199 SeptemberSeptember1982. 1982.Is.sue28 Issue28 COMPUTE!COMPUTE! 199

COMPUTE!COMPUTE! BackBack IssuesIssues

HereHere areare somesome ofofthe the applications,applications, tutorials,tutoria ls, UndeletableUndeletable LinesLines onon Apple,Apple. PET,PET, VIC,VIC , Game,Game, VICVIC StarfightStarfight Game,Game, CBMCBM BASICBASIC andand gamesgames fromfrom availableavailable backback issuesissues ofof BudgetingBudgeting onon thethe Apple,Apple, SwitchingSwitching CleanlyCleanly 4.04. 0 ToTo UpgradeUpgrade ConversionConversion Kit,Kit, AppleApple COMPUTE!.COMPUTE!. EachEach issueissue containscontains much,much. fromfrom TextTex t toto GraphicsGraphics onon Apple,Apple. AtariAtari Addresses,Addresses, VICVIC Maps,Maps, EPROMEPROM Reliability,Reliability. muchmuch moremore thanthan there'sthere's spacespace herehere toto list,list, CassetteCassene Boot-tapes,Boot-tapes, AtariAtari VariableVariable NameName AtariAtari GhostGhost Programming,Programming. AtariAtari MachineMachine butbut herehere arcare somesome highlights:highlights: Utility,Utility, AtariAtari ProgramProgram Library,library, TrainT rain your yourLanguageLanguage Sort,Sort, RandomRandom MusicMusic CompositionComposition PETPET toto RunRun VICVIC Programs,Progra ms, InterfaceInterface aa BSRBSR onon PET, PET, CommentComment YourYour Apple Apple IIII Catalog.Catalog. RemoteRemote ControlControl SystemSystem toto PET,PET, AA GeneralGeneral AprilApril 1982:1982: T rac k Down TrackDown ThoseThose MemoryMemory JanuaryJanuary 1981:1981: LoadLoad PETPET ProgramsPrograms IntoInto PurposePurpose BCDBCD toto BinaryBinary Routine,Routine, ConvertingConverting BugsBugs (multiple(multiple computers),computers), Shooting StarsStars TheThe AppleApple II,II, Player-MissilePlayer~Mi ss ile GraphicsGraphics forfor toto Fat-40Fat-40 PET.PET. GameGame (multiple(multiple computers),computers), IntelligentIntelligent Atari,Atari, TheThe AtariAtari DOS,ooS, TheThe KernelKernel ofof thethe NovemberNovember 1981:198 1: SuperPet:SuperPet: AA Preview,Pre view , InputInput SubroutinesSubroucines (multiple(multiple computers),computers), OSI Operating System,System, FixingFixing LOADingLOADing JapaneseJapanese Micros:Micros: AA FirstFirst Look,Look, IntroductionIntroduction UltracubeUltrncube for(or Atari,Alari. CustomizingCustomiz ing Apple'sApple's ProblemsProblems onon thethe PET,PET, Spooling withwith thethe toto BinaryBinary Numbers,Numbers. AnAn AppleApple Primer,Primer. PagePage CopyCopy Program,Program, UsingUsing PET/CBMPET/CBM InIn TheThe PETPET Disk,Disk, ExpandingExpa nding KIM.KIM. FlipperFlipper forfor Apple,Apple, AnAn AtariAcari DatabaseDatabase HighHigh SchoolSchool PhysicsPhys ics Lab,lab, Grading ExamsExams FebruaryFebruary 1981:1981, SimulatingSimulating PRINTPRINT USING,USING, System,System. AA ProgramProgram forfor Writing\Xfriting ProgramsPrograms onon onon aa MicrocomputerMicrocompute r (multiple(multiple computers),computers), Atari Mailing List, Renumber VIC Programs UsingUs ing thethe AtariAtari as a TerminalT enninal forfor TelecomT elecom~ thethe Atari,Atari . Atari Textplot,Textplot. OSIOSI Relocation,Relocation, Atari Mailing List, Renumber VIC Programs The Easy Way, Browsing the VIC Chip, munications,munications. Attach a PrinterPrinter toto thethe Atari,Amri, TheThe PETPET Speaks, InversionIn version Partitioning,Partitioning. AA The Easy Way, Browsing the VIC Chip, Disk Checkout for PET/CBM. DoubleDouble DensityDensity GraphingGraphing on C1P,CIP, CommoCo onmmo~ PersonalPe rsonal NewsNews ServiceService onon PET, Bits,Bits, Bytes,Bytes, Disk C heckout for PET/CBM. doredare DiskDisk Systems,Systems. PET CrashCrash Prevention,Prevention, and BasicBasic Boole.Boole. MayMay 1982:1982: VICV IC Meteor7'.'ic leor MazeMaze Game. A 25?25~ AppleApple IIII Clock.C lock. DecemberDecember 1981: SavingSaving FuelFuel S$$$ (Multiple(Multiple AlariAtoui DiskDi sk DriveDri ve Speed Check. ModifyingModifying Apple's Floating Point BASIC, Fast Sort May 1981:1981 , Named GOSUB/GOTOGOSUBIGOTO in Computers:CompU(ers: versions forfor Apple,Apple, PET,PET. andand Apple's Floating Poinl BASI C. Fast Sort Atari), Unscramble Game (multiple For PET/CBM, Extra Atari Colors Applesoft,Applesoft, GeneratingGenerating LowerLower CaseCase Text onon Atari). Unscramble Game (multiple Fur PET/C BM . EXira Atari Colors computers), Maze Generator (multiple Through Artifacting,Insurance Life Apple II,II. Copy Atari ScreensScreens tow the Printer,Pri nter. computers), Maze Genemror (multiple T hrough ArLifacting. Life insurance computers), Animating Applesoft Graphics,Estimator (multiple computers), PET Disk DirectoryDirectory PrinterPrinter for Atari,Amri, Realtime computers), Animating Applesoft Graphi cs . Estimatur (mulliple compuler·s). PET II, Screen Input. Getting The Most Out Of Clock onon Atari, PET BASICBASIC Delete Utility,Utility, A SimpleSimple Printer InterfaceInrerface for the AppleApple II, Screen I npUl, Gelt ing T he ~ I os t Out or A Simple Atari Wordprocessor, Adding VIC'S 5000 Bytes. PET Calculated Bar Graphs,Graphs, Running 4040 A Simple Atari \Vordprocessor, Adding VIC's 5000 B),les. HighHigh SpeedSpeed VerticalVertical PositioningPos itioning to AtariAtari P/PI ColumnColumn ProgramsPrograms oonn a CBMC BM 80328032.. Home and Educational COMPUTING! M Graphics,Graphics. OSOSII SSupercursor,upercursor. A LookLook At Home and Educational COMPUTING! (Fall 1981 and Summer 1981 -count as JunJunee 1981:1981: CoComputermputer UsUsinging EducatorsEduc·ators SuperPET,SuperPET, SuSupermonpermon for PET/CBM,PET/CBM. PET (F;III 1981 and Summer 198 1 - counl as one hack issue): Exploring The Rainbow (CUE) oonn SofSoftwaretware PriPricing,Cing, Apple 11II HireHiress Mine Maze Game. onc b,-lC k iss ue): Exploring The Rainbow Machine, VIC As Super Calculator, CCharacterharacter GeGenerator,nerator. EvEver-e r ~ expanding Machine, VIC As Super Calculator. January 1982: Invest (multiple computers), Custom Characters. Alternate Screens, AppleApple Power.Power, CoColorlor BBursturst fforor Atari, Mixing January 1982: Invest (multiple computers) . Custom Characters. Alt ernate Scrcens. Developing a Business Algorithm (multiple Automatic Line Numbers. Using The Atari GraphicGraphicss ModeModess 0 and a,8, ReRelocatinglocating Developing a Business Algorithm (multiple Automatic Line Numbe rs. Usi ng T he computers), Apple Addresses, Lowercase Joystick (Spacewar Game), Fast Tape PET BASBASICIC PrPrograms,ograms. An AAssemblerssembler IInn computers) , Apple Addresses. Lowercase Joys ti ck (Spacewar Gamc), Fast Tape Locater, Window. VIC Memory Map. BASIC for PET, QuadraPET,QuadraPET: MultitaMultitasking?sking? with UUnmodifiednmodified AppApple,le, CrypCryptogramtogram GaGameme Localcr. \-Vindow. VIC ~ I e m o r y Map. fforor Acari,Atari, SSuperfont:uperfOnt: DesDesignign Special JulJulyy 11981:981: HHomeome HeatinHeatingg aandnd CooCooling,ling. CCharacterharacter SeSetsts oonn AtAtari,ari , PET RRepairsepairs for Animating IntIntegerege r BASBASICIC Lores GrapGraphics,hics, the AmateAmateur,ur, MiMicromoncromon for PET, SSelfclf~ The AppApplele HiHiresres SShapehape WriteWriter,r, Adding a modifymodifyinging PProgramsrograms inin PEPETT BABASIC,SIC , TinTiny-y~ VVoiceoice Track tto Tracko AtarAtarii PrPrograms,ograms, Machine mmon:on: a VVICIC MMonitor,onitor. VVicic CoColorTips,lor Tips . VVICIC Back iissuesssues areare $3.00 eaeachch oorr ssixix for $$15.00. for15.00. LanguaLanguagege Atari JoyJoystickstick DriverDriver,. FFourour ScreeScreenn MemMemoryory MapMap,, ZAP,ZAP: A VVICIC GaGame.me. PriPricece includeincludess freifreightght iinn [hthee US. OOutsideutside the UUtilitiestilities fforor the PET, SavSavinging Machine February 1982: Insurance Inventory US add $$1.001. 00 per mmagazineagazine ordered fforor LanguaLanguagege PrProgramsograms oonn PET TTapeape HHeaders,eaders. February 1982: Insurance In·,rentory (multiple computers), Musical Transposition ssurfaceurface pospostage.tage. $3.00 ~rper magazine fforor CoCommodoremmodore RROMOM SySystems,stems, ThThee Voracious (multiple computers). Musical Transposi tion (multiple computers), Multitasking air mail postage. All back issues subject to Butterfly oonn OSOSI.I. (multiple computers), Mu ltitasking air mail postage. All back issues subject to EmuEmulatorlator (mu(multipleltiple cocomputers),mputers). DiDisassemblesassemble avaiavailability.labi li ty. AAugustugust 11981:98 1: MinimizeMinimize CodeCode andand MaxMaximizeimize AppleApple PrProgramsograms from BASIBASIC, fromC , PlottinPlottingg In ththee CoContinentaln tinental US cacallll SSpeed,peed, AppleApple DDiskisk MMotorowr CoControl,nrrol. A PPolarolar GrapGraphshs oonn AppApple,le. Atari PINP/Mt GrapGraphicshics TOLLTOLL FREE 8800-334-086800-334-0868 CassCassetteette TTapeape MMonitoronitor fforor thethe AppApple.le, EasyEasy MadeMade EaEasy,sy , AtariAtari PILOT, PutPut A RRainbowainbow (I(Inn NC CallCall 9919-275-9809)19-275-9809) ReadReadinging ofof thethe AtariAtari JJoystick,oystick, BBlockadelockade inin yoyourur AtaAtati,ri. MarqMatqueeuee fforor PET.PET, PETPET DiDisksk Or write to COMPUTE! Back Issues, P.O. GameGame forfor tthehe Atari,Atari, AtaAtariri SoSoundund Utility,Utility, DisaDisassembler,ssembler, VICVIC PaddPaddlesles aandnd Keyboard,Keyboard, Or write to COMPUTE! Back Issues, P.O. Box 5406, Greensboro, NC 27403 USA. TheThe CBCBMM "F"Fatat 40,"40," KeywKeywordord fforor PET,PET, CCBM/BM/ VVICIC TimTimekeeping.ekeeping. Box 5406, Greensboro. NC 27403 USA. Prepayment required in US funds. PETPET LLoading,oading, CChaining,haining. andand OOverlaying.verlaying. Prepayment requi red in US funds. MaMarchrch 11982:982: \VWordord HuntHunt GaGameme (mu(multiplelti ple MMasterCard,asterCard, VVisaisa aandnd AmeAmericanrican ExpreExpressss OctobeOctoberr 11981:981: AuromaAutomatictic DATADATA SStatewte­ cocomputers),mputers), InfinInfiniteite PrePrecisioncision MultiMultiplyply accepted.accepted. NoNorthrth CaCarolinarolina ResidemResidentss adaddd 44%% mentmentss forfor CCBMBM aandnd Atari.Atari, VICVIC News,News, (multiple(multiple compcomputers),uters), AtariAtari CoConcentrationncentration sasalesles tax.tax. ,

ofof TheThe HundredsHundreds ofof ReasonsReasons YouYou OughtOught ToTo Be Be AA COMPUTE!COMPUTE! MagazineMagazine Subscriber:Subscriber:

FromProm "The"The Editor'sEditor's FeedbackFeedback"" Card,Card, aa monthlymonthly partpart ofof ourour continuingcontinuing dialoguedialogue withwith readersreaders ofof COMPUTE!.COMPUTE!. TheseThese areare responsesresponses toto thethe question,question, "What"What dodo youyou likelike bestbest aboutabout COMPUTE!COMPUTE! ?"?"

1.1 ."It"It isis writtenwritten so aa beginnerbeginner cancan read andand understandunderstand itit...... it'sit's laymanlayman orientedoriented..."... " 2. "Clear, cleanclean layout, good presentationpresentation...". .." 3.3."The "The Atari game programsprograms..." ... " 4.4."Best "Best and most information on PETPET..." ... " 5.5."Cover"Cover to cover, and all in betweenbetween...". .. " 6."Reviews"Reviews of software and hardwarehardware..." ... " 7.7, "Good balance of application and technical articlesarticles..." ... " 8.8."It "It is the best source of info about various levels ofVICIPETof VIC/PET/CBM/CBM machines and ap­ap plicationsplications...". .." 9. "The BASIC and machine language programsprograms..." .. ." 10.1O."I"1 like programs that can be typed into a computer, run, and then used right away ((a a program without bugsbugs!)..."!) .. ." 11. "That it is organized well, and covers a broad range of information con­con cerning Atari. Keep it up! please, I'm learninglearning..." ... " 12. ""TableTable of contents listings and computer guide to articles is a great idea. Best magazine for personal home computer usersusers..." .. ." 13. "Best I have found for VIC"VTC infoinfo..." ..." 14.14."Informative"Informative articles: ''SecretsSecrets of AtariAtari',', Game programs, especially programs that teach the reader about the AtAtari..."ari..." 15. "I like all the articles and programs for my computer, the PET. I've learned and found out things about it that I never even thought existed. Other magazines don't have too much material for the PET and, for that reason, I find COMPUTE! invaluableinvaluable..." ... " 16.16."The "The up-to-date hardware reviews..."reviews ... " 17. "MaChine"Machine language utilities for Atari..." 18.18."Articles"Articles are terse but understandable and accurate. Utility and applications propro­ gram listings very helpful..."helpful ... " 19."The April, '82 issue is my first. I am impressed that you not only acknowledge the VIC-20,you even have applications for it..."it ... " 20."1I really enjoy (since( since I am one) the Beginner's Page..."Page ... " 81."The21. "The attentionattention it gives to Atari and the easy-to-understand language it's written in..."in... " 22. "It is concerned with exex­ plaining programs, notnot justjust listing them. ItIt is the best VIC magazine I could buy..."buy.. ." 23,"The23."The new table of contents 'Guide toto Articles and Programs' is excellent, particuparticu­ larly the indication of'multipleof 'multiple computer'items..."computer' items ... " 24."Broad24."Broad range (sophistication)( sophistication) of programs..." programs ... " 25."You25."you don't speak over thethe average user's head..."head ... "

WhetherWhether you'reyou're justjust getting started withwith personalpersonal computers, or veryvery advanced, you'llyou'll find useful,useful, helpfulhelpful information inin every issue of COMPUTE! Magazine.Magazine. WeWe specialize in supporting thethe Atari,Atari, PET/CBM,PET/CBM, VIC-20,VIC-20, andand AppleApple computers. EditorialEditorial coverage isis expandingexpanding toto includeinclude thethe TI-99/4A,TI-99/4A, thethe SinclairSinclair ZX-81,ZX-81, andand thethe RadioRadio ShackShack Color Computer. EveryEvery issueissue ofof COMPUTE!COMPUTE! bringsbrings youyou user-friendlyuser-friendly articles,articles, applicationsapplications programs,programs, and utilitiesutilities youyou cancan typetype rightright intointo youryour computercomputer andand use.use. ToTo subscribesubscribe toto COMPUTE!,COMPUTE!, oror toto orderorder aa samplesample issue,issue, useuse thethe attachedattached replyreply cardcard oror callcall ourour toll-freetoll-free number.number. COMPUTE!...COMPUTE! .. . We'reWe're thethe resourceresource forfor thousandsthousands andand thousandsthousands ofofhome, home, educational,educational, andand smallsmall businessbusiness computercomputer users.users. Shouldn'tShouldn'tyou you bebe oneone ofofthem? them? 11 year,year, twelvetwelve issueissue subscription:subscription: $20.00$20.00 inin thethe US.US .

CallCall TollToll FreeFree inin thethe USUS 800-334-0868800-334-0868 InIn NCNC callcall 919-275-9809919-275-9809 COMPUTE!COMPUTE! MagazineMagazine isis aa publicationpublication ofofSmall Small SystemSystem Services,Services, Inc.Inc. 625625 FultonFulton Street.Street. P.O.P.O.Box Box 5406.5406. Greensboro,Greensboro,N"C NC 27403.27403. SeptemberSeptember1982.lssue1982. Issue 28 28 COMPUTE!COMPUTE! 201201

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Atari 800 a 48K 80-column CGRS Microtech Atari SOO a 4S K SO-column addadd serialser ial RS232RS 232 capabilitycapabIlIty to itsItS CG RS M icroleeli. P.O.Box 102 computer.compute r. host computer. Portmaker con P.D.Box 102 host computer. Po rtma ke r co n ~ Langhorne, PA 19047 TheThe Full-ViewFull-View 80SO givesgives thethe tainstains twotwo 68506S50 ACIAACIA communicommUIll­ Langhame, PA 19047 (215)757-0284(2 15)757-0284 AtariAlari 80-columnSO-column capabilitycapability withwilh cationcation partspa n s completecomplele withwith bufferbuffer upper-u pper- andand lowercaselowercase characters,characters, circuitscircui ts andand a simplesimple baudbaud raterale Computerware whilewhile retainingretaining thethe normalno rmal AtariAlan clock.clock. A ROMRO M socketsockel isis aalsolso inin­ Com puterwa re 440-column0-column ggraphicsra phics mode.mode. cludcludeded allowingall owing useuse of ththee origiori gi­ Announces Three SSwitchingwitching betweenbetween thethe twotwo modesmod es Announces Three nnalal ROMRO M forfor aallll but ititss hhighestighesl 1166 Releases For iiss viviaa aann on-boardon-board SOSoftswitch.flSWl lCh . locations.locations. PPortmakerortmake r iiss ddesignedesigned Releases For ThThee llowercaseowe rcase ccharactersha raclers to ooperateperate withwilh 650650XX aandnd 6S0680XX Radio Shack havehave fufullll ddescenders,escenders, makingma king Radio Shack cocomputersmpute rs includinincludingg tthehe CoComm­ Color Computer lthemhem easy ttoo rreadead oonn ththee mmonitoro nitor mmodoreod ore PPET/CBMET /C BM aandnd ththee Color Computer scscreen.reen. TThehe FuFull-Viewll-View S80O iiss ffullyully RRockwellockw ell AAIM.IM . Mazerace is a board-type game cocompatiblempatible wiwithlh BBASICAS IC aandnd Mazerace is a board-type game A sspecialpecial inlintelligentelli gent cocomm­ ththatat ininvolvesvolves bothbOl h cchancehance aandnd mmachineachine llanguage.anguage. S80-columnO-column munimunicationscalions sosoftwareftwa re ppackageackage ttoo worwordd prprocessingocessing iiss aavailablevailable. uusese wwithilh PPortmakero rtma ker iiss avaavailableilable ththroughrough ththee SO-co80-columnlumn veversionrSIO n fforo r tthehe PPET/CBM.ET/C B~1. TThehe SlaStandardnda rd of LLettere tter PPerfect.erfect. TeTerminalrminal CoCommunicationsmmunicalions PPackack­ TThehe 3232KK MMemorye mory PluPluss cacardrd age (STC(STCP),P), frfromom EEasternastern HHouseouse VICVIC-20-20 SOFIWARESOFTWARE ooperatespe rates wwithith ththee AAtaritari 400 as SofSoftware,lwa re, coconvertsnverts ththee PPET/CBMET/CBM wwelle ll as tthehe AtaAtariri SO800.O. IItt ddoublesoubles Over 100 programs on tape inlintoo a ddataata mmanagementanagement cencenter.ter. Over 100 progmms on tape lhthee mmemoryemory capaccapacityity of ttheh e AAtarita ri DiDisksk filfileses cacann be serseriallyiall y trtransmitansmit­ and cacartridgertridge fforor ththee VIVICC 400.400. OOnn tthehe AAtarita ri SOO800 itit aallowsll ows tted.ed . RReceivedeceived ddataata cacann bbee rree­ cocomputer—bothmpuler- both eeducaduca­ 48K capacity, while freeing up a 4S K capacilY, while freein g up a cocordedrded oonn ddiskisk oorr prinlprinterer (o(orr titionalonal andand fufun!!n !! slot for the Full-View 80, so that slot fo r the Full- View SO, so thal bboth)Ol h) wwithith cocompletemplete cocontrolntrol ooff aallll bOlhboth S80-columnO-column ddisplayisplay aandnd 4S48KK WriteWrite oorr callcall fforor your frefreee ooff mmemoryemory aarere avaavailableilable catalcatalog.og. logetogether.lher. SuruiSunrisese ElElectronicsectronJcs TThehe FullFull-View-View SO80 iiss indindee­ 70705757 LompocLompoc CourtCourt ppendentendelll ooff ththee 3232KK MMemoryemory PPluslus CCitrusitrus HeHeights,ights, CalifomJaCalifornia aandnd wwillill opoperateerate inin aa 3232KK 95610 eenvironment.nvironlnent. 95610 (916) 969-8319 SeeSee tthehe FullFull-View-View SO80 DiDisplayspl ay (916) 969-8319 CaCardrd aandnd ththee 3232KK MMemorye mory PPluslus .... 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477 E. THIRD ST. IN PA Williamsport CALL PA 17701 (717)327.9575 204 COCOMPUTE!MPUTII SeptemberSeptember 19821982., Issueissue 2828 sstrategy.trategy. ThThee plaplayingying fifieldeld iiss anan comcomputers.puters. ppersonalersonal filfilee onon ThThee SSourceource fforor 1IS8 bbyy 1188 hexagonhexagon matrixmatrix ththatat iiss MMessagesessages mamayy bebe sesentnt any­any llaterater rreference.eference. partially filled with obstacles. where in the United States, in panially filled with obstacles. where in the United States, in­ •• CCreatingreating ""texttext fifiles"les" oonn Either one person against the Either o ne person against the cludcludinging AAlaskalaska andand HawaHawaii.ii. IIf I' TheThe SourSourcece fforo r frfrequentlyequentl y uusedsed computer or two people can play, entered in The Source by 4 p.m.. computer or two people ca n play, entered in The Source by 4 p.m., memessages,ssages, ttoo ffacilitateacilitate ththeireir with the computer or the players with the computer or the players ESTEST,, ththeyey aarere vinuallvirtuallyy guaraguarann­ rre-sending.e-sending. rrandomlyandomly scrambscramblingling the playing tteedeed nnextext businbusinessess ddayay dedelivery.li very. • Arranging for the Mail- fifieldeld ttoo keep ththee actactionion excexciting.iting. TheThe MailMailgramgram MMessagesessages aarere • Arranging fo r the Mail­ gram Message Processing Service MMazeraceazerace uusesses hihighgh rresolutionesolution electroelectronicallynicall y fforwardedorwarded bbyy The gram Message Process ing Service ttoo eenternter flnamesames and aaddressesddresses ofof ggraphicsraphics aandnd rrequiresequires jjoysticksoysticks SoSourceurce to WeWesternstel'll UUnion'sni on's llargestargest llargearge llists,ists, aatt a coscostt ooff 35~35tf eaceach.h. aandnd ExtExtendedended BASIC.BASIC! MMailgramailgram prprocessingocessi ng cecenter.nter. MMazeraceazerace coscoststs $$17.9517 .95 on They aarere tthenhen routeroutedd by zip cocodede • SStoringtoring llengthyength), adaddressc!ress cassecassette te oorr $22.9$22.955 on didisksk (p(pluslus to the seservingrvin g ppostost office nnearesteatest filfileses wiwithth the MMessageessage ProProcessingcessing $2$2.00.00 foforr shippshippinging and handlinghandling).). tthe he addressee, wwherehere ththeyey are SerServicevice £IatI a nnominalominal charge. printed.printed, eenvelopednveloped and given TI hhee rrateate fforor sendisendingng a ssingleingle AAA ;{::■::■: * ******* prpreferentiale fe rential deli\delivery'eq' trtreatment.eatm e nt. ~fMailgramailgratll Message oonn 'Therhe SoSourceurce 33DD DrawDrawinging BBoardoard iiss a tool fforor OOnlynl y sesendersnders aandnd rrecipientsecipients iiss $5.$5.15 15 fforor mmessagesessages uupp LOto 110000 eeducation,ducation, eentertainment,ntertainment , oorr are ppermittedermitted to rreadead tthehe MailMail-­ wordwords,s, with an aadditionaldditional $$1.001.00 seseriousrio us projects.projects. IItt hhelpselps yyouou ggramram MMessages.essages. cchargeharge 1for'0 1' eaceachh addadditionaliti onal 110000 draw obobjectsjects in thrthreeee dimdimensionsensio ns TThehe coscostt ooff sesendingnding MaMail-il­ words. and ththenen rrotate,otate, cchangehange elevaelevation,tion, gragramtll MMessagesessages is billbilleded t too ssubub­ TThehe didiscountedscounted pricesp ri ces 1for'0 1' ssize,ize. aandnd distancdistance.e. ThThee ddrawingsrawings scscribersribers monthlmonthly,y. aalonglo ng wwithith mulmukipletiple ~IMailgramai l g r am MMessagesessages \\'ithwith cacann be savesavedd to tape oorr disk fforor ototherher cchargesharges frfromom TThehe Source. ididenticalentical tte\text aare:re: 2-252-25,, S4.25 futfutureure use.use. A cocompletemplete ininstrucstruc­ TToo use ththee nnewew seservice,rvice, eaceach;h : 26-26-100,100, $3.50 eeach,ach, aandnd subscribers sign on to The Source, titiono n mamanualnual accompanaccompaniesies the subscribers sign on to T he Source, 101101-200,-200, $3.003.00 eaceach.h. InIII eeveryver), program to mmakeake it easy to useuse.. uusingsi ng a personal cocomputer,m pUler, datdataa casecase,, aanothernother $ 11.00.00 iiss cchargedharged 33DD DrawDrawinging BBoardoard coscoststs tterminal,e rminal, or cocommunicatingmmunica tin g for eeachach additionaladditional 101000 words.wo rds. $24.95 oonn cassettecassette oorr $29.95 on wordwo rd processor.processor. ThTheyey then ttypeype RReducedecluced raterate quotationquotationss aarere MGRAM and are prompted step- disk ((plusplus $$2.002.00 for sshippinghipping aandnd MGRAM and are prompted step­ avaavailableilable from theth e MMessageessage ProPro­ hhandling).andling) . by-stepby-s tep to eenternter names,names, aaddressesddresses cesscessingin g CeCenternt er fforor quantitiesquantities aandnd messages.messages. Once messagesmessages areare aabovebove 200. ccomposed,omposed, subscriberssubscribers cancan reviewre\'iew The cost for confirmation "'****** The cost for confirmation them onon ththeireir terminalterminal scscreensreens copies,co pies, whichwhich areare delivereddelive red atat theti,e StormStorm brings thethe arcade gagameme to exactlyexact I)' as theythey willwill bebe reproducedreproduced samesa me timetim e asas theth e MailgramMai lgram Mes~1 es­ your home. It has 135 levels of yo ur home. It has 135 levels of as Mailgrams.Mali grams. ChangesCbanges in thethe sages,sages, isis $2.00$2.00 each,each, withwith anotheranother play, fast action, graphics, and play, fast action, graphi cs, and texttext canca n thenthen bebe made,made, if necesneces­ $1.00$ 1.00 chargedcharged for eacheach additionaladditional sound. sound. sary,sa r y, beforebefore transmission.transmission. 100 words.words. Storm costs $24.95 on cas- Storm costs $24.95 on cas­ SubscribersSubscribers mayrna )' sendsend oneone TheThe SourceSource canca n bebe reachedreac hed sette or $29.95 on disk (plus $2.00 sell e or $29.95 on disk (plus $2.00 MailgramMa il gram MessageMessage toLO a singlesingle byby a locallocal telephonetelephone callca ll fromfrom for shipping and handling). for shipping and handling). address,address, oro r theythe), canca n instructin stntct that moremore than 360 metropolitanmetropoli tan All three packages are avail All three packages are avail- thethe same,sa me, oror different,diffe rent, messagesmessages areas,areas, oro r viavia a nationwidenation wide WATS"VATS able directly from: able directl y from: be sentse nt to multiplemultiple addresses.addresses. link-uplink-u p for1'0 1' subscriberssubscribers inin outlyingoutl ying Computerware Cum/nlterware DiscountDi sco unt ratesrates applyapply toLO quantityquantity regions.regio ns. 14721-1 72 EncinitasEncinitas Blvd.,Blvd., BoxBux 668 mailingsmailin gs ofof thethe samesa me message.message. SubscriberSubscriber costscos ts includeinclude a Endnitas, CA 9202-1 Encinitas, CA 9202·1 ThereThere isis nono limitlimitLOto thethe numbernumber one-limeone-time $100$ 100 registrationregistration fee,fee, (71-1)436-3512 (7 14)436-3512 ofof' Mailgramfail gram Messageswlessages thatthat canca n andand standardstandard hourlyhourly usageusage bebe sent.sent. chargescharges of"$18of $ 18 weekdays,weekdays, S5.75$5.75 Mailgram SpecialSpecial featuresfeatures ofof thethe newnew eveningsevenings andand weekends,weeke nds, andand Messages From serviceservice include:include: S4.25 after midnight.midnight. TheT he costscosts Messages From ofof sendingse nding MailgramMailgram MessagesMessages PersonalPersonal • BeingBeing ableable toto receivereceive oneone areare inin additionadd ili on toto standardstandard usageusage Computers confirmationconfirmation copycop)' of thethe MailMail­ fees.fees. Computers gramg ram Message,Message, oror toto receivereceive duplicate copies that include the SourceSOIIrCI' TelecomputingTe/f'(;ullljJl(fillg Corf).Corp, OverO ver 18,00018.000 subscriberssubscribers to10 TheThe d uplicate copies that include the 1616I (j 16 AndersonA 1U/I'rMH/ RoadR uad Source are now able to compose namesnames andand addressesaddresses ofofall a ll Mail-Mai l­ Source are no\\' able to compose McLean,1\1 rLPrIl/, VA\ 'A 2210222 102 and send Mailgram Messages gramgram MessagesMessages sent.senl. and send ~I ailg r alll Messages {103)734-1500(703)73-/-7500 directdireG fromfrom theirtheir personalpersonal •• SavingSavin g thethe messagemessage inin aa r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ IHIU~lrll~ll7lr'HLNTINGYCN()~ C€/HIPUTIINeICI()~\II)IUlrll~117 I~ ~ Ti~

t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1BRODERBUND NEW ITEMS Softlights "I960 Alien Typhoon $21.19 #8800-8800 AdamAaam&EvePaod8 Eve Paddleslesl(TechTecnDeSlgDesigns)l"ls j 533-89SU... Softllghts #1963iil963 AppleAPP Ie Panic~~. $23.39su:n ,~i~ #3259*3259 AppleAoPIe MecnanicMecnanoc (Beagle(Beagle BrosBros )I $24.99$14." #1967i 1967 ArcadeArcaoe MachineMacturlC $39.49n.A9 Assemb'er Teacher (Compu Works 1 S3 B.I1* By Fred Huntington $3O.69 #8660-8660 Assemb'er Teachef (Comou WorkS ) tn.I' By Fred Huntington -1956.'966 DavidsOavldsMidnightMi(lNghlMagcMagic $30• • ' 0 ~ #1077·'077 BandlsBal'lOllS (Smug)ISIr'us) $29,69$2.... #1952",1952 GalacticGalactIC EmpireEmpire $22.99S22. •" ~ "3109_3109 BusinessBusmcssBooi>oob,, Blitz'Il |On-Linell . lno) 539.692.... householdh o useho ld thisthl's month.month, WereWe're veryvery proudproud to10 ■.'9511951 GalaiyGataxyWolWarsS $22.99$22." f.,4145757 FirebugFI!(!boQ (Musel{Muse) S2I.19$21. 1' "2000-2000 GeneGencrocOnlie Driftll $23.39$2S.2' ~ =_25632563 FirstF'lslCfassClass MailMa,IIContmenlal,(Conimeniall $63.69$62• • ' announceannounce thethe birthbirth ofof ourour seven-poundseven-pound five-live- -1957- 1957 GoldenGoIden MounlamMountaon $16.89$16 .• 9 ~ Firmware Rom (Novation) $24.39 $31.*9 0 ~ #745_745 F'rm ware RomlNoval oon) $24.59 ounceounce babyb aby boy.b oy. Dale,Dale, bornborn ono n JuneJune 6,6, 19821982 ■.. 19501950 HyperHyper Head-onHead-on $21." =-88207207 FormatFOI'mal RomRom (Soft(Soli ContrailControl) $42.39$41.1. "1962.1962 Labynntnlabyrrnlh $23.39$25.39 ~ #1456.1456 FrazzleFranleliMuse)Muse, $21.19$21.19 inin Visalia.Visalia, California.Califo rnia . BabyBaby anda n d Mama areare =.19611961 PayrollPayroll $333.69$335 •• ' ~ ~ #1207. 1207 GlobalGIClbaIPl"ogramlProgram Line,ne EditorEd,I01' (Synergis)ISynerg's) $33.19$$5. 19 doingdoing justI'u s t greatgreat andand MelodyMelody (our(our three-year-three·year· ■"1968 1968 StarSlar BlazerBluer $27.09$27." Ti• #ddO3_4403 GoldGold RushRush (Sentient)(Senllenl) 559.69$29• • ' =I! 19561956 TankTank CommandCommand $12.99$12." ~ #8002-8002 GrattranGrattra~ PiusPluS (Epson)(Epson) S60.O0$60.00 old) lovesloves himhim anda nd calls himhim "My" My baby."baby." ■_ 19551955 TawaiaTawalass LastLastRedoubt Redoubl $23.39$25.39 #1409111409 GraphicsGraptllCsC(lmboPio.gCombo Pkg (SublogiclISubloglC' $IO1.T9$ 101.79 C1959-1959 TracklrackJf.U;.,n:.cideoVideo)I $41.39 run a sale.)sale.) -6870 Hanctwnton9 Analysas/M>cro lopp) $1 • •• 9 l! "9840 JaDbenalky (Mind Toys] $26.29 ■B20B Sort Rom (Soft Controll $33.89 0 ~ "B700:~~ Space~c~~~~~5:.~'I~:CS)Tablpi3-Aent) $27." r. #6240 P addle-Ad apple (Sou I hern California) $26.09 IBr. *4657114657 SwordlhrustSWOrdlhluSl.*6Etemal6·Ete,naJCu,S(!Curse $2$.39 #9010 Wurst of Huntington jI~~;g ~addrC ' Ada~ISoulhernCaJ'10rma) $3 •. 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Whole Brain in oorderrder of inincreasingcreasing spspellingelling linlingg iiss aavailablevailable aatt mmostost cocomputermputer Whole Brain diffidifficulty.culty. SStudytudy wowordsrds cacann b bee SLOstoresres oorr frofromm SSubLOGICubLOGIC dirdirect.ect. Spelling For The printprinteded iinn upupper-per- oorr llowercase,owercase TTheA2-EDIhe A2-ED I rrequiresequires 4848KK mmemem­ Apple II iinn aanyny cocolorlo r yoyouu cchoose.hoose. AAndnd ' ooryry aandnd eeitherither aann AppApplele II PPluslus Apple II eaceachh cocorrectrrect sspellingpelling rrewardsewards yoyouu 01or' aann AApplepple II wwithith AApplesoftpplesoft in with a rainbow of varying, multi WhWholeole BrBrainain SpeSpellinglli ng iiss tthehe fifirstrst With a rambow of va rying, 1l1ul ti­ RROMO M (a cocolorlor mmonitoroni LO r iiss aalsolso colored letters until the next in a seseriesries of eeducationald ucational sosoftwareftwa re colored letters until the next rrecommended).ecommended ). UUnlessnl ess yoyouu word is selected. ppackagesackages ffromrom SSubLOGIC.ubLOGIC. TThehe word is selected . rrequestequesl ootherwise,th erwise, ththee mmainain wwordord The standard Whole Brain progprogramram hhasas beenbeen ddesignedesigned LOto T he standard Whole Brain lilistst wwillill be inincludedcl uded wwithith eaceachh Spelling program comes com hhelpelp ththee uuserser ddevelopevelo p intinternalernal Spellin g program comes com­ pprogramrogram oordered.rdered . TThehe didisksk pripricece plete with 200 ten-word lists, vvisualizationisuali za ti on sskillskills fforoi· iimprovingmprovin" plete with 200 ten-wo rd li sts, iiss $34.95. FForor dirdirectect oordersrders add systematically chosen and or sspellingpelli ng in a mmanneranner as eenternter- " systemati ca ll y chosen and or­ $$I1.5.500 foforr sshippinghipping and sspecifypecify ganized in order of increasing tatainingining as it iiss eeducationallyduca ti onall y gani zed in order of increasing UUPSPS oorr firfirstst clclassass mmail.ail. IllinIllinoisois spelling difficulty. Whole Brain sosound.und. IItt eeffectivelyffectively utiliutilizeszes tthehe spelling difficulty. Whole Brain rresidentses id ents aadddd 55%% sasalesles ttax.ax. Spelling is also available with ggraphicraphic aandnd cocolorlo r cacapabilitiespabi lities ooff Spellin g is also available with SubLOGSubLOGfCIC COlllCommunicationsflt.l.I1Iimlio1l.s CorCorf)./). supplementary word lists in the ththee AApplepple II PluPluss cocomputermputer LOto supplementary word lists in the 7713! J Edgebroo/rEdgebrook DriveDrive following categories: Medical, pproviderovide positivepositive uuserser feedbackfeedback fo ll owin g ca tegories: Medical, ChamChampaign,IL/mig", 1L 6618201820 Scientific, Secretarial, Fairy Tale, (217)359-8482 aandnd LOto eemphasizemphasize vvisualisual asaspectspects Scientific, Secretarial, Fairy T ale, (2 17)359-8482 and A Child's Garden of W'ords. ooff tthehe llearningearn ing process.process. and A Child's Garden of Wo rds. The Medical word lists are Scholastic TThehe progprogramram ititselfsel f iiss ex­ T he Medi ca l word lists are Scholastic helpful to anyone involved in the ttremelyremely useruse r ffriendly.ri endl y. YYouou cacann helpful to anyo ne in volved in the Aptitude Test health sciences or the medical Aptitude Test tllmoveOVe toto any llessonesson secliosectionn as health sciences or the medical profession, and include Package For Atari ddesired,esired , cchoosehoose youryour owownn wordword profession, and incl ude Package For Atari categories in general medical lilistssts ttoo sstudy,tudy, aandnd prproceedoceed at ca tegories in general medical terms, diagnosis, anatomy, and PrProgramogram DesignDes ign hhasas releasedreleased yoyourur owownn rrate.ate. A mmainain SSpellingpellin " terms, di agnosis, anaLO my, and drugs. PreparingP1-eparingJorfor the/h e SSATAT fforor AtAtariari MenuMe nu isis accessaccessibleible frfromom aanyny ,:, drugs. are 400 aandnd 880000 cocomputers.mputers. ThThee portionportion ooff tthehe program.program. LessonLesson ThThee ScScientificientific wowordrd listslists are divided into the categories of packagepackage tteacheseaches sstudentstudents how LOto ininstructionsstructi ons aarere aalsolso aalwayslways avaavailil ­ di vided in LO the categori es of general science, earth science, ttakeake ththee ScScholasticholasti c AAptitudeptiwde TTestes t aableble at tthehe touchLO uch of a kkey.ey. general science. ea rth science, life science, and physical science. (SAT) aandnd ootherther aaptitudeptiLUde aandnd A 20002000-word-word lilistst ooff practicepracti ce life science, and phys ical science. Each category is graded into four intelligencein telligence testests,ts, ddevelopsevelops sspellingpelling wowordsrds isis includedincl uded wwithith Each category is graded in LO fo ur levels of difficulty. problem-solvingproblem-solvin g sskills,kills, aandnd propro­ WholeWhole BrBrainain SSpelling,pelling, organizedorgani zed levels of d iffi culty. TThehe SecSecretarialretarial wordwo rd listsli sts videsvides practicepracti ce in answeringanswering ququeses­ includeincl ude cocommonlymmonl y usedused realreal tionsti ons typicallytypica ll y fofoundund on ssuchuch estate,estate. insurance,insurance, legal,legal, commercommer­ ttests.ests. Preparing for the SAT consists ccial,ial. aandnd accoaccountingunting termste nns oror­ Pre/mringJor the SA T consists gaganizedni zed intoin LO fourfo ur diffidifficultyculty ofof sixsix cassettes,cassettes, a user'suser's manual,manual, levels.levels. andand a cocopyp >, ooff thethe bookletbookl et ""MakingMaking ForFor anyoneanyo ne whowho isis a childchi ld atat thethe Grade,"Grade," allall packagedpackaged in a special storage container. The six heart,heart, theI he listli st ofof FairyFairy TaleT ale wordswords special sLO rage contain er. The six shouldshould proveprove irresistible.irres istibl e. TTakenaken cassettescasselles are:are: fromfrom Grimm'sGrimm's aandnd otherother fantasyfantasy • "Taking"T akin g AptitudeAptitude Tests"T ests" - This talcs,tales. iheseth ese wordswo rds willwill piquepique youryour cassettecassette explainsex plains thethe purposepurpose of curiositycuriosity asas wellwe ll as enriche nrich youryo ur standardizedstandardized IQIQ andand aptitudeaplitude spellingspellin g skills.skills. tests.tests. It discussesdisc Ll sses somesome of0 1' thethe A Child'sChil d's GardenGarden ofof WordsWo rds falsefalse beliefsbeli efs surroundingsurro Ll nd ing suchsuch givesgives thethe preschoolerpreschooler throughthrot!"h tests.tests. It describesdescribes ways toto improveimprove -E==~j thirdthird gradergrader (ages(;lO'es 5-9) a headhe;d test-takingtest-taking skills.skill s. AndAnd it presentspresents a strategystrategy for1'01' answeringanswering thosethose ------starlSlart in iheI he developmentdevelopment of word >.""" .,...... visualizationvisua li za tio n skills.sk ills. TheseT hese areare thethe questionsquestions thatth at are mostmost likelyli kely to "._ - -::"- words most oftenoften encounterede ncounlered in paypayooffff withwith correctcorrect answers.answers. beginningbeginning readingreading lessons,lessons. andand • "Vocabulary"Vocabulary BuildersBu ilders I andand II"1[" thesethese listsli sts offeroffer a primerprimer toLO thethe —- TheseT hese twolwO cassettescasseues areare dede­ mainmain wordwo rd listsli sts foundfo und onon theth e signedsigned toLO helphelp developdevel op a student'sstudent's Standardsta ndard WholeWh ole BrainBrain SpellingSpelling vocabularyvocabul ary andand toLO build skillsski ll s program.program. neededneeded toLO answeranswer synonymsynonym andand 'A2-EDIA2-ED I WholeWhole BrainBrain SpelSpel- antonymantonym questions.questions. YOUR MARKETPLACE FOR: J7ioi/al~yat

cf~4e~VELYt/WE DEAL EXCLUSIVELY IN PRODUCTS FOR THE ATARIATARI (THE BEST) COMPUTER HARDWARE 800 ComputerComputer 16K S648$648 Canyon Climber 800 Computer 4848KK $757 400 Computer 16K $288 810 DiskDisk DriveDrive $448 850 InterfaceInterface $178 410 RecorderRecorder $ 78 MX80FT+MX80FT+ Printer $588 16K Ram modulemodule $S 69 32K Ram module $109S109 Smart Graphics Tablet $269S269 DONKEYS, b' boulders and birdsbirds 10 Blank DisksDisks $S 28 dropping rocks trytry to stopstop you from reaching the top. A real challenge. Arcade CLOWNS ANDANO BALLOONS ...... an action-packedactlon·packed Track BallBatt Controller $S 63 reaching the top . A real challenge. Arcade arcade game that'llIhafll make you wantwlnl to10 joinloin theIhe quality. Percom Disk Drive $648 quality. circus.circul. 16K 16K DISKOISK or TAPE $26.90$26,90 DISK $26.90$26,90 TAPE $22.40$22,40 SOFTWARE

PACMANPAC MAN (cart.) $39.50 Centipede (cart.)(cart.) $39.50 I:RUS5flRE Microsoft Basic (D) 32K $79.10$79.10 The aliens have GhostGhost HunterHunter (T) 16K $25.50 landed and It'sIt'a Ali Baba (D)(D) 32K $28.90$28.90 your jobjob to save Rear Guard (T) 16K S17.90$17.90 the city.city. Track Attack (D) 48K $26.90 '-""'~ Descend through mazesmiles Track Attack (D) 48K $26.90 (II(If you ...... ~ ...,. inlIntoo tin)th e DungeonsDunglonl with Threshold {D)(D) 40K $33.90 your squadronsquadron 01ol warriorswlrriors can!)canll TOP RATE GORF(D)16K $35.10 ttoo battleblttlt with vvisiblelslb ia Iandnd GORF (D) 16K $35.10 GAME, ARCADE InviInvisiblesible monslmonsters.en . CryptCryptss of TTerrorerror (D(D,T),T) 16K S26.30$26.30 QUALITY,QUALITY , HI· Choplifter (D) S31.40$31.40 RES Graphics & Sound. ]6KTAPE tllizard APX-TextAPX·Text Editor (D) 32K $39.95$39.95 Sound· 16K TAPE 16K DISK ONLY CactuCactuss LeaguLeaguee BBaseballase ball ((DJ40KD)40K S17.90$17.90 32K DISK $35.10 De ReRe Atari Book S17$17.90.90 $26.90$26,90 Atari Games BooBookk S13.90$13.90 I-"';~;';';;'';''-'"'' MegalegMegalegss (0,(DF T) 16K $31.40 INTRUDER Book Keeping PackagPackage(D)e(D) 40K $67.50 FROGGER Asecrelsecret research Iinstalnslal· Eastern Front (T,D) S25.4$25.400 latlonl.prolecledbylwolation Is protected by two Bug Attack (T,D) 32K $26.90826.90 roborubu-uriits·units whose one purpose In lIIelife Is is 10to Pacific Coast HwvHwy (T,D)(T.DJ16K 16K $26.90 deslroydestroy alllnirudersall intruders.. A Alien Swarm (T) 16K S26$26.90.90 major earthquake has major earlhquake has Midnight MagiMagicc ((D)D) 48K $31.45 ThlThis Iis ththe slruckstruck Ihlsthis regionregion.. The Intruder (T) 16K $26.90 sse ··hol"hot roomroom"" Isis a Intruder (T) 16K S26.90 genuine FROGGER e~~~ Nautilus

•• "A"Analogies"nalogies" -— ThisThis cocourseurse ToneTone dialing.dialing. BothBoth ttypesypes ooff nnectect ththee unittounit to ththee ttelephone,elephone, aandnd ddescribesescribes tthehe cocommonmmon ttypesypes ofof dialingdialing mamayy bbee cocombinedmbined iinn aa aann owner'sowner's manual. SuggestedSuggested rree­ anaanalogieslogies andand prprovidesovides practicepractice ssinglein gle ccommandommand withwith pupulselse used used,, tailtail pripricece iiss $699.$699.00.00. inin aanalyzingnalyzing aandnd sosolvinglving aanalogy-nalogy fforo r exaexample,mple, toto accessaccess aa PBX TThehe ddesignesign permits ototherher probproblems.lems. bboard,oard, andand TouTouch-Tonech-To ne uusedsed LOto HHayesayes cocomponentsmponents ttoo be sstackedtacked • ""NumberNumber Series·'Series" -— ThiThiss cocourseurse didialal anan ououtsidetside numbnumber.er. onon ttopop ofof the SmartmodSmartmodemem 11200.200. teaches students how to analyze TheThe SmartmSmartmodemodem 11200200 isis ac­ teaches students how LO analyze HHayesayes 1Microcomputer'1 icrucom/ntfer PProducts,rodurls, Ihie.lic. tuatuallylly two modems inin oone;ne; itit oper­oper numbnumberer seseriesries ppatternsatterns aandnd pro­pro 58)55835 PPvnchireeeachtree Comf'l'Cornerss EaEastst ates at cither 0-300 bps or 1200 vvidesides prpracticeaClice inin numbnumberer seseriesries ates at either 0-300 bps o r 1200 NNorcross,orcm ,s, CAC.A 3300920092 bps. It is an intelligent system that prproblems.obl ems. bps. It is an intelli gent system that ((404)449-8791W I )-149-8791 executes user commands and re • "Quantitative Comparisons" - execlites user cO lllmands and re­ • "Quantitative Comparisons"­ sponds with either decimal digit This course reviews mathematics, sponds with either decimal d igit The Cosmic T his course reviews matheillatics, or English word result codes. The The Cosmic from elementary arithmetic or English word result codes. The from elementary arithmetic modmodemern cacann bbee controcontrolledll ed bbyy ananyy Balance For ththrough ro ugh aalgebralgebra aandnd planplanee geo­geo Balance For proprogramminggramming llanguage,anguage, and iitt in­in metry, and provides practice in Apple And Atari metry, and provides practice in cludcludeses aallll ccircuitryircuitry fforor autauto-dialo-dial Apple And Atari sosolvinglving ththee types of mathmathematicsematics aandnd aUauto-answer,lo-answe r , ththerebye reby eelimilinli­ prproblemsobl ems ffoundound oonn stastandardizedndardized StrategStrategicic SimuSimulationslations InInc.c. hhasas nnatingating the nneedeed fforo r a auxiliaryuxiliary introduced The Cosmic Balance, ttests.ests. introduced T he Cosmic Balance, eequipmentquipment aandnd mmakingaki ng the oonene ooff ththee first four games in With the exception of With the exce ptio n of Smartmodem 11200200 a sstand-alonetand-alone ththeireir nnewew RRapidfireapidfire linline.e. "Number Series," which is self- system. "Number Series ," which is self­ system. EacEachh player assassumesumes ththee testing, there is a test at the end testing, there is a test at the end Via an aaudioudio mmonitor,onito r, uuserssers dudualal rorolele of commander aandnd of each course. of each course. hhearear ththee progresprogresss ooff a cacallll aandnd are aarchitectrchitect of a starshstarshipip Ofleet.eel. FForor a PreparingP reparing!or/hefor the SAT is avaavailil ­ aalertedlerted ttoo wrong numbnumbersers and ship of givegivenn sisize,ze, the various able for use on Atari 400/800 busy signals. A simple repeat com able for use on At:lI·i 400/800 busy signals. A simple repeat com­ parametersparameters aandnd tradtrade-offse-o fl s in ­ cocomputersmputers wwithith a memorymetllo ry ooff aalt mand cacausesuses ththee SSmartmodemmartm odem cludclude:e: eenginengin e (fo(forr power),power), drdrivesives lleasteast 16K.16K. It rretailsetai ls for S$125.00 125.00 11200200 to aautomaticallyutomatica ll y rredialedial a ((forfor sspeedpeed aandndlllanmaneuverability),euve rability), and is available from computer number. Indicator lights on the and is available from computer number. Indicator li ghts on the weaponswea pons (s(suchuch as phphasors,asors, dis-dis­ stores and by mail from PDI modem's front panel allow a stores and by mail from POI modem's front panel all ow a ruptorruplOr bolls,bolts, plasmaplasma torpedoes,to rpedoes, (shipping and handling charge visual check of iis operational (s hipping and handling charge visual check of its operational seeker missiles,missiles, andand unmannedunman ned extra). Five of the package's status. extra). Five of the package's slatus. fighterfi ghter swarms),swa rms), defensedefense belts,belts, coursescourses -— Vocabulary BuildersBuilders I Power-onPower-on ddefaultefau lt optionsoptions are shields,shields, trtransporters,ansporters, andand sspacepace and II, Analogies, Number controlled by the position of eight and ll, Analogies, 'umber · controlled by the pos il.ion of eight marines.mannes. Series, and Quantitative switches, four of which can be Series, and Q uantitativ e switches, four of which can be TTherehere is a crewcrew efficiencyefliciency Comparisons — are also available Comparisons - are also ava il able overriddenoverridden byby soilsoftwwareare comCO Ill­ factorfa cLO r whichwhich affectsaffects thethe abilityability ofof individually. mands. Options include full or indi vid uall y. mands. Opti o ns in clude full or a ship in battle.battle. ShipsShips with greatergreater half duplex, enable auto-answer, Program Design,Design, Inc.Inc. hall' duplex, enable aULD-answe r, hull spacespace havehave moremore roomroom for and result code type. Unique 11I J IdarIdar CourtCOllrt and result code type. Unique recreation,recreation, allowingall owing for greatergreater "Set" commands allow selection Greenwich,Creel/ wich, CTCT 0683006830 "Set" cO llllllands all ow selection crewcrew morale andand efficiency.efficiency. (203)661-8799 and change of additional para (203)66 1-8799 and change or ad diti onal para­ There isis nono bestbest shipship in this meters such as dialing speed, es meters such as diali ng speed , es­ game-onlygame - onl y one designeddesigned withwith cape code character, and number Hayes Stack ca pe code characle r, and numbe r optimumoptim um compromisesco mpromises toto suitsuit a of rings before the modem an Smartmodem 1200 of rings before the modem an­ player'splaye r'S slyiestyle ofof warfare.warfare. Smartmodem 1200 swers a call. swers a ca ll. A typicaltypical gamegame canca n bebe playedpla yed The Smartmodem 1200 has a HayesHayes MicrocomputerMicrocomplller Products,Products, The SIllart1T10dern 1200 has a inin as littlelittl e as ten minutes.minutes. WithWith two year limited warranty. In Inc.Inc. introducesinlroduces ihethe HayesHayes SlackStack two yea r limited warrant),. In ­ cithereither thethe two-playertwo-playe r oror solitairesolitaire cluded with the Smarl modem SmartmodemSmarLmodem 1200, a BellBell 212A2 12A cluded with th e Smartmodelll scenario,scenario , thethe semi-automatedsemi-automated 1200 unit are: a power pack, one compatiblecorn patibl e modemmodern thatthat letslets RS-RS- 1200 unit are: a puwer pack, one graphicsgraphics andand rapidrapid executionexecution ofof modular telephone cable lo con 232C232C compatiblecompatible computerscomputers or or mod ular telephone ca ble to con- ship-to-shipship-to-ship combatcombat areare featuresfeatures terminalsterminals communicateco nlll1UniCa Le overuver teletele­ you'llyo u'll use.usc. phonephone lineslin es alat 12001200 bps.bps. TheT he CosmicCosmic BalanceBalance sellsse lls forfo r The Smartmodem 12001200 concon­ $39.95. TheT he gamegame includesincludes a nectsnects directlydirectly toto thethe telephonetel ephone linelin e disketle,diskette, rulerule book,book, andand playerplayer andand anan RS-232C RS-232C port.porl. IlIt isis aidaid cards.ca rds. ItIt isis designeddesigned forfor thethe approvedapproved byby thethe KCCFCC forfor directd irect 48K48K AtariAtari 400/800*computers400/800 computers connectionconnecli on toLO anyany U.S.U.S. telephonetelephone andand forfo r the48Kthe 48K AppleApple IIII Plus,Plu s, systemsystem forfor bothboth pulsepulse andand Touch-Touch- AppleApple III,Ill, oror AppleApple IIlJ withwith 209 SeptemberSeptember1982. 1Q82.Issuetssue28 28 COMPUTE!COM'UUl 209

ApplesoftApplesoft ROMRO M card.ca rd . tions,tio ns, andand more.mo re. YIC-20VIC-20 calledcall ed Alien Ali en InvasionInvas ion anda nd TheT he systemsystem may may bebe usedused inin aa Snakeout.Sna keout. TheyThey runrun onon thethe stanstan­ Strategic Simulations Inc. Strategic Simulations Inc. variety of applications, such as a dard VIC-20 and include color, 465465 FaiTchildFairchild Drive,Drive, SuiteSuite 108108 va riety o f a pp li cati ons, such as a d ard VIC-20 and include color, program distribution service for graphics and sound. Mountainl\101m taill View,View, CACA 94043940-13 p rogram distribution service for gra phics and sound. business or education, a general Alien Invasion has 20 differ (415)964-1353(4 15)964-1353 business o r education, a genera l Alie n Invasion has 20 difler­ messagemessage serviceservice forfo r communityco t1:ll1unity entent levelslevels ofo f playplay andand letslets youyou computercompute r users,users, oror aa privatepriva te movel110ve youryour laserlaser intointo positionpositio n toto CommodoreCommodore systemsyste m forfor clientelecl ientele oror employeeemployee defendde fend againstagainst thethe invaderinvad er forces forces BulletinBulletin BoardBoard communications.commun ICatIons. descendingdescending fromfrom space.space. EachEach TThehe packagepackage comescomes withwith invaderin vad er hashas aa differentd iffe re nt pointpoint TheT he CommodoreCommod ore BulletinBulletin BoardBoard samplesample bulletinsbulletins anda nd HELPH ELP files,fi les, value,value, andand bonusbonus pointspoints areare SystemSyste m hashas beenbeen introducedintroduced toto remoteremote terminalterm inal programs,programs, anda nd aa scoredscored ifif youyo u destroydestroy thethe invadingin vading turnturn aa user'suser's PETPET oro r CBMCBM intointo a 28-page28-page manualma nual thatthat includesincl udes forcesforces inin thethe correctcorrect order.o rde r. AnAn hosthost communicationscommunications systemsystem schematicsschematics forfor aa simplesimple telephonetelepho ne invaderinvad er gamegame withwith aa newnew twist.twist. capablecapable ofo f sendingsending andand receivingreceivin g answeringa nswering device.device. SnakeoutSnakeout providesprovides aa slithsli th­ messages, programs, SEQ and ering snake that moves around messages, programs, SEQ a nd Commodore BusinessBusiness MachinesiVl achines Ltd.Ltd. ering snake thaL moves aro und the screen to munch blocks for WordProWo rd Pro files.fi les. 3370 PharmacyPharmacy Ave.Ave. the screen to m unch blocks for points that appear at random. DevelopedDeveloped by by SteveSteve Punter,Punter, Agincouri,Agincourt, OntarioOlltario M1WAIl l>V 2K42K4 points that a ppear at random. The snake's tail keeps getting authorautho r of WordPro,Word Pro, thethe programprogra m (416)499-4292(-1/6)-/99-·1292 T he snake's tail keeps getting hashas severalseveral otherothe r features,features, in­ longerlonger andand willwill getget youyou inin thethe cludingcluding useruser Log Log andand dailyd ail y usageusage end.e nd. SnakeoutSna keout cancan be be playedplayed by by Log,Log, formattedfo rmatted messages, messages, opop­ Two VIC Games oneone player,playe r, or twotwo if youyou desire.d esire. tionaltional privatepriva te messagesmessages anda nd propro­ From ComputerMat TheT he tapetape alsoalso includesincl udes thethe gamega me tected programs,progra ms. optionaloptio nal TrapperTrappe r as a bonus.bonus. passwordpass wo rd sign-on,sign-o n, a bulletinbull etin ComputerMatCom puterMat hashas announceda nnou nced EachEach cassettecasseLL e isis pricedpriced atat section,section , completecomple te editinged iting funcfunc- twotwo newnew arcadearcade gamesga mes forfo r thethe $9.95;$9.95; allall oordersrde rs shouldsho uld includeincl ude

ii"aia-i • \


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AddAdd . *2.O02. 00 t"..tor ..shipping,hoppono. I'llrtl ..residents... \ d ... t ....add d d "At'Z ttax.in . !'Ion"yHoney "..<1oroprs, .... " . & P.O. Box 216 clhHklh.c~. 1.lallo-11 _ 1100 ddays! .. y., az:caccepted. ..p t_. N:/VWC/VIEAI Sl'l .ccept..,accepted ..»lth ith ~ card ... d •• P.O. Box 216 110t •npir.• p ....

$$11.00.00 perper orderorder forfor shippshipping.ing. ROMROM cacartridgertridge forfor ththee AtarAtarii 400400// trainingtraining ttechniques,echniques, sosoftwareftwa re aandnd ComputerN/o(ComputerMai 800800 forfor $39$39.95.95 from:from: hhardwareardware evaevaluations,luations, classroomclassroom BoxBox /166466-1 DDept.efJI. P EPYXEPYX teacteachinghing strategiesstrategies aandnd activactivities,ities, LakLakee HaHavasuvaslI City,City, AlAZ 86~0386403 P.O.P.O. 130xBox 42474247 1\.K-I2- 12 ccurriculaurricula pplanning,lanning, andand MountainMountain ViewView,, CACA 9404094040 promot.ionalpromotional eveevents,nts, iincludingncluding 12"12" GreenGreen ScreenScreen cocomputingmputing cocontestsntests forfor teacteachershers ConferencesConferences aandnd sstudents.tudents. BanquetBanquet sessiosessionsns MonitorMonitor FromFrom wwillill ffeatureeature aaddressesddresscs b),by SteveSteve LeadingLeading EdgeEdge ScheduledScheduled FoForr JobJobs,s, CChairmanhai rman ofof the(he BoHoardard EducatorsEducators ofof AppleApple CoComputer,mputcr, IInc. nc. andand TThehe newnew 112"2" greegreenn scscreenreen momonini­ RRogeroger BadBadeschar,escha r, PrPresidentesident ooff tortor haslias aa suggestedsuggested retretailail ofof EdCOM '82 --thethe NatNationalio nal AtaAtari.ri. IInc.nc. $99.$99.00.00. The 1133 pound CCRTRT CoComputermputer CoConferencenference andand ExpoExpo IInn additionaddition ttoo (hthee mamainin features aa cocompositemposite video sigsignalnal forlor EdEducatorsuca tors -—willwi ll be held coconference,nference, oonene daday)' pre-pre- andand andand a didisplaysplay format of 11920920 OctoOctoberber 221-24,1-24 , 11982982 aatt the L.A. ppost-conferenceost-conrerence worworkshopskshops wwillill ccharactersharacters (80 cchar,har. x 24 llines).in es) . CoConventionnve ntion CeCenter,nter, LLosos AngelesAngeles,, bbee ofFeofferedred on UsUsingin g CoComputersmputers The dimdimensionsensio ns are 40.0 ccmm (w) CaCalifornia.lifornia. iinn tthehe CClassroom,lassroom, AdvanAdvancedced xx28.5cm(h)x32.0cm(d). 28.5 cm (h) x 32.0 cm (d). EdCOM '8'822 wwillill feafeatureture oveoverr iMicrocomputervi icroco mputer PrProgramming,ogram ming, LLeadingeading Edge has a one 200 semiseminars,nars. workshopsworkshops,, dem­dem IIn-servicen -service Training TecTechniques,hniques, yeayear,r, no-quno-questions-askedestions-asked rreturn/eturn/ oonstrations,nstratio ns, exexhibits,hibits, and hun­hun and CoCoursewareurseware DeDevelopment.velopmellt. rreplacementeplacement pplanlan sshouldhould tthehe 'uunitnit drdredseds of cocomputersmputers for inin-depth-depth AAllll coconferencenference actactivitiesivities and ffail.it i I. tutoriatutorialsls and handhands-ons-on sesssessions.io ns. workshops wiwillll provideprovide partparticiici­ LeadingLeading EdgeEdge Products,Products, Inc.I"c. PresentationPresentation topitopicscs designed pants with tthehe idideas,eas. ininstruction,structio n, 22522.5 TllrllfJTurnpikeihe Street for eeducatorsduca tors aatt aallll levels ooff ex­ ex and mmaterialsate ri als ttoo eenhancenhance insinstructru c­ CallCanton,toll , MA 020202021/ pertise wiwillll iincludenclude comcomputerputer tional cocomputingmputing in ttheirheir hhomeome (800)343-6833($00)343-6833 aaidedid ed ininstruction,struction, administratadministrativeive iinstitutions.nstitutions. ForFor mormoree infinformaorma­ uuses,ses, clclassroomassroom manamanagement,gement, tion aandnd registrationregistration forms,forms, EPYXGameOnEPYX Game On programming,programming, researchresearch appapplicali ca­ Wwrite:rllC: ROM Cartridge tions.tions, authoringau th orin g languages,languages, literliter­ MECC '82'S2 ROM Cartridge acy,acy , andand more.more. All of theseth ese ses­ 2520 BroadwayBro(u/w{J), DriveDrhlf' For The Atari sions'ions willwi ll be conductedconducted by by St.SI. Paul,Paul, MN55113M N 55 / J 3 nationallynatio nally recognizedrecognized profesprofes­ AlienAlien Garden,Garden, a new strategy-strategy­ sionalssio nals in theth e field of computercomputer The International actionact ion game,game, hashas beenbeen released education.educati on. Software byby EPYXEPYX forfor the Atari 400/800.400/800. ForFor moremore informationinformation As a hungry alien,alien, the playerplayer contact:contact: Directory Goes is challenged to survive in a world is chall enged to survive in a world JJaynea)'lle LaFountainLaFollntain On-line thrivingthriving with enticingenticing crystalcrystal lifelife EdCOMEdCOJII '82 forms.fo rms. Some crystalscrystals arcare edible,edib le, 26292629 X.N. Srotlsda/eScottsdale Road/load TFhehe InternationalI nternati onal SoftwareSoftware butbut others explode,ex plode, killingkilling thethe Scottsdd/e,Scottsdflli'. AZtil 85257 DatabaseDatabase isis nownow availableavai lable on-lineon-line player. To gain the most points, player. To gain the most points, ::: ::::;: ::: * ::: * throughthrough LockheedLockheed Dialog.Dial og. AsAs isis thethe playerplayer mustmust decidedecide whetherwhether thethe hardcopy.hardcopy. itit isis fullyfull), searchablesea r c h ~b l e to sting, avoid, or eat each type of to sting, avoid, or eat each type of The MinnesotaMinnesota EducationalEducational byby machine,machine. operatingoperating system,S),Sl CIlI. crystal.crysta l. TheThe fasterfaster hehe docs,does, thethe ComputingComputin g ConsortiumConsortium (MECC),(M ECC). subject,subject, vendorve ndor and price.price. AndAnd moreIllore rapidlyrapidly hishis score increases.in creases. involvedinvo lved inin thethe implementationimplementatio n now,now. withwith thisthis on-lineon-line servicese rvice AA wealthwealth of crystals crystals -- upup toto olof instructionalin st ructio nal computingcomputing ono n aa throughthrough Lockheed,Lockh eed, itit hashas fullfu ll 1919 uniqueunique speciesspecies —- complicatecomplica te local,local, regional,regio nal , andand statewidestatewide texttext searchingsearching byby keykey wordswo rds inin theth e player'splayer's survival.surviva l. NineNine skillsk ill basis,basis, isis sponsoringsponsorin g aa conferenceconference anyan)' oror allall fields.fi elds. ThisThis featurefeal.ure levelslevels addadd toto thethe challenge.challenge. (MECC(M ECC '82)'82) toto shareshare aa decadedecade ofof helpshelps youyo u findfind thethe piecepiece ofo f softso ft ­ AlienAl ien GardenGarden combinescombines experienceexperience servingservin g educators.ed ucato rs. warewa re youyou needneed toto runrun onon theth e joystickjoystick actionaClion withwith arcade-stylearcade-style TheThe conference,conference, scheduledsc heduled for ro r systemsyste m youyou haveha ve andand withinwith ill iheth e fullfu ll colorcolor graphicsgraphics andand sound.sound. DecemberDecember II andand 2,2, 19821982 inin MinMin­ budgetbudget allowed.all owed. TheThe playerpla)'er hearshears thethe shatteringshattering neapolis,neapolis, willwi ll bebe dedicateddedica ted toto LockheedLockh eed DialogDia log isis anan interinter­ andand tinklingtinkling ofof crystalscrys tal s asas theythey practicalpractical sessionssessions directeddirected atat nationalnational informationinformation retrievalretrieval grow,grow, shrink,shrink, andand explodeexplode beforebefore educatorseducators involvedin volved inin promotingpromoling serviceservice makingmaking thethe softwaresoftware hishis eyes.eyes. thethe useuse ofofcomputers computers inin schools.schools. databasedatabase availableavai lable toto itsits subscribsubscrib­ AlienAlien GardenGarden isis availableavailable onon SessionsSessions willwill covercover in-servicein -servi ce ers.ers. ThisThis databasedatabase isis updatedupdated N ECESSIT X ES MJCRQMfllL,r:1~LtJ.[]r:1fHL FOR I: .,., ComputerCOMPUTER pl)PL APPLE A NO ATAR X OWNE R S CRT'SCRT'S •• PRINTERSPRINTERS •• TELEPRINTERSTELEPRINTERS

flPPLEAPPLE DISKDI SK •NEW* •LOW* • NEW* TheThe ultimateultimate nibblenibble copiercopIer *NEW* *LOW* *NEW* NIBBLESNIBBLES AWAYAWAY I 11I ~ ~ 5V.955'1. '1'5 DEC LA100 DIABLO 3M3MWHlSPERWHISPER TheThe ultimateultim.te copycopy utilityutility DEC LAIOO DIABLO Dual Mode WRITER SUPERSUPER DISKDI SK COPYCOPY ~ 24.952 4 . 9'5 Dual Mode 630RO- RS232CRS232C WRITER 630RO - • TWX/ TELEX TheThe ultimateu l timate mailingmailing listlist MatrixMatrix PrinterPrinter $1899.00 • TWX / TELEX $1899.00 ' TIME SHARE MR.MR. LISTERLI STER ~ 67.956'1 . '15 CALL FOR PRICE! • TIME SHARE CAU. FOR PRICE! 630KSR630KSR ...... CALL CALL •• ComputerComputerTerminal Terminal 630 API NEW SMC 1 2 " COLOR MONITOR ' 2 8'1.'15 DEC LA12D 630 API. • . ..•. NEW BMC 12" COLOR MONITOR DEC LA12D $1649.00 ANADEX ATARIATAR I 4004 00 ifaKIbK ' 28'1 . '15 ■'LA" LA 120'20 Hep/acemeni"Replacemen' " $1649.00 ANADEX 620-RO620·RO ...... NEW NEW 9500/95019500/ 9501 ATARI (c)assette, (d)isfc, ib)ool $1599.00$1599.00 $1149.00 $1125.00 programmingp r ogra~ming secretss e c rets $1149.00 $1125.00 TRICh'YTRICKY TUTORIALSTUTOR I ALS #l-ibea_I - bea ~ tc l 14. 95 invitatinvitatiionon tot o CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES ON PROGRAMMINGPROGRAMMING tilMI ~ Cc) 1'1 . 95 CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES ON invitationI nVitation toto PROGRAMMINGPROGRAMMING »2M2 oror #3M3 eae a ~ (c)I c) 20.9520 . 95 FirstF i r s t BookBook o*o f AtariAtar l ~ (b)Cb) 10.9510 . 9'5 - TELEVXDEO • DIABLO * DEC DeDe ReRe AtariAlorl ~ (b(b)) 1177 . .95'15 .TELEVIDEO • DIABLO • DEC TechnicalTeChni c a l RefRef NotesNotes (b)lb. 20.9520.95 .ANADEX -Q.UME . T.I. InsideIns ide AtariAtarl DosDos """"""~ Ibl L6.9516.'15 .ANADEX .QUME • T.I. allal l sii:s h : trickytri cky tutorialstutoria.l s -TELETYPE • C.ITOH • 3M InIn DELUXEDELUXE BINDERB I NDER ~ !c)I c) 74.9574.'15 • TELETYPE • C.ITOH ·3M lncredibleInc r edibl e MICROSOFTMI CROSOFT BASICBAS I C ~ (d)Cd) 65.95b'5 .'15 1ncredihieIncr e dibl e TOLL FREE (800) 854-6028 MACROMACRO ASSEMBLERASSEMBLER ~ Cd ) 65.95b'5. 95 TOLL FREE (800) 854-6028

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Software Specials Software Specials K·BYTE-KBYTE- Your Cost 25% DISCOUNT KK-Razy-Razy Shootout Cart 374537 4~ )I~ K·RazyK-Razy Kritters Cart 3737"4 ~ K-Razy Patrol Cart 37"45 ADVENTURE K·Razy Patrol ...... Cart 37 K-Razy Antiks Cart 374Su INTERNATIONAL­INTERNATIONAL- Your Cost ATAR!"ATARI K.Razy Antlks Cart 37 PreppiePreppic Cass 18187117 11 AW_~O'It~ Oo ROKlAN­ROKLAN- / ft ATARI 800 Gorf 16K Disk 29" Disk 2222"~~ •m • \ ATARI 800- Gor! 16K Disk 29" 116K6K $639S639 Wizard of Wor 16K Disk 292995'15 BRODERBUND- .-~ 32K $718$718 ■MS SIRJUS-SIRIUS- ChopChoplifter lifter .. Disk 2626*"20 ---~ 48K 5797$797 Cyclod .. 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Ca Cassss oorr DiskDisk 2222''·1$ VIC20 $235 DatasDatasertee tte $65$65 PRISM­PRISM- ShootingShooting ArcadeArcade Cass Cass oror DiskDisk 2222"H DiskDisk DrivDrivee $489S489 GalacticGalactic ChasChasee 16K16KCass Cass 1818770 ClownsClowns && BBalloonsalloons PrintPrinterer 5335$335 16K16K DiskDisk 22224" 16K16K CassCass oror DiskDisk 2222JH EpsonEpson MX80MX80/MX100/ MXlOO CCALLAli CCitohitoh ProwriterProwriter $485S485 CanyonCanyon CClimberlimber 16K16K CassCass 18187"'0 ORDERING INFORMATION: We accept VISA/ MASTERCARD, Cashier Check. Money 16K16KDisk Disk 2222"H ORDERING INFORMATION, We accept VlSNMASTERCARD. Cashier Check. Money OOrder,rder. oror PersonalPersonal CheckCheck ((AllowA lloll) 1414 daysdays /0to clear).clear). CaliforniaCalifornia rresidentsesidents addadd 6%6% SalesSales Tax.Tax.. WK-UK- SHSHIPPINGIPPING INFORMATION:INFORMATION: WeWe sshiphip AllAll OOrdersrd ers UPS.UPS. ADDADD $2.00$2.00 fforor sofsoftwaretware ordersorders LetterLetter PerfectPerfect 24K24K DiskDisk 112112"45 ofof ananyy amounamount.l. HardwareHardware ordersorders addadd 2%.2%. ON·LlNEON-LINE SYSTEMS-SYSTEMS- CACALLLL oorr WRWRITEITE forfor FREEFREE CATCATALOG.ALOG. At!All AlaAtariri SoftwareSoftware atat aa 20%20% DisDiscount.count FlOggerFrogger ...... CassCass oror DiskDisk 26262"20 UltimaUltima II DiskDisk 2929"<1 5 ~t"ORT 'N' 2199921999 VanVan BurenBuren StreetStreet UltimaUltima IIII DiskDisk 4444'■" GrandGrand Terrace.Terrace, CACA 9232492324 CrossfireCrossfire CassCass oror DiskDisk 2222"4 ~ SOUND JawbreakerJawbreaker CassCass oror DiskDisk 2222'~ s ELECTRONICSELECTRONICS (714) 783·0556 212 COMPUTE! 212 COMPU TE! SepSeptemberlembel 19821982,.lssueIssue 2828 cocontinuously,lllinuousl)" thusthus keepingkeeping sub­sub betweenbetween languageslanguages withoutwithout llosingosing scrscribersibers upup-to-date-ta-date oonn newnew sofsoftt­ tthehe texttext inin mmemory.emory. wareware ppackages.ackages. -- WordPruWordPro-Mail-Ma.il LListisl iiss ddesignedesigned IImprintmprint EdiEditionstions fforo r mamailingili ng lilislst apapplicationspli cations oonn 11520520 S,,"lhSouth Col/I'geCollege CoCommodoremmodore cocomputersmpute rs aandnd forfor ForIFort Col/illS,Collins, COCO 8052-180524 uusese inin conjuncconjunctionti on wwithith vVordProWordPro (303)482-5574 (303)482-557-1 software.software. IItt includincludeses aa minimini WWordProord Pro texttext eeditorditor andand permitspermits ProfessionalProfessional automatautomaticic ententry,ry, wwithoutithout re­re Software For typtyping,ing, ofof mmailingailin g llistsists aalreadylread y Software For sstoredto red onon ddisk.isk. SSuggesteduggested rretailetail CommodoreCommodore priceprice iiss $$195. I 95. MachiMachinesnes -- 1infoPro,1I[OPro , foforr CoCommodoremmod ore 80008000 "ndand 90009000 seseriesri es cocomputers,mpute rs, hhasas aa ProfProfessionalessional SofSoftwaretwa re hahass in­in SuSuperper ScanScan ffeatureeature fforor rrapidapid trtroducedoduced fOLirfour nnewew softwaresoftware seasearchrch ofof stostoredred datadata for specspecificific ppackages:ackages: information. IItt printprintss uuser-ser­ defined reports with specific -- WurdProWordPro-ML-ML ((Multi-Lingual)Mu lti-Ling ual) iiss d efin ed re ports with specific formats and can create per designed sspecificallypecifica ll y fforor the formals and can create pe r­ IItI. includincludeses "a mamailingiling lilistst llabelabel sonalized letters or documents. CoCommodoremmodore 80008000 sescriesries com­com sonali zed letters or documellls. print optoptionion and"and a RReporte port GeGenerne r­ putputer.er. It ggivesives ththee uuserser access to SuggesSuggestedted retail prpriceice iiss $295$295.. ator. Suggested rretailetail pripricece is word processinprocessingg in fifiveve llanguagesanguages - TThehe Administrator,Administralor, for tthehe CoComm­ $595$595.. - EEnglish,nglish, GeGerman,rma n, French,French, mmodoreodore 8032,8032. llinksinks ""master"master" PProfessionalrofessirmal SUfiW(lrtSoftware,·, /hit.II C SpaSpanish,nish, and IItalian.tali a n. TThehe uuserser rrecordsecords to ""transactional"transactional" rerecordscords 51 FremontFremonl S/nStreet"'1 ccanan also switcswitchh backback aandnd forth and tJtracks"acks trtransactionala nsactional hihistory.story. Needhalll.Needham.MA ""ll 0202194} 9-} (6(617)444-522417)44·1-5 224 Computer ATTENTION Computer ProgrammiProgrammingng VIC-20 T-Shirts VIC-20 50% Cotton Contest 50% Polyester OWNERS TheT he AmericanAmerican Heart Hearl Association,Associati o n, OWNERS GreaterGreate r BostonBoston Division,Di vision, isis takingtak ing a newnew approachapproach to1.0 heartheart healthhealth We have CHALLENGING GAMES We have CHALLENGING GAMES educationed ucation - an a n electronicelectron.ic apap­ for your continuous enjoyment for your continuous enjoyment 4 proach.proach. TheThe AmericanAmerican HeartHeart Association,Association, inin conjunctionconjullcti o n withwith A NEW LINE designed for VIC-20 A NEW LI NE designed fo r VIC·20 ClassroomClassroolll ComputerCOIII /Jllier News,News, hashas atat $14.95S 14.95 announcedannounced aa "Heart" Heart HealthHealth •• Chimp ChaseCh ase ComputerComputer ProgrammingPrognllllilling ConCon­ •• Blasteroids Blasteroids test"test" toto solicitsoli cit thethe developmentd evelopment ofo f •• CosmicCosmic CrusaderCrusader programsprogra ms onon healthhealth educationeducation forfor eventualeventual nationalnational distributiond istributi on at $16.95 at S 16.95 toto schools.schools. •• Ultimate Ulti mate TankTank ** ProgramsProg ra ms shouldshould bebe aimedaimed •• CosmicCosmic CrystalsCrystals atat anan elementary,eielllentary,juniorjunior high,hi gh, oro r PricesPrices plusp lus $1.50$ 1.50 forfor shippingshipping highhi gh schoolsc hool audience,audience, andand shouldshould Check,Check, moneymoney order,order, VISA,VISA. MASTERCARDMASTERCARD deald eal withwith wayswa ys inin whichwhich heartheart *• RequiresReq uires 3K3K oror 8K8K expanderexpander diseasedisease cancan bebe prevented.preve llled. TThehe SurgeonSurgeon GeneralGene ralof ortthehe UnitedUnitcd 1 pUle SlatesStates hashas recommendedrecommended prevenpreve n­ IllinoisIIIIflQislesidente lE!SIdenTs - MVco<" LITTLE WIZARD DISTRIBUTING add 5% sates to. LoveloveMe. Me. love LI TT LE WIZAR D DI STRIBUTING odd 5't soleS lax tiontion ofofheart heart diseased isease asas aa nationalnational 622622 NorthNorth Broadway,Broadway ,#301 #301 SI~ 100 OOPPosirxjeQ!.togean and Hondhr..g priority,priorit)" anda nd thethe I Hlearteart AssociaAssocia­ Milwaukee,Milwaukee, WisconsinWisco nsin 53202532 02 TheThe PaperPaper TigerTiger tiontion hashas startedstart ed itsits campaigncampaign toto (414)273-5460(4 14) 273·5460 /0?S101SSi«ih Se lClh landoPloceMaillondoPlcX:: eMolI educatecduca t.e youngstersyo ungsters aboutabout thethe Ovjmpnicjfi.Cho rnpoogn Minos.llI,lOIS 6W061 8?O importanceimpo rlance ofof goodgood habitshabitsearly earl)' APPLEAPPLE SPEAKSSPEAKS INTELLIGENTLY!INTELLIGENTLY! TheTh~ peoplepeople whowho dareddared to10 teachleach AtariAlon to10 talktalk areore againogoln ForFor AtariAlari users,'Jsers , challengingchallenging theth e microcomputermicrocomputer establishmentestabl ishment withwi th theThe thethe VOICEBOXVOIC E60X forfor VOICEBOXVOICE BOX SpeechSpeech SynthesizerSynthesizer forfor Apple.Apple.This This lowlow costCosl intelintel· 16K16K andand upup AtariAlari ligentligenT peripheralperipheral cancon speakspeak thousandsthousands ofof wordswords unassisted,unassisted. plugsplugs directlyd Irectly intoil1to thethe generatedgenerated directlydirectly fromfrom itsils firmwarefirmwore ROMROM dictionarydictionary lo10 - serialsenal port.porI. NoNo extraextra cablescables oreare catedcOled onon itslIs plug-inp lug-in card.cord. ThisThis meansmeans thatIhol speech,speech , withw llh neededneeded andand nono speakerspeaker isISneeded needed sincesince thethe speechspeech comescomes variablevariable intonationinlonolion andand speed,speed, concon bebe usedused inIn anyany ofof youryour directlyd irect ly overover youryour TVTV monitor.monItor. ThisTh is unitunll hashas allall speechspeech synsyn­ appleapple programsprograms withoutwithout everever havinghaving lo10 botherbother loadingloading aa thesisIhesis featuresfeatures exceptexcept singingsinging andand firmwaref irmware ROM.ROM. disk.disk. And,And, inin caseca se youyou wantwon! to10 expandexpand youryour dictionaryd ictionary to10 AL-3001AL-3001VOICEBOX VOICEBOX forfor Apple.Apple. WiihWith firmwaref irmware ROM,ROM, singingsinging includeinclude unusualunusual wedswords oror wordswords inin foreignforeign languages,languages. youyou capabilitycupability andand speakerspeaker $215.005215.00 cancon easilyeasily definedefine themThem withwllh ourour 6464 phonemesphonemes andand storeslare AL-3501AL-3501 VOICEBOXVOICEBOX forfor Apple.Apple . WithoutW Ithout firmwaref Irmware ROM,ROM. themThem byby thethe thousandsthousands onon oneone ofof thethe sixSIX specialspecial dictionariesd ict ionaries singingsingIng capabilitycapability andand speakerspeaker SIS 13939.00.00 providedprovided forfor onon ourour disk.disk. AL-4001AL-4001 Speaker forfor AL-3501AL-3501 (the(the AL-3501AL-3501 willw il l alsoalso workwork InIn additionaddition youryour VOICEBOXVOICE BOX forfor AppleApple can bebe easilyeosily codedcoded toto withwtlh onyany otherother speaker)speaker) SIS I 5.005.00 AL-5001 VOICEBOX for Atari SI 69.00 singsing onon keykey withwith uniformuniform barlengthsborlengths andand youyou cancon storestore AL-500 I VOICEBOX for Alori S 169.00 (record) youryour songssongs on disk,disk. retrievingretrieving andand modifyingmodifying secsec ­ AiiAll mailmoil ordersorders areore onon a0 10 dayday moneybackmoney bock guaranteeguaronlee ifif tionstions wheneverw henever youyou want.wanl. WithW ith the diskdIsk system,system. you'llyou'll alsoa lso you'reyou're notnot completely satisfied.sat Isfied. When orderingo rdering encloseer1clase enjoy anon educational random sentencesen tence generator andand checkcheck oror money-crder money-crder oror statestote VISA oror MASTERCARD numnum­ graphicg raphic speechspeech animation!a n Imation! TheThe VOICEBOXVOICEBOX forfor AppleApple willwil l ber.ber. Send mailmoll orders \o.10: run on 32K32K AppleA pple IIII withWIth ApplesoftApplesaft or Apple IIII Plus systems THE ALIEN GROUP or TelephoneTe lephone orders equipped with sixteen-sectorsixteen-sector disk drives. VOICEBOXVOICEBOX forfor 27 West 23rd Street from 10 AM toto 6 PM Apple comes withw ith loudspeaker and disk.dIsk. The Alien Group Dept.CU-3DepT. CU3 New York time also makes a less expensiveexpenSIve VOICEBOX forfor AppleApple with allall Newew York,York , New YorkYark 10010100 I 0 (212)924-5546(2 12) 924-5546 featuresfea tures (including(including expandableexpandable disk dictionary),d ictionary). but ex ­ cludingcluding firmware ROM and singingSinging capability.capabil Ity. Speaker isIS ALSO AVAILABLEAVAILABLE AT LEADING COMPUTER STORES optional on this unit.uni!. THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.WORLD


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SOFTWARESOFTWARE STREETSTREET 3392 Clipper Drive 2.50 m I' n. shIpping 3392 Clipper Ortve Chino,Chino, CACA 917109171D lii;i~~~i~!i!!i;~~~~~~icALl OR WAITE(714)(714) 591-3061591-3061 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY.21.21 (C) 400 269.00 PAC-MANPAC-MANC ENT 1P E ~ '~ ...... 32.9532.95 BOOKKEEPER KIT 189.00 PACIF IC COAST HIGHWAY, 21.21 (C) 400 ...... 269.00 25.46 (D> 800 639.00 CENTIPEDECAVERNS OF...... M AR~ ...... 32.9532.95 BOOKKEEPERBOBOOKKEEPEROKKEEPER KIT ...... 115.00189.00 800.. . . 639.00 STAR RAIDEAS ...... 29.00 ATARI SPEED ...... 115.00 ZORK I & II ...... 25.46 (0 ) 810 429.00 CAVERNS OF MARS 29.00 ATARI SPEED READING... 59.00 ZORK I & II 33.96 ea. 810 MI SSILE ...... 33.96 ea. BLA~~ . ~; S.~S ... ~. ~ ...... 429.00 MISSILE COMMANDCO MM'~~D " 28.00 BLANK DISKS (10) 24.95 STARASTEROIDSRAIDERS ...... 32.9532 .95 MY FIRSTFIRST ALPHABETALP READING ... 27.9559.00 AX IOM IMP4 ( )...... 24.95 K. AAZY SHOOTOUT'" 28 .00 AXIOM IMP4OAA180 ASTEROIDS 28.00 CANYON CLIMBERS 21.21 (C) K-RAZY SHOOTOUT 34.95 CANYON 27.95 COLUMN IMPACT... 499.00 ~~C;ROOSO",:~~;;;CASSEMBLER: ~: : ~ CLl M~~~~T...... 21.2 1 (C) K—STARK- STAA PATROLPATAOL ... 34.9534.95 COLUMN IM~:;;~:.... 499.00 MICROSOFT BASIC 75.95 25.46 (D) K- AAZY KAITTEAS ...... 34 .95 lNER CRANSTONANSTON MANORMAN 25.4624.95 (D) K-RAZY KRITTERS 34.95 MACROENTERTAASSEMBLER ..... 76.5076.50 CR K-AAZY ANTIKS ...... 34.95 K-RAZY ANTIKS 34.95 ENTERTAINERMICROTEK 32~ """ ...... 79.0079.00 DEADLINE OR ...... 39.0024.95 THAESHOLD...... 34.95 BOARDS AXIOM 80 ...... THRESHOLD 29.95 A MICROTEK 32K AXIOM 80 COLUMN ...... 29.95 J1\. PR ...... 9900 1M COLUMN 39.00 BOARDS 9900 IMPACT PRINTER 299.00299.00 ATARf_ __ 0 ICES ARE SUBJEC .' PACT PAINTER ._ATARr PRICESABOVEARE ARESUBJECT PR T TO CHANGE.CHANGE. . ... ATARIATARIISIS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK.TRADEMARK. ABOVE ARE PREPAIDEPAID PRICES.PRICES. .c:!El WE ALSO CARRY PERCOM SYSTEMS AND MUCH MORE' WE REGRET-- ______WE AL SO CARRY PERCOM SYSTEMS AND MUCH MORE!



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MAILMAIL ORDERORDER PHONl!lPHONE 1-800-348-12891-800-345-1289 216216 COMPUTECOMPUTE!l SepteSeptembermber 191982,82. IssIssueue 2828 thethe ususerer toto scascann oror seqsequentiallyuentiall y sevesevenn llessonsessons aandnd aa finalfinal test.test. rrevieweview ththee rrecordsecords inin thethe datadata MathematicsMathematics EaEachch llessonesson teststests aa personperson's's knknowlowl­ babase.se. ReviewReview ForFor eedgedge inin oonene oorr mmoreo re mathmathematicalemati cal -— SSearchearch ththee FFileile aallowsll ows ththee uuserser toto aareas:reas: search the data base and display- StandardizedStandardized TestsTests search the data base and display LLessonesson I1 -- NumbeNumbersrs aandnd specific records on the screen speci fi c records o n the screen Program Design has released ArArithmeticithmetic according to user criteria. Program Design has released according to user criteria. QuantitativQuantitativee ComComparisons/J arisons forfor AtariAtari LLessonesson 22 -- RoRootsots andand ExpExponentsonents -— PrinPrintt ththee FFileile aallowsllows ususersers toto 400400 a andnd 800 800 cocomputers.mputers. ThiThiss LLessonesson 33 -— FraFractionsctions print a hardcopy report ac print a hardcopy report ac­ cocourseurse preparprepareses studentsstudents fforor ththee LLessonesson 44 -— DDecimalsecimals aandnd Percent cocordingrding toto ththeireir owownn spespecificacifica­ ttypeype ofof matmathh prproblemsoblems cocommonlymmonl y LeLessonsson 55 -- AnAnglesgles aandnd PlPlaneane ttions.ions. TThehe order,order, limitlimit,, numbernumber ffoundound o onn tthehe SScholasticcholastic AptitudeAptitude GeometryGeometry ofof fields,fields, fiefieldld positposition,ion, andand TTestes t (SAT)(SAT) aandnd onon otherother aptaptitudeitude LLessonesson 6 -- AAlgebralgebra optiooptionalnal totals bbyy numernumericic fieldsfields aandnd intintelligenceelligence tests.tests. IItt rreviewseviews LLessonesson 77 -- GrapGraphshs aandnd UUnitsnits ooff mamayy bbee specified.specified. the prprinciplesinciples ththatat form ththee bbasisasis MMeasurementeasurement -— Exit saves ththee bbinaryin ary record kkeyey of mmathematicsathematics from bbeginningeginning TheThe cocourseurse includes a bbookletooklet map and returns to BASIC. map and returns to BASIC. ararithmeticithmetic througthroughh elemelementary-entary tthathat cocontainsntains exexplanationsplanations of ththee ThThee system will store up to aalgebralgebra aandnd pplanelane geometry. vavariousrious ttypesypes of problproblems.ems. FForor 11200200 rrecordsecords oonn a ssinglein gle disk. Many of ththee mathmathematicsematics exaexample,mple, herheree is a ttypicalypical problproblemem Any rrecordecord ccanan be rretrievedetrieved and questquestionsio ns ffoundo und on standardized frfromom QuantitatiQuantitative.ve ComComparisons:pa.risons: didisplayedsplayed dirdirectlyectly without hhavingaving ttestsests asaskk ttest-takersest-takers to compare to rreadead aanyny intinterveningervening rrecords.ecords. two qquantitiesuantities or mathmathematicale matical WhiWhichch is bbigger?igger? ThThee system rrequiresequires a minminimumimum exexpressions,pressio ns, and indiindicatecate whwhichich A B ooff 88KK frfreeee mmemoryemory to operaoperate.te. ooff tthehe two iiss ggreater.reater. ThThereere aarere 66.5%.5% 65110065/100 TThehe Disk DDataata ManagManagerer SSystemys tem ffourour possiblepossible aanswers:nswers: 1.I. A iiss larger lhanthan B sesellslls fforo r $59$59.95,.95, cocompletemplete with 1.I. Quantity A iiss llargerarger tthanhan I.I . HB iiss l"rlargergerlhanthan A ddocumentationocumentation aandnd a storage QuantQuantityity B 3. A equals B binder. MicroSpec Ltd. also 4. CauCan't',. determine binder. MicroSpec Ltd. also 2. Quantity B is llargerarger thanthan offers the system on any Com offers the system on any Com­ Quantity A TThehe answeranswer isis 2: B iiss biggerbigger modoremodore CCBMBM oror PET, ththee newnew than A. IfI f thethe studentstudent ddoesn'toesn't 3. Quantity A eequalsquals QuantityQuantity B CommodoreCommodore 64,64, thethe AtariAtari 800.800, understandunderstand thethe problem,problem, hehe or 4. Which quantity is larger cannot thethe AppleApple II,II , andand thethe IBMIBM PerPer­ 4. Which quantity is larger ca nnot sheshe isis told to turn to ExplanationsExplanations be determined from the informa sonalsonal Computer. be determined from the informa­ 46 and 47 in thethe booklet,booklet, whichwhich tionlion givengIve n MicroSpecMicraSpec Ltd. statestate "A"A percentpercent is a fractionfraction withwith 2905 PortsPorls O'Callo 'Call CourtCOllrl TheT he questionsquestions inin QuantitativeQuantitative a denominatordenominator of 100"100" and "To Piano,Plana, TX 75075 ComparisonsComparisons are presentedpresented inin this writewrite a fraction as a percent,percent, (214)867-1333(2 14)867-1333 format. TheT he coursecourse includesincludes changechange thethe fractionfraction to a decimal.decimal.


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Move the ddecimalecimal point twtwoo iningg technique MMaisey.aisey. MMaiseyaisel' placesplaces to the right. Add ththee perper­ IDS Introduces describes a dot-matrixdot-matrix printerprimer cecentnt sysymbol."mbol. " Each statestatementment isis Microprism Printer wwhichhich cacann print cocorrespondence-rresponclence­ followed byby mmathematicalathematical eequaqua­ qualityqualitl' text in a ssingleingle pass. tionsti ons illustrating the principle.principle. TThehe nnewew IvMicroprismlicroprism ddot-matrixot-matrix StaStandardndard MiMicroprismcro prism printerprin ter ForFor eveeveryry problemproblem in ththee printerprinter from ImeIntegralgral DDataata Sys­ ffeatureseatures includinclude:e: DotplotDotplot cocourse,urse, the number of thethe rreleele­ temstems,, Inc.Inc. offers print ququalityality ggraphics,raphics, serial RS232RS 232 aandnd CeCenn­ vavantnt eexplanationxplanation willwi ll apappearpear oonn aapproachingpproaching that ofaof a ddaisy-wheelaisy-w heel trtronics-compatibleonics-compatible parallelparall el intinterer­ the TV mmonitoronitor if ththee person printerprinter aatt a llowerower priceprice ththanan hashas faface,ce, automatiautomaticc linlinee bufferingbuffering ffailsails in three aattemptsttempts to cocorrectlyrrectl y previouslypreviously been avaiavailable.lable. IItt with 11400400 bytesbytes stastandard,ndard, 75 ccpsps aanswernswer ththee problem.problem. In LLessonsessons providesprovides higher qualitqualityy output in cocorrespondence-qualityrrespondence-qual itl' aandnd 2 thrthroughough 7, hhee or she cacann also 110I 10 ccpsps in high-speedhigh-speed ddataata mmode,ode, learnlearn ththee number ooff the relrelevantevant aandnd MaisMaiseyel' ((dot-matrixdot-matri x printingprinting exexplanationplanation byby requestingrequesting a of cocorrespondence-qualityrrespondence-q uality ttextext in ""bint."hint." a ssingleingle pass).pass). MiMicroprismcroprism iiss Qua.ntitativeQuantitative CompmisonComparisonss iiss priced aatt $799$799.. for useuse oonn AtariAtari 400400/800/800 com­com IntegralIntegral DDataala S)Systems,'Slems. Inc.Inc. puters with a memory of at fleasteast Milford,Milford, NHN H 03055 116K.6 K. ItI t rretailsetai ls for $ 119.959.95 (cassette) ((603)673-9100603)673-9 100 I ((800)258-1386800)258-1386 or $26.50 ((disk)di sk) aandnd isis avaavailableilable from cocomputermputer stostoresres aandnd byby Sterling Swift mail from PDI (shipping and withoutwithout extraextra printer ffeatures.eatures. mail from POI (s hipping and Introduces hhandlingandling c chargeharge exextra).tra). ThThee hihighgh sspeedpeed aandnd ggraphicsraphics Introduces capabilities of a dot-matrix print ProgramProgram. Design,Design, 1Inc.1Ic. ca pabilities of a dot-matrix print­ DIAL-A-COMMAND 11II IdarIda>' Cou.rCourtt eerr havehave bbeeneen cocombinedmbined with ththee CreenwGreenwich,ich, CT 06830 print qualitqualityy approachinapproachingg thatth at of TheThe Apple II DIAL-DIAL-A-A­ ((203)661-8799203)661-8799 a dadaisy-wheel.isy-wheel. IDS cacallslls thithiss print- COMMANCOMMAND.D, a two-sidedtwo-sided cocom-m-

THE MONKEY WRENCH™WRENCH FOR ATARI EPROMEPR0M PROGRAMMER SIGNALMAN MARK I DIRECT CONNECT FOR PET AND ATARI COMPUTERS MODEM - $89.50 A BASIC and maclinemachine language programmers aid for!D)for 800 users. The BRANDING IRON is an EPROMEPR0M programmer especiaiyespecially StandaStandardrd 300-bau300-baud,d, full duplexduplex,, $49.95 $49.95 Plugs into right slot and works designed lorfor PET and ATARI computerscomputers.. PrProgramsograms 17162716 answeranswer/originate./originate. Powered by 6;.. • •• Plugs into right slot and works with ATARI BASICBASIC.. Adds 9 new and 15312532 type EPROMsEPROMs.. The PET version plugsplugs into the long lasting g.von 9-vort battery Inot(not direct mode commands in­ cassette and I/O port and llImescomes with saltwaresoftware wlichwhich adds includedlincluded)., Cable and RSRS-232·131 cluding auto line numberingnumbering,, the programmer commands to the PET monitor. The connector includedincluded.. delete lines, change marginsmargins,, AlAR1ATARI version plugs into controller jacks and comes with More than just an Assembler/EdllorlAssembler/Editor! memory tes1,test, renumber BASICBASIC,. a full fledged machine language monitor which proprovidesvides hexhexidec/dec conversionconversion,, cursor ex · 30 commands for interacting with the computer and the MAE chal1jJechange,. and macline machine Ial1jJuagelanguage BRANDING IRONIRON.. MAE It's a lorfor monitormonitor.. PET - $75.00S75.00 ATARIATARI-$119.95- $119.95 Professionally Professionally PET The monitor contacontainsins 15 commands used 10to intinteracteract with DDesignedesigned 5 U INCH SOFT APPLE the 6502. Some are display memorymemory/registers,/registers, disassem· 5%INCH SOFT Software ATARATARIt ble, hunt, compare, hex/dec convert, transfer memory, and SECTORED DISKmESDISKETTES Development bIe, 00nt. IlImpare, hexJdec IllI1Vl<1. transfer memory, and Development S169S169.95.95 printer set/clear. Uses screen editing. Highest qualityquality.. We use them on System b CASSmECASSETTE BASED MACRO our PETsPETs,, APPLesAPPLEs,. ATARlsATARIs,, and other ^F ASSEMBLER/EDITOR computers,computers. $12.5011$22.50/100 or $44$44.50120.50/10 ~"J> ASSEMBLERJEDITOR BBlastlast oNoff with the software used on tthehe space PET TERMINAL SOFTWARE "'TheThe Compatible AssemblerAssembler/Editor"/Editor" PET TERMINAL SOFTWARE sshuttlehuttle project! •* MacrosMacros,, Conditional Assembly, String search andand/or/or A buy you RS RS-232·232 users cancan't't pass-up.pass-up. Indudes Includes • DesignDesigneded 10to improvimprovee Programmer ProduttrYityProductivity.. • SiSimilarmlar syntax and commilndscommands 4- NoNil IIffiIneed toto relearn peculipeculiarar replace, standard mnemonicsmnemonics,, lex:{Ex: LOALI.IA ILABlE)(LABLE),, YlY) RS-232 hardware with a sophisticated software synt;t)Cessyntaxes and commands wIltnwhen yooyou gono !rom from PET to.+J'PLElo APPLE [oATARto ATARI!. o• longLong labelslabels,, MOVE.MOVE, COPY, AUTO, OElfT~DELETE, PUTPUT,, GETGET,,

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Crumble.Crumble, ~S Chomp . . .. $ 23 RRicocheticochel . . $ 15 VICI530DalasVIC1530Datasetteette ...... $$ 6167 EmpireEmpire 0of1 Ihethe OvermOvermindind . . ... $$26 26 Educational VICVIC1540I540 DIskDisk OrDrivei~e ... 479479 TaTankttcsnktics ... $ 23 23 Compu·ReadCompu-Read ...... $ $ 2323 VVIC1515IC1515GraphiGraphicscs PrPrinter.nter .. . 329 800 16K $639 6-1B-1 NNuclearuclear bomberbomber ... $ 1133 CompCompu-Math/Fractionsu·MathiFracl ions ...... $$29 29 VIC1210 3K MMemoryemory ExpaExpandernder ...... S$ 3::130 800 16K .$639 KayosKayos .. $ 26 26 CompuCompu-Math/Decimals·Math/Oeclmals . . $ 29 VICVIC11108Kll108K MemMemoryory Expander ...... $ 52 VIC10lVIC1011 I RSHS232C 232C TermTerminalinal InterlaceInterface.S $ 43 800 48K $789 MaMalchtch RaRacerscers . . . $S 23 VVocabularyocabulary II ...... $ t6 16 800 48K .$789 WWizSlz I\. PrPrincessincess . .. ..5 $ 24 IIocabularyVocabulary IIII . $$16 16 VVIC1112VIC-1EEE-488ICll 12 VfC tEEE·488lninterlaceterlace ...... $ $ 84 400 16K .$279 MMission:ission: AAsteroidsteroid .... $ 19 NumbNumberer SerSeriesies ...... $ 16 VICI211VIC1211 VV(C20SuperIC 2OSupor ExpanderExpander .... $ 52 SSoftpornoftporn AdvenAdventureture ...... $$23 23 AnalogAnalogiesies ...... $ 16 VIC1212 PrProgrammersogrammers Aid CarCartridgetridge $ 45 410■110 Recorder ...... $S 75 AllAN BabaBat>a& I\. Ihethe Forth ThiThievese~cs ...... $ 24 SioryStory BulidBuilder/WorderlWord Master . . $ 16 VIC1213 MaMachinechine Language MonMonitoritor $$ 45 810810 Disk Drive •....•..• , • .• $439 The ShalShatteredlereC! Alliance . . ... $ 29 LeI'sLet's Spell ...... $ 16 VMVM110 110 ViCVic PrProgrammersogrammers RHef.ef. GuGuideide ... .$15 S15 820 Printer $259 GalaGalacticclic Chase . . ..S $ 23 820 Printer . . . $259 ASlroQuAstro Quotesoles ...... $ 16 VIC Software 822 Printer $259 AlaAtariri WWorldorld .... $ 45 All APX Software .15% off list 822 Prinler .. . . . $259 All APX Software . . , 15% oU list A~eAvengernge r ...... $23 825 Printer $579 825 Printer ...... $579 SupersSuperslotlOI . . . . 123S23 830 Modem $155 B30Modem ...... $155 Super AAlienllen ...... $2$233 850 Interface $169 850 Interlace .. $169 JupilerJupiter LLanderande. . .$2$233 481 Entertainer $ 79 481 Entertainer ... S 19 DDrawraw PPokeroker .. .$23 482 Educator $125 482 Educator ...... • $125 MMidnightidnight OrDrivei ~e ...... $23 $23 483 Programmer $ 55 483 Programmer ...... $ 55 Spiders of Mars . . $39 484 Communicator $299 484 Communicalof ...... $299 MMeteoreleor Run ...... $39 853 16KRam $ 79 85316K Ram ...... , ...... $ 79 Amok ...... $29 Alien BlBlitzilz . . . . $29 ATARI Software ATARI Software ReRenaissancenaissance .. $3S399 CS406 Financial Management .$ 55 CS406 Financial Managemenl ...... S 55 Outworld .. . . $29S29 CX4104 Mailing list $ 19 CX4104 Mailing Ust , $ 19 CloudburSICloudburst ...... $39 CX404 Word Processor $115 CX404 Word Processor ... . . $11 5 SatellilesSatellites & MMeteoriteseteorites . . . .. 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SIB$18 CXLCXL40094009 CompulerComputer CChesshess . $ 28 Astrobase-2001Astrobase·2OQ1 ...... $13 CXLCXL40103-DTicTacToe4010 3·0 Tic Tac Toe .. . ..$26$ 26 Space BaffBarrierier ...... $13 CXL4011 Star Raiders $35 CXL4011 Slar Raiders .. $ 35 SnakeSna~ ...... $$1010 CXL40CXL401212 MMissileissife CCommandommand .. ...$28 $ 28 *** SPECIALS OF THE MONTH *** CXLCXL401340 13 AsteroidsAsterordS ... $ 28 *** SPECIALS OF THE MONTH *** (Programming TechnTechniques)iqu es) ELEPHANT DISKS (BOX) ...... $ 22 PrPrinti nt CommandCommandss ...... $14 ForFor-Next·Next LoopLoopss ...... $14 HAYES SMARMODEN ...... • ..... 5229$229 New Software for Atari GraphGraphicsics . ; . .... $14 AXLON RAMCRAM $129 TypesTypes of VarVariablesiables ...... $1.$14 FFroggerrogger . . $26S26 AXLON RAMCRAM ...... • • ...... • • ..... 5129 Data FFileslies ...... $14 AppleApple PaPanicnic ... $2$233 MOSAIC 32K32K RAM ...... • . .•...... $ 99 RandomRandom NumbeNumbersrs ...... $14 RaRaslerster BBlasterlaster · . $23$23 RAMRAMDISK(128K) DISK (128K) ...... $429 TempleTemple ofol ApshalApshai. .... 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S$ 1711 Crypts of01 TerrorTerror .... $26 YOUR ONE STOP MARKETPLACE FOR BasicsBasics of01 AnimationAnlmalion ...... $ 17 PoolPool 1,51.5 . ... $26 ALL YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS PlayerPlayer MissileMissileGGraphicslaphics ...... S$ 2424 Deluxe Invaders ...... $26 ALL YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS Sound ...... $ $ 1711 Gor! $29 Gorf . , ...... $29 ... The ComputerComputer OutletOutlet isIS an WizatdofWor $29 If it is not listed, please ask. 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numbnumberer llabelsabels and titicc mmarksarks araree coconferencenference wwillill alalsoso focusfocus oonn cocontinuouslyntinuously useruser aadjustable.djustable. sstrategiestrategies tthathat provideprovide rreliable,eli able, ScaScalesles aarere providedprovid ed oonn aallll fofourur eeffective,ffecti ve. aandnd ecoeconomicalnomica l in­in ssides.ides. TThehe llengthength ooff tthehe plotplot iiss fOformationrInalio n syssystems,te ll1 S, aandnd iincreasencrease unlimitunlimited,ed , aallowingll owin g sstriptrip ccharthart theth e ququalityali ty aandnd eeffectivenessffec ti ve ness ooff rrecordingecording ((thethe eendnd scascalele iiss gegenn­ sosoftwareft ware forfor vavariousrious cocorporaterporate eeratedrated aafterfter tthehe plot iiss finifinished).shed). funfunctions.cti ons. IItt rrequiresequires oonlynl y aaboutbo ut 2.72.7KK ooff TTwowo fullfull days wwillill be devoteddevoted RRAMAM ((thethe restrest of ththee mmemoryemory to presentationspresentati ons byby expeexperiencedrienced mmandand rreferenceeference tooltool,, hhasas beenbeen youyo u have,have, includinincludingg exexpanders,panders, isis uuserssers aandnd exexperts perts oonn ssuchuch totopicspics introduintroducedced byby StSterlingerling SSwiftwift avavailableailable fforo r yoyourur pointpoint gegenn­ as aapplicationpplica ti on planningplanning aandnd PubliPublishingshing CoCompany.mpany. eeratingrating program).program). WrittenWritten in implimplementationementation sstrategies;trategies; se­ ThThee DIDIAL-A-COMMANDAL- A-COMMAN D BASIC,BAS IC, it isis desdesignedigned to to run oonn llectingecting eeffectiveffective ssmallllla ll ccomputeromputer weweighsighs llessess tthanhan oonene oounce,unce, aanyny VIVICC syssystemtem oror tthehe nnewew ssystems;ys tems; uusingsin g ssmallmall cocomputersmputers exactexactlyly fitfitss thethe hhand,and, aandnd ""speaks"speaks" CoCommodore-64.mmodo re-64. in networks;netwo rks; aandnd inintegratingtegratin g cocommandsmmands aann AApplepple II oorr II PluPluss Y=2.7!(1+Xt2 )-.9 cocommunications,mmunica ti ons, video,video, aandnd undunderstands.erstands. ThThee useruser cacann seselectlect ssmallmall cocomputers.mputers. ThrThreeee precon-precon­ frfromom 116666 ffunctionsuncti ons aandnd ttherebyhereby -1 0 1 2 feferencerence workshopsworksho ps willwill provideprovide oppoopportunitiesrtunities foforr in-depthin-depth sstudiestud ies autoautomaticallymaticall y ddialial thethe properproper lJ1l1JlJ.Illllllllllllllllllllll cocommandmmand to be eenteredntered forfo r ththee oonn decisiondecision ssupportupport systesystems;ms; ffollowingollowin g ooperations:peratio ns: EditinEditingg I,\, nnetworksetworks aandnd ssmallmall comcomputers;pute rs; aandnd FFormat,ormat, IInput/Output, nputlOutput, FFlowlow and sselectingelecting sosoftwareftware forfor ssmallmall ooff CoControl,ntrol , SeSequentialquential Text FilFile,e, : " cocomputers,mputers. SysSystemtem aandnd UtUtility,ility, GGraphicsraphics aandnd A sspecialpecial ffeatureeature of tthehe coconferencenfe rence willwill bebe aann exexhibithi bit ooff GameGame CoControls,ntrols, MMachineachine LanLan­ 10-13 gguageuage TexTextt File,File, Access, HHouseouse­ hhardwareardwa re andand sosoftwareftwa re foforr ssmallmall 1111111111111111111111111111111 cocomputers.mputers. InI n aaddition,dditio n, timtimee hashas kkeeping,eeping. MaMath,th , aandnd AArraysrrays aandnd I , I I r been set aside for interaction SStrings.trings. -1-10 0 112 2 been set as ide fo r interacti on AAlsolso lilistedsted onon ththee DDIAL-A-IAL-A­ betwbetweeneen aattendeesttendees aandnd successsuccessfulful InIncludescl udes ininstructionsstructi ons aandnd COCOMMANDMM AN D are keystrokekeystroke enen­ users.users. ddemonstrationemonstrati o n program.program. TThehe Infosystems, the Information tritrieses forfor AAlgebraiclgebraic OOperators,perato rs, Info5)'SleIllS, th e I n fo rm ation priceprice is $$ 0. Systems Magazine for Manage RRelationalelati onal aandnd LLogicalogica l OpeOperators,rators, Systems Magazine fo r Ma nage­ ScientivicScienl;v;c Software ment, is sponsoring this confer aandnd SSimpleimple VaVariables.riables. ment, is sponso ring this confe r­ DDept.epf. N,N. 525 LohnesLollIlI'S DrDr.. ence, to draw together user in TThehe DIAL-A-COMMAND,DIAL-A-COMMAN D, ence. to d raw together use r in­ FFairborn,airborn , OOHN 45J2445324 formation on small computers soosoonn avaavailableilable frofromm ddealers,ealers, maymay fo rmation on small computers and assist those who will be faced nownow bbee orderedordered dirdirectlyectl y from and ass ist th ose who will be faced with making MIS decisions in the SteSterlingrling SwSwift.ift. PricePrice iiss $9.95. Conference with making M IS decisions in the nnearear future.future. 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---- forgets: MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER PRETTY FACEFACE. Says who? Says ANSI. make life miserable for everyone in the disk-making SpecificallySpecifically,, subcommittee X3B8 of the American business. National Standards Institute (ANSI) says so. The fact How? By gathering together periodically (often, is all Elephant'Elephant™Mfloppies meet or eexceedxceed the specs one suspectssuspects,, under the full moon) to concoct more required to meet or exceed all their standards. and more' rules to increase the quality of flexible But iustjust who is '"subcommitteesubcommittee X3B8" to issue such disks. Their most recent rule book runs over 20 single­single- pronouncements? spaced pages—listing,pages-listing, and insisting upon-hundredsupon—hundreds They're a group of people representing a largelarge,, upon hundreds of standards a disk must meet in well-balanced cross section of disciplines-fromdisciplines—from order to be blessed by ANSI. (And thereby be taken academia,academla, government agencies, and the computer seriously by people who take disks seriously.) industry. People from places like IBM, Hewlett-Packard, In factfact,, if you'd like a copy of this formidable docu­docu 3M, Lawrence Livermore Labs, The U.S. Department ment, for freefree,, iustjust let us know and wewe'll'll send you of Defense, Honeywell and The Association of Com­Com one. Because once you know what it takes to make puter Programmers and Analysts. In shortshort,, it's a bunch an Elephant for ANSIANSI...... of high-caliber nitpnitpickersickers whose missionmission,, it seemsseems,, in We think youyou'll'll want us to make some Elephants order to make better disks for consumers, is also to for you. ELEPHANT~ELEPHANT. M HEAVY DUTY DISKS. For a free poster-size portrait of our powerful pachydermpachyderm,, please write us. Distributed Exclusively by Leading Edge Products, Inc., 225 Turnpike StreetStreet,, Canton, Massachusetts 02021 Call: toll-free 11-800-343-6833;-800-343-6833; or inin MassachuMassachusettssetts call collect (617) 828-8150828-8150.. Telex 951-624951-624.. COMMODORECOMMODORE ~ "THE"THE WONDERWONDER COMPUTERCOMPUTER OFOF TillTHE 1980s.1980s. UNDER $300:' -—WILLIAMWILLIAMSHATNESHATNERR - - . ~ ~, ~I~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ,- ~ = = _.-. c:> "" PO ,.. T V LO • ..., .- _ • • _._

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