199 SeptemberSeptember1982. 1982.Is.sue28 28 Issue COMPUTE!COMPUTE! 199 COMPUTE!COMPUTE! BackBack IssuesIssues HereHere areare somesome ofofthe the applications,applications, tutorials,tutoria ls, UndeletableUndeletable LinesLines onon Apple,Apple. PET,PET, VIC,VIC , Game,Game, VICVIC StarfightStarfight Game,Game, CBMCBM BASICBASIC andand gamesgames fromfrom availableavailable backback issuesissues ofof BudgetingBudgeting onon thethe Apple,Apple, SwitchingSwitching CleanlyCleanly 4.04. 0 ToTo UpgradeUpgrade ConversionConversion Kit,Kit, AppleApple COMPUTE!.COMPUTE!. EachEach issueissue containscontains much,much. fromfrom TextTex t toto GraphicsGraphics onon Apple,Apple. AtariAtari Addresses,Addresses, VICVIC Maps,Maps, EPROMEPROM Reliability,Reliability. muchmuch moremore thanthan there'sthere's spacespace herehere toto list,list, CassetteCassene Boot-tapes,Boot-tapes, AtariAtari VariableVariable NameName AtariAtari GhostGhost Programming,Programming. AtariAtari MachineMachine butbut herehere arcare somesome highlights:highlights: Utility,Utility, AtariAtari ProgramProgram Library,library, TrainT rain your Language yourLanguage Sort,Sort, RandomRandom MusicMusic CompositionComposition PETPET toto RunRun VICVIC Programs,Progra ms, InterfaceInterface aa BSRBSR onon PET, PET, CommentComment YourYour Apple IIII Catalog.Cata Applelog. RemoteRemote ControlControl SystemSystem toto PET,PET, AA GeneralGeneral AprilApril 1982:1982: T rac k DownDown Track ThoseThose MemoryMemory JanuaryJanuary 1981:1981: LoadLoad PETPET ProgramsPrograms IntoInto PurposePurpose BCDBCD toto BinaryBinary Routine,Routine, ConvertingConverting BugsBugs (multiple(multiple computers),computers), Shooting StarsStars TheThe AppleApple II,II, Player-MissilePlayer~Mi ss ile GraphicsGraphics forfor toto Fat-40Fat-40 PET.PET. GameGame (multiple(multiple computers),computers), IntelligentIntelligent Atari,Atari, TheThe AtariAtari DOS,ooS, TheThe KernelKernel ofof thethe NovemberNovember 1981:198 1: SuperPet:SuperPet: AA Preview,Pre view , InputInput SubroutinesSubroucines (multiple(multiple computers),computers), OSI Operating System,System, FixingFixing LOADingLOADing JapaneseJapanese Micros:Micros: AA FirstFirst Look,Look, IntroductionIntroduction UltracubeUltrncube for(or Atari,Alari. CustomizingCustomiz ing Apple'sApple's ProblemsProblems onon thethe PET,PET, Spooling withwith thethe toto BinaryBinary Numbers,Numbers. AnAn AppleApple Primer,Primer. PagePage CopyCopy Program,Program, UsingUsing PET/CBMPET/CBM InIn TheThe PETPET Disk,Disk, ExpandingExpa nding KIM.KIM. FlipperFlipper forfor Apple,Apple, AnAn AtariAcari DatabaseDatabase HighHigh SchoolSchool PhysicsPhys ics Lab,lab, Grading ExamsExams FebruaryFebruary 1981:1981, SimulatingSimulating PRINTPRINT USING,USING, System,System. AA ProgramProgram forfor Writing\Xfriting ProgramsPrograms onon onon aa MicrocomputerMicrocompute r (multiple(multiple computers),computers), Atari Mailing List, Renumber VIC Programs UsingUs ing thethe AtariAtari as a TerminalT enninal forfor TelecomT elecom~ thethe Atari,Atari . Atari Textplot,Textplot. OSIOSI Relocation,Relocation, Atari Mailing List, Renumber VIC Programs The Easy Way, Browsing the VIC Chip, munications,munications. Attach a PrinterPrinter toto thethe Atari,Amri, TheThe PETPET Speaks, InversionIn version Partitioning,Partitioning. AA The Easy Way, Browsing the VIC Chip, Disk Checkout for PET/CBM. DoubleDouble DensityDensity GraphingGraphing on C1P,CIP, CommoCo mmo~ on PersonalPe rsonal NewsNews ServiceService onon PET, Bits,Bits, Bytes,Bytes, Disk C heckout for PET/CBM. doredare DiskDisk Systems,Systems. PET CrashCrash Prevention,Prevention, and BasicBasic Boole.Boole. MayMay 1982:1982: VICV IC Meteor7'.'ic leor MazeMaze Game. A 25?25~ AppleApple IIII Clock.C lock. DecemberDecember 1981: SavingSaving FuelFuel S$$$ (Multiple(Multiple AlariAtoui DiskDi sk DriveDri ve Speed Check. ModifyingModifying Apple's Floating Point BASIC, Fast Sort May 1981:1981 , Named GOSUB/GOTOGOSUBIGOTO in Computers:CompU(ers: versions forfor Apple,Apple, PET,PET. andand Apple's Floating Poinl BASI C. Fast Sort Atari), Unscramble Game (multiple For PET/CBM, Extra Atari Colors Applesoft,Applesoft, GeneratingGenerating LowerLower CaseCase Text onon Atari). Unscramble Game (multiple Fur PET/C BM . EXira Atari Colors computers), Maze Generator (multiple Through Artifacting,Insurance Life Apple II,II. Copy Atari ScreensScreens tow the Printer,Pri nter. computers), Maze Genemror (multiple T hrough ArLifacting. Life insurance computers), Animating ApplesoftEstimator Graphics,(multiple computers), PET Disk DirectoryDirectory PrinterPrinter for Atari,Amri, Realtime computers), Animating Applesoft Graphi cs . Estimatur (mulliple compuler·s). PET II, Screen Input. Getting The Most Out Of Clock onon Atari, PET BASICBASIC Delete Utility,Utility, A SimpleSimple Printer InterfaceInrerface for the AppleApple II, Screen I npUl, Gelt ing T he ~ I os t Out or A Simple Atari Wordprocessor, Adding VIC'S 5000 Bytes. PET Calculated Bar Graphs,Graphs, Running 4040 A Simple Atari \Vordprocessor, Adding VIC's 5000 B),les. HighHigh SpeedSpeed VerticalVertical PositioningPos itioning to AtariAtari P/PI ColumnColumn ProgramsPrograms oonn a CBMC BM 80328032.. Home and Educational COMPUTING! M Graphics,Graphics. OSOSII SSupercursor,upercursor. A LookLook At Home and Educational COMPUTING! (Fall 1981 and Summer 1981 -count as JunJunee 1981:1981: CoComputermputer UsUsinging EducatorsEduc·ators SuperPET,SuperPET, SuSupermonpermon for PET/CBM,PET/CBM. PET (F;III 1981 and Summer 198 1 - counl as one hack issue): Exploring The Rainbow (CUE) oonn SofSoftwaretware PriPricing,Cing, Apple 11II HireHiress Mine Maze Game. onc b,-lC k iss ue): Exploring The Rainbow Machine, VIC As Super Calculator, CCharacterharacter GeGenerator,nerator. EvEver-e r ~ expanding Machine, VIC As Super Calculator. January 1982: Invest (multiple computers), Custom Characters. Alternate Screens, AppleApple Power.Power, CoColorlor BBursturst fforor Atari, Mixing January 1982: Invest (multiple computers) . Custom Characters. Alt ernate Scrcens. Developing a Business Algorithm (multiple Automatic Line Numbers. Using The Atari GraphicGraphicss ModeModess 0 and a,8, ReRelocatinglocating Developing a Business Algorithm (multiple Automatic Line Numbe rs. Usi ng T he computers), Apple Addresses, Lowercase Joystick (Spacewar Game), Fast Tape PET BASBASICIC PrPrograms,ograms. An AAssemblerssembler IInn computers) , Apple Addresses. Lowercase Joys ti ck (Spacewar Gamc), Fast Tape Locater, Window. VIC Memory Map. BASIC for PET, QuadraPET,QuadraPET: MultitaMultitasking?sking? with UUnmodifiednmodified AppApple,le, CrypCryptogramtogram GaGameme Localcr. \-Vindow. VIC ~ I e m o r y Map. fforor Acari,Atari, SSuperfont:uperfOnt: DesDesignign Special JulJulyy 11981:981: HHomeome HeatinHeatingg aandnd CooCooling,ling. CCharacterharacter SeSetsts oonn AtAtari,ari , PET RRepairsepairs for Animating IntIntegerege r BASBASICIC Lores GrapGraphics,hics, the AmateAmateur,ur, MiMicromoncromon for PET, SSelfclf~ The AppApplele HiHiresres SShapehape WriteWriter,r, Adding a modifymodifyinging PProgramsrograms inin PEPETT BABASIC,SIC , TinTiny-y~ VVoiceoice Track ttoo AtarAtari Tracki PrPrograms,ograms, Machine mmon:on: a VVICIC MMonitor,onitor. VVicic CoColorTips,lor Tips . VVICIC Back iissuesssues areare $3.00 eaeachch oorr ssixix for $$15.00.1 for5.00. LanguaLanguagege Atari JoyJoystickstick DriverDriver,. FFourour ScreeScreenn MemMemoryory MapMap,, ZAP,ZAP: A VVICIC GaGame.me. PriPricece includeincludess freifreightght iinn [hthee US. OOutsideutside the UUtilitiestilities fforor the PET, SavSavinging Machine February 1982: Insurance Inventory US add $$1.001. 00 per mmagazineagazine ordered fforor LanguaLanguagege PrProgramsograms oonn PET TTapeape HHeaders,eaders. February 1982: Insurance In·,rentory (multiple computers), Musical Transposition ssurfaceurface pospostage.tage. $3.00 ~rper magazine fforor CoCommodoremmodore RROMOM SySystems,stems, ThThee Voracious (multiple computers). Musical Transposi tion (multiple computers), Multitasking air mail postage. All back issues subject to Butterfly oonn OSOSI.I. (multiple computers), Mu ltitasking air mail postage. All back issues subject to EmuEmulatorlator (mu(multipleltiple cocomputers),mputers). DiDisassemblesassemble avaiavailability.labi li ty. AAugustugust 11981:98 1: MinimizeMinimize CodeCode andand MaxMaximizeimize AppleApple PrProgramsograms from BASIBASIC,C , PlottinPlotting fromg In ththee CoContinentaln tinental US cacallll SSpeed,peed, AppleApple DDiskisk MMotorowr CoControl,nrrol. A PPolarolar GrapGraphshs oonn AppApple,le. Atari PINP/Mt GrapGraphicshics TOLLTOLL FREE 8800-334-086800-334-0868 CassCassetteette TTapeape MMonitoronitor fforor thethe AppApple.le, EasyEasy MadeMade EaEasy,sy , AtariAtari PILOT, PutPut A RRainbowainbow (I(Inn NC CallCall 9919-275-9809)19-275-9809) ReadReadinging ofof thethe AtariAtari JJoystick,oystick, BBlockadelockade inin yoyourur AtaAtati,ri. MarqMatqueeuee fforor PET.PET, PETPET DiDisksk Or write to COMPUTE! Back Issues, P.O. GameGame forfor tthehe Atari,Atari, AtaAtariri SoSoundund Utility,Utility, DisaDisassembler,ssembler, VICVIC PaddPaddlesles aandnd Keyboard,Keyboard, Or write to COMPUTE! Back Issues, P.O. Box 5406, Greensboro, NC 27403 USA. TheThe CBCBMM "F"Fatat 40,"40," KeywKeywordord fforor PET,PET, CCBM/BM/ VVICIC TimTimekeeping.ekeeping. Box 5406, Greensboro. NC 27403 USA. Prepayment required in US funds. PETPET LLoading,oading, CChaining,haining. andand OOverlaying.verlaying.
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