TRADES DIRECTORY, 1911. CLU • Cecilian Rowing, Spring Hill, Upper Eton Mission Rowing, Dockside, Middle Lngra.M Honae Residential (H
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535 - TRADES DIRECTORY, 1911. CLU • Cecilian Rowing, Spring hill, Upper Eton Mission Rowing, Dockside, Middle lngra.m Honae Residential (H. H. Morgan Oldfield Rowing, Spring hill, Upper Clapton NE sex wharf, Upper Clapton NE Brown, sec.& mgr.),42 Stockwell rd BW Olapton NE Champion Hill Cricket & Lawn Tennis Edgewater Tennis (Miss K. N. Dalton, Iris L:1wn Tennis (H. E. Waoring, uon. Park Hill Tennis (•Stanley Brown, hen. Ground (Thomas Freeman, proprietor), sec.), .Amblecote road, Lee BE sec.), Birkb-eck road, Dulwioh BE sec.), Park hill, Clapham SW Champion hill, Camberwell SE Eltham llolf (The) (R. A.. Collingwood, Iris Rowing, Spring hill, Upper Clap Parson's Green Cricket & Lawn Tennis Charlton Conservative (A. Burnett esq. ~ec.); ground, Court road, Eltham ton NE (Joseph Winfield, sec.), Broomhouse rd. chairman; Edward Mogford, sec.), lil Eton Mission Working Boys' (Gerald V. Italo-Swiss (P. Rinaldi, sec.), Groton rd. Fulham SW Church lane, Old Charlton, Kent Wellesley, hon. sec.), 22 Gainsborough Wandsworth SW Prurson's Green Social (Joseph Winfield, Charlton & Kidbrook Rifle, Charlton lane, road, Hackney Wick NE Ivy Lawn Tennis Club, St. John's Athletic sec.), 6 Parson's green, Fnlham SW Charlton, Kent Eversleigh Football Club (Hubert Colla.rd, .Association (Wm. Marlborough & .Arth. Peckham & Nunhood Progressive Working Ohii.I"lton Libffi"al (Thom'<I.S Morgan, sec.), hon. sec.), Beechcroft rd. Up.TootngSW Brook, secs.), Woodberry grove, Fins Men's Club & Institute (Chas.Ha.mmond, 060 Woolwich road, Charlton, Kent Excelsior Working Men's Sick Club, bury Park N sec.), 41 Albert road, Peckham BE Cbatluun Club Clapham Limiwd tArthur Mansion House street, Hammersmith W Kings' Printer's .Athletic (H. C. Norris, Peek Frean Athletio & Recreation ; B. Hud3on, hon. managing director), Eyot Sailing (George Gray, hon. sec.), 25 hon. sec.), Red Post hill. Herne Hill SE ground, The Manor way, Blackheath SE 115 Q.auden ro:ld, Clapham SW Upper mall, Hammersmith W Labour Club & Institute (Charles Henry Pearl .Assurance Cricket & Tennis (C*o. E. Choumert Old Boys' Athletic, Homestall Fern Lo~ge Social (D. Vale, sec.), 78 Langham, sec.), 87 & 88 Beresford 11t. Johnstone, sec.), Rubens st. Catford BE road, East Dulwich SE Ga.uden road, Clapham SW Woolwich Peckham Liberal (Arthur Cheshire, sec.), Christ Church Lawn Tennis (H. E. Hay Fernda.le Lawn Tennis (S. Crowther, 'hon. Lambeth Carlton Club Ltd. (E. .Adams, 24 Elm grove, Peck'ham SE man, sec.), Burbage rd. Herne Hill SE sec.), S·p-ring hill, Upper C~apton NE sec.), 376 Coldharbour la. Brixton SW Pembroke Rowing, Dockside, Middlese:z; City of London School .Athletic (.A. J. Forest Hill Bowling (Charles .A. Booth, Lea .Alliance Rowing, Spring hill, Upper wharf, Upper Clapton NE Austin, sec.), Elm lane, Catford SE hon. sec.), Wynell road, Forest Hill SE Clapton NE Perry Rise Bowling & Croquet Green (0'. City & South London R~lway Club & Hill Constitutional Club Limited Leander Club Boat House (C. M. Pitman, Spencer West, hon. sec.), Perry rise,. In.stitute (Willia.m Campbell, hen. sec.), (George Griffiths, hon. sec.), 35 Sunder sec.), Embankment, Putney SW Forest Hill SE 6 Clapham Park road, Clapham BW land road, Forest Hill SE Lee Chess tW. Wa.terhonse, hon. sec.), 1 Perseverance Liberal & Radical Club & Clapham Carlton Club Ltd. (W. ap. H. Forest Hill Cricket (W. R. Williams, Ai·slibie rood, Lee SE InstHnte (J. Beveridge, sec.), 17 & 19 Parry, sec.), 1 Balham hill, Balham SW hon. sec.), Ruhens street, Catford SE Lee Green Constit.ution111l (W. J.R.Helder, Church road, Homerton NE Clapham Conservative .Association (Frank Forest Hill Lawn Tennis (Herbert Sturton, sec.), 119 Lee road, Blackheath SE Plumstead Common United Conservative B. Harnett, sec. & registration agent), hen. sec.), Perry rise, Forest Hill SE Lewisham Conservative (Artbur R. Inger & Unionist (Harold Berry, sec.), 33-35 5 South side, Clapham Common SW & Fulham Cons~vative (C. M. Cutler, sec.), soll, .sec.), 256 High atreet,Lewisham SE Plumstead Common road (Nine Elms branch) (B. C. Ames, sec.), 2, 4 & 6 Sh()!T()ld's [["Oad, Fulham SW Lewisham (Borough of) Liberal & R:ldical Plumstea.d Conservative (John Perryman 57 Battersea Park road SW Fulham Liberal Club & Institute (Wm. H. Club Limited (Thomas White, sec.), sec.), 100 High street, Plumstead Clapham Constitutional (Jas. Wilkinson, Lewis, sec.), 69 Britannia. rd.Fulham SW 272 High street, Lewisham SE Plumstead Conservative & Unionist LabonF eeo.), 370 Wandsworth road SW Fulham Tradesmen's (Mrs. Lina Grnbe, Lewisham Clarion (Joseph Balsom, sec.), League Club (Henry James Corrigan, Olapham Junction Social, 38 Grant road, steward), 205 Fulham Palace road, 57 Brownhill road, Catford SE sec.), 49 & liO Plumstcad rd. Plumstea!l Ba.ttenlea SW Hammersmith W LPwisham Progressive Limited, Lanier Plumstead Radical (Harry Greenwood, Clspham Liberal & Radical (Henry Aithnr Furnivall Sculling Club Ltd. (J. F.Bacon, road, Lewisham SE sec.), 63, 64 & 65 Walmer rd. Plumstea<J Harding, hon. .sec.), 2 Queen's road, hen. sec.),l9 Lower ma.ll,HammersmthW Lewisham Wanderers' Cricket & Lawn Point House Club & Institute, Mount Nod Battersea SW Gallery Lawn Tennis (F. L. Wilson, sec.), Tennis; ground, The Manor way, squ:1re, Lewisham SE Clapham Reform (George Brown, hon. P~k read & Oroxted road, Dulwich SE Blackheath SE Priory Lawn Tennis (E. E. Ds.glis·h, bon. sec.), St. Luke's road, Clapham SW Gipsy Lawn Tennis (Charlel!l B. Watson, Leyland Lawn Tennis; ground, The Manor eec.), Church path, Stoke Newington N ffiapham Victoria Limited ( W. J. Hislop, hon. sec.), 106 Btamford hill N way, Blackheath 8E Priory Tennis ; ground, The Manor way, IIBO.), 34 Victoria. road, Clapham SW Gladstone Liberal (W. Easterbrook & J. Lissenden Lawn Tennis (.A. :1. Rowlands, Blackheath SE Olapton Park Club & Institute (A. Glid Rooke, joint hon. secs.), 117 Goldhawk hon. sec.), Lissenden gardens, Kentish Private Banks Cricket & Athletic (W. E. well, ~eo-), 60 Brooksby's wa:k, Homer road, Shepherd's Bush W Town NW Hemsley, sec.), Catford road SE ton NE Glebe Tennis; ground, "The Manor way, Lloyd'·s Reg1ste.r Cricket Olub, Gallery Putney Constitutional Club Co. Ltd. 10 C!apton Zephyr Bowing, Dockside, Middle Blackheath SE road, Dulwich SE Lower Richmond road, Pntney SW eex wharf, Upper Clapton NE Golf Club House (Daniel J. Reynolds, Lcndon Corinthian Sailing(Walter Stevens, Putney Lawn Tennis (W. G. :Milbnrn. Clapton Warwick Rowing, · Dockside, manager), College road, Dulwich SE sec.), Lower mall, Hammersmith W eec.), Balmuir gardens, Putney SW :Middlesex wharf, Upper Clapton NE Gmfton Tennis (Charles Day, sec.), Half London County & Westminster Bank Queen's Club Ground, Greyb,ound road, Clarendon Old Boys' Football, Bromley MGon lane, Herne Hill SE Bowing (George Foulkes, sec.), Em. Hammersmith W road, Catford SE Grange Lawn Tennis & Croquet (John bankment, Putney SIW Queen's Lawn Tennis (F. S. Corley, hon_ C!issold Lawn Tennis (J. Norton Cooper, Ho ward Boulton, sec.), 24a, Lyford rd. London County .Athletic Club (J. "R. Pea sec.), Princess road, Finsbury Park N hon. sec.), Church path, Stk.Nwngtn N Wandsworth SW cock, sec.), £d. Herne Hill SE Queen's Park Social (Rev. I. Lawwn Clove Rowing, Spring hill, Up.Clapton NE Greenwich Conservative (.A. W. Hobbs, London Hospital Rowing,Dockside,M:ddle Foster LL.D., D.D. president), 1 Third Colfe SportR; ground. Horn park, Lee SE sec.), High bridge, Greenwie<h BE - sex wharf, Upper C!apton NE avenue, Queen's park W Crescent Rowing, Spring hill, Upper Greenwich Reform (Eusta.ce N. Green London Irish Rugby Football (M. Doy:e, Ranelagh (John H. Neat, sec.; F. A. Gi11 Clapton NE wood, sec.), l!J Bonth st. Greenwich SE hon. sec.), Rubens atreet, Catford SE & Capt. L. C. D. Jenner,joint polo man: Cromwell Rowing, Dockside, Middlesex Grove Albion Football, road, London Rowing Club Boat House (I. N. agers),l52 Low.Richmond rd.Putney SW •w'tw.rf, Upper Clapt<Jn NE Dulwich SE Cameron, hen. sec.), Embankment, Put Ranelagh Sailing (C. E. Matthews, bou_ Croquet Association (Roehampton Club) Guy's Hospital .Athletic Ground, Brock ney SW sec.), ~mbankment, Pntney BW (JarviR Kenrick, hon. sec.), Roehamp lP-y rise, Forest Hill SE Loughborough & Denmark Hill Conserva.. Recreation 8 ocial (Fred erick8 tringer,sec.). ton lane. Roehamr•ton SW Hackney Conservative (Percy A. Cordell, tive ~ociatinn (H. W. Newman, hon. 364 Lillie road, Fnlh"m S'W Crystal Palace (J. A. Botham, sec.), l1on. sec.), 10 Lower Clapton road NE sec.), 197 Coldha.rbour la. Camberwll SE Riverside Lawn Tennis Club (H. Wilks, Crystal Palace SE Hackney Progressive (The) (Wm. :McCally, Loughboro' & Herne Hill Constitutional sec.), Sutherland grove, Wandswrth SW Curlew Rowing, Hi~Zh bridge,GreenwicbSE sec.), 26 Brooksby's walk, Homerton NE (The) (H. W. Newman, hon. sec.), 197 Roehampton Club Limited (Charles Dar {]yJlrns (Charles Fryer, manager), 114 Hammersmith Club Soc. Ltd.(Liberal)(Wm. Coldharbour lane, Oamberwell SE ley Miller, mngr.),Hoehampton lane BW Wyndham road, Camherwell SE Horwood, sec.),l The Grove,Hmrsmth W Magdalene Lads' Club (Frederick Vel- Rosslyn .Athletic .AsEOciation (Jdhn W. Dalston .Alberts Rowing, Dockside,Middle Hammersmith Wrestling, 29 Cambridge lenoweth, hon. manager), 10 Cork IS!. 8eott, 'l!ec.); club room, 10 Hildreth sex wharf, Upper Clapton NE road, Hammersmith W Camberwell SE street, Balham SW Day & Martin's Football, Homestall road, Hampshire House (H. T. C. Pepler, sec.), Manora Lawn Tennis; ground, The Manor Roupell Park Cricket (C. E. Croker, sec.)., East Dulwich SE Hampshire Hog lane, Hammersmith W way, Blackheath SE Burbage road, Herne Hill SE Derrick Wanderers' Cricket & Tennis Hampstead Constitutional (Basil F. Church, Mansfield Bowling, High gate road NW Royal .Arsenal Social (H ••T. Drnry, sec.), Ground, The Manor way, Blackheath SE hon. sec.),Holly Bush hill,Hampstd NW Mansfield Lawn Tennis, Highgate rd NW 25 New road, Woolwich Despe.rd Boys' (Mrs. Despard, supP.rinten Hampstead Cricket Olnb & Grounds (F.