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November 25, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 37347 B. Getty Oil Co., 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue A. Ziontz, Pirtle, Morlsset & Ernstoif, 3101 B. Suquamish Indian Tribe, P.O. Box 556, NW., Washington, D.C. 20006. Seattle First National Bank Building, Seattle, Suquamish, Wash. 98392. Wash. 98164. D. (6) $128. E. (9) $161.97. A. Ziontz, Pirtle, Morisset & Ernstoif, 3101 B. Maka.h Indian Tribe, P.O. Box 115, Neah Seattle First National Bank Building, Seattle, Bay, Wash. 98357. A. John L. Zorack, Air Transpo-:-t Associa Wash. 98154. D. (6) $260. E. (9) $186.85. tion of America, 1709 New York Avenue, B. Confederated Tribes of the Colville In· Washington, D.C. 20006. d ian Reservation, P.O. Box 150, Nespelem, A. Ziontz, Pirtle, Morisset & Ernstoif, 3101 B. Air Transport Association. Wash. 99155. Seattle First National Bank Building, Seattle, D. (6) $1,291.50. E. (9) $494.65. D. (6) $94.50. E. (9) $154.36. Wash. 98154. B. Northern Cheyenne Tribe, Inc., P.O. Box A. Charles O. Zuver, American Bankers As A. Ziontz, Pirtle, Morisset & Ernstoff, 3101 128, Lame Deer, Mont. 59043. sociation, 1120 Connecticut Avenue NW., Seattle First National Bank Building, Seattle, D. (6) $36. Washington, D.C. 200'36. Wash. 98154. B. American Bankers Association, 1120 B. Lummi Tribe of Indians, P.O. Box 309, A. Ziontz, Pirtle, Morlsset & Ernstoff, 3101 Connecticut Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. Marietta, Wash. 98268. Seattle First National Bank Building, Seattle, 20036. D. (6) $232. E. (9) $152.68. Wash. 98154. D. (6) $3,000. E. (9) $139.66. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE BUCK HAS STOPPED options are clear: Congress will HA VE to state of our economy but what I have to be function, or our system is in its gravest peril. lieve would be the ultimate consequence of From this congressional mandate forward, inactivity, that being the loss of our pres HON. JESSE A. HELMS the immediate decisions wlll determine ent political system. I think that it would OF NORTH CAROLINA whether our country remains a truly free be naive to expect that in the event we republic or moves more rapidly down the are unable to halt our slide into a daeper re IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES path to totalitarian state socialism. Ancl the cession the public of t0<'ay would peacefully Monday, November 25, 1974 republic will only survive 1f Washington accept the conditions of the early thirties grows less and the county courthouse and with bread lines, apple selling etc. Even if I Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, on a num city hall become more in the scales of i:>oth were to be considered an alarmist in this re ber of occasions heretofore, I have shared justice and political activity. Central govern gard and such possible consequences most re with my colleagues the wisdom and ment can try; but it cannot successfully be mote, I don't see how they can be completely forthrightness of a distinguished broad free or responsive to the best interest of the disregarded and, as a matter of fact , on caster of my State, Mr. Jack Rider, of people in a large and diverse land such as several recent occasions I have reac. in the ours. small print of our press similar concerns t y Kinston, N.C., who operates Stations those far more knowledgeable than I. Perhaps WFTC and WRNS, the latter being an better a possible false alarm than none at all. FM station. To return for the moment t~ my own busi Today, Mr. President, I submit for the TURNED THE BALL OVER TO ness situation but not for any self serving consideration of all Senators and others, CONGRESS reason, I have read reports that Mrs. Vir a broadcast editorial by Mr. Rider aired ginia. Knauer has had distributed some 6,000 on November 7. It is my judgment that spot announcements to radio stations to t he Mr. Rider spelled out an important mes HON. LIONEL VAN DEERLIN ee'ect that consumers i;hould ref.rain from purchasing consumer goods to the maximum sage to the Congress of the United States. OF CALIFORNIA .extent possible and singling ou".; automobiles, We will fail to heed it at our, and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES appliances and furniture. And, thanks to her country's"peril. Monday, November 25, 1974 department and similar admonitions by I ask· unanimous consent that Mr. President Ford, it's working I soon, we will Rider's editorial be printed in the RECORD. Mr. v AN DEERLIN. Mr. Speaker, the have inflation replaced by a full blown de There being no objection, the editorial opinion is widespread that the recent pression. Another example of the old saw was ordered to be printed in the RECORD. e!ections have, in sporting parlance, about the operation being a success although the patient diea. as follows: "turned the ball over to Congress," and I know that I cannot be near as knowl EDITORIALLY SPEAKING told the legislative branch to run with edgeable as the Administration economists (By Jack Rider) it. but it seems to me that they are mistaken With the majorities that the Democrats The feelings of those who believe that about the causes of our inflation in con now have in both houses of congress, the it is up to Congress to come up with a tinuing to think in the classic terms of de buck has stopped where it has belonged all constructive program to meet the twin mand vs. supply. Undoubtedly this is true the time: Squarely in the lap of Congress. problems of inflation and recession are in the case of some basic commodities but, Man has a way of rising to the press of exceedingly well-expressed in a thought on the whole, I submit that it is in reality necessity; let us all hope and pray that this ful letter from one of my constituents in a cost push type of inflation which will not will be true .of Congress now in its most be too affected by a lessening of demand challenging hour. For a generation it has San Diego, Mr. Victor Schulman. I insert such as advocated by the Administration. been the custom of Congress to scream at his letter in the Appendix of the RECORD: From recent 1·eports that I have read, our the White House, either begging for direction SAN DIEGO, CALIF., over-all production has decreased and this or placing the blame. Now the public has .October 25, 1974. alone should indicate that there ls ample been informed in no uncertain way that Con Hon. LIONEL VAN DEERLIN, supply potential so that it 'is not·a matter of gress has the power. It remains to be seen if House of Representatives. :too many people chasiµg too few goods that Congress has the wit and the will. San Diego, Calif. has caused our inflation. Rather, it is the un Several years ago Senator Sam Ervin read DEAR VAN: For whatever consideration you controlled cost increases which cause furthei· to a Congress that neither listened nor com:. may wish to give to my views concerning our 'inflation which in turn decreases demand prehended that brief poem of Rudyard Kip national economy I should like to present .and eventually results in stagflation and ling's: "The Copy Book Maxims," .which says them to you. As you know, I am certainly not .depression. in the rich measured tones of that great an economist·but, at the same time, have the And now, if I have not already lost you, Victorian poet, that man cannot ignore the practical responsibility for the operation of what is the answer, if any? I would propose rule of two and two making four. And now a medium size business and its approximately that Congress immediately legislate a vigor with all of these wild economic chickens 80 employees. A month or so ago I would ous far reaching program of controls over coming home to roost because Congress has have said 90 employees and our having to prices, wages, dividends and interest together ignored those copy-book maxims, we will terminate about 10% of our work force is a with an excess profits tax. I believe that I have to pay the high price of this neglect. fairly striking example of what the situa know of the many reasons given for controls But we can pay it, as individuals and as a tion is to the extent that my business is at not being effective and the contention that nation; but the price will be less in the long all representative of mediurr- size retailing they will not work now because they have run if Congress will shoulder the grea~ re generally. Unfortunately, President Ford's not worked in the past, will result in black sponsibility of leadership imposed upon it by position that we are not in a recession does markets etc. etc. Again, I am not an econo our constitution. not change the actuality of the situation mist, but I don't believe that our most re There are many who say Congress cannot nor does the seeming lack of creative leader cent controls were a valid test of the,ir effec function-that it ls hamstrung by seniority, ship on the part o:f the Congress. tiveness. I say this for the reason that in any mediocrity and the bureaucracy. Now the Frankly, my chief concern is not Just the situation where there is a half hearted at- 37348 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 25, 1974 tempt to attain an objective there will usu This was the match they said would as they would i! he were a popular movie star ally be a corresponding lack of success.