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A Bibliography of ! A colony which, fifty years ago, was a terra incognita—a land previously trodden only by the uncivilised and wandering savage, and consequently without a vestige of a prior history, save what may be found in geological researches, the impressions of nature on its rocks and stones—a land not obtained by exciting wars or conquests by battles, but a history of conquests of wild and uncultivated regions by indomitable British pluck—a simple, peaceful history of the steady progress of British settlement. Notwithstanding what has been published, the history of South Australia, as well as each of the sister colonies, has yet to be written, and, keeping this object in view, I have catalogued the various works and publications under the several headings which would probably be specially enlarged upon in an extended history of the colony. Two divisions of scientific interest, viz., "Aboriginal Inhabitants" and " Natural History," are included herein. The necessity for a detailed reference to printed matter on Ethnology and the sub-divisions of Natural History was forcibly suggested to me when perusing the learned and able address of Professor Tate, President of the Philo­ sophical Society of * for the year 1877-8. The difficulties to be met with in compiling such classified catalogues can be understood only by those whose pursuits have necessitated their performing a similar task. Our Public Library, although rapidly extending, is still very deficient in works of natural history relating to the colony, and the Adelaide University library is also greatly in need of natural history publications. To Professor Tate I am specially indebted for his valuable assistance and advice in the compilation of the divisions of Natural History; and I have availed myself of the exhaustive catalogue of Messrs. Etheridge & Jack, published in , when compiling the sub­ division Geology—Natural History. When I accepted the task of compiling, from my own collection of Australian literature, a catalogue of all works relating to this colony, I had no idea of the dimensions the work would assume, or of the labor involved in its compilation. The demand for works confined exclu­ sively to South Australia would have been so limited, that travellers and others have generally embraced the whole or several of the

* Since named the Royal Society of South Australia. 4 PREFACE.

colonies under the heading " Australia," and all those works having reference to the early history and settlement of this colony which have come within the compiler's notice are referred to herein. Many omissions will no doubt be found in this work, but, bearing in mind the fact that no compilation of a similar kind has before been attempted, and that this has been prepared during leisure hours only, I venture to hope that my efforts will not be too severely criticised. I am satisfied if I have succeeded in establishing a basis upon which some future bibliographer may build a more complete and improved structure. Excepting under the division " Natural History," the works have been arranged in chronological order, and, to facilitate reference, an alphabetical index of authors is also included herein In the Appendix an attempt has been made to furnish a list of all colonial newspapers which have appeared at various times, but it is found impossible to complete the list in detail. As will be observed by a perusal of that division, many newspapers had but an ephemeral existence, and consequently no files of some are known to exist. To Messrs. G. Gerrard Shaw, H. Hampson, and S. E. Roberts I am indebted for much information on this subject. It is to be regretted that some legislation was not passed in the early days of the colony, enforcing the lodgment in Institute of a copy of every colonial publication—work, pamphlet, or newspaper. Owing to the absence of a compulsory law on this subject, we have now to deplore the loss of most valuable information concerning the early detailed history of the colony, and no effort appears to have been made until recent years, by the governing powers of the South Australian Institute to collect or pre­ serve colonial publications. But much omitted herein may still exist in private bookshelves, hoarded up, either through curiosity or on account of old associations. Colonists and others possessing such documents will confer a favor upon the compiler by acquainting him of such fact. The Public Library and the Library of the South Australian Geographical Society would be greatly benefited by dona­ tions of any documents antecedent to 1870. To Sir , K.C.M.G., Messrs. R. S. Benham (Librarian, Public Library), T. Worsnop, J.P. (Town Clerk), and the proprietors of the South Austtalian Register and South Australian Advertiser I have to express my thanks for assistance rendered. I have also to acknowledge the courtesy of the Government Printer and his staff. The tax upon their patience has been considerable, owing to the many months that have elapsed since the first portion of the work was put into type. THOMAS GILI,, Glen, Osmond, April 21st, |8$6T BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Arranged under the following divisions.


(CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED.) Harris—Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca : or, a compleat collection of Voyages and Travels: consisting of above 400 of the most authentick writers, beginning with Hackluit, Purchass, &c, &c. By John Harris, A.M. Illustrated by engravings, charts, and curious cuts. London, 1705. 2 vols., crown. (Contains a chart of the south coast of New Holland, termina­ ting with the Isles of St. Francis and St. Peter.) DeBrOSSOS—Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes (Par le President, Charles De Brosses). With maps. Paris: 1756. 2 vols., 4to. Callander—Terra Australis Cognita: or Voyages to the Terra Australis, or Southern Hemisphere, during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Containing an account of the manners of the people, and the productions of the countries hitherto found in the southern latitudes; the advan­ tages that may result from further discoveries on this great continent, and the method of establishing colonies there to the advantage of Great Britain, &c. With charts. (Contains a chart of south coast of New Holland.) Edinburgh: A. Donald son, 1766 and 1768. 3 vols., demy 8vo. Labillardiere —Relation du Voyage a la Recherche, De la Perouse, fait par ordre dd'Assemblee Constituante, pendant les annees 1791-1792, et pendant la lere et la 2dc annee de la Republique Franchise. Par le Cen Labillardiere. A Paris: Chex H. J. Jansen, an VIII. de la Republique Francois. 2 vols., 4to. — An account of a voyage in search of La Perouse, undertaken by order of the Constituent Assembly of France, and performed in the years 1791, 1792, and 1793, in the Recherche and Esperancey ships of war, under the command of Rear-Admiral B. D'Entrecasteaux. Translated from the French of M. Labillardiere. Illustrated by engravings, and a chart, exhibiting the track of the ships. London: J. Debrett, 1800. 2 vols., demy 8vo., and 1 atlas, royal 4to. Grant—The Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery performed in His Majesty's vessel The Lady Nelson, of sixty tons burthen, with sliding keels, in the years 1800, 1801, and 1802, to , by James Grant, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, including remarks on the Cape de Verd Islands, Cape of Good Hope, 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

the hitherto unknown parts of New Holland discovered by him in his passage (the first ever attempted from Europe) through the streight separating that island from the land discovered by Van Dieman; together with various details of his interviews with the natives of New South Wales; observations on the soil, natural productions, &c, not known, or very slightly treated of, by former navigators, &c, &c, to which is prefixed an account of the origin of sliding keels, &c. The whole illustrated with elegant engravings and charts. London: C. Roworth, 1803. 1 vol., demy 4to. Flinders—A Voyage to Terra Australis, undertaken for the purpose of completing the discovery of that vast country, and prose­ cuted in the years 1801, 1802, and 1803, in H.M. ship The Investigator, and subsequently in the armed vessel Porpoise and ' Cumberland schooner, with an account of the shipwreck of the Porpoise, arrival of the Cumberland at Mauritius, and imprison­ ment of the commander during six years and a half in that island. By Matthew Flinders, commander of The Investigator. London: G. & W. Nicol, 1814. 2 vols., royal 4to., and 1 atlas. Feron—Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes execute par ordre De La Majeste L'Empereur et Roi, sur les corvettes Le Geographe, Le Naturaliste, et la goelette Le Casuarina. Pendant les annees 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, et 1804,; public V^ par Decret Imperial Sous le Ministere Champagny. Et redige par M. F. Peron, naturalist de 1'expedition. Paris : 1807 to 1816. 3 vols, letter press, and 3 vols, charts, &c. — Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes par ordre du Gouvernaux, redige par Peron et Freycinet. Paris: 1824. 4 vols., 8vo. Barker—Examination of the South Australian Coast, from Cape Jervis to near the Semaphore, in April, 1831. By Captain Collet Barker. (See Start's Expeditions, vol. n„ pp. 231-48.) Major—Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia. A collection of documents and extracts from early manuscript maps, illustrative of the history of discovery on the coasts of that vast island, from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the time of Captain Cook. Edited, with an introduction, by R. H. Major, Esq., F.S.A., with charts. London : printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1859. Vol. xxv., demy 8vo. Woods—A History of the Discovery, &c, of Australia, &c. London: 1865. See PART II., p. 11. Howitt—The History of Discovery in Australia, &c. London: 1865. See PART II., p. 11. Bennett—The History of Australian Discovery, &c. Sydney: 1867. See PART V., p. 66. PART II-TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND.

(CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED.) Sturt—Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia during the years 1828, 1829, 1830, and 1831, with observations on the soil, climate, and general resources of the colony of New South y^ Wales. By Captain , 39th regiment, F.L.S. and F.R.G.S. Illustrated with maps, charts, landscapes, fossils, and beautifully-colored plates of birds. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1833. 2 vols., demy 8vo. Light—A Brief Journal of the Proceedings of , late Surveyor-General of the Province of South Australia, with a few remarks on some of the objections that have been made to them. Adelaide : A. MacDougall, 1839. Demy 8vo. EXTRACT FROM PREFACE.—The reasons that led me to fix Adelaide where it is, I do not expect to be generally understood or calmly judged of at present. My enemies, however, by disputing their validity in every particular, haVe done me the good service of fixing the whole of the responsibility upon me. I am perfectly willing to bear it; and I leave it to posterity, and not to them, to decide whether I am entitled to praise or blame. Strangways, Hutchinson—Journey to and Lake Alexandrina in December, 1837, by Messrs. T. B. Strangways and Y. B. Hutchinson, to ascertain if there existed any other outlet than the one discovered by Captain Sturt. James's " Six Months in South Australia," Appendix, pp. 280-6. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. South Australian Record, vol. i., p. 94. Cock, Finlayson, Wyatt, Barton—Journal of an Excursion from Adelaide to the River Murray, in December, 1837, by Messrs. Robert Cock, William Finlayson, A. Wyatt, and G. Barton. Ibid, pp. 274-9. Ibid, p 83. Imlay, Hill—Journey from Adelaide to the River Murray in January, 1838, by Dr. Imlay and W. Hill. Ibid, pp. 229-37. Ibid, p. 134, Hill, Wood, Willis, and Oakden-rNotes of an Excursion to the River Murray, vid Lyndoch Valley, by Messrs. Hill, Wood, Willis, and John Oakden. James's " Six Months in South Australia," Appendix, pp. 288-91. B 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Sawdon, Bonney—Account of a Journey Across the Interior with stock, from New South Wales to Adelaide, in January, 1838, by Messrs. and . James's .*' Six Months in South Australia," Appendix, pp. 293-5. Hawdon, Mundy— A Journey from Port Phillip to Adelaide in July, 1839, by Mr. Joseph Hawdon and Lieut. Mundy, "in a tandem, in the short space of one month." South Australian Record, vol. n., pp. 62-3. S.A. Almanack, 1840, pp. 119-125. Eyre—Journey Overland from Sydney to Adelaide, with stock, November 8th. 1837, to July 13th, 1838. By . South Australian Record, vol. i., p. 141. Mr. Eyre was the firstperso n to attempt an overland communication between New South Wales and South Australia. — Excursion to the Northward of Spencer's Gulf and Eastward to the Murray, in May, 1839. Report of Edward John Eyre. Government Gazette, July, 1839. South Australian Record, vol. ii.. pp. 12-13. — Expedition to the North-West of , and from Streaky Bay to , July to October, 1839. S.A. Almanack, 1840, pp. 105-108. Government Gazette, October 31st, 1839; South Australian Register, October, 1839; and South Australian Record, vol. n., pp. 174-5. See also PART IV., SUBDIVISION 1.—GEOLOGY. — Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia, and Overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-41; sent by the colonists of South Australia, with the sanction and support of the Government: Including an account of the manners and customs of the aborigines, and the state of their relations with Europeans. Illustrated. By Edward John Eyre, Resident Magistrate, River Murray. London : T. & W. Boone, 1845. 2 vols., demy 8vo. Iiees, Hawson, Stephens, Hill, Tod—Examination of the Western Coast during the year 1839, by Captains Lees and Hawson, and Messrs. Samuel Stephens, , and Robert Tod. S.A. Almanack, 1840, pp. 98-112.—Report on Yorke's Peninsula, by Mr. Hughes. Ibid, pp. 113-4. Oawler—Expedition to Lake Alexandrina and the Murray. Colonel Gawler and Captain Sturt. S.A. Register, January 4th, 1840, and S.A. Record, vol n., pp. 323-40. See also PART IV.. SUBDIVISION 1.—GEOLOGY. Frome—Report on the Country North of the Sources of the Light and Gilbert, by Captain E. C. Frome. S.A. Almanack, 1843, pp. 111-117. — Report on Country Eastward Flinders Range, by Captain E. C. Frome. Government Gazette, September 14th, 1843, pp. 234-6. TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS. 11

Sturt—Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia, performed under the authority of Her Majesty's Government, during the years 1844-5-6, together with a notice of the Province of South Australia in 1847. By Captain Charles Sturt, F.L.S., and F.R.G.S. Illustrated. London: T. & W. Boone, 1849. 2 vols., demy 8vo. McKinlay (Davis)—Tracks of McKinlay and Party Across Australia, by John Davis, one of the expedition. Edited from Mr. Davis's manuscript journal, with an introductory view of the recent Australian explorations of McDouall Stuart, Burke and Wills, Landsborough, &c, by William Westgarth. With maps and illustrations. London: Sampson, Low, & Co., 1863. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Stuart—J. McDouall Stuart's Explorations Across the Continent of Australia. With charts. 1861-2. : F. F. Bailliere, 1863. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. — Explorations in Australia. The journals of John McDouall Stuart during the years 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, and 1862, when he fixed the centre of the continent, and successfully crossed it from sea to sea. Edited from Mr. Stuart's manu­ script by Wm. Hardman, M.A., F.R.G.S. With maps, a photographic portrait of Mr. Stuart, and twelve engravings, drawn on wood, by G. F. Angas, from sketches taken during the different expeditions. London: Saunders, Otley, & Co., 1864. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Burke (Jackson)—Robert O'Hara Burke and the Australian Exploring Expedition of I860, by Andrew Jackson. With map and portrait. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1862. 1 vol., demy 8vo. •Wills—A Successful Exploration through the Interior of Australia, from Melbourne to the . From the journals and letters of William John Wills. Edited by his father, William Wills. With map, engraving, and portrait. London: R. Bentley, 1863. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Orad.—L'Australie Interieure. Explorations et Voyages a. travers le Continent Australien de 1«60 a 1862. By A. C. Grad. Paris: 1864. Woods—A History of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia; or an account of the progress of geographical discovery in that continent from the earliest period to the present day By the Rev. Julian E. Tenison Woods, F.R.G.S., &c, &c. With maps and portraits. London: Sampson, Low. & Co., 1865. 2 vols, demy 8vo. Howitt—-The History of Discovery in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, from the earliest date to the present day. By William Howitt. London: 1865. 2 vols., demy 8vo. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

McELinlay—McKinlay's Journal of Exploration in the Interior of Australia (Burke Relief Expedition) With three maps. Mel­ bourne : F. F. Bailliere. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Warblirton—Journey across the Western Interior of Australia by Colonel Peter Egerton Warburton. C.M.G. With an intro­ duction and additions by Charles H. Eden, Esq. Edited by H. W. Bates, Esq. With maps and illustrations. London: Sampson. Low, & Co., 1875. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Giles—Geographic Travels in Central Australia from 1872 to 1874. By Ernest Giles. With map. Melbourne: McCarron, Bird, and Co., 1875. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. — The Journal of a Forgotten Expedition. By Ernest Giles. Reprinted from the Adelaide Observer. With map. Adelaide : W. K. Thomas & Co., 1880. Demy 8vo. Forrest—Explorations in Australia. I. Explorations in search of Dr. Leichardt and party. II. From to Adelaide, around the Great Australian Bight. III. From Champion Bay, across the Desert to , and to Adelaide With an appendix on the condition of . By , F.R.G.S. Illustrations by G. F. Angas. London: Sampson, Low, & Co., 1875. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Tietkins—Exploration of the Western Interior, Fowler's Bay, Ooldea, &e. By W. H. Tietkins, F.RG.S. Adelaide Ofom>er,*February 14th, 1880. — Report on Country, Petermann Ranges. With map. Pam­ phlet. Adelaide: Reynell, Colley, & Co. Comish.—Report of Journey to Examine Country for the Extension of a Trigonometrical Survey and Traverse of the Herbert River, December, 1879, to February, 1880. By W. H. Cornish. Adelaide Observer, April 3rd, 1880. (For other works on Explorations North of 26° Parallel of Latitude, see PART VI.—NORTHERN TERRITORY.)

PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. GOYDER, G. W.—Expedition to Northern Districts, and Report on Country between Mount Serle and Lake Torrens. Paper No. 72 of 1857-8; and Government Gazette, 1857, pp. 529-32. See PART IV., SUBDIVISION 1.—GEOLOGY; a/««o PAET VI.— NORTHERN TERRITORY. FREELING, CAPTAIN A. H.—Report on Lake Torrens and Country Adjacent. Papers Nos. 174 and 193 of 1857-8. HACK, STEPHEN, and HARRIS, W. G.—Explorations North of Streaky Bay. Papers Nos. 156 and 189 of 1857-8. TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS. 13

PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA—continued. MILLER, F., and DUTTON, W.—Explorations North of Denial and Fowler's Bays. Paper No. 192, 1857-8.

fc™ P* EGERTON } Explorations North of Gawler Ranges GEHARTY JAATES and North-Western District. Papers LxEHARTY, JAMESp , I y^ ^ ^ ^ m_^n ^i5i ^ im^ ?rrr;l™L, and I f}^f\^ ^ ^ ' GREGORY, CHAS. F. J and 161 of 1860' DOUGLAS, B. —-Survey of Coast between Point Fowler and Port Lincoln. Paper No. 120 of 1858. Survey of . Paper No. 134 of 1858. STUART, JOHN MCDOUALL—Explorations North of and West of Lake Torrens. Papers Nos. 114 and 119 of 1858. Towards the North-West Coast of Australia. Papers Nos. 65 of 1861, and 219 of 1862. Northern Exploring Expedition, 1860-61. Paper No. 169 of 1861. Adelaide Across the Continent, December, 1861, to December, 1862. Paper No. 21 of 1863. MCKINLAY, J.—Burke Relief Expedition. Papers Nos. 185 of 1861 ; 12 and 218 of 1862. See also PART VI.—NORTHERN TERRITORY. CADELL, FRANCIS.—Exploration and Navigation of River Murray, 1848-1859. Paper No. 239 of 186^. See also PART VI.—NORTHERN TERRITORY. WARBURTON, P. EGERTON.—Explorations. Mount Margaret. Paper No. 195 of 1864. Northern Districts. Paper No. 177 of 1866-7. , To Western Australia. Paper No. 28 of 1875. DELISSER, E. A.—Report on Great Australian Bight Paper No. 137 of 1867. GOSSE, W. C.—Central and Western Exploring Expedition, 1873. Paper No. 48 of 1874. GILES, ERNEST—Country West of Telegraph Line in the Interior, 1873-4. Paper No. 215 of 1874. Explorations in Central Australia. Paper No. 21 of 1875. To Western Australia, 1875. Paper No. 22 of 1876. Perth, Western Australia, to Adelaide, 1875-6. Paper No. 18* of 1876. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA—continued. JONES, J. W.—Report on Country from Mount Greenly to Streaky Bay* Paper No. 21A of 1875. North-East of Eucla. Paper No. 191 of 1880. LEWIS, J. W.—Explorations near . Papers Nos. 57 and 114 of 1875, and No. 19 of 1876. Ross, J.—Explorations, 1874. West of Mount Margaret. Paper Ne. 67 of 1875. BARCLAY, H. VERE.—Explorations between Alice Springs and the Eastern Boundary of the Province. Paper No. 209 of 1878. WINNECKE, CHAS.—Explorations. Northern Interior, 18b3. Paper No. 39 of 1884. BROWN, H. Y. L.—See PART IV., SUBDIVISION 1.—GEOLOGY. WOODWARD, H. P.—See PART IV., SUBDIVISION 1.—GEOLOGY.

PARLIAMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ' FORREST—Journal of the Proceedings of the Western Australian Exploring Expedition through the Centre of Australia, from Champion Bay, on the West Coast, to the Overland Telegraph Line, between Adelaide and Port Darwin, commanded by John Forrest, F.R.G.S. Paper No. 39, -with landscape views and a map, fee, &c. Perth: R. Pether, 1875. Fcp. folio.

PARLIAMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN. ^ AUSTRALIAN EXPLORING EXPEDITION—Despatches from the Governors "N' of , South Australia, and Queensland, relative to the Explorations of Messrs. Burke and Wills of the Continent of Australia, from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria. H.C. paper, dated March 28th, 1862, paper No. 139. Fcp. folio.

(For other South Austrulain Exploration Papers, see PART VI.— NORTHERN TERRITORY.)

"NariL.~-Many interesting travels, primarily undertaken for geological purposes, and not referred to under this division, will be found under PART IV., SUB­ DIVISION I.—GEOLOGY. See Burr, Gawler, Hargraves, MacDonnell, and Ulrich* PART III.—ABORIGINAL INHABITANTS.

(CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED.) Williams—A Vocabulary of the Language of the Aborigines of the Adelaide District and other Friendly Tribes of the Province of South Australia. By William Williams, of the Colonial Store Department. Pamphlet. Adelaide: A. MacDougall, 1839. Demy 8vo. Stephens—The History of the Rise and Progress of the New British Province of South Australia, pp. 68-84. See PART V.— HISTORICAL, &C. Mann, Wm,—Six years' residence in the Australian provinces, pp. 285-291. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. ^ Statistical Society—Report on the Aborigines of South Australia: Physical appearance, habits of life, ceremonies, superstitions, numbers, language, &c. Trans, of the Statistical Society, published in The Southern Australian, Adelaide, January 11th, 1842. iy Tiechelmann an

Meyer—continued. — Manners and Customs of the Aborigines of the Encounter Bay Tribe. By H. A. E. Meyer. Pamphlet. Adelaide: G. Dehane, 1846. Demy 8vo. See also Woods, The Native Tribes, &c. Jameson—New Zealand, South Australia, &c, pp. 56-65. See PAKT V.—HISTORICAL, &C. Sch.urm.ann—A Vocabulary of the Parnkalla Language, spoken by the natives inhabiting the western shores of Spencer's Gulf, to which is prefixed a collection of grammatical rules hitherto ascertained. By C. W. Schiirmann. Adelaide: G. Dehane, 1844. Demy 8vo. — The Aboriginal Tribes of Port Lincoln, in South Australia. Their mode of life, manners, customs, &c. By C. W. Schiir­ mann, of the Lutheran Missionary Society, Dresden. Pamphlet. Adelaide: G. Dehane, 1846. Demy 8vo. See also Woods, The Native Tribes, &c. Moor house—A Vocabulary and Outline of the Grammatical Structure of the Language, spoken by the natives of South Australia, from Wellington, on the Murray, as far as the Rufus. By M. Moorhouse, Protector of the Aborigines. Pamphlet. Adelaide : A. Murray, 1846. Demy 8vo. Angas—South Australia, Illustrated. With colored illustrations of the aborigines and aboriginal weapons, ornaments, implements, works of industry, &c. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. — Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand, being an artist's impressions of countries and people at the antipodes. By G. F. Angas. With twelve plates and numerous illustra­ tions. London : 1847. 2 vols., post 8vo. Latham—Ethnology of the British Colonies and its Dependencies. By Dr. R. G. Latham. London : 1851. Fcp. 8vo. Collisson—South Australia in 1844-5, &c, &c, pp. 41-50. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. James—The Aboriginal Natives of New Holland. By W. P. James. See Wilkinson's S.A., pp. 347-59. Thomas - On the Means of Civilising the Natives of South Australia. By R. G. Thomas. Ibid, pp. 360-67. Wilkinson—South Australia : its advantages, &c, pp. 317-67. See PART V.— HISTORICAL, &C. Cawthome—The Song of Hiawatha. By W. A. Cawthorne. Trans. Phil Soc, S.A., read August 26th, 1856. — The Legend of Kupirri: or the Red Kangaroo. An aboriginal tradition of the Port Lincoln Tribe, By W. A. Cawthorne. Adelaide: J. H. Lewis, 1858. Fcp. 8vo. ABORIGINAL INHABITANTS. 17

Orey—The Library of His Excellency Sir , K.C.B. Philology: vol. n., Part 1., Australia. London: Triibner and Co., 1858. "Wyatt—Some Account of the Manners and Superstitions of the Adelaide and Encounter Bay Aboriginal Tribes, with a vocabulary of their language, names of persons and places, &c. By William Wyatt, J.P., formerly , South Australia. See also Woods, The Native Tribes, &c. "Wilhelmi—Manners and Customs of the Australian Natives; in particular of the Port Lincoln District. By Charles Wilhelmi. Pamphlet. Melbourne : Mason & Firth, 1862. Demy 8vo. Jessop—Flindersland and Sturtland, &c, vol. ii., pp. 45-57, and 205-17. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. Taplin—Tungarar Jehovald. Yarildewallin. Extracts from the Holy Scriptures in the language of the tribes inhabiting the Lakes and Lower Murray, and called Narrinyeri. From the transla­ tion of Mr. George Taplin. Adelaide : J. T. Shawyer, 1864. — Notes on a Comparative Table of Australian Languages. By the Rev. George Taplin, Superintendent of the Native Indus­ trial Settlement at Point Macleay, Lake Alexandrina, S.A. Journal of the Anthropoloyical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 84-88. London : 1871. — The Narrinyeri: An Account of the Tribes of South Australian Aborigines inhabiting the country around the Lakes Alexandrina, Albert, and Coorong, and the lower part of the River Murray: their Manners and Customs. Also, an account of the mission at Point Macleay. By the Rev. George Taplin, Missionary to the Aborigines, Point Macleay, S.A. Adelaide: J. T. Shawyer, 1874. See also Woods, The Native Tribes, &c. — The Folklore, Manners, Customs, and Languages of the South Australian Aborigines: Gathered from inquiries made by authority of South Australian Government. Illustrated with photographs. Edited by the late Rev. G. Taplin, of Point Macleay. Adelaide : E. Spiller, 1879. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Barry—Vocabulary of Dialects Spoken by Aboriginal Natives of Australia. Prepared in connection with the International Exhibition, 1866, with preface by His Honor Sir R. Barry. Melbourne: 1866. Bleek— On the Position of the Australian Languages. By W. H. I. Bleek, Esq., Ph.D. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 89-104. London: 1871. Porster—South Australia; its Progress, fee, pp. 419-32. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. Short—A Visit to Poonindie, and some Accounts of that Mission to the Aborigines of South Australia. By the Lord Bishop of Adelaide. Pamphlet. Adelaide: Thomas, 1872. Fcp. 8vo. 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA..

Gason—The Dieyerie Tribe of Australian Aborigines. By Samuel Gason, police trooper. Edited by George Isaacs. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1874. Demy 8vo. See also Woods, The Native Tribes, &c. TT?T1—What we saw in Australia. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. Smyth.—The Aborigines of Victoria : and notes relating to the habits of the natives of other parts of Australia and Tasmania. Com­ piled from various sources, for the Government of Victoria, by R. Brough Smyth, F.L.S., &c. Illustrated, and with map. Melbourne: J. Ferres, 1878. 2 vols., demy 4to. "Woods—The Native Tribes of South Australia, with introductory chapter by J. D. Woods. Illustrated. Adelaide: E. S. Wigg and Son, 1879. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Comprising— The Narrinyeri, by the Rev. George Taplin. The Adelaide Tribe, by Dr. Wyatt, J.P. The Encounter Bay Tribe, by the Rev. H. A. E. Meyer. The Port Lincoln Tribe, by the Rev. C. W. Schurmann. The Dieyerie Tribe, by S. Gason; and Vocabulary of Woolner Dialect (N.T.), by John W. O. Bennett. — The Aborigines of South Australia. Trans. Phil. Soc, S.A., 1878-9, pp. 81-8, and Adelaide Observer, April 12th, 1879. Smith.—The Booandik Tribe of South Australian Aborigines. A sketch of their Habits, Customs, Legends, and Language. Also an account of the efforts made by Mr. and Mrs. James Smith to Christianise and civilise them. By Mrs. James Smith. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1880. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Fliert—Wonini-pepa, Dieri-jaurani, Worapala. First Reading Book in the Dieri Language. By Joh. Fliert, Lutheran Missionary. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1883. Demy 8vo. Blackmore — Poonindie Native Institution. By E. G. Blackmore. Report of Proceedings of the Synod of the Church of England, £c, pp. 107-20. Vol. v., 1883. StOW—South Australia : its History, &c, pp. 131-40. See PAKT V.— HISTORICAL, &C.

PARLIAMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN. ABORIGINES— BRITISH SETTLEMENTS. Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons. Printed June 26th, 1837. SotTTH AUSTRALIA—SECOND REPORT OF SELECT COMMITTEE ON— Aborigines — 1. Their General Condition, Numbers, Habits of Life, &c. 2. Their Intelligence ; Means of Instruction Afforded. 3. Their Legal Condition. 4. Papers laid before the Committee. Paper printed 1841, p. 359. ABORIGINAL INHABITANTS. 19

PARLIAMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN—continued. SOUTH AUSTRALIA—continued. — PAPERS RELATIVE TO — Aborigines—Official Despatches between Governor Grey and Lord Stanley respecting. Paper printed 1843, pp. 267-309. — Aborigines—Australian Colonies—Copies or extracts from the Despatches of the Governors of the Australian Colonies, with the Reports of the Protectors of Aborigines, and any other correspondence to illustrate the condition of the aboriginal population of the said colonies. Paper printed August 9th, 1844


POONINDIE TRAINING INSTITUTION—Reports on. Papers Nos. 193 of 1856, 136 of 1857-8, 150 of 1858, 177 of 1858, ttOo f 1859, and 96 of 1860. POINT MACLEAY NATIVE INSTITUTION—Report on. Papers Nos. 151 of 1860, and 210 of 1862. SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL UPON THE ABORIGINES—Report of, together with Minutes of Evidence. Paper No. 165 of 1860. ABORIGINES DEPARTMENT—Cost of, from Januarv 1st, 1860, to Sep­ tember 30th, 1866. Paper No. 198 of 1866-7. FAR NORTH OUTRAGES BY ABORIGINES. Paper No. 124 of 1865. ABORIGINES' FRIENDS' ASSOCIATION—Annual Statements. Papers- Nos. 85 of 1860, 88 of 1861. 80 of 1862, 45 of 1863, 99 of 1864, 93 of 1865, 160 of 1866-7, 20 of 1867, and 197 of 1868-9. LAND HELD BY MISSIONS. Paper No. 47 of 1878. LAND RESERVES FOR ABORIGINES. Papers Nos. 27 of 1857-8, 85 of 1858, 167 of 1859, 178 of 1864, 86 of 1866-7, and 78 of 1880.

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. Official Reports of Protectors of Aborigines, &a, published during- the years quoted. MOORHOUSE, M. (Protector)—Reports on Natives in Various Districts, 1843-4 and 1849-55. METHODIST NEW CONNEXION CHURCH—Report on Native Institution at Walkerville, 1844-5. DRIVER, CHARLES—Reports of Natives, Port Lincoln District, 1849. HALE, M. B. (Archdeacon)—Reports on Natives, Port Lincoln District,. 1851-2 and 1856. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE—continued. MASON, GEORGE (Sub-Protector)—Reports on Natives, Wellington District, 1858-61. WALKER, JOHN (Protector)—Reports on Natives in Various Districts, 1864 and 186H-8. BIGGS, J. H. (Protector)—Report on S.E. Districts, 1873. HAMILTON, E. L. (Protector)—Reports on Natives in Various Districts, 1874-6 and 1879-80.

ACTS AND ORDINANCES, PASSED IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, CONCERNING THE ABORIGINES. APPRENTICING—Provides for Orphans and Destitute Children of Aborigines. Justices to bind children as apprentices. Pro­ tector of Aborigines Guardian. Act 12 of 1844. DOGS or—Act 6 of 1867 repealed by Act 320 of 1884. Aborigines may keep not more than two dogs. DRINK TO—Liquors not to be supplied to Aborigines. Clause 81, Act 191 of 1880. EVIDENCE—Allows aborigines to give evidence without oath. Acts 8 of 1844 and 5 of 1846. Subsequently repealed by Act 3 of 1848, which prescribes how evidence of aborigines is to be taken. Act 4 of 1849 repeals part of clause 6 of Act 3 of 1848 as regards convictions for offences entailing death or transportation on evidence of aborigines. GAME—Game Act not to apply to aborigines. Clause 12, Act 21 of 1874. LAND—Lease of 160 acres Crown lands may be demised to aborigines. Clause 11, Act 86 of 1877. OFFENCES BY—Aborigines may be executed where crime committed. Clause 14, Act 38 of 1876.

(For other works on Aborigines, see PART VI.—NORTHERN TERRITORY.) PART IV.-NATURAL HISTORY.

SUBDIVISION 1.—GEOLOGY, &c. (ALPHABETICALLY ABBANGED.) " Agricola" and Angas, G. F.—Description of the Barossa Range, &c. See PABT V.—HISTOBICAL, &C. Andrews, F. W.—Remarks on Specimens of Minerals and Fossils found near Lake Eyre. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 19 of 1876, p. 42. Anthony, T.—On the Occurrence of Copper Ore in the Wallaroo District, South Australia. Mining Journal, vol. XLIX., p. 785. London: 1879. Artesian Water Supply—Number of Boreholes put down. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 186 of 1883. Fcp. Austin, J. B.—The Mines of South Australia, including also an Account of the Smelting Works in that Colony, &c. With map. Adelaide: 1863. Demy 8vo. — South Australian Mines and Railways. Mining Journal, vol. XLV., p. 1096. London: 1875. — The Mines and Minerals of South Australia. See Harcus, South Australia, pp. 297-312. Babbage, B. Herschel—On the Presence of Basaltic and Trap Rocks in the Gold Formations of the Colony. Trans. Phil. Soc, S.A., read June 24th, 1856. — Explorations North of Gawler Ranges, &c. See PABT II.— TBAVELS AND EXPLOBATIONS BY LAND. BagOt, C. H.—Copper Mining in Great Britain and Copper Mining in South Australia. Mining Journal, vol. xxix., p. 426. London: 1859. Barclay, H, V.—Explorations between Alice Springs and the Eastern Boundary of the Province. See PABT II.—TBAVELS AND EXPLOBATIONS BY LAND.

Bean, G. T.—Report on Diamonds in South Australia. S.A. Registery August 19th, 1879. Bednall, W. T.—Australian Trigonias and their Distribution. Trans. Phil. Soc, S.A., 1877-8, pp. 77-84. Bennet, J. F.—An Historical, &c, Account of South Australia, p. 40. See PABT V.—HISTOBICAL, &C. 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Brown, Henry Y. Lyell, F.G.S.—(Government Geologist of South Australia)— — Woodside Gold Mines, Report on. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 58 of 1883. Fcp. — North-East Country, Report on. Beltana, Waukaringa, Thackaringa, Mooleulooloo Hills, Yandama Creek, Milparinka, Innamincka, Pandie Pandie, Mulligan Springs, &c. With maps. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 146 of 1883. Fcp. — Geological Examination of the Colony, Report on the. Yorke's Peninsula, Between Wellington—across the Ninety Mile Desert—and the Boundary East of Border Town, Beltana to Thackaringa, Blanchetown to Beltana, Mount Nor.-West, Farina, Mount Serle, &c. The bores at Wilmington, Wauka­ ringa, and Gawler. On underground water at Dublin. On metallic minerals, wells, and springs. Outline of general geology, &c, &c, with remarks on gold and some other useful minerals (to which is added a list of all minerals found in South Australia, and an alphabetical list of localities, with the minerals discovered in each, prepared by G. Goyder, jun.) With sketch maps and plans. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 35 of 1884. Fcp. — Country East and West of Farina, Report on. S.A. Parlia­ mentary Paper No. 102 of 1884. Fcp. — Country North-West and North-East of Farina, Report on. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 259 of 1884. Fcp. — Principal Lakes in the Mount Gambier District, Report on the Temperature, Depth, and Geology of the, with reference to their water supply. With sectional map. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 256 of 1884. Fcp. — Echunga Goldfield, Notes on the. With geological map. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 32 of 1885. Fcp. — Report on the Geology of the Country Examined during a Journey from Port Augusta to Eucla and back, with special reference to the question of deep water-bearing strata, and the occurrence of minerals. With map. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 45 of 1885. Fcp. — Report on Gold Discovery near Mount Magnificent. S.A. Advertiser, August 20th, 1885. — Report on Beetaloo Springs. With maps. S.A. Parlia­ mentary Paper No. 100 of 1885. Fcp. Bruce, J. A.- The Copper Ores of South Australia. Mining Journal, vol. xxxi., p. 333. London : 1861. Bruhn, Dr. Oeorg H.—Report of his Geological Exploratory Expedition in South Australia during the months of November and December, 1848, and again untilJune, 1849. S.A. Reyistet Supp., August 22nd, 1849. NATURAL HISTORY—GEOLOGY. 23

Burr, Thomas (formerly Deputy Surveyor-General of S.A.)— — The Physical Geography of the Interior of Australia. South Australian Register, 1843. No. 260. — Account of Governor Grey's Exploratory Journey along the South-East Seaboard of South Australia. Jour. Roy. Geogr. Soc, 1845, pp. 160-84. — Geology and Mineralogy of South Australia, Remarks on the. Pamphlet. Adelaide: A. Murray, 1846. Fcp. 8vo. — On the Geology of part of South Australia between Adelaide and the River Murray. Qtly. Jour. Geol. Soc, 1860, p. 252. Busk, Professor G.—Notes on Fossil Polyzoa, from the Polyzoal Limestone of Mount Gambier. Qtly. Jour. Geol. Soc, 1860, vol. xvi., p. 260. Byrne, J. C.—Twelve Years in the British Colonies. Vol. n., pp. 182-215. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &c. Cadell, Francis—Exploration and Navigation of River Murray. See PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. Clarke, Bev. W. B.—On the Progress of Gold Discovery in Australasia from 1860 to 1871. Sydney: T. Richards, 1871. Cloud, T. C.—Mineralogical Notes from the Laboratory of the Wallaroo Smelting Works. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., vol. iv., pp. 50-56. — A Catalogue of South Australian Minerals. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., vol. vi., pp. 72-93. Coal—Supposed Discovery of, in Adelaide. Mining Journal, vol. xxvin., p. 474. London: 1858. — Coal in South Australia. Coll. Guardian, 1878, vol. xxxv., pp. 795, 878. Copper—Copper Mines in South Australia. Amer. Jour. Sc, 1846, N.S., vol. ii., p. 291. — Burra Burra Copper Mines. Edin. N. Phil. Jour., 1848, vol. XLV., p. 180 ; and Amer. Jour. Sc, 1848, N.S., vol. vi., p. 134. — Copper Mining on Yorke's Peninsula. Mining Journal, 1872, vol. XLII., p. 46. — Copper Mining in South Australia. Ibid, 1875, vol. XLV., p. 540. — Visit to Tungkillo Copper Mine. Iron, 1876., vol. vn., p. 66. Crawford, Jas. Field,—Search for Gold at the Barrier and Grey Ranges. See Gold, p. 26. Davidson, T.—On Tertiary Brachiopoda. Geologist, 1862, vol. v., pp. 446-7. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Delisser, E. A.—Report on Great Australian Bight. See PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. Debney, G. Lu—Notes on the Physical and Geological Features about Lake Eyre. Tram. Roy. Soc, S.A., vol. iv„ pp. 145-6. — Sections of Strata Traversed in Boring for Water in the Country between Cooper's Creek and Warburton River. Ibid, pp. 147-8. Dodd, Arthur—Report on two Diamonds from South Australia, exhibited at the Paris Exhibition. South Australian Register, July 16th, 1879. Duncan, Professor P. M.-—A Description of some Fossil Corals and Echinodermata from the South Australian Tertiaries. Annals Nat. Hist., third ser., 1864, vol. xiv., pp. 161-8. — A Description of some Fossil Corals from the South Australian Tertiaries. Ibid, 1865, vol.xvi., p. 182. — On the Echinodermata of the Australian Tertiary Deposits. Qtly. Jour. GeoL Soc, vol xxxni., 1877, pp. 42-71. Dutton, F. S.—South Australia and its Mines, p. 361. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. East, J. J.—On a Geological Section from the head of St. Vincent Gulf, Eastward across the Wakefield and River Light Basins. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A , vol. VIII. Adelaide: 1885. Etheridge, R., Jun., F.G.S., &C— Description of a New Species of the Genus Hemipatagus, &c, with notes on some previously described species from South Australia. Qtly. Jour. Geol. Soc, 1875, vol. xxxi., pp. 444-50. — On Some Species of Terebratulina, Waldheimia, and Tere- bratella, from the Upper Tertiary Deposits of Mount Gambier and the Murray Cliifs, South Australia. Annals Nat. Hist., fourth ser., 1876, vol. xvn., pp. 15-22. — South Australian Post-Tertiary Foraminifera and Ostracoda. Geol. Mag., Dec. 2nd, 1876, vol. in., p. 334. — A Synopsis of the known Species of Australian Tertiary Polyzoa. Jour. Roy. Soc, N.S. Wales, 1877, vol. xi., pp. 129-43. — A Catalogue of Australian Fossils, Stratigraphically and Zoologically Arranged. Edited for the Syndics of the Univer­ sity Press, pp. VIII. and 232. Cambridge: 1878. 8vo.

N/ Etheridge, Bobt, Jun. F,G,SM &cM and Jack, Rofet. \S Logan, F.G.S., &C,— Catalogue of Works, Papers, Reports, and Maps on the Geology, Palaeontology, Mineralogy, Mining, and Metallurgy, &c, of the Australian Continent and Tasmania. Sydney: Thos. Richards, 1882. NATURAL HISTORY—GEOLOGY. 25*

Eyre, E. J. - Report on Lake Torrens, &c. South Australian Almanack, 1841, pp. 68-74. — Journal of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia, &c. 2 vols. London: 1845. See PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. — Considerations against the Supposed Existence of a Great Sea in the Interior of Australia. Jour, Roy. Geogr. Soc, \*-~ London, 1846, vol. xvi., pp. 200-211. Flinders, Captain Matthew—A Voyage to Terra Australis, &c. 2 vols., and atlas. London: 1814. See PART I.—DISCOVERY : EARLY VOYAGES. Fowler, W.—Sections of Strata Traversed by Wells in the Hundred of Clinton. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol. m., p. 181. Forrest, John, F,R,G.S.—Explorations in Australia. 1 vol. London : 1875. See PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. — Journal of Proceedings of Western Australian Exploring Expedition. Perth: 1875. Fcp. folio. See PART II.— TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. See also Smyth, R. B. Forster, Anthony — South Australia: its Progress, &c, pp. 348-79, and pp. 433-42. London: 1866. See PART V.— HISTORICAL, &C. Freycinet, Louis—Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes, &c. Paris: 1807-16. 4to. (u Geological Notes on French Islands, &c," p. 112.) &?ePeron. Freeling, Captain A. H, (formerly Surveyor-General of South Australia)—Report on Lake Torrens, &c. See PART II.— TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. Frome, Captain E. C* (formerly Surveyor-General of South Australia)—Report on Country Eastward of Flinders Range. S.A. Government Gazette, 1843, pp. 234-6*. Great Northern Copper Mining Co.—-Report of the Select Committee of the House of Assembly, appointed to report on the Prospectus of the Great Northern Copper Mining Co., together with Minutes of Evidence and Appendix. South Australian Parliamentary Paper, No. 83 of 1860. (Contains a Return of Reputed Mines in the Province at the close of 1858. Appendix pp. xxv.-xxvi.) Oawler, Governor George—Notes made during a Journey into the Interior. South Australian Almanack, 1839, pp. 45-7. — Notes on the Geological Examination of the Country bor­ dering Lake Alexandrina and the Murray. The Southern Australians 1840, No. 85, p. 16. South Australian Recordr vol. ii., p. 351. c 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Gawler, Governor George— continued. — Notes on the Geography and Geology of the Wakefield Range of Mountains, South Australia. South Australian Register, 1841, No. 163. — Notes on the Geological and Geographical Features of Port Lincoln and the Western Shore of Spencer's Gulf. South Australian Almanack, 1841, pp. 74-8. Giles, Ernest—Geographic Travels in Central Australia, &c. Melbourne: 1875. 1 vol. See PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. — Explorations—Central Australia; West of Telegraph Line, in Interior; To Western Australia; Perth, Western Australia, to Adelaide. See PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. Gold—Papers relating; to the Recent Discovery of Gold in Australia. Imperial Parliamentary Papers. 10 parts. London : 1852-7. Fcp. folio. — Search for, at the Barrier and Grey Ranges. (Crawford.) Correspondence relative to Appointing and Equipment of a Party to proceed to. S.A. Parliamentary Papers, Nos. 164 of 1858, and 134 of 1859. Gosse, W, C.—Exploring Expedition—Central and Western. See PART IT.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. Goyder, G. W. (Surveyor-General, S.A.) — Report on Country between Mount Serle and Lake Torrens, See PART II.— TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. — Triangulation and Wellsinking in the Far North. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 177 of 1860. — Reports on Northern Mineral Lands. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 95 of 1876. Gregory, F*—Minerals of South Australia. Descriptive Catalogue, Products, &c, Western Australia. International Exhibition, London, 1862, pp. 9-12. Grey, Governor Sir G«—Section of the Country between the East Shore of St. Vincent's Gulf and Lake Alexandrina. Proc. Geol. Soc, London, 1842. Vol. iv., p. 23. Sanson, Chief Justice R. D.—The Geology of the South- East of South Australia. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1866. Adelaide: 1867. JSarCUS, W.—South Australia, &c. (Austin, J. B.) See PART V. —HISTORICAL, &c. Hardy, J. R.—A Month amongst the Mines. Scuth Australian Register, April 26th, 1848. NATURAL HISTORY—GEOLOGY. 27

Hargraves, E, H.—Australia and its Goldfields, &c. With outline map of Australia, showing position of Goldfields. London: 1855. — Report, Journal, and Notes during his Examination of South Australia for the purpose of the Discovery of a Workable Goldfield, &c. S.A Parliamentary Paper No. 96 of 1864. Fcp. HiggS, S., Jun.—-Some Remarks on the Mining District of Yorke's Peninsula, South Australia. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc, Cornwall, 1875, vol. ix., Pt. 1, pp. 122-31. Huddlestone, W, H,—Fossils from Near Mount Hamilton and the Peake. Geol. Mag., London, August, 1884, p. 339. Hllllett, J. W, H,—Statement of Strata Traversed by Boring in Waterworks Yard, Stirling North. Trans. Roy. Soc9 S.A., 1881-2, vol. v., pp. 99-101. Adelaide: 1882. Jameson, E. G.—New Zealand, South Australia, &c, pp. 84-6. See PART V.—HISTORICAL. Jones, J, W, (Deputy Surveyor-General, S.A.)—Plant-Bearing Beds between Lake Frome and the Barrier Ranges. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1881-2, vol. v., p. 98. Adelaide: 1882. — Report on Country from Mount Greenly to Streaky Bay and North of Eucla. See PAKT II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORA­ TIONS BY LAND. — Trip to Queensland and Albert Goldfields, vid Hergott Springs. South Australian Advertiser, May 2nd, 1882. Jukes, J. Beete, M.A., F.G.S.—The Geology of Australia, with especial reference to the Gold Regions. " Lectures on gold, &c." D. Bogue, London, n.d. — A Sketch of the Physical Structure of Australia, so far as it is at present known. With maps. London: T. & W. Boone, 1850. Demy 8vo. Liancelott, F.—Australia as it is, &c. London: 1852. 2 vols. See PART V*—HISTORICAL. Xiattorff, H. —On a Well Section at about ten to eleven miles west from Lake Torrens, near Whittata. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol. in., pp. 181-2. Adelaide: 1880. Liaube. Dr, Q. C.—Uber einige Fossile Echiniden von den Murray Cliffs in Sud Australien. Sitz. d. Math. Natur. d. K. Ahad. a. Wissensch. Wien., 1869, lix, abth. i., p. 183 (with plate); N. Jahrbuch, 1870, p. 656. Liendenfeld, Dr. R. V.—Note on the Glacial Period in Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc, N.S. Wales, July 29th, 1885. Lewis, J, W,—Explorations near Lake Eyre. See PART II.— TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Locke, J,—Remarkable Discoveries in Central Australia, with map, showing the principal routes, including Stuart's third and successful attempt to reach the northern coast. Third paper, read before the Royal Dublin Society, March 16th, 1863. Dublin: 1863. MacDonnell, Governor Sir R, Graves—Mineral Character of Northern Country of South Australia. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 104 of 1860. — Australia: What it is, and what it may be. A lecture. Dublin (n.d.) Mineral Springs in the Kewson Hills, p. 15. Marshall, H,—Gold in South Australia. Mining Journal* London, 1863, vol. xxxin., p. 554. — Mines and Minerals—Adelaide Observer, May, 1880. Martin, H. Montgomery—Australia, &c. London and New York (n.d.), 4to., pp. 306-42. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &c. McKinlay, J.—Journal of Exploration, &c. See PART II.— TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LA.ND; and PART VI.— NORTHERN TERRITORY. Menge, J.—The Geology of South Australia. South Australian Register, 1841, Nos. 178-9, 181-183, 186, 188, and 196. The Southern Australian, 1841, vol. iv., Nos. 218, 220, 224, 228, and 239. — Topographical Collection of Rocks and Minerals from the Ranges of Hills in South Australia. Appendix to Second Report of Select Committee on South Australia. H.C., paper, printed January 10th, 1841, pp. 205-7. London. Fcp. fol. — Lists of Minerals and Metals Discovered by J. Menge in the Province of South Australia, with the situations in which they were found. South Australian Almanack, 1841, pp. 62-8, and Appendix to ».A. Parliamentary Paper, No. 35 of 1884. — Rambles in South Australia. The German Australian Post, Adelaide, March 16th, 1848, No. 11, p. 3 (Mineral Notes). Mines—Northern Mines of South Australia, A Visit to the. South Australian Register, November 28th, 1846. Mines and Mining Companies in South Australia- South Australian Almanack, 1848, pp. 40-60. Murray, "W.—On a Peculiar Substance in the Limestone Caves of South Australia. Geologist, London, 1862, vol. v., p. 63. Niemann, J. A,—Section of Strata Traversed by Boring at Wirrialpa Station, Frome Downs, near Lake Frome. Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A., 1881-2, vol. v., p. 99. Adelaide: 1882. Nitre Lakes Of South Australia— South Australian Register, November 4th, 1848. NATURAL HISTORY—GEOLOGY. 29

Northern Mineral Districts—Report of the Select Committee of the House of Assembly, appointed to report on Mineral Development; together with Minutes of Evidence and Appen­ dix. S.A. Parliamentary Paper, No. 76 of 1860. Owen, Professor B.—On the Fossil Mammals of Australia. Parts i. to x. Proc. Roy. Soc, London, 1858, 1865, 1870-1-2-3, aud 1875. Parker, W. K., and Jones, T. B,—Notes on Fossil Foraminifera from the Polyzoal Limestone of Mount Gambier, South Australia. Qtly. Jour. Geol. Soc, 1860, vol. xvi., p. 261. Per on, M. F,—Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes, &c. Paris: 1807-16. 4to. (Geological notes scattered through.) See PABT I.—DISCOVERY: EARLY VOYAGES. Peterswald, W. J. (Warden Goldfields, S.A.)-Report on the South Australian Goldfields. Mining Journal, London, 1871, vol. XLI., p. 322. — Reports on Goldfields. S.A. Government Gazette, year 1871, pp. 106,564, 1189, and 1540; year 1872, pp. 475 and 1569; year 1873, p. 807. — Report on Gold Mining in South Australia. See Harcus's •' Handbook to South Australia," chap. v. Adelaide: 1873. Phipson, Dr. T. L.— On the Composition of a Peculiar Substance from the Wallabies Holes, River Murray. Geologist, London, 1862, vol. v., p. 141. Pollitzer, S., C.B.—A Study about the River Murray, with Prominent Notes about the Utilization of its Potential Energy, With diagrams and maps. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas k Co., 1883. HawlinsOD, T. B.—Subterranean Drainage in the Interior. Tram. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1877-8, pp 124-6. .ROSS, J. — Explorations West of Mount Margaret. See PABT II.— TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. Butt, Walter—Notes upon a Boring at Port Wakefield. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1880-81, vol. iv., pp. 41-4. Sanger, B. B.—The Far North; Its Physical Features and Re­ sources. South Australian Register, May 16th and 26th, 1882. Scoular, Gavin—On the Origin of Mineral Veins, with special reference to the Barossa District. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1877-8, pp. 75-6 Adelaide: 1878. — The Geology of the Hundred of Munno Para. Part I.— The Newer Tertiary Rocks. Ibid, 1878-9, pp. 60-70. 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Scoular, Gavin—continued. — The Geology of the Hundred of Munno Para. Part II.— The Upland Miocene and Fundamental Rocks and Economics. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol. in., pp. 106-28. With map and section. — A Sketch of the Geology of the District around Manoora. Ibid, 1880-81, vol. iv., pp. 37-40. With section. — The Geology of the Neighborhood of Gawler. Ibid, 1881-2, vol. v., pp. 57-71. With map. — Notes Relating to the Geology between the Burra and Farina. Ibid, pp. 72-4. — Past Climatic Changes in South Australia, with special reference to occurrences in the Glacial Period. Trans. Hoy. Soc, S.A., 1884-5, vol. ix. Read July 7th and August 4th, 1885. Scrutton, T. IT.—Petroleum or Coal (in South Australia). Read before the S.A. Chamber of Manufactures, February 13th, 1874. Selwyn, A. R. C. (Government Geologist, Victoria)—Notes on the Geology of South Australia. Geologist, London, 1859, vol. n., p. 292. Phil. Mag., fourth ser., vol. XVIII., p. 77. — Geological Notes of a Journey in South Australia, from Cape Jervis to Mount Serle. Proc. Roy. Geogr. Soc., 1861, vol. v., pp. 242-4; and S.A. Parliamentary Papers No. 119 of 1859, and No. 20 of 1860, with plan and sketch sections. Sidney, Samuel—The Three Colonies of Australia. London : 1852, pp. 217, 367-71. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. Silver Lead Ores of South Australia—South Australian Register, April 29th, 1848. Sinnett, P.—An Account of the Colony of South Australia. London: 186 i, pp. 57-70. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. Smyth, R, Brou^h, TT.G.S. Report on Specimens of Hocks and Minerals collected by John Forrest between Champion Bay, Western Australia, and the Overland Telegraph Line. See PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. Parlia­ ment of Western Australia—J. Forrest's Explorations, p. 39. Stagg, R.—Report on the Result of the Assaying of Lead Ore from South Australia. South Australian Register, 1842, vol. v., No. 242. Stuart, J. McDouall—Explorations North of Port Augusta— Towards the North-West Coast; Northern Territory Expedi­ tion ; and Across the Continent. See PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. — Claiming Reward for Discover}' of a Goldfield in the Mount Warburton Ranges. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 148 of 1858. NATURAL HISTORY—GEOLOGY. 31

Sturt, Captain Charles—Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia, &c. London: 1833. 2 vols. See PART it.—EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. — Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia, &c. London: 1849. 2 vols., Appendix, vol. n., pp. 60-65. Se& PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. — Overland Communication with New South Wales. South Australian hazette, January 12th, 1839; South Australian Almanack, 1839, pp. 48-54. — Account of the Exploring Expedition from South Australia into the Interior of New Holland. Tas. Jour. Nat. Sciencer vol. in.. No. 3, pp. 182-208 Statistical Society of South Australia—Transactions of the—Report on Mines. The Southern Australian, Adelaide,. January 11th, 1842. Tate, Professor Ralph, F.G.S., F.L.S., &c, &c— — Belemnites and Salenia from the Middle Tertiaries of. South* Australia, On a New Species of. Qtly. Jour. Geol. Soc* London: 1877. — Ostracoda and Foraminifera in Miocene of South Australia. Geological Magazine. London: 1877. — South Australian Geology and Palaeontology, Review of. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1877-8, vol. i., pp. 11-47. Adelaide: 1878. — Fossil Marginellidae of Australia. Ibid, pp. 85-9. — Coral Bearing Strata in South Australia, Notes on the Correlation of the. With a list of species of fossils. Ibid, pp. 120-3. — Leading Physical Features of South Australia. Trans. AdeL Phil. Soc, 1878-9, vol. n., pp. xxxix.-lxxv. Adelaide: 1879. — Great Australian Bight, Natural History of the Country around the. Ibid, pp. 94-128. — Fossil Lamellibranchiata, On a New Genus of. Ibid, pp. 129-30. — Fossil and Recent Kelliadae from South Australia. Ibid, pp. 130-3. — Belemnite from the Mesozoic Strata of Central Australia. Description of a new species. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol. in., pp. 104-5. Adelaide: 1880. — Tertiary Palliobranchs of Australia. Ibid, pp. 140-70. With five plates. 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Tate, Professor Ralph—continued. — Peake, Rock Formations and Minerals in the vicinity of. Report on specimens. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol, in., pp. 179-80. Adelaide: 1880. — On Graphic Granite from Yorke's Peninsula. Ibid, p. 180. — Port Wakefield, The Geology ahout. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1880-81, vol. iv., pp. 45-6. Adelaide: 1881. — Mining and Subterranean Water Supply in South Australia, Geology in its relation to. Ibid, pp. 113-34. — Franklin Harbor, and Notes on the Geology about. Ibid, p. 143. — Lake Alexandrina, Geological Sections about Wellington on North-East Shore of. Ibid, pp. 144-5. — Silurian Fossils from the Parara Limestone. Ibid, p. 145. — Adelaide, Notes on the Tertiary Strata beneath. Trans. Roy. Soc, 1881-2, vol. v., pp. 40-43. Adelaide: 1882. — Miocene Fossils from South Australia, Diagnoses of New Species of. Ibid, pp. 44-6. — Peake, Report on Minerals from. Ibid, p. 97. — Whyte-Yarcowie, Black Calcite at. Inid, p. 97. — Lake Frome and the Barrier Ranges, Plant Bearing Beds. Ibid, p. 98. — Kangaroo Island; Notes on its Geology. Trans. Roy, Soc, S.A., 1882-3, vol. vi., pp. 121-9. Adelaide: 1883. — Northern Territory, Report on the Mineralogical Features of the. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. G3 of 1882. — Lower Murray River, Notes on the Physical and Geological Features of the Basin of the. Trans, Roy, Soc, S.A., 1883-4, vol. vii.f pp. 24-46. With map. Adelaide: 1884. — Fossil Mollusca, Description of a New Species of. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasm., 1884, pp. 1-6. — Mollusca of the Older Tertiary Rocks alleged to have living representatives, Notes of a Critical Examination of the. Ibid, pp. 207-14. — Older Tertiary Fossils of Australia, New Species of. Southern Science Record, January, 1885, pp. 1-6. — Terebridse of the Older Tertiary Rocks of Australia. Ibid, August, 1885. — Post-Miocene Climate in South Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1884-5, vol. vni. Read August 4th, 1885. — The Lamellibranchiata of the Older Tertiary of Australia. Ibid. Read October 6th, 1885. NATURAL HISTORY—GEOLOGY. 33

Tate, Professor Ralph— continued. . — Supplemental Notes on the Palliohranchs of the Older Tertiary of Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A., 1884-5, vol. vnr. — The Lamellibranchs of the Older Tertiary of Australia. 11 plates. Ibid. Taylor, Norman-Report on Woodside Goldfields. S.A. Parlia­ mentary Paper No. 156 of 1884. Tepper, OttO, P.L.S.— Introduction to the Cliffs and Rocks at Ardrossan, YorKe's Peninsula. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1877-8, pp. 71-9. With map and sections. * — On the Bay of Biscay Soil of South Australia, and its forma­ tion. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol. in., pp. 9t-8. — Sketch of the Geological and Physical History of the Hun­ dred of Cunningham. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1880-81, vol iv., pp. 61-70. Adelaide: 1881. Tin at Reedy Creek—Reported Discovery of. South Australian Register, December 23rd, 1846. Tremenheere, S.— Notice Respecting the Lead and Silver Ores of the Glen Osmond Mines, near Adelaide, South Australia. Trans. Roy. Geol Soc, Cornwall, 1846, vol. vi., pp. 348-50. Trewartha, James (Mining Surveyor, S.A., &c.)—Reports on the Mineral Districts of the Province of South Australia. Govern­ ment Gaz-tte% 1849, pp. 202-4, 423, 438, 539, and 599. Ibid, 1850, pp. 67-9, 78. 114, 615. and 648. Report, Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, 1850, pp. 115-7. Ibid, 1851, pp. 99-101. Ulrich, G. H. F., P.G.S., &C — Report on the Mineral Resources of the Country lying within 250 miles north of Port Augusta, South Australia. With map, sections, &c. S.A. Parliamentary Paper, No. 65 of 1872.. Vale, S.—Notes on some South Australian Minerals. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc,iov 1870-71. Value of Metals and Minerals exported from South Australia from the year 1841 to 1882. S.A. Parliamentary Paper, No. 174 of 1883. Wall, W. P. de la Poer—Manual of Physical Geography of Australia. Melbourne : G. Robertson, 1883. Warburton, Colonel P. Egerton—Journey Across the Western Interior of Australia. London: 1875. Explorations—Mount Margaret; Northern Districts; and to Western Australia. See PAST II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. . Waterhouse, P. G., P.Z.S.—Features, &c, of Country on Stuart's Track. See Sub-division III.—Zoology. 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Waters, Arthur W—On Fossil Chilostomatous Bryozoa from Mount Gambier. Qtly. Jour. Geol. Soc, London, August, 1882, vol. XXXVIII., pp. 257-76. — On Fossil Cyclostomatous Bryozoa from Australia. Qtly. Jour. Geol. Soc, London, vol. XL., pp. 674-97. — Chilostomatous Bryozoa from Aldinga and the River Murray Cliffs. Ibid, August, 1885, pp. 279-310. Winnecke, Charles—Explorations, Northern Interior. See PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. Wilkinson, Q. B.—South Australia : its Advantages, &c., pp. 253- 316. London: 1848. &« PAET V.—HISTORICAL, &c. Wilson, C. A.—On Diprotodon Australis (Owen). South Austra­ lian Register, December 29th, 1864, No. 5668. Wells Sunk by the Government of South Australia— Number of. S.A. Parliamentary Paper, No. 138 of 1882. Woods, Rev. J. E. Tenison, F.G.S., F.L.S., Ac- Observations on Metamorphic Rocks in South Australia. Trans. Phil. Inst., Vict., 1858, vol. n., pp. 168-76.

— Remarks on a Tertiary Deposit in South Australia. Ihidy 1859, vol. in., pp. 84-94. — On Some Tertiary Deposits in South Australia. Qtly. Jour* Geol. Soc, London, I860, vol. xvi, pp. 253-61. — Geological Observations in South Australia, principally in the district south-east of Adelaide. London: Longmans, 1862. Demy 8vo. — North Australia: its Physical Geography and Natural History. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1864. Pamphlet. — On Some Tertiary Fossils in South Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc, Vict., 1865, vol. vi., pp. 3-6. — A History of Discovery and Exploration, &c. London: 1865. 2 vols. See PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. — Report on the Geology and Mineralogy of the South-Eastern District of the Colony of South Australia, &c. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1866. Pamphlet. — The Tertiary Rocks of South Australia. Part I.—Introduc­ tion. Part II.—The Mount Gambier Fossils. Part III.— Brachiopoda. Part IV.—Fossil Echinidse. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc. for 1865. With plates.

— The Geology of the South-East (of South Australia). Ibidr for 1866. — On the Glacial Period in Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc, Vict.y 1868, vol. VIII., p. 43. NATURAL HISTORY—GEOLOGY. 35

Woods, Rev, J, E. Tenison— continued. — On Some Tertiary Australian Polyzoa. Jour. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1876, vol. x., pp. 147-150. — On the Tertiary Deposits of Australia. Jour. Roy. Soc, N.S. Wales, 1877, vol. xi.f pp. 65-82. — Palaeontological Evidence of Australian Tertiary Formations. Ibid., pp. 113, 128. — On Some Fossil Corals from Aldinga. Trans. A del. Phil. Soc. for 1877-8, pp. 104-19. With plates. — On Some Fossil and Recent Species of Australian Selenariadse (Polyzoa). Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol. in., pp. 1-12. With two plates. — On Some New Corals from the Australian Tertiaries. Ibid, pp. 99-101. Woodward, Harry P., P.Q.S. (Assistant Government Geo­ logist, S.A.)—Report on route to Queensland Border and 180 miles on the boundary between Queensland and the Northern Territory, and Report on the Mines, Hills, &c, of the Range to the East of Farina and Leigh's Creek Railway Station. With map. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 40 of 1885. Woodward, Henry, LL.DM FJi.S., &c:—Note on the Remains of Trilobites from South Australia. GeoL Mag., London, August, 1884, pp. 342-4. — Notes on some Mesozoic Plant-remains from South Australia, collected by Mr. H. Y. L. Brown, Government Geologist, S.A. With plate. Ibid, July, 1885, pp. 289-93. — Australian Mesozoic Plants. With plate. Geol. Mag., London, July, 1885. 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

SUBDIVISION 2.—BOTANY, &c. (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED.) Angas, G. French—South Australia Illustrated. Colored plates of S.A. Flora, Nos. 2 and 55. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. Anon—Abutilon Avicennae (a fibre-producing plant). Adelaide Observer, May 8th, 1880. Ascherson, Professor—Cymodocea Antarctica, On the Propaga­ tion of. See Tepper. Backh0US6. James—A Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. Botany of the Adelaide Plains, , &c, pp. 510-21. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. Bentham, Dr. Geo., F.R.S., &c, and Baron Sir F. von Mueller, K.C.M.G.—Flora Australiensis; a Description of the Plants of the Australian Territory. 7 vols. London: L. Reeve & Co., 1863-78. Demy 8vo. Bentham, Dr. Geo., F.B.S., and Hooker, Sir J, D.— Genera Plantarum. 3 vols. London: 1862-83.

Berkeley, Rev. M. J,—Australian Fungi. Jour. Linn. Soc.9Bot.9 vol. 13 pp. 155-1872. Brown, John Bdnie, F.Li.S. (Conservator of Forests, S.A.)— — The Indigenous Trees of South Australia. Forest Board Report, 1878-9. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 83 of 1879, pp. 8-143. — Woods and Forests—Annual Reports. Year 1879-80, S.A, Parliamentary Paper No. 139 of 1880. Year 1880-81, S.A. Parliamentarv Paper No. 43 of 1881. Year 1881-2, S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 109 of 1882. Year 1882-3, S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 73 of 1883. Year 1883-4, S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 73 of 1884. Year 1884-5, S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 63 of 1885. —i- A Practical Treatise on Tree Culture in South Australia. With numerous illustrations by J. W. Love. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1881. Demy *vo. —- Report on Cultivation of Wattles. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 179 of 1884. — The Forest Flora of South Australia. Beautifully colored - plates, with descriptive letterpress. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1884-5. Demy. (Seven parts issued). PART I.—Eucalyptus Gunnii (White Swamp Gum). Banksia ornata (Saw-leaved Scrub Honeysuckle). ** marginata (Common Honeysuckle). Eucalyptus obliqua tStringybark Tree). Casuarina quadnvalvis (Sheoak—male plant). NATURAL HISTORY—BOTANY. 37

Brown, John Ednie, P.L.S.—continued. — The Forest Flora of South Australia—continued. PART II.—Eucalyptus leucoxylon (Blue Gum.) " Var. macrocarpa (Red Flowering Blue Gum). " " (White Flowering Blue Gum). " " (Scrubby Blue Gum). " cosraophylla (Large Flowering Scrub Gum). PABT 3.—Acacia pycnantha (Broad-leaved "Wattle). Eucalyptus corynocalyx (Sugar Gum). Casuarina distyla (Scrub Sheoak—male plant). " " (Scrub Sheoak—female plant). Eucalyptus capitellata (Read Flowered Stringy bark). PART 4.—Eucalyptus pauciflora (South-East White Gum). Dodonffia lobulata (Lobe-leaved Native Hop). Eremophila longifolia (Long-leaved Eremophila). Hakea multilineata—Var. grammatophylla (Scarlet Spike Flowered Hakea). Eucalyptus paniculata (Panicle-flowered White Gum). PART 5.—Eucalyptus gracilis (White Mallee). " " . (Red Mallee). Myoporum insulare (Blueberry Tree). Melaleuca squarrosa (Bottlebrush Teatree). Pittosporum phillyreoides (Poisonberry Tree). PART 6.—Acacia decurrens (Black Wattle). Bursaria spinosa (Native Box). Acacia longifolia (Maritime Long-leaved Wattle). Eucalyptus odorata (Peppermint Gum). Dodonaea microzyga (Small-leaved Native Hop). PART 7.—Eucalyptus hemiphloia (Box Gum). " viminalis (Manna Gum). Eremophila alternifolia (Alternate-leaved Eremophila). " oppositifolia (Opposite-leaved Eremophila). Acacia Spilleriana (The Long-flower-stalked Wattle). Brown, Robert, D.C.Lu, F.R.S,, &c—-The Miscellaneous Botanical Works of Robert Brown. Vol. I. containing, i. Geographico-Botanical; and n. Structural and Physiological Memoirs. Vol. II. containing, in. Systematic Memoirs; and iv. Contributions to Systematic Works. London: Published for the Roy. Society by R. Hardwicke, 1866-7. 2. vols, demy 8vo., and atlas. — General Remarks, Geographical and Systematical, on the Botany of Terra Australis. (Reprinted from a Voyage to Terra Australis, by Matthew Flinders.) London: 1814. Ibid, vol. i., pp. 1-89. — Botanical Appendix to Captain Start's Expedition into Central Australia. (Extracted from the Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia during the years 1844-6, by Captain Charles Sturt, F.L.S., &c. Vol. n., Appendix, pp. 66-92.) London : 1849. Ibid, vol. i., pp. 313-40. — Prodromus Florae Novoe Hollandise. London: 1810. 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Crawford, Frazer S.—On the Study of Insect and Fungous Pests. Proc. Roy. Agr. and Hor. Soc, S.A., 1882, p. 41. — Notes on Garden (Fungous) Pests. See Index, Garden ami Field, vols. vn. to xi. — On the Shot Hole Fungus and Apricot Disease. Garden and Field, vol. VIII., pp. 99, 115; vol. ix., p. 90; vol. x., p. 87 ; vol. xi., p. 64. 1'rans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1884-5, vol. VIII. Currey, Frederick, M.A., F.B.S.—On the Nardoo Plant of Australia. Seemanris Journal of Botany, vol. i., p. 161. Davis, A, H., F.L.S.—Australian Fungi. The Adelaide Mis- cellany, 1848, vol. i., pp. 331-5. DeMole, F. E., Miss—Wild Flowers of South Australia. Illus­ trated. Twenty plates. Adelaide: 1861. DixOXl, S.—Some Indigenous Shrubs of South Australia suitable for Cultivation as Fodder. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1884-5, vol. VIII. Flinders, Captain Matthew—A Voyage to Terra Australis, &c. Botanical notes scattered through. See Brown, Robert. Francis, G. W«, F.H.S. (formerly Director Botanic Gardens)— Catalogue of Plants under Cultivation in the Government Botanic Garden, Adelaide, S.A. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1859. — Poison Plants—The Farm and Garden, vol., iv., 1861-2, pp. 83-101. Qoyder, Geo., jun.— Report on Samples of Barks and Leaves {Acacia pycnantha and Acacia decurrens. Trans. Ayr. and Hor. Soc, S.A., 1883-4, Appendix G. Goyder, G. W. (Surveyor-General, S.A.)—Report on Colonial Timber. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 85 of 1875. Harvey, Wm. Henry, M.D., FJR.S,, &c—Phycologia Australica; or a History of Australian Seaweeds; comprising colored figures and descriptions of the more characteristic Marine Alg© of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia, and a synopsis of all known Australian Algae. 5 vols. London: Lovell Reeve, 1858-63. Royal 8vo. Hooker, Sir Wm. Jackson, K.H., D.C.L,, &c—Icones Plantarum; or Figures with Brief Descriptive Characters and Remarks of New and Rare Plants. 4 vols. London: H. Bailliere, 1842-8. — Species Filicum; being Descriptions of the Known Ferns, accompanied with numerous figures. 5 vols. Vols. i. to iv.t London : W. Pamplin, 1846-62. Vol. v., London : DuLau and Co., 1864. NATURAL HISTORY—BOTANY. 89

Hooker, Sir J, D,—On the Flora of Australia; its Origin, Affini­ ties, and Distribution, &c. London: Lovell Reeve, 1859. See also Bentham. Kempe, Rev, J.—The Indigenous Plants of the MacDonnell Ranges, Hermannsburg, and on the , Central Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol. in., pp. 129-36; and vol. v., 1881-2, pp. 19-23. MolineilX, A.—The Garden and Field (a monthly publication, with botanical notes scattered through). Adelaide: August, 1875, to date. Mueller, Baron Sir F. von, K.C.M.G.— — Definitions of Rare or Hitherto Undescribed Australian Plants. Melbourne: 1855. 8vo. — Report on Plants of Babbage's Expedition. 1858. — Fragmenta Phytographise Australia?. 11 vols. Vol. xn., Part i. Melbourne : 1861 to 1884. — Enumeration of the Plants collected during Mr. J. McDouall Stuart's Expedition Across the Australian Continent in 1860, 1861, and 1862. Appendix Stuart's Journal of Exploration, pp. 493-507. London: 1864. — Flora Australiensis. See Bentham. — Analytical Drawings of Australian Mosses. Melbourne: J. Ferres, 1864. — A Systematic Arrangement of the Plants noticed around the Gulf of Carpentaria, from the Roper to the Gilbert River, including those collected during Mr. Landsborough's Expedi­ tion. Appendix, Landsborough's Exploration of Australia, &c, pp. 109-23. London: (n.d.) Cr. 8vo. — A Preliminary Enumeration of the Plants of Mr. Giles' First Expedition. Camel's Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, 1873, pp. 127-9. — Plants Collected by Mr. Giles during his Geographic Explo­ ration of Central Australia in 1872, 1873, and 1874. GUes' Geographic Travels in Central Australia, pp. 209-23. Mel­ bourne : 1875. Demy Nvo. — Descriptions of Two New Species of Plants from MacDonnell Ranges. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1880-81. Vol. iv., p. 112. — Composite from S.A., Diagnoses of a New Genus and Two Species of. Ibid, 1882-3, vol. vi., pp. 31-2. — Diagnoses of New Species of S.A. Plants (translated by Stirling Smeaton) from Fragmenta PhytographiaB. Ibid, 1879-80, vol. in., pp. 137-9; 1880-81, vol. iv., pp. 98-101. 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Mueller, Baron Sir P. von—continued. — New Species of South Australian Plants. Southern Science Record, 1882 and 1883. Chemist and Druggist. Melbourne: 1884-5. — Plants Collected in Central Australia, between lat. 22° 31' and 28° S„ and long. 136° 30' and 139° 30' E., by Charles Winnecke, during his expedition in 1883. Appendix Winnecke's Exploration, S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 39 of 1884, pp. 15-16. See also PART VI.—NORTHERN TERRITORY. Pituri or Pitchiri—A Narcotic Plant of Central Australia. S.A. Advertiser, September 5th. 1885, and S.A. Express and Telegraph, September 30th, 1885. Roberts, J. P., F.H.S.—Poison Plants. The Farm and Garden, vol. iv., 1861-2, p. 171. Kobertson, John —A New Material (a white fungous substance from the redgum tree) for the Manufacture of Paper. South Australian Register, December 29th, 1847. Schomburgk, Bichaxd, Dr. Phil. (Director Botanic Gardens, Adelaide)—Report on Progress and Condition of the Botanic Garden, Adelaide, South Australia. Published annually. — Red Rust in Cereals. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc. Read January 21st, 1868. — Catalogue of the Plants Under Cultivation in the Govern­ ment Botanic Garden, Adelaide, S.A. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1871 and 1878. Demy 8vo. — On the Poisonous Plants Cultivated in the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, and the Poisonous Plants that lately appeared at Port Lincoln. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1871-72. — Papers read before the Philosophical Society and the Chamber of Manufactures. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1873. Demy 8vo. (Contains papers on Red Rust in Cereals, and on Poisonous Plants.) — Report on Colonial Timber. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 85 of 1875. — South Australian Eucalypts. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 246 of 1877. — The Flora of South Australia. South Australia : its History, Resources, &c, by W. Harcus, pp. 205-80. London: 1876. — On the Naturalised Weeds and other Plants in South Australia. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1879. Cr. 4to. — On Wattle Farming. (Acacia pyenantha.) Second edition. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1884. NATURAL HISTORY—BOTANY. 41

Simmonds, P. L.—The Gums and Resins of Commerce (with a list of the principal trees, &c, from which resins and gum-resins may be procured in the Australasian Colonies, and on the Manufacture of Illuminating Gas from the Xanthorrhea.) Journal Society of Arts. London: 1855, vol. IT., No. 158. Sweet, Hobert, F.L.S.—Flora Australasica; or the Plants of New Holland and the South Sea Islands. With 52 beautifully colored illustrations. London: J. Ridgway, 1827-8. Roy. 8vo. Plate 1, Correa pulchella, is. from a plant raised from seed collected by Mr. William Baxter, on Kangaroo Island, and grown in the nursery of Mr. J. Mackay, at Clapton, in 1824. Sturt, Captain Charles—See Brown, Robert; also PART II.— TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND. Tate, Professor Ealph, F.L.S, F.G.S., &c, &c— — The Botany of South Australia, Review of. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1877-8, vol. i., pp. 30-33. — Botanical Features of the Bunda Plateau, Great Australian Bight, with list of species. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1878-9, vol. ii., pp. 118-24. — Plants Collected at Fowler's Bay, Barrow's and Tennant's Creeks. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol. in., pp. 171-4. — Indigenous Flowering Plants and Ferns of Extra-tropical South Australia, A Census of the. Ibid, pp. 46-90; also, vol. iv., pp. 102-11. — Charas, Mosses, Liverworts, Lichens, Fungals, and Algals of Extra-tropical South Australia. Ibid, 1880-81, vol. iv., pp. 5-24. — Botany of the Western District, including Franklin Harbor. Ibid, pp. 135-7. — Hypoxis pusilla, On a Winter Flowering State of. Ibid, 1881-2, vol. v., pp. 76-8. — A New Rhamnaceous Plant Ibid, p. 80. — The Flora of South Australia, Additions to. Ibid, pp. 82-93. — On the Occurence of Eriochilus fimbriatus in .South Australia; a List of Plants from the Peake; and Acacias. Ibid, pp. 94-5. — Unrecorded Plants from Southern ; and of Rare Plants in the South-East, Lists of. Ibid, 1882-3, vol. vi., pp. 94-9. — Plants Inhabiting the North-Eastern Part of the Lake Torrens Basin, A List of. Ibid, pp. 100-106. — Diagnoses of some New Native Plants. Ibid, pp. 107-9. 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Tate, Professor Ralph—continued. — The Flora of South Australia, Additions to. Ibid, pp. 110-15. — The Botany of Kangaroo Island. Ibid, pp. 131-71. — Orobanche cernua; Verbena officinalis, Notes on. Ibid, pp. 174-5. — New Species of South Australian Plants, Description of. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1883-4., vol. vn. pp. 67-71. — Botanical Notes—Kangaroo Island, River Murray, Adelaide, and Lake Torrens Districts. Ibid, pp. 74-5. — The Flora of Extra-tropical South Australia, Additions to. Ibid, pp. 72-3; also, 1884-5, vol. VIII. See also PABT VI.—NORTHERN TERRITORY. Tepper, J. Q. Otto, F.L.S,, &C,— On the Native Plants about Ardrossan, Yorke's Peninsula, and Remarks on their Distribu­ tion. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1878-9, vol. n.,pp. 25-45; and Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol. in., pp. 34-45 and 175-9. «— Melaleuca uncinate, Probable Curative Properties of. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1879-80, vol. in., pp. 174-5. — Cymodocea Antarctica, Observations on the Propagation of. Ibid, 1880-81, vol. iv., pp. 1-4, and 47-9, with plate; also, vol. v., pp. 37-9. — Botanical Notes Relating to South Australia. Ibid, 1882-3, vol. vi., pp. 65-8. — Plants of Kangaroo Island. Ibid, 1883-4, vol. vn., pp. 50-53 — Notable Native Plants. Garden and Field, Adelaide, 1880-81, vol. vi., p. 99; 1881-2, vol. vn., p. 146 ; and 1882-3, vol. VIII., pp. 2 and 52. — Physiognomy of Kangaroo Island. Ibid, 1883-4, vol. ix., p. 165 ; and 1884-5, vol. x., pp. 75 and 99. — Our Local Orchids. Ibid, 1885-6, vol. xi., p. 21. — Tasmanian Plants near Adelaide. Jour. Linn. Soc London: 1883, vol. xx., pp. 72-82. — Malformation of the Leaves of Beyeria opaca. With plate. Ibid, pp. 84-6. Tolmer, Alexander — Indigenous Fibrous Plants in South Australia. Reminiscences of an Adventurous Career, &c, vol. i., chap, xxv., pp. 295-306. See PART V.—HISTORICAL, &C. Ward, Ebenezer—The Vineyards and Orchards of South Australia. (First series.) Being a series of articles written expressly for the South Australian Advertiser and Weekly Chronicle, and now reprinted from those journals. Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1862. Demy8vo. NATURAL HISTORY—BOTANY. 43

Waterhouse, P. G., F,Z.S.—Features, &c, of Country on Stuart's Track. See SUBDIVISION 3.—ZOOLOGY.

Woods, Rev. J. E, TM F.L.S., &C—Geological Observations in South Australia, &c, chap. in. See SUBDIVISION 1.— GEOLOGY. Wood, J. F„ F.H.S.—The South Australian Horticulturist and Magazine of Agriculture, Botany, and Natural History. Adelaide: S. E. Roberts, 1856. Fcp. 8vo.

NOTE—Much interesting information on the Flora of South Australia will be found in the journals of explorers enumerated on pages 9-14 herein, and in the Kew and London Journals of Botany, also in the Journals of the Linnean Society— Botany. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.


(ALPHABETICALLY ABBANGED.) Adams, Arthur—See Angas, Geo. French. Andrews, P. W.—(Collecting Naturalist, Mr. Lewis's Exploring Expedition.) Report on Specimens Minerals, Fossils, Fauna, &c. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 19 of 1876, p. 42. — Notes on the Zoology of South Australia. Ten articles* South Australian Chronicle, 1877. — Notes on Some Rare Birds Collected in the Neighborhood of Mounts Compass and Jagged. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1882-3r vol. vi., pp. 69-71.

— The Night Parrot. (G'eopsittacus occidentalisj. Ibidr pp. 29-30. Angas, Geo. French, CM.Z.S.—South Australia Illustrated. Plates 37, 48, and 50. London: 1847. See PABT V.— HISTORICAL, &C. — and Adams, Arthur, F,L.S.—Description of New Species of Fresh Water Shells, collected by F. G. Waterhouse, during J. McDouall Stuart's Overland Journey from Adelaide to the North-West Coast of Australia. Appendix, Stuart's Journal, &c. London : 1864, pp. 487-92, and Proc. ZooL Soc, London, pp. 414-8, 1863. — Lists of all the Known Species of Marine Mollusca of the Province of South Australia. Proc. Zool. Sac, 1865, pp. 155-90 and 643-57. — Description of New Species of South Australian Shells. Ibid, 1865, pp. 55-8, 154-5, and 697. — Land and Fresh Water Mollusca. Ibid, 1868, 1871, 1873„ 1875, 1876, and 1877. — Two Species of Mitra and Siphonaria. Ibid, March, 1878. — A List of Additional Species of Marine Mollusca to be included in the Fauna of the Province of South Australia, with Notes on their Habitats and Local Distribution. Ibid, 1878, pp. 864-71. Backhouse, James—Kntomology—Coleoptcra fSilphaJ. A Narra­ tive of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. London : 1843. pp. 520-21. See PABT V.—HISTOBICAL, &C. NATURAL HISTORY—ZOOLOGY. 45

Baird, W.—New Species of tubicolous Annelides. Jour. Linn. Soc (Zool.), London, 1864, vol. vin., pp. 10-22 and 157-60. — Contribution towards a Monograph of the species of Annelides belonging to the Aphroditacea. Ibid, vols. vm. and ix. — Contributions towards a Monograph of the species of Annelides belonging to the Amphinomacea, and Remarks on several genera of Annelides belonging to the group Eunice*. Ibid, vol. x., 1870, pp. 215-46 and 341-61. Baly, J. S.—Additions South Australian Coleoptera. Annals and Mag. Nat. History, November, 1877, and Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. xin. London : 1878. Bate, C. Spence—Catalogue of Amphipodous Crustacea. Fifty- nine plates. London: 1862. 8vo. Bednall, W. T.—List of South Australian Marine Shells. Privately printed. 1874. — Australian Trigonias and their Distribution. Trans. A del. Phil. Soc, 1877-8, vol. i., pp. 77-84. Brazier, John, C.M.Z S.—Land and Fresh Water Mollusca. Proc Zool. Soc, 1871-2, London, and Proc. Linn. Soc, N.S. W. Vol. i., Sydney, 1875. Busk, George, F.R.S. — An Account of the Polyzoa and Sertularian Zoophytes, collected in the Voyage of the Rattle- snake on the Coasts of Australia, &c. Appendix No. IV., " Voyage of the Rattlesnake." With plate. See PART VI.— NORTHERN TERRITORY. Castelnau, Count F. De—Contribution to the Ichthyology of Australia. Note on Some South Australian Fishes. Proc. Zool. and Acclim. Soc, of Vict., vol. i., pp. 244-7. Melbourne: 1872. — Fishes of South Australia. Ibid, vol. n., pp. 59-82. Mel­ bourne : 1873. Clark, Bev. , M.A., F.L.S., &C—Catalogue of the Dytiscidae and Gyrinida? of Australasia, with Descriptions of New Species. London: 1862-4. 8vo. Cox, J. C, Dr., M.D.—A Monograph of Australian Land Shells. Illustrated by 18 plates. Sydney : W. Maddock, 1868. Roy. 8vo. Crawford, F. 8.—On Ear-cockle in Wheat (Anyuillula triticij, Koolunga District. Proc. Roy. Ayr. and Hor. Soc, S.A., 1881, pp. 109-11. — On the Study of Insect and Fungoid Pests. Ibid, 1882, p. 41. — Californian Legislation on Insect and Fungoid Pests. Ibid, 1884, Appendix A. 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Crawford, P. 8. -continued. — Californian Reports on Insect Pests. Garden and Field, vol. ix., p. 88. — The Phytoptus Pyri. Ibid, vol. vi., pp. 161-82 ; vol. vii.i p. 189. Proc. Roy. Agr. and Hor. Soc, S.A., 1882, p. 52. — The Round Orange Scale (Aspidiotus aurantii, Mask.J Garden and Field, vol. VIII., p. 5 ; vol. ix., pp. 9-32. — Notes on Garden Pests, Various. See Index, Garden and Field, vols. vn. to xi. — The Codlin Moth, Report on. South Australian Register and South Australian Advertiser. February 6th, 1886. Davis, A, H.—Leaves from the Note Book of a Naturalist. The Adelaide Miscellany, vols. i. and IT. 1848-50. Doubleday, Edward, P.L.S.—Description of Some Australian Lepidopterous Insects. Appendix, Eyre's Journal of Expedi­ tion, &c, pp. 437-9. With plate. Duncan, P. M.—On Some Fossil Echinoderma from the South Australian Tertiaries. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1864, p. 161-8, pi. vi., fig. 3. — A Description of Some Fossil Corals from the South Australian Tertiaries. Ibid, 1865, pp. 182-7, pi. VIII. Fauvel, M.—"Les Staphylinides de TAustralie et de la Polynesie." 2 vols. Geneva: 1877-8. Translation, with description of South Australian Staphylinidse, by Sydney E. Holder. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1880-81, vol. iv„ pp. 77-97. Forbes, Edward, F.R.S., &C — On the Mollusca Collected by Mr. MacGillivray, during the Voyage of the Rattlesnake. Appendix No. v., Voyage of the Rattlesnake. With plates. Vol. ii. See PART VI.—NORTHERN TERRITORY. Francis, G. W., P,H.S.—The Birds of Australia. The Farm and Garden, vol. iv., 1861-2, pp. 147, 163, and 180, and vol. v., 1862-3, p. 4. Adelaide: 1862-3. — Native Animals. Ibid, vol. iv., pp. 115 and 130. Gaze, Dr. W, H,—South Australian Nocturni. Trans. Roy, Soc, S.A., vol. iv., 1880-1, pp. 141-2. Gould, John, P.L.S.—List of Birds Known to Inhabit Southern Australia.^ Appendix, Eyre's Journal of Expeditions of Dis­ covery into Central"Sustfalia. London: 1845. Vol. i., pp. 440-8. — The Birds of Australia With beautifully colored plates, drawn from life. 7 vols. London: R. & J." E. Taylor, 1848. Supplement printed in 1869. Atlas folio. NATURAL HISTORY—ZOOLOGY. 47

Gould, John—continued. — An Introduction to the Birds of Australia. 1 vol. London : R. k J. E. Taylor, 1848. Demy 8vo. — On a Collection of Birds from Central Australia. Appendix, Stuart's Explorations. London; 1864, pp. 485-7, and Proc. Zool. Soc, London, June 9th, 1861. — Handbook to the Birds of Australia. 2 vols. London: 1865. Roy. 8vo. — The Mammals of Australia. With beautifully colored plates. 3 vols. London: Taylor & Francis, 1863. Impl. folio. Gray, J, E., Dr., F.R.S., F.Z.S., &C—Description of Some New Australian Animals. With plates. Appendix, Eyre's Journal of Expeditions into Central Australia, &c. London: 1845. Vol. 1. — Description of Some New Species of Marine Shells. Appen­ dix No. x., Voyage H.M.S. Fly. With plate. Vol. n. See PART VI.—NORTHERN TERRITORY. — Descriptions of Some New Australian Reptiles. Appendix* Discoveries in Australia, by Captain Stokes. With plates. Vol. i. See PART VI.—NORTHERN TERRITORY. — Fasciculus of the Lizards of Australia and New Zealand. London: 1867. Haacke, W., Ph.D.—Echidna Hystrix, Report on Oviparous Character of. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1883-4, vol. vn , pp. 81-3. Haswell, Wm. A., M.A., &C.—Catalogue of the Australian Stalk and Sessile-eyed Crustacea. Printed by order of the trustees of the Australian Museum, Sydney. With four plates. Sydney : F. W. White, 1882. Demy 8vo. Harvey, J. B.—A Sketch of the Natural History of Port Lincoln! South Australian Magazine. Vol. I., pp. 210-212. 1841.

Krefft, G%, F,L.S.—On the Vertebrata of the Lower Murray and Darling. Trans. Phil. Soc, N.S.W. Sydney: 1865. — On the Snakes of Australia. Sydney: T. Richards, 1869. 4to. — Australian Vertebrata—Fossil and Recent. Sydney: T. Richards, 1871. Litchfield, Dr.—The Natural History of South Australia. A Lecture. South Australian Record, vol. n., pp. 124-5. 1840. MacLeay, W. Sharp, F.L.S.—Catalogue of Insects. See King's Survey of Coasts of Australia, vol. n., Appendix B, pp. 438-69. — Fishes of Port Darwin. Proc. Linn. Soc, N.S. W., 1878. 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

MacLeay, Win,, Jun, - On the Scaritida? of New Holland. Trans. Ent Soc, N.S.W., 1864, pp. 134-54. And Ibid, 1865, pp. 176-98. Sydney. — The Genera and Species of the Araycteridee. Ibid,-pp. 199-208. Masters, George—Catalogue of the Described Coleoptera of Australia. London: 1871-4. Meyrick, E., B.A.—South Australian Micro-Lepidoptera, List of. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1883-4, vol. vn., pp. 10-16. Owen, Professor Richard—Echidna Hystrix. PhU. Trans., London, 1865, pp. 671-86. — Extinct Mammals of Australia. 'Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A.9 1879-80, vol. in., p. 20. PaSCOe, Francis P., F.L.S., &C.—Australian Longicornia. Entom. Soc Trans. Loudon : 1862-3, pp. 526-70. — Australian Longicornia. Jour. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) Vol ix. London: 1868. Pp. 80-142, 300-8. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. London: May, 1867. — Contributions Towards a Knowledge of the Australian CurculionidaB. Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Part i., Vol. x., pp. 434-93, 1870 ; Part n., Vol. xi., 1873 ; and Part in., Vol. XII., 1874; and Ann. and May. Nat. Hist., Parts vin. to XII., 1871 to 1873. Pfeiffer, Dr. L.— Description of a New Helix from the Interior of Australia. Appendix, Stuart's Explorations, &c, p. 492. See PART II.—TRAVELS, &C. Robertson, John.—The Native Silkworm. " Adelaidean." South Australian Register, Dec. 22nd, 1817. Saunders, E.—Descriptions of Fifty New Species of Stigmodera. Jour. Linn. Soc, London, vol. ix., 1868, pp. 460-83. Two plates.

Sclater, P. Li,—The Mammals of Australia. Qtly. Journ. Sciencef London, 1865, pp. 13-19. Scott, A. W.— Australian Lepidoptera, with their Transformations. London: Van Voorst, 1864-5. Folio. Smith, P.—Catalogue Australian Longicornia. Brit. Mus. Cat., London, 1853-5. — Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects. 7 vols. London: 1853-9. — Descriptions of Aculeate Hymenoptera from Australia. Entom. Soc Trans., London, 1868, pp. 231-58. Sturt, Captain Charles, F.L.8., &C—Animals and Birds of Central Australia. Appendix, Narrative of an Expedition into V Central Australia, &c, vol. n., pp. 1-59. See PART II.— TRAVELS, &C. NATURAL HISTORY—ZOOLOGY. 49

Tate, Professor Ralph, P.L.S., F.G.S., &c., &c— — Zoologv of South Australia, Review of. Tram. Adel. Phil. Soc , 1877-8, vol. i., pp. 13-30. — Recent Marginellidse of South Australia. Ibid, pp. 85-9. — Helix, Description of Three New Species of. Proc. Linn. Soc, N.S. W., 1878, pp. 290-91. Sydney. — Rectification of the Nomenclature of Purpura anomala. Ibid. --• Zoology of the Bunda Plateau, and Marine Conchology Around the Head of the Great Australian Bight, Sketch of. Trans. Adel. Phil Soc, 1878-9, vol. n., pp. 124-8. — Pulmoniferous Snails, New Species of South Australian. Ibid, pp. 133-6. — Phyllopodous Crustacean, A New Species of. Ibid, p. 136. — Gasteropoda, Two New Marine. Ibid, pp. 138-9. — Fresh Water Shells from the Peake and River Onkaparinga. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A.r 1879-80, vol. in., p. 171. — Pulmonifera, Description of Some New Species of South Australian. Ibid, pp. 102-4. — The Zoology About Franklin Harbor, Notes on. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., 18*0-81, vol. iv., p. 138. — South Australian Snakes and Lizards, Notes on. Ibid, p. 139. — Land and Fresh Water Shells from Central Australia, and New South Australian Marine Shells, collected at Fowler's Bay. Ibid, p. 140. — On Some Australian Slugs. Trans. Roy. Soc, Tasmania, 1880, pp. 15-18. — Fresh Water Shells of Australia, List of. Proc Linn. Soc, N.S. W., 1881, pp. 552-69. Sydney. — Recent and Fossil Kelliadac. Ibid, and Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1878-9, pp. 130-3. — Land and Fresh Water Mollusca of Tropical South Australia. Trims. Roy. Soc, S.A., 1881-2, vol. v., pp. 47-56 and p. 96. — Recent Echini of South Australia, List of. Ibid, pp. 74-5. — Two Species of Moths (Anthera sp. Choragia sp.J, Notes on. Ibid, 95-6. — Species of Squilla, Description of Some New. With plate. Ibid, 1882-3, vol. vi., pp. 48-53. — Psalidura in South Australia, The Occurence of, and Notes on South Australian Coleopters Destructive to Vegetation. Ibid, pp. 172 3. 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Tate, Professor Ralph—continued. — Aquatic Pulmonate Snails between Australia and Tasmania, Community of Species of. Trans. Roy. Soc, Tagm., 1884, pp. 214-17. — Terebridee of Australia, List of the. Southern Science Record, August, 1885. Tepper, J. G. Otto, F.L.S.—On the Decrease of Many Species of Insects, and the Increase of Some, in South Australia, with List of Buprestidoe. Trans. Adel Phil Soc, 1877-8. pp. 56-60, — On the Habits and Description of a Destructive Beetle (Melolontha Destructor). Ibid., pp. 61-64. — The Insects of South Australia. An Attempt at a Census. Ibid., pp. 33-59, 187-9.

— The Papilionidac of South Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc.y S.A., 188U-81, vol. iv., pp. 25-36. — The Destructive Potato Moth. Ibid., pp. 57-60. — Coleopterous Fauna of South Australia, Additions to. Detcr- ' mined by M. Fauvel. Ibid., p. 141. — South Australian Ants, Observations on the Habits of Some. Ibid., 1881-2, vol. v., pp 24-8. — South Australian Lepidoptera, Description of Some Rare New. Ibid, pp. 29-31. — South Australian Lizards, Notes on Some. Ibid., pp. 32-3. — Diurnal Lepidoptera about , County Adelaide. Ibid., pp. 34-37.

— Hemipterous Insect; and Rare Beetle. With plate. Ibid.y 1883-4, vol. vn, pp. 47-8. Walker, P.—List of Dipterous Insects. 7 parts, 12mo., 1848-55. — List of Homopterous Insects. 4 parts, and supp. 12mo» Brit. Mus. Cat., 1850-58. — Catalogue of Neuroptcrous Insects. 4 parts, 1852-3. — Catalogue of Hemiptera Heteroptera. 8 vols., 8vo., 1867-73. — Catalogue of Blattariac. 8vo., 1868, and Supplement, 1869. — Catalogue of Dermaptera Saltatoria. 5 vols., 8vo., 1869-71. Waterhouse, G. R.—A Natural History of the Mammalia. Illus­ trated with engravings on steel and on wood. 2 vols., demy 8vo. London: H. Bailliere, 1846-7. NATURAL HISTORY—ZOOLOGY. 51

Waterhouse, F. G., F.Z.S.—Features and Productions of Country on Stuart's Track Across Australia. Report on Fauna and Flora, Natural History and Physical Features of Australia, on the line of J. McDouall Stuart's Route Across that Con­ tinent from the South to the North Coast. South Australian Parliamentary Paper No. 125 of 1863. — Catalogue of Mammals and Birds of South Australia. "Harcus' South Australia." Illustrated. London: 1876. — See Angas Geo. French. White, Adam, M.B.S.—Descriptions of New or Unfigured Species of Coleoptera. Appendix, Eyre's Journals of Expedi­ tions of Discovery into Central Australia. Vol. i., pp. 432-4. See PART II. —TRAVELS, &C. — Ditto. With plates. Appendix, Discoveries in Australia, by Captain Stokes. Vol. i. See PART VI.— NORTHERN TERRI­ TORY. Whittell, H. T., M.D.—Notes on the Dissection of a Compound Ascidian, found in St. Vincent's Gulf. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A. With plate. 1882-3. Vol. vi.. pp. 43-7. Wilson, C. A., M.E.S., &C.—(Naturae Aniator)—-Entomology of South Australia. South Australian Register, 1841. — Notes on the Natural History of South Australia. Coleoptera, &c, South Australian Magazine, 1841-2, vol. i.f. pp. 171-6; Hymenoptera, Ibid, pp. 199-200; Lepidoptera, Ibid, 233-9 and 273-80. — Native Birds (Wagtail). Ibid, 236-8. — On Wood Eating Insects, more especially with reference to those of South Australia. Proc. Adel. Phil. Soc, 1856. — Injurious Insects. The Farm and Garden, vols. n. to v. Adelaide: 1859-60, and 1862-3. — Notes on the Entomology of South Australia. Proc. Ent. Soc, London, 1864, pp. 50-51. Wood-Mason, Professor—Phasmidse and Mantidae (No. Aust.). Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, London, July, 1877. Woods, Rev. J, E. Tenison, F.L.S., &c, &c— — Census of Marine Gasteropods, &c. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas., 1877, pp. 26-57. Hobart. — On Some New Marine Mollusca. Trans. Roy. Soc, Vict., 1877, p. 56. — On Some New Australian Polyzoa. Jour. Roy. Soc. N.S. W.,. 1877, pp. 83-4. Sydney. — On the Echini of Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc, N.S. IV., 1877,, pp. 145-76. 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Woods, Hev. J. E. T.— continued. — On the Extra-Tropical Corals of Australia. Ibid, 1878, pp. 292-341.

— A List of Australian Starfishes. Trans. Add. Phil. Soc.y 1878-9, vol. ii., pp. 89-93.

The following publications contain much valuable information respecting the Zoology of South Australia :— Journal of Entomology, London. Proceedings Zoological Society, London. British Museum's Catalogues, London. Journal of the Linnean Society—Zoology—London. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London. Transactions Entomological Society New South Wales, Sydney. Proceedings of the Linnean Society New South Wales, Sydney.

The natural history student should also consult the works on Australian zoology referred to by Professor R. Tate in his Address to the Adelaide Philosophical Society (now Royal Society of South Australia) for the year 1877-8, vol. 1., pp. 13-30. PART V.—HISTORICAL AND GENERAL

(CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED.) Grant—The Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery, kc, by Lieut. James Grant, R.N. London: 1803. See FART I.—DISCOVERY, &c. Flinders—A Voyage to Terra Australis, &c, by Captain Matthew Flinders, R.N. London: 1814. See PART 1.—DISCOVERY, &C. Peron—Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes, &c. Paris: 1807 and 1816. See PART I.—DISCOVERY, &C. South Australian Land Company •••- A Proposal to His Majesty's Government for Founding a Colony on the Southern Coast of Australia. London: W. Nicol, 1831. Demy 8vo. Pamphlet. — Plan of a Company to be Established for the Purpose of Founding a Colony in Southern Australia, Purchasing Land therein, and Preparing the Land so Purchased for the Recep­ tion of Emigrants. London: Ridgway & Sons, 1831. Pamphlet. A review of this publication appeared in the Literary Gazette and Journal of Belles Letires. London: 1831. Sturt—Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia. London: 1833. See PART II.—TRAVELS, &c. — Second edition. 1834. Wakefield—England and America. With Chapter on the Art of Colonization, and Correspondence between the English Govern­ ment and a Body of Individuals Desirous of Founding a Colony in Southern Australia. London : 1833. 2 vols. South Australian Association—Report of a Public Meeting of the Promoters and Friends of projected Colony in South Australia, held at Exeter Hall, London, June 30th, 1834. Morning Chronicle, July 1st, 1834. Itnight—The New British Province of South Australia; or a Descrip­ tion of the Country. Illustrated by charts and views. With an Account of the Principles, Objects, Plan, and Prospects of the Colony. London: printed for C. Knight, 1834. I vol. — Ditto. Second edition. With a copy of the South Australian Act; and the Regulations made by the South Australian Commission for the Disposal of Lands in the Colony; for the Preliminary Sales of Colonial Lands, in this Country; and for the Emigration of Labourers. 1835. M BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Torrens —Colonization of South Australia. By (Colonel) R. Torrens, F.R.S., Chairman of the Colonization Commissioners for South Australia. With map. London: Longman's, 1835. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Napier—Colonization, particulary in Southern Australia, with some remarks on small farms and over population. By C. J. (Sir Charles) Napier. London: 1835. 1 vol., demy 8vo. —First Report of the Directors of the South Australian Company. London : 1836. Pamphlet. Oapper—South Australia. Extracts from the Official Dispatches of Colonel Light, Surveyor-General of the Province of South Australia, and from Letters of Settlers who have reached Nepean Bay, with a Description of the Position, Soil, Climate, Constitution, Government, &c, of the Province; the Pro­ ceedings of the South Australian Company, and a variety of useful and authentic information, intended to point out the superior advantages of the settlement to the intending emigrant, accompanied by a view of Rapid Bay, and a map of the Province. Compiled and published by H. Capper. London: 1837. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. — South Australia. Containing Hints to Emigrants; Pro­ ceedings of the South Australian Company—a Variety of Useful and Authentic Information; a Map of the Eastern Coast of Gulf of St. Vincent, and a Plan of Adelaide. By Henry Capper, senior clerk to the Colonization Commissioners. London : Robert Tyas, 1838. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. — Ditto. Second edition. 1838. — Ditto. Third edition. Enlarged. 1839. — How to Get to South Australia; being Information for Labouring Emigrants Respecting that Colony. By Henry Capper. London: 1839. Pamphlet. Anon.—A Letter to the Small Farmers and Peasantry of the United Kingdom, on the Advantages of Emigration to South Australia. London: F. Richardson, T. Green, and T. Cross. (Three editions issued.) Pamphlet. Wakefield—The New British Province of South Australia. By E. G. Wakefield. London: 1838. Gouger—South Australia in 1837 ; in a Series of Letters, with a post­ script as to 1838. With map By . London : Harvey & Dalton, 1838. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. Anon.—The Great South Land. Four Articles on Emigration, designed to exhibit the Principles and Progress of the New Colony of South Australia. (Reprinted from the Stirling Observer J Stirling: E.Johnstone, 1838. Pamphlet. Cr. 8vo. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. 55

James—Six Months in South Australia, with some account of Port Phillip and Portland Bay, in Australia Felix; with Advice to Emigrants, to which is added a Monthly Calendar of Gardening and Agriculture, adapted to the climate and seasons. By T. Horton James. With map of Port Lincoln and Victor Harbor. London: J. Cross, 1838. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. Light—A Brief Journal of the Proceedings of William Light, late Surveyor-General, South Australia. Adelaide: 1839. See PABT II. TRAVEL8, &C. — Town of Adelaide, South Australia. A View of the Country, and of the Temporary Erections near the site of the Town of Adelaide, iri South Australia, forming the first of a series of views in that colony. By Colonel William Light, Surveyor- General of South Australia. Colored as a drawing. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1839. Sunt—Canada and South Australia; a Commentary of that part of the Earl of Durham's Report which relates to the Disposal of Waste Lands and Emigration. In three papers. Read at the South Australian Rooms, by Thornton Leigh Hunt. London : Copper & Gole, 1839. Leigh—Reconnoitering Voyages and Travels, with Adventures, in the New Colonies of South Australia; a Particular Description of the Town of Adelaide, and Kangaroo Island, and an account of the present state of Sydney and parts adjacent, including visits to the Nicobar and other islands of the Indian seas, Calcutta, the Cape of Good Hope, and St. Helena, during the years 1836, 1837, and 1838, by W. H. Leigh, late surgeon of the Australian Company's ship South Australian, Embellished by numerous engravings. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1839. Demy 8vo. Stephens—The Land of Promise; being an Authentic and Impartial History of the Rise and Progress of the New British Province of South Australia, including particulars descriptive of its soil, climate, natural productions, &c, and proofs of its* superiority to all other British colonies, embracing also a full account of the South Australian Company, with hints to various classes of emigrants, and numerous letters from settlers concerning wages, provisions, their satisfaction with the colony, &c. By " One who is going." Illustrated with maps and drawings. London : Smith, Elder, & Co., 1839. Demy 8vo. — The History of the Rise and Progress of the New British Province of South Australia, &c, &c. (being second edition of preceding work). By John Stephens. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1839. Demy 8vo. — South Australia. An Exposure of the Absurd, Unfounded, and Contradictory Statements in " James's Six Months in South Australia." By John Stephens. London: Smith,Elder, & Co., 1839. Pamphlet. Cr. 8vo. 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Anon.—Impressions of a Recent Emigrant to South Australia. Chambers18 Edinburgh Journal, November 9th, 1839. Mann—Six Years' Residence in the Australian Provinces, ending in 1839; exhibiting their Capabilities of Colonization, and con­ taining the History, Trade, Population, Extent, Resources, &c, of New South Wales, Van hieman's Land, South Australia, and Port Phillip; with an account of New Zealand. With map. By W. Mann. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1839. 1 vol. Demy 12mo. Gliddon—Five Views in and near Adelaide. Drawn on stone by Ann Gliddon. London: 1839. Russell—A Tour through the Australian Colonies in 1839, with Notes and Incidents of a Voyage Round the Globe, calling at New Zealand and South America. By A, Russell. Glasgow: D. Robertson, 1840. Cr. 8vo. Carpenter—Relief for the Unemployed: Emigration and Coloniza­ tion considered, with Special Reference to the Australian Colonies of South Australia and New Zealand; with Some Proofs of their Rich Natural Resources, and of their Capabili­ ties of Furnishing Productive Employment for Innumerable Labourers and such Capitalists unable to employ remunerative employment at home. By William Carpenter. London: Strange, 1841. Anon.—Correspondence Relative to the Dismissal of the Original South Australian Commissioners. London: R. Clay, 1841. Pamphlet. Cr. 8vo. South Australian Society—An Abstract of the First and Second Reports of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on South Australia, with the Substance of the Evidence (oral and documentary). London: J. C. Hailes, 1841. Jameson—New Zealand, South Australia, and New South Wales. A Record of Recent Travels in these Colonies, with especial reference to Emigration and the Advantageous Employment of Labor and Capital. By R. G. Jameson, late Surgeon-Superin­ tendent of Emigrants to South Australia. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1842. With maps and illustrations. 1 vol., post 8vo. Opie—A View of North-terrace, Adelaide, with the Park Lands, to the , and a View of the New Wharf at the Port, from views taken on the spot. By E. A. Opie. Beautifully lithographed and colored. London: J. C. Hailes, 1842. Anon.—South Australia in 1842. By one who lived there nearly four years. Illustrated by drawings and a map. London: J. C. Hailes, 1843. Pamphlet. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. 5T

Backh.01186- A Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. By James Backhouse. Illustrated by three maps, fifteen etchings,, and several woodcuts. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co. 1843. Chapter XLIII. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Bennett— Historical and Descriptive Account of South Australia,, founded on experience of a three years' residence in that colony. By J. F. Bennett. London: Smith, Elder, k Co.,. 1843. Fcp. 8vo. Martin—History of the Colonies of the British Empire &c, &c, with Charters and the Engraved Seals of each Colony. From the official records of the Colonial Office. By Robert Montgomery Martin. London : W. H. Allen k Co., and G. Routledge, 1843. 1 vol., royal 8vo., pp. 469-71, and Appendix, 232-4. Borrow & Goodiar—The Case of Messrs. Borrow k Goodiar with the Local Government. Adelaide: 1844. Demy 8vo. Collisson—South Australia in 1844-5. A Description of the Actual State of the Colony, of its Sources of Wealth, and of the Moral and Physical Condition of its Inhabitants; also a Comparison with other British Dependencies; and Full Information for Developing its Latent Capabilities, particularly in reference to fruits and plants grown in warm climates. By Marcus Collisson. Adelaide: C. Platts, 1845. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Contains an illustration of the original design of Ridley's Reaping-machine. Nixon—Twelve Views in Adelaide and its Vicinity, South Australia. Drawn, etched, and printed by F. It. Nixon. Adelaide : 1845. Aristides—Commerce: its Laws, their Anti-Christian Spirit, their Anti-Constitutional Character, their Pernicious Consequences, and their Demoralizing Tendency; with a Plan for their Reformation. By Aristides. Adelaide: A. Murray, 1845. Eyre—Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia, &c.,. by Edward John Eyre. London: 1845. 2 vols, demy 8vo. See PART II., p. 10. Dutton—South Australia and its Mines, with an Historical Sketch of the Colony, under its Several Administrations, to the Period of Captain (Sir George) Grey's departure. By Francis S. Dutton. Illustrated, and with maps. London: T. & W. Boone, 1846. 1 vol., demy 8vo. E. Li.—A Visit to the Antipodes, with some Reminiscences of a Sojourn, in Australia. By a squatter (E. L.) London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1846. Leigh—The Emigrant: a Tale of Australia. By W. H. Leigh. London: Simmons k Ward, 1847. Demy 8vo. £ 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

—South Australia Illustrated. Sixty colored plates, with descriptive letterpress. By George French Angas. London : Thomas McLean, 1847. Folio. 1. , from the Reedbeds. 2. Gra8Strees (XanthorrheaJ at Yankallillah, with the Red Kangaroo. 3. The River Murray above Moorundi. 4. Crater of Mount Schanck. 6. Aboriginal Inhabitants—portraits, six Men. 6. Native Weapons and Implements. 7. Port Adelaide, with ship Ville de Bordeaux. 8. Aboriginal Inhabitants—portraits, women and children. 9. Coorung near Lake Albert. 10. View from Mount Lofty across Adelaide Plains, &c. 11. Aboriginal Inhabitants—Youths and Boys, four. 12. Klemsic, a German Village near Adelaide. 13. Port Lincoln. 14. Lynedoch Valley. 15. Aborigines—The Kuri Dance and Palti Dance. 16. Encounter Bay. 17. Mount Gambier and one of its Volcanic Lakes. 18. Aboriginal Natives—Men and Youths, four. 19. Kangaroo Hunting near Port Lincoln. 20. Waungerri Lake and the Marble Range, beyond Port Lincoln. 21. Coast .Scene near Rapid Bay, Sunset—Natives Fishing with Nets. 22. Aboriginal "Warriors—portraits, four. 23. Lower Falls of Glen Stuart. 24. Natives—portraits of four—painted for Kuri and Palti Dances. 25. River Murray, near Lake Alexandrina. 26. Old Gumtree (Eucalyptus) near Gawler. 27. Aboriginal Ornaments and Utensils. 28. Angaston—Evening. 29. The Gorge at Yankallillah. Arthur's Station, Mount Schanck. 30. Native Implements, Shields, Nets, Ornaments, &c. 31. The Copper Mine. 32. Aboriginal Native Huts and Dwellings. 33. Currakalinga. 34. The Devil'8 Punchbowl—Lake near Mount Schanck. 35. Aborigines- Typical Portraits (Men), four. 36. Aboriginals, Old Man and Girl—Native Encampment at Portland Bay. 37. Entomology of South Australia—Lepidoptera. 38. Rivoli Bay—Penguin Island. "39. Rapid Bay—Encampment of Yankallillah Blacks. 40. Aborigines—Methods of Disposing of their Dead. 41. Adelaide- -Hindley-street, from corner King William-street. 42. Aboriginal "Women and Children, Portraits of. 43. Sea Mouth of the Murray. 44. Lake Albert. 45. Cape Jervis, with part Kangaroo Island. 46. Interior of Principal Crater, Mount Gambier—Sunset. 47. Aboriginal Weapons, Shields, Ornaments, &c. 48. Entomology of South Australia—Orthoptera, &c. 49. Yattagolinga. •50. Entomology of South Australia—Coleoptera. 51. Native Implements, Weapons, Ornaments, Utensils, &c. 52. The Goolwa, with part Hindmarsh Island. 53. View from Hall's Gully, Angas Park. View on the Barossa Surveys. -64. Departure of Captain Sturt on his Expedition, 1844. -55. Botany—Native Flowers. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. 59

Angas—South Australia Illustrated—continued. 66. Encampment of Native Women near Cape Jervis. Natives of Encounter Bay. 57. Falls of Glen Stuart on Morialta Creek. 68. View from the Barossa—Gawler Plains. North-West Bend of tbe Gawler. 59. Aboriginal Young Man of the Parnkallah Tribe. Native from Coffin's Bay, Port Lincoln. 60. Bethany—Village of German Settlers at the foot of the Barossa Hills. — Savage Life and Scenes in Australia, &c. By G. F. Angas. London : 1847. 2 vols. See PART III., p. 16. Byrne—Twelve Years' Wanderings in the British Colonies, from 1835 to 1847. By J. C. Byrne. With maps. London: R. Bentley, 1848. 2 vols., demy 8vo. — Emigrants' Guide to New South Wales, Australia Felix, and South Australia. London: 1848. "Wells—A Geographical Dictionary, or Gazeteer of the Australian Colonies Their Physical and Political Geography, together with a brief notice of all the Capitals, Principal Towns, and Villages; also of Rivers, Bays, Gulfs, Mountains, Population, and General Statistics. Illustrated with numerous maps and drawings. By William Henry Wells, surveyor. Sydney: W. & F. Ford, 1848. 1 vol., demy 8vo. 'Wilkinson—South Australia; its Advantages and its Resources, being a Description of that Colony, and a Manual of Informa­ tion for Emigrants. By George Blakiston Wilkinson (including Reports on Mines and Aborigines). With map. London: John Murray, 1848. 1 vol., post 8vo. — The Working Man's Handbook to South Australia. With Advice to the Farmer, and Detailed Information for the Several Classes of Laborers and Artisans. By George Blakiston Wilkinson. With a map. London: John Murray, 1849. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. Sturt—Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia, &c. By Captain Charles Sturt. London: 1849. 2 vols. See PART II., p. 11. " Agricola " and Angas—Description of the Barossa Range, and its neighborhood, in South Australia. By u Agricola." Illus­ trated with maps and colored plates, from original drawings made on the spot, by George French Angas. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1849. Impl. folio. Duncan—The Colony of South Australia. By Handasyde Duncan, M.D., Health Officer at Port Adelaide. London: T. & W. Boone, 1850. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Burton—The Emigrants' Manual, Australia, New Zealand, &c. By John Hill Burton. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1851. 1 vol., cr. 8vo., pp. 42-95. 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Melville—The Present State of Australasia, including New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, New Zealand, and Tasmania, with Practical Hints on Emigration; also, Remarks on Prison Discipline, with Suggestions for Obviating the Difficulties Attending the Transportation of Convicts, to which are added the Land Regulations, and Description of the Aborigines and their Habits. By Henry Melville, more than twenty years a resident in the different settlements. London: G. Willis, 1851. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Gawler—The Present State of Moral Principle in the Supreme Government of the British Colonial Empire. Described in a petition to the Queen, which was left for presentation to Her Majesty on the 30th July, 1850. By Colonel , K.H., late Governor and Resident Commissioner of the Province of South Australia. (London : not published.) Bonwick—Educational Works. Bv James Bonwick. Adelaide: 1851-2. Introduction to Geography for Australian Youth. Grammar for Australian Youth. Geography for Australian Youth. Reader for Australian Youth. South. Australian Hegister— Sketches of the Present State of the Colony of South Australia, with Notes of the Resources of the Country, &c. South Australian Register. Adelaide : 1851. 1. Glenelg, 27/2/51. 12. Valley of the Hindmarsh, 2. Brighton and the Coast, 3/3/51. 5/5/51. 3. Morphett Vale, 10/3/51. 13. Currency Creek, 7/5/51. 4. Noarlunga, 14/3/51. 14. Currency Creek to Adelaide, 6. Willunga, 26/3/51. 8/551. 6". Yankalilla~ , 3/4"4/51/ . 15. Adelaide to Salisbury, 22/5/51. 7. Bullaparinga, 10/4/51. 16. Gawler Town, 3/6/51. 8. Valley of the Inman, 16/4/51. 17. Arno Vale, Lyndoch Valley, and 9. Encounter Bay, 21/4/51. Mount Crawford, 21/6/51. 10. Cape Jervis, 25/4/51. 18. Tanunda, 26/6/51. 11. Freeman's Nob and Port Elliot, 29/4/51. — The Undeveloped Resources of South Australia. South Australian Register, 13/2/51, 20/2/51, 3/3/51, and 7/4/51. Norris—Annals of the Diocese of Adelaide. By the Rev. William' Norris, M.A., Rural Dean, Rector of Warblington, Hants. London: S. P G., 1852. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. Sidney—The Three Colonies of Australia—New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. Their Pastures, Copper Mines, and Gold- fields. By Samuel Sidney. With numerous engravings. London: Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 1852. 1 vol., demy 8vo. — Second edition. 1853. Hugh.6S—The Australian Colonies: their Origin and Present Condi­ tion. By William Hughes, F.R.G.S. London : Longman, &c, 1852, pp. 197-215. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. 61

Xiancelott—Australia as it is; its Settlements, Farms, and Goldfields. By F. Lancelott, Mineralogical Surveyor of the Australian Colonies. Illustrated. London: Colburn & Co., 1852. 2 vols. Oapper—The Emigrants' Guide to Australia; containing the Fullest Particulars relating to the recently discovered Gold Fields, the Government Regulations for Gold Seeking, &c. By John Capper, F.R.A.S. Liverpool: George Philips & Son, 1852. — Second edition. Considerably enlarged. With three maps of the Gold Fields, comprising the most recent discoveries in the northern and southern districts of New South Wales and the Province of Victoria, together with an account of the new diggings in South Australia. 1853. Kinloch—The Murray River: being a Journal of the Voyage of the Lady Augusta, steamer, from the Goolwa, in South Australia, to Gannewarra, above Swan Hill, Victoria, a distance from the sea mouth of 1,400 miles. By Arthur Kinloch, Clerk of the Executive Council of South Australia. Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1853. Pamphlet. Demy 8vo. Stewart—Popular Geographical Library. By Robert Stewart, A.M. Australasia: with an Appendix, containing authentic docu­ ments, illustrating the progress and state of the Australasian Colonies, to the latest date. London: W. Tweedie, 1853. Qerstaecker—Narrative of a Journey Round the World. By Frederick Gerstaecker. London: Hurst k Blackett, 1853. 2 vols., cr. 8vo. Spence—Tales of South Australian Life. By Miss Catherine Helen Spenoe. London: 1854-1868. Clara Morison: a Tale of South Australia during the Gold Fever. 2 vols. 1854. Tender and True : a Colonial Tale. 2 vols. 1856. (Fourth edition. 1885.) Mr. Hogarth's Will. 3 vols. 1865. The Author's Daughter. 3 vols. 1868. .Anon. — Political Economy and Representative Government in Australia. London: J. Ridgway, 1855. — Australia and its Settlements. London: Rel. Tract Soc, n.d. 1 vol., fcp. Hvo., pp. 110-50. Says—Engineering in South Australia; being an Account of the Principal Public Works now executed. Preceded by an Historical Sketch of the Colony from its foundation to the present time. By W. Bennett Hays, C.E. London : J. Knott, 1856. Demy 8vo. HllSSey—The Australian Colonies, together with Notes of a Voyage from Australia to Panama in the Golden Age. Description of Tahiti and other Islands in the Pacific, and a Tour through some of the States of America in 1854. By H. Hussey. London: Blackburn k Burt. Adelaide: E. S- Wigg, n.d. Fcp. 8vo. 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Campbell—The Crown Lands of Australia. By William Campbell. Glasgow: W. Eadie & Co., 1855. Demy*8vo. Martin—Australia. Comprising New South Wales; Victoria, or Port Phillip; South Australia; and Western Australia. Their History, Topography, Condition, Resources, Statistics, Gold Discoveries, Mines of Copper, Lead, &c, General Information for Emigrants, Merchants, Manufacturers, and Ship Owners; with the Latest Official Intelligence. Published under the authority of Her Majesty's Government, by R. Montgomery Martin, London and New York (n.d.) Cr. 4to. Fisher—The Real Property Act, as passed in the Parliament of South Australia, Session 1857-8, with Analytical and Critical Notes. By J. H. Fisher. Adelaide: D. Gall, 1858. Demy 8vo. Schoales—Thoughts in Verse. By the Rev. John W. Schoales, minister of All Saints' Church, Hindmarsh. Adelaide : J. H. Lewis, 1858. Fcp. 8vo. Australian and New Zealand Gazette—Description of South Australia. By the Editor of the Australian and New Zealand Gazette, London: Algar & Street, 1858. Pamphlet. Puseley—The Rise and Progress of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, in which will be found increase and habits of popula­ tion ; tables of revenue and expenditure; commercial growth, and present position of each dependency; intellectual, social, and moral condition of the people, &c, gathered from authentic sources, official documents, and personal observation in each of the colonies, cities, and provinces enumerated. By D. Puseley, author of " Commercial before Military Glorv," &c. London: Warren, Hull, & Co., 1858. 8vo. Cayley—A Voice from the Crowd. By James Cayley. Adelaide: J. H. Lewis, 1859. 1 vol. Fairfax—Handbook to Australasia; being a Brief Historical and Descriptive Account of Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, New South Wales, Western Australia, and New Zealand. Edited by William Fairfax. With a map of the Australasian Colonies. Melbourne: W. Fairfax & Co., 1859. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo„ pp. 130-56. Barry—The Wreck of the Admella; a Metrical Narrative. By Philip Barry. Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1859. Cr. 8vo. Just—Australia; or Notes taken during a Residence in the Colonies, from the Gold Discovery in 1851 till 1857, embracing an Account of the Navigation of the River Murray; the Land Question in Victoria; Practical Information for Intending Emigrants; &c, &c. With map. By P. Just. Dundee: Durham & Thomson. London: Piper & Co., 1859. 1 vol., demy 8vo. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. 63

Wilson—Rambles at the Antipodes. A Series of Sketches of Moreton Bay, New Zealand, the Murray River and South Australia, and the Overland Route. By Edward Wilson. With two maps and twelve tinted lithographs, illustrative of Australian life, by S. T. Gill. London: W. H. Smith & Son, 1859. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. Binney—The Church of the Future, as depicted in the Adelaide Correspondence, Examined and Estimated. An address: the substance of which was delivered at Green Ponds, Tasmania,, to the Ministers and Delegates of the Tasmanian Congrega­ tional Union. By the Rev. T. Binney. To which is added the Dream of the Presbyter-Bishop ; Letters of the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Adelaide; Sir R. G. MacDonnell; and others. With numerous notes, illustrative and explanatory of various matters discussed or referred to. Hobart Town and Launceston: J. Walch & Son, 1859. Mereweatlier—Diary of a Working Clergyman in Australia and Tasmania, kept during the years 1850-53, &c. By the Rev* John Davies Mereweather, B.A. London: Hatchard & Co., 1859. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. Carleton—South Australian Lyrics. By Mrs. C. J. Carleton,. authoress of the ** Song of Australia," the Gawler prize poem. Adelaide: J. H. Lewis, n.d. Pamphlet, fcp. 8vo. Franc (Evans)—Tales and Stories, Descriptive of Country and Domestic Life in South Australia. By Maude Jeanne Franc (Mrs. E. Evans, Adelaide). London : 1860-86. *1. Marian; or, The Light of Some One's Home.—(Three Editions.) 2. Vermont Vale; or, Home Pictures in Australia. 3. Emily's Choice, an Australian Tale. 4. Minnie'8 Mission. 6. John's Wife: a Story of Life in South Australia. f6. Silken Cords and Iron Fetters. 7. Hall's Vineyard. 8. Little Mercy ; or For Better, For Worse. 9. Beatrice Melton's Discipline. J10. Golden Gifts. 11. No Longer a Child. 12. Into the Light. 13. Two Sides to Every Question. 14. The Master of Ralston. Minor South Australian Tales. 1. Fern Hollow. ) 2. Jem's Hopes. > Crystal Stories Series. London: F. W. Robinson. 3. At the Well. J 4. Out of the Wine Vat. Published in Temperance Herald, Melbourne. 5. Wooden Crosses. Published in Christian Colonistt Adelaide. 6. Tom Morison's Golden Christmas. \ 7. By Our Uwn Door. C Published in South Australian 8. How Annie Saved Me. I Chronicle. 9. Underneath. J • A South Australian Edition was also published at Mount Barker, S.A., by Waddy; and Adelaide : Hillier, 1859. + Ditto ditto at Gawler by Whaley, Austin, & Co. t Ditto ditto at Kapunda by Scandrett & Elliott. •64 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

AllOH.—Colonial Pen Scratchings: or Sketches of South Australian Life. By Little Jacob. Mount Barker, S.A.: Waddy, 1660. Parkinson—An Essay on Husbandry and the Agricultural Capabili­ ties of South Australia. By James Parkinson. Adelaide: Hillier, 1860. .Mossman—The Gold Regions of Australia; a Descriptive Account of New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, &c. By Samuel Mossman. London: W. S. Orr & Co., n.d. — Our Australian Colonies. Their Discovery, History, Resources, and Prospects. By Samuel Mossman. With maps and plans. London: R. T.Soc.,n.&. "Playford—Discourses on the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Other Subjects. By Thomas Playford. Adelaide: Sherring and Webb, 1861. Kelly—The Vine in Australia. By A. C. Kelly, M.D. Melbourne: Sands, Kenny, & Co., 1861. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Kinloch—Letters from South Australia, from 1853 to 1860. With a map of Australia, showing the Explorations up to January, 1860. By A. Kinloch, London: 1861. Fcp. 8vo. Jobson—Australia; with Notes by the Way on Egypt, Ceylon, Bombay, and the Holy Land. By Frederick J. Jobson, D.D. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co , 1861. Cr. 8vo. — Second edition. 1862. Sinnett—An Account of the Colony of South Australia. Prepared for Distribution at the International Exhibition of 1862. By Frederick Sinnett. Together with a Catalogue of all the Products of South Australia Exhibited in the South Australian ( ourt of the International Exhibition. London: R. K. Burt, 1862. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. — Another edition. Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1862. .Jessop—Flindersland and Sturlland; or the Inside and Outside of Australia. By Wm. R. H. Jessop, M.A. London: R. Bentley, 1862. 2 vols., cr. 8vo. Harrison — Colonial Sketches; or Five Years in South Australia, with Hints to Capitalists and Emigrants. By Robert Harrison. London : Hall, Virtue, k Co. Newcastle-on-Tyne : W. Kaye, 1862. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. liVard—The Vineyards and Orchards of South Australia. By See PART IV., p. 42. Woods—Geological Observations in South Australia. By the Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods. See PART IV., p. 34. JBurke—Robert O'Hara Burke, and the Australian Exploring Expedi­ tion of 1860. See PART II., p. 11. JffiacDonnell—Australia: What It Is, and What It May Be. A Lecture by Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell, C.B., May 7,1863. Dublin: n.d. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. 65

An gas—Australia: A Popular Account of its Physical Features, Inhabitants, Natural History, and Productions. By G. French Angas. London: 8. P. C. K., 1863. 12mo. McKinlay- Tracks of McKinlay and Party Across Australia; and , Journal, &c. See PART II., pp. 11-12. Stuart—J. McDouall Stuart's Explorations Across the Continent of Australia. Melbourne: 1863. And Explorations in Australia. London: 1864. See PART II., p. 11. "Wills—A Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia, &c. See PART II., p. 11. Grad—L'Australie Interieure, &c. By A. Grad. See PART II., p. 11. Stephenson—Essays and Miscellaneous Pieces. By the late Edward R. Stephenson. With a preface by his friend, C. Todd, F.R A.S. Adelaide: Andrews, Thomas, & Clark, 1865. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Thomas, Hargrave, MacGeorge — Prize Essays on the Drainage and Sewerage of the City of Adelaide, South Australia. By R. G. Thomas, C. T. Hargrave, and James MacGeorge. Adelaide: David Gall, 1865. 1 vol.,fcp. 8vo. liVoods— A History of Discovery, &c, of Australia, &c, &c. By the Rev. J. E. T. Woods See PART II., p. 11. Hewitt—The History of Discovery in Australia, &c, &c. By William Howitt. See PART II., p. 11. Westwood— Eight Years in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania. Melbourne: 1865. Knight—The Australasian Colonies at the Intercolonial Exhibition, London, 1862. Extracts from the Reports of Jurors, and other Information taken from Official Sources. Compiled by J. G. Knight, F.R.I.B.A. Melbourne: J. Ferres, 1865. Demy 8vo. Anon.—A Handbook to the City of Adelaide, and a Brief Sketch of of South Australia. Adelaide : J. H. Lewis, n.d. 12mo. Porster—South Australia: Its Progress and Prosperity. By Anthony Forstor, late Member of the Legislative Council at Adelaide. With a map. London: Sampson Low, & Co., 1866. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Hamilton—An Appeal for the Horse. By George Hamilton. Adelaide : D. Gall, 1866. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. liVhitWOrth.—Bailliere's South Australian Gazetteer and Road Guide, containing the most recent and accurate information as to every place in the Colony. Compiled by Robert P. Whitworth. With map. Adelaide: F. Bailliere, 1866. 1 vol., demy 8vo. — Second edition. 1869. Anon.—Life's Work As It Is; or the Emigrant's Home in (South) Australia. By a Colonist London : 1866. 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Morrison—-Australia in 1866; or Facts and Features, Sketches and Incidents of Australia and Australian Life, with Notices of New Zealand. By a Clergyman (Rev. John Morrison), thirteen years resident in the interior of New South Wales. With maps. London : Longmans & Co., 1867. — Second edition. 1868. Hume—The Life of Edward John Eyre, late Governor of Jamaica. By Hamilton Hume. London: R. Bentley, 1867. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Kelly—Wine Growing in Australia. The Teachings of Modern Writers on Vine Culture and Wine Making. By Alex. C. Kelly, M.D. Adelaide: E. S. Wigg, 1867. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Bennett—The History of Australian Discovery and Colonization. By Samuel Bennett. Sydney: Hanson & Bennett, 1867. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Storrie—Chowla: A Romance of the Darling. Edited by Saunders McTavish (William Storrie). Published in aid of the Funds of the Wentworth Hospital. Adelaide: David Gall, 1867. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. — Letters frae' Saunders McTavish to his Guid-Brither in the Kintra. By the Hon. William Storrie. Glasgow : W. Collins and Sons, 1874. (Privately printed). Dilke—Greater Britain. By C. W. (now Sir Charles) Dilke. London: Macmillan & Co., 1868. Woods—A Narrative of the Visit of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, K.G., to South Australia. By J. D. Woods. Adelaide: D. Gall, 1868. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. Baird—The Emigrants' Guide to Australasia. By the Rev. James Baird, B. A. Australia : New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, and Queensland. With a map. London: Virtue & Co., 1868. (Weale's series.) Fcp. 8vo. Milner, Brierly—The Cruise of H.M.S. Galatea, Captain H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, K.G., in 1867-8. By the Rev. John Milner, B.A., chaplain, and Oswald W. Brierly. Illustrated by a photograph of H.R H. the Duke of Edinburgh, and by chromo-lithographs and graphotypes from sketches taken on the spot by O. W. Brierly. London : W. H. Allen 6L CO., 1869. Demy 8vo. Ward—The South-Eastern District of South Australia: Its Resources and Requirements. By Ebenezer Ward. Adelaide : 1869. Anderson—Colonial Poems. By Mrs. William Anderson. London: Marborough & Co., 1869. Hoare—Figures of Fancy: a Volume of New Poems. The Maori, The Ambush, and Occasional Pieces. By Benjamin Hoare. Adelaide: J. Howell, 1869. Fcp. 8vo. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. 67

Bon wick—Curious Facts of Old Colonial Days. By James Bon wick, . F.R.G.S. London: Sampson Low & Co., 1870. S. post 8vo. Prere (Clerk)—The Antipodes and Round the World; or Travels in Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, China, Japan, &c. By Alice M. Frere (Mrs. Godfrey Clerk). With numerous illus­ trations. London: Hatchards, 1870. Demy 8vo. Iota-"-Kooroona; a Tale of South Australia. By Iota. London: 1871. Conigrave —The City of Adelaide. Historical Sketch of the Munici­ pality, &c. By J. Fairfax Conigrave. Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1871. Taylor—Jottings in Australia, with Remarks on the Californian Route to New York and Liverpool. By William Clare Taylor. London: E. Stanford, 1872. Demy 8vo. Schomburgk—Papers read before the Philosophical Society and the \^* Chamber of Manufactures, Adelaide. By Richard Schomburgk, L.— Dr. Phil. Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1873. 1 vol., demy 8vo. — Botanical Reminiscences in British Guiana. By R. Schomburgk, Dr. Phil. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, n.d. Trollope—Australia and New Zealand. By Anthony Trollope. Division V.—South Australia. Melbourne: G. Robertson, 1873. Demy 8vo. — South Australia and Western Australia. By Anthony Trollope. London: Chapman & Hall, 1875. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. Royal Colonial Institute—Account of the Dinner held at the Cannon-street Hotel on Friday, 15th November, 1872, to Celebrate the Completion of Telegraphic Communication with the Australian Colonies. London. Pamphlet. Randall—Incidents in Colonial Life in Prose and Verse. By Hiza D. Randall. Adelaide: Gall & Sheridan, 1873. Fcp. 8vo. Debney—Poems. By Ellie (Mrs. Debney). Adelaide: Andrews, Thomas, & Clark, 1873. Warburton—Journey Across the Western Interior of Australia, &c. See PART II., p. 12. Giles—Geographic Travels in Central Australia, from 1872 to 1874, &c. See PART II., p. 12. Porrest—Explorations in Australia, &c. See PART II., p. 12. Silver & Co.—Australia and New Zealand. By Silver & Co. London : Spottiswood & Co., 1874. Cr. 8vo. Banken—The Dominion of Australia. An Account of its Foundations. By W. H. L. Ranken. London: Chapman & Hall, 1874. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Hill—What we Saw in Australia. By Bosamond and Florence Hill. London: Macmillan & Co., 1875. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Eden—Australia's Heroes, and Development of the Fifth Continent. By C. H. Eden. London: S. P. C. K., 1875. 1 vol., post 8vo. Anon.—Heroes of Britain in Peace and War. Chapter vin.— Australian Heroes. With illustrations of Cooper's Creek, Menindie, Start of Expedition from Melbourne, Nardoo Plant, and Portraits of Burke, Wills, and King. London, Paris, and New York : Cassell & Co. Cr. 4to. Goodenough—Journal of Commodore Goodenough, R.N., C.B., C.M.G., During his Last Command as Senior Officer on the Australian Station, 1873-5. Edited, with a Memoir, by his Widow. With maps, steel engraved portrait, and woodcuts. London: H. S. King, 1876. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Bushmen's Club—History of the First Bushmen's Club in the Australian Colonies, established at Adelaide, South Australia. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas. Demy 12mo. HarCUS—South Australia : Its History, Resources, and Productions. Edited by Wm. Harcus, J.P. Published by authority of the Government. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1876. 1 vol., demy 8vo. — Another edition. Enlarged and illustrated from photographs taken in the colony. With maps. London: Sampson Low, Marston, & Co., 1876. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Caldwell—The Australian Year, and other Poems. By Robert Caldwell. Adelaide: Chronicle Offices, 1876. 1 vol., demy 8 vo. Musgrave—Precis of Information concerning the Colony of South Australia. Prepared by Captain Musgrave, 13th L.I., for the Government of South Australia. With maps. Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1876. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Anon.—South Australia and its First Two Agents-General (G. S. Walters and F. S. Dutton, C.M.G.) Reprinted from the European Mail, 24th November, 1876. London: Spottiswood and Co., 1876. Pamphlet. Boothby—Statistical Sketch of South Australia. By J. Boothby, Government Statist London: 1876. Sutherland— from 1606 to 1876. By Alexander Sutherland, M.A., and George Sutherland, B.A. Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide : G. Robertson, 1879. 1 vol, cr. 8vo. Wildey—Australasia and the Oceanic Region, with some Notes of New Guinea; from Adelaide, via Torres Straits, to Port Darwin, thence round West Australia. By William Brackley Wildey. Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide: G. Robertson, lb76. 1 vol.. cr. 8vo. Marrett—Australian Reader. By Svdney Marrett. Revised by the late W. Harcus. Adelaide : E. S. Wigg, 1876. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. 69

Booth—Australia. By Edwin Carton Booth, F.R.C.I. Maps; and illustrated with drawings by Skinner, Prout, and Chevalier, &c. London: Virtue & Co., n.d., 2 vols., demy 4to. Tilney — The Wilmots. A South Australian Story. By Effie Stanley (Miss Tilney). London: Elliot Stock, 1877. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Clarke—History of the Continent of Australia and the Island of Tasmania (1787 to 1870). Compiled for the use of schools. Edited by Marcus Clarke. Melbourne: F. F. Bailliere, 1877. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Liabilliere—Early History of the Colony of Victoria, from its Dis­ covery to its Establishment as a Self-Governing Province of the British Empire. By Francis Peter Labilliere, Barrister-at- Law, &c. London: Sampson Low, Marston, k Co., 1878. 2 vols., cr. 8vo. Jones—Broad Outlines of Long Years in Australia. By Mrs. Henry Jones, of Binnum Binnum. London: S. Tinsley k Co., 1878. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Burgess—The Fruit of the Vine. The £100 prize essay. By the Rev. H. T. Burgess. Published by the South Australian Total Abstinence League and Band of Hope Union. Adelaide: Webb, Vardon, k Pritchard, 1878. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Boothby—The Olive : its Culture and Products in the South of France and Italy. By William R. Boothby, Sheriff of South Australia. Illustrated. Adelaide: W.C.Cox, 1878. Demy8vo. Patterson—On the Best Methods of Railway Construction for the Development of New Countries, as illustrated by the Railway Systems of South Australia. By Robert Charles Patterson. With maps and diagrams. Read before the Institute of Civil Engineers, London, 1879. Cr. 8vo. Worsnop—History of the City of Adelaide, from the Foundation of the Province of South Australia in 1836 to the end of the Municipal Year 1877. With appendix and map. By Thomas Worsnop, Town Clerk. Adelaide : J. Williams, 1878. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Bull—Early Experiences of Colonial Life in South Australia. By J. W. Buil. Adelaide: Advertiser, #•

Blair—The History of Australasia, from the First Dawn of Discovery in the Southern Ocean to the Establishment of Self Govern­ ment in the Various Colonies, comprising the Settlement and History of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand; together with Some Account of Fiji and New Guinea. By David Blair. Numerous illustrations and maps. Glasgow, Melbourne, and Dunedin: McGready, Thomson, & Niven, 1879. 1 vol., demy 4to. Anon.—By Land and Ocean ; or the Journal and Letters of a Young Girl who went to South Australia with a lady friend, then alone to Victoria, New Zealand, Sydney. Singapore, China, Japan, and Across the Continent of America, home. Illustrated. London: 1878. Post 8vo. Wallace—Australasia. Edited and extended by Alfred R. Wallace, F.R.G.S ; with Ethnological Appendix by A. H. Keane, M.A., I. Maps and illustrations. London ; E. Stanford, 1879. Boothby—Statistical Sketch of South Australia. By Josiah Boothby, C.M.G. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1879. Cr. 8vo. South Australian Register—South Australia: an Account of its History, Progress, Resources, and Present Position. Reprinted from the South Australian Register. Prepared specially for the Sydney Exhibition. Adelaide: R. K. Thomas, 1879. Sydney Exhibition—International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. South Australian Court; Official Catalogue of Exhibits. Sydney: Gibbs, Shallard, k Co., 1879. Cr. 8vo. Taplin—The Folklore, Manners, Customs, &c, of the South Australian Aborigines. See PART III., p. 17. Woods—The Native Tribes of South Australia, &c. By J. D. Woods. See PAKT ITI., p. 18. Heaton—Australian Dictionary of Dates and Men of the Time; con­ taining the History of Australasia from 1542 to May, 1879. By J. Henniker Heaton. Printed by authority of the Govern­ ment of New South Wales. London: S. W. Silver, 1879. 1 vol., demy 8vo. — Another edition. Sydney: G. Robertson, 1879. Hamilton—Experiences of a Colonist Forty Years Ago; a Journey from Port Phillip to South Australia in 1839: and a Voyage from Port Phillip to Adelaide in 1846. By an Old Hand (George Hamilton). With illustrations. Adelaide: Frearson and Brother, 1879 ; and J. Williams, 1880. 1 vol. Spence—The Laws We Live Under. By (Miss) C. H. Spence. Adelaide: 1880. — Second edition. Enlarged. Adelaide: 1881. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. 71

Melbourne Exhibition —A Sketch of South Australia, for the Melbourne International Exhibition, 1880. Published by direction of the Royal Commissioners for South Australia. With maps and statistical diagrams. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1880. Demy 8vo. Brown—Sheep Breeding in Australia. Containing an Historical Sketch of the Merino Sheep; the Pedigrees of the Principal Stud Sheep in the Australian Colonies; and a Treatise on Breeding. By George A. Brown. Melbourne : Walker, May, and Co., 1880. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Worsnop—Adelaide and its Environs. A Descriptive Guide to Adelaide and Places in its Vicinity; with a Copious Index. By Thomas Worsnop, Town Clerk, Adelaide. Adelaide: G. Robertson, 1880. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. LiOyau—The Gawler Handbook : a Record of the Rise and Progress of that Important Town, to which is added Memoirs of McKinlay, the explorer, and Dr. Nott. By George E. Loyau. Adelaide: Goodfellow k Hele, 1880. Franklyn—A Glance at Australia in 1880 : or Food from the South. Showing the Present Condition and Production of some of its Leading Industries, namely, Wool, Wine, Grain, Dressed Meat, &c, &c, the Amounts of each Produced and Exported. To which is appended the Rise and Progress of some of the Leading Mercantile Houses in Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide; and also a Pastoral and Agricultural Directory of the whole of Australia. By H. Mortimer Franklyn, Editor of the Victorian Review. Melbourne: The Victorian Review Office, 1881. 1 vol., roy. 8vo. Bickford—Christian Work in Australasia, with Notes on the Settle­ ment and Progress of the Colonies. By the Rev. James Bickford, twenty-two years resident in New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. London: Wesleyan Conference Office, n.d. South Australian Eegister— The South-Eastern District of South Australia in 1880. Being a Series of Articles written by a Special Reporter of the South Australian Register, and reprinted from that paper. With an official map of the district. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas & Co, 1881. 1 vol., demy 8vo. MTesfleld— A Chequered Career; or Fifteen Years' Vicissitudes of Life in Australia and New Zealand. By Henry W. Nesfield. London: 1881. 1 vol., 8vo. Fitzgerald—Australia. By John Foster Yesey Fitzgerald, late Colonial Secretary of Victoria. With illustrations and maps. London: Sampson Low & Co., 1 vol., cr. 8vo. pp. 158-85. 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Davies—The Story of an Earnest Life. A Woman's Adventures in Australia and in Two Voyages Round the World. By Mrs. Eliza Davies. Cincinnati: Central Book Concern, No. 180, Elm-street, 1881. Richards—Poems, &c. By William Pearce Richards. Adelaide: Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard, 1881. Russell—The Seeker, and other Poems, with In Parochia. By Alexander Russell, B.D., Dean of Adelaide, South Australia. Adelaide : E. S. Wigg & Son. Melbourne: S. Mullen, 1881. Allen—History of Australia, from 1787 to 1882. By James Allen. Melbourne: Mason, Firth, & McCutcheon, 1882. Cr. 8vo. Adelaide Exhibition, 1881—South Australia. A Brief Account of its Progress and Resources. With map showing its position in relation to the other Australian Colonies; also a description of the Adelaide Exhibition, 1&81. Published by direction of the Hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1882. Tolmer—Reminiscences of an Adventurous and Chequered Career at Home and at the Antipodes. By , ex-Com­ missioner of Police in South Australia. With portrait of the Author. London: Sampson Low & Co., 1882. 2 vols., cr. 8vo. Anon.—The Three L's, or Lawyers, Land Jobbers, and Lovers. A Tale of South Australia Twenty Years Ago. Adelaide: Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard, 1882. 1 vol., demy 8vo. SeellLOrst—Australien in seinen Weltausstellungsjahren, 1879-81. Nebst einem Anhange: Eine Reise in's Innere Von Sumatra. Von Georg Seelhorst. Augsburg: 1882. 1 vol., demy 8vo. jMUg—Der Weltteil Australien. Von Dr. Karl Emil Jung. Leipzic; 1882. 4 vols. Schneider—Die Australischen Eingebornen. Von Dr. Wilhelm Schneider. Frankfort: 1883. 1vol. Loyau—The Representative Men of South Australia. By George E. Loyau. Illustrated. Adelaide: G. Howell, 1883, cr. 8vo. — Notable South Australians; or Colonists, Past and Present. By G. E. Loyau. Illustrated. Adelaide: Carey, Page, & Co., 1885. StOW—South Australia: Its History, Productions, and Natural Resources. By J. P. Stow. Written for the Calcutta Exhibi- bition by request of the South Australian Government. Illustrated and with maps. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1883. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Conigrave—Calcutta Exhibition, 1883-4. Agriculture in South Australia. A Description of the South Australian Seed- sower, Stripper, and Winnower. Written by John Fairfax Conigrave. Illustrated. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1883. HISTORICAL AND GENERAL. 73

Stainsfleld—Descriptive Catalogue of Australian Tradesmen's Tokens. Illustrated with Woodcuts; also, some Account of the Early Silver Pieces and Gold Coinage of Australia. By C. W. Stainsfield. London : 1883. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Anon.—South Australia, containing, from Government sources, Statis­ tical and other Information; with Useful Counsels to Emi­ grants. With map. Published under direction of the Tract Committee. London : S. P. C. K., 1883. Lee—Glenelg : Historic Guide and Directory. By John Lee. Adelaide Advertiser Office, 1883. Twopeny—Town Life in Australia. By R. E. N. Twopeny. London : Eliot Stock, 1883. 8vo Wall—Manual of Physical Geography of Australia. By H. Beresford De La Poer Wall, M.A. Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide: G. Robertson, 1883. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. Styles—Australian Poems. By (Miss) Emma Styles. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas & Co., 1883. Fcp. 8vo. Hugo—The Origin and Antiquity of Freemasonry: Its Rights and Ceremonies traced from Ancient to Modern Times, in a Series of Essays. By Wm. Marks Hugo. Adelaide : J. H. Sherring, 1883. Demy Svo. Ru886ll—Voices of Doubt; Australian Scenes, and other Poems. By Alexander Russell, B.D., Vicar of St. Paul's and Dean of Adelaide. Adelaide: E. S. Wigg & Son. Melbourne: S. Mullen, 1884. Jung—Australia: The Country and its Inhabitants. Abridged from the larger work of Dr. K. E. Jung, formerly Inspector of Schools, South Australia ; with Sixteen full page Illustrations, and an Index. London: W. T. Sonnenschein & Co., 1884. Cr. 8vo. Bull—Early Experiences of Life in South Australia, and an Ex­ tended Colonial History. By . With Illustrations. London: Sampson Low & Co. Adelaide: E. S. Wigg k Son, 1884. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Howell—Rose Leaves from an Australian Garden. (A Collection of Poems.) By John Howell. Adelaide: Carey & Page, 1884. 1 vol., demy 8vo. I^ewin—Songs of the South. By Frances Sescadorowna Lewin. Adelaide : Scrymgour & Sons, 1884. Thomas—Hydatid Disease, with special reference to its Prevalence in Australia. By John Davies Thomas, M.D. Adelaide : E. Spiller, 1884. 1 vol., demy Svo. — Hydatid Disease of the Lungs. Adelaide : Frearson's, 1884. F 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Liawrance—Ready Reckoner of Agents' Commissions on Land Sales, and Money Loans, &c. By Charles Lawrance, Adelaide, S. A. Adelaide: Sands & McDougall, 1884. Fcp. 8vo. Marbron—The Australasian Birthday Book, specially compiled from the Writings of the Poets of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, and New Zealand. By Myra Marbron. London: Griffith, Farran, &. Co., 1885. 1 vol., fcp. 4to. Robinson—Sermon Memorials of the Late Rev. W. G. Robinson, M.A., sometime Incumbent of S. Mary's, South-road, &c. Edited by the Rev. Fred. T. Whitington. Adelaide: W. C. Rigby, 1885. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Finniss—The Constitutional History of South Australia, during Twenty-one Years, from the Foundation of the Settlement, in 1836, to the Inauguration of Responsible Government in 1857. By the Hon. Boyle Travers Finniss, J.P., late Colonial Secretary of the Province, and first Chief Secretary under Responsible Government. Adelaide: W. C. Rigby. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co, 1886. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Conigrave—South Australia: a Sketch of its History and Resources. A Handbook Compiled for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition in London, 1886. By John Fairfax Conigrave. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1886.

ADDENDUM. (Books published, no particulars obtainable. J Scott—Description of South Australia. By T. Scott. Chauncey—Guide to South Australia. By W. S. Chauncey. Anon.—Reminiscences of a Sojourn in South Australia. — South' Australia: How to Settle and Succeed in. By a Bushman. Watson—South Australia. A Lecture delivered at Chichester by H. Watson. Melville—Western Australia, South Australia, and New Zealand. By H. Melville. Liee—Sailing Directions for South Australia. By F. Lee. PART VI.—NORTHERN TERRITORY.

(CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED.) Flinders—A Voyage to Terra Australis, &c, &c. By Captain* Matthew Flinders, R.N. Contains an account of all discoveries- on the north coast of Australia prior to 1800. See PART I.— DISCOVERY, &c. King:—Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia, performed between the years 1818 and 1822. By Captain Phillip P. King, R.N., &c. With an Appendix, con­ taining various subjects relating to hydrography and natural history. Illustrated by plates, charts, and woodcuts. London: John Murray, 1826. 2 vols., demy 8vo. Campbell — Geographical Memoir of Melville Island and Port Essington, on the Coburg Peninsula, Northern Australia, with some observations on the settlements which have been estab­ lished on the north coast of New Holland, accompanied by a map of Melville and Bathurst Islands, together with a plan of Port Essington. Communicated to the Royal Geographical Society by Major Campbell, 57th foot, formerly commandant at Melville Island. Jour, Roy. Geogr. Soc, vol. IT. London: 1834. Wilson—Narrative of a Voyage Round the World; comprehending an account of the wreck of the ship Governor Ready in Torres Straits; a description of the British settlements on the coasts of New Holland, more particularly Raffles Bay, Melville Island, Swan River, and King George's Sound; also, the manners and customs of the aboriginal tribes, with an appendix, containing remarks on transportation, the treatment of convicts during the voyage, and advice to persons intending to emigrate to the Australian colonies. By T. B. Wilson, M.l). Illustrated by plates and a chart. London: Sherwood & Co., 1835. 1 vol.,. demy 8vo. Earl—Observations on the Commercial and Agricultural Capabilities- of the North Coast of New Holland, and Advantages to be Derived from the Establishment of a Settlement in the Vicinity of Raffles Bay. By G. Windsor Earl. London : 1836. South. Australian Record—Port Essington. Climate, Colonisa­ tion, Prospects, &c, &c. Vols. n. and in. London: 1840-41* — Melville Island. Apsley's Straits Settlement. Vol. n. London: 1840. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Anon.—A mother's offering to her children, by a lady resident in New South Wales. Sydney: Gazette Office, about l%4\. Contains an account of Port Essington settlement. 1 vol., fcp. 8vo. JSarl—Notes on Northern Australia and Neighboring Seas. By G. W. Earl. Jour. Roy. Geogr. Sac, 1842, vol. xn., pp. 139-41. — Enterprise in Tropical Australia. By G. Windsor Earl, M.R.A.S., linguist to the North Australian expedition, and Com­ missioner of Crown Lands for Port Essington, with maps. London : Madden & Malcolm, 1846. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Home—Report on Port Essington Settlement. By Captain Sir Everard Home. See Australia; from Port Macquarie to Moreton Bay. By C. Hodgkinson, pp. 115-19. London: 1845. Stokes—Discoveries in Australia, with an account of the coasts and rivers explored and surveyed. during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, in the years 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, by command of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty; also, a narrative of Captain Owen Stanley's visits to the islands in the Arafura Sea. By J. Lort Stokes, R.N. Illustrated by plates and charts. London: T. & W. Boone, 1846. 2 vols., demy 8vo. lieichardt—Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3,000 miles, during the years 1844-5. By Dr. Ludwig Leichardt. Illustrated by plates and charts. London: T. & W. Boone, 1847. 1 vol., and 1 vol. charts, demy 8vo. •Jukes—Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H.M.S. Fly, commanded by Captain F. P. Blackwood, R.N., in Torres Strait, New Guinea, and other islands of the Eastern Archipelago, during the years 1842-46, together with an excursion into the eastern part of Java. By J. Beete Jukes, M.A., F.G.S., naturalist to the expedition. Published by permission of the Lords Com­ missioners of the Admiralty. Illustrated by plates, charts, and woodcuts. London : T. & W. Boone, 1847. 2 vols., demy 8vo. JffacGillivray—Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, com­ manded by the late Captain Owen Stanley, R.N., during the years 1846-50, including Discoveries and Surveys in New Guinea, the Louisiade Archipelago, &c, to which is added the Account of Mr. E. B. Kennedy's Expedition for the Explora­ tion of the Cape York Peninsula. By John MacGilHvray, F.R.G.S., naturalist to the expedition. Published under the sanction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Illus­ trated by plates and charts. London: T. & W. Boone, 1852. 2 vols., demy 8vo. Gregory—North Australian Expedition. Letters from A. C. Gregory to the Government of New South Wales, detailing explorations from Victoria River to Brisbane. S.A. Parliamentary Paper No. 170 of 1861. NORTHERN TERRITORY. 77

Baines—Additional Notes on the North Australian Expedition under A. C. Gregory. By T. Baines. Jour. Roy. Geogr. Soc, London, 1858, pp. 3-16. Earl—The Native Races of the Indian Archipelago—Papuans. By G. W. Earl. Illustrated by plates and map. London : 1853. — Northern Australia: Its Productive Resources. By G* Windsor Earl. Boothby's Adelaide Directory, 1865, pp. 30-34. — Handbook for Colonists in Tropical Australia. By G^ Windsor Earl. With charts. Penang: 1863. Reprinted by George Rivers, London, 1882. 1 vol., demy 8vo. — Contributions to the Meteorology of Northern Australia* By G. Windsor Earl. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc. Adelaide, September 5th, 1865. Mueller—A Systematic Arrangement of the Plants noticed around the Gulf of Carpentaria, from the Roper to the Gilbert River. By Baron Sir F. von Mueller, K.C.M.G. Melbourne: 1862. 8vo. Wells—Wool Growing in North Australia. By R. Wells. Trans. Adel. Phil. Soc. Adelaide, October 18th, 1864. Bauer—The Results of Meteorological Observations at Adam Bay,. North Australia. By Jacob Bauer. Ibid. South Australian Government—The Northern Territory of South Australia. Accompanied with a map. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1863. Pamphlet Demy 8vo. Woods—North Australia; its Physical Geography and Natural History. By the Rev. Julian E. Tenison Woods, F.R.G.S* Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1864. Pamphlet. Demy 8vo. Oppen—A Description of the Northern Territory of South Australia. Carefully Compiled from the Various Explorers' and Surveyors' Journals and Charts. By Edward A. Oppen. Accompanied by a map, showing the boundaries fixed by H.M.'s Letters- Patent, and corrected in accordance with the last information received. Second edition. Hertford: S. Austin, 1864* Pamphlet. Demy 8vo. Stephenson—Essays and Miscellaneous Pieces. By the late Edward R. Stephenson. With a preface by his friend. C Todd, Esq., F.R.A.S. Contains prize essay, St. Peter's Collegiate School* Adelaide, December. 1864, on *% The Difficulties of Colonisation in the Northern Territory." Adelaide : Andrews, Thomas, and Clark, 1865. 1 vol., cr. 8vo. Bennett—Vocabulary of the Woolner District Dialect, Adelaide Kiver, Northern Territory. By N. W. O. Bennett. Adelaide; W. C. Cox, 1869. Pamphlet. Fcp. 8vo. Douglas—Official Report on the Northern Territory of South Australia. By Lieut. Douglas. 1871. 8vo. 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

StOW—Voyage of the Forlorn Hope from Adam Bay to King George's Sound; and Notes on Western Australia. By J. P. Stow, J. P. Adelaide : Advertiser Office. Pamphlet, roy. 8vo. JLnon,—Port Darwin ; its Soil, Climate, and Resources and Prospects as a Goldfield. Also a Descriptive Sketch of Charters Towers, compiled from official, public, and private records. By Quiris. With map. Melbourne: G. Robertson, 1872. Cr. 8vo. C!astlenau—Contribution to the Ichthyology of Australia. Notes on Fishes from North Australia. Proc. Zool. and AccUm. Soc. of Victoria, vol. n., Melbourne, 1873, pp. 83-97. Jfewman—The Northern Territory and its Goldfields. By G. M. Newman. Adelaide : Advertiser, &c, Office, 1875. Pamphlet. Harcus—South Australia. Chapter on the Northern Territory. See PART V., p. 68. Plimkett—On the Gold Fields of the Northern Territory of South Australia. By J. A. Plunkett. See Harcus's South Australia, pp. 168-74. "Wildey—Australasia and the Oceanic Region, &c. By William Brackley Wildey. See PAKT V., p. 68. Booth—Australia. Chapter on the Northern Territory. See p. 69. Xnight—The Northern Territory of South Australia. Edited by J. G. Knight, F.R.I.B.A. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1880. Pamphlet. Demy 8vo. Victorian Review—The Mistakes of South Australia in the Northern Territory. By a Correspondent, Palmerston, N.T. See article in Victorian Review, No. 19, May, 1881. Wigley—Memorandum of Articles of Association of McKinlay and Mount Wells, Northern Territory. Tin Mining Association, Limited. W. R. Wigley, solicitor. Adelaide: 1881. Pamphlet. Poelsche—Notes on the Aborigines of North Australia. By Paul Foelsche, Inspector of Police, N.T. See Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A., vol. v., 1881-2. Mueller—On a New Dilleniaeeous Plant, and a New Rhamnaceous Plant from Arnheim Land. By Baron Sir F. von Mueller, K.C.M.G. Trans. Roy. Soc,, S.A., vol. v., 1881-2, pp. 79-80. — Diagnosis of a New Genus of Verbenacese from Arnheim Land. Ibid, vol. vi., 1882-3, pp. 33-4. — Abrus Precatorius. The Australasian Medical Gazette, Sydney, vol. n., July, 1883, p. 217. Tate—Note on the Occurrence of a Second Specie^ of Crocodile from Arnheim Land. By Professor R. Tate, F.G.S. Trans. Roy. Soc, S.A.< vol. vi., 1882-3, p. 96. — See also PAKT IV.—NATURAL HISTORY p. 32. NORTHERN TERRITORY. 79

Creed—Extraordinary Customs of the Aborigines of Central Australia. By John M. Creed, L.R.C.P. The Australasian Medical Gazette, Sydney, vol. n., February, 1883, pp. 95-7. Sowden—The Northern Territory as it is. A Narrative of the South Australian Parliamentary Party's Trip, and Full Descriptions of the Northern Territory, its Settlements, and Industries. By William J. Sowden. With an Appendix, containing Reports on the General Resources of the Territory, by Professor Tate, F.G.S. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas & Co., 1882. 1 vol., demy 8vo. Harry—The Northern Territory of South Australia, read before the Royal Colonial Institute, London, May 9th, 1882. By Thomas Hany. See Proc. Roy, Col. Inst., London, vol. XIII. South Australian Government—Catalogue of Products of the Northern Territory of South Australia for the Calcutta Exhibi­ tion, 1883. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1883. Pamphlet, 8vo. Campbell—India in Six, and Australia in Sixteen Days. By W. Campbell, late member of the Legislative Council of Victoria. London: W. H. Allen, 1883. Pamphlet, demy 8vo. Northern Territory Times—Almanac and Directory for 1885 and 1886. Published at Palmerston, N.T. Bull—Early Experiences of Life in South Australia, &c. — The Northern Territory, Explorations in, by McKinlay, &c. See PAKT V.—HISTOKICAL, &C, p. 73. Parsons—The Sugar Industry in the Mackay District. Notes of a Trip among the Mackay Sugar Plantations; the Colored Labor Question in Queensland; and the Northern Territory as a Country for the Growth of Sugar and other Tropical Products; and the Advantages of Coolie Labor in the Northern Territory. By J. Langdon Parsons, M.P., Minister of Education, South Australia. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1883. Demy 8vo. — The Northern Territory of South Australia. By J. Langdon Parsons. See article in the National Review, London, March, 1884. COLONIAL LAND AND EMIGRATION COMMISSIONERS, LONDON. REPORTS ON FORMATION OF SETTLEMENT AT PORT ESSINGTON.— Annual Progress Reports on Trade, Climate, &c. See Reports of Commissioners for years 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1847.

PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ACTS RELATING TO THE SETTLEMENT OF THE NORTHERN TERRI­ TORY.—NOS. 23 of 1863, 3 of 1868-9, 2 of 1869-70, 3 of 1871, 28 of 1872, 18 of 1S73, 15 of 1875, 48 of 1876, 71 of 1877, 158 and 163 of 1879, 194 of 1880, 220 and 224 of 1881, 240 and 271 of 1882. 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA—continued. PABLIAMENTARY PAPEKS (chiefly bearing on settlement)— Colonization and Annexation of Northern Territory. Papers Nos. 37, 70,113, and 127 of 1863; and 113 of 1883-4. Reports of Surveying Schooner Beatrice, With chart. Papers Nos. 18 of 1865-6 and 79 of 1866-7. Correppr ndence Relative to the Settlement. Papers Nos. 89 of 1866-7 ; 15, 83, and 134 of 1866 ; 16, 55, and 80 of 1866-7. Definition of Counties. Paper No. 51 of 1873. Report of Commission to Inquire into the Management of the Northern Territory, together with Minutes of the Evidence, and Appendix. Paper No. 17 of 1866. V McKinlay's Explorations. Papers Nos. 131 of 1865-6; 82 and 82A. of 1866-7. Land Order Holders in Northern Territory Land. Papers Nos. 103-4 of 1866-7; 176 of 1867; 127 of 1868; 160 of 1868 9; 129 and 129A of 1869-70. Purchasers of Northern Territory Allotments. Paper No. 104 of 1866-7. Order of Choice Town Allotments. Paper No. 29 of 1870-71. Order of Choice Country Sections. Papers Nos. 30 and 30A of 1870-1. V~ Captain Cadell's Explorations. Papers Nos. 178 of 1867; and 24, 79, and 79A of 1868-9. Climate, Mr. Todd's Report on. Paper No. 114 of 1368-9. Horses for Indian Army. Papers Nos. 43, 67, 67A, and 155 of 1869-70; and 25 of 1874. Gold Fields Reports. Papers Nos. 126 of 1871; 106 of 1876; 72 of 1877 ; and 155 of 1880. Suivey of Northern Territory. Papers Nos. 31 and 157 of 1869-70 ; and 32 of 1870-71. Description of Soil, &c, by G. W. Goyder, Surveyor-General. Paper No. 32 of 1870-71. Maps and Plans of Land in Vicinity of Palmercton, and Plans of Palmerston, Virginia, Southport, and Dalv. Papers Nos. 161 and 204 of 1869-70 ; 73 of 1870-71; and 51 of 1873. Railway—Port Augusta and Port Darwin. Papers Nos. 87 of 1872; 138 and 177 of 1873 ; 105 of 1876; and 190 of 1881. Railway—Port Darwin to Reefs. Paper No. 225 of 1877. Telegraph—Port Darwin. Papers Nos. 60 of 1871; 41 and 156 of 1872; 28 and 29 of 1873 ; 180 of 1874; and 109 of 1876. Hon. T. Reynolds' Report on Northern Territory. Paper No. 55 of 1873. Northern Territory Litigation. Report of Proceedings before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Paper No. 50 of 1874. Coolie, Santhal, and Indian Emigration. Papers Nos. 38 and 65 of 1874; 61, 73, and 106 of 1875 ; 50 of 1880: and 42 of 1882; and Acts 163 of 1879 ; and 240 of 1882. Mennonites. Correspondence with Bishop Bugnion. Papers Nos. 29, 160, and 160A of lb76. Climate, Soil, &c, Reports on. By Government Resident. Papers Nos. 35 of 1871 and 138 of 1880. Cultivation of Sugar and other Tropical Products. Papers Nos. 43 of 1878; and 179 of 1881. NORTHERN TERRITORY. 81

PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA—continued. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS—continued. Explorations between Alice Springs and the Eastern Boundary of the Province. Mr. Barclay's journal and map. Paper No. '209 of 1878. Victoria River. Correspondence re Settlement at. Paper No. 128 of 1879. Mineralogical, &c, Features of the Northern Teiritory. Professor Tate's Rftport. With maps. Paper No. 63 of 1882. Government Resident's Reports. Papers Nos. 138 of 1880; 33 and 105 of 1881 ; 147 and 147A of 1882 ; 53, 53A, 54, 54A. of 1883; 53, 63A, 53B, and 54 of 1884 ; and 53, 54, and 55 of 1885. Herbert River and North-Eastern Exploring Expedition. Mr. Winnecke's Report. Paper No. 121 of 1882. MacArthur River Exploring Expedition. Messis. Favenc and Crawford. Paper No. 181 of 1883-4. Arnheim's Land Exploring Expedition. Mr. D. Lindsay. Paper No. 239 of 1883-4. Captain Carrington, s.s. Palmerston. Reports on Roper River, Castlereagh Bay, MacArthur, Goyder, Blyth, Liverpool, King, and Alligator Rivers. See Government Resident's Reports for jears 1884-5. PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES — For debates on Northern Territory questions in the South Australian Parliament, see volumes printed annually at Adelaide, S.A.

PARLIAMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. FORREST—Journal of the Proceedings of the Western Australiaa Exploring Expedition through the Centre of Australia, from Champion Bay, on the West Coast, to the Overland Telegraph Line, between Adelaide and Port Darwin, commanded by John Forrest, F.R G.S. Paper No. 39, with landscape views and a map, &c, &c. Perth : R. Pether, 1875. Fcp. folio. MUELLER—Description of Plants Collected on this Expedition. By Baron Sir F. von Mueller, K.C.M.G. Ibid, p. 38.

SMYTH—Report on Specimens of Rocks, &c. By R. Brough Smythr F.G S., &c. Ibid, p. 39. See p. 30 herein. FORREST—Journal of Expedition from DeGrey to Port Darwin. By Alexander Forrest, F.R.G.S. Illustrated by colored plates and a map. Perth : R. Pether, 1880. Fcp. folio. HILL—Report on Geological Character of Country between Beagle Bay to Katherine Station. By Fenton Hill. Ibid, pp. 42-3.

PARLIAMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN\ &c, BREMER AND OTHERS—Port Essington. Copies or Extracts of Corres­ pondence relative to the Establishment of a Settlement at Port Essington; together with a map of the north coast of Australia. London: Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed,. March 27th, 1843. Fcp. folio. 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

PARLIAMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN, Ac—continued. GREGORY—Papers relating to an Expedition recently undertaken for the Purpose of Exploring the Northern Portion of Australia. By A. C. Gregory. With a map. London: 1857. Fcp. folio. AUSTRALIAN EXPLORING EXPEDITION—Despatches from the Governors of Victoria, South Australia, and Queensland, relative to the Explorations of Messrs. Burke aDd Wills of the Continent of Australia, from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria. H.C. paper, dated March 28th, 1862, paper No. 139, fcp. folio.

NOTE.—For other references to Northern Territory, Explorations by Land, see PART II.—TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS BY LAND, p. 9 herein.

NEWSPAPERS. " NORTHERN TERRITORY TIMES AND GAZETTE."—Printed at Port Darwin. V. L. Solomon, proprietor. From November 7th, 1873, to date. Price, 6d. " NORTH AUSTRALIAN."—Printed at Port Darwin. Geo. W. Mayhew, proprietor. From June 7th, 18«3, to date. Price, 6d.


LEGAL Torrens—Speeches Explanatory of his Measure for Eeform of the Law of Real Property; to which is appended a copy of the Act. By Robert R. Torrens. Adelaide: 1858. 4to. — The South Australian System of Conveyancing by Registration of Title, with instructions for the guidance of parties deal'ng, illustrated by copies of the books and forms in use in the Lands Titles Office ; to which is added the South Australian Real Property Act. as amended in the session of 18-58. With a copious index by Henry Gawler. Adelaide: Register Office, 1859. Demy 8vo. — A Handy Book on the Real Property Act of South Australia, containing a succinct account of that measure, compiled from authentic documents, with full information and examples for the guidance of persons dealing; also an Index to the Act. By Robert R. Torrens, Registrar-General. Adelaide: Advertiserj $c, Office, n.d. (about 1S63.) Pamphlet. Demy 12mo. Fisher—The Real Property Act, as passed session 1867-8. See PART V., p. 62. Tipara Mineral Claims — Addresses of Counsel delivered before the Select Committee of the House of Assembly on the Tipara Mineral Claims. Printed from the notes of the Government shorthand reporter. Adelaide: Advertiser, $c, Office, 1863. Demy 8vo. Pelbam, Brook, Downer, Downer, Nesbit, Varley The South Australian Law Reoprts. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of South Australia, &c. Edited by L. J. Pel ham, 1865-6; by James Brook, vol. i., 1867 ; by J. W. Downer, vols. n. to ix., 1868 to 1875 ; by H. F. Downer, vols x. to xv., 1876 to 1881; by E. P. Nesbit and C. G. Varley, vol. xvi., 1882. Adelaide. Royal 8vo. Daly—The South Australian Justices' Manual. Compiled for the information and guidance of magistrates, their clerks, and others assisting in the administra­ tion of Justice. By John George Daly, B.C.L. Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1871. Varley—The Minor Offences Procedure Act of 1869, with explanatory notes and forms. By John Varley. Eapunda, South Australia : Scandrett & Elliott, 1870. DemySvo. Fenn The Civil Jurisdiction of the Local Courts of South Australia; with notes on the Acts relating to such Courts, and on decisions by the English Courtson various points raised under the English County Courts Acts, containing provisions analagous to those of the Local Courts Acts of South Australia. Bv Charles Fenn. Intended principally for the use of magistrates. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1872 Demy 8vo. — Form of Information and Complaints generally in use under the Criminal Law Consolidation Act, No. 38 of 1876, and other Acts in force in South Australia. Adelaide: J. H. Sherring, 1881. 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Beresford, Q. "W, D.—Acts and Ordinances of the Province of South Australia, from 7th, William IV., to the close of the third session of the seventh Parlia­ ment (38th Victoria), November 6th, 1874. Also, Chronological List of the Acta and Ordinances of South Australia, from the foundation of the colony, in 1836, to the close of the special session of the seventh Parliament, termi­ nating November 30th, 1875. Prepared by the Clerk of the House of Assembly. Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1876. Demy 4to. — Alphabetical Index to Public Acts in force or partly in force. Chronological List of the Acts and Ordinances of South Australia, from the foundation of the colony, in 1836, to the close of the first session of the ninth Parliament, terminating November 30th, 1878. Acts and Ordinances of the Province of South Australia from 7th, William IV., to the close of the session of the Parliament, 1878. Prepared by the Clerk of the House of Assembly. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1879. Demy 4to. Supreme Court—The Supreme Court Act, 1878, and the Rules of Court made thereunder: together with a Table of Contents, Time Table, and Index. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1879. Demy 4to. Sheridan, Bake well—The Magistrates' Guide, containing the ordinary procedure, jurisdiction and duties of Special Magistrates and Justices of the Peace; relating to summary convictions, minor offences, indictable offences, and Justices' duties as Coroners; also a digest of Magisterial Law, and forms in common use, with notes and observations; and a copious index. By John Beal Sheridan and John Warren Bake well, M.A. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1879. Demy 8vo. — Notanda to the Magistrates' Guide. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1880. Sheridan—First Impressions of a Law Eeformer. By J. B. Sheridan. Being a series of articles reprinted from the South Australian Advertiser of September and October, 1873. Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1880. Pamphlet. Demy 8vo. Hackett—Sheridan Prize Essay. The Comparison of Roman and English Law. By J. T. Hackett, B.A. " Propter Amoretn." Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1882. Pamphlet. Demy 8vo. Cotton & Opie—Correspondence on the Eeal Property Act. Adelaide: Carey and Page, 1882. Pamphlet. Supreme Court— Catalogue of the Library of the Supreme Court of South Australia. Revised and extended from 1876 to 1883. Adelaide: E. Spiller, 1883. Lovekirj—Digest of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of South Australia, from March, 1847, to January, 1884. By A. Lovekin. Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1884. Demy 8vo. Harry, Lovekin—A Handy Guide and Index to the Insolvent Acts of South Australia, showing the powers, duties, privileges, and liabilities ot insolvent debtors, cieditors, trustees, &c, &c.; together with a short tna'ise on arrangements by deed, for the use of merchants, trader?, and others. Com­ piled by Thomas Harry and Arthur Lovekin. Edited and revised by S. Pariss Nesbit. Adelaide : Advertiser Office, 1885. Smith, Young1—Index of the Public General Statutes in Force in South Australia, together with a Chronological Table of HII the Acts passed fiom the founda­ tion of the colony down to 1885. By James Walter Smith, LL.D., and Aretas Young, B.A. Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1885. Demy 8vo. APPENDIX—COLONIAL PAMPHLFfS. 85


Light, Colonel William—A Brief Journal, &c. 1839. See PART II., p. 9. Williams, William—A Vocabulary of the Language of the Aborigines of the Adelaide District, &c. 1839. See PART III., p. 15. Tiechelmann, C T., and Schurmann, C. W.—Outlines of a Grammar, &c, of the Aboriginal Language. 1840. See PART III., p. 15. Howard, Rev. C. B —The South Australian Church Hymn Book. Adelaide: R. Thomas & Co., 1840. Anon.—An Inquiry into the Nature and Meaning of Christian Baptism. Adelaide: R. Thomas & Co., 1840. Meyer, H. A. E.—Vocabulary of the Language Spoken by the Aborigines of the Southern and Eastern Settled Districts, &c. 1843. See PAHT III., p. 15. — Manners and Customs of the Aborigines, &c. 1846. See FART III., p. 16. Schurmann, C. W.—A Vocabulary of the Parnkalla Language, &c. 1844. See PART III., p. 16. — The Aboriginal Tribes of Port Lincoln, &c. 1846. See PART III., p. 16. Moorhouse, M.—A Vocabulary, Ac, of the Murray River Language, &c. 1846. See PART III., p. 16. Burr, Thomas—Geology, &c, of South Australia. 1846. See PART IV., p. 23. Hardy, John—The South Australian Settlers' Guide to the Botanical Character of the Tobacco Plant, &c. By John Hardy, of the Reedbeds. Adelaide: J. Stephens, 1848. Fitzpatrick, A., M.B.—A Guide to the Preservation of Health in South Aus­ tralia. By A. Fitzpatrick, M.D., late Physician-in-Chief to the Polish Army, &c. Adelaide: R. Thomas & Co. (n.d.) Stephens, J.—Sanitary Reforms. Adelaide: 1849. Short, Bight Rev. A., D.D.—Visitation of the Lord Bishop at Christ Church, North Adelaide, 3rd January, 1855. Adelaide: J. H. Sherring, 1855. — A Letter to Mr. H. Hussey, in Answer to his Constitution for all Churches. Adelaide: T. Murphy, 1855. Torrens, Robert R.—Observations upon the Working, Present Effects, and Future Tendencies of Act No. 1 of 1852, "Making Bank Notes, under Certain Circumstances, a Legal Tender." Adelaide: Register Office, 1852. — Project for the Establishment of a South Australian Land Bank, on Principles Similar to those of the *' Institution Des Credit Fonder" on the Continent of Europe, Earnestly Recommended to the Attention of Capitalists, Land Owners, and the Public of South Australia. Adelaide: Register Office, 1858. — A Handy Book on the Real Property Act of South Australia, Containing a Succinct Account of that Measure, &c. See LEGAL. — For other Pamphlets on Real Property Act see LEGAL, p. 83. Wilson, Thomas—Eminent Female Artists. A Lecture read at the North Adelaide Institute, January 17th, 1854. Adelaide: Hussey & Shawyer, 1854. 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Presbyterian Free Church—Narrative of Proceedings at the Formation of the Presbytery of the Adelaide Presbyterian Free Church. 1855. Burford, W. H.—Bazaars, &c. A Lecture on the Present Modes of Raising Money for Religious Objects, Delivered at 'White's Assembly Rooms, November 7th, 1856. Adelaide: Hussey & Gall, 1856. Anon.—Thoughts and Facts Connected with the Movement in South Australia to Form Closer Alliance of Evangelical Christians in South Australia. By a Lay Member of the Church of England and Ireland (United). 1858. Jones, "W.—The Australian Vegetable Cultivator, Containing Plain and Accurate Directions How to Grow and When to Sow the Different Kinds of Culinary Vegetables, &c. Adelaide: Hussey & Gall (n.d.). Stuart, J. McD.—Journey into the Interior of Australia. Adelaide: J. H. Lewis, 1860. Fcp. 8vo. Russell, Rev. A. R.—A Reply to Certain Statements Publicly Made by Sir Richard G. MacDonnell, C.B., in reference to the Constitution and Proceedings of the Diocesan Synod, by Alex. R. Russell, Incumbent of St. Paul's and Rural Dean. Adelaide: Register Offices, 1860. Demy 8vo. Anon.—Our Tariff. An Address to the People of South Australia on the Best Means of Encouraging Productive Industry and Increasing Wealth in the Colony. By An Old Colonist. 1860. Francis, G. "W.—The Acclimatisation of Harmless, Useful, Interesting, and Orna­ mental Animals and Plants, Being a Paper Read Before the Philosophical Society, Adelaide, S.A., on May 13th, 1862. By George William Francis, F.H.8., Director of the Botanic Garden : Adelaide: Register Office, 1862. Demy 8vo. Wilhelmi, C.—The Manners and Customs of the Australian Natives. Melbourne, 1862. See PART III., p. 17. Austin, J. B.—The Mines of South Australia, &c. 1863. See PABT IV., p. 21. South Australian Government—The Northern Territory, &c. 1863. See TART VI., p. 77. Taplin, Rev. George—Tungarar Jehovald. Yarildewallin, &c. 1864. See PAKT III., p. 17. Woods, Rev. J. E. T.—North Australia, &c. 1864. See PABT IV., p. 34. — Report on Geology, &c, South-Eastern District. Ibid, Hanson (Sir), Richard Davies (Chief Justice of South Australia)—Law in Nature, and other Papers. Read before the Adelaide Philosophical Society and the South Australian Institute. Adelaide : W. C. Rigby, 1865. Jones, Harry—The New Valuations; or the Case of the South Australian Squat­ ters I*airly Stated, with an Appendix Showing the Manner in which the Runs have been Valued. Melbourne: H. Dwight. 1864. Cr. 8vo. Joyner, W. J.—Essay on the Drainage and Sewerage of the City of Adelaide, South Australia. Adelaide : D. Gall, 1865. W. H. It. (liawson)—Our Wool Staple; or a History of Squatting in South Australia. Adelaide: J. Howell. 1865. Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition, 1866 — Catalogue of the South Australian Contributions. Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1866. Isaacs, George—Not For Sale; a Selection of Imaginative Pieces. Adelaide: Sims & Elliott, 1869. Hoare, Benjamin- The Maori. A New Australian Poem. Adelaide: Platts and Co., 1869. Bennett, N. W. O.—Vocabulary of the Woolner. District Dialect, &c. 1869. See PART VI., p. 77. APPENDIX—COLONIAL PAMPHLETS. 87

Chamber of Manufactures— South Australian Industries and Manufactures. Papers read before the Chamber and reprinted by authority of the Government. Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1S75. Demy 8vo. Contains the following:— Wine Growing in South Australia. By Dr. A. C. Kelly. Wine Growing in South Australia. By W. L. Cleland. Cultivation of the Olive and Manufacture of its Fruit. By Saml. Davenport. Preparation of Dried and Preserved Fruits. By G. McEwin. Description and Cultivation of Beet. By Dr. Charles Davies. Flax Cultivation. By S. V. Pizey. Sericulture. By George Francis. Sericulture. By . Sericulture. By F. Wurm. The Cause of Disease in Silkworms. By R. Schomburgk, Dr. Phil. The Rotation of Crops. By E. B. Heyne. Breeding of Sheep and Improvement of Wool. By L. Mason. Grasses and Fodder Plants. By R. Schomburgk, Dr. Phil. Capabilities of the Various Districts in the Colony. By R. Schomburgk, Dr. Phil. The Culture of Tobacco. By R. Schomburgk, Dr. Phil. Petroleum or Coal. By T. U. Scrutton. Technological Education. By Rev. J. I. Bleasdale, D.D. Victorian Manufactures and Industries. By S. V. Pizey. Forest Conservancy and Timber Supply. By F. E. H. W. Krichauff, M.P. Iron ; its Nature, Properties, and Uses. By R. Cameron. South Australian Manufactures and Industries. By John Fairfax Conigrave. (Read November 8th, 1875.) Sulphuric Acid. By G. H. Cossins. (Read 27th March, 1876.) Technical Education. By Rowland Rees, M.P. (Read 20th July, 1876.) South Australia as a Field for Emigration. A Series of Questions by M. Frank Grein, with Replies of Committee of Chamber of Manufactures. (November 9th, 1876). Phylloxera in Europe and America, and Vine Culture and Wine Making in the United States. Translated from the French by Amelia Homersham. W. C. Cox, 1877. Forest Tree Planting and its Influence on Climate. Bv R. Schomburgk, Dr. Phil. (June 6th, 1878.) The Best Varieties of Fruit to Grow for the Market. By G. McEwin, J.P. July 18th, 1878. Dried Fruits and their Commercial Importance. By A. J. Tolley. (Read June 21st, 1878.) Modern Beekeeping. By A. E. Bonney. (Read February 8th, 1883.) Tobacco Culture and Curing. By Robert Dixson, M.P. (Read September 27th, 1883.) Poultry Farming in South Australia. By H. H. Hoddinott. (Read October 4th, 1883.) 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Chamber of Manufactures—continued. Essays on New Industries, which may be profitably introduced into South Australia, to which prizes were awarded by the S.A. Chamber of Manufactures. (February, 1884.) Adelaide: W. E. Thomas, 1884. Official Catalogue of the Grand Industrial Exhibition, Adelaide, May, 1884. Adelaide: Advertiser Office. Indian Industries. By H. J. Scott. (Bead July 18th, 1884.) The "Work of a Department of Agriculture. By Professor Custance, F.G.S. A lecture delivered August 22nd, 1884. Timbers and their Uses. By T. Hack, J.P. (Read May 14th and July 3rd, 1885.) Sugar Growing and Sorghum. By Hon. G. W. Cotton, M.L.C. (Bead April 28th, 18h5.) Hyndman, J* L.—A paper on Sewage and Sewerage. Adelaide: J. H. Sherring, 1867. Randall, David—Intercolonial Free Trade and Reciprocity. Adelaide: 1870. Anon.- Rhyme and Reason. By Gabriel Bumpkin Bigfellow. Printed for J. R. Allen. Adelaide: Sims, 1871. Demy 8vo. Banbury, C—The Public Debt; and the Policy of Entrusting the Management to a Local Bank, Head Office in Adelaide. Considered in a letter, with tables, addressed to the Hon. the Treasurer of the Province of South Australia. Adelaide: J. H. Sherring, 1871. Cr. 8vo. Anon.—Journal of a Canoe Trip 200 miles down the River Murray. Adelaide: Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard, 1872. — Anselm, and other Poems. In aid of the Halifax-street Schoolroom* Adelaide: Advertiser Office. (Privately printed.) Short, Bight Rev. A. (Lord Bishop of Adelaide)—A Visit to Poonindie, ftc. 1872. See PART III., p. 17. Harcus, W,—JHandbook for Emigrants Proceeding to South Australia. With a map. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1873. Gason, Samuel—The Dieyerie Tribe, &c. 1874. See PABT III., p. 18. Cossins, 0. H.—Science in Agriculture. (From the S.A. Advertiser J Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1875. " Leader."—Agriculture in South Australia by a Special Reporter of , Melbourne: 1874. Anon.—The Moonta Strike, &c. Adelaide: J. Howell & Son, 1874. Barrow.—John H. Barrow, M.P. Notices of his Life, Labors, and Death. With portrait. Adelaide : Advertiser Office, 1874. Cr. 8vo. Musgrave (Governor), Anthony, C.M.G.—Studies in Political Economy. Eight essays— — What is Capital ? — On Foreign Exchanges and Distribution of the Precious Metals. — Some Thoughts on Value. — A Plea for Some Facts. — Money—A Function. — A Review of Mr. Mill's Fundamental Propositions respecting Capital. — On International Trade. — Economic Fallacies—Free Trade v. Protection. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1874-5. r


Soucaut, J. P., M.P. (now Judge Boucaut) — Speeches, as Premier of South Aus­ tralia, on Railways and Public Works, September and October, 1876. With two maps. Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1875. — Address Delivered at Port Victor, February 6th, 1878, at the Dinner to* Commemorate the Passing of the Vote for the Port Victor Breakwater. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas & Co. (n.d.) — Address Delivered at Goolwa, on March 15th, 1878, to the Electors of Encounter Bay. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas (n.d.) Hughes, J. B.—South Australia; its Position and Prospects. Letters on Kail way Extension, Mr. Boucaut's proposed addition of £3,000,000 to its Public Debt, and on Payment of Members. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas & Co., 1876. Wylde, B. T.—On Annuals, Basketplants, and Climbers. Adelaide: W. C. Rigby, 1876. Fcp. 8vo. Adelaide University—Addresses Delivered at the Inauguration by Sir A. Musgrave and the Right Rev. Augustus Short, D.D., April 25th, 1876.. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1876. — First Commencement, May 2nd, 1877. Adelaide: J. Williams, 1877.

— Addresses Delivered at the Laying of the Foundation Stone, Jaly 30tbr 1879. Boss, B. D., M.P.—Mr. Ross's Reply, 8th August, 1878, to the Treasurer* s- Financial Speech of 30th July, 1878. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas, 1878. Schomburgk, R., Dr. Phil. (Director Botanic Gardens)—On the Naturalised Weeds, &c, in South Australia. See PAKT IV., p. 40. — On the Urari: the Deadly Arrow Poison of tho Macusis, an Indian Tribe in British Guiana. Adelaide : E. Spiller, 1879. KrichaufT, F. E. H, "W., M P.—Water Supply by Artesian and Tube Wells- Adelaide : W. K. Thomas, 1879. South Australian Institute, &c—Addresses Delivered at the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Public Library, Art Gallery, and Museum, Nov. 7th, 1879. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas, 1879. Cr. 8vo. Joyce, John F., LJ&.C.P,, &c.—A Popular Treatise on the Symptoms and Treatment of Sunstroke. Adelaide: George Robertson, 1879. Worsnop, T. (Town Clerk)—Are the City Park Lands Waste Lands of the Crown ? The Town Clerk's Report on City Park Lands. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas, 1879. Demy 8vo. — A Proposal to Endow Corporations for the Public Good. Adelaide: J.­ Williams, 1872. — Report on the Purchase of the . Adelaide: E.. Spiller, 1885. Fcp. folio. Bundey, Hon. W. H. (now Judge Bundey)—Manly Sports, Exercises, and. Recreations, &c. Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1880. Demy 8vo. — Notes of a Return Voyage from England to South Australia. Adelaide i Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard, 1882. Jefferis, Rev. J.—Australia Confederated. A Lecture delivered in the Town Hall, Adelaide. With Speeches by Sir W. F. D. Jervois, Hon. W. Morgan, Hon. W. Giblin, and Sir Henry Ayers, K.C.M.G. Sydney: G. Robertson, and Co. Shapland, It.—The Chinese Question, or Yellow Agony. Adelaide: Webb,. Vardon, & Pritchard, 1880. G •90 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Jervois, GOVT., Sir W. F. D.—Defences of Great Britain and her Dependencies. A lecture. Adelaide: £. Spiller, 1880. 8, A, Government—The Fast and Present Land Systems of South Australia. Compiled in the office of the Surveyor-General. Adelaide : E. Spiller, 1881. Bastard, T, — Autobiography of Cockney Tom. Adelaide: McClory and Masterman, 1881. Woodhouse, H. J.—Wattle Blossoms: an Australian Annual. Illustrated. Adelaide: 1881. Art Gallery—Catalogue of Works of Art and Exhibits in the National Gallery, Adelaide, opened June 18th, 1881, by their Royal Highnesses the Princes Albert Victor and George Frederick of Wales. Adelaide: J. Williams, 1881s Woods, J. D.—The Incidence of Taxation, and the necessity for a Property Tax. Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1881. Demy 8vo. Anderson, Andrew—Murmurs from the Ocean and Echoes from the Shore- Second edition. Adelaide : Frearson & Brother, 1881. Anon.—A Trip to Port Augusta (the future metropolis of Australia) and Back. By a Citizen. Adelaide : Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard, 1881. Evans, Mrs,, Loyau, G, E.—South Australian Christmas Annual, 1881. Containing tales by Maude Jeanne Franc, George E. Loyau, and others. Adelaide : Scrymgour & Sons, 1881. Evans, Mrs,—Christmas Bells. Edited by Maude Jeanne Franc. Adelaide: George Collis, jun., 1882. Symon, J. H , Q.C., M.P.—Speeches on Oaths Abolition Bill, August 16th and October 11th, 1882. Adelaide : W. K. Thomas, 1882. — Speech on Federal Council Bill, February 27th, 1884. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas, 1884. — Some Scottish Poetry. A Lecture delivered before the Caledonian Literary Society, at Adelaide, May 27th, 1884. Adelaide: L. Henn & Co. Anon,—Report on Pastoral Country about Barrow's Creek Telegraph Station, Overland Telegraph, Northern Territory; 20,000 square miles; 25 years' leases. Adelaide: Frearson and Brother, 1882. Fliert, Jon.—Wonini-pepa, &c. 1883. See PABT III., p. 18. Wyatt, Wm., M.R.C.S.E.—Monograph of certain Crustacea Entomostraca ; Order Branchiopoda, section Lophyropa, and genera Cyclops, Cypris, Daphnia, and Lynceus. Illustrated by much enlarged microscopie drawings, subsequently reduced by photography. Adelaide: E. S. Wigg & Son, lb83, demy 8vo. (For private circulation only.) Wills & Co.—A Brief Description of the Leading Ports in South Australia, with the Dues and Charges at each. Geo. Wills & Co., shipbrokers. Adelaide: Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard, 1883. Cr. 8vo. I

Villanis, P.—Theoretical and Practical Notes upon Wine Making, and the Treat­ ment of Wines, exclusively applied to Australian wines. Adelaide : Webb, Vardon, and Pritchard, 1885. 12mo. 8.A. Land Nationalization Society — The Manifesto of the Society. Adelaide : W. K. Thomas & Co., 1884. Demy 8vo. — The Extent of our Taxation, the Progress of our Debt, the Interest on our Public Debt, the Public Revenue, and the Public Debt. Adelaide: Advertiser Office, 1884. Rake, Charles—Silos and Ensilage Paper read before Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society, South Australia, August 29th, 1884. Egremont, G.—About the Southern Tramway. Adelaide: W. E. Thomas & Co., 1884. Demy 8vo. Y.M.C.A.—Report of Opening of New Young Men's Christian Association Buildings, &c. 1884. Robinson, GOVT., Sir "W. C. F.—On Duty in Many Lands. A Lecture delivered at the Young Men's Christian Association Hall on the 25th and 29th Sep­ tember, 1884. Adelaide : E. Spiller, 1884. Gell, H. D.—Benefit Building Societies: their Origin, Work, and Benefits, &c.,&c. Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard, 1885. Hardy, T.—Notes on Vineyards in America and Europe. Adelaide: L. Henn and Co., 1885. Bode, Mrs. J. A.—Original Poems. By Mrs. J. A. Bode (Ettie E. Ayliffe). Strathalbyn: Elliott & Co., 1885. Demy8vo. Marshall, H.—Gold and Mining. Adelaide: Carey & Page, 1885. Demy 8vo. I.O,R.—Jubilee Volume, containing the History of the Independent Order of Rechabites in South Australia (written by request, by G. W. Cole), with an account of the Jubilee Celebration and Visit of the High Officers, 1885. Adelaide: Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard, 1885. Astles, H, 32., M,D.—Fermented Liquors; Shall I use them or not ? Adelaide: G. Robertson & Co., 1886. Fcp. 8vo. O'Donnell, Be v. D.—Vignettes, from a Tourist's Notebook. Adelaide: Carey and Page, 1886. Cr. 8vo. Anon,—The Rights of Labor and How to Obtain Them. To the working men of South Australia. By One of Themselves. Adelaide: W. E. Thomas and Co., 1886. Demy 8vo. Turner, Harry, and Lawrance, Vinrace—Mod^l Balance Sheet for Bank and Commercial Use, designed by Harry Turner and Vinrace Lawrance, Fellows of the Incorporated Accountants' Society, London, and Fellows of the Adelaide Society of Accountants. Copyrighted March, 1886.

ENGLISH PAMPHLETS (omitted from Part V.J Anon.—Evidence respecting the Soil, Climate, and Productions of the South Coast of Australia, between the 132nd and the 141st degrees of longitude. London: W. Nicol, 1832. — Draft of a Proposed Charter for the South Australian Commission, with some introductory remarks. London: W. Nicol, 1834. — Outline of the Plan of a Proposed Colony to be Founded on the Coast of Australia, with an account of tbe Soil, Climate, Rivers, &c. London: Ridgway, 1834. 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Torrens—The South Australian Land Bank, Proposed Regulations of, Advantages of, &c. By Colonel Torrens. London : 1835. Hindmarsh—Report of the Speeches at a dinner given to Captain John Hind marsh, R.N., on his appointment as Governor of South Australia. London: Clowes, 1835. Mann—An Answer to an Article in the Forty-fifth Number of the Westminster Review. By Charles Mann. London: Clowes, 1835. Butler—The Australian Emigrants' Complete Guide, containing a Descriptive History of Australia, an account of the Climate, Soil, and Natural Produc­ tions of Western Australia, South Australia, &c, &c. By S. Butler. Glasgow: 1852. European Mail—South Australia and its First Two Agents-General. Reprinted from the European Mail, November 24th, 1876. London : 1876.

BOOKS BY COLONIAL AUTHORS fomitted from Part VJ Isaacs—The Queen of the South; a Colonial Romance. Being Pictures of Life in Victoria in the Early Da\s of the Diggings. By A. Pendragon (George Isaacs). Gawler: W. Barnet, 1858. Demy 8vo. Moodie—The History of the Battles and Adventures of the British, the Boers, and the Zulus in Southern Africa, from 1495 to 187&, including every particular of the Zulu War of 1879. With a chronology. By Duncan Campbell F. Moodie. Colored map and numerous illustrations. Also, a short sketch of South Australia. Adelaide : George Robertson, 1879. Post 8vo. — Poems. By Austral. Adelaide: J. Williams, 1873. Woods—The Curate's Friend. By Mrs. J. Crawford Woods. London: 1867. — The Jew and the Roman. A story of the first century. Adelaide: George Robertson, 1878. Giles—Why we do not adopt the French Metrical System in place of Anglo-Saxon Metrology. By Christopher Giles, Accountant, General Post Office, Adelaide. With an introduction by C. Piazzi Smith, Astronomer Royal for Scotland. London: R. Banks & Son, 1886. Fcp. 8vo. Blackmore-&i Official Publications, p. 107.

LEGAL /"omitted from page 83J. Bhepherdson—The Practice of the Local Courts of South Australia according to the jurisdiction given to them by the Local Ordinances, Nos. 5 and 6 of 1850, No. 7 of 1851, and No. 21 of 18o3, with Requisite Forms and a full and elaborate Index, &c, &c. By John Banks Shepherdson. Mount Barker: Alfred Waddy, 1858. Fcp. 8vo. APPENDIX-NEWSPAPERS., &C. 93


NEWSPAPERS-COLONrAL. South Australian Beguter—A morning newspaper, eigbt pages. No. 1 published in London June 18th, 1836, 8 pp. No. 2 published in Adelaide, June 3rd, 1837, 6 pp Issued irregularly to June 16th, 1838, then weekly to 1843, and bi-weekly to 1850, and daily from 1850 to present time. Adelaide: Robert Kyffin Thomas & Co. Price, 2d. South Australian Advertiser -A morning newspaper, eigbt pages. Established July 12th, 1858. If sued daily from that date to present time. Adelaide: Burden & Bonython. Price, Id. Adelaide Observer—A weekly newspaper, forty-eight pages. Established July 1st, 1843. Adelaide: Robert Kyffin Thomas & Co. Price, 6d. South Australian Chronicle - A weekly newspaper, twenty-four large pages. Established July 17th, 1858. Adelaide: Burden & Bonython. Price, 4d. Express and Telegraph—An evening newspaper, four pages. Established November 30th, 18t>3. Adelaide: Burden & Bonython. Price, Id. Evening Journal—An evening newspaper, four pages. Established January 2nd, 1869. Adelaide: Robert Kyffin Thomas & Co. Price, Id. South Australian Government Gazette—Weekly, on Thursday. Established 1839. Adelaide: E. Spiller. Price, 2d. The Lantern—A weekly illustrated comic and satirical newspaper. Established as The Lantern, September, 1874 ; afterwards incorporated with The Bulletin from January 27th, 1881, to January 7th, 1882; subsequently, on October 20th, 1^84, purchased the Adelaide Punch, with which it is now incorporated. Adelaide : Chas. A. Murphy. Price, 6d. •— Weekly, on Wednesday. Established 1860. Adelaide: Basedow, Eimer, & Co. Price, 6d. •South Australian Times—Weekly, on Saturday. Originally issued as the City and Country, in 1881; subsequently incorporated the S.A. Herald (a Port Adelaide paper), with which it is now issued. Adelaide: Barrow and McMullen. Price, 2d. •Christian Colonist—Weekly, on Friday. Established October 4th, 1878. Adelaide: Rev. J. McEwin. Price, 2d. •Christian Weekly and Methodist Journal—Weekly, on Friday. Established July 4th, 1876. Adelaide : Wesleyan Book Depdt. Price, 2d. War Cry, *nd Official Gazette of the Salvation Army, 8.A.—Weekly, on Friday. Established April 6th, 1883. Adelaide:. C. H. Lindsay Price, Id. •Licensed Victuallers' Gazette and Sporting Chronicle—Weekly, on Saturday. Established 1876. Adelaide: J. S. McClory. Price, 6d. •Garden and Field - Monthly, first of each month. Established August 10th, 1875. Adelaide : A. Molineux. Price, 6d. files of the newspapers marked * can be seen at the office of H. Ilampson, advertising agent, Leigh-street, Adelaide. 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

•Pictorial Australian—Monthly, on first of each month. Adelaide: Frearson and Brother. Price, 6d. • - Bi-weekly, on Tuesdays and Friday. Established March 30th, 1878. Port Adelaide : Kennedy, Jones, and Styles. Price, 2d. Mercantile Defence Association—Weekly Circular, containing records of Insol­ vencies and Assignments, and all registered and interesting commercial transactions. Established July 4th, 187«. Adelaide: Lawrance & Brook. Trades Protection Association—Weekly. Established June 28th, 1884. Adelaide : James Leomrd & Co. •Tatiara Mail and West Wimmera Advertiser—Weekly, Saturday. Established August 28th, 1880. Border.Town : Mott & Murphy. Price, 3d. * Northern Argus—Bi- weekly, Tuesday and Friday. Established February "5th, 1869. Clare: A. & H. H. Tilbrook. Price, 2d. •Bnnyip, Oawler Times, and Oawler Standard—Weekly, on Friday. Originally issued in September, 1863, as ; or Oawler Humbug Society's Chronicle. Gawler: W. Bar net. Price, Id. •Areas Express and Advertiser—Bi-weekly, on Tuesday and Friday. Gladstone : G. A. Kearney. Price, 2d. •Agriculturist and Beyiew—Weekly, on Wednesday. Established March, 1878, under the title Jamestown Review. Jamestown: G. H. Lake & Co. Price, 2d. •Kapunda Herald—Bi-weekly, on Tuesday and Friday. Established October 29th, 1864. Kapunda: James Scandrett. Price, 2d. •Burra Becord—Bi-weekly, on Tuesday and Friday. Established June, 1876, under the title Northern Mail. Kooringa: F. W. Holder. Price, 2d. •Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser-Bi-weekly, Wednesday and Friday. Established October 4th, 1872. Moonta: William Henry Wilkinson. Price, 2d. •Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser—Weekly, on Friday. Established October 1st, 1880. Mount Barker: C. M. ft. Dumas. Price, 3d. •Border Watch—Bi-weekly, Wednesday and Saturday. Established April 26th, 1861. Mount Gambier: Laurie & Watson. Price, 3d. •South-Eaitern Star—Bi-weekly, Tuesday and Friday. Established October 2nd, 1877. Mount Gambier: tsouth-Eastern Printing and Publishing company. Price, 3d. •Karacoorte Herald—Bi-weekly, Tuesday and Friday. Established December 14th, 1875. Naracoorte, J. B. Mather & George Ash. Price, 3d. •Free Press and Eastern Subarban Recorder—Weekly, on Friday. Established July 3rd, 1885. Norwood: J. N. Richards & P. T. Hill. Price, id. •Port Augusta Dispatch, Newcastle and Flinders Chronicle—Tri-weekly, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Established August 17th, 1877. Port Augusta: David Drysdale. Price, 2d. •Port Pirie Advocate and Areas News—Weekly, Friday. Established March 21st, 1885. Port Pirie : Walter South & Alfred Edward South. Price, 3d. •Southern Argu?, Strathalbyn, Goolwa, Victor Harbor, and Biver Murray Advertiser—Weekly, on .Thursday. Established April 26th, 1866, by Ebenezer Ward, M.P., at Port Elliot. Strathalbyn: J. W. Elliott & Co. Price, 2d. •Terowie Enterprise and North-Eastern Advertiser--Weekly, on Friday. Estab­ lished August 8th, 1884. Terowie : O'Loughlin & Dawson. Price, 3d. File* of the newspapers marked * on this and preceding page ean be seen at the office of H. Hampson, advertising agent, Leigh-street, AdelaiJe. APPENDIX—NEWSPAPERS, fee. 9*

Unley Times—Monthly. Established September 12th, 1885. Unley. Price, Id. •Wallaroo Times—Bi-weekly, Wednesday and Saturday. Established February 1st, 1865. Wallaroo: D. & A. F. Taylor. Price, 2d. •Catholic Monthly—Firat Thursday in each month. Adelaide: Rev. W. JV Uns worth. Farkside Messenger—Established 1833. Monthly. S. Fairey. Australian Christian Pioneer—Monthly. Established August, 1868. Adelaide. Thy Witness—Monthly. Established December, 1884. Adelaide: J. W. Wood. Good Tidings—Monthly Journal of the Goodwood Baptist Church. Established January, 1886. Adelaide : A. H. Bryant. Truth and Progress —Monthly. Adelaide : Baptist Association. Primitive Methodist Record—Monthly. Established 1881. Adelaide. Congregational Record-Monthly. Established October, 1884. Adelaide. Excelsior-Monthly. Established May, 1885. Goodwood: F. Hack. The Churchman—Monthly. Established May, 1884. Adelaide: E. Blatchford. Temperance Herald—Quarterly. Established 1881. Adelaide. The Presbyterian—Quarterly. Adelaide. (For Northern Territory papers see page 82 herein.)

NEWSPAPERS—COLONIAL-OUT OF PRINT. The Egotist—Established 1839. Adelaide. Adelaide Guardian-Established July, 1839. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, Wakefield- street. Adelaide Chronicle and South Australian Literary Record—Established December,. 1839. Weekly to December, 1840. Adelaide: R. Thomas & Co., Hindley- street. Southern Australian - Established 1838. Issued weekly, to 1843; bi-weekly, 1843 to 1851. Adelaide : A. MacDougall & A. Murray, Rundle-street. Port Lincoln Herald-Established 1840. Issued occasionally. Port Lincoln: Geo. Dehane. Examiner—Established 1842. Adelaide. Satirist—Established October 12th, 1842. Adelaide. Australian Witness-Established 1845. Weekly, 1845-6. Adelaide: M. Collisson. South Australian News Letter—Established January, 1844. Issued occasionally. Adelaide: James Allen. South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal—Established 1845. Adelaide: Geo. Stevenson. Australian German Post—Weekly, in 1847. Adelaide: C. Kornhardt. - Established 1848. Weekly, in 1848; bi-weekly, 1849 ; daily, 185a to May, 1858. Adelaide : John Brown, W. B. Gilbert, & James Allen. Mercury, South Australian Sporting Chronicle, and Commercial Advertiser— Established 1*49. Weekly. Adelaide: W. E. Hammond. Australian Standard and Port Adelaide Intelligencer—Established August 12th, 1850. Adelaide : E. L. Grundy. Austral Examiner—Established March 21st, 1851. Weekly. Adelaide : Whit ridges Files of the newspapers marked * on this and preceding pages can be seen at the office of H. Hampson, advertising agent, Leigh-street, Adelaide. !96 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Die Deutsche Post—Weekly, in 1850. Tanunda. Adelaide Deutsche Zeitung—Established 1851. Weekly. Adt-laide: W. Eggers. Oddfellows' Chronicle—Weekly. Established May, 1851. Adelaide: D. McLeod. Adelaide Commercial Advertiser — Tri-weekly, in 1850. Adelaide: G. Dehane. South Australian Weekly Dispatch— Weekly, 1854 to 1858. Adelaide: J. Brown, W. B. Gilbert, & J. Allen. South Australian Free Press—Established October loth, 1853. Weekly. Adelaide : Hilton & Co., and W. M. Akhurst. Tarm and Garden—Established July 8th, 1858. Monthly, to June 18th, 1863. 5 vols. Adelaide : E. W. Andrews. Demy 4to. The People's Journal—Established September, 1857. Bi-weekly. Adelaide: H. Hughes. Thursday Review -Established January 5th, 1860. Weekly, to December, 1861. Adelaide: C. E. Platts. Fcp. folio. Tanunda Deutsche Zeitung-Established January, 1862. Tanunda: The Critic—Established October 4th, 1862. Weekly to March 14th, 1863. Adelaide : G. Isaacs. Demy 4to. Telegraph—Daily. Established August 15th, 1862. Adelaide: F. Sinnett. Subse­ quently, in 1866, purchased by proprietors of The Express, with which it is now amalgamated. Adelaide Musical Herald—Established January 2nd, 18G3. Weekly to June 19th, 1863. Adelaide : J. Elliott & H. Pounsett. Demy 4to. northern Star-Kapunda: G.M.Allen. Mount Gambier Standard - Established May, 1866. Mount Gambier: Adelaide Argus—Issued December 17th to December 20th, 1866. Comet—Established February, 1867. Monthly, to December, 1881. Adelaide: David Gall. Pasquin—Established January 26th, 1867. A satirical paper. Weekly, to December 31st, lo7o. Adelaide: E. R. Mitford. South Australian Satirist- Established Julv 27th, 1867. Weekly, to April 18th, 1868. Adelaide : G. M. Allen. The Galatea and Port Adelaide Intelligencer — Established October, 1867. Weekly. Port Adelaide. Illustrated Adelaide Post-Established 1867. Adelaide: W. A. Cawthorne. South Australian—Established November 6th, 1868. Weekly, to December 25th, 1869. Adelaide: Ebenezer Ward, M.P. Adelaide Miscellany—A Journal of News, Literature, Music, &c. Adelaide: Sims and Elliott, 1868-9. Colonist—Established September, 1869. Adelaide: A. Waddy. Demy 4to. Spectator and South Australian Protestant Advocate—Established January, 1869. Weekly, 1869 to 1872. Adelaide: J. H. Lewis. Gawler Times and Gold Fields Reporter—Established April, 1869. Weekly, to June, 1873. Gawler : J. B. Austin, W. Moffat, & A. Fergusson. South Australian Independent—Established January, 1868. Monthly, to January, 1873. Adelaide: J. T. Shawyer. Our Times—Established June 3rd, 1868. Adelaide: A. Waddy. .Licensed Victualler—Established November, 1869. Weekly, to [March 5th, 1870. Adelaide: (Pendragon) George Isaacs. A PPKNDIX—NEWSPAPERS, &c. 97

Harp and Southern Cross—Established May, 1869. Weekly. Adelaide: J. A. Hewitt. The Independent—Adelaide: Whitridge. The Moonta Herald and Northern Territory Gazette—Established January 2nd, 1S69. Weekly. Adelaide: Gumeracha Guardian, afterwards The Northern Guardian—Established July, 1870. Weekly, to March, 1874. Gumeracha, Clare, and Kapunda. Ebenezer Ward, M.P. The Monthly: or Town and Country Advertiser—Established January 19th, 1871. Title subsequently altered to The Review, ani Town and Country Advertiser. Adelaide: W. A. Cawthorne. Portonian—Established August, 1871. Weekly, to February, 1881. Adelaide: D. C. F. Moodie. Irish Harp—Established January 1872. Weekly, to December, 1882. Adelaide : - Fox. The Week's Doings—Established May, 1872. Weekly. George Isaacs & W. Burrows. Arabian Nights—Established June 5th, 1872. Weekly. Adelaide: James Smith. Young Ken's Magazine—Established 1873. Monthly. Adelaide. Farmer's Weekly Messenger - Weekly, 1873-78. Adelaide: Ebenezer Ward, M.P. South Australian Templar - Established July, 1S73. Monthly. Adelaide: Printed for the Grand Lodge, by Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard. Mirror—Established July, 1873. Weekly, to December, 1874. Adelaide: W. C Sims. Hanson Mercury—Established May Uth, 1874. Monthly, to September 9th, 1874. Hanson : J. Jones. Tribune—A Journal of Social Reform. Established August 16th, 1875. Monthly, to April, 1882. Adelaide: George Howell. Gawler Mercury—Established November 27th, 1875. Weekly. Gawler. Neue Deutsche Zeitung—Established October, 1875. Weekly. Adelaide. South-Eastern Ensign - Established July, 1875. Bi-weekly. Mount Gambier: Bye and Andrew. Illustrated Adelaide News-Established 1875. Monthly. Adelaide: Frearson and Brother. Port Pirie Gazette—Established January, 1876. Weekly. Port Pirie. South Australian Tablet—Established March 3rd, 1876. Weekly, to May, 1877. Adelaide: Standard - Established September 2nd, 1876. Monthly, to March 2nd, 1878. Adelaide : Revs. Green & Pollitt. Australian Star-Established June 1st, 1S77. Weekly, to March 31st, 1881. Adelaide: Allerdale Grainger. Adelaide Echo—Established January 13th, 1877. Monthly, to December, 1877. Labour Advocate—Established 1877. Weekly. Adelaide: Figaro—Established February, 1877. A comic illustrated paper. Weekly, to November, 1877. Adelaide: W. P. Warton. Adelaide Punch—Established June, 1878; enlarged December 7th, 1878, and issued weekly to 1884, when this paper was purchased by the proprietor of the Lantern, with which it is now incorporated. 98 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Courier—Established November 14th, 1877. Monthly, to December, 1879. Adelaide: J. Northmore. Frearson's Illustrated Weekly—Established 1878. Adelaide: Frearson & Bro. Common Sense—Established March 3rd, 1879. Weekly, to September 9th, 1879. Adelaide. Bough Ashlar—A masonic paper. Established August, 1879. Issued weekly to October, 1884. Adelaide: J. B. Austin. Bulletin—Established January 27th, 18SI. Weekly, to January 7th, 1882 (when it became incorporated with the LanUrnj. Adelaide : E. J. Roach. Australian Pilot—Weekly, in 1882. Literary News— Weekly, in 1883. Norwood Messenger—Monthly. Established August, 1883. Norwood: H. J. Lambert. Economist—Established 1883. Adelaide. The Call—Established May, 1884. Monthly, to April, 1885. Adelaide. Faithful Witness—Established January, 1882. Monthly, to December, 1883. Ade­ laide : H. D. Smith & R. Woolcock. North-Eastern Times and Terowie News—Weekly, in 1883. Terowie: F. W. Holder & Frank Pascoe. British Australian Federal Standard—Weekly, in 1884. Terowie. Standard—Weekly. Gawler. Peninsula Herald—Weekly. Moonta. Law Journal—Monthly, in 1884. Lovekin & Harry. College Park Echo—Established February, 1885. Monthly, to January, 1886. College Park : J. Reed Glasson. Bon Marche Enterprise—Established May, 188*5. Monthly, to October, 1885. Adelaide: Kirkham Evans. Arcadian—One issue only, December, 1885. Adelaide: J. T. Shawyer.

MAGAZINES PUBLISHED IN ADELAIDE-OUT OF PRINT. The South Australian Magazine—Established July, 1841. Issued monthly to 1843. Adelaide: A. MacUougall. Cr. 8vo. The South Australian Temperance Advocate - Established July, 1841. Adelaide: A. MaeDougall. Cr. 8vo. The South Australian Oddfellows' Magazine, M.U.—Established January, 1844. Issued monthly. Adelaide : A. MaeDougall. Demy 8vo. The Adelaide Magazine—Established November 1st, 1845. Adelaide: G. Dehane. Demy 4to. The Adelaide Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge—Established August, 1848. Issued monthly to July, 1849. 2 vols. Adelaide: John Stephens. Cr. 8vo. The Monthly Almanac and Illustrated Commentator—Established February, 1850. Adelaide: T. Strode. Demy 8vo. (A humorous publication.) The Wanderer—Established February, 1853. Issued monthly. Adelaide: N. Hailes. Demy 8vo. The South Australian Horticulturist and Magazine of Agriculture, &c.—By J. F. Wood. See PART IV., p. 43. APPENDIX—NEWSPAPERS, &c. 99

Church Intelligencer and Christian Gleaner—Established'January, 1851. Issued monthly. Adelaide: H. Hussey. The Educational Journal of South Australia—1857. Monthly. Adelaide: F. Hosking. South Australian Union Magazine —Quarterly. For teachers. Established January, 1867. Adelaide : J. T. Shawyer. Bell's life—Established September, 1861. Weekly. Adelaide : McLeod & Hillier. Number One—Established 1861. By (Pendragon) George Isaacs. The Wallet—A supplement to the Weekly Mail, December 10th, 1864, to July, 1865. The Church Chronicle for the Diocese of Adelaide—Established September, 1866. Issued monthly. Adelaide: J. H. Lewis. The Witness for Truth—Established June, 1869. Cr. 8vo. Free Presbyterian—Established February, 1876. Monthly. Adelaide. J. H. Lewis.

MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED IN LONDON- OUT OF PRINT. The South Australian Twopenny Magazine—Established October 1st, 1839, Plymouth: J. C. Matthews, 1839. The South Australian Miscellany and New Zealand Review—Published monthly. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1839. The Colonial Magazine and Commercial Maritime Journal—Edited by Robert Montgomery Martin. Vols. i. to ix. London: Fisher, Son, & Co., 1840-42, The South Australian Colonist—Issued weekly. London : 1840. The Australian Miscellany and New Zealand Review—Established October, 1839. Issued monthly. London : Smith, Elder, & Co., 1840. South Australian News-Published monthly. Vol. i., Juro 15th, 1841, to May 15th, 1842 ; second series, to December 1st, 1845. London: J. C. Hailes. The Australian and New Zealand Monthly Magazine—For New South Wales, Van Dieman's Land, Western Australia, Port Phillip, South Australia, and. New Zealand. Edited by Henry Capper. Established January 1st, 1842, and monthly afterwards. London : Smith, Elder, & Co. Cr. 8vo. The Colonist—London: 1849. Colonization Circular- Issued by H.M. Emigration Commissioners, 1850 to 1857. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode. The Emigrant and Colonial Gazette—Issued weekly. London: T. W. Halliday, 1849. The South Australian Record—London. First issued as The South Australian lteeord to February 15th, 1840; then as th« South Australian Record and Australasian Chronicle to May 2nd, 1840; then as The South Australian Recod and Australasian and South African Chronicle to May, 1841; when the title was altered to The Australasian Record an i Indian Chronicle. Vol. i., No. 1, November 8th, 1837, to No. 29, December 15th, 1839. Vol. n.r No. 30, January 1st, 1840, to No. 53, June 27th, 1840. Vol. m., No. 54, July 4th, 1840, to No. 79, December 2fith, 1840. Vol. iv., No. 80, January, 1841, to No. 97, August 7th, 1841. Vol. v., No. 9*, August 21st, 1841, to No. 107, December 24th, 1841. Vol. TI., No. 108, January 8th, 1842, to- No. 133, December 24th, 1842. The Colonial Gazette—Issued 1839, 1840, and 1841. Weekly. London: published at the office of the Spectator. McPhun's Australian News—Glasgow: W. R. McPhun, 1853. 100 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

ALMANACS AND DIRECTORIES. Directories— The Royal South Australian Almanac and General Directory for 1839 and 1840. Adelaide : Robert Thomas & Co. The South Australian Almanac and General Directory for 1841 and 1842. By James F. Bennett. Adelaide: Robert Thomas & Co. The South Australian Almanac and Adelaide and Colonial Directory for 1843. Adelaide: A. MacDougall. Ditto, for 1844. By T. Young Cotter. Adelaide : A. MacDougall. (With outline sketch of the settled portions of the colony, 1842.) Ditto for 1846. Adelaide: A.Murray. The Royal South Australian Almanac and General Directory for 1848. By John Stephens. Adelaide : J. Stephens. The South Australian Almanac and General Colonial Directory for 1849. By James Allen. Adelaide : A. Murray. (With map of settled portions, —except South-Eastern District of South Australia—and with situations of Mines of Copper and Lead.) Ditto. By Andrew Murray. Ditto ditto for 1850. Dehane's Almanac for 1852-3. Adelaide. The Royal South Australian Book Almanac and General Directory for 1854 and 1855. By Andrew Garran, M.A. Adelaide: Register, £

Directories—continued. Goodfellow & Hele's Cricketers' Almanack, 1878-9. Adelaide: Carey and Page. Demy 12mo. South Australian Historical Almanack. Barker & Co., 1884-5. Adelaide: Carey & Page. Demy 8vo. South-Eastern Star Almanac, 1881 to 1886. Mount Gamber: 8.K Star Office. Gawler Bunyip Almanac and Directory for Gawler and Suburbs for 1886. Gawler: Bunyip Office. Year Book of South Australia, with Geological Map, 1885 and 1886. By Edward Greyille, Sydney. Adelaide University Calendar. Published annually from academical year, 1877. South Australian Municipal Calendar. By Thos. Worsnop, Town Clerk, Adelaide. Published annually since 1882. German Book Almanac—AustralischerYolks Ealendar. Adelaide: Basedow, Eimer, & Co.

SERIAL LITERATURE. Synod of Church of England—Report of Proceedings of the Synod in the Diocese of Adelaide. Published annually South Australian Acclimatization Society—Annual Report of the Transactions of the Society, established July 23rd, 1878. Published annually since. Boyal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia—Annual Reports, published annually since 1879-80. Philosophical Society of Adelaide, South Australia—Transactions and Proceedings and Report. Issued irregularly in foolscap and quarto size until 1876-7; issued in 1877-8 and 1878-9 in demy 8vo. size, vols. I. and II.; in 1879-80 name altered to Royal Society of South Australia. Beyal Society of South Australia—Transactions and Proceedings and Reports, commencing with year 1879-80, vol. III. Published annually since. Adelaide: G. Robertson. Adelaide Corporation—City of Adelaide. Mayor's Report. Published annually since 1852. Municipal Association of South Australia—President's Report. Published annually since 1881. Chamber of Manufactures—Annual Reports of the proceedings of the Chamber, commencing with year ending July 25th, 1870. Annually since. South Australian Masonic Guide—By Philip Sansom. Published annually since 1881. South Australian Cricketers' Guide—By W. O. Whitridge. Season 1876-7. Annually since. Savage Club Annual—First issue, 1885. Adelaide: John Moule. Observer Turf Guide. 102 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

PARLIAMENTARY AND OFFICIAL Parliament of Great Britain, &c.—Imperial Statutes establishing South Australia a British Province, and relating to the Government, &c, of the Colony— ANNO QUARTO ET QUINTO, GULIELMI IV., REGIS. Cap. XCV.— An Act to empower His Majesty to erect South Australia into a British Province or Provinces, and to provide for the Colonization and Government thereof. [August loth, 1834. ANNO PRIMO ET SECUNDO VICTORLE REGIN^. Cap. LX.—An Act to amend an Act of the fourth and fifth years of Hie Late Majesty, empowering His Majesty to erect South Australia into a British Province or Provinces. [July 31st, 1838. (The above-named Acts were repealed on July 30th, 1842, by 5 and 6 Victoria, cap. 61, sec. 1.) ANNO QUARTO VICTORIA REGIN^. Cap. VIII. — An Act to authorize the advance of a Sum of Money out of the Consolidated Fund on account if the Colony of South Australia. [May 10th, 1841. (£155,000 was advanced by the Imperial Government under this Act, to be repaid, with interest, out of the South Australian revenue; but Act 5 and 6 Victoria, oap. 61, sec. 9, autho­ rized "That the sum of £155,000 shall be taken to have been granted in aid of the revenues «i South Australia, and that all further claim lor the repayment thereof, or for interest thereon, shall be abandoned.") ANNO QUINTO ET SEXTO VICTORIA REGIN.E. Cap. XXXVI.—An Act for regulating the Sale of Waste Lands belonging to the Crown in the Australian Colonies. [June 22nd, 1842. (Repealed on July 16th, 1655, by 18 and 19 Victoria, cap. 56, sec. 1.) ANNO QUINTO ET SEXTO VICTORLE REGIN.E. Cap. LXI.—An Act to provide for the belter Government of South Australia. [July 30th, 1842. (This Act repeals the first two Acts quoted above; enacts that convicts shall not be sent to South Australia; provides fo* establishment of a General Assembly; reduces the rate of Interest on Commissioners' Bonds from lo per c<.-nt. to 3£ per cent.; makes an advance of £155,000 a free gift to the colony; provides for issue of Debentures, and the establish­ ment o. a Civil List.) ANNO QUINTO ET SEXTO VICTORIA REGINJE. Cap. LXXVI.—An Act for the Government of New South Wales and Van Bitmaps Land. [July SCth, 1842. (Provides for the establishment of Colonial Parliaments and District Councils.) Act IS and 14 Victoria, cap. 59, sees. 12, 20, 21, and 22 extends the application of this Act to South Australia ana Van Dieman's Land.) ANNO SEPTIMO ET OCTAVO ^ICTORI^ REGLN^. Cap. LXXIV.—An Act to explain and amend the Act for the Government of New South Wales and Van Biemaris Land. [August 6th, 1844. (This Act defines qualifications of members of the Legislative Council; provides tor payment of sums to be levied in districts for police purposes; extends the Governor's powers as to giving or withholding the Royal assent; and interprets the term " Governor." See also cap. 59.) APPENDIX—PARLIAMENTARY AND OFFICIAL. 103

Parliament of Great Britain, &c—continued. ANNO NONO ET DECIMO VICTORLE BEGINS. Cap. CIV.—An Act to amend an Act for regulating the Sale of Waste Lands belonging to the Crown in the Australian Colonies, and to make further provision for the management thereof [August 28th, 1846. (This Act was repealed on July 16th, 1856, by 18 and 19 Vict., cap. 56, sec. 1.)

ANNO DECIMO TERTIO ET DECIMO QUARTO VICTORIA REGINJE. Cap. LIX.—An Act for the better Government of Her Majesty's Australian Colonies. [August 5th, 1850. (This Act provides for the establishment of Legislative Councils in Van Dieman's Land and South Australia; alteration ot Electoral Districts, and number of members, &c.; Governors and Legislative Councils authorized to make Laws; provides for Civil List; Appropriation of Revenue; Constitution, &c, if District Councils; imposition of Customs Duties; provision as to the reservation of Bills; and interpretation of term 4» Governor.") ANNO DECIMO OCTAVO ET DECIMO NONO VICTORIA REGIN^. Cap. LVI.—An Act to repeal the Acts of Parliament now in force respecting the Disposal of the Waste Lands of the Crown in Her Majesty's Australian Colonies, and to make other provision in lieu thereof [July 16th, 1855. (This Act repeals 5 and 6 Vict., cap. 36; and 9 and 10 Vict., cap. 104; and gives powers to the Legislature of Van Dieman's Land and South Australia to dispose of Waste Lands.) ANNO VICESIMO QUINTO VICTORIA REGINJE. Cap. XI— An Act to explain an Act intituled " An Act for the better Govern­ ment of Her Majesty's Australian Colonies. [April 11th, 1862. (Doubts having arisen as to the validity of some Colonial Acts, this Act provides that Acts passed by certain Legislative Councils, and assented to by Governors, to be as effectual as if reserved for Her Majesty's assent.)


COLONIZATION COMMISSIONERS— First Annual Report. No. 491, printed July 28th, 1836. Second Annual Report, with Plans of the City of Adelaide, Survey of Coast of St. Vincent's Gulf and Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island. No. 97, printed January 26th, 1838. Third Annual Report, with Plan of the 'District of Adelaide, divided in country sections. No. 255, printed May 13th, 1839. Fourth Annual Report. No. 556, printed July 29th, 1840. Returns—Expenses defrayed by Great Britain in the Colony of South Australia, from April 1st, 1835, to July, 1838; Moneys received by the Sale of Public Lands in South Australia in each year, from April 1st, 1835, to July, 1838 ; Number of Ships and Tonnage cleared for South Australia from Great Britain for same date; Population in July, 1838; and Annual Charge to be provided for by the Local Government of South Australia—Interest on Debts, Local Expenses, &c. No. 685, printed August 6th, 1838. Statement of Debts and Estimate of Claims on the Colonization Commis- . sioners of South Australia, calculated to May 1st, 1841. No. 151, printed March 19th, 1841. 104 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Parliament of Great Britain, &c—continued. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS -continued. Copies of Letters of the Commissioners engaging to serve gratuitously, and not to resign without six months' notice, and other papers relating to the Commission. No. 270, printed April 27th, 1841. Copies of Correspondence and Memorials on the subject of the Colonial Land Fund of South Australia, and on the expediency of renewing Emigration to that Colony. No. 609, printed August 8th, 1844„*j ,' Quantity of Land Sold, Date of Sale, Name of Purchaser, Price per Acre, Amount Paid, Name of Agent, &c, Quantity of Land Sold in the Colony, Loans Raised in England, Names of Emigration Agents, Moneys Received from Emigrants, Salaries, &c, Paid to Officers in London. No. 223, printed April 10th, 1840.

SELECT COMMITTEE: HOUSE OF COMMONS— First Report. Resolutions. No. 119, printed March 9th, 1841. Second Report. With Plans—District of Adelaide (2); The Maritime Portion of South Australia; Sketch of Encounter Bay, by Colonel Light and B. T. Finniss; The City of Adelaide, with acre allotments num­ bered : Sketch of Nepean Bay and Eingscote Harbor, by Wm. Chesser ; and Map, showing Special Surveys to the eastward of the Gulf of St. Vincent. No. 394, printed June 10th, 1841. SPECIAL SURVEYS—Copies of Correspondence between R. F. Davies and G. W. Hope. (In continuation of papers included in No. 609, August 8th, 1844.) No. 624, printed August 5th, 1846. Copies of Correspondence between the Colonial Department and Messrt. Graham & Co., re Land at or near the River Glenelg, S.A. No. 77, printed March 1st, 1839. SHIPPING, &c—Return. Number and Tonnage of Vessels Cleared from United Kingdom to South Australia, the Number of Emigrants, and the Value of Exports, from 1836 to 1840. No. 380, printed June 7th, 1841. BILLS—An Estimate of the sum required to be Voted in the year 1842, to enable Her Majesty to liquidate certain Bills drawn by the Governor of South Australia since the end of the vear 1840. No. 465, printed July 19th, 1842. BONDS, &c—A Return of the terms on which the £85,800 of Bonds and Annuity Deeds were issued by the Colonization Commissioners, Amount Received, Interest Payable, Dividends Paid, Names of Holders, &c. No. 684, printed August 12th, 1842. DESPATCHES—Papers relative to South Australia. Copies of Despatches from May, 1841, to March, 1843, with Report of Colonization Commissioners, dated July 29th, 1842, and a Map, showing the Counties of the Settled Portions 01 the Province. Printed 1843. LAND SALES, &C.—A Return of all Moneys Received for Sales of Land in South Australia; of the Expenditure of the said Moneys; of all Liabilities for Balance of Passage Money of Emigrants; and Balances of the Land Fund, both in England and in the Colony. No. 670, printed June 25th, 1847. EMIGRATION—A Return of the Average Cost of Passage of Emigrants from England to South Australia, in ships chartered by H.M. Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, from January 1st, 1846, to July, 1847. No. 669, printed July 15th, 1847. APPENDIX—PARLIAMENTARY AND OFFICIAL. 10*

Parliament of Great Britain, Ac—continued. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS—continued. EMIGRATION—A Return from each of the British Colonies of the Amount of the- * Land Revenue, and the particulars of its application towards the intro­ duction of Emigrants. No. 345, printed May 19th, 1848. COLONIAL CHURCH LEGISLATION—Copies of any Petitions to the Queen, and of any Representations to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State in the Colonial Department, on Colonial Church Legislation, or on any Points affecting the Management of Affairs of the Church in the Colonies since 1845. No. 355, vn., printed March 17th, 1852. SETTLEMENT, FINANCES, &C.—Correspondence of the Colonial Department relative to South Australia, including Establishment of the Settlement; Union of Offices of the Governor and Colonial Resident Commissioner; Control over the Finances of the Colony; Proposed Amendment of the Act;. Propose I Reviev by the Secretary of State of the Instructions from the- Coinmissioneis to the Colonial Authorities; Dissolution of the Original Commission; Financial Difficulties of the Colony, with an account of the Income and Expenditure of the Colony from the Commencement to- 1811. No. 72, printed April 22nd, 1841. EMIGRATION—Copies or Extracts of any Despatches relative to Emigration to- the Australian Colonies. Papers printed 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852. CONSTITUTIONS OF THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES—Papers relative to. Printed. 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856. CROWN LANDS IN THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES.—Papers relative to. Printed 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854. AUSTRALIAN COLONIES GOVERNMENT BILL—Copies of Extracts on Correspon­ dence on the subject of. Printed March 1st, 1850. EPISCOPAL SEES IN AUSTRALIA- Copies or Extracts of Despatches relative to thfr Establishment of. No. 174, printed March 25th, 1850. GOLD IN AUSTRALIA-Correspondence relative to the Discovery of. Ten parts - ^' Printed 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, and 1857. COLONIAL LAND AND EMIGRATION COMMISSIONERS—Annual Reports. Printed from 1841. ABORIGINES—British Settlements: Report of Select Committee. See PART HI.,. p. 18. Official Despatches between Governor Grey and Lord Stanley. Despatches V ' of the Governors of the Australian Colonies. See PART HI., p. 19. EXPLORATIONS—Australian Exploring Expedition. See PART II., p. 14. V^~ RIVER MURRAY—Copies or Extracts of Despatches from the Governor of South Australia (Sir H. E. F. Young) on the subject of the Navigation of the* River Murray. No. 46, printed March 7th, 1854.

Parliament of South Australia— LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL—Votes and Proceedings and Council Papers. 7 vols. Year. Vol. | Year. Vol. 1851 1 1854 1 1852 1 1855-6 2 1853 1 I 1856 1 H 104 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Parliament of Great Britain, &c—continued. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS -continued. Copies of Letters of the Commissioners engaging to serve gratuitously, and not to resign without six months' notice, and other papers relating to the Commission. No. 270, printed April 27th, 1841. Copies of Correspondence and Memorials on the subject of the Colonial Land Fund of South Australia, and on the expediency of renewing Emigration to that Colony. No. 609, printed August 8th, 1844„*| Quantity of Land Sold, Date of Sale, Name of Purchaser, Price per Acre, Amount Paid, Name of Agent, &c, Quantity of Land Sold in the Colony, Loans Raised in England, Names of Emigration Agents, Moneys Received from Emigrants, Salaries, &c, Paid to Officers in London. No. 223, printed April 10th, 1840.

SELECT COMMITTEE: HOUSE OP COMMONS— First Report. Resolutions. No. 119, printed March 9th, 1841. Second Report. With Plans—District of Adelaide (2); The Maritime Portion of South Australia; Sketch of Encounter Bay, by Colonel Light and B. T. Finniss; The City of Adelaide, with acre allotments num­ bered: Sketch of Nepean Bay and Kingscote Harbor, by Wm. Chesser ; and Map, showing Special Surveys to the eastward of the Gulf of St. Vincent. No. 394, printed June 10th, 1841. SPECIAL SURVEYS—Copies of Correspondence between R. F. Davies and G-. "W. Hope. (In continuation of papers included in No. 609, August 8tn, 1844.) No. 624, printed August 5th, 1846. Copies of Correspondence between the Colonial Department and if^^^ Graham & Co., re Land at or near the River Glenelg, S.A. printed March 1st, 1839. .^ , SHIPPING, &c.—Return. Number and Tonnage of Vessels ^e9xef^^^the Value Kingdom to South Australia, the Number of Emigrat^S?^-^*!- of Exports, from 1836 to 1840. No. 380, printed June 7«*» ^ ©oable BILLS—An Estimate of the sum required to be Voted in fhe ^^fJL^etixO* *& ISST Her Majesty to liquidate certain Bills drawn by V&& ^fcj&eA. ***** .* Australia since the end of the year 1840. No. ^V&&» "^ 1842 BONDS, &c—A Return of the terms on which the £8^,^^>^ < ^_ Deeds were issued by the Colonization Comnoikj^^sc^1^?-^ \ Interest Payable, Dividends Paid, Names ^3*"$*^^^ printed August 12th, 1842. ^*l.

DESPATCHES—Papers relative to South Australia. -vtf "\ _- c\ ^s^ May, 1841, to March, 1843, with Report of ^^^, dated July 29th, 1842, and a Map, showing^^^^ ^(S^PW^ \ Portions of the Province. Printed 1843. LAND SALES, &C.—A Return of all Moneys Receive Australia; of the Expenditure of the said Balance of Passage Money of Emigrants Fund, both in England and in the Colony. 1847. EMIGRATION—A Return of the Average Coat of England to South Australia, in ships chi and Emigration Commissioners, from J< No. 669, printed July loth, 1847. 106 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Parliament of South Australia—continued. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AND HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY.—Proceedings of Parliament, and Papers. 95 vols. Year. Vols. Year. Vols. 1857-8 2 1872 3 1858 2 1873 3 1859 2 1874 3 1860 3 1875 3 1861 3 1875 (special session).. 1 1862 3 1876 3 1863 2 1877 1864 3 1878 1865 2 1879 1865-6 2 1880 1866-7 3 1881 1867 3 1881 (special session).. 1868-9 3 1882 1869-70 3 1883-4 1870-71 3- 1884 1871 2 1885 PABLIAMENTABY DEBATES (HANSABD), S.A.—29 vols., commencing with the First Session of the First Parliament of South Australia, April 22nd, J 857. Published for some years as proceedings and papers of Legislative Council and House of Assembly, excepting for years 1863 and 1864, when reporting was temporarily discontinued. ACTS AND ORDINANCES—For same years as Proceedings of Parliament. INDEX TO DITTO—See APPENDIX—LEGAL, p. 83. •CLASSIPIBD CATALOGUE OP PABLIAMENTABY PAPEBS—From 1851 to 1864, inclusive. Adelaide : "W. C. Cox, 1865. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY—Standing Rules and Orders. (Adopted September 28th, 1858.) Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1859. Standing Rules and Orders for Regulating the Public Business. (Adopted August 24th, 1869. Further amended and adopted, October 6th, 1875.) Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1877. XEGISLATIVB COUNCIL—Standing Orders of the Legislative Council. (Agreed to November 28th, 1861.) Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1862. Standing Rules and Orders relating to Public Business and Private Bills. (Adopted October 10th, 1878.) Adelaide : £. Spiller, 1878. Index to the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council, and to the printed papers connected therewith, from April 22nd, 1857, to November 6th, 1874. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1875. INDEX TO THE VOTES AND PBOCBEDINGS OF THB HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY—From 1857 to 18o7; to which is added a Catalogue of all printed Parliamentary Papers other than those laid before the House. Adelaide : W. C. Cox, 1868. Ditto, from end of year 1867 to end of year 1873, ditto. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1874. CATALOGUE OF THE PARLIAMENTARY LIBBABY OF S.A.-By F. Haloomb. Adelaide: W. C. Cox, 1871. SUPPLEMBNTABY CATALOGUES OF BOOKS, DITTO (FOUB).—August 1st, 1871, April 30th, 1881. By J. C. Morphett. Adelaide: Governme Printer. •CATALOGUE OF THE PABLIAMENTABY LIBBABY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. By J.C. Morphett. Adelaide: £. Spiller, 1885. Demy 4to. » APPENDIX-PARLIAMENTARY AND OFFICIAL. 107

OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS. South Australian Government Gaiette—From 1839 to 1885. Custom House Hand Book—Being the Merchants' and Importers' Guide to the business of the Customs Department. By Arthur Searcy. Adelaide: £. Spiller, 1883. — Supplement to ditto Adelaide: £. Spiller, 1886. (These works contain the definitions of limits and boundaries of all ports of South Australia.)

The undermentioned publications, printed at the Government Printing Office, Adelaide, can be obtained at that office. Acts of Parliament—Price Is. each; postage extra. Agricultural Department —Reports of. Is. each; postage extra. Blue Books, Parliamentary—1856 to 1885 Price, £4 per Session; postage extra. Botanic Gardens—Reports of. 1 s. each; postage exrra. Brands Directory of South Australia—To December 31st, 1885. Fscp. folio. Price, 1 s. 6d. ; by post, 2s. 6d. Civil Jurisdiction of the Local Courts of South Australia—With Notes on the Acts relating to such Courts, and on Decisions by the English Courts on various points raised under the English County Courts Acts, containing pro­ visions analogous to those of the Local Courts Acts of South Australia. By Charles Fenn, a Practitioner of the Supreme Court of South Australia. Demy 8vo., 145 pages. Price, 5s.; by post, 5s. 3d. Debates in the Houses of Legislature—Hansard, 1858 to 1885. Royal 8vo Price, 10s. 6d. per vol.; postage extra. Decisions of the Right Hon. Evelyn Denison —Speaker of the House of Commons (April 30th, 1857—Februarv 8th, 1872), on points of order, rules of debate, and the general practice of the House. By Edwin Gordon Blackmore, Clerk Assistant and Sergeant-at-Arms, House of Assembly, South Australian Legislature. Fscp. 870., 205 pages. Price, 7s. 6d.; by post, 7s. 8d. Decisions of the Right Hon. Sir H. B. W. Brand, 0.C.B.—Speaker of the House of Commons (February 9th, 1872—September 7th, 1880). On points of order, rules of debate, and the general practice of the House. By Edwin Gordon Blackmore, Clerk Assistant and Sergeant-at-Arms, House of Assembly, South Australian Legislature. Fscp. 8vo., 209 pages. Price, 7s. 6d.; by post. 7 s. 8d. Extra vol., 1881. Price, 2s.; by post, 2s. Id. Dieyerie Tribe of Australian Aborigines, The—By S. Gason, Police Trooper. Edited by Geo. Isaacs. Demy 8vo. Price, 2s. 6d.; postage, 1 d. Electoral Rolls—Legislative Council and House of Assembly, containing Christian and surname, place of abode, and profession or occupation of every registered elector throughout the colony, divided under each electoral district. Price, 2s. 6d. each. Forest Flora of South Australia—Colored plates of the various Forest Trees of South Australia. Issued in parts of five plates each. Subscription for each set of four parts, £1. Single part, 7s. 6d.; postage, 8d. each part extra.. Geological Department—Reports of. Price, Is. each. Handbook—By J. P. Stow. Written for the Calcutta Exhibition, 1884. Price, Is.; by post, Is. 4d. Handbook—By J. F. Coni^rave. Written for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition London, 1886. Price, Is.; by post, Is. 4

Hydatid Disease, with special reference to its prevalence in Australia. Bv J. D. Thomas, M.D., London, F.R.C.S., England. Price, 10s. 6d. ; by post. 10s. lOd. Index to Parliamentary Papers of the Legislature of South Australia, from the commencement of the year 1857 (beinj? the First Session of Parliament) to the end of the Special Session, 1881. Prepared in the office of the Clerk of the House of Assembly. Fscp. folio. Price, 5s.; by post, 5s. 8d. Instructions for Guidance of Country Constabulary—As revised by the Crown Solicitor, September 16th, 1865. Crown 8vo. Price, 6d.; by post, 7d. Laws we Live Under—By Miss C. H. Spence, 1880. Price Is. ; by post, Is. Id. Magistrates' Guide—Containing the ordinary procedure, jurisdiction, and duties of Special Magistrates and Justices of tbe Peace, relating to summary con­ victions, minor offences, indictable offences, and Justices* duties as Coroners ; also a Digest of Magisterial Law and forms in common use, with notes and observations, and a copious index. By John B. Sheridan, Esq., a Prac­ titioner of the Supreme (Joint, and J. W. Bake we 1, M.A., of the Inner Temple, Esq., barrister-at-law. Demy 8vo., 866 pages. Price, 42s. ; by post, 43s. Northern Territory of South Australia, The—By J. G. Knight, F.R.I.B.A., A.I.C.E., London. Demy 8vo. Price, Is. ; by post, Is. Id. Northern Territory, The—Its Physical Geography and Natural History. By the Rev. Julian E. Tenison Woods, F. U.G.S., F.L.S., F.G.S., etc., etc. Demy 8vo. Price, Is.; by post, Is. Id. Official Blue Book for 1885 —Compiled from official records in the Chief Secretary's office. Fscp. folio. Price, 2s. 6d.; by poet, 2s. fd. Parliamentary Papers—Price, 6d. per sheet of four pages, according to size ; postage extra. Beports on Planting Olives and Mulberries on Mallee Lands—Also Wattle Culti­ vation generally in the Colony. By J. E. Brown, F.L.S, Conservator of Forests. Price, 2s.; by post, 2s. 2d. Bnles and Begnlations for Preparation and Auditing of Public Accounts—Fscp. folio. Price, Is.; by post, Is. 3d. Bnles and Begnlations made under Adelaide Sewers Act, No. 106, 1878. Also Plans and desciiptive directions as to the best method of making house con­ nections. By Oswald Brown, M.I.C.E., Hydraulic Engineer. Demy 4to. Price, Is.; by post, Is. 2d. Sketch—Prepared by direction of the Royal Commission for South Australia, Mel­ bourne Exhibition, 1880. For gratuitous distribution. Postage, 2d. South Australia: A Brief Account of its Progress and Resources—With Map showing its position in relation to the other Colonies. Also a description of the Adelaide Exhibition. For gratuitous distribution Postage, 2d. Specifications of Letters of Registration of Patents for Inventions filed and recorded in the office of the Registrar-General of South Australia. 3 vols., 1848 to 1878. Price, wrappers, 30s.; half bonnd, 40s. Specifications of Letters Patent for Inventions filed and recorded in the office of the Commissioner of Patents, South Australia, under the Patent Act, No. 78 of 1877, with indexes of names and subjects. 5 vols., 1877 to 1884. Price, wrapper, 30s.; half bound, 40s. Statistical Register of South Australia—Compiled from official records in the office of the Government Statist. Fscp. folio. Price, bound, 10s. per annual volume; postage extra. Tree Culture—A Practical Treatise on. By J. Ednie Brown, F.L.S., Conservator of Forests. For gratuitous distribution. Woods and Forests Bepartment—Annual Reports of. Price, Is. each; postage extra. APPENDIX—MAPS, PLANS, &c. 109

MAPS, PLANS, &c. Light—Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island (with sketch of South Australian Company's Point) and Rapid Bay. From sketches by Colonel Light. London: John Gliddon, n.d. — The Port and Town of Adelaide, on the Eastern Coast of St. Vincent's Gulf. From a drawing by Colmel Light, Surveyor-General. London: John Gliddon, n.d. — Rapid Valley, S.A. View looking up the valley from a spot called The Garden. From a sketch by Colonel Light. London : J. Gliddon, n.d. — The Coast on the East Side of St. Vincent's Gulf, A Survey of, made by Colonel Light, >urveyor- General. With two sketches—Port Adelaide Creek in September, 1836; and Coastline, Yankililla, Rapid Bay, &c. London: John Gliddon, n.d. Kingston & Stephens—Map of Adelaide. London: Hail-s, 1842. Pnllen—Sketch of the Sea Mouth of the Murray. By J. W. Pullen, 1840. Adelaide : Mainwright & Beck, n.d. Anon.—Plan of Part of Encounter Bay and Lakes Alexandrina and Albert. Adelaide: Mainwright & Beck, 1849. Wigg, E. S., & Sons—Map of South Australia, giving all the latest information. Compiled from official sources. Kingston, Sir 0. S., M.P.—Rainfall Diagrams (two), showing the Kainfall for Adelaide, 1839 to 1874; Melbourne, 1855 to H74; and Sydney, 18*0 to 1874 ; &c.f &e. Prepared by Sir G. S. Kingston, M.P., from observations taken by himself and others. Adelaide: Surveyor-General's Office, 1875. Addison, H. M. — Plan of Mineral Sections near Moonta and Kadina, with the Names and Positions of the most important Mines. Adelaide, n.d. Railways Plan of Australia, showing the existing and proposed lines of railway in South Australia. Adelaide: Surveyor-General's Office, 1875. Carroll—South Australia and the Northern Territory: the New Counties, Hundreds, and District, Atlas of, 1S7*. Together with Map of South Australia, indicating Roads, Distances, relative position of Counties, &c, &c. Showing all Boroughs, Post Towns, Villages, , Road Boards, Roads. Railways, Rivers, Lakes, Creeks, Mountains, Stations, the Area of County and Station (the Names, • Occupiers, Grazing Capabilities and Area of each), the Popula­ tion of each Town in the Colony, Height of Mountains, Length, Rise, and Fall of Rivers, the quantity of Cereals and Green Crops, Hay, "Wine, &c, produced in the different localities and all the Geographical, Geological, and Physiological Matter, obtained from the most authentic sources. Compiled by F. S. Carroll. The maps are compiled from the very latest plans in the Lands Department, by the kind permission of G. W. Goyder, Esq., Surveyor- General. The Statistical Matter is furnished by the Government Statist, J. Boothby, Esq. Adelaide: E. S. Wigg & Son, 1876. I vol. South Australia—Plan of the Southern Portion of the Province of South Australia, as divided into Counties and Hundreds, showing the most important Settle­ ments, Post Towns, Telegraph Station*, Main Roads, Railways, &c. Com­ piled from official documents in the office of the Surveyor-General. Adelaide: Surveyor-General's Office, 1877-8. 1 vol. 110 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

The Cadastral Survey of the City of Adelaide—Showing Town Acres, Stone Buildings, Brick Buildings, Wood and Iron Buildings, Pillar Post Offices, Levels, Fire Plugs, Stop-cocks, Stand-pipes, Lamp-posts, Telegraph-posts, &c, &c. 0. W. Smith, City Engineer. 18S0. 6 vols. Johnston, "W. & A. X.—Colonial Atlas of Oceania, containing thirteen full colored maps of Australia, New Zealand, and adjacent islands. Edinburgh and London, 1886. Fcp. folio.

The undermentioned maps and plans, prepared and published at the Surveyor- General's Office, Adelaide, can be obtained at that office. Map of the Province of South Australia, exclusive of the Northern Territory. Scale—Eight miles to an inch, in fifteen sheets. Price, £2 2s.; separate sheets, 3s. Map of the Province of South Australia, exclusive of the Northern Territory. Scale— Sixteen miles to an inch, in four sheets. Price, 8s. Plan of the Southern Portion of the Province. Scale—Sixteen miles to an inch, in one sheet. Price, colored, 6s.; plain, 3s. Map of the Province of South Australia, exclusive of the Northern Territory, showing Buns. Scale, eight miles to an inch, to be completed in fifteen sheets, of which all except Nos. 6 and 7, are now published. Price, 3s. per sheet. The same reduced, scale, sixteen miles to one inch, in four sheets. Price, £1. Map showing Lines of Railways in South Australia, 1885. Scale—twenty-five miles to an inch. Price, Is. County Plans. Scale—Two miles to an inch. Price, 5s. each, as follows:— Adelaide, 1878; Dalhousie, 1880; Daly, 1884; Eyre, 1871; Fergueson, 1876; Frome, 1883; Gawler, 1878; Russell, 1884; Victoria, 188U. Hundred Sheets. Price, Is. each. Scale—One mile to an inch. Plans of Government Towns. Scale - Four chains to an inch. Price, Is. each. NOTK.—Plans of Hundreds and Towns colored to show the sections sold or selected, - and sections open. Price, 2s. each. Sheets srhowing Land offered for Sale and Selection, as published in the South Amtralian Government Gazette. Price, 6d. each.

Exploration and Miscellaneous Plans. Mr. Gosse's, 1873. Price, 4s. Mr. Ernest Giles's Expeditions, between 1872 and 1876. Price, 4s. Colonel "Warburton's, 1874. Price, 5s. Mr. Lewis's, 1874-5. Price, 2s. 6d. Mr. Cornish's, 1880. Price, 3s. Messrs. Hardy and Barron's Triangulation Plan of Country S.W. and N. of Lake Gairdner and S.W. of Lake Eyre. Price, os. Plan showing Approximate Mean Annual Rainfall in South Australia. By the Government Observer, 1881. Price, 2s. 6d. General Plan of the Southern Portion of the Province. For the use of schools. Scale—Six miles to an inch. Mounted and colored. Price, £ 1 10s. Mr. Winnecke's Explorations between Lake Eyre and Tarlton Range and Cairns Range. Price, 5s. APPENDIX-MAPS, PLANS, &c. Ill

Northern Territory Maps and Plane. Map of the Northern Territory, showing Runs. Scale—Sixteen miles to an inch, in three sheets. Price, £1; separate sheets, 7s. 6d. Plan showing Natural Features of the Country, Towns, Reserves, Roads, and Sectional Lands at and in the vicinity of Port Darwin. Price, 5s. Plan showing Natural Features of the Trigonometrical Survey, Northern Territory. Price, 2s. 6d. General Plan, showing Port Darwin Telegraph Line. Price, 2s. 6d. Plan of Adelaide and Port Darwin Telegraph Line, in sheets. Scale—Twenty miles to an inch. Price, 2s. each, as follows:—Sheet 1. Palmerston to the- King. 2. The King to Powell's Creek Station. 3. The Tomkinson to the- the Woodforde. 4. The Woodforde to the Charlotte Waters Station. Mr. Winnecke'* Explorations between Herbert River, Alice Springs, and Tennant's Creek. Price, 3s. Mr. Winnecke's Explorations between Lake Eyre and Tarlton Range and Cairn* Range. Price, 5s. Mr. Favenc's Explorations during 1878-9, 1882-3. Price, 2s. 6d. Mr. Lindsay's Explorations in Arnheira's Land. Price, 3s. Herbert River Auction Blocks. Price, Is. Roper River Auction Blocks. Price, 6d. Hundred Sheets. Scale—One mile to an inch. Price, Is. Town Plans. Scale—Eight chains to an inch. Palmerston, 2s. 6d.; Daly, Is.; Southport, Is.; Virginia, Is.; Burrundie, Is.

NOTE. — This subdivision includes only a limited number of the maps which have been issued" from time to time. Early detailed plans and maps of Adelaide and country districts will be found in the reports of the Colonization Commissioners, and in the reports of the Select Committees of the House of Commons. See Pages 103 and 104 herein. The proceedings and papers of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, referred to on Page 106, contain valuable maps and plans relating to the various subdivisions of the Colony into Counties and Hundreds, the boundaries of forest reserves, extension of railways, conser­ vation of water, opening up of harbors and lighting the coast line, the geological features of the colony, and various other subjects dealt 7vith by the Government.


Page. , Page. Aborigines—British Settlements .. 18 j Bastard. T 90 Australian Colonies 19 Bate, C. S 45 Aborigines' Department 19 , Bauer, Jacob 77 Aborigines' Friends' Association .. 19 j Bean, G. T 21 Aborigines—Laws relating to .... 20 j Bednall,W.T 21,45 Acts and Ordinances—Aborigines.. 20 Bennett, J. F 21,57 Imperial 102, 103 i Bennett, N. W. 0 77, 86 Colonial 106 Bennett, Samuel 8, 66 Adams, Arthur 44 I Bentham, Dr. George 36 Adelaide University *9 j Beresford, G. W. D 84 Adelaide Exhibition Commission .. 72 Berkeley, Rev. M. J 36 Adelaide Corporation 101 Bickford, Rev. James 71 " Agricola" 21, 69 Biggs,J.H 20 Allen, James 72 Bigfellow, G. B 88 Almanacs and Directories 100, 101 Binney, Rev. T 63 Anderson, Andrew 90 Blackmore, E. G 18, 107 Anderson, Mrs. William 66 Blair, David 70 Andrews. F. W. 21, 44 Bleek, W.H.I 17 Angas, G. French 16, 21, 36, 44, 68, Bleasdale, Rev. J. I 87 69, 66 Bode, Mrs. J. A 91 Anon. . .36, 61, 56, 61, 64, 65, 68, 70, Bonney, A. E 87 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 85, 86, 88, Bonney, Charles 10 90,91 Bon wick, James 60, 67 Anthony, T 21 Booth, Edwin Carton 69, 78 Aristides 67 Boothhy, Josiah 68, 70 Artesian Water Supply 21 Boothby William R 69 Art Gallery 90 Borrow & Goodiar 57 Ascherson, Professor 36 Boucaut, Judge 89 Astles, H. E 91 Brazier, John 45 Austin, J. B. 21, 86 Bremer, Captain 81 Australian Exploring Expedition.. 14 Brierly, Oswald W 66 Australian and NewZealand Gazette 62 Brown, J. Ednie 36, 37, 108 Brown, George A 71 Babbage, B. Herschell 13, 21 Brown, H. Y. Lyell 14,22 Backhouse, James 36, 44, 67 Brown, Rohert 37 Bagot, C. H 21 Brown, Oswald 108 Baines, T 77 Brook, James 83 Baird, Rev. James, B.A 66 Bruce, J. A 22 Baird, W 46 Bruhn, Dr. Georg H 22 Bakewell, John Warren 84, 108 Bugnion, Bishop 80 Baly, J. S 46 Bull, J. W 69,73,79 Banbury, Charles 88 Bundey, Judge 89 Barclay, H. Veie 14, 21, 81 Burford, W. H 86 Barker, Captain Collet 8 Burgess, Rev. H. T 69 Barrow, J. H 88 Burke, Roheit O'Hara 11,64 Barry (Judge), Sir R 17 Burr, Thomas 23,86 Barry, Philip 62 Burton, John Hill.. 59 Barton, G 9 Burtt, Alfred P 13 114 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Page. Page. Bushmen's Chib .... 68 Directories and Almanacs.... 100, 101 Busk, Professor G 23, 46 Dixon, S 38 Butler, S 92 Dixson, Robert 87 Byrne, J. C 23, 69 Dodd, Arthur .... 24 Doubleday, Edward 46 Cadell, Captain Francis .... 13, 23, 80 Douglas, Bloomfield 13, 77 Caldwell, Robert 68 Downer, H. F 83 Callander, John 7 Downer, J. W 83 Cameron, R 87 Campbell, Major 76 Driver, Charles .... 19 Campbell, W 79 Duncan, Handasyde 69 Campbell, William 62 Duncan, Professor P. M 24, 46 Capper, Henry 64 Dutton, Francis S 24, 57 Capper, John 61 Dutton, W , 13 Carleton, Mrs. C. J 63 Carpenter, William 66 Earl, G.Windsor 75, 76, 77 Carrington, Captain 81 East, J. J 24 Castlenau, Count F. de 46, 78 Eden.C.H 68 Cawthorne, W. A 1« Egremont, G 91 Cayley, James «2 E.L 57 Chamber of Manufactures .. 87, 88, 101 Ellie 67 Chauncey, W. S 74 Etheridge, Robert, jun 24 Clark, Rev. Hamlet 46 European Mail 6?, 92 Clarke, Marcus 69 Evans, Mrs. E 63, 90 Clarke, Rev. W. B 23 Eyre, Edward John .... 10, 15, 25, 57 Cleland, W. L 87 Fairfax, William, & Co 62 Clerk, Mrs. Godfrey 67 Fauvel, M 46 Cloud, T.C 23 Favenc and Crawford 81 Coal 23 Fenn, Charles ...83, 107 Cock, Robert 9 Finlavson, William 9 Collisson, Marcus 16, 67 Finmss, Boyle T ... 74 Colonial Land and Emigrate n Fisher, Sir James Hurtle 62, 83 Commissioners, London 79 Fitzgerald. John Foster Vesey.... 71 Conigrave, J. Fairfax 67, 72, 74, Fitzpatrick, A., M.D 85 87, 107 Fliert, Job 18, 90 Copper 23 Flinders, Captain Matthew .. 8, 26, 38, Cornish, W. H 12 53, 75 Cossins, G. H 87,88 Foelsche, Paul 78 Cotton & Opie 84 Forbes, Edward 46 Cotton, G. W 88 Forrest, Alexander 81 Cox, Dr. J. C 45 Forrest, John 12, 14, 25, 67, 81 Crawford, Frazer S 38, 46, 46 Forster, Anthony 17, 25, 65 Crawford, James Field 23 Fowler, W 26 Creed,JohnM 79 Franc, Maude Jeanne .63, 90 Currey, F 38 Francis, G. W ;38, 46, 86 Custance, Professor 88 Francis, George 87 Franklyn, H. Mortimer 71 Daly, John George 83 Freeling, Captain A. H 12, 25 Davenport, Sir Samuel 87 Frere, Alice M 67 Davies, Mrs. Eliza 11 Freycinet, Louis 26 Davies, Dr. Charles 87 Davidson, T 23 Frome, Captain E. C 10, 25 Davis, A. H 38, 46 Ga*on, Samuel 18, 88, 107 Davis, John 11 Governor George 10,25,26,60 Debney, G. L 24 Gaze, Dr. W. H 46 Debney, Mrs 67 Geharty, James 13 DeBrosses, Charles 7 Gell,H.D ...... 91 DeLisser, E. A 13, 24 Gerstaecker, Frederick 61 DeMole, Miss F. E 38 Giles, Christopher 92 Dilke, Sir Charles 66 Giles, Ernest 12, 13, 26, 67 INDEX. 115

Page. Page. Gliddon, Ann 56 Howitt, William 8, 11, 65 Gold.... 26 Huddlestone, W. H 27 Goodenough. Commodore 68 Hughes, — 10 Gosse, W. C is, 26 HuKhes, J. B 89 Gould, John 46, 47 Hughes, William 60 Gouger, Robert 54 Hugo, William Marks 73 Government Resident, N.T 80, 81 Hullett, J. W. H 27 Goyder, G. W 12, 26, 38, 80 Hume, Hamilton 66 Goyder, George, jun 38 Hunt, Thornton L 55 Grad,A.C 11,65 Hussey, H 61 Grant, Lieutenant James, R.X. .. 7, 53 Hutchinson, Y. B 9 Gray, J. E 47 LI yndman, J. L 88 Great Northern Copper Mining Co. 26 Gregory, A. C 76, 82 Imlay, Dr 9 Gregory, Charles F 13 l.O.R 91 Gregory, F 26 Iota 67 Greio, M. Frank 87 Jsaics,

Pa*e. Pa*e. Lee, John ... 73 Murray, W 28 Lees. Captain 10 Mu8grave, Captain 68 Leichardt, Dr. Ludwig 76 Musgrave, Governor Anthony .... 88 Leigh, Dr. W. H 65,67 Lendenfeld, Dr. R. V 27 Napier, 0. J. (Sir Charles) 64 Lewin, Frances 8. ... t 73 Nesbit, E. P b3 Lewis, J. W 14, 27 Nesfield, Henry W 71 Light, Colonel William 9, 6 \ 85 Newman, G. M 78 Lindsay, David 81 Newspapers —Colonial 93, 94, 95 Jitchfield, Dr 47 " — Out of Little Jacob 64 print! 95,96,97,98 Locke, J 28 Niemann, J. A 28 ijorekin, A. .. 84 Nitre Lakes of South Australia .. 2S Loyau, George E 71, 72, 90 Nixon, F. R 57 Norris, Rev. William 60 MacDonnell, Governor Sir R. G... 28,64 North Australian 82 MacGeorge, James 65 Northern Mineral Districts 29 MacGillivray, John 76 Northern Territory Times 79, 82 MacLeay, "#. S 47 MacLeay, W., jun 48 Oakden, John 9 Magazines published in Adelaide.. 98,99 O'Donnell, Rev. D 91 " " " London .. 99 < Official Publications 107, 108 Major, R. H 8 Old Colonists' Association 90 Mann, Charles 92 Opie,E. A 66 Mann, William 15,66 Oppen, Edward A 77 Maps, Plans, &c 109, 110, 111 Owen, Professor Richard 29, 48 Marbron, Myra 74 Marrett, Sydney 68 Paris Exhibition Commission .... 69 Marshall, H 28, 91 Parliament of Gr *at Britain, &c.— Martin, R. Montgomery ....28, 57, 62 Explorations, &c 14 Mason, George 20 Aborigines 1*, 19 Mason, L 87 Northern Territory 81, 82 Masters, George 48 Statutes and Papers.. 102, 103 McEAin, George 87 104, 105 McKinlay, J. .. 11, 12, 13, 28, 65, 80 Parliament of South Australia— McTavish, Saunders 67 Explorations, &o 12 Melbourne Exhibition Commis­ Aborigines 19 sion 71,86 Northern Territory .. 79, 81 Melville, Henry 60, 74 Statutes and Papers. .106, 106 Menge, J 28 Parliament of Western Australia— Mereweather, Rev. J. D 63 Explorations, &c 14 Methodist New Connexion Church 19 Northern Territory .... 81 Meyer, H. A. E 15,16,85 Parker, W. K 29 Meyrick, E 48 Parkinson, James 64 Miller,F 13 Parry, Samuel 13 Milner, Rev. John, B.A 66 Parsons, J. Langdon 79 Mines 28 Pastoe, Francis P 48 Mines and Mining Companies in Patterson, R C 69 South Australia 23 Pelhani, L. J 83 Molineux. A 39 Pendragon, A 86, 92 Moodie, D. C. F 92 Peron,M.F 8,29,53 Moorhouse, Matthew 16, 19, 85 Peterswald, W. J 29 Morrison, Rev. John 66 Pfeiffer, Dr. L 48 Mossman, Samuel 64 Philosophical Society of Adelaide.. 101 Mueller, Baron Sir F. von. .36, 39, 40, Phipson, Dr. T. L 29 77, 78, 81 Pituri, or Pitchiri 40 Mundy, Lieutenant 10 Pizey,S.V 87 Municipal Association of South Playford, Rev. Thomas 64 Australia 101 Plunkett, J. A 78 INDEX. 117

P age. Page. Point MacLeay Native Institution 19 Smith, James Walter 84 Pollitzer, S 29 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James 18 Poonindie Training Institution .. 19 Smyth, R. Brough 18,30,81 Puseley, D 62 South Australian Acclimatization Society 101 Quiris 78 South Australian Association .... 53 South Australian Company 64 Rake, Charies 91 South Australian Government . .77, 79, Randall, David 88 86,90 Randall, Eliza D 67 South Australian Government Ranken, W. H. L 67 Gazette 19, 107 Rawlinson, T. E 29 South Australian Institute, &c. .. 89 Rees, Rowland 87 South Australian Land Company.. 63 Reports Select Committee Abo­ South Australian Land Nationali­ rigines 18 zation Society 91 Reynolds, Thomas 80 South Australian Record 75 Richards, William Pearce 72 South Australian Register . .60, 70, 71, Roberts, J. F 40 90 Robinson, Governor Sir W. C. F. 91 South Australian Society oft Robertson, John 40, 48 Sowden, William J 79 Robinson, Rev. W. G 74 Spence. Miss Catherine H.. .61, 70,108 Ross, J 14, 29 Stagg, R 30 Ross, R. D 89 Stainsfield. C. W 73 Royal Agricultural and Horticul­ Stanley, Effie 69 tural Society of South Australia 101 Statistical Society of South Aus­ Royal Colonial Institute 67 tralia 16,31 Royal Society of South Australia.. 101 Stephens, John 15, 55, 85 Russell (Dean), Alexander, B.D... 72, Stephens, Samuel 10 73,86 8tephenson, Edward R 66, 77 Russell, A 66 Stewart, Robert 61 Rutt, Walter 29 Stokes, Captain J. Lort 76 Storrie, William 66 Sanger, E. B 29 Stow, J. P 18, 72, 78, 107 Saunders, E 48 Strangways, T. B 9 Savage Club 101 Stuart, J. McDouall..ll, 13, 30, 65, 86 Schneider, Dr. Wilhelm 72 Sturt, Captain Charles 9,11, 31, 41, 8choales, Rev. John W 62 48, 53, 59 Schomburgk, Dr. R 40, 67, 87, 89 Styles, Miss Emma 73 Schurmann, C. W 15, 16, 85 Supreme Court 84 Sclater, P. L 48 Sutherland, A. and G 68 Scott, A. W 48 Sweet, Robert 41 Scott, II. J 88 Sydney Exhibition Commission .. 70 Scott, T 74 Symon, J. H 90 Scoular, Gavin 29, 30 Synod, Church of England 101 Scrutton, T. U 30,87 Senlhorst, Georg 72 Taplin. Rev. George 17, 70, 86 Selwyn, A. R. C 30 Taie, Professor Ralph . .31, 33, 41, 42, Serial Literature 101 49, 50, 78, 81 8hapland, R 89 Taylor, Norman 33 Shepherdson, J. B 92 Taylor, William C 67 Sberidan, John Beal 84, 108 Tepper, J. G. Otto 33, 42, 50 Short, Dr. A., D.D. (Lord Bishop Thomas, John Davies 73, 108 of Adelaide) 17, 85, 88 Thomas, R. G 16, 66 Sidney, Samuel 30, 60 Tiechelmann, C. T 16, 85 Silver & Co 67 Tietkins, W. H 12 Silver Lead Ores of South Australia 30 Tilney, Miss 69 Simmond8, P. L 41 Tin at Reedy Creek 33 Sinnett, Frederick 30, 64 Tod, Robert 10 Smith, F 48 Todd, Charles 80 118 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Page. Page. Tolmer, Alexander 4*2, 72 Wells Sunk by the Government of Tolley,A.J 87 South Australia 34 Torrens, Colonel R 64, 92 Wells, William Henry 59 Torrens, Sir R. R 83,85 Westwood, — 65 Tremenheere, S 33 White, Adam 51 T rewartha, James 33 Whittell,H. T 51 Trollope, Anthony 67 Whitworth, Robert P 65 Turner, Harry 91 Wigley,W.R 78 Twopeny, R. E. N 73 Wildey, William Brackley 68, 78 Wilhelmi, Charles 17, 86 Ulrich, G. H. F 33 Wilkinson, G. B 16, 34, 59 Williams, William 15, 85 Vale, S 33 Willis, — 9 Value of Metals and Minerals Wills&Co 90 Exported 33 Wills, William John 11, 65 Varley, C. G 83 Wilson, C A 34, 61 Varley, John 83 Wilson, Edward 63 Victorian Review 78 Wilson, T. B., M.D 75 Villanis, P 90, 91 Wilson, Thomas 85 Winnecke, Charles 14, 34, 81 Y.M.C.A 91 Wood,J.F 43 Young, Aretas 84 Wood, — 9 Woodhouse, H.J 90 Wakefield, E. G 63, 54 Wood-Mason, Professor 51 Wall, W. P. de la Poer 33, 73 Woods, Mrs. J. Crawford 92 Wallace, Alfred R 70 Woods, J. D 18, 66, 70, 90 Walker, F 60 Woods, Rev. J. E. T .... 8, 11, 34, 35, Walker, John 20 43, 51, 64, 65, 77, 86, 108 Warburton, Colonel P. Egerton.. 12,13, Woodward, H 35 33, 67 Woodward,H.P 14,35 Ward, Ebenezer 42, 64, 66 Worsnop, Thomas 69, 71, 89 Waterhouse, F. G 33, 43, 61 Wurm, F 87 Waterhouse, G. R 50 Wyatt, A 9 Waters, A. W 34 Wyatt, William 17,90 Watson,H 74 Wylde,R.T 89 Wells,R 77