1.GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE DISTRICT ˚ LOCATION & BOUNDARIES : Situated between 23º 70º & 24º 50º N Latitude and 92º 50º W –93ELongitude it is bounded by and , on the North and North West respectively, on the south and east by District, and on the south west by District, Mizoram. National High way No. 54 passes through the Middle of the district from North to South direction. AREA : Total Area : 1472.12 Sq. KM. ( 70% Under forest cover.)

CLIMATE : * Under the tropical monsoon climate zone of . * The average annual rainfall is 197 cms, approximately. * Winter extends from November to February with temperature ranging between 12 º to 23 ºC. & summer 20 º to 30 º C


POPULATION : MALE : 41652, FEMALE : 40709, TOTAL : 82361

Contd…. Contd. from pre. page….

VILLAGE & BLOCK : No of Village : 34 Nos. RD Block : 29 Nos. Thingdawl RD Block : 16 Nos.

No of Sub Divisional Agriculture Office : 1 No. No. of Agriculture Circle : 1) Kawnpui Circle 2) Bukpui Circle 3) Circle 4) Circle

AGRICULTURE • 75% of the total Population depends upon Agriculture. • 4752.01 Ha.(approx) of land is covered by WRC(developed & to be Developed) 2.WEATHER CONDITION DISTRICT WISE RAINFALL (in mm) for the year 2010-2011 Name of District :- Sl. No. Month 2010 2011 Remarks (+/-) 1. January Nil 5 + 5 2. February 1.2 Nil - 1.2 3. March 229.0 117.2 - 111.8 4. April 522.4 342.4 -180 5. May 344.9 NA 6. June 518.2 NA 7. July 358.3 NA 8. August 650.0 NA 9. September 435.4 NA 10. October 159.2 NA 11. November 5.2 NA 12. December 58.0 NA Total 3281.8 NA 3. FINAL AREA & PRODUCTION OF 2010-2011

Sl. Name of Crop 2010-2011 (Target) 2010-2011 (Achievement) No 1 Area Prod Area Prod ’000 ha ’000 MT ’000 ha ’000 MT CEREALS 1) Rice 6.31 11.884 6.28 11.708 2) Maize 0.883 1.23 0.893 1.2447 Total Cereals 7.193 13.114 7.173 12.9527 2 PULSES 1) Arhar 0.033 0.0275 0.041 0.0346 2) Rice Bean 0.059 0.07 0.055 0.0652 3) Field Pea 0.099 0.106 0.091 0.098 4) Cow Pea (Kharif) 0.124 0.117 0.123 0.11605 5) Cow Pea (Rabi) 0.052 0.068 0.046 0.0601 6) French Bean 0.137 0.108 0.132 0.1038 Total Pulses 0.504 0.4965 0.488 0.47775

Contd…. Contd from pre. Page….

Sl. 2010-2011 (Target) Name of Crop 2010-2011 (Achievement) No 3 OIL SEEDS Area (’000 ha) Prod (’000 MT) Area (’000 ha) Prod (’000 MT) 1) Sesamum 0.124 0.08 0.13 0.0834 2) Soyabean 0.134 0.20 0.137 0.1614 3) Rape & Mustard 0.338 0.248 0.326 0.2406 Total Oil Seeds 0.596 0.528 0.593 0.4854 4 OTHERS 1) Tapioca 0.032 0.379 0.101 1.1962 2) Cotton 0.03 0.0174 0.029 0.0148 3) Tobacco 0.014 0.0075 0.013 0.007 4) Sugarcane 0.229 3.734 0.297 3.7104 5) Potato 0.098 0.858 0.099 0.868 Total 0.403 4.9959 0.539 5.7964 GRAND TOTAL 8.696 19.1344 8.793 19.71 4. PROGRESS REPORT OF R.K.V.Y ( 2010-2011)

Fund release order of Rs. 15.45 Lakhs received vide No. B.13015/9/2010-11- DTE(AGR-RKVY) of 11.4.2011 as below:- Target area Amount Sl. Name of Project Proposed (Ha.) for 1st Benefited No. activity Installment (Rs. In lakhs) Village 1 Jeep Road Zau WRC - I 10 5.60 Kolasib

2 Zophai WRC - I 10 5.60 Bairabi

3 Tuitam zau WRC - II 5 4.25 Kawnpui

TOTAL 15.45

Field verification is being done & target beneficiaries selected.  Arrangements been made to start work as soon as receipt of Fund. 5. PROGRESS REPORT OF N.L.U.P ( 2010-2011) a) Target No. of beneficiaries for 2010-2011 (1st Installment) WRC-I WRC-II Oil Palm Sugarcane Total 168 103 83 33 387 b) Achievement during 2010-2011 (Financial in lakh Rupees) WRC-I WRC-II Oil Palm Sugarcane Total Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. 168 33.60 103 20.60 83 16.60 33 6.60 387 77.40 c) Other Informations Amount Sl. No. Particulars (Rs. In lakh) 1 Fund received for assistance to beneficiaries (2010-2011) 88.60 2 Fund actually disbursed 77.40 3 Fund balance in NLUP account 11.20 4 Amount of fund disbursed per beneficiary 0.20

Contd…. Contd from pre. page…. Target for 2nd Installment-

Activity-wise no. of beneficiaries Rate of Fund being Additional Fund Sl. Assistance kept in the fund reqmt. for No Assisted Eligible for 2nd Inst. District reqmnt. st nd 2nd Inst. Activity from 1 for 2 (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Inst. Inst.

1 WRC –I 168 168 40000 67,20,000 11,20,000 1,48,07,500

2 WRC – II 103 105 43500 45,67,500

3 Oil Palm 93 83 40000 33,20,000

4 Sugarcane 33 33 40000 13,20,000

TOTAL 1,59,27,500 6. PROGRESS REPORT OF NWDPRA ( 2010-2011) Name of District : Kolasib Number of Projects : 16 Treatable Area : 11150 Ha. Area in ha & rupees in lakhs

Unit Target for 2010-11 Achievement Remark Sl. No Component Ha/No Phy Fin Phy Fin

A. Management Component 1 Administration 29.30 Nil 29.3 2 Monitoring 2.30 Nil 2.30 3 Evaluation

B. Preparatory Phase 4 Entry Point Activity 5 Institution & Capacity Building

6 Detail Project Report C. Watershed works Phase 7 Watershed development work Ha. 2874 172.42 2874 172.42

8 Livelihood activities for assetless No. 575 28.74 575 28.74 persons 9 Production System & micro 47.11 47.10 enterprise D. Consolidation phase - - Total 279.87 Nil 279.86 7. PROGRESS REPORT OF WDPSCA UPTO 4th QUARTER OF 2010-2011 Name of District : Kolasib Number of Project : 6 Treatable Area : 2965 Ha.

Unit Target Achievement Remarks Sl.no Component Ha/No Phy Fin Phy Fin

A. Management Component 1. Administration 3.36 3.36 2. Community Organisation/Corpus Fund 4.16 4.16

3. Training No. 4 Monitoring 0.72 0.72 B. Water Harvesting Structure 1. Arable Land Ha. 367 44.08 359 43.10 2. Non Arable Land 3. Drainage Line Treatment

C. Rehabilitation Component

1. Land base unit

2. House hold unit No.

TOTAL Released to52.32 PIAs on 8.4.201151.34 8. PROGRESS REPORT OF ISOPOM ( 2010-2011) Total area : 2,473.91 Ha. Actual Nos. of Oil Palm farmers as of March, 2011 : 1811 Nos. No. of seedlings distributed : 73,370 Actual Nos. of standing plant : 73,370 FFB produced till date : 472 Qtls. Estimated FFB (2011-2012) : 1500 Qtls. Farmers having fruit bearing stage : 106 Nos. Total Nos. of Water Harvesting Structures constructed : 367 Nos. Total Nos. of Dug-out ponds constructed : 271 Nos. Total area of Half Moon Terrace constructed : 152 Ha. Trainings conducted 1) Village level : 22 batches 2) District Level : 4 batches Total no. of Vermiculture Units received : 35 Units Water Pumpset received : 315 sets Contd…. Contd from pre. page…. Drip Irrigation set received : 272 sets. Pipes received 16mm HDPE Pipes (400 mtrs) : 90 rolls 25mm HDPE Pipes (100 mtrs) : 625 rolls 32mm HDPE Pipes (100 mtrs) : 134 rolls GCI sheet received : 313 bundles PP Chemicals- a) Glyphosate 41% SL in 500ml : 1420 b) Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL (1 lit) : 100 c) Zinc Phosphide 80% (10g pouch) : 3500 d) Bromadiolone (Cake) 0.005% (100 g) : 2500 e) Carbendazim 50% WP (100 g) : 900 f) Mancozeb 75% WP (500 g) : 50 g) Monocrotophos 30% SL(100 ml) : 300 h) Dimethoate 30% EC (100 ml) : 200 Contd…. Contd from pre. page…. i) Carbofuran 3% G (1 Kg) : 180 j) Alluminium Phosphide 56% (10 g) : 3500 k) Celphos : 2800 pouches l) Bromodiolone (concentrate) : 5500 nos. m) Growth Promoter : 50 lts. n) Spade : 113 nos o) Kodali : 133 nos  Subsidy/ Cultivation received for the year 2010 – 2011: Year Area Rate Amount 1st Year (2010-2011) 489.13 Ha. @Rs.4600/- Rs.22,49,998 2nd Year (2009-2010) 1166 Ha. @Rs.3300/- Rs.38,47,800 3rd Year (2008-2009) 520.97 Ha. @Rs.3500/- Rs18,23,395 4th Year (2007-2008) 244 Ha. @Rs.4100/- Rs.10,00,400.00 TOTAL Rs.89,21,593.00  Factory site area identified at Buhchangphai : 30 Ha. 9. PROGRESS REPORT OF ATMA ( 2010-2011) (Area in ha & rupees in lakhs) Unit Target Achievement Remarks Sl.no Component Ha/No Phy Fin Phy Fin

A. Farmer oriented activities

1. Training of farmers No. 16 2.48 16 2.48

2. Demonstration No. 40 1.35 40 1.35

3. Exposure visit of farmers No. 4 1.85 4 1.85

4. Mobilization of Farmers Group No. 4 0.30 4 0.30

B. Farm information dissemination

4. District level exhibition No. 1 1.00 1 1.00

5. Farmers Scientists Interaction No. 3 0.60 3 0.60

6. Printed leaflets, local advertisement etc. 0.80 0.80

7. Development of technology package No. 3 0.60 3 0.60

C. Agriculture technology refinement, validation etc.

8. Designate Expert support from KVK/ SAU at Dist. Level 0.08 0.08

9. Assesment, refinement, validation etc. No. 1 1.00 1 1.00

10. Organization of field days, Kissan gosthies etc. No. 3 0.60 3 0.60

D. Establishment of ATMA like institutions 3.7036 3.7036

F. Farmers Friend for 3 months 0.18 0.18

G. Farm School No. 8 2.8664 8 2.8664

TOTAL 83 17.41 83 17.41 10. PROGRESS REPORT OF SRI in District (2010-2011) Demonstration on SRI was conducted in farmers field within 1 Sub-Division & 3 Circles. Result obtained so far from one of the demonstration Plots in farmers field is given below (Sub-division & Circle-wise).

Sl. Name of Sub- Nos. of Total area under Average Yield of No. Div./Circle Plot/Farmer Demonstration Paddy (Qtl./Ha.) (Ha.) 1 Bilkhawthlir 14 20 29.36 Sub-Div. 2 Kolasib Circle 48 58 24.35 3 Vairengte Circle 15 15 17.87 4 Bairabi Circle 5 15 40.6 Total 82 108 Average yield of the District 25.01 11. a)TARGET CROP AREA & PRODUCTION FOR 2011-2012

Sl. No Name of Crop 2011-2012 (Target Production) 1 Area(’000 ha) Prod (’000 MT) CEREALS 1) Rice 6.35 12.00 2) Maize (Kharif) 0.85 1.198 3) Maize (Rabi) 0.20 0.27 Total Cereals 7.4 13.468 2 PULSES 1) Arhar 0.046 0.039 2) Rice Bean 0.059 0.07 3) Field Pea 0.12 0.13 4) Cow Pea (Kharif) 0.15 0.142 5) Cow Pea (Rabi) 0.06 0.078 6) French Bean 0.16 0.126 Total Pulses 0.595 0.585 Contd…. Contd from pre. page…. Sl. No Name of Crop 2011-2012 (Target) 3 OIL SEEDS Area (’000 ha.) Prod (’000 MT) 1) Sesamum 0.15 0.096 2) Soyabean 0.154 0.181 3) Rape & Mustard 0.35 0.26 Total Oil Seeds 0.62 0.51 Total of Oil Seeds 1.274 1.047 4 OTHERS 1) Tapioca 0.145 1.72 2) Cotton 0.06 0.031 3) Tobacco 0.05 0.027 4) Sugarcane 0.36 4.497 5) Potato 0.15 1.32 Total 0.765 7.595 GRAND TOTAL 10.034 22.695

Contd…. Contd from pre. page…. 11. b)TARGET OIL PALM AREA & PRODUCTION FOR 2011-2012 (VILLAGE WISE) Sl.No. Village Target Area (Ha.) Sl.No. Village Target Area (Ha.) 1 Kolasib I 80 19 Saipum 30 2 Kolasib II 73 20 N Hlimen 40 3 Kolasib III 84 21 Thingthelh 37 4 Bilkhawthlir N 37 22 Bukpui 49 5 Bilkhawthlir S 30 23 Lungmuat 27 6 Bairabi N 30 24 Nisapui 30 7 Bairabi S 30 25 Zanlawn 47 8 Meidum 26 26 Kawnpui I 60 9 Phaisen 27 27 Kawnpui II 53 10 Buhchangphai 50 11 Bukvannei 40 28 Khamrang 67 12 Saihapui K 27 29 Tuitun 66 13 Saihapui V 31 30 Mualkhang 60 14 Phainuam 33 31 62 15 Vairengte 42 32 Bualpui 42 16 N Chhimluang 20 33 Thingdawl 64 17 N Chawnpui 33 34 Rasdali 27 18 Saiphai 46 Total 1500 Contd…. Contd from pre. page….

ESTIMATED FFB FOR THE YEAR 2011 Sl. No Village Estimated FFB

1 Bilkhawthlir N 72 Qtls.

2 Bilkhawthlir S 65 Qtls.

3 Kolasib I 244 Qtls.

4 Kolasib II 226 Qtls.

5 Kolasib II 1050 Qtls.

6 Thingdawl 85 Qtls.

7 Bualpui 25 Qtls.

8 Kawnpui I 75 Qtls.

9 Kawnpui II 25 Qtls.

10 Hortoki 30 Qtls.

11 Zanlawn 25 Qtls.

12 Khamrang 75 Qtls.

13 Tuitun 450 Qtls.


1. Double Cropping :

# The present system of cultivation in WRC is Early Paddy (Tai) followed by late Paddy (Buhpui) using local varieties.

# Departmental demonstrations on double Cropping are conducted to give awareness to the farmers.

# Having witnessed the Departmental demonstration many WRC farmers have adopted Double Cropping by cultivating HYV Paddy followed by Mustard Oilseeds and vegetables.

# The interest given by the farmers in mechanised cultivation practised in various Departmental demonstrations is obvious and would contribute in increasing cultivated area in the District. 13. ISSUES AND INTERVENTIONS : has a good WRC potential area and the total production of Paddy is also quite satisfactory. More than half of the paddy production from WRC goes to non- mizo tenants. Farm Mechanisation and Double Cropping system are introduced to reform the present system of tenancy. More mechanical inputs would enable the Department to extend more support to the Farmers which will make valuable contribution in utilization of underutilized potential flat lands for agricultural activities. Oilseed (Mustard) and Rabi vegetable occupy very less percentage of WRC area and production is quite low. So, Farmers training with demonstration and Awareness Campaigns & Field visits are organised to motivate them. 2nd Crops after Paddy under Double Cropping

Mustard Potato & Mustard Cultivation at Chilui, Kolasib

Potato field Mustard Field Demonstration of French Bean Demonstration of French Bean under ATMA, Kolasib under ATMA, Kolasib Cabbage doing well in field

The Director of Agri.(CH), visiting Cabbage field under Double Cropping Demonstration Demonstration with Field pea under Double Cropping

Pods are healthy in our demonstration Tomato Demonstration at Chilui Zau under Double Cropping Oil Expeller in Operation

Mustard Oil is successfully extracted A bi-product (Oil Cake) after extraction of Oil from Mustard is very useful for fodder, fish feed, Organic fertilizer etc. Potato Cultivation may not give good yield due to heavy rain just after sowing (DAO Kolasib with DDK- 18.12.2010) 2. RABI CROP DEMONSTRATION UNDER ATMA

* Vegetable Nurseries were raised from which seedlings were distributed free of cost to the needy farmers. Vegetable Nurseries under ATMA Vegetable Nurseries under ATMA Rabi Crop Demonstration under ATMA Rabi Crop Demonstration under ATMA- Field Pea at Chilui, Kolasib. Farm machines subsidised to farmers and trainings given to them on their operations & maintenance

Power Tiller distribution

Practical training on Farm mechanisation Newly transplanted SRI Plot With regular spacing under SRI SRI Demonstration plot at Chilui

A field of rice cultivated with SRI A single hill with profuse tillers SRI-Profuse Tillering

Weeding in SRI WHS under ISOPOM

Oil Palm – Assured market

Halfmoon Terrace in Oil Palm Oil Palm is doing quite well in Kolasib District Stone casing/ Gabion structures constructed at WDPSCA- Middle Tuichhuahen, Kolasib