St. Benedict Catholic Church Sunday December 22, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Advent He’s One of Us PARISH: The Incarnation means that God is one of ST. BENEDICT, Honaunau us. He is made of our flesh and blood; he 84-5140 Painted Church Rd. laughs, sings, and loves people. Though we Captain Cook, HI 96704 believe he is God, he is still one of us. We Phone: 808-328-2227 can choose him to be on our team, trusting Fax: 808-328-8482 email:
[email protected] that he will play to win. When identifying MISSION CHURCH: ourselves, we normally tell others what we ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST do. Societies like the one to which Jesus be- Kealakekua longed usually identified themselves by WEEKEND MASSES tracing ancestry. As Isaiah tells us today, St. Benedict, Honaunau Jesus belonged to the house of David. Paul Saturday 4:00 p.m. says that he was of David “according to the Sunday 7:15 a.m. flesh” (Romans 1:3). The Gospel identifies St. John the Baptist Kealakekua Joseph as a “son of David” (Matthew 1:20). Saturday 6:00 p.m. Since Jesus was considered Joseph’s legal Sunday 9:30 a.m. son, he also was a “son of David.” Joseph is WEEKDAY MASSES told that the child will be called Emmanuel, St. Benedict, Honaunau which means “God is with us” (Matthew 7:00 a.m. Tues., Thurs. & Friday 1:23). Thus, Incarnation means God is with us in a unique way in this man who St. John the Baptist Kealakekua is one of us.