Top Reasons to Study at Warsaw University of Technology in Poland

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Top Reasons to Study at Warsaw University of Technology in Poland Study and live in the heart of Europe Top reasons to study at Warsaw University of Technology in Poland Warsaw University of Technology In the modern world technical studies open up possibilities of varied, often fascinating professional careers. Graduates of Warsaw University of Technology are employed in every branch of the economy. They lead large companies, set up small and medium-sized enterprises, they become politicians or academic teachers in Poland and abroad. Multidisciplinary education – that enables acquiring wide knowledge, specialist skills essential for future work and development of own interests – makes the diplomas of Warsaw University of Technology recognisable on international markets. Skilful development of students’ scientific ambitions and involvement of academic teachers, along with a constructive combination of tuition with scientific research, give splendid results. Prof. Jan Szmidt, Ph.D., D.Sc. Rector of Warsaw University of Technology CONTENTS Why WUT ................................................. 8 What we offer ......................................... 18 Research ................................................... 22 Top reasons to study in Poland ......... 26 Studies in English .................................. 44 How to apply ........................................... 48 Welcome It is our great pleasure to welcome you to Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) – a technical research university with its educational traditions dating back to the 19th century. It is a forward-thinking institution where high-quality education meets world-class research and innovation. Our priorities are multi-layered study pro- Our primary aims are to educate responsible grammes supported by an advanced scien- professionals, committed to the values tific research. Modern study programmes of civic life, and to contribute to the and an extensive range of scientific and development of research and innovation, research works, including partnerships with which are the driving progress forces many universities, research institutions and in the society of the 21st century. high-tech industries, make our graduates thoroughly prepared for the global labour We are pleased and proud that many inter- market. In response to its demands, we offer national students from all parts of the world an exciting range of professional and techno- choose our university. While studying logical programmes which prepare students at WUT, it is also possible to complete a part for their future careers. of the study programme abroad by joining a partner institution for one or two semesters. WUT authorities and the entire academic staff do their best to acquaint the students Our university participates actively in vari- with up-to-date knowledge and skills that ous European educational programmes: Eras- are useful in today’s world. WUT offers mus+, Erasmus Mundus, ATHENS and many programmes at B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels others. It is our ambition to become a serious in every field of technology – ranging from partner in creating the European Higher Edu- civil engineering and architecture to op- cational Area. toelectronics, materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology and biomedical technology. Thus, we place great importance on strength- We also provide complementary programmes ening relations of international knowledge to technical studies and offer programmes exchange and stimulating understanding, in economics, social sciences, management, tolerance and respect for different ideas administration and business. and cultures. Why WUT Why WUT Warsaw University of Technology is the Modern study programmes and an extensive oldest Polish technical university with range of scientific and research work, traditions dating back to the 19th century including partnership with many universities, (1826). For over 180 years, it has been edu- research institutions and high-tech indus- cating generations of engineers and there- tries, guarantee that our graduates are well by making a significant contribution to the prepared to succeed in the labour market development of technical sciences. worldwide. 8 STRONA Academic partners 32 elds of study Cooperation with over Including studies in English 150 foreign universities. as the language of instruc- 9 tion. Why WUT According to QS World University Rankings WUT is the best University in Poland in the following 6 fields of study: Architecture / Built Environment, Engineering – Chemical, Engineering – Civil & Structural, Engineering – Electrical, Engineering – Mechanical, Material Science. We are the best! According to QS World University Rankings, Warsaw University of Technology is the best technical University in Poland. 32 fields of study Including studies in English and Polish. Academic partners Cooperation with over 150 foreign universities. Graduate employability The highest percentage of graduates who take managerial positions. 10 Why WUT WUT Development Programme Clubs and societies Co-financed by the EU within the framework Over 100 registered student research groups, of ESF, which ensures a high level of educa- organisations and student associations. tion and adaptation of the didactic offer to the demands of the job market. Cultural Student initiatives and entertainment events Academic choir, the song and dance Numerous concerts, festivals, exhibitions. ensemble, entertainment orchestra, theatre, as well as media (website, online TV and radio). Successful sport teams Cooperation University Sports Club AZS PW and With some of the biggest companies, our basketball and volleyball players. such as Siemens AG, BASF, ABB Ltd., FIAT, France Telecom, Autodesk. 11 Why WUT Increase your career potential All students and alumni of Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) are welcome to take advantage of the Career Services (CS) providing advice, education and information in the fi eld of professional promotion of students, Ph.D. students and graduates of the University. WUT Careers and Employment Employers seek well-rounded graduates who They can also take part in a career coach- can demonstrate relevant studies, work ex- ing session or in training courses focused perience and extra-curricular involvement. on skills which are crucial for their further development (e.g.: communication skills, Our dedicated Career Services Team exists assertiveness, team work, self-presentation, to support students and alumni of WUT in coping with stress, time management their personal and professional development. and entrepreneurship). Among others, students and graduates are welcome to meet Career Advisors and re- ceive realistic information about the Polish labour market, learn how to prepare an effective CV and cover letter, and how to get ready for a job interview. 12 Why WUT Career events To support the idea of professional network- The study aims to determine if the knowledge ing, the Career Services’ Team organises acquired by students during their education career events such as: “Meeting with at Warsaw University of Technology was Employer”, “CareerDate”, local job fairs, used properly and suggests possible modifi- trial job interviews, etc. cations of curricula in order to adapt them to the needs of employers. The study con- With education, which takes into account ducted in 2016 showed, among others, that: the needs of the job market and the develop- ing economy, the Career Services have been conducting the study entitled “Monitoring of Professional Careers of Warsaw University of Technology Graduates” since 2012. 85,5% 61,6% 61,3% 25,7% of WUT alumni see were employed of WUT graduates find did not have to look for a positive influence before their a job within one month a job, because employers of graduation from graduation found them first WUT on their career 72,7% 7,2% over 65% of questioned WUT run their own of WUT graduates find graduates are employed business employment in companies of international scope WUT graduates are most often employed in the following sectors: IT – 17% architecture / civil engineering – 10% power/ electrical engineering – 6,4% 13 Why WUT Experience student life at WUT Studying at Warsaw University of Technology is not only about hard work. We can also offer you an exciting student experience. Student association Various student organisations, such as Stu- Students of Warsaw University of Technology dents Union, Erasmus Students Network and can join international associations, such as: International Students Association, come up with many initiatives to make sure studying • BEST (Board of European Students of Technology), at WUT is not just about lectures and exams. • ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engi- neering and Management), They organise cultural, sport and tourist • EUROAVIA (European Association of Aerospace activities such as parties, theatre goings, Students), sport competitions, sailing or skiing camps • IAESTE (International Association for the Ex- and many other social events. Sometimes change of Students for Technical Experience), they arrange courses or training programmes • IACES (International Association of Civil Engineer- for students. Members of those organisations ing Students) and many others. are particularly responsible for foreigners. They offer a helping hand when you have problems with your course, teachers or adaptation to student life. 14 Why WUT Mentors Clubs and Societies Each new student can apply for a Mentor At WUT faculties there are over 100 student – a current student of WUT who will support research societies. Research projects carried
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