The Pupil Antanas Smetona and the Teacher Jonas Jablonskis

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The Pupil Antanas Smetona and the Teacher Jonas Jablonskis chapter 1 The Pupil Antanas Smetona and the Teacher Jonas Jablonskis In a person’s life, family and teachers are probably the most important – especially in the years of childhood and youth, when the growing scion is forming himself as a person who is obviously more inquisitive than his con- temporaries, and who is already distinguishing himself as seeking answers to questions that concern him, taking the first steps in childhood and youth, rather instinctively requiring the support of someone, help, or even a push toward realizing some specific job, programs or dreams. The family and the teacher are especially important in a society in which new ideas, new orienta- tions, new interests are becoming apparent, and which lives under oppression, seeking ways out of an unsatisfactory social, national situation. At the end of the 19th century the Lithuanian peasant society of the western governorates of the Russian empire attracted only occasional scholars for its language or ethnographic considerations. The political situation of Lithuania was sad – the world knew of the Kaunas (Kovno), Vilnius (Vilna), and Suvalki governorates (gubernijas), but it heard nothing about Lithuania. The Lithuanian language was banned; printing the written language in Latin script was forbid- den after the failed rising of 1863. From the estates and from the Polish-speaking priests of the Catholic church flowed waves of Polonization; from the govern- ment, the administration – a policy of Russification. It seemed that Lithuanians, squeezed by the cultural influences of neighbors, would soon suffocate under these foreign influences. Few foreigners even knew there was such a nation. If they found it, they viewed it only as an exotic ethnographic or linguistic relic. The Lithuanian language served as just the speech of ordinary people. But life was modernizing, however slowly, and there was economic progress in agricul- ture and in small towns. Antanas Smetona was seven when Jonas Šliūpas and Jonas Basanavičius’s newspaper Aušra [The Dawn] first appeared; fifteen in 1889 when “Rise, rise, rise,” loudly rang in Vincas Kudirka’s newspaper Varpas [Bell]. From the ordi- nary peasant cottages there arose a small Lithuanian intelligentsia – having no right to work in Lithuania (except for lawyers and priests) but awakening the nation to a new, distinctive life. Smetona was a representative of the second generation of the Lithuanian national liberation movement, one of the few able to obtain higher education and to find work in Vilnius, in Lithuania. Like © koninklijke brill nv, leiden, ���� | doi �0.��63/978900430�044_003 <UN> 14 chapter 1 Figure 1 A. Smetona was born in this house. other Lithuanian luminaries of that time, they came into the society’s life not from the palaces or the estates but from common village cottages. Antanas Smetona was born in a peasant family in the village of Užulėnis in the Taujėnai district of Ukmergė region, on August 10, 1874. Užulėnis was an ordinary, modest village with wooden houses, straw roofs, mostly with smoke chimneys, between large swamps and forests, in the middle of which glittered Lėnas Lake. His ancestors had been serfs of the Duke Radvila (Radziwiłł) fam- ily, and apparently Smetona, according to Mykolas Biržiška, respected the Radvilases and also valued other nobles in so far as they maintained their Lithuanian character. Smetona was noted for his slow manner and calm reason, for his inclination toward withdrawn consider- ation of general questions, for his boldness in expressing opinions opposed to the position of many, even the majority, for his repeated and unexpected firmness and determination in his own and the nation’s cru- cial hours, and for his ability to collect people around him, without great selection but susceptible to his authority. Some, because of his too great trust in the people gathered around him, later exploited him. Under- standing himself to be a Lithuanian even as a student in the Mitau gim- nazium, where because of his serious study of his language, he was Jonas <UN>.
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