CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 16 SENATE of the Proposed World Court Protocol, Which Were Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 16 SENATE of the Proposed World Court Protocol, Which Were Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations 1680 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 16 SENATE of the proposed World Court protocol, which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. THURSDAY, J anuaryj 16, 1930 Mr. WALCOTT presented resolutions adopted by 33 civic, fraternal, religious, and other organizations in the State of (Legialatwe daly of Morulay, JanU(llrv 6, 1930) Connecticut, favo'ring the prompt ratification by the Senate of The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the the proposed World Court protocol, which were referred to the rece s. Committee on Foreign Relations. l\Ir. SMOOT. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a Mr. SIMMONS presented resolutions adopted by sundry quorum. women's organizations in the State of North Carolina, favoring The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. tlle prompt ratification by the Senate of the proposed World The legislative clerk ca,lled the roll, and the following Senators Court protocol, which were referred to the Committee on For­ answered to their names : eign Relations. Allen Geor(7e Kendrick Sheppard Mr. KEAl~ presented resolutions adopted by approximately Ashurst Gillett Keyes Shipstead 300 civic, fraternal, religious, and other organizations in the Baird Glass King Shortridge Barkley Glenn La Follette Simmons State of New Jersey, favoring the prompt ratification by the Bingham Goff McCulloch Smith Senate of the proposed World Court protoco~ which were re­ mack Goldsborough McKellar Smoot ferred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Blaine Gould McMaster Steck Blense Greene McNary Steiwer He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of the State Rorah Grundy Metcalf Sullivan of New Jersey, praying for the passage of legislation granting Bratton Hale Moses Swanson Brock Harris Norbeck Thomas, Idaho increased pensions to Spanish War vetexans, which was re­ Brookhart Harrison Norris Thomas, Okla. ferred to the Committee on Pensions. Broussard Hastings Nye Townsend Mr. OVERMAN presented a petition of sundry citizens of Capper Hatfield Oddie Trammell Caraway Hawes Overman Tydings Kinston and Snow Hill, N. C., praying for the passage of legis­ Connally Hayden Patterson Vandenberg lation granting increased pensions to Spanish War veterans, Couzens Hebert Phipps Wagner which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. Dale Heflin Pine Walcott Deneen Howell Ransdell Walsh, Mass. Mr. METCALF presented petitions of sundry citizens of the Dill Johnson Robinson, Ind. Waterman State of Rhode Island, praying for the passage of legislation Fletcher Jones Robsion, Ky. Watson granting increased pensions to Spanish War veterans, which Frazier Kean Sehall Wheeler were referred to the Committee on Pensions. Mr. McNARY. I de ire to announce the absence of the senior Mr. PATTERSON presented petitions of approximately 300 Senator from Ohio [Mr. FESs] on official business. citizens of the State of Missouri, praying for the passage of The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-eight Senators have an­ legislation granting increased pensions to Spanish War veterans, swered to their names. A quorum· is present. which were referred to the Committee on Pensions. EXECUTIVE. MESSAGES Mr. WALSH of Massachusetts presented a petition of sundry Sundry messages in writing were communicated to the Senate citizens of Boston, .Mass., p-raying for the passage of legislation from the President of the United States by Mr. Latta, one of granting increased pensions to Spanish War veterans, which his secretaries. was referred to the Committee on Pensions. Mr. TYDINGS presented petitions of sundry citizens of Balti­ .ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER more and Westminster, in the State of Maryland, praying for The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ the passage of legislation granting increased pensions to Span­ cation from the Public Printer, transmitting, pursuant to law, ish War veterans, which were referred to the Committee on his annual report of the operations of the Government Printing Pensions. Office for the :fiscal year ended June 30, 1929, and the calendar THE WORLD COURT year 1929, which was referred to the Committee on Printing. Mr. FIJJSS. Mr. President, a delegation of ladies appeared in THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES my office to-day to meet the two Senators from Ohio and pre­ The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ sent petitions on the World Court. They represent something tion from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, like 15 or 20 different associations, and presented to me about pursuant to law, a letter from· the Acting Superintendent of the 300 petitions, which I wish to submit. :B.,ive Civilized Tribes Agency, containing a special report of The VICE PRESIDENT. The petitions will be received and expenditures of that agency from the appropriation " Support properly referred. of Indians and administration of Indian property, 1929," which Mr. FESS presented resolutions adopted by approximately was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. 300 civic, fratern~l, religious, and other organizations in the JUDICIAL S.A.LA.RIEB (S. DOC. NO. 69) State of Ohio, favoring the prompt ratification by the Senate l\1r. OVERMAN. Mr. President, I submit a report of the of the proposed World Court protocol, which were referred to special committee of the American Bar Association on the sub­ the Committee on Foreign Relations. ject of "Judicial Salaries," which I ask may be printed as a FREIGHT BATES ON R{)AD-BUILDING MATERIALS public document. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MoKELLAR. Mr. Pre ident, I ask unanimous con ent to have inserted in the REOOIID another protest, from the 1\Iadison PE'riTIONS AND MEMORIALS County Court, of Tennessee, against the proposed increase of The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a resolution freight rates on road materials by the Inter tate Commerce adopted by the Salem County (N. J.) Chamber of Commerce Commission. favoring the passage of legislation permitting the construction The imposition of this increased tax upon the people of Ten­ of a suspension bridge between the States of Delaware and nessee at this time is indefensible. That there is now a period New Jersey, at a paint near the city of Wilmington, DeL, of depression throughout the country there can be no doubt. and the Borough of Penns Grove, N. J., which was referred The President has urged increased public improvements, he has to the Committee on Commerce. urged increased appropriations for public roads. Just at such He also laid before the Senate a petition of sundry citizens a time it would be utterly indefensible to permit the railroads, of Atchison County, Kans., praying for the passage of legisla­ now enjoying their greatest prosperity, to increase freight rates tion granting increased pensions to Spanish War veterans, on road-building materials. which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. There being no objection, the protest was ordered to be Mr. BINGHAM presented resolutions adopted by 153 civic, printed in the RECORD and referred to the Committee on Inter­ fraternal, religious, and other organizations 1n the State of state Commerce, as follows : of Connecticut, favoring the prompt ratification by the Senate The following resolution was unanimously aoopted by the county of the proposed World Court protocol, which were referred to quarterly court of Madison County, Tenn., at its January, 1930, term, the Committee on Foreign Relations. January 6, it being the regular term of said court, there being present Mr. G REJJJNID presented resolutions adopted by 129 civic, fra­ and participating 19 members of said court, which consists of a member­ ternal, religious, and other organizations in the State of Ver­ ship of 34, 4 being absent on account of sickness. mont, favoring the prompt ratific~tion by the Senate of the pro­ posed World Court protocol, which were referred to the Com­ li'REIGHT RATJ!I INCREASE, RESOLUTION PROTESTt:SG SUCH mittee on Foreign Relations. The following resolution protesting the increase in freight rates on Mr. GILLETT presented resolutions adopted by 21 CIVIC, road-building and other construction material was offered by Esquil'e fraternal, religious, and other organizations in the State of Meriwether and unanimously adopted by the court, which said resolution Massachusetts, favoring the prompt ratification by the Senate is in the following words and figures, to wtt : 1930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1681 "To the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, fouling of the waters and the killing of the water grasses in upper Cur­ u Wa-8hitlgton, D. 0. rituck Sound, Back Bay, and connected waters in Virginia due to the "Whereas the report as shown in Document 3250 of Examiner unobstructed flow of salt and polluted waters from the north through Waters asking the railroads to increase freight rates on road-building the C"a.nal, resulting in the marked reduction of the catch of fresh-water and other construction material, should this be put into effect, it would fish and of the numbers and stay of migratory fowl; and entail a very heavy burden upon the taxpayers in the Mississippi Valley, Whereas these complaints continued and increased, and were voiced which would amount to about $1.000,000 annually. at a public hearing before the .Army Engineers at Munden on Ma;ch 3, " We see no reason for this increase from the viewpoint of the rail­ 1926, at a meeting held at Norfolk on May 21, 1926, at the invitation roads since they are very prosperous, while on the other hand, the tax­ of the .Army Engineers, and on December 14, 1927, at a meeting before payers
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