Llilililj[Illlffilil[Il] Nittn
www.morehongzhou.com fts tfir.|.l vol 7,tssuE 5, MAY201I l-{ A N GZI{OU TH EAEgTil n Great to Springint ummer HIGHFIVE PLEASEDON'T TAKE IT TOTHE EXTREME Gymand FitnessTips for Newbies NTERVIEW By Antoniodel Sexipantalones ELL The Modern CuttingEdge of AncientChinese Arts By RuebenMarley ISSN 1005-9644 HOTSPOT NEPAL- BAGKAGAIN! llilililJ[illlffiLil[il]nittn By TanSiew Yim SC(ITTR(IDELL TheModem Cutting Edge of AncientChinese Arts BY RUEBENMARLEY 've been luckyenough to sharea Thesedays everybodywants to be a teacher. coupleof hours,talking to a world- Nobodywants to be a studentany more.Scott classkung-fu master. He's also a pausesfor the briefestof moments,to convey globallyrecognized expert who specializesin the gravityof the situation,as he expresses the study of traditionalChinese swords. He's his frustrationat the lost art of craftingpracti- the Center Directorof the Great RiverTaoist cal, historicallyaccurate, Center(GRTC), which has been providingall and effective swords in 'He mannerof martialarts training to studentsliving china.when I asked explores other related in the greaterWashington D.C. areafor nearly whythis is thecase, he forms of martial artS, like terriblyuninformed 30 years.There are five other GRTC centers aroundthe world,from San Franciscoto Rus- ff#H:'ii#"il3n[: Man'chuarchery, in his spare ::,"'iffil"."*Xil: sia. He has spenta very impressiveproportion problems in the world time. He's also in search of who is seriousabout it,the sword of hislife traveling to countriesaround the world, today is that sometimes the best manUfaCtUrer Of the learning to teach,and to be taught,by martialartists from peoplejust becomeway all walksof life.He's also got about20 yearsof toosuccessfut in tisht of Chinese jian.' fi", H:t;"#:H:: Taijiquanexperience under legendarymasters their endeavors,robbing lightly,and Scott lays Wang Yen-nien,T.T.
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