Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Giuseppe Briatico Viale XXI aprile, 63, 00162 Roma (Italy) +39 3465260494
[email protected] Sex Male | Date of birth 13/02/1992 | Nationality Italian WORK EXPERIENCE 29/10/2018–30/11/2018 Archaeologist Margherita Mussi - Italian Archaeological Mission at Melka Kunture and Balchit, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (Italy) Excavation of the Pleistocene's paleo surface of Simbiro III, at Melka Kunture site (Ethiopia, Africa); excavation and graphic relief of archeological and paleontological material; consolidation and restauration of paleontological remains; planimetric and topographic relief (Total Station, Leica Geosystems). 05/2018–Present Museum guide Munus s.r.l. - Società Cooperativa ARX s.r.l., Rome (Italy) Museo di Casal de' Pazzi - Deposito pleistocenico, Rome (Italy) Guided tours and laboratory actvities (comparison between human species, recognition of animal bones, simulation of an archaeological excavation and itinerary about project Museum and Library). 10/2017–02/2018 Guest student Eberhard Karls Universität, Tübingen (Germany) Analyses of stable isotopes (carbon-13 and oxygen-18) of fossil hippos teeth (Hippopotamus cf. amphibius), from Melka Kunture archaeological and paleontological site. Preparing, cleaning of fossil remains, sampling and pretreatment. Samples were analysed using an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry. 03/2017–04/2017 Internship Margherita Mussi - Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (Italy) Cleaning, washing,