. In the midst of the COVID-19 scenario, the wood panel sector was strongly impacted in the first half of the year, with a drop in volumes both in the domestic market and in exports. However, as the social distance measures began to become more flexible in June, the effect of pent-up demand in the 2nd quarter and the change in market habits resulted in the strong resumption of the sector, ending the year with a 6.5% growth in compared to 2019. The Wood Division started the year 2020 with a performance above expectations, however, due to the strong reduction in demand in the 2nd quarter, it was necessary to temporarily suspend its operations, which strongly impacted its results in this period. However, efficient cost management coupled with rapid repositioning in the market, high quality customer service and a successful price increase strategy, more than compensated for the aforementioned falls, leading the Division to close 2020 with an increase of 38.3% in its Adjusted and Recurring EBITDA. The sector of civil construction materials, in turn, after the sharp drop presented in the first half, showed continuous improvement according to data released by the Brazilian Association of the Construction Materials Industry (Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Materiais de Construção - ABRAMAT), however, this improvement was insufficient to offset the effects of the COVID-19 crisis, leading to a slight retraction in deflated billing of 0.4% in the accumulated result for the year. The year 2020 was challenging for Deca, in the first quarter impacted by the flooding in the metals unit in São Paulo, the Division still suffered a large retraction in demand with the closing of the economy due to the pandemic, which only started showing signs of improves after the stores reopened. However, the Division's agility in adapting to the scenario with the strengthening of commercial actions on different fronts, such as the food channel through the Hydra brand, and the launch of its marketplace, as well as the differentiated marketing actions carried out with customers and the strong resumption of the retirement sector was sufficient to leverage the Division's Adjusted and Recurring EBITDA growth of 25.1% in the year. The Ceramic Tiles market, as well as in the other sectors mentioned, was strongly impacted in the first half of 2020 with the drop in demand. However, despite presenting a later resumption due to the complexity of restarting the furnaces, it ended the year with a 2.5% growth and with the level of industry use at a level higher than that presented in 2019. The Ceramic Tiles Division started the year with the objective of maximizing the capture of synergies between the Ceusa and Portinari brands. With the remodeled administrative and commercial structure, the enhancement of brands and cost reduction ensured that the annual results exceeded the initial estimates. It is worth noting that this result was not only better due to the pandemic scenario, which in addition to the strong loss of demand, included a government decree in which all factories had to temporarily reduce the number of employees by 50.0%, which impacted production directly. With the reopening of the economy, as well as in Deca, the Division had a strong boost, starting to operate at full capacity in the middle of the third quarter, which led to the end of the year with the growth of 63.2% of the Adjusted and Recurring EBITDA compared to 2019.

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i. description of any important components of revenue Macro conditions in the domestic market are important components of revenue, such as, but not limited to employment, income, interest rates, availability of credit to finance the acquisition of consumer goods and real estate and financing term. In addition to these, issues related to the Company such as volume of products shipped, prices practiced, and sales mix complement the main components of revenue. ii. factors that materially affected operating income and expenses The result for the year 2020 was mainly affected by the accounting effects of (-) R$ 69.6 million related to the investment project in the pre-operational phase of the new Dissolving Wood Pulp Division (LD Celulose). In addition, in order to support communities in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company made donations to initiatives across the country, benefiting campaign hospitals and social actions, which impacted (-) R$ 7.1 million the EBITDA. In addition, in continuity with the various restructuring actions, operating performance, as measured by EBITDA, was also impacted by the following extraordinary effects:  (+) R$ 15.7 million related to the sale of assets of the Wood Division, including the divestment in farms and the sale of assets to Eucatex and Duratex S.A. Colombia;  (-) R$ 3.0 million related to restructuring in the Ceramic Tiles Division, which considers the closure of the Santa Luzia (MG) unit, formerly Cecrisa, and the restructuring in the administrative and commercial areas; 2019 was marked by several restructurings, so that operating performance, as measured by EBITDA, was impacted by the following events of an extraordinary nature:  (+) R$ 461.6 million related to restructuring in the Wood Division, which includes the sale of forest assets to Suzano and Bracell, and the closure of the Botucatu unit;  (-) R$ 48.6 million related to restructuring in the Deca Division, which considers the impacts of the closure of the São Leopoldo unit and the closure of the Tubarão unit, which occurred at the end of 2018;  (-) R$ 30.3 million related to restructuring in the Ceramic Tiles Division, which considers the closure of the Santa Luzia (MG) unit, formerly Cecrisa, and the restructuring in the administrative and commercial areas;  (-) R$ 59.6 million related to the review of the Company's inventory policy. In 2018, operating performance, as measured by EBITDA, was affected by events of an extraordinary nature, which:  (-) R$ 912.2 million referring to the sale of land and forests, which contributed (-) R$ 621.1 million referring to the sale of land of the subsidiary Duratex Florestal Ltda. and (-) R$ 292.2 million related to the sale of forests to Suzano Papel e Celulose; e  (+) R$ 224.4 million related to goodwill impairment; (+) R$ 55.8 million related to the restructuring that took place in the Deca Division; (+) R$ 46.9 million related to the restructuring in the Wood Division.

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company b) changes in revenue arising from changes in prices, foreign Exchange rates, inflation, volume and the introduction of new products and services  Foreign exchange: Duratex's revenue is essentially derived from the domestic market, with only 18.0% coming from the foreign market. This revenue comes mainly from the Wood Division, which has a greater participation in the Company's results, and has approximately 25.0% of its revenue in foreign currency. The Deca Division and the Ceramic Tiles Division have around 5.0% and 10.0% of total revenue linked to export, respectively.  Changes in prices: Considering the pricing strategy, Duratex seeks through assertiveness in pricing and better positioning of its products in the market, to ensure the maintenance of its margins at levels higher than its competitors, mitigating the effects of inflation of its production inputs and exchange rate impact.  Volume: Duratex has been focusing its efforts on getting closer to its customers and launching products that are increasingly aligned with market trends, which allows the Company to improve its volumes sold. It is also worth mentioning the important increase in volume in the Ceramic Tiles Division as of August 2019 as a result of the acquisition of Cecrisa. The Company's growth tends to be impacted by the performance of the real estate market, which influences the level of demand for Duratex products in the late construction cycle, that is, on average, 18 months after the real estate launch.

2020 2019 2018

Volume Shipped (‘000 m³/year) 2,826,767 2,504,371 2,748,107 Wood Division Net Revenue (in '000) 3,251,027 2,933,804 3,272,797 Unit Net Revenue (in R$/m³) 1,150,09 1,171,47 1,190,93 Volume Shipped (‘000 units/year) 27,315 25,730 26,052 Deca Division Net Revenue (sales in units) 1,717,650 1,578,093 1,483,105 Unit Net Revenue (in R$/units) 62.88 61.33 56.93 Volume Shipped (m²) 24,274,772 13,483,484 5,340,125 Ceramic Tiles Net Revenue (in '000) 910,939 499,809 193,459 Division Unit Net Revenue (em R$/m²) 37.53 37.07 36.23 c) impact of inflation, changes in the prices of main inputs and products, foreign exchange rate and interest rates on the issuer’s operating income and expenses and finance result, when relevant  Operational results: inflation and foreign exchange in the prices of main inputs. Duratex's cost is mainly affected by inflation, since it is mostly incurred in Reais, with some exceptions as presented in the course of this item. Part of the Company's raw materials for production are linked to international commodities and fixed in foreign currency (dollar), thus subject to the current exchange variation. In the Wood Division, the main commodities are urea and methanol, essential inputs for the manufacture of resin, which corresponds to approximately 20.0% of the cost of the product sold. As a way of protecting against eventual price

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company fluctuations in these commodities, the Company has a resin plant in the industrial unit in (SP), which makes it possible to purchase inputs strategically, thus mitigating the effects of periods of greater volatility. In the Deca Division, on the other hand, the greatest exposure in commodity is linked to basic items such as copper alloy and plastic polymers. The Ceramic Tiles Division has no relevant costs related to commodity inputs. Due to the effects of commodities, as well as other imported inputs, the Company is exposed to exchange rate variation, especially in the Wood Division, with approximately 25.0% of costs pegged to the dollar. In the Deca Division, this exposure is approximately 15.0% and in the Ceramic Tiles Division, it is 5.0%. 2020 2019 2018 Volume Shipped (‘000 m³/year) 2,826,767 2,504,371 2,748,107 Cash Cost (in '000) 1,939,935 1,810,428 1,905,730 Wood Division Unit Cash Cost (in R$/m³) (686.27) (722.91) (693.47) Gross Margin (%) 30.7% 23.7% 28.6% Volume Shipped (‘000 units/year) 27,315 25,730 26,052 Cash Unit Cost (in '000) 1,074,995 1,045,375 1,015,507 Deca Division Unit Cash Cost (in R$/unit) (39.36) (40.63) (38.98) Gross Margin (%) 32.1% 27.4% 24.9% Volume Shipped (sqm) 24,274,772 13,483,484 5,340,125 Ceramic Tiles Cash Cost (in '000) 517,816,000 318,677,000 111,308,000 Division Unit Cash Cost (in R$/sqm) (23.56) (23.63) (20.84) Gross Margin (%) 33.4% 33.1% 39.3%

 Financial results: interest rates and foreign exchange. Regarding the financial result, the Company has a debt which is 99.9% linked to the national currency and 99.5% indexed to the CDI. R$ ‘000 2020 2019 2018 Financial Income 132,149 103,091 122,520 Financial Expenses (269,287) (263,521) (272,816) Net Financial Result (137,138) (160,430) (150,296)

10.3. Executive officers should comment on the material effects that the events below may have caused or may cause in the future on the issuer’s financial statements and results: a) the introduction or disposal of operating segments In June 2018, Duratex announced the joint venture project with the Austrian company Lenzing AG for the creation of a dissolving wood pulp unit in , which was later approved in December 2019. The new industrial unit will have a production capacity of up to 500.0 thousand tons of dissolving wood pulp and will have a total investment of approximately R$ 5.2 billion. Operations are scheduled to start in the first half of 2022. In 2019 and 2020 there was no introduction or sale of operating segments.

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company b) the incorporation, acquisition or disposal of ownership interests In 2018, the Company announced a joint venture with Austrian Lenzing AG, for the creation of a dissolving wood pulp plant in Minas Gerais. The new company (LD Celulose), which will operate the plant and the forest, will be owned by Duratex and Lenzing, with a 49.0% and 51.0% interest, respectively. This project was approved in December 2019. In 2019, Duratex acquired 100.0% of the shareholding Cecrisa Revestimentos Cerâmico, one of the main ceramic tile companies in the country, owners of the Cecrisa and Portinari brands. The total amount of the transaction was composed of (i) R$ 264.0 million in cash; (ii) incorporation of net debt in the amount of R$ 442.0 million; (iii) possible additional price of up to R$ 275.0 million in the event of future verification of certain suspensive conditions. This acquisition is in line with Duratex's purpose of offering “Solutions to better live” and represents an important step in expanding the Company's product portfolio. In 2020, Viva Decora Internet Ltda was fully acquired by the Company, which since November/2017, when the Company acquired 28.6% of its shares, had been receiving additional contributions, thus increasing its participation in the business over time. The platform works as an inspiration for interior decoration and renovation, including a base of more than 120,000 registered architects and designers. In addition, it has digital marketing intelligence and an integrated marketplace channel, being the leader in accesses, with organic traffic of more than 10.0 million sessions per month. The acquisition was an important step in Duratex's long-term strategy, which, together with the launch of Deca's marketplace, seeks to strengthen contact with partners and end consumers, combining technology and innovation through the enhancement of digital channels, in addition to following the trend of intensified online buying amid the COVID-19 pandemic. c) unusual events or operations On January 31, 2018, the Company sold facilities and equipment for the production of thin wood fiber sheets in transaction with the Eucatex Group. The transaction involved exchanging these facilities and equipment for a farm, located in the municipality of Capão Bonito (SP), a strategic region due to the proximity to the wood panel unit, based on the amount of R$ 60.0 million. On February 5, 2018, Duratex sold 30.0 thousand hectares of land and forests in the central region of the State of São Paulo in a transaction with Suzano Papel e Celulose for approximately R$ 1.0 billion. The operation was carried out in two stages, the first being the sale of approximately 9,500 hectares of rural areas and the forest assets in them, in the amount of R$ 308.1 million. And the second, concluded on July 2, 2018, involved the sale of approximately 20.0 thousand hectares of rural areas and the forest assets existing there, totaling R$ 749.4 million. This operation was made possible due to the Company's higher forest productivity over the years, which led the company to have a forest base that exceeded the planned needs of its wood panel factories. On July 23, 2018, the Company announced investments of R$ 94.0 million for the expansion of the ceramic tile unit, increasing the total production capacity to 11.0 million m2 per year, which represented an increase of 83.0%. On November 1, 2018, Duratex announced the end of the industrial operation for the production of electric showers in Tubarão (SC) and the transfer of the production lines to Aracaju (SE), with no impact on installed capacity. This movement is part of the Deca Division's Strategic Growth Agenda, in line with the industrial and logistics efficiency pillar

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On November 22, 2018, the Company announced the temporary shutdown of MDF operations in Botucatu (SP), which had a production capacity of 400.0 thousand m³ per year. On May 22, 2019, Duratex announced the purchase of Cecrisa Revestimentos Cerâmicos, one of the largest ceramic tile companies in the country, owners of the Cecrisa and Portinari brands. On July 1, 2019, Duratex announced the closure of the sanitary ware unit in São Leopoldo (RS). The plant's assets were transferred to the other units, thus there was no loss of production capacity. This initiative is also part of the Deca division's long-term strategy, as it allows for manufacturing optimization and greater industrial efficiency. On September 2, 2019, Duratex announced the closure of the ceramic tile unit in Santa Luzia (MG), with the transfer of assets to the other units in the division. This movement reinforces the company's commitment to maximizing the productivity of its operations and maintaining strong brands, aimed at the high end public. On September 18, 2019, the Company announced the sale of land and forests to Bracell Celulose Ltda and Turvinho Participações Ltda. In addition, it also announced the definitive closure of the operations of the wood panel unit in Botucatu (SP). Both operations, sale of assets and closure of the Botucatu unit, led the Company to recognize an extraordinary net income of approximately R $ 230.0 million. On December 27, 2019, Duratex announced the partial spin-off of Duratex Florestal Ltda. and the incorporation of the spun-off equity portion, an operation in which the Company assigned forests and land for the formation of the dissolving wood pulp joint venture (LD Celulose). In 2020, there were no relevant unusual events or operations.

10.4. Executive officers should comment on: a) Significant changes in accounting practices There were no significant changes in 2020 and 2018. In 2019, there was the Implementation of CPC 06 (R2)/IFRS 16 which introduced a single model of accounting for leases in the balance sheet for lessees. A lessee recognizes a right-of-use asset that represents its right to use the leased asset and a lease liability that represents its obligation to make lease payments. b) Significant effects of the changes in accounting practices In 2020, there were no changes in accounting practices compared to 2019. In 2019, the main impact on Duratex's consolidated financial statements on January 1, the date of the implementation of the change in accounting, is related to operations with rural land leasing in the amount present amount of R$ 488.2 million. The remaining leases comprise administrative properties, a distribution center and vehicles in the estimated amount of R$ 13.4 million. c) Qualifications and emphases presented in the auditor’s report There are no reservations and emphases present in the reports of the independent auditors, referring to the financial statements of the fiscal years ended on 12.31.2020, 12.31.2019 and 12.31.2018.

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10.5. Executive officers should indicate and comment on the critical accounting policies adopted by the issuer, in particular, the accounting estimates made by management on uncertain and relevant issues for describing the financial position and results that require subjective or complex judgment, such as: provisions, contingencies, revenue recognition, tax assets, long-lived assets, useful lives of non-current assets, pension plans, foreign currency translation adjustments, environmental recovery costs, criteria for asset and financial instrument impairment tests Estimates and critical accounting judgments In the preparation of the financial statements, judgments, estimates and accounting assumptions were used to account for certain assets and liabilities and other transactions. The definition of accounting estimates and judgments adopted by Management was prepared using the information available on the date, involving experience of past events and forecast of future events. The financial statements include various estimates such as: useful lives of property, plant and equipment, realization of deferred tax credits, impairment of accounts receivable from customers, losses on inventories, assessment of the fair value of biological assets and provision for contingencies, impairment test goodwill, pension plan and health benefits, among others. The main estimates and assumptions that may present risk, with a probability of causing adjustments in the book values of assets and liabilities, are contemplated below: a) Risk of fair value variation in biological assets The Group adopted several estimates to assess its forest reserves in accordance with the methodology established by CPC 29 / IAS 41 - “Biological assets and agricultural product". These estimates were based on market references, which are subject to changes in the scenario that may impacting the financial statements in this sense, a 5% drop in market prices for standing timber would cause a reduction in the fair value of biological assets of approximately R$ 33.8 million, net of tax effects. An increase of 0.5% in the discount rate, would cause a reduction in the fair value of biological assets in the order of R $ 6.0 million, net of tax effects. b) Estimated loss (impairment) of goodwill The Company and its subsidiaries test annually or if there is any indication at any time, any losses on goodwill, in accordance with the accounting policy presented in notes 2.10 and 2.12. The balance may be impacted by changes in the economic or market scenario. c) Pension plans and health insurance benefits The current value of assets/liabilities related to pension and health plans depends on a series of factors that are determined based on actuarial calculations, which use a series of assumptions. Among these assumptions used in determining values is the discount rate and current market conditions. Any changes in these assumptions will affect the corresponding book values. d) Contingencies The Group establishes a provision for tax, labor, civil and social security contingencies based on the assessment of the likelihood of loss that is made by its legal advisors. The amounts recorded are updated and the Group's Management believes that the provisions made up to the closing date are sufficient to cover possible losses from legal and administrative proceedings in progress.

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company e) Fair value of financial instruments When the fair value of financial assets and liabilities presented in the balance sheet cannot be obtained from active markets, it is determined using valuation techniques, including the discounted cash flow method. The data for these methods are based on those practiced in the market, when possible; however, when this is not feasible, a certain level of judgment is required to establish fair value. The judgment includes considerations on the data used, such as, for example, liquidity risk, credit risk and volatility. Changes in assumptions about these factors could affect the fair value presented for financial instruments. f) Deferred income tax and social contribution The Group records deferred income tax and social contribution assets on tax losses and negative social contribution bases and temporary differences. The recognition of these assets takes into account the expectation of generating future taxable profits. Estimates of future results that will allow the offsetting of these assets are based on Management's projections, which are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors, taking into account economic scenarios, discount rates, and other variables that may not be realized.

10.6. Executive officers should describe relevant items that are non-evidenced in the issuer’s financial statements indicating: a) assets and liabilities directly or indirectly held by the Issuer that are not presented in its balance sheet (off-balance sheet items), such as: i. operating leases, assets and liabilities; ii. written-off portfolios of receivables for which the entity bears the risks and responsibilities, indicating the related liabilities; iii. agreements for the future purchase and sale of products or services; iv. agreements for construction in progress; v. agreements for the future receipt of financing. The Company does not have any liability or operation not recorded in the financial statements to finance its operations and does not have subsidiaries in which it has a majority interest or control over operations that are not included in the consolidated financial statements. b) other items that are not presented in the financial statements There are no assets and liabilities held that are not included in the financial statements.

10.7. With respect to each of the items that are not presented in the financial statements indicated in item 10.6, executive officers should comment on: a) how these items change or may change the recorded amounts of revenue, expenses, operating income and expenses, finance costs or other items of the issuer’s financial statements There are no other relevant items that have not been evidenced in the Company's consolidated financial statements.

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company b) the nature and purpose of the operation There are no other items not evidenced in the Company's consolidated financial statements, referring to the nature and purpose of the operation. c) the nature and amount of the liabilities assumed, and rights generated in favor of the issuer as a result of the operation There are no other items not evidenced in the Company's consolidated financial statements, referring to the nature and amount of the obligations assumed, and the rights generated in favor of the issuer as a result of the operation.

10.8 – Executive officers should indicate and comment on the main elements of the issuer’s business plan, describing, in particular, the following topics: a) investments, including: i. quantitative and qualitative description of the investments in progress and expected investments; In 2020, total investments totaled R$ 487.4 million, an amount 7.0% higher than that presented in 2019, partly due to the incorporation of Cecrisa's results, which are considered since August 2019, the date of their acquisition. Of this total, R$ 302.1 million was spent on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and R$ 185.3 million was allocated to the maintenance of forestry assets. It is worth mentioning that this amount includes R$ 5.4 million invested in the new line of Ceramic Tiles, R$ 20.5 million related to the timely acquisition of land located in the region of Itapetininga (SP) and R$ 15.2 million in the project of implementation of the SAP S/4HANA system in the Ceramic Tiles Division. The total investments planned for the year 2021 is R$ 794.5 million, with a focus on sustaining the Company's operations and extraordinary investments. The increase in the number of investments in relation to the year 2020 is mainly due to the acquisition of Low Pressure (BP) equipment, with the objective of expanding the capacity for coating raw panels, reinforcing the Company's focus on the differentiation strategy, and the purchase of wood from third parties, as a way of complementing the necessary inputs for the production of wood panels. In addition, as an extraordinary project, investment in automation of the production of sanitary wares is also foreseen. ii. sources of investment financing The investments will be financed by the Company's current capital structure, combining third parties' capital with its own. The capital from third parties uses, preferably, long-term lines together, considering the current market conditions. The Company regularly uses, in making its investments, funds from the FINAME (BNDES) programs, Export Credit Notes, Bank Credit Notes (CCB), Agribusiness Receivables Certificate and Debentures, whose main financing institutions are BNDES, Banco do Brasil, Santander, Banco Safra, and Ourinvest. iii. relevant divestitures in progress and expected divestitures The Company has carried out an important restructuring plan for its asset base over the past few years. This move is part of Duratex's growth strategy and reaffirms its commitment to delivering greater returns to its shareholders. In 2018, in a material fact disclosed on January 31, the Company announced the sale of facilities and equipment for the manufacture of Thin Wood Fiberboard to Eucatex S.A, in an asset swap transaction.

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On February 5, 2018, Duratex announced the relevant sale of surplus lands and forests to Suzano Papel e Celulose. This movement is explained by the gain in forestry efficiency obtained by the Company over time, mismatching the existing forestry asset base in relation to the demand for wood panels. The transaction was structured in two parts and involved the sale of 30,000 hectares of land and forests of Duratex located in the central region of the state of São Paulo, for a total amount of approximately R$ 1.0 billion. On November 1, 2018, the Company announced the end of the electric shower production operation in Tubarão (SC) and the transfer of the production lines to Aracaju (SE). The initiative is part of the set of measures adopted based on the Deca Division's Strategic Growth Agenda, which has as pillar, among others, industrial and logistics efficiency. In the Deca Division, as announced to the market released on July 1, 2019, the Company announced the closure of the sanitary ware unit located in São Leopoldo (RS) and the redistribution of its assets among the other manufacturing units, with no reduction in the productive capacity of the Division. As part of the integration process of Cecrisa, Duratex announced on September 2, 2019, a Notice to the Market, the closure of the ceramic tile unit in Santa Luzia (MG). It is important to remember that the industrial assets were transferred to the other units of the Division, without loss of productive capacity. Through the initiative, the Company reinforces its commitment to maximizing the productivity of its operations and generating value for shareholders. In addition, Duratex announced on September 18 of the same year the sale of land and forests located in the interior of the state of São Paulo and the definitive closure of the operations of the Botucatu (SP) wood panel unit, which had been paralyzed since November 2018. In 2020, the Company did not make significant divestments. However, it is worth mentioning that the asset restructuring carried out in previous years was an essential part for Duratex to achieve historical results in the year, leading to a positive recurring Economic Value Added (EVA) in all business divisions. b) provided that it has already been disclosed, indicate the acquisition of plants, equipment, patents or other assets that are expected to have a material impact on the issuer’s production capacity Wood Division: in a material fact disclosed on June 21, 2018, Duratex announced a joint venture with Lenzing AG to create a dissolving wood pulp plant in Minas Gerais. The project, approved on December 22, 2019 according to a material fact announced on the same date, will have a production capacity of up to 500 thousand tons of dissolving wood pulp and will have a total investment of approximately R$ 5.2 billion. Operations are scheduled to start in the first half of 2022. This move represents an important step for the Company in the management of its assets and reinforces Duratex's commitment to greater profitability for its shareholders, while reducing exposure to the domestic market. In 2020, confirming the commitment to the differentiation strategy, the Company announced the acquisition in the total amount of R$ 55.0 million of a new Low Pressure (BP) equipment to increase the capacity of raw plate coating. The equipment has a nominal annual coating capacity of approximately 230.0 thousand m³, with an estimated start of operation in October 2021. Ceramic Tiles Division: as previously mentioned and disclosed in the material fact on May 22, 2019, Duratex made an important investment in the acquisition of Cecrisa Revestimentos Cerâmicos, with total disbursement in the year in the amount of R$ 289.8 million. In 2019, the Company also allocated an amount of R$ 85.9 million for the expansion of one of the lines of the Ceramic Tiles Division, whose operation started in October 2019. In 2020, complementing the investments made in previous years, the amount allocated to the expansion of one of the lines totaled R$ 5.4 million.

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With the mentioned initiatives, the Division ends 2020 with a nominal production capacity available of 25.9 million sqm. After the completion of the projects in progress scheduled for 2022, the capacity will reach 31.0 million sqm., consolidating Duratex as one of the largest ceramic tile companies in the country. c) new products and services, indicating: Focused on business continuity and maintaining its market leadership, Duratex continuously invests in research and development of new products and solutions. The Divisions annually establish the product development plan, which defines the withdrawal from the market of products whose life cycle has ended, and, at the same time, which new products should be launched to complement their portfolio, according to market needs. These are prepared based on frequent surveys in the national and international market. From a technological point of view, the Company participates in symposiums, congresses and specific technical events, in addition to having extensive relationships with companies operating in its business sector, with the aim of monitoring the development and transferring new technologies. In line with the Company's digitalization strategy, in 2020, the Deca online store was launched, an important step towards understanding the end customer's journey of consumption, reaffirming the Company's commitment to delivering Solutions for Better Living. Still, in services, there is a specific structure to serve customers and end consumers, both in the recommendation and in the guidance on the uses and applications of the Company's products. i. description of the research in progress that has already been disclosed - Survey and monitoring of flora and fauna; - Environmental education activities; - Biological control of exotic eucalyptus pests; - Thematic forest management program; - EUCFLUX Project - Flow Tower - Studies population, carbon, water and nutrient balances in a eucalyptus forest, using the flow tower methodology. Cooperative project with 6 more companies, with the tower installed on Duratex's property. ii. total amounts spent by the issuer on research for the development of new products or services For the purposes of research and development of new products and services, the approximate amounts of R$ 17.0 million were invested in 2018, R$ 12.0 million in 2019 and R$ 13.0 million in 2020. iii. projects in progress that have already been disclosed The Wood Division has been working hard on the pillar of innovation and differentiation in products following market trends. 2018: 29 new patterns in Wood Panels, with emphasis on the Pedras patterns and the Viva Collection, which includes the new Concept line. In floors, 19 new patterns were launched, considering LVT floors and the new Atelier line of SPC floors. 2019: 25 patterns in Wood Panels, highlighting the Cristallo line, in the Ultra Premium segment. On floors, 45 new laminate and LVT standards were launched, with a highlight for the Unique and Street line, in the Ultra segment. It is important to note that the number of launches in the division in 2019 increased compared to previous years, in line with the division's strategy of enriching its portfolio with increasingly exclusive products, bringing competitive advantage and greater value to customers.

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2020: Motivated by the essence that makes creating, thinking in other ways, imagining new perspectives and offering different uses, in 2020 Duratex launched the Essência collection, composed of 18 products sold in the retail and industrial channels, with 7 products offered exclusively in the industry channel. Featuring a variety of textures and colors, which transform and recreate environments, the products in the collection seek to inspire professionals and consumers and assist in the creation of original, functional and enchanting projects. During the year, there was no launch for the Durafloor segment due to the understanding, with the market and customers that indicated the continuity of the products launched in 2019. In the Deca Division, products aimed at the luxury, medium and competitive segment were launched in the last three years. Products developed according to the needs of each audience and market demand, being: 2018: 6 lines of metals and 9 lines of sanitary wares. From this year on, Deca metals started to present the exclusive technology called Deca Comfort, which brings comfort and water savings. 2019: 14 metal lines (5 lines with entry into the inox sink category) and 10 lines of sanitary ware. As a major innovation highlight, Deca entered the category of inox sink, offering complete solutions, bringing differentials and unique benefits, in addition to strengthening its presence in this important territory aimed at the middle and luxury segments. In this same year, Deca expanded its operations with complete solutions for the consumer, offering complete kits, which provide more practicality, convenience and avoid errors when purchasing and installing by consumers and professionals in the segment. Also in 2019, in Sanitary Wares, 10 kits were launched between sanitary ware and sinks, being the pioneer in the sink category. Betting on the practicality potential of the complete solution that a single package offers, the Metals lines also presented novelties within this format, with the launch of 10 new Kits, including taps, single-lever mixers, mixers and showers, innovating once again in the category. In addition, the brand continued to act strongly in the innovation of finishes and colors, launching colors in sanitary wares such as "Rose Millennium" and in the expansion of lines with the "D.coat" finish, Deca technology, which guarantees high quality in colored metals. In total, 5 lines were launched with new colors. 2020: 17 lines of metals (expansion in the category of Metals for Kitchen and lines signed by Designers) and 15 lines of sanitary wares (collections of Colored and Textured sinks). The highlight of the year was the launch of the Deca online store, which seeks to strengthen contact with partners and the end consumer, combining technology and innovation by leveraging digital channels, in addition to following the trend of online shopping intensified amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Regarding product launches, Revestir launched Brutalist sink, the line of textured metals, Hydramotion, colored sink, Hydra Puravita and the touchless line. The Deca division's portfolio is made up of 2,785 products, 2,050 of which are in sanitary metals and 735 in sanitary ware. In addition, it has products that incorporate technological resources for saving water, with more than 300 options for water saving products, including taps, showers and valves. The process of launching Deca products follows the main world trends in design, incorporating new technologies that allow to improve even more the already recognized quality of products and also adding attributes that generate more comfort to consumers. The Company invests in innovation and development of new products that meet the modern demands of society, such as the need to reduce water consumption. In the Ceramic Tiles Division, the portfolio represented by the Ceusa and Portinari brands, is composed of products of different inspirations, some of which are only sold in specialized stores and the others in all

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company channels, but mainly focused on resale and Home Centers. These products are divided into 7 types: enameled porcelain, polished enameled porcelain, technical porcelain, polished stoneware, monoporous, special pieces and Pietra Portinari Prime - a new typology of Portinari, of technical Porcelain with digital printing. The main focus of the portfolio is to serve the different channels in a diversified manner, proposing design and innovation in techniques, typologies and exclusive characteristics. In 2018, when the Division consisted only of the Ceusa brand, Duratex had 150 ceramic tile references, of which 79 were part of the Unique line and 71 of the Home line, which includes resale and the engineering channel. In 2019, Ceusa launched new products in 2 periods totaling 131 new products. In the first launch, which took place at Revestir 2019, 107 totally new products were launched with insertion of new typologies and innovation to the market, highlighting products with super reliefs expanding the volumes and complexities in the ceramic structures, with the Drapeado and Engrenagem collections, the first 9 mm deep relief coating with strong commercial appeal competing directly with alternative materials of high added value, the second a product of high technology and innovation bringing a new concept of decorative piece in high relief well defined and detailed. In addition, the collections with localized metal made in digital printing were also responsible for the impact of differentiation of the new products on the market, in addition to the colored monoporous providing new concepts of composition. In the second half of the year, the brand brought a line of 24 products with complementary appeal to Revestir's launches, offering collections of bases with different textures and formats in the same visual pattern, ensuring versatility and functionality to the new portfolio. Portinari already carried out two major product launches. The first at Expo Revestir, where it presented 175 unpublished products, with emphasis on the collection signed by the architect Marília Zimmermann. The collection with a very wide color palette brought a new format to the portfolio with diamond pieces. In the second half, Portinari launched 99 products at Cersaie - Italy. To present the launches to Brazilian customers and specifiers, a preview was made in Brazil, at Galeria Cerâmica Portinari, in São Paulo. Highlight for the porcelain tiles with wood-like finish with the new 20x160 cm format and for the longilinear bricks in the 5x40 cm format. In total, 274 products were launched by the brand in 2019, with the highest technology and sensitivity in details. In 2020, the Ceusa and Portinari brands consolidated the process of synergy and integration of their internal product development and launch processes. At the same time, they reinforced their individual identities through the launch of products capable of promoting the perception of value of each of the brands. Therefore, two distinct processes were developed: from the point of view of internal functioning, the synergies plan was consolidated and, from the external point of view - from the perception of customers - there was a deepening in the distinction and positioning of each brand. The Ceusa and Portinari brands ended 2020 with their portfolios containing 519 and 1,225 stock keeping units (SKU’s) of their own production, respectively, totaling 1,744 products. There was a rationalization process in which 30.0% of the product portfolio was reduced during the year. Of the total of 1,744 products, 234 are products launched in 2020. The launch took place in March at the Revestir fair, where Ceusa launched 87 SKU’s and Portinari 147 SKU’s. The launches focused on large formats (120x120 cm, 100x100 cm, 80x160 cm, 60x120 cm, 90x90 cm) with high added value and a high perception of innovation, with positive consequences both in obtaining results and in positioning the brands. Ceusa translates into its products the lightness of happiness, youthful joy, the intensity of colors and textures. Of the 2020 launches, we highlight the products Confetti, Pétalas, Cascais and Óptico. Portinari with elegant and sophisticated products is linked to sensitivity and art. We highlight the Nuances da

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Natureza collections signed by the architect Juliana Medeiros and Artesania, signed by the designer Pedro Franco. On June 21, 2018, Duratex announced the creation of a joint venture together with Lenzing AG for the creation of a dissolving wood pulp plant in Minas Gerais. The project was approved in December 2019 and the start of production at the unit is scheduled for the first half of 2022, the year that marks the Company's entry into the dissolving wood pulp sector. iv. total amounts spent by the issuer in the development of new products or services For the purposes of research and development of new products and services, the approximate amount of R$ 17 million was invested in 2018, R$ 12 million in 2019 and R$ 13.0 million in 2020. 10.9. Comment on other factors that have significantly affected the operating performance and that were not identified or commented on in the other items of this section. All factors that have significantly affected the performance of Duratex have already been commented on in the other items of this section.


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- Attachment 3 -


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(Attachment 3)


It is proposed that the net profit for the year contained in the Financial Statements of December 31, 2020, in the amount of R$ 453,811,688.14, plus the realization of the revaluation reserve in the amount of R$ 1,235,370.69, be allocated as follows: (a) R$ 22,690,584.00 to the Legal Reserve; (b) R$ 9,948,387.86 for the Tax Incentive Reserve, pursuant to Article 195-A of Law 6,404/76; (c) R$ 205,308,086.97 to the Statutory Reserves, which will be allocated as follows: (i) R$ 183,752,031.76 to the Dividend Equalization Reserve, (ii) R$ 17,244,844.17 to the Reinforcement Reserve of Working Capital and (iii) R$ 4,311,211.04 to the Reserve for Capital Increase of Investees; (d) R$ 217,100,000.00 destined to the payment of the minimum mandatory dividend, declared as interest on own capital, according to the faculty provided for in Article 9 of Law No. 9,249/95. On February 8, 2021, the Board of Directors unanimously decided, ad referendum of the General Meeting, to pay the interest on own capital declared on 12.8.2020 (R$ 217,100,000.00) and declare dividends of R$ 0.43442952264 per share, equivalent to R$ 300,000,000.00, of which: R$ 180,000,000.00 on account of the result for the fiscal year 2020 and R$ 120,000,000.00 of the Dividend Equalization Reserve of 2019. Therefore, the amount of 2020 net income allocated to the Dividend Equalization Reserve will be R$ 3,752,031.76. 1. Net income for the year Net income for the fiscal year 2020 was R$ 453,811,688.14. 2. Global amount and the value per share of dividends. The global amount distributed of interest on own capital was R$ 217,100,000.00 (net of R$ 186,512,260.16) and R$ 180,000,000.00 of additional dividends attributed to the mandatory dividend for the year 2020, corresponding to the gross amount of R$ 0.57503987860 per share. 3. Percentage of net income for the year distributed The percentage of distributed adjusted net income, corresponding to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2020, was 94.0%. 4. Global amount and the value per share of dividends distributed based on profit from previous years The amount of dividends paid on the basis of previous reservations (2019) was R$ 120,000,000.00, corresponding to R$ 0.173771809 per share. 5. After deducting prepaid dividends and interest on equity already declared, inform: a. Gross amount of dividends and interest on equity, segregated, per share of each type and class No declaration of dividends or interest on shareholders' equity in addition to those already declared will be proposed to the general meeting. b. Form and term of payment of dividends and interest on equity. The mandatory dividend for the year ended December 31, 2020 was fully declared by the Board of Directors and paid to the Shareholders, according to the table in item 6 below.

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The Shareholders received the amounts due as follows: ● Shareholders with checking accounts at Itaú, registered: The payment was made by means of a credit made directly to the respective current accounts. ● Shareholders with checking accounts at other banks that have already indicated a bank/branch/checking account: Payment was made through electronic DOC or TED, depending on the respective amounts. ● Shareholders whose shares were deposited in B3's fiduciary custody: The payment was made directly to B3, which was responsible for transferring them to the Shareholders, through the depositary Brokerage Firms. ● Shareholders holding bearer shares that have not yet been converted to the book-entry system: Payment will take place after the delivery of the respective certificates for updating and mandatory conversion into book-entry shares. No declaration of dividends or interest on shareholders' equity in addition to those already declared will be proposed to the general meeting. For payment dates that have already occurred, see the table in item 6 below. c. Eventual restatement and interest on dividends and interest on equity There was not. d. Date of declaration of payment of dividends and interest on capital considered for identification of Shareholders who will be entitled to receive it No declaration of dividends and interest on shareholders' equity in addition to those already declared will be proposed to the general meeting. The dates of the declarations already made are given in item 6 below. 6. Amount of dividends or interest on equity already declared and date of the respective payments, based on profits determined in half-yearly balance sheets or in shorter periods Description Payment Gross amount Total gross Date per share - R$ amount - R$ RCA of Declaration of interest on own capital 12/08/2020 02/26/2021 0,31438216460 217100000.00 RCA of Declaration of dividends 12/08/2021 02/26/2021 0,26065771400 180000000.00 Total distributed in the fiscal year 2020 0,57503987860 397100000.00 7. Provide a comparative table indicating the following values per share of each type and class: a. Net income for the year and the three (3) previous years 2020 2019 2018 2017 R$ R$ R$ R$ Net income for the year 453811688.14 405564274.38 431573049.98 184875169.13 Number of shares outstanding - ON 690560803 689732785 689467756 689305842 Earnings per share 0.66 0.59 0.63 0.27

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b. Dividend and interest on own capital distributed in the three (3) previous years Description Per net share R$ Type of Share Total Gross amount Interest on own capital 0.31739465596 ON 257550000.00 Total distributed in 2019 0.31739465596 257550000.00 Description Per net share R$ Type of Share Total Gross amount Interest on own capital 0.35305604210 ON 286377361.33 Dividends 0.37711008940 260005247.10 Total distributed in 2018 0.73016613150 546382608.43 Description Per net share R$ Type of Share Total Gross amount Interest on own capital 0.08826330461 ON 60840411.50 Total distributed in 2017 0.08826330461 60840411.50

8. Allocation of profits to the legal reserve a. Amount allocated to the legal reserve The amount allocated to the Legal Reserve of R$ 22,690,584.00 corresponds to 5% of the net income for the year, which was transferred to the Own Reserve. b. Calculation of the legal reserve Pursuant to Article 193 of Law No. 6,404/76, as amended, and Article 28.a of the Company's Bylaws, five percent (5%) of net income were applied in the constitution of the Legal Reserve, which did not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the share capital. 9. Preferred shares entitled to fixed or minimum dividends Not applicable, since the Company's capital stock has only common shares. 10. Mandatory dividend a. Calculation method provided for in the bylaws Shareholders are entitled to receive as mandatory dividend, in each year, an amount not less than thirty percent (30%) of the net profit determined in the same year, adjusted by the decrease or increase in the amounts specified in the letters "a" and "b" of item I of Article 202 of the Brazilian Corporation Law and subject to items II and III of the same legal provision. b. Payment The mandatory dividend was paid in full, pursuant to item 6 above. c. Amount possibly withheld There was no retention of mandatory dividend.

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11. Retention of mandatory dividend due to the company's financial situation There was no retention of mandatory dividend. 12. Result allocation to contingency reserve There was no allocation of income to the contingency reserve. 13. Allocation of income to the unrealized profit reserve There was no allocation of income to the unrealized profit reserve. 14. Result allocation to statutory reserves a. Statutory clauses that establish the reserve At the proposal of the Board of Directors, the general meeting may deliberate on the formation of the following reserves: (i) Dividend Equalization Reserve; (ii) Reserve for Reinforcement of Working Capital; and (iii) Reserve for Capital Increase in Investees. The Dividend Equalization Reserve will be limited to forty percent (40%) of the value of the capital stock and will have the purpose of guaranteeing resources for the payment of dividends, including in the form of interest on own capital, or its prepayments, aiming at maintaining the flow of remuneration to the Shareholders, being formed with resources: (a) equivalent to up to fifty percent (50%) of the net profit for the year, adjusted as of Article 202 of the Brazilian Corporation Law; (b) equivalent to up to one hundred percent (100%) of the realized portion of Revaluation Reserves, recorded at retained earnings; (c) equivalent to up to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of adjustments from previous years, posted to retained earnings; and, (d) arising from the credit corresponding to the advance of dividends. The Working Capital Reinforcement Reserve will be limited to thirty percent (30%) of the capital stock value and will have the purpose of guaranteeing financial means for the operation of the company, being formed with resources equivalent to up to twenty percent (20%) of net income for the year, adjusted in accordance with Article 202 of the Brazilian Corporation Law The Reserve for Capital Increase of Invested Companies will be limited to thirty percent (30%) of the capital stock value and will have the purpose of guaranteeing the exercise of the preferential subscription right in capital increases of the participated companies, being formed with resources equivalent to up to fifty percent (50%) of the net profit for the year, adjusted in accordance with Article 202 of the Brazilian Corporation Law. At the proposal of the Board of Directors, portions of these reserves will be periodically capitalized so that the respective amount does not exceed the limit of ninety-five percent (95%) of the share capital. The balance of these reserves, added to that of the Legal Reserve, cannot exceed the share capital. b. Amount allocated to statutory reserves The amount allocated to the statutory reserves after the declaration of the additional dividend on 02/08/2021 was R$ 25,308,086.97, as follows: (i) R$ 3,752,031.76 to the Dividend Equalization Reserve; (ii) R$ 17,244,844.17 to the Working Capital Reinforcement Reserve; and (iii) R$ 4,311,211.04 to the Reserve for Capital Increase in Invested Companies.

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c. Method of calculating the amount allocated to reserves R$ Net Income for the Year 453,811,688.14 (-) Legal reserve (22,690,584.00) (-) Tax breaks (9,948,387.86) (+) Realization of the Revaluation Reserve 1,235,370.69 (-) Dividends (Declared in the form of interest on own capital) (217,100,000.00) Amount allocated to the Statutory Reserves before the additional dividend 205,308,086.97 (-) Additional dividend (180,000,000.00) Total allocated to Statutory Reserves 25,308,086.97

15. Profit retention foreseen in the capital budget There was no retention of profits foreseen in the capital budget. 16. Result allocation to the tax incentives reserve a. Inform the amount allocated to the reserve: The amount allocated to the tax incentive reserve was R$ 9,948,387.86. b. Explain the nature of the destination: As permitted by Article 195-A of Law 6,404/76, as amended by Law 11,638/07, the Company's Management chose to allocate the tax incentives of PRODEPE ( Development Program) in the amount of R$ 7,217,232.80, from FAIN (Industrial Development Support Fund of Paraíba) in the amount of R$ 1,123,030.48 and SUDENE (Development Superintendence of the Northeast) in the amount of R$ 1,608,124.58, which totaled R$ 9,948 .387.86 for own tax incentive reserve. ______

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- Attachment 4 - INFORMATION ON CANDIDATES APPOINTED FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Items 12.5 to 12.10 of the Reference Form - Attachment 24 of CVM Instruction 480/09)

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(Attachment 4)


In relation to each of the members of the Company’s Board of Directors, whose election will be proposed by the controlling Shareholders, the following information is provided:

12.5 to 12.8 (except for item 12.5 "m") Name ALEX LASERNA SEIBEL ALEXANDRE DE BARROS ALFREDO EGYDIO ARRUDA VILLELA FILHO Birth date 05.02.1986 09.06.1956 11.18.1969 Occupation Business Administrator Aeronautical Infrastructure Engineer Mechanical Engineer Taxpayers’ registry number (CPF) 356.849.588-00 040.036.688-63 066.530.838-88 Nomination by controlling shareholder yes yes yes Independent Member (*) no no no

Description of any of the following events that have occurred during the past 5 years: i. any criminal conviction; ii. any conviction in CVM administrative proceedings and applicable penalties; and iii. any final and unappealable None. None. None. sentence, in the judicial or administrative sphere, which has suspended or disqualified him/her from engaging in any professional or commercial activity.

Politically Exposed Person No No No Member of the People, Governance and Does not exercise other positions or functions Chairman and Specialist Member of the IT & Nomination Committee Other positions and functions held in the issuer in the Company Digital Innovation Committee Member of the IT & Digital Innovation Committee Elective position held Alternate Member Alternate Member Permanent Member Election date 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 Investiture date 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 Board of Directors Term of office Annual Annual Annual Number of consecutive terms 0 1 25 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) - 22 22 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) - - 100% Elective position held Election date (***) Audit and Risk Investiture date (***) Management Term of office Committee Number of consecutive terms Number of meetings held since investiture (**) Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) Elective position held Election date (***) Related Parties’ Investiture date (***) Transactions Term of office Evaluation Committee Number of consecutive terms Number of meetings held since investiture (**) Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) Elective position held Member Election date (***) 05.06.2020 People, Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 Governance and Term of office Annual Nomination Committee Number of consecutive terms 10 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 6 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% Elective position held Election date (***) Investiture date (***) Sustainability Term of office Committee Number of consecutive terms Number of meetings held since investiture (**) Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) Elective position held Chairman and Specialist Member Member Election date (***) 05.06.2020 05.06.2020

IT & Digital Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 05.06.2020 Innovation Term of office Annual Annual Committee Number of consecutive terms 3 3 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 10 10 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% 100% Elective position held Election date (***)

Disclosure and Investiture date (***) Trading Term of office Committee Number of consecutive terms Number of meetings held since investiture (**) Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) (*) characterized as an Independent Member pursuant to Article 13.2 of the Bylaw s. (**) meetings held since the date of members’ investiture until March 29, 2021 (including) w ere considered for the calculation of the number of meetings held and the percentage of participation. (***) the composition of the non-statutory advisory committees w ill be resolved at the first Board of Directors’ meeting to be held after the General Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2021.

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12.5 to 12.8 (except for item 12.5 "m") Name ALFREDO EGYDIO SETUBAL ANDREA LASERNA SEIBEL HELIO SEIBEL Birth date 09.01.1958 11.30.1975 01.27.1953 Occupation Business Administrator Lawyer Business Administrator Taxpayers’ registry number (CPF) 014.414.218-07 140.725.018-32 533.792.848-15 Nomination by controlling shareholder yes yes yes Independent Member (*) no no no

Description of any of the following events that have occurred during the past 5 years: i. any criminal conviction; ii. any conviction in CVM administrative proceedings and applicable penalties; and iii. any final and unappealable None. None. None. sentence, in the judicial or administrative sphere, which has suspended or disqualified him/her from engaging in any professional or commercial activity.

Politically Exposed Person No No No

Member of the People, Governance and Member of the IT & Digital Innovation Does not exercise other positions or functions Other positions and functions held in the issuer Nomination Committee Committee in the Company

Elective position held Permanent Member Permanent Member Permanent Member Election date 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 Investiture date 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 Board of Directors Term of office Annual Annual Annual Number of consecutive terms 6 12 22 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 22 22 22 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 95% 100% Elective position held Election date (***) Audit and Risk Investiture date (***) Management Term of office Committee Number of consecutive terms Number of meetings held since investiture (**) Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) Elective position held Election date (***) Related Parties’ Investiture date (***) Transactions Term of office Evaluation Committee Number of consecutive terms Number of meetings held since investiture (**) Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) Elective position held Member Election date (***) 05.06.2020 People, Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 Governance and Term of office Annual Nomination Committee Number of consecutive terms 5 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 6 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 83% Elective position held Election date (***) Investiture date (***) Sustainability Term of office Committee Number of consecutive terms Number of meetings held since investiture (**) Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) Elective position held Member Election date (***) 05.06.2020

IT & Digital Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 Innovation Term of office Annual Committee Number of consecutive terms 2 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 10 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% Elective position held Election date (***) Disclosure and Investiture date (***) Trading Term of office Committee Number of consecutive terms Number of meetings held since investiture (**) Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) (*) characterized as an Independent Member pursuant to Article 13.2 of the Bylaw s. (**) meetings held since the date of members’ investiture until March 29, 2021 (including) w ere considered for the calculation of the number of meetings held and the percentage of participation. (***) the composition of the non-statutory advisory committees w ill be resolved at the first Board of Directors’ meeting to be held after the General Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2021.

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12.5 to 12.8 (except for item 12.5 "m") Name JULIANA ROZENBAUM MUNEMORI MARCIO FROES TORRES PAULA LUCAS SETUBAL Birth date 07.21.1976 05.12.1968 06.09.1982 Occupation Economist Engineer Pedagogue Taxpayers’ registry number (CPF) 081.606.157-28 983.816.797-53 295.243.528-69 Nomination by controlling shareholder yes yes yes Independent Member (*) yes yes no

Description of any of the following events that have occurred during the past 5 years: i. any criminal conviction; ii. any conviction in CVM administrative proceedings and applicable penalties; and iii. any final and unappealable None. None. None. sentence, in the judicial or administrative sphere, which has suspended or disqualified him/her from engaging in any professional or commercial activity.

Politically Exposed Person No No No Member of the Audit and Risk Management Member of the Related Parties’ Transactions Committee Evaluation Committee Member of the Audit and Risk Management Other positions and functions held in the issuer Member of the IT & Digital Innovation Chairman of the People, Governance and Committee and People, Governance and Committee Nomination Committee Nomination Committee Chairman of the Related Parties’ Transactions Member of the Sustainability Committee Evaluation Committee Elective position held Permanent Member Permanent Member Alternate Member Election date 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 Investiture date 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 Board of Directors Term of office Annual Annual Annual Number of consecutive terms 5 1 1 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 22 10 22 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% 100% 5% Elective position held Member Member Election date (***) 05.06.2020 05.06.2020 Audit and Risk Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 05.06.2020 Management Term of office Annual Annual Committee Number of consecutive terms 4 0 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 9 9 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% 100% Elective position held Chairman Member Election date (***) 05.06.2020 10.29.2020 Related Parties’ Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 10.29.2020 Transactions Term of office Annual Annual Evaluation Committee Number of consecutive terms 4 0 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 4 4 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% 100% Elective position held Chairman Member Election date (***) 10.29.2020 05.06.2020 People, Investiture date (***) 10.29.2020 05.06.2020 Governance and Term of office Annual Annual Nomination Committee Number of consecutive terms 0 0 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 3 6 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% 100% Elective position held Member Election date (***) 01.04.2021 Investiture date (***) 01.04.2021 Sustainability Term of office Annual Committee Number of consecutive terms 0 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 1 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% Elective position held Member Election date (***) 08.28.2020 IT & Digital Investiture date (***) 08.28.2020 Innovation Term of office Annual Committee Number of consecutive terms 0 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 6 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% Elective position held Election date (***) Disclosure and Investiture date (***) Trading Term of office Committee Number of consecutive terms Number of meetings held since investiture (**) Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) (*) characterized as an Independent Member pursuant to Article 13.2 of the Bylaw s. (**) meetings held since the date of members’ investiture until March 29, 2021 (including) w ere considered for the calculation of the number of meetings held and the percentage of participation. (***) the composition of the non-statutory advisory committees w ill be resolved at the first Board of Directors’ meeting to be held after the General Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2021.

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12.5 to 12.8 (except for item 12.5 "m") Name RAUL CALFAT RICARDO EGYDIO SETUBAL RODOLFO VILLELA MARINO Birth date 12.04.1952 04.22.1962 11.14.1975 Occupation Business Administrator Business Administrator Business Administrator Taxpayers’ registry number (CPF) 635.261.408-63 033.033.518-99 271.943.018-81 Nomination by controlling shareholder yes yes yes Independent Member (*) yes no no

Description of any of the following events that have occurred during the past 5 years: i. any criminal conviction; ii. any conviction in CVM administrative proceedings and applicable penalties; and iii. any final and unappealable None. None. None. sentence, in the judicial or administrative sphere, which has suspended or disqualified him/her from engaging in any professional or commercial activity.

Politically Exposed Person No No No Member of the Audit and Risk Management Member of the Audit and Risk Management Chairman of the Audit and Risk Management Committee Committee Committee Member of the People, Governance and Other positions and functions held in the issuer Member of the Sustainability Committee Nomination Committee Member of the Related Parties’ Transactions Member of the Disclosure and Trading Evaluation Committee Chairman of the Sustainability Committee Committee Elective position held Permanent Member Permanent Member Permanent Member Election date 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 Investiture date 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 04.29.2021 Board of Directors Term of office Annual Annual Annual Number of consecutive terms 7 13 13 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 22 22 22 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% 100% 100% Elective position held Chairman Member Member Election date (***) 05.06.2020 05.06.2020 05.06.2020 Audit and Risk Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 05.06.2020 05.06.2020 Management Term of office Annual Annual Annual Committee Number of consecutive terms 6 11 11 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 9 9 9 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% 100% 78% Elective position held Member Election date (***) 05.06.2020 Related Parties’ Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 Transactions Term of office Annual Evaluation Committee Number of consecutive terms 6 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 4 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% Elective position held Member Election date (***) 05.06.2020 People, Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 Governance and Term of office Annual Nomination Committee Number of consecutive terms 0 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 6 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% Elective position held Member Chairman Election date (***) 05.06.2020 05.06.2020 Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 05.06.2020 Sustainability Term of office Annual Annual Committee Number of consecutive terms 2 11 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 7 7 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% 100% Elective position held Election date (***)

IT & Digital Investiture date (***) Innovation Term of office Committee Number of consecutive terms Number of meetings held since investiture (**) Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) Elective position held Member Election date (***) 05.06.2020 Disclosure and Investiture date (***) 05.06.2020 Trading Term of office Annual Committee Number of consecutive terms 0 Number of meetings held since investiture (**) 3 Percentage of member’s participation in meetings (**) 100% (*) characterized as an Independent Member pursuant to Article 13.2 of the Bylaw s. (**) meetings held since the date of members’ investiture until March 29, 2021 (including) w ere considered for the calculation of the number of meetings held and the percentage of participation. (***) the composition of the non-statutory advisory committees w ill be resolved at the first Board of Directors’ meeting to be held after the General Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2021.

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In relation to each of the members of the Company's Board of Directors, the information in item 12.5 “m” is as follows: I - main professional experiences during the last 5 years, indicating:  Company name and sector of activity;  Position and functions inherent to the position;  If the company is part of (i) the issuer's economic group or (ii) it is controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect interest equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer. II - indication of all management positions held in other companies or organizations in the third sector

Name: ALEX LASERNA SEIBEL Issuer, Company or Duratex:

Companies controlled HS Investimentos S.A.: managing partner since 2013; Positiv.a Comercialização de by a shareholder of Produtos e Serviços Ecológicas Ltda.: founding partner and administrator since the issuer that holds a 2015; Apolo Energia Ltda.: founder and managing partner since 2017; Positive direct or indirect Ventures Participações Ltda.: managing partner since 2018; Positiva 01 interest equal to or Incorporação Ltda.: Managing Partner since 2015; Moreira e Toledo Cia Ltda (Leo greater than 5% of Madeiras - Feira de Santana) managing partner since 2015. the same class or type of security of the issuer: Other third sector Instituto Leo: Board member since 2015; and ARCAH - Associação de Resgate à companies or Cidadania por Amor à Humanidade: founder and administrator since 2013. organizations:

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Name: ALEXANDRE DE BARROS Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A.: (Non-Executive Director): Alternate Member of the Board of Directors Duratex: and Chairman of the IT and Digital Innovation Committee since August 2020 and Specialist Member of the latter since June 2017. Sector of activity: Civil Construction, Material for Construction and Decoration. Companies controlled Itaú Unibanco S.A.: Vice-President of the technology area from January 2011 to April by a shareholder of 2015; Executive Director (CIO) of hardware, software, telecommunications, channels, the issuer that holds a data and application systems Infrastructure from April 2007 to December 2010; direct or indirect Executive Director of credit, modeling of individual products, channels and CRM from interest equal to or April 2005 to April 2007. greater than 5% of Sector of activity: multiple bank, with commercial portfolio. the same class or type of security of the issuer: Other third sector Diagnósticos da América S.A. (DASA): Member of the Board of Directors since April companies or 2015; and Serasa S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors from April 2003 to June organizations: 2007, having been Chairman from April 2006 to June 2007.

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Name: ALFREDO EGYDIO ARRUDA VILLELA FILHO Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A. (Non-Executive Director): Member of the Board of Directors since 1996 Duratex: and Vice Chairman since August/2008, President of IT and Digital Innovation Committee since May/2017 and Member of the People, Governance and Nomination Committee since November/2009. Sector of activity: Civil Construction, Material for Construction and Decoration. Companies controlled Itaúsa S.A.: Vice President Director since February/2018; Member of the Board of by a shareholder of Directors from August/1995 to April/2017, having been President from May/2015 to the issuer that holds a April/2017 and Vice-President from May/2011 to May/2015; Chief Executive Officer direct or indirect from September/2009 to May/2015; Chairman of the Disclosure and Trading interest equal to or Committee from April/2005 to May/2015; Chairman of the Investment Policy greater than 5% of the Committee and Member of the Accounting Policy Committee from August/2008 to same class or type of April/2011. security of the issuer: Operating sector: holding company. Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A.: Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors from March/2003 to April/2017; Member of the Disclosure and Trading Committees from May/2005 to July/2015, Nomination and Corporate Governance from June/2009 to April/2017, Remuneration from February/2011 to May/2017 and Accounting Policies from May/2008 to April/2009. Operating sector: holding company. Itautec S.A. - Itautec Group: Member of the Board of Directors from April/1997 to April/2017, having been Vice-President from January/2010 to April/2017, President from April/2009 to January/2010 and Vice-President from April/1997 to April/2009. Operating sector: holding of non-financial institutions Other third sector Instituto Alana: Director since February/1992. companies or Alpe Intermediações de Negócios S.A.: Director since August/2017. organizations: Yandeh S.A.: Director since December/2008.

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Name: ALFREDO EGYDIO SETUBAL Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A. (Non-Executive Director): Co-Chair of the Board of Directors since Duratex: April/2017 and member since April/2015 and Member of the Personnel Committee, Governance and Nominating since July/2015. Sector of activity: Civil Construction, Material for Construction and Decoration. Companies controlled Itaúsa S.A.: Chief Executive Officer and Investor Relations Officer since May/2015, by a shareholder of Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors since September/2008; Coordinator since the issuer that holds a May/2015 and Member of the Disclosure and Trading Committee since May/2009 direct or indirect and of the Investment Policy Committee from August/2008 to April/2011, interest equal to or Coordinator of the Investment Committee and Member of the Finance, People and greater than 5% of Ethics Committees, and Sustainability and Risks since April/2017 and Member of the the same class or type Corporate Governance Committee since July 2020. of security of the Operating sector: holding company. issuer: Alpargatas S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors since September/2017 and of the Strategy Committee since October/2017. Operating sector: textile and clothing Itautec S.A. - Itautec Group: Alternate Member of the Board of Directors from April/2015 to August/2019. Operating sector: holding of non-financial institutions. Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors since June/2007; Vice- President and Investor Relations Officer from 1,995 to February 2015; Member of the Disclosure and Trading Committee since November/2008, having been President from November/2008 to February/2015; Member of the Nomination and Corporate Governance Committees since August/2009 and Accounting Policies from May/2008 to April/2009; Member of the People Committee and the Risk and Capital Management Committee since April/2015 and Member of the Social Responsibility Committee since January/2019. Operating sector: financial holding company. Itaú Unibanco S.A.: Vice President Director from April/1996 to March/2015; Executive Director from May/1993 to June/1996; Managing Director from 1988 to 1993. Sector of activity: multiple bank, with commercial portfolio. Other third sector Fundação Itaú para Educação e Cultura: Chairman of the Board of Trustees since companies or September/2018 ; Brazilian Association of Publicly-Held Companies - ABRASCA: organizations: Member of the Board of Directors from 1999 to 2017; Brazilian Institute of Investor Relations - IBRI: Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1999 to 2009 and Member of the Higher Guidance, Nomination and Ethics Committee since January/2010; Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo - MAM: Financial Director from 1992 to April/2019 and Member of the Deliberative Council since May/2019; MASP: Member of the Deliberative Council since September/2014 and President since October/2018, having also been from September/2016 to September/2019; Bienal de São Paulo: Vice-President of the Foundation's Board of Directors since June/2009.

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Name: ANDREA LASERNA SEIBEL Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors since August 2009, currently Duratex: Alternate Member since April/2013, Member of the IT and Digital Innovation Committee since October/2018; Member of the People, Governance and Nomination Committee from April/2015 to October/2018; was Alternate Member of the Board of Directors from August/2009 to April/2012, Full Member from April/2012 to April/2013, and Secretary from May/2010 to July/2012, Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee of May/2011 to April/2013. Member of the People, Governance and Nomination Committee and of the Sustainability Committee from November/2009 to April/2013 and Human Resources Director from April/2006 to April/2009. Sector of activity: Civil Construction, Material for Construction and Decoration. Companies controlled Leo Madeiras, Máquinas & Ferragens Ltda.: General Director since January/2013. by a shareholder of Sector of activity: trade in wood, hardware, artifacts, by-products and related the issuer that holds a products. direct or indirect interest equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer: Other third sector companies or organizations:

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Name: HÉLIO SEIBEL Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A.: (Non-Executive Board Member) Member of the Board of Directors Duratex: since 1999, currently Full Member since April/2013, was also Full Member from 1999 to April 2012 and Substitute Member from April/2012 to April/2013, Member of the People, Governance and Nomination Committee November/2009 to April/2015, Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee from November/2009 to May/2011. Sector of activity: Civil Construction, Material for Construction and Decoration. Companies controlled Ligna Florestal Ltda.: Managing Director since 1983. by a shareholder of Operating sector: non-financial holding company. the issuer that holds a HS Investimentos S.A.: Chief Executive Officer since November/2013. direct or indirect Sector of activity: Investment company of assets and finances. interest equal to or Leo Madeiras, Máquinas & Ferragens Ltda.: Chairman of the Board of Directors since greater than 5% of November/2015. the same class or type Sector of activity: trade in wood, hardware, artifacts, by-products and related of security of the products. issuer: GNP S.A.: Member of the Board from April/2010 to April/2018. Sector of activity: energy Espaço Negócios Imobiliários Ltda.: Director since September/2002. Sector of activity: incorporation of real estate projects. Other third sector IDV - Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Varejo (Retail Development Institute): companies or Member of the Board since December/2008, having been President from 2007 to organizations: 2008. S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors from 2015 to 2019. Pinacoteca de São Paulo: Member of the Board of Directors since September/2017. MASP: Member of the Board of Directors since 2016; MAM: Vice-Chairman of the Board since 2019; MUBE: Member of the Board of Directors since 2016; Melnick Even Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A: Member of the Board of Directors since November/2020; and Young Presidents Organization- YPO/WPO: Member since 1995.

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Name: JULIANA ROZENBAUM MUNEMORI Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A.: (Independent Director) Member of the Board of Directors, of the Audit Duratex: and Risk Management Committee and of the Committee for the Evaluation of Transactions with Related Parties since June/2016, being Chairman since last May/2019, Member of the IT and Digital Innovation Committee since August/2020. Sector of activity: Civil Construction, Material for Construction and Decoration. Companies controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect interest equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer: Other third sector Viva Decora Internet S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors from November 2018 to companies or July 2020. EDP - Energias do Brasil S.A.: Independent Member of the Board of organizations: Directors, the Corporate Governance and Related Parties Committee, and the Inclusion and Diversity Committee since April/2018. Cogna Educacao S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors, the People and Governance Committee and the Strategy Committee since November 2019. Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A.: Member of the Strategy Committee since December/2018. Eurofarma Laboratórios S.A.: Member of the Advisory Board since January/2019. S.A.: Independent Member of the Board of Directors and Member of the Strategy Committee since April/2017. Arezzo & Co S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors and Coordinator of the Strategy Committee from July/2013 to April/2021. More than 13 years of experience in Sell Side Equity Research, with a primary focus on companies in the Consumer and Retail sector. She worked at several financial institutions between 2007 and May/2013, but primarily at Itaú BBA. Between 2013 and 2017, she served as a consultant in consumer and retail projects for Itaú BBA's Investment Banking. She is also on the Advisory Board of GoCase, an Endeavor Entrepreneurs company, an organization of which she is an active mentor. Previously, she served as an economist on the Buy Side of institutions such as JGP, Pactual and Icatu. Over the years she has been awarded several times by Institutional Investor for her coverage of the Retail and Consumer Goods sectors.

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Name: MÁRCIO FROES TORRES Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A.: (Independent Director) - Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman Duratex: of the People, Governance and Nomination Committee and Member of the Committee for the Evaluation of Transactions with Related Parties since October 2020 and Member of the Sustainability Committee since January 2021. Sector of activity: Civil Construction, Construction Material and Decoration Companies controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect interest equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer: Other third sector S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors since April/2019 and member of the companies or Compensation Committee since July/2020; Falconi Participações S.A.: Chairman of organizations: the Board of Directors since December/2019; Falconi Capital: Member of the Advisory Committee since October/2018; and Companhia de Bebidas das Américas - Ambev and AB-Inbev: acting for 25 years, held positions in different areas until April 2017, having been Vice President of People and Management and VP of Supply for Latin America and North America, Vice President of Sales for Canada, CEO of Labatt Brewing Company, and in 2014 assumed the positions of CEO of Cervecería y Malteria Quilmes, AB-Inbev's Zone President for South American countries except Brazil and Executive Board Member at AB-Inbev.

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Name: PAULA LUCAS SETUBAL Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A. (Non-Executive Director): Substitute Member of the Board of Directors, Duratex: Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and of the People, Governance and Nomination Committee since May/2020, having been a Hearer of (i) the Board of Directors of February/2020 to May/2020 and (ii) the People, Governance and Nomination Committee from February/2020 to May/2020 and during 2017. Sector of activity: Civil Construction, Material for Construction and Decoration. Companies controlled Itaúsa S.A.: Listener to the Board of Directors since February/2020. by a shareholder of Operating sector: holding the issuer that holds a direct or indirect interest equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer: Other third sector Fundação Itaú Social: Member of the Advisory Board (Grupo Orientador) since companies or February/2017; Family Office: Member of the Family Council from 2011 to 2016, organizations: having been Coordinator from 2012 to 2014; Colégio Santa Cruz: Teacher of Early Childhood Education from 2011 to 2016.

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Name: RAUL CALFAT Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A.: (Independent Director) Full Member of the Board of Directors, Duratex: Member of the Committee for the Evaluation of Transactions with Related Parties since April/2014, having been President from June/2014 to May/2019 and President of the Audit and Management Committee of Risks since May/2019, and as a Member since April/2014. Sector of activity: Civil Construction, Material for Construction and Decoration. Companies controlled by a shareholder of the issuer that holds a direct or indirect interest equal to or greater than 5% of the same class or type of security of the issuer: Other third sector Aché Laboratórios Farmacêuticos S.A.: Chairman of the Board of Directors since companies or September/2018. Celulose S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors and the organizations: Innovation Committee from December/2009 to December/2018; Votorantim Participações S.A.: Chairman of the Board of Directors from January/2014 to April/2019 and of the Finance, Compensation and People Committees, and Image and Reputation; Sirio-Libanês Hospital: Member of the Board since April/2015 and of the Strategy and Finance, and Productivity and People Committees; S.A.: Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, coordinator of the Strategy Committee and member of the Audit and Risk Committee since April/2017; Senior Advisor at RGE Pte Ltd, in Singapore, for Group Fiber Business and Bracell SP Celulose Ltda, Brazil, since March/2020; Senior Advisor at Macquarie Serviços Agricolas Participações Ltda., Since January/2020; and Member of the Advisory Board of China Three Gorges Brasil Ltd since January/2021.

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Name: RICARDO EGYDIO SETUBAL Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A. (Non-Executive Director): Member of the Board of Directors since Duratex: April/2008, and was Vice-President from April/2009 to April/2017; Member of the People, Governance and Nomination Committee from November/2009 to May/2020; Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee since November/2009; Member of the Sustainability Committee since April/2018; Member of the Disclosure and Trading Committee since May/2020, having also been from April/2018 to May/2019, from April/2016 to May/2017, from April/2014 to April/2015, from April/2012 to April/2013 and from March/2010 to May/2011. Sector of activity: civil construction, material for construction and decoration. Companies controlled Itaúsa S.A.: Alternate Member of the Board of Directors since April/2009; Member of by a shareholder of the Disclosure and Trading Committee since May/2009 and of the Investment Policy the issuer that holds a Committee from August/2008 to May/2010; Coordinator of the Sustainability and direct or indirect Risks Committee and Member of the Finance, Investments, People and Ethics interest equal to or Committees since April/2017 and Social Impact since June/2019 and Corporate greater than 5% of Governance since July/2020. the same class or type Business Sector: holding. of security of the Itautec S.A. - Itautec Group: Member of the Board of Directors, having been issuer: Chairman from February/2010 to August/2019, Alternate Director from April/2009 to January/2010 and Effective from April/1999 to April/2008; Member of the Disclosure Committee from September/2010 to August/2019, Executive Vice President from April/1999 to January/2010; Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, the Strategy Committee and the People and Governance Committee from September/2010 to January/2015. Operating sector: holding of a non-financial institution. Other third sector IBGC - Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance: Member of the Board of Directors companies or from March/2014 to March/2019, having been Vice-President from March/2016 to organizations: March/2018 and President from March/2018 to March/2019.

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Name: RODOLFO VILLELA MARINO Issuer, Company or Duratex S.A. (Non-Executive Director): Member of the Board of Directors since Duratex: April/2008 and member since August/2009 Member of the Personnel Committee, Governance and Nominating since May/2020, and was also April/2018 to May/2019, and from November/2009 to May/2017, Chairman of the Sustainability Committee since May/2019 and member since November/2009; Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee since November/2009, Member of the Disclosure and Trading Committee from May/2019 to May/2020, having also been from May/2017 to April/2018, from April/2015 to April/2016, from April/2013 to April/2014, from May/2011 to April/2012 and from November/2009 to April/2010. Sector of activity: Civil Construction, Material for Construction and Decoration. Companies controlled Itaúsa S.A.: Vice-President since May/2015 and Full Member of the Board of by a shareholder of Directors since April/2011, having been Alternate from April/2009 to April/2011; the issuer that holds a Member of the Disclosure and Trading Committee since May/2009 and Investment direct or indirect Policy from August/2008 to May/2011, having been Coordinator from May/2010 to interest equal to or May/2011, Coordinator of the People and Ethics Committee and Member of the greater than 5% of Finance Committees, Investments, and Sustainability and Risks since April/2017 and the same class or type Member of the Social Impact Committee since Jun/19, and member of the Corporate of security of the Governance Committee since July/20. issuer: Operating sector: holding company. Alpargatas S.A.: Member of the Board of Directors since September/2017, Member of the Strategy and People Committees since October/2017, and Member of the Statutory Audit Committee since April/2018. Sector of activity: textile and clothing. Itautec S.A. - Itautec Group: Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors from May/2017 to August/2019 and Member since April/2008, Member of the People and Governance Committee from April/2012 to January/2015, of the September Strategy Committee/2010 to January/2015 and the Audit and Risk Management Committee from September/2010 to April/2012. Operating sector: holding of non-financial institutions. Rudric Ith Participações Ltda: Managing Director since April/2005. Sector of activity: Holdings of non-financial institutions. Other third sector Fundação Itaú para Educação e Cultura: Member of Board of Trustees since May/19; companies or Young Presidents Organization-YPO/WPO: Member since December/2011; IBGC - organizations: Inst. Brazilian Corporate Governance: Member of the Sustainability Committee since August/2019; IEDI - Inst. para Estudos do Desenv. Industrial: Member of the Board of Directors since August/2015; IBÁ - Industria Brasileira de Árvores: Member of the Advisory Board since December/2017; Inst. Unibanco: Member of the Board since April/2014; and Everyone for Education: Member of the Governance Council since April/2017.

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12.9. Regarding the members of the Issuer's Board of Directors, the marital relationship, civil union or family relationship up to the second degree follows: a) issuer's administrators  Alex Laserna Seibel (appointed as an alternate member of the board) is the son of Hélio Seibel (full member of the board) and cousin of Andrea Laserna Seibel (appointed as a full member of the board).  Ricardo Egydio Setubal (member of the board) is the brother of Alfredo Egydio Setubal (co-chairman of the board). b) (i) managers of the issuer and (ii) managers of subsidiaries, direct or indirect, of the issuer None. c) (i) administrators of the issuer or its subsidiaries, direct or indirect and (ii) direct or indirect controllers of the issuer The Company's controlling group is made up of the Blocs signatory to the Shareholders' Agreement:  SEIBEL: Helio Seibel (full member of the Board) is the brother of Salo Davi Seibel and they are direct and indirect controllers of the Company through companies managed by them and/or their funds. Andrea Laserna Seibel (appointed as full member of the board) is the daughter of Salo Davi Seibel and niece of Helio Seibel (full member of the board), and cousin of Alex Laserna Seibel (appointed as an alternate board member) who is the son of Hélio Seibel (Full member of the Board of Directors).  ITAÚSA: (i) Alfredo Egydio Arruda Villela Filho (Vice-Chairman of the Board) is the brother of Ana Lúcia de Mattos Barretto Villela and both are direct and/or indirect controlling shareholders of the Company, through Itaúsa S.A.; (ii) Rodolfo Villela Marino (Board Member) and Ricardo Villela Marino, are children of Maria de Lourdes Egydio Villela and all are direct and/or indirect controlling shareholders of the Company, through Itaúsa S.A.; (iii) Alfredo Egydio Setubal (Co-Chairman of the Board), Ricardo Egydio Setubal (Member of the Board), Olavo Egydio Setubal Júnior, José Luiz Egydio Setubal, Maria Alice Setubal, Paulo Setubal Neto, Roberto Egydio Setubal are brothers and all are direct and/or indirect controllers of Company, through Itaúsa S.A.;  Paula Lucas Setubal (alternate member of the Board of Directors) is the daughter of Roberto Egydio Setubal and both are indirect controlling shareholder of the Company, through Itaúsa S.A. d) (i) managers of the issuer and (ii) managers of the issuer's direct and indirect parent companies  Helio Seibel (full member of the Board) is the father of Alex Laserna Seibel (appointed as alternate member of the Board) and both participate in the management of the indirect controlling company HS Investimentos S.A.;  Alfredo Egydio Arruda Villela Filho (Vice-Chairman of the Board) participates in the management of the direct controlling companies, Itaúsa S.A., and indirectly, Companhia ESA;  Rodolfo Villela Marino (Board Member) and his brother Ricardo Villela Marino participate in the management of the direct controlling company Itaúsa S.A., and Rodolfo Villela Marino is also a director of the indirect controlling company Companhia ESA;  Alfredo Egydio Setubal (Co-Chairman of the Board) is the brother of Ricardo Egydio Setubal (Member of the Board), Paulo Setubal Neto and Roberto Egydio Setubal, who participate in the management of the direct controlling company Itaúsa S.A.; and

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 Paula Lucas Setubal (Alternate member of the Board of Directors) is the daughter of Roberto Egydio Setubal, who is the brother of Alfredo Egydio Setubal and Ricardo Egydio Setubal and both are administrators of the indirect controlling company Companhia ESA.

12.10. With respect to the members of the Issuer's Board of Directors and Fiscal Council, the subordination, service provision or control relationships maintained in the last 3 fiscal years, including: a) Company controlled, directly or indirectly, by the issuer None. b) Direct or indirect controlling shareholder of the issuer Directors Alfredo Egydio Arruda Villela Filho, Alfredo Egydio Setubal, Andrea Laserna Seibel, Alex Laserna Seibel, Helio Seibel, Rodolfo Villela Marino and Ricardo Egydio Setubal are part of the Company's control group. c) If relevant, supplier, customer, debtor or creditor of the issuer, its subsidiary or parent companies or subsidiaries of any of these persons Not applicable.


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- Attachment 5 - MANAGEMENT REMUNERATION (Item 13 of the Reference Form – Attachment 24 of ICVM 480/09)

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13.1. Describe the remuneration policy or practice of the board of directors, of the statutory and non- statutory board, of the fiscal council, of the statutory and audit committee, of risk, financial and of remuneration, addressing the following aspects: a. objectives of the remuneration policy or practice, informing if the remuneration policy was formally approved, administrative body responsible for the approval, date of the approval and, in case the issuer discloses the policy, places on the worldwide computer network where the document can be found The remuneration practice of the Company aims to attract, retain and engage the better professionals enabling, thus, the Company to reach a higher performance. The remuneration is established and updated according to market researches that consider large companies and various sectors, in order to maintain the remuneration package competitive. In the case of the Company’s Statutory Board, the remuneration package contemplates variable payment besides the monthly wages, what enables its members to share the risks relative to the business management and its results, allowing, therefore, for further alignment of interests between the Company´s management and shareholders, in a joint effort to ensure its continuity. In the Advisory Committees for the Board of Directors only the presidents and specialists are remunerated and the amount spent is taken into consideration in the overall annual budget of the Board of Directors approved in the General Meeting of Shareholders. b. composition of the remuneration, indicating: i. description of the remuneration elements and the purpose of each of them Fixed remuneration: Fixed remuneration is defined by the monthly amount paid as fees to remunerate management of Duratex for the positions held. The amounts paid as fees are usually aligned with the market´s average, allowing thus the Company to direct significant part of the total remuneration to the short- and long-term variable incentives. Eligibility: Members of the Board of Directors and of the Company´s Statutory Board, as well as presidents and specialists of the Advisory Committees for the Board of Directors. Variable remuneration: Consists of Short-Term Incentives and Long-Term Incentives (Stock Option Granting Plan, of August/2009 to December/2019, and the Long-Term Incentive Plan, from 2020 on). The purpose of the Short-Term Incentives is to recognize and reward the members of the Statutory Board for the year’s achievements (twelve (12) month period), encouraging them to achieve and overcome goals and results, according to individual performance, of the respective department, and of the company´s overall performance. According to the Long-Term Incentives Regulation approved in the General Meeting of the Shareholders of 04.26.2019 (new ILP Plan), effective as of 2020, which replaces the Stock Option Granting Plan, approved in the General Meeting of the Shareholders of 08.31.2009, and amended on 04.25.2012 (Option Plan), part of the Short-Term Incentives may be invested by the eligible participant/beneficiary of the “Matching” incentive according to the established terms.

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Eligibility: Statutory Board The purpose of the Long-Term Incentives, paid in accordance to the new ILP Plan, is to recognize and reward the members of the Statutory Board for the results obtained in periods of over one (01) year, integrating them in the Company’s development on the medium and long term, and allowing them to participate in the increase in value that their work and dedication brought to the shares issued by Duratex. The variable payment will contemplate, starting from the fiscal year of 2020, the incentives of Performance Shares and Matching provided by the new ILP Plan’s regulation, being that the management’s total remuneration in order to place the eligible in the company’s strategies of P75 of the market, will be able to represent around 25% of the total remuneration package. Since the new ILP Plan’s regulation is effective from the fiscal year of 2020, it’s important to highlight that the Option Plan is still contemplated and referenced as a Long-Term Incentive up to the fiscal year of 2019, as a result of the active grants as we will verify below. Benefits: Duratex’s remuneration package is further composed of a set of benefits that aim to improve the quality of life and provide management and their legal dependents adequate healthcare, supplementary retirement pension and life insurance group plans. Eligibility: members of the Board of Directors (except the independents) and members of the Statutory Board. It’s important to emphasize that Duratex has, within the scope of the Board of Directors, the Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee, that assesses the strategy and remuneration to be adopted for recruiting, retaining, and engaging of new professionals, and which, subsequently, is approved by the Board of Directors. ii. regarding the last three (3) fiscal years, what is the proportion of each element in the total remuneration

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company iii. calculation and adjustment methodology of each of the remuneration elements The remuneration values paid by Duratex to its management are defined according to the importance and relative weight of the position in the corporate structure and the positioning strategy before the market. The adjustment occurs periodically, if applicable, after undertaking remuneration research carried out annually by companies specialized in the subject, through which the practiced values are compared by Duratex to the market and measured the level of competitiveness and necessity of adjustments to the amounts practiced. These researches cover all of the remuneration elements. iv. reasons that justify the composition of the remuneration Duratex seeks through the current composition of the remuneration to provide market attractiveness, retention, and the engagement of professionals relative to continuity and value creation for the Company. It, therefore, adopts a model that links recognition and reward to the achievement of significant results for the business. v. The existence of non-remunerated members by the issuer and the reason to this fact Not applicable. c. main performance indicators that are taken into consideration in determining each element of the remuneration The main performance indicators are linked to the Company’s financial results, EBITDA and Free Cash Flow, in addition to specific projects and goals of each business area, and to a set of individual goals of each administrator, regarding the target agreement model. d. how the remuneration is structured to reflect the development of the performance indicators The fixed remuneration payment may be altered by merit of the administrator and/or by misalignment in relation to the market, demonstrated by researches carried out annually, and performance evaluation of the period. Such modification must be proposed by the Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. In terms of the variable remuneration payment, it is fully associated to the achievement of defined goals for the twelve (12) months period, being bigger or smaller according to the degree of achievement or of the overcoming of these goals. It is worth mentioning that, following the market’s evolution and the Company’s interests, the goals associated to the variable remuneration may be linked to environmental and social issues, and to levels of governance, aligned to the strategy defined by the Company’s management. e. how the policy or practice of remuneration aligns to the interests of the short-, medium-, and long- term issuer The composition of the remuneration defined for the management of Duratex is aligned to the short-, medium-, and long-term interests, being that the fixed remuneration reflects the market’s average remuneration, and the variable payments suffer direct impact from the short-term (period of twelve (12) months) and the long-term (periods over one (01) year) results.

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company f. existence of remuneration supported by subsidiaries, controlled companies or direct or indirect controllers Not applicable. g. existence of any remuneration or benefit linked to the occurrence of a certain corporate event, such as the disposal of the issuer’s corporate control There is no remuneration or benefit linked to the occurrence of a certain corporate event, such as the disposal of the Company’s corporate control. h. practices and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors to define the individual remuneration of the Board of Directors and Board of Officers, indicating: The individual remuneration is evaluated annually, taking into consideration market wage practices (study developed in the first semester of each year) and the period’s performance evaluation (performance conditioned to meritocracy). i. the issuer’s administrative bodies and committees that participate in the decision-making process, identifying in which way they participate: The decision-making process is conducted by the Company’s Persons, Governance, and Nomination Committee, based on market positioning studies and performance evaluation. ii. criteria and methodology used for setting individual remuneration, indicating if there is use of studies for verification of market practices, and, if positive, the comparison criteria and the scope of these studies We adopted the job pricing methodology or comparison of job content and based on this, we seek market practices through a business panel set for the year. The study aims to compare the earning potential of the RDA (Target Direct Remuneration / Base Salary + Short Term Incentives Target + Long Term Incentive Target) from the Duratex’s executives before the panel of the selected companies’ executives. iii. how often and in what way the Board of Directors assesses the suitability of the issuer’s remuneration policy The subject is assessed annually by the Board of Directors based on the study described in subitem “ii” above.

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13.2. In relation to remuneration recognized in the results of the last three (03) fiscal years and the expected for the current fiscal year for the Board of Directors, the Statutory Board, and the Fiscal Council, elaborate a chart with the following content: Below, the remuneration identified in the results of the last three (03) fiscal years and the expected for the current fiscal year:

YEAR 2021 - (Forecast for the Board of Directors Statutory Board Fiscal Council TOTAL current accounting year)

Total Number of Members 13,00 9,00 0,00 22,00 Number of remunerated members 13,00 9,00 0,00 22,00 Annual fixed remuneration Salary or Pro-labore 6.314.167 11.678.737 0 17.992.904 Direct and Indirect Benefits 44.471 684.738 0 729.210 Participation on Committees 693.833 0 0 693.833 Others - - - - Description of other fixed - - - - remunerations Variable Remuneration Bonus 0,00 0,00 0 0 Profit Participation 0,00 19.608.140 0 19.608.140 Participation in meetings 0,00 0,00 0 0 Committees 0,00 0,00 0 0 Others - - - - Description of other variable - - - - remunerations Post-employment 66.150 2.052.282 0 2.118.432 Termination of office - - - - Based on shares (including options) 0,00 6.857.481 0 6.857.481 Observation Annual average calculated in accordance with the CVM/SEP Circular; Values of remuneration based on shares settled in accordance with Technical Pronouncement CPC 10. TOTAL 7.118.621 40.881.379 0 48.000.000

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YEAR 2020 Board of Directors Statutory Board Fiscal Council TOTAL

Total Number of Members 12,58 9,00 0,00 21,58 Number of remunerated members 12,58 9,00 0,00 21,58 Annual fixed remuneration Salary or Pro-labore 4.818.000 11.023.068 0,00 15.841.068 Direct and Indirect Benefits 9.550 584.275 0,00 593.825 Participation on Committees 693.833 0 0,00 693.833 Others - - - - Description of other fixed - - - - remunerations Variable Remuneration Bonus 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 Profit Participation 0,00 17.575.888 0,00 17.575.888 Participation in meetings 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 Committees 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 Others - - - - Description of other variable - - - - remunerations Post-employment 66.150 2.052.282 0,00 2.118.432 Termination of office - - - - Based on shares (including options) 0,00 5.660.994 0,00 5.660.994

Annual average calculated in accordance with the CVM/SEP Circular; Values of remuneration Observation based on shares settled in accordance with Technical Pronouncement CPC 10.

TOTAL 5.587.533 36.896.506 0 42.484.039

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YEAR 2019 Board of Directors Statutory Board Fiscal Council TOTAL

Total Number of Members 13,00 9,17 1,00 23,17 Number of remunerated members 13,00 9,17 1,00 23,17 Annual fixed remuneration Salary or Pro-labore 4.692.000 10.097.850 108.000 14.897.850 Direct and Indirect Benefits 8.614 549.044 498 558.156 Participation on Committees 550.000 0 0 550.000 Others - - Description of other fixed - - remunerations Variable Remuneration Bonus 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 Profit Participation 0,00 12.206.704 0,00 12.206.704 Participation in meetings 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 Committees 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 Others - - 0,00 0 Description of other variable - - 0,00 0 remunerations Post-employment 63.000 1.656.221 0 1.719.221 Termination of office 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 Based on shares (including options) 0,00 4.445.150 0 4.445.150

Annual average calculated in accordance with the CVM/SEP Circular; Values of remuneration Observation based on shares settled in accordance with Technical Pronouncement CPC 10.

TOTAL 5.313.614 28.954.969 108.498 34.377.081

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YEAR 2018 Board of Directors Statutory Board Fiscal Council TOTAL

Total Number of Members 13,00 10,00 2,00 25,00 Number of remunerated members 13,00 10,00 2,00 25,00 Annual fixed remuneration Salary or Pro-labore 4.691.667 10.138.223 207.900 15.037.790 Direct and Indirect Benefits 8.794 782.522 166 791.482 Participation on Committees 450.000 0 0 450.000 Others - - Description of other fixed - - remunerations Variable Remuneration Bonus 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Profit Participation 0,00 10.596.814 0,00 10.596.814 Participation in meetings 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Committees 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Others - - 0,00 0,00 Description of other variable - - 0,00 remunerations Post-employment 63.000 1.589.040 0,00 1.652.040 Termination of office 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Based on shares (including options) 0,00 2.337.437 0,00 2.337.437

Annual average calculated in accordance with the CVM/SEP Circular; Values of remuneration Observation based on shares settled in accordance with Technical Pronouncement CPC 10.

TOTAL 5.213.461 25.444.036 208.066 30.865.563

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13.3. In relation to the variable remuneration of the last three (03) fiscal years and the expected for the current fiscal year of the board of directors, the statutory board, and the fiscal council, elaborate a chart with the following content: Below, the variable remuneration of the last three (03) fiscal years and the expected for the current fiscal year of the Board of Directors and Statutory Board, except for that of the Fiscal Council, for not having being installed in the last three (03) fiscal years:

In thousands of BRL

YEAR 2021 (Forecast for the Board of Fiscal Statutory Board current accounting year) Directors Council Total Number of Members (1) 13,00 0,00 9,00

Number of remunerated members 0,00 0,00 9,00


Minimum value foreseen in the plan - - -

Maximum value foreseen in the plan - - -

Value foreseen in the remuneration plan, in case the established goals are achieved - - -

Participation in the Results

Minimum value foreseen in the plan - - 4.357.364,5

Maximum value foreseen in the plan - - 19.608.140,2

Value foreseen in the remuneration plan, in case the established goals are achieved - - 13.072.093,4

Value effectively recognized in the result of the fiscal year - - - (1) Annual average calculated in accordance with the CVM/SEP/N° 03/2019 Circular

In thousands of BRL

YEAR 2020 Board of Fiscal Statutory Board Directors Council Total Number of Members (1) 12,58 0,00 9,00

Number of remunerated members 0,00 0,00 9,00


Minimum value foreseen in the plan - - -

Maximum value foreseen in the plan - - -

Value foreseen in the remuneration plan, in case the established goals are achieved - - -

Participation in the Results

Minimum value foreseen in the plan - - 4.174.356

Maximum value foreseen in the plan - - 18.784.602

Value foreseen in the remuneration plan, in case the established goals are achieved - - 12.523.068

Value effectively recognized in the result of the fiscal year - - 17.575.888 (1) Annual average calculated in accordance with the CVM/SEP/N° 03/2019 Circular

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In thousands of BRL

YEAR 2019 Board of Audit Statutory Board Directors Committee Total Number of Members (1) 13,00 1,00 9,17

Number of remunerated members 0,00 0,00 9,17


Minimum value foreseen in the plan - - -

Maximum value foreseen in the plan - - - Value foreseen in the remuneration plan, in case the established goals are - - - achieved Participation in the Results

Minimum value foreseen in the plan - - 4.122.356

Maximum value foreseen in the plan - - 18.550.602 Value foreseen in the remuneration plan, in case the established goals are - - 12.367.068 achieved Value effectively recognized in the result of the fiscal year - - 12.206.704 (1) Annual average calculated in accordance with the CVM/SEP/N° 03/2019 Circular

In thousands of BRL

YEAR 2018 Board of Audit Statutory Board Directors Committee Total Number of Members (1) 13,00 2,00 10,00

Number of remunerated members 0,00 0,00 10,00


Minimum value foreseen in the plan - - -

Maximum value foreseen in the plan - - - Value foreseen in the remuneration plan, in case the established goals are - - - achieved Participation in the Results

Minimum value foreseen in the plan - - 3.787.768

Maximum value foreseen in the plan - - 17.044.956 Value foreseen in the remuneration plan, in case the established goals are - - 11.363.304 achieved Value effectively recognized in the result of the fiscal year - - 10.596.814 (1) Annual average calculated in accordance with the CVM/SEP/N° 02/2018 Circular

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13.4. In relation to the remuneration plan based on the board of director’s and the statutory board’s actions, in force for the last fiscal year and expected for the current fiscal year, describe: a. general terms and conditions The remuneration package in force in the last fiscal year, in addition to the fixed monthly payment, contemplates the variable payment that is composed by Short-Term Incentives and Long-Term Incentives, according to the Stock Option Granting Plan (“Option Plan”), approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders of 08.31.2009, altered in 04.25.2012, that should have the effective grants under its regency observed. Starting from the fiscal year of 2020, the grant occurred under the effect of the Long-Term Incentive Regulation Plan approved in the General Meeting of Shareholders of 04.26.2019 and re-ratified in the General Meeting of Shareholders of 04.30.2020 (“New ILP Plan”), that replaced the Option Plan mentioned above. The new ILP Plan installed by the Company, gives the Company’s officers the right to, observed the conditions established in the Plan, in the Company’s by-laws and regulation in force, subscribe Duratex’s common shares, within the limit of the Company’s authorized capital. The operational rules and procedures relative to the new Plan will be proposed by a committee designated by the Company’s Board of Directors for the purposes of the present Plan (“Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee”). Periodically, the Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee will submit for approval of the Board of Directors the proposals relating to the application of the new Plan, including the nomination of to which executive officers will be applied the Performance Shares and/or Matching incentives, as well as the respective number of shares which they will be entitled to. The shares will be personal and non-transferable, except in cases of “causa mortis” succession. There will only be granting of shares on fiscal years when there has been obtained sufficient profits to allow the compulsory dividend distribution to the shareholders. b. main goals of the plan Recognize and reward the Executive Officers for the results obtained in periods over one (01) year, integrating them into the Company’s medium- and long-term development processes, allowing them to participate in the valuation that their work and dedication brought to Duratex’s capital. c. the way that the plan contributes to these goals The plan contributes to these goals through the alignment of interests between Duratex’s Executive Officers and shareholders, in the joint effort to ensure the Company’s continuity. d. how the plan is inserted in the issuer’s remuneration policy The Option Plan composed the total remuneration of the Executive Officers, thus reinforcing the level of attractiveness, retention and engagement of the Company’s main officers until the end of 2019, observed the grants in force under its regency. In relation to the new ILP Plan, it inserts as an essential and relevant part of the managements` total remuneration to position the eligible in the company’s strategy of P75 of the market, being able to represent around 25% of the total remuneration package.

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company e. how the plan aligns the management and issuers` interests in short, medium, and long term The Option Plan in force until the end of 2019 aimed at strengthening the Executive Officers’ interest in working for the Company’s increase in value through long term sustainable management actions. From the fiscal year of 2020, according to the Regulations of Long-Term Incentive Plan, or new ILP Plan, the Company considers that all the incentives foreseen in this new plan are tied to the interests of the Executive Officers. In medium and long term, in addition to the retention in the period, it aligns the interests in light of the Company’s wealth generation, through achieving the defined indicator’s goal and aligned to the strategy of the Performance Shares plan, as well as the executive officer’s interest to maximize the share price to obtain bigger gain in a possible sale. f. maximum number of covered shares In the new ILP Plan, the total number of shares to be granted in each year will not exceed the maximum limit of 0.5% of the Company’s total of shares that the majority and minority shareholders own in the date of the previous year’s closing balance sheet. g. maximum number of options to be granted In the Option Plan, the total quantity of option to be granted in each year did not exceed the maximum limit of 0.5% of the Company’s total of shares that the majority and minority shareholders own in the date of the previous year’s closing balance sheet. The new ILP Plan does not offer options. h. share purchase conditions Options Plan (last grant in 2019) Once the grace period is met, the option holder notifies the department responsible for the Plan’s management in the Company the date in which it will exercise the options, with minimum advance of 48 hours. The holder of more than one lot of exercisable options can exercise, totally or partially, the options that are in his right. The shares acquired through the referred Plan are accredited dividends and other earnings. New ILP Plan: Performance shares Within the scope of the Performance Plan, shares issued by Duratex will be transferred to the Executive Officers in case of achievement of performance goals based on Duratex’s strategic planning for the period of five (05) years. The Performance goal will be set by Duratex’s Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee annually, and approved by the Board of Directors. New ILP Plan: Matching Duratex will invite the Recipient to invest a percentage of his net ICP (short term incentive) received, purchasing Company shares. The shares Matching will be carried out in the following form: (i) upon completing four (04) years of investments, Duratex will proceed with the transfer of 50% of the shares to the Beneficiary, only the transferred shares can be traded by the Beneficiary (ii) upon completing five (05) years of investments,

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Duratex will complete the paying in of 100% of the Matching through the transfer of the remaining 50% of shares to the Beneficiary. To have the right to the entirety of the Matching, the Beneficiary cannot trade the shares acquired by him in the time of the investment until the grace period of five (05) years is complete, in other words, in case the Beneficiary sells the shares before the five-year term, he will lose the right to the Matching. The transfer is conditioned to the Beneficiary’s continuance in Duratex and to the maintenance of the investment made through the purchase of the shares. i. criteria for fixing the purchase price or exercise Options Plan (last grant in 2019) The price of exercise, to be paid to the Company, was fixed by the Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee on the granting of the option. For the pricing of exercise of options in general, the Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee considered the average price for the Company’s common shares in the trading sessions of B3, in the period of minimum five (05) and maximum ninety (90) trading sessions prior to the options granting date, and furthermore establishing the choice of adjustment of up to 30% increase or decrease in value. The established prices are readjusted until the month prior to the exercise of the option by the IGP- M index or, in its absence, by the index that the Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee appoints, it having to be paid in term equal to the one in force for the settlement of transactions in B3. New ILP Plan: Performance shares There is no exercise of shares; they are transferred after the grace period in its full value on the moment of transference. The reference value for the granting of the shares is the average value of the last thirty (30) trade session in B3. Novo Plano ILP: Matching There is none. j. criteria for the exercise deadline Option Plan (last grant in 2019) The options, without prejudice to the term of validity, can only be exercised after the grace period and not in the suspension period established by the Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee. The grace period of each set was appointed by the Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee in the issue date, its duration being able to vary between the deadlines of AE+1 year and AE+5 years, being AE the calendar year of issue, in a way that the grace period always ended in the last calendar year of that term. The grace period will be extinguished if the holder`s relationship with the Company is terminated in accordance to the conditions foreseen or in the event of his/her death. The periods of suspension of the option exercise are determined, when necessary, to order the subscriptions.

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New ILP Plan: Performance shares There is no share exercise; they are transferred after the grace period in its full value in the time of the transaction. The reference value for the granting of the shares is the average value for the last thirty (30) trade sessions in B3. Grace period: five (05) years from the date of granting. New ILP Plan: Matching There is none. Grace period: 50% of the shares transferred to the executive officer that completes four (04) years from the granting and another 50% upon completing five (05) years of the granting. k. Settlement method Plan of Options (last grant in 2019) The options have validity for the term that the Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee sets on the moment of their granting, automatically becoming extinct in the end of the term. The validity of each set starts on the date of the respective issue and finishes in the end of a period that may vary between the minimum of AE+5 years and the maximum of AE+10 years, understood by AE (year of issue) the calendar year of issue, in a way that the validity will always end on the last business day of the calendar year of this term. New ILP Plan: Performance shares There is no settlement of shares; they are transferred after the grace period in its full value on the time of the transfer. Novo Plano ILP: Matching There is no settlement of shares. l. Restrictions for the transfer of shares Options Plan (last grant in 2019) The holder can freely dispose of half of the shares that he/she has subscribed upon the exercise of the option. The other half is not disposable for a 2-year term, counted from the date of the exercise of the option, endorsing this unavailability in form and for the intended purposes of article 40 of Law No. 6,404, of 12.15.76. The unavailability of half of the submitted shares is not applied in the subscription of shares upon the exercise of the option in the last semester of the period of validity. In the beginning of the last semester of the grant’s validity, all the shares that were unavailable until then are released. The unavailability of half of the exercised shares is also not applied in relation to the subscribed shares, at any time, for the holder that had his/her relationship with the Company terminated in the conditions foreseen in the plan or by a deceased holder’s successor.

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The unavailable shares are released if and when the termination occurs in the conditions foreseen or in the event of the death of the holder. New ILP Plan: Performance shares The grace period being completed, there are no restrictions to the transfer. New ILP Plan: Matching The grace period being completed, there are no restrictions to the transfer. m. criteria and events that, when verified, will cause the suspension, alteration or extinction of the plan Options Plan (last grant in 2019) To preserve the purpose of the Plan, the quantity of granted options and not yet exercised, or its exercise price, can be adjusted up or down with a view to reestablish the original granted value, when the Company share’s level of quotation in B3 is altered in a significant form, due to decisions of the Company’s Board of Directors and in General Meeting of the Shareholders about the unfolding, grouping and share bonus; (b) issuing of high quantity of shares for capital increase; (c) dividend distribution, remunerative interest of the capital and/or cash bonus, in exceptional amounts; (d) fusion, incorporation, scission or acquisition of the control of large institutions; (e) other procedures of a similar nature and relevance. The Persons, Governance and Nomination Committee presents adjustment proposals for the approval of the Board of Directors. New ILP Plan: Performance shares There will only be a grant of shares in relation to the years that have cleared enough profit to allow the minimum mandatory dividend distribution to the shareholders. New ILP Plan: Matching There will only be a Matching option, which is the purchase of shares by the officers, if there is payment of the variable remuneration, where he/she can dispose of 25% to 75% (according to his/her level) to purchase the shares. n. effects of the departure of the administrator from the administrative bodies over his/her rights foreseen in the action-based remuneration plan Options Plan (last grant in 2019) The options have their effects extinct when the holder has its relationship with the Company and/or controlled companies terminated. The Executive Officers’ options are extinguished on the date they leave their position, whether in light of voluntary termination or of determination of the body that elected him/her. The Board of Directors may approve the lack of extinction of the share if the termination of the officer occurs in light of non-reelection. In this case, options of the beneficiary can be exercised up until the end of its validity, or up to the three (3) year deadline counted from the date of the termination, whichever happens first. In case of death of the option holder, before the termination, the successors may exercise the option until the end of their validity, or up to the three (3) year deadline counted from the date of decease, whichever happens first.

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If he/she is deceased after the termination, the successors may exercise the options during their validity. New ILP Plan: Performance shares In case of termination without fair cause or non-reelection for the position, from the 37th month on, the officer will receive, after the period of five (5) years, shares in proportional number to the period worked. Voluntary termination will lead to the loss of the right to the shares irrespective of the time passed. New ILP Plan: Matching In case of termination without fair cause or non-reelection for the position, from the 13th month of the granting on, the officer will have right to Matching pro rata temporis to be settled at the end of the 5th year. Voluntary termination will lead to the loss of the right to Matching. 13.5. In relation to the action-based remuneration, identified in the results of the last three (3) fiscal years and expected for the current fiscal year, of the Board of Directors and of the Statutory Board, prepare a table with the following content: Below, the action-based remuneration (Options Plan) identified in the results of the fiscal years ended on 12.31.2019 and 31.12.2018, as applicable, as well as the action-based remuneration (ILP Plan) of the year of 2020 and foreseen for the 2021 fiscal year:

Share based remuneration - fiscal year foreseen for 12/31/2021 administrative body 2021 Year of granting of the options

Total No. of members (1) 9,00 No. of remunerated members (2) 9,00 Granting of share purchase option

Date of granting 01/04/21 Number of options granted 560.000 Deadline for the options to become enforceable (exercise date) 01/04/25 Deadline for the exercise of the option (expiry date) N/A Restriction period for the transfer of shares N/A Weighted average price of the fiscal year:

(a) Of the open options in the beginning of the fiscal year N/A (b) Of the options lost during the fiscal year - (c) Of the exercised options during the fiscal year - (d) Of the expired options during the fiscal year - Fair price of the options in the date of granting N/A Possible dilution in the case of exercise of all the granted options 0,08%

(1) Number of active members of the Statutory Board

(2) Number of Officers that held options granted on the last day of the fiscal year.

The accounting identification of the grantings was made in accordance to CPC10.

New ILP Plan: Matching: For the base year 2021, Matching by Duratex will depend on the officer’s choice of using the 25% to 75% percentage (according to his/her level) of his/her liquid Short-Term Incentive (ICP).

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Options Plan: In 2021, stock options will not be granted to the Company`s Executive Officers.

Share based remuneration - fiscal year foreseen for 12/31/2020 administrative body 2013 2014 2016 2018 2019 2020 Year of granting of the options

Total No. of members (1) 11,00 11,00 11,00 10,00 9,00 9,00 No. of remunerated members (2) 5,00 5,00 6,00 9,00 6,00 9,00 Granting of share purchase option

01/04/ Date of granting 17/04/13 11/02/14 09/03/16 27/04/18 13/05/19 20 815.94 Number of options granted 541.160 1.097.375 590.000 781.831 1.619.703 7 Deadline for the options to become enforceable 01/04/ 01/01/17 01/01/18 01/01/20 01/01/22 01/01/23 (exercise date) 24 Deadline for the exercise of the option (expiry 31/12/21 31/12/22 31/12/24 31/12/26 01/12/27 N/A date) 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for Restriction period for the transfer of shares N/A 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Weighted average price of the fiscal year:

(a) Of the open options in the beginning of the R$ 15,30 R$ 12,64 R$ 5,97 R$ 13,49 R$ 9,68 N/A fiscal year (b) Of the options lost during the fiscal year - - - - - N/A (c) Of the exercised options during the fiscal - - - - - N/A year (d) Of the expired options during the fiscal - - - - - N/A year Fair price of the options in the date of granting R$ 6,54 R$ 4,48 R$ 4,00 R$ 5,19 R$ 5,17 N/A Possible dilution in the case of exercise of all the granted 0,08% 0,16% 0,09% 0,11% 0,23% 0,12% options

(1) Number of active members of the Statutory Board foreseen on 12/31/2020 (2) Number of Officers that held options granted on the last day of the fiscal year. The accounting identification of the grants was made in accordance to CPC10.

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Share based remuneration - fiscal year foreseen for 12/31/2019 administrative body 2012 2013 2014 2016 2018 2019 Year of granting of the options

Total No. of members (1) 11,00 11,00 11,00 11,00 10,00 9,00 No. of remunerated members (2) 5,00 5,00 5,00 6,00 9,00 6,00 Granting of share purchase option Date of granting 09/04/12 17/04/13 11/02/14 09/03/16 27/04/18 13/05/19 Number of options granted 365.068 541.160 1.097.375 590.000 781.831 1.619.703 Deadline for the options to become enforceable (exercise date) 01/01/16 01/01/17 01/01/18 01/01/20 01/01/22 01/01/23 Deadline for the exercise of the option (expiry date) 31/12/20 31/12/21 31/12/22 31/12/24 31/12/26 01/12/27 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for Restriction period for the transfer of shares 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Weighted average price of the fiscal year: (a) Of the open options in the beginning of the fiscal year R$ 11,68 R$ 15,30 R$ 12,64 R$ 5,97 R$ 13,49 R$ 9,68 (b) Of the options lost during the fiscal year ------(c) Of the exercised options during the fiscal year ------(d) Of the expired options during the fiscal year ------Fair price of the options in the date of granting R$ 5,69 R$ 6,54 R$ 4,48 R$ 4,00 R$ 5,19 R$ 5,17 Possible dilution in the case of exercise of all the 0,05% 0,08% 0,16% 0,09% 0,11% 0,23% granted options

(1) Number of active members of the Statutory Board foreseen on 12/31/2019 (2) Number of Officers that held options granted on the last day of the fiscal year. The accounting identification of the grants was made in accordance to CPC10.

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Share based remuneration - fiscal year foreseen for 12/31/2018 administrative body 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016 2018 Year of granting of the options

Total No. of members (1) 11,00 11,00 11,00 11,00 11,00 10,00 No. of remunerated members (2) 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 6,00 9,00 Granting of share purchase option

Date of granting 29/06/11 09/04/12 17/04/13 11/02/14 09/03/16 27/04/18 Number of options granted 660.089 365.068 541.160 1.097.375 590.000 781.831 Deadline for the options to become enforceable 01/01/15 01/01/16 01/01/17 01/01/18 01/01/20 01/01/22 (exercise date) Deadline for the exercise of the option (expiry 31/12/19 31/12/20 31/12/21 31/12/22 31/12/24 31/12/26 date) 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for Restriction period for the transfer of shares 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Weighted average price of the fiscal year:

(a) Of the open options in the beginning of R$ 15,20 R$ 11,68 R$ 15,30 R$ 12,64 R$ 5,97 R$ 13,49 the fiscal year (b) Of the options lost during the fiscal year ------(c) Of the exercised options during the fiscal ------year (d) Of the expired options during the fiscal ------year Fair price of the options in the date of granting R$ 5,11 R$ 5,69 R$ 6,54 R$ 4,48 R$ 4,00 R$ 5,19 Possible dilution in the case of exercise of all the 0,10% 0,05% 0,08% 0,16% 0,09% 0,11% granted options

(1) Number of active members of the Statutory Board foreseen on 12/31/2018 (2) Number of Officers that held options granted on the last day of the fiscal year. The accounting identification of the grants was made in accordance to CPC10.

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13.6. Regarding the open options of the Board of Directors and of the Statutory Board on the end of the last fiscal year, prepare chart with the following content: Below, open options (Options Plan) of the Statutory Board on the end of the fiscal year of 2020, under your command. In 2020, options were not granted and therefore the table below shows all options that remain open from previous years up to 2019. Action based remuneration - fiscal year ended on 12/31/2020 administrative body

Year of granting of the options 2013 2014 2016 2018 2019

Total No. of members (1) 11.00 11.00 11.00 9.00 9.00 No. of remunerated members (2) 5.00 5.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 Options that have not reached the exercise date Quantity 781,831 1,619,703 Date they will become enforceable (exercise date) 01/01/22 01/01/23 Deadline for the exercise of the option (expiry date) 12/31/2026 12/31/2027 2 years for 2 years for Restriction period for the transfer of shares 50% 50% Weighted average price of the fiscal year BRL 13.49 BRL 9.68 Fair price of the options on the last day of the fiscal year BRL 5.19 BRL 5.17 Options that have reached the exercise date Quantity 382,077 828,465 450,000 Deadline for the exercise of the option (expiry date) 12/31/2021 12/31/2022 12/31/2024 2 years for 2 years for 2 years for Restriction period for the transfer of shares 50% 50% 50% Weighted average price of the fiscal year BRL 15.30 BRL 13.27 BRL 5.97 Fair price of the options on the last day of the fiscal year BRL 6.54 BRL 4.48 BRL 4.00 Fair price of the total options on the last day of the BRL BRL BRL fiscal year 2,498,783.6 3,711,523.2 1,800,000.0

(1) Number of active members of the Statutory Board on 12/31/2020 (2) Number of Officers that held options granted on the last day of the fiscal year. The accounting identification of the grants was made in accordance to CPC10.

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13.7. Exercised options and handed shares relative to the Board of Directors` and the Statutory Board`s action-based remuneration in the last three (3) fiscal years In the fiscal years of 2018 and 2020, options granted to the Statutory Board by the Company were not exercised, however, in 2020, options were exercised according to the table below, considering the year they were granted. Year of Grant Exercised Amount Unit Value (BRL) Total Value Paid (BRL)

Grant 2016 200,000 6.90 1,380,000.00

Grant 2016 60,000 7.37 442,200.00

Grant 2012 122,568 15.41 1,888,772.00

13.8. Brief description of the necessary information to understand the data published on items 13.5 to 13.7, such as the explanation of the pricing methodologies of the value of the shares and of the options, indicating at least: a. pricing model The grants made under the ruling of the Stock Options Granting Plan in effect until the end of 2019, Duratex used the binomial model for the options that required the existence of two possible active price behavior tracks - one ascending and the other descending. In this manner, a tree was drawn with the price tracks so that the share value could be determined in a future date, based on the volatility defined and on the timeframe on the tree from the moment of pricing up to date of expiry. The pricing process of this model was made through the Backward Induction method, starting from expiry up to the starting point. For the Performance Shares and Matchings plans, the detailed information can be found in item 13.4. b. data and premises used in the pricing model, including average price of the shares, exercise price, expected volatility, timeframe until the expiry of the option, expected dividends, and interest rate free of risk The binomial pricing model used in the Shares Options Granting Plan took under consideration the price of the asset-object, exercise price, volatility, return rate of the dividends, free of risk rate, grace period, timeframe until the expiry of the option, all as premises for pricing. Please find the description of the premises used:  Price of the Asset-Object: the price of the Duratex shares (DTEX3) used in the calculation was the closing price at B3;  Exercise Price: as the exercise price of the option, the previously defined exercise price at the time of the issuance was used, with monetary update made based on the IGP-M variation;  Expected Volatility: calculated based on the standard deviation history of the last 365 daily feedbacks of the DTEX3 share closings, published by B3, with monetary update made based on the IGP-M variation;  Dividends Rate: 2% rate was used;

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 Interest Rate Free of Risk: the free of risk rate used was the IGP-M coupon;  Timeframe until expiry of the option: the timeframe of the option was established when it was issued;  Grace period of the option: the grace period of the option was established when it was issued.  For the Performance Shares and Matchings plans, the detailed information can be found in item 13.4. For the Performance Shares and Matchings plans, the detailed information can be found in item 13.4. c. method used and premises undertaken to incorporate the expected effects of anticipated exercise Duratex’s Stock Options Granting Plan in effect until the end of 2019 foresaw a grace period for each series granted that can vary between one (1) to five (5) years, counting from the year the option was issued. Up to the end of the grace period, the exercise of the option was not permitted. The grace period was defined at the moment the series of options were issued. Since the end of the grace period, the option could be exercised at any moment until the end of the fixed effective timeframe. The pricing of the options made through the binomial tree took under consideration their grace period. Not applicable to the Performance Shares and Matching plans. d. form of establishing the expected volatility Expected volatility: calculated based on the standard deviation history of the last 365 feedbacks of the daily DTEX3 share closings prices, with monetary update based on the IGP-M. Not applicable to the Performance Shares and Matching plans. e. if any other characteristic of the option was incorporated in the measuring of its fair value The historic series was adjusted by splits, bonuses, and grouping. Not applicable to the Performance Shares and Matching plans.

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13.9. Inform the amount of shares or quotas directly or indirectly owned in Brazil or abroad and other securities values that could be converted into shares or quotas issued by the issuer, its direct or indirect controllers, controlled companies or under common control, by members of the Board of Directors, of the Statutory Board, or of the Fiscal Council, grouped by administrative body.

Controllers (1 and 3) Board of Directors (2) Executive Office

Companies Shares/Quotas Shares Shares Granted Ordinary Preference Ordinary Preference Ordinary Preference Options

Issuer: Duratex S.A. 415,070,700 - - - 1,676,656 - 3,102,087 Direct Controllers: Itaúsa S.A. 1,828,486,356 1,001,434,140 25,002,081 210 - 20,1 - FIP Ligna 692 ------FIP Ordem 2,471 ------HS Investimentos S.A. 19,640,616 ------O.E. Setubal S.A. 700 ------O.E.S. Participações S.A. 1,743,449 ------Progresso FIA IE 249,800,431 ------PSN Participações Ltda. 374,042 ------Rudric ITH Participações Ltda. 2,135,861,064 ------Tide Participações Ltda. 1,400,000 ------Indirect Controller:

Companhia ESA 1,810,314,824 ------FIA Veritas 533,230,925 ------Date-base: 12.31.2020 (1) item included to reconcile with the information sent monthly by the issuer to B3 to meet the requirements of Article 30 of the Regulation of the Corporate Governance New Market and of Art. 11 of CVM Instruction No. 358; (2) considered in the item "Controllers"; and (3) besides the information on the controlling shareholders, direct and indirect, and of members of the Board of Directors, depending on the case includes participation of spouses (that are not judicially or extrajudicially separated) or partners and any other dependents included in the annual income tax return and of the companies controlled directly or indirectly by these individuals.

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13.10. Regarding the retirement plans in effect granted to the members of the Board of Directors and to the statutory directors, please inform the following in the form of a table: a. boards Board of Directors Statutory Board b. total number of members (1) 12,58 9,00 c. number of remunerated members (1) 3,00 8,00 d. name of the plan PLANO PAI - CD e. number of administrators that have attained the conditions to 0 2 retire For early retirement, the participants must meet the following requirements: 1. Minimum fifty-five (55) years of age; 2. f. conditions to retire early Minimum ten (10) years participating in the plan; and 3. Not having a term in effect or an employment relationship with the sponsors g. updated value of the accumulated contributions in the retirement plan up to the end of the last fiscal year, not 6.941.778 13.418.454 including the amount regarding contributions made directly by the administrators h. total accumulated value of the contributions made during the last fiscal year, not including the amount regarding 66.150 2.052.282 contributions made directly by the administrators i. if early rescue of the amount is possible and in what Early rescue of the contribution is not conditions possible

(1) Annual average calculated according to Circular Letter / CVM / SEP 01/2021 in line with item 13.2

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13.11. In the form of a table, please indicate, regarding the last three (3) fiscal years, in relation to the Board of Directors, to the Statutory Board, and to the Fiscal Council: a) the administrative body; b) number of members; c) number of remunerated members; d) value of the most expensive individual remuneration; e) value of the least expensive individual remuneration; and f) average value of individual remuneration (total of the remuneration divided by the number of remunerated members)

Fiscal year ended on 12/31/2020 Board of Directors a. boards Statutory Board (5) Fiscal Council (4) b. total number of members (1) 12,58 9,00 0,00 c. number of remunerated members (1) 12,58 9,00 0,00 d. value of the highest individual 952.503 10.375.928 0 remuneration (2) e. value of the lowest individual 103.373 1.088.712 0 remuneration (3) f. average value of individual remuneration (total remuneration 398.824 3.122.797 0 divided by the number of remunerated members) (6) (1) Annual average calculated in accordance with Circular Letter/CVM/SEP aligned with item 13.2 (2) The referred member exercised his activities during the twelve (12) months of 2020. (3) Not considering members that exercised their activities for less than twelve (12) months during 2020.

(4) Board of Directors: the amount of the highest, lowest and average annual individual compensation of the directors considers the sum of the fixed compensation in the Board of Directors and in the Advisory Committees, in addition to the benefits offered by the Company.

(5) Board of Executive Officers: the amount of the highest, lowest and average annual individual compensation of the officers considers the fixed compensation and the benefits offered by the Company.

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Fiscal year ended on 12/31/2019 Board of Directors a. boards Statutory Board (5) Fiscal Council (4) b. total number of members (1) 13,00 9,17 1,00 c. number of remunerated members (1) 13,00 9,17 1,00 d. value of the highest individual 907.017 8.343.278 36.083 remuneration (2) e. value of the lowest individual 120.083 1.124.170 36.083 remuneration (3) f. average value of individual remuneration (total remuneration 408.727 3.113.100 36.083 divided by the number of remunerated members) (6) (1) Annual average calculated in accordance with Circular Letter/CVM/SEP aligned with item 13.2 (2) The referred member exercised his activities during the twelve (12) months of 2019. (3) Not considering members that exercised their activities for less than twelve (12) months during 2019.

(4) Board of Directors: the amount of the highest, lowest and average annual individual compensation of the directors considers the sum of the fixed compensation in the Board of Directors and in the Advisory Committees, in addition to the benefits offered by the Company.

(5) Board of Executive Officers: the amount of the highest, lowest and average annual individual compensation of the officers considers the fixed compensation and the benefits offered by the Company. 6) Fiscal Council: We consider the total remuneration divided by the effective number of members throughout the year (May to December = 3 members), different from the total number of members placed in item 13.2 (total number of members considering the annual average - as calculation criteria).

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Fiscal year ended on 12/31/2018 Board of Directors a. boards Statutory Board (5) Fiscal Council (4) b. total number of members (1) 13,00 10,00 2,00 c. number of remunerated members (1) 13,00 10,00 2,00 d. value of the highest individual 869.146 5.589.645 66.572 remuneration (2) e. value of the lowest individual 172.861 1.158.414 66.572 remuneration (3) f. average value of individual remuneration (total remuneration 384.110 2.197.734 66.572 divided by the number of remunerated members) (6) (1) Annual average calculated in accordance with Circular Letter/CVM/SEP aligned with item 13.2 (2) The referred member exercised his activities during the twelve (12) months of 2018. (3) Not considering members that exercised their activities for less than twelve (12) months during 2018.

(4) Board of Directors: the amount of the highest, lowest and average annual individual compensation of the directors considers the sum of the fixed compensation in the Board of Directors and in the Advisory Committees, in addition to the benefits offered by the Company.

(5) Board of Executive Officers: the amount of the highest, lowest and average annual individual compensation of the officers considers the fixed compensation and the benefits offered by the Company. 6) Fiscal Council: We consider the total remuneration divided by the effective number of members throughout the year (May to December = 3 members), different from the total number of members placed in item 13.2 (total number of members considering the annual average - as calculation criteria).

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13.12. Describe agreements, insurance policies or other instruments that structure remuneration or indemnification mechanisms for the management in case of destitution from their position or of retirement, indicating the financial consequences for the issuer There are no agreements, insurance policies or other instruments that structure remuneration or indemnification mechanisms for the management in case of destitution from their position or of retirement.

13.13. In relation to the last three (3) fiscal years, indicate the percentage of the total remuneration of each administrative body identified in the result of the issuer regarding members of the Board of Directors, of the Statutory Board or of the Fiscal Council that are related parties to the controllers, directly or indirectly, in accordance with the applicable accounting rules. Below are the percentages of the total remuneration of the Board of Directors, of the Statutory Board, and of the Fiscal Council identified in the Company's results as related parties:

Board of Statutory YEAR 2020 Fiscal Council Directors Board Parties related to the controllers (%) 58.24% 0.00% 0.00%

Board of Statutory YEAR 2019 Fiscal Council Directors Board Parties related to the controllers (%) 57.23% 0.00% 0.00%

Board of Statutory ANO 2018 Fiscal Council Directors Board Parties related to the controllers (%) 58.35% 0.00% 0.00%

13.14. In relation to the last three (3) fiscal years, indicate the values identified in the results of the issuer as remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors, of the Statutory Board, or of the Fiscal Council, grouped by administrative body, for exercising activities other than those of their position, such as participating in commissions and giving consulting or advisory services There has not been in the last three (3) fiscal years identification of values in the results of Duratex as remuneration to members of the Board of Directors, of the Statutory Board, or of the Fiscal Council for participating in commissions and giving consulting or advisory services.

13.15. In relation to the last three (3) fiscal years, indicate the values identified in the results of the controllers, direct or indirect, of companies under common control and of controlled companies of the issuer, as remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors, of the Statutory Board, or of the Fiscal Council, grouped by administrative body, specifying under what title such values were attributed to such individuals. In the fiscal years of 2018 to 2020 no values were identified in the results of the controllers, direct or indirect, of companies under common control and controlled companies of the issuer, as remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors, of the Statutory Board, or of the Fiscal Council.

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13.16. Provide other information considered relevant by the issuer. Supplementing the information provided in item 13.2, that presents the global remuneration of the management and members of the Fiscal Council, when it is installed, free of employment related charges burden of the employer, and in conformity with the recommendations of Official Circular Letter/CVM/SEP 01/2021, we highlight below the values of the employment related charges the Company is liable for.

Board of YEAR 2021 Statutory Board Fiscal Council TOTAL Directors Global Remuneration 7.008.000 31.286.877 - 38.294.877 INSS without Fixed Remuneration 1.401.600 2.335.747 - 3.737.347 INSS without Variable Remuneration - 3.921.628 - 3.921.628 TOTAL INSS 1.401.600 6.257.375 - 7.658.975

Board of YEAR 2020 Statutory Board Fiscal Council TOTAL Directors Global Remuneration 5.511.833 28.598.956 - 34.110.789 INSS without Fixed Remuneration 1.102.367 2.204.614 - 3.306.980 INSS without Variable Remuneration - 3.515.178 - 3.515.178 TOTAL INSS 1.102.367 5.719.791 - 6.822.158

Board of YEAR 2019 Statutory Board Fiscal Council TOTAL Directors Global Remuneration 5.242.000 22.304.553 108.000 27.654.553 INSS without Fixed Remuneration 1.048.400 2.019.570 21.600 3.089.570 INSS without Variable Remuneration - 2.441.341 - 2.441.341 TOTAL INSS 1.048.400 4.460.911 21.600 5.530.911

Board of YEAR 2018 Statutory Board Fiscal Council TOTAL Directors Global Remuneration 5.141.667 20.735.037 207.900 26.084.604 INSS without Fixed Remuneration 1.028.333 2.027.645 41.580 3.097.558 INSS without Variable Remuneration - 2.119.363 - 2.119.363 TOTAL INSS 1.028.333 4.147.007 41.580 5.216.921 ______

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(Attachment 6)


I – OBJECTIVE OF THE PLAN 1.1 The present Long-Term Incentives Plan (ILP Plan) of the Duratex Corporation and of its controlled companies (“Duratex” or solely “Company”) aims at: i) Stimulating the commitment of Duratex’s officers in the long-term, in a manner to encourage that they seek success in all their activities and achieving Duratex’s objectives; ii) Attracting and retaining the best professionals by offering incentives that are aligned with the continuous growth of Duratex; and iii) Giving Duratex, in what concerns variable remuneration, a competitive edge in comparison to the rest of the market. 1.2 The plan is structured in a way to incentivize the Participants to contribute to Duratex’s achievements, since they will become Shareholders of the Company and will be directly rewarded by the appreciation in the price of the respective shares. Therefore, the alignment of interests of the Shareholders of Duratex with that of the Participants is a way to reach the main objectives of the Plan, which are: (i) growth; (ii) achievement; (iii) success; and (iv) accomplishment of Duratex’s objectives.

II – MANAGEMENT OF THE PLAN 2.1 The plan will be managed by the Remuneration Department of the Human Resources Office of Duratex, observing the terms and conditions herein established. It will be up to the Board of Directors of the Company to, after hearing the Persons, Governance and Naming Committee (“Committee”), deliberate annually about the application or not of the Plan, defining who will be the Participants, as well as which Participants should be temporarily or permanently suspended from the Plan.

2.2 This Plan will be in effect starting on 2020, in substitution of the granting of stock options plan.

III – CRITERIA OF THE PLAN 3.1 In the application of the ILP Plan the following criteria will be abided by for the incentives: a) Performance shares In the field of the Performance Plan, issuance shares of Duratex will be transferred to the Participants when reaching the performance target, based on Duratex’s strategic planning for a five (5) year period. The Performance target will be defined by the Duratex Committee annually and will be approved by the Board of Directors. To receive the shares, a five (5) year grace period shall be observed and the Participant must continue in Duratex. The amount of shares will have as price reference the average of the last thirty (30) trading floor sessions.

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In case of termination without fair cause or of non-reappointment to the position from the 37th month on, the Participant will receive, after the period of five (5) years, shares proportional to the period worked therein. Voluntary termination will result in the loss of right to the shares irrespective of the timeframe passed. The Performance Plan will be applicable only to officers (“Statutory and non-Statutory"). b) Matching Duratex will invite the Beneficiary to invest a percentage of its net ICP (short-term incentive) buying shares of the Company. The Matching of the shares will be done in the following manner: (i) completing four (4) years of investment, Duratex will proceed with the transference of 50% of the shares to the Beneficiary and only the transferred shares will be able to be commercialized by the Beneficiary; and (ii) completing five (5) years of investment, Duratex will complete the pay in of 100% of the Matching through the transference of the remaining 50% of the shares to the Beneficiary. To be entitled to the complete Matching, the Beneficiary cannot commercialize the shares it bought on the moment of the investment until after the five (5) year grace period, that is, in case the Beneficiary sells his/her shares before the five (5) year period he/she will lose the right to Matching. The transference is conditioned to the Beneficiary staying at Duratex and to maintaining the investment made in the purchase of the shares. In case of termination without fair cause or non-reappointment to the position from the 13th month of the granting on, the Participant will have the right to Matching pro rata temporis to be settled at the end of the five (5) year period. Voluntary termination will result in the loss of right to Matching. The Matching Plan will be applicable only to officers (“Statutory and non-Statutory"). c) Restricted Shares Duratex shares will be transferred to its employees, without cost, if the terms and conditions herein established are met. The Board of Directors, after hearing the Chief Executive Officer of Duratex, will grant in a discretionary manner shares to the Participants that in the period of one (1) year had a differentiated performance and generated high impact to Duratex`s business. The referred granting will obey: (i) criteria to create a pool of eligible individuals; (ii) talent database; (iii) consistent achievement of individual targets; and (iv) potential evaluation. The shares will be transferred after the period of three (3) years from the granting. In case of termination without fair cause from the 13th month of the granting on, the Participant will have the right to Matching pro rata temporis to be settled at the end of the 3rd year. The Beneficiary voluntarily leaving the Company, he/she will lose the right to the shares irrespective of the timeframe passed. This Plan category will be applicable to employees (“employees”) hired under the Consolidated Labor Law (“CLT”) regime.

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IV– CONDITIONS AND ANNUAL LIMIT TO THE GRANTING OF SHARES 4.1 There shall only be granting of shares in the fiscal years where enough profit has been raised to allow for distribution of the necessary dividends to the shareholders. 4.2 The total amount of shares to be granted in each fiscal year shall not exceed the maximum limit of 0.5% (half percent) of the totality of shares of Duratex that the majority and minority shareholders own on the date of the closing balance of the previous fiscal year.


VI – ELIGIBLE PERSONS 6.1 Regarding the present ILP Plan, the eligible persons are initially, for the “a” and “b” criteria of item III, the Statutory and non-Statutory officers. 6.2 Regarding the “c” criteria of item III, all of the employees. 6.3 The Board of Directors may, if it sees fit, increase or reduce the range of eligible persons regarding any of the ILP Plans. 6.4 The ILP Plan does not interfere with the employment relationship and/or with the term in a position, and consequently may not be interpreted as the constitution of a right of the Participants and neither shall it grant them a permanent place in Duratex, as officer or employee. 6.5 Regarding the present ILP Plan, the word “Termination” means any act or fact that puts an end to the legal relationship of the Participant, contemplating the following hypothesis among others (i) voluntary termination foreseen in items “a” and “b” of this Plan; (ii) non-reelection; (iii) death. In relation to the Participants foreseen in item “c”, termination encompasses: death, voluntary termination, termination with or without fair cause of the labor agreement.

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6.6 Occurring termination with fair cause or destitution of the position or non-reelection of the Participant, as foreseen in items “a” and “b”, for a reason that Duratex understands equitable to fair cause for termination, it will result in the loss of the right to the ILP. 6.7 In the case of permanent invalidity, the complete transfer of the Duratex shares will be made to the Beneficiary on the act of the event. 6.8 In the case of death of the Beneficiary, the shares will only be transferred in its entirety when the judicial decision or public deed of the extrajudicial sharing of assets is presented, defining the heirs to the Beneficiary that will have the right to receive the shares. 6.9 In the cases of termination without fair cause where the Beneficiary is retired, the Board of Directors will analyze and decided for the transfer of the shares or not to the Beneficiary, as well as the amount and period in which it will be undertaken.

VII – GENERAL CONDITIONS 7.1 None of the Participants will have any rights or privileges of Duratex shareholders, including in relation to dividends until the granted shares are handed over and the registration in the name of the Participant is duly made. 7.2 In case modification to Duratex`s share structure occurs, involving unfolding, grouping, or bonification of shares, the Human Resources Office, through its Remuneration Department, will make the necessary adjustments in the number of Duratex`s ordinary issuance shares attributed to the Participants that are in the grace period established in the ILP Plan, as well as in the agreements made with them. 7.3 Possible taxes incurring and resulting from the Plan will be the liability of each party determined in the applicable legislation. 7.4 The provisions contained in the present ILP Plan are effective immediately after its approval, however, it will depend on the annual deliberation of the Board of Directors. 7.5 The Board of Directors, in the interest of Duratex and of its shareholders, may, at any time, suspend definitely or indefinitely the application of the present ILP Plan, any legislative modification to the regulation of corporations or of their fiscal effects that significantly affect the present ILP Plan may lead to its partial or complete revision, or even to its suspension or termination. 7.6 No provision of the present ILP Plan shall grant rights to the Participants concerning guarantee of their position or continuance and/or reelection of their position, neither will it interfere in Duratex`s right to terminate/destitute, according to the applicable to each case, the relationship with any Participant at any time. 7.7 Omissions will be regulated by the Board of Directors. ______

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- Attachment 7 - INFORMATION ABOUT THE REGULATION OF THE LONG-TERM INCENTIVES PLAN (Attachment 13 of the ICVM 481/09 – Action Based Remuneration Plan)

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(Attachment 7)


1. Provide copy of the proposed plan The Long-Term Incentives Plan is Attachment 7 to this Manual. 2. Inform the main characteristics of the proposed plan, identifying: a. Potential Beneficiaries (i) Performance Shares and Matching: Statutory and Non-Statutory Officers / CFO / VPs/ CEO of Duratex and its controlled companies. (ii) Restricted Shares: Non-Officers (Managers, Coordinators, Specialists, key persons: approximately twenty (20) persons) from Duratex and its controlled companies. (iii) Beneficiaries should be understood as all Statutory and Non-Statutory Officers and employees of Duratex and its controlled companies. b. Maximum number of options to be granted None of the plans involve options. c. Purchase Conditions (i) Performance Shares: achieving a minimum percentage of an acceptable indicator (examples: EVA, EBITDA, ROE, ROIC) previously defined by the Board of Directors. (ii) Matching: all executives of the eligible levels can opt for the investment. (iii) Restricted Shares (granting criteria): consistency in performance, potential, confirmed by the talent pool, and future bet. Annually, during the adjustment meeting, the eligible persons will be identified, the choice of the professionals being validated in the executive committee and the Chief Executive Officer making his recommendation to the Persons, Governance, and Naming Committee, which will be later submitted to the approval of the Board of Directors. d. Detailed criteria for fixing the exercise price There is no exercise of shares, the shares are transferred after the grace period in its full value on the moment of transference. The transfer value for granting the shares is the average value of the last thirty (30) B3 trading floor sessions. e. Criteria for fixing the exercise timeframe There is no exercise of shares, the shares are transferred after the grace period in its full value on the moment of transference. The transfer value for granting the shares is the average value of the last thirty (30) B3 trading floor sessions. Grace Period: (i) Performance Shares: five (5) years from the date of granting. (ii) Matching: fifty percent (50%) of the shares are transferred to the officer when completing four (4) years of the granting, and the other fifty percent (50%) when completing five (5)

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years of granting. (iii) Restricted Shares: three (3) years from the date of granting. f. Form of settlement of options None of the plans is linked to options. g. Criteria and events that, when verified, will cause the suspension, modification, or extinction of the plan (i) Performance Shares: 1. Voluntary termination: loss of the amount if the grace period was not completed. 2. Termination with fair cause: loss of the amount and extinction of the plan. 3. Termination without fair cause: a. Up to the 3rd year – complete extinction of the plan. b. From the 37th month – proportional to the time worked. 4. Retirement: will be analyzed on a case-by-case manner. (ii) Matching: 1. Voluntary termination: loss of the amount if the grace period was not completed. 2. Termination with fair cause: loss of the amount and extinction of the plan. 3. Termination without fair cause: If the termination happens before the completion of twelve (12) months, nothing will be received. From the 13th month on, the payment will be pro rata, recognizing the work completed and incentivizing the investment in the Company. 4. Retirement: will be analyzed on a case-by-case manner. (iii) Restricted Shares: 1. Voluntary termination: loss of the amount if the grace period was not completed. 2. Termination with fair cause: loss of the amount and extinction of the plan. 3. Termination without fair cause: If the termination happens before the completion of twelve (12) months, nothing will be received. From the 13th month on, the payment will be pro rata, recognizing the work completed and incentivizing the investment in the Company. 4. Retirement: will be analyzed on a case-by-case manner. 3. Justify the proposed plan, explaining: a. The main objectives of the plan (i) Performance Shares and Restricted Shares: talent retention and market competitiveness. (ii) Matching: alignment of the Company’s shareholders’ and officers' interests.

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b. How the plan contributes to reaching these objectives (i) Performance Shares and Restricted Shares: the shares are transferred after the completion of three (3) years (for restricted shares) or five (5) years (for performance shares) in the company. Both plans are focused on the talents that already lead or have the potential to lead the company in the future, offering a remuneration that is relevant to the selected person. (ii) Matching: part of the officers’ assets will have the same risk as that of the shareholders. c. How is the plan inserted in the company’s remuneration policy It is inserted as an essential and relevant part of the total remuneration to position the eligible persons in the company’s P75 market strategy, representing up to 25% of the total remuneration package. d. How does the plan align the interests of the beneficiaries and of the company on a short, medium, and long-term basis All of the plans are tied to the Company’s interests, especially short-term wise in relation to the retention of the employees and attraction of talents from the marketplace. In the medium- and long-term basis, besides the retention of talent for the period, it aligns interests due to the growth of value of the company, through achieving the determined indicator target and conforming to the Performance Shares plan, as well as fulfilling the interest of the officers in maximizing share prices to obtain greater gain in a potential sale. 4. Estimate the costs incurred by the company with the plan, in accordance with the fiscal rules applicable to the matter Total costs estimated at BRM 10.5 million regarding each granting, deferred up to five (5) years in relation to the group of the three (3) plans. ______

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- Attachment 8 - PROXY MODEL “A”

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(Attachment 8)


Through this instrument of proxy, [NAME AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE SHAREHOLDER], (“Grantor”), appoints Mr./Mrs. [NAME AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE ATTORNEY IN FACT] as his/her proxy, with powers to represent the grantor in his/her role as shareholder of the DURATEX CORPORATION in the General Meeting of Shareholders and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, to be held on April 29, 2021, at 11 am, in an exclusively virtual format. The proxy will have his/her powers limited to the participation in the mentioned shareholders’ meeting and to voting in compliance with the vote preferences given below, not having the right nor the obligation to take any other measures other than the necessary for the precise execution of the preferences given below for voting. The proxy is authorized to abstain in any of the deliberations or matters in relation to which he/she has not received specific guidance for voting. [City], ______, 2021.

______[SHAREHOLDER signature] (without the need for notarized authentication)


1. To take account of the management, examine, discuss and vote on the Financial Statements of the fiscal year ended on 12.31.2020.

Approve Reject Abstain

2. Deliberation on the proposal of the Board of Directors of the destination of the net profit of the 2020 fiscal year, including the ratification of the early distribution of interest rates over its own capital and additional dividends, as detailed in the Manual for General Meeting available at mercado/reunioes-da-administracao-assembleias. During the General Meeting, new distribution of profits will not be proposed in light of the 2020 fiscal year. Approve Reject Abstain

3. Deliberation on the proposal of the Executive Board to fix the number of members of the Board of Directors for the next annual term in nine (9) effective – of which three (3) shall be independent – and three (3) alternate. Approve Reject Abstain

4. Do you wish to request the use of the multiple vote process for the election of the Board of Directors, in accordance with Article 141 of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? Yes No Abstain

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5. Nomination of all the names in the slate (the votes indicated in this field will be disregarded if the shareholder holding shares with voting rights also fills in the fields present in the separate election of a member of the board of directors and the separate election that these fields deal with) - by nomination of the controlling stockholders.

Effective Members Alternate Members Alfredo Egydio Arruda Villela Filho Alexandre de Barros Rodolfo Villela Marino Alfredo Egydio Setubal Paula Lucas Setubal Ricardo Egydio Setubal Andrea Laserna Seibel Alex Laserna Seibel Helio Seibel Juliana Rozenbaum Munemori(*) Márcio Froes Torres(*) Raul Calfat(*) (*) Independent Approve Reject Abstain

6. In case one of the candidates that compose the chosen slate is no longer part of it, the votes that correspond to your shares can still be directed to the chosen slate? Yes No Abstain

7. In the event of the adoption of the multiple voting process, should the votes corresponding to your shares be distributed in equal percentages to the members in the slate you chose? [If the shareholder chooses to “abstain” and the multiple voting process is adopted, their vote will be calculated as abstention in the corresponding resolution in the meeting.] Yes No Abstain


9. Do you wish to request the adoption of a separate vote for the election of the Board of Directors? Yes No Abstain

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Separate election of the board of directors - Common shares 10. Indication of candidates for the board of directors by minority shareholders voting shares (the shareholder can only fill this field if he is the uninterrupted holder of the shares with which he votes during the 3 months immediately prior to the general meeting). [NAME OF EFFECTIVE CANDIDATE] / [NAME OF ALTERNATE CANDIDATE] Approve Reject Abstain

11. Ratification of the remuneration paid to management in 2020 and deliberation of the Board of Directors` proposal to fix the annual global amount allocated to remunerate management (Board of Directors and Executive Board) in up to BRL 48 million. Approve Reject Abstain

12. Do you wish to request the installation of the Fiscal Council, under the terms of Article 161 of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? Note: This question is not included in the agenda of this Meeting, and has been inserted in compliance with the provisions of Article 21-K of ICVM 481, of 2009. Yes No Abstain

13. Do you authorize the drafting of the minutes of this Meeting in summarized form, pursuant to Paragraph 1, Article 130, of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? Yes No Abstain

14. Do you authorize the publication of the minutes of this Meeting, omitting the names of the shareholders, pursuant to Paragraph 2, Article 130, of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? Yes No Abstain

VOTING PREFERENCE – EXTRORDINARY GENERAL MEETING 1. Deliberation of the proposal of the Board of Directors to modify Duratex`s Regulation of the Long-Term Incentives Plan. Approve Reject Abstain

2. Do you authorize the drafting of the minutes of this Meeting in summarized form, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 130, of Law No. 6.404, of 1976? Yes No Abstain

3. Do you authorize the publication of the minutes of this Meeting, omitting the names of the shareholders, pursuant to Paragraph 2, Article 130, of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? Yes No Abstain


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(Attachment 8)


Through this instrument or proxy, [SHAREHOLDER], [NATIONALITY], [MARITAL STATUS], [PROFESSION], [RG] and [CPF], domiciled in [FULL ADDRESS], shareholder of DURATEX S.A. (“Company”), nominates proxy(ies):  Danielli Gilbert de Souza L’apiccirella, Brazilian, married, attorney, OAB/SP 251.474, CPF 311.119.308-05;  Gustavo Conte Jakovac, Brazilian, married, attorney, OAB/SP 174.754, CPF 270.634.178-51;  Rosangela Valio Camargo, Brazilian, divorced, attorney, OAB/SP 164.783, CPF 251.511.568-37, all with business address at Av. Paulista, 1938, 8th floor, Bela Vista, São Paulo (SP), with powers to, any one of them in isolation, regardless of the order of appointment, represent you as a shareholder of the Company, General Ordinary and Extraordinary Meeting to be held on April 29, 2021, at 11:00 am, exclusively digitally.

The proxy(ies) will have limited powers to participate in the aforementioned General Meeting to vote on the matters on the agenda, in accordance with the guidance below, having no right or obligation to take any other measures that are not necessary for the exact fulfillment of the said voting guidelines. The proxy(ies) are authorized to abstain from any resolution or matter for which they have not received sufficiently specific voting instructions and will vote according to the number of common shares held by the Grantor. [City,] ______, 2021.

______[SHAREHOLDER signature] (without the need for notarized authentication)


1.To take account of the management, examine, discuss and vote on the Financial Statements of the fiscal year ended on 12.31.2020.

Approve Reject Abstain

2. Deliberation on the proposal of the Board of Directors of the destination of the net profit of the 2020 fiscal year, including the ratification of the early distribution of interest rates over its own capital and additional dividends, as detailed in the Manual for General Meeting available at mercado/reunioes-da-administracao-assembleias. During the General Meeting, new distribution of profits will not be proposed in light of the 2020 fiscal year. Approve Reject Abstain

3. Deliberation of the proposal of management to fix the number of members of the Board of Directors for the next annual term in nine (9) effective – of which three (3) shall be independent – and three (3) alternate. Approve Reject Abstain

4. Do you wish to request the use of the multiple vote process for the election of the Board of Directors, in accordance with Article 141 of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? Yes No Abstain

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company

5. Nomination of all the names that compose the slate (the votes indicated in this field will be disregarded if the shareholder holding shares with voting rights also fills in the fields present in the separate election of a member of the board of directors and the separate election that these fields deal with) - by nomination of the controlling stockholders.

Effective Members Alternate Members Alfredo Egydio Arruda Villela Filho Alexandre de Barros Rodolfo Villela Marino Alfredo Egydio Setubal Paula Lucas Setubal Ricardo Egydio Setubal Andrea Laserna Seibel Alex Laserna Seibel Helio Seibel Juliana Rozenbaum Munemori(*) Márcio Froes Torres(*) Raul Calfat(*) (*) Independent Approve Reject Abstain

6. In case one of the candidates that compose the chosen slate is no longer part of it, the votes that correspond to your shares can still be directed to the chosen slate? Yes No Abstain

7. In the event of the adoption of the multiple voting process, should the votes corresponding to your shares be distributed in equal percentages to the members in the slate you chose? [If the shareholder chooses to “abstain” and the multiple voting process is adopted, their vote will be calculated as abstention in the corresponding resolution in the meeting.] Yes No Abstain


9. Do you wish to adopt separate vote for the election of the Board of Directors? Yes No Abstain

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CNPJ No. 97.837.181/0001-47 Publicly-Held Company

Separate election of the board of directors - Common shares 10. Indication of candidates for the board of directors by minority shareholders voting shares (the shareholder can only fill this field if he is the uninterrupted holder of the shares with which he votes during the 3 months immediately prior to the general meeting). [NAME OF EFFECTIVE CANDIDATE] / [NAME OF ALTERNATE CANDIDATE] Approve Reject Abstain

11. Ratification of the remuneration paid to management in 2020 and deliberation of the Board of Directors` proposal to fix the annual global amount allocated to remunerate management (Board of Directors and Board of Officers) in up to BRL 48 million. Approve Reject Abstain

12. Do you wish to request the installation of the Fiscal Council, under the terms of Article 161 of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? Note: This question is not included in the agenda of this Meeting, and has been inserted in compliance with the provisions of Article 21-K of ICVM 481, of 2009. Yes No Abstain

13. Do you authorize the drafting of the minutes of this Meeting in summarized form, pursuant to Paragraph 1, Article 130, of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? Yes No Abstain

14. Do you authorize the publication of the minutes of this Meeting, omitting the names of the shareholders, pursuant to Paragraph 2, Article 130, of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? Yes No Abstain


1. Deliberation of the proposal of the Board of Directors to modify Duratex`s Regulation of the Long-Term Incentives Plan. Approve Reject Abstain

2. Do you authorize the drafting of the minutes of this Meeting in summarized form, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 130, of Law No. 6.404, of 1976? Yes No Abstain

3. Do you authorize the publication of the minutes of this Meeting, omitting the names of the shareholders, pursuant to Paragraph 2, Article 130, of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? Yes No Abstain


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