

Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery



Working group GENERAL METHODOLOGY Carlos Madrid (O d o n t o l o g i s t e , Toulouse), Rapporteur

Bruno Courtois (Odontologiste, Toulouse) These recommendations on the use of vaso- médecine Ma r c Vir onneau (Anesthésiste Réanimateur, Tou l o u s e ) constrictors in odonto-stomatology were wor- buccale chirurgie ked out by a working group at the end of an buccale analysis of the scientific literature and collection VOL. 9, N° 2 Reading group of the opinion of the members of the French- 2003 Jacques Bayssière (Odontologiste, Montpellier) speaking Society of Oral Medicine and Oral page 1 Jean Pierre Bernard (Stomatologiste, Genève) Surgery at a scientific meeting in Metz on May Jean Loup Coudert (Odontologiste, Lyon) 23, 2002. The text was then submitted to a rea- ding group before being definitively adopted. Damien Duran (Odontologiste, Toulouse) The members of the reading and working Ahmed Feki (Odontologiste, Strasbourg) groups were designated by the French-spea- Jean Christophe Fricain (Odontologiste, Bordeaux) king Society of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery. Patrick Girard (Odontologiste, Paris) The working group was chaired by a rapporteur Jean Claude Harnet (Odontologiste, Strasbourg) who compiled the final document before propo- Jacques Jeandot (Stomatologiste, Bordeaux) sing it and discussing it with the working group Benoît Lefèvre (Odontologiste, Reims) then submitting it to the reading panel. A syste- Dan Longrois (Anesthésiste-Réanimateur, Nancy) matic library search was carried out by interro- Louis Maman (Odontologiste, Paris) gation of the Medline data bank. This bibliogra- Gilbert de Mello (Odontologiste, Rennes) phy obtained by automation was supplemented Guillaume Penel (Odontologiste, Lille) by a manual research. The members of the wor- François Prédine-Hug (Odontologiste, Brest) king group and the reading group transmitted Yvon Roche (Odontologiste, Paris) articles. The lists of references quoted in the Jacky Samson (Stomatologiste, Genève) already identified articles were consulted. Jacques Henri Torres (Stomatologiste, Montpellier) Daniel Viennet (Odontologiste, Nancy)

Secrétariat : Christine Gueutier — Buroscope • 4, rue de Bray • Z.I. Sud Est • 35510 Cesson-Sévigné • Tél. • Fax • Adresse e-mail: [email protected] Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

The rapporteur with the working group used Strategy reading grids intended to assess the methodo- of the documentary research logical quality and the level of scientific evi- The automated research was based on the fol- dence of these documents. The documents lowing key words: w e re classified according to these grids in - local anaesthesia various categories. On the basis of this literature - review, the working group proposed recommen- - vasoconstrictors dations whenever possible. Those were based - noradrenaline either on a scientific level of evidence, or, in the - absence of evidence, on a professional agree- - levonordefrin ment collected at the of the scientific mee- - ting of the French-speaking Society of Oral The preceding key words were cross with: Medicine and Oral Surgery on May 23, 2002. - dentistry The bibliography obtained was almost comple- - maxillofacial surgery tely used so that the working group did not - side effects consider it useful to separate selective biblio- - adverse effects graphy and complementary bibliography. On - special patients the other hand the totality of the bibliography obtained was classified analytically according médecine to the level of evidence (LoE) based on the fol- Selected questions buccale lowing classification (US Agency for Health • What is the place of vasoconstrictors in chirurgie Care Policy and Research): buccale odonto-stomatology? – Are vasoconstrictors necessary in odonto-sto- VOL. 9, N° 2 matologic anaesthesia? 2003 – Can vasoconstrictors be useful in odonto-sto- page 2 Level I a: Meta-analysis evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCT) matologic practice other than in association with a local anaesthetic substance? Level I b : Evidence from at least one RCT – Can vasoconstrictors be associated with Level II a : Evidence from a non-randomised general anaesthetics during general anaesthe- controlled study sia in odonto-stomatology? Level II b : Evidence from another well defined • How to choose the vasoconstrictive mole- experimental study cule in odonto-stomatology? Level III : Evidence from a well defined descrip - – Which are the advantages and disadvantages tive experimental study (this includes of adrenaline compared to noradrenaline? comparative studies, cohort studies, and the study of case controls) – Which is the interest of other substances? • What are the indications of vasoconstrictors Level IV : Opinion of experts or clinical expe- in odonto-stomatology? rience • Which dose of vasoconstrictors should be used in odonto-stomatologic anaesthesia? Grades A, B or C are assigned to the recom- • Which are the drug interactions of the vaso- mendations according to the level of evidence constrictors used in odonto-stomatologic of the respective bibliography: anaesthesia? • Which are the pathologies which contraindi- cate the use of vasoconstrictors in odonto- Grade A : Based on level of evidence I stomatology? Grade B : Based on level of evidence II or III • Do physiological states contraindicate the Grade C : Based on level of evidence IV use of vasoconstrictors in odonto-stomatolo- gic anaesthesia? Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

RECOMMENDATIONS de c r ease the sympathetic nerve response to the su r gical and to decrease the depth of 1. Injection technique the necessary general anaesthesia. [Grade B] 1. The injection of an anaesthetic solution with Choice of the molecule or without vasoconstrictor must always be car- 6. A d renaline is industrially and medically the ried out slowly (1 ml per minute) and in fractioned leader of the vasoconstrictors used alone or in doses in order to supervise the possible signs of association with a local anaesthetic in odonto- a noxious effect of the injection. When the injec- s t o m a t o l o g y. It has the broadest casuistry tion takes place in a well vascularised territory, a which confirms a great safety of this molecule. negative aspiration test is a prer equisite to the Non- derivatives have not shown injection of the anaesthetic solution with or their superiority to date even among patients without vasoconstrictor. The smallest effe c t i v e likely to badly tolerate . dose is always recommended. [Grade C] [ G r a d e B ] Indications Indications according to the anaes- 2. The association of a vasoconstrictor with an thetic technique anaesthetic solution in local odonto-stomatolo- 7. gic anaesthesia by infiltration is indicated The use of a vasoconstrictor in the tech- niques of intrapulpal, intraligamentary and intra- because the vasoconstrictor decreases the médecine septal anaesthesia is not essential but conside- buccale intravascular passage of the injected solution rably improves the success rate, the duration chirurgie and thus ensures an increase in duration and buccale and the depth of the anaesthesia obtained. If depth of the anaesthesia while reducing the the injection is carried out under adequate VOL. 9, N° 2 systemic effects of the solution. [Grade A] conditions, the local lesions directly ascribable 2003 to the vasoconstrictor are negligible and rever- page 3 3. It does not appear possible to conclude for- sible. The systemic effects of these injections mally as for the harmlessness of retraction exist but are generally much lower than those cords soaked with vasoconstrictor used in den- observed in infiltration anaesthesias. [Grade A] tal prosthetics. Evaluations based on the animal seem to show that haemodynamic changes are 8 . The use of a vasoconstrictor in local anaes- inconstant. The literature reports one serious thesia techniques (para-apical, anaesthesia of accident in the . [GradeB] the lingual nerve, anaesthesia of the buccal nerve) is not essential, but appre c i a b l y 4 . Local haemostasis techniques by using i m p roves the success rate, the duration and vasoconstrictors, pure or mixed with anaesthe- the depth of the anaesthesia obtained. tic or astringent substances, have not been [Grade C] investigated in publications presenting a satis- factory level of evidence. Thus they are empiri- 9. The addition of a vasoconstrictor to the cal. Although largely diffused, they have not led anaesthetic solution is not essential for the to the publication of an accident or an incident anaesthesia of the lower alveolar nerve at the in connection with vasoconstrictors. [Grade C] mandibular foramina. The addition of adren a l i n e in c r eases the duration of the anaesthesia but 5. The use of an anaesthetic solution containing does not seem to have a decisive effect on the a vasoconstrictor as a means of decreasing the incidence of failures. The results concerning the bleeding and of lowering the threshold of analge- success rate of the anaesthesia are contradic- sia among patients operated in oral surge r y to r y . Taking into account the relation which under general anaesthesia contributes to exists between the success rate and the volume Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

of injected solution, the addition of a vasocons- 15. No accident has been reported as for the trictor could be considered in the prevention of administration of a local anaesthetic with adre- the systemic effects of the local anaesthetic. naline among patients under [ G r a d eC ] drugs or alpha-blockers. The risk of interaction between these substances is theoretical at the Dosage of the vasoconstrictor usual doses in odonto-stomatologic anaesthe- sia. [Grade C] 10. The results are contradictory about the ideal dosage of adrenaline in 2% lidocaine solu- tions. The 1/200000 solution gives a sufficient 16. There is no contra-indication in the admi- duration of action for the majority of odonto- nistration of a local anaesthetic with adrenaline stomatologic acts. For 4% articaine and 2% in patients under selective MAOI. [Grade C] , 1/200000 solutions should be preferred in the absence of a significant diffe- Pathologies contraindicating vaso- rence in the performances with the 1/100000 constrictors associated with a local solution and because they are probably tolera- anaesthetic ted better. [Grade A] 17. constitutes an abso- lute contraindication to the administration of Drug interactions vasoconstrictors. Patients suffering from this médecine 11. The attitude towards patients under tricy- pathology must be dealt with in a hospital which buccale clic must be to avoid noradre- disposes of a reanimation structure when a chirurgie local anaesthesia with or without vasoconstric- buccale naline in association with local anaesthetics and to inject reduced amounts of local anaesthetics tor is necessary. [GradeC] VOL. 9, N° 2 associated with 1/200000 adrenaline. In prac- 2003 tice the amount injected should be one the third page 4 18. It appears desirable to avoid the associa- of the total amount of that of the normal subject. tion of vasoconstrictors with a local anaesthetic [GradeC] during conservative treatment and even more so during non-conservative treatment on bone 12 . Patients under cardio-selective beta-bloc- irradiated beyond 40 Gy. [Grade A] kers can receive local anaesthesias with vaso- constrictor (1/200000 adrenaline). Among 19. Intra-osseous injections of local anaesthe- patients receiving non-selective beta-blockers, it tic with adrenaline must be avoided among is recommended to use anaesthetic solutions patients presenting with arrhythmia. [Grade A] with the lowest dose of vasoconstrictor. [ G r a d eC ] Pathologies which do not contraindi- cate vasoconstrictors associated 13. Volatile halogenous general anaesthetics with a local anaesthetic should not be used with adrenaline. The litera- 2 0 . Stabilised hyper- and hypothyro i d ture encourages prudence as for the use of a patients do not have major disorders when local anaesthetic with adrenaline in the event of they are subjected to corrective tre a t m e n t association of thiopental + during and put in the presence of catecholamines. general anaesthesia. [Grade C] Although the theoretical risk of thyro x i n e - a d renaline potentiation is serious, no clinical 14. Vasoconstrictors will be proscribed at least case has been reported. [Grade C] 24 hours after the consumption of to allow the elimination of the drug and its active 21. Vasoconstrictors associated with an anaes- metabolites. [Grade C] thetic solution are not contraindicated in a Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

hypertensive subject stabilised by an antihyper- viral or toxic hepatic injury. In the event of evo- tension treatment. [Grade A] lutionary severe attack, the evaluation of the hepatic function is important. The total quantity 22. In the event of unstable injected may have to be reduced and intervals associated with other elements burdening the between the injections increased, without being prognosis, treatment implying a local anaesthe- detrimental to the use of an associated vaso- sia with vasoconstrictor will have to be carried constrictor. [Grade C] out under monitoring in a hospital disposing of a reanimation unit. [Grade C] 28. Vasoconstrictors associated with an anaes- thetic solution are not contraindicated among 23. In auricular fibrillations stabilised by ade- stabilised type I or II diabetic patients. In the quate treatment, the control of and the event of non-stabilised and unstable , therapeutic rate is essential and the use of with brutal passage from hypo- to hyperglycae- local anaesthetics with vasoconstrictor is indi- mia, the quantities of local anaesthetic with cated. [Grade C] vasoconstrictor will be reduced in order to take the hyperglycaemic character of adrenaline into 24. Patients under digoxin and those suffering account. [Grade C] from atrio-ventricular arrhythmias must be trea- ted under monitoring in a hospital disposing of Physiological states and vasocons- médecine a reanimation unit when a local anaesthesia trictors buccale with or without vasoconstrictor is necessary. chirurgie 2 9 . Vasoconstrictors associated with an buccale [Grade C] anaesthetic solution are not contraindicated VOL. 9, N° 2 during pregnancy and lactation. The usual 2003 25. Vasoconstrictors associated with an anaes- amounts can be used. [Grade C] page 5 thetic solution are not contraindicated in stabili- sed coronary cardiopathies. [Grade C] 30. Vasoconstrictors associated with an anaes- thetic solution are not contraindicated in chil- 26. Vasoconstrictors associated with an anaes- dren beyond six months. The total amount of thetic solution are not contraindicated in asth- local anaesthetic with or without vasoconstric- matic subjects in order to control pain and avoid tor usually used in the healthy adult should be stress which is probably the principal source of divided by 3 below 15 kg and 2 between 15 and asthma attack at the dental practice. In the 40 kg. [Grade C] event of cortico-dependent asthma, the resort to an anaesthetic without vasoconstrictor and 31. Vasoconstrictors associated with a local thus without bisulphite is indicated. [Grade C] anaesthetic are not contraindicated in the elderly. The total amount of anaesthetic with or 27. Vasoconstrictors associated with an anaes- without vasoconstrictor should be adapted to thetic solution are not contraindicated among the metabolic state of the considered subject. patients having presented previous and cured [Grade C] Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

ARGUMENTATION and in particular the addition of vasoconstric- tors to the LA solution can modify the systemic 1. 1. Vasoconstrictors in odonto-sto- resorbtion appreciably although it also varies matology with the effect of the LA itself upon local vascu- larisation (Viel and coll, 1997 [LoE IV]; Ad re n e r gic vasoconstrictors are among the most Ackermann and coll, 1988 [LoE III]; Myers and ad m i n i s t e r ed therapeutic substances in odonto- Heckmann, 1989 [LoE IIb]). st o m a t o l o g y . Their use in association with an The vasoconstrictor thus acts initially like a sub- anaesthetic substance started in 1904 when stance likely to slow down the speed of absorp- Heinrich Braun (1903) a reputed German specia- tion of the anaesthetic solution at the point of list in local anaesthesia developed an adren a l i n e - injection (Fink and coll, 1978 [LoE IIb]; Jage, pr ocaine solution rapidly marketed by Hoechst 1993 [LoE IV]). The reduction in systemic under the Novocaine brand® which was to domi- resorbtion is related to the local action of vaso- nate the market for 50 years (Yagiela, 1995 constrictors (adrenaline being selected as a [L o E IV]). Vasoconstrictors are also res p o n s i b l e reference) by stimulation of the alpha1 recep- for more drug interactions than the majority of tors of the of the peripheral ves- other drug substances specific to the odonto- sels. The consequence of this action is a reduc- stomatologist (Yagiela, 1999 [LoE IV]). Adren a l i n e tion in perfusion which results in local and the other sympathomimetic deriva- ischaemia of the tissues (Allwood and coll, 1963 médecine tives are injected routinely in association with [Not classified]). buccale local anaesthetics (LA) for pain control, or used This ischaemia also relates to the vasa nervo- chirurgie buccale alone on gingival retraction cords and in injec- rum which supply the axons of sensitive nerve table or topic solutions intended for local blee- fibres concerned by the local anaesthesia; a VOL. 9, N° 2 2003 ding control . significant reduction of the metabolism of the page 6 nerve cells then arises and thus of the transmis- 1.1. 1.1. Are vasoconstrictors necessary in sion of the nerve impulse which leads to a dee- stomatologic anaesthesia? pening of the anaesthesia and an increase in its The advantages of vasoconstrictors in odonto- duration. stomatologic anaesthesia are universally reco- The effect of the vasoconstrictor also comprises gnized by the scientific community and the a facilitating action on the penetration of the LA principal handbooks of odonto-stomatologic in nerve fibres by direct stimulation of anti-noci- local anaesthesia [LoE IV] refer to them as ceptive receptors. Such an action scientific evidence (Davies and Lefkowitz, 1981; was demonstrated during peridural and intra- Malamed, 1997; Berini and Gay, 1997; Gaudy thecal injections. (Bromage and coll, 1983 and Arreto, 1999). [LoE IIb]; Yaksh and Reddy, 1981 [LoE Ib]). From It is generally admitted that, whatever the path the clinical point of view, the reduction of the of injection, the bio-disponiblity of amino-amide speed of absorption leads to two positive LA is total. After injection, part of the dose results known for a long time: reaches its target while another fraction passes (1) An increase in the duration of the anaesthe- into the systemic circulation. The passage sia (Jage, 1993 [LoE IV]); through the endothelial vascular barrier is easy (2) (2) A reduction of the plasmatic peak of LA, taking into account the good liposolubility of which has, itself, two beneficial consequences: LA. An important capillary density, a local blood reduction in systemic toxicity and consequen- flow and a high blood/tissue division coefficient tially the possibility of increasing the amount are as many factors increasing the systemic injected. Covino and Vassallo (1976) [LoE V ] resorbtion which are found in the majority of tar- thus reported that the addition of adren a l i n e get territories of local anaesthesia of the oral made it possible to increase by 200% the dura- cavity. Various pharmacological interventions tion of a lidocaine 0,5% anaesthesia while Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

de c r easing the plasmatic peak by 50%. The are contradictory by divergence of the toxicolo- behaviour of other LA tested is similar. gical and pharmacokinetic results. Let us note however that one of the unexpected For 3 cm of cord Malamed (1997) [LoE IV] side effects of vasoconstrictors, when they are reports values varying from 225,5 to 661 µg of associated with LA, is to slow down the induc- racemic adrenaline which actually represents tion time of the anaesthesia. Falaiye and Rood 113 to 330 µg of the pharmacologically active L- (1990) [LoE IIa] thus showed that the addition of form. Such a quantity is equivalent according to adrenaline to a solution of lidocaine appreciably Pallasch (1998) [LoE IV] to 3,13 to 9,16 car- delayed the induction time of a deep anaesthe- tridges of 2 ml of anaesthetic solution with sia appreciated with pulp-testing. This side 1/100000 adrenaline. effect would be dependent at the same time on Studies in the dog concerning tolerance sho- a barrier effect of the vasoconstrictor towards wed spectacular rises in and blood the anaesthetic solution which it would block on pressure after placing cords. The plasmatic rate the site of injection, at a distance of the targe- of adrenaline was measured in one patient pas- ted nerve fibre, and on an acidifying effect of the sing from 15 pg.ml-1 to 316 pg.ml-1 after placing vasoconstrictor on the medium which is favou- cords and this without a haemodynamic effect. rable to maintaining the anaesthetic in its inac- Houston and coll (1970) [LoE IIb] took interest in tive non-ionised form. the possible haemodynamic effects of these The association of a vasoconstrictor with an cords. They use a badly defined protocol on anaesthetic solution in odonto-stomatology is 9 subjects. Their results relate to blood pressure médecine thus indicated because the vasoconstrictor and heart rate at various during impres- buccale chirurgie decreases the plasmatic resorbtion of the injec- sion-taking. They show negligible haemodyna- buccale ted mixture and thus ensures an increase in the mic variations. VOL. 9, N° 2 duration and depth of the anaesthesia while Other res e a r ch highlights a significant diffe re n c e 2003 reducing the systemic effects of the solution. in systemic resorbtion according to whether the page 7 gingival epithelium is intact or whether there is 1.2. Can vasoconstrictors be useful in sto- active gingivitis or that it is deteriorated by a matologic practice other than in association pr osthetic preparation: an intact crevicular epi- with a local anaesthetic substance? thelium seems to constitute an effective barrier Two fields of odonto-stomatology call upon against the plasmatic passage of adren a l i n e . vasoconstrictors other than anaesthesia: It should be noted finally that the various proto- • on the one hand prosthetics: retraction cords cols are not easily comparable: duration of pla- intended to push back the gingiva below prepa- cing of the cords varying from 30 to rations of enamel and/or dentine at the time of 120 minutes, variable number of teeth concer- taking impressions (Pallasch, 1998 [LoE IV]); ned, size of the cords and variable doses, non • on the other hand: oral surgery and in particu- discrimination of the quantities absorbed by lar endodontic surgery where among other solu- plasma, the gingival fluid and . tions the injection of vasoconstrictors or the ins- Pallasch thus proposes to retain some rules tallation of supports containing them is concerning the specifications of research on the recommended to limit bleeding at the centre of tolerance of the cords impregnated with race- the surgical zone (Syngcuk and Sivakami, 1997 mic adrenaline: (1) level of adrenaline indeed [LoE IV]). present on the cord; (2) duration of the presence of the cord in the sulcus; (3) state of the sulcus; 1.2.1. Vasoconstrictors on gingival retraction (4) number of teeth concerned; (5) dilution by cords saliva and the gingival fluid; (6) metabolism of Studies concerning the toxicity of gingival racemic adrenaline by catechol-O-methyltrans- retraction cords impregnated with a vasoactive ferases ; (7) local induced by substance (in practice 8% racemic adrenaline) a d renaline as a factor decreasing its own Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

absorption; (8) gingival traumatism during the A d renaline, noradrenaline, phenyl-adre n a l i n e placing of the cords; (9) individual sensitivity of were used alone in the control of local bleeding the patient to even tiny variations of the circula- in endodontic surgery. Sommer (1962) [LoE IV] ting level of vasoconstrictor. was the first to use various solutions: 1/1000 In the absence of concordant research, it does and 1/500 racemic adrenaline, 1/100 phenyl- not appear possible to conclude as for harm- adrenaline and 1/200 noradrenaline, the support lessness of the retraction cords used in dental always being gauze; Ingle (1965) [LoE IV] pro- prosthetics. Evaluations in the animal seem to posed to fill the osseous cavity with gauze satu- show that the haemodynamic variations are rated with a solution of 2% racemic adrenaline inconstant, and that their symptomatic charac- during 4 minutes. Grossman (1970) [LoE IV] ter is dependent either on the sensitivity of the recommends the use of salivary rolls of cotton subject, or on the experimental conditions. The soaked with 1/100000 adrenaline and also pro- literature reports only one serious incident in the poses the use of cotton pellets impregnated human (Hilley, 1984) [Not classified: clinical with a solution of 1,5 % racemic adrenaline. case] related to halothane-adrenaline interac- Only the quantities of adrenaline present on the tion. pellets could be evaluated, the other techniques not offering any standardisation. Besner (1972) 1.2.2. Vasoconstrictors used for surgical [LoE IIb] could thus show that on n° 2 pellets haemostasis one finds on average 1,15 mg of racemic adre- médecine Anaesthetic substances associated with high naline in the form of hydrochloride. The applica- buccale amounts of vasoconstrictors have been used tion of a n° 2 pellet during 4 minutes did not chirurgie buccale with the only aim of controlling local bleeding by cause a variation of the heart rate in the series a broad infiltration of the operational site before of Besner, which the author allots to the local VOL. 9, N° 2 2003 incision (Gutman, 1993 [LoE IV]). The suppor- vasoconstriction caused by adrenaline and page 8 ters of these techniques nevertheless observe which would lead to very weak and very slow that, on the one hand, it is often difficult to inject absorption of the adrenaline itself. near the apexes without infiltrating skeletal Let us note that besides pellets impregnated muscle fibres which are rich in adrenergic beta2 with adrenaline alone, there also exists on the receptors which are responsible for market pellets impregnated at the same time rather than vasoconstriction (Milam and with adrenaline and astringent substances such Giovannitti, 1984 [LoE IV]); in addition, that this as zinc phenol sulphonate and ferric sulphate. per operative vasoconstriction is generally follo- These specialities have not been tested in the wed by vasodilation by reactive hyperaemia: literature and are not marketed in France to the indeed, progressively with the resorbtion of the knowledge of the working group. The local hae- vasoconstrictor, the latter reaches a concentra- mostasis techniques by use of vasoconstric- tion on the surgical site which does not ensure tors, pure or mixed with anaesthetic or astrin- stimulation of the alpha adrenergic receptors gent substances have not been investigated in any more. The blood flow quickly finds its nor- publications presenting a satisfactory level of mal course then, by rebound phenomenon, gra- evidence. They are thus empirical. Although dually reaches a flow higher than normal by broadly diffused, they have not led to the publi- beta adrenergic reaction: this phenomenon is cation of an accident or incident in connection related to the local hypoxia of the tissues and to with vasoconstrictors. the acidosis caused by the prolonged vaso- constriction. When this local hyperaemia settles 1.3. Can vasoconstrictors be associated with in, the complementary LA injections with vaso- general anaesthetics (GA) during general constrictor are without effect (Gutman, 1993; anaesthesia in odonto-stomatology? Gutman and Harrison, 1994 [LoE IV]; Syngcuk The use of LA solutions associated with a vaso- and Sivakami, 1997 [LoE IV]). constrictor for infiltration of the operative field Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

during general anaesthesia has often been and differed by an increasing level of the depth recommended as a means of haemostasis in of the general anaesthesia by inhalation as oral and maxillofacial surgery (Cantaloube and quantified by minimal alveolar concentration coll, 1991 [LoE IV]). It is a comfortable and bac- (MAC: minimum alveolar concentration) passing teriologically safe alternative compared to mani- from 1,3 MAC to 1,6 MAC. For groups 3 and 4 pulations intended to manufacture an extempo- the patients underwent in addition to a bilateral raneous serum containing adrenaline. The loco-regional mandibular anaesthesia, a general serum containing adrenaline is classically com- anaesthesia by inhalation respectively 1,0 MAC posed of 0,9% sodium chloride; the vasocons- and 1,3 MAC. It should be noted that the LA trictive action being obtained by addition of were identical in the two groups receiving the 0,025% adrenaline in solution or 0,25 mg per regional anaesthesia: 4 ml of 0,5% mepiva- cartridge of 1 ml of serum. Under these condi- caine. In both groups 3 and 4, a different vaso- tions, the usual amount of adrenaline not to be constrictive solution was locally infiltrated exceeded would be of 0,01 mg.kg-1 of weight of (group 3: 8 ml of 1% lidocaine containing 10 the patient. µg.ml-1 of adrenaline; group 4: 8 ml of 3% pro- The use of a LA as a vector of the vasoconstric- pitocaine containing 0,03 U l . m l- 1 of felypre s- tor in addition to the advantages of handling sine). The general anaesthesia was carried out mentioned above lowers the threshold of anal- with the following general anaesthetics: induc- gesia, increases the quality of per and post ope- tion by thiopental (4 mg.kg-1) then maintenance rational control of pain as demonstrated by by isoflurane and a 40% mixture of nitrogen médecine Engquist and coll (1977) [LoE IIa], Hosoda and protoxide and . Controls of the haemo- buccale chirurgie coll (1991) [LoE Ib], Yuge and coll (1995) dynamic effects of the surgery were as follows: buccale [LoE IV], for the peridural anaesthesia and espe- blood pressure and heart rate. The sympathetic VOL. 9, N° 2 cially Mamiya and coll (1997) [LoE Ib] in oral sur- nerve response was evaluated by dosing the 2003 gery. Cantaloube recommends either 1% lido- plasmatic noradrenaline. Measures started at page 9 caine hydrochloride with 1/100000 adrenaline the 4th minute after local infiltration and were or 2% with 1/80 000 adrenaline or articaine with repeated at various significant surgical times. 1 / 2 0 0 000 adrenaline or mepivacaine with The results show very significant differences 1/100000 noradrenaline for these infiltrations. between the groups with and without loco- Tordoff and coll (1996) [LoE Ib] sought to know regional anaesthesia. No significant difference if the use of a loco-regional anaesthesia before was observed between groups 3 and 4. The incision under general anaesthesia for the extra- same results are observed as for the plasmatic ction of lower third molars decreased post-ope- noradrenaline rates which are significantly lower rative pain. In 36 patients they injected the in the groups with loco-regional anaesthesia. same quantity of anaesthetic solution of 2% The authors thus conclude that loco-reg i o n a l lidocaine with 1/200000 adrenaline on one side anaesthetic infiltrations associated with the and a solution on the other. Injections anaesthetic infiltration of a solution containing a were also made around the extracted teeth. vasoconstrictor in the operative site contribute, Post-operative pain was evaluated by an analo- on the one hand, to decrease and prevent the gical visual scale. No significant diff e re n c e auto-immune endocrine sympathetic nerve res - a p p e a red between the physiological saline ponse to the surgical aggression which is at the solution injected and the anaesthetic. origin of a great part of the post-operative pain, Mamiya and coll (1997) [LoE Ib] practised the on the other hand, to decrease the depth of the following experiment on a group of 28 ASA 1 general anaesthesia necessary to the intervention patients having to undergo a bilateral sagittal carried out. mandibular osteotomy: the 28 patients were A similar experiment was undertaken by divided into 4 groups. Groups 1 and 2 did not Santoro and Marsicano (1998) [LoE IIb], with a receive a loco-regional mandibular anaesthesia different goal: to check the generated haemo- Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

dynamic modifications, this time, by injection of close to the sympathetic nerves which innervate adrenaline while making the stress factors of the vessels whereas alpha2 receptors are disse- coma vigil inoperative by general anaesthesia. minated in order to respond more easily to cir- The authors infiltrated 7 patients under general culating catecholamines. The cascade of events anaesthesia with 4 ml of a solution of 2% mepi- which go from the stimulation of the to vacaine with 1/100000 adrenaline at the mandi- vasoconstriction is now well established bular foramen. The patients were subjected to (Ruffolo and coll, 1991 [LoE IV]). very different interventions in oral or maxillofa- The adre n e rgic receptors are connected to cial surgery. The authors noted the variations of effector and ionic channels by G pro- heart rate and blood pressure at various signifi- teins, i.e. polypeptides which bind guanosine cant phases of the intervention. The authors triphosphate when these receptors are stimula- conclude from a very debatable protocol that ted by adrenaline. The activation of the G pro- the variations of rhythm and heart rate observed teins bound to alpha1 ad re n e r gic re c e p t o r s at the time of a LA infiltration with vasoconstric- causes the opening of the calcic channels of the tor under general anaesthesia are lower than plasma membrane and the stimulation of a those observed under local anaesthesia in the . The ions then pene- coma vigil. The use of an anaesthetic solution trate into the cell and activate a kinase from the containing a vasoconstrictor as a means of light chain of the calmodulin-dependent myo- decreasing bleeding and of lowering the thre- sin. It is this which, in turn, initiates the muscu- médecine shold of analgesia among patients operated in lar contraction. During this time, the hydrolysis buccale oral surgery under general anaesthesia is a of certain components of the cellular membrane chirurgie buccale practice commonly reported in the literature. by the phospholipase C leads to the formation Recent experiments undertaken under peridural of diacylglycerol and inositol triphosphate. VOL. 9, N° 2 2003 and block anaesthesia of the mandibular nerve These second messengers induce contraction page 10 show that this practice contributes to decrease by facilitating the release of intracellular calcium the sympathetic nerve response to the surgical reserves and by maintaining the activation of aggression and to decrease the depth of the the protein kinase C which contributes to the general anaesthesia necessary. metabolic support of the contraction. A restriction must be made with halogenous Stimulation of the alpha2 receptors by vaso- volatile GA (halothane) which should not be constrictors also opens calcium channels by used with adrenaline. Indeed halogenous GA activation of the G proteins. Moreover adenyl- cause a potentiation of the depressor effects of cyclase is inhibited by a specific inhibiting G catecholamines on the speed of conduction of protein. The adrenergic beta2 receptors acti- Purkinje fibres in the cardiac autonomous sys- vate, on the contrary, adenylcyclase and conse- tem (Camara and coll, 2001 [LoE IIb]). quently cause vasodilation. Beta2 receptors are w i d e s p read in the vessels of the skeletal muscles and in certain internal organs, they are 2. Choosing the vasoconstrictive rare in mucous membranes and the skin. molecule in odonto-stomatology Noradrenaline shares with adrenaline the capa- city to stimulate alpha1 and alpha2 receptors 2.1. Adrenaline versus noradrenaline but it does not interact with beta2 receptors so Adrenaline and the closely related adrenergic that the only direct effect of noradrenaline on cause vasoconstriction by stimulating vessels is to favour their constriction. specific membrane receptors of the cells of the This purely alpha-adrenergic character was ini- smooth muscles of the vessels. tially taken advantage of by the industry as Two principal types of adrenergic alpha1 and proof of specificity of this catecholamine. In alpha2 receptors can initiate vasoconstriction. fact, the affinity of noradrenaline for alpha A n a t o m i c a l l y, alpha1 receptors are located receptors is less than that of adrenaline which Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

implies the use of more important noradrenaline , it has its local vasoconstrictive doses to obtain the same vasoconstriction characteristics without having its powerful diu- (Knoll Kohler, 1988 [LoE IV]). retic effects nor the vasoconstrictive effects on No r a d r enaline is thus approximately 4 times less the coronary (approximately one third of vasoconstrictive locally than adrenaline. The firs t the coronary action of vasopressin) (Goldman consequence is a shorter action by faster plas- and coll, 1971 [LoE IIb]). matic absorption. An intravascular injection of It does not seem to act on blood pressure nor no r a d r enaline has more severe consequences on the central nervous system (Von Tsakiris and than that of adrenaline: rise in the systolic blood Bultmann, 1961). pre s s u r e (> 200 mm Hg), increase of 75 to 80% Recent well documented research (Sunada and of the average blood pres s u r e and increase in coll, 1996 [LoE IIa]) relativises the systemic my o c a r dial oxygen consumption (Boakes, 1972 advantages of felypressine which was regarded and 1973 [LoE IV]) which makes it a difficu l t at a time as the vasoconstrictor of choice in molecule to handle in patients suffering from patients with a history of myocardial ischaemia my o c a r dial ischaemia. The absence of action of (Johnson and Widrich, 1977 [LoE Ib]). In this no r a d r enaline on beta2 receptors produces an article, the myocardial effects of various solu- i n c rease in peripheral vascular re s i s t a n c e s tions of 2% propitocaine associated with doses which largely explains its toxicity. Moreo v e r varying from 0 (ref e r ence group) to + 0,25 IU.ml-1 no r a d r enaline has a severe and paradoxical bra- of felypressine are compared in 26 patients suf- dy c a r dic action as it is active on the cardi a c fering from essential . The results médecine be t a receptors, it should cause in all logic an show that the systolic pressure is increased in buccale 1 chirurgie acceleration of the heart rate. In fact, noradren a - the groups with high doses of felypressine com- buccale line could also cause a refl ex stimulation of the pared to the reference but that all the groups VOL. 9, N° 2 aortic and carotid baror eceptors in response to have a rise in diastolic pressure compared to 2003 a rise in the diastolic and systolic pres s u r es and the reference. page 11 lead to brutal bradycardia (Berini and Gay, 1997 Even if myocardial ischaemia is not highlighted [LoE IV]). The duration of the rise in blood pres - formally because of experimental skews, the su r e consecutive to a noradrenaline injection is authors observe a reduction of the myocardial 4 minutes and that of the bradycardic effect is contractility in the 3 groups with the highest 15 minutes (Knoll Kohler, 1988 [LoE IV]). doses of felypressine. Anaesthetic solutions containing an association They conclude by recommending a dose of of adrenaline and noradrenaline have been mar- 0,18 IU of felypressine in patients with essential keted. Although no specific study has been hypertension which corresponds to 6 ml of 3% published on this subject, the opinion of the lite- propitocaine with 0,03 IU of felypressine. rature is unfavourable asserting that the benefi- Volpato (1999) [LoE Ib] shows that with a high cial effects of these associations are not higher dose in the animal, the toxicity of adrenaline and than those of adrenaline alone whereas they felypressine are comparable but that adrenaline add the disadvantages of noradrenaline (Jage, would have a “protective” effect as for the onset 1993 [LoE IV], Berini and Gay, 1997 [LoE IV]). of convulsions when it is associated with lido- caine. 2.2. Other vasoconstrictors Shanks (1963) [LoE III] showed that the effects Facing the risks identified with catecholamines, of the interaction of felypressine with haloge- the res e a r chers and the industrialists thought of nous general anaesthetics are close to those of using non-catechol vasoconstrictive substances adrenaline. Roberts and Sowray (1987) [LoE IV] derived from a natural secreted by the recommend not to use felypressine in pregnant post-pituitary gland: vasopres s i n . women because of a possible inhibitory action Felypressine (phenyl 2-lysin-vasopres- on placental circulation by interfering with ute- sin 8) is the leader of the synthetic analogues of rine tonicity. Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

Ornipressin (POR-8) is another synthetic ana- tioned two anatomically opposed anaesthetic logue of vasopressin which has local vasocons- techniques for which the use of vasoconstric- trictive properties. It was at one time described tors poses different problems. They are: on the as the vasoconstrictor of choice in infiltration of one hand local anaesthesias known as intrapul- the operative field but severe complications pal, intraseptal, intradiploic and intraligamen- (Kleemann and coll, 1986 [LoE IV]; Cantaloube, tary anaesthesia; on the other hand loco-regio- 1991 [LoE IV]) showed its powerful constrictor nal anaesthesias at the mandibular foramen effect on the coronary arteries and led it to be which are carried out in a richly vascularised abandoned. territory as well on the arterial level as on the Mixed with a LA has much lower venous level which raises the risk of endovas- performances than adrenaline: it takes approxi- cular injection of an anaesthetic substance mately 10 minutes to obtain its maximum vaso- containing adrenaline. constrictor effect (Jage, 1993 [NdP IV]) which complicates its use. 3.1. Do vasoconstrictors have to be used at Corbadrine is still found in association with the time of intrapulpal, intraseptal, intradi- aptocaine, a LA having known a renaissance ploic and intraligamentary anaesthesias? recently because of a good tolerance in some These anaesthesias have in common the fact hepatic porphyries. Corbadrine is an alpha- that the anaesthetic solution is infiltrated in an methyl noradrenaline much less toxic than nora- anatomically closed space where diffusion will médecine drenaline itself. Nevertheless its vasoconstric- be minimal so that the quantity injected will be buccale tive activity is much weaker. Doses 10 times chirurgie low and that the addition of a vasoconstrictor higher than that of noradrenaline have to be buccale could appear useless even harmful because of given to obtain a comparable effect. Moreover, VOL. 9, N° 2 the aggressiveness of the local vasoconstriction this synthetic substance is slowly eliminated 2003 it causes on the tissues (Madrid and coll, LoE which prolongs its action which can constitute page 12 [NdP IV]). an obstacle. This prolongation of the duration of Intra-osseous or intradiploic anaesthesia has action is related to the presence of a methyl been the subject of many studies aiming at stu- group which prevents the degradation of corba- dying in particular the contribution of these drine by mono-oxydase (Jacquot and coll 1978 techniques as a complement of the loco-regio- [LoE IV]). nal techniques of anaesthesia of the mandibular Adrenaline is industrially and medically the lea- nerve at the mandibular foramen. Reitz and coll der of vasoconstrictors used alone or in asso- (1998) [LoE Ib] tested 0,9 ml of a solution of 2% ciation with LA in odonto-stomatology. It has the broadest casuistry which confirms the great lidocaine with 1/100000 adrenaline in intra- safety of this molecule. The non catechol deri- osseous injections in the region of the 2nd vatives have not shown their superiority to date molar, 1st molar and 2nd premolar in 38 sub- even among patients likely to badly tolerate jects. Guglielmo and coll (1999) [LoE Ib] follo- catecholamines. wed a strictly identical protocol with a solution of 2% mepivacaine containing 1/20000 levo- nordefrine in 40 subjects. In both cases no local 3. Indications of vasoconstrictors in complication was reported by the authors with odonto-stomatology the use of a vasoconstrictor in intra-osseous injections. Dunbar and coll (1996) [LoE Ib] and The characteristics of vasoconstrictors associa- Coggins (1996) [LoE IIa] have, as for them, ted with LA solutions have been reminded in noted inflammation and suppuration at the this work and justify the very broad use of these point of injection but in both cases the authors associations in infiltration anaesthesias in accuse the injection technique and not the pos- odonto-stomatology. The working group ques- sible effect of the vasoconstrictor. Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

Replogue and coll (1998) [LoE Ib] has, as for Finally in a methodologically rigorous study, him, established the superiority of an intra- Handler and Albers (1987) [LoE IIb] compared osseous injection of 2% lidocaine with the use of 4 different solutions during intraliga- 1/ 1 0 0 000 adrenaline compared to a solution of mentary anaesthesias: 2% lidocaine, 2% lido- 3% mepivacaine without vasoconstrictor during caine with 1/50000 adrenaline, 2% lidocaine the anaesthesia of the 1st mandibular molar with 1/100000 adrenaline and finally 1/100000 which does seem to indicate an interest in the adrenaline alone. Their surprising results show use of vasoconstrictors since mepivacaine is that contrary to what is usually reported, there is practically neutral as for vasodilation even no relation of proportionality between the slightly vasoconstrictive. These results are amount of adrenaline present in the solution co n c o r dant with those of Petrikas (1990) [LoE II I ] and the duration of the anaesthesia measured who studied on 22 subjects the efficiency of a with the pulp tester. There is no difference bet- solution of lidocaine with and without adren a l i n e ween the 4 solutions as for the frequency of during a series of intraseptal injections: he success of the anaesthesia. The anaesthesia is concluded that the addition of adre n a l i n e also obtained with the solution of adrenaline im p r oves the depth of the anaesthesia, its suc- alone which the authors explain by the fact that cess rate and its duration, contributes to the pul- the anaesthesia in this case would be related to pal dissemination of the anaesthesia and does the pressure and not to the pharmacological not increase the local noxious effe c t s . action of the vasoconstrictor. The use of a vaso- For intraligamentary anaesthesia, the research constrictor in intrapulpal, intraseptal, intradi- médecine of Tagger and coll (1994) [LoE Ib] clearly sho- ploic and intraligamentary anaesthesia tech- buccale chirurgie wed that the anaesthesia results more from niques is not essential but considerably buccale intra-osseous diffusion than from direct diffu- improves the frequency, the duration and the VOL. 9, N° 2 sion to the apex so that the remarks made for depth of the anaesthesia obtained. If the injec- 2003 the intra-osseous techniques should apply to tion is carried out under adequate conditions: page 13 the intraligamentary techniques. In fact, the c o n t rolled pre s s u re, slow injection, small work of Gray and coll (1990) [LoE IIa] showed at volumes – 0,2 ml on average per dental root, the same time the absence of noxious effects of (Handler and Albers, 1987) [LoE IIb] – the local vasoconstrictors associated with an anaesthe- lesions directly ascribable to the vasoconstric- tic solution injected into the ligament (lidocaine tor are negligible and reversible. + adrenaline or + felypressine) and Systemic effects of these injections exist but the marked superiority of the success rates with are generally much lower than those observed vasoconstrictors compared to LA alone. in anaesthesias by infiltration. The work of Walton (1982) [LoE IIb] and of Galili and coll (1984) [LoE IIb] show a complete rec o - 3.2. Do vasoconstrictors have to be used very of the periodontal ligament after 8 to during loco-regional anaesthesias of the 15 days of healing in the monkey having under- mandibular nerve? gone intraligamentary injections of solutions For a long time the risk of an intravascular injec- comprising a vasoconstrictor. Tsirlis and coll tion of an anaesthetic solution with adren a l i n e (1992) [LoE IIa] showed in a study group of was suggested as an argument in favour of the 30 5 mandibular tooth extractions that the fre- pr oscription of the use of a vasoconstrictor in quency of dry socket after intraligamentary the anaesthesia technique at the mandibular anaesthesia was not increased compared to a foramen (Gaudy and Aretto, 1999) [LoE IV]). This ref e r ence group with a conventional anaesthesia. ar gument is opposed to the consensual feeling Mc Lean and coll (1992) [LoE Ib] showed the in the profession that the success rate of the superiority of a solution of bupivacaine with lo c o - r egional mandibular anaesthesia is rel a t e d 1/200 000 adrenaline over a solution of lido- to the presence and the dose of the vasocons- caine with 1/100 000 adrenaline. t r i c t o r. The literature does not confirm this Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

im p r ession. Keesling and Hinds (1963) [LoE Ib] than half of their subjects during anaesthesia of co m p a r ed 5 solutions of 2% lidocaine containing the lower alveolar nerve. respectively 1/50 000, 1/250 000, 1/750 0 0 0 , The addition of a vasoconstrictor to the anaes- 1 / 10 0 00 0 0 ad r enaline and without adren a l i n e thetic solution is not essential for anaesthesia of for anaesthesia at the mandibular foramen. The the lower alveolar nerve at the mandibular fora- authors report a success rate with the pulp tes- men. The addition of adrenaline increases the ter of 87,5% for an average duration of anaes- duration of the anaesthesia but does not seem thesia of 44 ±5,7 minutes for lidocaine without to have a decisive effect on the success rate. ad r enaline. To be compared for example with a The results concerning the success rate of the success rate of 96% and an average duration of anaesthesia are contradictory. Taking into 66 , 9 ±8,7 minutes for the 1/750 000 solution. account the relation which exists between the Th e r e does not seem to be a significant diffe - success rate and the volume of solution injected rence between the solutions with 1/50000 and (V reeland, 1989) [LoE IIb], the addition of a vaso- 1/ 2 5 0 000, neither for the success rates, nor for constrictor could prove to be judicious in the the duration of the anaesthesia. pr evention of the systemic effects of LA. Mac Lean and coll (1993) [LoE Ib] thus showed Another argument called upon to dispute the by testing on 30 subjects 3 anaesthetic solutions use of a vasoconstrictor in loco-regional anaes- (2% lidocaine with 1/100000 adrenaline, 4% pri- thesia of the mandibular nerve is the fact that the locaine alone and 3% mepivacaine alone) that vasoconstrictor could lengthen the duration of médecine e r e was no significant diffe r ence in the suc- the labio-mental anaesthesia and consequently buccale cess rates of the anaesthesia at the mandibular favour wounds by lip biting which constitute one chirurgie buccale foramen controlled with the pulp tester. of the most frequent adverse effects of these Dagher and coll (1997) [LoE IIa] tested 3 solu- injections (Wahl, 2000). In fact, res e a r ch has VOL. 9, N° 2 shown that only the pulpal anaesthesia is leng- 2003 tions of 2% lidocaine with re s p e c t i v e l y page 14 1 / 5 00 0 0 , 1 / 8 0 000 and 1/100 000 adre n a l i n e . thened during loco-regional anaesthesias of the Ac c o r ding to the methodology of Mac Lean mandibular nerve with vasoconstrictor and not (1993) out of 30 subjects in good health, the the labio-mental anaesthesia (Hersh and 3 solutions appear equivalent as for the success Hermann, 1995 [Not classified: clinical case]; rate, the rate of failure and the frequency of the Yaguiela, 1985 [LoE Ib]). anaesthesia. Malamed (1997) [LoE IV] rec o m - mends the block anaesthesia of the alveolar nerve with vasoconstrictor only if a prol o n g e d 4. Dose of vasoconstrictors in duration of the anaesthesia is req u i re d . odonto-stomatologic anaesthesia Knoll-Kohler and Fortsch (1992) [LoE Ib] tested, on 10 students, two solutions of 2% lidocaine There does not exist a definitively conclusive without adrenaline, one with a pH of 3,5, the work concerning the ideal dose of adrenaline in other with a pH of 6,8, and three solutions of 2% LA. Fink (1978) [LoE IIb] showed that the dura- lidocaine with 1/50000, 1/100000 and 1/20000 0 tion of the local anaesthesia (all techniques ad r enaline. According to these authors lidocaine taken into account) was directly dependent on without adrenaline whatever the pH shows a the amount of adrenaline present in the soluti o n : high rate of failures and a lower duration. The the duration obtained for a solution of 1% lido- addition of 1/100000 or 1/200 000 adren a l i n e caine with 1/50000 adrenaline is 210 mi n u t e s , im p r oves the success rate and the duration of 160 minutes with 1/100000 and 130 minutes the anaesthesia but does not make the latency with 1/200 000. Taking into account the average time vary. These results are in agreement with duration of dental acts, Himuro and coll (1989) those of Kabambe and coll (1982) [LoE Ib] who pr opose to replace lidocaine with 1/80000 by observe, by comparing a solution of lidocaine lidocaine with 1/200 000 after a comparative test with and without adrenaline, a failure in more on only 6 volunteers. Since 1967, Gangaros a Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

and Halik [LoE Ib] showed that the solution of injections with vasoconstrictor are significantly lidocaine with 1/100000 or with 1/300000 were more important in their retrospective series of equivalent for the speed of onset and the effi- more than 2700 subjects for the solution of arti- cacy evaluated according to the experience of a caine with 1/100000 in comparison with the group of 17 dental surgeons in a prospective solution of articaine with 1/200000. Jage (1993) double blinded series of 542 patients. With [LoE IV] estimates that the best concentration in regard to the duration of the anaesthesia, which the healthy patient is (all molecules taken into is believed since Braun (1924) [LoE III] to be account) 1/100000 to 1/200000 knowing that dose-dependent; the results of the same study the individual maximum dose is 0,25 mg. On the show a negligible gain in terms of duration while other hand in the patient presenting a vascular passing from the anaesthetic solution with pathology the obligatory concentration would 1 / 3 0 0 000 adrenaline to the solution with be 1/200000. Let us recall that for 1 ml of 1 / 1 0 0 000 adrenaline. Knoll-Kohler (1992) anaesthetic solution a solution with [LoE Ib] after studying 10volunteers affirms that 1/1000accounts for 1 000µg of adrenaline only lidocaine with 1/100000 gives constant while a solution with 1/200 000 contains 5µg of results. Obviously, the dosing of adre n a l i n e adrenaline. must be adapted to the characteristics of the LA For mepivacaine Berling’s re s e a rch (1958) molecule. In addition to lidocaine, carticaine [LoE IIb] shows an absence of statistically signi- and articaine are also available and marketed ficant difference between the 2% solutions with with 1/100000 and 1/200000 adrenaline. respectively 1/100000 and 1/200000 adrena- médecine Vahatalo and coll (1993) [LoE Ib] tested 2% lido- line for the success rate and the duration of the buccale chirurgie caine with 1/80000 adrenaline and 4% articaine pulpal anaesthesia. buccale with 1/200000 adrenaline for latency time and Work is still contradictory concerning the ideal VOL. 9, N° 2 duration of the anaesthesia controlled with the dose of adrenaline in 2% solutions of lidocaine. 2003 pulp tester. There was no statistically significant The solution with 1/200000 gives more than page 15 difference between the two groups which would two hours of anaesthesia which represents a make it possible to choose the molecule contai- sufficient duration for the immense majority of ning the lowest dose of adrenaline. all odonto-stomatologic acts. For 4% articaine Knoll-Kohler and coll (1992) [LoE Ib] compared and 2% mepivacaine, 1/200 000 solutions 4% articaine with 1/100000 and the solution should be preferred in the absence of significant with 1/200000 during the extraction of a 3rd difference in performance with the 1/100000 mandibular molar by measuring the variations solution. of heart rate, the concentration of cyclic AMP Finally the work of Jorkjend and Skoglung and the level of noradrenaline. These parame- (2000) [LoE Ib] clearly shows: ters were correlated to the plasmatic levels of • On the one hand that the increase in the adrenaline as a reference of endogenous secre- volume of adrenaline and local anaesthetic tion. The resorbtion of adrenaline from the site solution injected can have an adverse effect of injection appeared to be dose-dependent which is the increase in post-operative pain which should have made the authors lean in without counterparts in terms of duration or favour of the solution with 1/200000 adrenaline. quality of the anaesthesia; In fact, in earlier research, Knoll-Kohler (1991) • On the other hand that the increase in the [LoE Ib] estimated that the risk of cardiovascu- dose of adrenaline in the anaesthetic solution lar accident was all the more high as the opera- also significantly increases post-operative tional gesture was prolonged and that the dose pain by rising the level of cyclic AMP in gingi- of adrenaline was low. val tissues which enhances the accumulation This result is disputed by the work of of noxious substances or pro-algesic media- Daublander and coll (1997) [LoE III] who note t o r s . that the sympathomimetic side effects of the LA Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

5. Drug interactions nically significant interactions between tricyclic antidepressants and LA containing adrenaline. Vasoconstrictors used in association with LA Actually if the theoretical risk is high the clinical but also as topic or injectable haemostatic signs are rare. Several factors contribute to it: agents and finally on gingival retraction cords – the competition between the vasoconstrictor a have the potential to interact with a broad ( adrenergic) and vasodilator (ß2 adrenergic) variety of drugs (Hansten, 1981) [LoE IV]. effect leads to a compensation of the haemody- Local reactions go as far as local ischaemia and namic variations at the usual doses in odonto- necrosis (Yagiela, 1999; Damm and Fantasia, stomatology; 1992). They are related to the relative overdose – the prescription of these drugs is often done by saturation of the tissues with the vasocons- on a long term basis which causes a desensiti- trictor and with too rapid injections (Meechan, sation to adre n e rgic vasoconstrictors and 1998) Most of the systemic reactions consequently a reduction in the risk of interac- are of short duration mainly because of the tion (Moyer and coll,1979) [LoE Ib]. rapid inactivation of the vasoconstrictors once The attitude toward patients under tricyclic anti- that they are absorbed in the blood flow depressants must be to avoid noradrenaline in (Yaguiela, 1999) [LoE IV]. Nevertheless serious association with LA and to inject measured lesions or even the death of the patient can doses of LA associated with 1/100 000 or result from fibrillation of medicamentous origin, 1/200000 adrenaline. In practice the amount médecine a myocardial infarction or a cerebro-vascular injected should be one third of the maximum buccale amount in the normal subject (Yaguiela, 1999 chirurgie accident (Hilley, 1984; Okada, 1989; Massalha, buccale 1996) [Not classified: clinical cases]. [LoE IV]).

VOL. 9, N° 2 5.2. Monoamine oxydase inhibitors 2003 5.1. Tricyclic antidepressants The only selective inhibitors still used do not page 16 They are gradually replaced by selective inhibi- tors of the recapture of , nevertheless present an interaction with adrenaline. Studies they remain used among patients who are into- repeated in human subjects and the animal did lerant or resistant to these new drugs. Tricyclic not show any significant interaction with the antidepressants block the active recapture of doses used in odonto-stomatology (Boakes and (catechola- coll, 1973 [LoE IV]; Wong and coll, 1980 [LoE mines and ) by the nervous termina- Ib]). tions where they were released. The result is a potentiation of the concerned neurotransmit- 5.3. Beta-blockers ters: the adrenergic vasoconstrictors but espe- Although broncho- and vasoconstrictor effects cially noradrenaline are prone to the same phe- can theoretically appear when taking cardio- or nomenon of recapture. Tricyclic antidepressants beta1 selective beta-blockers (which are thus block the muscarinic and alpha1 adrenergic likely to cause asthma attacks), there does not receptors and depress the myocardium what exist any incident described among patients in can in turn modify the cardiovascular response whom beta-blockers, cardio-selective drugs to vasoconstrictors. and adrenaline anaesthetic solutions were According to Boakes and coll (1972) [LoE IV] out associated (Pallash, 1998 [LoE IV]). of 15 case of patients having presented severe Thus it is mainly non cardio-selective beta-bloc- disorders with noradrenaline, 5 took tricyclic kers that competitively block the stimulation of antidepressants. the beta1 and beta2 receptors by endogenous Such accidents can occur for injections of catecholamines which are the cause. They also 2,5 cartridges of 1/100000 adrenaline (Persson block the activation of the beta receptors by and Siwers, 1975) [LoE IV]. Cawson and coll exogenous catecholamines. It is mainly upon (1983) [LoE IV] drew aside the possibility of cli- the beta2 receptors that the beta-blockers act Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

by transforming adrenaline into an exclusively 5.5. Cocaine alpha-adrenergic drug. The consequences are Animal experiments and human cases have an increase in peripheral resistances and, given proof of the interaction of cocaine with directly in connection with the dose, an increase adrenergic vasoconstrictors. (Lathers and coll, in blood pressure and a deceleration of the 1988) [Not classified: clinical case]. Several heart rate which can lead to major and well deaths whose study is well documented, documented accidents (Hansbrough and Near, appear in the literature (Chiu, 1986) [Not classi- 1980; Foster and Aston, 1983 [Not classified: fied: clinical case]. The mechanism is a facilita- clinical cases]). tor effect of cocaine on the release of adrener- This risk must be moderated for non cardio- gic neurotransmitters and the intensification of selective beta-blockers with an intrinsic sympa- postsynaptic responses to adrenaline-like sub- thomimetic activity (ISA) for which the partial stances. The blocking of muscarinic cardiac beta- activity leads to a limitation of the receptors and the central deterioration of the bradycardia and vasoconstrictor effect. Let us vegetative nervous system can more o v e r note that beneficial local effects have been des- contribute to worsen the reactions to the injec- cribed for beta-blockers like lengthening of the tion of vasoconstrictors. duration of the pulpal anaesthesia and soft tis- No dental treatment should be carried out in sues (Zhang, 1999 [LoE Ib]). patients under the effects of narc o t i c s . The precautions will include a split and slow Vasoconstrictors will be proscribed for at least injection of LA containing no more than 24 hours after the consumption of cocaine to médecine 1/100000 adrenaline after negative aspiration. allow the elimination of the drug and its active buccale chirurgie metabolites. buccale 5.4. General anaesthetics VOL. 9, N° 2 We have discussed the possible interactions 5.6. Antipsychotic drugs and alpha-blockers 2003 with halogenous derivatives. The mechanism by These drugs (, , ris- page 17 which GA potentiate the arythmogenous effects peridone) have as a side effect blocking of the of catecholamines are unknown. It is probably a alpha-adrenergic receptors and thus causing simultaneous stimulation of the alpha1 and beta orthostatic reactions. In the event receptors. Adrenaline is in turn able to activate of overdose, the plasmatic passage of adrena- the two types of receptors and to generate line would be worsening since only beta2 recep- rhythm disorders during general anaesthesia tors would be activated leading to vasodilation. (Hayashi, 1993 [LoE Ib]). It is in fact a strictly theoretical risk: no seriously Thiopental is also able to exaggerate the aryth- documented accident has been reported with mogenous potential of adrenergic substances. the doses used in odonto-stomatology. As thiopental is often used during induction with halogenous derivatives, its interaction was ini- 5.7. tially under estimated. Being a substance inhibiting the release of nora- When thiopental is used alone, a dose of adre- d renaline at the terminal sympathetic nerve naline of 2 µg.kg-1 will be allowed in per-opera- fibr es, it is used in the treatment of severe arte- tive injection under general anaesthesia. This rial hypertension: used over a long period it could dose will be 1 µg.kg-1 if the thiopental is asso- cause a multiplication of adren e r gic receptors or ciated with halothane (Christensen and coll, a decrease in their sensitivity threshold. 1993 [LoE IV]). One death has been reported This risk is theoretical for a rare drug. under halothane, due to an interaction with a retractor cord containing racemic adrenaline 5.8. Adrenergic anorectics (Hilley and coll, 1984 [Not classified: clinical These are sympathomimetic drugs that affect case ]). the metabolism of catecholamines and are che- mically similar to . These drugs Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

increase the adrenergic and overdose in adrenaline: tachycardia and other stimulate the central nervous system, their ano- arrhythmias, widening of the amplitude of the rectic activity follows from this stimulation of the pulse, myocardial ischaemia... It was believed SNC. for a long time that adrenaline and noradrena- Their effects can be potentiated by the conco- line took part in the disorders of hyperthyroi- mitant use of vasoconstrictive substances. It is dism in a synergistic manner to that of thy- the case of for which the FDA and the roxine; It is not the case: in hyperthyroidism, the manufacturer recommend caution before use haemodynamic responses to the action of adre- with vasoconstrictors (Wynn, 1997 [LoE IV]). naline and noradrenaline are not fundamentally changed. (Yaguiela, 1999 [LoE IV]). Recent studies (Johnson, 1995 [LoE Ib]) have 6. Does there exist pathologies shown that hyper- and hypothyroid patients do contraindicating vasoconstrictors? not present major disorders when they are sub- jected to corrective treatment and put in the One must keep in mind that 45% of the patients presence of catecholamines before the begin- presenting at a dental practice have one or ning of this treatment. Although the theoretical more intercurrent pathologies with the oral risk of thyro x i n e - a d renaline potentiation is pathology and that 20% of them present a car- serious, no clinical cases have been reported. diovascular pathology. Daublander and coll médecine (1997) [LoE III] estimate in their series at 0,07% 6.2. Hypertension buccale the risk of a serious accident in connection with Hypertension and its relationship with vaso- chirurgie buccale a local anaesthesia at the dental surgery which constrictors are the subject of an abundant lite- is comparable with the incidence of serious rature. It is now largely accepted that the plas- VOL. 9, N° 2 complications of general anaesthesia (0,05%). 2003 matic passage of the vasoconstrictor is But these figures must be balanced by the sta- page 18 practically negligible in terms of cardiovascular tus of the patient. Thus the side effects obser- effect (increase in the heart rate and the blood ved under dental local anaesthesia concern pressure) in comparison with endogenous cate- 5,7% of the patients presenting risks against cholamine secretion in case of pain and stress. 3,5% of the healthy patients. These figures are The totality of the debate on the cardiovascular to be put in relation with those of general anaes- changes induced by the possible addition of a thesia for which the side effects affect 12,3% of vasoconstrictor to LA thus focuses on the eva- ASA 1 patients and 34,9% of ASA III and IV luation of the exogenous contribution (about patients. Daublander shows clearly that the 20 µg.l-1) caused by the injection of a cartridge found side effects are independent of the as compared with the level of the plasmatic anaesthetic molecule used (articaine, lidocaine concentration which is around 300 µg.l-1. If one or mepivacaine) and of the presence or not of considers the physiological capacity to absorb an associated vasoconstrictor but rather such an exogenous contribution, certain well depend on the dose employed. documented facts can be taken into account: at Local anaesthesia with vasoconstrictor is thus, the time of the childbirth without peridural the in odonto-stomatology, a very safe technique labour pains can multiply the level of plasmatic whose contraindications appear to be largely adrenaline by a factor 4 to 6 (Bonica, 1999 exaggerated. [LoE IV]); at the time of a dental extraction the stress alone without pain multiplies the plasma- 6.1. Hyperthyroidism tic adrenaline by a factor 10 or 20. The passage Hyperthyroidism can result from a disease or into the blood at the time of the resorbtion of follow from a chronic overdose in thyroxine. 2,2 ml of lidocaine with 1/100000 adrenaline H y p e r t h y roidism will result in card i o v a s c u l a r causes only a doubling of the rate of plasmatic disorders which reproduce the effects of an adrenaline (Tolas, 1982 [LoE IIa]). Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

Chernow and coll (1983) [LoE Ib] compared the 10ng.kg.mn-1 of adrenaline alone. The plasma- LA injection associated with adrenaline and tic catecholamine rate passing fro m without vasoconstrictor in 14 healthy subjects 52+/ 24pg.l-1 to 363 +/- 105 pg.l-1 for the anaes- for variations in blood pressure, heart rate and thetic infiltration with adrenaline and fro m dose of endogenous catecholamines. They 32+/ 18pg.l-1 to 214 +/- 69 pg.l-1 for the perfu- point out significant results after injection of the sion of 10 ng.kg.min-1, i.e. being multiplied by a solution with adrenaline for the rise in catecho- factor 7. lamine concentration during 60 minutes after But if one could show a significant increase in injection: the concentration passing fro m total catecholamines after LA injection with 27+/ 4 pg.l-1 to 94+/-13 pg.l-1 in a 1:3 ratio. The vasoconstrictor and even show the dominating same team (Cioffi, 1985 [LoE IIb]) reported an s h a re of exogenous catecholamines in this increase in a 1:3,5 ratio in the concentration of increase, it is impossible to know with precision c i rculating catecholamines after anaesthesia the cardiovascular repercussion of this increase with adrenaline for conservative tre a t m e n t . because other additional factors make the inter- These concentrations being divided by two pretation of the results random. Thus, Di Angelis from the very start of the treatment procedure and Luepker (1983) [LoE IIa] showed that the (dental dam placement). only fact of going to the dental surgeon’s for a In 1993, Lipp and coll [LoE Ib] tried to identify in simple check-up caused a rise in the blood the increase of catecholamines which follows pressure of 4,5 mm Hg higher than that of a an anaesthetic injection the part which results check-up at the doctor’s. Work of Gortzack and médecine from the exogenous contribution by the anaes- coll (1992) [LoE Ib] confirm these results and buccale chirurgie thetic solution with vasoconstrictor from the show that there is no diff e rence between buccale part which results from the rise in endogenous normo- and hypertensive subjects on this point. VOL. 9, N° 2 catecholamines related to stress due to the infil- Many authors finally think that it is impossible to 2003 tration and the global of the operational act. establish proportionality between increase in page 19 In order to do so the authors used an injection total catecholamines and card i o v a s c u l a r of 4 % articaine with 20 µg of marked adrena- e ffects, since if the majority observe this line. They observed a rise in the total adrenaline increase after LA injection with vasoconstrictor, concentration (exogenous and endogenous) 5 they agree that they have not observed manifest to 10 times higher than in the reference group clinical repercussions in healthy or hypertensive treated without anaesthesia. They also obser- subjects (Sack and Kleeman, 1992 [LoE IIa]). ved two serum peaks of adrenaline: one Cheraskin and coll (1958) [LoE Ib] have shown 5 minutes after the beginning of the injection, that the main factor in the rise in blood pressure the other after the beginning of the dental treat- took place in the waiting room and not during ment. The authors affirm that the increase in the operational phase. This rise in blood pres- total catecholamines is mainly the result of the sure was not significantly different between exogenous contribution and explain the peak hypertensive and normotensive patients but it which marks the beginning of the treatment by was significantly reduced in the hypertensive the increase in the rate of the plasmatic resorb- subjects who received a premedica- tion of the anaesthetic due to the inevitable tion 45 minutes before the time of the appoint- massage of the site of injection by the fingers of ment. This work thus clearly highlighted the role the operator. of stress in comparison with the discrete role of Niwa and coll (2000) [LoE Ib] in a particularly the exogenous catecholamine injection at the detailed and sophisticated work established time of the LA. that the infiltration of 3,6 ml of 2 % lidocaine The same authors showed in later work with 1/80000 adrenaline was equivalent, in (Cheraskin and Prasertsuntarasai, 1959 [LoEIb]) terms of haemodynamic effects and plasmatic that the phase of 5 to 10 minutes which follow catecholamine rates, to the perfusion of the anaesthetic injection with or without adrena- Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

line is marked by no significant change in blood 4 , 4 ml of LA with 1/100000 adre n a l i n e . pressure or pulse, whether the patient is initially (Budentz, 2000 [LoE IV]). normo or hypertensive. They foresee the later For the great majority of stabilised hypertensive results of Campbell (1996) [LoE IIb] by speci- subjects, it is possible to exceed this limit while fying that it is at the beginning and the end of taking into account the rules of overd o s e the operational act itself that the most signifi- (Meechan, 1998 [LoE Ib]). In patients with non- cant changes are observed. stabilised blood pressure, one will be able to Their conclusion is that the use of a preopera- continue the anaesthesia beyond two cartridges tive sedative and of a vasoconstrictor associa- with adrenaline with an anaesthetic without ted with a LA in hypertensive subjects gives vasoconstrictor. significantly better results in terms of control of Massalha and coll (1996) [Not classified: clinical the blood pressure and pulse compared to case] report 2 cases of intracerebral haemor- hypertensive subjects who receive neither a rhages having resulted in the death of the sedative nor a vasoconstrictor. This result is to patient during dental care. We quote them to be put in relation with the work of Goldstein recall . They carry out a review of the (1982) [LoE Ib] which shows that the haemody- l i t e r a t u re and put, like the majority of the namic variations observed are principally due to authors, these major hypertensive pushes lea- the endogenous noradrenaline secretion under ding to death on the account of a hyperstimula- the effect of the operational stress, secretion tion of the trigeminal nerve. médecine well compensated by the administration of a Indeed, in addition to the sensitivity of the face buccale sedative premedication by diazepam. and the masticatory motricity, the trigeminal gan- chirurgie buccale Meyer (1987) [LoE Ib] compared the variations glion, ensures the innervation of all of blood pressure in 60 healthy subjects recei- the cerebral blood vessels (Moskowitz, 1984 VOL. 9, N° 2 2003 ving for 30 of them a LA injection with adrena- [LoE IV]). They conclude that there is a simulta- page 20 line and for the 30 others a LA injection without neous effect of this hyperstimulation and haemo- vasoconstrictor. The results show that the blood dynamic changes induced by the rise in the pressure of the patients of the group without serum peak of catecholamines after anaesthetic vasoconstrictor are significantly worse, in terms injection. Their point of view is purely conjectural. of control of the blood pressure, than those of In the event of unstable blood pressure asso- the group with vasoconstrictor. The author logi- ciated with other elements burdening the pro- cally explains these results by the bad quality of gnosis, the treatment will have to be carried out the anaesthesia obtained when the LA was in a hospital disposing of a reanimation struc- injected alone and thus by the endogenous ture and under vital function monitoring. catecholamine hypersecretion. It should be noted that in the two groups half of the subjects 6.3. Rhythm disorders underwent only the anaesthesia while the The literature concerning the study of the varia- others were subjected to an anaesthesia follo- tions of the heart rate induced by the injection wed by a tooth extraction. In the group without of LA with vasoconstrictor is rich and often of a v a s o c o n s t r i c t o r, those who underwent the very good level of evidence (Meyer, 1987 extraction presented significant variations in [LoEIb]; Montebugnoli, 1990 [LoE Ib]; Blinder, blood pressure. 1996 [LoE IIb]; Campbell, 1996 [LoE Ilb]; Thus there is no contraindication to use of a LA Replogue, 1999 [LoE Ib]). associated with adrenaline in particular for acts A very well documented work by Campbell and requiring a prolonged and deep local anaesthe- coll (1996) [LoE IIb] allowed to study the varia- sia in hypertensive subjects stabilized by an tions of the heart rate in a population of 40 old- antihypertensive treatment. aged subjects (20 re f e rence subjects and The maximum recommended dose is 0,04 mg 20subjects with arrhythmia (treated or not)) at in total which corresponds to 2 cartridges or various times of the intervention: preoperative, Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

anaesthetic injection, per-operational, post- coll (1999) [LoE Ib] propose the use of a 3% operative. The results made possible the down- solution of mepivacaine as an alternative to the fall of some common beliefs: (1) there was no injection of a LA solution with adrenaline in s i g n i ficant diff e rence between the ref e re n c e these patients. group and the arrhythmia group as for the onset The rhythm disorders met in daily practice are of an episode of benign arrhythmia (17 sub- essentially auricular fibrillations stabilised by an jects); (2) the results show in a paradoxical way adapted treatment (Anguera Camos and that the rise in the heart rate is definitely lower Brugada Terradellas, 2000 [LoE IV]). during the anaesthetic injection compared to Under these conditions the control of stress and the pre and per operational rise of the heart the therapeutic heart rate is essential and the rate; (3) the authors show moreover that the use of anaesthetics with vasoconstrictors is injection of an anaesthetic solution with vaso- indicated. The dosing rules are the same as constrictor is probably not implied in the epi- those discussed previously. sodes of benign arrhythmia observed: the serum peak of the vasoconstrictor was reached 6.4. Coronary cardiopathies on average 5 minutes after the injection whe- These pathologies are frequently related to the reas the episodes of arrhythmia were after half two preceding ones and it appears obvious that of the surgical time, i.e. well after the serum close answers can be given, nevertheless peak of the vasoconstrictor. taking into account the extreme frequency of This work can be compared to the results of this pathology and the confusion which exists in médecine Blinder and coll (1996) [LoE IIb] on the electro- our minds on their subject, as well in the gene- buccale chirurgie c a rdiographic changes observed by Holter ral practitioners or specialists as in the dental buccale monitoring among 40 cardiac patients followed- surgeons, the working group made a point of VOL. 9, N° 2 up 1 hour before an extraction under LA without devoting a specific paragraph to it. 2003 vasoconstrictor and 23 hours afterwards. These Episodic myocardial ischaemias during stable page 21 results show that 14 patients presented signifi- or unstable known coronary disease cant changes on the ECG and 12 of them pre- fr.:coronaropathies??) pass clinically unpercei- sented an arrhythmia although no vasoconstric- ved in more than 2/3 of cases (Quyyumi and tor was present in the solution. coll, 1985 [LoE IIa]). Extra cardiac surgery, even Another result is that 12 of the 14 patients minor, is one of the identified sources of epi- having presented a significant change on the sodes of myocardial ischaemia in known coro- ECG were under digoxin, either for ischaemic nary patients (Deanfield, 1984 [LoE IIa]). accidents or for auricular fibrillation. These Much work has shown that anomalies of the ST results seem to show the capacity of the anaes- segment of the ECG translate episodes of myo- thetic injection to cause alone, via the physiolo- cardial ischaemia. In 1989, Vanderheyden and gical and which are asso- coll [LoE Ib] studied these anomalies of the ST ciated to it and via the interaction of the segment during periodontal treatment under LA pro-arrhythmogenic effects of LA, acute modifi- with a vasoconstrictor among known and trea- cations of the heart rate in a significant percen- ted coronary patients, placed under monitoring tage of patients whether they have healthy car- in order to evaluate the anomalies of the ST diovascular functions or not (Malamed, 1996). segment in the immediate LA post injection The authors in agreement with Stanley phase. They show that the use of a LA with Malamed [LoE IV] recommend the monitoring of vasoconstrictor does not cause any significant patients under digoxin at the time of a local modification of the ST segment taken as an anaesthesia. The intra-osseous injections which indicator of myocardial ischaemia. cause a more important rise in the heart rate The recommendations of the American Dental and blood pre s s u re must be avoided Association and American Heart Association (Chamberlain, 2000 [LoE IIb]). Replogue and (1964) specify that vasoconstrictors are not Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

contraindicated in these diseases when a safe indiquée. En cas de diabète déséquilibré et anaesthetic technique is used, when an aspira- instable, avec passage brutal de l’hypo à l’hy- tion test is practised and when the smallest perglycémie, les quantités d’AL avec vasocons- effective dose is used. tricteur seront modérées de façon à tenir compte du caractère hyperglycémiant de 6.5. Asthma l’adrénaline (Meechan, 1996 [NdP Ib]). Vasoconstrictors associated with an anaesthe- tic solution can be used in asthmatic subjects in 6.8. Pheochromocytoma the aim of controlling pain and of avoiding It is a tumour of the or paraver- stress which is probably the principal source of tebral sympathetic ganglion which causes passage to an asthma attack at the dental sur- se v e r e hypertension because of the endoge- gery. nous hypersecretion of adrenaline. Because of Besides adrenaline alone is used for its bron- the risk of potentiation of cardiovascular disor- cho-dilating properties in the treatment of ders, ph e o c h r omocytoma and all the tumours asthma and a recent systematic review reports of the adrenal medulla constitute an absolute level 3 and 4 clinical studies which confirm the contraindication to the use of vasoconstric- absence of adverse effects at the time of its use tors (Kaufman and coll, 2002 [LoE IV]; Gaudy (Safdar and coll 2001 [LoE IV]). In the particular and Arreto, 1999 [LoE IV]; Perusse and coll, 1992 case of cortico-dependant asthma (Bush and [LoE IV]). The anaesthetic injection of a solution médecine Taylor, 1986 [LoE IIb]; Perusse and coll 1992, 2 without vasoconstrictor when it is necessary in buccale [LoE IV]) the problem of the hypersensitivity to the patient suffering from pheochrom o c y t o m a chirurgie buccale sulphites, conservative of the vasoconstrictor, must take place in a hospital and under vital can be posed. It seems however that 96% of function monitoring taking into account the diffi- VOL. 9, N° 2 2003 asthmatic subjects are not sensitive to the culties of per-operational stabilisation of the page 22 metabisulphite in question (Send, 1986). blood pres s u r e in these patients (Niruthisard and Besides Wahl (2000) pointed out that a meal at coll, 2002 [LoE III]; Tanaka and coll, 1991 [LoEII I ] ; the restaurant contains on average from 25 to Pratilas and Pratila, 1979 [LoEIV]). 200 mg of sulphite i.e. 27 times the amount contained in a cartridge of lidocaine with 6.9. Irradiated bone 1/100000 adrenaline (0,9 Mg). The recourse to Any irradiation of the maxillofacial structures in an anaesthetic without vasoconstrictor and a therapeutic aim, may it be in the form of bra- bisulphite however is indicated in the event of chy- or of teleradiotherapy, reduces the vascu- cortico-dependent asthma. larisation of the bone so that the bone tissue is not able to defend itself against aggressions 6.6 Hepatic insufficiency any more. Oedema followed by endothelial Patients having presented a previous and cured n e c rosis induces successively hyalinisation, viral or toxic hepatic attack may be treated like fibrosis and thrombosis within the wall of the healthy patients. irradiated vessels. The vessels are obliterated In the event of evolutionary severe attack, the and the tissue hypoxia leads to the lysis of col- evaluation of the hepatic function is important. lagen then to degeneration of the bone medulla The total quantity injected can have to be redu- (Marx, 1983 [LoE III]). Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) ced and the intervals between the injections or radio osteitis constitutes one of the major increased without detriment to the use of an complications of maxillofacial therapeutic irra- associated vasoconstrictor. diations. It is easily understood that such a process 6.7. Diabetes which generally occurs for irradiations higher Chez les patients diabétiques équilibrés de than 60 Gy can be favoured by the local ischae- typeI ou II, l’utilisation de vasoconstricteurs est mia caused at the point of injection of a LA Recommendations to use vasoconstrictors in dentistry and Oral surgery

containing a vasoconstrictor. In the animal, 7.2. Children Heiss and Grasser (1968) [LoE Ib] showed In children, taking care of pain is done classi- under extreme experimental conditions the cally by avoiding a systematic recourse to vaso- significant increase in the risk of ORN after constrictors. This practice has no relationship injection of vasoconstrictor substances in irra- with the toxic risk. It rises from the increase in diated rat mandibles. the severe risk of biting the labial area anaes- Obviously there does not exist a comparable thetised for a long time after the end of the protocol in the human. On the other hand, treatment because of the lengthening of the Maximiw and coll 1991 [LoE IIb] showed that duration of the anaesthesia in the presence of a the use of low doses of vasoconstrictors or LA vasoconstrictor (Walh, 1997 [LoE IV]; Gaudy solutions without vasoconstrictor led to, for a and Aretto, 1999 [LoE IV]). This concerns mainly group of 449 extractions undertaken in a bone the loco-regional anaesthesia of the mandibular having received on average 50 Gy (values ran- nerve and the danger of biting the lower lip. ging from 25 to 84 Gy), a total absence of post Hersh and Hermann (1995) [LoE Ib] neverthe- extraction osteoradionecrosis and this after a less showed that there was no significant diffe- post-extraction follow-up for 4,8 years on ave- rence in the duration of the labio-mental anaes- rage. thesia after injection of mepivacaine without Although the mandible is a clearly identified risk vasoconstrictor when one compares it with an factor of post-extraction ORN, the total amount injection of lidocaine + adrenaline. According to delivered and the mode of irradiation (Curi and these authors, the recourse to an anaesthetic médecine Dib, 1997 [LoE III]) and that there is no evalua- without vasoconstrictor in the child is thus buccale without interest and they recommend on the chirurgie tion in the human of the direct risk related to the buccale use of vasoconstrictors; it appears desirable contrary the use of lidocaine 2% with adrenaline VOL. 9, N° 2 to avoid the association of vasoconstrictors up to a total amount of 4,4cartridges of 1,8 ml in a child of 25 kg against 2,8cartridges of 2003 with LA during conservative and especially mepivacaine 3% without adrenaline. page 23 non-conservative treatment on bone irradia- Let us note that Hersh and coll (1991) [Not clas- ted beyond 40 Gy. sified: clinical case] reported a mortal overdose in a 5 year old child weighing 16,4 kg and in 7 Physiological states and vasocons- whom 5 cartridges of 1,8 ml of mepivacaine 3% trictors without vasoconstrictor had been injected. There are various complex methods for calcula- ting the dose in the child depending on the 7.1. Pregnancy and breast-feeding amount of anaesthetic in the adult, and accor- Although vasoconstrictors (especially noradre- ding to the body surface in relation to the naline) have a potential for reducing the placen- weight. The different formulas of Clark and tal perfusion, studies undertaken on this subject Young lead to nearby results. The ADA and the did not show any adverse effect of adrenaline FDA propose the conversion charts appearing on the foetus (Haas and coll, 2000 [LoE III]). in tables 1 and 2. Actually, the amounts of adrenaline used in the Although in practice the problem seldom arises, marketed local anaesthetic solutions are so the use of local anaesthetics and a vasocons- weak that it is very improbable that they can trictor in a child of less than 6 months is affect the uterine blood flow. As for breast-fee- contraindicated taking into account the low ding the only data available is the opinion of metabolic capacities which can lead to an over- authors. They confirm the possibility of using dose or an accumulation of the free fraction. vasoconstrictors in association with LA in women during breast-feeding (Gibbs and Hawkins, 1994 [NdP IV]; Malamed, 1997 [LoEIV). Société Francophone de Médecine Buccale et de Chirurgie Buccale

Table 1 : Child dose according to weight calculated 7.3. The elderly a c c o rding to the usual amount in the adult. The elderly are often the target of the various According to Berini and Gay, 1997. pathologies which have already been reviewed Weight of the child Fraction of the adult in this report. It is moreover traditional to consi- in kg dose der subjects beyond 70 years of age as suffe- ring from chronic renal insufficiency (after 10 0,27 15 0,36 40years the glomerular filtration drops by 1 ml 20 0,48 per minute and per annum) which forces us to 25 0,55 decrease the total amounts by a third from 70 to 30 0,62 80 years of age and by half beyond 35 0,69 (Commissionnat and Rimet, 1992 [LoE IV]). 40 0,75

Table 2 : Comparison of the total amounts recom- mended by the Food and Drug Administration in 2% lidocaine with adrenaline and mepivacaine in the adult and the child. According to Wahl, 1997.

Mepivacaine Lidocaine 2% 3% + adrenaline médecine buccale Quantity of anaesthetic chirurgie per 1,8 ml cartridge 54 mg 36 mg buccale Maximal number VOL. 9, N° 2 2003 of cartridges per 24 hours 7,4 13,9 for a 70 kg adult page 24 Maximal number of cartridges per 24 hours for a 25 kg child 2,8 4,4


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