Block all to robocalls and the fake numbers they follow up with after Nomorobo blocks them!

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PLEASE, PLEASE let our phone companies let us block these annoying, intrusive and rude calls. I am so sick of them, either it is someone who can't speak English trying to sell me something that I have no interest in or tryint to intimidate me into buying something or there is on one there. THIS IS VERY ANNOYING. I have better things to do with my time than waste it on these calls.

Peggy Carr Livermore Maine

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I DO NOT want to recieve robocalls!

Karen Wenger Muncie, IN

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I'm tired of being harassed by robocalls. These people are so inconsiderate. If I want or need their services I will contact them myself. Please make it illegal for these people to continue harassing me. Thanks for anything you can/will do to help.

Edgar Chism Memphis, TN.

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I receive robo and other unsolicited calls daily on my office, home and cell phones. I am on the do not call list to no avail. Many of these calls continue to come from the same callers who I have requested delete me from their call list and that I am on the Do Not Call List. Please give consideration to helping the consumers in America. Thank ou.

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They are annoying and very disruptive. I want them to stop.

William Senko FORKED RIVER N.J.

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To Whom it May Concern at the FCC:

I'm a small business owner who feels that I am being constantly harassed by telephone solicitors and robocalls. I think it is the FCC's responsibility to develop a program to intercept these annoying and time-consuming calls or alternatively fine the callers as a deterrent. We'll be watching how our politicians vote on this issue.

John Brennan, Specialty Repair Alpharetta, GA

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Have a spine and STOP the robo calls.Give me your phones numbers and I'll call you at 9:00 or 10:00 pm.


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Robocall blocking facilities like Nomorobo are performing a invaluable service that should be extended to every telephone user. Please make it mandatory for telephone service providers to maintain the features that make robocall blocking possible.

David J Zimny, Ph.D. Oakland, California

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I hate robocalls and we should have the choice to block them.


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Its time for robo calls to go like the Ford tin lizzie. My phone is for my own private use and not for useless junk calls.

Thank you

Fran Allison Franklin Ma

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Please allow NOMOROBO to block these robocalls. It is a great and necessary service. We have gotten 4or more robocalls a day.


Ken Spencer Maple Valley, WA

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Why Must my family be annoyed, disturbed and feel threatened by these incessant calls from machines?

We are forced to shut the ringer off our phone. If we didn't need one for an emergency, I would tear it out and save my 40 dollars a month.

We need a way to block these calls and have some peace of mind.

Thank you for your time.

John Huff Hastings, NY

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I am tired of paying for phone service only to have it used to harass me. I think it should be illegal for anyone to ring my phone unless there will be a live person on the line when I pick up: Not a live person after several seconds' delay, and definitely not a recording (and that goes for political calls as well as commercial and charitable appeals). It should be illegal to ring a number several times then hang up after the call is answered (as ALL mass callers do, because their systems dial several numbers at once). All mass callers should have to clearly identify themselves at the start of the call and accurately indicate the nature of the call (sales, charitable solicitation, political pitch). Further, I think that "surveys" shouldn't be exempt, because too many of the calls I receive now are masquerading as surveys when they are actually just pitches, either for causes (political and charitable) or businesses: For example "We are calling you today to see if you are happy with your ____ service. Have you had service interruptions in the last 6 months?" (End of "survey", beginning of sales pitch.) Finally, the option to block any and all numbers should be a phone account holder's right, since the current no-call list is only partially effective, and all calls should be required to display the source number so that they can be blocked. Entities making mass calls who conceal the source phone number should be fined and shut down--it's not hard to identify such nuisances on modern phone systems.

My understanding is that the NSA has lots of information about phone calls: It should be used to enforce existing regulations regarding no-call requests, and to fine and/or block sources that violate regulations. No sense wasting all that money gathering phone call data, and it would be rare good publicity for the NSA.

I understand that implementation and enforcement of the standards I propose above would be difficult for government agencies (although I do think the standards should be set and enforced as well as possible)--that's why it is important that citizens be given tools to protect themselves from nuisance and predatory callers.

As for those boilerroom bandits who argue that limiting mass calling is an unfair restriction of their businesses: Give me their home phone numbers and/or mobile numbers and I'll set up a computer to illustrate the problem to them. kevin ryan fort collins, colorado

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Since the government doesn't seem to be able to do anything about shady telemarketers or outright criminal scam callers, I have come to regard Nomorobo as an indispensable adjunct to my telephone service. Perhaps if everybody had access to this, or a similar utility, the problem would resolve itself.

Edward A. Goldrick Mayfield Heights, OH

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The robocalls still come. I don't think the system works.

Francis Hearn North Tonawanda, NY

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The Federal government (and many state governments) provide for a "Do-Not-Call" list, which telemarketers are REQUIRED to check BEFORE they call people, so they do not call people whose phone numbers are on the list. Likewise, current law FORBIDS robocalling to cell phones. Likewise, sending of junk faxes is prohibited.. Nonetheless, scofflaws (criminals!!) routinely IGNORE these laws and routinely make MILLIONS of such phone calls every week... and the governments do little or nothing to prosecute these crimes. If the government chooses (selectively!) to abdicate its responsibility to enforce the laws in effect, then consumers need to be allowed to do whatever they can to address the continuing problem.

Gordon E. Peterson II Farmers Branch, TX

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Robocalls need to stop. They cleverly call from numbers that are hijacked or otherwise disguised so you can't block them. They constantly interrupt family time and hang up when you ask to be removed from their list.


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Pearland, Tx

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Tried to scam my elderly parents out of money

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I want to be able to block robocalls and end calls from telemarketers. I recently had to change my home number because they were driving me crazy. I am 100% disabled vet. Help!

Meredith Smith Avondale Estates, Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 21 of 5002

NOMOROBO is the best thing to happen to irritating robo calls! After years of these irritating calls-- especially at dinner time (although there is NO good time)-- registering with nomorobo has made life easier. We are also sick of getting these unsolicited calls on our cell phones and would like nomorobo extended to these phones.

Ken andMary Bottorf Gettysburg, PA

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Robocalls are a constant annoyance and distraction. I find most of them are from dubious and unsolicited vendors selling products that are of little or no interest. I never have and will not purchase from these vendors. Robocall blocking products such as nomorobo are invaluable as they have cut down these unwanted calls by over 90%. Please implement rules that require the phone companies to offer these services.

Raj Mundkur Ridgewood, NJ

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I want to have the right to block all robocall products.

Amy Baker Pickerington, OH

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Robocalls serve no useful purpose and the intrusions are irritating.

If robocalls are allowed, robocall blocking products should also be allowed to allow users who don't want to be bothered with robocalls to block them.

Joe Barger Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

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I am sick of having robo-callers calling me at all hours during the day. This is harassment and I should be able to do anything in my power to make it stop. Your Do Not Call List is a farce and stops nothing. I want ALL unwanted calls to stop, including your political ads throughout each election season. Enough is enough. It is MY phone not yours. I pay the bills not you. I should be able to decide which calls I want and don't want.

Vic Lombard, IL

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I'm sick of the robocalls. Please do something!!!!!

Joseph Isola Napa, CA

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Except in times of emergency robocalls should be eliminated.

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As a retired person I am bombarded with at least 3 or more call on some days. It is to the point that I don't want to answer my phone. Now I have caller identification n if I get a call from a number that I don't recognize I ignor it, that doesn't stop them from leaving a message that I deliete. I just can't win n I signed up to stop it awhile back n you can see how well it has helped me. Please please do something to stop these annoying, pestering daily calls.

Newark. Delaware

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Robo call blocking should be allowed. Otherwise, it causes too much distraction and waste of time and origin of scams.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 30 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls and end calls from telemarketers. I recently had to change my home number because they were driving me crazy. I am 100% disabled vet. Help!

Meredith Smith Avondale Estates, Ga

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I want to be able to block robocalls and end calls from telemarketers. I recently had to change my home number because they were driving me crazy. I am 100% disabled vet. Help!

Meredith Smith Avondale Estates, Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 32 of 5002

I need more help blocking robocalls to my home number. Although Robocall has helped GREATLY it does not catch everything. Verizon does a VERY POOR job of helping the consumer in this area. Verizon FIOS only lets me list 10 numbers to block and UNKNOWN NUMBERS and PRIVATE calls still make it though. In this age of unbelievably technology, you would think they could give the consumer greater control of calls that make it through wouldn't you??

Every morning I get the same call from an UNKNOWN NUMBER, they call again in the evening. Not just once or twice a week, EVERY DAMN DAY. I suspect the phone company wants consumers to give up their land lines and just use cell phones, otherwise they would do something to help the consumer block these companies who show up as known robocallers. So I get UNKNOWN calls even though I have set up FIOS up to reject such calls so their attempts don't work. I still get the CLEANING SVC call, the PBA calling, and others that I have no idea who they are.

Please make the phone companies do more to help consumers and SUPPORT NOMOROBO. In fact, the phone companies should be forced to work with NOMOROBO if they cannot fix the problem themselves or give the consumer the tools to make more choices on who calls them.

Mike Godown Silver Spring, MD

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I get so many calls that are not friends or anyone I care to listen to. Last week in one 36 hour period I had one caller call 7 times and I received

16 other calls that were not anyone I knew... I'd sure like a way to block those calls...

Panama City Florida

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I have no more roboc calls and it works great and I have had no issues with it. It should be accessible to everyone who wants it.


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Robocalls are an annoyance and they keep calling at all hours.

Please let the Phone companies block these calls as they are just annoying at dinner me and late at night.

Thank You,

James Belling

James Belling Wantagh, NY

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Our household phone along with our mobile phones receive many robocalls. Our telephone service providers do not provide adequate call screening options. On our home phone Verizon only offers us to ability to block ten numbers that we must specify in advance. Our cellular provider, AT&T, only offers options that cost money. We have been using Nomorobo's service to help block the calls on our home phone and it has been a terrific help to our privacy and sanity. We need more options for blocking robocalls, please help us see more and better options for our service providers!

Richard H. Reuling III and Shawn W. Jones Bear, Delaware

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I am sick and tired for running to the phone during dinner , when i have company ,busy doing work at home , getting calls selling me stuff ,a survey done ,hanging up ,selling me religious books and other crazy stuff . I am on the No call list for telemarketers but some reason they still are able to get through .

Houston Texas

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I want to be in control of my phone and I want to be able to block all the Robo calls! I am tired of being harassed by these callers.

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It's an abuse, I'm the owner and I'm the one that pays the bill. I should be able to do what I want with it.

Hudson, MA

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I think no commercial company or commercial individual should have the ability to place calls and computerized calls to my home for productes or services of which I have no interest in and have never asked for information on, I have Robocall blocking, I appreciate it very much, It blocks about 90 percent of the iritating calls we get, however we get some local unwanted calls mostly from contractors wanting work, we have hung up on most of that type but had some callers repeatedly tell us we were rude over and over the same caller. The phone company only wants to sell us more services and do nothing about the problem commercial calls invading our home, disrupting our privacy, peace, and quality of life.

Mr. Harley & Mrs. Floy Newman Costa Mesa, California

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My home phone is plagued with roboscalls. In one day alone, I received 32 robocalls. I have actually considered disconnecting our home phone because of this problem. Please allow companies like Nomorobo to continue offering a service that will block these annoying and time consuming calls. I feel like I am being harassed by these companies that are trying to solicit my business. The reason I have a home phone is so that I can stay in contact with the people and businesses that I chose. Not to be bugged by companies that I have no intention of dealing with.

Georgia Gidney Hesperia, California

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As I pay for my phone service I should be able to BLOCK any unwanted call that I don't wish to receive.

Since the Federal DO NOT Call register does not work or is ignored I want and need robocall blocking products. I am getting tired of these autodial calls interrupting my dinner and even my sleep time after 9PM.

Orin Wing Riverview FL

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Please help private citizens to expand their control over their own phones. Robo calls are a computerized invasion of our privacy, for which we never asked or gave permission. The "do not call" list has not worked. Unless you can come up with a way we can bill any unwanted callers for wasting our time, robo call blocking is our best defence yet. Over a third of our incoming calls are robo calls now, and it will get worse if not effectively stopped.

Kevin Haneiwich Santa Maria CA

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Please allow me to block robocalls. I am extremely busy and I'm annoyed by harrassing robocalls. I have two businesses and a full time job. I don't have time for that harrassment.

On another note it would be great if the do not call list worked. I also receive phone calls from telemarketers which are an annoyance.

Thank you,

Steve Line

Steven Line Golden, CO

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Please eliminate robo calls

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I pay for my home phone and cell phone as a way to keep in touch with the people I want to keep in touch with. Since I pay for it, I should be able to block calls from people and/or businesses that I don't want to have contact with. Robocalls are a major form of harassment that I should be able to control.

Beverly Gulfport, MS

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I am having robocalls blocked. Prior to this, our family life was constantly interrupted. I love the silence now.

Bellevue, WA

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Please do what is necessary to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers

Richard Murphy Merrick, NY

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The ability to block robocalls is very high on my priority list and so should it be on yours! As a retired person and home all day, I consider these kinds of calls an invasion on my privacy. This is NOT what I pay for to have phone service in my home. It's a complete waste of time and money for both me and the robocaller company. I'm forced to keep my answering machine on 24/7. Everyone I know feels the same way and does the same thing.

Kathleen Csendes Dublin, OH

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I'm tired of robocalls. I do not want these people calling me all the time. It's my phone and I pay the bill. Even with the robo blocker I still get the annoying calls imagine if some didn't get blocked. It would be constant.


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Come on, get serious. Of course we want to be able to block robocalls! Who wants to be pestered by "unknown" callers at all hours of day and night? If these companies really have something I might be interested in, call me live with clear information on my caller ID, and let me decide if I wish to listen.

Bruce Kupka Overland Park, KS

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We greatly resent the intrusion of robo calls. Nomorobo service has been wonderful and reduced not only the number of unwelcome calls but the number of rings one has to endure per call.

I think phone companies should offer this service for free!

Judith & Peter Matheisz Williamsville, NY

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Stop Robocalls and allow the sale of Robocalls blocking products!

Lloyd Torrence Matthews NC

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Please help stop robo calls. They are disruptive, come at all hours of the day and night.

Make it stop, NOW.

Thank you in advance.

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I love the fact that those annoying robocalls can be blocked. Prior to having this service, I was receiving 5-6 of these calls a day including evenings and weekends. Prior to to learning of this service, I was seriously thinking of discontinuing the phone service or just screening the calls with an answering service. Nomorobo service has been a wonderful service. It has stopped those harassing calls.

Ontario, NY

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Nomorobo is a godsend to us. We are seniors who were bombarded with those calls. Dozens daily! Now we're down to only one or two a day since we are using both nomorobo and another blocking device.

Do not make these devices illegal. Robo calls should be illegal!

Mary Starr Del Mar, CA

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I really cannot stand the robocalls. They call day and night, several a day.

I signed up for a blocking service and am anxious to see how it works out.

Sarah Anderson Glendale CA

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Why are you not enforcing the No Call List? Why can't I block robocalls on my phones? Get out of the telemarketers pockets and do your jobs!!!!

George Dodgen Augusta, Georgia

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I am a user of Nomorobo and greatly appreciate it's service. I wish that even more systems could be chosen by land line users to do away with unwanted calls. I used to report them to the Federal and State when receiving unwanted and illegal calls, but then the callers have learned that there are no consequences and we are drenched with illegal solicitations.

Martin Berkman, Janis Adams Dallas Texas

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I believe that robocall blocking is a must in order to maintain our freedom to select the people we don't want calling us. We should have the choice to block anyone we want from making unwanted calls to our house.

Ashland, MA

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Please consider allowing homeowner's and businesses to block unwanted calls. NOMOROBO!

Robert Jewell Port Murray, NJ

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Our phone rings so frequently with robo calls. Sometimes it says "This is your last chance to....." But we receive that same call daily for months on end. There is no way to stop the calls. Requesting not to be called has no effect. The phone rings inside our home many times every single day with these robo calls. We have NO choice and no way to put an end to them.

Chuck Ougheltree Vlg of Lakewood, IL

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HATE robocalls. why should I pay for ROBO calls coming to my cell phone? NOT a good thing.

Julie U davis ca

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The level of spam phone calls has reached a point where we don't answer the phone anymore, just check our messages!!

We want Nomorobo!!

David Tognacci Marlborough ,MA

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The crank calls you can't/won't stop needs a solution and therefore, Robocall blocking needs to stay in place. So get a spine and tell the phone companies to shut-up and enforce the robocall blocking solution for the customer.

Also the phone companies need to provide for an infinite number of calls that I can personally block. Right now I get ten numbers to block and that's not enough.


David Hargis San Jose, CA

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Please, please support robocall blocking services like Nomorobo. Please require the phone companies to support robocall/telemarking blocking services like Nomorobo.

About the only calls I get on my land line any more are illegal telemarking calls. I get several every day.

Please put some real teeth in stopping and also levying stiff fines against illegal robocallers.

Thank you.

Glenn Leibowitz Lakewood, CA

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Please make the telephone companies provide robo call blocking.

Derek Seipp Pittsburgh, pa

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Robo calls have essentially taken away my ability to use with my telephone as I did for about 60 years. Nearly every call is now an automated sales pitch. The number & frequency of those calls exploded over the past few years until we had just stopped answering. 25 or 30 a day is not unusual. About 7 months ago I was ready to shut down the land line completely. Just then we saw an article about an application called NOMOROBO which could be used to block calls from most known generators of robo calls. The service turned out to be about 90% effective.

For years we've dutifully registered on the government "do not call" list. For a long time it worked well, but in the absence of enforcement it became useless in recent years. So, if for some reason services such as NOMOROBO are removed from the equation, I believe the government has an obligation to step in & prosecute those who make those marketing calls despite our clear statement that we don't want to receive them. If our government won't enforce the law I'll be furious if the only other recourse we've found is taken away.

Rich & Laury Fisher

Richard & Laury Fisher Oakland, CA

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Please help make robocall blocking more accessible to consumers. Robocalling is a nuisance and is an unfair exploitation of consumers by mostly unethical companies.

Daniel Rubins Vallejo, CA

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Robo calls should only be allowed to be made to someone who "opts in" for them. All other robo calls should be prohibited or blocked.

Larry Gardner Indiana

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I do not want robocalls in any form.... Period.

Sandy Douglass San Diego, CA

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PLEASE, permit and encourage ANY technology that will block robocalls. Please.

Nancy Lee

Chapel Hill NC

Nancy Lee Chapel Hill NC

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We are seniors. Not really in good health. I just had cancer surgery 1/05/15. My husband is my care giver. We need our rest. PLEASE STOP the ROBOCALLS. They are calling 24/7

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I am disgusted by the constant calls we get! Over and over and over, ad nauseum. It is MOST OBTRUSIVE! May the fcc WAKE UP and address this GROSS INTRUSION. Sincerely , James Daughton james daughton mission hills, ca

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I am retired so I am home most of the time and can attest I receive several of these calls every day. I do not count them but would estimate I receive between four and ten per day. Often times they come after I have gone to sleep and they wake me up. I have registered with the National No Call List and Nomorobo but the calls persist. I am annoyed and fed up. I have even considered disconnecting my phone. Shouldn't all of us be entitled to privacy? Should profit trump all else in every aspect of our society? Please do something to put and end to this incessant abuse.

Anthony Gulla Burlingame, CA

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Stop the Robocalls!!!!!

Mel Cornin Basking Ridge, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 77 of 5002 this morning I had a call from a robo caller at 6 am. I was sound asleep. I should have the right to stop this kind of harassment. what normal human being thinks this is ok. I have requested to opt out of these callers but to no avail. I have asked to be removed from their call lists but am routinely ignored. the calls continue, STOP THIS INSANITY NOW!!!!!!! james muhlitner palm coast fl.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 78 of 5002 these robo calls are getting out of hand. i get several a day and it has prevented me from getting impotant calls i need from drs and hospitals new york

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So intrusive....they must be stopped!

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I am constantly bothered by robocalls - it drives me crazy all day long. My provider is Verizon and I want them to participate in nomorobo so I can get fewer of these calls. I'm s senior and running to answer the phone is a big chore. Please, please, make the phone companies act on this.

Jane O'Shaughenssy New York NY

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Please stop robocalls. For every robocall I receive, I am charged by my service. As the sole bread winner of the family, this cuts into our budget. There is no way to block individual numbers or spoofed caller IDs and so the calls keep coming. We can't afford it anymore. Please require telephone companies (including cell service providers and internet phone service providers) to make accessible robocall blocking products and services.

Mary Wisbey Oakland, CA

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I really like robocall blocking features like Nomorobo. We get to many calls even though I prescribe to 'National Do Not Call Registry'. I ask callers why they are calling me when I am on the 'National Do Not Call Registry'. They say they will remove me from the ir calling list. But why are they calling me in the first place FCC?

Richard Rutherford Coatesville, PA

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My name is Martin Friedman. I live in Simi Valley California and I have been plagued by Robo calls for the past three years. I discovered a firm called nomorobo that promised to lower my blood pressure from repeated Robo callers and their arrogant and annoying practices. My wife and I were plagued with calls starting at 7 AM and continuing through the dinner hour. I had tried the governments website that registered me to be on the do not call list. That was absolutely worthless. Nomo Robo has been a godsend. We get one ring and The call is literally erased.The telephone companies should be enabled to provide this service to all of America and I believe that would eliminate the Robo caller problem.

Martin Friedman Simi Valley, California

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I need to be able to stop robocalls my husband is sick and I find myself running to answer phone calls and its somebody selling something I don't have the time to keep answering these calls. they need to stop before I go crazy. I have called AT&T so many times to be able to stop these calls and they keep telling me there's nothing they can do.

I pay for this whole month and I should have the ability to say who I want to get phone calls from. mary ann polidore palm coast florida

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Although on the national "Do Not Call" list we often receive 3-7 robot calls a day! Every phone company should be mandated to protect customers from those often fraudulent annoyances from robbing of us of our liberty and pursuit of happiness in the privacy of our own homes!

Rodney Thomson Liberty Hill, TX

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As a disable senior it upsets me to hobble to the phone several times a day to have it be a robo call for something I don't want or need. Why would the FCC have a problem with a product to avoid such a nuance?

Arlington TX

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I feel that telecommuncations companies should have free "no more robo calls" service free of charge to consumers. Unwanted calls is an invasion of privacy.

Paulette Inglewood, CA

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Please ban robocalls. I've done what I can to limit calls from people I don't know. I signed up for the do not call list, I avoid giving my telephone number to businesses. I use robocall. I still get multiple calls daily on my land line and mobile phone.

Randall Breon Middletown, PA

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There is no quedtion here. Stop the robo calls! barry hall laurel, md

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I think anyone who solicits by phone is a predator and like all predators they prey on the weak and elderly as they are least likely to defend themselves. We keep dangerous animals caged or leashed and the same should be for telemarketers. Our government should protect its citizens not make them fodder to be inconvenienced or taken advantage of. It is much too easy to let a machine interrupt my daily activities for no good purpose.

Jim Owens Kings Mountain, NC

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Please stop the ROBOCALLS ! Over 70% of the calls we receive are robocalls. We have to use the "Caller ID" to determine whether to answer the phone; or not. Most hang up before the answering machine kicks in; but a few blindly fill up the machine with their blather. Very annoying!

Dave & Peggy Zimmerman Santa Rosa, CA

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Robocalls are out of control! We get several every day, even though we are registered to stop them.

We urge you to listen to Nomorobo.

Andrew Cockburn, Anne Cronin Morgantown, WV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 93 of 5002

As with any annoying call, which there are too many of, robo calls are the worse. I do not want annoying robo calls disturbing me, especially from politicians. Please continue to allow the public to block these robo calls. It's my time, and my phone, and I do not like being disturbed by these calls. This is a privacy issue, I want my privacy, I do not want everyone, and every business calling me. KEEP THE BLOCK FOR ROBO CALLS!!!!!!!!

Beverly Sjoblad Hyattsville, MD

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Please provide a way to stop robocalls. Please.

John E. Nordstedt Denville, NJ

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Robo calls are a nuisance. I want to have control of my phone.

White plains ny

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I am sick and tired of my phone ringing at all times of day and evening with people trying to sell me everything but the Brooklyn bridge. I have been using NOMOROBO for about a year and although it has not been able to stop all such unwanted calls, it has identified, intercepted and blocked 90% of them. The use of phone lines to solicit business, sell products or services or "take surveys" is an abuse and an invasion of my privacy and I expect the FCC to protect my right to control who can access my phone.

Ronald Scherer Woodland Hills, CA

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Stopping robocalls greatly reduces stress.

Ronald Potts Atlanta, GA

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Phone companies should allow consumers to block robocalls.

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Since robocalls are illegal and the FCC apparently is ill equipped to enforce the law, I think it is high time to force telephone companies to disallow robocall lines, and obligate the phone companies to block the existing robocall capabilities. The public should not be placed in a position to fund their private blocking capabilities.

Oskar J. Jacklin Renton, WA

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Please continue the ability to block automated nuisance calls!

Bellevue WAcontinue enforcing

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As with any annoying call, which there are too many of, robo calls are the worse. I do not want annoying robo calls disturbing me, especially from politicians. Please continue to allow the public to block these robo calls. It's my time, and my phone, and I do not like being disturbed by these calls. This is a privacy issue, I want my privacy, I do not want everyone, and every business calling me. KEEP THE BLOCK FOR ROBO CALLS!!!!!!!!

Beverly Sjoblad Hyattsville, MD

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Robocalls are a waste of my precious time and energy. When they come in on my cell phone, they waste my user minutes as well. The only robocalls I find acceptable are reverse 911 emergency notifications.

As an adult, I'm perfectly capable of picking out goods and services to buy and politicians to get my vote without phone messages. In point of fact, those who call LOSE my vote or purchase.

Please make the blocking of robocalls an easy and efficient option available to everyone, for landlines and cell phones.

Elizabeth Sheehy Bound Brook NJ

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Absolutely adopt some type of technology that blocks robo calls. Please enforce existing laws to stop them and caller id spoofing.

William Atmore Minneapolis MN

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I need and ask that I be able to block robocalls. I hate being called by companies and people I do not know and I do not want their products. They are a nuisance and I should be able to block their calls.

Kathryn Vogt Escondido, CA

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I do not want robocalls and wish to have robocall blocking.

Delray Beach, FL

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I am so tired of my life being interrupted by robo calls! I have no intention of buying anything or donating any money to any of these people. I beg you to make them stop calling my number! I have my own opinions about politics, religion, environment, etc., and I don't need to discuss or listen to any one else trying to persuade me otherwise!

Carole Stephan Pompano Beach, FL

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Everything in your power should be used to end the intrusive, persistent, obnoxious, illegal overseas operations from harassing U.S. citizens. Why do the phone companies care?-These are mostly computer operated-Web based dialing services operated offshore using USA based phone #s. Is the phone lobby that powerful? If so, who are the congressman getting these contributions?

Mark Diggs Plano, Texas

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Robocalls are an invasion of my personal privacy. My grandbaby naps at noon and that's when they start. I get 4 - 5 daily. Sometimes I'm sick in bed and can't get any rest. It's awful. You can't tell them to stop calling because it's not a person, but a machine. I know why you allow them, it's so politicians can use them. Well, let them find another way. This is not fair to us. If it doesn't stop, I'm disconnecting my phone and doing all my business by email and Internet.

Barbara Goss Cheektowaga, NY

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I am retired & have health problems. Unnecessary robocalls cause me stress & anxiety. I am on the do not call list but I still receive calls almost daily. Please, please stop these calls.

Thank you

Leslie Funderburk Philadelphia, PA

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Please stop Robocalls

M Landerd Foxboro MA

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I do not believe robo calls have any other use than be really annoying. I never ever want to receive a robo call and fully support nomorerobo, the fcc Should do thier job and make robo calls illegal period.

Peter Gilbert.

Peter Gilbert Las Cruces, NM

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Robocalls are extremely annoying. We the public cried out and received a partial solution in the way of the Do Not Call list, but that is not working well at all. Many of us do not enjoy being interrupted at dinnertime or called over and over by charitable organizations or even those who we do business with. If I want to purchase a product I'll initiate the transaction. When I have cash to give to charity I'll pick the destination when I'm able to give. For those who really insist, send me mail via the USPS, which is in need of the business, so that I can read it when I'm ready to.

Many people are disconnecting their land line to avoid annoying Robocalls. This of course is affecting the telephone companies negatively.

Stop RoboCalls!

Arnold Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 113 of 5002 please let the customer decide if they want to block robo calls. We would like to be able to control that ourselves.

Thomas Kremer Trevor, WI

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I currently receive 4 or 5 robocalls each day. Somedays I may get as many as 10! I have call ID so I can screen most but it takes time and is a distinct annoyance. Please stop this invasion of my home!

David P Francis Guilford, CT

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We have been called at all hours from robo calls. It is ANNOYING! We do not want to continue to receive these calls. Please put a stop to them.

Mooresville, NC

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I do not want unsolicited calls or calls from computers. Make this stop.

Tim Albrecht Doylestown, PA

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I am sick and tired of getting robo calls on my land line phones. It is time someone stops this. It is annoying and useless. I need some way that is simple to block all these type of calls. I would like to add all political robo calls to the list as well.

Terry Kenosha, Wisconsin and Weslaco, Texas

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Robo calls invade my privacy! They also just keep on trying, even if I'm not home; I can see them on my caller lists. Filling out the FCC form is extremely time-consuming, and rarely stops the problem. Robocall blocking products provide a defense for all of us, and must be allowed. Otherwise, our privacy is at the mercy of robocallers! Please make robocalls illegal, and allow the robocall blocking products, such as Nomorobo, to help all of us prevent this invasion of our privacy.

Cynthia Stone East Amherst, NY

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Stop all ironically. They are intrusive and disruptive! kaye nelson Corpus Christi, TX

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I want the ability to block all these unwanted calls that I receive every day and even multiple times the same day!!!

Robert Wareen Uniontown, OH

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Please stop these calls.

I did not give them our phone number. Calls have come in as early as 8:20am and as late as 9:30pm.

Thank you

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My Phone is for my benefit and use, it is not for the advertisers to sell me me crap I don't want or need!

Robert J Scarpa Sr Cinnaminson NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 123 of 5002

I'm sick of receiving robocalls. Please give us an option yo block them. Better yet they need to be made illegal!!!!

Nancy Prout

Antioch, ca

Nancy Prout Antioch ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 124 of 5002

I pay for a phone service through my ISP which I am SERIOUSLY considering dropping because I receive at least a dozen calls a day from robocallers and telemarketers. My landline is nothing but a nuisance now. I've called Comcast several times about the situation and they give me no options to combat the situation. Many times I have to unplug my phone so I don't have to hear it ring all day long. I have absolutely NO control over my own phone. I am utterly helpless. I am so frustrated that I've doing research to cut the cord because I'm paying a high bill to Comcast and they can offer me no assistance whatsoever. Thank you for allowing me to vent.

Sally White Raymond NH

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Robocalls are annoying and at times disruptive. PLEASE help me by giving me a way to block these. Plus we need an effective way to block 800 numbers and numbers not associated with specific businesses or individuals

Alan Flesh Golden, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 126 of 5002

Have better handle on this Robocalls, they're piece of crap and really annoying...

This shouldn't be that hard of a job to do.

Vick Dallas, TX

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We own the phone and we pay for the phone, we should not be forced to take calls from these people. If you were in charge of housing, would you require us to admit people into our houses?

Doug Gribbons Lakewood, Colorado

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I want to be able to block Robo calls from my home phone. Unsolicited calls are very annoying and I should be allowed to have the technology to stop getting these annoying calls.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 129 of 5002

We are overwhelmed with not wanted robocalls.

Please do not limit our ability to rid ourselves of them.

Benedict OBrien

Benedict OBrien Manhattan Beach CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 130 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy. Prior to my implementation of a robocall blocking product, calls from a variety of sources were coming in the rate of 3-5 per day, beginning at 8:03 AM and lasting until 10 PM. With the blocking product, my nuisance calls have been reduced by almost 100%.

Before, if I inadvertently picked up a robocall and requested that I not be called again, the callers would persist, sometimes more than once a day. Some even resorted to raising their voices as though I was deaf. As a caregiver and a senior citizen, these intrusions are alarming and troubling.

I would have never believed that my phone would become an instrument of anger and/or terror. Please do everything in your power to enforce and strengthen laws against robocalls.

Thank you.

Louise Fadness Northport, NY

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90% of the calls to my house are robocalls or telemarketers even though I registered for the national "do not call" registry and tell every single one of them "put me on your do not call list." No one listens. has cut down my annoying calls to one or two a day. It's a godsend. You should make it easier to block these calls, not harder!

David Steinberg Santa Monica, CA

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Robocalls HAVE to stop and products like Nomorobo are a step in the right direction. Please allow such products to continue in existence.

Morrisville, NC

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Please stop all Robocalls !! to many calls from call service credit card from Brigid,Carmen,Rachel...... senior citizen calls about falling...... Microsoft you need your computer fixed...... security system to I n stall...... surveys......

Patricia Kluczynski Buffalo,NY

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A family member nearly didn't answer a call because he didn't recognize the phone number and figured it was a robocall. It was a home calling to tell him his wife, daughter and pet dog were being attacked by a Pit Bull while on their walk together.

We are old and having to answer robocalls is a nuisance. We would never buy from robocalls.

Please block!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 135 of 5002

The abuses of calls at all times of the day, and the lack of a person when many calls are received makes the use very obnoxious. Many times, the phone remains dead for a significant duration before the recording begins. In addition, I simply don't like solicitations so the ability to block calls should be an option on all calls rather than my having to find the caller to ask them to put me on their do not call list. Many times, there is nothing but a simplistic recording and no way to opt out.

This could help. winston-salem, nc

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I think robo calls are a total invasion of my privacy. It is my right to choose to receive them or not. Nomorobo has saved me much time and aggravation. I have a large house and this allows me a way for screening from any room. I will never buy anything from anyone who does business this way PERIOD!!!! Please do no stop nomorobo.

SHERYL Lautenschlager Northridge. CA

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Robocalls should be prohibited to begin with. Any application that can stop these calls must be enabled. These calls are an unwelcome intrusion into my home. This is not a freedom of speech issue, it is an issue of privacy in my own home.

Philip Freshwater Elk Grove, CA

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They really piss me off!

Captain Peterka Exton, PA

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I am sick and tired of getting robocalls all hours of the day and night. It's bad enough that the National Do Not Call Registry is useless, but at least I can block the numbers that call repeatedly in the span of a few hours. I personally think these people who initiate these calls should be put in jail for invading my privacy!

Beth Weisbard Ballston Lake,NY

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This should be a no brainer. I pay for my phone tine. I should be allowed and facilitated by FCC in blocking unwanted phone calls. lynda. achord franklin Tennessee

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As a senior citizen, I greatly appreciate having the ability to block robocalls and I would encourage the FCC to permit technology that permits this valuable service to consumers.

Jim O. Rancho Mirage, CA

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Please, make intellegent rules to block robocalls tad Lawcewicz Arlington MA

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Robocalls are truly a pain. They are offensive to me and anything I can employ to STOP them is a good thing.

I have reported several robocallers to the FCC and 1 or 2 have stopped.

Robocalls, especially to cell phones, should be illegal.

Jim Frazier Laurel, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 144 of 5002

We need some help stopping robo calls. I can only block 20 at a time on AT&T. Nomorobo is doing a very good job,but they have trouble stopping them all. If I need to make a 911 call at the same time I get a robo call I have to wait until the robo ends

Steve Knight Winston,Ga

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With the sole exception of emergency notifications (so-called "reverse 911 systems"), robocalling equipment has NO LEGITIMATE USE! Therefore, manufacture, possession, sale, or use of robocalling equipment should be a felony for all but those government agencies that need to make emergency notifications for public safety purposes. However, since Congress is still shirking their duty on this matter it is up to the FCC to do their own duty by making robocall blocking technology easily accessible to all Americans and to mandate that all communication companies make the technology available to all of it's customers immediately.

Curt Ogden Emerson, NJ

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I constantly get robocalls and I am sick of it. I'm A member of the Indiana do not call list but it does no good.

Tim Young Indianapolis IN

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Please, please, please do something effective about robocalls. They are unwelcome, intrusive, annoying, and relentless. I don't want anyone enabled to make automatic robotic calls to my phone legally. They are harnessing my phone minutes without my desire or permission. They do so without invite and against my wishes. They are not held accountable and the FCC has done NOTHING about it!

Please take control of this. Prohibit robo and other unsolicited nuisance calls. Please allow robo blocking products that we want so that we can protect ourselves from this harassment.

Thank you!

Eric Olympia, WA

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I work at home and robocalls are a huge distraction. I hate hearing from companies that want to sell me timeshares, computer security, other worthless things. The absolute worst are the companies that have the pacing wrong so there's no one on the line. Plus they mask the numbers. TheDo Not Call list is ignored. Please help us consumers keep these unwanted calls away.

T. B. Safford Cuyahoga Falls, OH

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Pass and do whatever needs to be done to stop the annoying robo calls. I don't care whether they are charities, political or what ever. STOP THEM . Free speech ends when it interferes with my personal privacy. Where are my rights?

Arlene kennedy Modesto, CA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 151 of 5002

My husband and I receive 4 and 5 uninvited robocalls every day! We have tried several ways to block these calls, like star 60 and the National Do Not Call list but these calls keep coming...... maybe because they are illegal and scams and the people operating them don't care if we are irritated! We even got a "call" from the IRS, threatening action against us if we didn't return a call. Good thing we know that the IRS doesn't contact people by phone! I have tried to sign up for nomorobo and been sent on an endless loop of helpless tries. If we can block any number of calls on our cells phones, why can't we do the same on our landlines? We're ready to quit!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 152 of 5002

Allow me to control my phone. I pay for it!

Chris Davis Jax.,fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 153 of 5002

I find it appalling that I cannot block these robocalls especially the voluminous amount experienced this year during the election. I can block telemarketers, but not robocalls. Worse yet, I have to pay for them calling my number and lose valuable phone minutes.

Please allow phone owners to determine who can call their number.

Angela M. Hamill Westminster, CO

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Robo calls are a waste of my time as I hang up immediately.

Robert Hagan Lebanon NJ

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Robocalls suck. Not only are they just plain irritating, but they're also used to initiate criminal activity and consumer fraud. You can't force companies to stop doing it because one, you're inept as a government entity and two, loopholes. What you can do is de-regulate so that better services can be offered. Let free market reign!

Raleigh, NC

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This should be a no brainer. I pay for my phone time. I should be allowed and facilitated by FCC in blocking unwanted phone calls. lynda. achord franklin Tennessee

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 157 of 5002 robocalls are totally unacceptable.please stop this intrusion to my home.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 158 of 5002

Please, PLEASE allow us/me the consumer to "BLOCK ROBO CALLS". I am sick and tired of calls touting insurance, better phone deals, political calls, etc which all begin with a short ROBO Call then asking to press a number for more (live operator) information. It's so annoying I did not even vote this year for the first time in about 40 years. If I cannot get a "live" call from a political party/ candidate rep that just shows me TOTAL unconcern for us, the voting public.

It might be easy for you to say "just hang up", yet these calls come at all times of the day and night and on any days Monday through Friday. Kind of interesting I can add call blocking on selected numbers, but not on ROBO calls!!! C'mon, as a consumer I pay for phone service and if I don't want these nuisance calls it should be MY CHOICE.

Marco Majka Illinois

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How do you like robocalls when you're busy doing important things? Give us a break! greensboro, nc

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I find it very disruptive and frustrating when these robocalls come, especially while I am working, or trying to enjoy a relaxing meal

Phil Cohen Delray Beach, Florida

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I need Norobocalls. Please lets use keep them.

George Bartley Toms River NJ

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Services such as Nomorobo are essential to maintaining a nominal modicum of peace in the house while still owning a land line phone. It stops several calls a day and yet we still receive occasional calls. Without it we surely would get rid of our land line which would result in us not paying the associated telecom taxes for that line and you losing revenue. Please, please keep us consumers sanity in your minds when determining a resolution to this. We need Nomorobo!

Christopher Osswald Huntington Beach, CA

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I paid for my phone and I pay for the use of my phone and there is no reason why I should be bombarded with these unwanted calls. Before I signed up with NoMoRobo, I was getting between 5-10 calls a day with no way to stop them. Now, I only get 1 or 2 and it is so satisfying to hear that one ring and then silence. I smile every time that happens. I will accept a legitimate call and politely decline their sales pitch, but these robocalls are just ridiculous. Not to mention a total waste of my time.

Bonnie Cook Duncanville, TX

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Our phones no longer belong to us. Congress passed the Do not call law but you don't enforce it. It's a waste of time to make a complaint. These calls interrupt our meals at home and our businesses. Most of the calls are scams. This morning a man called, claiming he was from "Windows" about my computer. After I asked what part of India or Bangladesh he was from, he hung up on me. Even Rachel, the credit card caller has moved from land lines to mobile. When I respond, they never let me speak to Rachel. We are at a point that we only answer calls recognized by caller i.d. Friends and relatives who are not listed as contacts are disregarded. We are about tocancel our land line. If enough people do it, what will the phone company sell?

Sam Mandel Cherry Hill, NJ

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Please do something to help us the general public stop robo calls on my home and cell phone. The phone companies need to provide us with free tools to do so. I pay for these services why should I be harassed. Thank you.

Ray Barnhouse Baltimore, MD.

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I m must get about 8 to 10 robo calls a day.

Please do what you can to allow me to block them.

Steve Papenfus Pleasant Hill, Ca

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No more robocalls period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Kaufman Zion Illinois

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Stay out of my personal business...I will continue to use nomorobo.... garner nc

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The Do Not Call list worked as does robocall blocking. Do not ban the latter - it is working for me: One ring & gone. Beautiful.

Roy & Betty Tatar Murrieta, CA

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Do not does not work! Let the consumer block robo calls. I get 8-10 unsolicited calls a day.

Robert Weems Madison MS

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Telephone land lines are becoming totally useless and disruptive because of the constant illegal sales call and scams aimed at vulnerable people. WE NEED SOME WAY TO BLOCK ROBOCALLS!

Ernie Eberhard Sandy, Utah

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NO MORE harrassing robocalls. I am totally in favor of BLOCKING any and all robocalls.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 173 of 5002

Most of the calls I get every day, seven days a week, day and night are unwanted, unsolicited nuisance calls. I would love the ability to block them -- not just ignore caller IDs I don't recognize while the phone rings.

The so-called 'Do Not Call" list is a joke. I does NOT work, is utterly useless. Something more is required to stop this most aggravating nuisance.

Robert Ford Marblehead, MA

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Robocall is great what a feeling to hear unwanted callers calls being cut off. Do not I say again Do not take this away from us.

Dominick and Mary Otranto Staten Island, NY

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I have ATT uverse and NOMOBRO blocks my calls effectively. Why are the other carriers, particularly my digital cell phone carrier SPRINT unable to do the same?

Greg Hueser Chesterfield, MO

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Robo calls were continuous and were driving me crazy. Then I got nomorobo. I wait until the second ring before answering my phone. And I notice that at special times, like when I am trying to eat lunch or dinner, the phone often rings just once. Robo calls are overwhelming but thank goodness I am able to stop them.

Fort Lee, NJ

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I think Robocalls should be banned as they are a major nuisance. If you are unable to ban them via legislation the we should have the ability to block them on our own via such a site as NOMOROBO .

Nurhan Becidyan Paramus, NJ

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Let me control who can call me and who I want to block

Tony Ayoub NJ

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I do not want robocalls. I want the ability to block them.

Westford MA

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I am SO sick of receiving unwanted calls that disrupt my day and clog up my answering machine, keeping me from getting important messages. Since I have three children I am always concerned that a call may be from or about one of them. I have sprinted so as not to miss a call only to have it be a robot call. PLEASE put a stop to unwanted calls!

Debra Cardell Lansdale, PA

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I strongly encourage you to do everything you can to make it easier for consumers to block robo phone calls. We were getting deluged with multiple calls every day, often from totally bogus businesses. In our case, we finally found a tool, nomorobocalls, that works to minimize the unwanted interruptions.

Consumers need more tools like this. And if more legislation is needed so that offenders can be tracked down and prosecuted, that would also be a good thing.

John Anthony Seattle, WA

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If I pay my phone bill I should have the privilege of blocking unwanted calls that I feel are harassment. Then you have an ill person in the house and you have all of these calls coming in as if no one else matters. What makes it even worse is that I would not buy anything from these irritating phone calls. Half the time you can't understand them. Our rights in this country have gone right down the drain. Congress needs to start thinking about what the American people want. Do not take this away from us.let me give you an example. We sold our timeshare 14 years ago we were constantly getting calls asking if we want to sell our condo I've told them a 1000 times we sold it.

Dolores and Harry McMahon N. Myrtle beach, S. C.

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Nomorobo has greatly reduced my unwanted calls. Everyone should have this capability.

Fullerton, CA

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What in the hell is wrong with you people, why would you think i'd welcome ROBO calls ? We have the " DO NOT CALL LIST " for our home phone & supposedly for our cells also which doesn't work. Do something to get rid of this or maybe we should do something to get RID of the FCC . . . WAKE UP GOVERNMENT, YOU'VE GONE TO FAR TOO LONG . . . .

Matt Gorczyca Blasdell, NY. 14219

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Robocalls are increasing rapidly and the callers refuse to take me off their call list or simply hang up. Ability to block these calls is critical. Please help!

David & Joanne McIntyre Portland, OR

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I want the right to block robo calls. It is my right to choose and that is the choice I make.

Nancy O'Gorman Spring, TX

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It is vital that we, the consumer, be able to block robo calls. I am older and do not want to be disturbed by these calls. Sometimes I am laying down and the call is very disturbing.

William Lochrie Fullerton, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 188 of 5002

Please support Nomorobo and other robocall blocking solutions. Despite the presence of laws restricting telemarketing in California, many companies have found ways to get around the laws and continue to call my home. Desptie telling the companies to remove my number, they either ignore my request (and how am I going to protest?) or new companies emerge. Since implementing Nomorobo it has eliminated many but not all calls. I need Nomorobo to enable me to have peaceful time at home without unwanted interruptions. Thanks for your attention to this matter.

Shawn Becker Burlingame CA

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I want to be able to block robocalls and other unwanted phone calls. After all, it's my phone that I pay for, and I'm entitled to block whomever I want. Please do not allow my consumer rights to be infringed!

Karen Brovey South Park, PA

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I don't even answer my phone any more because of the many sales calls I receive. And if by mistake I do answer and it is a sales pitch it seems to just open the flood gates for more and more calls that day!! Too bad I have to pay for their use of my phone and I get punished by the interruptions all day which I have no interest in.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 191 of 5002

I support robocall blocking products wholeheartedly. Just this week I received a scam call from a man who said I was in legal trouble with the IRS. I knew it wasn't true, but I should not have those types of calls.

Plano, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 192 of 5002

All robocalls should be illegal. Failing in that, I should be free to block them by any means I choose.

Alan Thomas Roanoke, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 193 of 5002 stop the robocalls

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Please Block my Robocalls from my regular phone and my Cell Phone

Denver, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 195 of 5002

It's my phone - I want and should be in control of it!

Jay Sturniolo New City, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 196 of 5002

Please allow me to block robo calls on my cell phone and home phone. Most times I even answer, there is no one there and they don't pick up. It is a tremendous nuisance and how in the heck could it be working for them, if they just ticked the customer off continually.

Thank you for listening!


Sharon Fitzgerald Conyers, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 197 of 5002 i hate robocalls i love robocall blocking i have so many robotic calls that i do not want

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 199 of 5002

Please, Please get rid of these robo calls. They are annoying, an invasion of privacy and very hard on elderly folks who have difficulty getting to the phone or are wakened by the calls.

I think the phone companies are resisting robo calls being outlawed for only one obvious reason...MONEY.

What would your Mother tell you to do?

Marveen Craig Tucson, AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 200 of 5002

Robocalls are a terrible nuisance. For years, I was unable to stop them. The last year or so, I have been using Nomorobo, and most unwanted robocalls are intercepted and stopped after one ring of the phone. A great relief!

Everett Leiter New York NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 201 of 5002

I strongly endorse being allowed to block robocalls. They are unsolicited calls. They intrude into an already busy day with something in which I have no interest. If you do not support blocking robocalls, please provider your phone number and I will forward them to you.

Joan Sullivan Hempstead, NY

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I am sick and tired of getting these robocalls. Consumer Services is the worst. This company has called me several times per week for over the last two years even though I have told them to quit calling me. I have filed over 25 complaints against this company with the FTC over the past years. Cannot block their number as they just call back using probably a spoofed number. Since companies like this just ignore the Do Not Call List and the FTC does nothing about it consumers need a product that can block these types of calls

Larry Rice Brookville OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 203 of 5002

I believe that I should be able to block any calls recived by "my" phones. That's land line or cell phone or thru my cable company, like Comcast. I pay for the phones; the numbers belong to me as long as I pay my bill and I should control who can call me or at least block robocalls.

Harry P. Coleman Columbia, Maryland

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I want to be able to block my phone calls! There are times when I am having serious discussions with my kids or spouse and I do not want to listen to the phone ring.

How is it that I can unsubscribe certain e-mails but not unnecessary phone calls?

Constance Miller Clarklake, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 205 of 5002

Robocals are a way for companies to intimidate and and bully senior citizens and others who may not be savvy enough to know an option exists via nomorobo calls to help them

Isn't the FCC the sponsor who awarded a company who could develop a system for blocking robo calls a prize ?

I live in Pennsylvania and we have the option of having our phone numbers blocked from robocallsand have also registered my number with the Federal site. However neither entity is as effective as nomorobo calls.

Vendors such as Verizon, AT & T et al should be required to initiate EFFECTIVE stop robo call programs for their customers and finally,,,,,,,, local, state and federal candidates for public office should be prohibited from using robo call systems ! They are just as annoying as credit card and medic alert calls ! STOP THE INSANITY !

John Folby Harrisburg, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 206 of 5002

In the past, ROBOCALLS have been insistent, annoying and invasion of my privacy. The calls would begin at 9 am and continue until 9 pm. Since I installed NOMOROBO it has been heavenly. Only a tiny fraction of ROBOCALLS have occurred. When a ROBOCALL does get through I record the number and contact NOMOROBO with the number and that call stops. The NOMOROBO has been a blessing to me and request that the FCC allow NOMOROBO to continue research in stopping more ROBOCALLS. The "Do Not Call Registry" is a farce.

Anthony Rini Staten Island, NY

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Ninety-eight per cent of telemarketing calls are unsolicited and annoying. As the recipient of these calls, they are a complete waste of my time and the energy expended in answering the phone. Oftentimes, nobody is on the others end of the phone and I hang up while the automatic dialing mechanism is in the process of routing the answered call to a live telemarketer. Again, this is a waste of my time.

The remaining two per cent of telemarketing calls do not interest me either. Thank God for nomorobo.

E Trappio Seabrook, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 208 of 5002

Robocalls are the bane of my life. We're not talking one or two a day, we're talking ten to twenty a day. Please let us reclaim personal privacy. I will never buy from a robocaller and do NOT want to be interrupted by them every day - from sun up to sunset. They do not respect my requests to be taken off their lists and call after the allowed hours.

Pamela Nicholson Redondo Beach, CA

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Why don't you stop the constant robocalls? If the NSA knows what it does how can you say you can not stop the constant robocalls? Stop them now. Block all robocalls. Yes even the political and so called charity calls. We have had enough!!!

David and Brenda Willitsford Maple Glen, PA

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I want to have the ability to block robocalls!!!!

David Sternlicht New York, NY

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I want to be able to block robocalls. It's my privacy and I like to keep it that way!

Michael Stein Roslyn, NY

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I want the ability to block calls I do not wish to receive.

Not some damn government agency deciding for me.

Rudi Legname aspen, Co

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Phone calls that I don't want bother me when I am napping, when I am eating and they are a real pain. Please allow us to block unwanted calls.

Carl & Nancy Juris Harrisburg, PA 17111

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Recently I switched my phone service to Comcast just so I could use Nomorobo. with the non stop robo calls we never had a moments peace. The phone rang constantly from 8:30 am until 9:00 pm. Please don't return to this insanity.


Pleasanton Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 215 of 5002

I have Nomorobo now and it has made life at home so much more pleasant by catching the calls it recognizes. Just wish it could block all the annoying calls. Some of these companies are so persistent and are actually preying on older people. Everyone should have the right to block them. Thank goodness Xfinity makes it available. All companies should do the same and you can make it happen.

Mike M. Richmond VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 216 of 5002

My home is my haven and I have the right to not be disturbed by Robocalls. If there is number on the caller id, I can block the call (but only up to 20 calls can be blocked). But, most of the caller ids show 000 000 000.

It is my phone, I have the right to be in control of it!

Denver, CO

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We receive these unwanted calls all the time! It's clearly an evasion of privacy. Please help!


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I get on average ten calls a week from auto dialers. They are a waste of my time.

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I Think robo calls are are a big inconvenience on people. They come at all times of the day and night. They are very annoying. You have to make phone companies make robo blocking available.

Victor Massa Ocean NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 220 of 5002

Allowing robo calls on cell phones will kill cell phones as surely as it did landlines. The intrusion of these calls, as many as 10 a day, forced me to disconnect the landline. If I wanted to buy any of their junk, I'd call them. My right to privacy is completely ignored unless I can block these kinds of calls.

Bill Hundley Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 221 of 5002 for about a year now i have been getting unwanted phone calls from people trying to sell me solar energy sometimes 3-4 times a day.i have called the phone company, i`ve called you (fcc) and i`ve even called the california energy department,i`m on the do not call list and i have an unlisted number but the calls keep coming,i have reported them to the do not call list.i guess you are a part of the federal goverment,now if you can listen to private citizens and other countries phone calls why can`t you find these people? joe chicklo corona,ca

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Robocalls are an unwanted intrusion that should be blocked with your support. Pls. get behind legislation and companies that support the end of these intrusive calls.

Jay Forbes Croton on Hudson, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 223 of 5002

We are continuously harassed at dinner and throughout the day by telemarketers. I have done the Do Not Call lists, they don't work as well as NoMoRobo

Jennifer popdan Bayport, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 224 of 5002

I am so tired of telemarketers and robo callers. We need a solution and protection from these predatory marketing tactics. I work from home and these constant calls interfere with my livelihood. I have signe up for Nomorobo, which at least offers me some relief from these abusive callers. I fear even more for my elderly parents who are less able to discern between calls they need to take and the incessant telemarketers. We need help to stop this dishonest and devious people who are assaulting our phone on a nonstop basis. Please don't stop Nomorobo and help to find even better ways to block these unwanted calls.

Dennis Yates San Antonio, Texas

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Don't stop NOMORO.COM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 226 of 5002

Please allow blocking of robocalls to all who wish that their phone to be a private instrument meant for personal calls, not for unwanted interruptions from marketers.

Personally, I'm in a wheelchair & have trouble answering my land line. Often when I am able to answer within a few rings there is no one on the line. I wonder if some of these robocallers bill their sponsors by the number of connections completed, not the number of conversations actually made.

In any event, please be responsible for enacting legislation for the common good, & allow phone companies to eliminate robocalls.

Thank you for your consideration.

Arnold R.chaid Moscow, ID

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 227 of 5002

Prior to using Nomorobo, our house would get repeated phone calls... sometimes starting as early as 7:30AM and sometimes as late as 10:30PM any day of the week. I tried utilizing the Do Not Call list...which proved useless and ineffective. Now that we are registered with Nomorobo our phone can go an entire day sometimes longer with no phone calls. This is an effective consumer tool I choose to use to help keep my privacy on my terms. When it comes to receiving phone calls, I want to be the one to limit what I chose to receive. I feel empowered and supported by Nomorobo. I love having a service that is effectively helping me block unwanted calls, incessant ringing, calls that are answered with dead space as a computer connects to a recording. The FCC needs to focus and respond to the citizens of this country not the special interests of phone companies, medical alert salesmen, scam artists, and political parties.

Jill Caradine Fairfax, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 228 of 5002

Robocalls absolutely ****.

We are bothered CONSTANTLY every day. We just hang up on everyone.

Don't tell me that you have the right to invade my privacy. You don't!

Don't tell me that the "robocall" individuals/companies are not paying big bucks to the telephone companies to get through their systems- they are!

There needs to be a HUGE class action law suit against the telephone companies AND all the robocallers. I would sign a petition in an instant.

James L. and Linda K. Shannon Menifee, CA

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I am sick and tired of robocalls. I get them nearly every day. In fact, I get many more robocalls than I get private calls. These robocalls are intrusive to my life at home. They are as bad as e-mail spam, which has been successfully and, in my view, appropriately prosecuted in this country. I use NoMoRobo to block robocalls to my house and it has made such a big difference to my daily life. Why on earth can't I have the freedom to prevent a misuse of my telephone service?

Laura Cohen Albany, NY

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I do not want to receive robocalls, and want an easy way to block them. I am currently using nomorobo. Just as I have spam filter for my email, I would like a "robocall filter" for my phone.

Laureen Lightfoot Tinton Falls, NJ

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Now that I'm retired and home most of the day, I receive so many robocalls. Theyare very disruptive to my day. In addition, even if the robocall doesn't leave a message, my phone requires me to listen to the buzzes left on the phone by the robocall and then to delete the message.

Robocalls should not be allowed, and the phone phone companies must provide a way to block them.

Thank you!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 232 of 5002

I feel a victim of telemarketing calls that constantly call when we eat, sleep or any time. we rush to the phone to see marketing calls asking for my formal first name without knowing me. Not now. Nomorobo has restored my life to relative normalcy. When hit by a call, I ask to be removed from their internal call list. Works sometime. I wonder (and sometimes ask) if they actually give to the charity they are representing. They never say they do.

Mickey Meadoebrook, PA 19046

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I'm getting way too many repeated robo calls despite requesting to be taken off their lists and the do not call list doesn't seem to be a deterrent.

Brian Benkel Enfield, NH

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I would like to block all robocalls. It's very hard for a disabled person to get up every time the phone rings to find it's a robocall. We have had some days with over 20 calls. Enough is enough.

Jim Larkin Brockton MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 235 of 5002

Why can't I select a third party to monitor my telephone calls?

Aren't services like call answering, provide by Verizon and others giving them permission to do exactly that?

Preventing the consumer the ability to have a third party monitor their telephone calls would compare to banning third party, fire wall or virus protection for a PC.

The "burden of proof" is on you; you must demonstrate that that kind of a ban would benefit the general public.

Tony Morello NYC NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 236 of 5002

Please, please allow us to block robot calls. They wake me up in the morning and keep me up at night and, they call me all day long, often not even replying to my "hello!"

If we have any right of privacy then, we should be able to block unwanted annoying telephone calls.

George Haik Slidell, La.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 237 of 5002

With all of the associated fee's that we pay for phone usage and the cost of the phones on top of it all , someone tell me WHY I'm not allowed to control what garbage I get or the time that we get these invasive calls.

Why are the political ps exempt & charities also?

T. Knight Rolesville, N.C.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 238 of 5002

NO MORE ROBOCALLS!! They should not be allowed, but if you can't stop them altogether it is my right to choose whether or not I want to receive robocalls on a phone that I own and a service that I pay for. It has to be my choice. Please allow me to keep nomorobo. I was at my wits end before I was able to add this service to my phones. I have health issues and it prevents me from having to constantly get up to answer the phone when it's all robocalls.

Michelle Walker Hanover, MD

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I don't appreciate receiving robocalls on my home phone. Even though I am on the National Do Not Call list these people call at all hours of the day. I hope you do the right thing and allow phone companies to apply blocking solutions to these irritating calls.

Willis Parsons Harlingen, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 240 of 5002

We have registered ALL our phones with the national: "DO NOT CALL" registry and are none the less inundated with a minimum of six to eight marketing calls daily.

During election periods this becomes worse.

Please HELP!!!

Ingo Schreiber Ojai, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 241 of 5002

I am sick and tired of getting solicitation calls when I sit down to dinner, get ready for bed, or even now wake up to robo calls. I want the call blocker services to continue so I can live in peace and quiet. Do not shut them down. If you are intent on shutting something down, go after the soliciters.

Robert C Neppel Raleigh, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 242 of 5002

As the "protector" of consumer telephone services, you have the power to change consumers' access to control over the phone service we pay for. Please take the necessary steps to give consumers the option to block robocalling. We who pay for phone service should not be assaulted in our own homes with unwanted calls that interrupt our daily lives and fill up our answering machines with nonsense.

Thank you.

Cheryl McDonald Warren, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 243 of 5002

Robocalls are a bane to our peace and quiet. They are intrusive and disturb people who want no part of whatever these people they are selling. I want to receive calls ONLY from people who I have given permission to use my phone. Please force all phone companies to give their customers the ability to block all robocalls.

Mekki Weinzierl Reno, NV

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Please teach the companies that are utilizing robocalls a lesson by providing a simple, effective solution to block these for consumers. We pay our phone bills, not these companies, so tell them that we HAVE THE RIGHT to block these bothersome phone calls. You could also just FORBID them from utilizing robocalls as these calls are counter-productive and cause consumers to AVOID the companies that utilize them! They are also incredibly annoying and intrusive and should be banned altogether.

Patrick Finch Buffalo, NY

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It is my phone and I want to BLOCK ALL ROBOCALL AND TELEMARKETERS!!!!!!

Robert Mann Seal Beach, CA

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The shear amount of calls we were receiving before Nomorobo was ridiculous. You name it--salesmen, political calls, charitable organizations, surveys, private number, out of area, 800 service, Anonymous, Washington, D.C.,( or virtually any state in the Union), etc., etc., etc. I am sick of it! I want control over who can invade the peace and privacy of our home.

After we signed up for Nomorobo, the calls would just ring once and disconnect. MUCH BETTER. However, I noticed that this didn't get all the calls, so I went on our cable provider's website, scrolled through our calls on our phone handset and MANUALLY added those numbers to the BLOCK list. We had wonderful peace and quiet for about a week. Then slowly, but surely, the calls' frequency increased. I gave up. Now, Nomorobo still catches some of the calls, but the ones that get through, end up ring, ring, ringing all the day long. They are now starting at 8:30 AM to about 8:30 PM. We want to keep our landline, but this is absurd. I have also noticed that some of the calls have letters and numbers together, instead of just numbers in the traditional format. Also, my husband has gotten on some list on his cell phone and they call multiple times a day; never from the same number/place. We want CONTROL of robocalls and some semblance of our privacy back!

Austin, TX

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Please block all robocalls coming into my phone. I have not authorized anyone to robocall me on my phone.

Spokane, WA

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We receive calls almost every day from companies that got our name from somewhere. We are not interested in doing business with anyone who calls US! If we have a need, we will call them. There absolutely should be a way to block these calls!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 249 of 5002

MY phone - MY use!

MY phone - MY decision!

MY phone - MY control!

Phone companies don't want to block because they make money from robocalls. They put the blame on everyone but themselves. Penalize them by fining them three times the amount they make from robocalls, and watch how quickly they respond!

Alan Venooker Ithaca, NY

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It has been so refreshing to have a home life, let alone dinner hour, free of robo calls. All consumers should have the same opportunity. Extend it to everyone.

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The FCC has no right to tell me I can't authorize the phone company to block robo calls. These companies gabe no regard for anyone. I am 71 years old and have medical problems. It is very annoying when they wake me. Please let me decide if I want to block their calls

Consuela Vales Phila, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 252 of 5002

Over the last year and a half, number of robocalls I receive have exploded. I get now 10 - 15 calls a day from 8 in the morning and up to 10 PM. Most are the usual "800 services", "Credit card alert", "Consumer survey" and the like; plus new ones that multiply because they ARE NOT GET PUNISHED. I've bought new cordless phone which allows to block up to 250 numbers; but it is little help because these scammers change caller ID's and numbers at will. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?!!! Forget false problems, like Net neutrality, look at the real problems affecting tens of millions of americans. Solution, may be not perfect, is known, it is NOMOROBO. However, my service provider, COMCAST, doesn't want to participate, and FCC is doing nothing.

I beg you to start paying real attention to this country wide problem.

Val Naples, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 253 of 5002

Robocalls need to be blocked, consumer must have tools to block these calls as they are used by individuals for fraud, harassment, intimidation, etc., more than anything else. Any legitimate use of robocalls is out-played by these individuals, so consumers should be allowed to block each and every single robocall. Any loophole for "legitimate" robocalls will be used for unintended purposes.

Jose A Velasco Richardson, TX

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Please, please give us a way to stop robocalls! I am a 75 year old woman with terminal lung disease (COPD) and every time I have to answer my phone it's a major undertaking for me. More than half the time, it turns out to be a robocaller. We really need your help.

Newport News, VA

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To Whom it may concern:

I receive a large volume of robo calls daily and weekly and that is with a Robo blocking product on my phone line. I can only imagine how many Robo calls I would get with out a robo call blocking product. These calls are a nuisance and an invasion of my privacy. I am considering cancelling my phone service because of this.

Very Truly Yours,

William Rooney

William Rooney Marshfield, Ma. 02050

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 256 of 5002

Robo calls waste time and money. They're an obnoxious nuisance, representing negative value. I should not have to tolerate them, nor should anyone else.

I deserve and demand the perogative to block them permanently and comprehensively.

Charles Clark Cleveland MS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 257 of 5002

Please help us stop the robocalls! I was so disgusted by them that I opted not to all! That wasn't a great solution to the problem but it made me feel better over the harassment I had been enduring for MONTHS!

Overland Park, KS

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Robocalls are coming day and night, we should be able to decide who we want to call us. Let's do something about it,

Joe Cordova San Diego, Ca.

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Please stop the robocalls. sue hagen chesterfield mi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 260 of 5002

My wife and I signed up for nomorobo to stop the numerous robo calls we received. the do not call list set up by the government is a farce. It has gotten to the point where I give robo callers hell over the phone. Some don't een speak understandable engish.

Nomorobo should be expanded to political robo calls. Politicians are the main source of calls during the campaigning season. They should be prohibited. As senior citizens we should not have to run to the phone for some political hack trying to influence our vote. the calls are an invasion of our privacy.

Please do something to stop this madhouse phone calls. They are annoying and wasting citizens time

Thanks Paula and Marilyn

Paul and Marilyn DiPietro Melrose MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 261 of 5002

Before we activated Nomorobo, morning, noon and late into the night unsolicited, unwanted callers plagued us. The do not call registry didn't stop the calls. They just kept on coming. Hundreds of calls from scammers. Hundreds of calls from Rachel at card services. Calls, calls and more calls. We were so frustrated. The calls were driving us CRAZY! After we activated Nomorobo, 99.9% of the unwanted calls stopped. Nomorobo saved us from the abyss of unwanted, unsolicited calls. We are forever grateful.

Stephen and RoseAnn Gibbons Medford, MA

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When concentration counts, losing track of what you're doing interferes with productivity. And when productivity matters, nothing harms it more than interruptions. When those interruptions come in the form of robocalls that have nothing to do with one's interests or employment, it compounds the effects of lost on-the-job effectiveness.

Without the ability to block those calls, the interruptions add up, over the course of a year, to more than a man-day of effort. Multiply that by millions of workers, and the loss of output is incalculable.

Just as the government permits calls and faxes to be blocked from legitimate businesses, it should enable private enterprise (in the absence of government oversight of less-than-trustworthy companies) to provide technology to consumers that lets them block unwanted phone-based solicitations.

Peter Altschuler Santa Monica, CA

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Robocalls are an obnoxious intrusion on citizens' peace and privacy within the sanctity of their own homes. The means of blocking these calls should be easily and inexpensively available to everyone.

Link Llewellyn Lancaster Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 264 of 5002

Robocalls are very annoying and intrusive. If I wanted to find out about products or services offered by companies, I would find out about it on my own. I don't appreciate unsolicited phone calls from salespeople or company representatives trying to solicit my business.

Robocall software helps minimize the amount of time I have to deal with unwanted calls.

Jeff Lifton Glen Arm, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 265 of 5002

I think that robot phone calls are harassment and probably a form of stalking. In the last year I have gotten these calls at least eight times a day -- sometimes more. In 2014, an election year, I would get up to 5 calls a day from the same robot. They start as early as 8 a.m. and last untill as late as 9:30 p.m.

Today, I have reading glasses next to each of my three phones so I can identify the unknown caller and their telephone number ahead and not answer the call. But that doesn't make it any better. Just the ringing can be annoying particularly when you are busy cooking, cleaning, entertaining , etc. As a retiree I spend more time at home than the person going to work.. And having family and friends scattered across the nation, their calls,-- sometimes an emergency -- are important to me.

My home is my castle but it is invaded by robots. This is war and even though not a man, I am willing to fight.

Ms. Henrie Moise Evanston, IL

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It's appalling that you would think you could open up MY phone to the annoyances of telemarketers. I use and enjoy the Nomorobo service, and I no longer get unwanted solicitors calling my home.

Wantagh, NY

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Please stop this unwanted invasion of my time and privacy. I am sure you can figure out how to do it. Thank you for keeping up with the needs of citizens in the 21st century.

Karen Smyers Northampton, MA

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Michael Perna Mount Vernon, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 269 of 5002

There needs to be some protection and/or options for consumers to be able to control the unsolicited calls that we receive 7 days a week-362 days a year---half of these "people" can barely speak/understand English and the other half , hang up when u are stupid enough to answer--which makes me wonder why they even called????-- and that so called " do not call" list really only exists on our wish list--- big joke--- ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 270 of 5002 stop robocalls - a disease. ri

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I hate robocalls, especially at dinner time (5 to 7). I usually just hang up, but it is annoying to have to answer the phone. diane mangus Tonawanda, NY

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I pay to have phone service. Why should advertisers get to use it without my permission and waste my time?

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 273 of 5002

Please block robocalls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 274 of 5002

Please allow consumers to block robocalls. Technology has defeated the Do No Call list, and junk calls regularly arrive on my home number, my fax number, and my mobile numbers. The fact that I cannot control who calls me is appalling, and the FCC needs to let Americans take control of the intrusions in our lives. Act now!

Roger Guerrero Sugar Land, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 275 of 5002

I do not believe robo calls have any other use than be really annoying. I never ever want to receive a robo call and fully support nomorerobo, the fcc Should do thier job and make robo calls illegal period.

Peter Gilbert.

Peter Gilbert Las Cruces, NM

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I think it's ridiculous that this question should even have to be asked, NO ONE wants to receive these robocalls, they're annoying and make a complete farce out of the government's DNC registry. They also target the elderly who are often misled into believing the calls are legitimate, often costing them hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Several call blocking devices are available on the market but people should not have to pay out of their pocket to put an end to this nuisance.

Bill and Linda Dee Hebron, Ct.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 277 of 5002

Without basic robocall blocking we receive 5 to 10 calls a day from robots. These solicitations are violating my sense of private and the peace of my home. Even with two levels of blocking many still get through. The law to prevent this is not slowing the onslaught down. I would prefer if this activity was illegal, but as it is not, I am adapting by using robocall blocking. Without the blocking I would remove my phone.

Fred Warren Walnut Creek, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 278 of 5002

I appreciate the blocking of calls. I do not like receiving unwanted calls, I pay the phone bill not those unwanted callers; invasion of my privacy is what I call it. I have caller ID and if I do not know the caller I let it go to voice mail and majority of the time there is no messages.

Barbara Cooper Vashon. WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 279 of 5002

Robo calls are the most annoying thing in the last 50 years. My wife has Cancer and needs lots of rest but has trouble getting it with our phone constantly ringing from 8AM to 9PM from these ridiculous phone calls. If I want anything from these faceless people I will call them!!!


Rices Branford,CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 280 of 5002

Having a home telephone shouldn't mean daily and nightly interruptions by robo-callers. Thanks to a robocall-blocking app we placed on our phone, the unwanted and distressing calls have been limited in recent months, though some still get through and drive us crazy. Please help protect our privacy by allowing such robocall-blocking products to continue their service.

Chevy Chase, Maryland

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I'm now retired and receive robocalls several time a day, everyday. The FCC must allow Americans to block these calls. I receive the same calls over and over. My protestations do not register at all with the callers. And, this is despite being on the Do-Not-Call List. That list is inadequate for this problem. Unless individuals are allowed to block these calls, they will continue. Please act in the interest of the public.

Roland B Bates Lowell, MA

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My privacy should not be invaded by meaningless robocalls. It has something to do with the Fourth Amendment.

David Gurowsky Suffern, NY

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I want to be able to block robo's my phone and I should have a choice in this!

Shay Blakemore Raleigh, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 284 of 5002

You have NO RIGHT to interfere. Just do your pathetic little job, and leave us ALONE!! I am so disgusted with bureaucrats dictating how we should live, what we should eat, ad nauseum.

Kathy Smitb Owasso, OK

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 285 of 5002

There is no more electronic annoyance than the robocall. Unlike spam which can be filtered, there is nothing except a service like Nomorobo which can prevent repeated unsolicited, unwanted, intrusive phone calls for services which are unwanted, unneeded and usually fraudulent. This has all come about because the Federal Government has chosen to favor the special interests that want to continue the practice of forced marketing. The "Do not call list" is worse than a joke because it fosters expectations of competence by the Federal Government. A foolish proposition.

Charles Coffman Sacramento California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 286 of 5002

Most annoying as they have no idea of ages or finances and if you stay and tell them to remove your number they hang up. I truly hate this!!!! mass.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 287 of 5002

Please allow the blocking of robocalls and also allow robocall blocking products. It's MY PHONE!! I PAY for the service not these annoying companies who call and call and call. I should be allowed to determine who I want to call me!!! Thank you for your attention to this ongoing problem.

Helen Doherty Marblehead, MA

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David Joscher Mount Vernon, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 289 of 5002

I'm sick of these phone calls that don't apply to me! They are annoying and I don't appreciate being intrerruped at all hours of the day. We are both in our 70's and it is any annoyance!

Sharon Chrisner Tampa, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 290 of 5002

I am on the DO NOT CALL LIST but that no longer works. Telemarketers still call.

The phone companies should provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. I like robocall blocking features like Nomorobo. They have helped me a lot keeping the telemarketers from calling.

Glenn Borst Newburgh, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 291 of 5002

Please ensure that the "nomorobo" call blocking service continues to function. We installed it recently and are very pleased. It works well; let it be.

Susan wood Livermore, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 292 of 5002

I need Robocall blocking products. Each day most of the phone calls I get are robocalls. I have Nomorobo installed on my phone and it does help. It is so annoying to race to the phone to answer and it is the same garbage calls over and over every day. I guess they are machines so they can keep calling. The same number will call several times each day. It has gotten so I do not answer if I do not recognize the number. If it says private caller or some 800 number I do not pick it up.

Janice Porter Reston VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 293 of 5002

I am tired of constantly getting robocalls. Please put a stop to them.

Michael Vellky Stow,Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 294 of 5002

My home is my castle. I don't want endless, needless, annoying calls about products or services I neither need nor want. No business has the right to invade my privacy or harass me.

Dr.Heather Hall Fairfax, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 295 of 5002

We are bombarded daily, at all hours of the day, with a barage of robocalls. We should be allowed to block these unsolicited calls, and I cannot understand why anyone thinks otherwise.

Edith Jickling Washington D.C., District of Columbia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 296 of 5002

I get calls from companies using autodialers/robocalls often mutiple times per day from a single company. They won't stop (ignoring no call lists), so we need to be able to block them!

Susan Hennessy Carrollton, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 297 of 5002

Since I have signed up to stop robocalls, the unwanted calls to my phone have decreased by 75 percent. Unwanted calls are an invasion of my privacy and it is my right as a citizen to retain the ability to block these calls.

Charles Reinfurt Copiague, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 298 of 5002

I want you to actually stop these annoying robocalls. When it nears election time my phone is ringing off the hook with these unwanted calls. I don't even want robocalls from companies that I do business with. Do something and create legislation that stops ALL robocalls

Suzanne Spiersch Alameda CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 299 of 5002 robocalls of any kind should not be allowed and if the people making them cannot be caught & prosecuted, then phone owners should have reliable free means of blocking the calls. I would like to see all robocalls, including those from politicians and charities blocked. The majority of calls I receive are robocalls, but thanks to Nomorobo the majority are blocked.

S E Brooks Mitchellville MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 300 of 5002

Please allow robocall blocking. I am sick of robots calling and wasting my time up to 30 times a day

Leslie link Smithtown,ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 301 of 5002

We need to stop these low-life bloodsuckers from destroying our peace and quiet and disrupting our lives with their intrusive and annoying phone calls that at best are aggravating and time-wasting and at worst dupe poor people into accepting costly and needless offers.


Richard Cherry Hill, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 302 of 5002

Please allow me to block robocalls. It should be considered a right to block unwanted calls.

Thank you.

Burbank, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 303 of 5002

Robocalls have completely ruined the telephone system. Who wants to even answer their phone when 90% of calls are telemarketing computers violating the law and most won't even say anything until you've said HELLO 5 times and been kept waiting for 30 seconds?

Telemarketers are blatantly ignoring the law and using up the minutes I pay for every month on my cell phone.

VerizonWireless won't do anything about it and they won't even let Nomorobo help me!


Steve C Thousand Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 304 of 5002

STOP the calls to my house!!! At all hours of the day and night from these people/companies. port Chester, ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 305 of 5002

I'm on the do not call list, but I still get calls waking me up in the middle of the night on my cell phone. I keep my phone by my bed in case something happens to my sick mother and I can get to her quickly. So I can't turn it off, because I want to be there for her in case she needs me. I shouldn't have to keep switching my ringtone to prevent from being woken up. That's what the FCC doesn't understand. If I'm still getting calls when I'm on the do not call list, then shouldn't I be able to take matters in my own hands? Clearly, there are people still are not on the do not call list, let them have robo calls. I, personally only want to be woken up if there's an emergency. The people that want the technology to block the robo calls are already on the do not call list. There's no way to be removed from their lists without being made a large living target (I had my identity stolen when I tried. When I had a someone make documents taken in my name and there was never an arrest.) Please let people be able to stop the robo calls, we want to protect ourselves. The FCC should side with people that want the calls to stop, not the companies still trying to harass people that have requested it to stop.

Rochelle Park, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 306 of 5002

Robo calls are annoying. My hushand has parkinsons and is constantly being woken up during the day from harassing phone calls. I SHOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE THEM STOP!!!!!

Ellen Cameron Fremont NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 307 of 5002

Rob calls are an offensive invasion of my privacy. Such calls create consternation and irritation. Blocking is imperative.

Christopher J Warner CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 308 of 5002

Robocall blocking is the best thing to happen to phones in years. It helps me screen unwanted calls from companies that are ignoring the do not call list, that are selling services that I don't want or need, that mask their phone numbers...companies that try to profit through underhanded, deceptive means. Keep robocalls blocking!

Tom safford Cuyahoga falls, oh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 309 of 5002

Robocall blocking is a Good Thing.

Hiram, Georgia

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Robot calls are a pain in the neck, to say nothing about my time and energy wasted. Block the suckers!

Berkeley CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 311 of 5002

Inappropriate and illegal (I'm a longtime subscriber to the donotcall list) robocalls are the bane of my existence.

"Hello, this is Rachel with Credit Card Services." I get those recorded calls day in and day out, and I'm furious with the scofflaws making them and disappointed in the FCC for not just eliminating these intrusions but facilitating them.

Frankly, if the FDA (where I worked for 28 years) showed the lack of dedication as that displayed by the FCC, I fear our country would be littered with corpses.

Please try to do better.

Del Futrell Blacksburg, CAN~ 9~

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 312 of 5002

I am very happy with haviong Nomorobo on my landline. I wish it were also available on my wirless phone.

Robert G Cameron Braintree, MA 02184

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 313 of 5002

I'm fed up with the scamming calls all hours of the day. iPhone now let's me block calls but landlines are still open season. Nomorobo provides a much needed service and its a shame that these kind of services are becoming the absolute necessity that they are!

Simon wells Evansville, Indiana

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 314 of 5002

It's my phone, please let me block robo calls!

John Cavallero White Plains, NY

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I pay for telephone services and therefore, I must have a voice concerning the types of services I require. One of the products is the ability to block robocalls.

Bakersfield, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 316 of 5002

You have made it illegal to call phone numbers on the national do not call list, so why would you ake it easier for robot callers to evade that law. It should be mandatory for phone companies to allow any situation like NOMOROBO to be available to their customers.

Bobby Knight Wylie, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 317 of 5002

This service is vital to my home's sanity. Nothing is more interrupting than to have these robocalls keep pestering my family during dinner and other times throughout the evening. It is most annoying during election time. Please feel free to look at our phone records and view how many of these calls come each night, on election night it is non stop. It is to the point where I do not even want a home phone any longer.

Scott Greenwood Bordentown NJ

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I don't need people telling me I've won a cruise or a lottery day in and day out.

Kervyn D. Mach Huber Heights, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 319 of 5002

Robo calls are why we never answer our phone. It's relentless and there's no way to get off their list.

Lori Sprague Buena Park, CA

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Please allow us consumers the right to block robocalls.

Julian Webb Knoxville, TN

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Please do your job and provide regulation that protects U.S. citizens and residents from companies that use our infrastructure to consistently harass us. Enough is enough.

Richard Jon Rock Aurora, CO

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 323 of 5002

Anything that cuts down on the unwanted, incessant, annoying robocalls (this includes political,sales, and other nonsense calls) is greatly needed. Please let nomorobo and other companies continue their valuable service to the public. Stop letting big business take over everything.

Peter Kehrli San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 324 of 5002

It's not fair for me to spend time answering robocalls, when they are generated by a computer and cost nothing on the other end in human time.

Frank Gerbode

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 325 of 5002

ROBO calls are annoying and always are calling at dinner time. Please do not take NOMOROBO away from consumers.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 326 of 5002

Please disallow robocalls and allow robocall-blocking products to be used.

Since, both robo calls and emergency agency calls are delivered by machines, telephone users may unintentionally interrupt the receipt of a life-saving emergency message---something, that should never be allowed to occur!

Rose & Joseph Ripley Los Alamitos, CA 90720

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 327 of 5002

A large amount of calls are scam artists, and, unfortunately, there are those who fall prey to these calls. Robocall blocking is one way to block those creeps.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 328 of 5002

Robocalling is very annoying and intrusive. Consumers should have the right to block these calls. Nothing more annoying, aggrevating than sitting at dinner and someone calling and to sell you an alarm system or to take a ridiculous survey for canidate. Features like nomorobo has helped greatly! Let them continue to helpblock the robo calls!

Douglas Shirer Dresden, OH.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 329 of 5002

NOMOROBO has been a godsend to our family in blocking a majority of calls sent to our home. I would like to see the same type of blocking products that will also block local State calls. Why isn't there something available to block those calls? Why isn't there real enforcement in punishing the telemarketers that disregard the no call list?

Joe Laguna Redondo Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 330 of 5002

I want full control of who can call my phone! I want to be able to block all robo-calls!

Ketih Messenr Tacoma, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 331 of 5002

I am tired of my days and nights being interrupted by these robots calls. I am asking for the FCC to put a stop to it. Thank goodness for caller ID but I don't want any of the calls.

Thanks for your attention and help to this matter.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 332 of 5002

Robcalls are frustrating and annoying. I typically get them during dinner time, which I like to spend with my family rather than listening to pre-recorded messages.

Anne Boston, MA

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I have been in the Veterans movement since June 6, 1968 (D Day anniversary) since I came home on a stretcher from Vietnam.

This note that I write to you today, is hoping you can help me. I'm a 100% percent disabled American veteran who was injured on my fourth tour of Vietnam. When my phone rings, I always attempt to answer it, because I also mentor younger disabled war veterans from the last two war. Nothing is harder than crawling to the phone to answer it with all of my injuries and finding out it's a computer calling me.

About 22 combat veterans from both Iraq and Afghanistan are committing suicide every day. Between the VA system that is overstretched and in my opinion broken, a phone call could be a Veterans' last call, they may be reaching out to us senior veterans in what is called mentoring.

I have personally taken guns out of the mouth of more than one veteran who sometimes will call me to just say goodby. They are on the direct path to self destruction, the facts are clear. A phone call at my home may make the difference between life and death for todays younger veterans. Please look up the facts for yourself by asking the VA how many veterans each day are committing suicide? Just over one hour on your clock means another veteran is now gone. It's not the enemy killing our veterans, it's them taking themselves out.

Most of my calls are not from Veterans today. It's some computerized free enterprise company trying to sell me something. That alone should make the rules clear, don't call me if you're trying to sell me something! Who knows, maybe a member of your friends or family that is a veteran may call me to say goodbye one day. I don't make one dime, nor is it easy to take a loaded gun out of someone's mouth.

I work very close with veterans groups, the law enforcement community and others, that a guy named Larry Lamb a survivor of the Siege of Khe Sanh (the longest gun battle in American history) is someone you can trust and call. The do call me, and I have saved some and lost others, it's what happens in WAR.

Give the Veterans a chance please.


Larry Lamb

Disabled American Veteran

Survivor of the Siege of Khe Sanh TET Offensive 1968 R.V.N.

U.S. Navy Seabees

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 334 of 5002

Unwanted phone calls are very annoying and a waste of my time.

Anthony Wiggins Buffalo,New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 335 of 5002

Please continue to allow robocall blocking products. With the automated calls it is almost pointless to have a landline anymore. Without a blocking feature we are constantly bombarded by robo-calls, all hours of the day and night. It is an intrusion on a service we pay for,so therefore we shouldbe able to control it. If the consumer had their way robo-calls would be banned..nobody wants to talk to a machine and if we truly sought the business of the companies using this feature we would reach out to them... most of them are scams anyway. Let the consumer have some control please.

Denver, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 336 of 5002 please stop the robo calls. i get them 4or5 a day. joe conn beaumont ca.

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Stop robo calls!

Atlanta ga

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The time has come to stop this nonsense. Don't need them, don't want them and they are of no use to anybody.

Paul Johannes San Carlos, Ca.94070

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 339 of 5002

STOP ALLOWING ROBOCALLS! My family is daily being harassed by ROBOCALLS. I feel this is against my right of privacy.

Harv & Wyn And Soddy Daisy, TN

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Enough of the unwanted solicitations!!! That includes non profits and political action committees. If I don't know you I don't want to take a phone call from you !! Please help preserve what little privacy we have left.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 341 of 5002

Please do not restrict robocall blocking products. I am 83 and it is a constant battle answering robocalls and telling the party to please stop calling me. Isn't there anything the FCC and phone companies can do to stop this disgraceful problem.

Dale Hemm San Bernardino, Calif.

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Robocalls are an intrusion on personal privacy and Phone users should be able to block them, especially during elections.

Gail Harold Skinner Tucson, Arizona

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 344 of 5002

I have been using a nomorobo application with great satisfaction. Caller ID just confirms these are calls I do not wish to answer.

David Moorhead Kennett Square, Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 345 of 5002

I am sick and tired of being woken up in the morning and having to answer the phone thr9ough the day because of ROBO Calls!!!!!

I have joined the Nomorob call service to stop them and give me some relief.

Please let me keep this service and not have to deal with the hundred of calls that were coming in each month so I can have my time freed up to do more important things, like taking care of my family!!!!!

Please do not interfere with this.

Thank you

Carol Greensboro, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 346 of 5002

Stop the Robo calls

Dennis Ulick California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 347 of 5002

Robo calls are a pain in the butt. Especially political ones even though I don't think they are blocked. Leave nomorobo alone.

Lloyd Chauvin THIBODAUX, LA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 348 of 5002 we all should have the right to have these calls blocked if we choose to my answer machine is full daily and I work 3 full time jobs so when i get the chance to sleep i do NOT want to have the phone ring and bother me over something that I could less about and then you can not understand what they are saying because it is always some one from India or even worse a computer .I do not need sales people calling me for loans,or FREE money etc:if I need something I will go to the PROPER local people for the service or product.

Paul Mayo northboro ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 349 of 5002

My elderly parents are struggling to continue to live independently at home and I cannot tell you how upsetting these robo calls are for them. They have decreased hearing on top of dementia and literally loose sleep with concern. Short of taking away the phone, their life line to society and to medical health, I am at wits end on what to do next.

Debra Julian Seymour, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 350 of 5002

My time is valuable. My phone is not free (both land and cell lines are minimal accounts with per-minute charges). I should have to right to block robocalling INCLUDING POLITICAL CALLS to my numbers as they represent a real cost to me in time and funds.

Scott Hinckley Seattle, Wa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 351 of 5002

We had so much trouble with robocalls we cancelled our land line phone service. Please do something to put a stop to this practice. We pay for phone service and should be able to protect ourselves from unwanted calls of all kinds.

Thank you.

Steve & Margaret Linderer Westcliffe, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 352 of 5002

Please allow robo call blocking. I am on the do not call list and it is a sham. Even being on the do not call list, I get at least two to three calls a day from robo calls wanting to finance my mortgage or a hundred other different scams. We would not need robo call blocking if the FCC' s do not call list was effective, but IT IS NOT.


Ron Wilson

Ron Wilson La mirada, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 353 of 5002

No robocalls, please. The telephone is for MY personal use only.

Palo Alto California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 354 of 5002

I pay for land line phone service so I will have it in case of emergency and for security system monitoring. I think that should give me the right to decide who can call me on that line. I am tired of having my phone ring constantly from robocalls. The Do Not Call registry doesn't stop these unsolicited calls. Robocalls should be completely eliminated in my opinion. Citizens should at least be able to bloc them. I'd like to be able to forward them all to the FCC or legislators who won't do anything to keep our homes from being invaded by these nuisance and often scam callers.

Leanna Mize Edmond OK

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 355 of 5002

Blocking Robocalls is essential for many of us, especially those who may be susceptible to the many scams that are out there. No important call has ever been made through a Robocall. They are merely a device for the marketing of products, services, or political candidates. Do not allow yourselves to be dictated to by the money. Please consider those of us who need it. Thank you.

Nancy Kaufmann Kentwood, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 356 of 5002

We are sick and tired of robocalls. They are unwanted, annoying and clog our voice mail. We should have the right to be free of them.

Alan Apfel Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 357 of 5002

Stop robo calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 358 of 5002

Who do you think you work for? Me or commercial entities? It's my phone service paid for with my money earned honestly by me. What is it about this you can't seem to clearly understand?

I adopted Nomorobo service so I have a chance to remain employed working the odd hours I do. Sleep comes at a premium over here, and I favor keeping my job - I'd like to believe you do too. With Nomorobo, I sleep better.

Jer Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 359 of 5002

Please give consumers the ability to easily block robocalls. Despite having been listed on the "do not call" registry for years, I routinely receive robocalls because modern technology makes it nearly impossible to track the companies and fine them. I pay for the use of my phone and I want the ability to block unwanted calls such as robocalls. Please force phone companies to provide an easy, free way to block robocalls. Thank you.

Susan Gilbert Vienna, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 360 of 5002

We have had to tell companies that called us repeatedly that we:

- DON'T have credit card debt and don't need to consolidate

- DON'T need a home monitoring system (we already have one)

- DON'T need a new credit card

These companies change their caller ID. They change - spoof - the phone number they call from. They don't listen when asked politely not to call me anymore. They don't seem to get the idea that we neither need not want their services / products / whatever.

The ONLY solution we had to stop them from calling was NoMoRoBo, a free and easy to use service that blocks these idiotic companies from getting through to our home and disturbing our peace.

Because my home phone service provider (Verizon) only allows 10 calls to be blocked - and I have to specify which ones to block - I have to relay on a company like NoMoRoBo to provide this valuable service.

Do NOT prevent this. This company and this type of service has to be permitted.

Steven and Linda Michel Middletown, Delaware

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 361 of 5002

I support the end to robot calls and love the blocking of these annoying phone calls. If. it are not for the blocking of these calls Ineed receiving more than ten annoying calls a day .

John Cresong Maple Shade, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 362 of 5002

Block The Goddam ROBOCALLS !!!!! cleveland ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 363 of 5002

Make blocking automated "robocalls" easy! There are few things more annoying than being at home quietly enjoying the evening, only to have some automated machine call your home phone in an attempt to sell you something. And this happens although my number is on the national Do Not Call list!

Steve Winkle Bedford, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 364 of 5002

I am so tired of robocalls. I get them all day, every day, sometimes even after we've gone off to sleep. It's gotten to the point where I don't ever want to answer my phone. Nomorobo has been a life-safer, but it doesn't block them all. Please help consumers with solutions that keep robocalls (even political calls!) from disturbing me and my family.

Kim Reichelt Wayland, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 365 of 5002

We are paying for our telephone service, lock, stock and barrel in addition to every pass through tax and fee that the telephone/cable companies can pass on to us. That the FCC would even consider not allowing the taxpayer and consumer the RIGHT to block computerized calls is outrageous.

The public has NO lobbyists to represent its interests, as do the communications company. It is up to you to keep them in check.

Until we signed up with, we had pestering computer dialed phone calls intruding on our lives. Please do not let pursuit of money by corporations abusing use of public information (our phone numbers) to continue by denying the public the right of refusal.

Jerry and Dennis Curtis Chester, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 366 of 5002

In spite of signing up for the "Do Nt Call" list that is supposed to make my phone number out of bounds for sales callers, we have suffered repeated "robocalls" at all hours of the day. Sometimes there is not even anyone there. It is a violation of the "Do Not Call" law, and it is extremely irritating.

I have a right to answer calls or not on my phone, and I also have a right to actually block calls from people I don't wish to communicate with. Why are these robocall people getting away with this? I use the Nomorobo system and love it. I hope the FCC can help us in eradicating this invasion of our privacy. These people are violating the law!

Kristin M. McCabe Lanham, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 367 of 5002

Allowing the robocall companies to continue to shanghai our phones is nonsense. The problem continues to grow exponentially. It is time to urge the telephone conglomerates stand up for needed change. If they won't, perhaps cable and satellite phone companies will.

Neil White Burlington, Washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 368 of 5002

I am tired of having to put up with these calls. The NO CALL list does not work. THey (robot callers) seem to have more power over my phone than I do. I get more robo calls then personal and business calls combined. Blocking products are used by people who want them and should have them!

Huntington Beach Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 369 of 5002

Please let robocalls be blocked. It is very unpleasant receiving robocalls and having to deal with the salespersosn on the other end of the call. Individuals should be able to block these calls since they are paying for the phone service and these calls interrupt the limited spare time individuals have.

Barry Kosowsky East Haven, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 370 of 5002

We have been signed up for a long time on the "Do Not Call" list but everyday we get bombarded with robocalls to our house phone. How is this even possible since we are on the "Do Not Call" list. Most of the calls are spoofed numbers and there is never a human on the other end. THANKFULLY we found Nomorobo, a free and easy service that cuts off these annoying calls. Everytime the phone rings just once we know that Nomorobo is doing it's job. Please let these types of companies continue to provide this valuable service of blocking robocalls. We'd pretty much just close out our phone service is they didn't exist, that's how bad the robocalls have gotten.

Brian Doylestown, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 371 of 5002

Look, I pay for my monthly minutes on my cell phone, not the robocallers. I should have the right to reserve the minutes I paid for to use for myself.

Edra Case Carson City NV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 372 of 5002

Please do what ever you can to block robo calls....

Bob Schoenleber Yardley, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 373 of 5002

I don't want robocalls. They are annoying and a waste of mine time. I should have the right to control who can call me.

Steve Kaplan Portland, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 374 of 5002

Please force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. It's my phone and I'm paying for the service to take calls that I want; not unsolicited calls that interrupt my life..

Pat O-baan Grand Rapids, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 375 of 5002

I want to be in control of the calls that come into my home. I appreciate that I can dictate that my phone number be on "Nomorobo" and the "National Do Not Call" lists. Please help us to stay in control of our lives. Thank you

Virginia Kimbrell Turlock, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 376 of 5002

My land line phone has become a huge nuisance - I receive multiple solicitation calls every single day. I no longer answer my phone because it is so rarely a personal call for anyone in my household. The junk phone callers have figured out clever ways to manipulate the caller ID, so it is difficult to tell who is calling before answering.

Please take action to allow me to block these unwanted calls made by machines. I do not want to receive them.

Gretchen Renshaw Manhattan Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 377 of 5002

We used to receive on average 10 - 15 unsolicited robocalls per day, some as late as 9 or 10 pm. Since listing our phone with Nomorobo, we have been bothered much, much less by these intrusions into our privacy. We strongly urge you to continue to allow robocall blocking products to be used. Robocallers and in-person marketers have an unfair advantage over the general public; privacy and domestic peace should always be respected.

Thomas & Betty Campbell Castaic, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 378 of 5002

Nomorobo is the best thing that ever happened to my phone service!

We went from 3-4 annoying robo calls a day to NONE.

Everybody should have the option to make these pests go away (and the "Do Not Call" list never even slowed them down--they just ignored it).

Resa & Marty Workman San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 379 of 5002

It seems that as each year passes, consumers are asked to pay more for services rendered, while in return, receiving less service, freedom, and control over the very services we are paying for. Robocalls are an intrusion upon our private, and personal communications devices against our will.

If we have rights as citizens to deny access to our private properties, such as our homes, vehicles, etc., from unauthorized visitors, why should it be any different for our privately paid for means of communications? Our phones, whether residential or mobile, are in our private homes, as well as on our person. If we have not directly solicited in a very obvious and open fashion, and not by the deceptive means that many companies use to allow third party affiliations to contact us, which most of us don't want, then we should not be contacted by these automated or live means.

Roddy J. Betancourt Hialeah, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 380 of 5002

There has to be some way to block these calls from our phone. I don't want them and they are invading our privacy. Please make them illegal.

Sonja & Ralph Perkins Winnabow, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 381 of 5002

I get at least 20 to 35 calls a day that I don't want. I am old and this is driving me crazy. I actually bought a phone that allows me to block 200 of these A..holes and I still get 20-30 a day. All my friends and relatives ask me which Panasonic cordless I have so they can limit some of their robo calls. Come on and help us out !!!!!

Mary Gerino Falls Church, Va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 382 of 5002

I have the robocall blocking features like Nomorobo. It's the best thing that I have ever done as far as unwanted phone calls are concerned. At one time, I was getting calls almost every hour from 8:00 A.M. to as late as 9:00 P.M. They are very annoying and unwanted. I like having the robocall blockling products and would hate to see it discontinued.

Southfield, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 383 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely annoying and at times create money charges on your phone bill, even if accidentally answered. Please allow consumer services such as RoBocall to help consumers to control who they receive calls from as it is the consumer's right to receive calls or not as they choose.

Greeley, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 384 of 5002

All phone services (POTS and VOIP) need to provide robocall and telemarketer call blocking solutions to consumers. Please make this a priority

Middletown, RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 385 of 5002

I want to be able to block certain phone calls!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 386 of 5002

They are costing me data and most of all time, that I can't get back!!!

Cameran Harris Memphis, Tenn.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 387 of 5002

I want to be able to control robocalls. These people don't want to talk to ME--they want to sell to someone. I won't buy anything, take a survey, or decide who to vote for based on a robocall.


Pam Johnson

Pam Johnson Charlotte, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 388 of 5002

Everyone I talk to is exasperated by these robo calls. Many have signed up for, but it hasn't solved the problem. not everyone can afford a Caller ID service and phone. Whenever I see a number I don't recognize, Instead of ansering it,I Google it. Usually I learn that it is ann annoying robo call and then I can block it on my phone.

Charlotte, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 389 of 5002

I am sick and tired of having "robo-calls" at the most inopportune times.They the second most annoying thing.

Mark A. Lambie Council Bluffs, Iowa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 390 of 5002

Please allow for blockage of any "robocalls" for anyone objecting to getting these unwanted calls. Thank you

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 391 of 5002

I want to be able to block unwanted robot calls as I see necessary. Four to five robot calls come to my phone daily. Stopping these calls is important to me.

Doug Sharp Raleigh nc

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 392 of 5002

Robo calls are one of the most annoying of the all the small annoyances of daily life. I would LOVE a way to keep them from interrupting and inconveniencing us multiple times a day every day, and I don't understand why it is not made easier to block them. Why do businesses seem to have a de facto right to harrass me over phone lines I pay for (de facto in that nothing serious seems to be done to stop them or even enforce the exisiting laws)? Please make them go away ( or rather make it possible for me to make them go away).

Mary Clifford Chevy Chase MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 393 of 5002

I detest robocalls, and wish that I had an easy, effective solution that would allow me to block every one of them. I have Nomorobo now, which has helped a lot. Please, please, don't make this any harder. If anything, make it easier and more effective. I really, really want something that will block junk calls and texts to my cell phone as well.

Deborah Greer Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 394 of 5002

I want robocall blocking on my phone. Thank you

Stephen Reed Plantation Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 395 of 5002

The robo-callers get to make their pitches at the subscriber's expense. Besides, the consumers', not the phone companies', should be the focus of the FCC

SV Birch Stamford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 396 of 5002

Who would want unwanted calls!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 397 of 5002

Why should I have to pay for calls I dont want to receive? Robo calls should be blocked if I dont want to receive them. Let me opt out.

Thomas Wells Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 398 of 5002

I do not want or need robocalls. They are a nuisance and an invasion of my privacy.Since I installed "nomorobo" I have seen a 90% reduction on the obtrusive calls.

Allen Little Douglasville, (Atlanta) GA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 399 of 5002

Please allow me to control the sales and annoying calls I receive by allowing us to block robocalls.

Mike Funk Oreland, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 400 of 5002

I totally the ability to block robo calls on my phones.

Walter Curry Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 401 of 5002

Because the federal no-call list is useless, provides a valuable & useful service. I cannot understand why you would want to stop it. Please don't!

Joe Contardi floral park, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 402 of 5002

Why can I not block rob ovals? I can't even complain about them because they use MY phone number to call me. When I attempt to get their phone number from my caller ID I find my home number listed as the "caller"

William J Rogers Dennis Port, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 403 of 5002

I no longer answer the phone at my house, or any number on my cell phone that I do not recognize, because the robo calls are who is calling most of the time. I thought that the Do Not Call law was to protect us, and it did not. Why can't the government do something to give us protection in our own homes? I use RoboCall and am thankful for it every time I hear it hang up after one ring, knowing I've been spared one more intrusion into my life.

Akron, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 404 of 5002

I love my Robo blocking program. My annoying calls have dropped drastically and I love not having them anymore.

Connie Teague Hartselle, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 405 of 5002

I get robocalls on my home and cell numbers. They cost me time and money that could be going to more useful things, aside from the fact that they are generally just annoying. I have put myself on the do not call list, but nothing stops them. I get at least 2-3 per day on my landline, some days many more. I want to be able to stop this drain on my time and resources.

I Vote. sandra h austin, tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 406 of 5002

I want you to block Robocalls! For crying out loud do your jobs and represent.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 407 of 5002

I'm on the donotcall list and Nomorobo. I still get two to three calls per day.

It drives me crazy. Pressing #3, as they say, 'if you don't not want to be called" only makes them call more. I've gotten calls from the same place twice in one day. I don't want an unlisted number. The phone compnay should consider how many people have dropped their landlines... not because they use their cell so much but because they've had it with telemarketers. I have caller ID so I no longer answer them but my days are spent running to the phone and then my ans. machine is filled with recordings about carpet cleaners, mortgage refi, etc. All recordings so you can't pick up the phone and tell them to stop. I've spent hours reporting numbers to the DONOTCALL website, which is a complete joke, so if my tax dollars are paying for that , you can stop now. Nomorobo is a bit better in that the phone just reings once and stops... but even that is annoying.

H E L P . Somebody DO SOMETHING.

Pamela Scrape Pasadena, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 408 of 5002

I find robo calls to be very annoying and irritating. Please stop these calls.

Anita Karnes Fort Worth, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 409 of 5002

I use Nomorobo on my both my cell and and lines and it has reduced the quantity of unwanted calls by at least 50%. The Do Not Call List has been completely ineffective. I get calls everyday that I would like to block but at least it's been reduced. Please consider allowing me to block my own phones from these incessant and unpleasant calls. sally stanton Manhattan Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 410 of 5002

Please let me use Robocall blocking

Janice Reed Plantation, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 411 of 5002

I hate robocalls and want the ability to block them.

Tammy Lawrence Lake Oswego, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 412 of 5002

If companies or individuals have the right to record messages and send them to me via my personal phone,then I have the right to decide whether to answer, to hang up, or to block these calls. No regulation should prevent me from exercising this right.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 413 of 5002

When I got calls from Solicitors I got lied to and promised things that they never intend to give me for what they are selling. They are dishonest con people and thieves. I am a senior and 99% of time I am taking a nap, in the middle of something or eating dinner late in the evening and I get the annoying call from a dishonest person who intends to lie to me and take my money. They have no ID on their end so that tells me they are hiding something first of all. I do not want to be bothered by calls from liers. If I want to buy something I will go out and buy it period. They want to sell me Beach Front Property in Arizona and connive to convince me how great it will be is just wrong. Thank you

Bud Laszlo La Habra, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 414 of 5002

I am requesting from you to force phone companies block the annoying and disturbing robocalls to ALL privet phones.

Kostya Ocher Brooklyn, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 415 of 5002

Stop these robo calls!!!

Gene kaz Tampa fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 416 of 5002

I find robocalls intrusive and extremely annoying. I would like you to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

I would appreciate very fast action to this end.

Regina Pilardi Torrance ,CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 417 of 5002

The phone companies should provide technology to block robocalls and telemarketing calls. The amount of these unwanted calls that I get each day is a tremendous waste of time and potential danger to consumers.

The phone companies should be embarrassed that their systems let these calls go through to their customers.

Richard Law Thousand Oaks CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 418 of 5002

It has always been a mystery to me why the FCC does not REQUIRE the phone companies to provide customers with a service that will do one, simple thing. Rather than have CALL BLOCKING which requires me to first identify the number of the caller that I want to block, I want a service to be known as CALL PERMITTING. This new service would allow me to create a blank database of only the numbers that I WANT to get through to me to cause a ring through signal to reach my phone (both land line and cellular). If the incoming ANI data does not contain a number that I SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZE to ring my phone, then their call is automatically BLOCKED by the phone company and my phone does NOT RING. This solves the problem of scammers from spoofing telephone numbers and stops EVERYONE from getting through unless I SPECIFICALLY put them on my pass-through list. It gets rid of CHARITIES, POLITICAL CALLS, and even BUSINESSES that I had a previous business relationship with. It also gets rid of pranksters and other imbeciles who think it is a good idea to make phony phone calls. Criminals who decide to call my phone number to determine if anyone is home before they break in will also be blocked with NO EFFORT FROM ME.

How will POLICE departments, SCHOOL systems, and any other official agencies be allowed to call me for reverse 911 calls to warn of emergency situations? That's easy. The local telephone business office would put their numbers on an EXEMPT LIST to allow them to get through at any time of the day or night.

It is about time that the FCC get off of its collective behind and do something that is of such importance to the vast majority of the American Public. I regard my phone line in the same way that I regard the front door to my house. I do not want anyone to invade my privacy in any way, manner, shape, or form unless I specifically invite them to contact me. Period. I believe that this is a First Amendment issue in that I have the right to be heard and to either hear or not hear from anyone I choose to accept or reject regardless of their motive or message.

Timothy W. Frost Lutherville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 419 of 5002

I dont want robocalls!!! They are a waste of MY valuable time. I should get to decide who,OR WHAT, calls me.Not you,not some conglomerate trying to sell me something...ME. If I want to use robo blockers,that should be MY right.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 420 of 5002

Why would you not allow me to block spam robo calls to my own line? This seems so counter intuitive. The government service ( is a joke that can be easily circumvented with calls routed through different nodes and the fines are a joke if they are even being imposed. Nomorobo saves us from a barrage of spam and robo calls on a regular basis, and if anything, you as a regulatory body should be helping them out, not fighting them. Free market, no?

Noam Kedem Foster City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 421 of 5002

I am a full time volunteer for non profits. I work from home. Having use ability to block robo calls has given me the right to peace and quiet and greater time to do my work.

I LOVE NOMOROBO and cannot even begin to fathom why you would ever consider disallow in me from the right to choose to be free of unwanted phone solicitation.

Chris and Kathy Hartzell Larkspur, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 422 of 5002

Please allow blockage of phone robocalls by companies like monotonous. We have enjoyed using this service

James Bossard Upper Marlboro, Md

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 423 of 5002

This Nomorobo is a marvelous company. Being able to block robocalls from my own phone would be great.

Chuck Porter Stilwell, Ks.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 424 of 5002

I get 12 to 15 robot calls per day. Sometimes they call as late as 10pm. We; the consumers need to be in control of who is or is not allowed to call our phones.

Jackie Schulte San Antonio, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 425 of 5002

The robocall situation has gotten so bad at my house that I can't use my own home phone anymore. Some robocalls with the same number have called up to six times in one day! I've had to permanently turn off the phone bell and tell friends to call me on another number. This nonsense has got to stop! Allow us to block robocalls!

Elaine Shuster Newburgh, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 426 of 5002

I am truly tired of receiving phone calls that are fake numbers, spoofed phone numbers with calls from companies claiming they can lower your interest companies. sell insurance, medical alert sams ...etc

Michael Preddy Durham NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 427 of 5002

It's my phone, I should have control of who calls me and uses my minutes.

I do not appreciate Robocalls especially when at work.

Make the phone companies allow consumers access to block these calls.

Patricia Brooks Somerville, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 428 of 5002 please stop robotic calls! They are an invasion of my privacy and defeat the no call list designed to give us privacy.

Barbara Potter Hot Springs Village, AR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 429 of 5002

I think robocall blocking is great. Keep this option available to consumers. I use a service to block these calls and it works great!

Glenn Schmottlach Wixom, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 430 of 5002

I signed up to have Nomorobo block my calls in 2104. I am very happy with their service and feel that other telephone users deserve to have it, too.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 431 of 5002

I would like to request that consumers be allowed to use "robocall" to block unwanted solicitations which occur on a daily basis. It should be my right to block these unwanted "nuisance" calls if I so desire to do so.

Lloyd Klee Smithtown, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 432 of 5002

We are receiving 15 to 20 robocalls a week. Nomorobo is blocking these much to our satisfaction. It would be even better if we didn't have the one ring. There is nothing from robocalls which interest us. Junk!

Bob & Evelyn Belle Mead, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 433 of 5002

I think robo calls are very annoying, and I am tired of my phone ringing all day long. Nomorobo has been a great tool and I hope their services will be expanded.

Doug Warren Garden Grove, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 434 of 5002

Most calls today are robo calls that almost always spoof the caller Id. I find that by immediately blocking them I can significantly cut down on these illegal calls and can focus on legitimate calls

Mark roberts Round Rock TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 435 of 5002

I'm so tired of answering robo calls. I'd like to be able to opt out of getting any call that is not from an actual person on the line. I'd also like to eliminate all unsolicited calls from businesses, but the Do Not Call list doesn't seem to take care of that either. It is time that we people get a chance to take back our phone lines and eliminate all unsolicited calls, especially the robo calls.

Loretta Holzberger Puyallup, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 436 of 5002

I have been disabled due to a fall, and it is terrible to try to answer the phone, when most (80%) are robocalls. It is an intrusion - even like breaking amd entering.

Why can't we outlaw these terrible intrusions into our home?

James & Marylyn Morrell Atherton, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 437 of 5002

Why can I not block robo calls? I can't even complain about them because they use MY phone number to call me. When I attempt to get their phone number from my caller ID I find my home number listed as the "caller".

William J Rogers Dennis Port, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 438 of 5002

Robocalls have become a daily nightmare and I urge you to take stronger steps to eliminate them, including requiring the phone companies to offer better blocking services and also stepping up enforcement on violators. My phone company allows me to (manually) block 16 unwanted calls - I get that many in a week! I've bought a system that allows me to block 250 calls, but within 6 months I've just about used all of the slots in that system. Please do something to return our privacy to us!

Tom Yinglin Ellicott City, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 439 of 5002

Please outlaw robocalls. they are very annoying.

Thanks for your attention to this matter.

Walter Marks Temecula, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 440 of 5002

My phone rings from am to late pm with robo calls. Why can consumers do nothing to stop this annoyance? How many people are asking

You to keep this unwanted advertising? I'd venture to say NO ONE is asking you to continue allowing these calls into his or her home. Please stop this NOW! I won't put my number for fear of more robo calls.

Margaret Collett Hayward CA 94541

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 441 of 5002

Please stop the robocalls to cell phones. These calls are annoying and count against my minutes. Robocall blocking would be a fantastic thing.

Brenda Persons Severn, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 442 of 5002

Robocalls are an annoying invasion of privacy and shouldn't be allowed. I want to be on a nomorobo call list to block them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 443 of 5002

Robo calls are very disruptive to my family time and for as many times I explicitly say I want to be placed on a do not call list, they do not listen. And for good reason because there's very little I can do that does not consume my time to go after these Robo callers. You must allow consumers more tools to "combat" this unwanted invasion and disruption of my time.


Chris McGinley

Chris McGinley Getzville, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 444 of 5002

I love NOMOROBO. I wish the law alowed us to block all charity calls and political calls. I do not want to be bothered by those I have no interest in dealing with.

John F. Stevens Mooresville, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 445 of 5002

Telecom customers should be allowed to block calls from unwanted callers. Their calls are an invasion of privacy and an unwanted interruption. It is difficult to block all calls using telephone providers because they have limits on how many you can block. Companies should be allowed to provide call blocking services.

Judith Harrison Mountain View, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 446 of 5002

I am so tired of being continuously interrupted by robocalls. This is MY house, and I feel these calls are an invasion on my peace and serenity.


Pat Eyre Cuyahoga Falls, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 447 of 5002

I support blocking robocalks. I support blocking telemarketers.

If the FCC will not aggressively gonaftervtelemarketers and will not stop the endless marketing calls in violation of their rules, then the FCC should let me deal with the violators of the law using technology.

Look, either enforce the law o let me deal with it. Don't tie my hands. It's my phone. I pay for it.

Joe Farrell Claremont, CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 448 of 5002

Robocalls have gotten out of hand largely, I suppose, by how easy it is to set up an automatic dialing system and pre-recorded message. We are frequently called by the same businesses more than once per week. My wife and I are grateful that Nomorobo exists. At least the majority of calls get caught by them. Congress needs to listen to their constituents and not the businesses that employ these tactics.

Many senior citizens are bothered physically when a phone rings for no important reason and they are already on the "Do Not Call" registry. Also, some of these callers are not legitimate businesses. They are sometimes scams just itching to catch someone.

Your goal should be to make it easier to block Robocalls. Think about it. These companies are not interested in obeying laws if they call people already listed on the "Do Not Call" registry.

Alan & Nancy Hyman Warminster, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 449 of 5002

It's my telephone service that I pay for and it's been horribly abused by innumerable robocallers. The FCC has done next to nothing to allow me to control the telephone service that I pay for. I believe that it is the legal responsibility of the FCC to establish a simple means by which telephone service rate payers can easily control the unending assault from robocallers on our privacy and our right to peaceful tranquility in our lives. The constant barrage of these unsolicited intrusions into our daily lives must stop and it is the FCC's responsibility to provide an adequate method of protection from this abuse.

David & Rhonda Peterson Manhattan Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 450 of 5002

Why can I not block robo calls? I can't even complain about them because they use MY phone number to call me. When I attempt to get their phone number from my caller ID I find my home number listed as the "caller".

William J Rogers Dennis Port, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 451 of 5002

Please allow me to block annoying robocalls on my phone. They are annoying & unwanted, come early in the morning & during dinner hours.

Mr & Mrs P. Frank Shrub Oak, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 452 of 5002

A necessity to stop annoying calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 453 of 5002

I am tired of telemarketers, even though I've signed up for the do not call list, robocalling my home. Nomorobo has been a tremendous blessing to my family! Please force the phone companies to allow me to block these unwanted calls

Laura Williams Winter Park, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 454 of 5002

Since it is my phone, which I pay for, I should be able to block robocalls by whatever means necessary. They are an invasion of my privacy. I do not want this calls and will use any technology available to limit this intrusion. That is my right to do so.

I also think that any one - individual or company - should be REQUIRED to show their name under the Caller ID. Since this my personal number that is being called, I have the right to know who is calling me. This outweighs their "need" to hide this information.

Robert Troisi San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 455 of 5002

I don't want you to stop nomorobo calls. I hate these calls and I don't appreciate being interrupted while I'm eating or what ever. I want those robo calls BLOCKED.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 456 of 5002

These calls are a real bother for the elderly who use their phones mostly for emergencies. The companies never seem to take our number off their list, even when we ask politely, they just hang up!

Virginia Gauerke Hendersonville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 457 of 5002

Robo calls on my cell phone are a plague and nuisance on a daily basis.

Anything that blocks such obnoxious intrusions should be encouraged!

David Carr Arlington, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 458 of 5002

Please help make laws to protect the privacy of my home. I don't want any robocalls using up my time, energy, and phone equipment.


Susan West. St. Paul MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 459 of 5002

Save us some money and end the DO NOT CALL list. It does not work anyway.

It should be MY choice whether or not I accept Robocalls. I am paying for the phone line and own the phone. I should have the right to decide whether I can block unwanted, unsolicited phone calls. It is especially important since the majority of these calls are scams and spam and spoofs trying to con people out of their money or identity or take control of their computers and hold them for ransom.

Why would anyone want us to be exposed to more opportunities for criminals to take advantage of us?

Gail Parker Tulsa Area, Oklahoma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 460 of 5002

Your federal "do not call" list is useless. I still get up to six robo calls a day. We should be able to block robo calls

Patricia Boen Chatsworth, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 461 of 5002

I have NOROBO applied to my home address in Massachusetts, but not at my other home in Florida. It has cut those PIA calls down to a minimum up north, but now that I'm in Florida I receive about three PIA calls a day. Please do what needs to be done to make them stop, or at least allow us to cut them off.

Charles Ryan Waltham Mass

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 462 of 5002


Theodora Czarnecki Palm Coast, Fl.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 463 of 5002

Please stop these annoying calls about my credit cards. fall prevention, etc. I am getting the calls daily sometimes three, four or five per day. Let;s have the government do something that is easy and practical. Thanks!!!!!

Pat Pruitt Linwood, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 464 of 5002

Robo call blocking should be made available for cellphones as well as landlines. Currently Verizon does not allow Nomorobo to be used.

Richard & Diane Carlson Wading River, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 465 of 5002

I have been using NOMOROBO for a few months now and it has transformed my life. I get at least three or four robo calls a day that are successfully intercepted. This has saved me several hours of time that was wasted before I signed up for NOMOROBO.

Please make it even easier for people to block unwanted phone calls.

Eric Myrvaagnes Newton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 466 of 5002

I am really tired of receiving Robo Calls. If I choose to not answer the calls, the companies continue to call back...sometimes as often as 3 times in a hour based on the Caller ID information I can see.

Currently, I have a feature that allows me to block Robo Calls. I want to continue to use this feature as it allows me to maintain control of the incoming calls I receive to my home.

Dennis R. Kohn Merced, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 467 of 5002

Robocalls and other unwanted solicitation calls have spiraled out of control. It has reached the point where we simply no longer answer our home phone. We easily receive 10 times as many unwanted junk calls as actual legitimate calls. When I tell solicitors that I am on the do not call list they laugh and have even cursed me out.

Phone companies are complicit in this onslaught and need to be forced to allow and implement any and all call blocking solutions. Phone solicitors refuse to abide by the do not call list and are never prosecuted anyway. The only answer is to provide citizens with tools to block these nuisance calls that invade our privacy on a nightly basis.

Warren Vanderslice Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 468 of 5002

I want my robe calls blocked. Nomorobo blocks all the robot calls effectively. Do not stop them please. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONE BLOCKED ALL MY ROBO CALLS COMPLETELY UNTIL NOW!

Let them continue doing the job.


N. Natarajan Buffalo, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 469 of 5002

I cannot think of anything more annoying than to answer the phone and find that some scam telemarketer is pushing his product, service, charity, survey, political party, etc. by way of a recorded message and ignoring the do not call list. I am so unimportant to them that I'm not worth having a real person make the call, but am relegated to a recording instead. However, I don't want my number to be ignored on the do not call list either.

The FCC and the FTC have done a terrible job of managing this problem and have never put teeth into the legislation that calls for sever penalties for violating people's requested privacy and peace.

This problem needs to be solved for those of us who are sick of this practice. Not only robocalls, but all unwanted calls should be made easy to block by the phone companies of America. The technology is there to make this happen and these jerks should be stopped once and for all. My privacy and choice of how I spend my time at dinner, when sleeping, or doing other life activities should be a choice I can make and have it be effective. The do not call list has become meaningless and useless in stopping this harassment.

John Prior Johnstown, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 470 of 5002 help !

10 robo calls every day dan cooper boulder,co

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 471 of 5002

Ban all robcalls, especially from politicians and charities. Robocall blocking products is the only way I stop these calls, I wish they can block all calls from politicians and charities.

Kevin Tontala North Tonawanda, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 472 of 5002

Quit trying to regulate everything based of the tons of money you get from lobbyist. Get the government out of trying to cave in to big money leaving all of us everyday folks alone. Enough is enough.

Richard Bosik Washington, not DC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 473 of 5002

We are tired of having meals & TV programmes interrupted by robo calls. It's so annoying most of the calls to our land lines are spam. Please give us the choice to prevent these unwanted intrusions into our homes. Thank you for supporting the common man.

Marie Leslie Livermore, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 474 of 5002 do not stop robo block ,if you do then outlaw robo calls altogether

Corby Enochs troy ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 475 of 5002

We are elderly and the robocalls are very disruptive.Please stop them.

Terry N Canton OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 476 of 5002

I am SICK of robocalls (including political) and should be allowed to block any and all! Not all Americans sleep on the same schedules and they ALWAYS wake up my wife and I. God bless NOMOROBO!

Glen Burnie, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 477 of 5002

I only give my number to family and a few select friends. I don't want to be bothered at all hours with robo calls. In the last few months, I have been getting several a day. As a senior citizen, I don't want to answer calls expecting a friend and getting a salesman. I recognize a lot of the numbers. They only change the last four digits. It is a pain. Nomorobo has helped my landline. I want help on my cell phone.

Carol Gurrad Concord, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 478 of 5002

Please stop robo calls and make them illegal. They are getting more numerous and are very disruptive to our lives. Especially to a 80 year old couple.

Jerry & Vivian Rueckert Lansing, Michigan.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 479 of 5002

I would like to state that rob calls should be stopped, or at least allow us to opt out. I don't answer them if I don't recognize the caller ID or a number.

We have to PAY for our phone service, and we should have a say in who can call us.

Michelle Cook Weatherford, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 480 of 5002

I hate robocalls illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 481 of 5002

Please don't ignore my request because I requested to remain anonymous.

I waste hours every month, wading through needless robocalls, for every imaginable cause, that has no bearing on my family. I have filled the blocked numbers list on my phone system, I have filled the allowable blocked numbers list on my phone service, but it doesn't even come close to the number of robocalls we continue to get on our house phone and also on our cell phones. I have Nomorobo service on the house phone line, but even that fails to catch half of them. Every weekend I filter through the ones it did not catch and add them to the list of number we don't want to hear from. Clearly 99% of the calls coming through on our house phone are unnecessary and unwanted. If I had any interest in the services being sold, I could easily find firms online and contact them myself. At least then it would be firms I wanted to deal with, instead of someone I never heard of cold calling me. I do not seriously consider anyone who is cold calling. That goes also for junk mail and junk email. Our numbers have been listed on for 10 years, but that doesn't seem to do any good, either. Until a solution can be developed that really addresses this trash, we need to retain the ability to block junk calls. While I do appreciate the fact that someone is potentially making their living this way, I don't want it on my dime. Robocalling is clearly out of control. It's way over time to get rid of it. Our phone line is being held hostage by these idiots!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 482 of 5002

I do not want to be bothered by computerized outgoing calls from scammers who ignore do not call lists, charities I have never contributed to, or organizations conducting fake surveys.

Of course I can simply not answered, but these calls are an annoyance at all hours of the day and evening. Let me block them!

David McGahey Hamilton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 483 of 5002

I appreciate nomorobo blocking robo calls, and only wish it could be improved so the phone wouldn't ring even once.

Charles Dunn Kent Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 484 of 5002

Every day I get robocalls from "Rachel" or some other troll. EVERY DAY! I have let them go through and swore at the people in Bangladesh or some hell hole but now I would do anything to stop SPOOFED numbers. I even got one from my number. This is criminal. My mother is elderly so I do answer the phone when it rings, but most of the times it's one of these. STOP IT!

John Poltrack New Ipswich, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 485 of 5002

I do not need any robo calls.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 486 of 5002

No one should have the right to access my phone for robot calls.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 487 of 5002

Robocalls are worse than just a nuisance. Interruptions to answer several calls a day where no one talks on the other end is maddening. We're thankful every day that we were able to sigh up for a blocking service and return to normal life.

Nancy Witstine Reno, NV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 488 of 5002

Please allow me to block robocalls.

Thank you.

Bart Bias Berkeley, CA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 490 of 5002

Something must be done about Robocalls. They are an invasive persistent infuriating misuse of the phone service I pay for. The phone companies are no help. So far only NomoRobo has provided some relief, but it is still much too difficult to accomplish what should be a basic ability to manage our phone service. Please give this high priority.

Larry Strichman Los Angeles, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 491 of 5002

Please make robocall blocking solutions more easily accessible to consumers.

We have enough 'spam' in our lives; we don't need it calling us on the phone.


Joan Johnson Moorpark, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 492 of 5002

I understand that phone carriers do not want to provide consumer with programs that block robocalls. I use Nomorobo on my land line, and that program blocks many robocalls, but not all. Unfortunately, my cell phone carrier does not offer the opportunity to use the same program. The Do Not Call List is essentially useless as just about everyone has been able to circumvent the law, so something akin to Nomorobo should be available to all consumers for land lines and cell phones.

James Wachter Verona, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 493 of 5002

Please make them go away. They serve no purpose but to annoy my wife and me. I do not buy anything as a result of a robocall. It is a waste of their and my time. please make them stop.

Allen Williams Bellingham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 494 of 5002

Robocalls need to be stopped or blocked, I get many calls all day long and when I answer no one is on the line. Also I don't like when the machine asks you to hold for an operator to answer. I did not call them they had their machine call me.

King D Colvin Brandon Fl.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 495 of 5002

I'm tired of being interrupted by thoughtless robocallers that only want my money or my vote. Please give me the the freedom to block these interruptions that steal my valuable free time.

John & Elise Jordan Clarksville MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 496 of 5002

Stop the Robocalls!! Even though I am the do not call list, I still get 2-3 spam calls every day. HELP!!!!

Winn Los Gatos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 497 of 5002

I request that you institute appropriate rules with enforcement means to block robo-calls to private residences. It is presently an infringement on my privacy to have to put up with these calls. It is insufficient to allow robo calls to be transferred to private answering machines when we refuse to answer the call directly. It is now fraudagalent use of private phone services and negates my attempt to not answer the call, now I have to take separate action to remove these calls from my answering system, double jeopardy?

John O'Brien Middletown, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 498 of 5002

The issue of robocalls is getting out of hand. They typically start in the morning and go into the evening. If the call turns into a human caller - I inform then that the number is on the do not call list but they just hang up mid sentence. Please fix the problem or allow a system to reject robocalls.

Thank you.

Dan Griffin La Crescenta, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 499 of 5002

Please block robocalls. They are very annoying.

Marion Hennig Folcroft, Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 500 of 5002

I would love to block robocalls on my phone! They are a source of total annoyance. I do not understand why I cannot block such calls if I choose. Why should companies or organizations which engage in the practice have more rights than an individual subscriber?

Elizabeth J Crom Garland, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 501 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy. Block them.

J.C. Hasssett Portland, Oreogn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 502 of 5002 robocalls are a waste of bandwidth, add to everyone's costs and are a huge interruption of my time and an invasion of my privacy.

Brookeville, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 503 of 5002

I had the robocalls when I Time Warner as my home phone service and it was great since robo callers still get around the no call list some how so I think it should be available to any one who wants it no matter what service you have home or cellular

John Swinney Eden NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 504 of 5002

PLEASE understand that the huge number of robocalls I receive are truly a nuisance. I signed up for DoNotCall only to find out that there are many ways around it. I'm TIRED of these calls and want a way to block them.

Thank you for your consideration.

Karen Kelleher Germantown, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 505 of 5002

I think robocall blocking products should be allowed to stop unwanted calls

East Northport, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 506 of 5002

Ideally, robocalls would be made illegal. Until that happens we need the ability to block those calls as best we can.

These marketers and others have no right to invade our time, our space, our homes.

These are OUR telephones, not theirs!

Theodore Brazeau Dripping Springs,TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 507 of 5002

Nomorobo is the only service that has ever successfully stopped most of the robo calls. Reporting numbers to the FCC-FTC has always been ineffective. All carriers should allow this blocking by Nomorobo.

Richard Bonson Lincoln, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 508 of 5002

I support the blocking of robocalls. They are very annoying. They are not freedom of speech. Please listen.

David Peterson. Santa Clarita ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 509 of 5002

Those robocalls should be outlawed. Companies use robocalls to break the laws and annoy subscribers of phone service. Even when a number is registered with the DO NOT CALL registry, owners of those robocalls do not obey the law. Service of nomorobo is a valuable tool to keep those robocalls at bay. The FCC should be going after those robocallers and yank their service! Many of those robocallers spoof their caller ID and returning a call to the listed number gets you nowhere.

San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 510 of 5002

Please take action to stop robocalls. I have used NOMOROBO for sales calls, but I still get many other types. My town uses robo calls to make important announcements and this is true of institutions who need to communicate with large numbers of people. I hope there is a way to let us be selective about which calls to allow because we truly need to receive some although we hate others. Please allow for ways to individualize the blocking process.

Frances L. Terry New Milford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 511 of 5002

Robocalls are a source of frustration and insecurity to everyone but especially me and others in my age group. As a newly minted retired, senior citizen I never know if that unsolicited phone call is a legitimate pain in the ass or a criminal checking to see who answers the phone or if someone is at home. I use call screening and only answer numbers I know at this point. I will use robocall blocking devices and anything else to stop unwanted calls. Please help me to keep safe, feel secure, and enjoy my peace and quite by allowing all robocall blocking products and let the phone user make the choice to use or not.

J. G. Leander, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 512 of 5002

I think its about time to put a stop to all robocalls, I get 20 to 30 a day, can't you please stop this. gerald garneau brooksville, fl.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 513 of 5002

The telephone system was never intended to allow marketers unlimited access to phone users. It is a service paid by the users, for the users' convenience, and not supported by sellers who gain access without permission.

Given the situation -- anyone can dial random numbers without cost or penalty -- we users have the right and should have the ability to block unwanted intruders.

Russell Thorstenberg Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 514 of 5002

Hey, I don't want to receive robocalls and I love products that work like nomorobo. I've had it for over a year and it works great. DO NOT pass laws/regulations to disable blocking products like this. Why would you do such a stupid thing???!!!

Phil King Monroe Twp., NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 515 of 5002

Allowing pubic "service" companies to generate income by allowing any and all entities to intrude upon our lives at any time via computer robocalls is very disheartening. Of course, the service companies want to make some additional very easy bucks at the expense of the general public. Why should they be allowed to diminish the quality of life of everyone and we not be allowed to block these calls? What's next? Will we have to pay the phone company money to have get them to stop torturing us with robocalls?

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 516 of 5002

Before signing up with Nomorobo, we were getting multiple robocalls per day, despite the fact that they are illegal. I reported the calls to the do-not-call registry many, many times, and nothing was ever done. Since signing up for Nomorobo, my robocall volume has gone down significantly. More work needs to be done, because illegal calls still get through. But everybody should have the ability to use products like Nomorobo to block robocalls. And more work needs to be done to make these products better.

Steven Armbrust Portland, Oregon

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 517 of 5002

I'm tired of all the "last chance" phone calls about credit cards, mortgage rates, etc. Please give me the opportunity to refuse them, to block them, to remove them from my life.

Lindsey Allen Austin, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 518 of 5002

I support the blocking of robocalls. They are very annoying. They are not freedom of speech. Please listen.

David Peterson. Santa Clarita ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 519 of 5002

I think robocalls are an invasion of privacy and extremely annoying.

My wife and I were so excited to hear about Nomorobo and doubly excited to see how well it works. Every time the phone rings we wait to see if there's a second ring, if not we shout THANK YOU NOMOROBO!

Nothing is more annoying than being in the middle of a project or watching a favorite TV show and have the phone ring. You rush to get there and find out it's a God damned telemarketer. It's my phone and I should have the right to block any calls I like. Shame on the phone companies for supporting these annoying telemarketing calls!

John Davidson Kingston, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 520 of 5002

Robo calls are a major annoyance and they tie up the lines. Please, do what you can to put a stop to these!

George Dutton Waterloo, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 521 of 5002

I hate the month before elections and the medical and medicare enrollment periods at the end of each year. Because my phone rings off the hook. I have caller id so I know an unsolicited call, like "Service", "unavailable" or an 800 number. But I can't block them! The FCC needs to block this harassment. Phone companies are obviously benefiting monetarily, or they would block calls from PACs and telemarketers. I you represent the consumer, you will provide robocall blocking solutions.

Kurt J. Baney Beaverton, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 522 of 5002

Let us block robo calls.

They are a nuisance. I am not going to buy anything based on a robo call. Many of the services offered are scams. And an easy way to do it would be to tax the callers. That would put an end to it very quickly.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 523 of 5002

I don't care to receive any calls from people I don't personally know.

Kathy Brewer Henderson, Nevada

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 524 of 5002

There are only a couple of words for robocalls....vile and disgusting. Why should I be charged to get unsolicited phone calls? My current carrier does allow me to block up to 20 numbers, but there needs to be another solution, such as Nomorobo, or at the very least allow me to block as many calls as I need to. Political calls are the absolute worst and are often masked to appear that they are coming from a legitimate caller.

William Johnson Florissant, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 525 of 5002

I hate robocalls and want to be able to block them. They are intrusive.I should have the right to block these calls.

Robert Higgins Melrose Park, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 526 of 5002

We are very pleased with robocall blocking. We are spared from 2-6 unwanted calls daily. Please continue this service.

Robert O'Connor East Lyme, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 527 of 5002

Americans have the right to block robocalls no matter what the phone companys want. Not even a close call.

Old Bridge NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 528 of 5002

I hate robocalls, find them disturbing, and invasive. I have found huge relief in NoMoRobo's blocking of these calls. I believe that I have as much right to protect my privacy from intrusion by telephone as I do from solicitors at my door. lois brubeck berkeley, california

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 529 of 5002

Please stop the robo calls, they are so annoying! It's terrible that our world has been reduced to not being able to speak to a human being! I want to be able to block the stupid, annoying robo calls. I feel that we should have the right to block unwanted calls to our phone since I pay for the service so I should be able to decide who should be able to call my home.

Patty Crest hill, illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 530 of 5002

Please take action as soon as possible to make robocall blocking products available to the general public. My landline and both my cell phones are registered on the National Do Not Call List. However, as you should surely know, there is no enforcement -- I am bombarded by robocalls.

Thank you,

Richard Sulik The Villages, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 531 of 5002

Stop aiding and abetting people to invade me home and privacy. NOW

Judy/John Lesnick Jeannette, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 532 of 5002

I support mandating that telecom carriers provide a service that allows its subscribers to block automated marketing (robo) calls.

Edward Cohen Manalapan NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 533 of 5002

Please STOP the Robocalling..It wakes my children, ties up my phone line and bottom line plain annoying...

Dana Dallas, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 534 of 5002

I am a retired senior citizen after having worked hard all of my life. At this point I want to simply relax and peacefully enjoy whatever time I have left on this earth here in my home in Florida. Instead I am constantly and incessantly annoyed by robocalls daily. On average by actual count I receive 25 to 30 weekly. I have placed my name on the

"do not call" lists to no avail, apparently they mean nothing to these callers. This is absolutely an invasion of my privacy, nothing less! The only solution to this very serious problem is a robocall blocker which I wholeheartedly endorse and would most welcome.

Nicholas Perilli Ormond Beach, Fl.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 535 of 5002

The National Do Not Call list was great for a year or two. It is now completely ineffective. It looks from here like there is no more enforcement and that the people behind these unwanted calls are not the least bit afraid of The FCC. The unwanted callers have also learned to defeat many preventive measures and now spoof legitimate calls by faking legitimate phone numbers. It should not be legal to present false identity via electronic spoofing.

Americans would be better off if services like NoMoRobo are supported and expanded. At my home I receive from 2 to 6 unwanted calls EACH DAY that can't be blocked by the services I have now, including NoMoRobo and that provided by my phone and my phone service. These unwanted intrusions into my day need to be stopped and I support NoMoRobo's efforts to do just that.

Glenn Stasse Laurel, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 536 of 5002

It's time!!! (Seriously!!) to make robocall blocking solutions available and accessible to the public.

I already have (2) Call Blockers, with a capacity of 80 numbers each, full and these calls keep coming - It needs to stop!!!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 537 of 5002

Robocalls are a source of annoyance, inconvenience, increased blood pressure, and temporary insanity. They should be outlawed. Since that's not gonna happen, I should continue to be allowed to block them. EVERYBODY should be able to block them.

I use a service called Nomorobo which has been a godsend, blocking calls nearly every day. It diverts the call after a single ring, stopping me from racing (I use that term loosely at my age) to the phone just to hear that I've just won an island vacation (as soon as I give them my credit card number for the "service charges") or can get my diabetes medications less expensively (I don't have diabetes) or can turn over my timeshare to them for such a tiny fee.

Don't touch my Nomorobo!!

Rochelle Oms Mableton GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 538 of 5002

One of the best services I've ever subscribed to is We receive a dozen or more robocalls every day, and it is a blessing to have them diverted from us after one ring.

You should be thinking about bringing even more robocalls--such as charities and political messages-- under robocall prevention.

Robocalls are a blight on phone service.

Charles and Harriet Day Philadelphia, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 539 of 5002

I cannot tell you how irritating it is to get phone calls at all times of the day from people or organizations that I do not care about or want to talk to. My family needs a way to block these unwanted calls. I currently use the free service called NoMoRobo and it works very well. Please consider to allow these kinds of services for the consumer to use.

Thomas Wike Plano, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 540 of 5002

Please REIGN IN Robocallers.

They detract from our quality of life.

Action on your part is needed to rid this menace to society.

J. Robert Bradshaw

J. Robert Bradshaw Davidsonville, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 541 of 5002

I DETEST robocalls. I used to get 4-5 per day, sometimes more. Many or most of them are scams (Rachel from Credit Card Services calls our house several times a day). They don't care that I'm on the "do not call" list. I should have the ability to block robocalls if I choose.

Sue Prins Jenison, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 542 of 5002

STOP THE ROBOCALLS! They are an invasion of my private space, my home. I want them blocked. Now and forever!

Boston, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 543 of 5002

I demand the right to use robocall blocking...Do you realize that I have between 4 and 6 calls everyday,,,many for solar energy companys but also many addressed to SENIOR Citizens concerning care cards line etc.

NO ONE should have this many annoying calls!!!!

We need to be able to block robocalls.

S.R. Sonnek Rancho Santa Fe, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 544 of 5002

Nomorobo has done a superb job of reducing tHe obnoxious, and dangerous robocalls. Please support, and not hinder them.

Edward Goldman Foxboro, MA 02035

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Jeffrey Brittingham Columbus, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 546 of 5002

Customers should be able to block robocalls! Dana Drake

Dana Drake Long Beach CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 547 of 5002

Calling me without my permission, is like trespassing on my property. They call you at night, Saturday's, Sunday's any time.

If you have no power to stop this callers, why do you help them?

Your do not call registry has no meaning. Nobody is checking it.

I would recommend to make DO CALL REGISTRY

Unless my name is on the list, do not call me.

If anybody not authorized person calls me, he should get severe penalty.

If you do not have resources to prosecute offenders, do not waste time and public taxes on making laws which can not be enforced.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 548 of 5002

I use robocall blocking.

I like it and want it continued.

Paul lowy L a ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 549 of 5002

This is a no brainer. We have a no call list for many very good reasons. They also apply to robocalls.

Thomas James Tybee Island Georgia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 550 of 5002

Stop these anoying calls. i lift the phone and promptly hang up to stop the ringing. Roy martinez

Roy & Ebe Martinez San Carlos,Calif

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 551 of 5002

I pay for my telephone service. My phones are inside my house. I consider unsolicited calls an invasion of privacy. Far worse are the ubiquitous robocalls. I WANT the right to block these calls.

James & Susan Peak Ashburn VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 552 of 5002

Every time I get an unnecessary, unsolicited and un wanted or ocala, it costs ME. These need to be stopped before they start.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 553 of 5002

Several Months ago I logged all my calls (using caller id information) and found that approximately 82% of incoming calls registered on my home phone were unwanted calls, mostly robocalls. This is an annoying level of unwanted calls. My phone is supposed to be for MY use and benefit and I keep it mostly for emergency calls, outgoing calls to doctors and businesses and friends, and calls to my children. Not all of the unwanted incoming calls are robocalls, but a lot of them are.

Please REQUIRE that consumers be given significant levels of control on their incoming phone calls and allow (and encourage) blocking of robocalls (and other unwanted calls, if possible). Forget about putting loopholes and exemptions in for politicians, religious organizations, and charities. If I want them, I'll allow them! The exclusion system should allow for enough specifics to allow any such calls that are WANTED to be sent through and the others blocked!

Thank you for considering and protecting the consumer!

Mr. Laurens T. Kennedy Valrico, FL 33594

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 554 of 5002

My name is Thomas Wood, and I'm 75 years old with a very bad back. Robo. calls are more then just a bother for me. They really a pain you know where. Norobo is a big help for my wife and I. IF the phone co.'s can block them WHY haven't they done so, Norobo is a new co I think. AT&T has been around for well over a hundred years, (I know because I'm an AT&T retiree) and I really don't think they WANT to block them. To much money there to block them. Please don't bow down to them on this, Thank you.

Thomas Wood Lowell N.C.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 555 of 5002

Why can't I block robo calls from all of my phones including cell?

Jeffrey warner Rockaway nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 556 of 5002

Robocalls are driving me crazy! I want them stopped!

Susan Deagon Santa Monica, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 557 of 5002

The Telephone Companies are interested in only one thing-profits. They could care less about criminals using their services to rip people off.NOMOROBO has finally given me some relief from these criminals and now the phone companies are rushing to protect these criminals to protect their profits.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 558 of 5002

NOMOROBO has made our life CONSIDERABLY more pleasant since we installed it, blocking upwards of a dozen calls EVERY DAY, featuring boiler room scum that quickly turn from a considerate caring person to someone whose language would turn your mother to stone when you reject their plea. Luckily, NOMOROBO has virtually stopped this on our home phone. Since the taxpayer funded Do Not Call List is essentially powerless, please allow this service to make our cellular phone as pest free as our home service now is. Thank you!

Bill & Sue Stanley Leominster, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 559 of 5002

I sometimes get 5 calls in a day from India telling me there is a problem with my computer. Also get calls almost daily on both my cell and land line from a credit card group. Both of my numbers are on the Federal Do Not Call List. I should not have my privacy invaded this frequently!!!

Ruth Hewlett Elkton, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 560 of 5002

Robo calls are driving me crazy. I get them at home and on my cellphone; at least 5 a day. Most are phony operations like getting me a free medical alert system "covered by Medicare. Medicare does not cover it. Also, calls to lower my interest rate. I have no outstanding loans and haven't and any for 40 years. Most come from cell numbers and are pure fly by night swindlers block the number and call from an other cell. Such calls should be illegal with a heavy penalty for making them.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 561 of 5002

I feel robocall blocking products should be allowed for consumers. They give consumers like me the choice of having unwanted calls at all times of day and night blocked.

We as paying consumers should have the right to block any unwanted calls coming into our homes.

Garner, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 562 of 5002

I have a serious illness and it is very important that I rest each afternoon. I am frequently disturbed by ridiculous robocalls attempting to sell me things I don't need or want. It has become so annoying, I've actually considered discontinuing my land line.

Please make it possible to block such calls. Those who want them could still receive them but it would protect the rest of us from the tyranny of the marketeers. Thank you for your action on behalf of the American people.

Susan Allan Ann Arbor, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 563 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls. It's my phone!

Waterford Mi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 564 of 5002

I, for one, am sick and tired of being harassed by the robo calls. When I called the FCC to file a complaint, I was told they could nothing to help me slow or stop these calls, however I could register on "nomorobo". I have been on the "do Not call" registry for years, but the FCC said that is not enforced, it is used to collect data only. Nomorobo at least protected me from these cons and stalkers.

Mona capaci Virginia Beach, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 565 of 5002

Telemarketers have learned to circumvent the do not call list, and now you are considering making it difficult, if not impossible, to block unwanted calls? Allowing consumers to block robo calls is the least that should be done. We are already assaulted day and night with unsolicited interruptions.

Sheryl Lambert Missouri City, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 566 of 5002

Robocalls are a scourge. Unwanted interruption is the least of the problem. They are unregulated and as such they are the source of scams that rob the elderly and naive of millions each year. Private phone users should have the option to control who has the right to their telephone. Failure to allow the option to block us a failure of the FCC mission when you bow to the will of the service providers.

George Harvey Charlotte SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 567 of 5002

This is one of the best services I have ever had. I definitely need a robocall blocking service and nomo robot fulfills this need. Do not let these robocalls interfere with people's lives.

Julie Cieutat Metairie La

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 568 of 5002

I'm sick and tired of robo calls. I don't want ANY of them. I want to be able to block any and all that I want. I want control over my own phones!! I pay the phone bill, not those politicians.

In addition, I want to be able to block robo calls free of charge!! I should not have to pay anyone or any company to block calls for me.

Judy Schiff Cumming, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 569 of 5002

Robo calls are intrusive and annoying. It is frustrating to get them to stop pressuring us into whatever their request is. It is even more unfair that they are allowed to call cell numbers which wastes our precious minutes.

Naomi Theisz Twp of Washington, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 570 of 5002

Please allow blocking of calls on my cell phone.

Ron Benson Midlothian VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 571 of 5002

I am a consumer who is tired of "robocalls". I support NOMOROBO.....

Their service has worked successfully for my family for over six months.

We were getting up to 8 robocalls a day. Now maybe one a day. Progess not perfection. I really don't want to have to put up with unwanted phone calls.



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 572 of 5002

We absolutely love the freedom to block robocalls. It is so nice to be able to enjoy peace & quiet while relaxing, having dinner, etc. without being plagued with constant interruptions from calls WE DO NOT WANT!

McKinney, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 573 of 5002

Our Constitution guarantees us freedom of choice. We deserve no less. Please allow us to block unepwanrpted solicitations.

Marlborough MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 574 of 5002

Robocalls should be out lawed! Our privacy is being violated.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 575 of 5002

I am FOR allowing services to block robocalls. I get between 2-10 calls a day!! ENOUGH!

Kathleen Bradburn Kailua, HI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 576 of 5002

Robocalls are horrible--annoying, disruptive, intrusive, and a nuisance.They shouldn't be allowed at all, but if they are, at least we should be able to opt out. I have tried to do with no success. Please stop them!

Judith and Nancy Tax/Wiener NY, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 577 of 5002 the consumer should have the ability to dictate which callers have access to him/her, whether telemarketers, political callers; robocallers or otherwise. The consumer pays for his/her phone number & for use & maintenance of his/her devices. Often unwanted callers steal a consumer's limited allottment of minutes, in the case of mobile phones.

Please allow consumers the right to choose who "uses" its devices via phone calls. Allow all blocking of ALL unwanted calls to landlines or cell numbers.

Joseph & Patricia Snyder Syracuse, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 578 of 5002

These robocalls come in at all hours of the day and night, and are a serious invasion of privacy not to mention a conduit for illegal activity (scams). ATT allows me to block up to 20 at one time, but the numbers keep changing. It's time to put a stop to this annoyance.

Jon Rantzman Walnut Creek, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 579 of 5002

We have AT&T and they allow the blockage of robocalls. Although this doesn't affect us, we fully support that other phone companies SHOULD do the same!

Customers are entitled to their privacy. Even though we have protection, the phone on occasion will ring once, then stop. The call is blocked, but often one of us begins to move towards the phone to answer it. If robocalls are allowed, we're certain those calling will continue to pester all of us, at anytime during the day.

Since a good percentage of these calls are for selling purposes, we don't need marketing 24-7 at our home! We're perfectly capable of buying merchandise as we've done for years through many different ways!

Whomever started this type of business needs to get themselves another job. People we know don't want these calls, let alone wanting to listen to an onslaught of sales pitches all day long! It's annoying and it must be stopped!

Steve and Linda Sobel Farmington Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 580 of 5002

I want to have the freedom to be able to block my own unwanted calls.

Plympton, Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 581 of 5002

Without the Nomorobo service I was having to stop work and answer unwanted robot calls several times a DAY! I was living with a low level irritation all the time like I was being bitten by mosquitoes. I was actually thinking of discontinuing the phone line. It is crazy what has happened to having a telephone!

Rita Terrell Lawrence, Kansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 582 of 5002

I am sick and tired of receiving these robocalls. They annoy me and whenever I can I just don't answer the phone. But, sometime I can't tell if it's a call from someone I want to hear from or just a pain in my backside. At 77 I need to have a phone and if I didn't need it I would discontinue telephone service

Jacklynn Giuffrida Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 583 of 5002

Please block all robo calls. It violates the privacy and quiet of our home. If we want to buy or contribute we will seek out that business on our own.

Thank you.

Marge & Ken Siuda Batavia, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 584 of 5002

I would consider any action that favors telemarketers of any sort for any reason to be a sign of congressional corruption.... and vote accordingly.

Peter Cresswell Paoli PA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 586 of 5002 please, please stop the robo calls. Even if it is political, it is such a nuisance.

Brad Pollard Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 587 of 5002

If the telecommunications companies will not regulate their customers, or prevent abuse of telecommunications, then consumers are looking and developing systems to assist.

While I believe that Federal Regulations are important, without any effective reprocussions, We The People... Will strive for effective results with or without Fedearl assistance or enforcement.

John P McCauley Jr Bear, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 588 of 5002

Robocalls are offensive and intrusive, an invasion of privacy. They should not be permitted. I thought the problem was solved with the Do Not Call List. That didn't last long; the calls continued with robocalls.

Wendy Lazar San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 589 of 5002

Please allow me to block robocalls just as I am allowed to block any other calls. They are annoying and replying to them only makes matters worse. Blocking them is the only way to finally bring these calls to a halt.

Charles Rockey Kokomo, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 590 of 5002

I am so happy to have my robocalled calls blocked. Instead of having to be told off by marketers all day long, I can just see if the phone rings a second time for a valid phone call from someone I want to talk to. I have robocalled starting sometimes at 6:00 AM because they call from the east and don't consider me or the three hour time difference. Pretty much from them until 9 PM I get 6-10 robocall attempts. Please make this service as easy as possible.

Jan Hodgson Placentia, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 591 of 5002

I have tried time and time again to put a stop to robocalling to my phones. I put my numbers on the list and they still call. They also call until almost 9 at night. I have chronic illnesses and I need all the sleep I can get and I go to bed early to make up for the time. Everytime, I am interrupted. Now I have to rely upon shutting off my ringer and caller ID to monitor my calls. I should NOT have to do this.

Wendy Hamm Shirley, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 592 of 5002

I'm suck of Robo and telemarketers with spoofed numbers, I want to block them.

Johnson HB, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 593 of 5002

I signed up for NOMOROBO a few months before the November election. It was such a relief not to be disturbed by hundreds of election robocalls. I work at home and can not ignore the phone. Please, please, please leave robocall blocking services alone.

Dawn Moore Englewood, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 594 of 5002

Show us that you are not beholden to the telecommunications industry and require the phone companies to provide robocall blocking options to their customers.

John Voss Floral Park, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 595 of 5002

Give me the option to block these disrupting calls!!

Fernando Torres Derwood Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 596 of 5002

Before nomorobo was enlisted to help me control the interruptions, I was so frustrated. The advertisers were constantly interrupting family meal times...even was so bad, I almost dropped my land line and went totally cellular. I would have too if I couldn't control such unwanted calls.

I hope the FCC will not allow these intrusions to return, but realize money talks and the persons calling have the money...the problem with money talking is that it lies...a lot. Continue to help me control what comes into my house via the phone. THANKS.

Charles Updike Glendale,CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 597 of 5002

I have used "Do Not Call" service without success. I'm getting multiple calls and have repeatedly asked for my number to be removed from their lists. The calls keep coming!!

Earl & Masayo French Salem, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 598 of 5002

Nomorobo stops the 40 - 50 robocalls I get a month. I figure the carriers have a choice they charge us for our phone lines which are being abused by robocalls they have bypassed do not call lists. Those of us who are able and cannot get a robocall blocking service should cancel their service, find a VOIP solution that allows call filtering. If you won't support robocall blocking then you should mandate the phone lines are free as they seem to be supported by unsolicited advertising. The carriers wouldn't be fighting this if they weren't making money off of it seems like double dipping.

Greg Clardy

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 599 of 5002

Please do not allow robo calls to continue. Since using Nomorobo at least 6 calls per day are blocked on my home phone number. What a pleasure as compared to prior to the initiation of Nomorobo. This not only has to be continued but must be extended to cell phone numbers as well.

Fred Rosenberg Cleveland OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 600 of 5002

This is a no-brainer! Please allow to stop robo-calls of any kind if I wish to do so. And I certainly wish. There is absolutely no gain for me to have telemarketers call me constantly, and annoy me. You HAVE THE POWER TO STOP IT. Whatever happened to the DO NOT CALL LIST?

Richard Buehler San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 601 of 5002

I get at least seven and as many as 20 robocalls every day. It has reached the point that I simply don't answer the phone anymore, but only return messages. Why am I still paying for a landline? Only so that there's somewhere for such calls to go, and my real (cellular) phone doesn't get contaminated.

Please do not let the phone companies get away with this. Obviously they are getting something from the robocallers, and don't want to lose that. But don't we, the rate-paying public, deserve to be able to answer our phones?

E A McCrary Redlands, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 602 of 5002 please let us block this rubbish

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 603 of 5002

We really think the robot calls should cease don and marion olen cumberland foreside maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 604 of 5002

We want robocalls blocked! It is so bad with spoofed numbers, that we have received calls allegedly from our own phone number! This is an invasion of privacy. People do not walk uninvited into our homes, so why should they be allowed to do so via phone? Supposedly the carriers have ways to do this. Or, do they make money on all the garbage calls used on their systems and do not want these calls stopped?

People, please, MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!

Thank you.

Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Bruner Jonesborough, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 605 of 5002

Being able to block robo calls is the best thing to happen since computer generated calls started. I can finally get some relief from the aggrivation of being interrupted during dinner and other times through out the day. People who want to block this type of call are not interested in anything they may be pushing or selling. To protect our individual right to privacy please leave robo all blocking alone.

Kenneth Frazer Blytheville, Ar 72315

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 606 of 5002

As senior citizens We value our privacy. Even though I am on Do Not Call List we still continue to get unwanted and annoying Robo calls. I do use a Robo call blocking program.

Please allow us to keep our privacy and continue to have the Robo call blocking service.

In my opinion Robo Calls should be banned.

Thank you

Elias Thomas Palatine, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 607 of 5002

The "Do Not Call List" sounded like a good idea. Unfortunately, it never actually worked to any great degree. A solution to bothersome and, in many cases, illegal and fraudulent calls was discovered - NOMOROBO. I've used it for six months now and it has been a Godsend. You need to do everything you can to allow solutions like NOMOROBO to be easily used by frustrated and angry consumers. It would certainly be a breathe of fresh air if a government agency like the FCC did what was in the best interests of the average citizen rather than the best interests of a group with deep pockets.

Phil Polanski Riverside, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 608 of 5002

Why shouldn't we be able to block robo calls? We shouldn't have to be bothered by these insulting and aggressive scammers. We can't even legimately get off their call list and I'M ON THE FEDERAL DO NOT CALL LIST and I update it (and my elderly parents) each year!

Stephanie Terry Winchester mass

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 609 of 5002

I do not want unsolicited calls coming into my phones,either land or cell phones. Please listen to our wishes.

Sandra Twait Tampa, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 610 of 5002

I receive 5 to 10 robocalls a week on my cell phone, and there's nothing I can do. It has gotten to the point where my cell phone has a limited use because I'm reluctant to answer any calls at all. It is time for the FCC to act on this. We need to put these lawbreakers out of business by requiring cell phone companies to allow us to block such calls.

Tony Wagner Cambridge, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 611 of 5002

I pay good money for my residential phone service and I believe I have the right to be able to block telemarketers from my phone, to include their ROBOCALLS. I am able to selectively block up to ten phone numbers on my Verizon Digital Voice phone account, but the sneaky telemarketers will change their calling numbers when they find out they are blocked, so that I can never keep up with their barrage! I can also block them with my Panasonic cordless phone, but there is a 30 number limit and they receive a busy signal so they call back in short order. I saw a news article, two or three years ago, that the FCC was making a law barring telemarketers from using automatic calling systems, unless agreed to by the recipient, under penalty of law, but evidently Congress or the Senate, in concert with telemarketing lobbyists, have squashed that bill/law.

Please allow ROBOCALL blocking programs to be allowed!

Richard Lowe Rowlett, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 612 of 5002

One of the best things I ever did to my phone service was to sign up for nomorerobo. Why should outsiders have the right to invade my home with calls that I have not requested?

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 613 of 5002

I have installed NoMoRobo on my landline telephone and am very satisfied with its ability to prevent most - but NOT all - junk calls from invading my privacy. I am on the "Do Not Call List" as well but still must accept some "leakers".

Why doesn't Verizon do more to eliminate junk calls?! john meier vienna va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 614 of 5002

NOMOROBO has given me my life back! After endless unwanted calls at all hours, I can finally live without my phone ringing all the time. It is essential that robocall blocking products be allowed to be continued to function.

Bronx NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 615 of 5002

Please give us a way to stop unwanted automatic calls. It is an annoying invasion of privacy especially for elderly and impaired and hit all the obvious reasons in those situations.

Garland tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 616 of 5002

Dear FCC:

I believe that I have the right to tell a person or company- to stop calling me--and being able to have them stop or suffer some consequence-- I strongly believe that the FCC should take strong action to stop robocalls--not just --we will study it --since it has already been studied to death-- but take meaningful action so I am not constantly being bothered by these call even though I have on numerous times asked them to please stop. I would hope that politicall calls would be covered--but being a realist -that will not happen


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 617 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and an invasion into our home.

Westerville, Ojhio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 618 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance and an invasion of my privacy. I get as many as 20 a day and when I ask them to take my name and number off their circulation lists they either hang up or are rude.

Plano TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 619 of 5002

We do not want robocalls. It is my phone and I say no way robo!! What is this country coming to?? We should be allowed to have robocall blocking products..

Thank you,

Martha and Larrry Railey Columbia SC 29206

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 620 of 5002

It is vital that a robocall blocking call product or feature is available to all consumers. Too many unwanted calls (many fraudulent) are being made to phone consumers homes. We need a weapon to fight against this.

Brian C. Beaver Falls, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 621 of 5002

We are sick and tired of robocalls and think robocalls should be banned outright, no matter who is calling. To consider any rules that act against anything that can stop robocalls is outrageous. We urge you to act as a advocate for consumers, not for robocallers.

Hal Endresen Bartlett, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 622 of 5002

Stop robocalls now! if you are a consumer oriented organization, you will know that the companies opposing this, only want to make money off of the poor consumer's harassment.

I also suffered abuse at the hands of a stalking husband who bought a robocall service that originated out of TN, to regularly call random women in DC, as if from my DC cell, where I used to live and still have a cell number, between the night time hours of 6 pm and 9 pm. So their caller id would just show my number, putting the area code at the back. So when these women would call me back (and not digit the extra three digits for an area code, they would get me, asking why I was calling them and harassing them). One women was a divorcee whose husband bought such a service, and she told me all about it. The pattern fit and contd for about a month. I would take notes of my Q&A whenever someone called back. I would have them read back my number. The first three digits of my cell, w/o the 202 code, was traced back to a robocaller based in TN. Or call masker, or forwarder. Internet research confirmed I was a likely target. Good luck.

Diana Herndon, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 623 of 5002

My phone is my own. I want the ability to BLOCK calls I do not want. I am sick and tired of salesmen trying to sell me. Quit acting like a tyrant and working against the common man. Leave NOMOROBO alone. I wish Congress would respond against your corrupt over reach.

Yorba Linda, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 624 of 5002

Constant calls day and night. No one there if I pick up. Need to have away to block it.

Dave Busse San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 625 of 5002 all robo calls should be blocked, both to land lines and to cell phones. My land line gets atleast 24 robo calls per week. chas schadt memphis, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 626 of 5002

I hate robocalls. They should be outlawed, but in the absence of that, we need a way to block them.

Jim & Sue Vaughan Omaha, NE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 627 of 5002

Tired of robocalls all day long with messages that I am not the least bit interested in. I receive 5-10 a day

Bette Gullotto Bristol pa

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 629 of 5002

Robo calling results in most calls be answered with no one on the other end. It is more than annoying, it's harassment! Each robo call to my business costs me time away from my clients. If it is legal for a business to use technology to make calls and find someone on the other end before committing a resource to try and sell them something, it should also be legal for the receivers of those calls to use technology to avoid those calls. Phone companies should offer a solution, not be part of the problem and robo calls are a problem.

Robert Hagel Temecula, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 630 of 5002

I spent 33 years with the Federal Aviation Administration and one of my greatest obstacles was not having the resources to provide the proper service to the American public. So although I was extremely frustrated at the inability of the FCC to prosecute and stop telemarketers whom I reported on numerous times for violating my "National Do Not Call List" requests, I understood that FCC resources are limited and I had to live with these unwanted calls. I had looked into several commercial products to block unwanted calls, but none met my needs until I found NoMoRobo. This service started at the request of the Federal government and has been a god-send. And the service in no way restricts the telemarking industry rights at all...they are still permitted to call me, and I have the right to simply pick up the phone and hang up on them. NoMoRobo simply automates the process for me! Please do not allow the telemarketing industry to change any laws in their favor. NoMoRobo is simply an answering service that works for me for free! If they can use technology to robo dial me, I should be able to use technology to robo hang-up on them! Everyday I hear at least one incoming phone call ring once and quit and I smile.....I'm able to see what number called me on my phone's caller ID and not once did it block a call I wanted. Please allow NoMoRobo to have expanded powers to block non-profit groups and political ads at my request instead of limiting what they can do. I don't mind federal government being unable to fix every problem the public has....that's just not possible. But to enact or change rules to make or problems worse would be unconscionable! If you can't make NoMoRobo better, them please just leave it be as is. Thank You.

John Cahill Wappingers Falls, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 631 of 5002

It's my phone, and I'll block robocalls if I want to!

Connie Walge Glen Mills, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 632 of 5002

I have the ability to block robo-calls on one of my phone services. I love it. I want the right to use robo- call blocking services with all my phone carriers.

Mark Roth Lake Worth, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 633 of 5002

I want robocalls blocked and robocall blocking products made available.

Philip James Rio Linda, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 634 of 5002

We have used nomorobo for a few months. It has helped tremendously to cut off those annoying automated calls. Some still get through but we have not had the scammer calls we were receiving where they threaten to deport us if we do not pay!! And they usually claim to be from the IRS.

Thank you, Nomorobo!! FCC, please listen and help people live an uninterrupted family dinner time.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 635 of 5002

Robocalls are voice spam, impacting quality of life for everyone who answers the phone. It's machine- directed noise blasted at humans,and it will continue to irritate and harass us unless we have our own automated defense. Nomorobo's a great start, but I'm sure the phone companies can come up with improvements. They'll only take action if pushed to do so, unfortunately. We need the FCC on our side to do the pushing. Please help.

Chris Mattimiro Libertyville, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 636 of 5002

I work from home and, before blocking the robocalls, I routinely received between 3-5 telemarketing or sales calls per day. Each time the phone rang, I had to stop what I was doing to check what number was calling. This was not only a complete nuisance and time waster, but it caused me to lose concentration diminishing my ability to do my job effectively. I was seriously considering turning off my home phone completely. I imagine I will do so if I lose the ability to block these nuisance calls.

Sara Light

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 637 of 5002

I applaud robocall blocking and hope it becomes law. These calls are annoying and often anonymous.

Joan Teller Bolton, CT/Truro, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 638 of 5002

Robo calls are annoying, unwanted, and many times I do not get an answer if I respond. In addition, they can become a danger to elderly people trying to hurry to answer the phone. Since there is now someway that the Caller ID shows your home number, this creates unnessary anxiety on the person being called. Robocalls are not wanted and create more problems for those being called. Ban them!

Craig Hopkins Owensboro, Ky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 639 of 5002

Robo Calls are invasive and often belligerent. Many times when we asked for the caller to remove us from their list, the comment was" What are you going to do about it". Robocall removes most callers effectively and now our dinners are peaceful.

John Robertson

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 640 of 5002

Robocalls must be stopped!

I have been registered with the government "Do Not Call Registry" list for years and have found it to be totally useless in stopping the calls. I've filed complaints against numerous callers on Registry website and nothing has changed. That service is a complete and utter joke.

Despite my efforts over the last 5 or 6 years at stopping these telemarketing idiots from calling, I still receive numerous calls on my two phone lines and my fax line everyday of the year. I received at least four or five of them just today.

The latest trend is that they are now "spoofing" my own phone number!!! When my phone rings the caller ID indicates that it my own phone calling me!

That is ridiculous! The steps currently in place by the telephone companies and the "Do Not Call Registry" are totally ineffective and do nothing to stop the calls.

I would appreciate it if you would enact rules to stop the madness! PLEASE do something to stop the madness.

Ronald J. Bennett Jackson, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 641 of 5002

I insist that I be allowed to block robocalls! I pay for my phone use and you do not. If I have to give up nomorobo, I will do away with a land line all together. I am sick of this type of call coming into my home at all hours 7 days a week and with nomorobo, we finally have some peace! Until you become a middle class citizen, you will probably never understand what it feels like to be assaulted daily in your own home by these calls! Calling while you have dinner, calling while you are sleeping, calling while you are trying to recover from illness.It is madding!

Debra C. Summers Covington, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 642 of 5002

I want to have the freedom to block callers that I have no interest in talking to. I block them with my iPhone, they just get another number and try again the next day. I am a doctor, when someone needs to reach me, I want to pick up the phone and know its not someone trying to sell me something, wasting my time when I could be helping someone who actually needs my time. I remember once stressing out because I received a voicemail from my emergency line that routes to my phone, only to find it was another telemarketer! Come on! It interferes with EMERGENCIES!!

Dr. Linda Narvaez Venice, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 643 of 5002

Please allow robocall blocking products. This saves me from answering unsolicited, annoying calls.

Albert Stoffa Manassas, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 644 of 5002

I do not want robocalls. Continue to let us have them blocked through all phone companies

Tom & Melody Speck St. Louis Missouri

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 645 of 5002

I want to be in control of my phone. I want Robocalls blocked.

Robert Potts Lanoka Harbor N,J.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 646 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of our privacy and are disruptive to our home life. Lately, when we politely attempt to ask to be placed on the organization's "do not call" list, the caller abruptly hangs up. We feel like prisoners in our own home: the phone rings, we don't answer because callerid lets us know it's not a party we'd like to speak with! Please give us the ability to block robocalls.

Let us have the same ability for cell phones, too. Why should I pay for a call that I don't want to receive?

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 647 of 5002

Please block robocalls. They are incredibly annoying

Hanoch McCarty Galt CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 648 of 5002

Automated calls have been a HUGE annoyance for me. I recently had a very unpleasant experience with a company offering a credit repair service.

This was a robocall recording that gave no option to be removed. Would call between 6 and 8 times a day and never allowed us to speak to a representative. These calls had to be manually blocked using a very cumbersome method suggested by the phone company.

After blocking, we would receive calls from the same company under a different caller ID number. Each time we blocked one number, they would call the next day using a different number. Eventually, they began spoofing the caller ID info in such a way that it could not be blocked at all.

Even our phone company could not suggest a reasonable fix other than to change our number. I'm sorry, but this it NOT an option. I should not have to turn my life upside down because the phone company refuses to provide a secure service for it's customers.

Please consider a policy that will allow phone companies to block autodialers and robocalls. There are laws against Spam emails. Why is there no law against this intrusion?

Dean Rohs Burlington, Kentucky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 649 of 5002

I am sick and tired of being harassed inside my own home. In addition to holding down a rather intense job, I run a music teaching business in my home. Before I signed up for Nomorobo, I was strongly considering doing away with my landline because not only was it shattering my very limited downtime during dinner, it was compromising my teaching. Especially during election cycles, I was getting up to 15 calls per day. Turning off my ringer didn't help, as my answering machine beeps incessantly once it records a call. Nomorobo has solved the problem for me. How can it be legal for robocallers to hijack a service for which I am paying in this way, especially when I have been on the national do not call list for as long as it has existed, and have specifically asked these companies to take me off their calling lists? Violations of the do not call list ought to be prosecuted, and I ought to be able to determine whether or not I wish to receive political calls. Since this is not the case, PLEASE do not remove the only recourse left for consumers to block robocalls.

Brenda Wristen Lincoln, Nebraska

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 650 of 5002

Even after activating the no-call list we get numerous robocalls, sometimes several in a day. It is intrusive and maddening. I decide who can come into my home, but these people invade our home whenever they please. Please make this practice illegal.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 651 of 5002

We get unauthorized calls on a daily basis. So, the phone companies do not do a good job of blocking robo calls. So, the FCC needs to allow us to do this (or force the phone companies to do as good a job as we can). Please force the phone companies to allow robocall blocking solutions to us - the consumer!

Ronald Morgan Newhall, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 652 of 5002

What's the matter with your guys? Robocalls are driving us crazy and there is nothing in it for you. So please stop these annoying calls.

Costa Mesa, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 653 of 5002

Please allow a way to stop solicitation type phone calls to ourselves phones as we can do with our home phones. This is annoying and disruptive to those that work at home

Terri allen Germantown, tn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 654 of 5002

I hate robo calls. Almost all people do. Please do something to stop them.

Bill Black Santa Rosa, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 655 of 5002

I DEMAND the right to block robocalls from my phone. I pay for the phone and the right to use it, and I do not want the unsolicited intrusions on my privacy.

Roberts and Martin Saxbe OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 656 of 5002

I hate robo calls. Hate them....hate them I don't like them from politicians either.

Paul Moscoe Osprey, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 657 of 5002

I get several robo calls every day. It's EXTREMELY annoying! It's MY phone...I want a product , or a service that I can use to block these fools. The calls eat up my answering machine and worse yet, wake me at all hours when I'm trying to sleep! SOMETHING needs to be done! Thanks.

New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 658 of 5002

Allow people to block robo calls and plain annoying calls. That shouldn't be allowed , it's harassment.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 659 of 5002

Please do something about the robo calls we keep getting. They always come at the most inconvenient times and are NEVER welcomed. Something also needs to be done about all of the scam calls that we get. I have gotten as many as 5 in one day! They keep calling back with different caller ID's, but the same scam. Our senior citizens are in great danger from these predators.

I have NEVER changed my mind or voted for someone because of a robo call!

Martha Courie Watkinsville, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 660 of 5002

What the hell are you thinking ? Robotic phone calls, where the hint of a human is not even present isn't 'communications' but harassment. Don't you understand ?

Hank Knoblock Tewksbury, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 661 of 5002

Nomorobo is the best for blocking unwanted calls.

Norman Wilmington, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 662 of 5002

My phone line has been "spoofed" by telemarketers. They use my phone number and there is nothing I can do about it. My phone rings and the caller ID says it is me on the line! Comcast tells me they are working on it but that has been 6 months now. I reported it to the police and they are clue less as to what to do about it.

Lee Heller Seymout Ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 663 of 5002

Get these robocallers out of my life! They call several times a day - and ALWAYS - at dinner time. People who want to give me free vacation (right!) or sell me something, insurance, charities looking for contributions (even the ones that I contribute to....), anything. I don't need any of them and yet they persist in calling me even I have told them not to call.

Please stop these people intruding on my privacy!

Ivan Snell, Columbia, SC

Ivan Snell Columbia, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 664 of 5002

We receive no less than 4-5 robocalls/day. I have even blocked these unwanted phone #'s on my phone providers website where I now have 30 #'s listed. However, we continue to receive these annoying calls at all hours of the day and as late as 9 pm in the evening. This borders on harassment!!!!

S. Crosby palm coast, fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 665 of 5002

I was getting anywhere between 10 and 25 robocalls on any given day before I got nomorobo. How anoying do think it is to get that many calls every day that you don't want, trying to sell you something that you don't need or want. It seemed like we spent the whole day answering the phone, just to listen to a sales pitch for something usless, and when we said no thanks, we were usually met with more pitches, or just plain rudness from the caller. I think robocalls of all types should be outlawed! They are nothing but a nuisance, and they disturb the peacefull atmosphere in my home. Nomorobo is the best thing I've done to my phone service. Hands down!

Bill Mack Santa Clarita, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 666 of 5002

I greatly resent robocalls, particularly when the caller has given me the option to opt out of future contact and I am contacted again...sometimes within just a few days. Please give the consumer the right to use blocking of robocalls.

Charlotte James Virginia Beach, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 667 of 5002

Let me have some peace. I've been on the "Do not call" list for quite some time, but It doesn't work, and the FCC doesn't have the funds (or, perhaps, the will) to enforce it.

No more robocalls unless the customer gives prior consent.

Thank you.

Robert Adler south orange nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 668 of 5002

Customers PAY for phone service. Why should robo callers be allowed to intrude on this service to sell their products and annoy paying customers? It's a travesty that it has been allowed to continue for so long.

Joey Bourgholtzer Mahwah, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 669 of 5002

Please please. Stop the annoying robo calls. What happen to the do not call list

Carol Martin Natick/Newton. Ma.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 670 of 5002

I think robocalls should be stopped. What is the point of having a do not call list but allowing robocalls. I have used nomorobo for years and the only drawback is that the phone still rings in your home (only once) but still annoying early on a weekend day.

Unless the FCC is going to reduce the charges or actually pay my phone bill, I do not believe they should have any control on what calls I choose to receive in my home.

George & Geraldine Angel Queens, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 671 of 5002 stop allowing me to be robot called my time is very important to me

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 672 of 5002

Block the robocalls. Make them spam me; i can handle spam. Email is on my time; phone calls insinuate immediate responses.

Joe Sabo Monroeville, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 673 of 5002

I get 5-8 annoying telemarketing calls daily interrupting productivity at work as well as sleep hours. They call anytime at night. Please allow me to block them. It is my right!

Davis CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 674 of 5002

Robocalls are terrible intrusions of privacy and are often vehicles for scams. I want control over who calls me. Keep Robocalls blockers legal. I pay for my phone service and I should be allowed to use it as I want. With Robocalls blockers, I'll simply let all calls go to voicemail!

Ken Platek Alexandria, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 675 of 5002

Robocalls have been increasing over the last five years. I get several a day, and it's ruining the quality of life for my family and myself. I urge you not to allow the telemarketing lobby to successfully hamper roboblockers like Nomorrobo.

Neal Graham Henderson NV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 676 of 5002

Please, please, PLEASE do what is right to force the phone companies to cooperate to block robo calls. PLEASE.

R. J. Hoffmann Nebraska

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 677 of 5002

I hate getting Robocalls and other useless sales calls. They are annoying and disrupt my family time. It is a shame that these predators come into our homes to get our business using the services we pay for. Please stop businesses from preying on us through the technology we buy to keep in touch with loved ones. Television marketing channels out populate good television channels and the USPS junk mail delivery are also hemming us in on every side from the pursuit of happiness. Please protect our freedom and our privacy. Thank you.

Karen Hoshaw Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 678 of 5002

Nomorobo has drastically reduced the number of unwanted calls and seems to be more effective than the government program. The government should not interfere with this service

Richard Schumacher West Chester, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 679 of 5002

I am exasperated with robocalls selling me products I do not want and denying me the enjoyment of my own peace and quiet. Please act to curb these nuisance calls qyickly and effectively.

Chris Butler San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 680 of 5002 it is amazing.

Although the phone rings once but there is no second ring.

What is wrong with this government.

These calls should not be allowed but if they are we need nomorerobocalls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 681 of 5002

I totally support the ability, as a consumer that relies upon the telephone system, TO HAVE A TELEPHONE SERVICE FEATURE THAT WILL ALLOW ME TO BLOCK ROBOCALLS. I receive about four to five calls a day from these robocall services. (Three to four times more during State and local government elections.) The callers use high pressure tactics to get me to purchase numerous services THAT I DON’T WANT OR NEED. My mother got caught in this web of deceit and paid over $2,500 for stuff she didn’t need on an annual income of $28,000. Do you job and give the consumer the ability to block robocalls through our telephone service provider. As the individual reading this e mail, I am sure that you receive these calls as well so you know how irritating they are.

Stanley E. Ellison, Jr Sterling, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 682 of 5002

About phone stalkers that harass the civilian population: We used to get hundreds of robocalls and recorded messages per week with the 'push one to talk' or 'push another number to stop these calls', the latter causing even more of the annoying calls. Some of the phone calls are from V*************** numbers overseas, from different countries, etc. Some of these phone stalkers actually used our own home phone number to call us ! How do these PHONE STALKERS get away with that sh*t ? ! Finally I said I'M NOT TAKING THIS STALKING ABUSE ANYMORE ! I decided to aggressively defend our phone line, and regularly phone the FTC at 1-888-382-1222 to complain about phone stalkers almost every day. This aggressive defensive approach has worked somewhat, only the stalkers continue to call in spite of the fact that we are on the DO NOT CALL list. HELP US PROTECT OUR PHONES ! ! ! ! HELP ! ! ! ! HELP ! ! ! !

Lacey WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 683 of 5002

I hate robocalls and get several every day. It is an intrusion to my personal space. I would LOVE to be able to block them! Tell the phone companies the public wants to stop these calls.

Pat Haker Aurora Ohio 44202

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 684 of 5002

I do not write as eloquently as I would like, do in plain terms... I loath robo calls and love any way to eliminate or reduce them. The National Do Not Call List does not work. Services such as Nomorobo do work. I'm sure there are other such services, but this is the one I chose to sign up with. That said, there still are at least a dozen calls that get through each week. Each counts toward my limited call count. I wouldn't mind marketing calls so much if there was a real live person on the other end.

Dennis Schuh Southlake, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 685 of 5002

I wish my phone to be for my own use, and strongly object to the intrusion of robocalls. Robocall blocking has helped in this regard, and I definitely want to be able to use their services to help cut down on the unnecessary, time consuming, completely unwanted robocalls.

Bonnie Shopper St. Louis, MO.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 686 of 5002

I am on the Do Not Call List, and I still get robo calls!! That is not right.

Thad Waterbury Sonora, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 687 of 5002

I want robocalls blocked. They are a nuisance many, many times a day, especially during mealtimes, and when you do answer the phone, 99% of the time there is no one on the other end. They area pain in the butt!!!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 688 of 5002

As a senior citizen and a veteran I will tell you that most of the scams that target us come in the form a robocalls. These uninvited guests who attempt to gain access to out life savings through the telephone are not just an annoyance, to a senior citizen who is losing mental capacity because of age, they add to confusion and can potentially invite criminal activity. My robocall blocking service stops over 20 calls per week and my phone number is on both the Florida and Federal do not call list. This is my phone. I paid for the hardware, I pay for the service. I need to have a home phone for safety and security purposes. I should have the right to have robocall blocking services if I wish.

Edward N. Ryan Jr. Merritt Island, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 689 of 5002

Between my home phone (number through my cable company) and my cell phone, I receive numerous robocall's at all times of the day from early morning to bedtime 7 days a week. It is very annoying and disruptive. Please give us a way to block these calls easily, effectively and efficiently!! Enough is enough. I've asked callers to take my name off their list politely and sometimes rudely and they just talk over me no matter what I do. Again, enough is enough. If you can't make them stop altogether at least let us block them easily. Thank you!

Linda Chase Lunenburg MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 690 of 5002

Please make every effort to block those annoying robocalls. It just eats my minutes on mostly useless junk.

Warren Joseph Hamburg, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 691 of 5002

No more robot calls.

OR, give us a number at the FCC to forward them to.

I pay over $600 a year for a home phone and over 80% of the calls are telemarketing.

Oaklyn, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 692 of 5002

Please help! I get so many Robo calls that I do not answer when it rings. For me it is a major intrusion on my privacy and the peace and tranquility of my home. Please help me block them.

Charles shapiro

415 883 4559

Charles shapiro Novato CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 693 of 5002

Robocalls are bad and consumer should have option to block it, plain and simple.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 694 of 5002

I get 8-10 calles a day on each of my three lines, even though I have them list on the NO CALL list/ It is so bad thaat we do not answer the phone any more unless we recognize the number.

Please STOP the ROBO CALLS!!!

Sam Cohen

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 695 of 5002

Please make robocall blocking products easier for consumers to access and use. Nomorobo has been a godsend! My family was plagued by constant robocalls all hours of the day. Now we get very little and our home is so much more peaceful! I pay good money for phone service, why should I have to put up with unwanted solicitors?

Ellen Cahill Gonzalez West Allenhurst, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 696 of 5002

I do not want unsolicited vendors calling me. If I need their service, I will call them. Please allow me to block unwanted calls. THEY DRIVE ME NUTS.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 697 of 5002

Robocalls have become a big problem. In one day I received 12 of them. Enough is enough They are very annoying especially when there are so many of them. Something has to be done with the robocalling. Please allow blocking of all robocalls. The just shouldn't be allowed to continue.

Dennis Diehl Marlboro NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 698 of 5002

Robocalls abuse the purpose of the telephone as a subscriber intends it. We who pay to have a phone number do so to be accessible to PEOPLE who wish to contact us - nobody with a phone intends it for use by machines. Since many robocalls originate from foreign countries, and use spoofing techniques, US laws against such abuse are unenforcable. Therefore the only recourse we have as phone subscribers is technology to limit who can get through.

Steven Brown Webster, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 699 of 5002

Please do not pass any rule that inhibits our family's ability to block robocalls. These calls have disturbed our evening meals on a regular basis and often have continued through the evening. We are on the "do not call" register but this does not work. We value our privacy. Help us to maintain it by allowing us to block such calls.

Pat and Judy Buckley Durham, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 700 of 5002


I use Nomorobo and it is a great service. Please allow me to block robo calls on all my phones. These are unsolicited calls that should be illegal for companies to solicit as it is as I am on the do not call list, but hundreds of companies ignore this, even when told and/or ask to be removed from their list.


Dave Stanovic

David Stanovic Munroe Falls, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 701 of 5002

Let me block these robo calls.

Jim weber

Jim West Grove, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 702 of 5002

Robocalls are intrusive and a complete waste of time. They are a contributor to noise pollution at our home when we try to spend quality time together. Does someone really think we want to receive an unsolicited call that is for the most part a direct violation of my right to own a phone and choose who calls me? If I didn't ask them to call me about their product, service, or political campaign then what makes them think I will actually listen. Specifically recorded robocalls!! Really? I am going to sit and listen to a politician tell me why I should vote for them...on the freaking phone? That has got to stop. It is lazy and irresponsible for the politician and the FCC to think that it is OK to do that! Please stop.

Greg & Michelle Kansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 703 of 5002

Please please we NEED the ability to block robocalls. They are like a swarm of midges flying in your face, interrupting meals, work, sleep when I'll etc. Even with robocall blocking programs AND the Do Not Call program AND using Caller ID these pestiferous nuisances plague our calls. Let the good folks at Nomorobo and similar companies continue their good work.

A. Tomlin Auburn NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 704 of 5002

Robocalls are unwelcome, and anything you can do to legislate them out of business would be very welcome.

Stop the intrusion and annoyance robocalls create.

Thank you,

Michael Fies

Michael Fies Seattle, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 705 of 5002

I do not know about you, but I am tired of robo-calls. Do you remember Rachael, who tried to sell a product through a robot and harassed callers? I do, and finally I got tired of robo-calls between political and sales. Even today, many of them spam me still using non-affiliated numbers. All robo-calls should be block-able, not just a few.

I can tell you this, if you deny the right to use services or grant expansion of phone companies to block robo-calls, I will use any lobbying arm to pass new legislation to override your rule by statute.

Walter Kroptavich Arkansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 706 of 5002

I like nomorobo. It has cut down on unwanted calls. You should extend it to charitable organizations and banks because they get through.

Judy Albert Fairfax VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 707 of 5002

Let me stop the RoboCalls! It's MY phone!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 708 of 5002

I did not pay for ROBO calls and I don't want them!!

Bob Fischer Nutley Nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 709 of 5002 leave Nomorobo alone please. As a retired seventy two year old on Social Security, I love the peace that comes with my subscription. please don't bring back the days of twelve calls a day.

Richard Mance Fort Washington MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 710 of 5002

I am tired of telemarketers calling numerous times a day. No matter how many times I ask to be taken off their list...the calls persist. As many as 15 to 20 calls per day. Since using robot all blocking, I no longer feel harrased, have mealtimes interrupted and life is much less stressful. I see no valid reason to not have control over who calls my home. Do not take away my rights. houston texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 711 of 5002

I understand that you may be considering prohibiting the use of services such as Nomorobo to block robocalls. Robocalls have become an incredible intrusion and nuisance into my everyday life and the only relief I have found is activation of Nomorobo. Call blocking alone is not sufficient because of limitations on the number of phone numbers that can be blocked and the ability of those making robocalls to constantly change the numbers from which they make such calls. Instead of limiting or prohibiting blocking services, you should be expanding access and instituting rules that impose more restrictions on the ability to make robocalls. There is no reason why a person suffering assault should be deprived of the ability to choose to block these types of calls.

Please do the right thing and protect my right to reject robocall assaults.

Stephen Rogers Bloomfield, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 712 of 5002 it is very annoying to be interrupted by unwanted robot calls. burbank ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 713 of 5002

These robocalls are intrusive,relentless, numerous and disruptive to our household. Nomorobo gives some relief and blocking products would be most welcome in presenting a choice to be rid of these noxious pests.

Our tally is between 2 and 6 calls a day!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 714 of 5002

I think the penalties for robo callers should be much greater.

Paul Moscoe Osprey, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 715 of 5002

I had been getting more annoying calls then ever. At least nomprerobo blocks most nuisance calls. Its the only thing that works.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 716 of 5002

I tried to get robo call blocking but my particular phone service does not provide it (Verizon, land copper line) unless I switch to Fios. I do not want to do that now because I will be moving in a few months to a location that does not provide Fios service. So I am stuck forever with constant, and I do mean constant, Robo calls. Several of them call me twice a day, every day and that includes weekends. I normally get between 6 and 12 such calls every day. The fact that I am on the so called "do not call" list doesn't matter in the least as the vendors know this law is not being enforced. Please start protecting the people rather than the companies that are already breaking the law. Please put a stop to the Robo calls and force phone companies to provide blocking services.

Rose Arnold Silver Spring, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 717 of 5002

Epand nomotobo, the service is wonderful, my spam calls have fallen from about a dozen per week to just a couple per week.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 718 of 5002

I would love to sign up for Nomorobo as I am fed up with the continual, annoying, distruptive calls from marketing creeps using my phone to intrude on my life. The do not call registry is a joke -- everyone ignores it. Verizon only allows Nomorobo if you have a mobile phone. If you have only a land line, like many older people my age, Verizon wants to deny you services to force you pay outrageous fees for mobile technology you don't need in order to get access to reasonable services. I need a phone for safety, and I don't feel that I should have to pay excess fees to prevent others from using it to harass me. Please, please help senior citizens, among others with land lines, to get access to Nomorobo so we can have some peace in our lives!

Alene Kremer Redwood City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 719 of 5002

Robocalls are a terrible intrusion in life. They're mostly pre-recorded and selling something we don't want or need. They come repeatedly at all hours of the day and evening. They're disruptive. What's worse, we've been on the Do Not Call list for years and all these robocalls purposely violate the list.

Nomorobo is the best thing to come along in years. It gives us peace and quiet at home. Thank you Nomorobo. Never do anything to block or curtail this great service. richard brill wilmette, illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 720 of 5002 has finally given us some peace from the incessant robo calls that came to our home. We are on the for our home phone call and that does nothing!! We still were getting the calls for Medical Alert, etc. When we signed up for, these type of calls stopped. The crooks and those off-shore don't pay any attention to the DoNotCall List! Please don't stop us from using the robo blocking programs. We do not want telemarketers and robocallers harassment. We are paying for the telephone service, not the robocallers. Thank you for listening!

Dave Steinfort Grandville, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 721 of 5002

It is iimportant for a person to be able to block robocalls. Please allow the use of these products and assess heavy penalties against those who are robocallers. fishler

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 722 of 5002

Nomorobo is a very good service. I have logged several complaints about receiving unwanted telemarketing calls for years. It wasn't until I signed up for Nomorobo that I was able to get my days and evenings back from unwanted calls.

We need to keep the robocall blocking products.

Stacey Fields West Orange, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 723 of 5002

Please make the phone companies allow the blocking of robocalls. They are a scourge of our existence. I am a prisoner in my own home forced to the phone numerous times to answer calls I don't want.

Robert Arzt La Vegas, NV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 724 of 5002

We've had nomorobo for over a year and love it, since about 1/3 of our incoming calls are robo calls. We have recommended it to all our friends.

Unfortunately, in the Los Angeles area it's available on Verizon, and not AT&T.

Manuel Katz Venice CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 725 of 5002

I use to get a half dozen robo calls per day and they were very annoying. When answering a robo call most of the time (80%) no person would be on the line. Scince I signed up for nomorobo it has made life better in the evening without those annoying robotic calls. When and if my telephone provider says I can no longer block the robo calls. My business with them will terminate.

Thank you

Albert & Carol Smith Ledyard, CT.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 726 of 5002

Nomorobo has been a godsend for us, having saved us from chasing down telemarketing phone calls, during mealtimes.

R. Schneider Acton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 727 of 5002

So tired of running for my phone and it ends up being a sales pitch that I have no interest in.

That's basically all the calls I get on landline. It is frustrating, tiresome and annoying.

Please help put an end to this.

Thank you.


Cj Schutte cj schutte Dumont, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 728 of 5002

I'm tired of robocalls. It's my phone, I want to block them! The no call list is a joke and doesn't work!

Lansing, KS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 729 of 5002

Robocalls are a pain in the ass. Allow me to block them on my mobile phone.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 730 of 5002 my life is plagued with telemarketers ruining my peace. Please get it to stop

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 731 of 5002

I urge you to allow the blocking of robocalls. These calls are a huge nuisance and annoyance and serve no useful public purpose. Please allow people to control what kind of phone calls they receive.

Marsha Cohan Washington, DC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 732 of 5002

Please force telephone companies to allow Subscribers to block unwanted calls and solicitations

Marlborough MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 733 of 5002

I find it very disturbing to have the phone ring so many times a day with telemarketing calls and totally ridiculous to answer only to have nobody on the line or get a prerecorded message. Asking to opt out is usually impossible because there is no one to speak with and when you call the number back you find that the phone number does not exist. I take care of my 89 year old father...its difficult for him to get to the phone to answer it just to find that it is robocall or or unsolicited telemarker. The phone company will only block 25 numbers and our phone will block 30 numbers. (My mobile phone will block unlimited numbers, so why can't the phone company?). We are registered with the "do not call" list, but that hasn't stopped the calls from coming in. In fact, we are getting more calls than ever. The simplest solution that I see at this time is to force the phone providers to allow unlimited call blocking and to a provide service to reroute robo calls from calling through.

Adria S. Quay Thackeray, John G. Quay Williamsport, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 734 of 5002

Please make it possible for me to stop robocalls on my cell phone.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 735 of 5002

Robo-call blocking services like Nomorobo are wonderful. They prevent a great deal of aggravation and interruption of daily activities by unknown, uninvited sales calls and solicitations. As a consumer of telephone services, I should have the right to block these calls.

Cheryl Hoffman Hyattsville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 736 of 5002

Please block robocalls. I get calls from international numbers, internet numbers that are not traceable, and now my own number. Many of the numbers are from area codes in the states. When I register consumer complaints with those states the attorney general's staff in those states inform me that those numbers are computer generated and not traceable. If this problem is not addressed on the national level the states will continue to be overwhelmed. Please give us the tools to block these all of these calls.

Stewart Nowlin Lawrence, KS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 737 of 5002

Please do whatever is necessary to BLOCK robo calls. These organizations call at all hours and disturb my peace at home. It is a true invasion of my privacy. We no longer answer our home phone and check messages later to see if whoever called was someone we wanted to speak with. Robo calls or sales call outnumber personal calls by a margin or 10 or 12 to 1. Very disturbing.

Robert Alperin

Robert & Annette Alperin Long Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 738 of 5002

Rachel from "Card Holder Services" has been calling my home 3-7 times a week for 5 1/2 YEARS. I have been on the do not call list the entire time. I have reported the problem to the FTC and the FCC. Amazingly they have both claimed they cannot make the man who owns the company stop. They actually know who he is and where he lives (California). There are millions of TAXPAYERS who are being tortured by this man and other companies. And the phone company profits and Congress gets stroked. Google "Rachel from card holder services".

Gaithersburg, Md

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 739 of 5002

"Robocalls" on mobile phones have been repeatedly linked to predatory behavior aimed at deceiving citizens at best, and intimidating and stealing vital personal and financial information at worst. The greater and not far-removed impact of the government acting passively in response to this widespread practice destabilizes consumer faith. The communications industry has increased its revenues by taking advantage of the government's passivity in responding to this completely remediable consumer threat. Please find a way to unhinge from your participation in this unfair and illegal practice and allow a way for consumers to avoid this without having to pay a fee.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 740 of 5002 robocalls should be be prohibited and any blocking products should be allowed. Calls are extremely unwelcome.

Gary Rea Keizer, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 741 of 5002

I want these robo calls blocked. I pay lots of money for my phone service and I want my privacy. The phone companies make enough money for the service they give so they should welcome the fact that their clients want rid of the constant interference from these robo calls. Please do not take the blocking products away.

Thank you.

Carole Pearce Dover, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 742 of 5002

Robo-call blocking services like Nomorobo are wonderful. They prevent a great deal of aggravation and interruption of daily activities by unknown, uninvited sales calls and solicitations. As a consumer of telephone services, I should have the right to block these calls.

Cheryl Hoffman Hyattsville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 743 of 5002

I'm fed up with running to the phone and to find upon answering, it's a wonderful robocall. It's my private phone, I pay for it and expect it to be used for legitimate calls by people I've given the number to for personal or business matters. There is no logical reason for blocking products not to be available to the public. It's especially frustrating when we have to wait for someone on the other end to decide to speak. We have to wait for someone to tell us something we don't want to hear in the first place. ENOUGH !!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 744 of 5002

I do not understand why I have to pay for a phone and receive unwanted annoying calls all day and night.

Tim Human Seaford, De

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 745 of 5002

The existing FTC's Do Not Call list is nearly worthless. It is routinely ignored and requires the victim to get information which, when asked for, results in the pest caller hanging up.

Worse, most pest calls are usually robocalls, almost always with a recording on the calling end. Eventually, if you last through the recording, a live person will try to sell you something.

These robocalls are an outrage. If it is not possible to effectively outlaw them, for whatever reason, robocall blocking blocking services or devices should be routinely available, and all phone carriers should be required to inform subscribers of their availability. Better yet, all phone carriers should be required to provide a robocall blocking service upon request by the subscriber. This is the most effective way to free us from the plague of robocalls.

Kim Boriskin Bellingham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 746 of 5002

The "Do Not Call" registry was the government's answer to loud complaints regarding annoying robotic phone calls. It was filled with loopholes and didn't work. The FTC awarded a prize to the best solution to annoying robo calls and was the winner. It worked, proving that private industry, given incentive and left to its own devices, can easily solve the problem. Now, the FCC, li$tening to Big Telecom, proposes to do away with this choice. SHAME ON YOU!!! I don't want solicitations on my phone. Period! And I want a government representative of the people, not one that is a shill for corporate greed.

John Repczynski Kapolei, HI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 747 of 5002

Robot calls are annoying and there is absolutely no option to have your name and number removed from their lists. We get at least a dozen calls a week - nomorobo has been a solution and provided us an alternative to continued interruptions. Please keep our options to eliminate robot calls available!!

Taunton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 748 of 5002

I want to block all robo calls most if not all are coming from scams of illegal prescription drug sales. STOP them calling my phone that I pay for!!! mike matte dracut ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 749 of 5002

We are plagued by unsolicited phone calls virtually daily on subjects related to credit debt reduction, emergency heath status monitoring and more! My phone company refused to help despite the availability of technology to do so.

Robert J. and Karen J. Mohalski Hebron, LY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 750 of 5002

Keep the blocking legal....the lack of privacy is horrendous.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 751 of 5002

I was getting five or six robocalls a day before I subscribed to nomorobo. A lot of them were the same thing - targeting senior citizens and others having to do with credit card interest rates. Over and over, the same calls from the same companies. There was no way to tell them to take you off their list, because it was impossible to speak to a person. My options were to pay an extra fee to my phone company to block the call or to use Nomorobo (free). Since I started using nomorobo, the calls have ceased to be a problem. My phone still rings four or five times a day and stops after one ring - which is the way Nomorobo intercepts the call.

I can't think of any good reason why I shouldn't be able to use this on my phone. Of course the phone companies oppose it - it cuts into the fee they charge for blocking calls!

I can't see much of a difference between using this and listing your phone number on "Do Not Call" list.

Elizabeth Dean

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 752 of 5002

I urge you to expand, not eliminate the ethnology for blocking telemarketing calls. The "do not call" is completely ineffective, and now it's time to give those of us with landlines the freedom from unwat=nted calls that we deserve.

Jeannette Stewart So. Burlington VT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 753 of 5002

It's my phone - I should be in control of it!

I am asking FCC to make robocall blocking solutions more easily accessible to consumers like me.

I have been on "" for a long time. ashok gupta rancho pv, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 754 of 5002

I have been using nomorobo on my home phone and it is much better quality of life to hear one ring and terminate rather than have the "you are not in trouble but" . i have answered and asked what can i do to stop your calls , to be told "you cant stop us". wayne asper Norton , Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 755 of 5002

This is cruel and unusual punishment. At least if I had the opportunity to talk back, but these robots are not talkative at all.

I don't this this robotic treatment of our fellow citizens falls under the glorious Judeo-Christian method. If you agree with this premise, could you stop the robots?

Much obliged, iLie trut iLie trut

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 756 of 5002

As a senior citizen I am constantly receiving scamming calls wanting my personal information. Please stop the robo calls!

Ronald Boss Beaverton, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 757 of 5002

It's my phone, please make it easier for me to block annoying robocalls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 758 of 5002

I really appreciate the fact that Nomorobo has allowed me and my family to have dinner together without interruption. We have been getting numerous unwanted phone calls from marketers, and it became truly onerous.

Please, continue to allow blocking robocalls.

A C Held Davidsonville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 759 of 5002

Please let me block robocalls.

Terry Santa Maria Vacaville, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 760 of 5002

Robo calls and all unsolicited sales call serve no useful purpose. First, there is so much scamming going on you can't tell the legitimate calls from the illegitimate ones . Second, due to the amount of calls my wife and I personally stopped answering all calls unless we know who Is calling.

Please, everyone we know feels the same way that they are very annoyed by these calls. Please do something to stop these annoyances.

Thank you.

Kevin Ward Wayne, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 761 of 5002

I get 5 to 10 robo calls per day please help stop this assault on my phone and my private time at home

Queens new york

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 762 of 5002

Freedom of speech should never be confused with freedom to harass.

John Reiner Flanders, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 763 of 5002

Absolutely we need and want solutions to block robocalls! I am sick and tired of being woken up by robocalls (I work shifts, so often sleep during the day). I receive several every day! It's gotten to the point where I just turn the ringer off on my home phone (which I maintain mostly for emergencies). I am at the point where I may just have to discontinue landline service entirely.

Eric Christensen Oro Valley, AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 764 of 5002

Please help to stop robocalls. Each phone company should have a provision to block these calls if the customer wants it. I do not mind paying extra for this service. Elderly people need this, as they are duped by these sales calls and sometimes lose their life savings or are tricked into giving a credit card number and their credit is hacked. Please help us virginia coburn thousand oaks, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 765 of 5002

Robocalls are a real pain in the you know what. They interrupt me throughout the day. I have to let my answering machine log the call but there will not be any messages. So I just let the phone ring and if there are any of my friends calling, thenI I return there calls. Everyone should have robocall blocking. The phone rings once and that is it.

Roseville, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 766 of 5002

I am tired of all these robodialer calls! There are days when the calls are very frequent.

I thought these robodialers were illegal. Why isn't this law being enforced?

I would like my phone company to block all of these calls!

I have had 25 robodialer calls in the past 8 days!

Robert Downing San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 767 of 5002

We do not appreciate receiving robocalls and would like to stop them! Please assist us!

Norman & Ann Palms

Ann & Norman Palms Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 768 of 5002

Robo calls should be blocked. They do nothing for the general public. Who are you representing?

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 769 of 5002

No more robo


Nancy stoddard armonk ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 770 of 5002

I do not want to receive robocalls. I want the ability to block them. It's my phone and I have the right to determine who calls me.

Christine McQuade Middletown NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 771 of 5002

Because I have VOIP calling via Verizon FIOS, we were able to enable NOMOROBO. It is wonderful. I love having those calls blocked (and seeing who was calling, at least the number, on caller ID). I would love to have this on my cell phones, and I support having it available for people who don't have VOIP.

Claire Gesalman Annandale, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 772 of 5002

As a retired person I was inundated with robocalls. My son alerted me to robocalls blocking systems and I employed one of them. It has really worked to cut back on unwanted calls. Almost none of the robocalls I received used my answering machine to leave messages, so it was clear they did not have an important message for me. I support robocall blocking companies and systems. I don't want to be hounded as I have been increasingly in recent years via robo systems. I really desire to have a robocall blocking system and request that you permit them to service those who desire them.

Donald Schneider Watkinsville GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 773 of 5002

We are retired and would like to spend one day in peace without 5 robo calls per day. Please do something to block these unwanted and unsolicited calls. We pay for a "private" line, we are not a public phone booth. Therefore we should be able to have only the calls we want. Thank you

G. Max Tarbet Florence AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 774 of 5002

Thank you for taking this issue seriously. Unwanted phone calls at all hours by machines is wrong. I now turn off the ringers on both my home and cell phones so I can sleep undisturbed. The only way my family can reach me in an emergency is to knock on my door between 8pm and 4am. That is a sad thing.

I pay extra every month for caller ID so I don't have to be bothered with the telemarketers and robots during my waking hours.

I have been on the no call list since it became available but the list is just a waist of time and money. It stops no one.

Leslie Black Pittsburg, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 775 of 5002

STOP is an invasion of family time

Elizabeth Lorigan Fitchburg, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 776 of 5002

Robocallers ignore the Do Not Call registry rules. I have a right to privacy and if I don't want these jerks to interupt me I should be able to block them. They have every right to advertise their products and services, so let the energy companies, sub-prime lenders and scam artists BUY advertising in magazines, radio and TV like anyone else who wants to sell. Most of theses robocallers are crooks in the first place. Put them out of business.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 777 of 5002

The heck with the big phone companies who want to block my rights. Shame on them. We consumers need companies like NoMoRobo because the State and Federal programs are totally ineffective against robo calls. We are in our eighties and are subjected to constant harassment by robo callers.

Albert and Maria LeBreton Cantonment, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 778 of 5002

Even with call-blocking services and technology, I still bet waaayy too many sales calls that are unwanted, unneedes, and unsuitable.

Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 779 of 5002

Please block all robo and anonymous calls from my sell phones and my home phone.

Thank you very much,

Joe Carmichael

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 780 of 5002

We should have access to technology on our side to help protect us from the ABUSE of technology by these robocallers.

I get multiple calls daily on both my home phone and cell phone...many times from the same companies.

And if you hang up, they continue to tie up your line until their side is done.

Please help us by allowing us to have access to the tools needed to opt out from these types of calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 781 of 5002

Block the calls. They are annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pat Gordon Brooklyn, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 782 of 5002

I do not appreciate multiple robocalls daily. I get them from politicians and charities as well as from people selling things. This must stop. Please help me. I do not appreciate being harassed and threatened day and night. These solicitors are rude. I should be able to choose who calls me and I should not be afraid to answer my phone, as I am able to choose when to answer my front door at my home. Please stop the constant telephone ringing. It is driving me crazy! Thank you.

Livermore, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 783 of 5002

We were having way to many robo calls and when I found nomorobo we signed up and it is working great.

We were getting 4-5 calls a day and considered it harassment.

We even contacted an attorny to see if he could help get away from these harassing calls only to find that robocalls are very hard to stop. It would be great if the FCC could help stop these annoying calls for everyone.

Thanks ----- Eugene & Jackie Denslow

Eugene Denslow Sparta, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 784 of 5002

My cell phone minutes belong to ME. They are NOT there for some robocall Spammer to steal from my be intruding on MY service. It shouldn't take rocket science to remove this problem and Block ALL robocalls - except those I've specifically authorized (alerts from my electric company when there's bad weather expected, because I use life-saving electrical devices). While my last phone had a feature that allowed me to block a specific number, my UPGRADE to a so-called smart phone doesnt' have that feature - plus the Spammers are continually changing their displayed/transmitted numbers. Threaten to shut down their business altogether and perhaps we can have some progress BUT please fund/find the technology to make blocking a required part of cell phone plans And to develop a better means of blocking these unwelcome, uninvited intrusions and theft of services for which we, the owners of cell phones, pay.

Linda Ann Graham Lynn, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 785 of 5002

I hate these robo calls. I have collected and placed on my personal

'Do not answer' list over 370 numbers. They call over and over.

Scams for 'free' cruises, loan money, steam carpets, donations to all sorts of fake organizations, steal your credit card numbers,steal your bank account numbers, take over your computer...... on and on.

If you answer they will know it is a good number and they will call two or three times a day.

They are scum and must be blocked since the 'Do not call' registry is useless.

Ross Dennis East brunswick nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 786 of 5002

We were enduring a constant barrage of robocalls in our home--call after call after call, every day.

Once we signed up for a robocall blocking product, the calls nearly vanished. Safe in the privacy of our own home once again.

Please continue to allow the robocall blocking products and encourage the phone companies to introduce similar services.

It is our home, afterall, and we should be left alone if we wish.

Thank you

Geoff and Mary Ann Simmons Cary, IL 60013

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 787 of 5002

Robocalls are in invasion of an individual's right to privacy and freedom from the intrusion of unwanted and unsolicited phone calls. Calls which are often made by unscrupulous and unethical representatives or are scams altogether. The fact is the "Do Not Call List" is not enforced and is essentially a farce. Lacking any other means, it is therefore incumbent upon individuals to find ways to block the intrusion and stop the calls. If the FCC can't provide the means to stop them, then it should support the availability of call blocking products.

Patricia Brimage Arlington TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 788 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely annoying and were getting more frequent. The DO NOT CALL list is not working. NOMOROBO has reduced the frequency of the calls I receive.

Michael J Crawfod Oxnard, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 789 of 5002

STOP Robo Calls Now. Allow might right to block Robo Calls.

They are obnoxious, irritating and are received all hours of the day needlessly.

Pat Lewandowski Santa Clarita, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 790 of 5002

I switched from an internet based phone company to a old fashioned land line. I would like to have robo calls blocked by my provider.

Michael Coffey Lacey, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 791 of 5002

Something must be done to allow us to block unwanted calls. The Do Not Call list is not enforced and ineffective. The phone companies want to charge unnecessary and unearned fees to block the cheaters. Any laws or initiatives must enhance my ability to block, not put up road blocks.

Ada, Mi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 792 of 5002

I truly believe that I should have the right to decide who has my cell phone number and who doesn't. Robocalls to my cell phone are not only annoying, but they eat up precious minutes, for those of us who pay as we go. Please allow us to block nuisance calls.

Thank you.

Constance E Burns Buffalo NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 793 of 5002

I want the available to block robocalls. These are calls which I do not request and should have that option to block. dan savage los angeles, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 794 of 5002

Please stop robocalls! They are the biggest annoyance! I come home from work to at least 2 of these calls on my answering machine and get at least another 2 when I'm home. Every day!

Renee Grosso Erie, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 795 of 5002

Where is your humanity? Please allow people to block these unwanted calls.

Marilyn Johnson Rockville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 796 of 5002

Before I discovered nomorobo, I'd get as many as half a dozen robocalls a day. Talk about an invasion of privacy!! Talk about having my civil rights violated!!!!

Richard Radziewicz Winslow, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 797 of 5002

Robocalls are one of the most intrusive elements. The Do Not Call registry does little or nothing to stop them. We need robocall blocking products

Jacqueline Hayes Oakdale, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 798 of 5002

I feel is without question my right to have a service which blocks robocalls. I cannot fathom a convincing argument, based on individual rights rather than corporate monies, which would deny this.

Further, robocalls blocking should be expanded to include political and charity calling.

Since NoMoRobo, the volume of nuisance calls I receive has decreased dramatically, and my restful pease of mind increased proportionally.

Thank you for this forum.

Roger Bruhwel Charlotte, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 799 of 5002 let us block robocalls. they are an annoyance! william dennehy el cerrito ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 800 of 5002

The situation has gotten really out of hand...... Not only does it potentially cost consumers for the "opportunity" to listen to a sales pitch, but the situation becomes concerning privacy-wise! Haven't we been through this scenario before? Listen to us this time, we are the public!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 801 of 5002

The Robocall service has given us much needed relief from all the bothersome callers who have no right to invade our lives and intrude on our personal phone services that we pay large bills to have so we can connect to people. This is our right to have our communication lines for our own use and not for the use of these hackers that obtain our information and personal habits. It is ridiculous that no one has stepped in: I get several of these calls a day, some of them come through my caller id with my own number on them, so they must be quite sophisticated and criminal. Since using the robocall service, I have enjoyed silence again from these callers and it is just about perfect. It should be used and monitored by anyone who sells phone service.

Nancy Vosnak Marshfield, Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 802 of 5002

Those calls which come in continually from "Customer Svc.", (to name just one) are very frustrating and bothersome, especially when a person has difficulty getting out of a chair and has pain when walking to the phone. If one says "not interested, and please don't call again", they pay no attention and will continue to call. Please put a stop to these kinds of calls.

Spring Lake, MI.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 803 of 5002

I'm so tied of calls to my home all through the day and evening that I did not want. I have calls blocked by the do not call registry but these people have found a way around that with robocalls.

Danville CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 804 of 5002

Robo calls are an invasion of my private time. I should be able to stop calls that I do not want and do not want to repeat hello over an over for an automated machine to connect me with a person who has interrupted my privacy! I find this annoying and unnecessary. If I call and annoy people, the person can put a trap on my line and report me to law enforcement. I want the freedom to stop calls I don't wish to receive in MY home, on MY phone, which I pay AT&T to use. I do not owe it to any solicitor to answer the phone. Just as I have the right to not answer my door when an unwanted person knocks!

Susan Constantine Livermore, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 805 of 5002

I am frankly appalled at the volume of robocalls. I find them intrusive, certainly unwanted, and a violation of my privacy. I feel very strongly that I should be able to block unwanted calls at my discretion, and that the FCC should make tools and mechanisms for this purpose easily available to citizens.

Dr. & Mrs. Gregory M. LaGana Bridgewater NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 806 of 5002

My dinner hour and early evening are so much more peaceful without robocalls interrupting.Being able to block them is a wonderful thing. Please don't try to take this away. tonawanda, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 807 of 5002

I pay for a service, I should have the right to contr who contacts me. I have received robo-calls at all hours of the day and night, regularly waking my young children and causing unneeded stress. We should have the right to have these calls blocked!

Sarah Youngman Liverpool, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 808 of 5002

Like absolutely everyone else I know, I too have extremely negative feelings about robocalls. I am sure you have already heard the gamete of negative adjectives associated with robocalls, both polite and otherwise. Your "do not call" list is quite ineffective and stronger approaches are sorely needed. - don neuman don neuman Massachusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 809 of 5002

Robocalls are the worst thing EVER, especially from politicians who don't have to abide by the no-call list. Nomorobo has saved my sanity by blocking up to 10 calls a day! Please, please, please allow the general public to have these applications... or ban calls to those on the no-call list.

PS - I hate robocalls and telemarketers more than ANYTHING!!!!!

Bettina Williford Frisco, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 810 of 5002

I love my robocall blocking.. saves me alot of frustration of having so many unwanted calls. I just want til my second ring then I am usually ok knowing it's not a solicitArion call... please do t take away my right to stop these calls...

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 811 of 5002

I get a number of unwanted 800 calls daily. My daughter in Moutain View Ca is able to block them after 1 ring. Why can't I do the same with my Comcast home phone or AT&T cell phone?

Ben Kuiken Bellingham, Washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 812 of 5002

Prior to implementing a robocall blocking service we received an average of 18 robocalls per day over 6 months on two phone lines. That's 36 calls per day to look at with caller ID to determine if they are calls we want or need to answer. 432 calls per year to sift through and most of them during the dinner and evening hours.

We actually had to upgrade our phone services to a service that could accomodate the robocall blocking service that we now use. We now get only a call or two a week that is orther than a legitimate call. And these are calls dialed by a person, not robocalls dialed by predictive dialer software.

Why should I have to pay for upgraded service to have the ability to block robocalls with a service that I had to reseacrh and install? My guess is that the phone company is making too much revenue from selling services to known robocall organizations and is reluctant to stop or provide call blocking for fear of revenue loss. It is called greed!

Torry Gritzuk Charlotte, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 813 of 5002

I don't like robocalls, but what's worse than that is someone telling me I can't block them... on my own phone! There's something really wrong with that!

Eric and Karen Haulenbeek Northfield, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 814 of 5002

Please support and encourage call blocking on both landline and mobile phones. The unending solicitations at all times of day and night are beyond intrusive. Responding to phone solicitations is unsafe and subjects uninformed and/or otherwise trusting individuals to serious loss of privacy and resources. There can be no sensible argument against giving individuals the right to accept or reject unwanted calls. Moreover, in the immediate aftermath of today's terrorist events in Paris, and other such recent events in Canada, Australia and, 9/11 New York, it is not an over-reaction to fear that malicious wrongdoers will somehow use telephone communication as yet another weapon in their arsenal of destructive strategies. Please, please, please support and encourage call blocking on both landline and mobile phones.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 815 of 5002

I do not want robocalls. They ignore the FCC rule on not to call if you are on the no call list. We need a way to block these calls. A lot are coming from overseas. Lots of them tell me I have a problem with my PC.

STOP the call anyway we can. If not I need to forward all my calls to the FCC (head).


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 816 of 5002

Please let me continue to use Nomorerobo. I can now cook dinner each night without being disturbed by unwanted calls. When my phone rings, it's someone I want to talk to, not someone I have to hang up on. Please keep Nomorerobo!

Mary Cavalllero White Plains, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 817 of 5002

Please let me block whatever types of calls I want on my own phone--not allowing me to is un- American!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 818 of 5002

As a Senior Citizen I am constantly barraged by scam robo calls.

Most are trying to pry confidential information , i.e credit card numbers, social sec. numbers, banking info. Many of my peers have been conned by giving this sort of information, only to have it used in identity and credit card theft.

Most originate outside the U.S., and prey on our citizens.

Please allow the blocking of such calls by allowing that blockage to be provided by telephone providers.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 819 of 5002

90% of calls we gets are ROBOCALLS. Please find a way to block, or telephone calls will become obsolete. This CANNOT continue.

Sam Kanter NY, NY

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 821 of 5002

Why should I have to be swamped with everyone calling me for something I do no want or need? This is not a service - it is an envasion of my privacy. Most of these calls come in around dinner time. How annoying is this? I suggest the caller has the same right to call and annoy the robocaller. The calls need to be reversed to those calling. I strongly believe there should be a free service to block all calls that I wish to block.

Norman Glen Burnie, MD 21060

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 822 of 5002

The federal government cannot handle this huge problem of Robo calls. Go on the Internet and see just how angry people truly are. I am glad I found out about NoMoRobo because they solved a problem.

There are many many people that fall for the cons that these people give. It is very sad when people are cheated out of their hard earned money, not to mention the inconvenience of answering telephone calls with no one there.

I only wish the federal government can stop that outfit from India that call claiming to be from Windows or other companies saying that they have detected a virus on my computer. I laughed at them but they got an older friend of mine and tricked her into paying them money to clean up her computer after they installed the virus to begin with. Thank goodness NoMoRobo takes all those calls for me.

When a company calls me with a fraudulent phone number appearing on my telephone screen, I just add it to my list for NoMoRobo to take. Who would want to do business with a company that?

Denise Sansone Sacramento, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 823 of 5002

NOMOROBO is the Best! I finally get some peace and quiet at home.

What part of Private phone number don't you understand!

If I don't Know you, DON'T call and bother me!

Garden Grove, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 824 of 5002

Stop these calls that we didn't ask for

J.McVety fort myers Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 825 of 5002

The do not call is a farce and does not work.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 826 of 5002

There is a need to block robocalls, it's my phone I should be able to block these calls if I choose.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 827 of 5002

The do not call list no longer works. When I moved a year ago and got a new phone number I started receiving sales and robo calls within hours of the phone being activated. When you research the numbers that call on the internet they are listed as marketing and sales that do not honor do not call. I even received a robo call from my own phone number one day. These calls are annoying and if you answer to try to get removed from the list you get more frequent calls. I believe these calls are someone trying to get money from me so I don't answer. I can block spam on my computer but have no way to block this phone spam. This should be a function that is as easily available and easy to use as computer spam blocking.

Kim & Lori Worm Cicero, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 828 of 5002

I am tired of telemarketers and do want the option of blocking robocalling.

Raj nair Lexington, ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 829 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls on my phone. Getting tired of these calls and more We are hit with a ton of spam calls and some robocalls and more to time to help us take a stand against these callers.

Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 830 of 5002

I receive so many robocalls each day. They come from different phone numbers for the same thing. Right now I have Time Warner for my phone service. I get at least 5 calls per day. Please do something to stop this from happening. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Amitrano

Katherine Amitrano Brooklyn, New York 11220

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 831 of 5002

I got rid of my house phone because I got so many ROBO calls. I do not want them on my cell phone!

Nashua NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 832 of 5002

Robo calls need to be stopped

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 833 of 5002

I hate the non-stop robocalls I get on both landlines! I probably get 20 / day and they even go into voicemail, causing me to dial in and delete them! If we got better cell service I would drop the landlines in a minute.

Why aren't you doing anything????????

Los Altos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 834 of 5002

Please stop the robocalls.

Vladislav Tabakin Ashburn, VA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 836 of 5002

I am happy to be registered on NoMoRobo... please do not try to stop this. It is very frustrating and invasion to my privacy when middle of night some A****** calls me from the computer program and FCC and FBI could not stop it.

Murphy TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 837 of 5002

Please no more robocalls!

Westwood n.j.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 838 of 5002

We got so tired of the Robo calls that we finally pulled the plug on our home phone and going with mobile numbers for now till Robo calls can be fixed. Nothing more aggravating to be getting calls at all sorts of odd others of the day and evening.

What is the FCC doing to stop the problem? Seems the FCC is part of the PROBLEM and not part of the SOLUTION. We have the technology to fix this problem now to a certain point.

Michael and Lisa Stokman Livermore, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 839 of 5002

I hate robocalls and don't see why I should be subjected to them many times every day. Please allow robocall blocking products.

Brenda Greaves Schwenksville PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 840 of 5002

When you pay for a call you have the right to refuse. Also if your number is unlisted then only those you want to have it; have it. To call every number is an abuse of your privacy. Not to mention they are unwanted scam artists preying on the uninformed to get information on your identity. I would never deal with someone who doesn't want to be identified or fake their own identity. If you call the number back you can't reach them, number is invalid, mailbox full, not accepting calls or the number is spoofed(not their real number). Most show a cell phone number and no name or address is available, then they change the number each month. Some just call and let ring once and hang up, you don't even get a chance to answer. Then within a minute they recall and hang up. Also they hang up when you answer. Anyone with a brain know not to deal with them but some idiots are out there. How can anyone thinnk this is on the level but they continue to call. I have been on the DNC registry for 14 years and still I get calls all the time. Some say the DNC is worse than not being on it. They claim less calls when they removed the number. WHY these slimeballs are still in play is a pure case of the FCC not doing their job to stop them. No way can they make honest calls without identifying themselves correctly with a real, actual address and name. Credit card services is not a real name. I get a lot of these wanting to reduce my interest payments but never tell me where they are; TX, VA, etc are all I can get out of them. When I ask for a return number so I can call them back if we get disconnected they hang up fast! Even if I try to get an actual address all I hear is a click! They have to be stopped before someone stops them permanently due to frustration. kirkville, ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 841 of 5002

The continued robocalls despite personally requesting that the FCC take action relating to unwanted numbers, displays one more example of a dysfunctional agency/government. It is clear by this passivity relating to this annoyance, that government cares for big business and not the American People. BLOCK THEM!!!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 842 of 5002

I get an abundance of calls that are unsolicited, from all sorts of nuisance entities. The listing is too long , for items for senior citizens to home protection, to who knows what.

I do NOT want to receive these calls. the automatic dialing is a most disturbing item, over and over and over. they just will not stop, disregard my pleas for them to delete my #.

I do appreciate what robocall blocking has done, 1 ring and that is is.

Thank you

Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 843 of 5002

We need to be able to at least block Robocalls. The "Do Not Call" list is not working. It's not being enforced. The salespeople laugh at me when I ask them to take me off their list. I was bombarded with calls before I signed up with Nomorobo. I get many less junk calls now and a more peaceful household because of it. I should be able to have control over my private phone.

Deborah Farmingdale, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 844 of 5002

I was finally forced to purchase an expensive call blocking device for our home land line after years of receiving annoying robocalls. I have signed up on the National Do Not Call registry on several occasions over the years with little to no success.. My wife and I are both retired senior citizens with major health problems and were were constantly bombarded from early morning to late evening hours with these robocalls. We could not rest peacefully due to the invasion of our privacy from these incessant telemarketers. If the FCC can't stop these purveyors of havoc on people's lives, then they should at least let us purchase any device or means at our disposal and cost to attain some semblance of peace and quiet from these vermin. P.S., the call blocker does work and our lives have been much more livable since its installation. The robocalls still attempt to call but the call blocker prevents the phone from ringing and disturbing our peace.

JK Sherrod Cordova, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 845 of 5002

The incredibly annoying and deceptive use of "robocalling" has taken the scourge of telemarketing to new lows. Now they can spoof the caller id so you can't tell who is calling you at dinner time. I don't need to lower my credit card rate! Just for fun I sat through a sequence of representatives just to see what the catch was. At the very end you find out it only costs $650 to have them TRY to lower your interest rate. What a scam. I do tell the people that call saying they are from the IRS that my name is Slartybartfast but you don't get a chance to do that with robo calls. Just the #@%& interuption

David Young Shawnee, Kansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 846 of 5002

Most of these calls are annoying and the number that shows on the caller ID is a non working number when you try to call it back.

Adelph, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 847 of 5002

I am totally sick of the robo calls. Yesterday I got 3 from "Consumer Services". Please, please please allow robocall blocking products!

Ann Timms Macon, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 848 of 5002

Please do anything you can to make sure we can block robocalls.

I am on the federal Do Not Call List, but still get many such calls. I often have to work until very late at night or early in the morning and then I am awakened by such calls in the morning. I'm also dealing with a parent close to death with Alzheimer's. I can't ignore calls, since it could be a doctor or hospital or someone else calling with critical news.

I am disturbed by robocalls more frequently than I was disturbed by telemarketers before the Do Not Call List.

Thank you.

Hal Vaughan Richmond, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 849 of 5002

I hate robocalls and always hang up on them. I wish there was a way to stop them easily.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 850 of 5002

I want robo calls stopped to my phones. They are an invasion of my privacy and also annoying. Please allow robocall blocking and do not listen to phone companies that say they cannot block the calls. I use nomorobocalls on my house phone and it has really helped. The major problem is that it does not block all the calls as some are exempted.

Carolyn Meigs Fayetteville, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 851 of 5002

I am SICK of getting 6-10 calls a day from EACH of these robocalls. And they continue to call day after day!!! They also have no concept of time & I have been awoken at 10pm at night from them. I have a job where the safety of human beings are in my hands & I cannot afford to be drowsy & unfocused because I am being awoken with this drivel. Nomorobo has been a sanity saver!!!! Phone companies, as well as Cell phone companies, NEED to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers! This problem has gotten way out of hand & we need a solution to this kind of spam!

Brenda Files Hamlin, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 852 of 5002

Robocalls are the WORST of phone line intrusions! No person to communicate with. I pay for my phone service for MY use not for the use of any other person, firm, cause or thief. It's especially horrible with scammers now anyway. STOP ROBOCALLS!!

Donna Beveridge Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 853 of 5002

I am tired of getting 4 or 5 calls a day from people I do not know. I am on the do not call list.

Conrad Palumbo Lancaster, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 854 of 5002

I appreciate the blocking of robocalls immensely. Marketing of this type is an intrusion and I bless the cut off of the ringtone after one ring. alethea moeller coronado, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 855 of 5002

Robo calls are a rude interruption of our lives, typically coming during lunch or dinner time. They are not wanted, and even if I wantec the product they were selling, I would not buy it from a robo caller. I pay for my telephone line, and do not want robo calls, therefore products that allow for blocking robo calls should not only be allowed, but phone companies should be forced to offer the product, and make the public aware of the blocking option.

Bernd Kammer Fullerton, Ca.

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 857 of 5002

We want to be able to block these calls invading our home. It's one thing to have them attached to TV and radio- that's our cost for entertainment, and if we don't like them we turn them off. We have no control over these robocalls invading our peaceful evenings. We should have the right to refuse these calls invading our homes.

Amy Roderick Andover, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 858 of 5002

I'm fed up with robocalls, including those from political and so-called charitable organizations, and would like to see (or hear) an end to all of them. They are not only an invasion of privacy but a colossal waste of time to those who answer or are forced to listen to them, either in person or on their answering machines. I'm therefore happy and grateful that "Nomorobo" is addressing this problem, and trust you will listen to its worthy champion when he meets with you. Who knows? Someday he may actually be awarded a Nobel PEACE Prize!

Dr. A. H. Saxon Fairfield, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 859 of 5002

As a senior citizen I am tired of answering robocalls. There are far too many of them in a day to answer. They are very annoying. Please help us to stop this robocalling Please block them! If I need something or someone to fix something I WILL CALL THEM! not vice-versa. Thank you.

Robert and Ann Dobson Rochester, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 860 of 5002 support nomorobo! let us block robo calls on cell phones. william Linden new port richey, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 861 of 5002

I hate rob calls and I should have control of who I permit to reach me by phone. I would like a more effective way to block robo calls, but until you act to provide a better mechanism than currently available, I use NOMOROBO and love it. Do not do anything that would dis-allow services like NOMOROBO. Better yet, provide an equivalent or better federal service to accomplish the same goal.

Alan Schaevitz San Rafael, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 862 of 5002

I believe that my home is my castle and I do not appreciate, in fact strongly resent, calls that invade my privacy. PLEASE eliminate robocalls .

John Hennessy Scotch Plains, N.J.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 863 of 5002

Please take stronger actions to prevent unwanted and intrusive robocalls to citizens. Please consider that many of us are caregivers and very often are interrupted from caring for our loved ones by such calls. It's our home, the phone is our property and we are entitled to privacy in our homes. Such calls are invasive, a nuisance and wasteful.

Thank you

Plymouth MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 864 of 5002

Finally, a tool that helps protect my Constitutional right to privacy. I can't imagine how any sane person could legitimize anything to the contrary! PLEASE, make it mandatory that telephone communication companies (wireless, VOIP, & landline) provide such an option free of charge to consumers.

We currently use NOMOROBO.COM and are truly enjoying our uninterrupted evening meal every day. To deny us the option for such a service would clearly be unconstitutional and I seriously doubt any such blatant and deliberate denial of our rights would with stand any legal challenges.

Bruce Chase Shirley, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 865 of 5002

I think it is ridiculous to prevent a company like NOMOROBO from protecting all U.S. citizens from annoying and sometimes dangerous robo-calls!!! If you can have your calls screened and blocked, so should we!!!

Thank you

New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 866 of 5002

How would you like 8 calls a day to disturb your work? Stop these calls.

MaryAnnLozowski Yardey, Pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 867 of 5002

Please allow cell phone users the ability to block robocalls. Why shouid I have to pay for a call I don't want?

Dianne lipkin Evanston, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 868 of 5002 i would appreciate it if you would take action against the unsolicited phone calls k.conroy newtown square,pa,19073i i

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 869 of 5002

I like the NoRobocall feature, we get so many prank and scam calls without it.

Dana Vogel Ms.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 870 of 5002

For those of us wishing to block unwanted solicitations (robo-calls) please require the phone companies to provide us with easy ability to do so. It's my phone, my cell service, I pay for the minutes and usage - it's my tool not theirs. If I want to block them, I should be able to.

Shannon Paulson Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 871 of 5002

I find unwanted phone calls (robo calls) to be huge annoyance and inconvenience. Nomorobo has blocked many of these calls to me and I am very grateful. Now if we could just find a way to eliminate all of them for once and for all.

Mark and Judi Schecter San Diego CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 872 of 5002

I do not want any robocalls. They are intrusive. I'd be happy to call congressman at home at dinner time to explain this to them.

Tamara Cellers Springfield OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 873 of 5002 sick and tired of robo calls, they drive me nuts

Herschel Sims Ball Ground, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 874 of 5002

As a user of a service that blocks robocalls, I want this service to continue to be available to me. Additionally, I think this should be a service available to all customers through all of the telephone service providers. The robocallers have become a significant portion of our total telephone calls, and the service has been of considerable benefit to us.

Charles Murray Laurel, MD.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 875 of 5002

Even being on the do not call list I get 10 sales calls a day I'm afraid to think what it would be without services that didn't block robocalls! Leave me SOME rights please!

Daniel Shapiro Commerce Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 876 of 5002

The number of "robocalls" has escalated exponentially in the past few years. There are many nights that we are interrupted 4, 5, 6 times or more. When picked up most of these calls wind up with a hang up; those that do actually get "answered" is by a recorded voice for any number of reasons. THIS IS MY PHONE AND MY HOME. The people who do robocalling do NOT have any respect for their recipients peace of mind, peace in the home. As an American I have the RIGHT to privacy and the RIGHT to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These calls usurp those rights as well as many more. We are up in years and cannot be running to the telephone only to have callers (and many times "scammers") interrupt or daily life! I signed up for a service to block robocalls. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS LAST LINE OF DEFENSE AWAY FROM US, I BEG YOU! Please DO NOT side with the companies that use robocalls to drive us all crazy!

Susan Hinkle Ravenna, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 877 of 5002

The number of redundant calls I receive weekly number in the range of 15-20. That's absurd and I resent it deeply. Even with caller ID which I pay out of pocket for and a private unlisted # which I also pay for, I'm inundated with these calls. They are unsolicited, uncomfortable to receive and time consuming. Please, please do something to prevent them from recurring.

Highland, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 878 of 5002

If you won't protect us from robocalls, then leave us alone to use tools like Nomorobo.

Mine Hill, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 879 of 5002

The Do Not Call list DOES NOT WORK! The public needs a way to block robocalls - including calls from charities and from political parties. We pay for our phone service and we should be allowed to control who can call us.

Donald Arrowsmith Souderton, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 880 of 5002

I am sick and tired of getting at least 6-8 robo-calls daily! They are annoying, distracting, and we should be able to stop them from calling! Please help.

Steve Millhollin Franklin, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 881 of 5002

I get 50 to 100 robo calls per month if not more am sick of answering the phone only to hear a computer talking to me. So now I block each one using feature built into phone to block them after they call. However the number is limited to 50 numbers and am running out of slot to enter new numbers. I consider it an invasion of my privacy to receive calls on a phone I pay for without any control over who calls.

Bob Clark Atlanta. GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 882 of 5002

I've had the good fortune to use Nomorobo and it saves me a lot of answering the telephone. Please don't do anything to prevent this service.

William Popowicz Troy, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 883 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and disturbing. Features like NOMOROBO are a wonderful thing and should be available to all customers of all phone companies.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 884 of 5002

Robocalls are constant nuisance. These calls are received about a dozen times each and every day. They come is variety of forms ranging from recordings, telemarketers, and just dead air. My cable company provides up to 32 numbers to block and the ability to block callers that block caller ID. This is not enough to stop these harassing calls. Robocalls are ubiquitous now and getting worse. There are just too many to list to block the numbers and many use false callers ID to get past the blocking of anonymous callers.

NOMOROBO has been a great help in solving this problem. It is doing a great job of bringing these calls to zero with my cable company Optimum which provides my phone service.

I am now getting robocalls on my cell phone. Fortunately my smart phone can set a block on these when I get a call wherein I set the phone to block the number.

The do not call registry does not work. These robocallers do not stop or care about the registry.

A law must be enacted to stop this activity.

Unfortunately for the citizens of the United States the laws are now bought and paid for by big business. As phone companies are big business with big campaign contributions I suspect that the interests of the people will be trumped by big business. As the benefactors of big business dollars I doubt congress will do anything to stop this scourge on its constituents lest they lose the campaign contributions that buy the media adverts that get the votes for election.

Please prove me wrong and vote your conscience.

Do the right thing and serve your constituents.

Richard Haran Brooklyn, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 885 of 5002

How would you like 8 calls a day to disturb your work? Stop these calls.

MaryAnnLozowski Yardey, Pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 886 of 5002

Blocking robocalls is necessary today because government organizations do not care if we, the consumer, receive robocalls and other calls that should be blocked. Why? All government organizations are helping big business make more money and this is by allowing these robocalls. This is bad for us consumers and tax payers.

So FCC please stop these robocalls and other illegal call to my phone. It really bothers me.

Nomorobo product works very well and I could live without it.



Harlen Ng Saratoga, CA 95070

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 887 of 5002

I want to be in control of my own phone!! I should not have to work as hard as I do to be removed from unsolicited calls. I want the ability to block phone numbers, especially robo calls.

Cornelia Reagan Spring, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 888 of 5002

I am so tired of unsolicited phone calls. Please allow us to block robocalls.

Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 889 of 5002

I want to control who calls me without prior permission, therefore I demand that strong laws, with severe penalties for non-complacence, be enacted that give consumers to ability to block all robocalls, automatic message calls, live telemarketers, solicitors, political calls, and such

Mark Burstein Benicia CA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 891 of 5002

Robocalls are an intrusion of privacy, and should be able to be blocked or opted out of. Please make phone companies give consumers the option to block, and permit robocall blocking products.

Juris Svarcbergs Ewing, New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 892 of 5002

I like robocalls blocking. Robocalls are annoying.

Staten Island, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 893 of 5002

About a year ago I got Nomorobo, It is greatest thing that has happened in a long time. I love it. My phone rings one time and stops. I must get 4 or 5 calls a day from people I do not want to hear from. You should allow everyone the option to have this. I hate all these calls that I DO NOT WANT to receive!!!

Thanks for your consideration.

Ralph Pressley

Ralph A Pressley Tucker, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 894 of 5002

I do not want to be subjected to robocalls. I am in favor of being able to block them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 895 of 5002

Stop all these calls everyday !!! st charles mo

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 896 of 5002


Sandra Gorzeman Long Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 897 of 5002 please stop these robocalls. and allow robocall blocking products to be easily available to the general public.

Deb Jankowski Salisbury, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 898 of 5002

Someone has to stop the invasion of our homes by automated hucksters. Nomorobo reduces intrusions in my home, but I have no protection for my cell phone.

John Yaecker Freehold NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 899 of 5002

I do not want to receive unwanted intrusive phone calls. I want the right to block these calls.

Richard Tichenor Bradenton, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 900 of 5002

Try to buck the current trend in Washington and look out for the PEOPLE, not the corporations.

Ken W Sacramento, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 901 of 5002

Since I pay the charges on the phone, I should be able to block people I don't want to call me. lakewood ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 902 of 5002

Reno call are the biggest painin the neck. Stop them and help progress.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 903 of 5002

RoboCalls are a nuisance and an interruption to the peace and quiet that I cherish in my home. It is my phone line that I pay for so I should not be exposed to these calls.

Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 904 of 5002

As a consumer, I demand to have the right to block unsolicited commercial calls of all kinds - especially robocalls.

James Nutting Ashland, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 905 of 5002

Please allow for nomorobo to block the incessant disruption of my home life by daily, and often, at times, sociopathic telemarketers. It is extremely bothersome to my family's peace of mind.

Thank you for your understanding and your action in this matter.

Frederick and Miwon Gold Kagel Canyon, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 906 of 5002

Can't stand getting these calls please let me have something to stop these calls plancher Lodi, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 907 of 5002

Phone companies need to do more to prevent scammers from phishing phone numbers and about robocalls. The National Do Not Call list is a joke and doesn't work. Robocall blocking products are the best thing we have right now. This has helped cut down on the number of calls I receive per day.

Brenda Carr Des Plaines, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 908 of 5002

I absolutely hate the robocalls!! When my answering machine picks up, the robocall disconnects and I end up with tons of hang-ups!! Soooo annoying!! PLEASE STOP THEM!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 909 of 5002

Robo calls ar a violation of my privicy and as such should be declared unlawfull. Prove that the phone companies and telamarketiers do not control you by making them allow easy blocking of these calls .

Sid Lowell Glendora Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 910 of 5002

We all have a right to free speech, but we should also have the right to not listen. I must have the ability to block unwanted calls - it is a matter of personal freedom and safety, without affecting anyone else's right to speak freely.

Stacey Kerr Santa Rosa, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 911 of 5002

Our Constitution Guarantee's us the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness! My Home is my life. My Life in my Home is where I can exercise my Liberty of Decision making for the coming days as well as the present. My Happiness come from knowing that these decisions can be reached on my own without unwanted annoyance from unwanted and abusive individuals who are ashamed to inform you of who they are or the purpose of their calling.

Glen & Willa Haase/Lutz Fremont, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 912 of 5002

It's time to stop robocalls. I don't care if the phone companies are making money from them. I am on the "No calls list" yet I continue to get annoying calls.

So it's time to put an end to this garbage.

John Brancato Santa Clarita, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 913 of 5002

I have my telephone so that my elderly mother can reach me in case of emergency. I have to answer these inane calls just to hear a stupid scam message. I am thinking of designing my own call blocker that will reject any call that does not come from a pre-programmed set of numbers.

Frank Karkota Westford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 914 of 5002

The FCC should have sponsored NoMoRobo instead of hampering and tampering......

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 915 of 5002

Telemarketing robocalls should not exist.

Since they do, there should be a way to block such calls.

The phone companies cannot be trusted to have their clients' interests in mind neither can our legislators both are influenced by telemarketers' money but the FCC has a fiduciary duty to serve the public allow blocking of robocalls.

Jim Morrison Redlands, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 916 of 5002

The amount of robo calls we receive are beyond what you'd imagine.

Nomorobo id doing a tremendous job of blocking.

We feel it's up to our decision as to which calls we answer.

The thing one to in mind is that it's OUR phone, ans should be judged by others to tell me which calls should be answered.

Allen, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 917 of 5002

The Robo Callers are getting more and more creative just because I won't accept their calls. They are calling during dinner times, bed times, all hours of the day, and even disguising the real reasons for their calls. I pay for my phone and I shouldn't have to put up with this. There are no civil liberties being salvaged here.....just annoying calls that I hang up on or ignore anyway. I work the graveyard shifts so it is very upsetting to my sleep cycles to have to put up with this damaging tactic of calling me for things that I am not even interested in. We have enough of that with TV commercials .....when will it ever stop? Please draw the line and enact a law that will help us. Thank you for your time.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 918 of 5002

I have a robo caller blocker and am so thankful. I get at least 3 calls/day. That's about 21 calls/week, over 1000 calls per year. This is getting so ridiculous, it is absurd. I want to have the ability to block these unwanted NUISANCE calls. Please do not restrict robo blockers.

Gregg McCombs Wrentham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 919 of 5002

I cannot believe how annoying and disruptive these robocalls as well as other sales calls are. I finally have a solution in Nomorobo, and I believe that this and any other mechanism to block these calls are fair game!

Jerry Cohen Westlake Village, CA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 921 of 5002

I am on both the National & Florida do not call list. Both are jokes. They do absolutely nothing. I have been using NOMOROBO ever since it first came out. It really works. I pay a great deal for my phone. Why should I be flooded with hundreds of un-wanted ROBO calls who pay absolutely nothing for using MY phone? This must be stopped.

Robert Harbison Tampa, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 922 of 5002

I do not believe that I should be subject to marketing calls that are unsolicited by me. I have entered my phone numbers on the national do not call list and found that I still receive an inordinate number of calls.

I have subscribed to nomorobo and find that the number of robo calls has decreased significantly.

Alldon Willis Dedham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 923 of 5002

Until Nomorobo helped block annoying robocalls, I was bombarded by telemarketing. I work for a Class 1 railroad and am on call 24/7. These calls inhibit my rest.

Robert E Gumpher Harrisburg, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 924 of 5002

Stoprobocalls,especially on cell phones.each call costs money, and now are on my restricted line used for emergency calls.

Dr Donald Sherman sudbury ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 925 of 5002

We need stronger laws to block robocalls or easier access to call blocking software and devices.

John Parsons Birmingham, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 926 of 5002

I am so tired of getting up to answer the phone and someone from wherever says to me in a foreign accent that my modem is about to catch on fire a for $50 they will put the fire out. The story on the other line changes but the homicidal feelings I have don't.

These calls need to stop...I am tired of being harassed. It's a form of torture and maybe I should be appealing to the Geneva convention.

Mara Bohn Lexington,Mass

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 928 of 5002

Robocalls interupt my life and take time out of my day. I appreciate having those calls blocked but they shouldn't occur in the first place.

Rockford, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 929 of 5002

I want the ability to block robocalls. They are intrusive and offensive.

We should have the capability to block these and all soliciting phone calls.

Livermore, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 930 of 5002

FCC its incompetent. Because of that, is an accomplice or its in cahoots with all those criminals that roam around trying to find victimas particularly among us, senior citizens. Otherwise how can you guys explain why so many phone calls comes from numbers that can not be traced, in spite of being in the ridiculous No Call List keep on coming etc. Take a look at this and give me an explanation not an excuse. You fools.

# times Area Phone number Caller Blocked Blocking instructions:

239 232-1588 Small Buss Loan y * 57 To know who called 267 388-1837 Not Valid (NV) y * 60 To add #'s 303 217-9108 Americagrantctr, Denver, CO 305 330-9891 Swan Energy y 321 404-2528 Unknown y Fl. 646 560-3180 Not In service New York 703 750-2203 Credit Card Services Michigan 422 Tabanacoe St. SCESTE, MI # 205 33475 773 966-1040 Claim resolution offer Gave 888 # to call. Could not remember 786 219-0832 First Consumer (NIS) y No city report 786 718-9596 Not Available (NA) y report w.b. mailed 866 254-1021 " " " y report w.b. mailed 877 849-7721 Christian & Jews y 972 208-4318 disconected y Rhonda L. Denny 19074 94th Pl, Scottdale, AZ 85255 989 623-6505 Bad Axe y Bad Axe, MI 212 283-3459 not in service? 202 800-5547 Encuestas 212 477-6363 Not in service New York. NY 213 514-9154 will be removed 11/25/14 239 596-8464 Tiseth D - no longer in serv. 301 275-3352 ??? Bethesda, Md 303 217-9108 America Grant C Denver, CO 305 440-1874 SSI Political pooling Miami, Fl 305 421-5794 Not in service or wrong #??? 305 629-7831 Home Retreats… 305 901-4688 SSI Political pooling 3 Marathon, Fl 305 907-5124 Not in service? 305 842-3496 added to the no call list. Miami, Fl 305 368-8381 ocupado Re. Cr. cards Miami, Fl 305 282-3303 ??? Miami, Fl 305 560-5384 Chariry 305 600-3761 ??? Placen on their no call list 305 602-3076 Finantial - Marathon Fl. Amrock Financial, Miami Fl 321 252-1124 Veterans Foundation Cocoa, Fl 321 441-9770 Police Benevolent Assc. Miami, Fl 352 507-4606 Police Benevolent Assc. 386 518-3109 Sr. Bath sellers Premier Care, Alachua, Fl 401 466-9512 Cr. Card Rhode Island 402 952-4444 Gallup Pol 407 233-0067 Orlando, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 931 of 5002

407 378-3729 Travel Co. Winter Gardens Fl. 407 982-5510 Leave a message? Orlando, Fl 407 598-0701 Political Pooling Maitland, Fl 505 730-5771 Call sent to auto system Lateev M. Hamilton 60 Gran Teton Dr. Bear, DE 19701 506 560-5384 Gateway Local Charities 541 512-6260 Remove list 72 hrs. 11-24-14 Talent OR 561 404-7579 Special Olimpics Delray Beach 561 571-0499 Police $ 561 972-2494 $ Sacred Heart? 3 Jupiter, Fl 586 200-0162 Research Center 4 ?? 586 208 -0162 Mount West Resosrt will be emailed 615 461-5838 Political Pooling Gallatin, TN 619 357-4644 El Cajon CA 7 Allentown N.J. 626 916-2046 Cr. Card Joel V. Cardona 510 Magnolia Ave. Monrovia, CA 91016 678 606-5625 ??? Prometieron ponerme en su no call list on 10/28/14 702 514-4072 Not in service VIP Services, Jean NV 702 815-2394 Presicion Opinion Vegas, NV 703 993-1000 Foundation CC 727 330-3710 Purple Heart 772 497-6316 Jensen Beach, Fl Jensen Beach, Fl 775 573-8862 ??? NV 781 018-1172 Name not found 786 345-1542 Removed from listing? Biz Loans, Perribe, Fl Perrine, Fl 786 260-2911 Marcelia Sain Tard 261 80 St, Miami, Fl 33150 786 260-6938 ??? 786 260-1494 Tami Fletcher Brown Party F 16200 20 Ave, Opa Locka, Fl 33054 786 260-6938 Donate autos etc. 786 358-9742 The Association??? 786 507-8274 ??? 786 358-9691 The Association??? 786 581-8401 no name Miami, Fl 786 762-2250 Mantenimiento A/C 786 970-8276 Save Dade S - call forwarded Miami, Fl 800 380-6619 Vogous vacations. 2 report will be emailed 800 446-0664 Wells Fargo Fraud prevention ion? 800 234-9939 Survey company 800 517-1540 ??? Asked my ph. To be removed 813 344-1977 Sanjose L. Amelita 2 1200 Lindel Dr. Kissimmee, Fl (Pooloing Co.) 813 366-9800 Nielsen TV Rating 6 Odesa, Fl 832 608-6458 bussy? 3 Houston, TX 843 808-0858 Magic Jack Mirtle Beach 855 212-3031 800 Service 855 232-4799 American Center Research 855 235-4055 Annonimus 855 237-2272 Annonimus 855 238-3475 American for Cancer Reasearch 855 735-3531 Concern women for America 855 873-7988 Cantoon gas supply? 7 Report w.b. mailed

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 932 of 5002

855 873-7988 Gartun? Gar? Supply report will be emailed 866 223-7673 Smile Tren 866 517-1540 800 Service 866 643-0333 Yo llamo 866 223-7673 Toll Free call 866 910-9318 Allied Interstate 877 202-5429 Brest Cancer Society 888 234-9939 Survey company 888 362-6886 No name 888 380-9913 Sales call, left m. not to call 917 780-4821 Not in service N.Y. 949 000-7677 Donate auto 954 213-6860 ??? 954 323-7863 can not accept calls 999 999-2112 Not valid number report will be emailed

Mario Agudelo Miami, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 933 of 5002

Nomorobo is great. Since activating it my family can actually enjoy meals without annoying calls. Just wish it was available for my Verizon cell.

It would also be great if it could block all the annoying election campaign calls. I made it a policy that anyone running for election that makes a call to my house/cell does not get my vote.

Neil Wheaton Lutz

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 934 of 5002

I believe it should be our option to block calls or not. I receive, on average, four to five calls a day. I have taken to turning off the phone unless I am going to make a call. I shouldn't have to do that

Thomas Heinzle Bellevue, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 935 of 5002

Robocalls are an outrage to a persons privacy. I have no intention of buying something or having my rugs cleaned from a person/company invading my privacy. It is important to a persons freedom to make it easy and efficient to block these calls before they come into our home.

Please do everything you can to make us able to block these calls!

Thank you for doing this work.

Palo Alto,CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 936 of 5002

Robocalls call for the wrong persons, call early morning, late at night and all throughout the day. They are annoying. Sometimes all they do is wait for someone to answer then hang up. Some even want you to hold the line until they come to the phone. Some give you a reference number and tell you call them back. Please please please stop this nuisances.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 937 of 5002

We need the ability of to block callers on land lines, just as you can on a cell phone.

Temecula, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 938 of 5002

I don't need or want robocalls. The last thing I want is to be interrupted while driving and have a robocall. I need to block those calls.

Emelito Gonzales Closter, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 939 of 5002 robo calls disrupt my life!!! they call at any time particularly when I'm in the middle of a project. I have talked to their sales reps and asked them to plrase stop calling me...I don't want what their selling but they continue to call over and over and over!....please help!!!! paul fitzgerald westwood, ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 940 of 5002

I am writing you to tell you that I absolutely think robocall blocking products should be legal. Robocalls are annoying, invasive and should be abolished. They are impossible to stop and are constantly calling my phones. I don't even answer a call if I don't recognize the number. If they don't leave a message I figure it's a robocall. The robocall software I use has been a Godsend. While it doesn't eliminate all robocalls it makes life so much better. I utterly support the legality of robocall blocking products. I don't need to be answering calls made by computers that I don't want to hear or answer. Instead of stopping robocall blocking products I advocate stopping robocalls.

Antonio Ponce Chino CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 941 of 5002

Would you like it if the same people called you every day or every week? There is no way to get off their list. These individuals are mean and rude. Please ask them to stop. Their numbers have filled my Caller ID and they continuously call even when I ask them to stop calling. Even when I tell them I don't want to buy, donate, participate. They do not care or respect what I say. Please ask these people to stop making unsolicited telephone calls regardless of the reason. It is not appreciated ever. Thank you.

Livermore, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 942 of 5002

Robrocall blocking is essential. FCC remains powerless to stop "scam" calls and the "do not call" list is a joke.

Companies like NOMOROBO are the only way to get any relief from the incessant and intrusive "robo" calls.

I demand the telephone companies provide paying consumers with an easy and effective way to stop these calls.

Donald Anguish Baldwinsvile, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 943 of 5002

I have been using a robo blocker for almost a year and I experience at least 10 to 15 single rings (s sign that they were robos) every week. I have caller ID so I can see how often these calls originate from the same number and how often the caller is anonymous. Please do not take this ability to block away from me since there should be no such calls coming into my phone anyway. I am on the Do Not Call List and have been for years. It doesn't seem to affect the number of nuisance calls received.

Lysbeth Hirsch Pasadena, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 944 of 5002

I am tired of countless phone calls trying to sell me something that I don't need or want. I want to block those calls from getting through. Please leave the blocking services alone and in fact make it easier!

Louise Robinson San Jose CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 945 of 5002

My family is fed up with robo call disturbances. We don't answer unknown callers anymore, but often have to listen to ringing phones. I have been on do-not-call lists for years, but the robo calls seem to get worse. Please take action to allow us to avoid these pests.

William Olson El Paso, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 946 of 5002

Robo calls are Very Annoying! Especially during the run up to elections. Please support changes that will allow us to block these unsolicited calls!

Brenda Swithenbank Falmouth MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 947 of 5002

I appreciate Nomorobo so much. So many fewer calls interrupting our family time. Please allow phone companies to allow those blocking. I only wish they could block more. Especially for my90 year old parents who were bothered by these calls all day before I set up their phone with Nomorobo.

Gayle Encinitas, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 948 of 5002

They are a waste of my time! I choose whom I want to do business with.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 949 of 5002

Please allow the ability to block robo calls on both landline and cell phones. At least give the users a choice or freedom to block the automated calls.

James & Linda Nagle Orchard Park, NY

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 951 of 5002

I need call-blocking to function as a human being. I get 30 calls a day I have no desire to receive from foreign phishing operations to product cold callers sold my name by my health care provider, realtors unsolicited making offers to buy my home and debt collector scams on 20 year old debt much of which isn't mine! Call-blocking is the only reason I now own a home phone and don't change my number every 6 months!

Jennifer Painter McLean, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 952 of 5002

I get at least 3 robo calls a day. It is so invasive and interrupts what I'm doing. I don't answer the phone if I can help it when I get one of these calls. Signing up in the past for do not call lists did not seem to make a difference. Our lives are stressful these days, and that's one less stress

I could live without. Please eliminate these useless calls!

Anne Thompson

Anne Thompson Memphis, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 953 of 5002

TOP THEM!!!They are annoying and there is usually NOONE there.....

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 954 of 5002

For months after stopping other calls with the Do Not Call list, I got at least four to five calls per week, many twice in a day, from a notorious collection agency. I never answered or called back. According to Experian and Equifax, I have not had a single late payment on any obligation since at least 1984.

Cape Coral, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 955 of 5002

Current Do Not Call lists are wholly ineffective. You can fix this, please do.

Gail Flowers Lexington, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 956 of 5002

Robocalls are just a scourge! They are incessant, often rude and don't offer any services that I would want to hear any information.

They call as early as 8:15AM Eastern time because so many come from numbers that are not the numbers that show up on caller ID.

The worst is the phishing as the IRS wanting you to call back immediately. If one calls back, your number goes on an active robocall list.

There will come a time without having nomorobo on my cell phone that I just won't answer it any longer.

Jayne Ferguson New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 957 of 5002

I am tired of getting phones calls at all hours of the day and night. And, having people ask me questions that are none of their busines. Sometimes we got calls at 8:00 am lasting into the late evening hours; that is until I installed a robocall blocking product. It has been our savior--no more constant phone calls asking personal questions!!!

East Haven CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 958 of 5002

I am so tired of all the robocalls that I have been receiving on both of my phones, both landline and cell. The Do Not Call list is a joke, and we definitely need a new, better way to control who can call an individual. Please force the telephone companies to provide a way to block these annoying calls. Isn't thus what we pay taxes for?

Eileen McCusker Braintree, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 959 of 5002

I should be allowed to stop the annoying, repetitive calls from relentless marketers.

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 961 of 5002

Please block robo calls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 962 of 5002

I can't tell how wonderful it has been to be able to block robocalls. We used to get calls every day at lunchtime and dinnertime and you know how annoying that can be. Please let us have control of our phones and let us to continue to block robocalls.

Thank you.

Joyce Croci Milford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 963 of 5002

Nomorobo has made our evenings at home much more enjoyable. Having our private time interrupted by robo calls is disturbing and unwanted. We should have the right to not accept robo calls. If I need anything or want anything, I will make a call. Please allow me to control who I accept calls from. I do not want robo calls and I do want the right to register and not receive robo calls.

Leslee P Damascus, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 964 of 5002

Too many calls in a day and early, late hours are out of control. Stop harassment and get a life.

Gerald jackson Glencoe, mn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 965 of 5002

We don't need or want robo calls.

Frank Bashore Westford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 966 of 5002

Please help us block annoying Robocalls. Especially the ones circumventing the Do Not Call lists.

John & SueAnn Fulton Mechanicsburg, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 967 of 5002

I want whatever phone I own to be able to block robocalls at my discretion. The phone companies and manufacturers should not be allowed a vote. It's my time and it's my money.

Perry Bruns Tampa, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 968 of 5002

I would like the ability to block all robocalls at my descetion

Willston, Vermont

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 969 of 5002

Infringement on my time. Little effort by caller with no risk, marietta ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 970 of 5002

We need the ability to block robocalls. The current "do not call" list has become useless! I currently receive upwards of over five robocalls per day, despite being on the do not call list.

Stephen Craig San Mateo CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 971 of 5002

More and more organizations are ignoring the Do Not Call list. Robo-calling has become rampant and is (in my personal opinioin) an invasion of my home, my time, and my privacy. I am convinced that there is technology (which is *not* costly) that could prevent such calls from being delivered. I strongly urge you to require telephone service providers to implement such capability and provide it to consumers.

Carl Jones Palo Alto, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 972 of 5002

The push for profits will never outweigh the imposition on us by these callers.Before I signed with Nomorobo, I would have to answer as many as 30 calls a day. They completely ignore the Do not call list. The only way to stop them is to block these automated calls. It is indeed my phone and paid for by me so I should be able to control who calls.

John Skoufis Denville, Nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 973 of 5002

I don't want Robo call! You people at the FCC need to get something in your head to help the people instead of hurting.

Hal Mechanicsburg, pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 974 of 5002

Robocalls are nothing more than an annoyance. How often do people find these solicitations compelling? I am very appreciative of NOMOROBO and the quick termination of these automated calls. Now please force TRACFONE to be an acceptable carrier to allow NOMOROBO to curtail calls. With limited number of minutes available on my device it is almost more important since they are steeling my allotted minutes.

Jacquie Waeber Bedminster, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 975 of 5002

I consider these calls an invasion of my right to privacy. They are more than annoying when you get a call from the same number every hour during the day starting at 8 A.M. up to 9 P.M. day after day. I am registered on the do not call list and noborobo as well. These blocks may not be perfect but they have definitely reduced the amount of calls from what I use to receive.

Carole A Melrose, Mass

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 976 of 5002

I am so sick of getting at least 5 calls a day that are foul calls. Even Red Cross is doing robo calls. Do you enjoy answering a phone and have nobody on there for a few seconds? I've even had machines to call them back. This is so annoying. Your in the middle of doing something and the phone rings and it's a sales pitch. I LOVE NOMOROBO. I wait and if the phone only rings once I know they took care of it. Red Cross 2x to stop calling and they still call. I want all soliciting calls to stop. Please help people to be able to stop them.

Sheryl Witte-Snyder Philadelphia, Pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 977 of 5002

We receive approximately 6 to 10 robocalls a day. I have tried blocking the numbers but it doesn't work because the phone numbers are bogus. Also, when I do answer my phone from an unknown caller and tell the telemarketer that I'm listed with the "Do not call registry", they hang up on me before I complete the sentence.

Carol Wooten Pennsville, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 978 of 5002

Robocalls are an intrusive form of emotional abuse and need to STOP.

Rob Bosley Fairfield, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 979 of 5002

"Carmen from Consumer Credit" would call five times a day, "Slip & fall" would call a couple times a day. Nomorobo cut these junk calls to about two a week. We should not have to be bothered all day answering calls made by machines!

Linda Groves Rochester, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 980 of 5002 leave our phones alone. it is MY phone, I PAY the bill. If I want to have some calls blocked and not be bothered by telemarketers, scammers and such, that should be my right. I don't know what the Atty Generals have against people being able to protect themselves against scammers and the other low lifes that don't want their numbers blocked, but it is none of their business and certainly not against the law. If they continue, people will just stop answering calls where they don't know the number calling. I know I already don't. north port, fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 981 of 5002

I just want to let you know that I think that the "Do Not Call List" is a joke. I receive several calls a day from every scammer in the Nation. It is getting out of control!! There are calls that I receive that use spoof numbers that I can't block but would love to have the option to do so.

Since my phone carrier does not have a number blocking option I searched around and found out about Nomorobo. It has helped a great deal. Now if some bogus robo call comes through, the phone rings once and Nomorobo takes care of the rest. It helps to relieve some of the "Bogus" calls but I would also like to have the option as to who can and cannot call me.

Thank you for listening to my concerns

Lawrence Fatigato Cape Coral, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 982 of 5002

Blocking robo calls is, in reality, simultaneous call

Forwarding. This is the best product to protect

The consumer from UNWANTED calls. Simultaneous

Ring enables nomorobo to sample the incoming phone

Call. If some person does not care to use nomorobo,

Nobody is forcing them to. To those of us who view

The telephone as an interruption in ones life, this

Ability to get rid of SPAM, is life saving. I do not ask

The JUNK callers to call me. I already pay for telephone

Service, isn't that enough??

Bob Mallory Ho Ho Kus NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 983 of 5002

I've registered with NOMOCO but the calls continue. The same #'s call again & again - leaving no messages. Days later I sometimes do answer the phone and they hang up on me. WHY are you calling - no message & hang up when answered. Try to look up the number on white pages and never found.

Very Very annoying.

Barbara Hazlet new jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 984 of 5002

You truly need to stop Robocalls coming into our homes day and night. At the minimum, we receive 3 of these phone calls per day, and have many days with as many as 6 or more on one given day. If I want to find out about a group, organization, company, etc. I will make to call to get the info. We no longer answer our phone when we don't recognize the name or the number, but it is such an invasion into our home. Funny part is , they never leave a message - must be a real important call??????

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 985 of 5002

The companies that make robocalls aught to be fined big time. The calls should be totally against the law.

Kathy Thee Rockaway, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 986 of 5002

These annoying call should not be allowed.

As a matter of fact, Congress should strengthen the Do Not Call initiative.

Sue Smith Manvel, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 987 of 5002

These robo calls are very distracting, every day, several times a day, and frustrating, please stop the madness of robocalls!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 988 of 5002

I'm tired of robocallls! I get them daily, starting as early as 7am! I've tried blocking the numbers on my phone, but they use different ones every day. It needs to stop and the Do Not Call list is no help. Roboblocking is the answer!!! Please listen and help.

Lauren gwozdz Medway MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 989 of 5002

Robocalls are a major disturbance--especially when there is illness in the home or when working people sleep at different hours. Regardless of the reason, we object to this invasion of our personal space.

Dr. And Mrs. Linus D. Wright Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 990 of 5002

Please insist upon allowing me and my telephone company the ability to block "robo calls" I would estimate that 85% to 90% of the incoming calls to my telephone are robocalls. They are annoying and almost entirely made up of scam sales and fraudulent calls. The phone number is always spoofed with a useless or nonexistent caller id information. It's my telephone and I pay the bill on it. No one especially the phone companies has the right to tell me that I cannot block any phone number coming in to my phone line.

Also the "Do not call" list is next to useless. Companies and people running scams and fraud schemes that make telephone calls don't care about it.

David Brockmeier Round Rock, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 991 of 5002

I feel strongly that the FCC should force phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to their customers.

Mr & Mrs R. Conrad Willingboro, NJ

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 993 of 5002

I am sick and tired of robocalls. If I want to buy something I am capable of deciding without this constant annoyance. I should be able to decide who I want to talk with on my own telephone. Please allow the consumers to block robocalls.

Harriet Jeffries New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 994 of 5002

It is my right not to be annoyed by vendors selling all kinds of nonsense services. The electronic calls are a nuisance. We get at least 6 per day I want to retain my rights.No more robo calls is the way to go.Robo calls are terrible. FCC do not bend to the pressure of the large telecommunications corporations. let me retain my privacy.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 995 of 5002

If you need a contractor that just happens to be working in the neighborhood,or your rugs cleaned, or your furnace maintained, give me your number, I get about 10 calls a week. I bet if they got your number,you'd change the law.

J. RUGGIERO Thousand Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 996 of 5002

WE NEED NOMOROBO!!! I work from home full time some days I receive over 30 robo calls that waste my time, interrupt my work, and are annoying!!!

Robo calls should be illegal. I pay for my phone service and should be able to decide what I want. 90% of the robo calls if you talk to somebody they are rude!!! If the government wants to pay from my phone service then the government can decide but until then it is my decision. REMEMBER LAND OF THE FREE!!! Sincerely Jeff Hanscom, USMC Veteran

Jeff Hanscom Palmdale CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 997 of 5002

I still get telermarket calls at my number clintell bronner blytheville arkansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 998 of 5002

The amount of daily telemarketers is completely out of control, expecially to us individuals who leave in adult communities. These people are trying to take advantage of the elderly.

Stop the nonsense. Help us to determine who can call us on the telephone.

Lincoln, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 999 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of privacy and we should to be able to block them if we so choose! Please make this possible.

Lowell and Deb Woyke Bradenton, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1000 of 5002

Please let us exercise our right to privacy by controlling robocalls.

Peter Williams East Setauket,, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1001 of 5002

Please allow the blocking of robo telephone calls ----we are bombarded by robo calls! We need to be able to control who we talk to and who is allowed to bother us by telephone.

PLEASE act now to let each person to block robo calls!

Elizabeth & David Powell Wellesley, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1002 of 5002

I receive at least 2 perhaps three robocalls a day. WHY are these intrusions on my evenings, meal times, Sundays allowed to badger the public. This is at least something you dolts in the Congress could get right. Who knows, it might just nudge your approval raring closer to a higher single digit.

Robert Hemsen Morristown, nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1003 of 5002

I have tried to use the "no- call " list and it has not worked. I get calls at all hours of the day until nine at night. TW cable, my phone provider, has not been able to block all the calls despite their blocking list. Please act to save untold hours of lost productivity due to constant unsolicited interruption.

Santa Ana CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1004 of 5002

It's my phone and i should be able to use blocking products if i choose. I certainly do not want the annoying telemarketer calls.

Aaron Carson Iuka, Ms 38852

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1005 of 5002

I personally lose over 60 minutes a week from robo dialed telemarketing calls, even though I have my numbers on the do not call registry and have asked the telemarketers numerous times to kindly put me on their do not call list. All this to no avail. It is out of control, and I hope you can put some legislation with real penalties to stop this costly, time wasting nuisance.

David Zach Sierra Madre, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1006 of 5002

Robo callers are ignoring the "Do Not Call List". Complaints to Congress have been fruitless. The phone companies chage to block calls and robo callers keep changing or disguising the all's point of origin. Products that block these annoying calls have been effective and provided much needed releif. Do not restrict these products.

Linda & Jack Rodolico Nesconset, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1007 of 5002

It just make sense for citizens to have the right to keep from being bothered by unwanted solicitation phone calls on both land and cell services that we pay for.

Bert Monsen Elmhurst, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1008 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and disrupt our right to privacy.Please allow the blocking of these calls

Eddie Yonkers ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1009 of 5002

Yes!, the FCC should allow phone companies be able to block robo calls. Robo calls are not being used to advertise, they are being used to scam, harrass and rip off consumers.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1010 of 5002

I am sick and tired of these Robo calls. As I cared for my dying mother in my home these calls came morning, noon and night disturbing her sleep and her care. I am on the National and State (MA) do not call list yet I continue to receive telemarketer and Robo calls. One telemarketer with an Indian accent even threatened to kill me! He continued to call me back every 5 minutes. I called the Barnstable Police (MA). An officer came out to my home when this Indian called back for the 11th time! The officer took the call and told the person in no uncertain terms that he better not call my number back. Would you like these continued interruptions throughout the day and night? Would you like your dying parents last days continually interrupted by unwanted phone calls? You are the agency that is supposed to protect consumers. I even filed a case with you to no avail. PLEASE DO YOUR JOB!!!!!

Susan J Leite Centerville, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1011 of 5002

I don't want to receive unsolicited calls on the phone I pay for! I should be able to say who can call me! I should be allowed to block any calls I want too. I pay the bill. It's my phone!

Mark mayville Westerville Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1012 of 5002

It appears the do not call list does not work. If the FCC apparently does not want to enforce their own laws I should have the right to protect my privacy. Thank God for this free service. Nomorobo is the best call blocking service there is.

Jerry Lass Dorr, Mich.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1013 of 5002

At least 70 percent of all telemarketing call I recieve are criminal solicitations. I am on both the Federal and State Do Not Call lists.

All long phone servic providers should be required to prove call blocking software. They also should be required to prevent spoofing of phone numbers and Caller ID.

Tom Rast Brandon, MS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1014 of 5002 its my phone and I should be able to stop unwanted calls ray beebe middletown ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1015 of 5002

Robocalls annoy me 5-6 times a day 7 days a week, you wont do anything about it so i'm happy to block them,,, please let me continue to block them untill you come to your senses...

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1016 of 5002

Having robocall blocking has been GREAT. Can't emphasize how helpful blocking has been. We were receiving as many as 6 or 8 call a DAY - many from the same number. Notifying Nomorobo of new robocall numbers has been effective in reducing the number of calls even more. The Do Not Call Registry is ineffective as a deterrent since the scammers either ignore the list or stay ahead of it by changing numbers.

We should not be harassed by unwanted calls and should provide protection for the unwary about the scammers.

K. Niemeyer Pittsburgh, Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1017 of 5002

Let us block robocalls!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1018 of 5002

I am very tired of receiving Robocalls, which are placed to me as early as 6:30 am, and as late as 9 pm - This practice simply needs to stop so that we are not bothered any more!

Please expand your regulations to prevent this practice from taking place in the future!


David R. Goldemberg

David R. Goldemberg Sonora, Californa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1019 of 5002

I believe it is clear that "the people" are annoyed with phone solicitation and robocalls. The vast majority of "the people" would like you to work with the congress to provide a stop to this irritation, including political robocalls.

I and my wife request that you work with the phone companies and congress on behalf of "the people" and against the self interest and lobbying of business and politicians to stop phone solicitation and robocalls.

Remember, it is in "the peoples" interest to stop this!

Thank you.

Tom and Becky Burgoyne Folsom, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1020 of 5002 robo calls are totally invasive to my private time and space. please allow nomorobo.

JE Setliff Richardson, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1021 of 5002

I concur with the NOMOROBO position on blocking ALL unsolicited sales calls. It is extremely annoying to have several calls per day at all hours of the day selling me things I have no interest in. IF I want to buy an item or a service, I will do my research and make my on calls, or better yet, use the internet to do so. And while we are at it -STOP ALL SPAM! Allow me to decide if I want to accept any e-mails from a person or organization.You have the power, force the communications companies to engineer robust solutions that are consumer oriented, not sales call oriented!

Andy Glosecki Fountain Valley, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1022 of 5002

The telemarketing calls are a large nuisance and an invasion of privacy. Please don't let the phone companies take away the ability to block them. I receive approximately a dozen or so of these calls every week.

Gary Bear Lincoln, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1023 of 5002 it is unfair that i am forced to receive robocalls. i can't say take me off your list. i can't say you have the wrong number. when i moved and got a new number i received hundreds of calls from someone who skipped out on debts. most were robocalls. during election season you would probably receive sainthood if you allowed us to block them. (which is why it has resistance from politicians, although it would still leave an even playing field) thank you for listening. bob tilchin eugene, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1024 of 5002

The problem of unsolicited calls are major to me. I have been called at all hours of the day. They usually involve some sales pitch of products that I have no interest in. The callers routinely will not leave a message and attempts to return calls are unanswered. I have resorted to not answering any calls unless I recognize the number.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1025 of 5002

Please put an end to robocalls. They are a privacy intrusion and a dangerous annoyance to senior citizens.

Marilyn Halbing Old Saybrook, CT

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If I need products or services, I can find what I need when I need it. I don't need annoying calls.

San Diego Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1027 of 5002

We HATE robocalls, and we get a lot of them, several a day most days. They are an invasion of privacy and should be illegal. If there was an easy way to block them we would use it. Please stop robocalls!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1028 of 5002

Hello, I hater them very much. Cause you get up to answer the phone and no body is they hate that very much. Love the idea to be able to block all robocalls there are a pain in the ***. So let everyone who wants to block them.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1029 of 5002

Robocalls for retirees like myself are an all day annoyance. Without nomorobo I'd give up my telephone and just use my cellphone.

Ronald Paxton Lewes, DE

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Robocalls are annoying and non productive. I opt out of wanting to receive them.

Pete Coccaro Yarmouth Port, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1031 of 5002

Nomorobo has made my home life (I'm retired) so much more pleasurable by blocking the very annoying robo calls. Especially as your Do Not Call Registry no longer even pretends to be effective! I hope you have disbanded that agency so the taxpayers no longer have that burden.

Ann Taylor La Quinta, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1032 of 5002

I want the option to block robo calls from telemarketers. The Do Not Call list is inadequate. These calls are intrusive, annoying and incessant.

Craig Derry NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1033 of 5002

Give us a break! Stop these nuisance calls

Denise Velde Carrollton TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1034 of 5002

Please stop to ovals. Political, charitable, or whatever.

Frank McKnight CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1035 of 5002

Please help us to keep blocking robo calls , they are not only annoying but dangerous to my wife's health. She is waiting for more spinal surgery and our robo blocking now enables her to stay in her chair without missing any important calls and without causing her physical pain trying to answer every anonymous called trying to annoy us. frank and jane maguire South Portland, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1036 of 5002

Is your responsibility to ensure a robocall blocking feature is available to every American on every phone. The practice of Robocalling is an unconscionable invasion of my home, my privacy, and my peace of mind and my phone line! It should be ruled nothing short of illegal.

Please follow your conscience. Do not allow this insidious practice of robocalling to continue. Stop these telemarketers by making it illegal.

And up until this has been accomplished, promote robocall blocking products.

Thank you.

Janet McKenna

Janet McKenna Little Neck, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1037 of 5002

When you are not on a unlimited calling plan it hurts. I got called so many robocalls that it maxed my phone and I was charged for every call minute.Please help us stop the unwanted harassment.

Sam S. Overlandpark, Kansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1038 of 5002

Robot calls are completely anoyin aND should be banned

William Wildman Garner NC

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I work shift work and I am tired of being woken up by miscellaneous robocalls that I will never have any interest in .

Russ Jacobs Pasadena, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1040 of 5002

Robocalls only want one thing, my money!

Either they want you to buy something or donate to something.

Some of these calls are just scams pretending to be legit.

If I want a product or to donate to a cause, I will initiate the call.

Columbus, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1041 of 5002

Robocall blocking saves our sanity and probably our financial security as well. As senior citizens, we may find over the years that we have diminished mental capability. The fewer phone scams that make it through our phone block, the safer we will be.

Kay and John Berkeley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1042 of 5002

I choose to use my phone to contact friends, family and businesses that I patronize. I resent the fact that so many companies, charities and political parties monopolize my phone line with interruptions from robocalls at the most inconvenient times. I am tired of the mindless interruptions. Signing up for the NOMOROBO service has been a wonderful benefit for my quality of life and I wish that I could sign my elderly mother up for the service as well. Please do your duty for fellow citizens and shield us from the annoying robocalls.

Thank you.

Karen M. Beck Springfield, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1043 of 5002

Please allow consumers to block robocalls using their local phone service providers. The calls come at all hours of the day and night. We have had two calls at 5 A.M, for the last two mornings. A call at that time might means a family member is ill or needs assistance so we always answer. It is frustrating to realize the 5 A.M. call is a robocall and it is difficult to get back to sleep. Those who make robocalls don't respect dinner time and sleep. The calls are annoying and lack respect and civility. Thank you for helping with this problems.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1044 of 5002

I am writing not just for myself, but for the people I work with and the parents of children my children go to school with. We are tired of receiving these robocalls. I have yet to come in contact with anyone who has taken advantage of a service or product offered to them through these robocalls. They are more of a nuisance than anything else. Since I've been using a product to block robocalls, it's easier to listen to my voicemails. If companies have the right to sell me something in this manner, why shouldn't I have the right to block these calls. I believe this should also extend to the various politicians using this method to get their name out there. I intentionally won't vote for any politician who uses robocalls to contact me.

Alexandra & Jay Paul Bellmore, NY

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It's my phone, I pay for it and the minutes to use it and I absolutely should have the right to block robocalls.

Kathy New Port Richey, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1046 of 5002

I receive approx. 5 calls a day with people trying to sell me something. I don't answer the phone anymore, unless I hear a voice I know. My family and friends don't like me doing that, but not answering is the only defense I have against these telemarketers. My family and friends have the same problem with robocalls. I consider it a national epidemic. Telemarketers have no shame; they call early in the morning and are especially active during dinner time. I'm sure this is not news to you. Please consider giving the consumer help and relief in getting these calls blocked.

Thank you for your concern.

Frank J. Fendt Anaheim, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1047 of 5002

It is time to end unsolicited phone calls from organizations that have no relationship with the person they are calling, including calls from telemarketers and fundraisers. The do-not-call list is helping, but enforcement is challenging. The best way to stop unsolicited calls is to make call-blocking technology more accessible to consumers; however, we need the FCC's help. Phone companies are making it difficult to implement the call-blocking technologies that are currently available. For example, Verizon Wireless does not offer the "simultaneous ring" feature consumers need to use NomoRobo on cell phones. Can the FCC please use its regulatory authority to help?

Charles Hughes Herndon, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1048 of 5002

Robocalls have become a nightmare. I was getting 6 to 10 calls a day from the same recorded message. It went beyond annoyance to actually causing interruption of important calls. Or, running to the phone just to hear a recording that I could not get the calling company to stop. Now I just listen for the second ring and know it is a legitimate caller.

Richard Ross Huntington, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1049 of 5002

Nomorobo has made our home tolerable again. Before we had this service our dinner was interrupted each and every evening. Stop the madness and crack down on the borderline illegal calls.

Steve Fischer Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1050 of 5002 i am on the DO NOT CALL list but that does not stop the robo calls or any of the other sales callers. I have reported these calls to the do not call agency to no avail. this system is broken. I deserve relief. where is it???? is no one listening??? does our government care??? HELP HELP HELP


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1051 of 5002

PLEASE do something!! Help us to STOP these constant and annoying calls!! They totally destroy our peace and quiet. They care NOTHING about interrupting dinners or evenings at home. One of the MOST irritating things about these calls is that MOST of the time, even when we try to ANSWER the call, they HANG UP. Most likely this is because someone else was reached before we did answer the phone. We are senior citizens. We have close relatives who are sick and in hospitals. We always think that these calls could be from someone important. We have to run to the telephone...which is getting harder and harder to do with our OWN health problems...and then find out it is nothing but these annoying calls!! You really MUST do something to protect law-abiding U.S. citizens. Please PLEASE help us!!

David and Georgene Singlelton Natrona Heights, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1052 of 5002

I want my phone service to allow blocking robo calls. Nomorobo is o calls but my service won't allow excellent choice to block rob

Robert Livoti Daytona Beach, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1053 of 5002

Robocalls are out of control and with the advent of IP telephony, became useless. I was one robocall away from cancelling my landline completely. Nomorobo has sufficiently, although not completely, eliminated enough robocalls that I have decided to maintain my landline for now. I am stunned that phone companies are not themselves working more aggressively to curtail robocalls as I'm sure that I'm not the only paying customer who will abandon my landline if robocalls return the their previous annoying level.

Bill Cohen Stirling, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1054 of 5002

I am sick and tired of these annoying robocalls. When is OUR government going to stand up for the taxpayers, and put an end to them!

David Lawrence Atlanta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1055 of 5002

We are all tired of unwanted phone calls. Robocalls are the worst because they bother thousands of people. at the rate we are going I will stop answering my home phone, as many have already doing, with a message for friends to call my cell phone.

Barry Beckham Crowley, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1056 of 5002

Robocalls have become a nightmare. I was getting 6 to 10 calls a day from the same recorded message. It went beyond annoyance to actually causing interruption of important calls. Or, running to the phone just to hear a recording that I could not get the calling company to stop. Now I just listen for the second ring and know it is a legitimate caller.

Richard Ross Huntington, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1057 of 5002

Please don't stop us from being able to stop these robocallers. They are most certainly annoying and in most cases, they are trying to scam people. My husband and I are elderly and I don't want these people bothering me. Sometimes we get upward of 20-30 unwanted calls EVERYDAY!.

Pat & Ernie Wood North Port, Fl.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1058 of 5002

Ever hear of "opt out"?? It should be MY decision whether or not I want these computers calling MY phone, that I pay for!

Christine Plymouth Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1059 of 5002

Not only do I hate robocalls, they are a major annoyance. Could you answer this question?

"Why shouldn't an individual be able to determine who is allowed to use the phone that they alone pay for?"

In addition, I simply don't want certain people delivering their verbal spam in my living room. This should be my choice, not any one else's

Richard Lynch Cranston, RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1060 of 5002

Please, please, please - help us all and put an end to the robo calls, or help us make them unprofitable by allowing us to block them effectively.

Yes, if they didn't work, companies wouldn't use them and move on. But I know I am tired of the automated 'credit repair', 'loans', 'search engine ranking', and other tedious calls that interrupt my day (over and over).

Don't let the phone companies dictate public policy. thank you. mike truese herndon, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1061 of 5002

Since sometime in 2012, after being on the do not call list I have kept a list of the dates and numbers of spam/robo calls received at my home. Many of the same numbers appear numerous times a day. To date I have 18 pages and working on the 19 page. The do not call list does not work and is a major problem for me.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1062 of 5002

I want to be able to block all unwanted calls.

Ken Reynolds Lawrenceville , Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1063 of 5002

Please stop these robo calls now.

They are very annoying.

Dom Bucciarelli

Dom Bucciarelli Phila. PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1064 of 5002

The FCC needs to force the phone companies to provide Robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

I'm Quite tired of answering Annoying Robocalls.

Michael R. Golden Albuquerque, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1065 of 5002

Please allow robocall blocking products.

Edward Jones Huntington, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1066 of 5002

Please stop robocalls. It is a tremendous waste of time and energy being harassed.

Jim Mays Fairfax, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1067 of 5002

I am tired of running to the phone, answering it, and having no one there. tammie Polityka denton, NC

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I feel we have every right to block robo calls to our private home. These calls are a nuisance I have every right to try to stop them.

Joyce King Westbury, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1069 of 5002

Robo calls are incredibly annoying and should be banned. Why should a computer enjoy first amendment rights?


Harold D. Skipper

Harold and Toni Skipper Atlanta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1070 of 5002

Robocalls to home and cell phones are annoying and interruptive.

Simple solutions need to be widely available to stop these robocalls.

Murray Barnett East Windsor, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1071 of 5002

I am sick and tired and tired and sick of robo calls


Joan Krueger St. Paul, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1072 of 5002

Every day we get two to four robo calls, starting around 9 am. They call, ring, and 90% of the time hang up when the answering machine answers. The only one to leave a message was the "IRS" telling us we were on danger of being arrested if we didn't call back immediately! This, in spite of our reupping our placement on the 'do not call list'.

Please, please help us get control of our phone back. We are sick and tired of the endless ringing and hangups. We pay the bill; we should be able to have control of of our phone line!!

Kathy Howard and William Sudbrink Rutherford, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1073 of 5002

Robocalls and scammers, spoofing numbers, constantly calling my home day in and day out at all times of the day and night, have become the bane of our existence! It never stops and it needs to!!! We ordinary citizens have very little in our arsenals to fight back and our own government is all but useless in stopping any of it. Harassment is harassment folks. It seems to me that we should have some recourse in this regard and it should be viewed as breaking the law! Time to take some meaningful action and spend our tax dollars in a way we actually WANT them spent!

Susan Shirley Williamsville, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1074 of 5002

I can't tell you how much I appreciate the ability to block robo calls. I was getting 10-15 robo callers daily. The only thing that saved my sanity is "Nomorobo"! It's my right, and should be for everybody, to BLOCK AUTO DIALED CALLS!! I have the right to determine what calls I want to receive! I'd like auto dialed calls to be illegal altogether, but baring that, I certainly will defend my right to have a robo call blocking service!

Pamela Rudman Northridge, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1075 of 5002

I think it is my right to be able to block robocalls I have a phone for my benefit not so some low life can take advantage of me.

Celsa Ramos Los angeles, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1076 of 5002 these calls MUST STOP!!!!! I can't stand them. they take up most of my day even though I have the block!!!! Please do something.

Lori/Jim Connelly Ronkonkoma, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1077 of 5002

It's my right to choose whomever I wish to speak with, on the phone I bought, and the service I pay for. Stop these intrusive calls please.

Dallas, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1078 of 5002 while I am unsure my protest will actually matter, the thing I am certain of is that this whole business of telemarketers calling my personal wireless phone to offer me a cruise I don't want, or home insurance I do not need, is far out of control. Wireless companies (as well as residential phone providers) allow only a finite number of callers to their own block list. Therefore, as the person paying for access to calls I DO want, unwanted solicitation calls should be restricted. Many municipalities have laws preventing solicitation outside public places and business, but I am to believe no legislation exists to prevent them from reaching my private phone line? Unacceptable! These calls should be forbidden, or at the very least consumers should have the freedom to unilaterally block them.

Aevanna Sabo Perris, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1079 of 5002

The totally automated robo calls are exasperating. They take time from what I want to do and fill up my answering machine with garbage. In this group, besides those trying to sell me unwanted time shares, power, legal and medical services, I would also like to block political calls, but I guess that is too much to ask. When I am actually switched to a person, I tell them in no uncertain terms that I will vote against their candidate or party if I get another call. That usually puts them off, but it is a nuisance. I should be able to decide who I want to block and who I do not want to.

R Pretzfelder New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1080 of 5002

Please listen to NOMOREROBOCALLS It is annoying to get unwanted phone calls during lunch or dinner. My wife has Parkinson's and needs a lot of rest. But it gets interrupted by sales calls. Very aaannoing

Andrew Elzinga Pompto Lakes, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1081 of 5002

I'm sick and tired of having my dinner interrupted by robocalls. Please pass a regulation that requires the phone companies to make robocall blocking options available to their customers.

James Jepson La Quinta, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1082 of 5002

Please force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1083 of 5002

Allow AT&T phone customers to block robocalls. Robocall blocking products are GOOD & NECESSARY.

J. Wales Gallatin, Tn.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1084 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and disruptive. I do not want to be disturbed by them. Not only would I like a blocking product, I would also like to see them declared illegal.

Grand Rapids MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1085 of 5002

You better let me use Nomorobo to block unwanted calls to my phones. All of them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1086 of 5002

My husband and I are senior citizens. We get dozens of unsolicited calls daily. Its a bit difficult to get up and get to the phone and then have a call that has no one on the other end and to make it worse they call several times a day! I have inquired about having a unlisted number was told there would be a monthly fee for that and to be honest we just can't afford to pay more than we are now. It would be nice to have peace and quiet in our own home and I don't think thats to much to ask. Thank You

Nancy Cook Grand Rapids, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1087 of 5002

Please. No more robocalls!

Wadsworth IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1088 of 5002

It is bad enougn on the land lines, buty on the cell phones, its impossible.

Andrew DeStefano Mount Laurel, nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1089 of 5002

We don't want Robocalls, even from politicians so give us the ability to block them. Imagine a local kid calling you 5 times a day and hanging up when you answer. Multiply that by how many companies make Robocalls and you see why it is a problem. I can't just shut my phone off in case my kids call me in an emergency so I have to listen to these annoying calls many times during the day. I have a right to privacy in my own home. Stop them now. If you can get rid of Robocalls, we can get rid of you by voting you out.

Michael Lizonitz Hughestown

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1090 of 5002

I am all for being able to block Robo calls. I don't care if they are commercials, or political, or charitable solicitations. I don't want them. the more you can do to allow the public to block these calls, the better.

Thank you.

Carol Blum Jackson Heights, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1091 of 5002

Please let phone service companies let us block all robocalls.

Anthony Lopez Livingston, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1092 of 5002

Robo calls are very annoying and disruptive. I currently have to pay a significant amount to block calls. Because of the sheer volume of robo calls I also miss some legitimate calls because I am reluctant to even answer the telephone. I have tried all sorts of alternatives including Do Not Call. But my only option now is to simply not answer the telephone

I would very much like to see a substantial reduction in the number of robocalls that I receive.

Mike Blakley Cary, NC 27513

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1093 of 5002

Please STOP the annoying robocalls that ring at my house/business, morning, noon and night!!!! I run a small business from my home and have kids in school - I do NOT need 15 or more calls a day from the guys who "wants to fix my computer", the robowoman who wants to talk about my credit or someone telling me they are with the IRS - enough is enough! and phone companies should be helping the CONSUMER with this matter.!

Lisa Rocchi Plymouth, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1094 of 5002

I do not want unsolicited phone calls from businesses or organizations I do not specifically request of permit.

Automated calls from anonymous sources are particularly annoying.

I want the ability to block those calls.

James M. Shea Mentor, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1095 of 5002

I should have the ability to block unwanted phone calls the I receive on my phone numbers. It is my phone number and I only want to receive calls of my choosing.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1096 of 5002

We elect you as our voice to make fair and protective laws.We as you to please stop ALL robocalls. That includes all political calls as well.

Jack L. Hill Grand Junction, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1097 of 5002

We pay for our phones and service so we should be able to block these unwanted calls.

Kathy VanVelzen Apple Valley, Calif.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1098 of 5002

What a great service! It's reduced the scam and telemarketing calls substantially. It's needed by older people who are more susceptible to scams too.

The phone companies can't do what nomorobo does to protect the consumer.

I love this service!

Julie Muldawer Narberth, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1099 of 5002

Robocall blocking products are a must! Your efforts to prevent companies and organizations from intruding on my privacy through no-call lists have failed!

This is the only viable method of protecting my privacy. Since I've signed up, unwanted calls have dropped over 40%.

Allow Nomorobo to continue to provide this outstanding service.

Steve Allen Colorado Springs CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1100 of 5002

We get at least 5 unwanted calls everyday. Verizon says they have blocked them, but we still get annoying calls we don.'t want.

Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1101 of 5002

I am heartily sick and tired of having my phone bombarded by "ROBOCALLS" both day and night. My current household phone setup allows me to block up to 250 calls. In 6 months that memory section of my phone is now full.

The FCC "DO NOT CALL LIST" is a toothless farce and a waste of time. I registered my number 6 years ago.

Please pass legislation to force phone companies to block ROBOCALLS.

Peter B Wilkins Belmont, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1102 of 5002

Residential subscribers to telephone providers must have the right to block and prevent in-coming automatic/robot phone calls to their telephone numbers.

John and Paula Cutler Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1103 of 5002

Individuals should have the ability to block robocalls. Additionally, we should also be able to opt out of receiving junk mailers delivered by the USPS.

T Petrich Hemet, cA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1104 of 5002

Please give me total control of my phone that I pay for out of my pocket with no assistance from robo- callers.

Thank you!!!

G Wesson Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1105 of 5002

RoboCalls are very very annoying and are 99% illegal SPAM.

Please give consumers the tools to do something about that.

Dick Blaine Cupertino, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1106 of 5002

I am in full suport of the software Nomorobo since it works perfectly.

Before I installed the software, I would receive 4-8 Robo calls a day from the likes of the famous "Sarah" or "Linda" types.

Now, 1 ring and the call is direted to Nomorobo, and I am not bothered by almost any calls.

I urge you to not listen to the phone companies, who have proven to be quite ineffective, and obviuosly have only their own financial interests in this, and would love to block a successful comapny like Nomorobo from protecting the public.

Bernhard Albrecht Elmwood Park, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1107 of 5002

I feel offended that I am not able to block these robocalls that are so annoying everyday. We should be able to BLOCK all robocalls. Make the phone services give us our rights to do so without charging us.

S. Y. Crocker Concord, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1108 of 5002

I fill you should be able to block all robocalls..

Larry Kay Sharpsburg, Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1109 of 5002

Stop robocalling! Nobody liked these calls. We should gave the right to say no!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1110 of 5002

I am very tired of answering my phone and finding no one there. This is happening because of the robocalls that you have so far not seen fit to allow blocking of. Please listen to the people. We do not want to continue receiving thse calls. Plese allow us options to block such robocalling.

Thank you.

Penny Van Vlerah West Unity, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1111 of 5002

We are tired of our phones ringing with unwanted calls all hours of the day - especially at dinner time. Please make it stop!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1112 of 5002

Robocalls are a disaster and a huge invasion of privacy laura Cipollari manhattan beach ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1113 of 5002

Robo calls and other unsolicited telephone calls have annoyed and burdened our household for a long time. This is not free speech but rather a private nuisance. If they stood outside with a megaphone, the solution would be obvious. We cannot eat a quiet meal or take a nap without interruption.Like others, we are considering dropping our landline.

Please take action to ban these calls. Force carriers to disconnect these people.

Nicholas H Hagoort Jr Boynton Beach FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1114 of 5002

I can not believe how much more peaceful it is since I received

NOMOROBO.Please keep things as they are.

Thank you!!!

Bob Fisher Lockport,NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1115 of 5002

The NOMOROBO product has returned peace and quite to my home. We were being called at all hours of the day for products we had no interest in.

Please all us to use NOMOROBO.

Thank you.

Paul and Judie Ruda

Paul & Judie Ruda Buffalo NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1116 of 5002

We receive at least 10 robocalls per day. It has gotten so bad that we screen all our calls with an answering machine. We are seriously considering cancel our land line as our cell phones, at least at this point, receive very few robocalls. Please help!

Robert Byswtedt Orange, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1117 of 5002

No More ROBO calls Please. Please Ban ALL ROBO Calls as an unnessary invasion of my privacy.

Norman Murray Alexandria VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1118 of 5002

I am tired of receiving multiple calls every day from alarm companies, insurance companies etc. When I ask them to put me on their "DO NOT CALL LIST", THEY HANG UP ON ME AND CONTINUE TO CALL. They are wasting my money,my minutes, and my time. They wake me up. I do not want these calls and I should have the right to stop them.

Rita Deniston Acworth, Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1119 of 5002

I have the right to be secure in my own home. Robo calls invade my peace and privacy. Robo callers harass us. I have the right to block them. Please don't take my right away.

S Daniels Rockleigh NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1120 of 5002

You and Congress tried to institute a National Registry several years ago and all my phone have been registered. I still get calls. Mostly ROBO Calls. The calls are the same recording and every time I tell them not to call me or press a buttom to stop calling, they just come back under a different number. The same voice, message and purpose.

You need to either require the phone companys to add a service to stop ROBO Calls or stop ROBO Calls and outlaw them. This has become a huge problem and something needs to be done.

Ronald Wilson San Diego, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1121 of 5002

If I want to talk to you I would call you! Or google you if I want your sales pitch! Please keep robo calling in the hands of the consumers.

Raymore MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1122 of 5002

I've been on the Do Not Call list since it was created. It worked in the beginning but I now receive just as many calls, if not more, than I ever did. And now they call my cell phone as well. It's constant and annoying. Yesterday I received a robocall from the same number three times in a row! I have tried reporting violators but it's not easy. While I have Caller ID and can avoid these calls, people like my 86 year old father and 91 year old aunt do not and they are the kind of people most susceptible to these atrocious practices. If Do Not Call does not work, we need more options. It is ridiculous that these companies are more in control of my telephone than I am.

Janet Roche Wyndmoor, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1123 of 5002

I strongly urge you to stop all robocalls to my home and cell phones. I own them, pay for them, I have a right to my privacy and I do not want any more calls.

Shelley Grossman Carlsbad, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1124 of 5002

Robocalls need to be stopped. Call all hours of the day and night. It is up to you to stop them. It is about time the Government do what is right for the nation.

We all know you can stop them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1125 of 5002

We have been inundated with unsolicited and unwanted spam calls for years. Last December, we switched our phone service to Time-Warner Cable, and our phones became digital. This meant we could use a robocall blocking service. We signed up with NoMoRobo, and now most of these calls are blocked (THANKS NOMOROBO). We get anywhere from a half-dozen to 20 or 30 calls per day, that are these spam calls. It is especially annoying when the Robot calls come in at 2, 3 or 4am. If you think this is an exaggeration, pull the phone records, and you'll find these calls.

NoMoRobo has been a godsend to us. Everyone should have access to such a service.

Alan & Barbara Becker Cleveland, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1126 of 5002

Please allow all "cold" calls to be banned from calling my cellphone as well as my landline. The calls are out of control and impossible so far to stop.

Lynn Jacobson Pittsfield, Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1127 of 5002

I think I should have the right to block ROBOCALLS except for emergency calls. I definitely should have the right to block them on a per number basis. (once determined that it is a robocall I should be able to block the number for a minimum of one year)

Bernard Hussels S. Burlington VT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1128 of 5002

Stop robocalls, it is ridiculous, they are coming all hours of the night and day. I am retired and I don't need this nonsense going on in my life. Peace and quiet is hard enough to come by without this kind of intrusion going on. I am tired of these kind of intrusions constantly rearing their ugly head. Your home is NOT the place where you should be under the kind of duress that these calls can inject. I find these calls to be TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE !! It is my demand that they be eliminated !

Cindy & Forrest Fidell Pine Hill, NJ.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1129 of 5002

Please force the phone companies to allow consumers to choose NOT to receive robocalls. It is my phone and I should have the right to block robocallers!

Uzzell Columbia MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1130 of 5002

I am an 84 year old. I get multiple (6 to 12) robocalls per day including late night and early morning. This is definitely an attack on my privacy, adversely affects health and I should be able to block these calls. You exist to protect the American public, not commercial interests.

Ted San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1131 of 5002

My cell phone carrier does not permit use of RoboCall blocking products. I should have the right as to whether or not I use it. Please exercise your responsibility and power to resolve this.

Wakefield, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1132 of 5002

I was getting so many solicitations from telemarketers that I was forced to screen all of my calls. Thankfully, Nomorobo has eliminated many of them. I now smile every time my phone only rings once because I know Nomorobo has blocked another unwanted disruption to my day.

If only they would block calls from the non-profits, I'd be able to answer my phone again!

Portsmouth, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1133 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance. The consumer should have the right to block whatever calls he/she wants to.

Livingston, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1134 of 5002

I believe that I should be able to block robocalls and that my own phone company should provide this service. After all, I'm the one paying monthly for phone service.

Moscow, Idaho

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1135 of 5002

They're annoying calls all day and night long !! They need to stop the calls,and allow us to block them ... massachusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1136 of 5002

Are you conflicted between calling phone companies "common carriers" and not? You seem to be more on the side of "not" in recent years, based on the almost complete deregulation of phone and internet service. But if the are in fact NOT common carriers then there's absolutely no reason why they should not be allowed to offer robocall blocking. The technology exists, and works. Given the option, of course, the phone companies will charge for it - probably more than they do for unlisted numbers (which don't work any more). The only reason I can think of for disallowing it is if they are in fact common carriers and must accept and transmit anything presented to them. If that's the case, though, why are the otherwise deregulated? Common carrier implies that they have an obligation not only to move the messages but also to deal fairly with their customers - which implies some level of regulation. Think about it.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1137 of 5002

Please block robocalls. I do not have caller ID on my phone, so I don't know when a call is not from a known number. I have had robocalls wake me when I am trying to sleep when I don't feel well; they disturb family time at dinner. They are basically intrusive. Please create a mechanism to stop them.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1138 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls. I pay for the phone service, so it should be my choice!

Lawrence Mick Dayton, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1139 of 5002

I am sick and tired of all the Robo Calls. Most of them are scams.

I pay the bill for my phone service and I should be ale to control the people that call me.

How would you like it if you were trying to lay quietly in a dark room to get rid of a migraine headache and were jangled awake by a Robo Call?

Not very nice.

Oliver Latta North Little Rock, Arkansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1140 of 5002

We receive 3 or more unwanted phone calls a day. We should have the right to block whichever calls that we do not want to receive. Selling, begging, bogus charities, etc... every single day, morning,noon,and night. Something needs to stop it as the do not call list certainly has not.

Richard & Eileen Maenner Tabernacle, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1141 of 5002

I am an older citizen with numerous health concerns. Robocalls have been increasing and they are an unwelcome, unnecessary intrusion that really affects my health and lifestyle. Please help us eliminate this nuisance.

Oroville, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1142 of 5002


Please NO ROBOCALLS especially on cell phones. They just run up our bills and have no business in my or anyones home. Make you want to yell very loud !!!

Leigh Ann Moore Morehead Kentucky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1143 of 5002

I strongly dislike robocalls and any marketing calls.

Keep the blocking of robocalls available to any telephone service user.

Joseph Metelski Bedminster, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1144 of 5002

I am FED UP with constantly getting criminal robocalls. I say criminal because I am already on the Do Not Call list so any telemarketer who calls, robocal or not, is ALREADT breaking the law.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone operating a robocall machine and dialing numbers on the Do No Call list should be treated as common criminals and subject to jail time on the first offense, since it was a premeditated crime.

Michael Hirsch Parsonsburg, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1145 of 5002

Please make my carrier Verizon use the technology that is available to block robocalls. Whenever I receive a robocall I feel that my right to privacy in my own home has been violated.

Richard Friedman and Elizabeth Sanders Santa Monica, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1146 of 5002

Robocalls are not only a nuisance, they are an invasion of my privacy. Furthermore, I have registered and re-registered many times with your do not call list, which is rubbish. It does nothing to protect me, the tax paying consumer, who is paying your salary. I have lodged complaints about violations of the DNC list, and you do nothing. Everything goes into a vortex, and never dealt with. Why don't you protect us from the continuous harassment? Why don't you enforce your rules? We have noticed a marked reduction in harassment with the blocking products. Please do not take them away. I will give up my home phone before I give up my blocking products.

L. Regener Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1147 of 5002

I would like the FCC to enforce the laws you have in place. I track my junk calls especially with fake numbers and I have hundreds every year. Why are you not enforcing the do not call rule ?

Bob Cincinnati ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1148 of 5002

Nomorobo has made my life better why would you want to take this away instead of making it even better?

Jon Ortman Merrick, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1149 of 5002

I am simple upset with all the solititations for money and causes I don't believe in. They are annoying and come at hours that are not acceptable. Early morning when I am sleeping, dinner time and late at night. Since I got Nomorerobo my life has been easier. I no longer jump up on the first ring to grab the phone. I no longer have to be rude to people and hang up on them. Please allow Nomorerobo and other companies like them to exist.

Marylin Queen Hudson,MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1150 of 5002

Robo calls are very bad for me, a 70 year old man with severe illnesses.

Please do something to stop tj hem.

John Matthews Fremont California.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1151 of 5002

It is time to take stronger action against the robocallers, who scoff at the unenforceable laws. Phone companies should be required to assist in a crackdown. They have been complacent and should be forced to DENY PHONE SERVICE to known offending companies, and to automatically provide residents with the robocall blocking services that have been developed.

Marilyn Oborny Lincoln, NE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1152 of 5002

I hate Robo calls, they are always someone trying to sell me something, that I am never interested in buying...and if they can't hire a real person to do the dialing then I'm definitely not interested.

Michelle Boswell Colleyville, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1153 of 5002

I want the opportunity to block robo calls to my phones. This feature should be permitted at al times. Please make this feature available to those who would like to utilize it.

Greg Golden Mobile, Alabama

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1154 of 5002

We receive no fewer then 10 robot calls each day! One afternoon 45 calls in 2 hours. This is most frustrating. We do not buy anything via this type of marketing. Please allow all of us Americans the ability to block these annoying calls!!!!!!

Gig Harbor, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1155 of 5002

We are on the do not call list but these annoying calls get through by robocalls. I think we need to send a message Loud & Clear that we DO NOT WANT THOSE WHO ARE USING ROBOCALLS TO INVADE OUR PRIVACY & PESTER US DAY IN & DAY OUT. I have never and will never buy any product or service from a telemarketer. If I want it, I WILL CALL THEM . I am now telling local & state callers that are not covered by the do not call registry, that if they call again I am going to report them to the state of Illinios Attorney Generals office.

West Dundee, IL.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1156 of 5002

Please keep nomorobo operational!! I have been using it for a few months and it's great. I was so FED UP with those bothersome calls. I would NEVER, EVER buy anything from a telemarketer anyway, ever!! It waists my time as well as theirs.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1157 of 5002

We need to have more control on our phone. In which I mean our own control of who we want to call us. No salesman,charity,or politician should have an automatic right to call us at any time. We should have a say of who we want to talk to,no matter who it is. These calls are getting out of hand. from 8am to 9pm, 75% of our calls are unwanted.We are on the do not call list, a blocking service through our phone carrier and Nomorobo. Still, they find away around most blocking services. This should be considered a form of harassment and not be tolerated. anthony & Linda Borrello silver Creek,NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1158 of 5002 robocalls come even before 9am and after 8pm - the do not call list program is a joke - companies/scammers always find a new way to call - whether it be on cell or landline fair lawn NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1159 of 5002

I consider robocalls an invasion of privacy and misuse of my phone lines. Who is the government to think I don't have the right to block unwanted calls. Are you people being paid by tax payer money or money from big companies who want to do whatever they wish? Get on the ball and allow blocking. It's the right thing to do.

William Mattingly Roanoke, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1160 of 5002

I want to be able to stop robocalls. Phone companies should be forced to come up with a solution. If the Do Not Call registry worked this wouldn't even be an issue.

Karen Moore Crowley, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1161 of 5002

Because the Do Not Call Registry has been unsuccessful in preventing Robocalls, then we the public should have the ability to block them ourselves.

Richard V. Rude Lincoln, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1162 of 5002

I personally have contacted the FCC many times because we are constantly disturbed by UNWANTED phone calls at all hours from 7:00 A.M. to as late as 9:15 P.M.! This happens each and every day and there needs to be a law to stop this. This is definitely an invasion of our privacy. We are in our home and feel it is the same as having a home invasion or break-in. No one should be allowed to do this to us.

We have many times kept a count of the calls in one day. Recently we had 16 telemarketing calls in one day! This is the most disturbing thing in our everyday life. We have had enough!! PLEASE DO SOMETHING!!!! Stop this harassment. I told one caller that we are on the Do Not Call list and we should not be called. He kept calling all day long to annoy us and we finally had to disconnect the phone. You are allowing these people to "enter" our home by not putting a stop to this.

Most sincerely,

Eugene & Joyce Johnston

Eugene & Joyce Johnston Buena Park, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1163 of 5002

Please allow homeowners to block robocalls. They are so annoying!

American Fork UT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1164 of 5002

It is extremely annoying to be interrupted by robocalls throughout the day. Half the time when you pick up the phone there is no one on the line. It should also be illegal to use fake IDs when calling. Finally these people pretend they have never heard of the Do Not Call Registry. Please put an end to this scourge.

Robert and Carolyn Grosso Fort Myers, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1165 of 5002

Please stop robo calls, there is nothing more annoying then coming home from a hard day at work, wanting to spend time with your family and the phone wont stop ringing. I pay monthly for phone service so my friends and can contact me, not to listen to unsolicited robo calls.

Joe C Shorewood, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1166 of 5002

I think we should have robocall blocking. I get tired of getting these phone calls from some one trying to tell me about my credit and what i can do about it. My credit is my bussnes and nobody elses. norman goldinger freeport,pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1167 of 5002

I would love to block all unwanted calls -- the do not call list is a joke! Nomorobo takes care of some of them and I would not want to be without it. Caller ID helps a little, but when it ways "private caller", it also is of no use. I only wish something could take care of all unwanted calls.

Allendale, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1168 of 5002

I am very much in favor of permitting services such as Nomorobo assist consumers in blocking robo calls.

Please continue to allow such services to serve the public.

Marjorie Smith Brooklyn, NY 11231

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1169 of 5002

Honestly this is the best thing I have found to block annoying calls that come in at all times, it is good in the way that if a recorded call comes from the dr etc that comes through. I don't know how people could be against something so excellent.

Pat Hynes Pompano Beach FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1170 of 5002

Even though we am on the do not call list and use nomorobo, some calls do get through. We do not answer calls from numbers we don't recognize on our Caller ID but every now and then we slip up and do answer. We want more regulations to control these callers, most of which turn out to be scams. Something needs to be done to stop this scourge.

Commack NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1171 of 5002

It is time to allow the implementation of robocall blocking products. I do not want to have to deal with robocalls. I have registered my phone with the do not call registry but it does no good. I am inundated with calls from telemarketers anyway and have no way to stop them. Almost all of them are robocalls and they are repeated day after day after day. I need to be able to stop them.

Stephen C. Hart Murrieta, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1172 of 5002

Please allow us to block unwanted calls.,it's our right!

Valencia, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1173 of 5002

Nomorobo has been fantastic at blocking most, but not all, unsolicited and annoying calls. While these calls are an annoyance to me, they are down right dangerous to the elderly and any other naïve and trusting souls. Help protect your citizens from these highly organized scam artists!

Thank you!

Suzanne Pitt Glen Allen, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1174 of 5002

Please, please, please block those annoying robo calls. Do anything to stop them, they are driving me insane! Telephone calls should be for a designated purpose, these are not...just trying to scam you, take your money or get you on their lists so they can bother you some more. I do not like dropping everything to run to answer the phone when it is some idiot overseas trying to get my business....Please do what you can and work with NOMOROBO. Thank you!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1175 of 5002

No More Phone Calls! We don't answer the phone when you call.

It is our right to Block Phone Calls. I can only enter 12 phone numbers on Call Blocking. We do not want or like Robo calls.

Respectfully Yours.

John Pope Albuquerque, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1176 of 5002 we very much appreciate being able to have robo calls blocked. These calls interfered with our everyday living and interrupted several meals as well. I don't like picking up the phone to hear a recording about things I neither want or need. If I wanted any of that I would purchase it myself.

Cameron Park, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1177 of 5002

Robocalls are intrusive, annoying, unnecessary, and illegal. My number is on the Do Not Call registry, yet I get numerous robocalls daily, starting as early as 8am. I can't even tell them to stop calling me because if I actually get a person, they just hang up. Why should this be legal?

Baltimore, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1178 of 5002

The FCC do not call list does NOT work. Telemarketing companies get around it and it is costing taxpayers money to have you keep this useless list. We want to be able to block our calls.

Robert di dio Closter, nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1179 of 5002

Robocalls and other unwanted junk calls have become an obtrusive fact of daily life. They interfere with people's privacy and signify a general disrespect for law and for civility. Technology exists to allow persons to block such calls. It should be within the power of every telephone customer to block all unwanted and unsolicited calls. I URGE you to implement this power as soon as possible. Please--do not heed the protestations of telephone companies--this issue is a matter of fundamental standards of civil order and of personal privacy!

Daniel Waitzman Hicksville, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1180 of 5002

I strongly believe that it is a violation my constitutional right to privacy whenever my personal mobile device or home telephone is invaded by unauthorized robocalls from ANY organization, including public and private businesses, charities, research agencies, AND political candidates and their supporting organizations.

I pay for these services out of my own pocket, and therefore should have the right to decide who may or may not contact me by way of those services. Just as people do not have the right to walk into my home without being invited to do so, they also should not have the right to invade my privacy by means of electronic devices or telephones. This is particularly true during election times, when I often feel as if I am being harassed and under constant attack from the barrage of unwanted robocalls.

Because many robocallers use spoofing technology to display a fake company name and number, or to conceal their identities entirely, the standard methods of blocking unknown or unwanted callers do not serve as safeguards. Even if blocking the calls was possible, I also should not have to waste my time or money putting measures in place to avoid these unwanted invasions on my own telephone or mobile device.

The FCC needs to take action against robocalls so that the American people can exercise their right to privacy without fearing unwanted interruption from companies and organizations they have no interest in speaking with.

Marci McGuire Kernersville, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1181 of 5002

I have signed up for Robo call for the past year and it does stop the 800 calls part of the time. I am ill with cancer and I get at least 3 solitation calls per day. I need my rest. Why aren't you using the Do Not Call List? We should have rights. I need a listed number but they should be fined when they ignore the law. Or is there a law?

Margot Strombotne Mission Viejo, CA 92692

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1182 of 5002

Very annoying and invasion of privacy

Thousand Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1183 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely intrusive!!! Robocall blocking products should be the right of any individual.

Whippany, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1184 of 5002

The right to Roboblocking is the same as my right to putting a "No Solicitation " sign on the door to my home. It is My Private Domain. No one should be allowed to interrupt it without my expressed invitation. My phone company should be made to offer this ability.

Sandra Galvan Wyoming, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1185 of 5002

Please consider expansion of robocall blocking products and services.

Mick Lowry Garland, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1186 of 5002 please make these disrubtive calls stop! pressure techniques n.andover, mass

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1187 of 5002

I would like to be able to block robo calls. They are a waste of time and used by scam artist. Blocking them would save them from wasting peoples' time and reduce people being scammed as they target older people a lot of whom have trouble protecting themselves. Protect the public and my privacy by allowing us to block these calls. By protecting them, the FCC is protecting a lot of criminals and it is very bad public policy.

Fred McMahan Daytona Beach, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1188 of 5002

Please allow me to block robot calls. Especially during elections. bill PTC. ga.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1189 of 5002

Please allow me to block robocalls. I work from home and these calls continue to interupt my work day, fill up my voicemail, and waste my time.

Richard Graylin Erie, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1190 of 5002

I find the robo calls very annoying and invading my privacy.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1191 of 5002

Why is this even up for debate. We should be able to block anyone who calls our house, especially unwelcome callers. Telemarketers are supposed to be charged a fine when they robocall to solicit business. No one enforces it. The "Do Not Call" registry was to protect us from callers like this but it has turned out to be a joke! Now you want to take the last tool we have to defend ourselves from these companies.

America is supposed to be the land of the free. Guess that doesn't mean free from telemarketers.

Thomas Paquette Spanaway, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1192 of 5002

Why not cut out all the wrong things wrong in DC these days and do the right thing and stop these annoying robo calls. After all, you work for us the taxpayer, not special interest groups. I would love to hear your reasoning for why not!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1193 of 5002

Robo call is fantastic. I very rarely get bothered by every Tom Dick and Harry commpany trying to sell me something. I had my name on a no call list and when I would mention this to a caller they would hang up on me. PLEASE DON'T STOP THIS SERVICE.

H Pieloch Farmingdale NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1194 of 5002

Please stop ROBO calls. They are an insult.


Dick Doyle Westport, ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1195 of 5002

Do not want any calls that are from solicitors or vendors

They call at odd times and are rude

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1196 of 5002

Please help me stop robocalls. They are getting worse and worse. These criminals won't leave me alone.

Steve Kershaw Glen Burnie, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1197 of 5002

We are tired of receiving unwanted sales calls at all times of the day and night. A lot of these calls do not even have a caller at the other end or they are a computer voice. We are retired and angry that our golden years are disrupted by rude people who ignore the law and continue to call back when asked not to, or say that they spoke to us last year and were told to call back later. I know the phone companies and government can stop these calls. Also by stopping these calls fraud against seniors would also drop.

Kim Dodds Simi valley,Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1198 of 5002

Americans should be allowed to enjoy their homes free of unwanted and undesired phone calls. As an American, *I* should be allowed to enjoy my home free of unwanted and undesired phone calls. My telephone should ring when there is a legitimate emergency in my family, when a friend calls to wish me a happy birthday, when my doctor needs to give me test results, or when my gas company is contacting me about changes to my service. I do not need my phone lines cluttered up with sales calls, political advertisements, or other robotic phone calls. I'm a human being, and I should be called by a human being. Until the computers are running the show, keep them off my phone lines.

K Quinn Northern Kentucky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1199 of 5002

Stop the robocalls !!!! It is invasion of privacy. Aggrevating. Our homes should be our place of peace.

Plus the law says no using phones in the car. So why would you allow, them to call cell phones?

Leigh Ann Moore Morehead Kentucky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1200 of 5002

We need robocall blocking products.

Trinity fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1201 of 5002

Im still getting those anoying phone calls...

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1202 of 5002

I am tired of getting robocalls. I am on do not call list which does not stop them. :-(

Please do something immediately. carolyn and Bernard Tabachnik Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1203 of 5002

For the past year my family has been using the nomorobo call blocking service with great results. We can finally enjoy a peaceful meal and quiet time without all those unwanted call. Although we signed up for the Donotcall list we were still inundated with ridiculous interruptions from anonymous or private or unknown cell phone callers. Please allow services like nomorobo to be available to all. Caller ID is not enough!

P&K Vavala Wilmington DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1204 of 5002

Block robo calls.

Union, nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1205 of 5002

I love NOMOROBO. One ring and it's over - I don't even have time to get upset. I'm 72 and I don't pay for phone service to have some worthless individual call my house repeatedly and not have the decency to leave a message on my machine. If I don't answer the first time or two these inconsiderate companies call, wouldn't you think these brainless people would get the idea I DON"T WANT TO TALK TO THEM. Also, if I was to answer why would I want to do business with someone who is so inconsiderate. PLEASE don't take this service away. It has made my life so much more pleasant It also feels good to feel I have some control over my privacy!!!! Thanks for your interest.

Linda Miller Escondido, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1206 of 5002

Although telemarketers may have the right to free speech, as a consumer I have the right to privacy on my own phone. If I want to prevent robocallers from calling, then that's my business, and I should be able to do so freely.

I prevent door-to-door solicitors from ringing my doorbell by putting up a "No Solicitors" sign, as they do not have a right to disturb me if I do not desire it. Technology to prevent robocalls is the equivalent of the "No Solicitors" sign.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1207 of 5002

Finally the NOMOROBO solution tor blocking unwanted robo calls has proven to be the most viable solution out there. It has virtually eliminated those nuisance and unwanted calls, something that I couldn't get with the federally sponsored no call list. It would be a tragedy to not allow NOMOROBO to provide this valuable service to the public.

Alvin Silverstein Massachusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1208 of 5002

I believe I have the right to block any call or caller from phoning me. It is just maddening to be driven crazy by all the solicitations and political calls. Why can't we press a button to block them from calling again? We are the ones paying for the phonel

Patricia Kelcher Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1209 of 5002

Do not stop the solution to the very aggravating robo calls. They have no respect for the homeowner and call at the worst times every day disturbing even the more pleasant times of the day. mike owen davison, mi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1210 of 5002

I feel that blocking robo calls is absolutely necessary today. I might stop my landline if this were not available.

Ron Zimmerman Grand Rapids, Mi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1211 of 5002

I absolutely, positively LOATHE robocalls!!! It is an invasion of my privacy! I want them GONE! First of all, if you want my attention, PAY someone to get it! Secondly, I don't want your attention in the first place. We used to pay an additional fee to have a recording tell solicitors to please hang up; that doesn't even work with robocalls. ABOLISH THEM!!!

Carol Goodin Steilacoom, Washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1212 of 5002

I am fully in favor of the ability to block unwanted calls through the use of programs like robocall. My family receives an average of 10 unwanted calls per day that we don't have to answer because of robocall.

Wade Ishimoto Alexandria, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1213 of 5002

The telephone companies make it very difficult (read: almost impossible) to access call blocking options. We need legislative help.

Manuel Subda Kingston MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1214 of 5002

Please force the Phone companies to create Robo call blocking consumers for customers.

Annette Princeton Junction, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1215 of 5002

I can't stress enough how strongly I feel about having the right to block unwanted robocalls. We have an average of seven or eight unwanted marketing calls per day, and three or four of them are robocalls blocked by the Nomorobo service. Removing our right to maintain a service that provides at least a partial measure of protection against these unwanted invasions of our privacy angers and offends me as an American citizen. Please, FCC, protect our right to privacy!

Dennis & Sandra Spiker Claremont, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1216 of 5002

Respect my right to not be annoyed by unwanted phone calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1217 of 5002

I don't want unsolicited calls! I don't want Robo Calls, I don't want calls from fund raisers or anyone asking me for donations, I don't want political ads. I only want calls from Friends, Family and those who I personally give my phone number out to.

Diane Menday, Jeffrey Menday Seattle Washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1218 of 5002

The do not call registry was a nice try but as of late offers little protection from blatant and shady calls from solicitors. Especially during dinner and family time. Robocall blocking cut down on unwanted calls considerably and is a very useful tool. Please help make it more available.

San jose, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1219 of 5002

Please pass a law to stop robocallers from constantly invading my privacy. Please force the phone companies to provide me with the ability to block such calls.

Richard and Milan Bard Redondo Beach, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1220 of 5002

Nomorobo is a useful, desirable service. You are urged to do what ever is necessary to make it possible.

Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1221 of 5002

Robot calls are annoying. They always seem to come at the wrong time. To enable the blocking of robots calls is a fantastic tool to stop the unwanted call. It allows for a certain right of privacy. No one desires an uninvited call.

Jim Wiechkoske The Woodlands, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1222 of 5002

Robocalls invade the peace and privacy of my home. I request that the FCC grant me the right to defend that privacy.

James McClure Durham, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1223 of 5002

Please, help to block robo calls by any means possible.

May I say emails as well.

We pay for these services and have a right to chose not to want either of these.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1224 of 5002

The thought that any commercial entity should be allowed to have the unfettered ability to torture me using an automated caller is repulsive. Consumers must be allowed the ability to limit these annoyances!

David Schulman Atlanta Georgia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1225 of 5002

Robocalls were driving us nuts and endangering our safety by making us rush to answer the phone when it was only a promo. We don't know what we would do without Nomorobo; please don't take it away.

Philip and Patricia Gericke Apple Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1226 of 5002

STOP them now. Most robo calls are outright lies, very intrusive and if I want their products I will call them.

I have aged and ill friends that depend on me so I must answer the phone each time it rings.

Joe Barlow Plano Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1227 of 5002

We have been using Nomorobo for about 1 year now and it is truly a blessing. Instead of the phone ringing and ringing and ringing which is annoying, but not as annoying as answering the robocall, the phone rings once and that is all! We have been informing everyone in my neighborhood about robocall blocking by way of our local newsletter and several residents have taken the time to thank us for cluing them in. Robocall blocking is terrific for us, and is no worse for the "caller" since IF we ever answered the phone, we would be hanging up at our first opportunity anyway.

Michael & Ruth Petroski Grand Blanc, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1228 of 5002

If I am not allowed to block robocalls I will certainly cancel my landline phone account and go completely cellular. I am a senior and was getting 2 or 3 scam robocalls per day before Nomorobo rescued me.

Anthony Kaney Bryn Mawr, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1229 of 5002

Please let me block all robo calls on my phones!

Tolland CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1230 of 5002

I hate robocalls! I want, no need, to be able to block them. And it should be easy for me to block these from any phone.


Judith A Goldstein

Judith A Goldstein Hillsboro, Oregon

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1231 of 5002

We love Nomorobo. It means we don't have to get up multiple times from the dinner table to answer commercial sales calls. Please don't interfere with this capability. We don't appreciate robo calls. Thanks.

Irwin and Andrea Silberman Sherman Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1232 of 5002

I want Robocall Blocking on all my phones Home & Cell. I also would like the phone companies to make easier for us to access the information so we can have complete control.

As it is their losing anyway because most homes screen calls or let the phone screen the calls. this way I find that most just hang-up without leaving a message. I guess it wasn't important. Go figure...

Michael Allard San Antonio, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1233 of 5002 do not tell me I cannot block robocalling on my personal phone.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1234 of 5002

This service has been outstanding I am so grateful for what they have provided to our family .For the most part they have stopped the harassing phone calls and I am so thankful for that. Again ,thank you

William Ghazi Riverside,Calif

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1235 of 5002

I constantly get these Robo calls that interrupt me at the most inopportune times. Since they are not humans at the other end of the line I get frustrated that I can't get them to stop. Please enable me to get some recourse with the phone carrier to block these annoying calls.

Michael Figel Clifton,NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1236 of 5002

We should be able to block calls that we do not want to receive, especially all solicitations.

Carl Johnson Grafton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1237 of 5002

Robocalls have really become a nuisance in my home for my wife and me, both over 70 years old. Please do something to eliminate robocalls. has helped a lot by reducing the number of calls, but still the phone rings and I have to pause what I'm doing and see if it rings only once, meaning has intercepted it before I go to the phone. And there are still many robocalls that don't get intercepted by Please put a stop to robocallers.

Jim Sims Frisco, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1238 of 5002

Please have workable solution to deal with telemarketers.

1. The "DoNotCall" registry does not work at all. Telemarketers are now rude and bold in their means to reach consumer eg., faking their caller Name/caller ID. They call anytime any day whenever they want, they are rude.

2. Spending money each month on telephone company so your number is not list, is just another scam. It does not stop the calls.

3. Asking telemarketers to remove your number, they would hang up on you while you were taling and the calls still keep coming.

4. I run out of blocked numbers very quickly as the same telemarketer just fake their number when they call

Nomorobo is the only most efficient way to stop most of them. Until there is a new law to deal with these telemarketers (scammers also use similar tactics to reach innocent and vulnurable consumers), we need product/service like NoMorobo to help protect us.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1239 of 5002 i am so tired of being interuppted by these calls. R they just checking to see if any one is home so they can disrupt my time later in the day or wanting to break into my home. most times there is no one there so i hang up ...then later on another call comes thu...i dislike these intrusions twinsburg ,ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1240 of 5002

Please return control of my phone to my control. Please let me block robocalls.

G. Russell Morrissey III Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1241 of 5002

It is ridiculous as to how many robocalls or telemarketing calls that I receive on a daily basis. The number of legitimate calls that I receive are about 1 in 35 calls. I have a home phone mainly for receiving robocalls and telemarketing calls.

Torrance, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1242 of 5002

I am tired of receiving robo calls at different times of the day and night . They have no mercy. It interferes with my quality of life. frank king Naples Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1243 of 5002

I am a subscriber to the National Do Not Call list!

I am absolutely appalled that robot calls and unwanted calls are still occuring. I subscribed to norobo on my home phone to stop all the criminals that continuously continue to not follow the letter and the intent of the law. The same should be true for wireless devices where people pay for the air time by the minute. The Federal Trade Commission sponsored the contest that gave rise to nomorobo. Does the FCC work for another group of people who do not recognize the United States Government.. Funny I thought you were funded by the US Taxpayer. DO I need to contact my Representative to remove your funding because you ignore the wishe's of the majority of the electorate? I don't want these calls and want them blocked on my wireless phone It should not matter what the transmission mode is we should have the right of law from all government agencies

Thomas Jaeger Waldwick New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1244 of 5002

I want to be able to block robo calls. They are an invasion of my privacy.

Louis Esposito Westford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1245 of 5002

I am tired of receiving unwanted calls on my home and cell phones. I think robocall blocking products should be readily available for us to purchase and use. The "do not call" lists don't seem to work anymore. The political calls at election time make me want to leave my phone off the hook.


Charles Schenke Lenexa, Kansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1246 of 5002

Please end this silly rule that we have to accept robocalls. I've got caller ID and I answer no phone number unless it is from someone I know. The robocallers efforts are futile.

Jay Thacher Littleton, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1247 of 5002

I should be able to block robot calls from everyone!

Mike bannan philadelphia pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1248 of 5002

My wife and I are sick of robocalls and want Congress to help us get rid of them. This has gone on way too long.


Thank you.

James & Marie Matthews New Braunfels, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1249 of 5002

It never stops. I have to continually try to find new ways to block this crap. I have one company that's hounded me for a bad debt that wasn't even mine. This has been happening since 2003! ENOUGH!!!!

Thanks Nomorobo for helping!

Cary, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1250 of 5002

I read the New York Times every day and I've seen no explanation of why the FCC won't require or at least lean on the telephone companies to block robocalls at customer request, nor can I think of any reasonable one. The Federal Do Not Call Register is a joke. Is the FCC's failure support robocall blocking a case of regulatory capture by the industry it's supposed to regulate?

Richard Greene Nyack, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1251 of 5002

Please allow me to block robocalls. I am so tired of getting multiple calls for things I have absolutely no interest in. I want to be able to have robocall blocking products! Thank you.

Susan Beck Concord, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1252 of 5002

I want the option of one way calling on my residential line. I want to call out, and NO more calls in.

That's the only way I can have piece with owning a land line.

Richard Meier Petaluma, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1253 of 5002

I was getting more than 20 robocalls per day before I started using Nomorobo. Now it is down to about 3. This is still unacceptable. I don't understand why the phone companies won't implement a robocall blocking solution. Effectively, I can't use my landline for incoming calls. I have to use caller id to try to determine if I should answer. This causes me to miss possibly important calls from my bank, credit card company and doctors. Also from family and friends who have private numbers. The construction industry is the absolute worst for ignoring the Do Not Call Registry. Please do something to solve the problem. Other than the fact that I need a phone for my job, I probably wouldn't even bother having one, since I have to pay to be abused. Robocallers are stealing my money and time.

Debra Capodice Azusa, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1254 of 5002

We want to control to robocalls that come to our phone. We get 4-6 of these every single day. One day I counted 12 of them! That is an invasion of our privacy and disturbs the peace and quiet of our home. We are in the sunset of our life and deserve some peace. Please allow consumers to block these calls.

San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1255 of 5002

I am on a do not call list and I continually get robocalls from people who want to lower my credit card debt (even when I don't have any) get me signed up for things I don't want or need, etc. I have to listen to this annoying machine and press the right option to speak to a person to ask them to take me off their list. I often get 3 or 4 on the same day from the same group. Please let me block robocalls. It's my phone. I pay my bills. I am tired of being harassed. Thank you.

Kathy Doran Sebastopol, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1256 of 5002

The telephone s/b for purposeful situations, NOT unsolicited fund raising, telemarketing and the like. I've been a subscriber to the brilliant software called, Nomorobo. Plainly state, it works, if my phone doesn't ring 2nd time, I don't pick up. I also use Vonage voip; it works seamlessly, no hassles. My request, along with the others included, is to allow full access to Nomorobo and other like products. Being disturbed in your office/home, or other place of quiet is outrageous!! Telemarketers already have our TV's, smartphones, print ads etc. the phone should only ring from someone U want 2 talk to.

Steve P. Minneapolis, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1257 of 5002



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1258 of 5002

At home, robocalls are annoying. At work, we waste about an hour of manpower a week dealing with these calls. I imagine that the U.S. productivity is being significantly impacted by these wasteful calls.

Please help block these calls.

Thank you,


Ira Chayut Campbell, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1259 of 5002 satisfies a great need. We should all be able to have robocall blocking products.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1260 of 5002

How could anyone NOT want these obnoxious, insufferable telemarketing companies destroyed? God Bless the individual who initiated the nomorobo calls site. While we are still receiving these hateful calls, the number has been decreased.

These calls are an invasion of the people's privacy, are unsolicited and a form of harrassment and should be treated as a federal crime and be forced to close down at the very least. The FCC has the power to enact legislation and create laws prohibiting these companies to exist and failure to do so should result in prosecution under federal law.

I wonder what the elderly, infirm and incapacitated must go through waiting for a telephone call from a doctor, family member, or some important call only to struggle to a phone and learn it is a robocall? Heartbreaking to think about.

I urge the FCC to pass strong laws prohibiting the abuse of the communications systems and the harrassment of the helpless public.

Shelby Singer Eisner Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1261 of 5002

We pay a high price to purchase our telephones and the services from the providers. We should be able to block annoying telephone calls (robocalls).j There is no legitimate reason not to allow us to block these calls. i cannot believe that given the advances in technology any company would find difficulty in designing the program that would allow blocking robocalls.

Brooklyn New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1262 of 5002

Please allow me the ability to block unwanted phone calls. I receive WAY too many unwanted calls. Fortunately I'm able to use NOMOROBO on my home phone service, but not on my cell with AT&T. My parents too would like to block those calls but they cannot. Many calls are disturbing, unwanted, annoying, and bordering on harassment. PLEASE allow the blocking of unwanted calls.

West Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1263 of 5002

As it is now we NEVER EVER answer are phone and will be canceling our land line soon. Even with various call blocking efforts we still get crap calls daily. Hasn't the pandering to business, rather than serving citizens, gone on long enough.

All large phone companies can easily identify an outbreak of robocalls within minutes and could then stop them from reaching the phones of citizens if we choose to block them. If people love their robocalls then they would not have to opt out. Do this for the citizens of the nation. Comcast will be losing one more customer soon so that sleazy robocallers can proceed. We will lose the easy ability to conference call to talk with family in a group. Why?

Mike Little West Linn, Oregon

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1264 of 5002

We subscribe to NOMOROBO and it has been a MAJOR relief for me and my family. Our anxiety and downright anger has dramatically diminished over all of these incessant robo calls we receive on an almost hourly basis. We actually say out loud and with a big smile “thank you NOMOROBO” each time the phone rings and it clicks off to disconnect the offending robocaller. We no longer have to jump up or rush in from whatever we were doing (oftentimes interrupting very important family, household or business activities) each time the phone rings only to find it's some JERK disrupting our lives, and our demeanor, trying to RUDELY sell us something we DO NOT WANT. We are on the DO NOT CALL list however apparently it's meaningless to these disreputable vipers. Please keep robocall blocking products legal. The honest hardworking citizens deserve this PROTECTION, PEACE AND PRIVACY.

Julie Boston Santa Monica, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1265 of 5002

I find rob calls an infringement on my privacy as they come mostly at dinner time or three to four times a day.

Lemont, Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1266 of 5002

We are inundated with unsolicited sales calls, robo calls. The only thing that seems to help is to block all calls on the phone except the ones I select (family, friends, doctors, etc.) We have reported call abuse to FAA, local officials, State Assembly people, phone company.

Occasionally unsolicited calls and robo calls slip through on NOMOROBO as well. I hate them. The calls have come every 15 minutes up until 10:30 pm. Early morning calls, etc. STOP THIS ABUSE AND ANNOYANCE

Liz Peterson Sierra Madre, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1267 of 5002

I am so tired of being bombarded all day and night with these robocalls, What ever happened to the DO NOT CALL registry???? This is an invasion of our privacy. Please STOP THESE CALLS!!!!!

Altadena, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1268 of 5002

I own my home, own my phone, I should have the right to block whoever or whatever I want from calling me. If these robot callers want to call me I should be able to chargeTHEM for it! It's intrusive, annoying, and deceptive in that I cannot call them back half the time to tell them I am on the DO NOT CALL list. (Which rarely deters anyone anyway). It got so bad for me a few months ago I had to change my phone number. Evidently they got my number from the covered California insurance exchange and drove me crazy. Over 25 calls in one day! Keep NOMOROBO!!!!

Susan regan San Diego California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1269 of 5002

You should allow robocall blocking products to exist because robocalls are annoying and disruptive to peoples lives. People are sleeping and being annoyed by robocalls . If I want something I will look for it at the stores or on the web. I would like to have a right not to get robocalls.

Mel Simpelo Lombard Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1270 of 5002

We receive twenty to twenty-five robocalls a day despite having signed up for the federal no call list. Either let us have good robocall blocking products or institute really severe penalties for robocalls, telemarketers and other telephone solicitors.

Richard Shaner Hull, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1271 of 5002 please stop robo calls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1272 of 5002

I find robocalls intrusive and annoying. Provide tools that will allow me to block them.

Fairfax, Va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1273 of 5002

How could anyone NOT want these obnoxious, insufferable telemarketing companies destroyed? God Bless the individual who initiated the nomorobo calls site. While we are still receiving these hateful calls, the number has been decreased.

These calls are an invasion of the people's privacy, are unsolicited and a form of harrassment and should be treated as a federal crime and be forced to close down at the very least. The FCC has the power to enact legislation and create laws prohibiting these companies to exist and failure to do so should result in prosecution under federal law.

I wonder what the elderly, infirm and incapacitated must go through waiting for a telephone call from a doctor, family member, or some important call only to struggle to a phone and learn it is a robocall? Heartbreaking to think about.

I urge the FCC to pass strong laws prohibiting the abuse of the communications systems and the harrassment of the helpless public.

Jack Eisner Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1274 of 5002

Nomorobo is providing a valuable service to old men like me -- (73) who are sick and tired of computer generated calls from crooks in India, the USA and Gods knows elsewhere. Their scams run from "your computer is infected with a virus -- we can fix this problem if you allow a screen sharing..." to -- "There has been a warrant issued for your arrest..." This came from someone with a thick East Indian accent. The only time they get through is if I answer the call before NoMoRobo has identified them as a "computer generated," call and cancels when there is no "caller ID.

I can't ell you how grateful I am for their free service. It saves me talking to -- so many rude hucksters that insult my intelligence and cause me to swear at them "F-OFF!!!"

Michael Cronin Post Falls, Idaho

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1275 of 5002

We should be able to block robocalls on our own phones!

Margate, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1276 of 5002

It's my phone and I pay for it! Let me decide who I want to hear from, I don't pick up those calls anyway.

Marcia Loomis

Denver, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1277 of 5002

Have had my name on do not call list for years yet I get at least 4-5 calls every day!!!! I thought it was against the law???? Some of the callers are not that nice when you tell them to stop calling.

Irene Scott Quincy Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1278 of 5002

Robo calls are not only annoying and disruptive, but have no redeeming value except to the robo-er.

David Kato Fountain Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1279 of 5002

I hate getting sales calls and annoying other calls that keep trying to get in touch with me when I don't want to be bothered. I have DO NOT CALL and still get many, many annoying calls that I don't want to get.

Yes, it's my phone and I should have some control to block calls from Companies I don't want to deal with so I hope the FCC will give the people the right to have robocall blocking products or robocalls for free. I am a senior, retired woman who doesn't like to be bothered day and night by stupid calls. Mostly I don't answer the phone unless I see a caller I know and want to talk to and then I answer the phone. Please FCC help the general public to have some relief. I have to shut my phone off at night so I can sleep in as I don't have to get up early. I think right now the law is calls can be made by 9:00 AM and until 9PM.

Nancy Dowd Hamilton, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1280 of 5002

I understand some telephone carriers are claiming the law prohibits them from blocking any calls. Please say it isn't so. In any case, no one's actually asking them to block calls, just to allow the NomoRobo service to do so at the customer's request.

My own carrier, Comcast, has placed some ridiculous requirements on being able to use NomoRobo, which make it unavailable to most of their subscribers. Please make it clear that they must make this capability available to all their customers.

Ted Ruegsegger Monson MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1281 of 5002

Please allow me to block calls at will. I should be in control of what calls I want to go through. Thanks!

Jesus Gutierrez Bedford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1282 of 5002

I am sick and tired of receiving at least 20 unsolicited calls a week. Let robocall help to block them OR do your job!!!

San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1283 of 5002

My phone is for my private use and I expect to continue to have the ability to block unwanted calls. Do not put impediments in front of that ability.

Arthur Vrecenak Chester Springs, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1284 of 5002

Please allow us to keep the blocking of robocalls. I receive approximately two to three times a day sometimes more.

Stockton CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1285 of 5002

These calls are SO annoying. There are many callers who I don't want to be rude to, but that becomes difficult at times (dinner time, getting ready for work, trying to nap). I don't have enough money to py them. We're on limited income.

East Nantmeal, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1286 of 5002

I hate robocalls! I think there should be a way to block them especially because being registered on the "do not call list" is no longer effective. Nomorobo has been able intercept some of these calls and we appreciate the service that they provide.

Rita and Richard Sands Dallas, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1287 of 5002

Please let these robocall blocking products a fair shot. I still get call even though I am on the DO NOT CALL List

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1288 of 5002

Consumers must be allowed to block annoying spam calls. I am so glad I found out about nomorobo. Before I installed it on my phone, I was repeatedly interrupted throughout my day (I work from home) by spam calls and telemarketers. I would not answer the phone, as I could see via caller ID that it was someone trying to sell me something. However, it would still interupt my work, and it was anoying to listen to the ringing phone, followed by the hangup tone when the caller got my answering machine. Now that I have nomorobo, I don't stop what I am doing to see who is calling. If it is spam or a telemarketer, the phone rings once and stops. Peace and quiet!

Sherry Heller Palo alto, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1289 of 5002

I am sick to death of having to pay for Robo calls. It is ridiculous that someone can do that and get away with it. Now here's a really bad situation: Two days ago I got a call from someone telling me I had not paid my power bill and I had 45 minutes to pay it!!! It was, of course, a scam. Luckily, I didn't fall for it. But someone did, I'm sure, and they're out a great deal of money. We need to stop all of this nonsense.

Sebelle Deese Natchez, MS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1290 of 5002

I receive robo calls at least 3X a day. Usually 6-7 times

Sometimes no one is on the phone. Many calls want to fix my credit which is excellent or want me to buy a senior alert system. the calls start at 8:00 am and come as late as 10:00 pm.

Please give me some peace from these intrusions in my life arthur schwartz flushing NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1291 of 5002

I get 15 robo calls a week. Not having a robo blocker would be a negative for me.

Joe Flack Columbia, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1292 of 5002

I don't want to receive unwanted calls on my home and cell phones. I don't want to answer calls from telemarketers calling me at all hours of the day or night. Nomorobo is the only defense I have to prevent these calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1293 of 5002

Constant robo calls are an invasion of privacy and have become a form of harrassment. Subjecting the consumer to this type of unwarrented treatment in our use of communication equipment that we pay dearly for is unjust and needs to be stopped.

Northport, Al

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1294 of 5002

The number of times the phone rings with robocalls is extremely disturbing. The caller ID is either an 800 number, "unavailable" or "unknown." It disturbs my peace and quiet. I am a senior citizen and don't want to be bothered with these calls. I don't usually even answer them, but when I do nobody is there anyway, or they try to sell something I don't want. Please allow these calls to be blocked.

Indio, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1295 of 5002

Giving consumers the ability to block Robocalls with blocking devices is a solution that is long overdue! Won't somebody in the FCC dare to do the right thing??? Or will it require a restitution of Communications via Indian Smoke Signals to be free of those pesky telemarketers who violate our peace and privacy?

The Sanford Family Clarksville, TN 37043

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1296 of 5002

I hope that you can please stop all the annoying Robocalls of any kind.

Kevin Turbert West Haven,CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1297 of 5002

Robocalls are an intrusion and invasion of my privacy. I strongly support robocall blocking products.

Doris Cruz Flushing, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1298 of 5002

You must validate my right to block unwanted telephone solicitation calls. Why you are even questioning this right is beyond reason.

Robert Martinez White Plains, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1299 of 5002

Please make these robocalls to stop. I am a semi invalid and it's painful for me to get up to answer the phone only to be bothered with a telemarketing message. That goes not only for robocalls, but also human telemarketers. Even though I am on the Do Not Call list, they don't pay attention.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1300 of 5002

Day and night our phone rings with robo calls and telemarketers. We can't even take a nap during the day or early evening. What ever happened to the "Do Not Call List". Nothing is being enforced, the telemarketers are having a field day laughing their butts off at the so called laws.

I am entitled to my privacy. Do the people have to sue Congress to get this law enforced?

And to add insult to injury, all telephone providers charge up to $4.00 a month to not publish our number, this is simple robbery, where is a law for this?

Mark Greenberg Cherry Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1301 of 5002

Our phone carrier only allows us to block up to 20 calls at a time. However, we receive multiple spam and robocalls trying to steal our identity and banking information on a regular basis. The use of a robcalling blocking option is a great help as this limits the number of spam and unsolicited calls that come in, even though we are on the National do not call list. Please make roboblocking a mandatory option with our local and long-distance phone carriers for both land lines and cell phones.

Thank you!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1302 of 5002

I hate robocalls. amy tamarac, fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1303 of 5002

I am surprised that the FCC wants to hear from the public and in fact I am not sure they really want to hear. They already receive thousands and thousands of complaints and now they are saying they want to hear from us. I highly doubt it. It is just the FCC going through the motions.

And of course the phone companies are fighting it. Telemarketers pay big money to the phone companies to call millions of people. No surprise there.... I will believe it when I see it FCC. Give us a way to block the calls we don't want PLEASE

Jerry Gadbaw and Family Long Beach CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1304 of 5002

I hate unsolicited phone calls of any kind. They're a nuisance to the family and degrade quality of life. Unless you can ban robocalls, at least give us the right to use services like nomorobo.

Robert Cameron Sterling, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1305 of 5002

I'm sick of robo calls. We should have the option to block them.

L Moore Campobello, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1306 of 5002

Blocking unwanted calls using a tool like NoMoRobo is very important to me. Standard do not call lists are ineffective. Without Nomorobo, I am inundated by annoying and unwanted calls. I urge you to allow Nomorobo to continue to provide its service to users like me.

Patrick Condon East Windsor, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1307 of 5002

Robocalls should be illegal or else let us be able to block them. If it's legal for them to call us, then we should be able to block them

Joyce Rhodes Lancaster, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1308 of 5002

The ability to block robocalls is an essential consumer right that must be preserved. People must be able, in their own home, to determine what calls they do and do not wish to take. Robocall blocking performs essentially the same function as caller ID -- it just takes it to a higher level. The telephone companies, of course, do not want robocall blocking to become widely available, because it will adversely affect part of their client base, the robocalling firms; the residential telephone customer is of no importance to them in this regard.

Andrew Smith Arlington VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1309 of 5002

I receive robocalls on a pretty much continuous basis. They routinely use spoofing. Why? because they know they will not be prosecuted. I recently received a call that my Caller ID identified as coming from my own phone. That's how blatant they have become. So:

1. It should be illegal to spoof Caller ID without a court order.

2. The penalties for spoofing should be large enough ($1000 per call) to actually discourage spoofing.

3. The penalties for robocalls also need to be similarly high.

4. There need to be much larger penalties for phone companies that aid and abbet these activities.

5. It should be possible to block ALL international calls.

Pat Russell Seattle, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1310 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance. If I want to block them, I should be able to do that. Actually, they should be outlawed, but I will accept blocking as an alternative.

Roy Seitz Coral Springs, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1311 of 5002

Nomorobo is the best thing to come along in communications. If you like to be interrupted every night at dinner time don't use this service, but don't force me to be irritated with these bozos calling at always inconvenient times.

Leslie S. Bryant Richardson TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1312 of 5002

As you consider this great ruling there are enough solicitors that still get through to bother us. If you outlaw rob ovals it will force us to give up a listed land line. Please allow the robo calls to be blocked

Paul Johnson Nort Haven, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1313 of 5002


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1314 of 5002

Stop robocalls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1315 of 5002

Nomorobo has been a godsend. I was PLAGUED by robocalls before I used this service. They sometimes catch as many as SIX a day! Please protect me from robocalls. They were RUINING my life, and that of my Alzheimer inflicted wife.

David Popenoe Princeton, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1316 of 5002

I get up to twenty robocalls everyday. Although I can block only twelve numbers' it is my experience that telemarketers change the originating phone number. Even with caller ID telemarketers use false IDs to lure the homeowner to answer the call. I am sick and tired of having to screen all my calls.

Carliss Such Napa, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1317 of 5002

Unfortunately, there are too many unscrupulous businesses that do not comply with the Do Not Call registry. Therefore, robocall blocking is essential, and should be made available to anyone who wishes the service.

Ron Janowitz Manchester, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1318 of 5002

I have been able to block robot calls and misleading spam calls utilizing nomorobo. Do not pass any regulations that prevent me from blocking these calls.

Maurice Hickey Annapolis, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1319 of 5002

I pay the bill on my phone. I want a phone for emergencies, but the telemarketers have hijacked it. I get several sales calls a day. They call me, but I their numbers won't allow me to call them back. It makes no sense whatsoever. I can only assume politicians have been paid off. If you insist on catering to telemarketers, why not have two kinds of phone numbers to offer citizens? How about phone numbers which are paid by individuals and are off limits to telemarketers. And phone numbers which are free to citizens, but are paid by telemarketers. Telemarketers would be allowed to call the latter as much as they want. Require all FCC employees, politicians, and telemarketers to have the free numbers as their home number. This is the best way to insure the telemarketers have not been denied their rights.

Mark Werner Sun City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1320 of 5002

Its annoying and its my choice if i dont want robocalls

Simi valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1321 of 5002

Our homes and cell phones should not be bombarded by robocalls. What should be permitted is the service of robocall blockers. Help stop robocallers.

Corpus Christi, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1322 of 5002

Even with so called do not call registration, I keep getting these unwanted calls. Please fix that problem! I also want you to make it easier to block robocalls which are driving us crazy.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1323 of 5002

I can't believe that you would allow robocalls of any kind!! Even political calls. I get 5-8 calls in the morning between 8am to 10am. Then in the afternoon at least 5 calls from 3pm to 5pm. I quit answering them hoping they would stop but they don't. HELP me and stop them. I do have robocall on my land line and it helps a lot. But they are using my area codes in Oklahoma. Then robocall does not stop them.

Kevin Derrick Edmond, OK

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1324 of 5002

Robo calls are ridiculous. My time is precious! There is no reason on earth that my privacy should be invaded through such nastiness, over the phone no less, right into my personal space. NO WAY!

Chapel Hill, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1325 of 5002

It is infuriating to be interrupted by a recording. I am registered with "nomorobo" call and am spared many telemarketing calls except during political campaigns.

Telephone "trees" are an invasion of privacy and should be banned!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1326 of 5002

I have been using the NOMOROBO service for over one year and couldn't be happier. Before I started using the service we received robo calls on a daily basis several on may days. These were computer generated calls with no person on the other end just scams 99% of the time. Trying to stop the calls was impossible, the "opt out" never worked. These type calls are supposed to be illegal according to FCC regulations but continue unabated. Since we began using NOMOROBO the phone rings only once when it is a robo call. On average we still get several such calls every week but we know only calls we wish to receive actually get through.

Allowing the phone companies to decide which calls I receive is beyond ridiculous. I pay the phone company for service, I should decide which calls I answer not them. If the FCC thinks services such as NOMOROBO should be eliminated then let me route all of the unsolicited calls to your offices and you can answer them for me.

The FCC was the organization that initiated the contest to develop the technology to eliminate robo calls in the first place. Why is it now an issue that is even considered for elimination?

Edward Chamberlain Grapevine, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1327 of 5002

Robocalls are EXTREMELY annoying. We as telephone customers should be able to block robocall numbers.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1328 of 5002

Please do something to stop these ceaseless robocalls, dunning me to change my credit card, buy Viagra, borrow money I don't need, and just hanging up without even speaking.

Richard Forman Atlanta, Georgia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1329 of 5002

My father has mild dementia and I am his primary caregiver. We both receive these annoying calls, some before 9am. When he is alone and gets one of these calls, he feels the need to call me to tell me the credit card company called, but cannot remember in regards to what. Or, that someone called to let him know that someone had broken into a house on his street (security company stating break-in statistics trying to sell security system). We have even received calls that bypass our caller ID by sending our own phone number to it so we don't know who is calling! We are on the Do Not Call Registry, but technology has passed it by. We should be able to decide who is allowed to call our homes on equipment that we pay for - equipment that is for our convenience - not companies with computers programmed to call thousands of households throughout the day and evening, for surveys, politics, or selling services or products we don't want or need. I think ALL phone carriers - landline or wireless - should allow us to opt- in to this if we want.

Janet Moore Blacklick, Oh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1330 of 5002

I am tired of being inundated by robocalls. Surely we should have the option of blocking these calls if we choose to.

Austin Vali Honolulu, Hawaii

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1331 of 5002

Robocall has been a great service. Unwanted phone calls were terrible. We would have to get up and answer and when your old have to get out of bed to answer, you then try to avoid calls and miss important ones.

Get this service for wireless because I pay by minutes and its not fair to spend my money for their ads.

Ted Lesinski Schwenksville PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1332 of 5002

I feel I am being constantly harassed. There is no peace and quiet in my home. When I tell them to take my name off their list,they usually hang up and call back within the hour. I an contemplating having my phone removed. I AM BEING BULLIED, BUT THAT IS WHAT YOUR LOBBYIST S WHO RUN OUR GOVERNMENT WANT!!!! junedavidson stow oh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1333 of 5002

Robo Calls are the most intrusive device now annoying all of America. I urge to continue to allow privately blocking Robo Calls along with increasing the penalties to Robo Callers to include punitive damamges

Ron Pimentel Greenbrae, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1334 of 5002

I HATE ROBOCALLS ! They are a waste of precious time and very irritating!

I can send you pages of dates, times and numbers - if you would like to see the list. You have got to do something to give us our privacy and sanity back! Those of us in home based business often have to answer as it could be a long distance client. PLEASE PLEASE make this a priority.

Eileen Kent Utica NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1335 of 5002

Enough with the Scam adn telemarketers. If you guys and the rest of teh government can tap our phones, you can certainly figure out how to track down these scammers and conartists.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1336 of 5002 robo calls have been a terrible nuisance for us...we are seniors and have been called early and late and all day long. Nomorobo has provided great relief.

San Dimas CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1337 of 5002

I want to be in control of my phone!! Since using to block unwanted robo calls (despite being on the National Do Not Call List), my peace and quiet in my home has been restored. Please make ALL phone companies provide access to a robo blocking service.

Thank you!

Mary E Masse Alexandaria, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1338 of 5002

I am glad that Robocalls can be blocked. I think that any kind of call that is a solicitation not requested is a serious invasion of privacy. Unsolicited postal mail and emails are also a huge waste of time and energy, but at least they can be handled as and when convenient. Getting up and walking to a phone to get an unwanted sales call should be completely banned. Robocall blocking is at least one step in the right direction. I see no reason for these types of calls to be protected and any restriction to prevent as much blocking as possible would be a disservice to all.

Manfred Roland Los Altos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1339 of 5002

I would like to be able to block phone calls. I shouldn't have to pay for them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1340 of 5002

I want robo calls permanently blocked please.

RMDavid Carson, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1341 of 5002

No more robo calls - they are unwelcome and annoying!!!

Marcia Hunt Stoneham MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1342 of 5002

My mother, age 89, and father, age 90, live with us. They answer calls throughout the day and the scare tactics of some robocalls frighten them (such as saying "this is the FBI and several homes have been broken into in your neighborhood"). Please make it easier, not more difficult, to block these annoying calls in our homes!!!!

Jim and Becky Dunlap Stow, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1343 of 5002

Robo calls are out of control , they need to be able to block !

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1344 of 5002

Telemarketing calls disrupt my life and I don't want them. The robocalls are especially annoying. These callers take no time of their own, yet expect me to listen to their drivel, and I can't even interrupt them to get on their do not call list.

Anything that reduces my exposure to telemarketers, especially robocallers, is a huge plus. It's my phone and I don't want it used by commercial interests. I will NEVER buy anything offered over the phone, so there's no point. Nmorobo is a godsend. I use it. My friends use it and thank me for telling them about it. Commercial interests have no right to use a service I'm paying for to disrupt my life.

Please make robocalls illegal in general so I won't need a service, and please get aggressive about enforcing the national do not call list requirements.

Joe Melhado Hartsdale, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1345 of 5002

I think all robocalls should be blocked. The calls and the callers are in violation of the do not call law.

Steve Grossman Stamford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1346 of 5002

Please let us easily block robocalls. They are annoying and disruptive. I've never received one that I wanted.

Olympia, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1347 of 5002

Let me block robo calls to my phones.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1348 of 5002

I don't know if I could survive without Nomorobo. I get so annoyed with all the unsolicited calls. I sound like I should be put in the nut house after about 5 of those aggravating calls. Please allow me to keep my Nomorobo and extend it to cell carriers. I would like to see what other blocking products they can come up with.

Maryanne Cluff Wilmington DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1349 of 5002

I absolutely HATE robocalls !! They are totally obnoxious. And I absolutely object to how companies can use the robocalls to see if it is a working number because I have answered the phone - MY PHONE - and because they determined it is, they then sell my number to whomever !!! I would appreciate being able to block robocalls permanently. Thanks.

Raleigh, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1350 of 5002

Robot dialers and telemarketers intrude on our phone every day, *despite* our number being listed on the Do-Not-Call list.

When the phone rings, we want it to be a real person, not a scammer. After all, we're paying for the phone service, so we should have some say.

The phone companies haven't been on our side for as long as we've had phones. There's no reason to expect them to suddenly start looking out for our interests: after-the-ring filtering is the only way to keep them honest.

Ed Poughkeepsie, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1351 of 5002

Fed up with the "intrusion" telemarketers have in our home and even at my place of business.

At home they are calling as early as 7:30 in the morning and my husband works nights and this is waking up. I now have to take our phone off the hook before I leave for work so that he is able to get his sleep to be ready for his next day at work. But if any emergency happens or I need to reach him cannot do because we are revolving our life around on how to avoid these people. The call into the evening, they call on weekends. Always the same thing of "energy saving offers" we ask to be removed, advise them we are on the "do not call" list. But we still get the calls. We are told there are several of these companies so we can talk til we are blue in the face it is never with the same company. Than the rudeness that come from them when you tell them you are not interested and to be removed in deplorable. Than some more fun starts of crank calling. Phone ringing and they hang up when you answer at all hours...we know it is them. Their number does not show up on caller id. You can not *69 to return a call. And if you try to ask for a supervisor, they just hang up. We have no information as to who they are, we have gotten their names and numbers and registered them but again to many so it becomes a full time job for what.....for us to simply not to be called and bothered? We have no informatin on them, but they have a very important piece of information on us that they can be very vindictive with and make our lives a LIVING HELL! And they do.

I remember when 900 numbers came out in the 80's and kids were calling it racking up huge phone bills for their parents not realizing what they were all about. The phone company was offering for people to "pay" for a blocking feature on their phone so that these numbers would not be able to be called from their numbers. I always felt that why should we pay for something that we never solicited for to begin with. But if we wanted the "luxury" of being able to call those 900 #'s you can pay to put it on your phone to BE able to call those numbers. Let's do the same for the solicitors, if you want to here from them, pay the phone company and allow it.

But if you want to try to stop these intrusions, you can pay the phone company $8.00 here and $8.00 there and rack your bill up to get some peace and quiet, but remember you may still get a ring or two on your phone before the number is determined by the phone company that it is a telemarketer calling, therefore waking you up in the house at that 7:30 in the morning when they call and that is suppose to make us happy and feel like we got the upper hand on stopping them. There is no stopping them because they have more power than any of us because they have our number but we don't have theirs.

So what do we have to do to get our peace back and not fret every time our own phone rings? If it will stop this at home and work I WILL DO IT. I'm already jumping through hoops trying to avoid them and stop them from calling....but if you can do something I will jump through your hoops.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1352 of 5002

It's obvious that the National Do Not Call Registry does not work. Robotically dialed calls are a nuissance and are unwelcome in this house. I want to be able to block them through my phone company.

J. Harry Feldman Wilmington, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1353 of 5002

We are a retired couple with a home phone and we hate robocalls and love robocall blockers.

Alice Mixer and Bill Schafer Ann Arbor, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1354 of 5002

I get very tired of these robo calls, I get an average of 6 per day. It has gotten to the point that I don't answer the phone most of the time. It is getting ridiculous. Please block these calls. They are even getting thru on the cell phone. I can block the number, but they call from so many different numbers. It is a shame that this is being allowed

Norman Rose Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1355 of 5002

Stop the robocalls.

I'm sick of them.

Raymond Ford Painesville, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1356 of 5002

We used to receive 6-8 unsolicited calls every day. After installing nomorobo, the volume is down one call or less per day.

We strongly endorse the adoption of technology that will prevent unwanted calls from interrupting our day.

Sid & Sandra Jarnagin Richmond, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1357 of 5002

I don't like robocalls and I think that we should be able to block them all.

William Downes Stewart Manor, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1358 of 5002

We are bombarded with robocalls on a daily basis at all times of the day and night. Our telephone won't allow anymore blocked numbers and the calls keep coming.

You need to allow us to have a recourse against these annoying irritating phone calls that interrupt our activities of daily living. My elderly parents are frightened by the number of phone calls they are receiving.

Susan Franzoia Sacramento, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1359 of 5002

Every phone company AT&T, Optimum, Charter, Verizon allows you to block calls on their network. The federal no call list does not stop annoying calls. Nomorobo is a service I elect to use to block calls that cost me time & money. I have a right to the pursuit of happiness which means avoiding intrusive, unstoppable interruptions that I elect not to receive. Please do not stop nomorobo from providing me with a tech solution to a problem the FCC is not able to stop (incessant un welcomed computer generated calling. No matter how much we request they stop, they don't!

Mark Kurs Fairfield, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1360 of 5002

Dear FCC, I support the idea of allowing citizens to be able to block these incessant robocalls. Those sending them seem to have a special talent for sending them just when you are sitting down to or eating dinner. And I also dislike their talent for anonymity.

Kenneth Shewmaker Hanover, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1361 of 5002

I think it is ridiculous that political and other organizations have found a "legal loop hole" in the National Do Not Call Registry. What I find more disturbing is that the FCC and other Government Agencies feel that it's appropriate to allow such a loop hole to continue existence. I do not want to receive calls from unknown parties, that's why my number is unlisted. Yet you allow my unlisted number to be shared with whomever wants it.

It's time you made unsolicited, unwanted, unwarranted and cold calling illegal. Why does my privacy have to be invaded when I am trying to restrict calls as such.

Larry Tucson AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1362 of 5002

I strongly recommend that you allow MoMoRobo to continue to help me avoid machine dialed robocalls.

Arthur Funk Deer Park, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1363 of 5002

Please, please, please let us block these insane robocalls.W hate them and love the nomorobo call service!

Susan & John Stalick Boulder, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1364 of 5002

NoRoboCall is the best thing since sliced bread! PLEASE, DO NOT alter its capability to stop unwanted calls. It's been a awesome tool to block calls, especially during times when we can't be disturbed.

T. H. Dempster Dumfries, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1365 of 5002

Please help me by enforcing the no call list and allow me to use NoMoRobo!

Hanks family Durham ctw

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1366 of 5002

I am on the do not call list and still the telemarketers have found a way to get around this. Robocalls should also be on the list of consumers do not call. Nomorobocalls has blocked a lot of calls on my phone and made my life a whole lot nicer. Please do not prevent us from blocking these calls. They have no concept of time and before nomorobocalls would call at all times of early morning and very late night.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1367 of 5002

I pay for my telephone equipment and service for MY use, not for someone else to use to harrass me. If companies are using something I pay for without my permission, is it not theft? (Not to speak of the annoyance.) I am a very senior citizen. I am supposedly on a no-call list which turns out to be a fantasy. I resent paying to provide people with the means to disturb me. I want the privilege of blocking my telephone number from robo calls--ALL robo calls. This shouldn't be asking too much.

Dorothy Unruh Denver, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1368 of 5002

Now that I am retired, the problem of unwanted phone calls is even more vexing. Ideally some technology will be developed that will enable law enforcement to catch these scammers and put their unconscionable activities to an end. Until then, I support whatever practical (and legal) measures that can be used to block such calls.

Thank you for your consideration of my comments.

Allen Skyler Valencia, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1369 of 5002

Please allow programs & companies block robocalls even from political organizations.

Mark Abbs Olathe, KS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1370 of 5002

The people I have talked to agree with me that the US Government in Washington does not care about how we feel about all the calls you get day and night.How long has this been going....well to long. I served my country for 35 years proudly and I hate to see things crumble, Please consider this change because since I have had Nomorobo things work like they should..being able to decide what and what not to receive on my telephone since I pay for my service.

Harry Jewell USA Ret Salisbury NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1371 of 5002

I am retired and work on my own projects at home. Until I signed up with about a year ago, I was disturbed several times a week, often more than once a day, by "Rachel" offering to lower my interest rate, and other scam artists of her ilk. Since I joined Robocall, I have had a very peaceful year and accomplished a lot. No robo calls.

I DO NOT want to go back to the bad old days of constant calls from Rachel or the guy saying I've won a life-alert system.

Ted Hudson Centreville, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1372 of 5002

Continue to allow us to easily block unwanted calls, at zero cost to the consumer. For some reason, these companies think they can consume our time and money with frivolous, often fraudulent phone calls/offers.

The past 1+ year I've been using NomoRobo has made a dramatic difference in decreasing our daily/nightly 'interruptions'. No more pushy, rude sales people trying to make me feel guilty for not listening to their spiel.

Dave Hale South Orange, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1373 of 5002

I hate robo calls.

Nomorobo has restored some peace, and removed the constant agravation robo calls cause.

Telling robo callers to stop calling never works.

Paul howard Baltimore, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1374 of 5002

I keep getting calls from an Indian speaking man claiming to represent the IRS. When I give that info to the gov. He just uses a different number from a different state I don't know how he got my number in the. first place!!The robot calls are an annoyance in the first place because they are trying to sell something or get info.

Gastoni NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1375 of 5002

For my money, robocalls are a nuisance and constant distraction. My wife teaches music in our home and robocalls disturb the teaching sessions. I have had robocall blocking for several months, now and it is a godsend. Robocalls generate 1 ring and no more. That is not enough to disturb a music lesson. Robocall blocking should be available to the entire nation. We consumers pay for the convenience of a landline and should be able to block nuisance calls, Robocall blocking still lets through a lot of calls from charities, political calling and small commercial operations. Those are enough.

Sincerely, Bill McFarland

Bill McFarland North Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1376 of 5002

I am so irritated with robocalls that I'd like to scream and cuss (not my usual demeanor). The Do Not Call List is nothing but a joke, so thank God for services such as Nomorobo. It is able to stop 8-10 calls a day and I wish it could stop others that somehow manage to get through. There is no way for me to individually block these calls, because the same company is able to change their numbers on a regular basis. A company from California can even make it look like it is a local call.

Please, please make it easy for the ordinary consumer to block robocalls.

Thank you.

Sheri Ragsdale Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1377 of 5002

Please help to block robocalls to our cell phones and landlines. It is annoying to say the least!

Stephen Dickey Pacific Palisades, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1378 of 5002

Please allow those of us who are tired of receiving repeated robocalls the ability to block these calls. I never listen to them anyways, so it is a completely ineffective system. I should not have to be interrupted several times each night with calls I do not want, calls I did not request and calls that have no use in my life.

Gloria and Larry Larson Port Washington, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1379 of 5002

Nomorobo is needed, 5-7 calls every day is extremely annoying. I have recently signed up for nomorobo and the calls are reduced. One ring and then gone it's great. Everyone should be able to have it.

Clifton, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1380 of 5002

I wonder if you have an 88 year old parent with Alzheimer's that you care for 24/7/365. I do, so when a robocaller ringing my phone multiple times in the morning wakes her up before I wake her up after a late night dealing with her, it is pretty aggravating. So far today, she has been awakened from two nap sessions by the phone. Guess who was calling? I beg you, allow me to have a telephone so I can call 911 when my mother requires help, while still having control over who calls my telephone. Please allow me to totally block robocallers without having to jump through multiple hoops to do so. How does their right to use the phone line *I* pay for supersede my right to manage the phone line for which I pay? I just don't get why their rights are more important than mine, and those of my mother. If they want to advertise, they can pay for a newspaper or internet ad, but they need to stop dialing MY phone.


Nancy Keithley Waller TX 77484

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1381 of 5002

I appreciate the ability to block robocalls; it makes my day a lot calmer. Do not "mess up" a good thing.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1382 of 5002

Few things are as annoying as robocalls and I have to put up with 3 on average every day. I hate to think what it would be like if blockers were no longer permitted. Usually there is no one on the line when I answer (I receive legitimate calls that need answering). Please do not make it difficult for roblcall blocker to serve their valuable function.

George B Santa Rosa, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1383 of 5002

Is there anything more annoying than robocalls? I wonder how many people have died because they compulsively answer while driving? We are already inundated with advertising . Is there no place left to hide?

I don't like to turn the cell off since I sometimes get important calls.

I would like to see all robocalling illegal with very expensive ($100,000)

Fines for first offenders and prison for repeaters.

Bill Arcovitch Milford, ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1384 of 5002

In the last two months I have been subjected to approximately 100 plus calls from phone numbers I do not know and have never done business with. Specifically, one number stands out. That is:

Bossy Dave at number 646-389-6932. Never leaves a message and I do not recognize this name or number. Calls were received on:

12/16 8:00 AM 12/17 9:32AM 12/18 8:02AM 12/19 1:10PM 12/20 8:02 AM 12/21 11:47AM 12/22. 8:37AM 12/23 11:43AM 12/26 11:19AM 12/27. 11:23AM 12/28. 3:21PM 12/29 8:37AM 12/30 9:57AM 1/2/15 10:54AM 1/3/15 11:36AM 1/5/15 8:00M Other calls have come from: 800-942-1970 855-284-4824 855-284-3980 855-285-4869 855-284-4823 202-599-8715 239-257-8945 360-633-9072

Often times some of these are multiple calls each and every day.

The Do Not Call system is either broken or has no enforcement and is ineffective.

Leo Shahon Washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1385 of 5002

I want control over my own phone. Please let me use the robo call service if i want to.

Fitchburg MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1386 of 5002

We should be able to stop robocalls. Please help us do that

Daphne Williams Salt Lake City, Utah

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1387 of 5002

Please let me block robo calls. We get 4-6 calls a day during our dinner asking for money, wanting us to sell an asset, or wanting to "help" with our credit card debt. Please help me stop this nuiscance !!!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1388 of 5002

Don't you people have phones? Do you like being bothered at inconvenient times of day? Well, we don't!! You can tell the telcos that we are entitled to robocall blocking regardless of how much funding they get from the companies that use robocalling. The telcos may own the wires and towers, but we own the phones and should be able to block calls or not at our discretion.

Lastly, you work for the people of the country and regulate the incustry.. not the other way around.

Marshall Provonsil Burrillville, RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1389 of 5002

I am fed up with getting 4-6 ron ovals a day. I own and use my telephone to stay in touch with older parents and every unrecognized call make me anxious.

Enough is enough. We have to have the ability to block unwanted calls as the Internet allows to unsubscribe to unwanted emails.

Please make it stop!


SBaker Piedmont, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1390 of 5002

The constant annoyance of robocalls have forced many of us to become call monitors in our own homes. The same companies may call up to 4 or 5 times per day, and at very inconvenient times. Chances are, if you leave me a message on my answering machine, and I don't call you back, then I don't wish to speak to you. Day after day, the same calls come in. Fortunately I have the capability to block a limited number of calls, which may be the only reason I still have some sanity.

Please allow these calls to be blocked. Thank you.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1391 of 5002

They are so annoying. Further more, even when I pick up, there is usually no one there! They are an annoyance, a mennis, and such a waste of time because I have to check in case I need to answer the phone!

Richmond, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1392 of 5002

Anonymous and noname calls drive me crazy and even the call blocking feature on my phone is insufficient because I have to listen to it ring once before the call is blocked. It's a form of harassment, plain and simple. I don't want a "free" cruise or a "free" alarm system or a "free" anything. I just need some peace and quiet throughout my day in my home.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1393 of 5002

One of simplest joys in life is hearing my phone ring once, and once only -- then silence! Oh joy; yet another un-asked for, totally un-wanted, time-wasting Robo-call assigned to the garbage pile.

The Government Do Not Call list was (and is) wonderful, but it did not do the whole job; "No More Robo Calls" finishes the job.

Please do not allow the phone companies to take away my peaceful home environment just to satisfy their perpetual greed.

Alan Scott Riverhead, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1394 of 5002

I want to prevent robots to call me.

I have nothing to tell them.

I pay for my phone and want to choose whom I talk to!

Mietek Flam East Greenwich, RI, 02818

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1395 of 5002

Block robo calls and unknown number callers. I'm getting calls from India from people with thick accents who try to convince me to let them "fix" my computer. SCAM

Frank Nunn Pascagoula, Ms

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1396 of 5002

I believe every pone owner should have the right to block robocalls. They are annoying and are usually timed to interrupt dinner and leisure time.

Baltimore, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1397 of 5002

Please do everything in your power to assist consumers to block robocalls. I have been using nomorerobo and I think I am getting ninety percent less calls and even some of those calls I would prefer not to receive.

Caryl Parrish Carlsbad, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1398 of 5002

Don't take away my right to use robocall blocking products. They help us keep our sanity! No one has to use them if they don't want to.

Karen Shapiro Burke, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1399 of 5002

I have to be on conference calls with my employer and I would appreciate the FCC letting consumers block annoying robocalls that are an interruption and invasion to daily phone life.

Frisco, tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1400 of 5002

I want to be able to block robo calls I pay a lot for the service and its up to me to control it. Thank you.

Brooklyn, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1401 of 5002

I am sick and tired of this constant invasion of the privacy of me and my family! We have received robo calls from the same faceless entity 4 times in the last 24 hours - all asking us about our cholesterol! This has got to stop!

Steven & Judy Hovey Woodbridge, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1402 of 5002 stop robocalls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1403 of 5002

I want to keep the ability to block any and all calls, especially robo calls! Please do not take this right to control my own phone away from me.

Thank you for your kind attention to this request.

Lorenzo M. Savona Milton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1404 of 5002

I think robocalls are very very annoying. They even use my own number (spoof call) to call me, I think that is so wrong here. I did file complaint about it to the FCC before, but they couldn't do anything about the problem. I'm sick of all this problems(telemarketers, spoof calls, robocalls) now a days, even the phone companies can't do anything about it. Then finally I found out about this robocall blocking site. Let me tell you it works like a charm. It even helps block out most of spoof calls. I like robocall blocking very much.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1405 of 5002

I have been assaulted with two and three calls a day from various companies I don't know and don't care to know. MANY do not identify themselves on caller ID "Unavailable 1" is a common caller ID. I got one today. It was a company calling me about a home security system. Other times it's repeatedly about my credit card or my gas provider. Please allow nomorobo. It has really helped me.

Joannie Layne Eastlake, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1406 of 5002

Please allow consumers the right to block robocallers. Thank you.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1407 of 5002

My phone rings constantly from the craziest looking phone numbers. If i answer its either somebody trying to sell me something or a bill collector looking for a family member who doesn't live here. And if I call the number back I get a recording that says the call can not be completed. Why do I have to constantly be harrassed like this. I'm 79 years old and live alone and I dont feel that its fair that I have to put up with this harassment. Please stop help me stop this. Please please please. abington pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1408 of 5002

I get robo calls every day and they come at the most inconvenient times.Please fix it so they can be blocked, including political calls for money. I am 77 years of age and do not need the bother of these calls.

Bob Acker Ovilla, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1409 of 5002

We support the use of robocall blocking technology. Anyone in the FCC who would even consider taking this feature away from our phone system would simply now be labled a major bribe taker from big business corporate america, plain and simple.

Gary Ellmore Varysburg NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1410 of 5002

Please block the junk calls. I'm 80 and don't need the unwanted calls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1411 of 5002

The government promised to protect us from telemarketers with the "Do not call list." That did not take care of the problem. With nomorobo, at least we have a fighting chance not to be bothered with solicitors. Why should we be subjected to this.

Shari Louisville, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1412 of 5002

The calls are endless and intrusive. Use modern technology o end them!

Allan Johnsn Huntington, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1413 of 5002

Robocalls should be avaiable to be blocked by the phone customer.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1414 of 5002

Fully 80 percent of the calls I get on my home phone are some form of robocall. Many - or really most - of them are not identifiable as to the source or even the real number that the call was made from. This factor, as well as the camouflage caller IDs, demonstrate blatant deception and disregard for the public. We need an effective way to stop them.

So far, Nomorobo is the closest thing to a solution that I've found. My iPhone blocks specified numbers. It should be that simple with a home phone. But that would require the FCC to prevent the range of deceptions used to disguise robocalling numbers.

Jason Farrow Norwalk CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1415 of 5002

Robo calls invade privacy and disrupt dinner every night.

Westport ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1416 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls on my own phone.

Thank you.

Newton, Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1417 of 5002

On a regular basis I get about 8 - 12 calls a day that are not directly from anyone that I know, or care to receive calls from. Please allow the person who pays the bills for this piece of utility, to be able to access it for the purpose that they choose to use it for. No more, no less.

Leonard Hopkins Miami, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1418 of 5002

Those bothersome calls are infuriating !! Ever tried to work nights and get daily unsolicited phone calls ? Something must happen to prevent this please !

Tom Wingstad Draper, Utah

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1419 of 5002

I hate robocalls and I love nomorobo. Do not do anything to alter what nomorobo does and please inform the telephone companies that if they eliminate robovalsrobocalls we wouldn't need nomorobo.

James Hersh Laurel, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1420 of 5002

My wife and I are retired senior citizens. We just can't express how irritating robo calls are to us. We are on the do not call list and use our att uverse call blocking feature but the calls persist. We try to answer every call as it may be important only to hear a recorded message or blabber! We have tried this nomorobo and we now only answer on a second ring. It works some of the time most of the time. Please give me a way to stop these irritating calls that occur all day and night. We are worn out! A real Do Not Call list might help.

Thanks for listening.

Ken and Marie Richter

Ken Richter Santa Rosa CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1421 of 5002

I think robocalls are a nuisance and the public should be able to have the choice to use a blocking service if it wants to. It shouldn't be up to the phone company to decide for us.

Christopher Collupy Braintree, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1422 of 5002

I am tired of all these robo calls anytime of day or evening, I get at least 3 a day, and it usually is early in the morning, or at dinner time. I work different hours, so they always wake me up. And if I answer and tell them to stop calling , they still call. THIS HAS TO STOP!!!!!

J Liberi Galloway NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1423 of 5002

Since I'm paying for my phone,I should not be harassed by people calling me from 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. to sell me something. I am on the don't call list but it doesn't work. I had 12 calls yesterday and 8 calls the day before that were RoboCalls. I only had 3 calls that were really for me. I have to have a phone for safety and I have family that are sick but I should not feel like I'm being held hostage just because I need a phone.

Ann Spalding San Jose,Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1424 of 5002

I'm a phone customer that pays my bills but have to put up with calls I didn't ask for and don't want I have put my name and number on the no call list but this does not work. I get over 20 calls a day and out of those I would say only 2-3 are for us the rest have no business calling me. It has gotten so bad that I don't answer the phone unless I know who it is. Most days the same number calls 3-4 times a day and everyday including the weekend.

I pay my taxes and have for many years and I expect you to get behind this and solve this problem that we are having to live with. As far as I can see you are sitting on you butts and doing nothing for use but supporting these robo calls that never seem to stop.

None of these calls ever leave a message so I know its not a real person.

At this point I don't think the FCC is worth 2 cents.

Donald M. Stonebrook CA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1426 of 5002

I am weary of all the robo calls that come into my phone every day every month. I have found some solutions to this some work some don't. During the last election the political calls were the worst offenders. The politicians have conveniently exempted themselves from being affected by the Do Not Call list. And the Do Not Call list means absolutely nothing to the Robo scam calls that I get all the time. These criminals could care less. I would ask that the FCC do something to help in controlling these nuisance calls. I do not pay to have telephone service to have these people harass me daily.

Mark Wanamaket Topeka, Kansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1427 of 5002

I should be able to block robocalls on my cell phone. I am sick of receiving these unsolicited calls and worse paying for them. Please make the carriers help in blocking these calls.

Joan Balada

Joan Balada Pittsburgh, Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1428 of 5002

I'm so tired of robocalls!!! They call as late as9:30pm and some of us have to get up early to go to work at 5!

Plus I reach for my phone only to see it is not someone I can to talk to or even know !

Please stop robocalls !

Kim Stribling Scott's valley CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1429 of 5002

We were very tired of the endless robo phone calls that start at 8 am and continued until 9 PM or later. On a few occasions over the years, we were on a limited plan of 60 calls a month and some months we had to pay extra because of the nonstop calls. About a year ago we began using NOMOROBO with our Verizon digital phone service. Nomorobo solved this annoying, disruptive and intrusive problem immediately. Please do not take this away from us. If you do, we will be forced to disconnect our phone service. Thank you for considering our concerns.

William Saylor Accokeek, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1430 of 5002

I want Robo calls to be stopped. It is annoying and they don't take NO for an answer.You can block one number and they call back on another number.


Thank You

Susan O'Connell Quincy,Ma

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After receiving over 80 different telemarketers phone calls in a two month period (some daily) I would be delighted to be able to tell these folks to stop pestering me, particularly since I run a small business from my home and can not entertain these callers all day.

Drake Winder Georgia

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I want to have control of blocking unwanted calls. I am in my 70's and it is very disturbing receiving these calls. They call at all times of the day and half the time no one answers when you do pick up. They then call back 5 minutes later. I have had as many as 9 calls a day from the same number with no one answering. I have rushed out of the bathroom, hurried up the cellar stairs and actually fell once to get to a robocall. A lot of the calls are trying to scam me. Telling me I have won an ALERT system, or airline tickets. It is a good thing that I can still think clearly. I feel sorry for the elderly that fall for these scams. I have had peace of mind since I got nomorobo. It has reduced these calls by about 80%. Please don't deny me my rights. My only other solution would be to keep my phone off the hook and THAT'S JUST NOT RIGHT.

Barbara Andreozzi Warwick, Rhode Island

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We hate robocalls and we currently have a robocall blocking product installed on our phone system. I would like to continue being able to block robocalls and going forward I would like to see all restrictions on robocall blocking lifted. I can set my email accounts up so I only receive email from people that are in my address book. I'd like to be able to do something similar with my phone for both robo and human calls. My phone, I pay for it, I should be able to decide who can call me.

Bob and Sandra Wimauma, Florida

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I'm sick and tired of these robocalls. I continue to report them but still keep getting called. My number is on the do not call list. Please allow any product that will stop these unwanted calls.

David Maines Roswell Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1436 of 5002

Stop all robocalls including political. Useless means of communication that preys people that should be protected and simply annoys the othe 99 percent of the population. Politicians are so out of touch that they don't realize how robocalls merely push me to vote for the other candidate

Sean O'Toole Hopewell Junction NY

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Please all technology to block robocalls.

Walter Kines Atlanta GA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1439 of 5002

I use robocall blocking on my Verizon "landline" telephone line. I want to use it on my wife's and my Verizon Wireless cell phone numbers, but Verizon Wireless service does not provide the phone call signalling required to support automatic incoming phone call redirection. FCC rules should require all telephone service providers to support robocall blocking products.

Michael C Davie Odenton, Maryland

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I want the FCC to know that as an American Citizen, I have the right to privacy and I do not that privacy to be invaded by the constant Robo Calls coming through my phone line that I pay for. I expect the phone companies to stand by the American Consumer & give us the ability to block these Robo callers immediately. I will start calling my Congressman, & Senator & my State Governor to ask to have these companies blocked. Best regards, Nina Gayheart

Nina Gayheart Austin, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1441 of 5002

Robo calling is a threat to my peace and tranquility. Unwanted calls is a threat to my privacy. The role of the FCC is to regulate Communications technology so that it will not be used to abuse.

Ted smith Delmar, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1442 of 5002

Nomorobo has made our lives so much better. Please do not block these types of services!

Amy & Dave Bethesda, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1443 of 5002

Robocalls are a pest that needs to be stamped out. We hate them.

Since we started using NOMOROBO to block these telemarketing calls our home life has returned to normal.

We simply can't live without it anymore.

It is fantastic to be able to live without daily interruptions.

Having an unlisted tel number and being on the "No call List" has not stopped them. Only NOMOROBO has been effective.


Gunter Mayer

Gunter Mayer Newport Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1444 of 5002

Robocalls should be stopped. They are disruptive and serve no useful purpose.

Bennett Pallant Mahopac NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1445 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion to my privacy and my rights should be protected. As far as I'm concerned, robocalls are violation of my constitution rights. I am sick and tired of getting these calls which take up my time. If we don't answer the phone, they keep on calling, and calling, and calling; they just don't stop. To go one step further, I believe that all political calls should not be allowed as well. There is no difference between a company marking calls to my house/mobile phone, and someone asking me to vote for them. It is totally out of hand these days. We need it to stop and stop now! Thank you.

Scott Friedenberg Highland Park, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1446 of 5002

We all should be able to block unwanted calls.

Bob Marrs Pacific Palisades, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1447 of 5002

I would estimate that about 80% of the calls received on my land line phone are robot calls. Probably another 10% are sales calls or so-called "courtesy calls". I would be very appreciative of any help the FCC can be in blocking all these annoying interruptions.

Thank you.

Bonnie Bookkwalter Annandale, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1448 of 5002

I do not like robocalls. Please stop making them on my phone. Please allow them to be blocked on request.

Phyllip Standlea Raymore, Mo.

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Please do something to stop robo Calls! We currently don't answer them if possible, but they keep calling. We have blocked numbers but then they call from another number. It is very frustrating.

Poulsbo, Wa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1450 of 5002

Give us a break. would you want this assault on your home phones?

R Gemelli Queens, NY

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I buy my own phones (land lines & cell phones) then I pay the phone bills (including a load of Taxes & Fees).

So why should you or the phone companies who take my money, prevent me from opting-out of Robo Calls?

You must allow, in fact encourage, Robo Call Blocking!!!!

Long Beach, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1452 of 5002

Robocalls are the most annoying part of having a phone. All phone companies should be required to provide robocall blocking solutions to their consumers.

It is my phone and I should be in control of it! Please make this happen.

Sharon Zimmer St. Louis, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1453 of 5002

I believe it is my right to not be bothered and to have an automatic method to screen and block calls. Nomorobo is a great tool to defend against robo-calling and it should continue.

Mr.&Mrs. R. Gallo Huntington, NY

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We SO appreciate our robocall blocking product and FRANKLY there should be NO exception for political calls.

Amy Mann Adams NY

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Robocalls are an annoying waste of my time and abuse of my privacy. Do something about it!

Zack Hellman Brooklyn, NY

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I am a retired public sector employee.I try to lead a productive life despite the aging process. Incessant phone calls, soliciting money or services violate my precious time for rest or creative activities not to mention the time it takes to perform necessary chores.

Please give us the right to continue the pursuit of happiness!

Let us stop blood pressure raising ROBO Calls!!!

Sharlene Loretz El Cerrito, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1457 of 5002

Robocalls come in in all kinds of disguise, at any time of the day, several times a day! This is more than annoying. Some of them are scams too. Please demand the phone companies provide the consumers ways to block them, I want my phone free of these pests. Without regulations, they will not spend the time/money to do it. Please help the public getting rid of the pesty calls!

Daniel Tsai West Windsor, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1458 of 5002

Robocalls are a tremendous nuisance. They primarily come during dinner time when they are most obtrusive. The Do No Call list for the government is completely useless as it is totally ignored. Nomorobo has provided some much needed relief. Please ensure our constitutional right to privacy is respected and ensure that the Carriers are required to support efforts such as Nomorobo.. Thank you.

Robert Kelsch Los Altos, CA

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Please, please, PLEASE, let our calls be blocked - the phone rings all day long with "robocalls!" It's driving us CRAZY, and we miss calls from friends and family that we need to answer.

Riverside, CA

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Even though we have signed up with the gov. to be off of robo calling lists we continue to get several a day including some on our cell phones. It's very annoying and unproductive. Even though we may talk to someone and ask to be taken off their calling list we continue to hear from these same callers. Many are local and others are farther away. Please let's do something about this invasive practice.

Los Altos, CA

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As a self-employed writer who works from home, I require quiet and the lack of intrusion of unwanted, unsolicited calls, yet want an open phone line for calls from people with whom I need to speak. Turning my phone off is not an option. In addition, robo-calls that come in during mealtimes, into the evening and on weekends have become nuisances and outright offensive intrusions.

Without the privacy once afforded citizens prior to the internet and a common telephone presence in the home, there was a sense of personal privacy respected and even coveted from the government. Over time, that respect has disappeared and been replaced by tacit acceptance on the part of the government and law enforcement of the erosion of personal rights and dignity. What is now coveted is the rights of commercial concerns and I want this to stop!

Please give us the right to say 'NO!' to unwanted and offensive intrusions into our homes and lives by robocallers and commercial concerns.

R. L. Sealey Santa Clarita, CA

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I would love to block robocalls. Everyday for the past three months I have received a call about lowering my credit card rates. At first I just hung up and promptly received the same call again. I started tracking the phone number but after two or three days the number changed even though the call was the same. Then I started pressing three (3) to stop receiving the calls. They still came twice a day. Then I did a call back and when I asked about which credit card they were calling about I was hung up on. That same call came from a car dealer no longer in business according to my caller ID. I even did a call back and got a message that the number was no longer in service. This same call has come from at least 9 different numbers according to my caller ID. I couldn't call about harassing calls because the number changed frequently. Every time I got two calls--the second immediately following my hang up with the first. I eventually decided not to answer the phone. Then I had to listen to the message on the answering machine. Because the calls were a recorded message they always went to the answering machine. What a waste of my time. I wasn't interested day 1 and am still not interested day 63

Elliott Stammer Boyertown PA

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Robocalls are intrusions into my privacy. Even though I am on a Do Not Call list, I continued to get unwanted calls up to 10 times a day. I work at home and it was interfering with my livelihood. Nomorobo has cut down the calls on my home phone to one or less a day. My only complaint is that it is not available for my cell phone because that is now becoming a bigger problem! Please help me avoid these unwanted interruptions in my life!!!!!!

Julia Volz Plymouth Meeting, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1464 of 5002

Please direct all robocalls to Republican Tea Party Conservatives.

The rest of us need simple automated processes that block all kinds of unwanted calls.

And those found making the robocalls should be forced to listen to Ann Coulter or Sarah Palin for an hour for each call made.

Columbia, Maryland

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My husband and I are retired and get 6-8 robocalls a day. Its driving us crazy. As soon as it is available for our Comcast phone service we are getting NoMoRobo. We answered phone calls all day long at our jobs -- please let us have some peace in our retirement!

Harvey & Kathy Feingold Inverness, IL

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I abhore robocalls. Invading and disruptive. Stop them. burbank, california

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1467 of 5002

This is kind of a joke. I signed up robocall blocking just a few months back. It seemed a little better for a few days,and then it started up again. Only worse. Give paying customers a break and put a stop to these tele-marketing jerks. I,m marking this communication anonymous, because about 30% of the robocalls show up on my caller ID as anonymous,

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1468 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying. They have increased to the level where I get multiple calls per day. This is unacceptable. I do not want to waste my time listening to a scripted telemarketing pitch for something that I do not need or want.

John Lenko Thousand Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1469 of 5002

I should have the right to block annoying calls that intrude. Period.

Jane Pittsburgh PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1470 of 5002

We HATE the robocalls. Please make them illegal. They are a nuisance and IF I happen to answer I always hang up. I worry about my husband who has dementia. I am afraid he will sign up for something!

Janet Moberly Lynnwood, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1471 of 5002

I get on average, 10 robocalls a day! This is unacceptable! It's getting to a point where I don't want to answer my phone anymore. I need your help.


Peter Giandalia

Peter Giandalia North Bellmore, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1472 of 5002

Do you like being interrupted at dinner, with your children, from a deep, satisfying nap?

No. Of course not.

Let my block the phone spammers

Austin, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1473 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls on my phone line

Joe Cervoni Cape Coral, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1474 of 5002

I definitely approve of your service stopping robot calls to my home phone or even to my mobile if that could be arranged.

Thanks to their service.

Austin, Texasa

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Robocall are a constant disruption at home and at work. Please make it stop!!!

Alabaster, AL

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I'm being inundated inundated daily with robocalls, despite having listed my phone numbers as "DO NOT CALL" with Federal website. HELP!!

Peter A. Morrison Nantucket, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1477 of 5002

Apparently, being on the "do not call" list means nothing in the world of robocalls. I get at least one and sometimes as many as six a day. NONE of them are for anything I want. I would not buy from someone calling me out of the blue anyway.

The calls drive me nuts, especially when I make an effort to get to them from another room. They are not good for my blood pressure. I have tried ringing through and asking to be taken off their lists. I have clicked on the # they give to be taken off their list. It does no good. I continue to get calls from these jerks.

If you can block them, you have an obligation to do so. These people are stealing our time and, in the case of our mobile phones, are using up our minutes. Please remove this scourge from the people of the U.S.


Susan Swope Redwood City, CA

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I would like to be able to monitor and control the types of phone calls I receive in the privacy of my own home. Working from home, it is not only my personal life that telemarketers and robocalls are infringing upon, but my work environment as well. In today's age of technology, if I want something (a product, a service, or to make a donation), I am willing and capable adult, and I can surely do that on my own without a robot prompting me to do so by calling.

Summerville, SC

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I get robocalls regularly from all over the country and I am sick of it! I am 76 and it takes real effort to go to the phone, only to hear a robocall. I always hope it is a relative or old friend who is reaching out to me. PLEASE, please stop these nuisance calls.


Linda Morehouse

Linda Morehouse Lafayette, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1480 of 5002

Please allow people to have peace in their own homes.We deserve the right to determine who is allowed to enter our homes, and who is not allowed to intrude. These phone calls are essentially a form of stalking.

Lancaster, SC

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I want my phone private to my personal use only.

Mr. R. Beitler Canton Ohio

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Block robocalls

Reno nv

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Robotic phone calls are a nuisance and an invasion of privacy. Please allow phone owners the right to block invasive and nuisance calls as they see fit.

Dave & Betty Core Independence, KY

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I receive at least 5 calls a day on my cell phone and land line. They are interruptive. We need your help in protecting us. Please support phone blocking.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1485 of 5002

The grand notion that opt our of unwanted, unsolicited calls legislation clearly has not worked. I get dozens of hangup calls, partial messages from companies and cloned numbers and it's time for us to action. I pay for the phone and should be able to have the option to block nuisance calls and anyone else I'm not interested in hearing from.

Verizon only lets me block 10 numbers and I want the option to expand that option and shut down crooks trolling for any information that can get to destroy my financial well being. Time for action.

Eileen Reisterstown, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1486 of 5002

Robocalls and any marketing call without my consent is an invasion of privacy of the worst kind. They are entering my domain by simply having equipment that randomly call numbers until they get a hit. There is a huge difference between a consensual conversation and that of being attacked in the middle of dinner or EVERY single afternoon. If you then listen to what they have to sell, there is absolutely nothing on offer but more often than not scams from some random call center. No strategy, no special product, nothing but scams. On this basis, the phone line should be free, like listening to radio or watching free tv by ploughing through the adverts.

The phone line should have the option of opting out of listening to garbage, or have a way by which to block. TWC does, but only up to 30 numbers.

BTW, you should also know that apparently when you switch carriers, like we did from Verizon (after 10 years) and port your number, they (Verizon) then sell your details to third parties. That is the most ridicolous business model ever and is truly a stab in the back. The bad and frequent calls began about one month after porting my number to TWC. It is criminal.

I know that this model has existed for decades in marketing but it is nevertheless criminal and an invasion of my privacy.

I know that when porting one should also do a re-registration of ones number at the FCC. I have done this before and after; to no avail. The call centers don't care, but you end up answering phones from scammers. This is not what I pay to a service company. Do you pay to your electric company only to receive constant brown-outs or constant electricity??? Phone companies are a utility, nothing more. Not a company that should be allowed to sell my private contact details, if that is what they are doing. Nor should they open up the service line to people I do not wish to hear from. While there is this argument that marketing calls are OK and is a right for companies to engage in. With consent yes, but in the absence of consent absolutely no way. The choice should be mine and not theirs. If I am the buyer, which I am, I should have the choice.

On a separate note, while TWC allows for some blocking, some callers use digits that are xxx-1xx-xxxx. The number one one the prefix is not allowed for blocking purposes so you end up with the same thing. You have to become a technician to protect yourself from the onslaught of BS.

Phone companies don't rovide a service, but rather a complication which is why people are switching to just mobile phones.

Good Luck.

S. Oedman Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1487 of 5002

Robo calls are a huge bother and disruption to my home and my friends feel the same. I love the blocking product that I now use and truly expect it to continue. It is the best solution yet.

Bruce Hansen Los Altos, CA 94022

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1488 of 5002

Please let us stop these annoying calls that occur at even early hours. I want them stopped!!!!

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They are annoying and waste out time

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1490 of 5002

Consumers need services like nomorobo! Please don't hinder their ability to provide a much needed service.

Stamford, CT

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Please let us block calls

Brewster ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1492 of 5002

As a retired, semi invalid senior citizen I am disturbed much too frequently by robocalls despite being on the national do not call list. Since the government seems unwilling or unable to offer relief from this situation I demand permission to utilize a robocall blocker on this MY phone.

George A. Zonders Westerville, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1493 of 5002

Robocall blocking is wonderful. I am able to eat dinner with my family without intrusion. Please allow this blocking to continue to protect my well being and peace. We should not be subject to so many unwanted calls day and night. Thank you

Jan Pevans New York NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1494 of 5002

Robo calls are a nuisance & a waste of time. I hate running to the phone to have a computer give me a message that I care nothing about, or worse yet hang up when I answer. Also, the calls made from calling lists where an actual person starts talking & won't even let you get a word in edgewise about being on a no call list & when you do tell them they try to argue with you. My phone is for my use & I give my number to people I want to have it. I don't appreciate companies that buy calling lists to solicit my business.

Merced, CA

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I am fed up with all these calls and nothing seems to work to stop it.

Please Helpl

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It is fantastic.

Delia Hilton

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I recieve so many unwanted robocalls, both on my land line and cell... it is a huge annoyance and abuse of my privacy... don't cave in to corporate interests ... allow blocking of robocalls.

David Najewicz Prospect, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1498 of 5002

These robocalls need to be stopped. they call all times of the day and night with long winded messages. they interrupt days and evenings and i have had it if i want to vote i will vote meredith foster elmont ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1499 of 5002

I hate robo calls and want to be able to block them from my phone. I support robocall blocking products.

Cathy Thomas-Costilla Georgetown TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1500 of 5002

Services like NOMOROBO should be encouraged and appreciated. Any attempt to thwart a service like NOMOROBO, that reduces telemarketer calls, as well as scam calls and robot autodialers, is WRONG.

Please rule in favor of technologies, that consumers can access, which allow us to control and minimize intrusive phone calls, as well as scammers, law breakers and autodialers.

This is especially needed by consumers, since the "do not call" law, and it's current implementation, is a failure.

Joseph Sean Donnelly Taylor Lake Village, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1501 of 5002

As a consumer, robocall blocking is a godsend. While I still get too many unsolicited calls, there would be many more. As a consumer, I should have the right to not accept these calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1502 of 5002

Please help stop the robocalls on my phone! They are so annoying and disruptive to my life.

Franklin, MA

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Please stop marketeers and charitable organizations from contacting us by phone. Their unwanted calls are invasive and do not respect our right to privacy.

Monique South Orange, NJ

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Let me block my calls as I see fit!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1505 of 5002

Averaging nearly 4 robocalls per day. Even blocking those numbers doesn't stop them as I receive the same calls from another different number the next time they call. They must have banks of numbers to originate their nuisance calls.

I am so tired of this waste of time and energy.

Doug Paetz Centerville, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1506 of 5002

I hate robo calls. I am on "do not call" list but it does not stop them. Thank goodness for robocall blocking products. It's the only way to get some peace.

Jackie Pomies San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1507 of 5002

It's my phone and I definitely want Robo call blocking!

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1508 of 5002

I use Nomorobo and it is great. We are plagued by non-stop calls from these robo-calls, including con artists as well as "legitimate". It is essential to have an easy way to have them blocked as they are not just a nuisance, many are illegal cons.

Please make these blocking services easier to access for everyone.

Paul Kimelman Alamo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1509 of 5002

The robo calls we have experienced have ranged from the regular telemarketing stuff, which is bad enough, to illegal scams and phishing exhibitions from outside the US. I have received multiple calls almost daily(sometimes 2 or 3 in one day) for two or three weeks from the infamous "Windows Support" scammers and also the recorded messages from "The IRS" telling me to call a foreign number because I am being sued. They stop for awhile and then start all over again. Are we just supposed to put up with this?

Dennis LeRoy Kansas City MO

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I'm sick of uncontrollable interruptions of my peace. No Robo calls!!

Jeanette LeVEesque Minneapolis, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1511 of 5002

I feel like I have my life back using this blocker. It works and my family has peace of mind from the never ending calls we were getting.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1512 of 5002

I really appreciate the NomoRobo service. It has eliminated a lot of my time being wasted on calls that I do not want to answer and have not initiated. Please continue to allow the service and convince the phone companies to let consumers decide which phone calls should come through. Thank you.

Plano, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1513 of 5002

We get 10- 20 robo calls a day. These arte calls that we are not interested in receiving and thanks to no more robo we do not have to answer r. d. burrows hudson, ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1514 of 5002 leave it alone. it works

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Block robocalls. I pay enough money betwen taxes and fees every month, like everyone else who has a phone and it shouldn't be bogged down with robocalls. They should be banned completely !!!

Lori Roberts Buxton, ME

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1516 of 5002

I have been on the Do Not Call registry for many years and I still receive at least 4 unsolicited calls per day! I do not want robocalls to my personal phone lines. I pay for a phone line and I should be able to control the usage of it. DO NOT CALL means DO NOT CALL!

Kathleen Jasper Newbury Park, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1517 of 5002

I strongly urge you to require all phone companies to make robocall blocking easily available and effective. Robocalls are a nuisance to every phone line subscriber and both land and cell line subscribers are negatively impacted by these calls. Even if your line is on the do not call list, you receive the aggravation of these anonymous and harassing calls. We pay for our phones and we should be able to decide if there are calls that we do not want to receive. Your assistance in making this happen is imperative. An option that you may also consider is making robocalls illegal. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Jack Moore Rowlett, TX

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It is my right to not be disturbed by calls I don't want. Please stop this practice.

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We are senior citizens and the ringing before nomorobo was mind blinding racket. It always int erupted our rest and never was anything important.

Please continue use of Nomorobo!

Pat Ferguson Grand Prairie, Tx.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1520 of 5002

Robocalls are a bane. I am retired, and the phone rings from early in the morning until early evening with these pests. Fortunately, many are screened out (to only one ring) by my present anti-robocall arrangement, but they are still annoying, and there should be no legislation preventing the blocking of such unwanted calls.

Jack Sharretts Columbia, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1521 of 5002

I signed on to nomorobo because I was sick of getting calls. No one was there when you got up and hurried to the phone. I am also on the do not call registry and report calls. It is so much more peaceful at my house now. They don't have the right to call me when I am home relaxing after work.

Charlene West Oceanside, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1522 of 5002

I should be my right to refuse robocalls.

Art Iserman Ft Pierce, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1523 of 5002

Robo calls are annoying and I am so glad to be using a blocking product. It makes a world of difference in my home and I never received this type of respite from calls using the Do Not Call or the phone company remedies. Please support the citizens like myself and the vulnerable elderly who are getting duped by some who use Robo calls to get into our homes. Nomorobo actually works, no fees, no red tape, no wait so why would anyone want to take it away from the public !

B. Lang Dallas, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1524 of 5002

I am tired of threats and abusive phone calls. stop this now.

If i knew where calls were originating from………i would be there and it br ugly.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1525 of 5002

This is a fantastic service. The robocalls are completely out of hand and an extreme invasion of privacy. I was so happy when this became available and have let everyone I know about it. It is terrible to have to get up and answer a phone when you are ill, elderly or just a shift worker. Whoever is behind this robocall stuff should be prosecuted and serve time in prison just for making millions of people miserable. Probably not even enough cells to hold these creeps. upstate New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1526 of 5002

We were hounded by robo calls all day long. Since we signed up with Norobo it has been great. All our calls are screened to stop unwanted calls. Please Please Please do not stop this service. These calls were driving us crazy and we should be able to block them if we choose. We should have the right to do this and the FCC should not be involved in our decision. calif.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1527 of 5002

I am sick and tired of unsolicited phone calls interrupting my home life multiple times per day. the political calls are the worst. Either outlaw them orr allow me to use technology to block them. Otherwise, I will eliminate my land line.

Bill Hoffman Raleigh, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1528 of 5002

Robo calls are out of control. If you don't answer they just keep calling back multiple times per day. Verizon has not provided tools to solve the problem. They only let me block 10 phone numbers and the Robo callers change numbers frequently and use fall Caller-ID info. Nomorobo has finally helped me control this problem. Everyone should have access to their service.

Jim Youse, Jr. Cherry Hill, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1529 of 5002

I am sick and tired of paying MY phone bill and being constantly annoyed by robocalls and only havng 30 numbers that I can block via my phone. Please listen to the PAYING public and STOP this nonsense.

Terri Pointer Mukilteo, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1530 of 5002

You need to stop robot calling my phone. I'm tired of getting auto dilled calls. Stop them from calling me steve apple manassas va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1531 of 5002

We are tired of these robocalls and wish to block them. I have my own charities that I support and resent being bothered by useless and unnecessary calls,

Nancy E. Jamrog-Couret Merrimack, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1532 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and intrusive, they also seem to come at the worst possible time. Why can't we have a choice as to whether we want to block them or not?

Robert Zimmerman Yonkers, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1533 of 5002 we should have the right to block marketing calls with other tools than the website, companies violate this list all the time. Before I had a robocall blocking service on my phone I would get 5-6 calls per week when I got home from a long day and wasn't in the mood for pushy sales people or when I sat down to dinner.

Oreste Gonzalez Hi8aleah Gardens, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1534 of 5002

I was receiving over 15 robocalls every night. These usually came during dinner hours or later at night. I have an unlisted number and never gave anyone permission to call me. I am on the Federal do not call list which, quite frankly, is a joke it stops nobody. I also tried blocking specific numbers. My phone provider allows me to block 25 callers. Just one entity that has been robocalling me has called from 37 different numbers. This is a no win for me. Nomorobo has drastically reduced these annoying calls. It's my phone nobody should be allowed to abuse it

Christopher Kinsella Bay Shore, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1535 of 5002

I am absolutely fed up with robocalls! They are diminishing my quality of life and I would love to have a robocall blocking product.

George M Brown Knoxville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1536 of 5002

I was getting anywhere from 6-10 robocalls a day, at all hours, until I started using Nomorobo. The robocalls are disruptive and NONE of them are calls I want to get through a phone service that I PAY for.

Please allow products that block robocalls and enforce existing rules regarding those calls, especially compliance with "Do not call" list.

Judy Wolff Acton MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1537 of 5002

I am sick of robo calls. I have a phone at home that lets me block calls if it shows a number, but if it don't show a number I can't block it . I don't answer if I don't know the number. I want a way to block all robo calls.

Terry and Melba Webb Clinton, Ms

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1538 of 5002

I get at least half a dozen extremely annoying robocalls every day. I have placed my name on the no call list. I have pushed buttons to reach an human on these calls and asked for them to cease. Nothing has worked until I signed up for Nomorobo, which has been a Godsend in greatly reducing this harrassment. I do not wish to speak to any machine. Ever. My wish to stop these electronic invasions of my home ought to be paramount. Please do not stop Nomorobo!

Patricia Black Washington, DC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1539 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy and an intrusion of a service that I pay to have. I do not initiate these calls so I pick up my phone and immediately disconnect the calling party. I did not give them my phone number, therefore I did not give them permission to call. It is your responsibility as a government agency to stop these intrusions by strangers.

Chris and Gail Dobbs Fresno, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1540 of 5002 force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. frank m derry, nh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1541 of 5002

In the same way that the USA promotes the freedom of the press, It must also provide its citizens the freedom to decide what access he or she wishes to extend to unknown third-parties to communicate with them.

Giving protection and open access to robocallers would be the same as licencing and protecting stalkers from harassing these same citizens.

Politicians are elected to protect the electorate. Not the clients of lobbyists!

David P. Michaels


Foreign Press Association

David P. Michaels New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1542 of 5002

Cut the shit you work for the people. Not the corporations not the politicians.

Harry Nutley Nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1543 of 5002

Peace has returned to our home since we signed up with

Finally, these annoying calls from mostly foreign sounding people have stopped, people that claim that something is wrong with our computer, that I owe money to the IRS, imitating police and telling me that an arrest warrant is out for me,advising me that my wheelchair is ready to be shipped and all kinds of other unwanted solicitations. Even though we are on the "do not call" list. It makes my wife and me so angry that the phone company and the government cannot or does not want to do anything about it. NOMOROBO finally found an easy way to stop these calls and we are very thankful for it.

Manfred J Schneider Warren NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1544 of 5002

Blocking robo calls should be my right especially since the government do not call registers does not work. Robo calls invade my privacy!

Patricia Heol Nashville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1545 of 5002

Robocalls drive us crazy. I had no idea you were not allowing them to be blocked. Who do you work for? Not us, apparently.

Jane Wuchinich east glacier park, montana

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1546 of 5002

I do not want to receive robot All! They are annoying and intrusive! Please stop them now!

Anne Carroll Sayville, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1547 of 5002

I hate Robo calls, from anyone (including election campaigns). I want the ability to block them all.

W Giles West New York NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1548 of 5002

I do NOT want to receive robocalls!!! I think I should be able to block any calls that I do not want. No calls from solicitors are welcome but the robocalls are particularly annoying.

Ellicott City MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1549 of 5002

Robo calls must be dealt with by the federal government ASAP. I receive 3 to 4 calls ever day on my land line to reduce my credit card interest rate - my final notice. This happens EVERY day and must stop. They come from every state in the Union. I also receive the calls on my cell phone (2-3 per day). A law must be passed to stop this harassment. If I tell them I'm not interested, the calls continue to come in. PLEASE HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom Walker Swansea, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1550 of 5002 tired of phone ringing at dinner time from people trying to sell me something. Some of my calls are from people that I don't even know. If I give to an organization, sometimes a group that close to it will call me . how did they get my number?

"wendy" Los Angeles, Calif.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1551 of 5002

Please, please, please make RoboCalling unlawful. On Christmas Day, I received a RoboCall from the Home Owner's Assocation at 10 am wishing me and my family a Happy and Joyous Holiday.

What a joke! The last people I want to hear from on Christmas Day is the Home Owner's Association. I live in Albuquerque and the community is call ed Vista De La Luz managed by Canyon Gate.

During the pre-election period, I would receive at least 3-5 RoboCalls per day sometimes from the party that I am not affiliated. One call left a return number and I spoke directly with the organizer of the event and advised him that not only was I not a Republican, but that I was on the Federal Do Not Call Register. I requested for them to Cease and Desist from calling me in the future and requested that my name and number be removed from their call list.

The RoboCalling must be made unlawful and illegal. It is a form of harassment.

Mary K. Gallagher Albuquerque, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1552 of 5002

Please allow me to use any blocking program to block all unwanted calls up to and including Robocalls. They are an intrusion into my life and a violation to my right to privacy!

Fremont, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1553 of 5002

Please consider individual privacy over commercial advertising. Robocalls should be banned.

Sally Snyder Hopkinton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1554 of 5002

The Do Not Call list obviously does not work in eliminating, or apparently even reducing, unwanted and intrusive calls.

Please authorize or support measures which woul provide consumers with a means to block unwanted incoming calls. thank you.

Robert J. Herman

Robert J. Herman Racine, Wisconsin

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1555 of 5002

Nomorobo has allowed us to lead a more restful life. We were getting 150-180 unsolicited calls per month. We now think that Nomorobo has had a training effect on all those companies offering free groceries, life alerts, cleaning services, etc. Please do not take away our right to reject calls from companies that violate the government's own Do Not Call list, which is pretty toothless without the assistance of Nomorobo.

John and Nancy Lawrence Berkeley, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1556 of 5002

These robocalls are elder abuse. They call when younger people are at work. If someone answers during normal working hours they know its a senior. Some of them open their conversation with "hello seniors" When are you going to do something with this invasion of privacy

Dr. Benson J Horowitz Bloomfield, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1557 of 5002

No More Robo Calls!!!!!

Chicago IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1558 of 5002

We need this service to protect us from the pernicious invasion of our life by unsolicited corporations on our personal phones.

Marian LeConte

Marian LeConte Hillsdale NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1559 of 5002

I'm tired of answering the phone during meal time only to find a machine on the other wnd. I should not have to put up with wasteful calls that mean nothing. Please stop them! jim graham chester, va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1560 of 5002

My household receives 8 to 10 robo calls a day. It drives us nuts. This should not be happening.

Robo blocking is the only answer that helps us limit the number of calls coming to our house.

Don Mourton Lancaster CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1561 of 5002

Nomorobo works great. We used to let all our calls go to msg before picking up- an annoyance to us and real people trying to call us. Now when there is a second or third ring we can pick up with relative confidence that it not some carpet cleaning service, time share, etc.trolling...

The do not call list, which we are on does not work.

Mr. & Mrs. Loo S. Pasadena, CA 91030

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1562 of 5002 we get 2 or 3 calls a day & we are on a no call list !!?? mckees rocks Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1563 of 5002

I am tired of all the robo calls. I will not do anything solicited over the phone so they are wasting their time and mine. Since I pay to have my phone service, I think I'm entitled to decide if I want to receive this type of call.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1564 of 5002

I should be able to easily Bloch the robo calls. I for one do not appreacaite being bothered by them. It is a real problem and there muse be a way to put a stop to them. Please provide an easy way to block these unwanted robo call,soon. Thank you

Robert Frank N. Syracuse, N.Y.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1565 of 5002

I am annoyed by robocalls and appreciate the reduction in unwanted calls offered by nomorobo

Chris Archer Chino Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1566 of 5002

Nomorobo provides a great service. Please allow them to continue their work unimpeded.

Richard Sylvester Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1567 of 5002

Robocalls are more than just annoying. Many times they call and no one is there. Other times they call at dinner or other inopportune times. Calling should never be allowed without permission. It should be opt in and not opt out. Make it easier to eliminate these pests from our lives. We should be able to live without annoying interruptions. Let us block these types of calls without too much trouble. Thank you.

David W Thomas Westampton NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1568 of 5002

We are constantly annoyed by telemarketer phone calls . Why can we not block them?

Lighthouse point Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1569 of 5002

Please help the public we need you to help stop the nuisance calls . Ive been getting calls at nite time as late as 8:30 pm when I'm sleeping its not fair to us people who are hard working people and nee to be in bed earlier than other people. jose torres whittier

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1570 of 5002

If not for robocall I soul seriously consider dropping my home phone service. The number of nuisance / unwanted calls is horrendous, and nothing is done about compliance of telemarketers respecting the "no call list".

Get real. Kepp no mo robo, tell the phone companies to service their real customers, not trelemarketers.

M. Hayward Bridgewater NJ usa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1571 of 5002

Stop robo calls from drug vendors;

Don Berkstresser Nottingham, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1572 of 5002

I have tried everything I know to get rid of these robocall , my husband was in the Hospital for Cancer and the phone was ringing , I rush to answer and it was the robocalls and I ask to be removed and they starting calling fifty times a day, now I have to turn my answering Machine off and let the phone ring, I turn the ringer off and I forget and miss Important calls, I am 74 and it is so hard not to have control of my phone, these calls are driving me crazy, I am even getting calls from my own phone number and so are several of my friends, There has to be something the FCC can do to stop these calls, My Husband died and the calls made me crazy ,every time the phone would ring, I would think it was news from the Hospital or Doctor's and it was robocalls, It needs to be stopped and NOW. I am ready to have my phone turned off, and I should not be made to suffer like this. Please put a stop to all these Robo calls.

Barbara Northway Arlington Heights, Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1573 of 5002

The do not call list is total joke! We signed up for the list but we get multiple telemarketing calls EVERY day. Please allow/require phone companies to give us the tools to block these unwanted intrusions into our lives!

John Engler Liberty Center Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1574 of 5002

I am tired of having a lot of phone calls coming that are not my friends or family ....or anyone I want to talk to. I do not want to buy any products from anyone over the phone, unless I initiate that phone call. I do not want more insurance, lower interest rates, or to contribute to someone's 'cause'! PLEASE ALLOW me to have a way to stop getting these unwanted calls!

Linda Tatum and Steve Lapham Adelphi, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1575 of 5002

I request you allow robo call blocking. the calls are disruptive and useless.

T Preston Woodland Hills CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1576 of 5002

Have had enough with robocalls. The Federal do not call program did not work. Companies ignored the list because they did not fear the penalty. Signed up with NOMOROBO last year and it is a blessing. Now when phone rings we do not answer until it rings twice. Please stop all ROBOCALLS.

Bob&Linda Southard S.Setauket , NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1577 of 5002

Continue blocking robocalls. ralph & Susan Chamberlain seneca. sc

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1578 of 5002

No one has the right to call me if I don't want to be annoyed. Stopping robocalls allows me to live my life with fewer annoying interruptions.

Robert Kahn Yardley, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1579 of 5002

Please let me have control over my peace at home! Please no robocalls!

Carolyn Leitko Utah

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1580 of 5002

This allows us peace in our home and on the road without having to deal with robo calls. I favor this system and our government should pay more attention to WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT then this frivolous tool that helps the rest of us go along our daily lives.

MArciano Martinez Jr Measquite,Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1581 of 5002

The home phone in our house is used rather rarely. It is mostly as an emergency point of contact and as a secondary phone for my three teenagers who have a tendency to lose/break/fail to charge their cell phones. But the phone rings a dozen times a day or more. These calls are unsolicited telemarketing and charity companies using robocalling techniques to make a living. Although I don't begrudge them a living, they do not allow me to tell them I have no interest in their calls. And there is no way to tell them to leave us alone - even answering seems to cause more calls. Since these overzealous and unscrupulous sales companies don't seem to care about the government no call list or have found loopholes to get around the prohibitions, I should have the right to use a service that will block these calls. I have considered canceling my land line service but realize that if enough land lines are cancelled, cell phones will be the next target. Please give us, the people of this country, the tools we need to say no to these intrusions.

Newark Delaware

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1582 of 5002

Please help me stop getting hundreds of calls on my phone from unwanted Robo-call business pests. I think you owe me this as part of your commitment to my phone service.

Or are you committed to them and their annoying behavior,.

Choose me NOT them.

Carole Poyourow Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1583 of 5002

Being a complete invalid it is almost impossible for me to get to the telephone let alone answer it, only to find telemarketers. I am honestly considering doing away with my telephone altogether. Please help do away with these most annoying phone calls.

Falmouth, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1584 of 5002

If local regulations in many parts of our country prohibit door to door solicitation, why can't we expect the same level of privacy on our home phone service.

John Gardner Aurora , OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1585 of 5002

I am sick and tired of the endless ROBOCALLS from telemarketers, poll takers and political candidates. It is an invasion of personal privacy and I want it stopped.....NOW!

Vance Grazio Haverhill, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1586 of 5002

Robocalls are already illegal to a cell phone, they should be illegal to land lines as well. Yes there is a right to free speech but also to privacy. I dont believe the laws are there to protect faceless machines, so I don't think the free speech applies. I should not be invaded in my own home without the ability to block these annoying calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1587 of 5002

Unwanted calls for solicitation "robocalls" of any kind is wrong, inconsiderate and NOT WANTED!! It is MY phone, MY phone number and I pay the BILL! I mean really, "hello you have just won...... " and I hang up, well, now nomorobo hangs up for me, and I am fine with that.

Carl Frady Yorktown, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1588 of 5002

I am so tired of all the robocalls received every day. If I want to talk to someone, I will get their phone number and call them or send them an email. I do not want unsolicited calls, just like I do not like unsolicited people coming to my door. As I said, if I want or need a service, I will get a phone number or email address and request to talk to them.

Lawrenceville, Ga.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1589 of 5002

I hate robocalls and would never buy from a company that marketed that way. Please help us block them. The no call list does not work, Nomorerobo does work so please just let them do their job.

Darlene Rains Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1590 of 5002

Until I got nomorobo (robot call blocker), I had to unplug my phone to take a nap. I get 12 or more unsolicited phone calls per day. You can hear that the majority of these are robot calls.

Paul Lancaster, Ca. 93535

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1591 of 5002

Robocalls are abusive. Please dont take way our ability to protect ourselves from this abuse.

David S. Alexandria, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1592 of 5002

Leave my NOMOROBO alone. Robocalls are the bane of the phone industry and NOMOROBO is the only line of defense we have.

John & Carlene Fraughton Lynn, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1593 of 5002

Every other day I receive a robo call from credit card services, wanting me to lower my credit card interest. Or I can qualify for a " free" medical device.

On the positive side, doctors offices have a recorded message reminding me of appointments.

Columbia, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1594 of 5002

I receive probably 1-3 robocalls per day, nearly every day. I am able to use blocking for my home phone, for now at least, but cannot do anything about the robocalls that I receive on both my personal and work cellular phones. Robocalls have gotten extremely out of hand & anything and EVERYTHING that is available to stop these (especially the scam calls that the FTC and others are always "investigating" but never solving/stopping) should be not only available, but mandatorily available for use by anyone who wishes to use it.

Lawrence L. Heidenberg, MPH Newark, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1595 of 5002

Robo calls are a serious inconvenience for myself and my family. They disrupt the precious time that we try to spend together. Before Nomorobo we experienced 5 or 6 robo calls per day. No company should have the right to interrupt our family's time, especially that often! Please help save the American Family by allowing us to block these annoying and unwanted calls. I also request assistance in eliminating these calls altogether.

Ron and Kay Head Strongsville, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1596 of 5002

I pay for the phone, so allow me to choose.

Stow, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1597 of 5002

Seriously ... PLEASE let us block these calls!! We receive upwards of ten of these calls (between two phone lines) EVERY DAY! What an incredible waste of time! Sometimes when you hang up - they call right back. I don't know why businesses do this ... it can't be profitable for them with everyone hanging up all of the time.

June Bachman Redmond, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1598 of 5002

I should have the right to decide if I want to opt out of receiving those pestering, annoying, unsolicited robocalls. These calls are never from any business I would want to do business with. By receiving unsolicited calls, I would never do business with a company contacting me in this manner.

I have been very pleased to get relief from these annoying calls since I subscribed to Nomorobo

Robert Chamberlain Plymouth, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1599 of 5002

I am tired of the robo calls I receive. The majority of these calls are allegedly from Microsoft telling me I have a virus on my computer. I repeatedly tell them I do not and not to call again. Within an hour I get another call from another "Microsoft" caller. It does not matter how many times I tell them not to call, they inevitably do. I do not want solicitors, politicians, or robo calls invading my privacy. Do you appreciate your family time, dinner time, or work time interrupted by these nuisance calls? Well, neither do I. Stop these robo calls.

Anne Donnelly Colorado Springs, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1600 of 5002 i use the robocall blocker and love it. I find robocalls totally intrusive and can not see any reason to allow them.

Sid Pollk Vienna VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1601 of 5002

I receive tons of calls that run the gamete from money lending companies to audiologists and everything else in between. They come from all over the U.S.. Even though I placed my phone number on the "Do Not Call List" these businesses have chosen to ignore it. Some calls come through telling me that they are calling with the information I requested. I acquired Nomorobo to help cut off some of these calls and they do a great job. They have made the supper hour and weekends a lot less aggravating. The phone companies have no right to tell people that they can't eliminate these annoying calls. Life, in general, is crazy enough and we should at least have control over own phone.

New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1602 of 5002

AT 75, do i really need to be annoyed at all hours with these nonsense calls especially when there is NO ONE ON THE OTHER END...... I no longer answer calls from strange states with unknown area codes but we still are be harasssed by them at all hours and its really not fair.....our phone bill is not free why should we be continually called by people we do not know or want to talk to by some machine that maybe is set up to talk or to just register that a call was made....

Mr Mrs A. Petrello Long Island NY 11570

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1603 of 5002

I used to have this feature when I had a land line and loved it. Please allow me to block robo calls on my ATT wireless phones. The ability to block unwanted calls is my right and I should be able to do it.

Paul Baumgartner Hamden CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1604 of 5002

Why let the public believe that they can block unwanted calls without blocking robo calls from telemarketers. And, whi you're at it, remove political campaigners from exempt status on the unwanted call list.

Ralph Skalzer Stow, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1605 of 5002

No robocalls. How much time and money and distractions while driving do these people waste daily. Most are scams, shame on the phone companies.

Edward Michalowski Passaic, NJ 07055

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1606 of 5002

I pay for my phone service, both cellular and land line. I am fed up with receiving unsolicited phone calls (5 to 6 per day) on lowering my credit card interest rate, etc. Nomorobo gives us the ability to block these calls since, obviously, the do not call list does not seem to phase these people.

Dave and Melissa Potter Wilmington, de

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1607 of 5002

Please stop the robocalls!!! They are annoying and I do not want them. For telemarketers we have the do not call option. We can't tell robocalls this as we do not even talk to a human. Most of the time it is for something that I have no interest in. They interrupt at the worst times. Please allow us to take control of the service that we pay for. We do NOT want these calls.

Bonnie Merton South Glens Falls, Ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1608 of 5002

Definitely opposed to robocalls. We get trash phone calls everyday frequently at inconvenient times. These people seem to think we have nothing else to do. A definite invasion of privacy!

JRAlexander Laguna Woods, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1609 of 5002

All these robocalls are ridiculous and annoying! I wish you would do something to stop them. I use AT&T U-Verse for my home phone and I am given the capability of blocking only 20 numbers, meaning a number must be unblocked before a new one can be added. I'm getting many more than 20 different numbers ringing my home phone. And, I get at least one new number a day on my cell phone that hasn't already been blocked. This has to stop NOW!

Elizabeth Gerber Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1610 of 5002

Kill robocalls please fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1611 of 5002

I grew up in a time when the phone rang for one of two reasons: it was someone you knew, or (rarely) someone had dialed a wrong number.

No more robocalls - why would you think otherwise about eliminating a disease like this that everyone and anyone wants to avoid and STOP! The cure is in your hands. Eradicate this plague NOW!

Stop it now!

Dreyfus Canine LIC, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1612 of 5002

It seems like there is not a day that goes by that we don't receive at least one if not more robocalls. They are annoying and serve no useful purpose, at least from the consumers standpoint.

I should have every right to block unwanted calls, whatever their source. I am the one paying for my phone service so I should be the one to decide how I use it not some big business or advertising firm! Along those lines, I should be able to use the software/program of my choice to block those types of calls.

Jon Engebretsen San DIego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1613 of 5002

Even though I'm on your "Do Not Call List", I get many calls during the day from solicitors. Since the federal government is not doing anything about these harassing calls, you should let private enterprises provide solutions to consumers.

Jim Moore Minneapolis, Mn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1614 of 5002

The report violations website you have is a joke. My home and cell numbers are both on the lists, yet I can't tell you how many times weekly I am robocalled by "rachel from cardmember services" to "inform me that my card debt (blah blah blah)". You obviously are feckless bureaucrats unable to enforce *OUR* laws, so please empower private companies to do that which our useless guvmint seems unable to do. BLOCK ROBOCalls

Laura Vogel White Lake, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1615 of 5002

I use a service that blocks robocalls , I still have to hear 1 ring and that is bad enough. What ever happened to the do not call list.....I know a number of people that have gotten rid of their landlines and rely on cell phones soley for this reason.

Donald Zbikowski

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1616 of 5002

It is my phone I pay the phone bill and I should be able to decide if I want robocall blocking. It is the greatest, I have had it for about a year and I love it.

Rose Anderson California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1617 of 5002

Please make robo calls easy to block by requiring phone companies to give us a easy way to block these calls.

Heidi Whittington Youcalla, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1618 of 5002

Allow blocking robocals

Richard E Clute Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1619 of 5002

This is rediculous to outlaw robo call blocking! It seems to be more about money than good sense! The advertisers have a right to free speech but we, the consumer public, have the right not to listen. Stopping robo calls through my ability to block them is and should be a core issue of my freedoms.

Terrill and Ann Coffin Fresno, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1620 of 5002

I believe that each an every individual who has a landline or cell phone should be able to block telemarketers from calling them. I receive numerous phone callls each week soliciting etc and they never remove your number as stated plus if you do block a numberr they call back on another extension. I dont know how they get our numbers or info but they do and when i try i cant get it so go figure. one company and person from fla went so far as to curse me out, others simply hang up when they call because they have other calls going an the first to answer but when they find out that you dont want the item or not interested they dont even bother to say sorry or goodbye which says that they should have no rights and if your on the do not call list it is to no avail as that doesnt stop them or the list does nothing to stop them becasuse i have reported them there also. billy sharp lancaster, ky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1621 of 5002

Why are these telemarketers allowed to violate the law? Stop illegal robo calls

A Weidler Ny ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1622 of 5002

For years are evenings at home have been disturbed by robocalls. Our phone carrier was unable to offer a solution, and our only options was to block the latest unsolicited call on our phone system but which is limited to 20 phone numbers and this quickly filled up. Nomorobo is the only product I have been able to find that works and has restored the peace in our home from unwanted phone calls.

Gary and Jeanne de Malignon Visalia, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1623 of 5002

Tired of these incessant & annoying robocalls. Block it! Its my phone line & I should say who is allowed to call me, and how. Not anyone else.

Kim Gibbs Las Vegas, NV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1624 of 5002

Please,please stop robocalls!!! So annoying!

Ralph Barris Bellmore NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1625 of 5002

Please allow the public to block robo calls. They are annoying and obnoxious. They interrupt my dinner and private time.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1626 of 5002

By blocking robocalls, which come to my home phone 4 to 6 times a day, I gain a sense of security. As a senior citizen, I'm targeted with all sorts of phone scams and nuisance sales calls for products and services I cannot afford and do not need. Make this service available to everyone! Help stop the scams.

Grand Rapids, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1627 of 5002

Robocalls are disruptive and invasive. I have told time and time again to certian call centers to stop calling yet the continue. I use a service that blocks the calls nut even so the phone still rings. Stop the robocalls!!!!!

Orange ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1628 of 5002

Please continue to allow companies like NOMOROBO to assist us in blocking unwanted calls. As an elderly couple we depdend on our land-line but were traumatized by hundreds of unwanted calls a week. Nomorobo has made our life so much better and we appreciated that someone cares about us.

Thanks. Help protect the privacy of our own homes.

Ed Van Vranken Ashburn, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1629 of 5002

I'm tired of unsolicited calls from telemarketers. Sometimes they call repeatedly up until 9:00 P.M.

Dennis Stinson Abbeville, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1630 of 5002

Please allow protection against unwanted telephone calls that invade my privacy at home.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1631 of 5002

I think robocall provides an invaluable service and should be available to anyone who wants their service. I deserve my right to privacy and Robocall gives me the opportunity to get the privacy I want and am entitled to.

P tignetti SeAford new york

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1632 of 5002

Rob calling is intrusive, the sources are usually untraceable and unresponsive to requests to not call again, and are sometimes crooks. The federal Do Not Call registry is ignored by the Rob calling scofflaws. Its basically Spam from unscrupulous vendors.

Blocking services such as NoMoRobo must not be suppressed.

W Articola Germantown MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1633 of 5002

Robocall blocking products actually make my telephone useful again. Never once in my life have I accepted a solicitation by telephone. Frankly, unsolicited calls are a nuisance and a form of harassment and welcome these products.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1634 of 5002

The telephone companies are public utilities, regulated by your agency, and they enable scam artists to make these illegal robocalls. The phone companies have equipment which allows them to monitor their customers' usage and identify robocallers. Please require them to forego a small amount of profit and simply pull the plug on these criminals who annoy me an average of 3 or 4 times per day, every day. richard foster west hartford, ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1635 of 5002

Stop the robo calls.

Judy Conner Katy, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1636 of 5002

I have had a completely different life since I signed up for Nomorobo several months ago. I have had back surgery and needed rest and sleep I was constantly being disturbed by unwanted calls. They were from tine share agencies - we have no time shares, insurance companies that we don't use, credit card companies to Lower our interest rate when we don't use the card. We are retired and home during the day. It has been heaven without all the interruptions. Please do not stop Nomorobo. From helping people out. It is such a gift.

Carol Bonsignore-Kitchen

Rochester N Y

Carol & Andrew kitchen Rochester NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1637 of 5002

I should be able to decide what sort of calls I will and won't accept on my phone.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1638 of 5002 robocalls need to be blocked. most of them are nothing but scams! I'm on the no call list but it doesn't stop them from calling. Way too many scams going on and we need protection, especially the elderly, which I am!

Meriden, Ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1639 of 5002

Please block robot calling

& phone soliciting which interrupt important activities like cooking & eating & family time & sleeping. It's an invasion of privacy!

Scarsdale ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1640 of 5002

Just because they can is no reason to allow robocallers to constantly intrude into personal communication devices I pay to use.

I expect you to protect me from their hijacking.

Joyce Keys Olathe, KS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1641 of 5002

I sick of getting robocalls. They fill up my voicemail, interrupt my life, and I have no interest whatsoever in whatever product or service they are pushing. If I need or want something, I do my own research and call the company of MY choosing. PLEASE PUT AN END TO ROBOCALLS!

Livermore, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1642 of 5002

I keep getting calls from Credit card companied on my cell phone.

They keep changing the calling numbers so that it is not easy to distinguish between genuine callers and robocall.

It will be very helpful to be able to control who can call me and who should not be allowed to call.

Gajanan Chakradeo Plano TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1643 of 5002

I pay for my phone line, so it should be mine to do what I want with. I should be able to block unwanted callers. Do you want to be bugged by solicitors after a stressful day when you're finally home and trying to relax with your family? Stop messing with our down time!

Scott Stathis Groton MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1644 of 5002 please shut down robocalls. i am on national no call list and still i am harrassed by robocalls e marchand salem ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1645 of 5002

We currently can block robocalls on our land line but not on our cell phones. Robocall blocking should be available to all consumers through all carriers. Clearly the Do Not Call Registry is not working and consumers need relief from the inordinate number of robocalls generated by the junk phone call industry.

Richard Nisley Vienna, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1646 of 5002

Who's paying for my phones?

I am.

What am I paying for?

MY phones.

I bought them, I own them, they are MINE.

AND I pay for the services for each of them.

You do none of the above.

Let's just say that a man's home is his castle, his phone is a little access door to his castle, and he doesn't have to let unwanted people/parties into that castle, physically nor electronically, nor virtually.

Nor do I have to answer the door (i.e., the phone) to every person/party/corporately-employed whatever that knocks/rings/texts thereupon.

If that's too complex for you, try this:


Winston-Salem NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1647 of 5002

Citizens should have the right to 'block' call from automated tele-marketers and should be fully supported by legislative actions /remedies

JC Tucker Pt Richmond, Calif

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1648 of 5002

Please allow us to block robocalls! As it now stands, I have to block each robocall individually AFTER I have been bothered by these pests.

Brandon, MS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1649 of 5002

It is ridiculous how many times Consumer Services calls my telephone number. Sometimes 2 and 3 times a day usually everyday. The telemarketer uses at least 25 different numbers. If I block one number they use a different number next time. My phone plan allows a fixed amount of time at a flat rate for me to use incoming and outgoing calls. I have to pay extra for over limit usage. Why allow telemarketers to spend my money. I have not found a way to stop this unsolicited activity

Ed Sylak Perrysburg Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1650 of 5002

Up until about three months ago, I received about 20 unsolicited, robo/telemarketer calls per week. My number is unlisted and I am on the Do Not Call Registry for a reason ... I do not want unsolicited, robo/telemarketer calls. After picking up the calls and politely declining services offered, callers would become more aggressive and occasionally hostile. Even asking them to remove my name from their call list went ignored because I kept receiving calls from the same company. These people are unethical and unrelenting. My name on the Do Not Call Registry is meaningless to these people. I finally resorted to letting all unrecognized caller numbers go to my answering machine for screening. nomorobo has provided me with peace of mind by eliminating at least 80% of these calls. It is a free, welcomed service that looks out for consumers. If telephone companies were truly concerned about our welfare, they would welcome this kind of service.

Corona del Mar, CA

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Stan hegener Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1652 of 5002

Please find a way to eliminate unwanted telephone calls. Sales calls, and especially political calls, are disruptive and disturbing. My husband and I do not want our privacy invaded by these calls.

K and M Reeves Port Jefferson, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1653 of 5002

STOP Please the Robot calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1654 of 5002 stop robo calls on private phone number. robo people can have their own circuits and their own subscribers. palisades ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1655 of 5002

I am like millions of other phone users that would like to see stop to all robocalls disturbances. I pay good amount of money for my phone service every month, hence I should be in control of my phone and use.

It is a pitty that this robocall disturbance to consumers has not been taking care of by FCC,phone companies, and or our government yet.

Here, I request that FCC take proper actions to stop or block all these telephone disturbances.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1656 of 5002

Please let me block robocalls as that's a big harrasement hermitage ,pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1657 of 5002

Help us block these annoying robo calls from dialing our cell phones and our home phones as well. Why do we have to put up with this? Is it because your receiving money from the companies that make these calls?

Michael Marinelli Philadelphia, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1658 of 5002

I do not have an answering machine, and these calls wont disconnect if i answer them.. Thus making it unable for me to dial out. I also have a disabled person in home, who gets up to answer phone, as we have parents that were dying this year, and used our phone regularly thru the hospice ti the end. Was very physically difficult.. I feel for our elderly that cant get up easily also.. PLEASE stop all the robocalls and telemarketers..


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1659 of 5002

We should have the right to block unwanted advertising and political calls which has been as many as 4 a day from the same source!

Richard & Jo Gilbert Fulshear, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1660 of 5002

I am tired of receiving robo telephone calls! I pay good, hard-earned money out of my pocket to maintain a land line for MY use to allow me to communicate with family and friends - NOT to have my privacy constantly invaded by scum telemarketers.

The FTC "Do not Call" list is a joke.

PLEASE take serious steps to help consumers achieve some measure of peace and quiet in our own homes.

Russell Schantz Thurmont, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1661 of 5002 most of us senior citizens era increasingly annoyed at robo calls that happen at all times,whether there are sick persons or impaired people that are subject to the absurd and botherson robo call.IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE ELDERLY to block these inane calls. I for one EMPLORE YOU to take the nessessary action to save my sanity from this unwanted INVASION OF PRIVACY.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1662 of 5002

Robocalls are an intrusion to our right to privacy within our home. The "do not call list" only works with "good" companies. The congress and the phone companies appear to have neither the will or capacity to stop the "bad" company robocalls. Thr FCC actually addressed the problem. NomoRobo stops the bad guys. As they say in the movies , "follow the money". Guessing this latest move leads to lobbiests and commercial special interest groups that have the"bad" politicians in their pocket.

Warren Galsone Boston MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1663 of 5002

I need to have my phone free of all intrusions. This includes Robocalls. I don't need to hear from these people. Please require that the phone companies provide an easy means for me to eliminate robocalls from getting through to my phone.

Len & Kathy Olen Venice, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1664 of 5002

I am tired of robo calls. My phone company needs to be required to provide a way to block such calls. I should not be subjected to robo calls

Jacqueline blaine wa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1665 of 5002

"nomorobo" should be allowed to function on ALL landlines, cell phones, and VoIP phone services! I am SICK AND TIRED of all of the ROBO Calls that we get on our home, and on our cell phones.

If I wanted to buy skin cream, (which I don't; EVER, I'm a heterosexual man, and have NO NEED for skin cream), I would buy it from a known source, like a retail store; NOT over the phone!!! I WANT THESE CALLS STOPPED AND BLOCKED PERMANENTLY!!!

Scott, Carl, and Judy Kuehner Danville, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1666 of 5002

I am tired of robocalls and want the ability to block them. All of my phones are on the do not call list. However, I now receive more unwanted calls than I did before putting them on the list. No matter how many times I ask them to not call me and tell them I am on the do not call list, it does no good. They hang up on me and continue to call back. I believe they just switch to call me from a new number, because the number is different but the messages are all the same. They are using the do not call list to actually get numbers to call.

Please stop these robocalls, by suppling robocall blocking products. Please enforce the laws against calling people on the do no call list.

Thank You,


Cathy Winfree Southgate, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1667 of 5002

Please allow the blocking of Robocalls. The population had the right to be undisturbed. williston, vt

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1668 of 5002

The robocalls are a pain, and we have eliminated so many due to NOMOROBO. We are too old to keep hopping up for the phonecalls that we do not want or need HELP!

Kim and Bob Croak Missouri

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1669 of 5002

Please do your job and stop unwanted robo calls. It's disgusting that you'd even entertain whether this necessary.

Peter Wharton Chesapeake Beach. MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1670 of 5002

Stop the madness! They call constantly, often don't leave messages or even valid numbers to return calls. When you DO answer, they are dead air. If there's a number on CID and you call to get a live person, you tell them to remove your number, and they don't. Or, they tell you to press a number to "be removed from our list" and they STILL keep calling! We need protection, especially when we're on the DO NOT CALL list. It's supposed to be a government agency, I thought?

Streetsboro, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1671 of 5002

It is an invasion of our privacy to allow these calls to continue. It's time to listen to us instead of the companies abusing our time.

Roger Rosen Fenton, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1672 of 5002

Robocallers ignore do not call lists,disrupt the peace of my home up to five times daily and YOU have the power to stop it. Please do what the taxpayers want.

Dan Benton Fairhope, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1673 of 5002

Please allow me to block robocalls on my home and cell phones.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1674 of 5002

I pay for a phone to talk to who I want to talk to, not whoever wants to sell something.

These telemarketers gets free advertising may dialing every phone number possible.

Fall River, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1675 of 5002

NOMOROBO is my savior. I think that they are my hero as far as my home phone is concerned. This solution works, unlike the "Do Not Call List" which all of the robo callers ignore and continue to call me. I am a voter. If you do not let a working solution in and don't mess with a solution that works then remember that I vote.

Charles, Terry, Karl, Joseph, Thomas Toms River, N.J.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1676 of 5002

I HATE Robocalls!! I want to block them! They impose on my privacy - wake me up ETC

Connie McElwain Burlington MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1677 of 5002

Spam calls, advertising, hang ups and now the robocalls..Not, just my residential phone, but, my cell. Where does one go from here? Calls from these out of state area code numbers. I make no long distance calls, nor do I no any one from out of state, all "spam". This is my last resort philadelphia., pennsylvania

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1678 of 5002

I think it is absolutely ridiculous that robo calls are even allowed! My phone belongs to ME, not to them, and I should be able to block whatever I want to block. These people are destroying our peace at home with these robo-dialers that make us jump up to answer the phone all evening long. Even if I don't answer, they just keep calling and the whole thing is a huge irritant. Please let us control our own phones!

Randall Young East Olympia, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1679 of 5002

Stop once and fir these annoying phone calls at once and prosecute the ones that are scam artist.

Stony point, ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1680 of 5002

Robo callers break the law and invade my privacy and home. They flaunt do not call lists.

Please help protect me, my family and friends and senior citizens who these scum prey upon.

Thank you!

Carol Holley Marlborough MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1681 of 5002

I hate hate hate ROBOCALLS and everyone I know hates them, I definitely need robocall blocking aids, and hope that message comes across loud and clear, we already fight with telemarketers to stop them from getting through ( they seem to manage) but to make it worse is to now allow a robotic call where no one is going to listen and stop calling us! PLEASE hear our voice, NO more robocalls, YES robocall blockers!

DLBillman Milwaukee WISCONSIN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1682 of 5002

I live alone and I receive telemarketing calls that hang up after I answer and then usually call back again and again, It is unnerving for a senior citizen to be stalked like this- how do I know that there is not someone collecting information on my schedule or outside my home checking to see if the house is empty? The calls come at all hours of the day- disrupting my sleep. Right now I can block them. I never buy anything from a telemarketer at my door or on the phone, Robonomo has made it easier for me to stop many of these calls. Please support us in continuing to provide this option for citizens. I do not pay my phone bill to support a business or politician,

Deborah A Coleman Colunbus OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1683 of 5002

This has got to stop. No needed rest after a days work and than I have to contend with these stupid politicians or businesses selling their useless wares. Stop it now!! I have a right to privacy and these calls invade my privacy at home.

Plsinview, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1684 of 5002

I am a handicapped person and getting to the phone can be risky for me. I don't need to be answering a call from a machine

Joihn D. Bouton Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1685 of 5002

We pay for our phone therefore we should have the say so as to who has access to the use of our phone number. We are totally inconvenience several time a day by unwanted calls. We are seniors and not able to move around like we used to, and, to have get up and pick up an unwanted phone call is ridiculous. People calling will not take no for any answer when told to stop calling our number therefore we want to be able to block the calls.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1686 of 5002

We do not want robocalls! We do want robocall blocking products!

Gainesville, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1687 of 5002

Please allow the stoppage of robocalls.

Patricia Smith Portland, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1688 of 5002

You Can't control what you are bound to regulate...BY LAW!!

You are a JOKE!

As a Mayflower descendant and Son of the American revolution MY opinion is you Should be put out of business..

You do Nothing to deserve your government status...

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1689 of 5002

We get 4 or 5 of these calls daily - too many to keep blocking with our current phone system. We would like to see NOMOROBO type systems made available to thje general pubic. So that those who do not want to be plagued by these calls can block them. Just as maybe 1st ammendment rights may be what allows these operators to continue - I'm sure there must be anti-harassment rules in place to protect us as well.

Millbrae, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1690 of 5002

My husband and I have tried everything --Do Not Call lists, guarding our number, etc, but the only way we have gotten relief from the barrage of robot calls is with NOMOROBO. Please keep robo call blocking legal, easy and free

John and Lili Ott Groton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1691 of 5002

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE allow consumers to block robocalls. During elections, the calls are often and intrusive. I pay for my phone service and deserve privacy on my home phone. The do not call list is not working and robocalls are further harassment.

Elizabeth Morgan Alexandria, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1692 of 5002

Robocalls invade my family's privacy and we have no way to stop them. We're on the "do not call" list and it doesn't seem to have any effect. When I have finally got through to someone to ask them to remove us from their list, they drop the call the instant they know they won't make a sale. Please protect the American public from these aggressive, greedy and disrespectful companies.

Chris Burges Bellevue, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1693 of 5002

I am a senior woman that lives alone. My arthritis is at times very painful, its an effort to move around. I really resent going for the phone, just to hear an annoying robocall. I have been using NoMoRobo for over a year and really appreciate the fact that they block those annoying calls I DON'T want to receive. It's my home. Please protect my rights to receive only the calls I want.

Diana Santa Rosa, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1694 of 5002

I want the right to block robocallers. These telemarketers are telephone terrorists. I am constantly bombarded with useless, inconvenient telemarketing calls. They interrupt my meals, wake me up in the morning (and during naps), even when I am in the bathroom! I need the ability to block as many as I can. Please require phone companies to provide telemarketing blocking (if I so choose) to all of my phones, not just some.

Alan Pottak Walpole, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1695 of 5002

I understand you are discussing the blocking of robo calls. I use the block and I pay for the phone service on a monthly basis for my use only. I resent you even considering stopping me from blocking those annoying calls. Is this still a free country? I do not want anyone calling me for any reason unless they are friends or the doctors office or I am waiting for a business call.

I hope you will see that robo calls are an infringement on my freedom from annoying calls. ellen forson barrington, new jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1696 of 5002

I'm sick and tired of getting calls from the same telemarketers every day and night even after I've asked the to stop calling. I don't need their services!

Apple Valley CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1697 of 5002

Every evening around 5:00, I get one or two phone calls from companies either trying to buy my timeshares or sell me more. I mean EVERY evening.

Roseville, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1698 of 5002

I have been on Federal and STate "do not call" lists for a few years - not that it does any good.

Robocalls are an entirely unwelcome and almost unstoppable intrusion into my life. Some of these callers call many times a day, I have one at present, RCI who call around 25 times a week.

Robocall blocking technology is my choice - it is generally effective, it allows me to concentrate and saves me losing my temper telling incessant callers to take me off their lists, not to call - all of which they ignore.

Robocalls are a menace and now it's starting on cellphones. The FCC needs to either do a better job of managing these callers - or allow RoboCall blocking technologies to be used.

Justin Wright Ipswich, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1699 of 5002

As they should be, robo and telemarketing calls are supposed to be illegal. The problem is, companies and criminals alike, scoff at the law since it has no teeth. They continue to harass MILLIONS of people daily. They spoof called ID's to get through anonymous call blocking, and blatantly IGNORE the Do Not Call Registry. They continue to trespass into our homes, interrupting meal times or sleep with no regard for others. If I put a "NO SOLICITING" sign on my front door, people are obligated to obey that. Why should telephones be allowed to be any different? MY sign IS up, I am on the Do Not Call list, why do we continue to be subject to this harassment? Track down and CONVICT these people. If they showed up on my front porch after being told not to by a sign, they would be subject to arrest for trespassing.

T. Reuther San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1700 of 5002

Robocalls has been a wonderful and effective free service to help me to have peace and block unwanted calls.

Hector E.Ribone

Hector E. Ribone New York, N.Y. 10022

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1701 of 5002

I still have a cell phone plan that has a voice limit each month. It used to be that cell phones were off limits to telemarketers and robocallers but that was a thing of the past. These people call me all day long at times interrupting meetings and other important tasks frequently. Not to mention, sometimes they use my minutes if I'm expecting a call but don't recognize the number and end up answering. This ends up costing me money. You've already made it possible to put my number on the do not call list but that is ineffective these days as robocallers can't be found. Since there is no discovery mechanism to catch these robocallers then the consumer should be able to block them. Thank you for your time.

Bryan Smith Chesterfield, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1702 of 5002

Right before I turned 65, I started received 10 to 15 phone calls a day from a host of very concerned phone banks regarding my Medicare selections. They would call from early in the morning until as close to 9 pm as possible. All these calls made me miserable. I discovered a way to block these calls - enrolling in the Federal NOCALL list - which helped a little; and by using Nomorobo which has helped a lot. Activating Nomorobo means that now I only have to listen to 1 ring at most from the majority of these pests before they are blocked by Nomorobo. It was my decision to reduce these annoying and totally unnecessary interruptions to my life just as I decide to use the television mute button to stop the similarly annoying television commercials on cable TV. I pay for both cable television and my telephone service and wish to exercise my right to use my services as I see fit with the minimum of invasive and unsolicited interruptions from robocalls. Imagine telling me that I can't use my mute button to block television commercials! Robocall blocking prevents these nuisances from disturbing the peace and harmony of my home and has the added benefit of helping maintain my blood pressure! Thank you.

Carl Pritchett Desoto, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1703 of 5002

Some numbers call my home a dozen times per week...maddening!

Medfield, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1704 of 5002

Please make it stop ... my aging father is scammed regularly and the calls ruin my life at home ... Please, Please make it stop.

Richard Altinger Los Altos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1705 of 5002

I would like for the phone companies to make it easier to block Robocalls and unwanted solicitations from sales calls. i get several calls daily on my cell phone and home phone. They spoof their c aller ID most of the time so I have no way to report their number. There has to be a solution to this problem.

Eugene Schwing River Ridge, LA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1706 of 5002

I get 4 to 6 unsolicited calls per day. I tell them to not call, but they keep calling. Sometimes there is a person and sometimes a recording. In any event, I have now stopped answering calls and will only return calls if a message is left. I hate it!!!

Alan and Val Nies Sugar Land, TX

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Dear FCC,

It is important to me that companies be allowed to provide me with blocking capabilities against robo calls.

Thank you.

Tara S. Keiter Briarcliff Manor NY

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The carriers should be held responsible for preventing calls with fake caller-id numbers from entering the system. A per call fine would have them finding a solution real fast.

Dean Gross Boston, MA

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Let us block robocall s

Sacramento California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1710 of 5002

I get enough robo calls on my hard line phone even with your so call "Do Not Call List". Please let me decide if I want to block robo calls on my own. Your "Do Not Call List" is only an active list of phone numbers for tele-marketers to call. IT DOES NOT WOK!!!

Frank Huchingson Thousand Oaks, CA

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Please explain why, if I have an unlisted number, these calls still continue to come in. I never give out my home phone # specifically for this reason. I am titrd of receiving calls on a Sunday morning, or at night. Or for that matter - anytime! No more robocalls! And thank you Nomorobo for your service!!

Joyce Kostro Elliott City, Maryland

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I have found that NOMOROBO is an answer to my prayers. It saves me from dealing with stupid unwanted calls from scamers trying to steal my money and my identity.

Jiim Crouch Toms River, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1713 of 5002

I have not yet been able to get Comcast to let me block robo calls using Nomorobo. In addition to being annoying, these calls cut into this country's productivity.

Please act!!!

Waltert Goodridge Conway, MA

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We are constantly receiving calls from unwanted solicitors. I recently started using nomorobo and it has helped enormously to cut down on the robo calls. Now when I get robo calls the phone rings twice and stops. I don't have to deal with unwanted solicitors. The same unwanted solicitors that I tell each time to take me off of their call list. They always ignore my request and I continue to receive the unwanted calls.

Thomas Boyle Chino, California

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Please allow Robocall to block those annoying calls usually at dinner time. I don't want a free trip, cruise or anything else that they are soliciting for. Even the charities are getting annoying and increasing in number. How can a person tell what is a scam or legitimate call. It's about time there is a way to stop these calls which arrive at the most inappropriate times.

Willaim Borowski Clifton, NJ

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I have been enjoying the benefits of Nomorobo on my VoIP home phone for about a year. Unfortunately, my Verizon cell account in Maine does not support Nomorobo. I get at least 1 to 2 calls a day from robo-call telemarketers. Please tell Verizon that allowing robocalls is bad business and that they should permit Noborobo to set up blocking for those calls.

Thank you

Tim Baehr Portland, Maine

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I want you to insure I get to decide whether or not I want to block ANY call to my phone whether it's my cell phone or land line. It's your job to insure we all retain this ability. Not only are unsolicited calls annoying but my 21 years of Law Enforcement experience tell me that these dialer programs can be used to drop spyware onto your phone. With all the Goggle Pay, Apple Pay and banking applications on our smart phones they can be turned into broadcast platforms for our most sensitive financial information. Each of us will benefit from the ability to block unwanted or unsolicited calls. Don't make me turn my smart phone into a dumb phone just so I can protect myself.


Leo Besner Vancouver WA

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Robocall has limited sales calls by more than 80 per cent. It needs to be available for cell phones

Stephen H. Miller MD, MPH Murrieta, CA

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I think robocalls are a severe invasion of my privacy and should be blocked. I will do everything in my power to prevent them, including dropping my land line. I'm so tired of people calling to ask for my vote and my money. Please do not stop my ability to block these intrusive calls.

Nancy Kennedy Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1720 of 5002

Please allow robocall blocking. Unwanted phone calls are annoying. We seniors (over 80 years old) need our rest and these unwanted calls sometimes come while we are asleep or napping. Some of us have difficulty getting around to answer annoying calls. Please be fair and let these unwanted calls be blocked

Los Alamitos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1721 of 5002

Because I have a phone should not mean that salespeople can call me at will as they do now, especially at the dinner hour. If they are allowed to call my personal phone, then I should be allowed to block whomever I wish to block. It is my personal phone that I pay for so I should be able to control who can use my number.

Thank you,

Karne Frost

Karne Frost Sacramento, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1722 of 5002

Robocalls are a constant problem. They should be unlawful. Otherwise, robocall blocking products should be able to be used by consumers.

Carolyn Walker Fairborn, Ohio

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I get at least 12 no solicited robo calls a day beginning early in the morning and into late evening. I am on the do not call list but obviously that is not effective. Should have my telephone company beagle to allow me to block these calls

Evelyn R Bronx NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1724 of 5002

Our phone can ring up to 4-5 robocalls a day - especially during elections, and around this time of year when every charity on God's green earth wants you to support their causes. And why does the robocall always come at the worst possible time - nap time, dinner time, middle of a favorite TV show or movie, just as company arrives or bedtime. Please give us a break - a break from all of the annoying. Even though my husband is very much alive, I have started telling the person on the other end of the line that he has expired and is not interested in a cruise or a time share. So far, that has not gotten his name off of any list.

Rozanne & Jim Churchill Long Beach, CA

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I PAY for the phone. It includes taxes to the FCC as well as service. I am on every do not call list, and yet, I get robo calls incessantly. Some calls are from 'Unavailable1'.

As the person who pays for the service I should have the right to block any calls I choose.

I fully support individual call blocking for robo calls.

Edye M Conkerton Taylor, MS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1726 of 5002

Please stop the constant ironically, they never stop. If there are products that can stop this incessant annoyance, you should help to make them available to the public.

George K. Yore Woburn, MA 01801

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1727 of 5002

Over the last month nomorobo has successfully blocked 16 robocalls to our home phone. We haven't had to answer "Rachel from card services" since we've set up nomorobo. I love what nomorobo does and only hope this service can be expanded to cover everyone instead of just those of us with VOIP service.

There have been no instances of a real phone number being accidentally blocked and I only wish I could figure out a way to block politicians using this very useful service.

Until the FCC can actually figure out a way to stop these annoying and infuriating robocalls nomorobo is the answer...I wonder how much cash telecoms bleed off of the services the scammers are using? it's the only reason I can think of why they would want to stop people from blocking robocalls.

Kurtis Sims Middletown, CT

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Robocalls is the best thing since sliced bread. Besides, it prevents the annoying marketing calls. To outlaw robocalls is like taking away the guns only from the law abiding citizens.

Harry Jung Hastings-on-Hudson, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1729 of 5002

The robocallers are shameless! While the company that tells people they are calling about their cards was defending itself in court, they were still calling people. Since I have no credit cards, I know they're calling and harassing everyone.

Why are they allowed to disturb us while we're busy? I applauded when the law regulated sales calls, but I know this kind of thing would happen.

I quit a market research job when they tried to make us use these tactics-nobody should be allowed to.

Carol Mitchell Chicago, IL

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1731 of 5002

Consumers and phone owners who pay for service must have the right and simple tools to eliminate robot calls if they wish.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1732 of 5002

Please make it easier for us to get rid of these annoying robocallers. It should be easier for us to do so.

Jesse Reisman Fort Washington, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1733 of 5002 rollable blocking is an excellent idea these people call you and you tell him you're not interested in the product and a costly call you time and time again it is a excellent idea

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I feel I should have the right to block Robo call's on the phone for which I am paying.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1735 of 5002

My wife and I are sick and tired of these robocalls. They come at all hours of the day and night. If you politely ask them to be taken off their list, they ignore you. It has become a public nuisance and must be stopped legislatively. Please exercise your voting powers to rid the public of this annoyance.

Elliot & Roz Moritz Chestnut Ridge,NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1736 of 5002

I use NoMoRobo to block calls from known robocallers; I would be delighted to pass that job off to the phone company so that the phone doesn't ring (NoMoRobo uses simultaneous ring, so I hear one ring before it can act). I would also like to be able to block all calls from impossible numbers (like 408-111- 1111).

David Singer Los Gatos, CA

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Protect citizens from Robo Calls. Force phone companies to provide their subscribers with the capability to block ALL robo calls.

Clifford Anderson Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1738 of 5002

I am a Verizon customer.

I pay for the use of equipment, connection and service that allows me to make and receive calls of my choice.

I do wish to receive calls not of my own choosing.

I know I am not alone and believe that the good folks at the FCC and our elected officials do not want to receive calls not of their own choosing.

Thank for doing the right thing.

Ridgewood, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1739 of 5002

I think the Nomorobo product is better than the Do Not Call Registry ever was. Before using Nomorobo and being registered and reregistered again and again on the Do Not Call Registry, I was inundated with daily phone calls that were scams and robocalls. I began to feel that the registry was taken down and not effective. I then found Nomorobo and implemented it.It works and I think that it is effective and should be allowed to exist.

Paul Jenkins SLC, UT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1740 of 5002

Since the telemarketers ignoring the do not call list. We don't have a choice other than sign up with nomorobo. Eversince I sign up with nomorobo the number of telemarketer calls drop significantly. Please let nomorobo keep doing what their doing, they are helping the do not call list doing its job. alex thamrin chino hills, ca

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In the Bill of Rights, it states that we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I will be happy being allowed to determine which phone calls I don't want to receive. I would also like to have the ability to block political calls. Nomorobo has given me a choice about the calls I wish to block. Thank you Nomorobo!

Forest Hill, MD

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I feel strongly that with the price I pay for my telephone service I should be able to block anyone that I do not want to talk to. I feel that robo-calls particularly are an intrusion into my house. They are uninvited and an invasion of my privacy.

Please consider allowing me to block any calls that I wish.

Amarillo, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1743 of 5002

I receive four to five robocalls a day. I report these faithfully, since I have been on the National "No Call" list since its inception. Many of these are simply hangups (prospecting for "live" numbers?). Others offer Medicare scams, "Free" alarm systems, and the like.

Since I carry a common name, I'm frequently called about my "college loans." Good luck with that. I graduated in 1964! I also paid cash! I get these calls despite using both hardware and software call blockers. It is past time that all telephone customers have access to these tools. And those who use technology to send incorrect caller ID information should be prosecuted for fraud.

John Moore Atlanta, GA

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I hate Robocalls and love the service I use to block them! Please don't change regulations to make it harder to reject these unwanted calls.

Don Rosenberger Fairfax, VA

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I am sick and tired of getting robo spam calls. I am on the Do not Call list and it only makes legitimate companies stop. But the spam callers are only interested in scamming and making money.

I use a robocall blocking software to minimize phone interruption. It works when a caller calls with a number I don't recognize and I check the number on the web and if it is a known scammer, it will block the call. Of course scammers will spoof the number to a different one and the process repeats.

It should be illegal for any average joe to spoof caller ID. It makes it impossible to track down these criminals. There is no teeth with the Do Not Call list violators.

Something has to be done to stop the robocalls!

Thank you.

Havertown, PA

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Please help to put laws in place to stop robocalls!

While you are at it, leave the cable and internet providers be.

Cousin E Charleston, SC

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I'm sick and tired of the invasion of my home by phone calls from businesses I have absolutely no connection with, or interest in. This year I will be 80 years old - picking up the phone and not being able to know who is calling before I answer is just a big pain in the ass. I pay for the use of the telephone for MY PRIVATE USE, not to listen to robocalls.

Stop this crap!

Brian Johnson, Davis, CA.

Brian Johnson CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1748 of 5002

I hate robocalls and I should be able to block them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1749 of 5002 stop these annoying robocalls. g. kaufman george kaufman bronx, ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1750 of 5002

Computer dialed calls (robocalls) are huge invasion of privacy. They are an unwarranted and unwanted intrusion. Private citizens must have the right to control access to their own phone. The phone represents an entry point into my home and I should have the ability to manage who has the right of access. The ability to identify and block robocalls has been a relief and a blessing and it must be my right to use such a product if desired. Others should have right to not block if they don't want to. The choice should be under my control.

David Doemland Westmont, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1751 of 5002

For the past four years, I've been dealing with at least one robocall from scammers every single day. The month before elections, I will get four or five robocalls from politicians running for reelection. The calls come any time, day or night. It got so bad that during the last election I told the republican candidate that I would vote for whoever called my house the least. The scammers have used our number and my relatives phone numbers to spoof call us. We have had a our phone company block about twenty-four of the numbers the scammers have used, but that only gives us a few days of peace and quiet at the most. The scammers just turn around and used another fake phone number. Please FCC, do something about those robocalls. I can't imagine how much money these con artists have gotten off of people. What they're doing is harassment and possibly fraud.

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I do not want you to remove my robocalls It is my phone and I should have the right to say who I want to call me.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1753 of 5002

I am against ALL non-paid robocalls and yes that does include political calls and political fund raising calls and every sheriff's benevolent association know to mankind.

Now, paid robocalls are a different story. It those that make the robocalls are willing to pay say $3.00 to the holder of every number they call, then put it in the law. If you call my number and you are not on my white list, you contribute $3.00 towards my AT&T phone bill. Any amount over the normal bill goes into my pocket.

The bottom line: I pay for the use of my phone to be able to call those that I have a bonified personal reason to call. Other than that, I have zero use for any robo/politico/fund-raising call. Period.

Ronald L Lawrence Monroe, LA

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Please stop robocalls. I find robocalls very annoying.

Larchmont, NY

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I'm tired of these annoying phone calls all the time, Stop all robocalls and even during the election time, they are killing many people by have blood presure going up every time you get very annoying.

Jim Connor Cape Coral, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1756 of 5002

It's my phone and I should be in control of it. I must have the ability to block the robo calls.

Ed Fisher Manalapan, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1757 of 5002

Why should I have to ask you, an unelected bureaucrat, for permission to block robocalls to a cell phone that belongs to me? You're a bunch of autocratic bullies. ALLOW ME TO BLOCK ROBOCALLS TO MY OWN CELL PHONE. Just incredible.

Wyckoff, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1758 of 5002

Please require all of the phone companies to allow the blocking of robocalls. The Federal and State "do not call" registrations are not working as advertised. Presently, I can block robocalls with my AT&T provider; however, I also have Verizon as a provider which does not support blocking robo calls. I want robo calls blocked. Do your job, and require all of the phone companies to comply -- no exceptions.

Thank you.

Mary Cato Lubbock, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1759 of 5002

Please continue to allow programs like Nomorobo to block the annoying robo calls on my land, as well as my cellphone with Verizon. No way these things being blocked would violate freedom of speech or damage the economy.

Len and Hallie Cowan Northborough, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1760 of 5002

I urge you to consider my strong opinion that robocall and similar call blocking products continue to be made available to the public.

For months my family endured the continuous bombardment of these automated calls. I put our line on a do-not-call list but it did not help. I also attempted several times to answer these calls, and was always greeted with a hang up. Since putting the nomorobo feature on our line, we have regained our peace at home. This is everyone's right.

Michael Kaminsky Lexington, MA

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I bought my phone and I pay Verizon every month so why can choose who I want to talk too or who I don't want to talk to. We need more robocall blocking products not less.Thank you for listening to this one citizen.

Anthony McCarthy Queens Village Ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1762 of 5002

No more robocalls. Call blocking products should be allowed by all carriers!

Leigh Ann Wong Waxhaw, NC

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Robocalls are intrusive and obnoxious. As are all unsolicited calls, but robot areally the worst.

Georgia Earp New Cumberland, PA

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Force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers!!

David Reinhardt Long Beach CA

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I hate robot calls they are a nuisance and to have to answer them only to hang up is stupid this is my phone and I have a right not to be bothered by them.

Gail Corbin Oxford, Ga.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1766 of 5002

Please help to eliminate RoboCalls as the first real step to get rid of all the unsolicited calls that we all receive on a daily basis. We have been battling cancer and there are other important events that make it important for us to answer unknown calls just in case it is important. Often we have to stop important chores to answer junk calls or at the very least check the Caller ID only to find nobody on the line or a recording trying to sell us what we don't need. The Do Not Call List is a joke and does not help one bit. This more than just a pet peeve, it is an encroachment into our rights and sets back modern advancements... it is an annoyance and hinders the completion of actual important matters. Why should we have to put up with unsolicited annoyances? We should have the right to eliminated unwanted calls and receive only the calls that we want or that mean something to us. These people call multiple times and most times don't even have the decency to respond to those that stop what they are doing to answer in hopes it is a call that is important or wanted. You have it in your power to eliminate these... please grab the bull by the horns and help your constituents. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Gerry and Peggy Gloucester Township, New Jersey

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I am retired and home a great deal. Having the ability to block robocall shas greatly enhanced my life. So many of the unwanted phone calls I received before getting nomorobo were time consuming and certainly unwanted. I was on a do-not-call list, but that didn't seem to help at all. I think that the robocall blocking products are a great service, and would hate to see them discontinued.

Nancy Ruben Los Angeles, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1768 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and useless. They should be outlawed. Robocall blocking products as well as products to block unwanted calls from others should be made available to everyone with a phone.

Lee Gellington Tuscaloosa, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1769 of 5002

Robocalls SUCK! It's bad enough that we have to deal with telemarketers and phone scams that sidestep the Do Not Call list. It seems that with each election cycle, the volume of annoying, unwanted robocalls nearly doubles. It's enough to make us want to can our landline. I implore you to DO SOMETHING about it.


Kevin and Katrina Mickle Las Cruces, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1770 of 5002

5 to 8 calls a day with no one there and another 3 to 6 calls by the same people who have called just about every day trying to sell me something


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1771 of 5002

Thank God for the ability to block robocalls. I get at least a dozen a day. They do not pay attention to the no call program. They drove me nearly crazy before I got the Nomorobo program. It is the best. I only have to listen to one ring now and they do not fill up my answering machine. Not only should you keep the program in place, you should require all telephone companies to provide this program for their customers. Thank you.

Stan & Judi Greene Palm Desert, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1772 of 5002

10 to 20 Robocalls a day. Don't you think that is too much for me? Give me a break and make the ability for the voting citizens to have the right not to get robo calls!

Kenneth Rosenblatt Miller Place, NY

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I strongly support any measure to block automated calls.

William C Davis Catonsville, MD

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I'm retired. I have a master's degree in accounting. I keep up with national politics. I don't want and certainly don't need callers telling me who to vote for, where to send my money, what to buy, or how to protect myself and my home. I'm being charged for robo calls from people and companies that think they know more about how I should be conducting my life, my votes, and my finances than I do.

Do you need strangers second guessing your decisions or trying to persuade you to their way of thinking? Well I don't either!

Katherine A Montie The Woodlands, TX

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I get to ovals day and night. When they say (most don't) push 2 to be put on blocked list I continue to get the calls. If I get a to oval followed by a person and I ask not to be called they hang up and I get more of the same. The s are not legsl and LOTS of them . I hate them and they are a nuisance. I want them stopped or able to block ALL of them. ALL Of THEM.

Ronald Canfield Alameds, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1776 of 5002

I wish you, the FCC would do your utmost to put an end to these constant and annoying robocalls that call continuosly even on Sundays and Holidays

Jacob VanLoon Haskell, N.J.

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>Robo calls are intrusive and offensive. Blocking products are needed. Please listen (for ONCE).

Norwell, MA

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Sick and tired of unwanted calls at all hours of the day. Retired 77 yes old cannot sleep at night and naps in afternoon always disturbing.

Richard Rust, Orlando FL

Richard & Odette Rust Orlando FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1779 of 5002

We should be allowed to block whoever we want. It's our phone.

Midland, tx

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Telemarketers try to invade my home almost every day. If I wanted what they are selling I would call them. I refuse to invite them into my home and never answer the phone if I do not recognize the number.

Yorba Linda, CA

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I do not appreciate the incessant junk,(robo and other) calls that are coming across my home phone, and now my cell phone. I want this to stop! I want the people responsible hunted down and prosecuted.

Phil Griffin Birmingham, Alabama.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1782 of 5002

Robo calls have become an increasing daily annoyance. Even though I'm on the federal do not call registry, unscrupulous telemarketers flout the law and pester me with calls. We need tougher enforcement and penalties. In addition, technology exists (e.g., nomorobo) to mitigate this problem, but carriers are mostly not using it - claiming that it violates FCC regulations! This is ludicrous. Please do something about this!

Benjamin Hollin Mountain View, CA

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Like so many, i had been plagued with robocalls, even though i am on the (useless) Do Not Call list. Since using nomorobo, RELIEF! It is my phone and i demand that you force carriers to allow me this nomorobo service!

Geri Lopker and Joanne Angell Orange, CA

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Nomorobo is fantastic. I used the be pestered at home by incessant robocalls. Now, thanks to Nomorobo I have piece and quiet in my home. It's is wonderful. Everyone should be able to have such a service.

Eliane Joly

Eliane Joly Pinole, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1785 of 5002

I would appreciate having my 'unlisted' telephone number, which I pay a fee for, be UNLISTED in another effort to stop robocalls and associated blocking products.

Frances Stueber Stow, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1786 of 5002

Please STOP the robocalls! We have signed up our home land line, and both mobile phones on both the Federal and Texas State Do Not Call lists, and yet we are still bombarded with robocalls. PLEASE make/force phone companies to provide BLOCKING options for their customers. We deserve to have our peace not invaded by the constant ringing of these annoying robocalls.

Janice Mickels Grand Prairie

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Please enact some sort of legistration to stop all robocalls this is such an annoyance and one that really serves no valid function other than to scam money from U.S. citizens.

Huntsville, AL

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Robocalls are extremely annoying and unwanted. I do not want to be bothered by these calls and should not be forced to endure them. My phone is MINE and only I should be able to decide who I receive calls from. I should the right to block any calls I choose to.

Simi Valley, CA

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I need the incessant robocalls to stop coming to my home and mobile phone.

Kirkland, WA

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1. Calls on Sunday (even after 8:30PM)

2. Despite no response from me, keeps calling

3. Calls all hours during the day

4. Annoying calls late even though I have no business connection with them

5. Calls still come after signing up with "NOMOROBO"

Ellen Delaney Clinton, Maryland

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Why should my life be intruded upon by unscrupulous miscreants. Services like NoMoRobo allow me to create roadblocks from these charlatans.

Dr. Ronald Graham Blue Springs, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1792 of 5002

Please let nomorobo block these annoying calls coming to my phone. I have my phone number on the national Do Not Call List, which is blatantly disregarded by dozens of sales people daily. Nomorobo brings peace to my home again by blocking these calls for me.

Linda Dekker Valencia, CA

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Help stop the ROBO calls. I am on the DO NOT Call list but it doesn't seem to work very well.

Robert Roisman Central Islip NY

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We very much appreciate the support we receive in blocking robot calls. Please continue our ability to block those calls.

Leonard Mitnick Chevy Chase, MD

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No more robo calls

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We are SICK of robocalls. It's intrusive and extremely annoying! Please help us block robocalls.

Dick & Eileen Schevis Oro Valley, Arizona

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1797 of 5002

I am sick and tired of getting robot calls on my home phone, usually requiring me to drop what I am doing to answer the phonel.

Please allow those who can help block these calls to do so. I have contacted NOMOROBOCALLS for this service. They tell me the phone companies will not allow them to block robocalls. This must be changed immediatey.

James and Gail Van

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1798 of 5002

I have had ENOUGH of robocalls. They come all times of the day and night and have multiplied over time. Where are my rights??? I pay for my phone and want these things blocked. The same companies call over and over and over. One hundred cheers for Nomorobo and any similar companies which can bring peace to my home. I except the FCC to do everything possible to protect my rights to the use of my personal phone. Please also do more to enforce the Do Not Call List. It appears to be a joke to many callers.

Nan H. Mutnick Denville, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1799 of 5002

I get daily annoying robocalls. Please put a stop to them. The caller ID is not enough. The callers put all different types of ID to trick people to answer the calls. I am on the do not call list. These calls should not be allowed.

Seymour, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1800 of 5002

These calls are a waste of time and a big nuisance to families.

Would appreciate eliminating these calls.

AJ Chinn Hayward, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1801 of 5002 my phone would ring all day if I didn't have robocall ..PLEASE do not drop this important telephone action. Thgere's an a nswering machine on my line but do they leave messages...NO

Jane Norton Freehold, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1802 of 5002

You need to understand that we don't want to be bothered by people who calling us all day a long and trying to sell us something that is not needed. Its very annoying and does not serve us any good. My family does not want to receive these annoying Calls. we are not interested xyz scamming company trying to lower out credit card bills... No European countey faces this. USA is stupid to allow this happen. Someone is getting a hefty kick back. Brining consumers grifs. Stop this none sense and why in gods name you support this ?

Soheil Eftek New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1803 of 5002

Please allow me to use products to block robocalls. Even with these products annoying robocalls get through. I screen all of my calls now even with these products through my call answering device. Even so, these companies continue to bother me and to a high degree. I have a right to my privacy in my own home. Please allow me to exercise this right.

Stephen Kloch Thousand Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1804 of 5002

Hello, I should be able to block robo calls on my phone. Period.

Helen O'Reilly Williams Bay, Wisconsin

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1805 of 5002

I would like your office to support blocking all robots calls and calls from anonymous sources..

I believe we need to take any and all action to stop these types of calls.

I shall appreciate your attention this request.

Walter R. Thomas Valrico FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1806 of 5002

Robocalls are a total invasion of privacy. We have caller ID and do not answer a call if the number is not familar to us; however, I would much prefer that the calls did not come through at all. Having the phone ring with a robocall when we are sleeping, in the shower etc. is extremely angering.

West Springfield, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1807 of 5002

Robocalls are really frustrating especially to those of us who are full time caregivers or anyone who needs quiet unless there's a real need to call me. Some robocallers call multiple times in the same day and several times a week. The most annoying are the "reduce your credit card rate" that call over and over and over. And so many robocallers now use FAKE caller ID's to try to get us to pick up the phone.

We DESPERATELY need to get them blocked on our cell phones since some of us do not have unlimited plans.

Kathy Jarvis Greensboro NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1808 of 5002

My rings incessantly with sales calls. "Do not call" list is useless! I spent 3 hours trying to set up Nomorobocall through Comcast. Totally futile, frustrating and unsuccessful. Why can't it be easier??????

Larry Keefer Walnut creek, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1809 of 5002

Personally I think robocalls should be outlawed completely. But, if we can't outlaw them at least give us the opportunity to block them! I appreciate Nomorobo. The amount of robocalls I receive has been greatly reduced thanks to them. I only wish I could do the same on my cell phone. If you pass regulations it will make it possible. Thank you.

MaryRose Wallace Highland, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1810 of 5002

I am sick and tired of getting robot calls on my home phone, usually requiring me to drop what I am doing to answer the phonel.

Please allow those who can help block these calls to do so. I have contacted NOMOROBOCALLS for this service. They tell me the phone companies will not allow them to block robocalls. This must be changed immediatey.

James and Gail Van Valkenburg Columbia, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1811 of 5002

I am so sick of robotic calls that I changed my phone number after 28 years; it cost me $25 to change it and $2 every month to be unlisted! We also used the FCC Do Not Call Registry and it helped very little; we renewed it after 4 years but the callers ignore it. We reported the violations on the FCC website to no avail. We went to our phone provider and blocked some of the numbers, but the solicitors just change one digit and keep calling.

With NoMoRobo our evenings are now peacefully quiet, except for the occasional "one ring" that we verify is always a call that we do not want.

B Curley Carlsbad, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1812 of 5002

I believe in "freedom of speech" but think it is an invasion of privacy when telemarketers & solicitors call the telephone at my residence.

I have used Nomorobo for a large number of months and find it is a very effective tool to block unwanted inbound calls.

Walpole, MA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1813 of 5002

The unwanted calls that come over and over, night and day and on week-ends are one of theost annoying things I deal with. Please do something about it.

Frances dunaway Nashville, tenn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1814 of 5002

I have had one robo caller call me as many as 6 times in one day. They are rude, shout at me and are offensive. I am not well but my phone rings incessantly making rest difficult. Please! Ban these calls!

Judith Hall Pacifica CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1815 of 5002

Please stop the robo calls. They are such a nuisance. The same numbers show up on my caller ID several times a day.

Winfred Muse

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1816 of 5002

Sick of telemarketing. 10 to 15 calls per day. Please allow us to block these. Ready to disconnect my home phone. Now these calls are getting through on my cell as well.

Meansville, Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1817 of 5002

I WANT ROBOCALLS BLOCKED! I don't want those annoying callings coming in on my phone day and night! And especially on Sundays (A DAY OF REST AND MY HOLY DAY!) I d

Robin Somma DEER PARK NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1818 of 5002

Please make it stop.

Jaime and Allan Baldwin The Villages FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1819 of 5002

We all need private time. When we're home we should be able to unwind, relax and not be invaded by phone calls trying to sell us things. If we had wanted it in the first place we would have already checked into it. Not only are there calls trying to sell us things, there are calls of all kinds from so called PC issues, political, charities, ect. Enough is enough. Our homes should be our sanctuary where we should be able to go to keep the big bad world out.

Judy Coons Beaver Dams, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1820 of 5002

We should be able to block unwanted calls. Afterall, someone calls us on our cell phone, WE PAY FOR THE CALL! Besides, we might be in a meeting or doing something important when the unwanted call comes in. It's an invasion of privacy.

Lewisville, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1821 of 5002

PLEASE STOP THESE ROBOCALLS!!! The No Call list is being ignored and the various thieves are again harassing anyone/everyone with a phone. Force the various phone systems/companies to provide system wide blocking of the abusive calls using some kind of central database. I average 5 -10 calls per week for everything from drugs to medical alerts and alarm systems. STOP these people at the TELCOs!

William Stevens Springboro, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1822 of 5002

I am SO grateful to have Robo Call Blocking!!! What a nightmare it was before I got it!!! I am a widow and EVERYBODY out there wants all my money and they used to call me everyday, multiple calls each day, to ask for it! PLEASE make it easier for everyone to have robo call blocking!!! American citizens should not be at the mercy of robo calls and the torture they dish out day after day incessantly!! I'm begging!! Please allow everyone to be able to stop these annoying, harrassing calls!!! Thank you!! Jackie I. Pennsylvania

Downingtown PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1823 of 5002

My wife and I are retirees over 65 and Nomorobo has been a real blessing. It is extremely annoying to get up out of the chair to answer a call and find that it is a robocall connecting you to a recording or a sales rep feeding you a sales pitch you have no interest in. Usually, these callers also ignore the Do Not Call list.

Ed & Ann Wynard Crest Hill, Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1824 of 5002

I want blocking solutions!

Oradell, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1825 of 5002

I am tired of receiving robocalls 5 out of 7 evenings when I am eating dinner. I also get them during the rest of the day. It is to the point that I let the phone ring and allow my answering machine pick-up. I then call my friends and business aquaintenances back.

James Petzold Lake Zurich, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1826 of 5002

We are absolutely sick of all the robocalls!! Aren't you??

Do you want robocalls constantly disturb you during your family dinner on a daily basis??

We firmly believe robocall blocking prodocts are good for consumers, since FCC is not doing much to curb annoying robocalls.

Clarksburg, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1827 of 5002

It's about time that this robo call stuff ended. You're in charge of the situation, so I'd wish the FCC would finally get off it's ass and do it already.

We are sick and tired of the "DO NOT CALL LIST" that doesn't do anything.

It's my phone, I pay the bills for it and I don't want solicitors using my phone.

Enough already.

Ray Klotkowski Bothell, WA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1828 of 5002

Please permit robocall blocking products as there are too many companies who blatantly disregard the do not call list. Tools like NoMoreRobo permits me to prioritize my incoming calls so I do not waste time hanging up on a computer. It's hard to fathom why telecom companies want programs such as NoMoreRobo out of business unless they are profiting from all of the telemarketing.

Please let us preserve our family time and our wallets. It is essential that we are able to defend our homes and our time against companies who can dial thousands of numbers in an instant.


Mike Terborg

Mike Terborg Greenbelt, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1829 of 5002

Please listen.. Robo calls are a significant problem. Besides being annoying, the are fostering an age of rudeness. People are simply losing patience. Soe of these characters even attept intimidation by impersonating a federal agency. Sometimes they threaten legal action - I admit I swore about that guy and questioned his mother's morals. Stop this if you have the nerve. I sadly suspect that nerve is lacking.

Mike Rees Fairfield, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1830 of 5002

Robocalls are intrusive and annoying. I want them to stop.

Highland Lake, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1831 of 5002

Robot calls are out of control. Easily more than half the time our phone rings it is a robocall. The FCC should do all that it can to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

Robert Osaki Livermore, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1832 of 5002

I got a phone line so that I could make and receive calls with friends and family. Instead almost 99% of all incoming calls are from annoying and unwelcome robocalls. I'm not a masochist so why should pay for a service that gives nameless and obnoxious entities the means to continuously harass me? Robocall blocking is the only solution to maintaining my sanity against the onslaught of all the unwanted robocalls I receive. Thank you.

Ed Gonzalez Beacon, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1833 of 5002

Robocalls are a never ceasing plague, even with the blocking products. The strictures should not be relaxed. They should be tightened - to include blocking political and charity dunning calls

Howard Fairfax, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1834 of 5002

Robocalls are offensive and annoying. I currently have a robocall blocking program that I love. Nomorobo blocks all spam phone calls. The phone will ring once, which I'm okay with, and then the call is blocked. It blocks at least half a dozen per day. I would consider getting rid of my land line phone if these services were not available. It should not be legal for these calls to be placed when they are not wanted.

S. Sitka Bpwie, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1835 of 5002

My wife and I are retired so we're home most of the day and the constant ringing of the phone is very irritating. I use to donate to certain charities but once you give they never stop calling wanting more. Please, help us to eliminate these pesky callers. Thank you

Carneys Point, NJ 08069

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1836 of 5002

Robo calls now outnumber calls from people I know. They are a huge nusience. But if you are human, you already know as they call you as well.

I have tried many ways to block their calls to little or no success. I use the Do not call list but they just ignore that. Because they are un-identifiable I cannot contact them of file a complaint against them.

Allow me to block them and enforce some method to reduce anonymous phone calls. Give us some way to defend ourselves.

Ron Griffin Medfield, Massachusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1837 of 5002

I have had my phone number registered in the "Do Not Call" website since it was started. What a waste. Before I started using Nomorobo, I was receiving 2 to 3 calls per day from telemarketers. Most of these calls were from contractors selling home remodeling and solar power. I don't need remodeling and I already have solar. I have now started having the same problem with my cell phone.

John Crews Eastvale, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1838 of 5002

I'm a busy mother of a 2 and 4 year old, and also work from home. My household had been receiving up to twenty, yes twenty, solicitation calls a day, mostly from solar energy companies. You can imagine the time spent dealing with this, not to mention the stress of my phone rining all day long. Since installing Nomorobo, these calls have been blocked and it has improved my quality of life tremendously. No one should have to endure unwwelcome intruders in their home.

Setje Brinkmann Zare Ontario, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1839 of 5002

I am sick and tired of robocalls. I want to be able to block these calls.

Larry & Suzanne Swanson Woodbury, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1840 of 5002

We use nomorobo through Time Warner Cable to block robocalls. But, as good as nomorobo is, we still have some robocalls that slip through to our home phone everyday. The volume had been anywhere from 1 to 10 robocalls everyday. So, we bought a blackbox that connects before our phone and we can program up to 1,000 phone numbers to be disconnected after the first ring. This technique has been very powerful at reducing roboccalls that slip through to now 1 to 3 a day. TWC also allows us to selectively block up to 30 phone numbers before they get to our home. This limit is too low, it should be several hundred. Because it is limited to 30 phone numbers, we use the TWC selective blocking strictly for robocalls that come over and over again. So, if you got my message, we are using three (3) resources to block robocalls and yet we still get a dew new robocalls everyday. The FFC must do something more serious this time around to kill robocalls, and that system has to be easy for consumers to use. In case you are not aware, the government's "" program is totally ineffective. Callers from businesses don't care, and criminals calling certain careless even more so.

Gary Davidson Oak Park, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1841 of 5002

I am so very sick of these robo calls, please stop them!!!

Carole Sheppard Chicago, Il

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1842 of 5002

I have Comcast which, apparently, does not support robocall blocking for some unknown reason. I think ALL phone carriers, regardless of whether the phone is a land line or a cell phone, should offer this feature along with many other features AND AT NO CHARGE TO THE CONSUMER!

Ooltewah, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1843 of 5002

I should be able to block any calls to my cell phone. I pay the bill, no one else can use it without my permission. terry minson lakewood, colorasdo

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1844 of 5002

No one wants to get these calls. If you care about citizens, let us block them.

Steve Flack Colorado Springs, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1845 of 5002

Please help us stop robocalls! Resources like nomorobo keep us sane! Before them we received 3-5 robocalls a day, everyday. Often during nap time for my children or after they were asleep for the evening, causing strife in our house. We want a home phone, but seriously considered dropping it before nomorobo. Stop the insanity! Stop the robocalls!

Melissa Brandenburg Sealy, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1846 of 5002

I WANT ROBOCALLERS BLOCKED! I DON'T want those annoying calls day and night. Call on Sundays when it is a day of rest and my Sabbath. I want them blocked so they can't get thru!

Thomas Somma Deer Park NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1847 of 5002

Please stop the frikin' robocalls. I am receiving several each day!

Rick VanHoesen Los Gatos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1848 of 5002


Jack Stolzberg Fort Lauderdale, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1849 of 5002

Please stop all the robo phone calls. It's been so nice since I downloaded the app to stop them.

Thank you very much.

Joyce Toma Oak Forest, IL

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1851 of 5002

Love it---wish it had been around a long time ago. Too many calls from telemarketers...I hate it but LOVE Robocall. I'm younger and am able to distinguish when a telemarketer calls but my in-laws, parents, other people don't know. If you tell them "do not call"---they ignore and call anyway. Very very aggravating to say the least. Robocalls need to stay!

San Antonio TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1852 of 5002

We NEED robocalls and blocking products. It's sad to think we cannot sit down for a meal without an interruption! The calls are almost always rude and inconsiderate. It happens most anytime of the day and frequently the same numbers constantly calling. Yes, we ask them to remove us from the calling list or say not interested. But we are ignored! Do we NOT have privacy in our own home? What about the scammers trying to get our personal this okay with the FCC??

Horseheads, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1853 of 5002

Establish a do not call option for cell phones. Please!

Lynn and Marilynne Denver, Colorado

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1854 of 5002

We hate these constant interruptions in our lives!

John P Day Manchester, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1855 of 5002

I WANT ROBOCALLERS BLOCKED! I DON'T want those annoying calls day and night. Call on Sundays when it is a day of rest and my Sabbath. I want them blocked so they can't get thru!

Jennifer Somma Lincoln NE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1856 of 5002 stop calls

Larry Martin Bargersville, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1857 of 5002

Please help stop robocalls and allow robocall blocking products or require the telephone companies to stop such calls. They are disrupting and have reached the point where most days I receive more robocalls than regular calls. It's also bad for her health--because they invariably raise my blood pressure!

Robert Deason Arlington, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1858 of 5002

Please, please make phone companies provide robocall blocking solutions available for us poor beleaguered consumers. These unwanted calls are constant from morning to night, 7 days a week. We got them on Christmas! Our phone provider does provide access to robocall blocking, but only if we sign up for a level of service that we don't want or need. The robocalls are pernicious, often anonymous, and often there is no one(or no thing) on the other end if we do answer.

Please make it stop!

Dan & Julie Ryan Napa CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1859 of 5002

I WANT ROBOCALLERS BLOCKED! I DON'T want those annoying calls day and night. Call on Sundays when it is a day of rest and my Sabbath. I want them blocked so they can't get thru!

Christopher Somma Deer Park NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1860 of 5002

I do not want to be called by telemarketers at all. No robocalls, no real calls, no calls of any kind. If there are products that can block robocalls, I want to be able to use them. I'm tired of being harrassed.

Jeff Merzel Hopkinton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1861 of 5002

I get a lot of calls on my phone, and about half of them are robocalls. Because I always answer the phone, the calls waste a lot of time, which, in turn, reduces my productivity. Also, the phone IS MINE. I should be able to have services that allow me to have robocall blocking, as the phone is my property. Thanks

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1862 of 5002

No more robo calls...

Please... thank you.

Barbara Smith Annapolis, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1863 of 5002

I am extremely annoyed with all the bogus phone calls, hang-ups, robocalls and scams that seem to reach my phone several times each and every day even though I'm on the Do Not Call List. From Rachel and Card Services who want to lower my credit card rate to Free LifeAlert systems that cost money to Home Renovation to Home Alarm systems to a Microsoft Partner who wants to clear my computer of viruses - who all just disconnect as soon as I start to utter DO NOT CALL and always call again!!!!!!

If there was a way to block these calls permanently, it would be a best-seller! Let's get this fixed ASAP. I don't want to endure another 30+ calls each and every week from these criminals any longer!

Don Johnston Hemet, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1864 of 5002 enough of receiving anonymous phone call at 9 pm, on Sunday, when it is family and resting time.

Stop the pest robocalls

Natacha Gislard-Butterworth MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1865 of 5002

I WANT ROBOCALLERS BLOCKED! I DON'T want those annoying calls day and night. Call on Sundays when it is a day of rest and my Sabbath. I want them blocked so they can't get thru!

Brenda Osborn LaVista, NE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1866 of 5002

I hate telemarketing calls. They are the bane of my existence. I work out of my home and have two lines. It is non-stop all day. Nomorobo has helped somewhat and it has been a life saver. I have been on the do-not-call registry for years and it hasn't helped in the slightest. You must regulate telemarketing calls and leave Nomorobo alone. susan costello sherborn Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1867 of 5002

We are sick of being woken up morning & night with robocalls, our phone has become our enemy, please do whatever you can to stop these annoying calls.

Clarke & Barb Cross Stratford, CT.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1868 of 5002

I HATE the awful robocallers that constantly disturb me! NOMOROBO is a blessing and should be treated as such. They should be give even greater power to block these annoying criminals.

Sam Winternitz Rockville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1869 of 5002

I am tired of automated dialers and either missing or forged (spoofed) callerID. I do not understand why that isn't illegal. Also, there should be a person on the line at the time I pickup..not up to 10secs later when the system either realizes I answered and/or an operator freed up. Predictive systems make many mistakes.

We are already able to block anonymous and private-callerID calls so why shouldn't we be allowed to block robotic calls?

There is NO technical reason robotic calls cannot be blocked. If the phone companies claim this, its false.

My next step will be to disconnect my land line. Currently my cell phone ONLY allows callers that are in my directory list. If they are not, they are diverted to voicemail. This way if a call is legit, fine. If it's a robot call, there is never a message left. Amazing.

JD Hanadarko Oak Creek WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1870 of 5002

Please give us a way to stop the annoying robocalls. I don't even answer my telephone (home or cell) any longer unless I recognize the number. I should not have to do this. What if it is a friend or family member using someone else's phone to call me because it is an emergency, and I don't answer.

Robocalls are bull______!!!!!!

S. Gonzalez Canton, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1871 of 5002

I can sympathize with people who are just trying to make a living. We own our own business, but I certainly am not going to force myself on someone who does not want my business. I expect the same thing from telemarketers. It is my phone & I don't want them calling it. Please respect my privacy & I will respect yours in return.

Thank you.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1872 of 5002

I'd like to use services such as nomorobo on my landline or mobile phone.

Sherman Wilcox Huntsville, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1873 of 5002

I'm tired of getting tape-recorded calls from "Rachel" of card services. "She" calls me from all over the country and from a variety of different phone numbers. I have Nomorobo installed on my phone but that blocks only some calls. "Rachel" (or her sister, "Heather") knows how to get through.

I want the FCC to put a stop to this plague.

Michael Engber New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1874 of 5002

Please allow consumers like me to block robocalls. These calls are annoying and time consuming and violate the Federal Do Not Call program which is intended to prohibit telemarketing calls to those like me who registered with the Do Not Call program.

Santa Monica, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1875 of 5002

I WANT ROBOCALLERS BLOCKED! I DON'T want those annoying calls day and night. Call on Sundays when it is a day of rest and my Sabbath. I want them blocked so they can't get thru!

Jo Ann Osborn LaVista, NE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1876 of 5002

Robocalls are incredibly aggravating, and having the ability to block such calls is something that I am quite sure the vast majority of Americans, including me, want. All phone companies should offer this, free of charge, to their customers.

Betty & Albert Solbjor Waltham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1877 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely annoying, and I would like them blocked. Please do nothing to stop this valuable service from being provided. My phone is not an avenue for advertising.

Kathy Draper Anaheim, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1878 of 5002 i am bombarded every day and evening with repeated calls from people trying to sell me something and others trying to get info to scam me. they constantly changing up there phone numbers to deceive who they are and where they call from edward v burns toms river ,n.j.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1879 of 5002

Although we have repeatedly signed up for every Do No Call list (State and Federal -- on home and cell phones), We continue to receive calls. If you ask why they call when we have signed up for Do Not Call lists, the call is disconnected. It is also very annoying when you answer the phone and there is a delay and then you realize that the call was automatically dialed. We have made every effort to notify all parties that we do not want to receive calls -- not for political purposes, research, or for any type of advertising. Our phones are private and for personal use. We recently signed up for No More Robocalls and have been thrilled with the service. We used to receive at least 3 calls a day, sometimes 5, and during political campaigns 10. Now we only hear the phone ring once and are very happy when it doesn't ring a second time. Our time is valuable and constant interruptions are very annoying. Robocalls should not be permitted.

Maura & Jeremiah McCarthy Bayside, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1880 of 5002

We can toss out the junk mail delivered by the USPS. It's preposterous to think that we could be prevented from filtering out the junk coming by phone! FCC, do not take this away!

Richard Fry Fullerton, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1881 of 5002

We have had Nomorobo for some time now, but still receive some unwanted calls at all times of the day and evening. We do not want these calls! Nomorobo has been a God send. It has stopped about 90% of these annoying, unwanted calls. If a call does get through, they get an angry response requesting that they never call again. Of course, this does not stop them. We have had them call back many more times. Political calls are also a problem. We would love to block them. Help us please by supporting programs like Nomorobo.

Phil & Kathy Honig Sacramento, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1882 of 5002

I can't stand it anymore. STOP THE ROBOCALLS!

Kathleen Montgomery Village, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1883 of 5002

We use the FCC Do Not Call Registry and it is completely impotent! We reported the violations on the FCC website. Our phone provider blocked some of the numbers, but the solicitors just change their calling number one digit and keep calling. Call blocking is my absolute right; why should I be forced to allow intruders into my home????????????

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1884 of 5002

We need Robocall blocking. We are now getting calls at all times of night and day.

Russell Viska Apple Valley, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1885 of 5002

I ademently appose receiving robocalls. Stop linvading my privacy and stay the hell out of my life!

Holt, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1886 of 5002

Please, please, please expand the use of robocall blocking products to cell phones, etc. The law prohibiting robocalls is completely ineffective, and I personally receive an average of four robocalls per day.

On the few lines where we've been allowed to install it, Nomorobo has been pretty effective and greatly appreciated. I'd like to use it on my cell phone, but Verizon doesn't seem interested in helping.

Don Asperger Fresno, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1887 of 5002

I own my home and have a "NO SOLICITORS" sign at the entrance. It works, because my community, county, and state allow it.

But my phone, for which I pay exorbitant rates per month seems to have become a tool for inscrutable telemarketers. Fully 85 percent of the calls I receive are either robocalls or telemarketers violating the FTC's Do-Not-Call-List procedures. THEY DON'T CARE.

Please allow the public to avail themselves of the appropriate blocking equipment. And, make it incumbent upon all Telecommunication Companies to assist the public in getting the equipment to block and rid the world of the low-life Telemarketers.

Thank you,

Norm Ostby, Jr Camarillo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1888 of 5002

Allowing unsolicited calls on personal & business lines is intrusive. Just as communities prevent solicitation in their neighborhoods, we should be able to prevent random people from calling and disturbing us.

Further, the greatest amount of fraud, scams, and con artists targeting the elderly come through the phone lines. Allowing these people to profit by conning the elderly or uninformed, is embarrassing for a nation such as ours.

Lastly, leaving loopholes and avenues for other entities is unacceptable - to include political and charity groups. If an individual wishes to "opt in" then that should be recognized but as the exception rather than the rule.

Social media entities such as Facebook and Google are routinely criticised and even chastised but Congress for publishing private info by default... Why do we allow our own government to do so?

Regards and best wishes in your endeavors Aaron, m m Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1889 of 5002

Please do something to prevent robo calls to our home and cells. These unwanted phone calls, pop up ads on the Internet and now we can't even block commercials when we tape a program on TV. Please do what you can to stop these annoying things.

Thank you

Larry and Debbie Naples, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1890 of 5002

I use Nomorobo on my home phone to block nuisance calls. It's a very effective method. Using it I'd estimate that it successfully blocks 2/3 to 3/4 of the calls that I don't want to receive.

It would be good if more people had access to Nomorobo and other call blocking systems similar to it.

Jim Turner Menlo Park CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1891 of 5002

I have a phone for family and friends to call me.

I dislike marketing calls, political calls and I especially dislike robocalls.

I feel I should be able to block calls I don't want and it shouldn't be an extra charge.

C. Smith Apple Valley, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1892 of 5002

If I wanted to answer a call fine but get junk calls all the rime sucks

John Stengel Grand Rapids, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1893 of 5002

I want the ability to blck these calls. They shouldn't be allowed anyhow.

Joseph Gallagher Richmond, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1894 of 5002

Please let us block the mindless robo calls we get from telemarketers. Even though we have our numbers listed on the national do not call registry, we were still getting multiple robo calls per day. NoMoRobo is a tool in preventing unsolicited sales calls, and picks up where the federal program has failed to prevent unwanted sales calls! If the federal do not call lists are not going to stop unwanted sales calls, you must allow consumers other options in blocking unwanted phone calls.

Doug Kern The Woodlands, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1895 of 5002

Tell the phone companies to start charging for excessive calls from a phone number and these robo and scam calls will go away. It use to be that you were allowed so many calls per day for a certain fee. More that the max per day cost you more. These folks that make thousand of call a day will have to pay and they will loss money. Technology is out there to eliminate the VOIP calls as well. Get on it!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1896 of 5002

I should not have to pay for endless, mindless, unwanted interruptions to my personal phone. I worry about things like - what if I need to dial 911 and some idiot computer is hogging my line? This is fundamental - my phone is for my use, not the phone company.

Nancy Carlson Houlton WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1897 of 5002

Not only should the FCC force telephone companies to allow citizens to block unwanted and intrusive robocalls, it should force them to provide customers with blacklists capable of rejecting at least a thousand phone-spam numbers.

Harvey S Frey Santa Monica, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1898 of 5002

These "Robocalls" hurt the economy, costs jobs, and are very intrusive. STOP THEM!!!

George Hartford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1899 of 5002

If the Government allows "No Call Lists", Surely, blocking Robocalls and their Scams should be a priority. I was continually harassed with calls at all hours and have invested in an Electronic blocker and subscribed to Nomorobo and we still get calls trying to get Personal and Banking information. Personally I believe that Political calls should also be Blocked. I will certainly take into consideration how my the Elected Officials from our State vote on this issue.

Jeff Braman Fort Wayne, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1900 of 5002

Robocalls are a parasite on our lives. Please stop this intrusion on our lives and privacy.

Joe Jackson Georgia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1901 of 5002

I love NoMoRobo. I just wish it were available for cell phones, indeed would like to have that capability mandated to be available no matter what cell phone service you use.

Lance Hoffman Chevy Chase MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1902 of 5002

I want to be left alone.....only family and friends to call, no one else. I will pay extra (no coupons) just to be left alone. I pay the phone bill in full on time each month and want to be left alone. Thank God for caller ID.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1903 of 5002

The "Do-Not-Call" list does not work. Companies and individuals still continue to call my un-published number that is on the do not call list. There needs to be more effort placed in prosecuting the violators, and there needs to be a better way for consumers to block robocalls.

Martin Wilt Williamstown, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1904 of 5002

I signed up for blockage of robocalls but it didn't seem to cut out those calls. They call at any hour no matter whether it is early morning ot late st night. We've always had a house rule of none before 9 a.m. or after 9 p.m.

Joan Kay Vero Beach, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1905 of 5002

Dear Commissioners,

Blocking ROBO calls is just as necessary as was creating the "No Call List". I get ROBO calls at least 8 times a day. It's a real distraction when trying to get some work done. Please put a stop to it.

Donald W. Beyer Dalton, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1906 of 5002

Please allow blocking of robocalls, there is no good reason for robocalls. we don't need robocalls and we need to have the ability to block them

Clinton, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1907 of 5002

I think robocalls are an invasion of my privacy. I have an unlisted phone number and I might as well be saving my money.

Please make it illegal for anyone who has not been given the number by the owner of the number to call it.

Sharon and Thomas Moffatt Richmond, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1908 of 5002

They are harassing and I receive up to 10 phone calls a day and at least 6 are from the same number. I want it to stop. !!!! phyllis harwood elgin, il

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1909 of 5002

Robocalls are disruptive and invasive. I want to use my phone on my terms. I do not want to be subjected to unwanted, unsolicited calls from anyone, especially after they have been told to stop calling.

I appreciate the services of companies who provide robocall blocking.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1910 of 5002

Robocalls are one of the most irritating aspects of our phone service. I pay for the phone service...why should robocalls even be allowed. There should be no question as to whether services to block robocalls should be allowed: give the consumer a break for a change and help block all robocalls! ken roberts auburn, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1911 of 5002

This is a very simple decision...I the callers pay for my phone service then they have the right to call me. At this time I pay for my phone service and I do not want anyone to call me that is not a friend or someone I have requested to call me by giving them my number personally. I have found not one honest anonymous caller. By honest I mean someone not tainted with profit as their motive for calling me...and robo calling is the ultimate impersonal insult.

I am sure none of the commissioners like getting robo calls so they should treat the rest of the citizenry with the same respect.

Michael OBrien Jacksonville Beach, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1912 of 5002

Please give me the option to accept or block robocalls

Albert Tornare Columbus, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1913 of 5002

I joined Noborobo several months ago and I love it! No more intrusive calls into my house at the most inconvenient times. I no longer rush to the phone just to find out that it is no one I really wish to talk to anyway. The phone rings once or twice and then stops, therefore no need to jump up from the dinner table to see who is calling. If anyone really wants to talk to me, they will leave a message and I will call them back. These other people do not leave messages anyway.

Willoughby Hills, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1914 of 5002

My family is tired of receiving phone calls in excess of several hundred calls since March 2014. These are totally unsolicited and unwanted. A majority of these calls are during the dinner hours of 5-7:30 p.m. at night. When I have attempted to request some of the the callers' supervisors, I have been emphatically told "No." I have been treated with disrespect. I can't understand some of the English that some callers are using. And, most of these calls are on "burner cells;" and, there is no return number available on some calls. Or, when you try to return the call, the message is that the number has expired, been disconnected, etc. The "Do Not Call" function is useless (and a joke). Please give us the information that we need to stop this invasion of our privacy. Not tomorrow, but today.

L. A. Simmons Philadelphia, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1915 of 5002

The robocalls are a very big problem. They tie up your phone, & the calls are at the most annoying times. Robocall blocking products are doing the job that I thought that the do not call register would do.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1916 of 5002

Please block Robo calls, thank you.

Elizabeth Eukavina Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1917 of 5002

The right to be left unannoyed by the kinds of calls that the Nomorobo product "defeats" is fundamental to anyone's right of privacy and it is unconscionable that you would even consider an argument that allows these kinds of unsolicited interruptions. Speaking from personal experience, the joy of watching numerous "junk" callers disappear from my phone thanks to Nomorobo is nearly indescribable. Do NOT allow the carriers to avoid doing their job which is to serve their customers by providing these kinds of solutions.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1918 of 5002

These robo calls are driving us crazy, start at 830AM thru 9PM with no letup. We need our peace and quite! Please help!!

Bill and Jo Ann Morrison San Diego CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1919 of 5002

Thank goodness for a service like nomorobo! We used to get 3 to 4 of these calls per day even after registering on the stop calls web site. Now we only get local political and charity calls, vi would like to stop them also.

Pat Garrett Austin tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1920 of 5002

I would dearly love to be able to block these annoying calls!! The people who make these calls apparently have no sense of decency or propriety and no compunction about constantly disturbing us with their incessant calls. It's a form of harassment and should be stopped. And it should include political calls along with ALL the others.

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Wanchisn Richmond, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1921 of 5002

I currently receive almost all my land line calls from telemarkers. It's abusive and until Nomorobo, I was planning to give up my two landlines and just use cell phones.

Nomorobo is doing something that the government and certainly our carriers, eg Time Warner should be doing. Time Warner only allows me to block 30 numbers. I get more than 30 unwanted robo calls a week.

Please keep Nomorobo operating and help them do the job that they are doing.

Wendy Florin NY and CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1922 of 5002

Those annoying robocalls come at the most Inopertune times and since it's my phone and I am paying for it I should have the right to talk to who I want and who I dont

Anthony Mammolito Staten Island new york

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1923 of 5002

Thanks to Nomorobo, our home phone now receives no annoyance calls from solicitors and other robot call users. Every time I here the one ring followed by silence I know another call has been canceled.

The pity of it is that what should be stopped is the robot calls not the solution to eliminating them. That the FCC even allows annoying robot calls is appalling. The FCC should work for the greater good, allowing any robot calls is not for the greater good, but rather giving in to special interest groups that probably have a lot of money for supporting politicians. America at it's best. Don't you just love it.

Michael Cullen The Woodlands, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1924 of 5002

I don't think robocalls should be allowed. We are elderly and these calls are very annoying. We pay for phone service but that does not give them the right to call at anytime they choose. If we try to tell them to take us off their call list they just hang up. Something needs to be done to stop this.

Ronald Miller Louisville, Ky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1925 of 5002

Please stop the Robocalls. I am even getting them with my own telephone number showing up on my ID caller. This is totally wrong! I have called the telephone company to complaine and they tell me they are try to correct this that was last winter and I'm still getting these calls!!! WRONG WRONG WRONG! I have signed up with the FCC to no have these calls also. muelson Plymouth,MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1926 of 5002

Please allow NomoRobo to block unwanted calls!

Gil Brand Dallas TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1927 of 5002

I'm on the telemarketing list, which you have to place yourself on every somany days. This service does not work. I get at least 50 phone calls that I do not ask for by companies I do not know. Nomorerobo helps by stoping theses call and if one sneeks in you can add that number and have it stoped. My life is less stressful having nomorerobo on my phone.

Patricia Balla Philadelphia, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1928 of 5002

My 91 year old dad gets up to answer these unwanted and sometimes rude and ininvasive companies.

He says no not interested and they call 2-3 week. I will kill these bastards if he falls!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1929 of 5002

I receive more than 10 junk, robocalls, on average every single day. Services like Nomorobo are invaluable since they block these often bogus nuisance calls. Telephone marketers and others who utilize robocalls simply ignore the government's Do Not Call List. ALL my phone lines are registered with Do Not Call, and yet the robocalls only increased over the years. Nomorobo is one of the few services that offers some respite. I find it reprehensible that I can only utilize the service on one of my four phone lines. Please do your job! Protect the consumer, not the phone companies who oppose this service. I can only surmise that their opposition to this is because they receive revenue for every robocall that goes through.

Kenneth Niemann Elliottsburg, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1930 of 5002

I am disgusted that the FCC will not support the popular notion that robocalls are an invasion of privacy. They are unrelentingly annoying and disruptive. They need to stop.

Jay A Kravitz, MD MPH Ballston Lake, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1931 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely annoying and should be blocked.

Nomorobo is a helpful product and should definitely be allowed to continue and expand.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1932 of 5002

Robocalls are a complete nuisance. Firms have no regard as to the hour they call and continue to call on a repeated basis. Nomorobo is a great feature that should be available to everyone that has a telephone.

If I want to buy something I will initiate the process. I do not need a Firm contacting me to sell me a timeshare, cruise, vacation, etc. Please resect my privacy.

Laura and Gus T. Olney, Md.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1933 of 5002

I want to have the ability to block robocalls if I so desire. It's my phone and if do not wish to recieve them, I should have the right to do so.

Mr. & Mrs. N. Ham Dix Hills, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1934 of 5002

I greatly appreciate the service by Nomorobo! We have caller ID and therefore would simply not answer calls that weren't from family and friends. That worked except our answering machine was getting filled up each evening. We wouldn't even listen to the messages. We would just cycle through and delete them. Now we get just get a few messages left per week. The service is wonderful! We just discovered the service a few months ago. Please don't take it away. If people don't want it they can forego it but I can't help but think there is a far greater number of people who want the service but can't get it or don't know about it. I'm sure the list of numbers on the national Do Not Call list is several times longer than the list of subscribers of robocall blocking products.

Julio and Drewann Amaya Lewisville, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1935 of 5002

Please stop the incessant robocalls!!!!! They are so irritating!

Thank you!

Diane and Doug Remeta Spartanburg, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1936 of 5002

Nomorobo is the best for seniors and others that has come along in decades. I do not ordinarily take a stand but this is important.

It has saved us from rushing to take a call from some telemarketer that tries to coerce you into something that you do not need or want.

Please allow us to stop these intrusions. Thank you for listening.

Mr. & Mrs. Shay DeWitt, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1937 of 5002 help us all to stop annoying robo calls from companies I want nothing to do with.

Nick Hunt Rockville Centre, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1938 of 5002

I receive 2 or 3 robocalls a week. I'm 77 years old and I don't have time to put up with this crap. Please give me the option of effectively blocking these calls.

Mike Stephens Sacramento, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1939 of 5002

Please help American Seniors and other busy people to avoid disruptive sales calls.

H C and Margaret Miller Daphne, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1940 of 5002

We get somewhere around 5 to 10 computer generated calls per day. Thank God for Caller ID on the TV and for voice Caller ID on our phone. It's still very annoying, but at least we don't need to get up and answer the phone. It's the electronic version of salesmen coming to our door, and I feel like it is invading the peace and quiet of my home.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1941 of 5002

It's time that we who pay for our phone service have some rights! Why are we "victims"?

Richard Derby Maynard, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1942 of 5002

As consumers, we should have the final decision on who contacts us in the privacy of our own home. It is no different than blocking spam in our email account. We have the right to filter unwanted communication.

George Bethel Falmouth, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1943 of 5002

I detest ROBOCALLS! You should enact legislation banning them. I have been a salesman for about 60 years. I adhered to the no-call list when it was enacted. I never used automated calling. I always did my own phoning, and I still do. If you arte too lazy to phone personally, find another line of work!

Incidentally, as soon as I know that it's a robocall, I hang up, but I'd like to see them banned totally. Charitable Organizations included! Oh yes, and P{olitical calls too!

Charles Mervis Centerville, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1944 of 5002

I love having the nomorobo service...every time the phone rings and I see that they have handled the call I am just smiling. I feel I have the right to not take any calls I don't want. These calls cause me to run to the phone only to have someone try to sell me something...NOOOOOO!

The government needs to protect the public not these calls that interrupt or lives. When the phone rings I immeadately think that something has happened to someone in my family...buts its a telemarketer...I ve been frightened for no reason..I don't want these calls

Glendale, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1945 of 5002

My phone rings day and night with solicitations that is outright an invasion of ones privacy. Taking a nap is never allowed with the phone ringing at all hours of the day. It must stop.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1946 of 5002

On a DAILY basis, I get at least 8 calls that are unsolicited. Every day, at all hours from 6 am until 9 pm. I find this to be an infringement on my personal telephone use. If I wanted their services, I would be researching them myself ON THE COMPUTER. I want to be able to block these unsolicited telemarketing calls.

Examples: Home Repair, Financial Services, and many that are "name unavailable".

Linda Abele Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1947 of 5002

I'm tired of receiving RoboCalls! Mostly they are complete scams. I've been called 10 times in the past month by "Officer Julie Smith of the US Treasury", who turns out to be a man trying to steal money from old people. I also get one every month from "Mike Smith" about placing me on top of Google. Both are Fraud, please allow me to block them!

B Korek San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1948 of 5002

I would like you to know that because of robocalls I have had to turn my home phone to mute. I get repeated calls from the same company 3-4 times a night, as late as 10 pm. I work shift work. Can you imagine being up for 24 hours only to be awakened by a robocall when you finally are able to rest. Please let it be my choice not your greediness which dictates whether I receive robocalls.

Catherine Stornelli Neptune , NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1949 of 5002

What would possibly motivate anyone to think owners of a phone would want to receive endless robocalls. Well, perhaps the phone company can only charge a robot caller if the targets phone rings more than once. Aw, what a shame the poor phone company is losing money when robocalls are blocked after one ring. Perhaps I really would appreciate receiving 5-10 or more per day of pointless annoying distracting irritating sales calls for useless overpriced services and junk that I don't need or want. But then who wouldn't enjoy having their day distracted by such calls?

Walt Craig Riverside, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1950 of 5002

I am tired of getting robocalls. I signed up to get rid of soliciting but somehow you decided to let these people continue to bother me.


Andy Mammay Rockledge, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1951 of 5002

I should not have 3-4 robocalls every day if I don't want them.

Last month, when my wife was home recuperating from major surgery, the phone rang numerous times each day, almost every one was a robocall. Not only could she not get needed rest, she never knew if it a family member calling to see if she needed anything.

People who want robocalls should be able to get them. However, people who don't want robocalls should be able to block them.

Dave Pinsky Santa Rosa, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1952 of 5002

Robocall is terrible please stop


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1953 of 5002

The Do Not Call List has been rendered absolutely and totally useless for some time now. I was getting up to 4-8 calls many days of the week---some as early as 7:30 a.m., some up until 10 p.m.--- until I started blocking. They still come in unless I track the number and block it----PLEASE give us some relief, some way to prevent this abuse of the phone network and this terrible invasion of privacy. We are your constituents, we are the people of "of the people, for the people". PLEASE.

Margaret Bahan Oakland, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1954 of 5002

We have already lost so many of our freedoms. Please, Please, do not do anything to stop or block NOMOROBO, which gives me peace of mind. Before NOMOROBO I had no way to separate the wanted from unwanted calls. The telephone company was the worst offender in trying to sell me unwanted items. Please authorize NOMOROBO completely in every way.

Hiram Sloan Malibu, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1955 of 5002

Robocalls are a major annoyance. They call at hours of the day & night.

I work the night shift so the robocalls keep me awake during the day. These unsolicited calls also tie up my phone line.

Please stop robocalls. As a phone customer I should be the one to decide if I want these calls not the phone company. I DO NOT WANT ROBOCALLS. Please make them stop.

Javier Padilla Santa Clarita, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1956 of 5002

I have been getting robo call every day and it is despicable that these companies can have these calls interrupt my life. Please reconsider your decision to allow these calls because they are disruptive and have no place in the privacy I am entitled to have.

I would appreciate you changing your decision in this serious issue so all of us can block Robocalls.


Alan Rosenthal

Alan Rosenthal Monterey California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1957 of 5002

For every real phone call that I receive I get about 3 unsolicited Robo calls! Sadly the federal and state do not call registries have proven to be totally worthless and my telco provider wants to charge me to block calls. I have been using nomorobo and it works!

Mike shlasko Venice, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1958 of 5002

My phone numbers means just that, they belong to me and paid by me and not established for anyone else's convenience but mine and mine alone. I give out my numbers only to those that are allowed to call me.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1959 of 5002

Do not allow robocalls! alexandria,VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1960 of 5002

We receive from 4 to 10 robocalls PER DAY, and we never purchase products or services over the phone. It is extremely disruptive to our daily life. We immediately need robocall blocking products to stop this invasion of our private lives. Since they will not provide this vital blocking service now, the phone companies must be made to provide or allow other companies to provide this service. This makes our life miserable. HELP!

Dennis Rieger Hermosa Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1961 of 5002

We get calls and hang ups all day and well into the evening. They disrupt our very limited family life. Our next step is to kill the landline altogether. But now the calls are starting on the cell phones too. Please save us from this! palmdale CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1962 of 5002

I absolutely HATE! HATE these calls. They are not any calls I would Make myself and why do they seem to come around dinner time? Very annoying. I don't answer any call if I don't recognize the number. So when I try to call them back to have them stop calling me, I get a " this number has been disconnected" or " mailbox is full". Hope this message will help.

Carole Puyallup, wa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1963 of 5002

I am sick and tired of robocalls! They are so annoying. I signed up for the "do not call" list, but this did not prevent the robocalls. Please do something.

Debbie Romans Centennial, Colorado

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1964 of 5002

I am retired. I mention this because I am around the house a good part of the day. Over the last few weeks there have been times when I got 4-5 robocalls a day. Many times I would answer the phone, but they would not respond. I even had one that was trying to get my banking info out of me because I was deserving money from the govt. When I led him on I guess I upset him and he said he was going to have sex with my wife and daughter. But that wasn't the way he said it! PLEASE! make them stop

James Salsbury Bryan, Oh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1965 of 5002 despite what phone companies may lead you to believe, the average person does not like to be harassed by unwanted calls. If a business is legitimate, they have to state their business and respect our request to be removed from their call list. Robocallers generally don't state their intentions( if they do, they are usually nefarious in nature-aka "Credit Card Services" scam) and make it nearly impossible to get off their calling lists. Increasingly businesses have been able to use their money to tune out the voices of real people. Please turn the tide and make it easier for us to stop these unwanted calls.

Dayton, Oh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1966 of 5002

I am tired of the numerous phone calls about my credit card balance and I need to talk to an adviser or another one is that someone recommended me for my free wheel chair and it is now available and this kind of phone call can happen several times a week. They are very annoying because I am in nearly perfect health, I run 5 k races and go the gym at least three times a week.

You try to call them and the phone is not in service to give them a piece of my mind but the phone is not in service. To me this is clearly harassment and using my phone in order to do it.

It's a scam through and through and everyone should to have the availably to block them!

Franklin, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1967 of 5002

Please stop the "robo-callls" from reaching my my cellphone.

Mark A. Lambie Council Bluffs, Iowa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1968 of 5002

Robocalls have become so frequent in recent years that our home telephone is almost useless. We don't answer most calls, and so sometimes miss legitimate and important calls. NoMoRoBo has helped SO much, but the problem still exists. Please help!

Poway, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1969 of 5002

We've been on the "do not call list" for years , and continue to report annoying calls...... all to no avail. Something needs to be done to stop these calls, at times, 5-6 times a day!!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1970 of 5002

Surely we as a member of the public can have input about whether or not we want these annoying calls. We currently visually screen every call and do not accept callers we do not recognize. Otherwise we are letting other people make decisions about when or what we want to devote our energy and time to. It is not unusual for the same number to call several times a day. Many seem to be from other countries. Please help find a way to stop the calls and then work on electronic communications. william leaver NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1971 of 5002

As a Senior citizen, I am sick to DEATH of robocalls, that ring at all hours, often when I'm resting.

They have NO shame, and even though I have an answering machine, they don't have the decency to leave a message a lot of the time. This can be frightening, as I wonder if these are crooks casing my home, or what they want.

At the end of our lives, haven't we earned the right to be left in peace, especially when I AM PAYING the BILL for my phone service?

I am SO glad NOMOROBO is intercepting some of these evil callers.

Dan Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1972 of 5002

Robo calls disturb my quality of life. Please make it easier to block them!

Steven D. Mezick Mineola, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1973 of 5002 please do everything possible to block robocalls. Even from politicians.

Kathleen Perry San Diego California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1974 of 5002

I hate robo calls

Scott ellsworth Swansea nh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1975 of 5002

I have recently been discharged from the hospital for a heart attack. My fourth. . Just because I have a telephone is no reason my privacy should be invaded. Most simply hang up on theis nuisances as do I. So, please block these calls. They are of no value and are interupting my rest, and hindering my health.

Loisann Milloy Tucson Arizona

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1976 of 5002

Despite placing my phone number on every do-not-call list available, I still receive several calls a day from unidentified and apparently criminal businesses who use bogus phone numbers. Their aim, of course, is to bilk people out of their money. I pity people with dementia who get these calls and may inadvertantly lose their life savings unwittingly. Even those of us who know better are harassed throughout the day with a ringing phone wasting valuable time and disturbing our peace by using a device we pay for to have for our convenience. Anything that can be done to prevent this criminal harrassment should be done. Thank you for caring enough to read this.

Laura B Port St Lucie, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1977 of 5002

Robocalls are pests. I hate them. So does everybody I know. They do no good for anyone.

Mary Brockton MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1978 of 5002

Tell the phone companies to make blocking robo calls easy and mandatory!

Duane royal Ashburn, va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1979 of 5002

I am sick and tired of having my phone ring consistantly and no one being there . Although I have Caller I.D. , I like for you to try and call back the number on Caller I.D., and get a message saying "The number you have reached is no longer in service !!!! How in the world can they do this when you call them back whithin a minute or two ? I think it's about time for the FCC to issue "HEFTY" fines for these scammers !!!!! Maybe print their names and the company names and how high of a fine was levied !!!! Set a "LAW" requiring Phone Companies to quit allowing these scammers to get a "Block" of numbers to "hide" behind. Make them give a correct Name & Number, so that they can be properly identified !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1980 of 5002

I think the consumer should have the right to block robocalls and any calls they don't want receive. Also they should have the option to use anything on their personal phone that blocks robocalls and any other unwanted calls. Most of these companies have no boundaries they call over and over day and night and something needs to be done. That's my thought on this subject that needs attention.

Peabody, Ma.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1981 of 5002

We want to have the capability to block unwanted/unprompted calls. This should be a right we have. I pay for my phone line as well as companies who pester me, so I should be able to control who calls me.

Nomorobo has made my life much more peaceful and with less interruptions. Companies like Nomorobo should exist.

Dave G PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1982 of 5002

Help stop robocalls...nomorobo has been a has helped to block 90% of those horrorable robocalls that annoy us all by.interupting our dinners and even our Sunday afternoons.. take care of the people not the phone companies!!!!

Bill Swick Clarkston, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1983 of 5002

I don't like the fact that on any given day, I am taken away from my other activities to answer the phone, and it's a call from a computer somewhere in the USA (?). This is not only annoying, but it's an invasion of my privacy when this occours continually throughout the day and into the evening hours. Sometimes it's the same number that calls several times! The charities and politicians shouldn't be exempt from this either! I could care less about their "town meetings!" It's my phone and it's my time! I don't wish to be interrupted by people wanting money all the time!

St. Marys, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1984 of 5002

Nomorobo calls was the best thing to add to my phone number. Instead of continuous (several a day) calls from multiple companies who leave a blank message. My answering machine has 3 calls and there is not a word spoken. Really irritating. I had even turned off my answering service because I was fed up.

One call passed me to a person - I planned to ask them to stop calling. He began with "Do you own a computer? What kind?" Seriously?? I expressed my irritation with these robo-calls with "I'm fed up with these calls." He said "so you are frustrated." I said, 'Yes, fed up means I'm frustrated." He replied: "You need more sex." Do I have to put up with this from strangers who are trying to sell something.

These calls are violating my home and wasting my time. Many are scams and take advantage of people. If the telephone companies are against stopping robo-calls, who do they think pays them for the service? So they are supporting these thieves and scam artists instead of their customers? It is my phone, my home and I pay to have the phone activated for my convenience - not to receive calls that are total BS. If you don't agree, let me have your home phone number and let me call you with a great deal.

Support Nomorobo call service.

Linda M Hetue Hull, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1985 of 5002 i find these calls intrusive. they never take how disruptive into consideration. please allow me to stop these calls. i will never respond positively to anything that is a robocall. joan barnett plymouth,ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1986 of 5002

Please do something about these nuisance calls that waste time, energy and patience. I have call blocking on my phone equipment and have signed up for nomorerobocalls but some calls still get through by the caller disguising their caller ID. There should be criminal prosecution for this fraud.

Jim Ballard San Jose, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1987 of 5002

I do not want my phone ringing all times of the day!!!I will not use my land line any more if this service is stopped terrence campbell ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1988 of 5002

Why just block calls on cell phones? Please block robocalls on landlines and VOIP.

David Aurora, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1989 of 5002

I have signed up for "nomorobo" and it has saved me from constantly running to the phone to see if I want to answer the automatic dialed solicitations. During this past year's elections I felt like I was being harassed by organizations that I may have donated to once, but they kept calling for more. Please do not take this service away!

Estella Mixson Louisville, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1990 of 5002

I feel robocall blocking would be a great advantage. We (my wife and I) are receiving on average 3 calls daily from credit monitoring sales people that is really bothersome. The phone rings at the most unoppertune times. We answer the phone and it is these pesty people trying to sell us something we don't need or want.The no-call list isn't stopping them.

Robert & Kathleen Vande Walle Green Bay, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1991 of 5002

As a user of land line and cell phones, I believe I should have the right to block robocalls. They are a great inconvience as I am elderly and find it difficult to get to the phone in a timely manner. My wife and I get numerous calls that are controlled by some mindless computer.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1992 of 5002

I have been using this service. The greatest thing I have ever tried to cut the amount of calls we receive. I use Uverse at home. I wish Verizon would also allow.

Tim Murphy North Canton, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1993 of 5002

I am sick of running through the house to pick up the phone for a robocall. I am very sick of having Verizon sell my number to companies so they can call me. I pay a heafty amount for service. The least you can do is make sure I am only getting calls that I want. Robocalls are the equivalent of spam and junk mail. Enough is enough!

Leah Holmes Craston, RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1994 of 5002

Block all robo calls I am tired of getting 6 a day

Kurt grabow Willow spring , North Carolina

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1995 of 5002

Stop Robo Calls

Ed Zwolensky Grand Blanc, Mi.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1996 of 5002

Nomorobo is the best innovation in phone service. We have enjoy the privacy it restored to our lifes.

We no longer have to jump when the phones rings when we are having dinner or relaxing watching TV, the phone only rings once, Nomorobo blocks the crazy, annoying phone calls.

Please don't stop this service, it gives the families their privacy, with no interruptions from rude strangers trying to sell their products.

Raymond Starke Oyster Bay, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1997 of 5002

Robocalls are big nuisance, and should be banned. Nomorobo works, and everyone should have access to this and similar technology solutions to bliock robocalls.

Garnet Valley, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1998 of 5002

I signed up with NOROBO several months ago because I was getting way to many unwanted calls from various vendors. Previously I had registered my phone with DONOTCALL and that did not work. I loged unwanted cals from March 2013 to August 2014. I submitted many complaints to DONOTCALL without any responce or help. I even sent a copy of this log to the FCC again without any action.

I pay for phone service and I have every right to stop unwanted calls and only NOROBO has been successfull. My phone is not a marketing tool and is not open to every Tom Dick & Harry.

Vince Hudson MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 1999 of 5002

Your robocall laws aren't working. I get three to four a day despite being on the "do not call" list. They are not from companies that I have done business with and so I use a software to block them. I should be allowed to control the telephone calls that are disturbing my peace and quiet. I pay a LOT of money to AT&T for their services, but I am not paying to answer calls I did NOT solicit. Robocall clocking products are essential for me to conduct business and to have some peace of mine.

Kim Brogan Bonita, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2000 of 5002

I do NOT want to receive ro Coals!

Bordentown NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2001 of 5002

I am on the do not call registry, but continue to get unwanted ROBO calls all the time. Can't you assist me, and others, in blocking these unwanted calls? At least, let me sign up with a robocall blocking service such as nomorerobo, if I choose to do so.

Tony Siegel Fort Collins, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2002 of 5002

I would like to be able to block recorded calls as people that don't have the time to talk to me in person should not expect me to spend my time listening to their recording. I also would like the ability to block calls from people who do not identify themselves on caller identification. It is after all my phone and my space; why can't I say who is allowed to enter and who should not. My wife has a medical situation that dictates my control of who calls my home.

Tom Robinson

Tom Robinson Venice, FL.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2003 of 5002

Please require phone companies to allow blocking robot calls.

I love Nomorobo!

Howard Hertz Foster City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2004 of 5002

It is time to stop the annoying robocalls that start in the morning move to the afternoon and then to the evening. And when you finally pick the phone up to tell them not to call you find a dead line. And once they know someone is there it becomes more incessant.

Something has to be done even if you are on the do not call list, which is Usless!!!

D query Vancouver washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2005 of 5002

Stop government interference now and let americans block unwanted calls !!!

Jack Tucker Kingston Springs, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2006 of 5002

Nomorobo is one of the keenest inventions to maintain my sanity during all hours of the day and night. It's a unique solution that intercepts robocalls for me. I use it on my digital phone package from Time Warner Cable and although I'd pay for it, it's offered for FREE!

Scott Beck Fairfield, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2007 of 5002

It should not be up to the phone companies to decide what kind of calls I get. If some company is going to disturb me at home there should at least be a human on the other end of the line. I demand you let me continue to have robocalls blocked

Les Kelly Buffalo, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2008 of 5002

Seriously? Why is this still a problem? Do your job and protect the people!

Greg Brooking Marietta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2009 of 5002

I believe that I should be able to block calls, I do not need someone calling me at meal time to sell me there products. This a phone I pay for and should have control over.

Harry G. Martin, Jr. Sterling, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2010 of 5002

Nomorobo saves me so much time and annoyance. I'm able to enjoy meals without interuptions. There is no reason to discontinue, the do not call list is ineffective, this give me a tool to fight back against robo calls.

Please do not block nomorobo.

Bruce Romanoff Woodland Park, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2011 of 5002

Are you kidding me? I am so tired of robo callers and callers that are able to scam with fake phone numbers calling all times of day and night including weekends. Get you act together and allow us to block calls that have no legitimate phone numbers or are able to use bogus phone numbers.

Jan Los Angeles California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2012 of 5002

Whatever happen to a citizen's right to privacy? I pay for services on my phone every month. What gives the government the right to open up my privacy to everyone on the universe just because they request it? The harassment I get daily from these robocalls is mind boggling and to the degree that I don't even answer my phone if I don't recognize the number. They come 7 days a week often up to 10:00 at night. Why should I be subject to this type of harassment?

Southfield, Mi.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2013 of 5002

It is important that you allow us to do everything necessary and possible to stop robocalls. It is having a negative effect on our quality of life. The phone rings and often no one is there at the time due to making multiple calls all at once. However, they keep calling. This invasion of our homes and time should not be allowed.

Gig Harbor, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2014 of 5002

Please Please block these anoying Robocall which mainly are used for sales pitches AND if you are slow to answer nobody is on the other side. You answered a call from nobody, VERY VERY disturbing especial during dinner time.


Camarillo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2015 of 5002

We need call blocking on our phones-we get call from telemarketers and scammers at all hours day and night, as consumers we should be able to allow ONLY those calls we want. WE PAY THE BILLS!!!!!!!!

Maureen Lewiston NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2016 of 5002

If you allow robocalls it is only fair that you also allow blocking products. Serve the consumer please.

Gordon Orloff Newton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2017 of 5002

We're tired in receiving these call early in the morning and in the late night and even wen I answer the call they hang up.

We're paying the phone company for unlisted number, and still seem like everybody has your number to bother you with sells...

So FCC, or who ever work under the FCC, please stop these robocall.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2018 of 5002

We hate the robocalls we get. They are intrusive and annoying. Our phone company only allows us to block 10 phone numbers. That does begin to cover how many phone numbers make robocalls. Most are computers calls so there is no telling them you are on the Federal Do Not Call List. Even the calls with people making them do not care if you are on the Federal Do Not Call List. They blatantly break the law and do not care.

During the last year or two the number of robocalls has skyrocketed. The calls are annoying and have stopped us from answering call we needed to take because we didn't recognize the phone number calling.

We now use and it has helped so very much with us no longer getting calls we do not want.

Robert and Leah Hejl Dallas, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2019 of 5002

I want to be able to use roobo blocking products call to help insure my privacy of unwanted phone calls..

Frank Trivison & Carolyn Trivison Syracuse, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2020 of 5002 stop robocalls

Huntington Beach,ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2021 of 5002

The people responsible for robocalls are demented! We sometimes get 4 or 5 of these calls a day and the worst of them, Consumer Services aka Cardholder Services, calls 3 or 4 times a week I have reported them multiple times, but they keep changing numbers and many of them now call from unlisted numbers. They should be totally BANNED!!. It is an invasion of privacy! You will earn the thanks of millions of people if you do something to put an end to these pests!

Oceanside, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2022 of 5002

We are fed up with all the soliciting calls we receive daily we get 5 or 6 each day


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2023 of 5002

I have a right to block robo calls.

It's unwanted intrusion on my time.

Nuff said.

James Pilewski Eastlake, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2024 of 5002

I like blocking robo calls. I was getting at least 3 a day. That great and is what I want. Please do not stop the robocall blocking program.

John Hutchinson Fort Worth TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2025 of 5002

STOP THE NUISANCE CALLS NOW, GET WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2026 of 5002

I think we need easy ways to block robot calls. Please do not cave into the big telecoms. They should make it easier to block phone spam, and why they would fight this is...dismaying.h

A. Kraus Rockville MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2027 of 5002

I am an ICU physician. I get a significant number of unwanted calls when trying to catch up some sleep after night calls. It is frustrating that this happens in spite of signing up in Do Not Call list

Darnestown MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2028 of 5002

Robocalls for emergency notification, or explicitly opted-in services (prescription readiness etc) are fine; unsolicited, charitable, and political robocalls are not. We have been driven from our home phone - we never answer it, to let the answering machine do the filtering; this is not only an annoyance on *every* call (the multiple rings, etc) but it also impacts our ability to receive calls from friends and family. Stop the robocalls - with financial disincentives!

Wayne Stidolph Santa Cruz, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2029 of 5002 i hate every friggin robo call i get lou lotesto sr mokena il

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2030 of 5002

I believe the "non soliciting" organizations should also be anle to be blocked as well. Why should they have a say as to when they can call me and I don't!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2031 of 5002

The efforts made by the Do Not Call program are admirable but do not work. The robocallers are far smarter than the enforcers, changing their tactics like a virus against an antibiotic! If the law can interpret that robotic calls cannot be blocked, then the law is faulty and must be changed. It is my right to have peace and quiet in my own home; please ensure that robocall blocking continues to be available to us!

BBradford Oceanside, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2032 of 5002

It's annoying and must be stopped.

Glenn Renl Garfield, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2033 of 5002

Robo calls are the bane of my existance. This morning I had 3 before 10am. I would like to think the phone is for my convenience but it has become a burden and I am thinking of cancelling my service.

Joyce Nicholls Santa Ana CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2034 of 5002

I don't want companies calling my cell phone I use no more robocalls on my landline and would like to use it on my cell if needed

Raymond Clark Newington Ct.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2035 of 5002

It is extremely annoying to be interrupted on a daily basis by robocalls, not once but several times a day. I am a senior citizen and it isn't always easy to get to the phone. People shouldn't be allowed to call your number if you don't want. I wish I could return the calls to them, especially while they're in the shower, bathroom or setting down to lunch or dinner. FCC, I hope you can stop these calls.

Joan & Larry Rhoden Alexandria, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2036 of 5002

I think robocall blocking is a Great thing. Too bad the FCC lets them get away with making those very annoying calls to begin with. Call blocking is a big joke. .

Glendora, CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2037 of 5002

No orozco has been a godsend. Before I got non probe, I had been bothered by ten or more junk calls per day. Most of them were illegal scam trying to separate unsuspecting victims from there money. Junk and scam phone calls make it so bad for consumers that without technology like nomorobo I would have to cancel my land line or go to an unlisted number. With this technology I can keep connected to friends and businesses with I want to communicate and avoid scammers and unwanted intrusive callers. Thank you

Fairfax, va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2038 of 5002

I just cannot believe that in this wonderful country that we are continually abused and harassed and bullied by the repeated phone calls that are done by telemarketers. I am trying to recover from stage 4 cancer, and I also take care of my 90 year old mother and my 83 year old aunt. I cannot begin to tell you how annoying it is to run to the phone while I am asleep or waking up my aunt or mother while they are trying to rest, only to find that it is , once again, a telemarketer. PLEASE HELP me with this very challenging issue. Thank you, Robert Bradbury robert bradbury braintree, ma. 02184

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2039 of 5002

For over 2 weeks, I kept receiving phone calls from the same number and NoMoRobo blocked them. That number called every single day and on a few occasions called up to 4 times in one day. In researching that number online, I found people that answered the call and it was someone foreign telling them that their computer was infected with a virus. They wanted access to the computer. Before I signed up with NoMoRobo, I had answered similar calls and told them to stop calling me and to remove my number. They were always very rude and would stop for a while then start up again. I'm on the National Do-Not-Call list but because they never give their company name, reporting them didn't do any good. NoMoRobo helped by continually hanging up on this person. Robot calls are ridiculous ... you answer the phone, there is no one there or you have to wait 30 seconds before someone picks up on the calling end. That is stupid. If the call is important, let the person "hand dial" the number ... and let it be a legit call and not a telemarketer who pays no attention to the National Do-Not-Call list.

West Chester, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2040 of 5002

I get 3 or 4 calls a day and there is usually no one on the other end. Their phone numbers on caller ID are spoofed which leads me to believe they are fraudulent in nature and preying on us senior citizens.

We should be allowed to block their dishonest robocalling and they should be put out of business.

William E Cunningham San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2041 of 5002

Have used nomorobo for over 1 year and love it. This program has markedly reduce nuisance calls.

Thom Saarie Gahanna Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2042 of 5002

Please help eliminate the incredably rude function called robocall. Thank you.

Harry R Garrett Woodstock,GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2043 of 5002



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2044 of 5002

Allow me to block the never ending barrage of Robo calls! Between them and all the Construction company calls, and the charities there is no peace at my house.

Allow me the control over my own exposure to these vultures.

Ed Warschilka Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2045 of 5002










Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2046 of 5002

Please tell me why all digital-age forms of communication are enabled with fully developed filtering/blocking capabilities except my phone? Why can I easily block any email, skype caller, text messenger, IM user, even my xbox easily blocks unwanted chat callers.

Is the FCC so archaic that your response will be to cite outdated, ignored anti-telemarket laws and circa 1950 donotcall registries? Its easier for us to probably cut the cord on our landlines than to expect a meaningful response from the FCC if you haven't acted by now. Please force carriers to implement real call blocking features like the rest of technology did years ago. Thank you Ed Leonard

Ed Leonard Branchburg NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2047 of 5002

Force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2048 of 5002

Robocalls are invasive and annoying. I get them daily both at home and at my place of business, this should be blockable if desired. Please allow it.

Grand Rapids MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2049 of 5002 stop robo calls they are dangerous when they don't hang up because you have disconnected be fore they are finished which means your phone is unusable. I own the phone and pay for the minutes they have no right to be so abusive. manteca ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2050 of 5002 i want robocall to block all unsolicited calls from bothering my privacy mainly because the DO NOT CALL programs are'nt doing a good job. herbert & Marianne kuhr palm coast,florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2051 of 5002

We don't need these robocalls and must stop them. Any products that help us regulate them out of life is good. We reserve the right to control who comes into our house. This extends to our land lines & cell phones.

Dennis Walker Commack, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2052 of 5002

Since I have started using NOMOROBO to block unwanted calls, I have seen a dramatic drop in the number of unwanted calls. Since telemarketers seem to ignore the national do not call list, this is the only solution that I have seen work so far.

Since the phone companies refuse to help block these calls, like only allowing me to block 10 numbers at a time, and telemarketers "spoof" names and numbers, I have little recourse in stopping these calls, other than NOMOROBO.

Richard Franke Ramsey, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2053 of 5002

I am a disabled Army veteran. Before getting Nomorobo, I would have to try to get to the phone as many as 20 times per day, only to find I was responding to an illegal call. I am registered with the Federal and Florida Do No Call lists, but that does not slow these callers. Besides these people that should not be calling me, many of the times, I would find the call to be a recording, which violates Florida law and, I believe, also federal law. Nothing stopped this waste of my time and often painful attempt to reach the phone. I connected with Nomorobo and now have to respond only once or twice to calls that do not get filtered out. Why can my phone company (Verizon) not block these unwanted and, in fact, illegal calls? I should add that for a while, I paid Verizon to block "caller ID blocked calls", but the service was completely ineffective.

Joseph W. McCormick Tampa, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2054 of 5002

I don't want to receive any robocalls. They are the biggest nuisance and totally unsolicited. Once they get their hooks into you, they continue to harass you. Although they give you the option to not receive these calls by pressing a designated number, this never works. I think they state this option (knowing that they're not really giving you this option) to protect themselves in the event of a lawsuit. I should not have to be bothered with any unsolicited calls. Give us the power to control what phone calls we want to receive. After all, it is our phone.

Rhonda Bridgeforth Como, MS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2055 of 5002

It is of the utmost importance to stop and block all robocalls. I am the primary caretaker to my Mother and when the phone is constantly ringing, at least 6-10 times a day if not more, it upsets and disturbs her. As well as I have to divert my attention away from her to see if it is an important phone call from a doctor, lab, nurse, hospital, family member, etc. The calls come from early in the morning....beginning at 8 AM and have even pushed past the time of 9 PM.

The callers on the other end don't take 'no' for an answer, whether I hang up on them, don't answer, or whatever the case may be. None of them are bill collectors or anything of sort, I have never received that type of call....because I was raised to live within your means. In other words, if you owe people money my father would say, whatever you have does not belong to you.So these calls are simply nuisance calls to waste time. Robocalls in general have tied up our phone lines by continuously playing when I have needed to desperately reach a doctor/ambulance for my Mom and robocall blocking is something that should be recognized as an inherent way to make life less difficult...when it is such an easy fix.

We have an unpublished and private number and this is still going on, so whatever steps you are able to do to help enforce the robocalls and blocking would be most appreciated. It literally boils down to quality of life...and that is something that is of extreme importance to all of us.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2056 of 5002

Robocalls are the bane of our existence. They are terribly disruptive and a complete waste of time. We should have every right to block these calls. Please don't stand in the way.

New Haven, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2057 of 5002

I live in Connecticut. Recently my phone company (AT&T) sold their landline service to another company. (Frontier) I am no longer able to use NoMoRobo or control which phone numbers I wish to block. I miss this service a lot. I am now getting annoying robo calls which usually don't show a number or business name on my caller I.D. I let the answering machine take the calls, but they never leave a message or state their business. These calls ring my phone every day at all hours, and it is really annoying. If robo calls are not outlawed they at least should be blocked.

Andrew Valenti Meriden CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2058 of 5002

I detest the RoBocalls and LOVE the RoboCall Blocking. Why should I have to waste my time, not to mention MY money when I answer one of these calls. You would not put up with this!!!! Why should I?

J.L. Brissette Louisville KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2059 of 5002

We want nomorobo!! Our phones, our right to block calls!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2060 of 5002

I do not want to receive solicitations or sales calls from telemarketers..

Please give me the means to block such calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2061 of 5002

The Do Not Call list is worthless. Robocalls are a nuisance and a intrusion of my privacy. Robo call blocking at least reduces some of the marketing calls eventhough marketers continue to use different caller idnumbers. The FCC should do a better of controlling these callers.

Richard Pinon Covina, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2062 of 5002

Since I started using Nomorobo my robo calls have almost disappeared. I have gone from 3-4 annoying calls a day to 2-3 per week. This has been a great tool for me to stop the unwanted annoying phone calls. Consumers need this product!!!!

Jeanne Lehmann Savannah, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2063 of 5002

I am harrassed DAILYVwith NUMEROUS robocalls and there is no way easy way to stop them! I have tried to block them but many still slip through. We need a way to opt out of this relentless marketing. Please, please,please make this STOP! It's an invasion of my privacy and a HARRASSMENT to me and my family when I we are trying to live at peace in our own home.

Karen and Buddy Scheder San Rafael california

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2064 of 5002

Please stop all these annoying calls! We can not have quiet meal without these calls and they are often abusive.

We sometimes miss important calls because we are forced to ignor calls. It costs these people nothing to call and if one in a thousand buy something it it fine by these callers even though they have intruded on 999 that are not interested.

Make a change that robo callers have to pay those people that they call!

Bob Vetter Oakdale, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2065 of 5002

I, as a citizen ,and a million times a victim of robocalls AND Telemarketing ,ask you to pass laws to protect me and million of other citizens from the intrusion of inescrupulos bussines who don't care a bit about the privacy and rights of other people but about their own financial gains no matter how OR the times when they makes this annoying calls In 2014 during the the first 6 months I was FLOODED ,EVERY single day with these kind of calls. I complained to the FCC, I was registered on the DO Not Call List and it almost didn't help. Should I live incommunicated from family and the world ????.

Nestior Gomez Lancaster,PA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2066 of 5002

We need to be able to able to select who can call us. Robo calls are an affront to our liberties. I pay for my phone service and I normally controll who has access except for ROBO calls. Controls need to created that would allow home owner, who is bothered at all hours, to control this intrusion in their life.

Manahawkin, N.J.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2067 of 5002

Enough with the Robo calls already. I'm starting to get them on myself phone too. Please stop these companies from calling people and soliciting things.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2068 of 5002

These calls are a waste and an abomination, and must be stopped!

Sydney Pulver, M.D. Philadelphia, PA

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Robocalls are an unwanted intrusion into my home. I want my phone carrier or myself to be able to block these annoying calls. I will NEVER make a purchase or donation to a robocaller!

Matthew James Fremont, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2070 of 5002

There is no legitimate reason, in my opinion, for unsolicited robo calls.

Robocall blocking products should be made available to telephone users to be able to block all unwanted robocalls.

Paul and Susan Webster Tamarac, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2071 of 5002

Please stop these calls on my home phone and my mobile these companies don't pay for my phone bills I have to! I don't want them to call me all day night give me some peace please.

Fort Worth Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2072 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying , interruptive, a waste of my time and an invasion of my privacy

Robocall blocking tools need to be more readily available, presumably through the phone carriers

Kent Griffitrh San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2073 of 5002 please let me have peace in my home. please let me be able to use robocall blocking.

thank you Corrine williams thomas williams new jeresy

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2074 of 5002

STOP interstate and in state robo calls...there are enough annoyances in life without unwanted Robocalls!

Steckmest San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2075 of 5002

Robocalls suck! They are annoying and seem to come all day. I am home much of the day and constantly bombarded with these stupid anonymous calls, usually asking for money for one product or pseudo charity or another. I feel like a prisoner -- either answer the phone and put up with their verbal scams, or ignore the calls, and possibly miss a real phone call to me. The ringing all day is absolutely annoying to say the least, and there must be a simple way to have the phone company block them, i.e., prevent them from getting through to me.

Stuart Carlow Silver Spring, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2076 of 5002

I LOVE HAVING NOMOROBO FOR MY PHONES...I hate the telemarker calls and this program stops those calls...... don't take that away from us !!!!!!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2077 of 5002

Some days I would receive 8 to 12 phone calls from computer derived phone calls, I would say "hello" and there would be a several second wait before someone would answer my hello. These calls were often non-sense, broken English speakers, telling me that I had had surgery, etc and that they were filing a court case and they needed more information from me. Nomorobo has saved me NUMEROUS unwanted phone calls. Please keep this available for everyone.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2078 of 5002

I approve of the robocall blocking products. It is very annoying to receive these calls when you are transacting business. They call all times of day and night. Since subscribing to robocalI I no longer .have as many calls and its a pleasure having a phone again


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2079 of 5002

It's time you actually stuck up for the people of this country and give us the tools to defend ourselves against these scumbags! I can't think of one person who enjoys the endless barrage of daily calls. Do/would you? Do the job you are obligated to do. Why should we be subjected to this UNWANTED harassment? STOP IT NOW!

Carole Chatham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2080 of 5002

I want to have the abililty to block robocalls on my phone. I think that the American public deserves that.

Mark A. Snyder Oakland CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2081 of 5002

I don't what to waste my time answering the phone for robocalls

Robert Spaziani West Chester, Pa. 19382

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I need peace at home without harassment. I should be able to control when I get calls and from who.

Nevada Williams Hyattsville

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We wanted to keep our landline, but robocalls were so persistent, constant, and aggravating that we were ready to disconnect it. Instead we installed the NoMoRobo call blocker, and it has enabled us to still receive our essential calls - including those from preferred vendors and organizations - and totally block nuisance calls.

I'd predict that, if robocall blockers were prohibited, most landline users, us included, would give up on landlines for good!


Richard Simmons, Rhoda Simmons Los Altos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2084 of 5002

We no longer answer our main house phone because it is always a robo sales call. We only use our cell phones and keep the main line for emergency calls only.

Thanks a lot for being pro-active on this issue. I'm sure ATT will love you when I eventually cancel my home phone service with them.

Nancy Taylor Orinda CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2085 of 5002

Absolutely despise the invasion of my privacy. I give my number to people that I may want to hear from...these solicitations are incessant and abominable!

Linda Vontz Lincoln, NE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2086 of 5002

Personally, blocking only robocalls isn't going far enough. Almost every day we get at least one call and have even gotten as many as 5 or 6 calls in one day. I can't be sure they're all robocalls, because I don't answer many of these calls anymore when I don't recognize the numbers. I do from time to time, Google the phone numbers and often see many other complaints regarding the same numbers.

I think these blocking products are needed so we don't have to waste our time bothering with these calls. There used to be a time when getting a phone call was a big deal. Now, us telephone consumers, feel hostage to these robocalls and scammers all the time. It's gotten to the point where we don't even answer many of the calls and let them leave messages, which they often don't, with the answering machine. I've even contemplated dropping our landline phone number because of the number of bogus calls we get.

A few years ago, I was so upset, I bought a landline phone that had blocking capabilities. It was capable of blocking 30 numbers. It worked great, but unfortunately I filled those 30 numbers within several weeks and wish I would've bought another phone that blocks out 250 numbers. I have a feeling I could've filled at least half of those numbers.

The do-not-call list was a noble concept, but has failed miserably. Many of us have no means to block the endless list of phone numbers and phone calls we get. Don't stop there as many of these scam artists are often one step ahead technologically. The FCC should consider banning "spoofing" as well. I've even had someone spoof my cell phone number to our landline phone, trying to get someone to think it was me calling. It's getting out of hand and it needs to stop.

If you don't believe us, check out the website There are plenty of fed up people on there that share their experiences with particular bogus phone numbers. It's one tool I use to find out who calls us. In fact we got one today from Norfolk, VA, a scam no doubt. Please help us phone users avoid robocalls and all other scamming numbers in any way possible. At this point, I'm willing to try any blocking products that work.

La Grange, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2087 of 5002

Let robo block nuisance calls. They are a waste of my time. If I want something I'll get it myself!!

Miller place n.y.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2088 of 5002

My friends and family are constantly inundated with robocalls. It is your JOB to block these ridiculous robocalls. Please do your JOB for your constituents.

Many of the robocalls are scams from foreign countries.

Margaret Yung Mercer Island, WA

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Tarzana, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2091 of 5002

Every day I receive robocalls. Rather than receiving calls that I want from legitmate vendors, these calls are usually the drivers of fraud. Fraud by companies that are using illegal methods to solicit me--I am on the Do Not Call list--and usually trying to part me from my money through illegal activities.

Others use robocallers for legal--but unwanted--purposes. During elections, the relentless calls from robocallers is not only annoying, they are intrusive and unrelenting.

I pay for my phone service. Shouldn't *I* have some control over who accesses what I paid for? Please make robocall blocking products both available AND required. It's something we all need and want.

Margaret Donnelly Amherst, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2092 of 5002

I don't like robocalls ...

I should be able to block robocalls

Waycross, GA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2093 of 5002

Since you don't want to enforce the do not call list, at least the robocall blocking helps.

D. Cope Spring, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2094 of 5002

I should be able to block robo calls. I dont want them. Dont need them and didnt ask for them. Its so much meeter having my phone only ring once and have the call disconnected, instead of ringing four times until call answering picks up and then no message is left.

Stuart & Barbara Rayvid East Hanover NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2095 of 5002

Please block robocalls.

Wayne, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2096 of 5002

Robo calls are a complete invasion into my personal time at home over the phone that I pay for. It has become a complete nuisance and intrusion.

Columbus, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2097 of 5002

I am so annoyed to be awaken from robot calls after a long day of working. I am a senior and this bother me greatly, to be disturbed from sleep. They call back reapetedly!!! Please stop these people from calling my private number. I do not want anything they have to offer. I choose what and when I wish to buy, support . I wish to sue these people for harassing me and my family. My health is affected greatly, from being awaken from these harassing, repeated calls. Please put a stop to all robo calling, fine them with a dollar amount for every complaint would be a start. You say, you can't because they are tricky with there calling. I have recording of many many calls that I am saving to support my compliant.

Miss Shirley Turnbo [email protected]


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2098 of 5002

Please allow robocall blocking on all networks! It is a critical service.

Thomas Meenan Silver Spring MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2099 of 5002

I am on the no call list for all phones.Toothless tiger.Still getting robocalls.

I want to be able to block them from my home phone and cellphone.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2100 of 5002

Please allow us the option to block robocalls . We should have the right to stop this intrusion. T hank you.

Joe Fiorito orlando, florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2101 of 5002

Please allow robocalls. I am old and I am tired of having to jump up and down to listen to somebody with a pitch.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2102 of 5002

We are in our middle 70s & not the best of health. The phone rings approx. 12 times a day & even after 8pm. Sure would like to see an end to all this.Thank you

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2103 of 5002

When the no call process started years ago it seemed to work. What happened? I am no flooded with junk robocalls. Please help stop this

John Reichle Raleigh NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2104 of 5002

Robocall blocking is one of the best things to have happened in the communications field. We have had this service (no charge to the consumer) for over two years and love it. We average 8-10 calls per week blocked; calls that we have no interest in receiving. Most of these calls are not identified as to the caller, i.e. say "unavailable" or some random numbers. This makes it difficult to ignore the call if we didn't have robocall blocking. Please do not interfere with this vital consumer protection.

Russell Olson Walpole, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2105 of 5002

I am so tired of robocalls, we are on the Do Not call list but that does not stop computer generated or robocalls. When they have the ability to use the same area code as ours one has no way of knowing. During elections we received 15 calls in one day that were all robocalls.

Please put a stop to robocalls.

Tim & Mary Jo Jeroue Midland, Mi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2106 of 5002

I HATE robocalls and consider them an invasion of my privacy and a misappropriation of my phone. Please help me to block robocalls from my phone.

Thank you

Sylvia Beck Philadelphia PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2107 of 5002

I was a ATT customer till recently. I have a phone provided that does not allow robo call blocking and this is frustrating. please consider having all providers allow this service.

James loewe Woodhaven, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2108 of 5002

Please understand how extremely annoying ,frustrating, and downright angry it makes me to be in the middle of something important and have the phone ring, drop all and find the call is by some machine over and over and over again. These calls go on and on from the same people who are either trying to sell me a security system, an alarm, or a new credit system. You cannot ask them to stop nor subscribe to the no call list( which is worthless) or do anything to stop them from bothering you every day. I bless the inception of nomorobo every time the phone rings and then stops. I know I canrest securely that one of my family hasn't had a wreck or something worse. Please allow it . . . .

Nancy Smith Paducah, Ky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2109 of 5002

Please stop robocalls that I did not explicitly sign up for. They waste time, energy, and is super annoying and disturbs our life.

Nomorobo or other robocall blocking products have made it much easier to block those annoying call. Please support those blocking products and companies.

Thank you!

Yi Ellis Santa Monica, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2110 of 5002

Please allow us the option to block robocalls . We should have the right to stop this intrusion. T hank you.

Joe Fiorito orlando, florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2111 of 5002

Robo calls are the most annoying thing. They affect rest, rehabilitation, they interfere with dinner, and create anxiety when you don't know who's on the phone. I don't know how many times I have received the same call "hello Seniors" when trying to call back to say do not call, you get something that says this number not available.

Rachel Pearlstein Hamilton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2112 of 5002

STOP THE ROBO CALLERS!!!! We couldn't even sit down to have a family dinner before we installed NOMOROBO. Now at least we can have some quiet evening time!!!! The software has been great!!!!!!

Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2113 of 5002 robo calls should be made illegal!

Gene Stoffel Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2114 of 5002

Please let us block unwanted calls.

DorothPolly Franklin,TN

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I feel that it is extremely important that we are able to control who gets through to us on our telephones. Robocalls are not just a nuisance, they intrude on our quality of life. I have been very disappointed in the ineffectiveness of the Do Not Call Registry who, it appears, does nothing to prevent the robocallers from getting and using our phone number. Nomorobo has been very, very helpful in blocking robocalls and it has made our life much more peaceful. We are grateful for this service and we strongly suggest that you support robocall blocking products.

Melville, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2116 of 5002

Please tell the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions. Although I am registered on the "do not call list", I continue to receive too many intrusive and annoying robocalls.

William Polsky Chalfont PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2117 of 5002

I want the robo calls to stop. I have enough going on in my life that I have to get called for. I don't need some lame telemarketing call. I think we should have the option to stop them from coming to our phones. We are paying for our phones and service. STOP the robo calks now.

Cheryl Herwig Brewster, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2118 of 5002

Please, please encourage rather than hinder the development of products tat block robocalls. The calls are more than an annoyance, especially for those of us who are seniors and have trouble getting to the phone. invariably the calls are useless and often scams. Why would anyone be against stopping them?

Laszlo Domjan St. Louis, Mo.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2119 of 5002

I am sick and tired of robocalls and other marketing calls I receive on an unsolicited basis. I am tired of my dinner hour being interrupted by these calls. I want you to stop them.

John Nork Higganum CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2120 of 5002

Please stop ALL Robocalls from both our home phone # and our 2 cell phone #s!

Jean Carleton Skaff East Falmouth, MA

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I am sick and tired of getting robocalls. I get around five to ten per day.

We need to be able to have A system in place in order to block these type of calls.

George Loessberg La Marque, Tx.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2122 of 5002

Robocalls are immoral and need to be made illegal!

Craig Zavetz Lawrenceville, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2123 of 5002

Robo calls need to be stopped! There are enough loop holes in the Do Not Call list registry to continue the disruption in every home. We have personally had one corporation call our number over 120 times in a three week period regarding student loans. Neither my wife have ever had student loans, yet the calls continued. Third party robo call blockers actually achieve what The Do Not Call registry failed to do, restore a certain level of peace back to the home.

Andrew Simms Royal Oak, Mi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2124 of 5002

I am sick and tired of receiving robocalls on my cell phone. Please listen to myself and others who are requesting your assistance now.

Fred Hill Kissimmee, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2125 of 5002

I think its very important that you allow the blocking of so called robo calls.

These calls are a nuisance are take up peoples personal time.

William Gorges Davis CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2126 of 5002

As a senior living in a senior only community it is not only annoying to receive machine dialed calls, but any telemarketing calls. The residents in the community need their lines available for 911 emergencies, receiving return calls from health care providers, arrangements for traveling because of not being able to drive and deferring scams on seniors. Then there is the problem of the impaired getting anxious when they cannot get to a phone before the hang up. Many have severe handicaps from missing limbs to very poor internal organs and loss of sight and hearing. These telemarketing calls may cause a possible life threating situation for some.

Fred Milgram Bellingham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2127 of 5002

We get 4-7 robocalls daily from a company that apparently buys old bad debts. My husband has a very common name, and we live in one of the 10 largest cities, so it would be easy to make a mistake on names, which we explained to them, when they started calling, SEVEN YEARS ago. They never leave a message, and usually do not have a human on the line. We need to be able to stop this harassment.

Thank you.

BJ Matthews San Antonio, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2128 of 5002

Despite attempts to stop the ever increasing number of robo calls they continue. Some company's go so far as to use blocks of 100 numbers, as fast as you block one another pops up (ie: Source In News), I have now blocked 35 numbers from this same company and the calls continue! If it wasn't for companies like Nomorobo and the 200 number blocking feature of my phone system these calls would never stop. It's time for you to ACT! I am subscribed to the Federal and my State's Do Not Call Lists, but these seem a big waste of time. Put some teeth into these laws.

John Muise Canton, Massachusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2129 of 5002

It's absolutely necessary for us to be able to block robocalls with services like NOMOROBO.

Please do NOT stop them from letting us block robocalls, which have reached epidemic levels in the last few years.

Thank you,

Guy Giordano

Guy Giordano Hyde Park, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2130 of 5002

The National Association of Attorneys General wrote to the FCC and asked them make robocall blocking solutions "more easily accessible to consumers."

I am in total agreement 26% of the call to my home number are robo calls. I am sick and tired of it. Kindly do your job.

Robert Staff Brookfield,WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2131 of 5002

I used to be frequently disturbed by robo calls every day. Since I've been using a blocking product, I feel much more in control of my privacy. In addition, my irritation level has gone down since I'm not constantly taking the calls or deleting numerous robocall hangups on my voice mail.

Among my friends and family, I know of no one who appreciates receiving robocalls. Companies' commercial interests should not come before individuals' rights to privacy.

Thank You

Susan Stryker Springfield, Va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2132 of 5002

It is time to allow consumers to take action and block robocalls. We pay for our phone lines and should have the right to block unwanted robocalls.

Marc Litvinoff Westport, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2133 of 5002

No more robo calls please!

J Gurian River Edge, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2134 of 5002

My phone rings all day long and most of the time there is no one there. That is dozens of calls all day and all evening. This is outrageous! It wastes my time and disturbs my sleep. At least with robocall the phone only rings once.

Please don't take robocall away from me!

Carlynn Thompson Bowie, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2135 of 5002

Please require all phone companies to require no-cost robocall blocking. I am currently using at home, but my cell provider is AT&T and they do not support it.

John Deters Eagan MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2136 of 5002

I subscribe to a voice communications provider for the service of making and receiving voice communications of my choosing. I maintain that it is my right to block any incoming call I choose. I own the device for receiving and making the calls, I choose the provider for the service, I expect it is my right to block anyone or anything from calling me.

Respectfully submitted

Francestown, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2137 of 5002

I would like the option to use this service to block unwanted, computer-generated calls. Before this service, our phone rang continuously which was frustrating and bothersome. When we do answer, most of the time there is no one on the other end. It interrupts important projects as well as mealtimes. Being on the national do not call list was not helping. Please reconsider legislation that would limit or eliminate services that prevent computer-generated calls.

Thank you for your consideration.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2138 of 5002

I have robocalls blocking and it is such a savior for my peace of mind. My husband and I are seniors and have enough to worry with age and health issues without calls coming in at all hours.

My mother-in-law is 93 and fell over her walker trying to get up to answer her phone and broke her hip. She was in nursing home care for six weeks. She now must have 24 hr care. She in inundated with calls and AT&T doesn't provide or allow robocall. This is criminal invasion of privacy. Who would purchase anything from a telemarketer? They are usually scams.

Omalea Frlich Akron Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2139 of 5002

I received a phone call from MY phone number. I answered it and it was an AUTOMATED phone call using my phone number! I spoke with my phone provider. They told me there was nothing they could do about it; their systems could not keep up with the problem.

We, the consumer, need a robocall blocking product! The phone rings and you have no idea who is on the other end.

Please help!

Penne Howard Clinton, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2140 of 5002

Please prohibit robocalls

Alice smith

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2141 of 5002

I have found nomorobo to be a valuable tool in stopping the frequent robo calls. Since we have been using this service the number of calls that get through has been reduced signicantly, If the goverment can not enforce the "Do Not Call" list, this has been a salvation. Taking this away only benefits the SPAM callers.

Nicholas Tantaros San Antonio, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2142 of 5002

I want to have the ability to control my own phone. I not only pay for phone service but also lots of taxes and surcharges. I would not even mind paying $1 a month to block robo calls although I should not have to.

PS: My mother is 94 and robo calls are a real nuisance. I worry about get falling for some scam or tricking her in to buying something.

Dennis Adler Yukon, OK

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2143 of 5002

This is my only defense I have against these harassing calls. I compare it to a restraining order against a stalker. My life is not generally threatened by these calls but it is affected in a unwanted manor. I insist that you do not take away this option of protection. river falls, wi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2144 of 5002

Please allow me to block robocalls. I paid for my phone service. I should be able to control its use.

Thank you.

Roger DeKock

Roger DeKock Grand Rapids, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2145 of 5002

I've been using NoMoRoBo to block many of those annoying robo calls. We can now actually sit down to dinner as a family without being constantly interrupted by calls from machines.

Larry Guest Orlando, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2146 of 5002

Talk about wasted time robocalls are a complete waste of my family lives. Very intrusive during prime tv time and dinner times. STOP ALL


Charles Bellflower, CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2147 of 5002

I do not like to receive robocalls! Robo call blocking stops these unwanted calls. Yesterday we had at least 10 calls from 803-589-4864 within a 2 hour span that robocall blocking handled. These nuisance calls must be stopped one way or another, and robocall blocking is a very good way to do so. I'm also on the do not call listing and it doesn't do the job!

You need to support robocall blocking for the consumer and insist it be made available to all phone customers!

Harry Hunt Greenville, S. C.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2148 of 5002

More than half the calls I get are unsolicited calls to my phone. I don't answer unless I know who is calling me. It's a nuisance to have to go check to see who is calling and it feels like an invasion of privacy. A number of years ago I signed a registry to have unknown calls blocked but somehow that must have ceased being available.

Marianne Larson Tumwater, WA.

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I am so tired of being awoken daily and nightly by robocalls!!! make it STOP!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2150 of 5002

I am sick and tired of robocalls. I would like to be able to block them. After all, it is my home and my phone.

Glenn Sullivan Fort Collins, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2151 of 5002

The telephone company already has a way for me to block unwanted calls. I am using their system and pay to block 20 phone numbers. In addition I have a telephone that will block up to 30 calls. I have 50 phone numbers blocked and there are days when I receive 15 or more calls a day.

We pay for our phone, we pay not to have our number listed, and we pay to have phone insurance. Why can't we have a better option so we don't have to deal with constant ROBO calls?

Ron and Darlene Vernon Lomita, CA 90717

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2153 of 5002

I've been using NOMOROBO approximately one month. My wife and I are over 70 years old and cancer survivors. Since we began blocking robocalls, we are able to take uninterrupted naps, study, read, etc...

The calls used to begin in the early morning and continue well into the evening from all over the world. Thanks to NOMOROBO, our lives have returned to a semblance of normalcy.

I only hope that Congress would legislate that AT&T be required to provide a blocking service that would be free of charge for those other scammers that ignore the do not call lists and the FCC.

The telecom companies don't want robocall blocking products because they make money if the calls are answered and when scammers purchase the toll-free numbers. Don't allow them to do this; they are already gouging us with local, state, and federal fees and surcharges that they can't/won't explain in plain English.

We need Congress to protect us and not allow telecoms to beat us down.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2154 of 5002

I should be able to use robocalls blocking.

Nathaniel Davis Jr Corona, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2155 of 5002

Stop the incredible invasion of our personal space. Solicitation calls are totally out of control and it is time to put a stop to it. Everyone knows this is true and yet no one in authority seems interested in stopping it. The FCC is in the unique position of doing just that. Please for once show people that the feferal government can actually work. FOR THE PEOPLE!!!

William Judge Melrose Massachusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2156 of 5002

Being able to stop some Robocalls has been an absolute blessing to us. I'm 74 and don't want to get up to answer a phone call every 20 minutes. Being able to stop a few of these telemarketers has been such a relief. I still get plenty of telemarketing calls from companies who have found a way around or a way to ignore the "do not call" list, but please DO SOMETHING. Maybe government people aren't bothered by these predators and so don't care, but it would be nice if you could help us "regular" folks out once in a while. This is such an invasion of our privacy.

Dixie Fisher and William Haley Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2157 of 5002

We get these calls all day long including evenings and weekends. My husband is 87, unfortunately picks up the phone the minute it rings, even though we have caller ID, and he has been duped to give money to lobbying groups,mor buy products he does not need.

Eliana Sachar Kensington, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2158 of 5002

Please save us from all of the nuisance phone calls we receive.

John Alexander Hopkinton MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2159 of 5002

No more robocalls. My phone must ring 10-12 times a day with an unrecognizable phone number. Wastes my valuable time.

End them NOW!!!!!

Mike Umholtz Humble Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2160 of 5002

I signed up for the national do not call registry when it first became available. Unfortunately, it didn't block the unwanted calls. Nomorobo is a terrific solution. I would prefer to not have my phone ring at all when an unwanted call comes in, but it is a small price to pay for blocking all the unwanted calls it blocks.

Yorba Linda, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2161 of 5002

We need robocall blocking to prevent incursions into our lives, especially when enjoying our rest or enjoying dinner with our family. Since we pay for our phone service we should have the right to determine which calls to receive. I have used it for about a year and would not want to be without it.

Vincent Schuppert Orange Park, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2162 of 5002

The fact that some companies or even individuals use automated robocalls to our home is astounding and a very real nuisance. This method is used to contact our family only for a high pressure sales pitch on items we neither want or desire.

Some of these robocallers even redial immediately again we disconnect from the call.

The usual salesperson can understand and respect our wishes when we request to be removed from their telephone call list. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the automated calling systems. The phone can ring for an extended period and is disrupting for any family environment.

Thanks for your consideration on this issue.

Magnolia, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2163 of 5002 give me back my phone

Chula Vista CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2164 of 5002

I'm sure you would like to block those annoying robocalls in your own home or business. Then we must all be telling our phone companies that we want call blocking features as part of their service.

John Meduri Ardsley, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2165 of 5002

I am a 68 year old caretaker. I take care of my disabled 42 yr old son, who lives with me (24/7) and my 3 yr old grandson, who comes to my house Mon-Fri. My telephone rings almost every hour with robo calls. My son and my grandson TRY to nap every day, but these calls are constantly waking them up. If I'm in the basement doing laundry I run up stairs when the phone rings, only to find that most times it's a robo call. The calls begin early in the day and have been as late as 9:pm. PLEASE stop these phone calls that are forced upon me and my family and are nothing more than harassment.

Loretta Makrancy Hamilton, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2166 of 5002

Robocalls should be blocked, period! They tend to come at odd hours and I consider them an invasion of privacy. If a party chooses to call me there should at least be a live person on the other end. Otherwise, if it's not important enough for that, it's not important enough for me to answer and waste my time. I NEVER listen to a message from a robocall. They are most irritating and I suggest they be prohibited entirely.

Olin and Rosa Stephens Tomball, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2167 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying, but even worse, they cost me money. I work at home, and the robocalls I receive every day disrupt my work and clutter up my phone with unsolicited garbage. After I installed a robocall blocker, my work productivity increased, and our dinners stopped getting interrupted by robocalls. The blocker is great, and consumers should have the freedom to employ them if desired.

Richard Evans Davis, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2168 of 5002

Countless times our family privacy and time has been intruded upon without our permission by Robocalls. I request that FCC please give the individual consumers, of which many of us are families, options to delete and block the unwanted commercialized communications traffic that occur on daily and even hourly. This also occurs without consideration to times, and remind the FCC we also care for our elderly of whom we need to sacrifice times to take these calls despite our need to supervise, or special needs populations.

T Shironaka Sacramento, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2169 of 5002

I would like the option of blocking automated calls - it us an intrusion into the privacy of my home.

Mary Donovan Herndon, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2170 of 5002

I currently have nomorobo on my home phone. Besides my husband and I, my 95 year old mother-in- law lives in our home. We do not need the constant interruption of robo calls. Please make this more available to the general public. I definitely want it to include political calls before the 2016 election starts up full time!

Nancy Conley Canton, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2171 of 5002

Surely you know what we, the public, think about robocalls and robocall blocking products! They must annoy you and your family, too!

We are entitled to have the FCC intervene and get rid of this annoyance in our lives sooner rather than later. Would appreciate YOUR intervention now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Shirley H. Schwartz Wilkins Township, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2172 of 5002

I am a senior citizen and not interested in any of the Robocalls that I get. When I ask the people that are on the line or when I get a chance to talk to one of them I ask them to stop calliong this number, but it does no good. They also generally call a short time after lunch, when I would like to take a nap.

Plano, Texas

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2174 of 5002

Allow consumers the right to easily block robo calling and any unwanted calls. Also allow the prevention of robo calling and any unwanted calls.

Allan Essenfeld New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2175 of 5002

Nomorobo has been a godsend. My phone was ringing every hour and driving me crazy. Horrible obnoxious companies out of Florida saying they can lower my interest rate. When you ask them not to call back, they hang up on you and call again the next day. Many of these companies are operating illegally, so why should they be able to harass me with a constant barrage of phone calls all day long! Please allow robo blocking to continue or I will lose my mind!

Lakewood, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2176 of 5002 let me do as I choose with my phone, no one should have the right to bother me unless I say so..

The Boss RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2177 of 5002

Please! Let telecomms companies block robocalls. I'm so sick of them -- we seem to get a dozen a day! I've written to my congress guy to say the same.

Gayle Roehm Cabin John, MD

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Karen C. East Meadow, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2179 of 5002

I am in favor of robo blocking and hope that the FCC works towards stopping these unsolicited calls and the problems these calls cause. Repeated calls during week hours interfere with productivity, these calls disrupt important family time and these calls often wake people from their sleep. They are a nuisance and no matter how many times a call is ignored and not answered, the calls still persist.

Wendy Belanger Johnson City, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2180 of 5002

I think you must live in an alternate universe where you are not constantly interrupted by telemarketers when you are trying to sleep, eat or have some "quality" time with your spouse. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't wish I could get rid of my phone once and for all. Too bad I need to use it for important things. Please give us a break here. This has been the bane of my peaceful existence for over 40 years.

Dorothy & Ken Malm Lindenhurst, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2181 of 5002

Rob calls are a huge nuisance that the phone companies and the Federal Government cannot control. As a consumer I should have the absolute ability to block these kind of garbage calls and I think that it is very wrong for the phone companies to try and prevent consumers from blocking rob calls. I hope that the FCC will allow consumers to control the service that we pay for.

Louis Marcus Smithtown, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2182 of 5002

Please allow the continued use of robocall blocking products. It should be the consumers choice to enable them if they want to block calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2183 of 5002 these calls are intrusive. they are a form of harrassment. most times the caller id says unavailable. sometimes you don't answer and have to return a call if a message is left. usually the unavailables don't leave a message--they hang up. then there are the companies who's staff lawyers send a form letter saying they were contacted by you. they can call three times a day. there are the contest scams that you find by googling reverse numbers and read complaints. starts at eight in the morning. there are the numerous calls from so called charities or the we'll be in your neighborhood and they sell your donations rather than disburse them to needy folks. btw, if i need a pickup, can contact the place. most recent is person--no company ID who'd like to see my house. mclean, va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2184 of 5002

I am happy to have the option to block unsolicited calls from companies trying to sell me something. This also applies to many political calls made during campaign periods. These calls are a nuisance.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2185 of 5002

We should all be able to effectively block robocalls. It is intolerable to keep getting these unwanted calls, and I consider it an invasion of our privacy. Something NEEDS to be done so we can get robocall blocking products that actually work. Enough is enough with these darn calls.

Stamford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2186 of 5002

Since I signed up for Nomorobo the number of robocalls I receive has dropped about 90%. The FCC needs to do everything possible to drive robocallers out of business. We don't need this pond scum disturbing our peace and quiet.

Alan Ratner Clarksville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2187 of 5002

The do not call list was a great idea, but is largely ignored by violators because they know their profit from violating its protection exceeds the risk of consumers taking the time, effort, and expense, to sue them for violating the law. Regulations should be adopted that impose fines and penalties for failing to include sufficient accurate caller id information on all telemarketing calls (including robocalls) for the person receiving the call to identify the caller and seek legal redress for violations of the do not call list, and any rules the FCC adopts allowing people to choose to block or not to receive robocalls.

Robocalling is an intrusion on citizens' privacy and many robocalls also violate the do not call list. If it would be easier to block robocalls closer to their originating source, all providers of phone service (copper wire, voip, cable, etc.) should be required by the FCC to electronically "tag" all robocalls to make it simpler for consumers to choose whether or not to allow robocalls to ring their phone. People should not be forced to have their privacy, peace and quiet disturbed by robocalls. Blocking robocalls should be a no charge phone service feature and robocall blocking products should be available to all at nominal or no cost and the phone service providers should be required to facilitate the accurate use of such devices at no cost to consumers with electronic tagging of robocalls. Any such costs should be charged to the robocallers.

Keith Collins Highland Park, Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2188 of 5002

Please, please, allow us to block robo calls. Every day we receive numerous annoying calls and not one has ever proven to be beneficial.

Elliott & Priscilla Robinson Cary, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2189 of 5002

I am TIRED of getting robotically dialed phone calls on my home phones and my cell phone! More than annoying, they cost me money! I signed up for the National Do Not Call List, but you have allowed the unwanted callers to skirt those regulations. I want the option of blocking robo calls!

George Whiteman Du Bois, PA 15801

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2190 of 5002

The resent mid-term election disturbed our dinners practically every night for three months. This is not acceptable we demand privacy and not intrusive robo calls.

Hans Willimann Edwards, CO

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Get you ass in gear and take care of the consumer and not the telemarketers.

Raymond Capelli Bala Cynwyd, Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2192 of 5002

Nomorobo has worked wonders. Our robo calls have gone from several a day to one or two. It's fantastic. I have a difficult time understanding why you would not want comsumers to have this option available to them. Explain to me why??

Larry Lowell Grand Rapids, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2193 of 5002

I have been on the receiving end of "blank " or of robofax calls early as 7am and as late as 10pm at night with repetitive calls 3-4 in a row I can only stop them by taking the phone off the hook when i am home . During the day i can have as many as 6 fax tone messages on my answering machine There has to be a way to stop them Please bring peace to my house

Judith and Peter Brault MD Glen Rock NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2194 of 5002

Robocalls are growing in number daily. Not only are they annoying, most of them are useless to the person receiving the calls. They fill up our answering machines with useless information or requests. Please make it mandatory that the phone companies make available blocking services so that we can, at least, weed out those calls that don't apply to us.

G. Ciulla Peabody, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2195 of 5002

Politicians should not be allowed to send robocalls.

Alan J Whitcomb Penfield, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2196 of 5002

The norobocalls has been a godsend to our family. Please make it accessible to all phone users. With out it we were being so interrupted by calls even though we signed up for "no call" list, we were considering dropping our home phone.

Roy Culbertson Akron, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2197 of 5002 we need to continue robocall blocking. these calls ate an invasion of my home space. your "do not call list" is ineffective so please allow nomorobo continue to provide this valuable service.

Don Ray

Don Ray Palm Coast, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2198 of 5002

People should have the right to block robo calls to their home. How this is even debatable questions what the FCC is doing with their time. My home would receive multiple robo calls daily until i found this service.

Long Branch, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2199 of 5002 robocalls were driving us crazy. we got to the point a long time ago to let our answering machine screen the calls, but when nomorobo became available, I immediately signed up. Please allow the phone companies to implement their own blocking mechanisms. I don't know anyone who would be against this except for the robo callers!

T D Snead San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2200 of 5002

It is my right to block whoever calls me , I am a paying customer and it's my right to choose who I speak to and who I don't. I don't want companies calling me asking me to by their products. If I wanted their products I'd contact them instead. Nomorobo is a wonderful service that gives us peace of mind.

Ralph M Porzio II Massachusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2201 of 5002

Robo calls are harassment. Especially from politicians. I want to be able to block ALL robocalls from marketing, political and research firms and their subsidiaries or 3rd party firms.

Sid dupuy Magnolia TexasInks hate

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2202 of 5002 jI do not like robocalls. Please let me block them janet tunick santa monica, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2203 of 5002

As an elderly person, I am constantly receiving robocalls from businesses I do not want to hear from. I need to be able to block those calls since the government can not enforce its own laws. A robocall blocking service is very useful to me.

Marvin Tarrance jr Keller, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2204 of 5002

We received a dozen or more robo calls and sales calls every day. We asked nicely for these companies to put us on their internal "Do Not Call" list. The calls continue. We signed up for the National Do Not Call list. The calls continued. We blocked each individual number up to the 20 allowed by our telephone provider, and then erased those and started again when we used up all 20 spots. The calls continued. We signed up for NoMoRobo and immediately only one or two calls A WEEK got through. We report those numbers and now it's rare to get an unwanted sales or robo call. I do not understand why the National Do Not Call List is a joke. I do not understand why the phone companies can not prevent harassment by spam calls as their computers can clearly track who is making these calls. Unless it's because the phone companies are making money selling harassment services to spam businesses.

Rebecca Barocas Palmdale, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2205 of 5002

Please stop the annoying robo calls. We continually get bombarded from companies trying to sell us credit card protection, mortgage refinancing, lower electric rates, window replacement and more.

The phone rings and there is that silence when you answer it... electronic system waiting to connect you with a sales person.

It is not like the phone is next to me. You have to stop what you are doing, walk to the phone only to become totally pissed off that some jerk has called to sell something.

They totally disregard the fact that I am registered on the DO NOT CALL list... Lot of good that does. If there was a way that I could send an electronic signal through to burn a hole through their phone, I would do that.

Stop the pestering, unwanted calls.

Jim Spring

Jim Spring West Grove, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2206 of 5002

We are so very pleased to have block so many of the calls that are sales pitches, recordings or other wastes of our time. We average about three such calls a day. We simply listen for a second ring, then answer. When there is only one ring, we remain at the tasks we are doing and do not have to interrupt whatever that may be.

Please allow, even help improve we consumers' options for stopping useless phone calls.

Thank you.

Paul & Karen Vollrath Duncanville, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2207 of 5002

Please help me block robocalls. They call my office and home at all hours and are very annoying.

DeLand, Fl.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2208 of 5002

I'm retired and spend a lot of time at home only to be hounded by robocalls daily. I have been told that my credit card is okay, but I need t contact the caller asap at least 30 times in the last year. That's one of many that call my house. I think it's annoying, rude, and un professional, but these people just keep calling. I am asking you, as the guardian of telecommunications, to put an end to this annoying practice.

Thomas P Dromgoole Marmora, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2209 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls. It is an intrusion to be continuously solicited by telemarketers and politicians.

Karen Phillips Ringwood NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2210 of 5002

PLEASE do something about these irritating calls! And make it easier for consumers to block these calls. I have heard that some elderly people have actually fallen trying to get to the phone only to have it be a recording.

Clarence, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2211 of 5002

Prior to subscribing to Nomorobo I was getting bombarded with ROBO calls all hours of the day seven days a week. I used what features are available from my carrier, they are inept and and the tools didn't work well.

It is MY phone, and I PAY for it - no one has the RIGHT to call me all hours of the day seven days a week to try to sell me goods or services I don't want. If I am interested in a companies goods or services - I will call them.

Nomorobo is a fantastic service and EVERY carrier should be REQUIRED to offer a similar service.

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Miller Santa Clara, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2212 of 5002

Consumer should have the right which calls can be blocked .


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2213 of 5002

Robocalls invade the home's privacy and are always a nuisance.

Please legislate to make these annoyances illegal - and put a way to penalize the offenders. linlink Irvine, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2214 of 5002

As a university professor (Fordham University in the Bronx, New York City), I spend considerable time at home. The nearly constant barrage of unsolicited telephone calls (and this in spite of my registration on the federal and state "Do Not Call" lists) is a considerable drain upon my time and distracts from the work I owe to my students and the academic community. Anything that can be done to permit telephone companies to limit such so-called "robocalls" and other unwanted telephone calls will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your consideration of this plea.

Father Larry David McCormick Teaneck, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2215 of 5002

Robo calls are a bigger nuisance than junk mail in the mailbox. Furthermore, crooks use that method to get people to call them back and provide personal information. We need an advocate like to stop these calls. It makes me want to just do away with a phone altogether. I pay my phone bill, and I should decide who can call me instead of being subjected to the nuisance and risk of robo calls.

Do something, please!

Birmingham, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2216 of 5002

A lot of these "robo calls" don't even originate in the U.S. They promote scams to cheat the consumer. It's an unnecessary and unwanted invasion of our privacy

David Hostetler Louisville, Ky.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2217 of 5002

These robocalls must be stopped!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2218 of 5002

The charities are out of control. One particular charity called us (no exaggeration) 100 times. Nomorobo blocked the calls but we could see the phone number on our TV screen or the phone screen and knew it was the same charity every time. They would even call us early in the morning or late at night when we were sleeping. The charity then, just recently, sent us a large package with cover letter saying that since they could not reach us by phone, they are sending us a full canvassing package "assuming" we would want to contact all our neighbors for contributions to their charity. They wasted a lot of time, postage, and paper and forever lost a yearly contributor in the process. Very annoying on many levels!

Judy and Bob Caldwell Burlington, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2219 of 5002

Let me block annoying and numerous unsolicited phone calls. I get rob ocalls from 900 am until 900 pm every day of the week. That is a real nuisance and very frustrating and tiresome.

Please let me stop rob ovals.

William Sharkey Newport News va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2220 of 5002

I would like to block all robocalls, it is a nightmare having robocalls made to my home phone almost every hour, mornings, afternoons and evenings. I have requested to stop the annoying calls several times but they have continue to do so, now is even worse, they use phone numbers that do not exist so I can not even request to stop. Please the only hope I have is your help or let someone to help to create blocking products. Thank you.

Cordially. Melanio Pimentel

Melanio Pimentel West Orange, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2221 of 5002

I find robo calls invasive to my home and privacy. I abhor the calls. Please let me have the right to block them if I choose. This is America after all !!!!!

Marion Garner Brewster Mass.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2222 of 5002

Everyone should have the ability to block nuisance calls. Tired of being woken or interrupted by calls intruding on our privacy and domestic tranquility.

Judith Beery Canal Winchester OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2223 of 5002

I have small kids. I have an unlisted number. No way I should get ANY robocalls. I should have the right to opt out 100%, and I mean EVERYTHING if I dont want to have ANY calls, be it political, tax exempt. The bang on my door, I dont have to answer it, but if they call and the phone is ringing while my kid is sleeping...I have to do something. So let me block those assholes.

Brian McManus Raleigh, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2224 of 5002

I should be able to block my own calls and not rely on Nomorobo to do it for me. Change the law to allow such action by me.

Beverly Carter Gainesville, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2225 of 5002

We need more call blocking solutions like NoMoRoBo. I am tired of my residence being called by one telemarketer/scammer after another. I tried blocking the numbers but I ran out of numbers due to the phone company limits. The callers just changed their number through spoofing devices and kept calling. I changed my home phone number and unlisted it to defeat them, but they keep coming.

I truly believe that the phone companies could easily put an end to this madness working with today's technology, like NoMoRoBo. Why doesn't the FCC push the companies to do something about this.

Thomas Pecott Grand Haven, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2226 of 5002

I can hang a sign on my door that says no soliciting, why can't I do the same wiyh my phone?

I worked at Amway in Ada for thirty three years and I don't remember ever getting a robo call. How do they block them so well?

Jim VanderZand Grand Rapids, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2227 of 5002

Robotic intrusions into my home should be outlawed. It's that simple. ann schunior randolph, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2228 of 5002

Please allow me to stop the calls from Rachael and her ilk. I've signed up for every no call list, to no avail. I've filed complaints with you, to no avail. The nomorobo service is the only respite our household has found.

We *need* these services

Kurt & Kay Frederick Milwaukee, Wi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2229 of 5002

I don't want robocalls ... they must be blocked!

Nickie Wantagh New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2230 of 5002

If the technology exists, why shouldn't we be able to block spammy phone calls like we block spammy email? Whatever can be done to give us more power against people and companies who would exploit us using technology, PLEASE do it.

Doug Lauver Allen, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2231 of 5002

This is the most ridiculous thing

We have a right to block these calls

Let us enjoy our privacy and peace

Marc Nagel New city ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2232 of 5002

Remember who you are supposed to serve!

San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2233 of 5002

About 80% of my phone calls are robocalls trying to sell me stuff I don't need and am not interested in. I'm sick of it. I'm getting old, and it's hard to keep getting up and down to the phone to see who's calling. Asking to opt out, or be put on the seller's 'do not call' list doesn't work at all. Neither does being on the National Do Not Call list - sellers/computers just ignore it. Comcast won't let me use NoMoRobo. I don't understand why. Are they getting kickbacks? Please help!

Benicia, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2234 of 5002

Please do more to stop robocalls. Services like nomorobo are great - but should be backed up by more aggressive enforcement of current laws by the FCC.

Robot and unwanted calls come through every day. Callers violate the do not call list with impunity. I have never seen a call stop because of the do not call list and there is no risk to the violators.

It would be shameful to disable the one service that actually helps with this problem.

John Perkoff Millburn, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2235 of 5002

I am very pleased with the NOMOROBO service. Prior to subscribing to the service we received solicitation calls at all times of the day and night, especially at dinner time. Please do not legislate it out of existence based on lobbyists paid for by those that benefit financially from ROBO calls.

Rob Blye Pottstown PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2236 of 5002

I find the robocalls extremely intrusive and disruptive of the quiet I enjoy in my home. We rely on our phones for communication, but these robocalls make having a phone a nuisance. Please help end the nuisance of robocalls.

Richard Roberts Palo Alto, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2237 of 5002

Thank the gods for Nomorobo! They block at least 1 call per day. BUT, my phone company should be doing this for me. Every phone company should be required to allow each customer to block any phone number they wish.

Medford NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2238 of 5002

Nomorobo has preserved my sanity. As a senior, I get many unwanted robocalls every day. Now I can ignore them, although some very unscrupulous scammers have figured out how to bypass the system. There really has to be a law AGAINST these invasions of our peace and privacy.

Patricia Mitchell East Islip, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2239 of 5002

Although my husband and I got on the Do Not Call List the very first day of its existence, we are constantly bombarded by Robocalls at all times of the day and evening. I tired blocking the numbers through my Time Warner Cable, but I can only block 30, and right now I can't even access it to change the numbers. So we are now unplugging our phone for many hours of the day and evening, because even if we don't answer it, my phone recorder starts beeping and we have to get up and shut it off. WE are paying for our phone but seem powerless to control it. STOP Robocalls!!!!!! They are a total plague and invade our privacy abd peace of mind!! We HATE hem!!

Roberta Alexander Menifee, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2240 of 5002

Nomorobo is a valualble service to the telephone system consumer. I should be able to keep solicitation calls from continually calling to the point of harassment. These predators target the elderly and use subversive tactics and fear to make sales. Someone needs to stop this!Put the power of use in the hands that pay for the service. Please enable the ability to block these calls once and for all.

Thank you.

Ventura, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2241 of 5002

This should be a right. A right to limit or block any and all calls that I choose. I am the one paying for this telephone service so why shouldn't I be able to establish under what terms I wish to receive this service?

B Humphreys Houston, TX.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2242 of 5002

I want Nomorobo to not only continue to exist and do its good work, but be allowed to do more - like have it work on every phone (wired, wireless, satellite, etc.). Without this service, I would continue to be HARASSED by the CDC / their Office in Chicago calling to get immunization information. Not giving it and thanks to Nomorobo I no longer get 2-3 calls PER DAY from an agency of the federal government. Really, that many calls. And the service works like a charm.

Use tax payer money to expand this service, help Nomorobo to fund the development of more tools to fight the robo calls and to therefore allow US taxpayers to control who calls and who does not call their phones. It would be more effective and efficient than anything the FCC has or will ever be able to do.

By the way, I have an unlisted, unpublished phone number on my landline (where these calls are mostly occurring), I am on the Do Not Call registry, and I STILL get calls. When the call says "Unknowns" and has no number, Nomorobo is the ONLY means to stop the calls. It is likely the calls are from out of country and thus the telephone hoodlums are not subject to any 'rules'. Nomorobo stops them dead in their tracks.

Please do something constructive, for once. Expand the use of Nomorobo to every type of telephone service. And do it quickly, please, not over 17 years like with HDTV signals.

Thank you.

John McNicholas Damascus, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2243 of 5002

Robo calls should be outlawed. What value is a call placed by a computer. I was plagued with robo calls until I took steps to stop them using Nomorobo. I should not need to install a special program to stop robo calls -- you should stop them. But, since you are not expected to stop them, do not limit my right to stop them.

Daniel J. McKenzie Minneapolis, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2244 of 5002

I need you to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to me the consumer.

The amount of robo calls with forged caller id and fake, invalid phone numbers at all times of day, seven days a week is unbearable.

The blocking solution needed must allow an unlimited or high count (500+) of numbers to be blocked.

The scammers, robo callers, cycle through fake numbers very quickly.

A. Wengeler San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2245 of 5002

Please allow companies like Nomorobo to block unwanted calls. I was getting 5-6 a day and that's not even in election season when I would get as many as 15 a day! I asks them to remove me from their list and they ignore me and illegally call. I LOVE NOMOROBO, they have given me my sanity back!!!

Topanga Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2246 of 5002

Because the federally funded "Do Not Call" list is worthless, NoMoreRobo has been a major gift and pleasure to have in this household, and has stopped at least 3 calls daily, My phone provider allows 40 numbers to be blocked; NoMoreRobo has blocked 10 times that in the year this was made available. Multiple blessings to the creator of this invaluable service

Paige Stenstrom Fort Worth Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2247 of 5002

I hate Robo calls and I have a constitutional right to not be harassed by these useless phone calls. Stop the Robo calls and stop them now!!!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2248 of 5002

Let me block annoying and numerous unsolicited phone calls. I get rob ocalls from 900 am until 900 pm every day of the week. That is a real nuisance and very frustrating and tiresome.

Please let me stop rob ovals.

William Sharkey Newport News va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2249 of 5002

I pay for my phone for my convenience, not for the benefit of telemarketers. Please allow me to stop robocalls as well as other forms of telemarketing, including political calls.

Mike Canal Winchester, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2250 of 5002

Please let me keep my NoRoboCall service! Since I started using it, I have received MANY less annoying calls. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2251 of 5002

I love nomorobo robo call blocking service. The do not call list has become very ineffective in stopping telemarketing calls.

I hope you let nomorobo and other similar services to keep operating.

Prashanth and neha Austin tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2252 of 5002

I hate Robo calls and I have a constitutional right to not be harassed by these useless phone calls. Stop the Robo calls and stop them now!!!

Tustin, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2253 of 5002

I am tired of robot calls and want them stopped or blocked. I value my privacy and peace and quiet.

John and Lina Brady Mariposa, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2254 of 5002

I get as many as five a day, I'm a senior who has problem hearing and need my phone in case of emergencies I do not need this stress in my life please block them. It is such a nucence even call up until 9:30 pm

Sharon willits O fallon, mo

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2255 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance! I installed nomorobo to block many on my landline and repeatedly report them via the FTC Complaint Assistant and nomorobo, however with spoofing, many continue to get through. Our number is registered on DNC, but this appears to be ineffective. These nuisance callers must be stopped, particularly when they call outside of the legal calling hours! Mobile phones numbers also need to be included in protection against these relentless, annoying businesses who refuse to take "no" for an answer!

McFaul Family Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2256 of 5002

Robocalls/telemarketing calls are not just a nuisance, but a real time waster for my family even having to answer them every evening. I have never even considered accepting an offer and have been on the do not call list for years. No real caller ID source usually available either.

Daniel & Deborah Violette Orange, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2257 of 5002

My purchase of a product or service, gives me the right to determine quantity, size, when and where it will be used etc.

My phone service isn't an exception. I determine if it will be local and/or long distance/international rates, calling features etc. Therefore, I've decided to use a robocall blocking service on both my home and mobile phone lines.

Be advised, I'm also registered on the FCC's "Don't Call List". Nonetheless I'm constantly pestered by a variety of telemarketers 7 days/week. Obviously the FCC doesn't have the resources to enforce those who violate and continue to contact persons registered on the list.

The consumer bears the cost with no benefits if robocall blocking isn't available. Don't insult the consumer further due to lack of enforcement of Don't Call List violations.

Your time and attention in this matter is appreciated.

Howard Smith Atlanta, GA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2258 of 5002

The blatant disregard by fly by night operations of "do not call" laws is absurd. We are bombarded with repeated blizzards of unwanted calls by people who hide behind anonymous fronts. We get dozens of these calls weekly. Please give us help in order to block these scofflaws.

Frank McDowell Carmel, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2259 of 5002

Dear FCC folks,

I want to be able to block ALL robo-calls so please make that possible in your regulations. Thanks. Best, Dee Wernette, Ph.D.

Dee wernette Hinsdale, Ill

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2260 of 5002

We have used the NOMOROBO service for more than a year and it is a godsend to us. Every time the phone rings once and then falls silent I count the time that I have saved not dealing with someone that is invading my home and my privacy. I have not had any problem with calls that didn't get through to me that should of. The service works as it should. No one should have to deal with robo calls ever again!

Monroe Twp., NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2261 of 5002

Dear fcc. Please stop robocalls to my phones asap. Thank you. Evelyn marchini

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2262 of 5002


Bob Clearfield Melrose Park, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2263 of 5002

I do not want robocalls and want the ability to block them.

Donna Racik Leonia, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2264 of 5002

Make it easier for the public to block robocalls period.

David Marchat Cumming GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2265 of 5002

I would absolutely like to block robo calls. Please know that most of them are actually fraud and wants to pay them money. With whatever power you have, please ask the telephone companies to block all robo calls coming to me. They are so disrupting that I almost avoid using my phone. Why , I ask, I have to go backward in time and not use my phone. Do not call program is laughable because it could not stop unwanted phone calls as the callers simply close their shop and open a new one. As an agency to serve the public (and not the scammers), I do hope you can do something to stop the robo calls.

Orange, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2266 of 5002

Please allow the nomorobo I have had it for 6+ months and it has been heaven no more Rachel from card services or any of the other robo scammers out there. I only get calls from the people I want. Please do not take this away

My house has been blissfully quiet

Kathi karch,mn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2267 of 5002

I pay the phone bill not your corporations.

I only wish to speak with those I choose, not your advertisements.& politicians.

Henderson, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2268 of 5002

Robo calls have completely ruined my life. They invade my home through my phone daily. There is no let up. It is frustrating and time consuming.

I have to screen calls all day, some times screening out important calls that are valid, but I can't figure out who the number belongs to.

As a consumer and taxpayer why do I have to endure this? Please let the phone company block robo calls for me. I am using ROBONOMO now and it helps the problem.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2269 of 5002

Robotic computer-driven automated calls to my home land line or my cell phone drive me nuts. It is the height of personal disturbance to a household to be forced by FCC and FTC mandates to be subjected to these calls several times every day when the calls are NOT wanted. Household and cell telephones are something we have to rely on for our family and our workplace to call us in emergencies and otherwise. We USED TO have that right honored in this country. What could have gone so wrong that you disregard the publics rights to not be disturbed like this. This is significant.

Every time one of these ignoramus calls come in, I have to look to guess if it might be one that I should not ignore. THAT IS A PROBLEM. It is very disturbing to be forced into guessing rather than just answering every call only to find a robot on the other end of the line.

Every single time this happens, I curse the FCC and all of the US government that chooses to ignore the privacy of the American public because of these officials enjoy from these massive corporations in order to be reelected to their government positions. Each of these calls is direct proof that the American government system is right now horribly corrupt. People around the world think it's a pity that the Average American has fewer rights every day. America no longer is respected because of this corruption.

I listened to the Congressional hearings explaining exactly how these calls are made. That the FCC actively chooses to not protect the American people from these assaults means that you completely fail at your mandate to protect the public. I do not personally believe for a second that you sincerely solicit opinions from the public on this subject.

1. First of all, I am forced to buy caller ID, purely out of self defense against robocalls.

2. There is basically no way for me as an individual household to be taken off these lists. Believe me, I have tried and tried and tried. It's not possible.

3. Robocalls ignore all DO NOT CALL REGISTRATIONS. So that service is worthless.

I'm am really tired of having to complain once again to the FCC about this matter. This has gone on now for many years and the corporations love your incapacity to act on behalf of the public.

Nancy Groves Golden Valley, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2270 of 5002

We as Americans should have control of our own phone number with the ability to block robo calls. They may choose to call our number but we should be able to choose to not be bothered!

Anything else is un-American.

Douglas Erdely Erie, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2271 of 5002

Could you (The FCC) explain to the public the rational in preventing robocall products from being used. Everyday we receive at least 5 robocalls a day. Why is this allowed to happen. I'm sure you as individuals receive as many unwanted calls at your resediance. Furthermore you are proberbly just as frustrated as we are. Please do the right thing & correct this obuious mistake.

Les & Mary Lou Alnwickk New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2272 of 5002

They are annoying ,repetative and tie up my phone southampton PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2273 of 5002

I have the right to block robocalls & anyone who tries to to prevent this is breaking my law. This was approved by the FTC so why would you try to prevent it?

Kristy Carruthers Altadena, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2274 of 5002

As far as I know, and I have never been told otherwise, my cell phone number has never been published. And I'd like to keep it that way.

In the same vane, since I choose not to publish my cell phone number (or any of my family's cell phone numbers) I do not wish to get any unwanted phone calls, especially those dialed by a machine in a mass function in the hopes of getting me to answer my phone so I can be sold something.

I pay for my cell phone service, but not so I can receive unsolicited and unwanted advertisements.

Similarly, I do not wish to be bombarded with "robocalls" while at home. While I do publish my home phone number in the "white pages", it is not for the purpose of soliciting unwanted telemarketing calls. Instead I publish my home phone number so friends and family can find me if they do not remember my home phone number.

Moreover, I find it repugnant that companies can resort to unmanned robotic calling techniques just to skim through the arduous task of dialing thousands of numbers. If it's important enough to call me, then pay someone to do so, but obviously it's not important enough to put someone to work to accomplish the task.

Further, if "robomarketers" cannot find enough people to make these calls, then perhaps that is a telling message that should be acknowledged and respected.

Enough already! I receive enough solicitations daily that I do not want or need armies of anonymous machines calling me at any of my phones, ever. Don't we get enough solicitations through all of our media outlets already?

If you are concerned about the average citizen, then let's put a stop to this insidious abuse of my phone and of technology.

Arthur Kupferman New City, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2275 of 5002

I am sick of the robo calls I get daily. Why is it ok for these sales calls, however, it is not ok for me a Realtor* to just call to prospect for clients business? I have to check the "no call" list and be sure I don't call anyone on it.

If these robo calls are allowed then I want to be able to call random people asking for business too.

I beg the FCC to put a stop to rob calls immediately.

Elaine Frost Woodstock, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2276 of 5002

I have the right to block unsolicited phone calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2277 of 5002

I'm so tired of robocalls that I pay extra to have a phone number with no actual phone connected, which I use solely to give out to places that want a phone number for marketing purposes. Since it's simple to block them, I'd rather the phone company provide the solution instead of me having to pay for an unused line.

Mark Grubbs Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2278 of 5002

Nomorobo blocks an average of 4 calls to my house per day, usually during mealtime. Without this ability, my phone will cease being a utility because I will simply turn it off most of the time.

I would suggest that you empower the phone companies to charge 10 cents per call coming into my number and give me a fixed number, say 100, of phones that can call me for free. You can split proceeds with the phone company and 3 parties will feel good. Of course, I would like to ability to double or triple the charge for political calls.

Bill Owens Ridgefield, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2279 of 5002

I am disgusted with the number of calls I was receiving every day at all times of night until I heard about robocall blocking. These people were calling on Sunday evening which is very important to my family. I wake up at 0330 every morning to go to work. These calls were a horrible nuisance!!

William Woodrich Trevor, Wisconsin

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2280 of 5002

We are a retired couple. Almost every day we have to get up to answer the phone. It's almost always a robocaller that wants to sell us a medical cream that our doctor ordered (which he didn't authorize), or a pain brace for seniors, so forth and so on. We are tired of it!! They are obviously targeting seniors in the apparent hope that we are too senile to tell a scam when we see one. We also get the phony IRS scammers and the crooks claiming to be from Microsoft that can help remove the virus on our computer that they are seeing. We, and other seniors, have paid our dues and should not be forced to put up with this anymore. The current DNC is no longer enforced and now means nothing to these scammers. I have even had them tell me so!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2281 of 5002

The national "Do not call" list seems to be ineffective. Consumers need to have easily accessible methods to block unwanted telemarketers, donation seekers, political and general surveys, etc. This should be available to land lines, cell phones, and VOIP lines. This seems like it should be something that can be blocked by the individual or through access to nationally developed lists of nuisance calls (such as developed by nomorobo calls) and probably some other efficiently developed systems that I'm not aware exist.

Walter G. Staab Fairview, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2282 of 5002

This is an amazing feature. It is terribly frustrasting to pick up the phone to dead silence and then a human gets on to chew your ear off. That is not why I have a phone and NOMOROBO is a great service to have. Do not stop it. I also am on the Do Not Call list but that does not help for all the calls.

Valley Stream, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2283 of 5002

Since having NOMOROBO installed on our fone, a land line, spam or solicitor calls have been reduce considerably. The program is geared to calls made by remote calling machines, not individual callers. Verizon also has a program that lets customers delete up to 12 phone numbers they would like to block. So between the two, we have reduced our spam / solicitor calls significantly. NOMOROBO is good program, keep it going.

Crownsville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2284 of 5002

I am sick and tired of all the calls that do not identify themselves and are lines that say Private Caller and do not post a phone number. We need desperately to stop these nuisance calls. Please provide a means to do that which doesn't cost more.


Valsin Fournet

ValsinM and Gwendolyn Fournet Spotsylvania, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2285 of 5002

The Do Not Call List is a joke! I think as soon as people sign up, the government sells the number to telemarketers. As soon as I signed up, my robo calls skyrocketted! My answering machine is clogged and my missed call list only shows "unknown name; unknown number".

Nomorobo has cut the offensive, aggravating, nuisance calls 90%. the phone rings once and stops. That saves me from interrupting my life and going to answe the phone, only to hear some hooey like, "Congratulations! You've just won...whatever!"

If the government doesn't allow consumers (not to mention taxpayers!) to handle their own phone line, there we definitely need a change. Not just Washington, but in the FCC!

I hope all you guys aren't on the phone company's payroll.


James Roland


James Roland Rowlett, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2286 of 5002

I think robocalls should be blocked. I was constantly getting those types of calls until I signed up with a blocking service. I hate to think of what will happen if robocall blocking is not allowed.

Lucille Gallagher Wading River, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2287 of 5002

I am SO sick of robocalls. Sick of answering the phone only to find dead air at the other end, and then, a few moments later, hearing an automated voice start up. There's even one now that greets you and asks how you are, so you THINK you're talking to a person, and after you say "Fine," it goes, "This is a recorded call...blah, blah, etc. etc."

It's outrageous that people should be able to waste my time (and the time of all their other victims) like this. Caller i.d. helps some, but not always. SOMETIMES you can tell you're being called by telemarketers, but more often than not, it just shows a number with no other info. If it says "number not available," I don't answer. Ever. But if there's a number that I don't happen to recognize, I have to weigh whether to not pick up and take a chance on missing something important.

I just don't see any reason why ROBOTS should be allowed to call me, at all, ever. If someone wants to talk to me, even if it's just to try to get my money, they need to be adults and TALK to me.

GET RID OF ROBOCALLS. Free speech does not apply; robots don't have rights.

Sharon Bakula Crystal Lake, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2288 of 5002

Please do not allow phone companies to invade our privacy by not allowing us the choice to block phone calls.

Edward Alfonso , Lyle Deloach Valley Center California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2289 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely painful when you are already stressed out with life's problems and products like Nomorobo should be allowed for consumers to easily access and thereby have some well deserved peace in a person's daily life. Thank you!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2290 of 5002

We need to be able to block these types of calls.

Riverton, Ut.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2291 of 5002

My cell phone is for emergency use - I don't pay for time so some company can call with canned offers that I could care less about!!

My home phone is for MY use and the use of friends and family. Racing to answer what turns out to be a 'junk mail' robo call is just plain maddening!

Why are companies/persons allowed to interrupt my day - whether at work or home - with their robo calls???

Vickilynne Westcott Nashville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2292 of 5002

Do the right thing for the people for God's sake. You've been shills for corporations for way too long and we've had about enough! If you want to pay for my phone and cell phone service then that would be one thing, but I pay for it and am sick and tired of paying for service that doesn't allow me to control who calls me. Robocalls are out of control and they need to be stopped! Give me and millions of other people the means to do that.

T. Head Oakton, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2293 of 5002 do your job, enforce the law and require Service providers to block on request of receiver!, now

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2294 of 5002

I recently retired and am dismayed by the number of robocalls that I receive every day. When I was working, I wasn't home to notice, except on weekends. Now, well...

My grown daughter recently remarked that I have developed a not-so-nice voice when answering these calls. Duh. I told her that I am fed up with telemarketer and robocalls! Something REALLY needs to be done!!!

Connie Harrison Wilson, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2295 of 5002

Robo calls are incredibly annoying. Please do not limit Robo call blocking products!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2296 of 5002

I think everyone should be allowed to block robocalls. I get calls all the time that waste my time and I don't want them. Most of them are scams and fraud.

Bruce Halpern Wendell, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2297 of 5002

I am tired of Robot calls using up my minutes. Please allow call blocking of robot calls by companies like Nomorobo. They perform a valuable service on my home phone and I'd like my mobile phone covered as well. All my numbers are on the national do not call database but telemarketers and phishers call any way.

Thank you for your consideration in this regard.

Dave Perrault Columbia SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2298 of 5002

There are numerous times that my phone rings once, especially during dinner and through the evening hours. I know by this one ring that robocalls are being blocked instead of the phone ringing and ringing as the telemarketers try to reach me during my down time when I want to relax and not fend off these people. I am so glad that I signed on!

Diana Kaiser Newburgh,NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2299 of 5002

The only way we will ever have a peaceful meal or a peaceful evening is for Congress to block all robocalls. As it is, robocalls come all day, all evening until around 10pm. I am an old lady who doesn't sleep well, so I sometimes have to make up my rest during the day or I go to bed in the afternoon. But I am no allowed to sleep because of the incessant robocalls. Please stop all robocalls to my home.

Elsie Ardry West Monroe, Louisiana

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2300 of 5002

I object to RoBoCalls.

Grandview, Missouri

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2301 of 5002

I have been hounded for years by robo calls, all the while taking care of my sick husband and sister, running to the phone (without caller I.D.) in case I might miss a doctor's call, etc., and I have called the FCC and my state's attorney general over and over, to stop this intrusion and there seems to be no solution, and I heartily endorse any robocall blocking products you can put in place to relieve me of this horror. Sheila Gagnon

Sheila Gagnon SSo. Yarmoutlh, MA 026644

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2302 of 5002

Daily robo calls are an intrusion on our individual privacy and a daily nuisance. We should have the right to require our phone carrier to block them if that is our choice.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2303 of 5002

I love the fact that I can block annoying robocalls with nomorobo.

Don't do anything to kill that pleasure.

Thank tou.

Lawrence Lefkowitz Hartsdale, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2304 of 5002

Please stop robocalls. I am on the do not call list for all of my phones.

That does not stop robocalls. PLEASE HELP.

I am bothered with robocalls 8-12 times a day. Why do I have to put up with these intrusions?

What are you going to do to stop this?

Allan Rosenberg Long Beach, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2305 of 5002

Since installing Nomorobo We've had less than 3 calls per week. Before Nomorobo we'd get 3 a night!! PLEASE DO NOT STOP ROBOCALL BLOCKING !!!!

John M. Calif

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2306 of 5002

I feel that consumers have the right to block robocalls. They are invasive,a nuisance and not welcome in my home. I have been blocking them for over a year and it has made such a difference in our lives. Previously we got 10 or more nuisance calls per day at all hours of the day and night. Some call were clearly scams and threatening. I support Nomorobo for allowing me the ability to control and prevent these types of calls from coming to my home. Please continue to allow robocall blocking services for consumers. Thank you.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2307 of 5002

I love NOMOROBO, it works great! Since I signed up I feel that I have control of own phone. Signing up for blocking did not work. NOMOROBO does. I have told everyone I know about it.

Scott Schneider Columbus, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2308 of 5002

The next time that Rachel from card member services calls, I'll tell her to give congress a call. I'm also tired of political calls during election season. Living I. The swing state of Ohio, we certainly get a lot of them. Listen to your constituents who elected you into office, and give us some relief.

Columbus, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2309 of 5002

I have been using Nomorobo for over a year now and I don't know what I would do without it! The numerous daily robo calls I received every day were a constant source of aggravation. Nomorobo has been a Godsend because I no longer have to stop what I'm doing to answer the phone only to find out that it's another annoying robo call! Please, please let us continue to have the ability to block these annoying robo calls.

Cathy Jackson Jackson, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2310 of 5002

I am tired of getting robo calls on my home phone and can't believe that I am now also getting them on my cell phone.

The last one was a scam from the IRS. I thankfully had piece of mind to call my tax accountant to confirm that this robocall was a scam. stockton ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2311 of 5002

The robcalls are intrusive and abusive. I received one recently from "the Internal Revenue Services". I am on the national and state Do Not Call lists yet I receive multiple calls per day. Each is a scam praying upon the gullible. I should have the ability to bock any and all calls like this, not just the 10 numbers my carrier allows.

Beverly Gibson Houston, texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2312 of 5002

I abhor robocalls. If I want whatever they may be offering I will institute the call. Please do what you can to stop this invasion of my home.

Catherine Grote Galloway, N.J.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2313 of 5002

Please force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers like me. Living in Colorado, a swing state, the political campaigns are relentless and there is no easy way to opt out from annoying phone calls throughout the week. In addition, additional measures should be considered to increase the efficacy of the Federal do-not-call list for telemarketers. Many companies are now somehow successfully ignoring this list. All complaints I have issued to the FCC are always ignored.

Teresa and Andrew Koransky Salida, Colorado

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2314 of 5002

I want to be able to use nomorobo to block calls. I am so tired of getting robocalls while trying to work from home. I filed the phone numbers serveral times on the do not call list but it did not work. Phone companies have no right to say which calls I can block. Let nomorobo do it's job!!!

Joan and Allen Strug Plano, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2315 of 5002

I receive about at least 10 to 15 calls a day from people that block their phone numbers, numbers that don't exist. I would like to see this stop.

Lemuel B. Ivie Sorrento,FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2316 of 5002

Please stop robo calling, my phone is for my use. I pay for it and I should be able to decide how it should be used, not someone else. We should not be harassed in our own home.

Mary Pasquill Granite Falls, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2317 of 5002

Absolutely no more robo calls.

Cindi Hillen Wheeling, wv

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2318 of 5002

I get 3-4 calls some days--always at the most inconvenient times. It is so annoying! I have signed up to make it stop but it doesn't last. We are 72 and 76 and it is too much!! lynn and Ed Novick Arlington, VT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2319 of 5002

I work at home and my land line, needed for our home security system, rings constantly, causing me to stop my work to check the ID to see if it's important. It's very unproductive to keep doing this and i can't just turn off the ringer in case my elderly mother calls or is ill. You must allow people to block unwanted calls easily, effectively, and affordably! It's bad enough the robo call law is a total joke. You've screwed that up. Imagine not being able to block spam emails. Its the SAME THING!!!

Arlington, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2320 of 5002

Please allow us to block robo calls on our cell phones. They are our phones and phone lines.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2321 of 5002

It's time to stop the robo calls and all the other miscellaneous crap calls being permitted by the loopholes in 'do not call'.

Our family has been on 'do not call' since early on and we still receive an average of 25 unwanted calls per month. These calls consist of robo calls, charities, political campaigns, surveys, and companies claiming to be offering free home security systems, free medical alerts, and so forth.

After signing up on, our calls dropped to 10 for the month of December 1014.

It's time to stop robo calls and time to fix 'do not call' to mean exactly that, DO NOT CALL for any reason, from anyone, at any time.

We pay for a phone service, to have a number that's for our personal use. Why should we be subjected to any call, any time, if we don't want them.

Companies and organizations are abusing the right to call. Even after being told not to call, they still do. ADT home security and these medical alert companies are very guilty of that. If it's an automated system and you 'opt out', you still get called. If you talk to a person and tell them to remove you from their contact list they just hang up. Guess they believe if they hang up being told to be removed from their contact list doesn't count.

And sometimes they just call from a different number and/or state, so I guess they believe that is permitted since they weren't told not to call from that number before.

Fix the 'do not call' loopholes and don't allow charities, surveys, so-called free offers, political calls, or any calls to be permitted if on the 'do not call'. Do not call means just that, DO NOT CALL.

If I want to give to a charity, I will do so on my own. If I want home security or a medical alert, I will contact someone. I don't want surveys at all, and I definitely don't want political calls soliciting for my vote or donations. Good way to loss my vote.

I don't call you at home, why should anyone be able to call me. These calls are nothing but harassment.

It's time to protect the public. It's my choice to have privacy, not their choice to ignore..

Do your job and stop this madness once and for all.

Tim Wooten Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2322 of 5002

Please allow robocall blockers to continue. Nomorobo has saved me much frustration. Before nomorobo, I was getting 6 or 7 calls per day.

Greg Hamilton Mount Juliet, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2323 of 5002

I hate Robo Calls! They cost me time which is Money ... and they cost me Minutes which is Money. Money STOLEN from me and there is nothing available for me to protect myself.

If you allow Robo Calls - we need to have products to BLOCK them.

Venice, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2324 of 5002

We are so tired of having our days and nights disrupted by unwanted robocalls. At all hours, we receive calls about carpet cleaning, credit card services, and all sorts of people fishing for our money. If the telephone companies were required to offer a service whereby these calls could be blocked, I am sure everyone would want to sign up for the service. I know we would! Please do what you can to make this type of service as readily available to telephone consumers as are services such as call waiting or caller id, which the phone companies are happy to provide.

Kirsten and Jay Sunderland, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2325 of 5002

I detest robocalls. Despite trying to get on do not call lists, we are regularly bothered at home by robocalls.

Please allow people to opt out of robocalls!

Karen Ashbrook Silver Spring, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2326 of 5002

As a retiree and previously one who worked from home, the ability to block Robitalle was a godsend. Please do not interfere with this capability.

Eric Kapust Needham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2327 of 5002

Enough! The robo calls come through, especially during family meals, interrupting core quality time.

The other concern is related to emergencies. Some times, the robo s don't disconnect. If a little old lady with osteoporosis runs for the phone and falls, and the phone does not disconnect after she hangs up, she cannot call for help. I have experienced several times that I cannot use my phone because even after I hang up, the robo call is still on the line.


Julie Bruno Hockessin, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2328 of 5002

We are tired of getting calls from different areas and even private (anonymous) numbers. These include calls reputedly from Microsoft ( but aren't), credit card services, and even political calls. Take us off the lists!

Ruth and Sheldon Weinberg Jericho, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2329 of 5002

I have registered my phone with the National Do Not Call Database and I still get robocalls, even from companies that I have never done business with.They are invasive and annoying. There needs to be a better way to avoid having them.

Mary Belinsky Los Altos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2330 of 5002

I have nomorobo on my home phone. It is wonderful. Now that I am retired and at home, I can't believe how many calls I was getting in a day. I purchased a Tracphone which does not support nomorobo and in the first month I received about 15 calls a day. They were from Payday loan type places saying I had been approved. I have never requested a loan and they had my name incorrect. At first I answered the phone. They all had Indian accents and were very rude. Now I have to constantly delete the messages. They also send voice mails which uses up my minutes. Please let us to be able to block these scams.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2331 of 5002

I'm sick of these robocalls. I have 2 landlines and 2 mobile phone lines. The NoMoRoBo is installed on my Voip line but not on my landline. I have all 4 of my phone lines signed up on the do not call lists and I continue to get at least 1 call per day between all 4 lines. Any help to stop or prevent these calls would be greatly appreciated.

Robert & Deborah Norris Anna, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2332 of 5002

I get robo calls all day and I don't like paying Verizon a monthly charge for people begging for some non- profit outfit. I am retired and have more important things to do in my life.

Tom Layman Richmond, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2333 of 5002

After years of receiving robocalls, it was great to find NOMOREROBO to block most if not all the calls, considering the DO NOT CALL LIST seem to always be sidetracked. Please stop calling me. I will call you if I need your service.

Jerry Garcia Miami, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2334 of 5002

We get between 6 to 10 of these damn calls a day. They start at 7:30 am and end about 9:30pm. We try not to get up until 10am as we are retired. We have blocked these idiots but they just get more #'s. We want COMPLETE BLOCKING from these people we do not know and do not care to know.


Thank You

Sheila Spokane, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2335 of 5002

I want you to require phone companies to help customers block robocalls.

Phillip S Cogan New York City NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2336 of 5002

For years telemarketers have been a constant frustration for everyday people. Robocallers have taken this to an entirely new level. I am very close to pulling my phone service out. My phone rings many times a day, all hours of day or night. I am on the Do Not Call list but it doesn't matter. I often get numerous calls per day from the same number - even though I am on DNC AND have reported these calls on the DNC website. It is joke. There is no respect for people and I don't understand what right have to invade my personal space on a daily basis and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. And on your end there is NO enforcement. A protection has been put in place for consumers but they do not follow the policy and you do not enforce it.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2337 of 5002

Robocalls serve no function an are very annoying. I feel very strongly that I should have access to robocall blocking products. If the phone companies don't want tp provide the service then any private company should be allowed !!!!!!!

Larry Mottern Hackettstown, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2338 of 5002

Our home phone is basically unusable because of robo calls for donations, sign up etc. We did sign the Do Not Call List but it doesn't work at all. maryellen read portland oregon

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2339 of 5002

You must now take any available action to stop the robocallers. I am a senior citizen, and do have the technical ability to use the Nomorobo call system, and it has Changed My Life in a very positive way. We, as the elderly must have the phone available to recieve calls. We cannot block all calls, as they may be for our medical needs, in particular.

However my best friends, cannot figure out how to utilize this service, so it is time, actually it is well over time, that the government steps in to regulate this intrusion into our lives. My friend who is in his 70's recieves up to 20 calls per day. He must monitor all incoming calls on his answering machine, to later delete the robocalls. Do something now to stop this extreme invasion on our citizen's privacy, a fundimental right that is being violated by non-regulation of this sinister industry.

Larry Walters Hudson, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2340 of 5002

The constant Robo calls are extremely annoying, especially at 7:30 am. (They woke me up). They call for Viagra, medical prescriptions, and credit card interest lowering, which I have NO interest in. When I ask them to take me off the list they immediately hang up. And then they call me again and again the days, weeks, months on end. I've even asked to speak to their supervisor and they rudely hang up on me. I receive four to six calls a day. Last week I spoke with a robo caller regarding a credit card lowering interest reform program. She asked the balance on my credit cards and when I told her ZERO she immediately hung up on me. I have been able to block as many numbers as allowed per my telephone provider but they continue to call using another #. They need to be STOPPED!

Gayla Moran Roseville, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2341 of 5002

It's my phone! I don't allow businesses, politicians, even charities to use it as if they owned it. I like my Nomorobo and I demand that I be able to continue using it!

Michael Cotter Reading MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2342 of 5002

Please require phone providers to offer a robocall blocking solution. How much time is wasted on these impersonal and often misleading calls? How many dinners and other family moments are interrupted? Help us out here and let's find a way to block these unwanted calls.

Thank you.

Martha B Beaumont, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2343 of 5002

Do not like these types of calls. People cannot speak English , so you cannot understand them. They are intrusive and make calls at all hours of the day and night. They need to get some education, speech therapy and history lessons. They also need to stop making calls pretending to be your relative.

McMinnville, Oregon

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2344 of 5002

85% of the robocalls are from somewhere outside the us..the rest are seems like a home invasion to me. I pay for my phone why do I have to put up with this? Scams..plain & simple scams... ws cook Spokane WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2345 of 5002

The FCC is supposed to be the agency that protects the public? I have listed all of my phone numbers on the "Do Not Call" registry and I continue to get increasing numbers of calls from solicitors and polite requests to have them not call again are ignored. Again, the FCC has not not done its job. Trying to make a complaint is a waste of time. THE FCC DOES NOTHING FOR THE CONSUMER — it does however, cater to the whims and wishes of the likes of Comcast, Time-Warner, and other "business" interests. The FCC MUST STOP ROBOCALLS AND ENFORCE THE "DO NOT CALL" REGISTRY AND BRING LEGAL AND REGULATORY ACTIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CONSUMER TO STOP ROBOCALLS AND ALLOW THE CONSUMER TO EFFECTIVELY USE ANTI-ROBOCALLING PRODUCTS.

Hoppy Chandler San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2346 of 5002

It's my phone and I want the right to block the calls that are annoying to me. Let them call you.

Clark NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2347 of 5002

I'm in total agreement with Nomorobo supporters. I've been using their service for around two years. Their service has kept the aggravating and rude telemarketers calls to a minimum. I have never had a telemarket call that was beneficial for me, only a waste of my time. I,ve always believed that I had enough intelligence to know my needs without the advice of telemarketers. Yes, if phone companies can provide the blocking of those annoying telemarket calls, I believe they should do so.

Ron Birdwell Cottontown Tn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2348 of 5002

I feel robocall blocking products are the best invention since the telephone. I feel robocalls and other annoyance calls (whether or not 'do-not-call' works/allows them or not) should be banned outright, especially from 5 PM - 10 AM and all weekends and holidays. At least make the telephone companies allow the blocking.

I need my voice mail and and answering machine space back, not cluttered up with robo messages and undesired sales, charity and campaigning pitches... Thank you

NE Hamilton Alexandria, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2349 of 5002 please stop these annoying calls on landline and cell phone. I have requested they are blocked but they continue. k. mcanally anaheim, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2350 of 5002

Robocall blocking products aren't just a convenience - they have become a necessity. For a phone company to assert that for some reason that they cannot stop robocalls is completely ludicrous. people do not want to be annoyed by calls from whatever cause, political candidates or whatever. We're too busy to be annoyed by these calls.

David F. Podesta Brooklyn, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2351 of 5002

I hate robocalls. Please let the robocall blocking poducts continue to do the job.

Chung Lee Avon, CT 06001

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2352 of 5002

I get the same calls multiple times a day. I signed up for number blocking but that only slows them down. And the recordings sometimes give a chance to stop the calls but hasn't worked so far.

Meadow Vista, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2353 of 5002

I hate robocalls. What gives them the right to have their computer interrupt me from what I am doing?

Garril Kueber New Orleans, LA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2354 of 5002

Robocalling has become obnoxiously pervasive. I get more robocalls than personal calls on my Robo- blocked home phone. In fact, I get more robocalls than door-to-door solicitations. We love our Robo blocked line. It's answered automatically and doesn't interrupt our dinner, discussions and home entertainment. We are NEVER interested in what they are selling. If we were, we'd go get it ourselves !

Please let us have our personal communication back by stopping time - consuming, worthless robocalls. Thank you

Sacramento, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2355 of 5002 force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

I'm getting a lot of phone calls from Cell phone numbers.

It is a way for telemarketers to get away with calling customers.

Jairo Contreras Ridgefield, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2356 of 5002

Robocalls have become one of my biggest issues in running a sole proprietor business. The calls are uninvited interruptions to my focus on my work (editing video). Do Not Call doesn't make any difference; part of the time, there is no-one actually on the calling end; other times they can hide their identity and call using a different number the next time. If I had any interest in anything at all being offered, I would initiate a call.

It may seem like a momentary interruption, but when you must focus on what you are doing and may be on a creative surge, it's damaging to have this waste of time.

I applaud what NoMoRobo has been able to stop, and hope that there will be better such products/services available in the future.

Rockville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2357 of 5002

I am deluged with robocalls daily. They sometimes start at 8 in the morning, and continue throughout the day and evening. This is a terrible invasion of privacy and an intolerable nuisance. Please do something about this.

East Rockaway, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2358 of 5002

I don't like robocalls and want the option of blocking them. The DoNotCall list is not effective and I want better protection against these unwanted calls. I fully support and endorse the nomorobo service.

David Frager Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2359 of 5002

Stop the robo calling. I'm all for anything that helps. I love nomorobo. Keep it going.

We need to stop thsee annoying calls.

Theresa Hammond West Chester,

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2360 of 5002

I should NOT be bothered by robocalls on my home phone or my cell phone if I choose not to. Robocall blocking products are KEY to keeping these phone pests in check. Right now I have an external company Nomorobo that is helping me with this but I think the phone companies should provide robo call blocking features. Please make this happen.

Ted Baker Torrance, CA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2362 of 5002

Even though we are on the Do Not Call List, we get robo calls every day on our home phone as well as cell phones. This is an invasion of my privacy and a genuine nuisance. Phone companies should allow us to block calls that we do not want and have asked these companies not to call.

Mary Ann Harrison West Lafayette, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2363 of 5002

Robo calls should be totally against the law! They are an uninvited invasion of privacy!!! We had as many as 15 per day before before we enrolled in Nomorerobo. The constant calls made our lives miserable in our own home. We are 100% AGAINST ROBO CALLS. Please do not allow the phone carriers/providers to allow robot calls EVER!

Darrel & Lynda Moore Lacey, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2364 of 5002

I only like to receive calls from friends and family, because I am a very busy person, lots of volunteer work. I do not have time to answer Robocalls and want them blocked from my phone. I pay for my phone and therefore want to make decisions regarding this.

St Louis, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2365 of 5002

95% of the calls I get at my house are robocalls. Please allow me to block these calls. I've been using Nomorobo for the last year and it has been a godsend. Please do not allow the telephone companies and VOIP vendors to stop this valuable feature. Rather, I ask that you put stronger controls into effect that would allow me to better block these nuisance callers.

Keith Passaretti Corte Madera, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2366 of 5002

Blocking programs like nomorobo are a must to our piece of mind!!!

Scott Cargill Charlestown NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2367 of 5002

I use NoMoRobo to great advantage. On our home phone, we get an average of 3 calls a day that NoMoRobo STOPS.

And now, they have started to call our cell phones. The unwanted calls cost us cell phone user lots of money per year. I want to be in charge of my phones, not some weasel that annoys, interrupts and is certainly an unneeded expense. I urge you to do the right thing for us consumers. Let the robocalls be blocked once and for all. The do not call lists are a great idea, but if only the criminal element abides by them.

Jim and Glenda Pleasanton, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2368 of 5002

Please do not get rid of Norobocall call blocking. It is a godsend. No longer do we have to put up with annoying calls. This is a fantastic service and every service provider should allow their customers to utilize it. Consumers should have the right to not bothered by annoying calls. I support this service 100%.

Barb and Steve Hirsch Cape Coral, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2369 of 5002

#1 They Call All Times Of The Day And Evenings #2 There Product Or Services are Not What Its Needed.!!!! By Some Of Us Or The Majority

Of People They Are Calling In The Area Targeted.!!!! I Bet They Do Not

The Areas Like Beverly Hills Or The More People That Can Afford Them.!!

And A Lot Of Them Just Target The Elderly To Take There money .!!!

And A lot of them Are Bogus Company With No Return PHONE #s.

Do Us A favor And let Us decide Where WE WAN TO SPEND OUR I SAY


Arturo Ballesteros CAL(IFORNIA.!!!!!!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2370 of 5002

We want to block unwanted robocalls. They call us and most of the time no one is even there when we say Hello. That is a good thing, but such a time waster for us. Even worse is when someone is there and they want us to stand and listen to their speech that we don't care about. We have a phone to communicate with people and businesses that we choose, not with telemarketers, scam artists, etc. And we get plenty of those scan artists! Shut them down!

Julie Wright Orem, UT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2371 of 5002 robocall blocking is an excellent service and enables our family additional privacy

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2372 of 5002

My nomorobo service has brought us sanity again. No more annoying calls at all times, day and night from people I do not want to hear from. Protect the consumers from these annoying tactics.

Neal G. Shelton, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2373 of 5002

I am sick of robocalls and sales calls on our phones. Please give us the opportunity to block these annoying calls.

Debi Riley Goodlettsville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2374 of 5002

Please permit nomorobo to continue to block calls. Thank you commack new york

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2375 of 5002

Stop this!

Mark Thompson Austin, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2376 of 5002

I have not call numbers yet still get robo calls on all my numbers.

I am sick and tired of this. Please do some thing, like fine the offenders.

Rancho Cordova Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2377 of 5002

I'm tired of answering annoying robocalls from telemarketers, politicians, credit card companies and others. I should be allowed to block them and not waste my valuable time answering their unsolicited calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2378 of 5002

We deserve the right to block robo calls.

Hoyt mcguyer rowlett texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2379 of 5002

Block all Robo calls


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2380 of 5002

Robo calls are an insidious invasion into my life. Nomorobo certainly

Has helped me to get unwanted calls under control. People have rights to enjoy their privacy.

Darien, ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2381 of 5002

Because of our zipcode we receive a large number of unauthorized robocalls, even though we are on the national "do not call" list.

Having activated "NoMoreRobocalls," we only hear the first ring or two of the 15 or so robocalls we get each day. It's great!

Note that we are concerned, active citizens. We do not need some venal politician calling us. We do not need self-serving charities to solicit our funds. We do not need an alarm system, ad nauseum.

Jim & Donna Earhart San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2382 of 5002

I dislike all unsolicited telephone calls. I especially dislike robo calls.

Bel Air MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2383 of 5002

I get over 100 these calls on my phone and my father phone. Most on my phone. Also real telemarketers persons call.I need them to stop right now. Get the phone companies start to helping their custmers.Us people don't people have to paid to much.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2384 of 5002

It is so bad for the older folks as the scams are non stop. We just can't answer our phones any more. If i hear a computer call i hang up right away and only answer calls that come in from in my area.

Please help to stop these calls. Thank You, Susan.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2385 of 5002

The ability to block robo calls should be a supported service that phone customers do not have to pay for. If a phone company wants to profit from robocallers, they should share some of those profits in the form of a service that allows customers to block those calls if wanted. At the minimum, subsidize and provide features that allow services like Nomorobo to operate.

Steve Pierce Essex, VT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2386 of 5002

We've had Nomorono for almost a year and love it. Robo calls were occurring s frequently that we were seriously considering canceling our landline. With Nomorobo we get one ring and silence. Then we both laugh. I pay for my phone service and I should be able to block robo calls if I want to.

Robert E. Hall Cary, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2387 of 5002

Although I have listed my phone numbers, both home and cell, with the National No Call Centers, the robocalls have continued. It is very annoying to get the calls all hours of the day and night. The robocallers just don't get it! Since they are not playing by "your rules" certailly I have a right to stop this annoyance by blocking the calls on my phones.

Ron Pierce Atlanta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2388 of 5002 am annoyed daily by about 10 robocalls, some fraudulent. I am elderly and sometimes nap during the day. These intrusions affect my health. Fortunately for caller ID, I do not pick up these suspect calls.

Please stop robocalls.

Helen Jones Maynard, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2389 of 5002

The amount of robocalls is out of control. We should have the option to block these calls. I probably get 2 to 3 calls from solar solicitors every day. I easily get 10 to 15 robocalls per day. I find it to be intrusive. I should have the choice to block them. It's like having a "no solicitors"sign on our phones. We should have that right.

Tammy Fowler Lancaster CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2390 of 5002

Stop robocalling

We need better blocking products to protect us.

Ed Hammond West Chester,

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2391 of 5002

As I pay for the privilege of my phone usage, I think it is unfair that anyone other than those I choose should have the right to call me , in fact they should not be allowed to invade the privacy of my home in any way and calling is invasion as I see it.

D.F.Haywood Chesapeake VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2392 of 5002

I HATE robocalls and I want to have control over blocking them.

Chip and Ginny Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2393 of 5002

Stop Robocalls. I have to have a landline for our home security company, and before we would get 10- 15 robocalls a day. PLEASE do not allow robocalls!!! Say no to these companies!

Dennis and Linda Sun City Cenyer, Fl.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2394 of 5002

Robocalls are an ignorant, intrusive, and lazy way for scoundrels and Politiciians to invade everyones peace and quiet and should be allowed to be blocked in thetr entirety joe norman baltimore, md

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2395 of 5002

Stop robocalls. Stop robocalls.....Thanks


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2396 of 5002

Please permit the blocking of these UNWANTED robocalls. I normally receive several every day. It is a huge intrusion into my privacy and extremely annoying.

I want to block all robocalls. I appreciate your passing appropriate measures to ensure customer rights. It is logical...and right.

Thank You.

Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2397 of 5002

Robocalls are the scourge of any phone user! I love the reduction in those annoying calls since I activated the Nomorobo service. If you disallow this, we all will know it's just due to lobbyist influence, not your interest in helping the average American!

Lois Myeroff Chardon, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2398 of 5002

We want to be able to block robocalls from everyone, including politicians and political organizations (pacs, parties, etc).

Thomas and Susan Brown Sterling, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2399 of 5002

My wife and I are senior citizens. It's not right for us to be harassed sometimes as much as 10 times a day by annoying robocalls.

Many of them are trying to sell products like emergency call buttons, "the I've fallen and can't get up variety". Many are informing us that it's our lucky day and we have been selected for a cruise, vacation, etc. and to get our vouchers we just have to money order or wire the $200 transfer fee.

It's actually forced us to screen most of our calls with caller ID. These robocalls usually show up as "private numbers", unlisted numbers" or "not available" numbers.

When numbers are listed and you try to call them, you discover that the number does not take calls or that they are disconnected or not listed numbers.

I don't think freedom of speech entitles you to telephone people at odd hours of the day and night, interrupt, disturb and harass them.

I've complained to our telephone carrier, the police and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Attorney General's office and was told there was nothing they could do about it.

Months ago I frequently called the FCC's complaint number. I'm totally unaware of anything being done with those complaint calls. I've given up on that, because I noticed my complaints even lead to more calls.

It's only fair and just that something be done by our government whether local, state or national to put an end to this.

Robert J. Gershkowitz

Robert J. Gershkowitz Natick, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2400 of 5002

They are annoying costly and a waist of everyone s time

Dennis Hemminger colton ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2401 of 5002

No Robocallers or-telemarketers. They are a nuisance. Thank you.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2402 of 5002

Please stop the robocalls: they are a total distraction and unwanted.

Thank you.

Peter Barrer Newton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2403 of 5002

I want all telemarketing calls to cut out completely. Thank You

Richard Yankowitz Philadelphia, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2404 of 5002

Hate robo call


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2405 of 5002

Y'know what? Even being on the Do Not Call lists, we STILL get tons of unsolicited phone calls -- 2-5 per DAY. We tell them to remove our number, threaten to have them traced and report them to you guys and to state authorities, but they just laugh.

It's OUR PHONE, and we should have the right (and capacity) to block such calls; so PLEASE allow citizens the ability to block such garbage, in spite of the whining from the telecom giants. All they care about is building revenue, not their customers' privacy.

Darren Young North Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2406 of 5002

Robocalls and unsolicited spam calls are a huge irritation. The blocking technology, as implemented by NoMoRobo, has been extremely useful.

Dan and Anna Robbins Glendale, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2407 of 5002

Robo calling is a nightmare. Before we signed up with NOMOROBO we were getting 8 to 10 calls a day. These calls started as early as 8:00am and as late as 9:00pm.

I have stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma and neither my wife or I need to be bothered with calls we have no interest in and did not initiate.

Robo calls from politicians, bogus charities, credit card companies, home maintenance scams, etc. need to be controlled and stopped.

Do not limit organizations such as NOMOROBO from providing a valuable service the phone companies can't seem to provide or control.

Kenneth Hall

Kenneth Hall Somers, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2408 of 5002

I hate being called all the time for things I don't want. It takes up to much of my time and wastes my minutes. If I want something I will contact a company, I don't want them contacting me. If companies are not getting the message then these companies that help with blocking your number are great and should be easy to access for everyone.

Livonia, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2409 of 5002

Stop the madness and robocalls for everyone including politicians and charities.

Tom Lynch Ramsey, NJ 07446

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2410 of 5002

Enough with the robocalls! The blocking products need to be used. The phone service I pay for should serve me, not the phone company's other customers.

Charles Condos Tucson, AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2411 of 5002

Stop the unwanted calls!

Wadsworth Oh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2412 of 5002

Robo calls are an unwanted intrusion that I do not appreciate and do not want to receive. Please allow the current blocking mechanisms to stay in place.

Thank you

William H. Siegl Ardmore, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2413 of 5002

As a citizen-consumer, I should have the right to block phone calls from anyone I don't want to hear from. If a company makes a product that allows me to exercise that right, I think their product(s) should be legal. Allow me to continue to block calls that I consider "robocalls", and keep blocking products legal.

Thank you.

Herbert Walker Muncie, Indiana

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2414 of 5002

Please allow people to block ROBO calls. The do not call list is a joke and is useless. There has to be better solutions out there and the ability to block rob calls would be a good start. There is no reason to protect these companies who intrude on our lives.

Jacqueline Woodin Beacon Falls, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2415 of 5002

Robocalls are a nightmare. Cannot tell you how many we get, you pick up the call,and nothing. If you wait long enough, you can here the so many workers in the background calling others. Please stop this.

Gary Kopel Lafayette, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2416 of 5002

We have been harrassed for years getting two to five calls a day. We often unplug out phone and are thinking of dropping a land line.

Bob Frank Corvallis OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2417 of 5002

I don't want any robo calls to my phone. It's my phone and I should have control over who calls me.

Baffour Ennin Woodbridge, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2418 of 5002

Why must our mealtimes (and many other times) be at the disposal of robocalls? We'd prefer to choose our callers--and that begins with choosing our noncallers.

Hester and Paull Giddings Paramus, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2419 of 5002

I receive several robocalls each week even though I put my number on your Federal Do Not Call list. It makes no difference! And neither, it seems, does asking them to take you off their call list. It goes past annoying. Please, let me block robocalls. Please.

Donna McIntosh Highland, CA 92346

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2420 of 5002

You suck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2421 of 5002

We have Verizon FIOS as our home phone system. We signed up for NOMOROBO when it was first introduced. The service is blocking at least 1 robocall per day (sometimes more form the same source) based on review of my Verizon Call Log. A few still get through though they can usually be traced to MajicJack customers and MajicJack will disconnect them once a complaint is made. It would be great if my mother and daughter (not Verizon customers) could have NOMOROBO on their phones- they can't they have standard phone service from CenturyLink.

Michael Green Mechanicsburg, Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2422 of 5002

The robo calls always come at an inopportune time and disrupt us without our permission. We never listen to the complete message and cannot get a number to report to the government. I think we should be given a way to stop all such messages unless we give permission. Please give us a tool to let us do this.

Jerry Roth

Jerry Roth Lucas, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2423 of 5002

I have enjoyed being on the "Do Not Call" list for a number of years, but in the last 2-3 years I have received a huge number of "robo calls" from sources which range from businesses I have no relationship with to those which do not reveal their source. I would like the FCC to allow telephone users such as myself an option to block receipt of "robo calls" and would encourage you to provide household comsumers the choice to not receive unsolicited calls.

Thank you.

Paul Baxter Modesto, CA 95356

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2424 of 5002

I am sick of the multitude of robo calls that interrupt and disturb our home at all times of the day. I feel like it is an invasion of our home privacy. Surely there must be something that your agency can do to stop these telemarketers and sometimes scammers from harassing people in their own home. Please consider some options to stop this.

Tom and Karen Dilly Charlotte, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2425 of 5002

Our family is TIRED of being bombarded by the constant stream of robo calls. We are interrupted at dinner, during our kid's homework time and bedtime routines.

Please support our wishes for privacy by making it easier to block these intrusive calls.

Allison Ferrendelli Chino Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2426 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance. I should have the right to block them.

Richmond Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2427 of 5002

As I am sure, this is not the first you are hearing of this. Robocalls are intrusive and disrespectful. Especially during elections. All candidates call repeatedly and they say the same thing over and over. I get the message, so stop. Further, there is no way to hang up to stop these intrusive messages. My phone is tied up for the duration. Quite frankly, I don't even pay attention to what they say, just white annoying background noise. Stop these calls, if I want you, I'll call you. Otherwise, leave me alone!

Jennifer and Chris Ruta Great Neck, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2428 of 5002

I want to be able to block robout calls in advance. My wireless service Verizon prevents me from using programs like Nomorobo. Please force phone companies to allow theor consumers to use this software to block nuisance robot calls.

Lynn Rodeheaver Olympia, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2429 of 5002

In the absence of meaningful enforcement of the "Do Not Call" law, and by meaningful I mean something that provides a real disincentive to the violators without making the population jump through a myriad of hoops to report violations, features such as Nomorobo are essential. If the phone companies don't want to support Nomorobo, let's make them responsible for enforcing the "Do Not Call" law by mandating that after a third violation that they totally cut off service to firms that violate the law rather than just make them pay minor fines. Or maybe have the phone companies generate 1,000 robo calls a day to the personal phone numbers of violating company executives. Allowing companies to violate laws and cause grave aggravation to citizens to provide revenue for the phone companies is not tolerable!

Dan & Helen Schumacher Herndon, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2430 of 5002

Robo calls should be outlawed! They are annoying, disruptive and i cant even block them. My local phone company, verizon, is unwilling to lend me any assistance and im about one robo call aware from turning my landline off permanently. Thats annoying!

Leslie H Manhattan beach, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2431 of 5002

Please stop the Robocalls!

Robert Imhoff Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2432 of 5002

I am an 84 year old woman who has never owned a credit card and never will, but I have received as many as 20 unsolicited robocalls a month trying to offer me all kinds of credit card services. Imagine my distress when my naps, meals, baths, news programs, morning coffee breaks and sleep are interrupted by these annoying, invasive and unwanted calls. I beg you to do something about this. Make the phone companies give us a means to block these calls. The technology exists, so why wouldn't they offer it to us?

Ruey Northampton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2433 of 5002

Robocalls were coming to our house over a dozen times per day before NoMoRoBo. This blocking technology has calmed the incessant ringing and allowed only wanted calls me through. The Do Not Call list does not deter the calls. Support blocking robocalls and take away this annoying tool from telemarketers.

Mike E Ventura, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2434 of 5002

Robocalling has become a total invasion of our privacy.They like to call around dinner time, but will call anytime of day and night. Most of the calls we get are from solar companies or home repair. I ask you to do somethig to stop these calls.

Keith, Thousand Oaks, CA

Keith & Carol Goldstein Thousand Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2435 of 5002

Receive these annoying robocalls starting at 7:00AM in the morning until after 9:00PM at night 7 days a week. Callers are trying to sell me products in which I have not interest, collections agencies trying to collect debts from unknown persons. I pay for the phone service and I believe the telephone companies should be required to block these unwanted calls if I notify them of the problem.

Sam Spitzer Murrieta, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2436 of 5002

I think robocall blocking is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I wish my cable company would allow it on my business voip line too!

Jeffrey Isaacs New Brunswick, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2437 of 5002

Most robocalls do not even have identifying info when calling. The only way they can get people to answer is to hide who they are. Stop them. Let the consumer decided if we want to be bothered.

Eatontown, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2438 of 5002

Simply put, don't think about blocking this type of service. In fact it should be illegal to get unwanted calls. This is still America, do not allow the phone companies to control what the consumers want.

Mike & Laurie Rodriguez La Palma, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2439 of 5002

I'm sick of robotic phone calls. I've gotten to the point where I don't even answer the phone if I don't recognize the phone number. And that seems to be growing. I've resorted to other rude tactics too. Please stop the nonsense.

Connie janis Lockhart, tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2440 of 5002

I get robocalls every day. I want to continue blocking these calls. Do not take away our freedom to block robocalls.

William Zink Wyckoff, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2441 of 5002

I feel if I want robocall block on my phone I should have it .This is suppose to be a free country is it not. Please let us make up our own mines as how we take our calls.

Winston Salem NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2442 of 5002

Robocalls are anoying and invade of privacy. I like to be able to block them. Also they cost me money when they call my cell phone

Samir Arcadia. CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2443 of 5002

I get 3 or 4 annoying calls every day.I have caller ID,but they just show up as "private". Please,please do something about it!! Thank you.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2444 of 5002

NoMoRoBo has restored some sanity to our lives. One Ring and poof! Those monthly hundreds of unwanted robot calls disappear! It is the best service every provided to the American public!

Now robo calls are showing up on our cell phones. These calls are not only an inconvenience - they cost us money for every call!!

Stop this madness! Either prohibit robo call (unlikely) or permit NoMoRoBo to intercept the unwanted calls.

Stand up and do the right thing!

William and Catherine Brockman Bethesda, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2445 of 5002

Please allow for robo call blocking including the political robo calls as this is very unwanted in my household.

Walpole MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2446 of 5002

The "do not call" list is a complete failure. I don't want to receive robocalls from anyone, that is why I use NOMOROBO.

Please protect the average person from these incessant robocalls. robert nolan west milford, nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2447 of 5002

I feel like robocalls are an invasion of my privacy.! I get on average 2-3 a day. It is beyond annoying! Please do something about this problem. No one should have to put up with this in their own home!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2448 of 5002

As a senior citizen that has to make a great effort to get to the phone every time it rings I do not appreciate the number being one just listing the city and state. I get at least five of these robocalls per day and the interruption irritates me especially when I have to take my nap as most elder people do. You can curtail this if you want to so take the effort to help us prevent these useless and sometimes fraudulent calls for our money. Thank You.

Forbes Larry Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2449 of 5002

Robocall blocking products, such as Nomorobo, has saved my sanity. Prior to signing up for their service, I was receiving multiple robocalls a day, ranging from 6:00am to 11:00pm. Without a doubt, the vast majority of these calls were fraudelent in nature, likely with the intent of stealing money or identity. Ignoring the phone calls did not prove to be an effective solution and answeing the telephone often lead to inappropriate language and vulgarity on the part of the caller because I would not cooperate with their demands.

These robocalling thieves have utter disregard for the FCC and continue to violate your rules because they know they cannot be reprimanded. These illegal calls are offensive and I am outraged that the FCC would allow them to continue to harass and steal from those you are supposedly there to protect. The only way to protect ourselves at this present time is by using a robocall blocking product, which only blocks illegal calls. There is no rational reason for banning robocall blocking products.

Chet & Corina Casey Eugene, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2450 of 5002

I have quit answering my phone, until the record message starts. I get about 5 robo calls per day, EVERY day. Please stop this intrusion on my daily life. HELP!!!

Peter&Elizabeth Lippman Malibu, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2451 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance and there is no reason I should be forced to allow them to call me on my personal phone. Please let us continue blocking robocalls. Thank you.

Carl Schroeder New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2452 of 5002

Ironically are a waste of our time and resources. Please help solve this problem. chaska, mn.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2453 of 5002

I work at home. I'm a writer. Concentration is important to me, but I get five or six robocalls a day - many of which tell me it is my last chance to do something or other. Yet, every day, I get another set of robocalls - many of which tell me, well, you get the idea. I can't shut off the phone while I write, because my wife lives here, too. I can't block the robocalls because, they just show up again with other numbers. I don't, on a daily basis, want to check my credit, invest, or hear about some product I just can't live without. Honest. Why can't we stop them from calling?

Steve Schoen Portland, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2454 of 5002

ANYTHING to block robocalls is a good thing!

San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2455 of 5002

I Hate, hate, hate these calls and consider it harassment.

Leesburg, Va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2456 of 5002

Robocall has been a Godsend! All of these telemarketers, wannabe charities (not real ones) just drive you nuts! Robocall eliminates them before they ruin my mood and Karma.

Robin P: Reese New Orleans, Louisiana

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2457 of 5002

I feel that as long as I am paying for my hard line phone and cell phone service I should be able to decide whom I wish to speak to by blocking robo calls and other unwanted numbers. I am not paying for phone service to provide a conduit for advertising. Thank you.

Stamford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2458 of 5002

I am a retired senior and am so grateful for Nomorobo. My phone rings night day, often many times from the same caller. At least with Nomorobo the call is disconnected after the first ring. If vendors can contact me, unsolicited, with no labor involved on their part, I should be permitted to have those calls disconnected with no labor on my part. Now I wish there was a way to stop the other unsolicited sales calls.

I now only answer calls where the caller is personally identified by a name I know on my caller ID. I pay for phone service for my personal convenience.

B. Norwood Los Angeles, CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2459 of 5002

NOMOROBO is the best thing since sliced bread. We finally can stop wasting our valuable time answering these unsolicited calls. Don't even think about prohibiting the blocking of these calls.

Ed Stein Cherry Hill, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2460 of 5002

We are so tired of the unsolicited calls morning, afternoon and nights. I want them to stop. I ask them to stop calling but they are all computer initiated. Please help everyone by allowing us to simply block these types of calls. Thank you!

Indian Wells, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2461 of 5002

Prior to our subscribing with free NOMOROBO we were pestered with calls, with some, we think, coming from the Bahamas. We have had threatening calls as a result of my questioning the caller. His answer to me, "We know where you live. We will get you." The robocall block has been our salvation. PLEASE, PLEASE let this system continue!

Dr. Michael A. Gonta Painted Post, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2462 of 5002

The FCC should be extremely proactive in promoting solutions aimed at stopping robocalls. They have taken over the phone lines. It is no longer sensible to pick up the phone without knowing who is calling. The calls can be very irritating as they can come several times per day. Recently I had a series of 36 calls in one day from the same source!

Princeton NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2463 of 5002

I do not want to lose ability to block those annoying robocalls. I think blocking products should be available to all consumers. I got tired of being awakened every morning, my dinnertime interrupted and my evening relaxation time disrupted by annoying and unsolicited phone calls. If I want to contribute to a charity I will do so on my own, I do not want to be hounded for contributions. If I want to purchase a service or product I don't need someone trying to force me to buy when I am not ready. Robocalls are also scammers too, and no one should be scammed out of their hard earned money.

Woodbridge, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2464 of 5002

The constant barrage of phone calls I receive is irritating. Using Nomorobo limits some of the robo calls to just one ring, but even that one ring can disturb me. It is irritating to try and get to the phone and then there is nothing but dead air Robo calls should be forbidden completely.

Please support

Hawthorne California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2465 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy. I should be allowed to give my phone number to the people I want to speak with. The government has no business making this judgement for me.

Linda Colorado

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2466 of 5002

People should have the right to block the annoying and illegally operating companies that are wasting our time and money paid for our phone services. They often operate using cloned or hiding the numbers they call from. We should not have to be subjected to this and robocall blocking would be a help. The FCC should be doing more to shutdown the abusive companies and not preventing the public from protecting themselves from this type of harassment.

Charles & Lisa Fort Worth, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2467 of 5002

In the past I became totally frustrated with unwanted marketing calls and tried reporting those calls to the "Do not call list" which I have been registered on. It didn't result in ANY help and I discovered that was because the phone numbers on my Caller ID were BOGUS!!! Wondering why the FCC could do NOTHING about that I was totally most thankful when I discovered Nomorobo! It has made our life so much easier since we can now identify those calls and not have to GET UP and run to the phone only to find it's another UNWANTED MARKETER! Please don't take away this RIGHT to have this deterrent for our peach of mind. Getting SEVERAL of these type calls a day is an INVASION OF OUR PRIVACY!!!

Donald Smith Garden Grove, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2468 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy and should bed outlawed.

Syracuse, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2469 of 5002

We dislike robocalls (political and otherwise) and do not feel they should be allowed. These calls invade my privacy, take up my time, even call cell phone number and, while caring for a handicapped spouse are a nuisance and a danger. We should be allowed to block, however, I do not feel they should be permitted,legally, to call. If I want information I'll call. Furthermore, English is my only language and many of these calls have dialects I cannot comprehend. STOP!!

Trinity, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2470 of 5002

I think that robocalls are a pain in the neck. I am using nomorobo and I love it! These junk calls, whether they are robot calls or real live people are a real nuisance. Frankly, I'm sick of them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2471 of 5002

People should have the right to block the annoying and illegally operating companies that are wasting our time and money paid for our phone services. They often operate using cloned or hiding the numbers they call from. We should not have to be subjected to this and robocall blocking would be a help. The FCC should be doing more to shutdown the abusive companies and not preventing the public from protecting themselves from this type of harassment.

Charles & Lisa Fort Worth, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2472 of 5002

I love love love this service, how nice not to have to run to answer the phone to find a telemarketer on the other end - or worse yet dead air so they can call you back fifty more times until they reach you.

Plano, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2473 of 5002

I am sick and tired of getting phone calls in the middle of dinner and later in the evening.Robocall blocking products do not work!

Sisto Buselli Bessemer Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2474 of 5002

Robocalls are unwelcome and intrusive!! I am very happy to have the ability to block them. I think it's very important to exercise freedom of choice in stopping these unwanted calls from disturbing us in our home.

Susan Winerip, Rick Rudloff Morrisville, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2475 of 5002

I have had a robocall blocking service for about a year and would be very upset if it were no longer available. My phone company can not offer me this service.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2476 of 5002

This is my rights to deny who or whom I would like.

This is not a government decision.

Please keep our privacy.

Thank you


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2477 of 5002

NOMOROBO is one of the best things to have happened to me lately because I was literally inundated with unsolicited calls every day. Since I work from home this was very disruptive to my business as well as my daily life. NOMOROBO has solved this problem and I no longer have to spend a large portion of my day answering calls from telemarketers and other unsolicited businesses. You can tell the phone companies that I was very close to switching off my home phone service (meaning they would lose my monthly service fees) until I found NOMOROBO. No more NOMOROBO will mean no more home phone service for me. In addition, I don't understand why it's possible for me to block an unlimited number of callers on my cell phone but not on my home phone. Obviously the technology and/or knowhow exists. It should be available for home phone service as well.

Robert Thompson Maumelle, AR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2478 of 5002

Please continue to make robocall blocking products available to us consumers, as well as step up your campaign against robocalls, in general. Nomorobo has been a welcome godsend for my household, and it's free and available to anyone, as it should be. We've definitely noticed a reduction in unwanted robocalls/telemarketers making a telephone connection as a result of signing up with Nomorobo service. I wish there were more such companies out there, and more effective government intervention, so that robocalls and incessant, unwanted telemarketing eventually become a thing of the past. Please listen to Aaron Foss - he speaks for all of us consumers.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2479 of 5002

Since your organization has completely failed to stop any significant volume of robocalls, at least allow me - the victim, along with so very many others, the tools and opportunity to cease robocalling upon my numbers. I own them, not you; I deserve more control, you have not used yours.

Gregory L Hart Mahwah, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2480 of 5002

This is my rights to deny who or whom I would like.

This is not a government decision.

Please keep our privacy.

Thank you


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2481 of 5002

We have used Nomorerobo for about a year and it has been a Godsend. Prior to Nomorerobo we received at least 10 sales calls a day, starting in the morning and especially during the dinner hour. We would just not answer the phone but still had to listen to hang ups or long winded messages left on the answering machine. Now, we just get the occassional local sales call which is managable. Please don't make us go back to the previous unbearable conditions. We love Nomorerobo.

Linda Maher Studio City, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2482 of 5002

Yes,,,,I HATE these pesty robocalls,,,Every damn day we get them, and we are old with arthritis,,,and have to get up to answer the phone only to hear a stupid recording trying to sell us something,,,I want to scream!!!

It is OUR right to control our phone and who calls us,.

Sterlinig Va.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2483 of 5002

I am in favor of robocalls and robocall blocking products on my land line and cell phone.

Sharon Mercier Pittsfield, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2484 of 5002

Robo calls have to STOP. I get an average of 6-10 calls a day at all hours.

Most seem to be test calls as they just hang up or not connected to anyone.

This is an invasion of my privacy. Unsolicited garbage, scams, offers I don't want to hear it. You bother me on the phone because it cost you nothing but it costs me my peace and quiet.

This must stop, I want control of what I'm paying for on my phone. I don't need scammers selling me anything. If I need something I'll make the call.

Robo blocking products are the best alternative to solving this illegal invasion of my privacy. I should be able to not allow any unsolicited call of any nature. Don't call me I'll call you.

To even have a discussion about these stupid bothersome calls is ridiculous, ban them all period.

Daniel Bespalko Carlstadt, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2485 of 5002

I own my phone. I detest the fact that you would allow unfettered access to telemarketers to my private residence via my telephone. Please cut the bullcrap. This is rank invasion of privacy.

Mr Anthony Mitchell Greenwood De

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2486 of 5002

Robocalls are one of the most annoying things about modern life. In my entire life, I have never had one robocall that I was please to receive, and I'll bet that few people have.

Robocalls are particularly bothersome for cell phone users, who get pestered as they drive, work, attend church, or have meetings.

Since the technology is available, There is no reason on earth to not block robocalls. Junky spammers ignore the DoNotCall phone lists. They change numbers frequently do avoid being shut down or fined.

They do not deserve the right to stop real people from using available technology to block them.

Please support human beings, not robots for unethical spammers who use every measure they can to flaunt all rules of business and human ethics.

Please do not let the spammers influence legislation to disallow robocall blocking products.

Richard L Guldi Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2487 of 5002

This is my rights to deny who or whom I would like.

This is not a government decision.

Please keep our privacy.

Thank you


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2488 of 5002

We are sick and tired of getting numerous "robocalls" which are usually people trying to sell something, scam you, or whatever. Thanks to caller ID we do not answer most of these calls. But....Verizon will not let us block calls -- WHY? It does no good reporting to the FCC as the calls just keep on coming and these people simply change the number or the number has been "discontinued". If the FCC doesn't know by now that people are fed up with robocalls, then they have been living in the dark ages.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2489 of 5002

Please allow robo call blocking on all phones. I am tired of getting calls all day long from sellers that are supposed to be on my "Do Not Call List". This is the only way I have to block them.

Thank you.

Joseph C Deiter Millsboro, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2490 of 5002

We have been bothered by robocalls the whole 20 years we have been married! We tried Do Not Call lists from the government but the robocalls still managed their way in to interrupting our meal times.

Nomorobo has been able to help us have peace again in our home by blocking robocalls for our phones.

We insist that the FCC allow us to continue to use Nomorobo now and in the future. Thank you for considering our remarks.

Kathy & Scott Crafton Richmond, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2491 of 5002

I find robocalls incredibly intrusive and annoying. I urge you to allow consumers the option to use robocall blocking products!

K.N. Cornwell Chicago, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2492 of 5002

You need to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. I want the phone companies to let me block unwanted calls.

Thank you.

East Brunswick, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2493 of 5002

As a senior citizen, I am aware that many robo-calls are a cheap entry way into my home. By answering the phone I run the risk of falling into some con game unless I have been well prepared to recognize the red flags of current attempts to gain personal information and my money.

Being able to control the number of such calls is important to me. Please recognize that many people want and need this choice to control who enters our home!

A. Michael Deller Livonia, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2494 of 5002

My phone rings at 7:58 am. It is a computer generated call with someone from India (or some other Indonesian country telling me my computer has a virus and they can fix it, phone call at 8:20 am, a man who supposed talked to my husband in April and was told to call back about the work we needed done at our house (MY HUSBAND DIED IN JULY 2007, 8:21 Caller ID say UNKNOWN CALLER with telephone # 123-456-7890. This is how my days go. Everyday solar installer, workman who are in the area (right) and just want to stop by. Political calls, carpet cleaners, investment counselors and someone who is calling to tell me there is no problem with my credit card but they want to sell me something. This is MY PHONE for which I pay a premium price yet you won't let me block the call I don't want. Say, why don't you give me your telephone number and I call you after every irritating call I get.

Thanks for reading my rambling...

Sharon Olsen La Crescenta, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2495 of 5002

I hate unwanted robo calls that are not even for me and they wont stop. Let the companies assist us in blocking the annoying callers.

Jo Smiarowski Apollo Beach FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2496 of 5002

This is a right . We must be able to block unwanted calls!

D.A. Cooper Newbury Park, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2497 of 5002

Robot calls are one of the most annoying things that I deal with on a daily basis. If you ask them to remove your number they just hang up on you.

I believe that blocking robocalls is the best thing that came along in a long time. Please do not stop the blocking of robocalls .

Ralph P Corolla & Anne M. Corolla East Haven, Ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2498 of 5002

Let the phone companies make it easy to block robocalls which are a form of harassment.

Richard D. Ross New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2499 of 5002

I do not ever want or need to have my peace and privacy disturbed by robocalls. There are plenty of households as well with sick or lame or aged or bereaved or confused people who shouldnt be getting these calls either but one should not need an excuse to prevent these nuisance calls. PLease give us a break

Elizabeth Keller Haiku, Hi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2500 of 5002

PLEASE help stop robocalls.

RON COHEN Rhode Island

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2501 of 5002 please stop these robocalls. they happen all times of day and night and even if you try to "unsubscribe by hitting a certain #" they just keep calling! I get some of the same ones 3 or 4 times a week. HELP

Merrimack, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2502 of 5002

I am writing to tell you I believe the FCC should force the phone companies to let me block unwanted calls, especially Robocalls.

Bowie, MD

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I should not have to pay for any service that is using a product I pay for to receive unwanted advertisements. The phone should not ever ring from a sales, political, non-profit, or other unwanted intrusive caller.

I have a mail box. Non-profits, commercial, or self serving institutions should use the mail, at full rate, if it wants to contact me. It would help the US Postal Service balance it's books, and allow me time to gather information about issues/items offered so I can make an informed choice. It would also give me some peace and quiet at home. If my home is my castle, I should be able to defend myself from intruders be they verbal or physical. You need to protect the rights of the citizens to not be assaulted in their own homes.

D.T. Davis Anaheim, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2504 of 5002

I have been plagued by robocalls that are not blocked out by NOMOROBO. These callers never answer when I pick up the phone. Checking online shows them to be mostly telemarketers. They should be put out of business.

Ron Chong Hacienda Hts CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2505 of 5002

I was sick and tired of to getting calls 24 7 more TiVo was the best thing I have ever signed up for. It should be our own choice if we want to be called constantly or not. I Don't!!!

Tewksbury Ma.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2506 of 5002

I personally think that it should be required that phone companies be required to allow their phone customers to be able to screen all types of "robo" calls.

Meridian, MS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2507 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance and we should be able to block them and the public should have easy access to products that will allow them to do this.

Steven J LeBlanc Cordova, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2508 of 5002

First, I want to take a moment to say what a wonderful product NOMOROBO is. It is the only product i have found to help end the abuse of my time and MY MONEY. With no teeth in the donotcall program we MUST have some support to end the harassment in our homes. It is MY telephone paid for by me alone. I should not have to endure endless daily unsolicited calls invading my home. My phone, my number. I should have the right to control who uses this service that I alone pay for. Please help address this issue by making robocall blocking a standard for all phone service providers.

Brenda Robinson Edgewood, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2509 of 5002 the amount of robo calls I get is riduculous and I want it stopped!!!! They call at all hours and I don't want the darn items like solar that they are trying to sell...quit ringing my phones with this nonsense. I am also on the national do not call list and that makes no difference they call all the time stop it!!!!!! valerie siggson chino, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2510 of 5002

This is a no-brainer. Advertising, spam and marketing are all way out of control. I'm even afraid to leave my name on this comment because someone could hack this mail!

Knoxville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2511 of 5002

The idea of the FCC taking action that would prohibit robocall blocking products is totally ridiculous. For the past three years we have been thrilled that the 5-6 and sometimes many more robo calls that come in each day are blocked. We know there are that many because the phone rings just once or, if we are not home, we have the "missed call" message on our phone. Such calls are an insult to consumers and without the blocking product, we would have no capacity to stop them since businesses that make such calls ignore our please to discontinue those calls. Do not do anything to restrict robocall blacking products.

Robert Goettel Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2512 of 5002

The telemarketers was driving me crazy, my grandson helped me get nomorobo. Its a lot better, but some calls slip thru. I've got one call from a medical supply company has called me for 5 years.They still get thru, I can't stop them, they even get mad at me for telling them to quit calling.I like my nomorobo because it rings once and then stops. Last week some telemarketer called 8 times in one day.I recommend this.It's great thank you

Eileen Herrick Clio Mich 48420

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2513 of 5002

Robocalls provide no beneficial service to the public at large and are, at best, a nuisance and distraction. Please, please help make robocall blocking more accessible to the public.

Tim Woods Granbury, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2514 of 5002

Please help us block robe all's!

Dennis Winters Danvers, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2515 of 5002

Unwanted incoming phone calls from people wanting to scam you are the most annoying and yes at times threatening, activity to hit our phone system in the last decade. At times it feels like you are at war with these scam artists, they do not take "No" for an answer they repeatedly call you, even after asking them not you and then cuss at you for "wasting their time" by having to hear you complain. The "Do Not Call Registry" is a joke. It is sad when our government can put so much effort into listening to our calls by the NSA but cannot (or won't) put any effort into stopping these calls. We need the FCC to be much more pro-active in fixing this issue, they need to request the phone companies to provide the necessary tools to do this. Just as they can ask for recordings of our calls from the phone companies tjhey can ask them to stoop these unwanted calls.

Colin Martin Coppell, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2516 of 5002

Please block ALL robocalls. I am sick of them.

Harold Burstyn Syracuse, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2517 of 5002

Robocalls are a complete nuisance. They are an infringement of personal time and should be allowed to be blocked. Including POLITICAL robocalls.

Thank you

Rockaway New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2518 of 5002

I want to be able to stop robocalls to my phones. They are annoying and inconvenient, especially when they come early in the day or late at night. If I am interested in buying something I will look into what is available and initiate the call.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2519 of 5002

We really need robo-call blocking like that provided by NOMOROBO. The Do Not Call list has turned out to be a joke and is completely ignored. Now robo-calls have been steadily increasing. When I signed up to NOMOROBO the calls significantly decreased plus I also blocks calls locally on my phone system and through Verizon FIOS services. Yet I still get several robo-calls per day. Please do not take any steps to reduce call blocking services and devices.

James Bowdren Langhorne, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2520 of 5002

Robocalls are more than annoying, they are an intrusion into our home and private lives. Please do not miss an opportunity to do something about it.

Clifford Ransom South Haven, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2521 of 5002

Please make it easier for consumers to block unwanted calls! This includes robo calls and many (several per day) calls from people selling things in violation of the do not call registry. I am so tired on answering the phone all day to these intrusions. Thank you for whatever you can do about these calls.

Mary Montella San Francisco CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2522 of 5002

We should be able to continue using the robocall blocking products.

I was getting unwanted marketers and robocalls every day and after I started using this great service the number of call went drastically down to almost none. Furthermore, I think local phone companies including wireless companies should offer this product as a future in their plan packages.

Fernando Cardoso Greensboro, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2523 of 5002

I would like a permanent solution to block these parasites from ever calling my number again.. a pangue ny ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2524 of 5002

I get so many Robo call it is out of sight. I want to be able to block a Robo calls.

Stephen Van Rie Conyers, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2525 of 5002

NO MORE ROBCALLS... this is a terrible invasion of our privacy and is unfair to let companies advertise on our time and our money.

Debby Crane/James Campanella Paramus, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2526 of 5002

Part of our Freedom of Speech is to not have to listen to people we don't want to hear. It is an invasion of my privacy, and being able to block my calls is my personal freedom and choice. I don't call them and I don't want them to call me. If I want something, let me initiate the action, not some person sitting in a room that has no personal interest in my well-being, but a quota. I have asked to be put on a no-call list, but it NEVER works. Let me enjoy my peace and QUIET.

D. JOHNSON Glendora, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2527 of 5002

We hate robocalls. We believe that robocall blocking products are great products. We really need these products to protect us and make our life happier!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2528 of 5002

The no call list does not work I get as many as 15 robocalls each day and my land line has become useless fro incoming calls because I refuse to answer it anymore. I am paying for this telephone service and being deprived of it because of automatic computer generated calls.

Charles Pearre Rockwall, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2529 of 5002

The Bigley family.wants to STOP Robo Calling

The Bigley Family Winthrop MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2530 of 5002

I don't want robocalls anymore. Let me block them, its my personal space they're invading. I don't need "local contractors" calling me who are going to be "in my area". That's why they have an area code 3 states away?

Come on, have a heart and listen to us.

Becky O'Brien Manhattan Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2531 of 5002

Do your job! Let us stop robocalls now!

Larry Poffenberger Tulsa, Ok

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2532 of 5002

Robocalls drive me nuts! It is an invasion of privacy to have "boiler room" phone calls coming through to our phone, let alone robocalls! We should have the right to deny access to those calls, just as we can toss away junk mail without opening it (only slightly less intrusive, and a waste of money).

Eileen Ault Holland, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2533 of 5002 block robo calls! robert benus lodi nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2534 of 5002

I am so tired of all the robocalls. The same caller call at least twice daily.. I no longer answer my phone except when I recognize the number. Numbers like 1; Biworldwide

Sullivan Greensboro, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2535 of 5002

Its my phone and my privacy. Its not the FCC's job to determine who and how I want to block annoying uninvited calls toy private lifeband phone. If I choose to block calls to my phone thats my prerogative, not the FCC.

James McNulty Kennett Square, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2536 of 5002

Robocalls are out of control, and are making a mockery of the privacy and sanctity of our homes. Forget regulating the internet. If you want to do something useful, give Americans the ability to stop this intrusion. You have the ability to do it. Now you need the will. You'll have the full support of your fellow citizens. The mystery is, what's taking you so long?

Ken Moriarty Shaftsbury, VT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2537 of 5002

I pay for my phone and should be able to do anything, with out the FCC trying to keeping me from having robocall. So keep your nose out of my business!!!!!!!!

Julius Fincke San Antonio, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2538 of 5002

Every week I receive more "junk" phone calls than I get from friends and family.

I've been on the "Do Not Call" List for years. That stopped working a long time ago.

I don't have time to retrieve and delete all of the crap that comes through my phone line to my (ATT) Answering Machine.

If you call my home number now, all you will get is a notice that my mailbox is full. My home phone line is almost useless because of robocalls. I want any ammunition that I can get, to use in the war against these home invaders.

Paul Blanchard

Westford, MA

Paul Blanchard Westford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2539 of 5002

Please take steps to help me block robo calls and other phone solicitations. Such calls interrupt my dinner, break my concentration while I'm working at home, and lead to an overall reduction in my productivity.

Steve Kramer University Park, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2540 of 5002

I want all robo calls blocked from my cell phone.

John Morrin Ware, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2541 of 5002 very annoying any time toms river nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2542 of 5002

I enjoy my evenings more now that I have Nomorobo. My husband and I were I indated with awful robo calls every night. I am now home during the day and am also enjoying life with the blockage of these robo calls.

Kathryn asmussen Petaluma, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2543 of 5002

For the past several years, I have been harassed (yes, I consider it harassment) by up to 10 or more robocalls PER DAY, even on weekends, and EVEN WHEN THERE IS NO ELECTION THAT IS IMMINENT (we all know that political calls are among the worst offenders at this game of harassment.) I do NOT get calls from bill collectors. These are all illegal telemarketing calls. (I check the numbers online to find out who they are, because I have caller ID. That is how I know they are telemarketers who have no legitimate reason to call me. For peace of mind, I have learned not to answer ANY call unless I see that it is legitimate. That does not stop the calls from coming in and disturbing me. I am begging you to require the telecommunications companies to allow customers to block as many callers as we wish. That is the least they can do to try to make up for the years of harassment we have all been forced to endure.

Nancy E Dunn Dearborn MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2544 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and disruptive to my family and I would like the FCC to require phone companies to offer real solutions to its customers that wish to block them.

Cynthia Vandenberg Trenton, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2545 of 5002

Please stop the madness! Robocalls are annoying and useless. Virtually everyone hangs up as soon as they figure out it's a robocall, so why let them call in the first place? How many times has your dinner been interrupted by a useless robocall? These are rhetorical questions, of course, so why don't you act in a manner that will help your constituency?

Respectfully yours,

Tim F. Mulligan Henderson, NV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2546 of 5002

Finding out about Nomorobo was a Godsend, and I have enjoyed using the service since the very start. If you used NomoRobo in your home, you'd already know its value and importance.

I get an average of 6 calls per day caught by this service. That's 1/2 dozen times per day that I don't have to answer my phone for a nuisance or robotic call in the privacy of my own home, at all hours of the day.

The NomoRobo service is more valuable to me than any other service the phone company could ever offer. I would rather give up call waiting or any other standard feature before giving up the service nomorobo provides. I have peace and quiet now, and no more aggravating calls.

Keith Kelley Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2547 of 5002

I bet you do not get these calls at home, why should I???????? edmund kroskey monaca, pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2548 of 5002

Please insist that telephone companies provide automatic robocall blocking and/or enable consumers' use of third-party products such as Nomorobo -- on all landlines and cellular telephones.

I have landline service from Verizon, and cannot use Nomorobo because Verizon does not provide "simultaneous ring" on this service.

William Rabkin Framingham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2549 of 5002

The "do not call list" does not work. Companies are relentless with robocalls every day of the week and every time of the day. The robocall blocking products are a huge step in fighting these calls. Unfortunately, the phone must still ring once before the call can be blocked. You the government should be fixing this problem. This shouldn't be a hard decision to finally get these calls to stop.

There needs to be accountability with cell phones too. I am paying my cell phone company every time these robocalls come to my cell. I do not give my phone number out to anyone but friends and family, absolutely no one. The robocalls keep coming through and I have to pay for them. It's no different then someone stealing money out of my purse.

Rochester, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2550 of 5002

We are inundated with robo calls both on our land-line and cells. The Federal Do Not Call list is USELESS. ATT only allows is to block 20 calls. That covers one or two days then it starts over again. We don't answer out land line ever but need it for access to the internet. We are wasting money to have a phone we cannot answer..

Paul Palowitch Orlando, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2551 of 5002

I have decided to block robot calls due to the constant interruption of unsolicited callers. The nomorobo application has helped me keep unwanted calls away, and I find that the application is a product that has helped the public.

Gerald Newton Dallas Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2552 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance to family time. Many telemarketing companies use robocalls, do not respect the Do Not Call Registry and call at the least desirable times. They do not respect requests to remove one's phone number from their calling lists, provide false caller id information and numbers which cannot be easily traced back and many times are selling useless products and/or services, or just plainly try to scam people, especially the elderly.

I have personally received calls trying to get into my computer, people impersonating bank officers and more, but since I started using nomorobo, a robocall blocking service through my Xfinity phone service, the number of those calls have diminished greatly.

We let nomorobo pick up the calls and if the phone rings more than once it means it does not match the known robocallers. When we pick up the phone, it is usually a call that we want or need to take. Once in a while a call comes through which we hope nomorobo would have caught. It is a very unpleasant feeling having to deal with those few telemarketers/robocallers that actually get through.

Robocalls from unscrupulous telemarketing companies is a problem which has a solution: robocall blocking services such as nomorobo.

I hope that you will not let phone companies deny consumers access to robocall blocker products and instead require that phone companies must provide access to such products/services.

Nomorobo has provided a very useful service for my family. Please do not let phone companies take it away.

Luis Torres Hainesville, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2553 of 5002

I want the ability to block to robocalls.

Patrick Day Pleasant Grove, Al

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2554 of 5002

Robo callers are getting around the DO NOT CAll by changing their numbers. They need to be stopped in mass.

David Orlando

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2555 of 5002

I use NoMoRobo on my phone line at home and it's saved me a lot of time and frustration. I think more folks should use it!

Louis Larson Adak, AK

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2556 of 5002

My parents are in their 80’s. My mother has Rheumatoid Arthritis and my father has a heart condition. They are so burdened with Robo-calls that they don’t answer their phone if they are unsure of the number calling. They often miss important calls from their doctor’s office and friends/relatives that do not often call. It is a hardship on them to receive up to 20 calls per day that end up being complete and utter nonsense. They do not deserve this. They have been good citizens and good people. They pay taxes, they pay all their bills on time, and are not bothering anyone.

Valerie Merkes Lake Tapps, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2557 of 5002

To many Robo Calls. They must be stopped. How about a law suite aganist the phone companies. I have paid for a unlisted and non published number for over 40 years. They have not had a problem taking around $4.95 per month for this service. Enough is enough. In the last 3 weeks I have spent time putting a block on over 20 numbers that came into my home. Is this my job with an unlisred number. It's about time to start a class action suite to get back the over 40 years paying for this service. That they gave me nothing for.

Robert Serino Revere Ma.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2558 of 5002

I am sick and tired of receiving robocall's in violation of law. I have been on the do not call list for years and it does nothing. I have used NOMOROBO and it has helped but is not available by all carriers.

The FCC needsforce the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

James R Smaltz Sunnyvale, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2559 of 5002

Please, please allow us to decide if we want to take unsolicited calls!! Before I had robo calls blocked, I would get 8 - 10 unsolicited calls a day. They come up on the caller id as "toll-free" or "unknown" callers. In this day and age, I am not interested in talking with persons I don't know.

Please allow us to choose if we want our family time interrupted by companies offering services we did not request. I am not opposed to receiving mail solicitations instead.

Catherine M. Akron, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2560 of 5002

I don't want robo calls. It's an invasion of my privacy! I should have the right to determine who can and cannot call me. Stop listening to big business instead of the regular people government is SUPPOSED to represent

Dianne Barba Richmond VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2561 of 5002

My home is my sanctuary. If I can’t avoid solicitations coming into my home (that I’m paying for) on my phone (that I’m paying for), what am I to do? Telephone solicitations invade my privacy. My home is my castle—or it used to be before telemarketing.

I want to be able to block robocalls. I’m on the Do Not Call Registry but I still get so many telemarketing calls. I want to block them and any of the calls that are allowed (such as charities or political calls) if they use robocalls. It’s my phone, I’m paying for it, and I don’t want anyone else using my phone to solicit anything from me.

I don’t want my work interrupted by robocalls. I work at home for an employer and get paid based on my accuracy and volume of work. I have an answering machine but I don’t want to hear the phone ring until it picks up, and I shouldn’t have to! I’m not going to turn off my answering machine because I could receive an emergency call from a family member and I want to have the option to pick up the phone if I hear their voice.

I don’t want my private time interrupted by robocalls. I have my phone so I can call my family and friends and vice versa and make calls for personal business matters. When I’m at home relaxing or taking care of chores, I don’t want to answer the phone only to find it’s a robocall and someone is trying to sell me something (that I probably don’t want) or otherwise waste my time. It’s a violation of the refuge of my private residence. Just because someone else doesn’t mind interrupting whatever I’m doing does not mean it’s OK.

When someone calls and I can see on the caller ID on my cable TV that it says “Anonymous,” “Private” or similar, I’d like to be able to stop the ringing immediately rather than listen to it until my answering machine picks up. I want to be Anonymous or Private, too, and have them leave me alone in my own home.

Nomorobo is great! We need to keep it and add more products that will let private citizens enjoy the privacy of their own homes. Like Quasimodo the hunchback of Notre Dame, I want my “Sanctuary! Sanctuary!”

Linda Lee Atlanta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2562 of 5002

I think blocking robocalls is absolutely wonderful. Everyday we were receiving those very annoying robocalls. When we ask to be taken off their lists, they just hang up. And we keep getting the same ones, often totally irrelevant, such as a lower mortgage, when we don't even have a mortgage. David Entin

David Entin Northampton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2563 of 5002

The Robo call situation in this country is horrific, we would entreat the FCC to take WHATEVER measures necessary to correct this situation and give the american public some relief.

Sacramento, ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2564 of 5002

Please allow consumers and telephone and cellphone companies to prevent and block robo-calls. These are costly to cell phone users, annoying, disruptive, and intrusive. The Do Not Call Lists are not working, because the penalties are insufficient and the telemarketing companies hide behind bogus numbers. I am afraid to answer the phone sometimes, because it's impossible to know who is calling anymore.

Kathryn Hassert Downingtown, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2565 of 5002

There are few things as annoying as a robo call. Please give consumers the tools and ability to block such calls. Nomorobo is a great tool and I would be very upset if I could not use it to block the many calls I get everyday. Please support the consumer on this issue. Thanks!

Stacey Mason Raleigh, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2566 of 5002

It's gone way past the time when you should be allowing robocalls to be blocked. I pay my phone bill for my convenience, NOT for every company with something new to peddle to be calling me and trying to get me to buy, sign up, etc. Please STOP this daily insanity!

The Ward Family Horseheads, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2567 of 5002

Nomorobo has been a very valuable tool in reducing the number of robo calls and marketing calls that disrupt our daily lives. We need to expand the capabilities to all cell carriers, especially those like Verizon who don't participate. Telemarketers don't obey the time restrictions and I am tired of being awakened at all hours of the night by them. And they constantly interrupt valuable family time at dinner time. Please expand the tools of robo all blocking products to the consumers and give us some of lives and privacy back.

Anthony Romano Selden, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2568 of 5002

Nomorobo is the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to blocking annoying robocalls. I used to get 5-10 of these annoying calls a day. I signed up for Nomorobo in August 2014 and the calls came but only rang once and got blocked. The robocalls gradually declined to where I am lucky if I get 5 a week. Nomorobo is a godsend ! Please continue to allow blocking of obnoxious, pestering robocalls. I don't want any of the garbage and scams they are selling anyways !!

Paul R Dacko Oxnard, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2569 of 5002

Robo calls should be banned! Let nomorobo continue its valuable service PLEASE!!!

Robert Peterson Reidsville, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2570 of 5002

Robo calls are a constant invasion of my privacy and peace within my home and recently include my cell phone. There are products available to stop this intrusion which should be required for all carriers at no charge to customers wanting this service. I had a storage business line used to take messages which I had to have disconnected and expensive signage changed due to messages left from unwanted callers and robo calls rendering the line useless. My wife and I can't even have a quiet dinner without interruption from robo calls. Please do your jobs and protect the US citizenry from these useless calls.

Also ENFORCE the do not call lists!

Joe & Kathy Elder Lebanon, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2571 of 5002

It's critical and only right that we be allowed to use robocall blocking products like nomorobo.

Philip Kutzenco Stamford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2572 of 5002

I absolutely HATE robocalls. If someone can't talk to me in person, then they need not call at all. I love NOMOROBO. It saves me many unnecessary trips to the phone. I am bombarded with computerized calls all day long--early morning to late at night.

Landing, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2573 of 5002

My telephone belongs to me. It is my right to determine who I allow to call me. I want the ability to block any and all call types by type. This includes annoying robocalls from any source regardless of their purpose.

Walter Lamb Matthews, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2574 of 5002

It's my phone, my bill, I want to control who calls me! I would you protect my rights and prosecute the robo callers rather than making it easier for them to invade my privacy!

Tom Mathison Fort Myers, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2575 of 5002

I was so happy to find Nomorobo calls. I'm a senior citizen and have been taken advantage of...... to the tune of $13,000 as a result of answering a robo call. I agree that I should have control over my phone. It's nice to know I have that screen/filter between me and the vultures.

Most sincerely,


Charlotte Columbus, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2576 of 5002

We are bombarded every day with unwanted robocalls, some starting at 8 in the morning. We often get more than a dozen per day. When we tried to sign up to block those calls we discovered that Verizon wouldn't allow it unless we signed up for some high price level of service that we don't need. The bottom line is that we won't get back our freedom from unwanted calls unless we pay Verizon a ransom. This is outrageous and must be stopped.

Jim & Dorothy Greaves Bethesda, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2577 of 5002

Dinner time calls were driving me nuts every single night until I found NoMoRoBo. My sanity has finally been restored. Now most of the annoying nightly calls ring only once then stop, so I know it's working. I wish I could block the rest of the calls, mostly political (after I've already early voted!!!) and charity organizations not on my list. They're all wasting their time because I will not do business with random callers not of my own choosing. Make them go away!!!

Lynnelle Rea Bedford, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2578 of 5002 leave me alone robert smyth ny ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2579 of 5002

I don't know why phone company's don't like for us to block robo calls. I use nomorobo I don't like all those robo calls. Wake up FCC and let us consumers decide about our phone calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2580 of 5002

I am a retired, disable senior citizen and veteran who gets inundated with robo calls. Nomorob has change my life. Now it grabs the robo calls after one ring. The phone companies both cell and land line do everything possible to promote robo calls.

Please put the public interests before the forces of greed. The phone companies is long been a sordid part of US history. The companies and their lobbyist have corrupted our system.

Don Valentine Port Washington, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2581 of 5002

No more robocalls! Allow robocall blocking products!

Geoff Raleigh, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2582 of 5002

We have the right to block robocalls which are intrusive. I have about a half dozen companies that will call me several times a day.I have signed up for the do not call list and tell them to take me off their list. However, since these companies change their phone number frequently they avoid the penalties for calling. I pay to have a phone for my use and to communicate with my friends and family, not to have a barrage of unsolicited companies calling and forcing me to stop what I am doing to listen to a machine. These calls are disruptive and are breaking the law since I am on the do not call list. Robocall blocking products give us a fighting change for freedom from these intrusions. Please listen to us and not lobbyists for these companies.

Diana Shannon Fairport, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2583 of 5002

Roboocalls are the most annoying invasion of privacy. Please give us the tools to stop robocalls and stop invalid number calls.

North Hampton,NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2584 of 5002

I PAY for the use of my own phone. I PAY dearly for the peaceful enjoyment of my home. Everyone I know is infuriated that this country allows robocalls. That is a statement that taxpayers have NO right to a peaceful existence in their own homes or in the ability to even answer their own phones. It instead says that strangers DO have the right to bombard taxpayers' homes with constant infuriating phone ringing that NO ONE wants or should be made to constantly tolerate.

Swarthmore, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2585 of 5002

Allow me the right to block the calls I do not want.

M Heyman Tampa Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2586 of 5002

The robocall problem is huge, and hugely annoying. It is clearly in the public interest to bring about a solution to this situation, which wastes so much time and money every single day.

You have the power to do this - now! You don't need action by Congress, you can do it under the current statutes. All it takes is determination and will power. Those haven't always been the Commission's strong suits, but now is your chance to demonstrate you really care about this issue.

A solution to this problem is way overdue. Please make it happen before the August break.

Carlos Roberts McLean, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2587 of 5002

Since I pay for phone services, I should have the option to block any and all callers that I deem as a nuisance, and this includes robocalls. I was recently on a very important call with an aging parent, who was frantic with some health concerns, and during that call, a robocaller kept trying to beep through. And not just one company, but 2!

I understand that some of these companies rely on their calls, and I unblock those that I do not mind getting calls from--particularly the thrift stores that rely on donations. But others that say they represent the police or the annoying political calls only hurt their cause as far as I am concerned--getting these calls insures that I will NOT support whomever they represent.

Robocalls are the reason so many homeowners have discontinued their landline services.

Stephanie Wilcox Alpharetta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2588 of 5002

Robocalls are intrusive, time wasting and should be illegal. I have a home phone as well as cell phones and do not like nor want to receive robocalls. Blocking programs should be kept in place to keep these intrusive robocalls from bothering people and wasting their time.

Roger Landriault La Porte, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2589 of 5002

I am so relieved to be rid of the robo calls. I LOVE not dealing with the incessant pesky sales pitches for political groups or products.

I certainly hope that my free choice to avoid these irritating calls is not impaired. If it is, I will think of the members of Congress who thwarted my attempts to avoid them.

Donna & Joe Goldcamp Kailua, Hawaii

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2590 of 5002

I am so tired of robocalls bothering me. They wake me up, bother me while making dinner and are a great nuisance. Some days I have 4 or 5 of these calls. The same numbers keep on calling and calling, please make them go away. Being a retired senior, I am afraid they are just trying to get my money. Nomorrobo has helped, but my phone still rings once before it is blocked. Thanks to nomorrobo, when I am on the phone making an appointment, my phone only beeps once. It is my phone I should be able to block calls I do not want.Thank you.

Joan Feldvary Jackson Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2591 of 5002

We have the right to block robocalls which are intrusive. I have about a half dozen companies that will call me several times a day.I have signed up for the do not call list and tell them to take me off their list. However, since these companies change their phone number frequently they avoid the penalties for calling. I pay to have a phone for my use and to communicate with my friends and family, not to have a barrage of unsolicited companies calling and forcing me to stop what I am doing to listen to a machine. These calls are disruptive and are breaking the law since I am on the do not call list. Robocall blocking products give us a fighting change for freedom from these intrusions. Please listen to us and not lobbyists for these companies.

Diana Shannon Fairport, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2592 of 5002

My 80 year old mother hated hearing the phone ring because of the innumerable robocalls. It had gotten to the point where I was forced to change my phone number--robocalls were the reason. A phone tech told me about nomorobo. I didn't have to change my phone number and I no longer dread the constant ringing of the phone from robocallers. Robocalling is illegal. Consumers should be given all the tools that are available to stop them. Unfortunately, the FCC can't stop it on their own.

R. Peer Durham, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2593 of 5002

Please make it legal to block robocalls.

Palo Alto CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2594 of 5002

I am deluged by robocalls at all our of the day and evening.

Please take action to outlaw such calls.

Thanks you.

Jack and Margrit Vanderryn San Carlos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2595 of 5002

It is my phone--I PAY FOR IT. I should to have the right to block calls from people or MACHINES if I choose. It they want to contact me, they can leave a message or send correspondence thru the mail. My privacy is important to me and I should have the right to protect it.

Carol Kempfert Olympia, Wa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2596 of 5002

Robo calls are completely out of control. I tried to block them, but my phone service company does not provide access to the blocking service.

Please please require phone companies (including cable phone suppliers) to give us access to robo call blocking!

Francis X Edwards Lancaster, MA 01523

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2597 of 5002

The robocalls are annoying and infringing on my privacy. Although I have tried, it is impossible to be removed from the calling lists.

Roseville, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2598 of 5002

Let me block who I choose? Also, please pass a true jobs package like infrastructure. The pipeline is not one and will cause enviromental damage. The oil will be impossible to remove from the aquifer when it's discovered leaking. Every pipeline built has leaked. Thank you.

Robert Quiroga Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2599 of 5002

I'm sick of Robocalls and want the FCC to devise a plan that supports consumer efforts to block them on their personal landline, cell and VOIP phones. Paid or free it shouldn't matter. What should matter is that those who don't want them shouldn't have to be forced to receive them. Consumers should have an option to block all unwanted calls including robocalls.

Robin Watkins Atlanta GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2600 of 5002

It is nothing but harrassment! You politely ask them to remove your name from their list and they hang up on you It is a continued barrage of calls every single day. Time Warner lets us block 30 calls. I have exceeded that number many, many times. Please give us the help we need to stop these intrusive calls

Ceil Bell Oswego, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2601 of 5002

Please, please, please allow us to block robocalls! The majority of my phone calls are from telemarketers, and I am very tired of receiving them! Don't allow yourselves to be manipulated by the phone companies!!!

Thank you for acting on this in a timely manner.

Long Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2602 of 5002


Castro Valley,,

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2603 of 5002

With Nomorobo,I've gone from 25 "buzzer" calls daily on my answer machine, where they don't leave a message...just a "buzz" before disconnect, to less than 2 or 3 PER DAY!!!! There is seldom an identifiable entity to return a call and ask to be removed from their list. All my phones are listed on Do Not Call, but it doesn't matter, I get calls anyway. I want Nomorobo for my cell phone, as they are starting to invade my private space there.

Louise Baldwin Manhattan Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2604 of 5002

I am breathtakingly astounded that any government agency (OK, why should I be surprised?) would work to support/ add irritations to American families...must be something weird going on? Please stop robo-calls -- and please consdider banning ALL unsolicited phonecalls -- they really do, er, ahem, s#ck. Looks like it's time to press this issue nationwide and seek responsibilites by name(s). I am curious as to who the drivers are in this case -- full disclosure should be required...

Dan J Morgiewicz Burke, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2605 of 5002

It's my phone, I pay the bill !! I get to decide who calls me. If I want to block robocalls, then I'll block them ! It's my right. And if the FCC tells me otherwise then I'll just get rid of the damn phone altogether. I grew up without one ...... and life was much better then ! And if everyone follows suit then the phone companies won't be very happy !

Cheryl B. Brockton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2606 of 5002

Why should have to be less pestered? I have plenty of friends already, thanks. Leave nomorobo alone. jim fiamingo Mountainside, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2607 of 5002

We should all have access to blocking nuisance Robo calls.

Please make sure that we can still use the service of NoMoRobo,or a similar company, with our phone company service to block computer generated callers.

Thank you very much!

Cheryl Rice Smyrna,GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2608 of 5002

The greater majority of phone calls to our land line for a number of years have been violations of the "Do Not Call" list. The greater majority of these were robocalls, almost all from spoofed numbers. Credit Card Services, free this and free that, solar energy, electric supply, bogus charities, etc., etc..

Registering with NOMOROBO has added a degree of tranquility. When the phone rings but once we continue with any activity. More than one ring and caller ID is checked, answering only numbers we recognize.

I am not aware of any legitimate robocall ( eg several doctor's offices with app't confirmations) which has been "rejected".

I was very disappointed to find our cellphone carrier is not able to handle this service. Rare is the week several robocalls are not received on each of our cellphones.

Thomas McCartney Schenectady NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2609 of 5002

I have nomorerobo it has stopped the many annoying calls I was getting at all times of the day. I am on the federal do not call list and even have made a complaint about certain nusense calls I was receiving without the calls stopping. I tried recalling the numbers and auto deleting my number from that calling site but having the same company called from another number. I have tried to redial and gotten a busy signal or the number you have dialed can not be connected as dialed. nomorerobo has been a solution to these numerous annoying calls. Please let them continue. As a senior I can not always reach the phone quickly to ask the caller to remove my number from their list or they hang up before I get to the phone. Please require the phone companies to let nomorerobo continue.

Marie Breslin Clifton Heights, Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2610 of 5002

I HATE these robocalls.They are a nuisance and an invasion of my privacy.

Dan Black Gaithersburg, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2611 of 5002

To me, robocalls are like an invasion of my privacy. I want to be able to block robocalls.

A;ice Price West Islip, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2612 of 5002

I pay for my phone service, I should be be able to control most aspects of receiving calls from someone, based on caller ID

R Adams Centreville, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2613 of 5002

My telephone line is like a "virtual" entrance to my home. I have a right to control who enters my home- whether they attempt to enter by the front door or by the telephone.

Also, the telephone company does not provide me with telephones- I have to buy those myself, in addition to paying the phone company for monthly service. Therefore, I am paying for not only the ongoing/recurring cost of access to a telephone network, but the telephone devices as well. Thus, I own (or lease) every facet of my telephone service. For a phone company to claim that I do not have the right to control what is conveyed into my home over telephones that I purchased and lines/bandwidth that I am leasing monthly is absurd.

After years of telephone companies claiming that they did not have the ability to block robocalls, and/or charging customers additional fees to block more than a paltry 15 or 20 numbers when we get 200-300 illegal and scamming robocalls every year, along comes NomoRobo and does it.

Now, apparently, those same lying phone companies want you to prevent Nomorobo from giving us privacy and freedom from criminal scammers in our own homes. Clearly, the phone companies have an agenda here, and they are willing to tell whatever lie suits their whim. As circumstances change. their lies and excuses change to match. Any thinking person can plainly see that the phone companies simply have no credibility on this issue.

Please remember to engage your BS filter when you hear from the telephone companies with their self- serving claims of inability to provide customers with the privacy to which we have an inherent right. Their unwillingness and/or recalcitrance for undisclosed reasons must not be confused with inability.

Doug Jacques Lewisburg, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2614 of 5002

I am sick and tired of fielding robocalls at home and my cellular device. I support any tools that can stop and report those who continue to call numbers on the do not call registry.

Ken Morris Modesto California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2615 of 5002

Robocalling is identical to Junk mail. Something unwanted and I believe illegal.

I do not EVER want to receive another robo call. I've invested money buying spam software to stop JUNK mail. Please find a way to stop ROBO- CALLS AND JUNK MAIL!!!!!!!

David Mayer Yardley PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2616 of 5002

I want to stop robo calls, especially election calls. I don't want them or need them. The only thing that I hate more then Robo calls is Comcast.

St James City Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2617 of 5002

I am especially burned by robocalls, particularly those that are scams. I believe that any robocalls by companies are either to scam you or are by companies too cheap to use live people. Any company that can prevent robocalls should be allowed to do so.

Bill Proctor Kenmore, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2618 of 5002

I want my robo call blocking. Don't mess with robo call blocking

Adh Los Angeles California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2619 of 5002

It is imperative that I have the choice to block any Robo call. I have used nomorobo for over a year and love it. Do not make an unwise decision to limit blocking product and in turn limit my ability to control who calls my home.

William California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2620 of 5002

Please, No Robocalls. I find them to be annoying, always interfering with family time and not truthful. What purpose do they really serve? I pay for my phone service for my personal benefit and robocalls are not included

Jerline Callender Decatur Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2621 of 5002

I am tired of robocalls. They interupt my day, my evening, my meals and time with my family.

We need to be able to block these calls and eventually eliminate them altogether.

Thanks for listening

Dennis Janssen Waukesha, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2622 of 5002

This service is the best thing since sliced bread. If I want what these people who call are selling I'II CALL THEM. WHEN I WANT TO. And what a blessing during election time. No more listening to your ROBO calls asking for my vote. I can read. If I want to vote for you I will or I won't. Your annoying call will NOT change my mind. Peoples privacy should be respected.

Rich M Albany, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2623 of 5002

The profusion of these robo calls has gotten totally out of proportion. I can't think of anything more a obnoxious and intrusive as the phone ringing off the hook 5 to 10 times a day with someone trying to sell you something you have no need for nor any intention to ever want or buy. In addition to the totally unwanted sales calls are the equally invasive political calls before, during and after any elections.

Our telephones are our property to do with as we please and to provide us the communication service we pay for, nothing else. These robo calls are nothing more than a gross invasion of our right to privacy, along with peace and quiet when we're not using our phones for their intended purpose. Robo calls need to be STOPPED NOW! Let's get off your butts there in Washington and finally do something "for the people" and stop catering to your special interest groups. ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!!

Jeff & Joanne Demby Lakewood Ranch, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2624 of 5002

These robocalls are a complete interuption of our private lives and must end NOW!

Rod Parlee CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2625 of 5002

Allow me to block robo calls!

Andrew Pelletier Geneva Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2626 of 5002

I want to be able to block all robocalls. This is an annoyance that the FCC should be able to prevent.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2627 of 5002

I've had Nomorobo since February 2014. There are no more countless dinner time calls, no more unsolicited garbage calls. I have advised so people about this service, it's fantastic. What the FCC should be doing is cracking down on the many violators of the "Do not call" list. A more aggressive approach would be appreciated on that issue. Please leave decisions on how I manage my communications to me !

Nelson. Cyr Broad Brook, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2628 of 5002

I have health issues and find it very difficult to answer the telephone when it rings. I don't want unnecessary calls to my verizon provider telephone number. Please allow robo calls to be blocked.

Millburn, Nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2629 of 5002

We are tired of robocalls coming to our phones. We avoid most of them by only saying hello once, the robot waits for a second hello. Those that do get through are all sales calls of one kind or another. We want to be able to block them altogether.

Williiam and Susan Nance Garden City, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2630 of 5002

Evidently you have some minion to handle all the RIDICULOUS, UNWELCOMED, UNSOLICITED CALLS that come to your home and office. The vast majority of the American public does not have this advantage. We must halt what we are doing to answer these ANNOYING, PESTERING, IRRELEVENT ROBOT DIALED CALLS, which 9 times out of 10 have no human person on the line waiting for some very hard working person to take the time to respond. This is America. We should have the right to not be disturbed by neither irresponsible companies nor delinquent individuals that randomly call the telephone numbers of general public they do not know. Let us get on with our lives without the interruption of these inane calls.

L H Heulitt Evesham, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2631 of 5002

I have registered my phones on the "do not call" list and calls keep coming. It is annoying and actually has caused me health problems. Please allow us to stop robocalls. The freedom others have to speak does not mean we are obligated to listen.

Dr. Raul Vazquez Daytona Beach, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2632 of 5002

Stop the Robocalls!! Make it easy for me to stop them. Make the penalties for robocall expensive ( $10,000) per call.

On any future rules make me have to "opt in" instead of me having to "opt out". I should have to decide if I want something instead of automatically giving it to me and then me having to take action to "opt out".

Listen to the "average Joe citizen" instead of all the paid lobbyists.

Alan Brown Odessa, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2633 of 5002

I like nomorobo and definitly want robocall blocking!

Eric Carlson Brantford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2634 of 5002

This is a great service and everyone should be able to use it. I now have much more peace.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2635 of 5002

Please allow me to avoid those annoying sales calls.

Don robinson Setauket, ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2636 of 5002

Make robo call blocking very easy for the public to do.

I do not want to be harassed by robo calls from anyone. Even politicians.

Ronald Osborn Pueblo,Colorado

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2637 of 5002

Nomorobo WORKS! The federal no call list DOES NOT WORK AND IS A BIG JOKE!!!!!

Steven Van Rie Conyers, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2638 of 5002

I hate robo calls. I never answer my phone anymore. I feel like disconnecting my phone.

Chino hills, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2639 of 5002

I am fed up with all the junk calls I get. Stop these robocalls now!

Joseph Vitro Rowlett, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2640 of 5002

HELP me to block calls I don't want to receive... particularly robocalls, political calls, and charity calls.

Thanks !

Bob Crawford Akron, OH 44313-6898

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2641 of 5002

RobocLls are so common and annoying I don't even bother answering my phone. I don't think my privacy should be invaded by calls I have no interest in.

Susan Scheide Canton, Mass.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2642 of 5002

Something has to be done to stop this and being on the do not call list is a joke. beachwood, nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2643 of 5002

STOP RPBPCALLS. Most are scam artists; others are unwanted "businesses" with whom you don't deal The same calls come over and over again many times a day, many days a week. This is WORSE than what we had before the Do Not Call List because they have all found out how to get around it. Worse than ever. STOP IT NOW.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2644 of 5002

Robocalls should be blockable by the phone subscriber. The no-call list is not enforced and therefore become useless. The only practical option is for the user to block those calls he is pestered with at all times of day and night.

I wholly support the requirement that phone companies provide blocking software for use by the subscriber.

W Wirth East Aurora, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2645 of 5002

It is time to make it optional for people to stop robo calls,including or most especially those of politicians seeking office. It is intrusive and I would contend that, especially in the case of political candidates, a quality study would show them to be counter productive. The prevailing view that robo calling is a free speech protected right should not over-ride one's right to privacy..

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2646 of 5002

I hate robo or any unsolicited calls. I should be able to block all unwanted calls

Imtiaz Khan Minnesota

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2647 of 5002

I am seriously ill and I pay for my telephone and there is no good reason I should have to be annoyed by robocalls. I could miss important phone calls from my doctors It's harassment!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2648 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and excessive. I'm a smart consumer. If I need to purchase something I know how to find it. I do not need these 'callers' offering me products.

Stuart Horowitz Newton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2649 of 5002

Robocalls are a big nuisance to me and my family, especially during mealtimes and family times, which is why my family and I appreciate the service Nomorobo has provided in blocking these calls. I just wish that I can get this service from my cell phone provider, Sprint, so robocalls to my cell phone are blocked. I signed up for the Do Not Call Registry, but nuisance calls still go through. Nomorobo has put a stop to most of the robocalls.

Fairfax, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2650 of 5002

I am very irritated that companies that I don't know or care to know can just call anytime feel like it and even after they are told "Do Not Call this Number Again" they repeatedly call again.

Jack Powley Yutan, Ne

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2651 of 5002

I receive at least 5 robo calls per day, mostly in the evening. I do not want to even answer the phone when I don't recognize the caller, but the robo calls just keep coming. NOMORROBO has made it possible to have a pleasant evening. We even laugh when the phone rings one time and then stops. Please do not stop robocall blocking products. It is my phone and I want to control it.

Kay & Bob Morrison San Antonio, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2652 of 5002

I am an American citizen, a veteran, a senior citizen, a registered voter, a proud volunteer in many of my township organizations. IE: a good and loyal US citizen. However, I still get annoying phone calls at all hours, on a phone that has supposedly had the US government "do not call" ban placed upon it! I also have paid and installed for a "stop the robocalls machine but it has never worked. I am now asking the FCC to step in and actually create a positive plan that will stop this constant harrassment to me and my family as we try to live peacefully in our home.

Dennis Kievit Mahwah, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2653 of 5002

I hate robocalls. They are obnoxious and intrusive. Nomorobo is a great product.

Stockton, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2654 of 5002 robocalls suck and piss me off!

Friedhelm Lauster Westwood ,NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2655 of 5002

Since when does the FCC have the right to tell the paying public how to get rid of the annoying robo calls that constantly are using the internet to send their crap to people that don't want to receive their calls.

If the calls were wanted, NOMOROBO would not be necessary !!!

Enough said.

I pay for my phone services, and don't feel that the FCC has the right to tell me how I have to receive calls.

If I didn't want these annoying calls, I would not have used the Federal

Do Not call application. Although a Federal service, it does no good at all.

Brad Kehoe Cheltenham, PA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2656 of 5002

Illegal robocalls from spoofed fake caller-ID's are taking up much of our day. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, all day, every day. Rachel from Cardholder Services, and all her little criminal friends, all trying to steal our identities and ruin our lives. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. We need to keep our phone number because it is "out there" in too many vital places, like medical providers and financial institutions. We have to either answer the constant ringing in order to make things quiet and prevent our answering machine and voice mail from saturation by 11 am, and it is more than a nuisance. It is ridiculous. I have asked our phone carrier, Verizon, multiple times to assist us in preventing these robot-using criminals from hijacking our phone service that we pay for as they try to steal our money and identities. Verizon claims they do not have the technical expertise to do anything (I would be embarrassed to admit that). They can forever, for a price, change our phone number (as if that would do any good), or sell us a service that will allow us to block each caller one by one. Oh so tedious, and expensive -- and useless, because the criminal callers just change their spoofed fake caller ID as soon as the old one gets blocked. NOMOROBO.COM has been a Godsend. There is no reason the phone companies could not do this themselves! In the very, very rare event that a legitimate robo-caller gets blocked, we can report that number to NOMOROBO and have it taken off the block list. No problem for anybody.

PLEASE, FCC, WE BEG YOU TO GIVE US BACK OUR OWN PHONE SERVICE THAT WE PAY FOR, by assisting every effort to physically block illegal robocalls (and find and prosecute the criminals).

Lynne Bernier Apple Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2657 of 5002

I'm so very tired of receiving computer calls every day of the week. This is very annoying to me since I have to answer the phone every time it rings which is throughout the day. I'm surprised in this day and age of computers an easy digital blocking mechanism can't be accomplished by the FCC. Please, please fix these annoying calls!!!

San Gabriel, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2658 of 5002

Robotcalls are an invasion of privacy. My wife and I have fighting the flu for the past week. Thankfully, our phone calls were screened, perhaps ten per day.

What an inconvenience! I have never purchased anything over the phone nor had my opinion swayed by someone I don't know.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2659 of 5002

You should let nomorobo continue its splendid job of eliminating the most obnoxious type of sales calls. Is the best thing I have found to make our evenings more enjoyable.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2660 of 5002

It's MY phone, and I want the robo calls BLOCKED!

Ginger Gainer San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2661 of 5002

Stop the robo calls...always disturbing us....

San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2662 of 5002

I would like to be able to block offensive and unwanted calls from outside solicitors and you should not stand in the way of my right to do this!

Sandra Zylberman Owings MIlls, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2663 of 5002

I want to have the right to my privacy at home! We need the assurance from the FCC to guarantee that all phone service providers (regardless of service type: landline, cell, Internet based) permit us to be able to block calls from telemarketers, at no cost to us. john watson thousand oaks, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2664 of 5002

These robo calls should not be allowed. I am elderly and slower than in the past. I can't get my work done for answering so many of these calls. Then you have to sit and wait for them to start before you get anything on the line to know who is calling. These are a total waste of time and unnerving. I pay for my phone service and should not have to tolerate them.

Judy Henley Smyrna, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2665 of 5002

I don't need spam on my inbox and I definitely don't want to robocalls on my phone!

New York, ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2666 of 5002



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2667 of 5002

I get an average of 2 robocalls per day, sometimes more. They come at the most inconvenient times and interrupt whatever I am doing. I hate getting them. I have a lot of severe health problems, and these calls force me to shut the ringer off on my phone so that I can sleep when needed. Please allow us to block these calls! It would be such a blessing!

Yours very truly,

Stanley Sargent San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2668 of 5002

I want to be able to block robo calls as they are very annoying. The people doing robo calls are using the to get around the do not call registery.

Please tell the phone companies that they must provide this service. The only resdon I can think that the phone comoanies would be against this service is that they want some kind of kick bsck from the companies doing the robo calls.

Amerst, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2669 of 5002

My wife and I are retired senior citizens and everyday, yes even on Sundays, we are bombarded with at least two or three robocalls, often many more. Thanks to No-More-Robo very few get through -- only one ring and there gone. Please help everyone stop these annoying robocalls.

Richard Chudd New Rochelle, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2670 of 5002

I have used NOMOROBO for a year - it has helped us become less concerned about being ripped off by "super salesman" whom we want nothing to do with.

Richard and Carol Leifer Madison, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2671 of 5002

Robocalls are a constant irritation. Anything that I want to buy, I can purchase by myself; I don't need their calls.

I belong to both the state & national "Do Not Call" services & they have never made a dent in the amount of robocalls I receive. Please enable us to block these unwanted calls. charles morgan verona, PA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2672 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance and unproductive since one hangs up immediately upon hearing them.

James Schwab Weston, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2673 of 5002

Robocalls are the single most irritating intrusion of my telephone communications. If it's not a pol robocalling, It's a marketer. We, as individuals, need the power to be able to block such calls.

William Jex New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2674 of 5002

Please end robocalls and their blocking products. This is unwarranted harassment.

Princeton, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2675 of 5002

We are so sick and tired of robocalls, please do everything you can to make them stop. Our robocall blocker is the only thing that makes our evenings at home bearable.

Darrel & Bonnie Williams Bowie, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2676 of 5002

Computer dialed calls have always been a nusiance but the better word is disturbance. If I require goods or services I will establish contact to the outfit of my choosing. I honestly couldn't decipher if my joining the list when it was formed had any impact whatsoever (If it did it surely isn't working now)! If my family hadn't had the same landline telephone number for thirtyfive years we would have long gotten rid of it soley because of these unwelcome calls. Thanks to our joining of for about one year now we are still plagued daily by these rediculous calls but Nomorobo soley stops these calls at the first ring which we can live with!

No. Plfd, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2677 of 5002

I tried to sign up for a robocall blocking product but was not successful. Please stop these calls. They are a nuisance and sometimes they are lying (like the ones that say they are from _____ computer company and that they need to fix your computer. plano tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2678 of 5002

Robocalls are unacceptable, especially when it causes some of us to even have to pay for those calls coming in, when we didn't want them in the first place. It is intrusive and an invasion of my privacy, not to mention annoying as well.

Nancy Almand Gleneden Beach, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2679 of 5002

Please provide every opportunity to the citizens of this country to be free of harassment.

Everyone has the right to not be disturbed in their own home.

Mike Santillo Medford NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2680 of 5002

Please, please, allow us phone users the ability to stop receiving unwanted calls. The Do Not Call lists are flagrantly disregarded and are of little value.

Paul F Ross Webster Groves, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2681 of 5002

Please end all robocalls unless explicit permission is given by the phone number owner. Please allow all robocall blocking products. Thank you.

Susan Punyko Langhorne, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2682 of 5002

The ability to block robo calls should be allowed for all phones, wired and wireless. I should be able to enable a service to automatically block these automated calls that I do not want. Please implement whatever regulations needed to allow me and all cell phone subscribers to have this control over the services we pay for. Thank you.

The Bognars Tolland, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2683 of 5002

We are in our seventies and many nights we have very little sleep. We have to nap during the day to get some energy. It is so annoying to be awakened by someone we don't know, we don't care about and don't want to know. We POLITELY ask them to remove us from their lists but THEY WILL NOT!!!!!

It happens month-after-month, the same companies. If it is from the east we have even received calls at 6 AM!!!!


Pat & Barbara La Quinta, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2684 of 5002

My phone number is private and I do not appreciate robo calls using my minutes and wasting my time. I should not have to stop the robo calls because they should not be allowed in the first place.

Bohners Lake WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2685 of 5002

Please help block robocalls on cell phones as well as land lines.

Tucson AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2686 of 5002

Robo calls invade my privacy and peace. Either peddling a product I can purchase on my own if I think I need it or asking for donations I will never give or, worse, pushing all kinds of FREEBIES I can get from my benovolent government; drugs, security systems, medical appliances, refinancing, low credit card interest rates to name just a few.

The giOvernment Do Not Call registry is a complete joke and a huge waste of government money.

Just let me alone!!!

Carol bashaar Elk Grove village il

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2687 of 5002

Why should I have put up with and pay for robocalls? Political or other wise.

Canton, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2688 of 5002

There is absolutely no excuse for the telephone service to be abused by these unwanted and unauthorized calls. There should be something in the laws prohibiting them. If you cannot do it then give us a way to do it ourselves.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2689 of 5002

Who doesn't dislike robocalls? The blocking service we use makes dinner time our own again.

Patti Szafir Palo Alto, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2690 of 5002

Until we learned of and contacted NOMOROBO we put up with a multitude of robo calls every day, all day, weekends and Sundays included. It was an unconscionable annoyance. I do not believe that the robo callers have an unfettered right to do what they do.

Now we have control over that, and every time the phone rings only once we celebrate. If you decided that robo call blocking is somehow illegal I will immediately escalate the situation to my Congressman and Senator, asking for their assistance.

Dr. and Mrs. Philip Gustin Wichita, KS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2691 of 5002 no more telemarketing calls on my cell....I get them every single day...4-8 calls....I"ve requested to be removed form their lists, but they keep calling....even tried blocking the #s, but still are able to get thru....

STOP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2692 of 5002

Stop rob calls.

Deuble Lincolnshire, Il

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2693 of 5002

I believe robocall blocking services should be allowed to block unwanted robocalls. They are such a bother. pete castillo perryville,mo

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2694 of 5002

I pay for my phone to receive and place calls to those that I wish to stay in touch with, no robocalls. Robocalls interrupt my life, are annoying, andhave no place in my life

Frieda Vetter Boynton Beach, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2695 of 5002

I would like it very much if you can do something to STOP the annoying robo calls. I consider them to be an invasion of our privacy.

Please,please stop them

We've stopped answering our phone because of them and they're limiting our quality of life.

Doug & Donna Palm Sptings, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2696 of 5002

I consider Robo calls and invasion of my living space, an invasion of my privacy and an invasion of my phone!

I do not want Robo calls and wish to be able to block them.

I should be able to determine how, what and who uses my phone, for the service which I pay.

Dewey Updegraff Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2697 of 5002

I've completed the Do Not Call registry form and still get far too many solicitations and political calls. I pay too much money for a service to allow the provider and others to harass me in my home.

I am very much in favor of robocall blocking products. The U.S. government exists to serve me and my other fellow citizens, not corporations. I expect you to allow me to protect my privacy by continuing support for robocall blocking products.

Michael Mitchell Grand Rapids, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2698 of 5002 please stop robocalls Iam elderly and they are very annoying james Zoeller Scotch Plains NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2699 of 5002

I sick of telemarkters. alexandria, va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2700 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying, invasive, and intrusive. They should not be legal. Please stop them

Mt. Laurel, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2701 of 5002

I use Nomorobo on my house phone and it has made a dramatic reduction in frivolous telemarketing calls. Still telemarketers and fraudulent contractors find ways to harass many people ignoring FCC laws. Nomorobo is our only defense. Please do not remove this service from the general public.

Roger Moraes San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2702 of 5002

I feel strongly that it should be legal to use robocall-blocking products. I urge you to rule accordingly.

Clark Chinn Kendall Park, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2703 of 5002

Please stop to coals.

Sally Ritter Northridge, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2704 of 5002

Unwanted calls and robocalls are a growing and very frustrating problem. Furthermore, the government Do-not-call list seems to be totally ineffective. The FCC needs to fight this disgraceful practice in all ways possible! Find and punish these lawbreakers!

Doug Leathem La Porte, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2705 of 5002

Robocalls are the most annoying things ever invented. They are invasive and usually call when they know most people are having dinner. My phone is for my convenience, not for unwanted commercial calls. I demand the ability to control my own communications.

Sacramento, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2706 of 5002

What happened to my rights as a consumer who does not want the constant barrage of unwanted annoying calls? It is the calls which have nothing to do with me. I have excellent credit. I don't need help. It is the mindless incessant calls which I have to pay my phone company to block.

Then there are the cell phone calls! They occur more often than the land line calls. My cell phone is for my emergency use only. It is not a 'smart' phone. I have a very limited number of free minutes since I am a single income senior and cannot afford to waste my hard earned money. It's not fair that I have to put up with unlawful people who wish to most likely scam me.

Nomorobo is a great FREE service and it has made a small impact on the unsolicited calls to my home, but I still receive a minimium of 5 calls a day from the same or similar numbers which do not even allow me to speak to a person. Some of them have the nerve to put ME on hold until one of their bottom feeder employees get on the line. Then they are rude and disconnect when I ask a question. It's wrong!

L Westbrook Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2707 of 5002

Why should I be forced to allow robocalls on my phone? Nuisance sales calls come in EVERY DAY. I have NOMOROBO on my phone, but many calls still get through. By contacting the FCC I should have the option to BLOCK ALL ROBOCALLS, without having to block specific call numbers. NOMOROBO works effectively, but if the FCC would give its approval, it would be much more effective. FCC should be effective for citizens, not for the monied lobbyists who are against blocking these calls. Please give the public the opportunity to block these ever increasing annoying, inconsiderate calls.

Barbara Woodin West Chester PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2708 of 5002

Words cannot tell you how disgusted I am regarding robo calls. Some days I get 7-9 calls per day from people selling stuff. I have repeatedly told them I am not interested and remove my name, but they still call. I have dealt with a company call Card Holder services for the past 7-8 years calling wanting to reduce my credit card interest rates. This is a recording and I have to press a number to speak with someone. When I do and ask them to stop calling me, they hang up. I have considered disconnecting my phone to stop this harassment. Why can't something be done with them. I'm tired of this.

Linda Bailey TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2709 of 5002

I'm very tired of getting robo calls. What right do you have to stop people from using nomorobo!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2710 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance and should be illegal, let alone blocked.

I have every right to use any blocking method I choose without a gov't agency dictating to me what I can and cannot do with my phone service

Harvey Sussman Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2711 of 5002

I am sick of telemarketers.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2712 of 5002

We receive from 3-8 calls daily that are made robotically. This is a callous invasion of my privacy and peace of mind. Many of these callers call in disregard to the National Do Not Call Registration. Being able to block these calls is of tremendous value. The public is already under siege from marketers without giving them the ability to invade my home's peace at their will. It costs them nothing to make these calls but greatly disrupts our lives.

Please do not prevent us from utilizing technology to block their intrusive use of their own technology.

Thank you.

Richard Hartz

Richard Hartz & Kuhn Caldwell Cragsmoor, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2713 of 5002

Please allow nomorobo to continue to operate. I do not want any annoying soliciting phone calls to my home phone anymore. Thank you Richard Bunger

Richard Bunger East Setauket New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2714 of 5002

I loathe, hate, and despise robocalls.

Even though I am on the "Do Not Call Lists," and In spite my use of a robocall blocking product, I constantly receive calls which I never, ever, ever, ever want.

Robocallls are extremely offensive to me: further, I consider telemarketing calls of any nature to be an invasion of my privacy.

Please, outlaw all robocalling, and enforce that with severe, harsh punishment.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2715 of 5002 robo calls should have been stopped years ago. I have been reporting them for over 5 years yet still they come, I have sent complaints to the fcc, dnc, & ftc and my congressman and also my senator and that got me no help at all. we need these calls stopped and stopped now. please tell me when the government will start doing something. we fund the DO NOT CALL LIST with our tax money so please do something and soon. robert washburn Arkansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2716 of 5002

Block the DAM ROBOCALLS all of them or disconnect them. It is a dam pain in the ass to pick up the phone and have call after call me a robocall. Thank god NOMOROBO came along

Mike Sorensen Sun Valley California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2717 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance and should be illegal, let alone blocked.

I have every right to use any blocking method I choose without a gov't agency dictating to me what I can and cannot do with my phone service

Harvey Sussman Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2718 of 5002

Please make the ability to block Robo calls more readily available to consumers. There should be a way to prevent the telemarkers from calling you at any time of the day, any day of the week, and try to sell you something. It's disruptive (eating dinner, phone rings - infant finally got to sleep, phone wakes up infant - the list goes on and on).

Thanks to NoMoRobo, the number of calls coming through have drastically reduced (only caller ID blocked ones come through now - something I'll fix shortly by blocking called ID blocked calls entirely).

Given the chance, I would love to go one step further and make a device available that plugs into the phone jack which gets updates from the internet on phone numbers which are known telemarkers and block the call right there on the spot. This would allow ANY consumer to block the annoying calls.

With NoMoRobo, it's great because I can 'dual ring' and NoMoRobo intercepts the calls. But not every consumer has access to 'dual ring' capabilities with their phone service.

Stanley Quon Oxnard, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2719 of 5002

I pay for phone service and deserve not to be harrassed in my own home. I pay for caller ID, and deserve not to have intrusions by people hiding their identity from me. NoMoRobo (and any other service like it) allows me to retain some control over who invades my home. Telemarketing must be a successful tactic since there is so much of it, but I deserve to exercise my right not to participate. And the scammers who call and prey on vulnerable people are even more important to block. I want my elderly parents not to receive those calls. And call blocking helps. How can any government curtail access to a service that protects the people from harrassment and victimization?

Elena Rover Katonah, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2720 of 5002

Stop the robocalls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Casselberry Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2721 of 5002

Both my home and cell numbers have been on the state and national Do Not Call Lists since their inceptions yet I get at least ten unsolicited calls per week, sometimes as many as five or more a day. Companies making these calls have blantantly ignored checking these lists and have no fear of any retribution from any government agencies. Therefore, it is imperative that we as consumers have some way to protect ourselves from these unwanted and unsolicicited intrusions into our privacies by being able to block these robocalls.

Maurice F. Eason Garland, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2722 of 5002

I find robo calls an serious invasion of my home sanctuary. Machines are calling me to sell me/scam me things I don't want/would never, ever buy over the phone. Nomorobo has improved the quality of my life by giving me peace at home. If I can be on on the "do not call list" why can't I block machines from calling me? Why do machines not respect the "do not call list"?

Judith Miller Franklin Square, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2723 of 5002

I had Nomorobo with Verizon and it worked beautifully.

I have since changed to Comcast and they restrict its use. You must use "voice to go" app which is for androids and whatever but not your regular phone.

I have compiled a list of hundreds of phone numbers that are used to try and scam me but without using a separate personally purchased call blocker, I'm up the creek trying to prevent these daily calls. I have to block complete area codes to try and minimize such calls.

Nomorobo won a award to prevent such calls but providers only care about revenue. Lets do something that helps stop the millions of daily calls that are trying to separate us from our money.

Wayne S 2155

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2724 of 5002

I'm sick and tired of robocalls. And I should have to spend my time tryikng to figure out how to block them. In a 3 day period, I received numerous calls from "rachel" wanting to increase my credit limit & lower my interest rate. I blocked all three different numbers. The fourth call made by "rachel" my caller ID showed MY HOME PHONE NUMBER so I couldn't block it. I have done some research and found that blocks of phone numbers in the thousands, are available to robocall companies. These calls are an invasion of my privacy and as I get older, a danger to me if I hurry to answer a call that really isn't a call I want to answer. STOP THE ROBO CALLS

Susan & Mike Sumner, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2725 of 5002 please,please block these calls. I have been getting "Rachel" calls for more than 2 years. I am 84 years old, and I find these calls very disturbing. Please stop them. Please block them. Thank you john h rosen highland beach, florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2726 of 5002

I run a small business from my home. In spite of placing my name on every no call list I can find, I continue to receive from 4-6 robo calls a day. I often place a customer on hold while I answer another call -- only to find a robot on the line.

I pay for my phone to communicate with customers, friends and family. Robo calling allows unwanted solicitors to highjack my phone at very little cost to them. Please end robo calling.

Suzanne Farrand San Diego CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2727 of 5002

Enough! It's bad enough the so called "no call" list has turned into a joke. Don't let the telecommunications companies dictate what we can and can not do to stop these abusing telemarketing idiots from entering our home. If they are allowed to block a service like nomorobo, the only step left is to drop my land line completely. And I don't have a cell phone, so that leaves me with no service. Thanks big business! Please FCC do not allow them to push us around!

Seal Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2728 of 5002

I use Robocall blocking now. I can't tell you what a help it is. I am 73 years old and was constantly getting up to answer calls from people violating the "do not call" list I am on. Now the phone rings once and stops right there - brings a smile to my face every time.

Please DO NOT STOP robocall blocking.

Peter Kiernan.

Peter Kiernan Bethesda, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2729 of 5002

I want to be able to stop robocalls to my home and cell phones. They are very annoying and sometimes very scary implying that something is wrong with your credit cards, mortgage, etc. Please DO something!

Laura Goddard Stuart, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2730 of 5002

Robocalls are the most intrusive development in telephone communications since telemarketing. During the last election my phone was constantly bombarded by robocalls. They need to be stopped

Giffin Bowen Seaford DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2731 of 5002

Unsolicited computer generated calls are the biggest nuisance facing private telephone owners. These nuisance calls are incessant and timed to disturb you at the most inconvenient times, bed time, meal times, and weekends. ojai, california

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2732 of 5002

It seems everyone has my phone number and they think that entitles them to my money, too. More than 50% of the calls I get are from UNKNOWN or 800 SERVICE or area codes 800, 866, debt collectors looking for someone else (I am the only one who has ever had this phone number) or from various and sundry parties unknown to me. The DO NOT CALL list is routinely ignored. I pay for the phone service, not these electronic pests, and I shouldn't be forced to confront these unwelcome intruders several times each day. I am tired of telling people not to call - the calls seem to increase exponentially. Robocall blocking is the only tool I have to avoid some of these pests. NOMOROBO is the best thing to come along since telemarketing calls began, and I hope it can expand to work on all phone systems.

Joan Burke Baltimore, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2733 of 5002

There is nothing more annoying than telemarketers interrupting my meals, chores, and sleep. If I want something, I'll research it. If I want to contribute to a charity, I'll decide. I NEVER DO ANYTHING prompted by a phone call.


Diane Homicz Naperville IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2734 of 5002

Please approve the stoppage of all robo calls ASAP. Thank you

Michael & Jeri Hall

Michael & Jeri Hall Plano, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2735 of 5002

I am in favor of NOMOROBO. I find robo calls very irritating most come at the time of our evening meal, when we are sitting down to relax. I find it very rude of someone to call and waste my time but not take the time themselves to at least have the courtesy to give some of their time to discuss whatever it is they think is important enough to waste some of mine.

Harvey E. Moyer Chino, CA/

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2736 of 5002

As a senior citizen , it is heartbreaking to me to watch the elected officials

Of America destroy the fundamentals this country...... among them, the

Right of personal privacy, no trespassing on any area of privacy, no

Respect or regard for the people who pay their salary. Their oath is to

Protect the CITIZENS and BORDERS of the country...... not ambassadors

To the world !!!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2737 of 5002

Please rule on the side of the public's interest to protect their privacy. We get so many daily calls asking to sell something or to give money. It's such a nuisance. Please help us protect our privacy. Thank you.

Crystal Lake, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2738 of 5002

I fully support the availability of call-blocking products like nomorobo. Unsolicited robocalls are intrusive and detrimental to my family's quality of life. With call-blocking, we have some control over life's interruptions. We don't need what these people are pushing. We want to keep our time peaceful. We're fully capable of staying informed and making our own choices.

R. Verkouteren Gaithersburg, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2739 of 5002

They are a pain in the neck and definitely not wanted

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2740 of 5002

It is unbelievable to me that the FCC would consider revising rules to weaken existing restrictions on unsolicited marketing phone calls to a phone line I pay for, such as allowing marketers to call cell phones, or restricting a customer's choice to block such calls by a service such as as NoMorobo. These companies and entities have no right to invade my hard won peace and quiet on my small yet MY piece of the planet. I also have the right, but not the ability to completely disconnect my land line (It's our emergency line only known to our family) - We live in a spotty cell area and our cell phones do not always ring. Before NoMoRobo, even though we were on the national do not call list, we would receive dozens of robo calls a day. Many of those from well known scams. Ironic that we only used the line for family calls once or twice a month.

I have an idea for a great new rule, the marketers can call me all they want, if they pay for our phone line. Deal?

Jim Abbott Kirkville NY

Jim and Beth Abbott Kirkville, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2741 of 5002

Please allow me to block robocalls. I'm home all day and don't want to listen to the phone ringing endlessly. Robocalls are too numerous and disturbing. Thank you.

Brytain Ashford Culver City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2742 of 5002

Robocalls are a pain in my butt.

I do not wish to receive robocalls.

This past election confirmed my low opinion of robocalls.

Please enable people who don't wish to receive them and stop the nonsense.

Patrick H Burke Gorham, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2743 of 5002 stop robocalls! please! do they really benefit anyone besides the phone company? they don't me and they are a waste of time. sandra youngstown, oh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2744 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy, disturb the peace and tranquility of my home, wake my sleeping grandchild, disturb meals and tie up my phone unnecessarily. We should all have the option of blocking these unsolicited calls.

Richard Schoenfeld Annapolis, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2745 of 5002

I think that robocall blocking products are needed. I get at least 10 a day of these calls. I will not answer and it's frustrating to get these people to listen that I am on the DO NOT CALL list. They don't care! We need this kind of system so that they will get the message!

Deborah Clough Pinson, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2746 of 5002

I receive (at home) innumerable robocalls, most of which seem to be aimed at a business now defunct. We NEED call-blockers badly!

C.W. Hayes, M.D. FACS Chattanooga, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2747 of 5002

Do your job. Protect the consumer instead of big business. I want Nomorobo to continue!

Jeffrey W Yatsu Akron, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2748 of 5002

We have a landline, mostly for family, friends and business. We each also have a cell for traveling, arrangements and emergencies.

We have been plagued by robocalls on our landline. They are always obnoxious. I have been targeted by one robo company for taunts and salacious comments. As far as I am concerned, the whole industry is tainted and it is a blight on our already too crowded communication lines.

It's time to ban robocalls but failing a perfect solution, the least the government can do is let phone customers to effectively opt out.

Bethesda, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2749 of 5002

No mo robo is a great service. We should not have to respond to advertising if we don't want to. I don't have to read a newspaper or magazine or watch a commercial if I'm not interested. Why should I have to go to the phone!

Mark Hutner Glenview,IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2750 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely infuriating and I should be able to discontinue having them come into my phone.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2751 of 5002

As consumers, my wife and I absolutely want and need the ability to block annoying robo calls. Living in New Hampshire my household is inundated with these calls, particularly during the political season every two years.

Joe and Eileen Hoodlet East Wakefield, New Hampshire

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2752 of 5002

Robocalls are more than just an invasion of privacy --- often they disturb sleep, dinner conversations, and ill people, and tie up phones needed for important calls and emergencies, and they should not be allowed to invade our homes, our refuge from an increasingly noisy and intrusive world, at will.

Robos: put your message on a postcard and leave me my constitutional right to respond or not.

Sidney a. And virginia C Levy Washington, DC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2753 of 5002

Congress created many loopholes and exceptions in the Do Not Call law and there is little money for vigorous enforcement, even when fraud and scams are involved. Now it seems like every robocall is a "survey" or "opinion poll." Robocall blocking products are extremely effective and "crowdsourcing" keeps the blocking list current. Once again I have gained control of both my landline and cell phone. Please keep and expand this option to all consumers.

Michael D. Dinberg Rockville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2754 of 5002

Disturbs my reverie.


My phone. I should be able to control access to it.

Puyallup, Wa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2755 of 5002

They make me nuts! I get calls anywhere between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. I have a sick husband and am very busy. Cannot stand these calls. It should be our choice to get rid of them once and for all.

They should never be able to be made without our consent. The only calls I do not mind receiving are the calls regarding anything in my city.

Medford, Massachusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2756 of 5002

I want robocall.

I dont think commercial calls should be allowed to private numbers.

I have it and it works and keeps me from getting unwanted phone calls.

Mclean VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2757 of 5002

The to robocalls are maddening! 5-10 a day! I'm old and have difficulty getting to the phone. To try to reach it in time only to find out its some recording trying to sell me credit card protection over and over is so hurtful and upsetting. You ask to be dis enrolled and you might as well talk to the wall. This must stop!!!!!

R pliskin Windham, nh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2758 of 5002

I have the right to block disruptive robocalls.

Sherry R. Jackson Seattle, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2759 of 5002

STOP ALL robocalls pls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2760 of 5002

I am tired of getting all the phone calls at different times of the day and night. None of these calls have anything to do with us. They are annoying and sometimes the live people get down right nasty when you tell them not to call any more. We should have the right to control who calls and who doesn't call our home or cells. We don't need to spend the time talking or arguing with these companies. Some of the calls are hang ups. A lot of them are from foreign countries, but with American numbers. Us being able to block these numbers have given us peace during the day and night. We should be able to block these kind of calls on our cell phones also. We should be able to find out who is selling our numbers to these companies or people. Please let us have this choice.

Larry & Virginia Ball Clarkston, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2761 of 5002

It is a matter of safety because I intend to turn my phone ringers off if there is no other way to avoid the unwanted robo calls and possibly miss important and or emergency calls.

The Woodlands, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2762 of 5002

Robocalls should be illegal...period. Robocalls are harassing, and at times frightening.

If the FCC, won't stand up and stop robocalling, at least allow for FULL blocking of these calls.

Cell phones, home phones, works stop the harassment.

Shari Lyn DiBrito NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2763 of 5002

I am sick and tired of these calls... I have informed them on countless occasions not to call... just yesterday I was told to F--- off.... wish I knew where this punk lived...

Patrick Forbes Dublin Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2764 of 5002

We need to decrease the amount of robocalls. I've had more than 8 in the past 24 hours.

Yorkville IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2765 of 5002

Stop those annoyhing calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2766 of 5002

I pay my telephone provider (Verizon) extra every month to have an unlisted number and I have signed up on the Do Not Call list, yet despite this I receive hundreds of robo calls every month. Some call all hours of the day & night day after day. It's my phone and I should be in control of it, not harassed by robo calling marketers!! Please take steps to protect my rights and force my provider to accommodate any robo call blocking product I choose. Thank you

Robert & Catherine Seidler Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2767 of 5002

Robocalls need to stop. They are constant, ongoing, and annoying that disrupts the family environment from morning to night. And they are getting worse, more then ever. Even if you are on the no call list. They don't care. You either need to issue an order that prohibits robocalls (and you know that won't even help) or allow consumers to use robocall blocking products to protect themselves where government cannot

Hans Lux Green Bay WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2768 of 5002

Each person should have the right to block nuisance calls. Since ther is no legal enforcement to block harassing calls, we should have the ability to take matters into our own hands. Aside from constant harassment, there are a lot of elderly people who are being taken advantage of.

Encinitas Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2769 of 5002

I was sick and tired of receiving these Robo calls, the lame call blocking feature that my internet phone service provider supplied was useless! Every time I blacked a call a new number would call, all hours of the day! I was even considering getting rid of the land line phone!

Since installing No More Robo it has cut the calls down considerably!

Ken Levins Tenafly New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2770 of 5002

I think it is absolutely essential that individuals have the freedom to block robocalls should they desire to do so. It is not enough to be on the national Do Not Call list, as many telephone solicitors ignore this law. They would rather seek forgiveness than obey the law up front. I support robocalling blocking programs, and hope you will allow them to stand and even make it easier to gain access to them.

Phillip D Fielding Murray UT 9 Jan 2015

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2771 of 5002

Dear FCC,

I have called and used your useless website to stop these people from calling me and I feel that my tax dollars that are paying you is just paying you and you are not doing anything to stop these people who call me all the time. It is always the same recording and the same kind of services that bug me. You never sent me a letter back that you did anything and in the past you told me to sue them personally. It is your job to stop this, not my job to sue people I can't find any info on to sue. Please stop these Robo calls by making it illegal for all salesman to stop calling me and put them in jail for harassment. thank you,


Donald McGowan Piscataway NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2772 of 5002

For several months now we have been fortunate to take advantage of the automated call blocking features of nomorobo. This company provides an exceptional service to American citizens, leading the way in preventing unwanted and intrusive robo calls. There is simply no comparable service by telephone company providers as we are aware from direct experience. The FCC should act in the interest of citizens and ensure that telephone companies are mandated to work with nomorobo; the loss or reduction of this service is clearly contrary to the interest of the American public.

Ronald Harris Fallston Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2773 of 5002


Please allow us to block unwanted robo calls.It is my phone and service that I pay for.

I WILL BE CHECKING on the voting,and anyone who supports not allowing the bolcking I will not vote for them, and willpass the information to others.

Thank you for your time bob paradise northboro ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2774 of 5002

Please do something to prevent robo calls coming into my phone. I am disabled and have difficulty hurrying to the phone only to discover it is some computer. I can hardly stand the thought of another political campaign season, much less a presidential campaign season!

Mary Jane Roethlin Hawthorne NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2775 of 5002

I HATE robocalls, think they are an invasion of privacy. Can't even tell em to stop calling my number and/or that they have the wrong person and/or I have absolutely NO interest in their product or service. I am semi-retired and usually exhausted after my part-time gigs that can be shifts very late at night, so I need every bit of sleep in mornings...but NO, damn robocalls start early & keep up, even waking me from well-deserved naps. I am 63 & I deserve some privacy, but these damn robocalls NEVER STOP. Please, FCC, you have got to allow the average citizen the right to block robocalls...for our sanity & for much needed sleep, peace & quiet. I can't turn off my phone or I could miss a call either booking me an extra shift or canceling a current one. Why should I have to cut off my line of communication just to stop HOME INVASION via robocall?! Please allow us to block robocalls, an abomination of technology to those of us who value our privacy. diane embry houston

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2776 of 5002

Generally if I want something, or need a service, I go out to bid. These Robocalls do nothing but aggravate people, and take advantage of those individuals who don't know any better, or understand. This applies especially to the elderly. Stopping these would be to everyone's advantage.

Jeff L. Smith Santa Ana, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2777 of 5002

Robocall call blocking is essential and fair. If the FCC allows robocalls, then consumers should be allowed to block those calls.

I have NEVER received a robocall that I thought was valuable or of interest to me.

David W. Ruskin West Bloomfield, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2778 of 5002

It is annoying beyond description, wasteful and intrusive. We signed up for the national "no solicitation" blocking and wonder what happened ... we get up to twenty calls a day (some "non profits", most not). I have hesitated with the other robocall blocking products, not being sure if they are above board.

Jane and Al Milotich Sonoma, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2779 of 5002

My phone rings on average 8 times between 5pm and 9pm (i averaged over a 3 week period). For the three weeks, only 5 calls were not solicitation. It was 162 times that were solicitors in 3 weeks. I have two toddlers that i am trying to feed, bathe, put to bed and generally raise as a family during those hours and these calls are a complete intrusion and distraction. But i need to have the phone to keep the cable bill lower, its a catch-22... Stop the nonsense and allow robocall blockers like nomorobo.

George gundrum Spotswood nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2780 of 5002

Having the option NOT to receive robo calls is a god send! My family can enjoy an uninterrupted meal together, I can work from home knowing that the important calls can get through, I can receive important calls from friends, family and work, not uninvited-sales-political-promotional-disruptive- calls. What a blessing to hear the ring once... and then the spam calls go away.

Leave 'No Robo Call' in place and active. It's popular for a reason! It's good for me and my family. I can't imaging why the phone company finds it threatening. I'm sure that they want the best possible services for their customers, not just for their bottom line.

Thanks you. L

L. Eskenazi Walnut Creek, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2781 of 5002

Allow people to block robo calls and plain annoying calls. That shouldn't be allowed , it's harassment.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2782 of 5002

Please stop the robocalling. I have a 95 year old who tries to nap a few times a day...and, invariably, the robocalls will come and startle her awake. Sometimes close to a dozen times a day! Please help to stop this abuse.

Tourso Bayside, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2783 of 5002

Why can't we it shouldn't we be able to control who calls us. If you disagree please give me your home number so that I can call you at dinner time.

Edward Reiss MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2784 of 5002

I have nomorobo on my ATT digital landline. It is such relief. I devised elaborate coding and forwarding systems to block calls. Hundreds of them. I have to answer calls from unknown callers because my daughter is terminally and that call might well be important to me.

If I could have nomorobo on my cell it would substantially help me to care for my family and improve my mental health. I am 72 and I don't deserve to be harrassed.

Janet Monserrat Tallmadge Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2785 of 5002 i love robocalls, tired off the telemarketers. hanover ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2786 of 5002

I get from five to six calls a day from anonymous, out of the six the same three call every day even on Sundays, I am a senior citizen and live alone. That is who they call on the elderly.

I know it can be stopped, but money talks.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2787 of 5002

Why would the phone companies fight against NOMOROBO calls?!?! Could be there is some financial gain for them to stop this feature. As an AMERICAN-BORN citizen, A TAX-PAYER, and FIRM BELIEVER of the living in a FREE society, I demand to be allowed to have control over who can and cannot call me! PPPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE let me keep my NOMOROBO. If not, I will have no other alternative but to get rid of my landline phone service and the phone companies will lose out on my patronage and money for their services.

El Paso, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2788 of 5002

My phone my right not be bothered by these anoying calls!

TODD KRUSE Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2789 of 5002


Plain and simple!!

Thank you,

Beth Lekander

Beth Hendersonville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2790 of 5002

I HATE robocalls, think they are an invasion of privacy. Can't even tell em to stop calling my number and/or that they have the wrong person and/or I have absolutely NO interest in their product or service. I am semi-retired and usually exhausted after my part-time gigs that can be shifts very late at night, so I need every bit of sleep in mornings...but NO, damn robocalls start early & keep up, even waking me from well-deserved naps. I am 63 & I deserve some privacy, but these damn robocalls NEVER STOP. Please, FCC, you have got to allow the average citizen the right to block robocalls...for our sanity & for much needed sleep, peace & quiet. I can't turn off my phone or I could miss a call either booking me an extra shift or canceling a current one. Why should I have to cut off my line of communication just to stop HOME INVASION via robocall?! Please allow us to block robocalls, an abomination of technology to those of us who value our privacy. diane embry houston

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2791 of 5002 as a home owner we are tired of getting calls from machines, they call all the time and leave unwanted messages on our voicemail. Please stop this.

Gary DiNofrio Lincoln, RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2792 of 5002

Suck it.

Joseph Rutigliani Rochelle Park, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2793 of 5002

Please ban robo calls. They are driving us crazy, at the rate of at least three a day, despite my registration on do-not-call lists.

Dr. James M. clark Cortland, N Y

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2794 of 5002

Robocall blocking is a great supplement to the do not call list.

No one wants to be spammed to death on their phones. Telemarketing is out of control. This practice needs to STOP now.

Manhattan Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2795 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying. I do not know why they are permitted. A nuisance, especially when waiting for an important phone call. The caller ID numbers are mis-leading and sometimes alarming. The calls come all hours of the night and day. Since using Nomorobo - it is a lot easier to screen phone calls. One ring and it stops. If they want to use an automated service to call me, might as well us a automated service to hang-up on them.

Thank you. kansas city, mo

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2796 of 5002

My wife and I are tired of wasting our lives trying to detect and filter out robo calls.. We want to have them blocked at a high level such as your agency. The hardware available to most of us consumers has too many limitations and draw-backs to be routinely useful.

We want the right to shelter our homes from this ridiculous waste of our time.

Thank you, Doug .

Beach Park, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2797 of 5002

NoMoRoBo is the best site / service we've ever had. Prior to Nomorobo, the constant sales calls were out of control, literally ruining our family lives. We were going to have to change our phone number! But since nomorobo, it's only the occasional call, and even then, we submit that number to Nomorobo, and then never bothered again. It truly is a God send. Please do not legislate against citizens being in control of their own phones!

Keith Scott Westminster, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2798 of 5002

Our peace and quiet are constantly interrupted with annoying and unwanted robo and telemarketing calls. We need an effective way to block these unwanted calls.

Gary Lyen Westminster CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2799 of 5002

Please let us block robo calls!!! I have to have 2 phones for robo's that I don't answer and one for my real calls. Ridiculous!

I'm sure you know it's very annoying to jump over furniture to get to your phone thinking it is an important call that you were expecting only to find it is someone wanting your money or to take a survey or to persuade you to vote a certain way. I don't have time for all the calls, it is constant all day, the same ones. My home has been invaded. An unwanted home invasion! Life has been less stressful and peaceful with nomorobo! Pleeeeease don't take it away!!!!

Karen Colaianni Pittsburgh, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2800 of 5002

I pay for minutes on my cell phone. I should be able to choose not to be harassed or scammed. I

Tammy Vance Stone Mountain, Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2801 of 5002

Please, no more unwanted phone calls.

Barrington, Il.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2802 of 5002

Stop the ROBO calls or give the consumers the ability to stop them. They are annoying, inconvenient and irritating.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2803 of 5002

These calls are constant and the numbers are always different. State Farm Insurance is who decimates my number for the robocalls but they claim no involvement.

Thomas kilpatrick Washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2804 of 5002

Allow norobo call blocking. It is ridiculous to have so many call that you cannot enjoy a meal or news on tv.

Dan Greene Griffin, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2805 of 5002

I am sick and tired of getting multiple calls from companies I have never had business with every day, multiple times a day and who have, on occasion used curse words at me, and my family, when I informed them I was on the DO NOT CALL list.

How would you like your 83 year old mother to have to listen to a man say "F*UCK YOU BITCH" when she asked to have our phone number removed from a call list? These robo-calls with the recorded messages, the and then some guy from Vegas reading a script about time share opportunities? Yeah. That's a great start to your day.

I get many calls a day from "CUSTOMER SVCS" a credit card scam and when I try to call them back the number is a non working number.

So, try listening to the people at the other end of the phone instead of the phone companies who love the revenue from these criminal callers.

The Federal Do Not Call list is a joke .... no one pays attention to it and not we have to PAY the phone companies to BLOCK those callers who flood our land lines. Oh yeah, and the ones that call my cell phone, using my minutes? They are pretty nice people too... the "F-Word" seems to be a pretty standard response when one asks to have their number removed from a call list.

Marcus Roberson Denton, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2806 of 5002

I get constant robocalls Many times if you answer them no one is there!!

I use a robocall blocking product and it rings once and that's it, why would you want to stop me from using this service, it's my choice. Please do not ban robocall blocking products.

Henry Wolman Kendall Park NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2807 of 5002

Nomorobo has given me back the privacy of my own home and freedom from harrassment. It is a gift to sanity.

Houston, Texasy

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2808 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely annoying and really need to stop. Many of them block their numbers or use a spoofing service, so we essentially can't block them. I'm sure that's probably illegal.

Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2809 of 5002

I'm sick and tired of getting calls on every phone I own from robocallers. It's a waste of everyone's time and when you politely ask to be removed from the list you are greeted with profanity and rudeness. These criminals must be stopped. I implore you to take action to allow consumers to protect themselves from unwanted robocallers who hide their identities!!

Richard Laferriere Rowley, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2810 of 5002

Cell phones should have the same privacy as land lines. Unwanted robo marketing calls should be blocked.

Winston Cooney Sarasota, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2811 of 5002

I am sick and tired of intrusive and annoying robocalls into my home. I just don't pick up the phone anymore unless I know the caller, but the onslaught of early morning wake-up calls or late night wake- up calls are not just annoying; they are CRIMINAL! PLEASE PUT THEM TO A STOP!! Does any agency hear the people anymore? Congress certainly does not!

Gara McCarthy Strong Halls, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2812 of 5002

I need to be able to preserve my privacy and block calls from unwanted telemarkers.

Thank you,

Phillip and Mary Toy

Phillip and Mary Toy Chino Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2813 of 5002

Please support Nomorobo in their effort to elicit cooperation of the telephone companies in enabling Nomorobo to block robocalls. This is a common sense measure to support consumers.

William L Joyce Princeton Junction, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2814 of 5002

I dislike robocalls - as a senior I "limp" over to my phone only to have an automated voice give me a (1) a sob story, (2) begging for money (3)or a sales pitch for something I'm not at all interested in. It's my time and my money for a phone line - I should be able to block all robocalls and solicitations - business, political or charity.

If I am interested in a product or charity, let me do the calling.

Thank you,

Judy Minami

Judy Minami Alhambra, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2815 of 5002

We strongly object to robocalls and want to continue to have access to be able to block these calls.

Buffalo NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2816 of 5002

I get about 10 robocalls per day, both on my home phone line, and my business line. It is a HUGE waste of my time to deal with these calls - and they never stop!

Please help us all ... Everyone should have the right to use products and services that can block robocalls.

Rick Groszkiewicz Marietta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2817 of 5002

I own my phones and I pay for phone service from two suppliers. I find that robocalls take unwanted advantage of services that I pay for. Please do not restrict robocall blocking products.

I find robocall annoying.

Mike Callahan Katy, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2818 of 5002

There is no excuse why I cannot block any or all calls no mater the source from my personal phone.

Jim Cromwell Hamilton, Mt.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2819 of 5002

I can not stand these unwanted calls that I am getting. I am handicapped and to have to go answer phone calls that are a recorded or trying to sell things are Awful . I put Nomrobo on my phone and has been wonderful . Please don't let the phone company take this off!! I pay a lot of Money for my service and I have the right to block unwanted calls!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2820 of 5002

Please note than any person would want the freedom and option to block telemarketers from constantly interrupting our lives. I and everyone I know is absolutely in favor of robocall blocking products. Please represent the people!

Daniel Yonovitz Camarillo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2821 of 5002

I have to shut my phone off during the day because I get so many robocalls during the day. The phone company should be blocking these, but they don't and the government does little or nothing to stop them. I am tired of paying monthly fees to be annoyed by telemarketing robocalls.

Jim Edelbrock Anaheim, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2822 of 5002

Recently I had to change my phone number due the amount of unwanted calls I was receiving, many of them from robo callers. I PAY THE BILL for phone service and I should damn well have the right to decide whom I wish to contact me. End of story. Some of these companies call up to midnight on some nights, despite laws supposedly preventing them from doing so. You are supposed to be protecting WE THE PEOPLE, NOT we the corporations and nuisance makers.

Eric Calvert Menomonie, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2823 of 5002

No one should have to put up with robocalls. They are a nuisance. I often feel terrible for the elderly who have to put up with it because they may not be technologically savvy enough to learn how to block these calls. Please stop them.



Kyle Milwaukee, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2824 of 5002

They are a nuisance and the calls are not pertinent to our family. Many times call are received when we do not want to be disturbed. kaneohe, HI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2825 of 5002

Robocalls are a scourge upon society. Robocall blocking products such as Nomorobo help enormously to mitigate the problem. Please make Verizon, AT&T and other phone companies provide robocall blocking solutions to any consumer who wishes to use them.

J. Satterfield Bethesda, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2826 of 5002

People calling me at home to sell me stuff or try and defraud me has gotten way out of hand. It is intolerable that this is legal. Why should other people have the right to make my phone ring 24 hours a day seven days a week and 365 days a year, with annoying messages I don't want. I do not want to from politicians, non-profits begging for money I don't have, and a long list of landscapers, roofers, and real estate agents who want to sell my house.

It should be illegal to have a fake phone number on caller-id -

I should be able to identify the exact machine that sent me a phone call and block that machine -

People that robocall should be castrated and then executed.

Kent Johnson Seattle, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2827 of 5002

I think I should be able to block robocalls they are a unwanted at my house we can block other calls why not robocalls?

Richard Bonney Lake, Wa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2828 of 5002

Nothing is more annoying than getting robo calls. Can you imagine the president getting robo calls in the Oval Office. The American people want this please get out of the way.

Tony Newtown pa. 18940

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2829 of 5002

Robocalls used to interrupt my family time with the most annoying sales calls. When I watched news programs about nomorerobo, I jumped on it and it's great. No more interruptions. My phone, I pay to have a private service and not have unwelcome and uninvited calls. frank windsor, ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2830 of 5002

Do whatever is necessary to stop robocalls that are really annoying!!

Christopher Avery Washington, DC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2831 of 5002

Robocalls are awful! They interrupt dinner and bed time. We have finally gotten to the point where we just don't answer our home phone anymore. The next step will be to cancel the phone service altogether.

We urge you to expand the use of robocall blocking products and make them easy to use.

Amy Jeli and Donny Kludt San Diego CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2832 of 5002

Robocalls need to be outlawed and robocall blocking products should be made readily available. The Do Not Call Registry is a joke. There is no enforcement and no repercussions for violators. My phone number is registered with the Do Not Call Registry, yet I still get 15-20 robocalls per day. Please enforce the Do Not Call Registry and punish violators and enable robocall blocking.

Thank you!

Mark Siegrist Acton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2833 of 5002

Please help us get rid of these terrible people that generate comupter calls. I get as many as 3 to 5 per day!!!! It is usually a recording that says this is the last time they will give a chance to lower my credit card rate. They call themselves Credit Card Services. That doesn not exist as far as I can find. They also steal phone numbers to call me with. I can not tell who they are by my caller ID phone as the telephone number is alwasys different and when you try to call back to complain the operator report: This telehone number is no longer in service. It is so bad that I looked at my caller ID machine and it was showing my home phone number calling me. When I called back after the spammer finished his recording I got the same thing. This number is no longer in service and it WAS MY PHONE NUMBER!!! Please help stop these computer generated spammers that rob me of my privace. I am 76 years old and do NOT need this agrivation. My congress should be there to protect ME not the SPAMMERS. Why has the FCC refused to help. I have applied to all DO NOT CALL list you provide and none stops this. When I reported it to Better Business Bureau of Seattle they said they knew these calls and could not help but know of hundreds of thousands of people like me calling to complain or and get help!! Please do your job. My cable company does provide Robocall service but not for my phones because I need a second phone with Android and I have Windows. They tell me they can not help this OS so I can't use what others can. They should not have to provide anything. FCC should be able to find out who these peoople are and shut them down. Please Shut Them Down!!!!!

Terry Schmdit

Terry Schmidt Seattle, Washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2834 of 5002 please stop the robocalls.

Tom Oberrecht Mason, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2835 of 5002

Despite having registered with the Do Not Call list, I repeatedly get solicitations, especially from a "credit card interest lowered" that seems to be targeted on seniors, like me. This is very annoying - it happens at least 5-6 times/week.

Margurite Rosenthal Boston, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2836 of 5002

Despite the existing laws and rules against spam calls including Federal and state "Do Not Call", regular and harassing nuisance calls continue. Most recently these include solar scams, roofing, credit "protection", and others. The only effective tool to combat these annoyances has been the " Nomorobo" service.

Please do NOT enact any laws, rules, regulations or restrictions on the ability to use this service!!!

Steven Danatos Metuchen, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2837 of 5002

Every call I receive on my cell phone costs me money. That's why robocalls are not simply an inconvenience, they are a financial hardship.

Please do every thing you can to help me block them.


Casey Keller

Valencia, CA

Casey Keller Valencia, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2838 of 5002

I'm sick of getting robocalls, gotten more than 10 in a day on several occasions and I can't stand it anymore. I have completely used up my call blocking feature, done the *77 and listed my phone number with a blocking service and I am still getting robocalls and having to report them! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!

Marcia Vinson Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2839 of 5002

We have a land line. So do many other baby boomers. We rely on using it for calls from our family and friends, and business transactions that we choose to initiate. Although we have signed up for the Do Not Call lists and nomorobo, we still get several calls a week from toll free numbers, free cruises, customer service, "grandma? I need help", reduce your credit card debt, etc,

These calls are annoying and very inconvenient. Why are they allowed to continue?

Joseph and Kathleen Gatto Dublin, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2840 of 5002

Robo calls are intrusive and unwanted...please help stop phone company won't help james simpkins flower mound tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2841 of 5002

I think it's time that robocalls are put to and end. If it means that any devices that dial nubers automaticly stopped for real and companies who spoof number also be fined for any un authorized calls.

This has gone on for too long something should have been done a long time ago.

Tampa, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2842 of 5002

If course I should be able to use my phone as I desire. Robocalls are extremely annoying and take away my privacy. I can block calls from individuals and should be able to block calls from ads and people I choose not to be bothered by!!!

Lakeville MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2843 of 5002

They invade my home

Joanne regensburg Sarasota fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2844 of 5002

The robocalls I recieve are very annoying and numerous. Since signing up for Nomorobo the number of calls have been minimized and we have far less interruptions while spending family time together. You must allow and expand these types of services to all users for landlines and cellphones,

Gary & Denise Halbe Willow Grove, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2845 of 5002

Please take the necessary steps to allow Nomorobo to continue to protect us from robo calls. This is a very valuable service to the public. I cannot tell you how many times a day the phone rings once, and Nomorobo disconnects the robo calls. I care for my disabled husband and 7 month old granddaughter each day. What a relief it is to have Nomorobo handle these unnecessary and unwanted interruptions throughout the day! PLEASE allow Nomorobo to continue to help us with this wonderful service!

Susan C. Crownsville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2846 of 5002

I want to continue to enjoy the improved quality of life that I have currently thanks to the use of a robocall blocking product. Please do not eliminate these products.

Barbara Murray Winchester, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2847 of 5002

Please allow everyone to block Robocalls. I get up to TEN robocalls a day. Some of these companies call me twice a day, EVERY DAY! It is totally out of control and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

YES, I am on the NO CALL list, but obviously they don't care.

Timothy Roberts Tucson, AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2848 of 5002

I am in full support of being able to have robo calls blocked. I have been enjoying not getting those unwanted bothersome calls. The phone companies should not be able to decide who I get calls from. As a matter of fact I would like to be able to block ALL solicitation calls from the telemarketers. They are annoying and disruptive. Please keep the robo all blocking in place.

Columbia MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2849 of 5002

Everyone should have the privacy of not receiving these annoying calls all the time. Sometyhing should be done and if Robocall is the answer I am all fot it!!! Please help us!!!

Boynton Beach, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2850 of 5002

Thank you nomorobo. I am weary of daily calls from machines that sputter incomprehensible messages. Most of the calls hang up before any comment can be made. When I google the phone number, I read about the unsavory behavior and description of the service. The calls are disruptive. Besides that, many people are giving up their landlines and using only cell phones. End telemarking calls. Amazon and eBay satisfy my shopping needs.

Douglas thomas Washington DC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2851 of 5002


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2852 of 5002

Robocalls are not just a nuisance. They waste time and create unneeded stress in my life. Please insure that I have access to robocall blocking technologies.

Chris Wentworth Crete, NE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2853 of 5002

I am on disability with sleep problems and these calls keep waking me up. I get so pissed off about this all the time that I am screaming on the phone. Please stop these calls especially from solar companies.

Ira Kranz Corona, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2854 of 5002



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2855 of 5002

My telephone numbers are on the National Do Not Call List. I still get two or three robot-calls per day. These nuisances waste my time, interfere with work and social occasions, and many of them are scams. We NEED to fight this problem that degrades the quality of our national telephone communications network.

I've used NoMoRobo. It works, and works very well, unless I happen to be passing a telephone when somebody's machine dials my number and I pick up the phone out of reflex. This happens often enough that I can assure you that the Do Not Call List needs to be supplemented by NoMoRobo.

The telephone companies have a statistical interest in maximizing their call traffic. They don't want anything that filters or limits the number of calls they handle. The public needs the FCC to remind the telephone companies that they exist as businesses to serve the public's interest, and not simply to exist as businesses. This is not an issue beyond the FCC's remit.

Please use your regulatory power to protect the public interest. This would be so much better than getting the legislative branch involved.

James Gordon Chevy Chase, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2856 of 5002

I am a senior citizen and therefore vulnerable to scams. I do not want anybody soliciting me by phone. If I want something I will contact them. That's the only way to be sure you are working with a real company. Please don't allow Robocalls the freedom to call me.

Thank you, Pat Souza

Pat Souza Beacon Falls, Ct.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2857 of 5002

I don't want to receive 10 unwanted, unsolicited calls per day! Some after 9 p.m.! Some as early as 8 a.m.! I am really tired of it! Please help!!!

Candy jennings Long beach, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2858 of 5002


They are not good for busines, they alienate consumers and they are thoroughly abusive of existing/emerging technology. Bad idea all around.

Gary O. New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2859 of 5002

I was very lucky because my phone company, Vonage, allowed me to use a robocall blocking product, nomorobo. This fine app reduced the number of solicitor calls to zero. Now I only received calls that I want to answer.

I encourage you to make all telephone companies implement simultaneous calling so that products like nomorobo can protect the public from scammers and charlatans.

Thank you.


William M. Weatherwax

William Weatherwax Santa Cruz CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2860 of 5002

I do not want to receive robocalls on my phones. I should be able to easily block them.

Wayne Liquorman Hermosa Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2861 of 5002

The robocalls are so annoying they call every day for stuff they say my Dr. and heath ins. co said I need. I don't need any pain reliever or a life alert kind of braclet. When it says press 5 to let your Dr know you are declining the offer the line goes dead and it calls back the next day. I have even stayed on the line and told the the person to take my number off the list and they told me ok, but then they call back again. Why did I sign up on the do not call list if I am still getting annoying calls?

Helen Blake Fitchburg, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2862 of 5002

The federal do not call list does not work. Tonic allying has reached record levels. We receive robocalls from the same number or business as many as 3 times a night and can't get them to stop. The rules should include opting out of political calls and local contractors. Robocalls should be illegal on any scale.

Thousand Oaks California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2863 of 5002

We have been using Nomorobo for about three months and have recommended it to many of our friends and family. It's probably not the only program available but works very well for us. My wife is 67 and I am 70 years old. The last thing we want to have to deal with is the return of all of those bothersome robo calls. Please stick to your guns on this. Whatever the phone companies want by eliminating these programs is certainly money driven and has nothing to do with improving their service to the citizen.

George B. Lowe Sumner, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2864 of 5002

Please allow public to bar robocalls through electronic means.

San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2865 of 5002

My phone rings constantly because of robocalls, and it's very annoying. Thankfully I have Caller ID and I can be selective in which calls I answer. I believe that there should be regulations but into force that would reduce the robocalls similar to the Do Not call regulations.

William Steele Salem, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2866 of 5002

I am sick of intrusive robocalls. I just wish Nomorobo could eliminate them completely.

Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2867 of 5002

The federal do not call list does not work. Tonic allying has reached record levels. We receive robocalls from the same number or business as many as 3 times a night and can't get them to stop. The rules should include opting out of political calls and local contractors. Robocalls should be illegal on any scale.

Thousand Oaks California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2868 of 5002

I have better things to do than waste my time with answering unwanted calls. I have a right to my privacy and not be bothered with unwanted phone call that most of them are scams.

Derby , Ct.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2869 of 5002

I do not want robocalls. They are a nuisance and I would like to keep my time personal. I would like to be able to not be bothered. I am usually busy doing something important when I receive a call that I have no interest in. I do not know who is on the end of the line. They maybe legitimate or they may not be legitimate. If they ask for personal information I will not answer those types of questions. Telephone fraud is an example. If they are legitimate they can send me their information and I can decide if it is necessary for me to use their product or services.

Turlock, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2870 of 5002

I am a senior who is fortunately still of sound mind. I am incensed by the telemarketing calls which keep coming my way; they are a time-consuming nuisance I have been fighting off for years. Nomorobo and a call blocking phone I purchased lately have helped me tremendously because my long years of complaining to the FCC fell into a "black hole" and led nowhere. For years on end I listed my numbers on the Do not Call list, reported calls to the FCC and paid the phone company so as not to have my phone number listed; unfortunately I discovered these precautionary measures offered absolutely no protection from unsolicited calls. It seems any operator or vendor who gets access to your information can sell it to these telemarketers with little regard for your privacy.

These telemarketers are more often than not predators who are eager to hoodwink seniors and trick them into giving away their precious private information. I venture to say most if not all of the calls are really scams, not merchandise offers. Why call them "telemarketers" when they more often than not peddle services that are "shady" at best? Scammers is the right term for them.

It is easy for a senior who is often alone and eager to talk to someone to fall victim to these telemarketers. I am extremely concerned about protecting seniors in particular and I definitely think the ability to block these callers is an absolute necessity.

Los Angeles, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2871 of 5002

I hate robocalls!! Just as they are allowed to call me, I demand to be allowed to block them. NOW not in 6 months,not 3 months, NOW!

Jacqueline Herman Hingham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2872 of 5002

Robo calls are a big problem. they interfere with our lives and have no regard for anyone's personal situation. Solicitations I do not need!

R Bain Grandview, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2873 of 5002

Robocalls and phone marketers are a bane. If it hadn't been for Nomorobo, I would have simply disconnected my land line. Please support the work of those who allow me to protect my privacy inside my own home.

Stephan Bour Olney, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2874 of 5002

Regarding robocalls and calls in violation of the DO NOT CALL list, you should require a centralized web- based search tool in which all phone companies that issue phone numbers are required to list the phone number, their phone company name, the number that you can call the phone company and/or the phone company website to which you can complain. Then, based on complaints to the phone company, you should require the phone company to contact the robocaller and ask them to cease and desist THEN if people continue to complain to that phone company, then authorize the phone company to disconnect the phone number.

Craig Forman San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2875 of 5002

Residents should have the ability to block robocalls. We can post a "No Solicitors" sign for physical visitors, we need the same right for phone calls. We get hammered over and over and over by calls that are at best annoying and at worst are scams with fake Caller ID and other intentionally incorrect info, obviously we want to block such unsavory people from contacting us. If you disagree, please give me YOUR home phone number and I will be happy to see your reaction to a flood of annoying and misleading calls, many as scams. Private homes have the right to be private!

Brian Boden Mendham, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2876 of 5002

Stop unwanted calls except those relating to the First Amendment

Peter Philip Hillsdale, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2877 of 5002

I love nomorerobo. I want it to always be an integral part of my telephone service.

The peace of mind to NOT have to answer telemarketers is the best!

The telemarketers need to bug off and nomorerobo is an extremely effective way to eliminate the nuisance calls.

If I want to purchase something, I know how to do that. I do not need harassment from telemarketers. Thank you.

Long live NOMOREROBO!!!

Whie Plains, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2878 of 5002

I hate any unsolicited calls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2879 of 5002

No More Robo has restored to my private home line the privacy it once had. I tried other methods of minimizing robocalls and eventually used all the allotted numbers that I could block through my phone provider. I have tried blocking numbers on the "Do Not Call" registry which unfortunately did not work. Thank goodness for No More Robo as it has re-established the privacy that I once had.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2880 of 5002

I pay for my phone service. If someone wants to abuse my privacy and access MY phone I should be able to charge them for the incoming call!

If I can,t do that I at least have the right to shut them out

Johnny Reno Saratoga Springs, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2881 of 5002

I receive 10-20 robo-calls a DAY for unwanted calls. Why can't they be stopped

Harold Slaughter Cape Coral, FL 33904

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2882 of 5002

Unsolicited phone calls is one of the most annoying things. We are constantly getting bombarded with sales calls. Please allow the private citizen the opportunity, on their home land line and on their cell phones to be able to black unwanted sales calls. Thank you

Oceanside, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2883 of 5002

Nomorobo is effective in blocking mass annoying calling, They need to remain at what they are doing. Lobbying by advertisers should not overweigh the individuals rights. Unless the FCC can come up with a better way of blocking such calls than the "Do Not Call List" which as I understand doesn't apply to in state calls let it remain in place.

John Yednock Topanga, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2884 of 5002

I hate robocalls and wish that the FCC would put stricter restrictions on companies who disturb consumers with those annoying calls

Atlanta, Georgia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2885 of 5002

PLEASE, PLEASE stop these robocalls, I worked for 53 years as a hairdresser not only did I retire for peace and enjoy what I can since I have sever arthritis and other major health problems, these non stop calls cause me a lot of problems. Today 1-9-2015 has been a robocalls from hell I received 8 calls. Yes, I said 8, now I ask you to PLEASE GET THEM TO STOP. I have registered with the DO NOT CALL, but they still get thru. Thank you for hopefully getting this done.

Marcia Musick Springfield. IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2886 of 5002

I am 100% for blocking robotic calls on my phone.

Richard Calvert Bartlett, Tennessee

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2887 of 5002

I don't like robocalls or the companies that use them to scam the public. They is no way those robocall companies are going to obey the US laws against robocalls. The FCC can't stop them, never even slowed them down. There are only a pitiful few companies that are ever charged with a crime, so basically, they don't worry about prosecution. They don't care if they are breaking the law. They don't care to show their true caller id, instead they universally spoof bogus phone numbers.

The only program that works is nomorobo. If the robocaller companies have their way, they will pay somebody off to get legislation passed to bar nomorobo blocking programs. I hope that doesn't happen, but there is just too much money to be made from helpless individuals bombarded by robocalls at all hours.

FCC, please force telephone companies to block robocalls. Currently, they offer free blocking for a few numbers, but since robocallers spoof caller id, the robocaller just uses a different spoofed number. The phone companies probably make money off the robocalls, so have no interest in changing the status quo. Besides, it would cost them money to implement any change. If forced to block robocalls, phone companies will just pass the cost on to phone users, which is OK with me, because the phone is worthless to me without a robocaller blocker. john and meryl mccullough la habra, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2888 of 5002

I HATE robocalls. They are the bane of my existence. I get these unwanted, disruptive calls from 9:00 am to 9:30 pm. Eight to twelve per day. My phone number has been on the Do Not Call Registry since inception. It is a joke.

I PAY to have a phone for My family, My friends , My business. Phone solicitors and survey callers are taking advantage of my purchase. They are unwelcome. Please help stop this abuse.

Dawn Donohue Churchville, Ny 14428

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2889 of 5002

We are going to get rid of our land-line phone after 40 years because of these disgusting phone calls. They call all hours; this morning at 7:15, during meals, having company, waiting on doctor calls (we are seniors) and after 9:00 at night. We have begged, threatened, blown whistles and not answered. They want to remodel our own, put in solar, and/or nothing at all but to harrass and several have even threatened us with bodily harm. If we could block them perhaps they would quit calling and take our number off their sucker lists. PLEASE let us block these horrible people.

Diane Los Alamitos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2890 of 5002

I don't know of anything more intrusive than a telephone call asking me to give some money or trying to sell me something. This is an envision off my privacy of the most intrusive kind. I want to be free of these nuisance calls.

Robert Ehrnman Blue Springs, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2891 of 5002

I am tired of receiving robocalls every day. I do my best to block these calls but my phone only allows me to capture a limited number of unwanted numbers. Please do not allow this to continue.

Tucson Arizona

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2892 of 5002

My wife is a stroke victim and needs rest---surveys,computer repair services from india, sales pitches,credit report systems,politicians,free trips, time shares, all day long especially at dinner time--it never stops and we are on a federal do not call list. enough is enough-the do not call list is a joke to say the least it is not being enforced--NOMOROBO is a LIFE SAVER

Art Weiss Medford NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2893 of 5002

It has come to my attention that you are interested in feedback from people about robocalls and robocall blocking products. My experience with the Do Not Call (DNC) list has shown that instrument to be largely ineffective and unable to serve individuals as a protection against nuisance calls. I have used Nomorobo for quite some time and find it far more effective than the DNC list, and I prefer it as an effective, direct block against unwanted calls as opposed to the essentially voluntary-compliance DNC program. I think any attempt by phone companies to dilute or prevent the use of innovative solutions like Nomorobo would be contrary to the best interests of citizens of the United States, and I think these attempts should be prevented by regulatory action.

Mike Harris Sacramento, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2894 of 5002

I would like your phone number so I can call you all hours of the day and night and hangup when you've answered. Thank you.

Norma San Bernardino, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2895 of 5002

I get calls from an outfit reminding me PG&E rates are going up and I can have them give my house a really good check for leaks. I get an average of 5 of these calls a week. I press the number they tell me will remove me from their call list, and they just keep on calling! This must stop!

Bob Bush Yuba City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2896 of 5002

I want this practice stopped!!!!!!It is harassing and I believe the older generation falls prey to their hard sell tactics.

Sue Erman Nashville, Tennessee

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2897 of 5002

We think if we pay our bills, we should be allowed to STOP annoying phone calls...why do you want to block our freedom to choose

The Gossett's Griffin, Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2898 of 5002

I no longer answer my landline because of all the robocalls. I have a message on the answering machine to please leave a message if the person calling is a tellamarketer. I get many hang ups, but some of the calls are left anyway. I have made complaints to do not, but it hasn't done any good. They call from before I get up in the mornings till late at night. I really am tired of it.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2899 of 5002 i hate them !!!! almost ready to give up my phone !!!!!

Carole Paquin CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2900 of 5002

Please allow and strongly encourage phone companies - as well as independent firms like NoMoRobo - to do everything they possibly can to end the scourge of robocalls that are plaguing citizens such as myself. I personally have gotten a dozen or more robocalls daily for a couple years now- with many of those calls coming from scammers looking to prey on the elderly or others that are more vulnerable among us. This needs to stop, and the FCC cannot stand idly by while millions of US citizens are victimised.

Lawrence Losio Norwalk, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2901 of 5002

I am very tired of ROBO calls... They have taken over my home telephone.....

Martha Wright Mountain View, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2902 of 5002

Allow consumers to block robocalls, including political robocalls.

Warren Allen Winston Salem NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2903 of 5002

Please alllow nomorobo legistlation to happen. I amtired of getting automated calls for stuff I do not want or need, It bad enough that we can not view subject matter on the internet without a ton of advertisment

Please stop this invasion of out homes.

Mesquite. TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2904 of 5002

I am so fed up with robo calls that if I can't block them I plan to have the phone disconnected. I pay for this service and should have control over my calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2905 of 5002

The robo calls were brutal, they would start Sunday morning and continue all day everyday, I would have unplug my phone just to have have some peace. Then I found nomorobo and I have a phone again!

I pay my phone bill and because of these low life robo callers I could not use it . NO MORE! make robo calling a crime!!!

Ted Scouton Thousand Oaks, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2906 of 5002

I am tired of getting constant telemarketing solicitation. I finally had to change my phone number after 26 years with the same phone number. We were a target for fraudulent phishing scam. Please support personal privacy. We want the right to not want to be barraged by phone calls at all hours. I want the right to stop telephone solicitation and block anonymous callers.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2907 of 5002

Robocalls suck and are a waste of my time and I shouldn't have to keep getting them when my phone numbers are on the do not call list.

George Plackmann Chicago, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2908 of 5002

Please let me block robocalls. They are incredibly intrusive and annoying.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2909 of 5002

Please allow robocalls to be blocked.More than 50% of the calls to my home are from robocalls.Not only are they annoying,many of these companies are less than reputable.I started using Nomorobo about a year ago and it has been great.One ring and the call is disconnected.But should it even have to come to this?I am on the do not call list but ,still receive these calls.I believe robocalls should be blocked and more aggressive enforcement of the do not call list violators should be taken.thank you-Jeffrey Krul

Jeffrey Krul Greene,RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2910 of 5002

Shut these robocalls down!

Mark Moore Antioch, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2911 of 5002

Put a stop to robocalls, please. We should have the right to block calls from any companies and political agencies with which we have had no previous connection.

G L Kelly New Lenox, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2912 of 5002

We would like the FCC to allow consumers to be able to block robocalls. We are paying for our phone and phone service through Verizon. Robo callers should not be able to call us any time day or night with their messages or hang ups. I understand that the the National Association of Attorneys General has written to you and asked the FCC to make robocall blocking solutions "more easily accessible to consumers." I am in favor of this.

We are registered on the "Do Not Call List" with the FCC and it is useless. We ask robo callers to stop calling but they continue to do so.

Please support robocall blocking solutions for consumers.

Thank you.

Rita & William Ormond Annapolis MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2913 of 5002

Getting calls from scammers is a nuisance.I should not be put in position to worry about these phone calls .You read about the horror stories of other people who unwittingly were taken advantage of and their life's savings were completely wiped out.We need help to stop this.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2914 of 5002

Stop all robocalls. They serve no purpose. They are intrusive and extremely difficult to stop.

San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2915 of 5002

As many as 5-8 calls aggravating, intrusive calls/day; some callers would call back 2-3 times!!

I even tried listening to a message to see if there was an option to NOT RECEIVE calls and when I chose this option, I STILL GOT CALLS so I stopped answering but they call and call. They began at 8:00 a.m. and I even got calls as late as 10:00 p.m. On Sundays, EVERY DAY!


Manchester, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2916 of 5002

I od not want unwanted callers calling my house. It is an intrusion, and totally bothersome! Please help us.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2917 of 5002

I am writing to you because I want to have the right to BLOCK ROBO CALLS. I want Nomorobo ROBO call blocking.

It is my phone. I pay my phone bill. Therefore I should have the right to block annoying, disruptive, intrusive ROBO CALLS.


Mr. and Mrs. Ruth Wayne, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2918 of 5002

Do your job. I'm paying for you to protect me from these ROBO CALLS. I'.m sending an email to my congressmen also. I' tired of these damn ROBO calls.

William H. Lovelace Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2919 of 5002

Let me block robocalls, please. Time Warner won't allow me to engage the service. Getting anywhere from Three to eight calls a day and night is wrong. oconomowoc, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2920 of 5002

As part of the "Baby Boomer's" we grew up in a time where people answered there phone in person. There was no one calling and then hanging up (unless it was a prank call) AND certainly there wasn't an automated recording that you were totally defenseless against to be able to get your name removed from a call list. In our homes we should have the right to answer the phone calls that we want to, OR have the ability to tell a real person that we no longer want to hear from their company. Robo call blocking services seem to be the only alternative to this unnerving problem. ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2921 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy and should be banned or made to pay a fee to continue. Also, I should have available to me the means of preventing such calls.

Charleston sc

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2922 of 5002

Robocalls are so annoying!!! I hate being interrupted all day and night by these ridiculous calls! The robocall blocking product I have on my phone has been a God sent to me and my family! PLEASE, PLEASE , PLEASE, allow me to continue to have this feature on my phone.

Arlene Montesjardi Maple Shade, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2923 of 5002

I would like to block robo calls as they are annoying and very inconvenient for me to answer all the calls that I would receive. It is my phone and I pay a lot of money for the service. I should be able to decide who is allowed to call me.

Marianne Peiffer Palm coast, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2924 of 5002

I've setup every blocking method possible with AT&T and I still get 6-8 scam, phishing and telemarketing calls, at all hours.

We have registered all our numbers with the do not call registry, but the harassment continues.

Until you find a way to put these people in jail, please force the carriers to offer simul-ring or what ever technology is best to stop the robocalls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2925 of 5002

It is my phone and I want to block robo calls.

Randy VanWickler Parksville,NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2926 of 5002

The Do Not Call List is a joke!. I receive 5-10 Robo calls a day with spoofed numbers on my caller I.D. If you try to call one of the numbers back you are told that the number is not working.

Dan Gleber West Covina, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2927 of 5002

We've been subscribers to Nomorobo for over a year, and it has blocked at least a dozen junk calls a week during that time. We really appreciate not having to deal with the junk calls, and heartily approve of call blocking services like Nomorobo.

Steven and Linda Shapiro Alexandria, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2928 of 5002

I Thanked God when I found the "nomorobo"... I have 2 different landline phone #'s coming into my house.. the caller id would display across my tv, the call coming in,,, i wouldnt pick up, cause i knew it was bs,, then the same # call would come in on my other landline #... once i hooked up with nomorobo the bs calls have diminished / blocked..Ughh, Why do you let these people infringe on my time & privacy? Its so annoying,,



They figured it out before you even gave it a thought to "US" your people...

I guess you biggys have your own blocking system that

WE dont know about... & your not bothered by this,,,,


Thankyou Nomorobo,

Nancy Daniele


Nancy Daniele Wantagh, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2929 of 5002

We were getting inundated with robo/telemarketing calls every day and night and even Sunday evenings that was destroying our family time together. Since we have subscribed to nomorobo this has nearly stopped except for cell phone companies like AT&T that refuse to allow us to use this service.

Even with Time Warner, our home land line phone provider, we had to tell them how to switch our service to technology that would allow us to use it.

Please allow this service to continue and also make it a requirement of all phone services to allow users to opt for this if they want.

Mr Ivor HUnt Fountain Valley, CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2930 of 5002

I would like to see all robo calls to be blocked from phones there should be no need for these people to be contacting you when you did not ask them to do so, Lets send these calls back to where they belong not on our phones.!!!!!!!!! california

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2931 of 5002

Please continue the robocall blocking practice.. It has virtually stop robocalls bothering me all times of the day. We see the blocking is very effective since we see the phone only ring once continually throughout the day and night.. By removing the blocking it would be violating my personal privacy. We're paying the carriers for telephone service and not having solicitation interfering with our private lives.

We already are nickel and dime by all the carriers and can see another marketing ploy to sell our personal information to all the robocall companies. I also feel that robocall blocking should also include all all wireless carriers...

Roy Fujimori Westminster, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2932 of 5002

Allow us to block robocalls and use robocall blocking products

Magnolia, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2933 of 5002

I do not want to be bothered by robo calls. I want to keep my roboblocking service.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2934 of 5002

Time to allow phone owners to BLOCK robocalls NOW

Sherry Frohlich Cheverly, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2935 of 5002

Please take steps to stop "robo calls".

Robert J Flaherty Cary, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2936 of 5002

Robocalls were becoming so annoying...some days I was receiving 5-10 robocalls! If I want to block these disruptive calls, i should have every right to....Nomorobo has been a godsend!

Denise Statile Glen Head, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2937 of 5002

I am tired of receiving unsolicited and unwanted robo-calls. kindly pass legislation permitting the blocking of such calls. It is my phone and I feel that I have a constitutional right to privacy, of which I believe this to be a basic right.

Why do the solicitors and vendors have the right to invade my space, yet, I do not have the right do basic peace and privacy.

Tom Pflomm Suffern, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2938 of 5002 we get robocalls almost daily. we have reported the offending numbers to and asked the callwers to remove us from their call list, but they don't.

Verizon makes us pay for blocking numbers made to our landline, so we just don't answer the phone unless we recognize the number or caller. it is still very annoying to have the phone ringing all day and evenong, even on weekends.

Robert Bernal Murrieta, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2939 of 5002

I want all robocalls banned


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2940 of 5002

Irritating and intrusive, I look forward to any and all measures of blocking robocalls.

Miami, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2941 of 5002



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2942 of 5002

I have a right to privacy!! These calls are harassing and invasive and a huge security risk. It is YOUR job to make sure that we are safe and you are not doing a very good job!! It is MY right to say NO to robocalls and harassing people along with those who steal using these techniques. OUR taxes pay for this protection so if you take MY money protect MY privacy!!!

Friendsville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2943 of 5002

Access to phone numbers is being seriously abused by innumerable parties which ignore the "do not call" regulations. Clearly the existing "do not call" regulations do not work and I feel that pursuing the violators is a waste of time. It would appear that the only way to really stop them is to be provided the means to block their calls. Please require phone carriers to provide consumers with the ability to block robocallers. I feel that the cost and effort to provide this technology would be returned many times over in a reduction of scams brought about on consumers.

Miles Smith, Jr. Decatur, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2944 of 5002

The constant ringing of robocallers is disrupting the lives of most Americans. Most are a scam &,occur at inopportune times like the dinner hour. Computer spam or junk mails are one thing but the obtrusive nature of robo calls is quite another. Consumers DEMAND the right for those they've elected to do the right thing & curtail this obnoxious & often criminal undertaking.

Wayne Modelfino Elmwood Park, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2945 of 5002



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2946 of 5002

Robocalls are a major annoyance to me. I am on the federal and state no-call lists but was still getting many robocalls per week (in addition to political and charitable calls). We need technical solutions like nomorobo.

Clifford Winings Marco Island, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2947 of 5002

Please keep the robocalls and robocall blocking products in place. Even though I have signed up for it, I STILL get computer calls so please don't take away what is already in place.

San Ramon, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2948 of 5002

These calls are annoying, they keep calling and don't leave a message. If I answer the call no one answers right away, so I hang up and get frustrated. Please make them stop

Levittown, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2949 of 5002

Telephone subscribers should have the right and ability to block unwanted robocalls.

Rick Miller Birmingham, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2950 of 5002

Give the consumers a break.... stop catering to TPC "The Phone Companies". They may have and give you money but we have the votes and the monthly fees. It's my phone (I PAY FOR THE SERVICE, YOU DON'T) why shouldn't I control it's functions. If this blocking bill fails to pass I'll just cancel my service with Verizon and not have any telephone service at all. 98% of our incoming calls are from Robo Callers the other 2% can send us a post card. What a great Win-Win situation!!!!! TPC gets the bill it wants and I can save $30 per month by not having to pay for marketing calls from..... well, you know where.

Nick Alexander Venice, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2951 of 5002

We have laws to prevent harrassment in the public...well, I want them for my home as well. I not longer wish to have to scan my Caller ID before I answer my's usually blocked by the robocallers anyway. Consumers have rights too...protect us!

Mike Dickinson Plainfield, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2952 of 5002

Stop the robocalls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2953 of 5002

Please stop the unwanted intrusions of ALL robocalls, including political robocalls. The intrusions are extremely disturbing because of the illness of a family member living in the home. We cannot turn off the ringer because of another child who lives in a different city. This makes the situation with robocalls untenable.

Suzanne Franka Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2954 of 5002

Our phone is a private service we pay for and we should therefore be able to decide what calls are accepted and which ones are rejected. We pay for a private number and yet lists containing our private number is sold without our permission. I am tired of greed and deceptive business practices overriding the rights of consumers. Our home, phone and time should be off limits to unsolicited, un-welcomed and intrusive calls/callers.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2955 of 5002

I would like the do not call list to mean exactly that, no politicians, no credit card companies, no police looking for money, no robo calls.

Pat Helling glenwood springs colorado

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2956 of 5002

I get to maney roboo calls every day lets stop this mess jacob shew NEWARK DELAWARE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2957 of 5002

We do not appreciate telemarketer being able to make robocalls and really appreciate being be able to block them. We will not buy anything or responds to any telephone solicitations,

Washington, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2958 of 5002

If you are truly a federal agency that is in place to protect the people that you work for "tax payers" then you should do everything in your power to stop robocalls!

Kevin B Saxton Haddonfield,NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2959 of 5002

I've been beset by robocalls for years. I've signed up for NOMOROBO in self defense. It works! I'm happy. Please support their efforts to shield us from idiots who want our money, take up our precious time and otherwise disrupt our serenity.

Stephen Cooper Hendersonville, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2960 of 5002

I get many unwanted robocalls a day on most days -- most of them from one vendor who has been calling me repeatedly for over a year. They are a very distracting waste of time, whether I answer them or they end up filling up my inbox. And since my phone service includes a limited number of minutes for incoming calls, those unwanted calls eat up precious minutes that I don't want to use that way.

I have asked the vendor multiple times to take me off their call list, but they will not do that.

I am registered on the Do Not Call list, but they just hang up whenever I ask for this. Please allow me to continue to block these calls. AND PLEASE ENFORCE THE LAW THAT PROHIBITS THEM FROM CALLING ME.

Scott Plakun San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2961 of 5002

Robocalls are a waste of time and energy. At least, make a requirement to have an accurate caller id. Your agency is answerable to the taxpaying public and not some special interest.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2962 of 5002

I work from home. I receive at least 2 Robocalls a day. Their options to be taken off their lists do not work. They can hide behind local numbers too, always making me wonder if one of my children is in trouble and the school or someone is calling. It is NOT right. 99% are major scams. It is not acceptable. Let's block those calls now.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2963 of 5002

I want to stop robocalling and have control of my phone.

Jodi Baltimore, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2964 of 5002

I am 80 yrs. old & it is disturbing to get to the phone to get a robocall. They keep calling back if you don't answer the phone & they never leave a message if I don't get to the phone in time. I signed up for the Do Not Call list, but it does not help.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2965 of 5002

I should be able to talk to who I would like to. Not all calls are welcome and the fact that they cost me money I don't like talking to people that I have no interest in speaking to.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2966 of 5002

Please stop allowing robocalls unless individuals specifically sign up to receive them. And also, please stop letting banks and other companies call as early as 8AM to try and sell something.

Sandy Pochapin Southborough, Massachusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2967 of 5002

We pay taxes.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2968 of 5002

Please, PLEASE let us block robocalls. We're senior citizens & they drive us crazy all day,every day!

Nick Bikoff Fairfield, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2969 of 5002 make robocall blocking solutions more easily accessible to consumers. eric molitoris los angeles ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2970 of 5002

We are bombarded with robocalls every mealtime, early (5:00 a.m. one day), late at night and at any time during the day. We must have the ability to prevent such calls fr om invading our lives without giving up the use of our personal home phone altogether by unplugging it.

We have a telephone in our home for our use, not for the convenience of some market-teer trying to sell me something or con me out of something.

Please make this stop now!

Sincerely, Marilyn Williams

Marilyn and David Williams Coeur d'Alene, ID

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2971 of 5002

It should be a crime punishable by jail time for telemarketers to continually call our home and continue to annoy us. I get an average of eight to twelve telemarketers calling my home each and every day. Now enough is enough.

Donald Walker Chino Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2972 of 5002

We believe that people or businesses that we do not know should NOT be allowed to call us to solicit their products or attempt to scam us out of out money or our identity. You have the power to do something about this. You are implored to take action to protect the American people from this harassment. Companies like Nomorobo and those who can provide call blocking products and services should be rewarded for their efforts not restricted! Stand up for America! Do your job to serve the public and support the blocking of robocalls!

Donald Pulliam Gaithersburg, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2973 of 5002

I work from home frequently and Nomorobo has been a godsend. Robocalls are very disruptive since I work in a support roll and must be available for handle client calls. If I cannot distinguish the legitimate calls I'm forced to respond to all.

The robocallers are brazenly ignoring the Do Not Call Iist, and many are getting aggressive on the calls. I have an elderly parent who I fear may become susceptible to one of these scams unless something is done, but unfortunately there isn't a product available for a normal landline. Please - something must be done by the FCC to control this.

Thank you.

Richard Mintz Syosset, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2974 of 5002

Really? The NSA can monitor every phone call ever made, but you can't block robocalls? Come your the American people!!

Minnetonka, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2975 of 5002

Robocalls have become so prevalent that they are causing my family to miss important phone calls (based on the assumption that the call is of a marketing origin).

Anything you can do to help reduce the number of robocalls would be appreciated (and supported).

Larry Newcomb Everett, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2976 of 5002

I am tired of being bothered by robocalls. I am tired of sales calls all together. If I want to purchase something or check on something I will do the calling. I should have the right to block all calls. Tell the phone companies to keep the calls out of my phone.

Jan k

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2977 of 5002

Please allow us to block robocalls. They are extremely intrusive.

We areaying for our phone service, and should be able to control unwanted calls.

Thank you.

Anne Goldman Carlsbad, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2978 of 5002

I am an AT&T telephone customer and have been so for over 19 years. For those 19 years, I have kept the same landline telephone number out of convenience for myself and those with whom I have chosen to share the number. My number is unlisted and I am on the national Do Not Call list.

Having a telephone in my home allows me to contact the outside world for pleasure and/or necessity, and for those with whom I have given the number to contact me. It shouldn't be a device for intrusion into an individual's private domain by computers or companies generating sales calls. I, therefore, strongly support my right to have and use any legitimate product available to block these calls.

Please do not allow ANYONE to force me to allow robocalls to get through to me.

Dennis Cahill Carlsbad, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2979 of 5002

More than half the calls we receive are robocalls. As senior citizens, we feel we should not have to put up with these interruptions. Please provide a means of stopping this technological harassment.

Rose Marie & Ray Healy Elmwood Park, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2980 of 5002

It is very useful to be able to block robocalls. Unfortunately, prior to using nomorobo I received many robocalls during the course of a day. Nomorobo prevents many of those nuisance calls from getting through and eliminating a daily annoyance. I would like to continue blocking these annoying nuisances..

Rodrick Bess Woodbridge, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2981 of 5002

Because I have Parkinson's disease, it is an effort for me to get to the phone. Imagine my disappointment and ire I feel when it's not the call from the lab with results -- it's an 800 number calling. Please give me reprieve!

Cinda Gibbon Gettyburg, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2982 of 5002

I am tired of being bothered by robocalls. I am tired of sales calls all together. If I want to purchase something or check on something I will do the calling. I should have the right to block all calls. Tell the phone companies to keep the calls out of my phone.

Jan Kennedy Kingston, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2983 of 5002

Telemarketing calls (and especially robocalls) have been restricted for several years by means of the "do not call" list. I have been on this list for a long time, but I continue to receive these annoying calls. The simple reason is that the government (not sure if it's FTC or FCC) doesn't enforce the law, and companies continue to make these calls with impunity. THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE CASE!!.

Fortunately for the public, Nomorobo has been created to reduce or eliminate the plague of unwanted calls. The developers and operators of Nomorobo should be thanked rather than be restricted by the government. They are providing a necessary service to fill the gap created by the government's lack of enforcement.

Thank you for you attention to this matter.

Stephen L. Padwa Stony Brook, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2984 of 5002

I'm a senior citizen and need to block these robocalls for my own safety and protection against fraud...... Nomorobo has given me peace of mind and finally made me confident enough to answer my own phone without being scammed or tricked into giving out personal information.

I'd rather give up my phone entirely than be without Nomorobo......

Susanne Liebgatt Bensalem, Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2985 of 5002

My wife and I pay for the use of our telephones, personal and cell phone. This allows me to determine who may or may not contact me. I choose to allow family, friends and workmates to call me on my phones. I do not choose to allow any person who has an agenda to use my telephone to harass, annoy or bother me. I do not pay my phone bill to allow any company to conduct a survey. I do not pay my phone bill to allow a political party to try and persuade me to vote for them as I am capable and intelligent enough to be able to make my own decisions. I do not pay my phone bill to allow any individual or entity to fulfill their personal agenda or make money on my dime.


Robert D Stewart Reno, NV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2986 of 5002

I was getting robocalls at the rate of two or three every couple of days. It was almost to the point that I was going to cut off my land-line. When I found out that robocall blocking was available, I signed up immediately. For the first couple of weeks, I received many single ring calls signifying a robocall. After that it ime they dwindled to almost none. Now I get less than one a month. Nomorobo has made my time at home much more relaxing.

James Laisure Baltimore, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2987 of 5002

Please stop all the robocalls they keep coll comming I am on the do-not call list but the calls keep comming. And at times the caller ID tell me that I am calling myself. Also force all company to list the Name and a correct phone number that we can call back. Please stop a robocalls.

Also have the company have a person on the line. When I pickup the phone and have to say Hello 4 to 6 times before a recorder telles me to hold to the next person.

Dennis Brassard Dracut, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2988 of 5002

Robocalls are very annoying and need to be stopped. Some of them cannot be picked up and asked to be removed from the call list. When I answer, no one is there. My phone may ring 10 to 15 times in a single day.

If there is someone to talk to, they are rude when asked to be removed from their list. Nomorobo is a help, but even this still rings one time. There needs to be something done to stop these calls. If I am interested in something, I will call them.

Orland Park, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2989 of 5002

A significant volume of my weekly incoming calls are robocalls. Most of these are solicitations. It would be great to be able to block these unwanted invasions of my privacy. An app that would reject these calls is highly desirable.

William Verry Derry, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2990 of 5002

NOMOROBO is wonderful. I pay for my phone and I should be the one in control of it. Before I signed up with NOMOROBO we could not watch TV or enjoy an evening at home without the constant ringing of the telephone. With nomorobo the phone rings one time and that is it. I do not want any robo calls on my phone. The calls that need to come through does. Thank you

Clay Hester Newpoirt News,VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2991 of 5002

I have always believed that robocalls are an invasion of my privacy and should not be allowed period!!

That applies to ALL categories: Charitable, political, etc. ALL!

I should at least have the power to block them ALL so that I do not have to be bothered by them constantly throughout each and every day.

J L Inabinet King, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2992 of 5002

Robocalls are a scourge to ordinary citizens. They prey on the poor and the uninformed. We all thought the Do Not Call procedure would block them, but that is obviously not going to happen. Now we need to find another way to take back our phones. Please help.

Carol Millman Rockville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2993 of 5002

I was fed up with 10+ robo calls per day. I was very fortunate to find out NoMoreRobo from one of my neighbors. It was easy to set up and works wonderfully. I can not be more pleased with NoMoreRobo's service.

Dave and Joy DeVoe Long Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2994 of 5002

These calls are an extreme invasion of my family's privacy. I am intelligent enough to go looking for something if I think I need it or need to know what someone else thinks! Please help to stop these kinds of calls!!!

Armand F. Deny Pasadena, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2995 of 5002

I get so tired on telemarketers calling me. I had one number call me 4 times in one day, and they kept calling me everyday for weeks. I pay for the phone and for the use of it, BY ME, not for them to drive me crazy. I'm 70 years old and have to live on SS, so I don't have the money to buy anything from them anyway. If I don't call them back wouldn't you think they would get the message that I don't want to talk to them or buy what their trying to sell me, and stop calling. And that "no call list" is a joke, they don't even look at it.

Sacramento, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2996 of 5002

It's my phone and I ought to be able to block calls using the products I choose.

Jeffrey Shoulson Waban, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2997 of 5002

We have used Nomorobo to block robocalls and are thrilled with the difference it makes. It is essential to our quality of life. You must allow robocall blocking products. Do your job to protect the consumer.

Richard Edelman North Haledon, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2998 of 5002

I got many many robocalls all day every day. I work from home and it was very distracting but there was no way to stop them. At first I answered and asked to be taken off their lists but that's when they'd hang up. One jerk even said "No, that's never gonna happen." They spoof numbers, now I even get calls that say they are from me. I need the phone so my home office can reach me during work hours so it was a guessing game to decide if an incoming call was legit or not. I found Nomorobo and that all stopped. Everyone should be able to block the scam calls, the robo political calls and yes, even the calls from charities with help from their phone company. A lot of people work from home these days and we should have a legitimate way to block any call(s) we don't want instead of being at the mercy of scam artists with robot dialers, we pay for the phone service but the crooks have all the rights. We need Nomorobo abilities for ANY phone with any carrier.

Linda Jaymes Birmingham AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 2999 of 5002

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE allow me to block unwanted calls.

Years ago my phone provider allowed me to dial *60 after receiving an unwanted call. After dialing *60, that number was forever blocked from ringing my phone again. Please require all phone providers to offer that ability.

Thank you for your consideration.


Roger McBride Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3000 of 5002

Norobo offers a robocall bocking service which eliminates a majority of uninvited telephone calls. They have privided a great solution to something that I cannot do on my own. Please continue to allow me to block Robocalls. Thanks.


Ray Lee Flushing, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3001 of 5002

Please stop robo calls. They are annoying, intrusive, and should not be allowed. They are an infringement on my privacy and interfere with my business.

Please continue to allow, and indeed promote robo blocking call products as they provide a much needed alternative.

Thank you

Robert Marc Caris Kennesaw, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3002 of 5002

I'm tired of being robocalled by criminals (or by anybody for that matter)

Charles Carroll Detroit, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3003 of 5002

It is outrageous to deny us the ability to block robocalls.

Paul J. Cassidy Arlington, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3004 of 5002

I had used the do no call mechanism provided by the government but I still was receiving numerous junk calls each day. Many of the calls were automated and came from outside the US. Since I started using "NoMoRobo", the calls have dropped to almost zero, and the ones that do get through, once I report the number to "NoMoRobo", that number no longer gets through. The telemarketers, as well as those who pretend to be IRS agents threatening to arrest me, have become more and more aggressive, and without a mechanism to stop these callers, we would be forced to drop our phone line.

Peter L. Gordon Foothill Ranch, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3005 of 5002

My wife & I have been retired for nearly seven years. In the first few years of retirement we would get at least 5 nuisance calls per day and one or two scam calls per week. It was ridiculous. We would have to drop what we were doing to check caller ID to see if we wanted to pick up and we had to waste time erasing unwanted messages. NoMorerobocalls has saved me a great deal of aggravation and time by eliminating most of these unwanted calls. I think I have as much right or even more right to block these unwanted calls to my home and the callers have no right to harass me! Do not listen to the phone companies that are only concerned with their profits and not my peace of mind.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3006 of 5002

Stop with the robocalls. Please send a message to these interlopers of privacy that their calls aren't welcome. These are simply fast-buck predators trying to take advantage of anyone they happen to catch at a weak moment to sell their unmitigated crap.

This country would be better off without these jerks intruding in our lives. What really upsets me is the fact that telephone companies support them. These telcoms must be making a fortune to support such a slimy, industry.

Where is the commonsense ins allowing these unwelcome and intrusive idiots to call our homes at any hour and several times a day in some cases? Where is the concern for OUR privacy? Where is the outrage over this band of scam artists who are allowed to function without regulatory limits and no disregard for the word "NO!" ?

Please do the right thing. Allow greater use of robocall blocking products. We need robocall blocking systems to leash the unleashed.

Tom Rizzo Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3007 of 5002

As many senior citizens, I have received many telemarketing and robocalls. It has been a relief to have nomorerobocalls blocking large numbers of these unwanted sales calls.

Unwanted sales calls at all hours is unconscionable for anyone to have to endure.

Doug Greenwood Cranford, New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3008 of 5002

Not allowing people to use a service that blocks robocalls is completely counter to the public interest!!!

Arthur Melnick Brooklyn, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3009 of 5002

The public needs a way to stop annoying sales calls, especially robo calls. It is disturbing to be interrupted during dinner, while working, entertaining guest or just enjoying time at home. These calls invade our privacy.

Mary Latham Dallas, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3010 of 5002

Robot calls are very annoying. They call at almost any time. I am a senior with bad hearing and if push the wrong button I get more calls.

Try to control them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3011 of 5002

I am a senior Citizen and I was getting many robo calls daily.I had just stopped anwsering my phone altogether. A young friend told me about NOMOROBO and I signed up with them in early 2014. It is so wonderful to my phone back and not have it ringing all day with unsolicited calls. I have recommended the service to my friends also. Please allow us to continue using this service. So many people and businesses prey on those of us who have grown in age and try to take advantage of us. This service has been a god-send. Please do not take it away by changing the laws regarding its use.

Raleigh, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3012 of 5002

I do not want robot ally's coming in on my phones. It is the worst invasion of privacy.

Rev. Rita Atlas Old Bridge, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3013 of 5002

PLEASE STOP ROBOCALLS!!!!!! From early morning to late at night they keep calling. You ask them to remove your name and they don't. If you block one of their lines, they just the next line on their list.

Rochelle Park,NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3014 of 5002

I am fed up with robocalls. I use nomorobo plus phonetray to block these.

Wayne Podolak Fond du Lac, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3015 of 5002

Robocall blocking products protect my property (i.e. my phone service) and my peace. It's immoral to prohibit that protection.

Rochelle Arens Roseville MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3016 of 5002

Most of the incoming phone calls at my house are robocalls. Pick it up, wait and then someone wants to sell me something or in some way, transfer money from me to them. This is ridiculous. Maybe the phone companies get extra revenue for this activity but we hate it. The highest rate of calls occur around dinnertime.

Please let us continue blocking their calls. It is completely frustrating. We are on the do not call list which does pretty much nothing.

Andrew Leach Pleasanton, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3017 of 5002

I am sick and tired of unwanted robocall telemarketers. They ignore the Do Not Call List. They call multiple times a day. Please make it legal for us to defend ourselves against these relentless phone attacks.

Tom Barnidge Concord, Calif.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3018 of 5002

I am harrassed on a daily basis by telemarketers and resent that I am powerless to stop them. They interfere with business calls, and prevent me from making outgoing calls when they tie up my line - definitely a safety issue as well. It should be easy and quick to eliminate these intrusions once and for all.

Diane Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3019 of 5002

The best thing that ever happened to my phone was being able to block robocalls. please allow everyone to do away with this awful intrusion into our lives with services like nomorobo.

Nancy Smith Bluffton, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3020 of 5002

We were getting between 10 to 15 telephone calls a day from all types of call centers attempting to force their products, services or whatever. These calls were a nuisance. I called them " garbage calls". The calls started were anywhere between 7:00am and 9:00pm, mostly Monday thru Friday. The call were extremely irritating. At first I used the "call block" on my phone to reduce the volume. This ment I needed to program each number into the phone system in order to block each call. I could only block 30 numbers at a time and soon was out of space. Using Nomorobo solved my problem. Now I only get one ring to let me know a call was blocked. This is a great service to have available. I believe that older people are targeted. My sons & daughter do not receive the volume my wife and I receive.

Portland, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3021 of 5002

It is very annoying to receive "robocalls" at all hours of the day and night. I feel it is an invasion of our privacy.

Art & Vicki Nelson Edmonds, Washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3022 of 5002

Please enough is enough 7,8,9, robo calls a dayis an intrusion on my ptivacy in my home and also on my mobile phone.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3023 of 5002

We have been on the DNC for years. We don't give out our numbers. We get constant calls on cell and home. In fact, we just unplugged the home phone because the calls are driving us nuts

Tom fiegenschuh Palm springs

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3024 of 5002

Robocalls were wreaking havoc with my phone and my answering machine was tied up with robotic or alarming messages regarding credit card offers, overdue taxes or "missed opportunities" . Many of these calls came during the hectic hour before, during, or after meal times. Even though I am registered with and have reported these callers to the Not Call Registry, these types of calls continued to get through.

Now with a robocall blocking product like nomorobo, these calls are blocked. This service blocks the call after one ring. Just in the first week of using this service, the number of robocalls dropped dramatically, from six or more a day to about 2 or less a day.

This service is especially needed for the senior members of our family since some of them have been victims of the so called "services".

S. Gerena Peekskill, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3025 of 5002

Please allow mobile devices to be included on a "no-call" list.

Dale Sell Amarillo, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3026 of 5002

Stop robocalls

Bill Engler Williamstown N.J.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3027 of 5002

My wife and I receive at least 3 robo calsl every night of everyday. I want them blocked. Please take care of this problem.

Thank you.

William R Warley & D'Ann Downey Rome, GA 30161

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3028 of 5002

To who it may concern,

Robo calls violate our privacy,they interrupt our quiet enjoyment of our home. We are old enough to know what we want to purchase and that right is being violated by continued robo calls offering items or services we have no use for, or just plain Not Interested in. We strongly urge the FCC to allow individuals to block Any unwanted call to their home or cell phones.

Thank You.

St. Marys, Ga.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3029 of 5002

Robo calls are an intrusion and I resent being contacted by unknown people it is like a salesman knocking on my door I refuse to deal with them. I want to block calls from people I do not want to deal with

Beverly MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3030 of 5002

Nomorobo works great on my land line - now o need it on my cell

Av rivrl Greenwich CY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3031 of 5002

Robo calls have become an atrocious nuisance to our household. Worst, there seems precious little compliance or enforcement of "do not call" laws already on the books.

I am paying for a telephone service that others are abusing. Effective technologies preventing these unwanted calls should be encouraged and unencumbered.

My 2c worth. No refunds.

John Phillippi Greensboro, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3032 of 5002

I'm tired of calls that spoof a local number or worse say "Caller Unknown" only to be some robocall that just wants to sell me something or take a "survey". I am on the national "Do Not Call List" and it does no good. I thought I could opt out of these calls. Maybe it would be a good idea to force the telemarketers give an option to opt out like we can on the internet. I myself am a salesman and I wouldn't call people and bother them as the robocallers do.

Tim Harper Hanford, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3033 of 5002

We as consumers should be able to determine what calls we do not want to receive. Since people engaging in robocalls do not consider the people who pays the phone bill - I believe we as consumers should be able to employ any means possible to stop this intrustion.

James Auburg Colorado Springs, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3034 of 5002

Block Robocalls, and ALL directly unsolicited calls, including political advertising.

Joe Arllington, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3035 of 5002

If a phone customer wants to block robocalls, they should be allowed to request that, and the phone company should comply. And it should be a simple process to make this request.

Portland, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3036 of 5002

I hate robocalls and I want a good robocall blocking product. Invariably these calls interrupt a meal, wake up an invalid in our home or generally irk the life out of me. They disregard the DNC list and do not honor your request to put you on their list. This is my home and they are not invited into it by telephone or any other method.

In addition, my 81 year old aunt was scammed out of $2000 by one of these calls at her home. She was totally unaware of how these work and wired them $2000. They told her not to call and tell anyone or they couldn't send her the million dollars she had won. When they called her asking for more she called me because they said they were sending someone to her to take her to the bank to get more money. I called the police and went to her home immediately. She lives on Social Security and could not afford this. It is criminal. Now she lives in fear every time her phone rings because she doesn't know if she should answer it.

Please do any and everything you can do to help this kind of swindling and scamming be eliminated. I would be the first to purchase any thing or work at trying to help others eliminate them.

June Doerger Cincinnati, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3037 of 5002

Robocalls are an intrusion on your privacy and peace of mind!! They should be illegal. We used to get contractors calling at dinnertime almost daily until we found out about Nomorobo. What a blessing!

Aaron Foss should receive a public service award for his contribution to society.

Bob and Louise Mano Torrance, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3038 of 5002

It is very frustrating to receive calls from robotic and telemarketers. They NEVER leave a message if we don't answer the phone and they DO NOT identify themselves as callers. We feel very happy that someone has finally come up with a method of circumventing this type of nuisance caller. We ask that the FCC please change whatever laws that need changing to request that ALL telephone companies sign up for this type of call blocking in the near future. However we do understand that if some kinds of medical calls, etc., reminding you of an appointment, are really necessary and cannot be blocked.

Beaumont, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3039 of 5002

Please do something to stop these ceaseless robocalls, dunning me to change my credit card, buy Viagra, borrow money I don't need, and just hanging up without even speaking.

Richard Forman Atlanta, Georgia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3040 of 5002

Please allow robocall blocking - these robocalls are so disturbing to our family! It goes on morning and night, enough is enough!

Thackston Covington, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3041 of 5002

I am sick of robocalls. I average between 5 and 12 a day.

Suzanne Hildebrand San Antonio, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3042 of 5002

When I was in the hospital in June of 2014, my wife came home to some 44 robocalls one evening. Fortunately we got signed up with Nomorobo and the calls were intersepted after one ring. Wow were we thrilled. Blocking all or at least most of the unwanted calls has been a blessing.

Richard Prince S. Portland, ME

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3043 of 5002

I am all for it.

Frank Paris New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3044 of 5002

My wife and are in our eighty's and invalid. The number of robocalls is ridiculous. These calls are not wanted and are an invasion of our privacy. The majority of them are "scams" and deserve to be eliminated. Since they are of no value and are a nusence, it is respectfully requested that the FCC implement restrictions that will cause their elimination. We have requested Comcast to block these calls and the number has decreased but some calls still occur. This is one case where Government intervention would serve the public good.

Harold Thomas Blairsville, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3045 of 5002

Not only are robocalls a major nuisance but they are time consuming to routinely ID and delete them. And on top of that, they get charged to MY minutes when they are received! Please help to alleviate the problem.


Marv & Jan Kurtz Fountain Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3046 of 5002

Since we started using nomorobo, our family can finally have some peace and quiet in our home. The constant bombardment of robocalls that we receive is ridiculous and the blocking feature allows us to avoid being disturbed. We are on Missouri's "no call " list, but it still doesn't stop the constant solicitations. Nomorobo has been wonderful, and we do not want to see it become unavailable to us.

Randy Springfield, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3047 of 5002

Not only doe we need the tools to stop the robocalls, but when you go through the motions of tell these companies to remove you from their list they continue to keep calling you, even though I am on the"Do Not Call" database list. They also will hang up on you when you tell them that you are on the "Do Not Call" and that it is illegal for them to call your number. Also, when I try to put a phone block on the number that is call a message come on that I can not block that number. They also have gone to the extent that they will spoof you with your own number as well as non-working numbers when you get the caller ID.

Neil Bonyor Great Meadows, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3048 of 5002

I am writing to request the FCC allow robocalls blocking technology.

I have been getting robocalls from Jamaica for the last year and a half. Sometimes I receive 2 or 3 a day telling me that I have won a million dollars and a new Mercedes. When they first started calling and asking for my wife I told them that my wife (of 47 years) had just died from Cancer. I was told that I could claim her prize. after about six months I started blocking their calls with That worked for a short time. Then they started to use new phone numbers. I have lost track of how many phone numbers I have blocked in the past 1 1/2 years but they keep on calling. Please help us stop this abuse. I am on the "Do Not Call List" but since they are out of the US it doesn't affect them.

Michael Garozzo Yardley, Pennsylvania

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3049 of 5002

I do not want robocalls coming in to my phone. The people making these call do not have any thing I want and I do not wish to talk with them or listen to them share their information with me. It is my phone and I pay to use it according to my needs not theirs.

Stephen Stanko Cary, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3050 of 5002

I use Nomrobo since Comcast started offering simultaneous ringing on their local system. The "junk" calls have dropped by about 90% since using it.

I find the telemarketing calls invasive, and impact my ability to pursue my constitutionally guaranteed right to happiness.

Please make services like this available to all telephone services (wireline, mobile and VoIP).


William S. Henry Brier, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3051 of 5002

Please ,stop this robocallers. They are nuisance and they are unwanted.they are invading our privacy and they are controlling our telephones. We hope you will do immediate action to these problem. Thank you.

Luis Batac Walnut,California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3052 of 5002

I want the FCC to force the phone companies to let me block unwanted calls or robocalls. I'm sick and tired of the total waste of my time having to answer calls about some product or service I care nothing about. If I need one of these products or services I can look for them in a phone number directory or online. I sure don't need these unwanted calls four or five times every day interrupting my personal time.

Roger Stratton Georgia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3053 of 5002

I am glad to be able to block calls

Michael Katz Sarasota Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3054 of 5002

Please allow robocall blocking. Robocalls are a nuisance and a distraction. We should be allowed to opt out of receiving robocalls if we so desire. Why should companies be allowed to harass people through robocalls and we not be allowed to stop them if we desire? I should have the option to stop my phone from ringing with unwanted robocalls.

Michele Zupa Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3055 of 5002

I do not want to receive robocalls from businesses, charities and political people. I pay for my phone and I should be allowed to decide if I do not want someone or a particular group calling/harassing me. I do not want to talk or do business with these companies/groups - I don't want to buy what they are sellling.

Dianne V Pingitore Hamilton, NJ 08610

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3056 of 5002

I am senior citizen who has been receiving many robo calls daily for months...some of the same ones come in many times over each day.

I resent this intrusion on my privacy. Asking them to stop calling and to take my number off of their list doesn't work. I am on the no call list. Obviously this is not working Please take action to make these calls illegal. It's also annoying to have the calls who are scams in an attempt to take over my computer and get into my private information by telling me they are Microsoft employees and that my computer needs to be repaired is annoying, fraudulent and illegal. Again please take action to stop these calls.

Susan Joyce Lincoln, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3057 of 5002

I really dislike having someone call me three to five times a week telling me that there is nothing wrong with my credit card account but their company thinks they could offer me a lower rate, and then give me an option of opting out by pressing 2 which doesn't do a thing. They are calling me again in just days. I really dislike having robo calls using my paid for minutes on my cell phone. I really dislike having companies sell my cellphone number to advertising agencies. If I want to purchase something I'll Google it and then make a decision. Do not call my phone any more. I have not and will not buy because you called me to advertise something.

Lynn Peterson Vicksburg, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3058 of 5002

Cannot tolerate these robo calls! Extremely annoying!

Rona Schroeder Wanaque, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3059 of 5002

Make the ability to block these calls EASY. Comcast provides the service but requires an Engineering degree to follow their instructions.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3060 of 5002

I love the ability to be able to block the nuisance calls that occur at the most aggravating times of the day.They don't allow you the ability to say NO, LEAVE ME ALONE. I demand the right to stop any type of call from my phones. I can't even call the number,( If I get one,) back to have them stop. I have tried and the system tells me that the number is not in service or it does not exist. At it's very base allowing these types of calls is JUST WRONG. I know I didn't sign up for this when I got service from BELL years ago. No one has the right to interrupt my private time and life with garbage calls. Please do not take that right away from US.

Rich Walker Havertown, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3061 of 5002

My request is simple. Robocalls: make it stop.

Latasha Willis Jackson, MS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3062 of 5002

Please allow us to block robocalls. I was getting an average of 4 per day until I was able to block them. They are an annoyance and a violation of MY right to privacy in my own home.

Alan Ciciarelli Solvay, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3063 of 5002

I am sick and tired of getting atleats half a dozen or more robo calls each day. There should be some way to block them easily when we receive the very first call from the robo calls.

Chuck Gupta Blue Bell, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3064 of 5002

Robocalls are destroying the peace and quiet in my home. My wife was recently sick at home in bed, trying to sleep and rest. we had to unplug the land line because of the several Robo calls we were receiving. During an election season, we were routinely receiving 10 robocalls each day for 2 months. we are seriously considering eliminating our land line. We have been on the federal "no call list" for several years and it really doesn't stop the robocalls at all. For seniors like me who can't jump up to the phone easily, this is also a health risk. Enough is enough!

Frank S Santa Fe, New Mexico

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3065 of 5002

Robocalls are an abominable nuisance! Please outlaw them. Or at least give the consumer a practical and dependable way to block them.

Jeff Moyer Raleigh, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3066 of 5002

It's a simple as this. I want to be able to control robo calls. I do not appreciate these irritating calls.

Penny delos Santos Renton, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3067 of 5002

Please force phone companies to make robocall blocking more accessible to consumers. You have the power to do good and help avoid phone scams and elder abuse. Do the right thing, Thank You

Gregg Stropoli Howell NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3068 of 5002

We had been tortured by two to five "robocals" daily. We don't care to " reduce our credit card debt", "enjoy a free visit to the Bahamas", "Hello seniors..." et al. We don't care to be reminded that we are 84 and 89 - nor no longer able to travel!

NOMOROBO has been a godsend - we get around 3 robocalls per week - now. No perfect but bearable.

Until a more effective way is found to stop these calls please put nothing in the way of the spread of NOMOROBO and do all possible to extend its adoption.

If adoption increases enough it may reach a tipping point where robocalls will prove uneconomical and cease.

Susanne & James Harris - Elkins Park, PA.

Susanne & James Harris Elkins Park, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3069 of 5002

Private telephone customers should not be subjected to telemarketeers and robo calls.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3070 of 5002

I get about 5 robocalls per day starting at 10 AM and concluding during dinner. I think that I should have an option from the phone company to block them.

In addition think that the procedure to complain to the donotcall registry should be streamlined.

Finally, I think that presenting an inaccurate caller id should be a prosecutable crime.

Bill and Sandie Ehrman San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3071 of 5002

If you think robocalls are a good idea, please provide your phone number to one of these companies and see how long it takes for you to start getting dozens of calls per day from them trying to sell you something or to complete a survey. Telling them to put you on their do no call list DOES NOT WORK.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3072 of 5002

The individual consumer should be able to choose robocall blocking products and services.

Stuart Benson Columbus, oH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3073 of 5002

I would seriously vote for President the person who could stop unwanted calls from coming into my house. It would be the number one priority on my list. I hate having my privacy invaded. I hate having the same people calling my house over and over again. It doesn't matter if I answer or don't answer. It doesn't matter that I ask them to take me off of their calling list. It doesn't matter that they say they will ..... because they don't and they keep calling. It's my house, I should be able to say who comes in whether by the door or by the phone. Nomorobo has added a great deal to my life by blocking calls. I should be able to block all calls I don't want to receive. I feel the phone company should offer free call blocking and not just for 20 phone numbers. Meanwhile, my list of 20 is full and the telemarketers are calling from different numbers. This is a huge annoyance for me and I don't understand why there isn't something that the phone companies can do to help stop this practice. Thank God for Nomorobo, but I need even more control of who is calling me.

Gloria Jandora Oak Lawn, Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3074 of 5002

I am using NOMOROBO because I am sick to death of getting robocalls. My phone rings at least 5 times a day, every day, from people trying to sell me something. MOMOBO blocks at least 3 of them. I love them for this. The FCC needs to do more to get rid of these unwanted calls.

Nancy Ramirez Fountain Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3075 of 5002

I really want to have some say about who invades my peace and quiet by phoning before 8A after 9P and during my dinner hours. Please let us block unwanted and often spurious calls.

Darby Colwell Falls Church, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3076 of 5002

Please let me, not the telco's, decide who I will talk to. I absolutely hate answering a 'robocall' because it shows me that the 'company' calling me doesn't care about me OR my time. Do not allow the telco's to take away MY rights as a paying customer. I control my life, I control who can call me, and a 'machine' is not on that list.

Thank you.

Gary in Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3077 of 5002

STOP THE @#!%#ing ROBO calls!

It is so bad that I am considering canceling my land line. richard s, brown Mt. View, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3078 of 5002

It is very annoying to have to rush to answer the telephone only to have a recording telling me about some product I don't want.

Please help me avoid unwanted calls.

Allen Rolnick Woodmere, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3079 of 5002

Since many robocallers violate the Do Not Call lists, it's important to have the capability to block the calls.

Stuart C, Hellinger Brooklyn, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3080 of 5002

It's my phone. I don't want to be constantly disturbed by robot callers and obnoxious, unwarranted sales calls. Please make it easier to block these kind of calls. If Nomorobo can do it, so can my phone company!

Richard Orlin Fairfax VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3081 of 5002

I hate to robocalls, please don't allow them!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3082 of 5002

I am an older lady and I can't move very fast. I also hate to have the phone awaken me when i finally fall asleep.

Kindly allow me the opportunity to be put on a list that will stop robo calls to my phone. Robo calls are intrusive and annoying and an invasion of privacy. Do what you can to stop these calls. .

Sue Prout Canyon Country

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3083 of 5002

Robocalls are a disruptive nuisance that provide absolutely no value to me. I feel that it is my right to access products that enable me to prevent robocallers from incessantly intruding on my home and my peace and quiet. The calls regularly happen at dinner time and when I'm trying to relax after a busy day.

David Privitera Georgetown, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3084 of 5002

It's my phone and my privacy. I don't want or appreciate robocalls.

Shoreacres, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3085 of 5002

It's my phone, my personal phone number, and my privacy! The technology has existed for years to allow blocking of robocalls, scammers and criminals, but the phone companies don't want it to be used because they make money on the illegal calls. I want my privacy back.

Joe and Jeanne Lucas New Port Richey, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3086 of 5002

Allow the blocking of robo calls. They are an invasion of my privacy.

Ken Seddon Manchester NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3087 of 5002

Robocalls are increasing and impacting daily living by inundating our lives with constant, continuous, and generally meaningless phone calls that we don't want. Customers should have, deserve, and need the capability to block such calls.

Edward Henry Wayland, Massuchusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3088 of 5002

I want FCC to allow blocking of all robocalls.

Deb Mukhopadhyay Palo Alto, California.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3089 of 5002

Robo calls are very frustrating. They call at all hours, and nine times out ten they interrupt what you are doing and are very irritating to he public.


Wiiliam Fudge Lansing Mi.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3090 of 5002

I pay my phone bill so I should decide whether to be bothered with annoying telemarketing calls. sarah daley assonet ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3091 of 5002

I receive many robocalls per day and have to answer the phone unnecessarily. All of these calls are unwanted and a waste of my time.

I do not pay a telephone bill to have my privacy invaded.

I expect the FCC to do the right thing and block these unwanted calls.

Geraldine Racik CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3092 of 5002

The constant robocalls we get - up to 10 a day is nothing! - has made it necessary for us to not answer our telephone. BUT we still have to listen to them to see if could really be someone we want/need to talk to.

The overwhelming majority of callers hang up when they find out that they are talking to an answering machine. It does not make them stop though, they just keep on calling, and calling, and calling from the same phone number and hanging up time and again, I guess in the hope that a live person may actually answer the phone by accident and then buy their product/service. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AT OUR HOUSE.

In addition it seems these callers are making money on selling phone numbers or we would never get this many unwanted calls.

Robocalls are an ongoing annoyance and there really is no reason for this except that this harassment of the public is allowed by you. PLEASE MAKE IT A PRIORITY TO PUT A STOP TO ROBOCALLS - and don't make any yourself. Political robocalls are no more wanted than those of folks who want make money off us to .

Jack and Christa Fraze Menifee, CA

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It is my phone that I paid a monthly charge. I want to have the ability to block robocalls.

Edith Buntz Warminster, PA

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We are in our seventies and can still remember when the telephone was a means of communication between friends and family. Now it is a pain in the ass ,hardly worth having,but unfortunately still necessary . We do not need all these impersonal robocalls from political action committees and burglar alarm companies and others ad nausium. Please allow us to control our phones!

Frank & Karen Martens Columbus OH

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Please give me a way to stop RoboCalls.

Paul Carlos Port Saint Lucie, FL

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3098 of 5002

I hate Robocalls. I need to block them

Larry Nebraska

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3099 of 5002

Robo calls are an invasion of my privacy! I recently tried to have NoMoRobo connected to AT&T but unless I sign up for U-Verse I wouldn't be able to get call blocking. NoMoRobo does does not allow me to connect to it either. Your agency awarded NoMoRobo for it's work yet you don't seem to be able to correct this terrible oversight!

S Anderson Kansas City, Mo

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3100 of 5002

Please allow us to block robo calls and to stop unwanted telemarketing calls. Since using nomorerobo my junk calls have decreased significantly. these companies do not abide by the no call list and the ftc doesn't sppear to be able to stop them from ignoring it. We would like to be abLe to block all robo calls and telemarketing calls.

Overseas marketing calls should be banned as well. We regularly get live calls from foreign speaking people claiming to be from Microsoft about a problem with our computer.

Jason Fletes Olathe, Kansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3101 of 5002

I think that I should be able to block all unwanted non personal call on my phone. I do not want robocalls and robocall blocking is great for me. I am the one paying my phone bill and I should be able to control the calls. Thanks.

James Nauls Missouri City, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3102 of 5002

I hate robocalls and I love nomorobo because it blocks calls that I don't want, don't need and don't want to waste time answering the phone. It's my phone, my peace of mind and reduces the likelihood of getting hoodwinked into some kind of scam. I'm on the do not call list and the do not email me or send me credit card offers. I want nomorobo, so I don't get those increasingly annoying calls. My phone, my privacy, my way--not yours!!

Bea Vanni Cary, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3103 of 5002

I would call these companies if I wanted them. I have no mortagage and get at least 3 calls a day on this matter alone. I do not like being woke up in the mornings by these callsk or being disturbed at 8:55 pm. Please make these calls easier to control. By me or permantely getting off these lists. The no call lists are a joke; both on the home phone and the cell, (which by the way I have to pay for). I shoululd have a say about who gets to call me!

Lucille Bell Greenbrier, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3104 of 5002

Nomorobo has been a godsend! My household has gone from receiving dozens of unwanted robot calls a week to receiving maybe one call every couple of weeks. i strongly support this program and urge you to continue it.

David Barnett Richmond, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3105 of 5002

What happened to the no call list?

Elwood city pa

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I really want to be able to block robocalls. They are annoying, intrusive, and SHOULD be illegal.

I don't understand what the problem is

Lesley Nemser Lexington MA

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Stop robo calls!!! This is the most annoying thing that happens with a phone.

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Robocalls are the most intrusive unwanted phone calls I can imagine. I'd give almost anything to have them stop.

Mike Glenn Newcastle, WA

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We get 5-10 robo calls per week. they are annoying, intrusive and an interruption to ones everyday life. We use Nomorobo and it really works. We like it and want it to continue. We are seniors and also like the fact that we can be somewhat protected from the many scams that can come over the phone line. Do your job and help to end this annoying practice!

Pete Lilley Penfield, NY

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Robocalls are a constant violation of my privacy and my peace and quiet in my own home. They invade my house and disrupt my family daily. They are INSIDE my home, not just an annoying knock on the door. They are in my kitchen and my family room and bedroom. I want them gone. I should have the right to control who speaks to me inside my own home. Please make the phone company and cable company provide Robocall blocking solutions to customers.

Towaco, nj

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I am so tired of getting robocalls daily . I have done everything to block these calls and they constantly BUG ME DAY & NIGHT. the most disturbing about it is at times the calls come in and I'm waiting for important call I answer the call and no one is on the line. They hang up.

I just cant understand why these calls are aloud to keep happening.


Ponder Household Fair Oaks Calif

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3112 of 5002

Please stop these annoying robocalls. Please!

D L Wilson Knoxville Tn

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Finally, someone is out there to help stop the crank calls coming yo our home.

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There are plenty of criminal activity in the robocalls! Please let me be able to block all robocalls!

Dali Shih New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3115 of 5002

If the FCC had any sense of responsibility to the individual at all, robocalls would be illegal, period. Since you don't and they're not, you should at least mandate the availability of robocall blocking mechanisms to all telephone subscribers.

And, of course,you are well aware that seeking public comment is pointless, since at least 99% of individuals obviously feel this way.

Larry Larson Lakewood Ranch, FL

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I no longer answer my phone because 9-out-of 10 times, it is a robocall! I HATE robocalls and feel like there is nothing I can do to stop them. Making the phone companies offer an alternative to blocking the calls would make my life better and me a happier person. It would be great to see a company actually do something for it's customer, besides abuse them.

Thank you and I hope we succeed.

Houston, TX

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Please require phone companies, including voice-over-ip providers, to provide robocall blocking solutions to their customers. Robocalls are a huge nuisance and riddled with scams that prey on all customers, especially seniors. Thank you,

William Cook

Port Orchard, WA

William Cook Port Orchard, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3118 of 5002

If anyone has ever been interrupted at breakfast , dinner, supper or anytime with these unwanted phone calls, its time for you people to become involved. They sometimes use the local area codes so one doesn't know that the call is coming from some foreign country. How does this happen ?

Aren't the telephone companies aware of this ?

If robocalls isn't doing anything illegal, then why the heartburn about their service. None of us enjoy these interuptions all hours of the day.

I signed up for robocall blocking but still receive calls from these telemarketers. HELP !

Guy W. Loveless Jr Silver Creek , Ga.

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I want the freedom to block any callers I choose to my phone. This is my right.

Anne palony Houston tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3120 of 5002

The Do not call list has been useless in stopping calls . Robo calls have made Do not call list obsolete. The robo calls have a highway to my phone, all day and late at night. My verizon cell carrier only lets me block a miniscule 3 calls for 90 days For some $ bucks thay willt block them more extenisivly. It's a money maker for them. I feel helpless with this insane surge of robocalls. Why can't we stop them? scarsdale ny

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Stop unwanted robo calls and all other telemarketers.

R. Miller Mukilteo WA

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Some days I spend more time answering Robo Scam calls then I do talking to people that I really want to talk to.

Nomorobo has cut down on these unwanted calls but only on my lines that support it.

Instead of trying to do away with this type of service you should require carriers to allow it.

Mike Elias Manalapan, NJ

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I am semi-retired and have a part-time on-call job. I am sick to death of running for the phone only to find some inane recorded voice offering me something I have no interest in. Sometimes these messages are blathering about the FBI and attempting to scare senior citizens. I loathe sales calls and do not want to receive them, NOT EVEN FROM COMPANIES I have purchased from. My time is precious and I do not want the intrusion of a robocall or ANY TELEMARKETING/SALES/DIRECT MARKETING call.


Rose Shankman Spokane WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3124 of 5002

On average I get 5 to 6 telemarketing and robo calls a week. Yes I am on the Do Not Call List. AT&T only allows their clients to block 20 calls. I have the max blocked. I purchased a new phone system for home because it allows me to block 200 calls. I have 80 blocked numbers on that phone. Since congress can't seem to enforce the Do Not Call List I should have the ability to block all these calls without having to purchase new equipment for my home or using the services of nomorobo. .

Rose Locashio Schaumburg

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If it isn't important enough for an actual person to take the time to make a call it isn't important enough to disrupt my busy day.

Besides that I should be able to control who I will allow to call me. It's my life, my time, my phone and my right to privacy. It is just plain rude to make unsolicited calls.

Covington Georgia

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Even though I am on the federal n0-call list, I receive about 7 unwanted robo call a week. during political campaigns this increases to 4 per day. I WOULD LOVE TO BLOCK THESE CALLS! james keech Kenmore, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3127 of 5002

We signed up for a Robocall blocking service, NomoRobo, a couple of years ago and it has been wonderful. It doesn't stop every solicitation but it does stop many of the frustrating calls that if you pick up have no one there for 10 seconds and then someone comes on who says "Hello Mr. ... uh... " and proceeds to mispronounce your last name.

The phone companies claim blocking robo calls can't be done, but NomoRobo demonstrates that not only can it be done it IS being done. I applaud them for saying phone companies should offer this service. It is not in their self interest, it is just true.

Joseph and Pearl Schachner Suffern, N.Y.

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My husband and I are both disabled, and we can not stop these robocalls. They tie up our phone all day long and at night. In case of an emergency we would be unable to use our phones. Do you want it on your heads if we need 911 and can't use our phones because of these rebocalls?

David and Karen McKelvey Oxnard, CA

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We are enrolled in the National Do Not Call web site and the calls still keep coming. Please do something to put a permanent stop to this insanity.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3130 of 5002

You (The FCC) work for US (The Consumer) -- you do NOT work for the phone companies. WE want to block the robocalls from any/all perpetrators, whether they be telemarketers, politicians, etc.

Now.....what is confusing, or unclear, about the above unambiguous statement?

If you have any questions about my statement, you should NOT be on the public payroll.

P.S. We should be able to block robocalls on our cell phones -- some/most of us who are retired and/or on Social Security cannot afford the minutes used by the offenders.

-- J.W.K.

J. William King Sesattle, WA 98133-2401

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Please make it easier for people to stop getting robocalls and telemarketers.

Joe Flotz Seaford, DE

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We must be allowed to block Robocalls. They come at all times of the day and evening. They are intrusive!

Daniel Tuerk MD Palo Alto, CA

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Telemarketing has gotten out of control. They call at all times of the day and evening, and some even call multiple times a day. As someone who telecommutes from home, it is not only irritating, but it costs me money in lost time and reduced productivity.

Even if I don't answer the calls, the incessant ringing breaks my concentration and makes me lose my train of thought. Answering and requesting they take me off their list is a waste of time. Most either don't honor the request, or they hang up just as I start asking them so they can claim they didn't hear me.

Also, your No Call List doesn't really work. Some telemarketers even laugh when I mention I am on the list.

Enter call blocking technology like Nomorobo. Thank all that is holy! While my phone still rings many times a day, it rings only once before the system hangs up on them. After a few months of having the service, it actually rings a bit less as SOME telemarketers have started to give up. At this point, if it wasn't for Nomorobo, I think I might have lost it.

If telemarketers are going to continue to flaunt the laws, and phone companies are going to continue to allow it, consumers must be allowed access to products that empower them to defend their privacy, serenity and sanity.

Daniel Levy Los Angeles, CA

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I should have the choice of who calls me. Why do robocallers have the right to call me but I don't have the right to block them? It should be an easy process to block robocallers. And it should be possible to block all numbers associated with a company, not the need to block individual numbers.

Ronda D'Antonio Garden City, New York

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Everyone is disgusted with these invasive calls !

San Diego,ca

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Robocalls and calls that are trying to sell something and won't take no for an answer are a real pain in the neck. My husband & I are elderly and have to get up to answer the land line. My husband is disabled and never makes it to the phone in time. As soon as our answering machine kicks whoever it is hangs up.

Grace and Bill Middleton Lakewood CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3137 of 5002

Robocall blocking is essential. Before using the block I was tortured all day with telemarketing calls. As I goggled numbers many were associated with scams. They call nonstop without regard to time of day. I had filled my caller ID limit of 30 and was still pestered by as many as 15-20 calls a day to my unlisted phone number when I found no more robo. I finally have peace. I pay for the phone and should have the right to then control its use. Eliminating this will not give these people more business as I will never buy from them. It will not increase business for the phone company as if this is prevented I will be forced to no longer keep a home phone. If you can't understand the torture of the American public who is the one paying for the phone purchase and use then consider how you would feel if we called you at home whenever we choose to in order to discuss this with you.

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Please stop the harassment that we are subjected to in our own homes at all hours of the day and night by robocalls.

Karen Markuson Wallkill, NY

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I have gotten 13 calls in one day. Really and I have to answer them and when I asked them to. Remove my number, the guy told me he knows where I I've. He called me 4times that day. It's scary and I have to put up with it. Not fair peggy Woltering floral park ny

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I want the FCC to allow the blocking of robocalls on my telephone!

Danvers, Ma.

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It is about time that you stop the robocalls and block them on all phones.

I am tired of people calling me and begging for money and anything else.

They do not pay my phone bills on my land line and my 2 cell phones. IT IS TIME TO STOP!!! NOW!!! We are both disabled and do not need anymore stress!!! STOP NOW!!!

Thank you

Roy & Beverly Nason Alameda, CA

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The annoying calls that we get is out of hand. What we recourse do citizens have to stop this? Nomorobocalls is allowing us to effectively stop this annoyience. Why are you opposed to this?

Jan Clark Pasadena, MD.

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The landline is my private property. Please let my unwanted calls be blocked.

Howard Frazier Hoover Al

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The incredibly rude intrusion that robocalls have become is so pervasive I am seriously considering eliminating my land line to avoid them. It is incomprehensible to me that in this country, I have no sensible, effective way to stop this invasion of my privacy and growing waste of my time. I pay a lot of money for the use of my phone! Why am I prevented from controlling who calls me?! It is my phone, my time and my right to prevent annoying, irrelevant and unwanted phone calls.

Wake up FCC!! Anyone who gets these ridiculous calls wants to stop them now.

John T. Oliver Troy, NY

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As an American worker on the night shift you have no idea how annoying it is to be awakened by sales and political robo calls while I am trying to sleep. Just flip the switch and imagine someone calling you at 2:00 a.m. To sell you vitamins or vote for a local politician. It's my my and my service, I should be able to block any calls I choose!

James Wilcox Kennesaw, GA

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I have subscribed to Nomorobo over a year ago and saw a decrease in unwanted robocalls, however, these unwanted calls have began to increase over time. Please allow me to control my own telephone! In addition, PLEASE STOP THE THOSE SEEKING ELECTION TO OFFICE WHO BOMBARD THE PUBLIC WITH UNWANTED CALLS AT ELECTION TIME!

Timothy McSorley Newfield, NJ

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No more robocalls. Block robocalls

Shelby Township, MI

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The ONLY reason you allow this is that you are beholden to the very people you are supposed to regulate.

The phone companies have the best FCC that money can buy.

Craig Rodby Seattle, WA

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Who are you to tell me that others have a right to come into my home uninvited via my phone line? I can lock my doors, I can lock my windows, I can lock my gate; but, you say, I can't lock my phone???

I put my name and number on the so-called DO NOT CALL list; a list that you don't even bother to enforce (I've made hundreds of complaints).

It seems to me that the "do not call" law was never meant to be enforced; it's only purpose: keep US LITTLE GUYS quiet!

You no longer look out for the public. As an example, take the proliferation of pornographic programs and advertisements on TV.

Benjamin V. Johnson Compton,CA

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I would like to be the one to decide which phone call I receive . Every day I spend half the day answering my phone for calls that do not concern me at all ! I am now getting calls that the caller ID says is from my own phone number . Anyone knows you can not call your own phone number . The first few times I would pick it up and it would be from someone selling insurance to Senior Citizens saying it was from me .

I sometimes turn off my phones which makes me miss some very important calls . This is no longer as option for me . Since I am retired it makes for a crazy day and I would like to have my phone back as it was years ago .No more Rbocalls . PLEASE!!!!!!!

Mrs. Anne Corriher Salisbury , North carolina

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Since installing Nomorobo, the nuisance robotic calls have gone down considerably and has given us some peace. Robo calls should be against the law because there is no way to report them when you are on the No Call list. Unethical companies use robo calls to bypass that law. It is past time that the FCC goes after nuisance and Robo calls and fine companies that use them to bypass the law that says they can't call people on the No Call list. Robo call blocking products are now our only way to get some peace in our homes.

Richard and KathySchmitt Hemet, CA

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Stop robo calls to my phones. Start acting as though you are for the paople. And start right now!!!

Gerald Falkenstein Delray Beach, Florida

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Despite being on the "no-call" list for many years, I continue to receive numerous robocalls every day. Any opportunity or technology to stop these calls should be embraced and fully utilized by consumers.

Kerry Huffman Frisco, Texas

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The ability to block robocalls should be my right as a consumer and as an American. Please do not disallow software that blocks such unwanted calls.

Green Bay WI

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Robocalls are an invasion to our privacy. Our telephone is paid by us for private use, not to some automated dialing service call our number for some marketing service trying to sell us a product we can not and do not want.

Our use of robocall blocker products lets us selective eliminate those distributing calls.

Marlin Morris Hurst, Texas

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Robocalls are a waste of money to the businesses that must continually answer and fend them off.

Ron M Richmond, VA

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It got to the point where 95% of the calls we received on our home phone line were from robocallers. The "do not call" registry is a complete waste of time, there are far too many unscrupulous people out there who simply ignore it. Nomorobo was a brilliant idea, I immediately signed up for it when I heard about it, and it had an immediate impact.

As great as an idea that it was though, it shouldn't even have been necessary for someone to have to do this, had phone companies been providing proper service to their customers. It should be up to me who calls me, and I urge the FCC to force phone companies to get their act together on this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Guy Dowman

Guy Dowman Ridgewood, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3158 of 5002

Is there no logic in the world? I have a phone to contact people that I want to talk with. But I have to put up with call after call from solicitors and spoofed phone numbers. When they call my cell phone, I have to pay because I have a pay for use cell phone. Why can't we prevent hiding the number calling us? Why can't we block robocalls? I have received and reported to the FCC or was it the FTC many calls from a phony credit card scam.

James E Quinn Jr Damascus MD

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Please stop the robocalls they are such a pain! frank and cathy north olmsted ohio

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I am sick and tired of robocalls at all hours of the day and night! They are senseless and useless in my opinion, annoying and intrusive, to say the least. PLEASE find a way to stop them so I can maintain my privacy and sanity!

Thank you.

Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3161 of 5002

We have used NoMoRobo on our land line and it has been very effective. Not only do we very much want to keep it, but we would like to have it on our cell phones. We are getting calls with fake numbers (and area codes) shown, when we answer, we hear the phone ringing for someone to try to sell us something we don't want - most likely trying to commit Medicare fraud. As soon as we hear the call TO us ringing, we immediately hang up. Also, no more Rachel on our land line, but still getting "her" on our cell phones. The FCC can and should help.

Mayer Horn Dix Hills, NY

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Stop the robocalls !! They are pain in the neck ! They disturb my piece of mind & sleep !! Find another method of pestering people !!!

San Diego CA

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I hate robocalls! They waste my time and money (minutes I pay for via my cell plan). Many times I rush to answer the phone only to get dead air or a recording. This practice infringes on my life.

Betty Byrnes Cape Coral, FL

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Stop them

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My husband and I are sick and tired of being constantly bombarded by robocalls. We should be able to decide with whom we interact. Please block robocalls!

Deborah Lundmark Vero Beach, FL

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90 % of all household calls to our home are robocalls. You might think that's no problem. Just don't answer them. We tried that, but the calls don't stop, and the phone rings constantly, at times that are disruptive to our life. Most of these calls have been persistently ringing (we see the same name/numbers repeatedly) for over two to three years. We hate being home. I'm retired from a 35 year job and would like to enjoy my retirement, but that is near impossible. I can't even take a nap. The horrible irony is my funds are limited, and at this stage in my life I have no desire to purchase anything. That's what drives me crazy with these calls, we are being tortured.We are at the end of finding a single good reason not to cancel our land line.

Michael mariano Dundee, IL

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I believe that the public should have the option of being able to have the robo calls blocked. It is an intrusion into our lives. We have a family member in our home who is very ill and requires almost constant attention and care. These calls are quite frankly a nuisance and disruptive. If I am in need of a product or service, I can certainly make a phone call all by myself to obtain the necessary quantity. Please permit the robocall blocking products to continue.

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I am continuously harassed by robocalls. The telephone numbers that show up on caller ID are spoofed and therefore there is no way to predict what is and is not a legitimate phone call. I have been on the no call list for years and to no avail. These calls are not from charities or other organizations permitted under the do not call list. They are rude, sometimes downright threatening and their frequency is increasing. We need to stop this practice as soon as possible.

Tim & Gloria Guilfoile Edgewood, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3169 of 5002

I can tell you that things like Nomorobo are a godsend to people with hardline phones. While I consider myself fairly savvy, I am sure many of our seniors are being taken advantage of by companies using robocall methods. Many of these calls are masked with fake names and numbers (just like e-mail spam), therefore the do not call list is not effective anymore. Please do not take any action that will make me lose Nomorobo, as this will force me to cancel my hardline phone as the last resort.

Thank you.

Macomb, MI

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Everyone should be able to control a service they pay for. No one should have to be subjected to robocalls if they don't want them.

Leslie Fellows Aylett Virginia

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My home phone service, AT&T, allowed me to sign up for Nomorobo. It has worked like magic to stop the robot callers and hang-ups I was receiving daily, and at all hours of the day! My cell phone provider (Sprint) doesn't allow robocall blocking services.

Nomorobo WORKS to stop the annoyance robot or hang-up calls that were coming through, despite my being on Indiana's NO CALL LIST. My parents receive no fewer than 6 calls a day and their service provider (Comcast) won't allow Nomorobo to stop these disruptions to their activities at home. PLEASE, please, force the phone companies to collaborate with the organizations that can block these illegal and extremely annoying phone calls. Most are scams. The legitimate businesses are operating illegally when they ignore the NO CALL LIST as they prospect for gullible buyers of their products or services.

Thank you for keeping consumers safe from harrassment, fraud and worse, by forcing them to allow robocall blockers if consumers request them.

Heidi Newman Bloomington, IN

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I work night work to support my family. It's hard enough to get sleep during the day with out needless calls. I have to check it out because my dad is 85 an may need me. So when my phone rings unexpectedly I get into a panic before I figure out its robocaller again.

Tim Shaw Blackwood, N.J.

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Robocalls are annoying, disruptive and inconvenient. I should be able to exclude calls that I don't want to receive.

Penny Moyer Highlands Ranch, CO

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I am 76 years old and I get several robo calls a week at all times of the day and evening. I'm not happy when i drag myself from doing something and it is a sales robo call.

Please let us block them.

Okatie , SC

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Tired of repeated phone solications disturbing my household all day long, despite doing what they suggest to remove my number from their lists

Jack Phenneger oatesville,Pa

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I am sick and tired of over 25 calls every day when I answer and no one is there or robo is there!!

I'm getting older and older. No longer rush to the phone anymore.

Unfortunately, I may miss an important call!


Linda Scott Novato, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3177 of 5002 i pay for phone service, i am the one to decide if i want to block calls not telephone companies donny fisher stanley, nc

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3178 of 5002

Please continue to fund NOMOROBO it has cut the robot calls by 85% to 95 %. Non profit and political still come through, but unsolicited calls do not.

Karen and Michael LaVelle Fairfield, Ct.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3179 of 5002

The DNC list does not work. I have been on it for years and I still get 6 to 8 nuisance calls a day. I am the one paying my phone bill so I should be able to block whomever I want and I should not be bothered by people I don't know or want to know.

Judy Aubin Bethpage, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3180 of 5002

PLEASE stop the Robo Calls! For this entire last yr,2014,I kept a log of these calls daily. I reported them daily to Nomorobo calls by phone and I emailed the information to Nomorobo.I was getting from 4 to 6 calls per day at the minium.If I had the chance I would opted out.That helped but others kept coming.We took to leaving the phone off most of the day for last yr. At 84 yrs. old its difficult to get to the phone and the calls never ended!If you need my number I will tell you and you can see for yourself;should be a record.My friends are just as upset are over all the marketing calls etc.I have even cut my phone rings down to 2 rings and then it goes to voice mail.I don't say a word if I do pick up the phone because then some auto calls disconnect,a voice must activate there robo.At this late stage in our lives we should be able to have some peace of mind and NOT have to deal with these unwanted marketers etc.PLEASE get that too stop. Thank you very much. Diane Johnson d Johnson manhattan beach,cal 90266

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3181 of 5002

Why do I have to get these calls??? My household consists of 2 elderly women 90+ yrs. who will talk to and buy or contribute to anyone who asks they need to be monitored 24 hrs a day. This would be a god send!!

Help the tired consumer out will ya??

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3182 of 5002

Robocalls are a big downer. They waste my time and reduce my phone's usefulness. I'm forced to ignore all callers that I do not know and those that don't identify themselves. Meanwhile, these robocallers tie up my line for wanted calls.

Robocall blocking products are essential to use of my phone. Please give us these products.

Alan Syverud Midland, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3183 of 5002

NOMOROBO is wanted and necessary.

John Kelsey Parsippany, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3184 of 5002

We have phone service for emergencies, friends & family conversations. We definitely do not want any telemarketers or robocalls -- NOT EVER !!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3185 of 5002

DON'T LET ROBOCALL BLOCKING GO FURTHER!! It's my phone and I want to control who butts into my life with unwanted calls. I'm on the 'do not call lists' and it is not being enforced. Nomorobo calls is the only way I can fight back.

Being a senior citizen, running to answer the phone for these calls puts me in danger of falling, wakes me from naps, interrupts my meals, and just plain irritates the hell out of me.

Please make illegal for robo calls to even be placed. Enforce the do not call lists. Until you can do these things, let me divert the calls with Nomorobo calls,


Marilyn Matthews Danville IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3186 of 5002

Block all robocalls ALL THE TIME.

I get these at least 3 TIMES A DEAY.

My response is to play a BASKETBALL WHISTLE in their EAR>

I'm forxced to listen to them. So they have to listen to basketball whistles.

I NEVER respond positively to these calls. Why must I take them.



Schnarrenberger Mayfield Hts., OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3187 of 5002

Aren't there any privacy protections that can be afforded the public from these menacing types of phone calls?

One time I was up on a ladder and scrambled down to answer my ringing phone, nearly falling - all for a much-ado-about-nothing robocall.

Since some of the biggest offenders are political candidates during election season, I don't have my hopes up too high that this hassling and harassment will ever stop.

Katherine Homan Dallas, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3188 of 5002

Robocalls are rude, intrusive and beyond annoying. Consumers should have the right ad means to block them

Kathleen S Englewood NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3189 of 5002

Robocalls are a real pain and there should be some way to block them. They call at all hours and won't take no for an answer. If you don't answer, they often keep calliing many times a day but leave no message.If I don't recognize the name on caller ID, I don't answer the phone; if it is important they should leave a message which they don't. I have nomorobo to try and block many calls but many still get through. Please do something to block these types of calls, since the 'do not call' list doesn't work as well as it should.

Williamsport, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3190 of 5002

I can't believe you would prevent blocking of unwanted calls!! Why should you care who calls me? This is MY phone and I should be the person to decide who I will allow to call.

Apparently you have never had someone ill in your house who needs undisturbed sleep. I don't want to buy a new roof or a burglar alarm system when I have just come home from my husband's funeral!

St. Louis, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3191 of 5002

Please assist us in stopping the automated phone calls. We routinely receive 3-5 calls daily. Sometimes I ignore than ringing. Others times, I answer after repeated calls from the same number and tell them not to call anymore. The response is usually silence

I have registered with the "DO NOT CALL" service three times to no avail. The calls continue unabated. One telemarketer even exclaimed after I finally answered that I was harder to catch than a jackrabbit. Can you imagine? Because I do not want to be harassed by a telemarketer, I am compared to an animal. Hmmm. How to make friends and influence people. Enough is enough.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3192 of 5002

I get at least half a dozen robo calls daily. it's really annoying. though I registered on the Do Not Call list and also subscribe to norobocall, I still get these unsolicited intrusions into my day. i rely on my caller id to also help screen calls, but the bottom line is, if i wanted to engage a service, i would seek out a service provider - not go with someone who's called me. additionally, creditors calling unendingly are not going to compel me to pay my bill any faster than i can earn the money to do so. i want to be able to control who telephones me.

M. Eason Santa Ana, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3193 of 5002

I'm an educated involved voter. I know who I will or will not support. I resent the multitude of intrusive robocalls I receive. Stop robocalls!

Eleanor Lockwood Sterling, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3194 of 5002

Those robocalls are an intrusion in my home. They come in all times of the day.

Wantagh NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3195 of 5002

We as consumers should be allowed to control who calls us and takes up our valuable time. Please ensure that phone companies make robocall blocking service a standard option.

Don Butler Denton, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3196 of 5002

Its my business what I choose to do with the phoneline I PAY FOR not yours. I am likely a canceling my phone line anyway because even WITH the Nomorobo feature I still get mostly unsolicited unwanted calls!!!

TR Illsley MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3197 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and unsolicited.

Robocall blocking products should be available to anyone who wants to block these calls.

Barb M Mahopac, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3198 of 5002

I am disabled and deal with an average of 3 to 4 robo calls a day. I have both of my phones on the do not call list. If I answer the line is disconnected. If I allow the call to go to voice mail, no message is left. No caller ID is available. I don't feel that I should have to pay in order to block these calls. I am on a fixed income and can't afford this.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3199 of 5002

To whom it may concern,

I pay for my phone for my use, not for companies to advertise to me!

I don't want to be called and disturbed by lawbreakers and the do not call list is NOT enforced. We NEED nomorobo or products like it to stop scofflaws who break the law! I should be able to choose whether or not I receive unsolicited calls to the phone that I pay for!

Thank you,

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3200 of 5002

We've been on the federal do-not-call list for years. Yet, almost every night our dinner is interrupted by these robo calls - typically a company that says it wants to lower our interest rates. Our telephone provider, Comcast, has been no help. We need a federal agency to get behind this technology. Thank you.

Claude Denton Jeffersonton, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3201 of 5002

We are SO tired of answering solicitor calls all night long with offers for more UN-needed services! Give us peace and quiet Day and Night...Pleeease!

Richard & karen Burnett Rialto, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3202 of 5002

I do not want robo calls.

Fair Lawn, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3203 of 5002

I would like control over my own mobile phone. I do not want robocalls from anyone! And I don't care whether they are calls from charities, or from businesses with whom I deal.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3204 of 5002

I am a hard working American man who is tired of my privacy being hijacked by greedy corporate American companies trying to take advantage of me. Please protect your constituents instead of greedy corporate America...

Jeffrey Kucharski Delaware

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3205 of 5002

Please require phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions. We as consumers are fed up with Illegal calls from unscrupulous telemarketers who ignore the national do not call registry. Furthermore I have never met or heard of anyone who isn't angered by any robocall, weather from a commercial,political or charitable organization.

Paul Sternin Tonawanda N.Y.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3206 of 5002

Please let ME decide to block ROBO calls on my phones

Joanne Wright Boston MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3207 of 5002

It is time to stop the harassment of these endless, unwanted calls. Please tell all phone carriers, both land-line and cell, that it is time to stop this.

Dorothy Barry Weymouth, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3208 of 5002

I do not want in solicited calls on my home OR cell phone!!!

Denise Tims FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3209 of 5002

Please give the public the ability to block robocalls. They call all times of day and night. They are driving us crazy. Please help.

Woodstock, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3210 of 5002

Robocalls all are way out of control. Once those companies have your number, the calls never stop. It is infuriating to get calls from the same robot hundreds of times. There is currently no way to opt out. Please help.

Ryan franks Dallas Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3211 of 5002

The robocalls are a major nuisance and interfere with the quality of my life. Please force the phone companies to increase access to call blocking features.

Laurel Ela Plantation, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3212 of 5002

Stop robocalls and make life more beaable les pastewski union, nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3213 of 5002

I receive 3-12 calls PER DAY at my job 95% of these call are robot calls. Taking me & my employees away from our job & paying customers. Please outlaw robot calls to businesses, or at least give us the option to block them.

Tracy Hortman Pekin, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3214 of 5002

There is no legitimate reason to prohibit a consumer from disallowing robocalls -- that is, mass marketing calls.

As robocall companies do not contribute to consumers telephone service, there can be no sensible argument made that they have a right to use the consumers telephone line to present advertisements.

Please stop kowtowing to the telephone companies who would like to have the right to provide, and of course charge for, telephone service to anyone for any reason.

Thank you.


Ken Chayt

Edna Chayt

Fairfax, VA

Ken and Edna Chayt Fairfax, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3215 of 5002

I pay for the right and privilege to use a cell phone. I use the phone to call my friends and family, I do not want random ironically bothering me.

Please put a stop to this nuisance. bradford, ma.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3216 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls. I shouldn't have my privacy invaded with calls that are meaningless at best; infuriating at worst.

Richard Handel Huntersville, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3217 of 5002

Why would anyone oppose giving ordinary citizens a fighting chance to defend their personal and family time from the daily onslaught of high-tech telemarketers ??? Telemarketers have completed circumvented 'Do not Call' restrictions. What exactly do we think we owe them?

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3218 of 5002

I pay my phone bill for my personal use not for use by people making robo calls. I do not want robo calls of any kind from anyone, including politicians. It is my phone and my money - I should be protected from this abuse,

Albuquerque, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3219 of 5002

I hate robocalls. They disrupt my family life and private life. They create anxiety. They are intrusive and rude. It is bad enough to get unwanted calls from actual people, but mindless robotic calls are disgusting and insensitive. I WANT THE ABILITY TO BLOCK THEM.

Paul Alexander Los Lunas, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3220 of 5002

Nothing is more annoying than robocalls. In the last two weeks the number of such calls to my phone have increased to two or three calls per day.

Since I am subscribed to nomorobo, those calls have been intercepted and saved me from wasted time and energy. I believe all carriers should provide such a service to its customers. james benson bogota, nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3221 of 5002

It's my phone and I should have the right to block whatever I want. I love nomorobo and in fact I believe much more should be done. Put a stop to spoofed caller ID and make anonymous call rejection really work. I don't know anyone named "Unavailable" and certainly don't want them to call my home!

Jonathan Hoffman Newtown Square, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3222 of 5002

Please allow us to block the incessant and highly intrusive robocalls. Think of us day sleepers (the tax paying public and essentially your employer) instead of the deep pockets...... you owe us that much. Thank you.

Van gelder Cerritos, ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3223 of 5002

After years of fending off hundreds of annoying "robocalls," having a way to block them has been a huge relief to my household. The calls used to invade the peaceful enjoyment of home, at all hours of the day, especially dinner-time! So many companies ignore "do not call" registries that we need a method to block them out pro-actively. We can lock our doors, and install security systems, to keep people out of our homes. We need the same ability to protect ourselves from unwanted invasion of our communications. Please help us.

Margaret A. Baine Rye Brook, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3224 of 5002

I should have the privacy of my own home and of the phone service that I PAY for my convenience, NOT TO have robocalls and nuisance marketing calls for every product known to man. It is an invasion of privacy and a royal pain in the behind.

I should be able to block these calls easily and reduce their intrusion into my private life.

Brenda Oldfield Lexington, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3225 of 5002

Robocalls are an uninvited visitor in my home, disrupting my life. More than once have almost broken my neck to get to the phone. I'm sure there is technology that would allow the phone companies to block the calls with little cost to the consumer. Robocall companies should be fined out of existence.

Judith Miller Garland, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3226 of 5002

I should be able to determine what calls I accept or not, not the phone companies. I have a bunch of other language to use #%&*?$#@ not the phone companies.

James A Caramore Kissimmee, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3227 of 5002

FCC...robocalls are a gross invasion of my privacy. Please enable us to block them!

Dr. Stanley McGhee

Baltimore, MD

Dr. Stanley McGhee Baltimore, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3228 of 5002

I really appreciate Nomorobo blocking calls--I hope it continues to block scammers in the future. I'm tired of being pestered by scam calls even though I have a private number. Time Warner doesn't differentiate between advertisers and scammers and I live in a senior community. Several of my elderly neighbors have been scammed out of thousands of dollars. Nomorobo could have spared them. Nomorobo is sorely needed in the future and saves my neighbors and I from being scammed.

San Diego CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3229 of 5002 robocalls and those who do them are extremely offensive, annoying, and can create much confusion (who REALLY is calling me?!?). Please give the consumer the simple but effective power to stop this nonsense by allowing robocall blocking products and services. The phone companies don't care - they think this subject is just an annoyance to them and won't do anything about it, including allowing us, the consumer, to do something about it in ways that are simple, inexpensive, but most of all, gets rid of them!

Robert Heider Gaithersburg, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3230 of 5002

I would like more control over my phone. I would like the phone company,

AT&T to allow me to block calls via a means I choose such as NOMOROBO. I get about 2-4 calls a day. Some during lunch or supper.

I can not understand why I am so handcuffed to control this annoyance.

Larry Tashlik Navarre.FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3231 of 5002

I am sick of Robocalls. My phone rings off the hook from Robocalls and people making these same type of calls. I have reached my limit of calls I can block on my phone. We need for robocalls to be stopped.

P.Varnadoe Griffin, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3232 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls from my cell phone it's my phone not the carriers

Joe longo Massapequa NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3233 of 5002

The huge number of unwanted and frequently dishonest callers interfere with legitimate business communications. I have become distrustful of virtually every phone call I receive. Surely technology is at a point where this plague of corrupt intrusion can be stopped.

Jerry Gunter Round Rock TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3234 of 5002

Why on earth would you care who calls me? Apparently you've never worked the night shift.!

Oakville, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3235 of 5002

Robocalls are an annoying waste of time. I should have the right to deny them calling me if I don't want to hear from them. Please keep robocalling blockers like Nomorobo.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3236 of 5002

I get at least 10 unwanted calls a day from companies that want me to refinance my home. Why can,t you put a stop to this? francis phaneuf orlando florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3237 of 5002

Not being able to deny robocalls is encroaching on my rights ... my right to sleep in the mornings without having a phone awaken me. My right to have a meal without being interrupted or watch a TV show without having to miss any portion of it. The biggest thing beyond the undeniably irritating phone calls (mostly from politicians or credit card companies) is that yes, the interrupt what I am doing, and they are also wasting their time. I refuse to listen to them. I hang up as soon as I realize I've been "robo-dialed!" The only way to avoid them is to put my phone on "do not disturb" thereby also blocking calls from my family and friends. I won't vote for the politician who wakes me up at 8:00 a.m. and I don't need to lower my interest rates ... and will not accept the "free" emergency alert button. I just want my PRIVACY and PEACE AND QUIET back!

Susan L. Louisville KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3238 of 5002

The robocalls were so intrusive, I contracted with Time Warner to block all incoming calls with the exception of those who were identified and those I identified as acceptable. This was an unnecessary expense of time and money to bring my life back to homeostasis. If it were not for NOMOROBO, I would not have blocked as many calls as I attempted to with Time Warner.

Please, Americans lives are too precious to be spent dealing with those who do not honor the federal "Do Not Call" list. The fact that these individuals can illegally interrupt our lives with impunity reflects very negatively on the Congress of the United States.

There needs to be a way to protect the pursuit of happiness!

Theodore Dent Chatsworth CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3239 of 5002

Despite the do-not- call list, which we heartily support, we receive an unbelievable number of calls per day (on the order of 5+ per day) that are clearly unwanted spam - "Lower my interest rate," "Free trip to Disney," "Take my (spamming) survey," "Subscribe to XXX at a reduced rate," you name. We understand that government funding constraints do not allow prosecution of all these criminals. Until that magic day, please please please at least let us block these calls. I have a list of probably a dozen repeat offenders who have hounded us for months, nay, years - even with the same phone number! - that we'd kill to block permanently. HELP US!!!

Karen Elkins Chevy Chase, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3240 of 5002

I don't see why I can add my numbers to the Do Not Call lists but may be denied the right to block robocallls. These robocalls are more frequent and equally as annoying.

I should have the right to stop any entity that wants to auto--dial every single number in a given exchange and randomly annoy myself and every person in that exchange.

Nomorobo did not attach itself to my numbers on it's own, I was told of them by a friend who explained how it worked and I jumped at the chance to use their service.

That single ring I hear now followed by glorious silence has become music to my ears that tells me Nomorobo is active and protecting my sanity.

John Rooney Brooklyn, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3241 of 5002 is the Federal Trade Commission website to stop robocalls. Why should I get numerous phone calls from the same phone #, but use a different title each time. Also the robocallers are able to show the phone # calling is "1" and not the area code and phone#. Before Nomorobo we would get as many as 10 calls a day. When I asked some of the people who called "if they looked at the do not call list" they all said "No". These robocalls are harassment and I shouldn't have to deal with them when I don't want or need them. Some have been very vulgar and many are from overseas. Please help us. Thank you.

Joe Nance Turlock, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3242 of 5002

I have been so disappointed in my government. I signed up on the Do Not Call List when it was first established. And in the beginning it worked. And then it began not to.

I thought there were laws preventing unwelcome callers, and so I dutifully reported each unwanted caller. But nothing happened. It became a demonstration of the ineffectiveness of the government, and particularly the FCC.

And then we found Finally, peace at home in our time. NoMoRobo has stopped over 90% of the robo-calls to our home. I know this because we still get one ring, and then it goes to NoMoRobo. The ratio of those one-rings to the telemarketers that still get through is more than 9:1. AND robo-calls that I DO WANT still get through, eg., the pharmacy notifying me that a prescription is ready. AND it’s FREE.

All hail NoMoRobo.

But there is so much farther that this could go. While this works on my home Verizon FIOS system, my understanding is that ATT Wireless is keeping NoMoRobo from working, and whereas telemarketing calls on my wireless have previously been small, annoying they have begun to increase also.

It seems incredible to me that the FCC would even consider a proposal from the phone companies asking to stop companies that block robo-calls. REALLY!! The FCC cannot do it's own job with the Do Not Call List enforcement, and now they might consider stopping private companies from doing that by giving in to huge phone companies. Just exactly who is the FCC trying to represent??

Carrol McCarren & Mike Sternad Falls Church, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3243 of 5002

Please make phone companies responsible for having a robocall blocker. I received up to 30 calls EVERY day beginning at 7AM and ending at after 9PM before I signed up for nomorerobo.

Karri Harris Corona, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3244 of 5002

Why can`t you let us block robocalls? They are a constant pain in the xxx

Robert Hudson Tuscaloosa,Al

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3245 of 5002

NOMOROBO is the best thing that ever happened to the phone business. Your DO NOT CALL" list did not do the job. It failed because I could not block the numbers that I wanted to. So Stay out of my business and leave NOMOROBO along. They are doing exacting what the users want. Your organization needs to learn from them on how to block calls that come at 8 to 10 pm west coast time, They come through with titles as "anonymous with no number to trace. How good is that. As noted your Do NOT CALL cannot accommodate this through your feature. .


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3246 of 5002

My wife and I are in our 70s and we get someplace between 5 and 12 robo calls a day. It's unfortunate that we would have to answer these calls before we saw a piece on the Atlanta news about nomorobo. Since then we are now at peace most of the time. We still receive a few calls, maybe 2 or 3 a day that we would like to filter out but thank goodness we smile and say 'thank you nomorobo everytime the phone rings only once'.

Don't ruin our new found peace by stopping a much needed service for consumers.

Ed E Roswell, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3247 of 5002

I hate the robo calls. They always interrupt me when I'm sleeping or eating dinner with my family. It needs to stop NOW.

Kimberly Mc Pinehurst, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3248 of 5002

I believe that I am entitled to control my phone service and elect to prevent constant harassment by machine-generated calls, so-called robocalls. Thank you for your consideration.

Edward Adelman Lexington mass

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3249 of 5002

The do-not-call list simply doesn't work. I've filed hundreds of complaints over the past 10 years against the same scammers who keep calling me regarding credit card scams, PC virus removal schemes, Florida land sales, and a host of other schemes. And while I'm fighting these calls, and dutifully filling out complaint forms, the Government sits in their offices and eats donuts, rather than seek out and punish these scammers. The only thing that has worked is Nomoromo -- my calls have been reduced by over 95%, and the ones I still receive ring once and disappear. Now I hear that the FCC is considering making the blockage of these calls illegal. Well, that's simply BS. I'm not willing to go back and rely upon the Government's Do Not Call non-solution.

Dan Baker Alton Bay, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3250 of 5002

We are tired of an increasing number of robocalls at various times of the day an even evening. We want our privacy back. Please stop these calls!

H Maurice Booth Bellevue WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3251 of 5002

I am totally sick of receiving these calls. 80 percent are calls that I don't want and have nothing to do with anything that I'm interested in. And the DO NOT CALL LIST is a JOKE!!!!!

Carl Hess Glen Burnie, Md.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3252 of 5002

I still get way too many robocalls. Many I will ask to be put on the Do Not Call list and they hang up. I get at least one every few days with a recorded call telling me to speak to an agent because it is my last call to lower my credit card interest. I actually had an argument with one caller who wanted to help me get a lower mortgage rate. When I told him I don't have a mortgage, he told me that his records indicated I do have a mortgage. How can they be stopped.

Jane Lischewski Needham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3253 of 5002

I've signed up for "do not call" registry and they still call. Even when my number was unlisted i couldn't keep people from calling and soliciting me. I should be able to restrict who can and cannot call me. Nomorobo has significantly reduced the bothersome calls the interrupt my evenings after a long day at work.

Cathy Vazquez Saddle Brook, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3254 of 5002

I am a senior citizen and have problems walking. The constant unwanted phone calls are a real burden. The must be a way to stop all these calls. My phone allows me to block 30 numbers but that ia nowhere enough to stop the numerous calls every day that are unwanted.

Marvin Luginbuhl Rittman, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3255 of 5002

This is a quality of life issue. There is no peace when these calls come every day. They are unwanted and I have a right to block them.

Lucy Guttenberg, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3256 of 5002

We are driven daily with unsolicited calls that will simply increase if we can no longer have robocall blocking. Disallowing robocall blocking is NUTS.

John McFarlane Beaumont Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3257 of 5002

Please let me block's MY PHONE....not theirs. I should be able to block these intrusive calls. It's my right to do this!!

Robert Berg Syracuse, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3258 of 5002

As a retired senior citizen, nomorobo has been nothing short of a lifesaver. Imagine your phone ringing 10-15 (some days more) times a day with calls from scam artists and collections agencies looking for people you don't know. The callers never give up; when you ask them to stop calling they are often times extremely rude and will tell you there is nothing that can be done about the calls. Nomorobo has returned sanity to our days. No need to even bother with the phone unless and until it rings more than once. It's like have a private secretary screen your calls. Depending on your service provider, you may not be able to use nomorobo. Everyone deserves to have the right to peace of mind and privacy in their own home. Please consider legislation that would make many lives more peaceful.

Cynthia Matthews Chicago, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3259 of 5002

Stop these annoying calls,I have nomorobo it just great stop most of those junk calls.

Frank baldino Philadelphia pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3260 of 5002

Robocalls are irritating and a very high percentage of the ones I was getting were scammers like "Rachel from Cardholder Services". If you are not intimately familiar with this type of call (which the FCC has been completely unable to control, try Googling it.

Robocall blocking products are the only thing that has been able to deal with the illegal calls. Until the FCC is able to stop illegal robocalls, they should not even consider preventing me from having robocall blocking products available for me to use.

If the phone companies were serious about wanting to solve the problem, they could buy or develop the technology today, instead of complaining to you.

Gary Hull Kirkland WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3261 of 5002

When robo callers ignore the fact that my phone is on the DoNotCall list, and call anyhow, I should have full rights to use any technology that I choose to block such calls. Don't listen to phone companies that say the calls can't or shouldn't be blocked. Listen to subscribers; we should be in control of our own phones.

Anne Bloomenthal Lawrenceville, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3262 of 5002

I've installed a spam blocker on my cell phone but the calls still ring although marked as spam. Yeah, one can choose to ignore but at work it's annoying. At home when I had ATT Uverse one could block 20 numbers, not enough to cover the number of robocalls. When I converted to ATT regular home service after getting Charter for internet, it doesn't provide the ability to block numbers.

In my humble opinion every phone service should include the ability to block an unlimited number of numbers. I'd even pay a bit more for the service. That way people have a choice of which numbers to accept; those who want the services offered by robocall providers can get them and leave the rest of us in peace.

Meredith Alleruzzo Pasadena, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3263 of 5002

Please block robo calls from my cell phone. It is not only a nuisance, it causes other problems and for nothing but annoyances.

Spokane WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3264 of 5002

I absolutely support robocall blocking products and feel that without it my privacy is disturbed by the telemarketers using robocalls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3265 of 5002

We were constantly bombarded by annoying robocalls. I had signed us up on the Do Not Call registry, but still continually were harassed by these calls, soliciting for all kinds of products & contributions. We must have received multiple hundreds of calls that were our "last chance to lower your credit card interest rate". I only wished those were the last chance.

I would file complaints on these calls on the Registry's website several times a week. After getting a call that the caller ID stated was from MYSELF, i searched online to see how common that scam was. it was on that search that we heard of "Nomorobo". I wasted no time in signing up our phone on Nomorobo. What a blessed relief! Now we get virtually no more calls & only suffer through the 1 ring it takes before Nomorobo redirects the call to the cyber void. I only wish there was a way to make even that 1 ring go away. We heartily support services like Nomorobo!

T. Gallagher Lockport, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3266 of 5002

It is imperative that citizens have the right to block known robocalls! In fact I wish that robocalls of ALL varieties were made illegal. I am sick and tired of Rachel from Card Services call to try to scam my credit card numbers when I am driving or at work. There is also no valid reason for robocalls of political nature to be allowed either, as it stands right now the national no call list is a joke with no enforcement. There needs to be a means for people's right to privacy to be protected. A few hundred telemarketers need to be made an example of!

Please help the good people of this great country stop the constant barrage of unwanted phone harassment by these vultures!

Gary TorringtonCT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3267 of 5002

STOP ALL ROBOCALLS. When they call, I blow a basketball whistle in their ear. They force me to hearthem and answer the phone. Turnabout is REQUIRED.

When I find your telephone number I am going to do the same to YOU !!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3268 of 5002

No mo robo 85 year old calls them phoney phone calls. She can't tell the difference between a real call and a phoney one any more! I have to check my caller ID every time before I answer the phone! I don't want all these rings for nothing! I have asked to be removed from their lists...but mostly it's just a machine with no way to contact the caller to tell them NO MORE!!! Comcast is my carrier and they seem to want me to purchase an added feature from them to block these calls. I already pay too much for phone service! PLease make them stop!!!

Eileen sniffen. Richard sniffen. Louise sniffen Long valley, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3269 of 5002

Stop robo calls! Not only are they annoying, but they interfere with business. Most folks now let a call ring through and listen to the answering machine. If (like me) it's someone they know, then they pick up or call back. I sometimes have a difficult time reaching my customers (who want a call back) by phone because they don't pick up. This wastes valuable time when I must try again.

Bill Petticrew New Castle DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3270 of 5002

Action to stop robocalls must be a priority. During the last campaign we had to stop answering the phone due the almost certainty that any call was a robocall. Even between campaigns, organizations are using robocall systems to mislead seniors into purchasing a wide variety of services and equipment which is not needed. The robocall problem could actually result in missing an urgent call from a friend or family member because the only way to avoid them is to not answer the phone.

William Russell Falls Church, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3271 of 5002

I thought solicitation had been taken care of. So, why am I receiving automatic, recorded messages that ask if I don't want to receive more? My privacy and time have already been interrupted. Please enforce the cessation of robocalls.

Sandra Weiswasser Washington, DC (no voting representative)

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3273 of 5002

I detest robocalls. Multiple phone calls from telemarketers on a daily basis is intrusive and unwanted. My phone is for my needs, not theirs. I pay for my phone, they don't. Robocalls need to be outlawed. The Do Not Call registry does not work.

Nomorobo is a wonderful product and I am thankful for it.

Diane Mancuso Lakewood, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3274 of 5002

I hate robocalls and want to have the ability to block them.

Ellen Kabat Herndon, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3275 of 5002

Please do not stop companies like nomorobo from blocking robocalls. We have been using them since they were first approved, and so appreciate the service. The stopping of unwanted robo-type calls has improved our evenings and weekends at home. We understand the free enterprise system, but this is a choice we should be allowed to have.

Thank you for your consideration.

Gary & Robin Fayette Fountain Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3276 of 5002

Nomorobo is the only system that is blocking the hundreds of telemarketers and scammers that I used to have calling my unpublished phone number. The "Do Not Call List" was pretty useless. Before Nomorobo I would register my phone number and the calls kept coming in. Nomorobo is the only system that took care of this problem. The robocalls stopped the MINUTE I activated it! I could not believe it! Please don't let a perfectly good system ruin thousands of happy consumers. Someone always has to ruin a good thing. Can simple Americans have some peace and quiet in this turbulent world???? Is that too much to ask for??? Especially for phone customers who already pay extra for our "unpublished" numbers. And that is a joke!

If the greedy phone companies are behind this then shame on them!

Linda Epifano Hillsdale, New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3277 of 5002

I work from home and get at least a dozen calls a day from robocalls. At least I know what they are but I guarantee that a lot of senior citizens are scammed by these callers.

Paul Schmitt Port Washington, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3278 of 5002

I have a right to refuse any calls that I want.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3279 of 5002

I believe my home phone or my cell phone is for my use and those from whom I wish to receive calls. I do not believe I am paying for my phone to receive robo calls that waste my time and energy. Please do whatever it is you do to make sure people in this country will no longer receive robo calls.

Thank you.

Elizabeth Watkins Nelsonville, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3280 of 5002

I am not sure why the phone company says it can't block Robocalls, but if it is because important police and emergency robocalls must get though, then I'm sure technology could be provided to allow those calls to go through and not other Robocalls.

Bob Eldridge Old Tappan NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3281 of 5002

I am paying for the phone I use for my business. I resent the robocalls that I end up paying for. When the robots start paying me by the second for the calls they generate maybe we can talk. In the meantime I do not want to talk or listen to robocalls.

Dinah Shumway Apple Valley,CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3282 of 5002

I can't stand to get anonymous phone calls anymore. It's my phone and I want to control access to it. NO MORE ROBOCALLS...... pass a law that prevents these worthless companies from buying their audiences.

Ron Reber Arlington, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3283 of 5002

If it wasn't for Nomorobo we would have cancelled our landline phone service already. We were getting so many spam calls that we couldn't do anything around the house, let alone sit down to a meal, watch a full tv show, or go to sleep. They were calling from 7:30am until after 10pm. The more times I would tell them I'm on the "do not call list" the more they would call. Nomorobo has given us back a piece of our privacy. We pay for our phone service and should be allowed to use any services we want on our PRIVATE phone lines.

Bonni and Ken Romer Colorado

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3284 of 5002

I pay the phone company to make calls I want and to accept calls I dont want. Robocalls are a disruption in my dayly life.

Methuen, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3285 of 5002

We should be able to block any And all calls that invade my time and space. Why is this and issue. If someone was punching me in the face I could put my hands up and block, right? So what is the difference? Sincerely Vincent Frasca.

Vincent Frasca Nashua NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3286 of 5002

Yes please remove the idea of robocall, I don't not like communicating with a machine . It does take more time waiting to here all the options,when you talk to a person the process is much faster.

Gouldsboro, Pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3287 of 5002

There is no way I shouldn't be allowed to block robocalls - they are annoying and a waste of my time.

Nick Wanke Longmont, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3288 of 5002

Robocalls are more than just an annoyance. They are disturbing. when someone in the family is ill, etc. these calls at all times are frightening. They call early in am, in evening when sick and disturb us.

It is MY phone in MY home and I should say who gets to call me and who doesn't

Califon, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3289 of 5002

No more Robo calls!

Phil Paspalas Closter, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3290 of 5002

Please allow we seniors freedom from robocalls.

Unknown calls are frightening to octogenarians.

Terrell G Whittier Davis, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3291 of 5002

Nomorobo has dramatically decreased the number of nuisance calls my family and I receive at our home number. Services like Nomorobo enable us to retain our number and a public directory listing for critical communications in emergencies and from businesses and others who have a legitimate need to contact us when no other options are available. Unsolicited sales calls are a nuisance, and allowing them will deter us from retaining our publicly listed number. Please support our right to keep unwanted calls off of our critical phone line!

Ari Weinstein New Windsor NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3292 of 5002

I am tired of robo call scammers calling me and wasting my time. Please provide the means to block these calls.


Tom Northville, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3293 of 5002

I keep trying to sign up for Nomorobo, only to find it doesn't work with Comcast internet telephone. Isn't Comcast the largest broadband company in the U.S.?

I report these calls to, and I can assure you that government service is a joke. All one has to do is put the robo phone numbers into Google Search, and find all kinds of complaints about the calls. I've reported known consumer scam calls to donotcall, but they still keep rolling in.

My phone # has been unlisted for years and years. I don't even know how they get my number to robo call. But they do, and they run scams.

Tom Williams, DMD Portland, Oregon

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3294 of 5002 p[lease allow the public to block robocalls, how about thinking of the general public once in a while

N. Levy Harrisburg, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3295 of 5002

Without NoMoRobo's blocking service I was interrupted twice a day with bull crap, now I have found some peace, finally.

Now it's down to 1 a week or so. Nothings perfect.

Since corporate America owns you & all the politicians, I'm sure you hate that idea, but I paid for my phones. I pay for the connection. I paid taxes on both. Wasn't that enough? Why should I be subjected to harassment? Is it because I'm a consumer? Maybe I should stop that!

THANK GOD for this service cause after 43 complaints about the government's useless "Do Not Call List" I found something that actually works, and it's not the one my tax dollars already went to. Surprise!

Jerry Peck Elkins Park, PA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3296 of 5002

Robocalls are nothing short of harassment. I'm tired of being called constantly with no way to stop it. Some company called Consumer Services keeps calling me, sometimes several times a day telling me that there's nothing wrong with my credit card account but that I could save money using their service. This has been going on for years. They will not stop calling and they call from multiple numbers. This is just one example. I two or three unwanted calls per day, and most of them are robocalls.

Donald Drennan Columbus, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3297 of 5002

If someone has the right to send me a non human call (robocall) then I should have the right to block it!

Enough said...

Paul Montalvo Emerald Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3298 of 5002

I do not appreciate receiving telephone calls that come from a computer.

Unsolicited and inapplicable, they are an invasion of my telephone.

Linda Siegel Oxnard, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3299 of 5002

I am 71 years old and get tons of Robocalls. And I am tired of it. Calls that come twice a day for weeks and never stop. Waiting for me to pick up and legitimize the number. No one answers when I do say hello.

I either try and block it. (only block up to 20 numbers) or use blocking software to let it ring once and then know it is a telemarketer or robocall.

Your Donotcall system is useless. The calls come from redirecting numbers. From ID names that are being used to get you to pick up. Or they claim they are exempt because they are a charity organization.

Gerald A Shippe WEstland Mi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3300 of 5002

I'm tired of the solicitation, automatic calls and scamer's. My 80 year old mother can't tell the difference between who is naughty and nice.

Let's get real here and block all robo calls. Provide the consumer with a solution and make the phone/cable companies adhere to new technology available.

Maija Holston Shoreline, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3301 of 5002

Robocalls are more than merely annoying, especially when they happen several times a day, even from the same company. I have pressed whatever number they say to press in order for them not to call me anymore, but they continue to call.

Why should companies be allowed to inconvenience consumers when they have computers set up to do the calling and aren't being inconvenienced at all? It's ridiculous. It's my phone and my time that's being wasted.

Not only that, but I am disabled. When I have to hurry to answer the phone, it's incredibly aggravating to answer it, only to be yakked at by a computer.

Faith Luber Surfside Beach, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3302 of 5002

As a senior citizen I am tired of being the target of every new scam dreamed up to separate me from money. I can tell them to go to hell but they do not remove me from a " master list of vulnerable , senile, senior citizens." I'm tired of running to the phone only to find out it's the last person in the world I want to talk to.

Los Altos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3303 of 5002

I use NoMoRobo and have been very pleased with the results. I believe, as a citizen, I have the right to block whomever I choose from calling my house. These robocallers are a nuisance and, unlike solicitors who come to the door, we don't have the ability to simply not answer if we don't know who's calling.

I want the right to use products that block robocalls.

Heather Jordan Washington, DC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3304 of 5002 pLEASE LETS GET RID OF THEM mOUNT kISCO NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3305 of 5002

The FCC must force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

Danny Miller Dunlap, Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3306 of 5002

Please do something about the rampant robocalling problem.


Jeffrey Pittman

Jeffrey Pittman Renton, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3307 of 5002

I'm tired of receiving robocalls in which I have no interest.

It is both annoying and interruptive. I believe I should have

Control over phone calls I receive and ask that you sincerely

Listen to those representing us asking for such control.

Bed minster, nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3308 of 5002

Robocalls need to be blocked for free and by the way unlisted phone numbers must be free and also lifeline discounts need to be applied to any method of phone delivery, not just by way of a traditional phone line. It is my phone on my property and my leased line and my wasted time and my potential accidents from answering such ridiculous nonsense. How dare anyone or any entity including yourselves think any differently. Frankly, you all need to be replaced. Clearly you are personally benefiting from your corporate decisions. STOP IT NOW. I consider any of your decisions that deter any Americans lives an act of treason. You have one job to do there while collecting exhorbitant pay-easedo it properly. Your decisions assist in deteriorating this country. Thank you.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3309 of 5002

Robocall Blocking Products are the best thing out there, especially in light of the fact that these "Junk Callers" fail to adhere to the "Do Not Call" list !

Ken Fagin Collingswood, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3310 of 5002

Why isn't the Federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 enforced?

Why is the National Do Not Call Registry consistently ignored by robo-telemarketers and outright scammers?

When will consumers see any improvements?

Vancouver, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3311 of 5002

Nomorobo is a great service that allows us to have some uninterrupted peace in our home.

Irving Weiss Westlake Village, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3312 of 5002

We are harrased by robo calls please put a stop to it. After all is it not the purpose of government to protect the people?

Mark and Varin Prinzmetal Portland, Oregon

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3313 of 5002

People deserve privacy in their homes from these annoying, irritating, and obnoxious robocalls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3314 of 5002

I don't think robocalls should permitted, whether they are from profit-seeking companies trying to drum up business, organizations conducting surveys, or politicians. Robocalls should be limited to organizations that indisputably serve the interests of those they are calling, e.g. schools making emergency announcements to families of the students. I feel very strongly about this issue - it should be a fundamental right that I can control what comes into my house or over my device(s). Please do the right thing.

John Frizell New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3315 of 5002

How do you feel when you've just sat down to dinner, and your phone starts ringing? And then when you answer, a recording asks YOU to wait for THEM when THEY were the ones to interrupt you in the first place. Pretty annoying, right? Well, triple or quadruple your reaction, and you've got how my husband and I feel about it. It's absolutely ridiculous that we have a federal no-call list (which is also no longer working as it should, by the way), but we have no way to block those stupid, annoying "Please hold for a phone call you didn't even make and probably don't really want" calls. PLEASE, if there's anything that can be done about them, let's do it! I've been subscribed to the nomorobo service for a few months now, and I've been VERY happy that my phone is ringing a lot less. I will be very Unhappy if services like these get overridden by phone companies and vendors who don't even have the courtesy to put a live person on the phone when they try to call me.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3316 of 5002

We believe robocalls are an infringement on our peace and the right of our enjoyment of freedom within our home. They tend to target the dinner hour to interrupt us. There should be a way we can effectively and permanently block these calls.

John and Ellen Hester Folsom, CA 95630

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3317 of 5002

I hate robocalls. They come at the most inopportune times and are so annoying. I beg you to please block these robocalls.

Cuyahoga Falls, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3318 of 5002

Robocalls are an intrusion. I hate them and should be allowed to block them. wolfgang rosenau Glendale , Wi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3319 of 5002

My mother who lives at home with my father has dementia. They would get about 10 calls per day for solicitations and numerous calls for my mother that she won the lottery. At one point I had to have her calls forwarded to my phone to protect my mother against fraud and spending thousands of dollars that she couldn't afford on donations. Since we have implemented the block on robocalls, we have significantly reduced the number of calls.

I can't even tell you how many times a day I myself rushed to get the phone only to find it was a recording to reduce my debt. Last chance the recording said, but it continued for months. I asked to be taken off the list, but they were rude and said no guarantees. I will just have to answer the phone and hang up if not interested.

Please support the blocking of robocalls. The only other option is to get rid of our phone numbers that we have had for years and keep our wireless numbers unlisted.

Joann Hepworth Somerville, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3320 of 5002

I consider Robocalls to be an invasion of my privacy. I should be able to block them.

Robocall blocking products are great. Nomorobo has allowed me to have some measure of control over when my phone rings, and it has been a blessing to me.

In the past year I have been getting more and more spoofed calls from credit agencies masquerading as local numbers of a local business and private citizens. I wish these calls could be blocked as well.

Robert Kauffman East Meadow, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3321 of 5002

I have been using nomorobo for the past year and it has dramatically reduced the number of unwanted calls. I do not understand why you would not allow the nomorobo company to block unwanted calls. These are calls that I DO NOT WANT,

The do not call list is useless because the companies ignore it and never seem to be fined or discouraged in any way.

If I want to talk to a business I WILL CALL THEM.

Dan Krespan La Mirada, ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3322 of 5002 keep robo call blocking products !!!! john gail lodi ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3323 of 5002

Please take steps to decrease/eliminate the robocalls. We get at least six calls a day--every day, which is really intrusive. Although we don't answer the phone, these calls are annoying and unnecessary. We have called the "stop calls" number: 1-888-382-1222, really to no effect. Any actions you can take would be greatly appreciated.

Neal F. Cavanaugh Livermore, CA 94550

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3324 of 5002

I do not like robocalls. There are very annoying. If I wanted to contact someone, I would call them myself. I don't need or want anyone calling me. And it would be very nice if the phone companies would allow the individual home owner to block the calls on their own phones. After all, it is MY phone.

Ray Kent, OHio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3325 of 5002

Please ,please, please, block rob calls.

West milford, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3326 of 5002

I am 83 years old and my phone rings at least four to five times daily with calls I don't want. I must use a walker to get around and resent the fact that I much get up and answer a phone call where the caller is either selling a product I do not want, taking a survey, etc. One call tells me not to hang up because my credit card is at risk. This goes on and on. Please put a stop to it. Bless you in your effort. Patricia Nielsen

Patricia M. Nielsen Minneapolis, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3327 of 5002

I detest getting any type of robocall. Often these are from companies that seem legitimate but are not and will often change their phone number periodically if I attempt to block a specific phone number. It is MY phone number. I have paid for it. I expect to be allowed to manage who can call me. If that means that a service such as nomorobo is available to assist me in doing that, it should be my choice, not the phone companies or the other companies that are trying to sell me something or ask me to donate money.

Portland, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3328 of 5002

I love Nomorerobo, they have helped restore some sanity to my life because they stop they auto calls. We need them and I need you to support them so that they can find ways to block companies that blatantly continue to disregard the "Do Not Call" list. I am hoping that they develop a way to block calls with "live people". I am being harassed by phone calls from these solicitors who call daily and sometimes several times a day.

Kathy Richardson Valencia, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3329 of 5002

I have been using the Nomorobo software on my home phone for several months now and it has helped stop many of the robocalls that frequently are dialed to my phone number. I had thought the do not call registry would have eliminated these annoying intrusions on my privacy. I'm hoping you will allow the service to continue since at least it is stopping some of these annoying calls from getting through to me.

Johnston, RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3330 of 5002

Please stop robo calls! I pay for phone service for "my" convenience, not to be bombarded my nonsense. My payment should not be taken as an open invitation to badger, sell and annoy me and my family at all hours of the day and night. They try to make it sound like they know you personally, by "trying" to use your first name, as if that would get you to listen. Thank God the election is over!!! I was getting upwards of 5 robo calls a day to vote for that specific person running for office. When they really got to me I'd just click the phone on then off, just to make the ringing STOP. Please realize it is MY phone and should be used as I'd like to not for others purposes, just my own. I use nomorobo, and that's "MY RIGHT " to avoid unwanted robo calls.

Thank you, Toni Anne Potter

Toni Anne Potter Yaphank,New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3331 of 5002

Tell you what - - you give all of us your home phone numbers, we'll all record messages and send them to you during dinner or when you're trying to sleep.

Mehlville, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3332 of 5002

I think we should be aloud to block phone numbers. I am on the do not call list, but still get the annoying phone calls from solicitors and scammers. What good is the do not call list if the FCC and the Gov. isn't going to inforce it.

South Daytona Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3333 of 5002

Robocalls are intrusive, unwelcome and disturbing. They are beyond inconsiderate. Please do everything you can to ensure that people are not forced to endure them. Please make sure that all options to prevent robocalls are easily and readily available to anyone.

Thanks very kindly.

New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3334 of 5002

Please allow me to determine if I want to block robocalls.

Graham Harbman San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3335 of 5002

My Verizon landline is awash with junk phone calls from telemarketers, organizations claiming to do good if only I'll send them money and politicians begging for money.

Soon I will have to abandon my land line.

Robocall call blocking products are a godsend. Whatever you do, don't restrict them. Do more to restrict unwelcome calls. Personal calls are the only ones I want to receive. The situation is getting ridiculous.

A. Stickler NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3336 of 5002

Block robocalls encino, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3337 of 5002

Robocalls are getting more frequent, even on my cellphone. They are really annoying. Please please would you give us more control over blocking robocalls? I would be very grateful.

Judith Cain Cortland NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3338 of 5002

I am tired of robo calls and all the telemarketing calls. I don't feel a company should have the right to call you to sell you something or sell your information to someone else just especially phone companies, banks etc. This should include non-profits. We get calls 7 days a week. Many calls will block their number so it shows up as a private caller. All this applies to both land and cell lines.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3339 of 5002

Stop all robocalls!! It is my phone number and I should be able be able to not take or be subjected to these useless acts of nonsense......

David Edwards Windsor, ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3340 of 5002

Robocalls are incessant and are a huge pain. They call several times a day several days a week. Often coming from overseas trying to scam credit card numbers or gain access to computer systems (tech support scams). Please stop them. Nomorobo works, it blocks them from calling me. Problem is not every phone company supports Simultaneous Ring which is what allows Nomorobo to work. EVERY phone company and phone technology CAN support this, problem is most phone companies WILL NOT implement it unless they are forced to. Yes, POTS will support it and just about every other new feature that phone companies say is "unsupported" They just need to re-program their switches to allow it. Take a stand and stop robocalls. Stopping them will be a step toward stopping fraud and scams which is what most Robocalls are.

Matthew Furman Cary, NC

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3342 of 5002

Having Nomorobo has made the constant interruptions of robotic calls much less infuriating. We still get unwanted calls but it's much more bearable! Please don't take away our only line of defense against this pervasive problem!

Deborra Andersen New Milford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3343 of 5002

Robo calls are a nightmare. I even get them late at night. Give us the ability to block these calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3344 of 5002

This program Nomorobo has given me peace of mind. No more am I continually being bombarded by telemarketing calls. If a call does manage to get through, I can request to have it added to the database. The do not call list is a waste. It only affects legitimate businesses, not the crooks who continually call. I love it and have recommended it to everyone I know. My brand of phone has a call block setting on it. It only can block 30 numbers and my Verizon phone service only does 5 numbers. Every month without Nomorobo, I was having to dump some numbers so I could block the new ones, only to have the old ones start calling again. This is MY phone line that I PAY for I should have a choice in how I want to use it. Please don't take this great program away.

Dawn Stichel Baltimore, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3345 of 5002

Calls from telemarketers on my home phone and cell phone is getting out of hand. I've registered on the Do Not Call List and it does little good. I have had some success with using NOMOROBO and call blocking on my cell phone to limit the number of call I get everyday. But the telemarketers are too smart and spoof the phone numbers that appear which they keep changing. Telemarketers are invading my privacy and cause great inconvenience each time I answer the phone only to get no one on the other end. I feel a crime is being committed and the FCC is helpless in stopping it. How would you like to be called by a robo telemarketer 10 times a days at all hours? There has got to be something that the FCC can initiate to help resolve the problem (like force every phone carrier to have a process by which a phone subscriber can block all rebo calls and unsolicited telemarketers.

Danville CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3346 of 5002

Please allow me to block robocalls. I consider robocalls to be an invasion of my privacy.

Alexandra Matthews Mill Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3347 of 5002

Please allow the ability to block calls. It's my phone and I should have the right to control it. Thanks


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3348 of 5002

I work 12 hour shifts in the intensive care units and ER of Shands Jacksonville, a level one trauma center. Although I'm on state and national do not call lists, my nights and days are interrupted on a daily basis by unsolicited telemarketers. I find it an abomination that state and federal agencies, as well as telephone companies and politicians are impotent in addressing this nationwide problem.

Allowing invasion of privacy of this scale to be perpetrated on the citizens of the United States reflects total incompetence.

Claiborne FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3349 of 5002

PLEASE do what is necessary to stop Robocalls! We pay for telephone service for OUR use, but most calls that come in are Robocalls. We use NoMoRobo and appreciate what it does for us. We also have blocked a number of callers on our phone. It is most annoying to have Robocalls come in - and can be confusing for some people who do not understand what the calls are. I know a number of Seniors who are upset when the calls come in and do not know how to deal with them.

Columbus, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3350 of 5002

These spam phone calls are totally out of control! Some days I get 4-5 calls, interrupting my day constantly. The phone company has no incentive to stop the calls because they are selling services to the spammers. I've complained to the FCC and to my congressman to no avail. Nomorobo has stopped many of them, but not all. I've even gotten phone calls where caller ID says it is from our own name and phone number - the same number I was answering the phone on!


MCanzani Ridgewood, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3351 of 5002

Robocall blocking should be allowed. I should be able to control who calls me!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3352 of 5002 its bad enough to get robo calls at home on a land ine. we dont need to get them on cellphones chino, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3353 of 5002

This is a no-brainer, FCC. I should be able to block robocalls just as I can enroll on the no-call list (which needs to be improved, too!). I' tired of being besieged by unwanted, persistent calls from machines. Please expedite a way to allow consumers to block these calls easily and permanently.

Randy Hitchcock Hor Springs Village, AR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3354 of 5002

Nomorerobo is a godsend! My husband and I feel like we've hit the lotto. Not being bothered by telemarketers is one of life's great pleasures. Please don't take away nomorobo but rather expand it to make it accessible to all consumers.

Debra Gaston Eaglville, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3355 of 5002

I signed up for robocall blocking last year before the elections. I was being bombarded by political calls. I am on a no-call list but that made no difference to the callers. After robocall all that stopped. Thank goodness!

Goodlettsville, Tn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3356 of 5002

Some days we receive up to five robocalls. Companies are trying to sell everything from personal alert systems to full house alarms, lawn services, new windows, window washing, credit cards, etc. This doesn't include the "legal" donation and political robocalls or the appointment verification robocalls. The phone rings off the wall and we haven't spoken to one real live person.

These phone calls are absolutely an invasion of privacy, and are comp-lately unnecessary. Please allow phone cusromers easy access to robocall blocking products.

Thank you.

Lutz, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3357 of 5002

I am so sick of all the unwanted phone calls.The same people call day after day and sometimes three times a day. These are mostly just people trying to scam you. I am not interested in pain relief or debt relief. The only relief I want, is to not have my phone ringing all day long. There is not one day that goes by during the week that I don't have at least one unwanted phone call. I have caller ID and do not answer these calls, but it is still the ringing of the phone and the long messages on the answering machine that is annoying. I would like robocalls STOPPED!!!!!! Thank you.

Jamestown, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3358 of 5002

Please act against the robo callers. They call multiple times each day, often waking us up. This happens even though we are on the Do Not Call list. Even picking up the phone and stating our wish to be spared further calls is to no avail.

Nancy Sellar New York, NY

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3360 of 5002

I am very pleased with the service provided by Nomorobo. It saves us from at least six unsolicited calls a day.

Please do not prevent them from offering this service.

James B Healy Pasadena, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3361 of 5002

Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 am and 12:00 pm my mother receives about 13 robocalls, that is only noon. Until 7 pm I am picking up the phone and hanging it up. I no longer respond to these calls at all. They are a true annoyance to home life. I can not even block these calls through the phone company. Do something to dismantle to this destructive behavior of these marketers. They are same numbers each day. Sometimes the same numbers will dial our home up to five time a day.

Detroit, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3362 of 5002

My husband had surgery and it is hard for him to get up to answer the phone when no one is home. Please keep people like him in mind when you decide if we can continue to have the calls blocked.

Fenton, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3363 of 5002

If it weren't for nomorobo, I would have had my phone disconnected. I'm paying for a phone only to let the phone company sell access to my private life to anyone that wants to sell something. I signed up for every Do Not Call list, but its apparent that there is no government backing for this program as everyone simply ignores it.

I called AT&T to demand they fix the unsolicited and was told the FCC did not allow that. I then asked them to disconnect my phone. I was finally transferred to an individual who said he understood and he told me about nomorobo. He said AT&T was working on something but since they are working both sides, it probably would not happen.

They use the FCC as an excuse not to provide a reasonable service. Now they are using the FCC to prevent other private companies from fixing their scams? Knock it off! I realize the big companies are paying lots of money to get their way, but the FCC is supposed to protect us all, not just the big corporations.

Lewis Shaw Hastings, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3364 of 5002

I firmly believe that robocalls are a violation of my privacy and should be against the law under all circumstances. I use a robocall blocker on my VOIP line, and think it is one of the greatest inventions since Alexander Graham Bell made the first call.

Absolutely, without question, robocall blockers are a necessity in this age where being on the "Do Not Call" list is virtually worthless. At the very least, I have cut down my carpet cleaning calls to one a day.

Dennis & Catherine Weigel Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3365 of 5002

Robocalling is an annoyance which invades our homes and disrupts our lives. We have used Nomorobo which reduced this annoyance significantly and we can only hope that you will continue to allow such services to continue to provide this very valuable service to the public.

Thank you for your consideration.

Ilan M. Kestenbaum Scarsdale, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3366 of 5002

Please Block all Robo calls on land lines and cell phones. If other company's like Vonage can do it why not you. Thank you

Wesley Zameda Chicago, Il.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3367 of 5002

I pay for my phone, why am I not allowed to block annoying Robo-calls.

Gerry Lerman Mashpee,Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3368 of 5002

You have failed to give phone users (home and cell) the ability to stop unwanted and unsolicited phone calls. The DoNotCall registry is a joke. It's about time the government and FCC allow cell phone users to block robo calls with services such as Nomorobo.

If you're unable to complete the task, give us the ability to use someone that will!

Wayne Stronk Spokane, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3369 of 5002

I hate robocalls. Please help make them stop.

John Feehan Long Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3370 of 5002 love robocall blocking and now its my phone joe pointek budd lake nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3371 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance. Let us block them.

Robert B. Jenness Lynn, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3372 of 5002

My home and cell phones have been registered on the "Do Not Call" list since its' inception. Initially it seemed to reduce the incidence of unsolicited and robo (spam) calls. However, it has become increasingly LESS effective over time. It is not unusual to receive 2-3 calls per day. Since my conversion to IP based phone service (2011) I've received MANY one-ring calls with no actual connection, all of them displaying invalid or spoofed numbers. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. It should be disallowed by law and the penalties should be draconian for both the callers and the sponsors.

W J Gatlin Mint Hill, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3373 of 5002

I am wholeheartedly grateful for the services of NoMoRoBo. Kindly do not give in to the greed of the carriers--force them to make blocking services available to everyone!

Barry L. Newton Ashton, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3374 of 5002

I get way too many calls from robos with a message saying press 1 to talk to a person. I think that when you passed the do not call laws , YOU did not take into consideration any ways that these companies could get around your law. ROBO calls is one of the ways these companies do this. They say WELL YOU PRESSED 1- YOU OBVIOUSLY WANTED TO TALK TO US!!!!

Enough of this crap!!!

Do what you need to do to STOP ROBOCALLS!!!!

OR let us do what WE NEED TO DO !!!!

Janesville WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3375 of 5002

Robocalls are a persistent and ever-increasing nuisance. I absolutely rely on right now to keep most robocalls from interfering with my day and consuming my attention (and telephone time). I don't know why the phone companies shouldn't be offering this service directly to consumers. Oh, wait, they probably make money on the calls that advertisers place. Well, they also make money from me, and I want the robocalls to stop.

Michael Piscitelli Chappaqua, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3376 of 5002

I have had a home based business for 20 years! I have a business phone, home phone and cell phone! Everytime I get a robo or even illegal solitation call I have to stop my work! I have tried everything to stop them! Do Not Call list, filling on them after asking to stop on and on and on! It is the worst type of interruption there is! Anything to make this annoyance go away would be a blessing!

Darelyn Maas Huntington Beach, Calif

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3377 of 5002

I do NOT want to get any robo calls. Even though I have nomorobo on my phone I get at least 10 to 20 robo calls a day.

I listed my number on the National "Do not call" registry and when I informed one of the robo callers of this his response was "yeah... how's that working for you?".

Obviously it is not working out at ALL !!!


Jeff Chilton Oxnard, Can.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3378 of 5002

I would like to be able to block robocalls on my landline as well as my cell phone. How do I do this? If it is not possible at this time, will you please do what you can to see that it becomes possible?

Many thanks.

Allison Richards Camden, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3379 of 5002

Please stop these telemarketing Robo calls. They're unproductive and are costing me money.

Charlotte, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3380 of 5002

It is my phone & I pay the bill! I don't want to be disturbed at any time of the day from robocalls. I'm on all the do not call lists & yet I still receive calls from all kinds of business. In a world of unscrupulous people and scams I should have the right to select who can call me!

Lynn Loretto Mount Dora, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3381 of 5002

There is NO reason on earth that I should be required to receive "robocalls" or, in fact, any sales/solicitation phone call that I have not requested.

I pay for a phone to be a convenience to ME, not to anyone who wants to get in touch with me anytime, for any reason under the sun!

Shaun Golden Orland Hills, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3382 of 5002

Please stop the Robot calls. It interrupts our family life. In the last 3 weeks more than 45% of the calls I received were Robot Calls. Needless to say, we are on the do-not-call list. I filed several complaints to no avail. It's having an impact on our well being. I had to disable my answering machine and miss calls from my friends and family just to avoid Robot Calls.

Denville, New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3383 of 5002

Me, my family, friends and anyone else i speak with; think robocalls, also cold calls from charities, local merchants and politicians are extremely intrusive and detrimental to our personal rights and quality of life. Callers are almost always nasty, argumentative, or just hang up while you are asking them not to call again. also calls start in the AM. and continue into the late evening...(4-5-6) times a day.. sometimes more. My wife and I are senior citizens (70/75) with health issues. Lest we miss calls from our doctors/pharmacist we don't need to be answering or startled by the phone ringing almost every hour or every 10 to 15 minuets, in some cases. These calls should most certainly be blocked and prosecuted by law especially since the are using disconnected or computer generated phony numbers so that we cannot return the call and ask to be put on their do not call list... Some of us are on the government do not call registry but we still receive these unwanted calls. sincerely,

Carmela CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3384 of 5002

If you are there to regulate communications in the public interest, keep NOMOROBO working and insist that the phone companies make it easy to block any and all calls that we do not want! We pay for the service, and we have the FCC to look out for our interests. We want no more robocalls, so do your job! You do not work for the companies first. You work for the public first.

David Harrison Raleigh, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3385 of 5002

This is a no brainer of a topic. Robocalls and telemarketers are annoying and in many instances, scamming people of their money. NoMoRobo and other call blocking products are the only savior and weapons, we the people have to protect us.

The FCC and Congress must allow for such products, and also force phone companies to do more to stop these unwanted and unscrupulous calls.

Carlos Greater Los Angeles area, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3386 of 5002

I've been on the "do not call list" for a few years. I have to renew it every year. But these robo callers use every trick up their sleeve. Call waiting says Annomus, cell, charity, etc. I was on day when I answered the phone to a call with just the number showing. Well guess who it was....The News Journal, the daily newspaper that I subscribe to. I read the poor girl that spoke to the riot act. I just hope the call was monitored for quality assurance.

Sneaky sneaky sneaky!

Also, these callers are very bad for seniors.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3387 of 5002

I think the reason is obvious. Enough already.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3388 of 5002

I have reported robo calls to my do not call list and yet they persist. The same number comes in sometimes 4 times a day with no name on the caller ID. I get so frustrated I want to pull my hair out! I pay for my phone out of my hard earned money and I certainly believe that I should be the one who controls what calls I want to block. Nomorobo has been a Godsend for me. Robo calls are annoying and I don't want to deal with them. If you want to speak to me, have the guts to call me personally; don't send a computer to do your dirty work. Robo calls are telemarketers and the choice to block should be mine.

Milwaukee, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3389 of 5002

Nomorobo has finally brought peace to our home and freedom from incessant telemarketers.

Dr Jose M Chapa San Antonio Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3390 of 5002

We resent the invasion of our privacy by robocallers who often interrupt our dinner, or our work at home. This must be stopped!

South Salem, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3391 of 5002 no more robo calls - most times they call 4 - 5 x>"s a day & they lie-I am a senior citizen & I don't need their calls - so please stop


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3392 of 5002

Please force the phone companies to allow us to block robocalls.


Rick Twentynine Palms, CA

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I would not like to receive Robocalls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3394 of 5002

These calls need to be blocked ! I pay my bill ON TIME ! I should be able to block whomever I need. There ARE phones with this feature; what does it profit you to NOT allow calls that are robocalls to be blocked?!

C. L. Atlanta, ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3395 of 5002

I do not want to be harassed by robo calls that are really scammers trying to not just intrude on my personal life, but cheat me out my hard earned dollars! My phone is phone! I can chose who I want to call me and I most certainly do NOT want automated calls from computer generated scam artists.

Allow phone company's and phone applications that eliminate these intrusions that do jot benefit anyone but the scam artists.

Ruth peterson Sarasota fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3396 of 5002

The shear number of unsolicited calls that continue to ring our home phone despite being on the no call list is staggering. Since signing up for nomorobo, we've finally been able to regain a little peace, especially in the hours after the kids are in bed. The unsolicited political advertising phone calls are particularly infuriating. I don't want them to call me, and prior to nomorobo, there was no way to prevent them aside from cancelling my home phone service.

Ryan Doyle Chicago, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3397 of 5002

Since I installed Nomorobo, I can now enjoy a quiet dinner and not be aggravated by people trying to sell me something. Its one of the best things we have done for ourselves. Please allow this to continue. It has given me peace of mind and lowered my blood pressure.

Lawrence Geis Irvine, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3398 of 5002

Because you, the FCC, haven't been able to solve the problem of robocalling, we need the ability to block robocalls using ourselves! Don't eliminate this protection. Continue to allow us and phone companies to bloc Robocalls!

Alex Fraser San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3399 of 5002

I don't like to have robo calls. I don't wait for them to finish! I do not see how these calls are a help to anyone.

Dick Rinehart Wayzata, MN.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3400 of 5002

We should not be subject to solicitations of any kind via phone especially robo calls. Most robo calls that I receive are scams anyway. Please find a way to stop the invasion of privacy.

Steve & Patti Wheeler Aledo, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3401 of 5002

Robocall is absolutely necessary to block telemarketers. Without it, the invasion of my privacy via my phone, is criminal

Mark Casey Raynham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3402 of 5002 robo calls are an absolute annoyance. It is bad enough when a live person calls, but far worse when you get a call from a machine- they even leave messages on my voice mail! Please allow everyone to block these calls when they wish. barry bernstein port jefferson NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3403 of 5002

Please make ROBOCALLING illegal. It is a new form of telephone harassment and needs to be stopped. Do it NOW!

Stephen T. Corbett Peachtree City, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3404 of 5002

Robocalls are intrusive and should be blocked. The Do Not Call Registry was created for a reason, however, many of robocallers do not adhere to its policy and continue their illegal practices anyway. This is precisely why individuals need to take control into their own hands anyway possible. If there is a system to block those who break the law, then any and all ways to block these intrusions should be available and implemented.

George McCloskey Annapolis, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3405 of 5002

We are plagued by scam phone calls threatening us with FBI and IRS sanctions. We want to block these calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3406 of 5002

I pay good money for my phone services both land lines and wireless. Therefore, I darn well should be able to block calls I dont want calling my phones. They are MY phones, right? I particularly dislike robo- calls and feel I should be permitted to use whatever service I deem reliable to block these undesirable and UNWANTED robot-calls!

Susan Cassidy Pittsburgh PA 15104

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3407 of 5002

If robocalls have the right to call my phone every hour on a daily basis, I should have the right to block these calls. The problem with these types of calls, is that when I do answer the phone, the call hangs up. So, I cannot tell a person to stop calling me. If I let the phone ring, they call back every hour on the hour. I have no desire to speak with anybody calling me whom I do not know. I do not want to donate money over the phone, I will not purchase anything over the phone. And I do not want to take a survey over the telephone. It is a lose lose situation. I find this very frustrating. Please allow these types of calls to be blocked.if they have rights, then so should we.

Carolyn Miller Fountain Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3408 of 5002

I depend on my robo call blocker. Before I had it I would get numerous robo calls a day. It was stressful to me and interfered with my life to such a point I almost discontinued my phone. Please listen to your citizens. We all want these intrusive calls eliminated. Thank you.

Sylvia Ouellette Manchester, ME

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3409 of 5002

Robe ally's are very annoying. They are always calling all hours of the day and night. Companies likes Nomorobo is God sent. Please stop robocalls.

Janice Mason Laurel, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3410 of 5002

Please stop these horrible calls. It is an invasion of privacy

Clifton park ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3411 of 5002

Please stop these robo calls

Michael Macmanus Plano, tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3412 of 5002

Robocalls are a big nuisance. Asking them to stop calling is a joke. The calls just keep coming. I should be able to block unwanted calls without any restrictions. I pay for my phone service and I should be able to determine who has access to it.

Bobby Dunn Spartanburg South Carolina

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3413 of 5002

Please put an end to those annoying robocalls, especially during political run-ups to elections. They violate my right to peace and quiet in my home. Nowadays when I get a call that I know is from some stupid machine, I answer and immediately hang back up. It infuriates me when the phone is ringing and I hurry to answer it only to find it is something invading my right to privacy.

I am a handicapped senior citizen which makes these calls even more annoying since I don't make a habit to carrying my phone around with me. I am concerned that hurrying to answer my phone will cause me to fall and break a hip someday. Want that's on your conscience or don't you care about the people who employ you?

A Do Not Call Registry was created to stop telemarketers from bothering people, so why don't robocalls deserve the same fate?

It is time to do the right thing and stop these calls from being allowed.

An American Citiizen,

Judith McMillan

Judith McMillan Kalamazoo, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3414 of 5002

Nomorobo has made our lives a lot more bearable. Robocalls are harassment - period. Please do everything possible to make robocall blocking easily available to everyone!

Dave Skelly Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3415 of 5002

Robo calls are invasion of my privacy. Stop these from occurring on all carriers for those who want out. Amongst the worst offenders are actually political calls. jeffrey jacobs roswell ga.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3416 of 5002

I don't even know why this is EVEN up for question!!!!!! OF COURSE ROBOCALL BLOCKING is a MUST!!! I get MANY robocalls a day!!!!!! MANY other citizens are also bothered by this.

Mark Latronica North Olmsted, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3417 of 5002

Please make regulations that require phone companies to allow more blocking of robocalls and unsolicited calls.

Dan Lott Granite Bay, CA

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I am tired of receiving dozens of Robocalls each week b

Palmdale, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3419 of 5002

Just because you place your telephone number on the National "Do Not Call" registry or a similar state registry is no guarantee that you will not be called by robotic/automated recorded telephone callers or by live telemarketers. While I am on both the National and the Texas "Do Not Call" registries, I still sometimes get as many as ten (10) of these unwanted calls each day and also sometimes on the weekend as well.

Many of these calls are no more than scams or attempts to gain confidential information. Numerous times I have received a call from some guy (alleging to be with Microsoft) who has "noticed that there is a problem with my computer" that he can fix if I just let him have remote access to my hard drive. I know others have received calls alleged to be from the IRS that are scams. Likewise, I have received calls for unwanted products and/or services from the same company calling me time and time again notwithstanding that I advise the caller that I am on a "Do Not Call" registry.

I recently signed-up with Nomorobo to stop these calls. Now the phone rings one time, and if it is one of these robotic/automated recorded telephone callers, Nomorobo hangs up on them. At last, I can get some productive work done at the price of only having to hear the phone ring one time. It saves my time and keeps the phone line clear for calls that are important.

Providing customers a solution as simple as Nomorobo is something that the telephone companies should have done long ago. I pay the telephone company for a means to allow me to communicate easily with other individuals to whom I desire to speak. I do not pay the phone company for, nor did I ever intend to provide, an avenue for others to invade my home with unwanted promotions, advertisements, scams, and attempts to obtain private information. Peace of mind is too precious to have it destroyed by denying telephone customers the ability to stop these annoying calls.

Barry M. Bloom Dallas, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3420 of 5002

I signed up with nomorobo a few months ago. I really enjoy not receiving those very annoying calls!

Now, if we could just add more teeth to the "do not call" registry, I would be a happy "phone" camper.

Side note: I'm 72 years old and in all my years, I can't think of anything I was offered or bought via telemarketing that was worthwhile! Pretty sad.

Mike Evans

Mike Evans Winnetka, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3421 of 5002

I believe I have every right to not be bothered with telemarketers or people or companies that choose not to show their numbers and call me repeatedly to the point that I was ready to not even have a phone. Nomorobo has saved my mind and enabled me to keep my phone because if it wasn't for them I would have lost my mind! I have had calls incessantly from an anonymous number every day for months until I found out about Nomorobo since Nomorobo my phone doesn't ring with telemarketers or anonymous numbers anymore! Thank you Nomorobo!!!!

Lanesville Indiana

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3422 of 5002

I don't want be bothered with phone calls from people I don't know . I don't want robo calls coming to my house.

Joanne Kitchen Louisville, ky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3423 of 5002

Please block these annoying calls. I am a senior citizen and don't need to get these annoying call.

Lucille Severino Oakhurst, NJ

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Robot calls are annoying and a nuisance. On some days I receive several in an two hour timeframe.

Gerald Francisco Jacksonville, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3425 of 5002

Since I started using used the Robocall system, my SCAM calls have decreased considerably and some calls only get to ring ONE TIME only.

The scammers do not abide by the DO NOT CALL LIst where my landline and cell phones are registered.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3426 of 5002

Robocalls are a violation of my privacy and should be eliminated

Ken Harris california

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3427 of 5002

We bought a phone that can block 30 numbers, and that is not enough. I cant count the number of times I have listened to hang up calls when screening as well as awoken from a nap after just dozing off. We have been using nomorobo for about 2 months and the result is significant. In the name of fairness, shouildnt we, as consumers, have the right to privacy. If telemarketers want our business, make it an OPT IN option from we the people instead of a contrivance to defeat their annoyance.

Randall Rutledge Dallas,Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3428 of 5002

I love my robocall blocking system. As a senior citizen, I receive many, many robo calls every day...some of them scams targeting senior citizens. Also, it is hard for me to get up and answer the phone, so eliminating robo calls really helps me.

Teresa Suter Millsboro, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3429 of 5002

My mother is elderly and gets confused and upset when someone calls and tells her they are calling from a credit card company. She doesn't have any and thinks someone has stolen her identity to get a card. Please think about people like her when you make your decision about not allowing blocked calls.

Crestwood, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3430 of 5002

Please stop robo calls or at least make it easier for me and others to block them. It's my phone and I should be able to block unwanted callers.

Marc Fogel Newton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3431 of 5002

I want to be able to stop the repugnant, incessant, continuous, unwanted calls to my home telephone. I do not desire to be flooded with commercial calls for anything! Anything that I am interested in I will pursue on my own terms and time. Why is it possible for unwanted calls to continuously bombard my privacy? I don't understand how these calls are allowed. Where doe's privacy enter into the scheme of things? I'm also not interested in getting political calls during the voting seasons. No one on a phone call is going to convince me to vote for anyone or anything! The pestering of political calls is a turn off as far as I am concerned!

South Kingstown, RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3432 of 5002

We pay enough to phone companies and to you in fees!!! It is something that we have no choice to do. We should not have to deal with telemarketers getting our numbers and constantly calling us with stupid offers and harassing phone calls multiple times a day. Our number is for business and these phone calls are distruptive and annoying. We signed up for robocalls and their products to help reduce these calls and also signed up on the National Do Not Call Registry for the same purpose, but that does not stop these telemarketers and other automated calls from still getting our number and calling. Enough is enough, STOP THE CALLS!!!! Don't allow ROBOCALLS to be interrupted! THey have improved our days with less of these calls!!

A & J Ferguson Limerick, ME

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3433 of 5002

I think it's important to take strong steps to block annoying and invasive robocalls. I believe that FCC should require phone companies to provide this service and should consider implementing substantial civil penalties for robocaller.

Glenn Spiegel Chevy Chase, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3434 of 5002

I am 72 years old male and my experience with the "Robocalls" has been nothing but a giant nuisance and headache. Most of the times these robocalls are received as early as 5:45A and as late as 10:00P seven days a week. There is no option(s) provided to be deleted from these robocalls calling list. These robocalls won't even provide their phone numbers on my Phone ID. Most 0f these robocalls have foreign accent (made from other countries. FCC must force all Phone companies, domestic and foreign, to abide by the "Do Not Call Listing" and levy heavy fines on the phone companies who promote thesr robocalls. The consumer definitely needs a solid plan/protection from thse horrible nuisance robocalls. FCC must provide strict punishment and heavy fines to make these robocall companies to respect the Privacy of consumers. In reality, I will NOT buy any product these robocalls are promoting thus they are wasting their time and mine.In summary, these robocalls must be ban completely and stop immediately.

Vijay Sharma Redlands, CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3435 of 5002

I am overwhelmed by robo calls. Today I received 2 calls within 4 hours. A complete waste of my time.

This is my request to have the ability to block these calls.

Westminster Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3436 of 5002

Robo calls are annoying

Kenneth D. Roth Medford NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3437 of 5002

It is my phone service, I pay for it. When you call my home it is the same as walking up to my front door , knocking, and asking to come in. I have the right to say NO and to tell you to leave and never return. I have the right to post my property to keep out door to door solicitors. My home phone service is the same, I should have the right to deny calls from ANYONE I choose for any reason. Current laws do not work. It is YOUR TAXPAYER PAID JOB to fix that.

Fred Hubbard Danville Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3438 of 5002

To put it quit simply; 90% of the incoming calls on my landline are robo calls. Does that make sense to you? Thanks

Charles Dunivin

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3439 of 5002

I do not want any more unsolicited call s on my cell phone. Please help!

Stephanie Johnson Middletown, ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3440 of 5002

I get so many robocalls for useless products and scams that I am forced to screen all my incoming calls. Even so, my phone rings all day long even though my phone number is on both the local and national do-not-call lists. Robocall operators can safely ignore the do-not-call lists because they originate their calls overseas where they are out of reach of US authorities. Nomorobo has brought peace and quiet to my home and less aggravation to my life because it works no matter where the calls originate. There is a need for more robocall blocking products and services, not less.

Carl Falcon Carrollton, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3441 of 5002

FCC, very simply please allow blocking of robocalls, via nomorobo. Anything else is not an acceptable representation of the public and I plan on voting my displeasure in this area if you do not.

David Schur Naperville, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3442 of 5002

I'm terrified and horrified that phone companies have targeted services such as NoMoRobo. I am the victim of an avalanche of telemarketing calls, and I'm not just being dramatic. For the last 3 years or so, I've been logging telemarketing calls and robocalls on a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet confirms that I've received an average of TWO TELE- OR ROBO-CALLS PER DAY for the past 3 years.

At first, I signed up for the FTC's Do Not Call Registry, but the calls kept coming. Then I reported violations through the online complaint form, but the calls kept coming. I've asked violators to stop calling, also to no avail. (Now I just ignore them.)

The Do Not Call Registry has never even acknowledged my complaints, let alone actually taken measures to stop the calls.

Only when I signed up for NoMoRobo was the volume of offending calls reduced significantly - to an average of perhaps one every week or two. (And those are diligently reported to NoMoRobo to prevent future violations!)

If anyone tells you that services such as NoMoRobo are unnecessary, THEY ARE LYING!

If anyone tells you that services such as NoMoRobo don't work, THEY ARE LYING!

If anyone tells you that the Do Not Call Registry is effective, THEY ARE LYING!

If anyone tells you that all or most telemarketers comply with the spirit of the Do Not Call Registry, THEY ARE LYING (if my experience is any indication)!

Please dismiss any efforts by phone companies to block services such as NoMoRobo.... indeed, they should be REQUIRED to offer such services as a necessary benefit to their customers.

Robert Spoor San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3443 of 5002 block the Robo calls del mar ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3444 of 5002

Please see that consumers are allowed to block these robocalls. I have been bombarded with them.

Pat Rose Austin Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3445 of 5002

Robo calls should be outlawed. They take jobs away from our young people. They are also annoying.

Schmed Summervile South Carolina

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3446 of 5002

I despise robocalls and believe they invade my privacy. Please allow us all the tools, including robocall blocking products, to stop the harrassment.

Edward and Joann Epstein Coral Springs, FL 33076

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3447 of 5002

Computer calls are not regulated and can call you privae phone allhours of the day and keep calling week after week. NoMoRobo call gives the private citizen some comfort in having the calls blocked. Keep robocalling in force

Control the computer us.. US Private citizen

Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3448 of 5002

I just tired of all these call, it never stops !

Bay Shore, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3449 of 5002

Block robocalls and political ads

Larry Fritschel Stow, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3450 of 5002

Please enact legislation permitting the blocking of robocalls. It's an intrusion and an annoyance especially for older people. It's like someone constantly ringing your doorbell. We are being bombarded against our will with unwanted marketing calls.

Elmer Duzs Morristown, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3451 of 5002

I like my NOMOROBO! My phone company only allows me to block 10 numbers which I must imput online. NOMOROBO has been a blessing, is unlimited in its ability to screen annoying and intrusive calls, it's free, and it works perfectly.

Keep out of my business and stop interferring in my ability to make my own choices. I demand my NOMOROBO!

C. Ligosh

Cindy Ligosh Wyckoff, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3452 of 5002

I know it's hard to vote against.those big companies that believe they own your souls, but right now you're working for us. Do the right thing and help people like me who have their home phones on dnd as our only option. Everyone has the right to reject robocalls, please help us excercize it.

Mark Bonine San Jose, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3453 of 5002

Please allow us to control our own phones and prevent robocalls. It has gotten so out of control. It has been destructive to family life, interrupting children's homework time, dinners, sleep and so on. Robocall blocking products should be the right of any phone owner who wants them. Please support us in our choices in this area.

Wendy Witt-Karch Cary, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3454 of 5002

I feel that robocalls should be illegal. Why do I have to take the initiative to block them. Nomorobo helps but still a few get through. One in particular was relentless even though I talked to a real person and told them not to call me. The number was changed several times but not the voice. Now I only answer the phone if I know who is calling me, but I hope the call isn't important.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3455 of 5002

Please allow services like NOMOROBO etc. to block robo calls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3456 of 5002

Please stop the endless robocalls that are affecting my quality of life. I get at least 6-10 robocalls a day. How would you like to be bombarded by these calls during your dinner time.

Dennis Alameda, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3457 of 5002

I am getting about 20 calls a month who are telling me about signing up for the health plans that are not real.

Calls from foreign people who claim they have detected errors on my computer. I have a Master's degree in Computer Science.

Police and fireman people calling o have us donate (they are Union calls).

Charities call a least 20-30 times a month

Each case, we have asked to be removed from their list. Everyone that calls, I will never buy any of their products.

Sam & Juanita Cheyne Marysville, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3458 of 5002

I am weary of being interrupted by these annoying robocalls and as far as I know these calls can't be blocked from a "landline" phone. When can we expect a product to block these calls and it should be free!! We didn't REQUEST THESE CALLS!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3459 of 5002

Block the Robo calls!! I am so SICK of these calls! I have had it!

These people are rude and continue to call when asked to stop!

They call my house and they call my cell! If I want the business I WILL CALL THEM MYSELF!!!

Now, FIX this on going PROBLEM!!

Cherie Ryals Corona, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3460 of 5002

Stop unwanted robo calls now!!!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3461 of 5002

My wife and I have been using Nomorobo and cannot do without it. We are in our seventies and are not physically able to answer all the robocalls.

Santa Fe, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3462 of 5002

I have Verizon and I am unable to block robocalls.

I am bothered at work, at home and on the road. Why should I have to use up my minutes on unwanted calls?

Please allow blocking!

Auburn New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3463 of 5002

Love robocall blocking products. Before I added one I was getting 10 or more calls a day, 7 days a week. Some even called before 8 AM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3464 of 5002

Robo telephone calls are getting our of hand. On one of our lines they represent 80% of the daily calls. I am not smart enough but I expect that there people who can figure out how to deal with this problem. The Do-not-call list is not working. Please help.

Ingo Rucker Bel Air MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3465 of 5002

I hate getting robocalls. Do not take away the only tool I know of to keep some of these calls out of our lives.

George Edmiston Sacramento, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3466 of 5002 we have got to be able to block these robocalls!..... I held on the line once and when they answered I told them to stop calling me I was on the DO NOT CALL list..... The guy laughed at me...... Actually laughed at me and told me that that didn't apply any more and they would continue to call.... Obviously I hung up at that point..... Please work to effectively block those calls!!!!!!

Barbara Evers Santa Cruz, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3467 of 5002

My phone is my private property and I do not walk telemarketers or anyother uninvited callers to be contacting me on it. Please do not take away my privacy.

Denise Mellott Rowlett, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3468 of 5002

I am tired of getting 5-6 telemarketing calls every day (including weekends). I think call blocking systems are the answer to my prayers. Please make phone companies provide blocking systems for consumers. You can't get away from advertising, even the computer is full of it on just about any website you go to. These unwanted ads are forced upon us and it is time that we had the technology to stop them. They are huge distractions and time wasters.

Dave Richards Midland, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3469 of 5002

I hate robocalls. They wake me up in the morning an disturb me throughout the day! They should be illegal.

Emily Bartlett Bethesda, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3470 of 5002

Please allow us to block ridiculous calls from robots! Life is hectic enough dont need this craziness too!

Clare Elton scotch plains nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3471 of 5002

I am tired of receiving these pone calls from the automated dialing lists.

If I was interested in anything they have to say or sell, I would contact them myself. They are a nuisance.

Marilyn Boyles Arkansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3472 of 5002

There are many reasons why robocalls are bad.

1) People that are hard of hearing don't understand what is being said.

2) I hate being asked for a vote from someone I don't even consider a candidate,

3. Timing is usually bad,.

4. Use the 6 o'clock news if you need to tell me something, don't waste my phone minutes. m patriarca newton ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3473 of 5002

Stop robo calls

Jeff barkan Baldwin ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3474 of 5002

I have every right to block annoying or harassing calls from my phone. The phone companies claim they can't do it for me (untrue - they do it in other countries), so I rely on other companies like Nomorobo instead. It still puts the onus on me, but at least I can block the calls. I wish the burden were on the callers, though, and not on me. Please support blocking robocalls. Thank you.

Denise Waldron Bedford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3475 of 5002

I am sink and tired of tàlking to sells pitches. Waking me up during my nap's, and during dinner time stopping to answer the phone. Blocking these type of calls is the best thing ever.

Edward Willett Lomita,Ca. 90717

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3476 of 5002


HELP, HELP, HELP...... HELP......

Columbia, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3477 of 5002

I am so thankful I was able to use Nomorobo but only certain companies allow it right now. Robocalls are an annoyance. Please make changes so that all phone companies would be required to provide robocall blocking solutions. Everyone that I know feels this way about robocalls.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3478 of 5002

Please block robo calls robert birch run, mi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3479 of 5002

Robocalls never seem to end; they come at all times of the day, including evenings and weekends. As a recovering heart patient, this constant disruption is especially concerning. It is important that we be allowed the means to stop them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3480 of 5002

Please, give us some peace in our own homes from the phones WE pay for. Stop robocalls! We're on Do Not Call, we use NOMOROBO and still they keep coming.

Jonathan Selig & Sandy Peich-Selig Malibu CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3481 of 5002

Automated call blocking is of great value to me. My phone should be for legitimate live person to live person use. Specifically, from people and businesses I have directly given my number to.

I support the continuation of services like Nomorobo to help screen unwanted phone interactions.


Brad Wolfe

Brad Wolfe Snohomish, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3482 of 5002

I am so tired of robo calling. I watch my infant grandchildren and the calls are almost non stop and wake them up. And sometimes they call back to back several times and all hours of the day. Robo calling must be stopped and being able to block them in a EASY manner would be appreciated. I have Comcast and they sequences they put you thru to block calls is absolutely stupid. But they are greedy to say the least. Please put a end to this and soon!

New Oxford PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3483 of 5002

Whoever invented robocalls needs to be shot! The phone always rings at the most inconvenient time. My health has not been good lately and it seems every time I try to lay down and rest, the phone rings. I don't want to listen to a politician or any other person that I don't know. I pay my phone bill and it's my phone. If they want to pay me a salary to answer their ridiculous,my fee would be $500 a minute. Also these robocalls are scamming the elderly in a lot of cases. No calls should come through from another country where they are rude and ruthless. The Do Not Call list is a joke so at least stop the robocalls!!

Linda Snyder Goliad, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3484 of 5002

An average of six unwanted phone calls a day that NOMOROBO successfully blocks. This is a great service. My brother in Michigan cannot get NOMOROBO- I told him I was sorry, but I am sure it will be available in the future. The Do Not Call registry is completely ignored, and is useless.

Highland, md

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3485 of 5002

Robocalls should be eliminated. I see no reason that they shouldn't be considered a nuisance. please make it a law that the phone companies take the measures needed to end these calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3486 of 5002

We are on the state no call list, but it didn't help stop the calls. Please don't take this wonderful service away!

Kirkwood, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3487 of 5002

Robocalls should be allowed to be blocked. They are very annoying and disruptive and if you try and call them back a recording usually says that number is not in service. What? It just called me? So you cant even get your number taken off the list.

Morganville nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3488 of 5002

Without call blocking, my phone would ring with junk calls half a dozen times a day. I know this because until recently that's what it did. Now I use two different call-blocking methods — one of which is Nomorobo. It's invaluable to me, as it greatly reduces incoming calls from robots. When a machine calls, there's no way to tell it never to call back again.

Without this technology, I would very likely get rid of my landline (which I keep mainly for safety and security reasons). Thanks for listening.

William Boyd Auburn, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3489 of 5002


RE: Dreadful Robotic Phone Calls


God sent blocking products

When my phone rings I rush to answer because I have 2 children, 3 if you count their father. As a busy mother and business owner, if there is one spare minute left in my day, I'd like to spend it on me - not answering call after call.

NOMOREROBO has turned out to be invaluable to me. Thanking you in advance.


Midlothian, VA 23112

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3490 of 5002

I am a firm believer that as a paying telephone customer, I should have a great say what kind of calls I can block. I strongly support robocall blocking products. Customers should be able to say whether they want blocking products or not. Frankly, I think the telephone providers should be supporting their customers by taking the lead to block robocalls if the customer so decides.

Edmundo Chavez Camarillo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3491 of 5002

STOP the robocalls to our cellphones and land lines. I am just so tired of getting a call, answering it, and not having anyone on the line until the equipment kicks in.

James and Ingrid Turcich Delran, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3492 of 5002 why can't i control who can call me, Verizon doesn't seem to care about how many times I get called from Robo calls.

Roger Lamontagne Milford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3493 of 5002

My elderly mom lives with me and she gets all worked up when the phone rings. She always feels we need to answer the phone. I'm sure this is true of many elderly, who grew up before robocalls were invented. We get several calls a day, even though we are on the no call list. I even have to take tge phone out of my mom's bedroom at night, so sge won't be awakened by early morning calls. This is a gross invasion of our peace and quiet. susan sennott dedham, ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3494 of 5002

No one should be able to call me unless I want them to. Technology like Nomorobo allows me to chose which calls to pick up and which ones I want to ignore. Please make Verizon Wireless allow this technology on the cell phone network (I have it on my home "Vonage" phone line).

Herb Philpott Waltham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3495 of 5002

Robocalls and marketing phone calls are not welcome in my home. They disrespect our desire for peace and quiet, they ignore our right to privacy, they're disruptive to family life, they're distasteful, unfair and rude. It has been a huge disservice to the citizens of this great country that we are forced to tolerate any robo - marketing calling nonsense at all.

Robocall blockers, however, exist because the citizenry so dislikes Robotic calling and marketing calls. Disallowing technology, like Robocall blocking products to work for the good of the people would be an enormous mistake. Please require every phone provider to allow any and all call blocking products they desire.

Eric Anderson Encinitas, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3496 of 5002

Nomorobo actually works, and it works very good...but it is not enough!!!! I am on the 'do not call' list, but does it actually work? NO!!! Every day, I, plus thousands and thousands of other household, get too many telemarketing calls that we should not have to put up with. We need more of this kind of blocking (Nomorobo) of illegal, irritating telemarketing calls. There is no reason that telephone companies can NOT put a stop to this. It is like simple math. 1+1= 2, unless you don't want 2 to be the answer! But, and I have to say, but... if you don't WANT to stop will never stop it!!! Thank you


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3497 of 5002

OMG. How insane! Maybe the FCC would like to subsidize my bill!! Pay for those robo calls. What an outrage. Stop the greedy, garish lobbyists from literally getting in my face. MY PHONE. I WANT THE OPTION TO BLOCK ROBO CALLS. AND IT SHOULD BE SIMPLE. LIKE THE "DO NOT CALL".

NO ROBOCALLS!##!!!!! ken & Frances Dunn bayville, ny 11709

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3498 of 5002

It is beyond absurd that the FCC would even consider limiting a citizen's ability to block a small percentage of the unsolicited phone calls that intrude a person's home on a regular basis. Nomorobo works extremely well and I can personally attest that it has prevented more than two dozen robocalls from disrupting the members of my household during meal and study time.

Paul Shehadi Wallingford, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3499 of 5002

I cannot think of the times when a Robocall comes through just when the family is sitting down for a meal or when we are getting ready to sleep or when we've just walked through the front door tired from work ... . If it weren't for Nomorobo I don't know what we'd have done. The volume of robocalls seems to be ever increasing. The public needs a remedy. Nomorobo provides a great public service. Please don't take it away.

Washington D.C.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3500 of 5002

I hate robocalls & I should be able to block them. They are an invasion of my privacy. I don't need my phone ringing constantly with unwanted calls.

Audree Feldman Manalapan, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3501 of 5002

I ;am so tired of my phone ringing multiple times a day with calls from a machine and for something I am not at all interested in. I have registered with the Do Not Call list but it doesn't seem to help. Please please please let these calls be block. I recently signed up with Nomorobo and it has made a big difference.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3502 of 5002

We are senior citizens and are receiving robocalls 7 days a week up to 3-4 per day up to 9:30PM. They are literally ruining our quality of life. We cannot even relax in our own home without the telephone ringing with an annoying robocol every few hours. We are entitled to our privacy and we should be able to block these constant every day very annoying and disturbing robocalls calls. We fully support robocall blocking products. We want the FCC to also support robocall blocking products and also to take more regulatory action against all those companies that are doing the robocalling. It's about time to support the rights of the consumers vs. the robocalling companies and the telephone companies.

Thank you.

Carl and Meredith Chancey Marshfield, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3503 of 5002

You really, really, REALLY don't want to hear what I think about robocalls. If I REALLY told you what I think, the internet would fry, and your ears would melt, and your brain explode.

Does that give you bureaucrats the picture?

I HATE ROBOCALLS, and I intensely dislike politicians and bureaucrats that allow them AND I VOTE!

Keith and Caryl Smyth Campbell, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3504 of 5002

I was getting over 50 calls per day until I started using nomorobo. Now I get about 5 calls per day from people and organizations I want to deal with. We should have the ability to block the 'garbage' calls for our peace of mind, which is what we have with being able to block robocalls. I don't know how you can even think of taking that right away from the people. Or is it the special money??????

Chuck Henning Glen Ellyn, Il

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3505 of 5002

I am sick and tired of getting so many robocalls a day, that I want them blocked as soon as possible.

Donna Bayliff Lima, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3506 of 5002

Please, please allow me to block robo calls. I am tired of getting repeat calls disrupting dinner times and my evening time. I am tired of having to repeatedly ask solicitors to take my name off of their list or them not taking no for an answer. I do Not like to be rude but they force me too..

I want to be free of this nuisance.

Thank you!

San Diego Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3507 of 5002

I work a full-time job and don't have a lot of time at home. I would like a nice, peaceful environment while I'm home. Please allow for robocall blocking!

RoxAnn Castle Rock, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3508 of 5002

Please stop the calls

Poeschl Halifax ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3509 of 5002

Please allow NOMOROCALLS to continue blocking robo calls. I have had so many robo calls, I cannot keep count anymore. NOMOROCALLS is a great service. They have helped me and my wife a lot. I no the phone companies get over whelmed with so many complaints from consumers. There are really very few options for the regular consumer to stop these types of calls. And the Do Not Call service is a joke.

Thank You


Bob Walts Syracuse N.Y.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3510 of 5002

Nomorobo is great. Don't stop it!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3511 of 5002

Please stop these intrusive calls from intruding on our precious family time.

Philadelphia PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3512 of 5002

Please allow the ability to stop calls from telemarketers using automated systems to call at all hours.

RoboCall blocking has been the only solution that has worked against these services. This service should be allowed as a service of the phone service provider.

Thank you.

Desmond Duncker Glen Ridge, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3513 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of privacy. Unscrupulous advertisers purchase private information and use it to bombard the public with unwanted advertising every day. It is one thing to have to sort through dozens of emails, but to have your privacy invaded by a live salesperson in your own home is going too far. These calls force otherwise civilized people to become rude when the callers won't relent to a polite "no thank you." Moreover, many people such as myself have pay-as-you-go cell phones-and a disproportionate number of those people are senior citizens and/or are economically challenged. Each robocall is charged to the cell phone owner. Unwanted advertising calls are not only stressful to these people-they are actually forced to pay to have their privacy invaded. Stop robocalls! Nomorobo should be commmended as a public service, not regulated out of existance!

Catherine Burke Long Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3514 of 5002

Please take all steps necessary to stop Robo calling, especially to cell phone numbers.

Judith Berson Hendersonville NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3515 of 5002

I recently moved from Ansonia Ct to Naugatuck Ct and that required a different phone company. One that does not allow robo blocking. They say they do not have the capabilities, and that it will be coming soon. When I was in Ansonia I had robo blocking. The robo calls were dramatically reduced. I think you should require every phone company to enable robo blocking.

John Spaulding

John Spaulding Naugatuck CT 06770

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3516 of 5002

We receive about 3-5 calls daily from unidentified, misidentified and sneaky callers. I have blocked many by specific phone number but have used up my allotment for that approach. Nomorobo stocks about 1/2 of the calls. The remainders are the above mentioned cals.

Please consider assisting the beleaguered telephone by allowing the phone user to block many of these calls. Thank you.

G M Christy Lincoln, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3517 of 5002

Before Nomorobo I was badgered by unwanted calls all day long and on weekends. My voicemail would be filled with telemarketers and even threatening calls saying I was about to be arrested. The Do Not Call List does not work to stop these intrusions. Asking people not to call doesn't work and they sometimes become abusive. I would get rid of my landline but my internet is tied to it, and my cell phone has begun to get robocalls. Without Nomorobo, I feel I would risk losing my sanity, and that's not an exaggeration.

H Blanc LA, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3518 of 5002

We should be able to block robocalls on both cell and landlines.

Greg Coggeshall Laurel, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3519 of 5002

I receive 3 to4 calls a day that robocall blocks. I feel it is a wonderful and free service.

Paul Gordon Washington Twp, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3520 of 5002

I am sick and tired of answering my phone to be bombarded by pitches from computers. It is bad enough to have to take calls from human interlopers who disregard the do-not-call list, but it is far worse to hear daily from Rachel from Cardholder Services, or the guy who says "Don't hang up - this is not a sales call!".

Enough already. Let me keep keep these robo-creeps out of my phone and my ear. The phone companies can earn their money from honest call volume.

Robert Blizard Acton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3521 of 5002

My choosing NoMoRoBo call blocking is akin to my blocking unwanted calls.

It is MY choice to prevent waste of time, bandwidth, system use and money.

If phone spammers can use computers to megadial phone numbers then using computer software to block unwanted phone spam is appropriate

If the FCC exercises its authority to manage this problem area, it will have control of the problem. Therefore, other, as yet unforeseen, uses of computer/software accessing phones en mass will be controllable by the FCC ' s regulatory power. It is conceivable that future attacks on the telephone infrastructure may be possible through cleverly programmed phone access gained using spoofed phone numbers and offshore computers. DOS, assaults on servers, etc may be tools employed to deny use of individual phones or the systems themselves.

It is assumed that phone companies will resist ANY regulation of service because of restrictions which would cost them money. A simple reason is that call spammers use up time on user's phone accounts. A few minutes each phone # across thousands of phones whose owners are paying by'the-minute charges is a boon to their income without effort on their part. Additionally, restrictions on robocalls will lead to restrictions on software phone companies preload into cell phones and deny user-control of which can force these phones to lengthen a call by a few seconds each call thereby increasing chargeable fees.

These are a few of the reasons I want the FCC to exercise strong restrictive regulations on phone call spammers. I want the FCC to allow software such as NOMOROBO to block unwanted phone accesses and to exercise regulation of the programs allowed to employ this function.

Geoffrey P Wilson Germantown, Tn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3522 of 5002

I am an ICU physician. I get a significant number of unwanted calls when trying to catch up some sleep after night calls. It is frustrating that this happens in spite of signing up in Do Not Call list

Darnestown MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3523 of 5002

I am a disabled 84 year old woman. When the phone rings, I struggle to get to it. Most often it is a robocall. I thought I was listed on the "do not call" list, but obviously that doesn't work anymore.

I just hope I don't fall trying to get to the phone for a robocall. This has to be stopped...before I fall. something about this problem.


Cecile LaFramboise Wells, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3524 of 5002

The FCC needs to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. Please cooperate with Aaron Foss, Founder of Nomorobo, and other companies who make it possible for consumers to block robocalls.

Thank you,

Donald DeLancey Buena Park

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3525 of 5002

We are home most of the day and were constantly bothered by robocalls. As soon as we began using a service to block robocalls our lives became much more peaceful. Please let us continue to block robocalls.

Catherine and George Griffin Redwood City CA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3527 of 5002

Before I was lucky enough to find this blocking service, I was receiving 5 to 6 calls PER DAY from contractors. They would call and LIE to me. Saying I asked them to call back; that I wanted them to do work on my house. I did not; would not. I'm a shop teacher. I do my own house repairs and renovations. In addition to these I was also receiving 4 to 7 calls per week from other sources wanting me to buy "stuff."

I HATE these calls. I would never buy from such a caller. I want, and everyone should have, the opportunity to BLOCK these calls. glendale calif

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3528 of 5002

The robocall blocking is the best product on the market to eliminate telemarketeers. The do not call feature does NOT work. We need something to help us with respect to telemarketeers.

Melvin Chazen Cerritos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3529 of 5002

I would like to block robocalls

Frank Flessel Atlanta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3530 of 5002

Robo blocking has been a Godsend! It's my house and my phone why should I be harassed in my own home? If you allow this harassment to be allowed, I will once again wonder how a government agency can be so out of touch!!!!

Denis Mayer Kendall Park, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3531 of 5002

Nomorobo calls is the best thing that ever happened to us. It is a pleasure not to get those annoying sales calls, hang ups and all the other nuisance calls we were getting. We were inundated with these calls day and night. Now we can sit down to dinner and have a meal with out having to run to the phone every minute for those useless annoying calls..

Margate Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3532 of 5002

By denying my right to privacy and allowing unwanted calls to continue to bombard the American public, you are actually aiding the spread of identity theft and other types of fraud and theft using calls to the unsuspecting individual.

Allow me the freedom to control who comes into my house by the door or through the telephone system!

Steve Denny Downers Grove, Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3533 of 5002

Stop robo calls!!!!!!!!!!

DEAR GOD! 8 to 9 a day from 7:00 in the morning until 8:00 at night every day + weekends

I had to pay more money to buy AT & T's more exspensive package to block calls, and even then, I can only block 20 numbers max.

Mr. & Mrs. McGiffid Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3534 of 5002

You need to need to force phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. It's only right. Please act on this.

Marge Teilhaber Fort Lee, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3535 of 5002

Verizon Wireless does not have the features needed for NOMOROBO call blocking. I do use the feature on my ATT home line, and it is working great. So many in-coming calls stop after 1 ring, being stopped by NOMOROBO. Please force the other phone companies to allow me to NOT have to listen to these unwanted robo calls on my cell. Thank you for taking this message.

Wes Dreyer San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3536 of 5002

Robocalls are invasion of privacy and annoying as hell. If I want someone's service I should be able to seek them out not bother the shit out of me with 3 to 4 calls a day from the same number or a dead number ,

Robert Louderback Menifee Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3537 of 5002

We pay for our phone service. We do not pay for advertisements on our phone; yet, we cannot stop the robocalls. On our cell phones, if we answer an "unknown" caller, we pay for the time our phone is in use, whether we want to receive the call or not. We want to use our phones to make and receive important calls from people we know and trust. We feel insulted that we are being bombarded with calls from numbers that we cannot trace, nor can we return the calls to complain. The more you answer the calls, the more you receive. (You gotta love computers!)

Bill & Sandie Green Redlands, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3538 of 5002

I don't want to be subject to any Robocalls . I should NOT have to be disturbed in my own home with solicitations that I did not request. ROBO calls are annoying and unwanted.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3539 of 5002

Allow robocall blocking!!!

Newton MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3540 of 5002

Robo calls are annoying and unwanted. I believe citizens should be able to use robo call blocking products.

Mary Ellen Hoag Camillus, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3541 of 5002

Pass legislation that will help me block the incessant robocalls that call several times every day despite my phone number being listed on the Do Not Call Registry.

Richard New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3542 of 5002

Robocalls should be stopped. The number of calls received in this household are excessive. I am on the "do not call list, yet I continue to receive multiple calls on a daily basis. I consider them an invasion of my right to privacy. In addition, I pay for telephone service (landline and cell). I should have the right to block unwanted telephone calls.

Ellen Weiss Beltsville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3543 of 5002

If someone REPEATEDLY, day in and day out, rang my door bell, could I not have them arrested for harassment? If so, then WHY must I allow someone to ring my phone again and again and again. What crazy logic would allow them to seek government assistance to stop me from blocking them? Has our government gotten THAT upside-down that the harassers have more rights than the harassed? I should be allowed to block ANYONE I wish. After all, they ARE MY PHONES. I pay for their use and should have some control over them. No other arguments matter.

Chuck Schardong Upper St Clair, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3544 of 5002

I am tired of unwanted and uninvited intrusions into my home via my telephone. If I can not block unwanted calls and all robo calls into my home I am going to eliminate my home phone. It is ridiculous that I can not have a phone line because it is constantly barraged by solicitations by phone marketers.

James White Apple Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3545 of 5002

Please help with the robo calls they are annoying and disrespectful. I have gotten call as late as 19 at nite and they are 7 days a week. Please help!!!

Eddie Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3546 of 5002

This is a big problem. You put your phone number on the National Do Not Call list yet these robo-callers continuously call over and over because they have technology that allows them to put your phone number in a database and continue to call OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The ones I have received most recently claim that "someone in your household owes money". They want you to call them so that they can phish for more information and then at the very least sell your information. We must put an end to the selling of data. This is one of the biggest reasons that there is identity theft in this country. I AM PERSONALLY SICK OF IT AND EXPECT THE GOVERNMENT TO TAKE CARE OF THESE MORONS. If you cant or wont do anything with them then the government is just as bad as they are. This is my phone number and I am tired of the invasion of my privacy.

Jack Bullard Red Rock, AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3547 of 5002

I am so sick of my phone ringing from solicitors sometimes up to 3 times from the same caller that now I don't even pick up my phone but wait till the caller is identified! That is sad! Nomorerobo has made this problem a little easier and weeds out some to half of those annoying calls! Please allow nomorerob to continue and start stopping those solicitors that are instead sooo annoying!! PLEASE STOP THOSE SPAMMERS from bothering us and protect us!! Thanks!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3548 of 5002

I am plagued by robocalls. Please allow me to have a means to block these annoying calls. I am currently using NOMOTOBO, which helps, but is not perfect. These robocalls should be outlawed.

Oyster Bay, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3549 of 5002

I hope you will wholeheartedly support citizen-oriented initiatives and services like Nomorobo, which allows people to block robocalls. These calls are disruptive, irrelevant, and in some cases, dangerous-- interrupting people who are doing things like caring for small children, cooking, etc. I am thrilled to use the Nomorobo service, which has made life more peaceful at home. I just wish the "unavailable" or "private" numbers could be blocked, too.

Katherine Lawrence Ann Arbor, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3550 of 5002

Robo calls are intrusive and time consuming. And may of them are for gimmicks to take money from unsuspecting consumers (mostly old ones). It costs the perpetrators nothing to keep on calling until they find a sucker.

We should all be given the option of eliminating them!!!

Richard Berney Bethesda MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3551 of 5002

I have a right to privacy and should be able to block any, all calls that I wish to. I pay the phone bill and I should be able to decide who I want to speak with and when!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3552 of 5002

I am plagued by phone calls from all kinds of people looking to sell me something or asking for donations. I get at least 6-10calls aday at all hours of the day including early morning and all the rest of the day including Sindays which is my sabbath. Stopping these calls would give my life some peace and quiet.

Garrison NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3553 of 5002

The robocalls come at the most inconvenient times ranging from 5 am to midnight. the same numbers come up over and over again. Do not call register does not block them. Please do not prevent us from doing what we can to stop these calls.

Karen Helt Buffalo, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3554 of 5002

I don't have time to be answering automated phone calls that don't concern my business or my family. You answer the phone and wait to hear someone on the other end that's extremely irritating Your on a call and the phone clicks in for a solicitation. Leave people have control of something in their life if it;s only who can and can not call them.It's to the point where it's 10 calls a day. Bit much wouldn't you agree! You're life wouldn't be happy with it.

Mary H Creasy Joliet, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3555 of 5002

Please force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. Our privacy is being invaded and we as consumers are helpless in knowing the validity behind these calls! shoni j. pleasanton, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3556 of 5002

I definitely want to be able to block "robo calls"...commercial, charity, and political. My phone is mine and I don't want to be bothered in my home.

Abner Kestler Boerne, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3557 of 5002

With the advent of automated telephone calling (robo calls) over the years the barrage of calls interrupting our day has become so bad we would simply ignore any call ringing that had an unfamiliar (or no) caller ID. When I learned of the nomorobo service and set it up I found the difference to be amazing. Simply wait for the phone to ring twice and I nearly always get a legitimate phone call.

I'm disappointed that telephone companies are pushing to have this capability banned and wonder what their motivation could be.

Please rule to require all phone companies to offer the simultaneous ring ring feature that is essential to the nomorobo service and give the consumer more control over who can intercept their day. Thank you.

Edward DeMeulle Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3558 of 5002

What is the point of robocalls? I used to have to go pick up my phone only to have to hang it up again. The Nomorobo service gives me peace of mind; there is only one ring and the phone goes silent - another call I do not have to waist my time answering. Nomorobo is the best solution to date, the only better way would be for there to be no ring at all when a robo caller tries to call.

David & June Andrews Oxon Hill MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3559 of 5002

I pay the phone bill here not the robocallers leave me alone

Menifee Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3560 of 5002

Please keep these annoying calls from continually disrupting my life. With all of the pressures of everyday life we should enjoy peace in our own homes. Please kill the barbaric robo calls!

Joan Schellhorn glenview, Il

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3561 of 5002

Enough! I have my name and numbers on the do not call list. It does NO GOOD. At least a service like Norumbo stops about 50% of the calls coming into my house and I can tell because it only rings once. I can tell exactly when my numbers have been sold because from that moment on I will get, and I have counted and can show you on my phone record, about 50-60 calls within a 5 day period of junk calls. I don't receive that many phone calls from people I know and I can no longer answer my phone!!!!!! People have to leave me messages and I call them back because I can't even tell anymore who is calling. I have almost injured myself trying to get to the phone only to see it is a call from some place that is a junk call. I had to block a call from New Orleans just today. They called me 8 times within 24 hours. Eight times! PLEASE do something to stop these calls and for goodness sake allow these services to continue to help us.

George and Mara Rutan Ridgewood, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3562 of 5002

Robocalls are rampant, invasive and destructive. Nomorobo is a lifesaver in relieving my family of the horribly widespread annoyance that these callers have become. Since I can't personally stop the callers, I totally support Nomorobo and other robocall blocking products that help to rid my life of this annoyance. I urge the FCC to support this effort on behalf of those of us who pay for telephone services that are being abused by robocallers.

Richard Settar Berkeley Heights, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3563 of 5002

I do not like robocalls. They are a waist of my time and we need a way to block them. I never buy anything they are trying to sell and will not. They are a waist of air time.

Howard Nashville Tn.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3564 of 5002

I find it is an invasion of my freedom of privacy. I believe truly that only I have the option of having -Or Not Having- unsolicited 'spam calls'. Calls that I Do Not want, and Have Not asked for. if I want to give my opinion, or go on a trip or whatever the subject matter... I know how to find what I want when and if I want to.

Noah Brewer Elm City, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3565 of 5002

Over half of all phone calls into our home now are false, fraudulent, robot calls that violate Federal law and the Do Not Call List. We get no enforcement help at all from the FCC or from any police agency. We are left to defend ourselves against this waste of our time and of the phone companies' plant and resources. NoMoRobo is our choice for this defense.

Please do NOT give in to those who shill for rules that would make us defenseless against this persistent and growing attack on our time and attention!

Thank you.

Steve Saunders Cupertino, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3566 of 5002

I get an average of 9 unwanted, maddening robocalls every week and have no recourse to stop them. My being on the Do Not Call List has not had any effect.on them. My carrier cannot help. Calling numbers are contiuously changed, so they cannot be anticipated and blocked. There is a proven robocall blocking service available, but it has not been approved by the FCC. I urge the FCC to approve and facilitate this service as soon as possible so these extremely annoying, unwanted and disruptive intrusions into untold thousands of homes every day can be brought to a halt. .

Gloria Stahle Savannah, Georgia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3567 of 5002

For gosh sakes, don't go overboard and allow robocalls to not be blocked. They are a tremendous infringement on our privacy, generally occurring at meal time. Robocall blocking products are great. Please support them and make them more widely available.

Robert & Anne Morrison San Diego, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3568 of 5002

I respectfully request your assistance and support in alleviating to nearly constant stream of Robocalls, as well as Unsolicited Advertisers,

Charity Solicitations and all forms of telemarketing affecting home-lines, business-lines and mobile- phone lines. This effort to restrict these telemarketers using Robocalls as well as the other aforementioned schemes can not be successfully reduced or eliminate without government intervention. Productivity in businesses large and small has been affected adversely due to these interruptions, which at times are relentless.


Howard Amster

Laguna Niguel, CA

Howard Amster Laguna Niguel, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3569 of 5002

Robocall blocking products are the only thing that make it bearable to have landline phones in this day and age. These companies have no respect for privacy and constantly bombard people with these phone calls. Take away our right to have products to help us to deal with this and you'll be having to explain to the phone companies why they are losing more and more business. Be the government agency that you were created to be. Put the interests and concerns of People at the forefront... not the interests of big business. I'm so disappointed in the FCC for even considering taking away citizens' rights to put controls on telemarketers. I thought you could be depended upon to care about common people.

Rockville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3570 of 5002

For several years, my home was bombarded with robocalls. Beginning in the early hours to the late evening, the intrusions grew more frequent. From credit solutions, to new windows, to telephone service pitches, to mortgage reductions, the calls kept coming and coming. They were all unsolicited, all unwanted, and all an interruption to my day and peace of mind. I steadfastly and frequently reported these calls to the Do Not Call Registry complaint site - for years - with no reply and no solutions. The calls never stopped. I finally stumbled across Nomorobo a few months ago - it has been the medicine to cure my ills. NO MORE ROBO CALLS! Finally, my problem has been solved by a bright, ingenious entrepreneur with a simple software solution. I love this product and hope other consumers who just don't want to be bothered by the "junk mail" of the phone lines can take advantage of its tremendous potential.

Melinda V. Guttenberg, New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3571 of 5002

I do not like having to pay for time wasted on telemarketer calls. Please allow me to block these calls.

Russell Ripley Oakdale, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3572 of 5002

I use NOMOROBO block because there are far too many telemarketers who prey on poor people, call repeatedly, and often are rude and intimidating. It is my phone, my number and I did not give them permission to call me. They have my address, they can mail their offers to me; then I can peruse their material in my own time and at my convenience. Stop trying to take my rights away.

Paul Boyd San Marcos Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3573 of 5002

Services like NoMoRobo are needed since the do not call registry is not enforced!

Mike Irwin Albuquerque, NM

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Louis Bailey Temple Hills, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3575 of 5002

Please allow me the option to block calls on my cell phone!

Gary Bodine Buckley, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3576 of 5002

They are an invasion of my privacy...they are not informative and may cause one to trip or fall when rushing to answer. Please stop them!

Mary Gallagher Osterville, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3577 of 5002

Until the phone companies effectively block illegal, intrusive calls, I should be allowed to use technology to control those intrusions. Using nomorobo has reduced unwanted calls significantly.

Steven Marcovici Somerset, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3578 of 5002

Robo Calls need to be BANNED


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3579 of 5002

I don't feel the government should be able to tell me what MUST accept on my personal phone. Affording me the opportunity to block annoying, intrusive phone calls by employing the use of monotonous should not be against the law!

RSL Studio City, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3580 of 5002

I feel that robocalls should be allowed to be blocked. They are not only a nuisance, but many times we are asked to stay on hold until the next available representative.

Stan Wiechart Delphos,Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3581 of 5002

Stop the robocalls

J A Estrella Dexter, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3582 of 5002

I don't want robocalls. You don't either.

Mary B. Service Bloomfield, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3583 of 5002

Robo calls are annoying and I should have the right to block them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3584 of 5002

NO ROBOCALLS! First phone company who eliminates them completely gets my business.

Margaret Marcarelli Guilford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3585 of 5002

The FCC should not limit any services that a phone subscriber can use. If a caller can try to call to sell their wares, legal or illegal, shady or genuine, we should have the right to block such calls. And the DoNotCall list is ignored by callers!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3586 of 5002

We have been aware of, and used, nomorobo for some time, and it's the best tecnological tool to come along. I am surprised that no more people are awre of it. We (private citizens) need more ways to protect our privacy. Anything that can be done to block robo calls should be allowed. I wish there was some way to prohibit other telemarketing calls. We are on the "do not call" list, but telemarketers continue to bother us.

Don and Judy Miller New Braunfels, Tx 78130

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3587 of 5002

I dislike calls which interrupt my dinner, my evenings with family, and my sleep. Robo calls are annoying and disruptive. NOMOROBO has been a very valuable service to me.

I feel that I should be in charge of who may call, and not call, me.

John & Patricia Bohrmann St. Louis, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3588 of 5002

I no longer want to be bothered and have my time wasted by calls that I want nothing to do with. As soon as I hear the pause I hang up. I want it stopped altogether.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3589 of 5002

Please enact whatever rules and or policies are required to stop all robocalls to home and cell phones.

Clayton Blankenship Grayson Georgia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3590 of 5002

I hate robocalls, and I want them blocked.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3591 of 5002

I get at least 3-4 calls a day from construction, or other sales company on my home phone. You can tell these are robot calls by the pauses before a person comes on the line. These calls interrupt my work, my cooking, my family life. I do not invite these solicitations and definitely do not want them.

They do not stop when asked. They are extremely irritating and invasive! We need to make them stop their harassment. Please allow norobocalls to block thwm and force those so called "public utilities" the phone companies to assist them.

Ellen Morgan San Pedro, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3592 of 5002

We HATE robocalls and see no reason for people who own telephones to be placed at the mercy of (often fraudulent) companies that use them to intrude on us aurally. Please mandate that blocking products be made readily accessible to consumers!

Jennifer Crohn and Robert Donald South Orange NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3593 of 5002

I do not think that any robocalls should be legal at any time in America. It is our right to protect our privacy and to be able to use robocall blocking products if we so desire. I personally believe that no government organization should have the right at any time to make any person's phone numbers public or easily accessible in any way. There is way too many scams going on by telephone, email and other means. It is time to put a stop to all robocalls, telemarketing phone calls and spam.

I am tired of politicians being allowed to do robocalls and all other organizations. If I want to do business with a specific company on the phone, then I will initiate the contact myself. I am tired of unidentified caller id calls of all types and I do not agree with anyone being allowed to block their caller id for any reason.

Stephen Floyd Forrest City, Arkansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3594 of 5002

Please put an end to robo calling political and otherwise.

Robert Menke At Petersburg, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3595 of 5002

Programs like Nomorobo give the average citizen the ability to do what government for the most part will not, and that is to help level the playing field and allow them the ability to defend themselves from corporate greed and avarice. Do not disallow this type of consumer defense program. No one is forced to use it. If you want to call me in the middle of my dinner, you better be a real person on the end of the line!

Thomas Winberry New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3596 of 5002

Please support blocking of robocalls. Although they are supposedly illegal I get seviral per day. My phone company currently doesn't support a blocking plan that is functional.

Judith Mowrey Sunnyvale, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3597 of 5002

I am tired of receiving solicitations on my home and mobile phone. Every time they leave a message it costs me money. Programs like Nomorobo help but there should be more options.

Owings Mills, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3598 of 5002

I am SOOOOO sick of getting this robo calls. Please give us some why to control them. When I finally pick up and remind them I'm on the Goverment Do Not Call lists, they argue with me, give me some kind of excuse, argue with me, tell me they don't know what that is or they do not have to look, and on and on. One even threatened me if I turned them in to FCC. I thought the 'Do Not Call' list would help but both my land line and cell phone still get jammed with the awful calls.

Betty L Porter Moreno Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3599 of 5002

First there was the Do Not Call list, and that worked for a good several years. Then the calls started again. Every day, all day. At 7 am and at 11pm and literally continuously all day long. We try very hard to protect our number. I would argue that we are actually quite savvy when it comes to preventing robocallers and telemarketers from having access to our number, yet it continues to get worse. We can literally get 3 and 4 calls in a span of 5 minutes...all junk. There absolutely had to be a way to block robocalls and frankly, unsolicited calls should be outlawed. They are a nuisance. If a solicitor continuously rang my doorbell, I could have them removed by the sheriff, but I have no way of stopping a solicitor from ringing my phone day and night. Please STOP ROBOCALLS!

Tamara and Arnold Sand Stevenson Ranch, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3600 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and a tremendous waste of my time. It is important that we have a mechanism to block them.

Robert Los Altos

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3601 of 5002

There is already a national "Do Not Call" registry. Yet, we still get unwanted, unsolicited, nuisance calls. Now, we are getting them from robotic devices. Please help the citizens of our country to put a stop to this. This will also help protect people from unscrupulous criminals and spammers, as well as conserve on wasted Obama phone minutes. Then the needy will have more minutes to call their crack dealers on the taxpayers dime. So they can spend the taxpayers dime. Can you help us please ? You can't do a darn thing to stop the nuisance of Obama. The least you could do is to stop robocalls.

Michael J. Cappello North Syracuse, NY 13212

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3602 of 5002

Everyday Nomorobo blocks robotic telemarketer calls to my home phone and I am thankful. I am on the Do Not Call List but yet I still recieve annoying non-robotic telemarketer calls everyday. I have the ability to block 50 calls by using my ATT software (blocks 20 calls) and my home phone (blocks 30 calls). I have reached my blocking limit and I want the ability to block an unlimited amount.

Do Not Call List doesn't work, Nomorobo works for robotic calls, please give me the ability to block any unwanted telemarketer phone call.

Michael Krajac Oakland CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3603 of 5002

This is a Quality-Of-Life issue. An invasion of my privacy. An invasion of my home. And I pay for the service and should have the ability to block or stop annoying Robo Calls.

I want my phone to stop ringing with the same Robo Calls day-in and day-out! I have tried everything known to man to stop this annoying interruption that can happen almost at any time. It is my phone, I pay for the privilege to have the service, and should not be subject to such invasion of my life by these companies that can not take no for an answer.

I expect my Government to Protect Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The FCC as part of this government owes that to all Americans that pay for the use of a Telephone.

Ken Stark North Carolina

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3604 of 5002

Since using nomorobo, I've died & gone to heaven... no more annoying ringing phone and then hang up calls. Evenings at home after work are so much more peaceful.

C Vithen San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3605 of 5002

Robocallers are driving me crazy! Please make the blocking technology accessible to everyone.

Mike and Karen Tincher Pleasanton, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3606 of 5002

Please block robocalls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3607 of 5002

I recently had my "land line" disconnected because ALL the phone calls I received in a two month period were robocalls. Now I am getting more of them on my mobile phone. These calls come at ALL hours of the day and night. There should be an easy way to block these calls! Making them illegal will not help because most of them originated outside the USA. Thank you for listening to the consumer that pays your salaries.

Peter J Crum Flower Mound, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3608 of 5002

Dear FCC

I am beyond annoyed with the unwanted robo calls that assult my phone every day. They are unsolicited and unwanted.

When and if I want to know about anything, the internet is right there. I buy from whomever I want and research the contractors I use. I donot need to be distributed by any computer genersted call.

Please address this problem as it is getting out of hand.


Dianne Clair Hopewell NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3609 of 5002



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3610 of 5002

I feel it is my right not to have harassing phone calls coming into my home. I pay the phone bill, not them. The DO NOT CALL list are ignored by a vast majority of these companies and often it is the same calls over and over. These calls come into my home all times of the day, often when I am trying to sleep, not feeling well or busy with my life. I do not want any UN-solicited calls, robo, political, or sales. My phone is not for their use, it is for me, my family and friends. Often these calls are mis-leading and confusing to older people and they are getting scammed. By the way nomorobo was a hit at our local health facility, facebook and anywhere I could share it.

Karen Anglada Belle Chasse, LA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3611 of 5002

I pay for my telephone and want to be able to block roboalls. Because my phone is from Time Warner, I am allowed to subscribe to NoMoRoBo and I greatly appreciate it. I cannot register my cell phone; nor can I register my 93-year-old mother. I do not understand why I cannot control my own telephone service that I have at MY expense.

Kay Heining San Antonio, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3612 of 5002

I think that you should outlaw robocalls. But at minimum, you should allow me to block them on my telephone. Thank you.

Robert Richman Beltsville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3613 of 5002 we think that we should have the right not to have people call us like telemarketer,computer calls etc. colorado springs colo

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3614 of 5002

As a retiree robocalls were driving me crazy. I didn't retire to spend time stopping what I was doing to answer calls for roofing,siding, hearing aids, credit cards, carpet cleaning, utility rebates and more.

Nomorerobo has caught most of the calls and saved my sanity.

It's my life and my phone, why would a phone company want to cause me frustration by not blocking unwanted calls?

Peggy Kemp Roseville, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3615 of 5002

I have subscribed to NOMOROBO and am very pleased with its ability to block unwanted calls. But it is not totally effective and I think it should be expanded, not curtailed. I have also been on the FCC and state "Do not call" lists, but these, too, are only partially effective, as I still receive unwanted (and presumably illegal) calls. The FCC and NOMOROBO should join forces to eliminate these scams and nuisance calls.

George & Loretta Campbell Waldwick, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3616 of 5002

Please block robocalls which invade the privacy and peaceful environment of homes. You represent the citizens of this country please listen.

Greg golasews

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3617 of 5002

Mobile companies already charge fees for many services, but do not provide a viable means to stop robocalls. As an owner of a mobile device it should be my right to purchase an app that will block such calls. Placing mmy mobile number in the do not call registry does not effectively block these types of calls. Please consider the request to allow robocalls blocking to be available for mobile devices.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3618 of 5002

When I don't have the ability to block robo calls my phone rings all day and night with these types of calls, about 35 calls a day. They don't respect my privacy or my request not to call. In fact if I tell them I don't want to hear from them they increase the call volume to the point I have to turn off the phones in order to get any peace or rest. What is the use of having a phone if it turned off most of the time? How can family or friends contact us in an emergency if our phones are turned off? Why should these illegal callers be allowed to harass us without a means to fight back? Reporting the calls to the Do Not Call complaint form accomplishes nothing, so we need call blocking technology.

David Oropallo Maple Shade, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3619 of 5002

I have a business and sometimes I won't answer my phone from unknown tel # , I get so many solicitations on my landline & cell. It costs me business I always think it is a sales call

Ron Wedlock Newark, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3620 of 5002

Please block robocalls which invade the privacy and peaceful environment of homes. You represent the citizens of this country please listen.

Greg golaszewski Massapequa Park, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3621 of 5002

I tried to register for RoboCalls blocking but unfortunately wasn't able to due to my landline is provided by AT&T and not VOIP type. I received numerous calls throughout the day starting 7-8 AM in the morning to 8 PM in the evening. It would be great to able to block these annoying calls.

San Bruno, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3622 of 5002

Robo Calls cause global warming, they attract asteroids, cause hemorrhoids and are the work of the anti-christ. Please make them stop.

Ron Gaynier Ann Arbor, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3623 of 5002

You are doing a terrible job---please help us

Mr. M. Belto atlantic beach, fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3624 of 5002

We have the right and ability to block unwanted emails, unwanted contact on social media, unwanted junk mail in our home mailbox...we should have the right to block unwanted phone calls.

Columbia Md

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3625 of 5002

I value my quiet time at home, especially at the dinner hour when most of these calls come. The blocking of these robo calls is the best thing that ever happened to dinner conversation with my kids.

Virginia Beach VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3626 of 5002

NOMOROBO has been fantastic. I was receiving 10 to 20 calls a day from telemarketers. I was on the DO NOT CALL LIST, which has been a failure, and had finally stopped a majority of the calls by using NOMOROBO. I want to block all calls from telemarketers.

Mike McGraw Newark, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3627 of 5002

I demand that you permit blocking of robot calls!

We get as many as 5 a day.... disturbing everyone including me!

It's our phone and we will defend it, just as is our freedom.

Greensboro N.C.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3628 of 5002



PAY A PHONE BILL THESE DAYS. I have already written my 'bitch' letters about this and if you need another copy, I'll be glad to send you the itemized list of the phone calls I had to research taking hours of 'MY' TIME.



Charlene Esposito Baton Rouge, La.70810

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3629 of 5002

Please help us get rid of those awful robocalls. I am 76 years old and it is terrible to have to get up unnecessarily ten times a day to screen calls. I NEVER give money or enter into any deals with robocalls. They are an imposition. It has been such a relief now that I have I believe that robocalls prey on the naïve and uninformed and should be banned.

Anne Paust Succasunna NJ 07876

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3630 of 5002

I do not want to pay for a telephone that makes me accept robocalls. If you can't make it easier to prevent these calls, I will be forced to cancel my phone service.

WH, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3631 of 5002 robocalls are a huge annoyance and personal invasion. the public should be allowed to block them if they wish.

LA, Calif

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3632 of 5002

I urge you to permit and encourage the blocking of unsolicited "robo calls". The notion that individuals and corporations can gain unwanted access to the inner sanctum of my home as a marketing strategy is outrageous - particularly when using a service for which I pay and on which we depend on for safety and emergencies. The automation of such calls makes it even more preposterous. Furthermore, telephone companies who encourage such activity abuse their rights of access.

Gerald D Cotton Manlius NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3633 of 5002

I have child who takes day naps, until I was able to block calls we'd get over 20 calls a day, we got to the point where the phone was left of the hook during naps & meal! I'm paying for a service a potential life line that's being used to hrass my family

Daniel Mangome Brewster New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3634 of 5002

Robocall blocking has been a blessing. I have advanced metastatic melanoma and there are several projects I am trying to complete with whatever time I have. Jumping up to answer the phone, or even stopping what I'm doing to answer my desk phone, puts me back further than the few seconds or minutes that it takes. Please help us stop this intrusion on our lives.

Tom Ledig Vallejo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3635 of 5002

I hate robocalls, they are an invasion of my privacy. By the way, I hate junk mail, too. I will block them any way I can.

Mark Fremont, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3636 of 5002

My phone---my choice to block crap calls!!!! So annoying to have these calls that are scams for the most part. At my age--I want all the time I have left to count for me!

Linda Maturi Asheboro, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3637 of 5002

Consumers should have the right to block any caller they choose, especially robocalls.

Independence, Ky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3638 of 5002

I use one of these services and it works well. Would hate to lose it as the robo calls are a real nuisance,

Bill Howard Tomball, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3639 of 5002

Robocalls interupt my wife and I multiple time every day. Sometime they call early in the morning or late at night. This should be illegal or at the very least I should be able to opt out of receiving them. I know the lobbyists reward you handsomely, but we're asking you to please listern to the little guy.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3640 of 5002

I get between three and ten robocalls every day, despite my number being on the "Do Not Call" list. Please help me stop them.

Gary Wilsey Redwood City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3641 of 5002

Robocalls invade my home. They are both a disturbance to my privacy and a waste of my time and energy.

A call from a salesperson is annoying but a call generated by computer is an outrage!

James Brandt Napoleon, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3642 of 5002

With the constant barrage of robocalls, I cannot read a book, watch television, or eat my meals without interruption. There is a do not call list that is supposed to stop sales calls, but it apparently has no effect on robotic calling. Please do everything in your power to prevent these unsolicited calls. Some organizations like "Credit Card Services" call as often as once a day. I've tried responding to a call to ask to be removed from their calling list. The person I get just hangs up. These calls should be considered a violation of my first amendment rights. They certainly infringe on my right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

David Williams Andover, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3643 of 5002

Do not allow robo calls! These distrupt our lives everyday with more and more companies and others utilizing them as sales tactics and caring when they call or at what time they call.

Chris Simi Valley, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3644 of 5002

They should be blocked. They are a total invasion to privacy.

New Canaan, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3645 of 5002

There are too many holes in the Do Not Call registry. I receive too many solicitations from companies that I am not a customer of. I also receive unwanted political and charitable calls. I feel it is my right to curtail this.

Laurie Picard Sterling MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3646 of 5002


Middletown, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3647 of 5002

I hate robo calling! And, I like being able to block all the ones that I can through NOMOROBO. I am an elderly person, and it is totally annoying to get phone calls that are irrelevant to me. Especially when they interrupt my naps!!!!!

I believe all robo calling should be banned and blocked....forever!

Castro Valley CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3648 of 5002

Please consider the frequent disturbance to homes caused by these obnoxious robo calls and provide us with a way to stop this intrusion in our home. As a taxpayer I feel it is the responsibility of the FCC to insist that we not be subjected to these intrusions.

Joy Uhrie East Patchogue NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3649 of 5002

Please allow wireless carriers to block Robo calls for wireless customers. I Would prefer to have that mandatory.

Robert Kashman Hightstown N. J.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3650 of 5002

Please allow us yt? To block what we desire.

Gordon Noonan Albuquerque, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3651 of 5002

Limit robocalls to official info ie, snow emergencies, seniors information.

No advertising info.

RonSan Boston, Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3652 of 5002

Robocalls are a severe irritant and disruptive to a peaceful household. They should be abandoned and the creators should be fined. We receive false calls, silent calls and obvious advertising from 0700 a. m. to 2100 p. m.

William McDonald Livermore, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3653 of 5002

I believe robocalls are a serious invasion of my privacy and peace of mind. Please work towards compelling cellular land, and digital phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. I currently use nomorobo but would like more choices. Please do not succumb to self interest lobbying from telecom corporations.

Robert Besen Boulder, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3654 of 5002

Robocallers call my house when I'm trying to put my babies to bed. I have a landline for emergencies, not for strangers to disturb my family dinner time or wake up my children. Please allow us to enable blocking of this annoyance.

Susan Nashville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3655 of 5002

My phone is a private phone not public.Those I give my number to are allowed to access my number by dialing my supposedly unlisted number. By what right do these ROBOCALL companies have my number? If the phone companies don't want to block my number from the ROBOCALLERS then I suggest the FCC COME UP WITH A BONUS FEE per call for those receiving such robocalls. Something like 20/30 cents per.

Since Nov. my phone recorded almost 50 of them. The bonus will help me pay my phone bill.

Fred Perl Yonkers, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3656 of 5002

Even with NYS do not calm list we were getting 5-10 a day!

Brittany m Bronx ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3657 of 5002

Please do what is needed to allow me to stop all the unwanted calls I am getting. Even though I am on the DO NOT CALL LIST I continue to get in solicited calls. A lot of these calls are robo calls that do not get completed even when I answer the call, to tell them to stop calling!

David Plyler Bakersfield, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3658 of 5002

I get at least six robo calls a day up to 8 at night. I can no longer answer my phone for legitimate calls. I called my phone provider and they have no remedy. They say the calls are from foreign countries. They change their caller id all the time. I deserve to have a way to block these callers without also blocking calls I want. It really is abusive.

Denis Clegg Palo Alto, CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3659 of 5002

I am so tired of the endless phone calls soliciting me day and night from companies that I do not want phone calls from. Please help stop this intrusive, unnecessary onslaught. We have stopped leaving our cell phones on so that we can avoid these unwanted constant calls. We no longer answer our land line and only respond to messages because of these constant annoying and often bogus calls. I can say that our lives have been negatively effected by this phenomenon and we are not using our phones as much because of this situation. For a change, do something to help the average American. and interfere with the corporate greed for a change.

Margaret R MacKenzie Tacoma WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3660 of 5002

One of the prime aggravations of the political and commercial marketing process is the automation of telephone contacts that severely encroaches on the privacy of our home. The so-called "robocalls" invade the privacy of our home, interrupts the sanctity of our rights to choose our family, friends and neighbors, and defeats the basic purpose of interactive communication.

Please allow us to preserve our individual rights to personal communication by allowing us to choose blocking products.

John W. Matthews Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3661 of 5002 please stop rob calls. most calls (and I get 5 to9 a day)I get no one is on the line by the time I get up walk to the phone these one on the line or hang up after I pick up the phone. I am on the "national do not call" list but that does no good I would be filing a complaint every day. Most calls are from the same company who use sets phone numbers to call from. When I reserve call the number it gives me the phone numbers in the block and say's they are teleamarketers. please help us block these calls

Douglas Day orlando, fla 32818

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3662 of 5002

I pay for my phone bill. Not you. I should have control over who is allowed to call me.

Janenne Reno, NV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3663 of 5002

The DO NOT CALL phone registry program has not been effective in stopping unwanted robo marketing calls to my residential phone which is on your list. NOMOROBO has been very effective. I'd hate to lose NOMOROBO service and have to deal with the multitude of robo/marketing calls all over again.

Edward Reside Saratoga Springs, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3664 of 5002



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3665 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy. Robocall blocking products are the best thing to happen since the internet. Please do not stop these products.

J. Trzyna CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3666 of 5002

We are fed up with all these robo calls!

Steve schneringer Woodinville, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3667 of 5002

I use a blocking system called Nomorobo. After two years I can honestly tell you that it works, we eat dinner in peace and we have peace at last. these calls were becoming such a nuisance and the people calling were insuffarble, arrogant, and very pushy.

To block systems like Nomorobo is a stupid move. Do not call lists don't work, these people call you anyway. They could care less about the law.

I also believe that this is my phone and what I do with it is nobody's business, especially the government's. I value my privacy and will continue to enforce my privacy, even if I have to pay for it. It is my responsibility for taking care of my home, my family, and what means I take to protect it. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dennis White Manassas, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3668 of 5002

I can not believe this is even coming up for a vote!!!

Withouth the robocall clocking products our home is not a home.


T.B Humphyreys

TB Humphreys Somers, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3669 of 5002

I have the right to refuse roboc calls. You have no right to make that decision for me . That should be my choosing

Debra Gibbs Bowdon Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3670 of 5002

I find that "Nomorobo" is an outstanding feature and I only wish more numbers were covered as there is an increasing number of annoying calls from 6:30 in the morning to 9:00 p.m. at night, seven days a week.

Please don't eliminate this feature.

James Ballard Greenville, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3671 of 5002

Please do everything you can to allow us to block robocalls to any of our phones, landline or cell!!!!!!

John Thomson Alameda, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3672 of 5002

Please stop all the companies from invading my privacy with calls offering lower credit, claiming my computer is infected, selling windows and siding, and offering other crap I do not need or want.

I would also like to stop getting political ro coals, but don't think you have the balls to ban them. At least require them to give an accurate caller ID and allow us to opt out.

Mary Anne Kowalski Romulus NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3673 of 5002

I have a little trouble getting around and really get pissed when I get to the phone and it is someone I don,t want to talk to.Get off your lazy ass and do something about it .No mo robo is a great idea!

Sid olson Seattle

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3674 of 5002

Stop these calls. Now they call and the caller id is my phone number. Do something about these annoying phone calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3675 of 5002

First of all....i have a private number and have always have one. Even that doesn't help. Many people consider robocalls to be intrusive and a harrassment. We pay the bill so we should decide on who calls us and who shouldn't. I got called as early as 6am to as late as 12:25 pm. Both times i have been woken out of a deep sleep and then not being able to fall back asleep. Even my friends and family have the intelligence NOT to call before or before/after a certain time unless it was for an emergency, and robocalls are NOT an emergency. Stop robocalls now!

Barbara Colao Clinton Corners, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3676 of 5002

I LOVE MY NOMOROBOCALL!!!!! A LOT. DON'T CHANGE A THING. I would love a "block immediately" feature for incoming calls. I get way to many calls from bogus numbers. The "Do not call list" is great but it doesn't go far enough.

G A Hamby Falls Church, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3677 of 5002

Continue to block robocalls and put some teeth into the do not call registry,because at present it's a joke!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3678 of 5002

Nomorerobo prevents old people like me and my wife who is partially disabled a lot of stress and many unnecessary footsteps. It has been a blessing.

Harris and Carol San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3679 of 5002

Nomorobo has literally changed my family's lives. It has silenced our phone from ringing off the hook all day long and during dinner time. At least we have some peace and quiet. Everyone should have this right. To control who can and cannot call my phone number. Please also compel wireless providers to allow this technology as well.

Neil Contess Bernardsville, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3680 of 5002

I am tired of robocalls. Please give us a way to stop them - from our cells and our home phones.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3681 of 5002

I don't appreciate most, if not all, robocalls. Maybe some do. At my home they out number the actual calls I want by a factor of greater than 10 to 1!

Please allow me to do what I want with my phone and use robocall blocking products. I've been using since the beginning of last November, and I can't tell you how nice it is, but the phrase "the best thing since sliced bread" comes to my mind.

Thank you for your consideration,

Dale Ander

Dallas, TX

Dale Ander Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3682 of 5002

I am fed up with robocalls and the fact that there is no consequence to the companies who implement them. They are intrusive, unproductive, and make me angry. The actually produce the opposite effect of what they intend, because I would never buy or use a product which came from one of these companies.

San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3683 of 5002

Robo calls are an I requested nuisance that intert my and everyone in my family's privacy.

Please let me know what purpose they provide, especially when my hone rings two to three times and there in no one on the other end of the phone.

Garden City, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3684 of 5002

Telemarketers are the bane of my existence. All of them are using spoofed numbers on my caller ID. Many are from out of the country. I've even had my own name and number pop up on my caller ID. I've had to resort to turning off my home phone ringers to stop the constant intrusion and irritation. And, I'm also starting to get these scam phone calls on my cell phone!!! I am paying for my phone services and I object to these scammers and thieves using the services for which I am paying. When I have asked them to stop calling, I've been called obscene names that I wouldn't dare even put into print here. My privacy is being intruded upon. I am being harassed. And there seems to be no way to stop it. IT'S TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!!

Beth Holewinski Nottingham, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3685 of 5002

There is a huge problem in the United States. Our priorities are misaligned. We allow caller id spoofing and think it is ok not to be able to block robocalls. Our privacy are being invaded everyday allowing our adversaries to have every advantage. We need not only block robocalls, but also block caller id spoofing. Caller id spoofing allows names and numbers to be hijacked with out the assigned users permission. This is a concern that every american should be worried. If we let our security and privacy to be hijacked by other people, it is only time before all of America is hacked.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3686 of 5002

I am so tired of receiving robocalls. These days I don't answer the phone unless I know the number. Please help!

Ole Totorp Lakewood, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3687 of 5002

We have fought for years even signing up for the Do NOT Call registry...what a joke. Nothing worked. Ringing and hanging up, calling at dinner, waking us up, being rude to us...and more. We even screen our calls with our phone messaging system that says "we are screening our calls because of telemarketers who won't take no for an answer."

Finally we used a free robocall blocking service and they decreased by probably 95%. Once in a while one gets through, but not often. It is great!

It is our home, our phone, our personal lives. We shouldn't have to put up with being harassed by these rude, obnoxious, superfluous, annoying calls.

So, support the robocall blocking products and do not allow our privacy, our home and lives to be under attack any longer by businesses that refuse to leave us alone.

Hartwick, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3688 of 5002

I was suffering many unwanted calls each day, both robotic and telemarketers even though I had signed up on the Do Not Call list. After years of suffering this I signed up for a private service which has greatly reduced the number of those calls. So I know it is possible. It would have been nice if this service had been available directly from my phone service provider. So please approve the measure to require the phone companies to offer this service.

Richard Lange Kensington, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3689 of 5002

ROBO calls are driving me nuts; we get at least half a dozen a day. The DO NOT CALL list is a joke; I think the scummy scammers use it as a source for new numbers! Robocall blocking products should continued to be allowed and its usage should be encouraged so that the general population can maintain its sanity.

Harbor City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3690 of 5002

Robocalls are reaching epidemic proportions. I would be gone 365 days a year if I accepted every vacation scam. Then there is Rachael for lowering my interest rate, or Lisa or whoever. Also there are the alarm companies, the medic alert companies, the police scams, the IRS scam, the arrest of a relative scam and on and on ad infinitum. I am a senior citizen and the prime target of every scam that comes down the pike. Please help before I reach the age where I can no longer tell the difference between scam and legitimate calls.

Lynette Pisani Groveland, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3691 of 5002

I have thought many times of discontinuing my home phone, not because of the expense, but because 90% of the calls I get are solicitation of one type or another. How bad is that?

Rick & Tina Newcomb Longmont, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3692 of 5002

Considering the number of unwanted daily/weekly scam calls, TOTAL inaction as far as the Do-Not-Call list is concerned, at least my ability to use NOMOROBO allows me to block a number of these calls which occur at all hours. I completely fail to understand any reason why I should not be able to block those calls. Presently, my carrier AT&T allows me to block a total number of 30 numbers. AT&T must surely be aware that phantom numbers are created constantly so that the 30 number total is quickly exhausted.

Henk J. Ypma Chapel Hill, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3693 of 5002

I've been trying for years to support the elimination of solace "ROBO" phone messages and calls. I fully support any agency or organization which will work to accomplish their full demise.Please act positively to bring such a common nuisance to a full end.

R.K. Roth Cape Cod, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3694 of 5002

You're there to serve the people and the people want this nonsense stopped. Do the right thing and stop robocalls!

Mike Chantilly VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3695 of 5002

I've been using NoMoRobo since it was introduced to the public and I can tell you - I don't know how we'd live without it now days. It is so helpful in blocking junk sales calls. Please help others acquire this or a similar program.

John Ferrell Camarillo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3696 of 5002

Don't mess with Nomorobo. Because of them, I'm able to spend more time with my family rather than being hassled by a pushy salesperson who doesn't know me or care a bit about how valuable my personal time is to me and my family.

Steve Rudometkin Yorba Linda, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3697 of 5002

Blocking Robocalls provides privacy to the homeowner. Products that enable the consumer an option to prevent these calls is an advantage and should not be curtailed. Having a phone number should not be an opportunity for harassment by an unwanted caller.

Dennis Clanceyd Virginia Beach, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3698 of 5002

I urge the FCC to allow consumets to block calls that disrupt and are unsolicited. From what I understand many callls are originated out of the country to circumvent the laws that are not enforceable. I NEVER ever want a ROBO call from anyone unless it is a emergency announcement from local police. PERIOD. judy collins plymouth ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3699 of 5002

I have grown very tired of all of the robocalls that keep coming to my home phone. I am very happy to have robocall blocking.

DeSoto, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3700 of 5002

Robocalls have become a plague. Blocking products like Nomorobo aren't the whole solution, but at least it helps. I can't see any reason why they shouldn't be encouraged, at least until a more effective solution comes along.

Carol Honhart Wakefield, RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3701 of 5002

Robocalls are a hazard, in so far as I have an elderly mother and do not give out my number to anyone that I do not want to talk to. So, when I gat a call, I go to extremes to answer it, thinking it might be about my mother, but it is often a robocall!

I believe that it is our right to restrict calls to our private telephones, and believe the FCC should allow an avenue on which to do this.

Hurricane, Ut

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3702 of 5002

I am harassed incessantly every day with numerous robocalls that I try my best to ignore. But it is an aggravating situation I would rather not have to deal with. Please approve robocall blocking technology.

Michael Steele Redmond WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3703 of 5002

My time & privacy is very valuable to me. Having both of these violated by robocalls is maddening. Please do what you can to stop this from being such a mainstay of today's society. They blow and you've the power to get phone companies to block them. Please exercise this power.

Stephan Otto Portland OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3704 of 5002

Nomorobo has been an unmatched resource, helping take back some measure of peace in our home. Robocallers coopt the phone line I pay for to their own purposes. This is a theft, allowed by legislature. The do not call list is a joke. Nomorobo works.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3705 of 5002

Robocalling is a horrible invasion of citizens' peace and tranquility, and should be banned completely! Do not merely allow robocall blocking, but REQUIRE support for such from all Telco's and RBOCs!

Robert Blackledge Colorado Springs, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3706 of 5002

I am physically unable to "run" to the phone to answer every time it rings. All too often, it's a survey taker, political solicitation, better interest rate offerings, to name a few. These are calls where a message isn't left. If I'm THAT important to them they should leave a message and if I'm interested, I'll call back. Too many scams. My phone allows me to block 10 numbers. I need to block more... I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my robocall blocking program. If I haven't solicited the business, they're blocked and I don't need to speak or worry about them. This is my phone, my phone service and I solicited the business of nomorobo. They rock.

HM Kopp Milwaukee, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3707 of 5002 it's ridiculous that I have to be constantly harassed by robocalls. I pay for my phone service and ought to be able to have some say in how it is used. Just yesterday i had 14 calls from solicitors of some sort. It's gotten to the point where I have to screen calls to avoid being bothered. Junk mail through the postal service is bad enough, now we have to endure it at all hours of the day on our phones.

Pam Dolence Dayton, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3708 of 5002

Stop robo calls and enforce the do not call program.

Reynolds Young Arlington VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3709 of 5002 block robocalls, annoying !!!!! jerry moucka woodland hills, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3710 of 5002

Please help me to stop robo calls. I can't get out of my wheechair.

Bob Mom Troy, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3711 of 5002

I have been using nomorobo for over a year and it is a GOD SEND..

I am of the age 66 that I get all kinds of calls for things I do not need or have already. PLEASE let this kind of service be continued.

Thanks. Paul

Paul Siegfriedt Maynard MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3712 of 5002

Please help us CONTROL who has access to our phone numbers. They call day and night and we need your help immediately. This robocalling is out of control.

Glenda Sanchez Fullerton, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3713 of 5002

Please don't stop Nomorobo - I'm so happy to have some help blocking the unsolicited calls we get. We're on the 'do not call' list but that has not stopped the calls.

Janine Warner Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3714 of 5002

Consumers need all tools possible to stop Robocalls. These calls most often timed for when families return home from work and school are relentless and disruptive. The callers offer nothing but scamming, pushing, and selling. Not only extremely disruptive within the home these calls prey upon vulnerable people. At one time the phone was used as a method of communicating with legiimate businesses, families and friends, and emergency notifications. The ring of the phone used to be welcome. The FCC should step up and help consumers deal with this nightmare. Allow call blocking services and educate consumers on their availability ..."".the only solution should not be unplugging the phone.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3715 of 5002

Please make it easier to block robocalls on my home phone and cell phones. They call my kids' cell phones, they call my house phone, they use locations that would be familiar to me. And if you do by chance answer one and get a live person, they become rude when you ask them to stop calling. Even to the point of using profane language. The Do Not Call list does not stop them.

There has to be a way for rude, obnoxious, lawbreaking companies to be blocked.

Mary Aehlich SE, Wisconsin

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3716 of 5002

I hate the robocalls. I find them annoying and disturbing. They come at the worst times during meals and after I am asleep. Pleas, please authorize a way for me to block them

Marc Salisch Albany, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3717 of 5002

Robo calls are annoying and an invasion of my right to privacy. I did not ask or give permission to any business that uses robocalls. Please continue to allow me to block these calls.

Celia blotkamp Richmond va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3718 of 5002

I get several robo calls per day and it is driving me crazy. We should be able to block these calls. Please require the phone companies to honor our request to do so.

Michael Berberich Redwood City, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3719 of 5002

Phone solicitations have become ridiculous. They have now have Nomorobo to give me some quiet. It wastes my time to answer the phone and then hang up when I realize it's a robocalls. Now I wait for the second ring if Nomorobo allows it. It GREATLY reduces my wasted time. I would prefer if the FCC would enforce DoNotCall lists. Productivity is being lost here and only NoMoRoBo is doing something about.

Stephen Williams Redwood City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3720 of 5002

We are granted rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - free from unwarranted intrusion into our daily lives. This means our private property is not the possession of others. My privacy and right to peace is my own, and is not up for grabs by robot-calling spammers, the low life of all telephone callers.

Thank you for "allowing" us to block this nuisance from our phones and from our lives.

Gregory Argust Lindenhurst, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3721 of 5002

Stop the robocalls!!!

Neal Merbaum Jamaica Plain, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3722 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy. I believe that blocking robocalls is my right, since no one seems be able to prevent such calls from being made in the first place.

My phones are listed on the National Do Not Call Registry, but that has done nothing to stop robocalls. Please do anything you can to make robocall blocking options more available to private phone owners.

Jim Hayes Nashville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3723 of 5002

Please allow these annoying and minute wasting robo calls to be blocked. It's our phone, why don't we have the ability to control them?

Gayle Montgomery Spring Lake Heights, NJ

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3725 of 5002

I am a doctor's wife. We get robocalls at home,at all times of the day and night. I have been called at midnight repeatedly from the same fax machine and the company that is sending the calls has not stopped despite at least six calls from me to ask them to desist. My machine allows me to block no more than ten numbers. We are called by pharmacies, medical supply companies, electric company sales, credit card offers, and politicians, to name a few. My telephone company says it is not able to support a servicesuch as nomobo that would allow me to block these calls.Help!!!

Arlette Twersky

Arlette R Twersky Bensalem, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3726 of 5002

I pay for my telephone service. I should be able to block annoying calls that I have no interest in receiving. It should be easy for me to setup and manage. If I can't control the phone service that I am paying for, the callers should have to pay me for their calls!

Christopher Myers copley, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3727 of 5002

It's time to require phone companies to provide means for blocking robo calls.

Dr. PleKay Keys Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3728 of 5002

Do not prevent private services like Nomorobo from blocking robocalls. I do not want to have my phone to ring off the hook with robocall trash.

Thank you, Don Patulo

Don Patulo Libertyville IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3729 of 5002

I like nomorobo

Mike Nelson Indianapolis, INDIANA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3730 of 5002

Nothing is more annoying and intrusive than the repeated robo calls to our residence phone. Even if you answer the call and demand to be taken off the list they continue calling.

Bob Lunde Costa Mesa, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3731 of 5002 the National Do Not Call list is not working! Please clear the way to technologies and policies that stop my phone from getting most of its calls from solicitors and robots. this is also becoming a problem with my mobile phone which it is my understanding should never receive unsolicited calls. Let's keep the exploiters from winning.

Ed Eurdick Westborough, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3732 of 5002

Our family no longer answers the phone in the evening since we receive so many unwanted calls. We have signed up for the FCC "Do not call list", however this does not seem to make much of a difference. Why should our PRIVATE and UNLISTED phone line be inundated with telemarketing calls? WE DO NOT WANT ANY OF THESE TYPE CALLS--EVER.

Since enlisting Nomorobo, we now get much fewer unwanted calls. I support this service, especially since the FCC, of all entities, does not seem to be able to control this type of unwanted calls.

Cliff Merkel Redlands, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3733 of 5002

These calls just keep coming even after you ask them to stop calling. I have no time to spend listing to sales pitch and they don't listen when you say you are not interested.

Chris Badders Carlsbad,ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3734 of 5002

Robocalls are an insult on your privacy. They care nothing about the

"do not call list" which the government expounds. Companies like Bell South allow you to block up to 24 numbers. Really do you see a difference?

Larry Caldwell Suwanee,GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3735 of 5002

Before norobo my phone rang constantly with those robo calls. I Had a night job and couldn't get any sleep. Since norobo all was ok. Please let norobo keep me and others from going completely crazy

Thomas Huss Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3736 of 5002

I am tired of receiving these robocalls! We need the FCC to put this to a halt. I just changed my landline because of it and plan not to publish it anywhere.


Eugene Dizon

Eugene Dizon Chicago, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3737 of 5002

It is critical that I be able to block to ovals made to my phone numbers. Before I was able to block my calls, my answering machine would be filled with chatter from robocallers-- thereby making important callers that I needed to hear from unable to leave a message. Let Americans be in control of their own phones and keep call blocking for robocallers.

Thank you,


Kathy beitler Sycamore OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3738 of 5002

Please make it easier for consumers to block robocalls. My husband and I are bombarded by robocalls, typically receiving about a half a dozen DAILY. This is an invasion of our peace and quiet in our own home. There should be no excuse not to allow for the easy blocking of robocalls. Thank you for your work on behalf of consumers like us, who would like to spend our time at home in peace.

Sarah Demo Ithaca, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3739 of 5002

I don't want robocalling and I feel I should be able to block any and all rob calls.

Nanuet, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3740 of 5002

We have Nomorobo on our land lines thru Uverse and it really works and saves us from unwanted calls especially in the early morning hours between midnight and 4 am, waking us up, and also around 5 to 6am.

However, AT&T refuses to let us block calls thru Nomorobo. Why? Do they have a financial interest in NOT letting us block robot calls on our own phones which we pay for? who is the fcc actually protecting? Consumers or the phone companies????

Marilyn Mendoza Mandeville, La

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3741 of 5002

Constantly receiving robocalls is very annoying. I paid extra money to have my phone number unlisted but I still get calls. I put my number on a "do not call" list and I still get those calls. These calls are a big issue for my elderly parents. My mom has dementia and wants to answer the phone and talk to the robo-callers! This is so dangerous to our elderly society, especially when they are experiencing diminished cognitive skills to get themselves out of being conned into spending their money needed for medicine and healthcare. Please allow a procedure to stop these calls!

Carol Lane San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3742 of 5002

PLEASE, PLEASE allow call blocking!! I have our numbers on the National do not call list, and STILL get dozens of calls that are automated, or robocalls!! It is THE MOST ANNOYING thing to be busy at something and have to drop everything and run to answer the phone ONLY to have it be some automated NONSENSE!!

I continue to report the callers to the National Do Not call registry, and I KEEP GETTING THESE CALLS! PLEASE, PLEASE, allow these calls to be blocked!! THIS IS MY PHONE AND IT IS MY PRIVACY!!

Kevin and Rebecca Reid Simpsonville, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3743 of 5002

We need norobo and any other product that stops the very annoying and intrusive invasion of our peace and privacy. loretta Gelenian Chelmsford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3744 of 5002

Presently 3 out of every 4 calls I receive are robocalls - or scams from various people with "thick" accents. This has become intolerable. I have missed some important calls because I didn't recognize the number and thought it was a scam (doctor's appt).

This needs to be SERIOUSLY addressed. The do not call list is a failure.

Robert Novick New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3745 of 5002

Nomorobo works fine for blocking calls. Our dinners have been pleasant ever since signing up for Nomorobo. No changes are necessary to the availability of call blocking services.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3746 of 5002

I hate robocalls and they invade my privacy. I own the phone and have a right to block whoever I choose.

David Lake Fort Lauderdale,FL.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3747 of 5002

PLEASE allow blocked robot calls! They are relentless! You can't get them to stop calling! I feel like it's a form of harassment that I should have some control over! One call keeps saying it's my last chance - please God if it were only my last chance! They have to be made to STOP! Before nomorobo I would get 10 to 12 of these nuisance calls a day. Now one ring and we're done. They have to be allowed to continue! A consumer should have the right to block what are unwanted and harassing calls!!! PLEASE!!!

Denise Patullo Middlesex NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3748 of 5002

No more annoying robocalls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3749 of 5002

I am 100% in favor of robo call blocking. I use NOMOROBO and love not having to worry about annoying telemarketing calls. Even though I am on the Do Not Call list, many telemarketers ignore this. Please reject the idea of eliminating robo call programs / applications.

David Walsworth San Antonio, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3750 of 5002

I get several robo calls every day even though my number has been on the "do not call" list for several years. Since I pay for my phone service I should be allowed to block unwanted robocalls. In fact, I believe that all robocalls should be blocked unless I specifically give my permission to the caller.

Forrest Jaggar Spotsylvania, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3751 of 5002

I hate robo calls and should have the right to block them if I choose!!!!

Glen Burnie, MARYLAND

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3752 of 5002

We have had NOROBOCALL for a few years! It has saved us many many getups and time that would have been required to answer these calls that we did not want or need.

Joe Murphy Hatfield, Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3753 of 5002

Robocalls are a BIG PAIN and I receive on average 3 per day and it's getting worse !! Blocking robocalls should be available from all phone companies with no additional charge !!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3754 of 5002

I currently use a robocall blocking product that 'shields' my home from annoying phone calls. I do not want to have that option taken from me by the FCC.

I appreciate the FCC allowing me the freedom of choice regarding the use of a robocall blocking product.

Danny M. Beedle Valencia, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3755 of 5002

I think it is ridiculous for telemarketers to call someones cell. That is why so many people have gone to them so they get away from the junk calls. I do not want to be bothered by them. sandi ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3756 of 5002

I totally dislike robocalls. They area waste of time and an intrusion on one'side privacy. garnet valley, pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3757 of 5002

Please block robocalls from my phones.

Harriet himmelstein Laguna woods, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3758 of 5002

I get so many of these unwanted phone calls every day and I have no way of stopping them because my phone carrier doesn't block them. Please stop listening to these companies. I pay for my phone, I should be able to stop these calls!

Claire North Bellmore, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3759 of 5002

I am a senior, 73yr old. I get spam calls 7 days a week starting at 7;30 AM.

I am so tired of this

JThomas Sparks, NV.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3760 of 5002



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3761 of 5002 hate robocalls - calls all hours even with call blocking. give us robocall blocking. anaheim/california

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3762 of 5002

I am sick of the scammers who use robocalls just as spammers do with email! I want the ability to stop them from calling my phone!

Phil Ciufo Pittsford, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3763 of 5002

I can't believe that I pay for my phone service, but I continue to receive unwanted robo calls. Will caller id I usually don't even pick up but I hate having the phone ringing or the beeping in while I'm on another call. I have medical issues which make moving around quickly and I can't tell you how often I've rushed to the phone only to see it is a robo call. Why are these calls allowed when they are so annoying, yet I am paying for my phone service? I've thought the Do Not Call registers. Was going to help eliminate unwanted calls, but I've verified that I'm on this list and I continue to get call and even if I answer and select the option to removed, I'm not, I would love to have robocall blocking, however I would want to make sure it is covered in basic phone service. I don't think I should have to pay extra for this type of product. I often wonder my phone number is gotten, I have no relationship with most of the calls that I have answered. A robo call saying they have news about my credit card is one that I receive often, if I wait for a representative and ask what card number they are calling about, they hang up. The recording is the same (voice and all) but different numbers so I can't even block them by number. I also get calls just about every day from a caller id of consumer services but with different numbers. This is very frustrating, I'm paying for a phone line but I have to screen calls even though I rarely give out my number

Leslie Booth Grand Rapids, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3764 of 5002

We get multiple unwanted telemarketing/spam calls every day, at all hours of the day and night. My wife works from home and cannot have interruptions with our phone line. We rely on a robocall blocking mechanism.

Michael Busby Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3765 of 5002

For years I have been getting the same old robo calls. They refuse to remove me from their list. Credit Card Services is the worst. What can I do to stop this harassment? Senator Cornyn supposedly notified you of my problem 3 years ago.

Marvin Rapp San Antonio, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3766 of 5002

My life has gotten better since I have used a robocall blocker. The number of calls I get has decreased. It is nice not being interrupted during a meal (when most robocall occurs).

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3767 of 5002

I should be able to block BS!!! robot, telemarketers, charity calls or any number I want to.

Larry Bye Minnesota

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3768 of 5002

I am interested in using services of nomorobo to block unwanted calls. I would appreciate if you can strengthen rules such that I as a consumer have the right to disconnect unwanted calls. Thanks for listening.

Madhu A Berwyn, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3769 of 5002

I should have control of devices I pay for

Paul Hill Bedford Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3770 of 5002

We have been boombarded with robocalls during last year's political campaigns, but my wife and I put up with it thinking it would cease after the election. But were we WRONG! The robocalls keep coming from all sorts of fundraisers and political entities. It is so annoying! Please permit and encourage the phone companies to provided robocall blocking products.

Catherine & Russ Bartmess Crystal Lake, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3771 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of privacy. They should and need to be blocked.

Ellen Brown New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3772 of 5002

We are on the national do not call registry but still receive daily robocalls. They are a nuisance! They wake up shift workers when they are trying to sleep during the day.

Please ban all robocalls! Please require all sales calls to display a callback number for unsubscribing.

Susan Morris Grand Rapids MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3773 of 5002

Undoubtedly robocalls are the most annoying problem of owning a phone. That MY government refuses to protect me from this scourge is really inconceivable!!!!!

Stephen N Levine Huntley Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3774 of 5002

Stop the frigging robot allspice please!

Indianapolis, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3775 of 5002

I hate Robocalls! I found Nomorobo call-blocking service about a year ago and it is a fantastic service.

D. Wemple West Chicago, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3776 of 5002

Stop Robo calls. It is costing me money for something I didn't ask for or want.

Cumming, ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3777 of 5002

As a consumer I believe whatever phone companies we give our business to should be obligated to provide us with the ability to block all robo (robotic) calls. In this time of advanced technology I am quite sure this would not be a difficult thing for the phone companies to do, especially with the rates that we are paying. Which should be put to use for their greatest asset -- the customer. Thank you for your consideration which will benefit many, many more than not.

Downers Grove, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3778 of 5002

I like the ability to block the Robocalls. I have an aged ailing parent who lives in an assisted living. I need my phone lines clear to receive his calls and calls from the facility. When I am not caring for him I sleep when I can and the robocalls are a constant annoyance, they do not respect the do not call list.

NOmorobo has given me relief from these calls.

J Weinstein Chino HIlls, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3779 of 5002

I want to be able to block "robo" calls when ever and as often as I like. My telephone is not a public phone, it is a private telephone with a phone number assigned to me specifically and I want to control how I use it. My government has no right to interfere with my right to privacy and I resent your potential attempt to block that right.

Jeffrey J. Inwood Ann Arbor, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3780 of 5002

Please let me block these annoying calls. I opened my internet a few minutes ago and found 115 calls - 97 of which were unsolicited robocalls.

Palm Springs CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3781 of 5002

Why do you tolerate this total abuse of the Do Not Call system? These jerks call daily, and often I get several calls in one day from a single source, Card Services. It is debilitating to stop what I am doing to answer these calls, and at age 70, I don't need my blood pressure to be any higher than it is.

How can you allow such widespread disregard of a law YOU are supposed to enforce? It causes our government to appear weak and powerless to prevent scammers from stealing our seniors' money. Shame on YOU.

Howard Upchurch Garland, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3782 of 5002

Stop to ovals. They are not only annoying but I have the right to choose who I don't want to receive calls from.

River Edge NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3783 of 5002

As a Verizon landline user, I'm unable to use services like NOMOROBO. I wish I could. I get multiple robo calls & scam artists calling just about every day. I have looked everywhere in an attempt to find something that will help stop these nuisance calls to no avail. They tie up your line for several minutes & that's not fair! It's MY phone! **I** am the one paying for it, so why am I being held captive by these jerks? Why can't I have an option that allows me to stop them cold? Now that these scammers can spoof caller ID records, the solution has to be more effective than just blocking numbers. I get the same robo message every day but always from a different number, so blocking wouldn't help at all. How about an option that blocks EVERYONE ON EARTH except the numbers you want to allow to get through? THAT would be HELPFUL! Please give us something for the hard working folks out there that are fed up!

Long Island NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3784 of 5002

I am elderly and it is very unsettling to receive a call from myself - obviously a scam. Stop them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3785 of 5002

The Federal "do not call" list is insufficient to stop annoying and illegal unwanted calls. Americans should have access to a central "no more robocalls" database. My wife and I are bombarded daily with telemarketers who ignore the "do not call" list. The same companies have hundreds or probably thousands of phone numbers they use so it's near impossible for individuals to block their unwanted and intrusive calls. Robocall blocking capability should be available to everyone.

Allen Benton & Valerie Coler Midlothian, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3786 of 5002

Both my home and cell phones have been registered with the Do Not Call List for years. Yet I still get unsolicited calls from vendors and collection agencies (who got my number by error). In both instances I am asked to take a specific action (press xxx to be removed from the list or call back) in order to stop these automatic robo calls. I am thankful I signed up with NoMoRobo to intercept many of these annoying calls. What I hear is an initial ring followed by blessed silence. I am 73 years old, a military veteran and retired public school teacher. I resent efforts to hinder my ability to screen unsolicited telephone contacts. Thank you.

William Sayre Royal Oak, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3787 of 5002

I get daily calls from "credit card services" and I don't even have a credit card. I want to be able to control which calls I get on my cell phone. Please help!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3788 of 5002

Before we had the service provided by robocall blocking solutions, my household and family were inundated with fraudulent phone calls from a variety of scams. We were told that our computers had viruses, called about insurance we didn't need, and products we didn't want. We have been registered with the "do not call" list for years, but this did not alleviate the problem. We as law abiding, tax paying, voters want you to hear our voice, and our voice says, force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

Thank you

Benny & Virginia McCartney Athens, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3789 of 5002

No more robocalls. My cell phone is paid for by me, not telemarketers etc.

Or maybe we should forward the robocalls to the FCC or other government agencies.


Broderick CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3790 of 5002

Dear sirs and madams.We had been receiving home repair calls, sometimes ten a day. We still get prank calls, but with nomorobo, it has cut drastically these scheme callers and illegal solicitations. There were callers that even were hostile, threatening, refused to remove our unlisted phone number from their lists. We even got phony people posing as government agents from the IRS and other agencies threatening us. A check of the net and the phone number revealed them to be national scammers yet they got our unlisted phone number. Nomorobo helped to stop these callers. Please keep this service to protect our family.

Sebar Van Nuys, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3791 of 5002

I want to be able to block any calls I want using Nomorobo or other similar device.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3792 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance and must be stopped! Nomorobo is trying to help us deal with these bothersome calls. Please provide support to nomorobo and any other company that assists consumers who are trying to eliminate these calls.

Allen Banks Ossining, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3793 of 5002

Robocalls are both an invasion of my privacy and a tremendous waste of my time. I conservatively estimate that about half of the inbound calls on my phone lines are robocalls. They interrupt both my work and home life.

If I instead let these calls go to voicemail, they almost never leave a message. If they do leave a message, the beginning of the message is almost always cut off because they don't wait to hear if the call is answered before they start their recorded message.

At least with spam email we can mark the senders and send their emails automatically to the Junk Email folder. Why shouldn't we be able to do the same with junk phonecalls?

Eric Friedman Stamford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3794 of 5002

Please let me block robocalls. I get at least 3 every day. Whatever happened to the do not call list?

Vienna, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3795 of 5002

I cannot imagine losing the benefits of nomorobo! Why would you force me to be subjected to predatory telemarketers invading my home?

Anthony Trombly Arlington, va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3796 of 5002

My phone # is, by definition, mine to control as I see fit. I have every right as a consumer to filter what enters my home via any and every electronic method. Blocking any call I determine as intrusive clearly is my perogative. The consumer, not an industry, should be whom the FCC seeks to protect.

Mark Miller Uniontown Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3797 of 5002

Robocalls are a huge nuisance because I am constantly interupted to answer the phone only to find out its an automated call or I just hear silence for a minute or 2. The robocalls average 5 per day. Its a problem for me because I work from home and need to concentrate. Instead I am answering robocalls all day! A couple of times I have lost important calls because I have to put my clients on hold to aswer a robocall.

San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3798 of 5002 robo calls are rude. aggressive and when you get someone and ask to have your number removed, they hand up without a response. they always call you back over and over. before nomorobo I was getting 10-15 per day, now maybe 1or 2 a month. we as prescriber should be able to have a choice in whom calls us.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3799 of 5002

Despite being on both the Wisconsin State and the National "Do Not Call" registries, we receive numerous (averaging 2 - 6 every day) unwanted soliciting phone calls, most of them Robocalls. We try to block this calls even though having to block them is an inconvenience because some of our medical providers' calls are blocked, too, but the problem is so bad we don't feel we can just put up with them.

Please do everything possible to protect telephone users from this horrible flood of unwanted/inconvenient phone calls. Certainly we need to be able to block Robocalls as part of the solution since it seems unlikely anything will be done to reduce the volume of these calls.

Helen & David Kroll Madison, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3800 of 5002

Hate, hate, hate robocalls.

I want robocall blockers in order to stop these telephone vandals.

S. Rogers Crystal Lake IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3801 of 5002

Please don't take away my nomorobo!!

Alice Kavanagh Arlington, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3802 of 5002

Please hear us. Give me the solution to stop robocalls to my phone. Give me the solution to govern what comes to my phone. Stop robocalls. It's my phone and I should have the choice with the right. Force the phone companies to provide mandated robocall blocking solutions to consumers. It's my phone - not the robocaller's.

Bill Salassi Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3803 of 5002

I would like to continue using Nomorobo Calls product. We get approximately 4 to 5 calls a day. They start as early as 9 am to 9 pm. I continue to enter numbers to keep them at bay. They continually change their call numbers necessitating the weekly adding of new numbers.

Sometimes the calls are silent with no one there, disturbing us with nothing to say

Jan & Howard Bemis irving, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3804 of 5002

Freedom of speech is one thing but not when I pay for my phone. Phone companies have no right to profit from telemarketers and profit the second time from the consumer. To be without recourse is ludicrous. Instead of supporting the phone companies the government needs to support the consumers who elected the government representatives.

Bruce Hamilton California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3805 of 5002

Please instruct all

Phone companies to let us to block Robo calls. USING


Lester Davis Homestead, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3806 of 5002

I get up to ten fraudulent robocalls a day and nothing I've tried will stop them. My home phone is virtually useless. I might as well drop it. PLEASE MAKE RULES AND ENFORCE THEM! WE NEED MORE REGULATION!!!

Douglas Brooks Tuscaloosa, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3807 of 5002

Robocalls are very annoyoing and upsetting. We are seriously considering cancelling our landline & phone service because of this disturbance.

I fully support robocall blocking products. Please help this to occur. Thank you VERY much!

Teresa Reardon Holbrook,N.Y.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3808 of 5002

I have been using nomorerobo, & they have helped me stop many robocallers,that you can not stop. They are also working on stopping calls to my cell phone.Please let this system keep doing what they are doing.

Angela Christopher Williamsville, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3809 of 5002

I despise robo calls. Nomorobo has been a Godsend.

Stephen Jones Cedar Park, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3810 of 5002

Please allow call blocking for cell phones.

Caroline Stone Jacksonville, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3811 of 5002

Robocalls need to be stopped. We are seniors and constantly bothered with calls that interrupt our privacy. Our phone is important to us as we are in frail health and have relatives out of state that we need to reach and need to reach us. Any time we have to answer a robocall it is upsetting to us and invades our privacy. Please put a stop to these unwanted calls. Thank you.

Franklin, Ma.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3812 of 5002

To Whom it may concern, Just wanted to say, this is my phone, I pay a premium price for the service and I resent being contacted, on my private line, by Ribo calls in any form. I actually hate all unsolicited calls on this line. If I choose to sign up for a blocking program, my phone, my business, not yours! I'm a 61 year old educator, most likely taught one of you, please continue to listen to your teachers and elders but most importantly to public opinion.

Thank you,

Caren Williams

Herndon, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3813 of 5002

I respectfully request that you force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. Telemarketing is rampant and I personally want to block these unwanted calls.

Mark Gribble San Mateo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3814 of 5002

Please do not take away my right to block unwanted and annoying robocalls. I love it that Nomorobo gives me the ability to block most of my unwanted calls.

Yvonne Beers Simi Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3815 of 5002

It must be frustrating for the marketers who went to the trouble to use, as often as possible, my phone number without my permission and a phone detour system interferes with their business.

So Sorry. I do not want their interference in my daily life. Huge Lobby business now active in this I imagine. I was not surprised that the voluntary Do Not Call Gov. List was OK but not enough so I turned my phone off, inconveniently.

After robocall blocking i was able to turn the phone on again. I do not want those people "breaking into my home".

I signed up for Do Not Call for my Father's phone number who was in Hospice at home. Brilliant. Wish we had robocall then.

Know I'm not alone taking a stand against this or there would not be such a response.

Donna Walter Fort Washington, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3816 of 5002

There is no way you can stop robo calls unless you have websites like Nomorobo. These people call you even if you have telemarketing calls blocked by law. It,s so bad that if you make a law that said,s a customer cannot block robo calls than we will have our phone taken out and let the telephone companies bill someone else.

Alan Heffernan Watertown, N.Y.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3817 of 5002

I believe in having the right to choose not to receive robocalls. This should be as publicized as the do not call list, which is actually less effective than Nomorobo because of all the loopholes. I will be keeping my land line because it's no longer a nuisance to me. All the worthless calls have gone away. You collect taxes on land lines, right? Make a smart move that will benefit the government and the consumers.

Dirk Doud Danville, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3818 of 5002

I find it your efforts to not allow consumers the RIGHT to their personal( as well as cell) phone lines being free of Robo calls just another FINE example of you ALL not listening or giving a crap about consumers extremely foolish. Is it not enough that YOU STILL allow louder commercials on television and no consumer recourse... Please, we ALL know that the head of the (never working) FCC is a former LOBBYIST for Comcast. Have you appointed idiots EVEREVEN heard the term conflict of interest? No of course not you are a USELESS beaurocratic relic with only fighting anti-trust laws on your agenda. Shame on you !! Naughty white men haven't you gotten the message yet?You all should choke on your tax payer paid tones expensive lunches.

Get the Robo calls off my phone or we ALL will start a smear campaign even the Tea Party fools cannot rival. The American public should get rid of your antiquated asses anyway since it is clear you are on the take.What does your integrity go for these days you obscenely wasteful lazy pieces of smelly toilet waste. We're waiting. Your cheap fix of the do not call list is outdated and frequently goes unheeded by your own account.

WAKE UP before the public notices what double standard bloated toads you are... Remember conflict of interest can be applied Federally as well.

While you're at it


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3819 of 5002

Robo calls are out of control. No call lists work for neither our home phone or mobile. Over the years my wife has found some callers outright frightening. Callers who say nothing. Callers who call almost daily. Sometimes multiple times daily. Businesses are so profit driven that requests to stop calling frequently are ignored. Time Warner blocked numbers and Nomorobo have been sanity savers. Nomorobo has been on our phone for about a week and the results have been amazing. PLEASE stop the predatory, heartless, callers. Please demand providers give us the tools to protect ourselves. Thank you.

Larry Weingartner and Paula Mackowiak Rochester, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3820 of 5002

My wife and I are literally at the point of cancelling our landline service because we receive robocalls incessantly. These robocalls are counterproductive and an invasion on people's private phone lines. Let's put an end to this by allowing these calls to be blocked. Thank you for your consideration.

Marlton, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3821 of 5002

As a home owner for many years, I fully support robocall blocking and robocall blocking products. I believe we all have a right to manage our home phones to prevent robocalls.

Tom Costello South Riding, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3822 of 5002

I want the option to be able to block robo calls to my cell phone.

This is very important to me and need your help to allow me to block the unwanted robo calls.

Thank you

Norman Malenfant

Norman Malenfant Ft Myers, FL. 33919

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3823 of 5002

We use Nomorobo call blocking and there are calls that try to get through every day that are blocked. There are 2 or 3 companies that we use to get calls from every day for the same service that we could not get rid of any other way, even if we talked to them and told them to stop. It was an invasion of our privacy because they knew that we are senior citizens and use deceptive messages to keep you on the line. Now the phone rings just once around lunch time every day and Nomorobo blocks the call.

Please do not take this service away.

John and Nancy Bedford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3824 of 5002

We must have the ability to block unwanted calls from computer based telephone sales calls. I am old and have mobility problems, and my dear wife was bed bound, while I was personally providing her with full time care. The unwanted sales pitches were unwelcome, intrusive, and persistent, in spite of my repeated requests to remove me from their call list.

I was receiving 6-8 of them per day. Fortunately I have a digital telephone connection and able to use Nomorobo. Now I rarely get any of those calls. That ability should also be available for people on regular, non-digital phone lines.

Robert Rayburn Lakewood WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3825 of 5002

We constantly get calls from 800-Service and several others despite being on the no-call list. Sometimes they come every 15 minutes from the same caller. It is so irritating having your phone ring with these robo calls. Please help!

Sandy Harris Vacaville, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3826 of 5002

Because I have both a digital voice option from Verizon I can see a list of all calls that come in, regardless of whether they were blocked (I can block 10 numbers--I have to keep rotating which get blocked) or whether Nomorob blocks them. Most days I get at least 5 unwanted calls. Some call almost every day. Why wouldn't the Federal government give me the option of blocking all robocalls ???

Washington DC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3827 of 5002

My wife and are are senior citizens. We receive an average of 8 unwanted calls per day, from people or organizations/businesses with whom we have no relationship nor do we want any.

We have anonymous call block turned on with our carrier, but that doesn't stop the rest. We have been on the Federal "Do Not Call" list since it was first established and still are shown on it.

I believe that it should be mandatory that all public telephone carriers provide call blocking services, under customer control, so that we and others can selectively denote unwanted phone numbers as "blocked' and never hear another peep from them.

I really don't care if the callers are religious, political or business. If I don't want to hear from them, that is my choice, not theirs.

Tom & Sue Banes Plano, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3828 of 5002

Dear FCC:

Please decide for consumers by allowing us to block robocalls and unwanted nuisance callers. Phone companies have been allowed too long to let these calls, most of them scams, to make their way through. They need to provide existing technology to help us block them.

Not a week goes by that I didn't have to report some diabetes or other scam aimed at seniors to the Do Not Call list. Many of these calls continue. There has to be a way for us to limit them.

John Paul Altieri Philadelphia PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3829 of 5002

I like my privacy and robo calls are an invasion of that privacy. I pay for my phone services and feel that the phone companies should honor this privacy and give me the option of blocking these calls.

Ernest Braxton Marietta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3830 of 5002

I need an easy way to block robocalls. I receive then almost daily on both my home and cell phones in total disregard of the Do Not Call List.

The phone company has been no help in this.

Newark, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3831 of 5002

Before I subscribed to Nomorobo I was inundated with calls from telemarketers. Now I hardly ever have calls from telemarketers. It's been a relief since I have a sick wife and having to stop something and answer my phone needlessly is quite aggravating.

Thank goodness for Nomorobo.

Ray Guidry Lake Charles, LA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3832 of 5002

Robo calls SUCK. Noone with half a brain ever answers them. Please let us block them !!!

Jeffrey Calhoun Pleasantville , NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3833 of 5002

I can't stand the fact that they can still do this.

Tim Murphy Amherst NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3834 of 5002

My phone is used for communication with my friends, family and people I know. I am really irritated by hang up robo calls at all hours day and night and someone trying to sell me something that I don't want. Robo calls are a complete nuisance. Why would someone try and force something on me that I don't want. People who use their computers to make mass calls should be prosecuted for harassment.

Suzanne Brigham California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3835 of 5002

I have my sanity back!! I was so happy to hear about nomorobo. It was making my husband and I crazy with all the telemarketing, politcal and stupid calls we got constantly all hours of the day and as late as 9:00 at night. Since signing up for nomorobo we have peace again. We still have to hear one ring but we appreciate knowing there is a way to stop the insanity! Thank you so much and please keep up the great work.

Kim Auburn, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3836 of 5002

Phone solicitations have become ridiculous. They have now have Nomorobo to give me some quiet. It wastes my time to answer the phone and then hang up when I realize it's a robocalls. Now I wait for the second ring if Nomorobo allows it. It GREATLY reduces my wasted time. I would prefer if the FCC would enforce DoNotCall lists. Productivity is being lost here and only NoMoRoBo is doing something about.

Stephen Williams Redwood City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3837 of 5002

Robo calls are an invasive invasion on my privacy besides a total annoyance. I want them stopped. Now, the Bastards are starting to robo call my cell. Outrageous! bob & sharon graham camarillo, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3838 of 5002

We are a retired couple, and we get so many unwanted call every day that I hate to hear the phone ring. My wife is afraid we'll miss an important call from one of our children or grandchildren, so she tries to answer, only to find no one on the line for several seconds. hen she curses!

Pease do something to help us!

The Jacksons

Dick & Diane Jackson Glendora, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3839 of 5002

Being able to block robocalls on my home has proved to be a great feature. I do not have any desire to listen to calls made from a computer. I strongly urge you to all the blocking of robocalls on mobile phones as well. I don't want to use up valuable minutes listening to these calls or even being interrupted by these types of calls.

Thank You.

Bristol, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3840 of 5002

I pay for a phone that is for my personal use. If I don't want to receive calls from people trying to sell me something, I shouldn't have to get those calls! The same applies to organizations that are trying to get me to donate to their cause, or political organizations recruiting me and/or my money.

Jean and John Tieppo Henrietta, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3841 of 5002

Robocalls calls are a constant source of harrassment and, as a consumer, it is my right to block these calls from my phone which I purchased and own. The government has no right to impose any restrictions on a device that I have purchased with my own money!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3842 of 5002

First Rob calls should be Outlawed, along with All telemarketing calls. Your organization is a Joke we sign up to have these calls block, but again you've failed to do your job. I can only Wish we could show how get your numbers both Home and office put on all the machines to brother you.

Matthew Scott Highlands Ranch Co.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3843 of 5002

If it wasn't for robocall blocking, I would have changed our number a long time ago. Ever since getting this number 5 years ago, the calls were nonstop! They continually ask for the former owners of the number. There is nothing you can do to get them to stop calling. They sell the numbers to others and it just keeps going. It is never ending. I daily have to block the callers.

If you stop number blocking, be ready to give out thousands of new numbers! We may have to get rid of our landline phones altogether!

Keep robocall blocking products! Thank you,

Paul and Sherry Stephenson Santa Clarita, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3844 of 5002

I think the preponderance of robocalls appearing on my telephones must certainly violate some of my constitutional rights. Possible arguments might be made citing the 1st, 8th and 9th amendments. I should be able to count on my tax-payer funded government representative(in this case the FCC) to protect my rights of privacy and personal freedom and give me the tools to block this unwanted intrusion in my communication links.

James Wilson Boynton Beach, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3845 of 5002

We absolutely should be able to block robocalls!

Susan Alter Shoreline Wash

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3846 of 5002

Robocalls are unconstitutional. Remember "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness "? Robocalls make me unhappy. Make them go away.

Don Waxhaw NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3847 of 5002

I an on the do not call list but when I report someone nothing seems to happen. Robocalls keep coming in every day We need some way to stop them.

James Wisner Altus, OK

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3848 of 5002

My wife and I are retired, and we're thinking about dropping our landline phone service.

Do you know why? We've been on the government's "Do Not Call" list for years, but even so, companies offering everything from "travel discounts" to storm windows are skirting the law and having their computers call us. The worst is that every year around election time our phone rings constantly with strangers asking personal questions about how we plan to vote. We used to ask patiently to be removed from their call list... but we've quit doing that since we learned that they get the list from the CURRENT VOTER LIST. That means we will NEVER get off of their call lists.

These constant calls are a burden for older people like us, many of whom are more likely to fall for slick ads and slick salesmen. The ability to make deceptive sales pitches is all that keeps them going. Please allow us to control our phones and free us from these unwanted intrusions into our lives.

We would rather keep our current phone lines. If, however, you can't or won't help us, the only solution we can think of is to disconnect our landline phones and depend more on our mobile phones, which receive these kinds of calls only rarely.

It's up to you. Do we keep putting up with the hassle of unwanted phone calls or do we pull the plug on the landline phone?

William & Gayla Bucher Salisbury, North Carolina

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3849 of 5002

Please help the consumer block Robo Calls!

Kalamazoo, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3850 of 5002

I am in favor of re-starting ROBOCALL type call blocking through my telephone company (Verizon). The phone company appears to favor unrestricted intrusive phone marketing without any recourse by the residential consumer. The residential consumer should be able to switch off repeated phone calls that continue even after the calling party has been asked to stop calling. There is no good reason why phone calls selected by the recipient should remain unblocked. Please enact laws and provide an easily accessible and simple blocking process to protect residential customers from this form of public harassment.

Silver Spring, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3851 of 5002

I do not want to receive robocalls. They occur as early as 8 a.m. and as late as 9 p.m. Many of the calls are scams particularly aimed at senior citizens like me. Please do not stop my availability to have these calls blocked.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3852 of 5002

I need the ability to block these telemarketers who are a very large nuisance. They call at all hours of the day and night, on my home phone, office phone and personal cell phone, and are very rude.

Lily Badalamenti Norco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3853 of 5002

I hate robocalls the do not call list is a joke. I had to purchase a device to block calls. Make the phone companies let us block these calls.

John Werner Fremont CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3854 of 5002

I find robocalls extremely annoying and would like to be able to block them. Please make this possible. lantana, fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3855 of 5002

Try not to live up to my expectatioms FCC. Criminals troll your phone communication lines, victimizing the weak and pestering the rest of us. I don't expect the government to fix anything, but the least you can do is get out of the way.

Edgewood, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3856 of 5002

I will disconnect my landline if the FCC does not allow me to block the annoying, obnoxious robocalls I constantly receive. If it weren't for Robocall blocker I would have disconnected my landline years ago. Why should I pay for telemarketers constantly barraging my privacy with unwanted calls They totally disregard and ignore the National Do No Call Registry that is SUPPOSED to block such calls.

NoMoRobo has been a blessing!!!

Walter Watson Santa Clarita, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3857 of 5002

A major annoyance and waste of time are robocalls. In some cases when expecting an important call from a doctor or hospital, a robocall can be more than just a nuisance and be actually dangerous. The telephone service that the consumer pays for should not be hijacked by telemarketers. This is especially true for cell phone minutes. Phone companies should make available blocking services for such unsolicited and potentially health threatening calls.

Thomas Raudorf Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3858 of 5002 stop robo calls plano,tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3859 of 5002

Nomorobo is GREAT!

I was sick and tired of receiving robocalls throughout the day and even into the evening on a daily basis. We had signed up several years back to a 'do not call' list but it never seemed to stop those annoying robocalls. I read about nomorobo in the NY Times, signed up for it and it HAS effective prevented these calls. PLEASE allow it to continue for the sake of peace and sanity. dr stanley f malamed west hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3860 of 5002

Please. No more robocalls

Elena brown Springfield

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3861 of 5002

I am tired of getting calls three and four times a day. Please stop this unwanted solication.

Thank you

Woodbridge, Va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3862 of 5002

Let me block robo calls the do not call lsits do not work

Kyle Crosland Houston TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3863 of 5002

I use NOmorrobo call now on my home phone. The phone companies are not blocking the calls I am and it is my number and I pay the bill..

Mike davis Riverside ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3864 of 5002

I am so sick of being on the state and federal do not call list, and still getting frequent robocalls. The phone number is blocked, so there is no way I can lodge a complaint with the regulatory bodies. The robocallers know it, and taunt me about being able to call me when they want to. The nomorobocall app allows me to block the robocallers., unlike the worthless do not call lists I have enrolled in.

Ray Holderman Largo,FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3865 of 5002

Blocking robo calls should be a consumer choice. The government should allow and encourage phone companies to offer this service to consumers at no additional cost.

Rockwall, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3866 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance. People should be in control over what is allowed to come into their homes. The FCC should require phone companies to give customers options to block robocalls - rather like the Spam key on computers.

Dawn McCormick Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3867 of 5002

I hate the fact that I pay for phone service, and I'm bothered by companies I have no interest in because they want my money. I love the Nomorobo service. It works!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3868 of 5002

Please let me block robocalls. they are worthless, inconsiderate and annoying with no positive value. don barth ashland va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3869 of 5002

If I (or we) don't want unwanted robocalls from businesses or, get this, political calls, why should we have to put up with them? Isn't this an invasion of privacy?

Lakeland, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3870 of 5002

Robocalling is not a right, it is an attack on privacy. Marketers who use robocalling are scammers and cons and need to be stopped. Act for the public interest and ban robocalling. If you don't, I should be able to block robocalls with products that can. My right to privacy is more important the some solicitor trying to scam me out of money. I am tired of being hassled by telemarketers who use robocalling. Do something about it.

Richard and Grace Rinner Elmhurst,IL 60126

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3871 of 5002

We are sick & tired of these robo recorded messages and most important we don't even know who is calling or where they have no name or no. either so to speak!! We pay our phone bills just like everyone else and won't you to fix this where it will be a thing of the past!! We have tried the "Do not Call no" numerous times & they only ignore it just a mother promise that is a fake!! We want it stopped by blocking products & requests calls we are not interested in in the first place!!

Tuscaloosa, Al.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3872 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance and waste our time. The phone companies should provide robocall blocking as a free service to the customers. We do not have a phone so that we can get all of the advertisements these robocalls want us to listen to. We are intelligence enough to go out and solicit the services we want. Stop the nuisance!!!

Dave Mueller Camarillo, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3873 of 5002

Despite registering my phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry, I was still getting a large number of unwanted phone calls.

After registering my phone number with Nomorobo, the unwanted calls have DRASTICALLY decreased. I cannot understand why any phone company would want to block a service that has proven to be so beneficial to those who use it.

Sylvia Brooks Fort Washington, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3874 of 5002

Robocalls are destroying our quality of life. We get them all day. Everyday.

From all manner of sleaze artists. FCC _ PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS SCOURGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

David Dwight Chicago, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3875 of 5002

I am very disgusted with having my personal space invaded by annoying robocalls. I use the currently available "nomorobo" and wish that it could be even more effective. Obviously the "do not call" list provided by the government is meaningless and totally unenforced.

Al Cerulo Jr. Rockaway, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3876 of 5002

Nomorobo service is keeping me from being completely insane. I get a call identified as (Unknown 1) regularly twice a day or more. Before Nomorobo I would answer and no one was there. Now it only rings once and is hung up on by the service. I get many calls each day that Nomorobo hangs up on. I am on the national do not call list and on the state do not call list. That is not working. I do not want calls from people trying to sell me something. I heard that there was a prize given for the best way to control and or stop robo calls. What gives! My phone company has the ability to let my phone ring at 2 different numbers and Nomorobo has kindly taken a huge irritation out of my life.

Carole Johnson Carson, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3877 of 5002

My husband and I have a hard time getting around and the robocalls are not only a nuisance but are also putting us at risk to answering calls that are not important.

Please pass a law to prohibit robo calls. they are useless calls anyway so we don't need them nor want them.

Arundel, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3878 of 5002

I use Nomorobocalls and LOVE it. Every time I hear the phone ring just once I know that another unwanted phone call has been blocked. I have never NOT received a call I needed since having this service, and it IS a service, so I can only see an upside to having it continue in its present form.

Deborah Chaney Bedford, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3879 of 5002

Please help block ROBOCAlls

Bloomburg, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3880 of 5002

It is imperative that consumers be allowed the option of blocking robocalls. The calls are abusive and intrusive. The robocallers often call back 3 or 4 times in a short period of time if we do not answer.

Dena Chamison Plano, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3881 of 5002 actually nomorobo person you told me that I was no longer protected with you. So if you are going to congress that first you should protected those who are signed up with you. IF as you say its the phone company that is not doing blocking why is it my company has a system that blocks calls for me. Just wondering.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3882 of 5002

I want to use my phone to talk to friends and family, and to contact businesses when I choose. I do not want thieves, liars, other malicious phone users, unsolicited sales pitches or political calls. Nobody I want to talk to uses a robot to call me. Why should I have to hear the phone ring because of these sources? I want to be able to block all robocalls easily.

Harry Slocum Buffalo, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3883 of 5002

There is nothing more frustrating than these robocalls! I feel as though they are taking control of my phone and my home. It is an invasion of my right to decide who has access to me or my home. There should be a simple option offered through the telephone carriers to "turn on" a robo block if they chose. Others can have the calls come through again IF they so choose.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3884 of 5002

Robocalls are intrusive and abusive.

Please don't let them continue without blocking products to help us have a fair chance.

Sally Witt Yardley, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3885 of 5002

NoMoRobo is neat. It saves us a lot of time and aggravation. Do not let it go away. jhpetter Hudson, Ma.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3886 of 5002

I do not like RoBo calls and think they should be banned. They are an invasion of my privacy and an annoyance. My phone is for my personal use and I should not be bothered by unsolicited calls. I currently use a blocking service which does a pretty good job but occasionally calls do get thru. Solicitors are very annoying and should definitely be blocked. Please ban RoBo Calls!!!!!!

Debbie Dayton, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3887 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying, time-wasting and, more often than not, a vehicle used for fraud! Before I signed up for NomoRobo, the majority of my calls were these automatic dialers. Now, I have the ability to let most of them pass by.

Even so, there are vendors out there who hide themselves behind actual subscriber names. WE NEED TO STOP THAT! And, I want my cell carrier to be required to offer robocall blocking products! It's my cellphone that I"m paying for and I should have control over who can and cannot call me!

Don't let the phone companies take away my ability to block unwanted calls. If it's because they want revenue, they can find a way to charge the robocallers for every call they make it they have the wherewithal to do so (and they do!).

Hillside, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3888 of 5002

I am in favor of Robo call blocking. The fact that the telephone service is a monopoly should not give the phone company the right to invade my privacy. I purchase their service to enable me to make and receive only phone calls from those I want to receive them from as well as those I do not. Any service that would ensure that service meets my needs is a step forward.

While the phone company may hide behind any federal laws that might not allow them block calls their claim does not square with the fact that they may be making a fair amount of profit from selling their own call blocking services.

No call to my phone should force me to listen to any message or caller not of my choosing. If the phone company can't directly supply that service then those services that evolve to do exactly that should be allowed to do so.

Because the phone is a necessity we should not be forced to listen to callers and their interruptions at their will. Those of us who opt out of live sales calls should have the ability to do the same for those callers who decide to circumvent the "opt out" by Robo calling.

Please consider extending the opt out capability to include Robo calling whether blocked by the phone company or, if they choose not to, then by other services willing to step in and solve the problem for us outside of the phone company.

Tom Gulczynski Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3889 of 5002

I have every right not to have telemarketing people calling me at 8am all day and at night till 9-10 pm

If I want to buy something or have my chimmey cleaned or my roof done, I would pick up the phone and call someone to do it.

I'm sure congress and the FCC doesn't have to listen to there phones ringing all day long even interrupting our dinner.

I want to continue to block robocalls. It blocks out some of the calls but not all. I am the one that pays the phone bill not the FCC so I have every right to continue with blocking robocalls.

Thank you

Huntington, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3890 of 5002

We receive an average of 2-3 robocalls a day, sometimes as many as 5 in an afternoon. We receive even more in the weeks leading up to an election. I'm even starting to get them on my cell phone.

Please make them stop.

Services like NoMoRobo are nice, with its single ring to let us know that another robocall has been blocked. It seems to me, however, that the phone companies could very easily figure out who's making the calls and not accept them.

Preventing the robocall is better than blocking them after one ring.

Paul Hinkley Lombard, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3891 of 5002

It's ann and an invasion of privacy with these robocalls

Mahwah NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3892 of 5002

I have been bombarded by solicitors robo- calling me at the most inconvenient times. I can't get the rest I need with the phone constantly ringing. It has got to stop! One rushes to the phone thinking it must be and emergency since they often call after 9 PM and early in the morning. I am not well and last month I slipped trying to get to the phone and hurt my hip. PLEASE, I NEED TO STOP THE CALLS!!!

C. Keenan Quakertown, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3893 of 5002 do NOT take away my robocall system. The number of calls blocked on a daily basis is astounding! I don't want those calls! Leave the system alone, keep your regulatory hands off this system!!!

Jerry Farber, MD Rockville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3894 of 5002

Robot caller blockers such as Nomorobo are the first meaningful progress that I have seen in protecting the public from scammers. We noticed an immediate reduction in calls without messages and we no longer spend our dinner checking the caller ID.This is an important service and should be preserved. wichita kansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3895 of 5002

I want to be able to block robo calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3896 of 5002

I would definitely like toblock all these calls that come to my home any time day ornight. mary mass.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3897 of 5002

I rely on robocall blocking to avoid unwanted telephone conversations. It is my choice to keep my phone line clear for my own use.

Fritz Allen Corrales, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3898 of 5002

I am on A smallpension

low funds

and my cell phoe is pay as use

so evertime I get a Call it cost me one dollar plus ten cents a minute

I have my cell phone for Medical emergencies only !!

Thomas Pecora New Haven CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3899 of 5002

Robocalls are a royal pain in the butt. I continually get unsolicited almost any time of the day or night. On most days my nomorobo system intercepts 3 calls and other days 7 or 8. I only wish I could block call from "Card Services" and other unsolicited caller like polititians and and alleged "uniformed service benevolent associations." Do not mess with a system that works for the a regular citizen.


Leonard Moody North Syracuse, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3900 of 5002

I'm still - 8 years later - getting calls from Rachel at Credit Card Services. Recently they've been using a local exchange with a number 2 digits different from mine. It should be illegal to fake the origin of a call.

Anne Lindell Waynesboro VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3901 of 5002

Please do anything at all you can to block robocalls -- on our cell phones, as well as our landline. This is urgent -- particularly because the "do not call" list is routinely violated. Thank you.

Michael W Blumstein Scarsdale, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3902 of 5002

The situation has gotten to be absurd!! Our phone rings constantly with these robo calls! Many call from different numbers so blocking doesn't work....PLEASE get our phones back for us to use as we like, not some robot marketing scheme or scam!

Thanks, Olin

Olin Vallejo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3903 of 5002

These calls need to be stopped. I've tried being polite to these callers explaining I am disabled and it is difficult for me to reach my phone at times. I've told them I am not interested in their cause, products, or services and still they continue to call. Sometimes up to 3 or 4 times a day. These calls are a nuisance and I feel like the only solution is to not answer my phone. I pay for my phone service and should be able to use it to my liking. My phone provider does not allow me to block theses calls and that is not acceptable.

Myrna Renfro La Mirada, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3904 of 5002

I get too many unnecessary robocall on my cell phone and house phone. Please put a stop to these calls.

Agustin Valentin Oviedo, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3905 of 5002

I am tired of Robocalls I want to continue to use nomorobo

Ronald Harris Milpitas, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3906 of 5002

Please allow or make the phone companies block robo calls. My like is much quieter with nomorobo.

We don't have many calls a day for dealer services, selling something, we are Microsoft calling about your computer issues,

I can name many more

Gerry Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3907 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying and an abuse of the phone service I am paying for. Vthey are an invasion of privacy.

Ellen Danziger New York NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3908 of 5002

I love Nomorobo and I think it should be an FCC requirement that all carriers enable their services to take advantage of blocking services like Nomorobo. In fact since I am paying an astronomical amount for my home and cellular phones should I not be in control of who I allow to call me?

Steve $ Jackie Holder ridgewood, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3909 of 5002

Robocalls attack at meal times, usually, and that makes them especially onerous. My at&t "service" does not permit a blocking service, and the "call blocking" feature is limited to six telephone numbers.

Please stop the robocall invasions of privacy by whatever means necessary.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3910 of 5002 i am sick of receiving many many robocalls every day...they never stop... i want a way to block them james block 7646

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3911 of 5002

We have been using Nomorobo for over a year and it has provided a substantial decrease in the number of robocalls we receive (estimate 90-95% decrease). We have been on the national do-not-call list since it was first established, but like most consumers, we have still been bombarded by unsolicited robocalls from companies who blatantly choose to disregard the law. We have been so pleased with Nomorobo that we have tried to sign up family members and friends, but unfortunately most of their carriers don't allow the service. Given how effective Nomorobo is and how pointless the no-call list has been rendered by companies that choose to ignore it, we strongly encourage the FCC to require services such as Nomorobo be made available to all phone customers, landline and mobile. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3912 of 5002

It's time that you realize that all of these "Robo calls" are an invasion of privacy. These callers usually come across my phone as "Unavailable" or even "Private" so I'm not even able to call them back and have them remove me from their call lists. It's obvious that they are trying to sell something because they won't even leave a message. It's time you start protecting our privacy!!! I'd also like to know why and how they are allowed to call my " unlisted" number! This has got to be stopped and soon!

Buffalo, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3913 of 5002

Please let me continue using the NOMOROBO (Robocall blocking product) on my phone. It has reduced the number of calls I get and made my a lot easier. It catches at least 10 calls per day.

I know, because the calls that are blocked ring only once and when I check the associated number most of the time it is a disconnected number or the number for Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Raj & Susan Acharya Encinitas CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3914 of 5002 i can't stand getting the robo calls. my phone rings at all hours, i have no more robo call blocking but many calls still get thru. there has to be a way to completely block these unwanted calls. karen a kinnelon nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3915 of 5002

Robocalls are out of control and the FCC should be on the consumers' side. Give us the ability to easily block unwanted calls.

I currently use nomorobo on my home phone but my workplace is bombarded daily. Please help us!

Elaine James Windsor CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3916 of 5002

Please block robot calls! Than you!

Marion Peterman Frostburg, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3917 of 5002

I get on the average of three to four robocalls per day. I don't answer most however, voice mail messages are left for me to erase, etc. I wish you would put a stop to these unwanted calls. Not only robocalls are annoying, but I get a number of live solicitations also. Strange, I'm on the do not call list and have made a number of complaints to no avail. Another ineffective, waste of taxpayer money.

Irv Cuttler Plainview, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3918 of 5002

We need services like this! Robo calls are getting out of control!

Marcus and Sonya Estrada Walnut, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3919 of 5002

Allow us to block robocalls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3920 of 5002

I dont want robo calls to my home! I have that right to say who can call me, NOMOROBO is fantastic, dont take that away. frank calverton ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3921 of 5002

I receive robo calls on my mobile phone numerous times a day. I tried to report violations when they occur, but it requires me to be at a computer, go to the reporting web page, fill out a form, and when all is said and done, it feels like nothing happens. Asking to be removed has done no good, and I suspect that the act of asking confirms me as a living person that can be marketed to on the other end of a phone line. Please do whatever is necessary to stop robo calls. There is no rational use for robo calls that I can think of that comes close to offsetting the harm they cause.

Jon A. Hallgrimsson Avondale, Arizona

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3922 of 5002

I signed up for do not call, it worked for awhile, now I'm getting as many annoying calls if not more than before. Please help to stop this invasion of my privacy!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3923 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely annoying and intrusive. , especially at 6:30 am and 10:00 pm, Sometimes they repeat at half hour intervals. The public should have control over their own phones especially considering what the phone providers charge plus every fee/tax whatever they add to pump up the rates. I think the phone companies don't want robocalls blocked because they make money from them as business clients. Norobocall products should be freely available to the public and phone companies should be required to provide opt-outs. This should include political robocalls as well.

Takoma Park, Md

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3924 of 5002

I was sick & tired of telemarketer's robocacalls, then I started using to block allow of those Unwanted calls.

The government Needs to leave us alone & Not block from doing what we want - Leaving us alone & bothering us with unwanted phone calls!

Orland Park Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3925 of 5002

Stop robocalls completely! Almost all robocalls are cold marketing calls and have no meaning to the person called. We now never answer calls thanks to this issue. Thank goodness the cable companies have caller id on the TV so I can ignore the calls I have not initiated. If I want something, I will call. I dod not want unsolicited calls at all!!!

Frank J Pelrine Attleboro, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3926 of 5002

Prior to getting Nomorobo I got up to 10 robocalls a day. Now, because of this free service, we may only receive two or three unwanted calls a week.

Please allow us to preserve the peaceful quiet in our home and protection against phone scammers we enjoy with Nomorobo. We can refuse to open the door to our home to unwanted solicitors, but we can't stop the phone from ringing without blocking services. Please continue to allow blocking robocall service. lisa sands austin, tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3927 of 5002

Do everything you can to eliminate robocalls.

David Hopman Jackson, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3928 of 5002

I am sick and tired of receiving robo calls. I am about to give up my landline because most of the calls we receive, are robo calls. Some days it's one call after the other. You can't stay in bed late or take a nap in the middle of the day, because we are awakened by robo calls. If I don't recognize the number, I don't answer. But I still have to hear the phone ring. I DON'T WANT ROBO CALLS!!!! Period. I don't know why the FCC is having trouble understanding this. There can't be a single person on this universe that wants a robo call. Thank you!

Marilyn Lawrence Thousand Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3929 of 5002

Robocalls are rude, disruptive, and unwelcome forms of harassment.

You can do the citizens of the United States of America a great service by trying to end them, whether they are made by private enterprise, political individuals or groups, charitable, religious or nonprofit groups or individuals working on their behalf.

Please do so.

Donald Mackowski Enola, Pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3930 of 5002

We would prefer robo blocking, these calls go from early am to late evening.

Palos Hills, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3931 of 5002

I too am fed up with robocalls, Thanks for nothing "do not call", Twice I have liisted our phone numbers and still get too maany robo calls!

Victor Gutierrez Los Angeles,CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3932 of 5002

Your 800 blocking does not work.

Tucson, AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3933 of 5002 we are sick and tired of having our phone ring at all hours of day and night with robocalls!! and to think we are PAYING for this is unsane! If I am paying for a service I to get service without the abuse!!

another issue is unidentified calls! i do not consider " name not available" or " out of area" to be an identification! NAME AND NUMBER is identification! if that is not available then i dont want my phone to ring! period! Time warmer has a limit of 30 numbers that can be blocked....that is inadequate! I can totally understand why so many are dropping land lines.. we may be next! we value our privacy...please, if we do not welcome your call, go away! poway calif

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3934 of 5002

Robo calls are annoying, useless, and a big waste of time and resources. It's an invasion of every Americans' daily lives. I setup my phone for real use and not a place for scheming "businesses" to harass, annoy, and/or make a quick buck off me. I think I speak for a majority of Americans, if not all of them.

Getting robo calls is like getting junk credit offers in the mail, useless flyers on your car's windshield, stepping on dog poo on your way to work, answering a salesperson at your door during dinner with your family. They are all unnecessary and everyone tries to avoid them and has the right to. So why can't we have the right to avoid robocalls by blocking them on OUR private property; our personal phones?

Jia Li Brooklyn, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3935 of 5002

9 out of 10 calls that I recieve are robocalls. I am so flipping sick of the calls. A lot of them are scammers. Something needs to be done to stop them!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3936 of 5002

Robocalls are invasive, irritating and a waste of my family's time.

Please make a solution for people to rid themselves of this nuisance!

Steve Carlson New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3937 of 5002

I want to choose who can call me and who can't!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3938 of 5002

It is difficult to fathom HOW MANY junk calls we get - for multiple reasons...first during election time. I vote - I make up my own mind and don't want repeated robo-calls at dinner time interfering with conversation and important activities. Apart from that we get MANY - way too many sales calls because we have a small business. The same companies call over & over all day long. It's terribly distracting and interruptive. If I pick up the phone & immediately hang up - they just call back. If I don't answer, they call back with a different area code and city listed. The problem has gotten out of hand and we Americans don't deserve this lack of respect. I used to try repeatedly to answer the calls and request removal of our name/number from their list, but that also is to avail. PLEASE HELP END THIS MADNESS.

Marilynn Kline Austin, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3939 of 5002

Please act to allow me to decline to be included on calls from robotic dialers and especially from recorded messaging and solicitation calls. I recognize that many of these calls are political in nature, and are paid for by special interest groups. Those special interests also support the election of the politicians who appoint your commission's leaders and pay your salaries. The reality is my taxes actually pay your salaries and I want to control whether or not I am targeted by these robotic call centers.

Robert and Karen Spencer Redmond, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3940 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls, and telemarketers. I like nomorobo, and want to be able to use it effectively. I'm sick of unwanted phone calls.

Eric Marshall Dennison, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3941 of 5002

I am fustrated by the amount of robot calls I receive. They call morning, noon, and night, interrupting sleep, dinner, and any chance I have to relax.

Please do something to stop this.

Marti rufin Brunswick ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3942 of 5002

I am sick and tired of the public nuisance of robo calls. Not only do they tie up my phone line with nonsense that I have no interest in, but they are a constant disturbance to my day. It is my day, my time, and my phone line. Not only should they be illegal, but the perpetrators should be severely punished for treading on other people's right to peace and quiet in their own home. This is nothing but abuse that we are forced to tolerate.

Curtis J Schonher Valrico, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3943 of 5002

It is simply unbelievable to hear phone companies claiming they are legally prevented from blocking robocalls. Is it possible that there is collusion between phone companies and companies making robocalls?

If i paid for the phone/device, I get to decide who calls me. Not some phone company nor the companies with whom i had legitimate business transactions. It is not them, it is I who get to decide.

Please ensure solutions like nomorobo is made available to all.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3944 of 5002

I'm getting a lot of unwanted calls some of them displays Private instead of their phone number or some just display 1 instead of the whole number. I like to keep Nomorobo because it blocks robocalls if it rings only once you know that is a robocall saving you time from getting up from bed or interrupting your dinner.

It is my phone I don't want my carrier to tell me to accept robocalls or stop me from blocking those robocalls.

Jones San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3945 of 5002

We were receiving as many as 10 calls per day from the same company which seemed to be operating a scam. Options to opt out were not successful and talking with representatives proved fruitless. Only after we learned about nomorobo and call blocking were we able to get relief from these nuisance calls.

If a person or company needs to contact us for legitimate concerns, they still have the option to call us without robo dialing. Please do not prohibit call blocking.

Columbus OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3946 of 5002

I feel that Robocalls are a total invasion of privacy. I want the right to block these phone calls.....they are annoying. If I do not want to hear from them, that is my this not the USA? Where are my rights?

Diane Minto Pittsburgh, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3947 of 5002

I hate robocalls. I want to opt out.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3948 of 5002

We absolutely live and use Nomorobo developed by Aaron Foss. Before we discovered this 100% effective robo call blocker our home privacy was interrupted EVERY nite between 5-9 PM at least 5x per nite by some worthless unsolicited out of state computer call peddling something. We have listed our phone on every do not call list with little result. We totally depend on Mr. Foss's software which should be available on every phone service in America. He should receive the metal of freedom for freeing us from these invasive irritating computer calls. I consider robo calls like a virus that must be kept out of my home. Do not allow robo call businesses or uninformed phone companies to take away the best defense against unwanted robo calls now available. Take whatever steps necessary to make Nomorobocall software available to everyone! David L. Sharrock in Sacramento, Calif. I would welcome any further discussion on this matter with any FCC member.

David l. Sharrock Sacramento, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3949 of 5002

It has come to my attention that phone companies are lobbying against the product, Nomorobo, which blocks robocalls. I do not know of anyone who particularly enjoys robocalls other than those who initiate those robocalls.

Before Nomorobo was introduced, I was inundated with constant telemarketing and solicitation calls. These type of calls can run up to 8 times per day. As a user of Nomorobo since the first day, I have not been inundated with unnecessary and useless telemarketing calls. It has made my quality of life better. I have also installed Nomorobo on two of my siblings' phone service and they can't give enough praise for Nomorobo. It is outstanding.

I request that phone users be given the option to continue using Nomorobo and not have Nomorobo be taken away from us.

Roger Chan Staten Island, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3950 of 5002

I love it, I hate getting unwanted calls and with his service it helps.

Mark Ontario, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3951 of 5002

We are so grateful that, as Verizon Digital Voice customers, we were eligible to sign on for the service. We used to be constantly bothered by unwanted computer-generated phone calls, especially at dinner time. Although we have caller ID and could identify unwanted callers, we still had to put up with the ringing. Now when the phone rings just once and then stops, we look at each other and say, "Thank you, Nomorobo!" This was a lifesaver during the political campaigns last fall.

Carolyn Sutterfield Fairfax, Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3952 of 5002

Robocalls are the same thing as auto dialers which you said were illegal for telemarketeers to use to call people. By consumers having the RIGHT to block these scammers which is what most of them are, since they are using cellphones, VoIP, and even numbers that have been previously registered to land line owners to make their BS calls. You have cut back on way too many things over the years. First it was with CB and your lack of cracking down on all of these illegal CB radios. One look on facebook in the CB radio groups and you can see all of these illegal radios and amps that are being pictured and such. But back to the Robo calling, Im sure everyone of you has a way of blocking calls from these idiots from calling your home, business and cell phone numbers so why cant we? ITS DAMNED ANNOYING to have my phone ring at all hours of the day or night only to find out that its some BS gimmick or scam. Its bad enough with the Political calls which we cant block as they are BS also. Do something right for a change and DO NOT allow these LOW LIFES the ability to call anyone they want. Your DO NOT CALL list is bullshit too. That's how the Robocaller gets around that. Since its not a person dialing, they don't care and they do not respond to removing numbers from their list. On Thanksgiving and Christmas, Days meant for spending time with family We received 40 calls in a matter of minutes from first Bill Gates, then Donald Trump saying we won millions and it took me telling him each time that he had reached the FBI Field Office and US Marshall's Office and the local Sheriff's Department that they finally quit calling. And yes it was a ROBO CALLER, calling with a BLOCKED caller ID, from most likely a VoIP number (Vonage, MagicJack, BasicTalk or some DSL or Broadband provider like AT&T, Verizon, etc). Im one million percent against Robo callers and with such services as Nomorobo, I no longer had to worry about idiots like that calling. Unfortunately this service doesn't work for landlines and Cell phones companies that do not offer a service known as SimulRing (Vonage offers it) as this cut back on 99% of the Telemarketers, hang ups as soon as the Answering Machine or VoiceMail picks up. and we were never disturbed again.

Its time to listen to consumers and DO YOUR JOB protecting and regulating what you should, Just as its illegal to use illegal amplifiers on the CB frequencies, it should be just as illegal if not more for any business in the USA to use ROBO dialers and all business regardless what they do should be mandated to have their caller ID info displayed to better avoid this mess. Yes Congress shouldn't have De-Regulated CB and they should regulate this or force you, the Federal Communications Commission to do your job in enforcing laws, and rules pursuant to any type of communications, Even the ham bands are now being cluttered with robo trash. Take a listen sometime on 14.313MHZ and listen to the guy in Florida cuss and jam the Canadian

Robo blocking products should be legal and allowed 10000000000% since it seems you aren't very well interested in enforcing anything else when it comes to communications

Steve Jones Olney Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3953 of 5002

Robocalls are more invasive than SPAM. I hate answering to dead air waiting for a scammer to connect on the other end. at least with spam you can opt out.

Kenneth Binngham voorheesville NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3954 of 5002

I do not think people have the right to contact me to sell something I am not interested in. If I want to buy something I will call them myself. When you get those sales calls and tell them your not interested, they keep calling you back over and over again.

Bergenfield, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3955 of 5002 to the members of the FCC - I'll bet that at least one of you and probably all of you, have anonymous call rejection - robo calls are even worse. I get calls asking me how I'm doing and when I say terrible they say "that's nice" some the calls a humourious but most are irritating. My fiance is a registered nurse (working different shifts) and likes to be able to sleep in on certain days and telemarketers, etc. seem to know when to call to piss her off.

Since I have gotten on medicare, I keep getting calls for medical suppliers asking me, and some in a very pushy manner, ifI like them to send me a back or knee or theigh or other type of appliance. 2 years ago I had a swollen knee and since then people call me about my knee.

Some medical venders, utilities services etc call to talk me into changing services. When I tell them I'm not interested, most of them just hang up rudely but never seem to take my number off their lists.


Arthur Dawson Groton, NY 13073

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3956 of 5002

Please allow easy access to robocall blocking solutions. Robocall telemarketers are a very large problem for many Americans. We should be able to control whether they are allowed to continuously interrupt our families.

Jason Ziegler Vernon Hills IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3957 of 5002

I wonder why authorities do not close down this problem.

Perhaps these people have a vested interest in maintaining their ability to operate.

Perhaps they don't care if there interrupted with this crap.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3958 of 5002

With some exceptions (emergency, medical or political) most robocalls are unwanted and fraudulent commercial invasions of privacy.

My home is much more peaceful now that most robocalls are blocked.

D. Rodgers Gray, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3959 of 5002

It should be my choice as to whether or not I want to block annoying robocalls. It should be illegal for companies to be able make these calls anyway. Let us decide if we want to block these calls by using robocall blocking products.

Tommie Ann Tulbert Elkin, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3960 of 5002

Even though I'm on the National No-call List, I still get scammers calling me on a daily basis. I would really like my cable company, Consolidated Communications, to be able to interface with NoMoRobo in order to block these unwanted calls before I get annoyed by having my home phone ring. Please do this A.S.A.P.

Michael Colonna Overland Park, KS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3961 of 5002

Please afford phone companies' customers the ability to block unwanted calls, including robo calls. These calls are annoying and interfere with my peace and quiet. As a consumer, I should have the right and ability to block unwanted calls. Thank you.

Joe Eckhaus Silver Spring, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3962 of 5002

Please let robocall people do their getting rid of all nuisance calls. They are a hindrance to our freedom, by invading our privacy in more ways than one. They seem to be impossible to control. LET THEM DO THEIR WORK, ONCE AND FOR ALL FOR EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!

Thank you.....

Garden city, mich.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3963 of 5002

Robocalls are very annoying, tie up phone lines & waste everyone's time. I also feel they are an invasion to our privacy.

Please let us take back control of our phones & allow us to put an end to to ovals.

Sandra Maiella North Haledon, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3964 of 5002

It seems like NOW is the time to limit unwanted calls (both robo and all others that should be covered by the so called National No Call list).

I, for one, do not see how any merchant or marketer, should be allowed access to my home without my express consent. Robo calls have decreased somewhat since signing up for No-Robo. Unfortunately, the unwanted calls received on my No-Call phone numbers now number over 900 in the last three years, and yes I keep a log of the numbers that are calling.

The rights of the citizens should far outweigh the needs of the merchants. "Don't call me I'll all you" is my personal feeling. Enough!

Robert A. Proctor Overland Park, Kansas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3965 of 5002

I'm retired so most of the day I'm home, especially in the winter. Without exaggeration I get at least 12 calls a day from 800 numbers. One is is a call from "Rachael" from my our called credit card company. Do you know how annoying it is to constantly receive these calls? Especially when one is in the middle of something and has to run to the phone. Thank God for NOMOROBO. Now we still get the calls but the phone rings once so we know its an unsolicited call being blocked. Why is the FCC is against blocking these calls? Probably like everything else in our government, some lobbyist is making on the deal. No one cares about the general public any longer. It's special interest groups that run our country. Next the FCC will be taking down talk radio.

Valerie & Matthew Rovegno Rocky Point, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3966 of 5002

Blocking Robocalls has improved my quality of life.

Each time my phone rings only once I thank NOMOROBO for the blocking of this type of call and allowing me to continue doing what I was doing and not being interrupted by unsolicited sales pitches.

Please ask phone company's to allow the blocking of unsolicited calls so more people can get on with the business at hand and not be subject to the daily interruptions of robocalling.

Joe Jividen Marion, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3967 of 5002

I'm retired so most of the day I'm home, especially in the winter. Without exaggeration I get at least 12 calls a day from 800 numbers. One is is a call from "Rachael" from my our called credit card company. Do you know how annoying it is to constantly receive these calls? Especially when one is in the middle of something and has to run to the phone. Thank God for NOMOROBO. Now we still get the calls but the phone rings once so we know its an unsolicited call being blocked. Why is the FCC is against blocking these calls? Probably like everything else in our government, some lobbyist is making on the deal. No one cares about the general public any longer. It's special interest groups that run our country. Next the FCC will be taking down talk radio.

Valerie & Matthew Rovegno Rocky Point, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3968 of 5002

They call all the time and don't take do not call me for an answer. I have turned them in to FCC and nothing gets done.

Stop these calls please.

Janice Ziegler Redford, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3969 of 5002

I have the right not to have to receive calls from these irritating idiots...The "Do Not Call " list is a another bad joke on the American people...Robocalls are EXTREMELY INVASIVE!!! Do something RIGHT! STOP THEM! How many people enjoy them? NO ONE!....Does anyone in our government do any thing constructive?

Greg Gadfield Coshocton,Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3970 of 5002

I don't like my dinners and Sunday morning breakfasts interrupted by telemarketing calls that I do not want. Anything to block these calls from intruding on my privacy would be greatly appreciated!!

I am also getting more and more annoyed with non-profits soliciting donations. As a practice I do not make donations over the phone and insist on their mailing any requests. Their interruptions are just as intrusive and not wanted!

David Dietz Morristown, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3971 of 5002

I am sick and tired of robo calls. I have asked these companies to stop calling and reported them to you but nothing happens. When are you going to take action?

Phil Thomas Clarksburg MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3972 of 5002

Robocalls are very annoying.

They interrupt sleep, meal-time and other calls.

Many are scam callers and if you actually get to a "real" person, they can be rude, actually using the F--- word.

I'm paying for my phone and phone service and as such, have a right to privacy.

Please stop Rachel and her ilk now!

Thanks. oakland, nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3973 of 5002

I don't answer my home phone anymore. I screen all my calls as they are all robocalls or telemarketers. I am in favor of anything to stop these annoying calls. Thanks.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3974 of 5002

Stop these calls!!!!! I am getting sick of the stupid calls. Stop Stop Stop

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3975 of 5002

Let me keep my nomorobo so I can keep my land line with its' superior voice quality.

If not I will have to cancel the line and default to my mobile phone.

The number of robo calls are totally unacceptable. I was actually expecting the major operators to do something about it. The no-call list doesn't work any longer.


Jan Ahlqvist Plano, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3976 of 5002

I have set up Nomorobo for my elderly mother. She is disabled and on bed rest. For years she was constantly disturbed by robo sales calls when she was resting, and it caused an enormous amount of distress for her. I programmed her phone with Nomorobo and it solved the problem. As consumers we have a right to restrict these incoming junk sakes calls from disturbing our peace in our homes. I ask that you please address this problem with careful and serious consideration. As taxpayers we have a right to peace and privacy in our homes. Restricting robocalls is no different than filtering spam on your computer, junk mail in your mailbox , or putting a "no solicitors" sign on your front door. Please work to ensure our continued ability to utilize Nomorobo and other similar tools to protect our rights to peace and privacy in our homes. Thank you.

Cynthia Hutchison Lancaster, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3977 of 5002

I like being able to block can be extremely annoying to have your phone ringing every few minutes while trying to spend time with my please allow us to be able to continue to block them.

Salem, New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3978 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying, waste both my time and the telemarketers, and NEED TO BE OUTLAWED! Oh wait, they are... so why are we having this debate? It's obvious that you, the FCC, are unable and unwilling to enforce your own laws. And now you want to take down companies like Nomorobo that enable the consumer to enforce them? Why would that be, unless you are in the pocket of the rich like the rest of our government. Don't be part of this once great country's slide into medieval fiefdom. Stand up for the little guy, and reward options like Nomorobo. Stop this unwanted intrusion into our homes NOW!

Gary McCarter Burbank, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3979 of 5002

We have been receiving multiple robocalls per day for months. Our phone line is set to block calls from unknown callers, but this does not help. If we use our phone company's call screening service to block a particular number, the robocallers just call back the next time by displaying a different caller ID number, and the phone company limits us to only blocking 20 phone numbers this way. This type of persistent ongoing harassment from robocallers should be illegal. Any phone companies that support this are doing so simply because they are making money from the robocallers and things like wasted cell phone minutes from the robocallers' victims.

Thankfully, technology like the kind used by nomorobo can reduce the number of robocalls that get through, but it needs to be deployed on a much larger scale with full support from the FCC and the phone companies to be effective. Just as automatic spam filters are now a critical part of nearly every major email service, automatic call filtering services like nomorobo should be widely deployed and accessible to customers of every major phone company to combat spam phone calls. Thanks to the FCC and companies like nomorobo, we have the technology to solve this problem. Let's take it to the next level and increase the effectiveness of these spam call filtering services, and make it easy for everyone to block these nuisance calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3980 of 5002

Was told by this guy he was a irs representative and that they did an audit recorded error or shortage of $5981 from tax year 08-13. Said couldn't hang up phone or put on hold. I couldn't call anyone else. Said I could pay and all accounts would be cleared. If I didn't resolve in next hour my case would be turned over to local sheriff office and liens would be put on property and accounts and my paycheck . I was told to go to bank withdraw money then go to Kroger or speedway purchase multiple Green Dot Money Pack cards in $500 increments I had to stay on the phone with him the whole time but not let others know I asked why I couldn't log in online to IRS and make payment he got mad I drove to police dept and said if this is legit talk to the police handed phone to police he hung up

I have had another number calling my home line, I did a reverse look-up and found it was another robo company they call every evening.

Cheryl Hutton Greenwood, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3981 of 5002

It's my phone and I should be allowed to decide what type of calls I have to get up to answer.....I have hip problems and it is painful to get, telephone soliciting plain sucks!!

Malcolm McDonaugh Sacramento CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3982 of 5002

Please require that phone companies provide optional robocall blocking features to their customers. Better yet, also implement changes that would reduce the number of robocalls that happen in the first place, INCLUDING political calls during elections. I consider these calls to be an invasion of privacy and in some cases harassment. We have received up to 10 robocalls in a day, about half of which are now blocked by Nomorobo.

San Antonio, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3983 of 5002

Robocalls are an annoyance and invasion of my privacy. I want to be able to block them.

Monroe Township, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3984 of 5002

I am 77 years old. Why should I have to get up to answer calls from people I do not know and do not want to know? These robocalls are annoying and a waste of my time and energy and I want them to stop. I do not want whatever they are trying to sell and I do not want their scams. I should be in charge of my phone, not them or you.

Ashland, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3985 of 5002

I believe that it is time that the FCC put a stop to these robo calls. They are very annoying and take up precious time. As a senior citizen it is time to stop them.

Walter Reed Hingham Ma.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3986 of 5002

I don't want robocalls.

Corona NY 11368

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3987 of 5002

I hate robocalls. Today alone I received six calls. I am not interested in listening to these calls--they invade my home--I would never purchase anything from one and would not support whatever project they are calling about. We should have the right to block these calls in our homes and on our cell phones.

Jupiter, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3988 of 5002

I don't want any Robocalls whether they are from politicians, banks, etc. Stop them. There should be an option on the Do Not Call list to opt out, no different than other forms of Opting Out from telemarketers, etc.

Bob Calabro Downingtown, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3989 of 5002




Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3990 of 5002

Currently my robocall blocking product (Nomorobo) stops approximately 5-10 calls a week to my home. This has significantly improved my life since both my wife and I work from home.

However I still receive at least a couple of spam robo calls a week on my cell phone. I would very much like to employ a similar robocall blocking product on my cell phone as well but I understand you are preventing that.. QUIT PROTECTING THE ROBOCALL SPAMMERS and allow me to have some protection for my cell phone.

Hunter Vegas Kernersville, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3991 of 5002

The robo callers are scofflaws that flaunt their ability to technically abuse the system to make untraceable unwanted calls that disturb households all hours of the day. The do not call registry is ineffective and there is no enforcement mechanism nor willingness to fund one that apparently works in the consumer’s interest in robo caller cases. Consequently, they run rampant. If the FCC had gone so far to sponsor a contest to innovators to develop effective solution to the problem why in the world stop short of getting a recognized effective measure implemented? Regulatory authority to mandate carriers to adopt the technical means necessary should exist. If not, then the commission's strong lobby with Congress to make the necessary legal corrections to save the concern of the telephone carriers is essential. By all means this must stop. Do not permit this tyranny to continue.

Jay Burzak Salem, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3992 of 5002

Please allow robocall blocking solutions to consumers! Our phones should be equipped with solutions to allow consumers to block these menacing calls! The do not call registry alone does block these calls; they find ways around the laws so we should have additional abilities to STOP them!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3993 of 5002

It's my cell I don't want anyone calling me to solicit or just for the of it. Kepler us free were tired of all the big corporates what to do. fermin archuleta farmington nm

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3994 of 5002

Please allow us to stop the incessant interruptions and invasions of our privacy by the numerous and oftentimes "scam-ish" Robo calls that seem to never end. They come at all times of day and night and make us feel stalked and vulnerable in our own homes. There must be a way to end this constant barrage of unwanted phone calls. Please take action NOW!

Robin Sacks Dix Hills, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3995 of 5002

I want to be able to block all robocalls.

Robert Jordan McLean, Va.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3996 of 5002

Please let me block my calls I pay for the service I should be able to stop nuisance call. I am 68 I hurry to the phone and the solicitor argues with me cusses at me calls me nasty names and threatens me, asks me about my no call list " hows that working for you missy".

Toni Clark Lacey, Wa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3997 of 5002

I am fully in favor of blocking robocalls. I think the FCC should do whatever it takes to facilitate this.

Frederic Metildi Penfield, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3998 of 5002

I am a senior citizen who answers at least 3 soliciting calls each and every day. I'm totally tired of these pests. I am retired cannot afford sales pitches and STILL they call.

Several months ago I went through the nomorobo and it has been wonderful peace and quiet. One ring and gone.

How could this be wrong. Blocking these types of calls gives us the CHOICE of answering or not, which should be important to the government which is supposed to be of, by and FOR the people!!!

Rockville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 3999 of 5002

With Time Warner Cable I am able to use Nomorobo to block robocalls, but my elderly (101!) father has Cox and they do not offer call forwarding with "answer anywhere" so he has to worry about not falling every time he goes to answer a useless phone call. All his carrier offers is a 30 call block list, with which you have to receive each unwanted call before you can block it. Only while it was the last number on your caller ID, however. Comcast does not offer this service either, and they want to buy TWC so I imagine our rights to manage our phone will be threatened as well. Stop this invasion of our privacy, and protect our First Ammendment rights, and our rights of privacy.

Greg Steele Bath, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4000 of 5002

Please allow the Blocking of RoboCalls on a permanent basic. Our family cannot tolerate the interruptions caused by unsolicited marketing calls. We are entitled to our privacy, RoboCalls violate our privacy.

George Allen and Gloria Thompson Vestal, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4001 of 5002

Robocallling is one of the most invasive and annoying assaults on an individual personal Liberty and freedom. These cowards hide behind spoofed caller ID. I pay for my phone service so that it may be useful for the specific communication needs of myself and my family. Please enhance regulatory action within the preview of your agency in order to give the consumer control over the personal domain of their individual telephone service connection.

Bruce David Gorlick Sacramento, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4002 of 5002

I love Nomorobo. It makes my life so much better, to receive a single ring and not have to get up to answer the phone--knowing that the call is coming from a known abusive robocaller.

When you're my age, 70, you get pestered unmercifully by people who call in hopes of taking advantage of the elderly person who owns the phone. You should support each and every means, including Nomorobo, that helps individuals regain control of their own telephones.

Robot calls are especially troublesome when you are waiting to hear from your doctor in the early evening, and robot calls are tying up your telephone line because it's "dinnertime."

Lynne Ellinwood Richmond, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4003 of 5002

I am tires of the constante robo calls I recibe on my phone and it is frustating not to be Abel to black them. Please alliw us to black the robo calls

Jorge Ruiz Miami, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4004 of 5002

Stop robocalls bill k stuart fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4005 of 5002

Robocalls are a health issue for people (like my wife0 with health issues who need to keep their phones on, but need peace for medical reasons.

Since the "do not call list" is not adequately enforced, we need more help in protecting ourselves from these vicious intrusions telling us "you've just won a free cruise."

Ken Austin Bowie MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4006 of 5002

Every one should be able to block unwanted callers like Telemarketers that continue to call 2 yrs straight after asking them not to each time. That is very annoying. la Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4007 of 5002

I want the robocalls to stop permanently.

Barbara Powell Marlton NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4008 of 5002

I am in support of providing this product to consumers and that it offers a benefit to our daily lives.

Tim Egan Braintree Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4009 of 5002

Rob calls are a constant distraction and frequently interrupt family dinner time. My phone rings several times almost every night with unwanted solicitations. Phone companies should allow their customers to block robo calls.

John Keach Chepachet, RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4010 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls. The 'Do not call registry' is a joke and the robocalls are ridiculous. Some days we receive 20 or more of these annoying calls.

Amelia Godissart Clinton Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4011 of 5002

Right now I receive approx 10 calls a day. I currently use a roboblocking technology and I couldn't live without it. I have considered removing my home phone because of the quantity of sales calls. Of course doing this would also do away with 911 emergency services being able to easily find my location but this is what the robocallers are pushing us toward. I don't feel these people have the right to disturb the peaceful enjoyment of my property the way they do. The more people discard their home phones the more people can save on the taxes they won't have to pay so I guess there is a positive side.

Larry Keller Chino Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4012 of 5002

Nomorobo is the best thing to happen in years for stopping robot dialers and telemarketers that think they can call you anytime of the day to try and sell you stuff you do not want over and over. And they do this ignoring the current law and the Do Not Call list I am on.

The telephone companies should be stopping this crap pile of scam and useless phone calls that disturb our homes and dinnertime's. But it seems the phone companies only want the profit that comes from making thousands of useless unwanted phone calls. Nomorobo is the only way I have of blocking these calls and I love it.

The FCC should not be listing to phone companies, but listen to the US consumer who pays the phone companies and the FCC people. Make the phone companies allow blocking of robocalls and telemarketers.

If you want to talk about it in person call me, but be sure that your name show up as you and not "Unknown Caller".

Donald Cline Palmdale, CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4013 of 5002

I have registered on the Do-Not-Call list. However it seems to have no effect, as I get robocalls all the time. There should be a way to allow a telephone customer to block these irritating nuisance calls, which disturb us at all hours of the day.

Scott Stauter Mountain View, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4014 of 5002 i don't like robo calls and i do like robo blocking products. dichiara sharon, ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4015 of 5002

The robocall epidemic needs to be addressed now. Since the government seems unable to put her out of business with fines and legal action, it's time to put and end to the menacing career of "Rachel from Cardholder Services" by forcing the telco oligopoly to provide call blocking services to their customers.

And I don't mean allowing AT&T and Verzion to continue peddling their overpriced "Privacy Manager" services that they've repeatedly tried to sell mey. I'm referring to simple, common-sense solutions like NoMoRobo.

It's time that the people paying phone bills in this country get control back over their phones.

Bernard Yamron Stamford, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4016 of 5002

We have a right to let anyone and no one have our phone number. Leave it like that unless you want to give out your personal number. I have a short list of people who know my number, family and a smaller limited list of friends and doctors. I don't need a bunch of calls for polls or unsolicited garbage. I'd like it to stay that way. It has been like that for all the years that I have had a cell phone and I expect to keep all my private phone numbers as "private".

Dave B.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4017 of 5002

Despite the annoyance and interruption that robocalls are, the concern I have is really for unsuspecting individuals who believe it really is Microsoft calling about a virus on their computer and their ilk. Obviously there is money in these shameful ploys and it is unlikely to be able to legislate morality. The unregulated political call are just as annoying and somehow are allowable. Anyone wonder what that is? My phone can only block 20 numbers at a time so I am constantly polling the caller ID to see which numbers are on the hot list. It seems to be an exercise in futility to protest this nuisance. Being the United States, this would probably provoke a restraint of trade lawsuit by telemarketers.

Vivian Abrams Dallas, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4018 of 5002

Dear FCC,

Please allow consumers the ability to block robocalls. They are a nuisance.

Bob & Sherry Harter Lakeland, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4019 of 5002

For the past few years now, I get soo many robo calls, I can't even answer my phone anymore. The few times I do answer, thinking it might be from someone I am expecting a call from, they either hang up or if someone is on the other end and talks, they just try and sell me something I don't want and won't take no for an answer. Almost every one of these calls I get are from numbers that don't even exist. If these people were not all rip-off artists, they would not have hide who they are, by using phony names and numbers on their caller ID.

LaMirada Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4020 of 5002

Robocall blocking technology is a Godsend for people who are powerless to block these annoying calls.

Kalyan Jana Lees Summit, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4021 of 5002

Robocalls are a pain in the neck -- plain and simple. We've placed our phone numbers on the national Do Not Call list more than once. It doesn't seem to do any good. We continue to get robo and boiler room calls every day. Thankfully, Nomorobo seems to intercept some of them, but it's not enough. What ever else you can do, please do it.

Robert Lavine West Bloomfield, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4022 of 5002

I am on the "Do Not Call List", and this is not working. I receive approx. 25 to 32 robocalls a day! That is a crazy number. I kept a legal size paper that was filled on both sides with all the numbers, which equaled 4 pages of robocall numbers! I thought the Do Not call list was to block these. Obviously I am wrong. I signed up with Nomorobo and thank goodness the calls have stopped. Please DO NOT LET robocalls get through. They have to be blocked.

Springfield PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4023 of 5002

I feel that robocalls are an invasion of my privacy and a waste of my time. I have used for over a year and am thankful for the availability of such a service.

North Providence, RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4024 of 5002

Please block robocalls.

Janice Glogowski River Grove, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4025 of 5002

Force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4026 of 5002

The phone company made me to have a contract for 2 years because i aded the internet service, why i have to answer the robo calls the whole day for a service that I barly use and is too spensive?

Luis Covina, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4027 of 5002

Before nomorobo, I was getting 10-15 calls a day from unwanted solicitors on an UNPUBLISHED phone number. My answer machine had a message for unwanted calls that we weren't interested and to NOT call again. Nothing worked til nomorobo. It's my phone and I keep an unpublished number for privacy.

1000 oaks ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4028 of 5002

I receive approximately four robocalls daily. They are irksome and interrupt meals and other family time. In addition, since I'm terminally ill and in constant pain, they wake me and force me to move which increases my pain.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4029 of 5002

When I want to buy something I will reach out. We need to stop the robocalls. They call past 9:00pm and earlier than 8:00am and sometimes on Sundays. A lot of times they just hang up if you answer or if they do answer they are rude when you ask them to take your number off the call lists. If they can call us we should be able to call them and block up their lines. Since the FCC cannot stop the calls then we need tools to stop from receiving unwanted calls. We need robocall blocking products desperately as these calls are getting so bad. We can get over 10 per day sometimes.

Daniel and Kathy Kline Thornton, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4030 of 5002

Constant robocalls are an intrusion to my privacy.

My family and myself should not be subject to this annoyance.

Plymouth, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4031 of 5002

Robocalls can be really dangerous on cell phones. They interrupt people at All the wrong times. It is my phone and I should have control of it.

Don Enichen

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4032 of 5002

PLEASE make it easier for consumers to block robocalls. It's my phone service - I should have the ability to block these unwanted solicitations!

Rick Suntag Rockaway, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4033 of 5002

Block all robo calls

Jim bancroft Williamstown nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4034 of 5002

FCC would you like unwanted calls from telemarketers ringing at your home on a daily basis WE NEED TO BLOCK THESE CALLS SO ANNOYING

Ventura county calif

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4035 of 5002

I receive enough robocalls in a week to be constantly annoyed when the phone rings. I'm a senior and do not have many valid calls. It's a very disturbing situation and I wish I could put a stop to it.

Ted Kircher Canyon Country, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4036 of 5002

Robo call blocking products like Nomorobo are great, I gives me back the freedom we all used to have from businesses calling and disturbing our day. if i want to donate to a charity or buy something I will be the one making the calls. I Do Not need someone calling to sell me something most robo calls are looking to find someone they can take advantage of.

Thomas Carbary New Haven, Michigan

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4037 of 5002

Absolutely we should be allowed to use robocall blocking products to prevent our phone from ringing continually throughout the day because of harassing calls by unwanted advertisers. Our lives are much more peaceful since we began using Nomorobo. Now when an advertiser calls, our phone will ring only once, and we immediately know it isa call we dion't want. Before Nomorobo our phone rang several times, and one of us would run to answer it only to find the caller was an advertiser we didn't want to talk to. We urge you to leave things the way they are and let Nomorobo continue to intercept all harassing calls.

Ken and Pat Sladky Lincoln, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4038 of 5002

I use NOMOROBO and love it. It gives me fewer needless interruptions in my busy day. I don't want salespeople calling me If I didn't initiate the call. A lot of them are scammers, too.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4039 of 5002

Automated Robo Calls are the Bain of a telephone owners existence...please allow technology such as "NOMOROBO" to continue to be legal, and make it easily available to all consumers.

I have used the technology since it became available, and I have not found any negatives, to the contrary, it has allowed me to answer only, what I consider, necessary and "productive" calls...


Butch Buoni

Butch Buoni Boynton Beach, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4040 of 5002

My wife and I are seniors with health problems. These robocalls come in early in the morning starting before 8am and continue during the day. They wake us up in the morning and while my wife is napping during the day. She is recovering from breast cancer and needs her rest. Never mind about my issues. Stop these calls and also the scam calls telling us we just were awarded $$$$$$ if we take some kind of action. I don't give them the time of day. STOP THIS INSANE PRACTICE PLEASE!!!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4041 of 5002

I do not want to ovals on my phone

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4042 of 5002

Please allow us to block robo calls. It's really annoying and an invasion of our privacy.

Greenville, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4043 of 5002

My household has been and continues to be bombarded with robocalls. We have been on a Do-Not-Call list for years and found that reporting these calls never resulted in any relief.

My husband looked into the problem and found that there were very few cases where fines had ever been levied. He also learned that the phone numbers of people calling were those associated with people that had been hired because they could not be pursued since they had no financial resources - thus fining them was useless.

We kept records for months and sometimes received as many as 3-5 calls on each of two different phones.

What use is a phone if one is constantly interrupted with with unsolicited calls, many from the same sources over months and months.

There were times when we called a number back to find that it did not exist. The phone company confirmed that it was a non-existent phone moments after we called it back! What was going on?

Many people are giving up their land-line phones to avoid robocalls and using only their cell phones. Will the phone companies like this solution?

Thank you for taking the time and energy to deal with this serious issue. Something has to be done.

Virginia Kohfeld

Virginia Kohfeld Santa Monica, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4044 of 5002

Are the phone companies out of their minds? I really want to have a land line -- I like being able to hear what people are saying on the phone -- but I considered disconnecting mine because of receiving so many robocalls. I am physically disabled and incessant robocalls were more than an inconvenience for me. Nomorobo has made a real positive difference in my life. Please, let consumers continue to use blockins software/

Anne Finger Oakland, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4045 of 5002

I can't say it any better thn my wife, who earlier wrote "When robo callers ignore the fact that my phone is on the DoNotCall list, and call anyhow, I should have full rights to use any technology that I choose to block such calls. Don't listen to phone companies that say the calls can't or shouldn't be blocked. Listen to subscribers; we should be in control of our own phones."

Martin Bloomenthal Lawrenceville, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4046 of 5002

Robocalls should not be allowed

Kenneth Richter Garden City, NY

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4048 of 5002

NOBODY likes robocalls! Please allow us the choice of blocking them.

Margery Lair Mechanicsburg, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4049 of 5002

The technology is obviously available to block unwanted calls. What isn't this available for every phone number everywhere? I'm sick of getting calls from "Microsoft" and every other scam you can think of.

Help us protect our privacy.

Peter Christopher Elk Grove, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4050 of 5002

I need to have some kind of tool to STOP the robocalls, telemarketers and other outright solicitations to my personal phone. It is very important I keep my phone number and line, but I am interrupted during meals, sleep periods and other scenarios where I would have to stop what I am doing only to hear a computer transfer the call to a sales person or other unwanted call. Nomorobo has made an outstanding effort and has kept me from having my home phone service turned completely off. if the phone company is litigating to allow calls through, bypassing this vital service, then they are not looking out for my interest and should be fined for conflict of interest.

Jeffrey Johnson Mission Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4051 of 5002

I would like to suggest that you develop a way for me to forward all of the robo calls that we receive on phones that are on the do not call list to my representatives in Congress. this plan will solve the problem in about 2 days!

Thank you for your consideration and all your efforts in the do not call program - yea, right.

Charles Coutellier

Charles Coutellier Hilliard, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4052 of 5002

Block to ovals! And make dialing from fake numbers and all associated equipment illegal.


Guy Gimson

Seabrook Island SC

Guy Gimson

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4053 of 5002

Nomorobo has been a blessing. I have the ability to block calls I do not want. If I block someone all they do is call from a different number. Then I block that and again they call from a different number. What a time consuming waste. Nomorobo has been effective at blocking these nusince calls. It is my phone and I do not want you to restrict them from doing a great job. One that I requested they do for me.


Aaron McDannell Herndon, Va. 20171

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4054 of 5002

I work from home and actually like to have dinner with my family in the evening sometimes. Robocalls are the most obnoxious and infuriating technological invention of our time and if I could make them illegal with severe prison sentences for people who run these businesses, I would be in favor of that.

I must get 10-15 robocalls a day. I came across the Nomorobo service about 14 months ago, signed up as soon as I learned about it, and am delighted at the fact that it blocks about 80% of the unwanted calls that come in, allowing me to continue my work and my life with fewer interruptions.

I would strongly oppose any efforts to interfere with robocall blocking, and would in fact be in favor of stronger regulations and penalties for robocalling (maybe including publishing the home phone numbers of the executives of the companies that do this sort of thing so we could ring them up to let them know what we think).

By the way, I have never done anything other than hang up on an unsolicited call that does make it through, so anyone who thinks they are effectively marketing their product or service this way is fooling themselves, at least as far as I am concerned.

Barry Tuber Belmont, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4055 of 5002

Please stop the carriers like Verizon & Comcast from allowing incessant & unwanted robccalls and solicitations. It's my phone, I am a taxpayer, and demanding that you to work for me!

John Fitzgerald, Westport, CT & Naples, FL

John Fitzgerald Westport, CT & Naples, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4056 of 5002

I used to to get very annoyed by robocalls and the extremely high volume at which I received them. Nomorerobo was the best thing to ever happen and I am grateful that my robocalls are history!! Please do not stop access to blocking products.

Thank you!

David Hegan Lynn, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4057 of 5002

Dear Congress

Please for once in your lifetimes, grow a pair, listen to the people and do something for us. No more Robocalls!

Mike and Joann Kuruc Cary NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4058 of 5002

I hate robocalls! When I see the names of states where I don't know anyone, I don't answer the phone but I still have to listen to it ring. It is irritating and there's nothing I can do about it. You might say that on any list of irritants, it's about a one, except for the fact that I have been listening to the phone ring for YEARS. If I want more insurance or if I have a credit card problem, I will take care of the situation by myself, locally. I don't need a nameless, faceless phone call to solve my problems. These calls have come at inopportune times, when I've been involved in something, or when waiting to hear from a doctor or a lawyer or a family member. I can't call them and tell them how much I hate their calls and for them not to call me anymore. I can't call them when they're sick or sleeping or waiting to hear a loved one's neurosurgery. There has to be a way to stop this intrusion of my privacy, of everyone's privacy. I'm on the state and federal Do Not Call lists. Why can't I stop these businesses from calling me too? I hope I've made myself clear.

Thank you.

Sheralyn Lerner Nashville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4059 of 5002

We should be able to block ROBOCALLING on our telephones.

Telephone companies should provide us with the ability to block these calls.

Alan Zeiner Oak Brook, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4060 of 5002

Ive tried many times and no really getting fed up when out in the back yard and the phone rings and I run to get it and it is silence or some telemarketing call...please we need action on getting rid of them... ginny despars tustin calif.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4061 of 5002 i hate robo calls i pay for my phone to be unlisted phone but still get them lavonne ursich wa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4062 of 5002

Please help me and my family block unsolicited calls to both our home phone number and our mobile numbers. These calls are a terrible distraction and an invasion to our privacy.

These calls happen any time during the day and evening hours, seven days a week. Enough is enough.

Frank Fiore Lindenhurst, NY 11757

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A person should be able to choose who they want to block from calling me in my home

Cumming, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4064 of 5002

As a consumer I am disturbed by the number of calls I get that our fake and scams. Many times during the day and evening they come one after another. 40 to 50 a week. They use fake numbers and can not be contacted meaning their scams. I have been using nomorobo for many months now and we finally have peace and quiet once again.

Why isn't the do not call list work. I believe you know the answer to that ! More government Bureaucracy !

I addition, we thought the requirement was that robo callers needed allow you to opt out and not call again by removing you from their calling list. Another words take your number off the list????? Well guess what they don't. If you answer the phone they just call more frequent. It's not legitimate it's harassment plain and simple ! We all pay a fee to the Phone companies and they do nothing to protect us from these calls. Therefore it is our right to protect our selves. Big business is not the determining factor because of the almighty dollar. This is what it's all about. BS to that !

Take the time and investigate the facts and get real people involved and I am sure you will get the big picture?????

Thank you for your time.

Richasrd Koerdyker Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4065 of 5002

Please do everything possible to stop unwanted calls to my home

Steven Matson Columbus,OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4066 of 5002

Since i started to use robocall my life has been much more peaceful. I am 82 years old and all the non solicited calls were very annoying. Also I need cane to get around. Please don't mess with this very useful service. robert dandchez raleigh, nc

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4067 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance. No matter how often you tell them not to call, it doesn't seem to bother them. Now, they even use my own phone number to call me, and I don't know how they can do it. I've spoken to other people about this and they tell me the same thing has happened to them. This is the one where they tell me about my credit card and I don't even have one. Something should definitely be done about all these annoying phone calls.

Lucille Biron Bellingham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4068 of 5002

It is my phone and I should not have to put up with all these sale calls.I wouldn't mind the calls if you were paying my phone bill but i know that will never happen.please put a stop to these unwanted calls.

Frank Zimmerman Sr. Livittown Pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4069 of 5002

Why would you deny me the ability to automatically block robocalls if you don't do it yourselves?

Michael Lee Cerritos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4070 of 5002

I was able to use nomorobo when I had AT&T as my phone provider. Blocking those robo calls was awesome. Well I have since changed provider and I'm now with Cox. As soon as Cox ported my number over my phone was ringing non stop with robo calls. When I called Cox I was told they cannot support nomorobo because they don't have distinctive ring. Consumers should not have to be subjected to these types of calls that continue nonstop throughout the day. Consumers need to have the option to block these intrusive robo calls!

Linda Delaire Manchester, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4071 of 5002

I I'm at my limit with the constant load of robot calls I receive. It seems as soon as you put your phone numbers on the National DoNotCall list starts an increase in robot calls. I finally had to go to a service being offered by Comcast to help reduce the number of these calls. Something needs to be done to help the public fight back on this issue. Just in this evening alone there were 3 calls.

William Hurlock Met. Laurel, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4072 of 5002

Robocalls are CONSTANT and EXTREMELY ANNOYING! Time to put and end to this travesty.

Francis & Dianne Riordan Buffalo, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4073 of 5002

No more Robo-Calls!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4074 of 5002 robocalls are actually dangerous !!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4075 of 5002

We've been getting robocalls for 7 years, sometimes 5 a day. We used to be able to recognize their phone numbers on our TV screen but they now are able to call us using local exchange numbers. I've even gotten calls that were using our personal home phone number to call us. How/why can they do this to us. Please do something to stop this harassment within our own homes.

Wayne and Joan Kivi Yarmouth Port, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4076 of 5002

I strongly believe in robocall blocking. I am on the FCC do-not-call list and companies call no matter what. The do-not-call list is a joke to many, many companies and to the people they hire to promote their products.

David Mooberry Placenti, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4077 of 5002

The Do Not Call list was a huge step in the right direction, bringing at least some relief from the annoying spam phone calls that had gotten way out of hand. Unfortunately, that great advance only applies to the honest folks who follow the law. Far more dangerous, and becoming far too common now, are the robo calls from thieves, scammers and other unsavory types that live beyond the law and who prey on uneducated, elderly and careless people. NoMoRobo and similar technologies to block known spammers should be available to everyone. In fact, telcom providers should be MANDATED to make the service available and without cost to the consumer. It's time we put these scammers out of business and this technology works!

Robert Mauldin Manassas, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4078 of 5002

We think nomorobo is a great product. It blocks anywhere from 2 to 8 robocalls a day. We signed up for the do not call list, but these callers have found a way around it. We have better things to do all day other then answer these solicitation calls.

Julius & Susan Veit East Setauket NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4079 of 5002

Robocalls are intrusive and annoying. I try to block as many as possible with Nomorobo and my carrier but some still get through. I won't deal with them, so they are wasting their time and my time. Please stop them!

Mechanicsburg PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4080 of 5002

Our home is much more peaceful since getting NoMoRobo.

To give people permission to invade our homes with automated harassment is a terrible breach of our rights. You might as well tell them that they're allowed to barge into our homes without our permission to try to sell us stuff, and that we're not allowed to have locks on our doors!

It's impossible to tell a robo-caller that you're on the do-not -call-list. So we need NoMoRobo to be the lock on our doors, to help keep the sanctity of our homes from being violated. Don't take this service away from us!

Fort Collins, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4081 of 5002

I don't like unsolicited calls. I want my name taken off all lists. I have caller ID, if it's a number I don't recognize, I don't answer because more than likely its a solicitor. Now they've taken to use my own name and number to show on my caller ID. Tired of these calls. My phone number us unlisted for a reason and I'm billed and I pay for that privilege. I'd like it obeyed.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4082 of 5002

I am tired of having solicitors ignore the do not call list and when there's not even an actual person on the phone, I really get frustrated. Recently, they've taken to leaving recorded messages when we ignore the calls. Stop this time waste.

Steve and Nora Feldman Peterson North Hollywood, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4083 of 5002

I hate robo calls. Each offense should result in a $1miilion fine

Kevyn adler Thousand Oaks , ca

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4085 of 5002

Robocalls are a constant interference in our home life. No business should have the freedom to enter our home if they are not welcome.

Hopkinton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4086 of 5002

I don't like unsolicited calls. I want my name taken off all lists. I have caller ID, if it's a number I don't recognize, I don't answer because more than likely its a solicitor. Now they've taken to use my own name and number to show on my caller ID. Tired of these calls. My phone number us unlisted for a reason and I'm billed and I pay for that privilege. I'd like it obeyed.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4087 of 5002

Please don't restrict nomorobo. It is a godsend to us. We can enjoy our dinner without rude interruption. We can sleep without obnoxious phone calls.

John and Kathie Dyson Beaumont, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4088 of 5002

If you are over 65, the "old folks" calls are relentless, up to 10 a day. It's insulting and is just pure HARRASSMENT --- please stop it...PLEASE!

Carol Brooks Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4089 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of privacy, a violation in your own home. Consumers should have the option to block incessant calls from uninvited callers disrupting your personal time and space.

Kate C. New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4090 of 5002

I get robocalls every day, even though I'm on the do not call list. I ask them nicely to take me off their lists, I scream at them and I curse them. Nothing seems to work.

I hate being disturbed with unwanted & unnecessary calls. I'll never listen or buy anything from these unwanted calls & I hate the bastards that do it.

Why don't I have any rights not to have to put up with this? They never give me enough information to be able to report them so that does not work.

Milton Robinson Downingtown, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4091 of 5002

Since I've been using nomorobo on our home phone. My family can now enjoy undisturbed dinner meals. Telemarketer/ robo calls went from atleast 10 calls a day to none. The nomorobo solution works amazingly. I don't have a phone so I can have someone scam or sell me stuff. If the home phone turns into another marketing inlet into our lives. Then why should I pay for a phone.

Sylvain martin Monroe, ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4092 of 5002

The do not call list was a good step in the right direction but it has not stopped the calls as much as the consumer thought they would. We the consumers, need other avenues we can use to stop robo calls and no more robo has been helpful. I think robo call blocking should be allowed.

Jodie Santa Rosa CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4093 of 5002

Citizens should be able to block unsolicited harassing calls. In many other countries they can. Why not in the US?

Ray SQUITIERI Chevy Chase. MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4094 of 5002

Please protect my PRIVATE cell phone number from the robo calling machines. I don't want anyone to be able to call me without my permission.

M Toth Hinsdale, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4095 of 5002

These Robo calls are never beneficial, and always time consuming. Sometimes they are deceitful and threatening, like the latest rash of "you are going to be sued by the Treasury," or IRS, and so on.

Please allow us to stop them.

David Lesser Albany, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4096 of 5002

Robo calls are driving me insane. Sometimes I received 3 or 4 a day from the same company.

Why are they allowed to intrude into my life.

Raleigh N C

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4097 of 5002

Robocalls must be stopped. Daily I get spam phone calls trying to steal my credit card number.

Peter Catanese Dover, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4098 of 5002

I support robocall

I don't pick up the phone unless the caller ID says it is from someone I want to talk to, I do not pick up for anonymous call too

Keep this kind of service in September, the National Association of Attorneys General wrote to the FCC and asked them make robocall blocking solutions "more easily accessible to consumers."

Fred Foreman DuPont WA 98327

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4099 of 5002 please stop the robocalls. I get them morning, noon and night. It is very upsetting to be interrupted by sales people and double so my computer calling.

Please allow me to block them from calling me.

Thank you,

Judy Lopez judy Lopez vacaville Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4100 of 5002

Please, please, please . . . my home is my place for rest and peace. Every single day I am getting calls on my land line and cellphone that bother me and make me angry. It should not be allowed. If we can put a man on the moon, I know these robo calls can be stopped. I want these intrusive calls to stop. I know that is possible and need someone to address this problem.

Martha Prezuhy Chatham, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4101 of 5002

We have been blocking robo calls for several months now and what a relief it has been to get our peace and quite back in our household. We can't understand why we should be forced to receive unwanted calls. We will cancel our land line if we can't block robo calls.

Jim and Carole Bush Olympia, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4102 of 5002

I am sick and tired of all the robocalls that come to my home phone. There must be 20-30 a day. I want my phone company to provide me with a solution to block these unwanted and irritating phone calls. I want the FCC to approve a measure detailing a solution to this problem.

Michael P. Higgins Ontario, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4103 of 5002

Please block the annoying robo calls. I Must get one a day from some out fit about my credit card interest.

I never carry a balance on my credit card so it is not appropriate.

Plus they always promise it is my last chance to getin one the deal.

Winchester, Ma. 01890

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4104 of 5002

Robocalls are an attempt to get around the "National do not call System". Blocking these calls should be everyone's right. I pay for the phone and service. I should be allowed to block these annoying calls.

John Corrigan Newark, DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4105 of 5002

I respectfully request that you force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. It's my phone and I should be able to have the ability to have robocalls blocked if I want. to.

Thank you.

Eileen Vaughan Schertz, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4106 of 5002

I want the ability to use a robocall blocking product. Using the "do not call" list hasn't been as effective as it should, and I should not have to deal with my phone ringing throughout the day from robocalls. I have a chronic illness, and sleep frequently through the day. I should not have to turn off my phone and miss calls from family & friends, just to avoid listening to the robocalls ringing all day. Please do not take away my right to block the calls that I do not wish to receive.

Boston, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4107 of 5002

I am sick and tired of robocalls the go on and on 4 or 5 time a day, I am on the federal no call list, but that is being ignored.

Arthur j Lembo Port Jefferson Station

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4108 of 5002

I am SO sick of these unsolicited phone calls! All hours of the day from 6:00am to 10:00pm or later. Sometimes I'm forced to completely unplug my phone just to get some rest. Not only do I feel that I should be able to block these calls but I firmly believe the FCC should be putting these folks out of business. Since the advent of VOIP I get calls from the same number with different and obviously spoofed Caller ID's. How is this not fraud? Please fix this!

Corpus Christi, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4109 of 5002

I don't to be bothered by annoying phone calls.

Russell carrasquillo NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4110 of 5002

Why do you allow this intrusion into the lives of tax paying citizens? STOP IT!

Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4111 of 5002

As a consumer I should be able to elect what phone calls I want to receive & which I do not. The Do Not Call registry, which turned out to be a joke, was supposed to eliminate robo calls, correct?

So, since DNR failed and the FCC failed to enforce it properly this is just another band aid on the DNR festering wound. Those marketers, spammers & stealers of our financials will find a way around whatever weak enforcement the FCC puts in place so why fight this? Just pass this & move on down the road to the next worthless 'enforcement' gig that the FCC does NOT do for the every day consumer. Only the corporations matter.

The Seay's Trophy Club, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4112 of 5002

Stop Robocalls now! Be on the side of the taxpayer, not the crooks!

Mark Gariepy Hazlet,NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4113 of 5002

Please help us the consumer fight Robocalls, I am sick of receiving these calls at dinner time or family time, hell I am tired of these calls period. I have to rush to the phone and then it is some damned automated recording. Let me tell you I have balance issues and it is difficult to get up to begin with. Please make the Telcos comply and assist us the customers in getting services to assist us with stopping these calls. During the elections I received over 200 of these useless junk calls.

Kevin Adrian Topeka, KS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4114 of 5002

I need robocall blocking my useless calls that I received everyday and night. I have been very pleased with robocalls protecting my husband and I from the useless and sometimes criminal calls and offers that are made to our home. Please stay out of my business; it is my phone; if necessary, I can take it out of my home and just use a cell. When undesirable calls come to it, I'll get rid of it and buy another. It is my phone. Quit protecting the criminals and salespeople. I don't want them bothering me.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4115 of 5002

Robot calls, and other telemarketers, are invading my right to the "pursuit of happiness". Why don't you do the right thing, get off of you collective xXxX, listen to the citizenry instead of the offenders, and protect me?

David G. Temple, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4116 of 5002

Let us block robocalls !!!!!

David Asarnow Albany ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4117 of 5002

I do not want to robo calls made to my phone. And I do not want robocall blocking products allowed. Please follow the preferences of citizens. Thank you.

Alice Raver Nashville, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4118 of 5002

Do you enjoy being interrupted everyday by "not available " phone calls? It is about time the FCC helps consumers control these annoying and sometime belligerent calls.

Ron & Linda Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4119 of 5002

I get 10+ of these calls a day. Some are repeats over and over. I never answer. I don't think it is right that I see "not available" when they have my no. They start before 9 am and will call after 9 pm which if I can remember correctly is against the law. I don't feel I own the phone. Besides being invasive some of them try to tell you that have bad credit. I have excellent credit. It is harassment even if you don't pick up the phone! baltimore, Md

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4120 of 5002

Let me block out whoever I choose, it's my phone. Get these monkeys off my back.

James Mandeville Gales Ferry CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4121 of 5002

What are you doing to stop robo calls?

You hold a contest to help curtail these calls, and award a prize to the winner.

Now you're going to stop the use of this contest winning software?

What are you thinking?

David Turk Valencia, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4122 of 5002

They need to be more severely restricted.. Bc even though I register on do not call. They still keep calling..

I wind up spending quite a bit if time filing individual replies of calls.. And have to re do registering on do not call every few months..

Now they've taken to using local area codes to trick you into answering!

Kb guttmann Tarrytown ,ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4123 of 5002 it's MY phone and I should have every right to stop illegal calls I do not want...MY phone MY money and MY govt. Let MR block calls I don;t want, let ME stop the scammers so they go out of business.

Marir Grybad Providence RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4124 of 5002

I'm sick and tired of receiving these unwanted robocalls. Please tell the phone companies to allow consumers to block these boiler-room operations.

Donald Margolin & Tom Champagne Burbank, California

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4126 of 5002

I do not want to receive robo calls from sales people, etc. Please block there calls.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4127 of 5002

I want the right to block robocalls. They are irritating, intrusive and prey on senior citizens.

Hercules, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4128 of 5002

I want to be able to block unwanted calls. Also, you need to force Comcast to make it easier to sign up for Nomorobo.

Comcast requires you to have a smart phone to activate the service. I don't have a smart phone and don't want to pay the associated high prices for one.

Someone needs to force Comcast to knock off the BS and help their customers utilize Nomorobo, not set up roadblocks to stop its use!!

Newtown, PA

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I am harassed by robocalls day and night and a blocking product is essential. My privacy is being breached. Something must be done about it.

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Don't take away my choice r burdick deerfield beach, fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4131 of 5002

Robocall blocking products are an absolute necessity in todays world. I receive numerous robocalls and unsolicited solicitations every day trying to sell me many different things. The fact that many of these calls are in violation of the Do Not Call List doesn't seem to matter to the solicitors, so my only defense is a call blocker. Fortunately I've been using NomoRobo for some time now and I couldn't be happier with the results. It saves me time and aggravation from unwanted calls. We desperately need these products.

Stephen Marston Canyon Country, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4132 of 5002

No more robocalls. Let robocall blocking products work in the free market.

Kevin Argo West Chester, Oh

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4133 of 5002

Robocalls drive us crazy! Some days we get as many as 5 or 6 of these calls, even though we're on the Do Not Call list. We feel very strongly that we should be able to block these calls since laws intended to protect us from them are not working.

David and Peggy Gibbons Ballwin, MO

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Lowell McCollum Columbus,OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4135 of 5002

They Suck! Now they start at 7:30am

Live Oak,CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4136 of 5002

I want the freedom to block robocalls if I don't want them. Nomorobo is doing a great job, please let them continue.

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I have the right not to be bothered with irritating, pesty robocalls. Every provider should support the app to block these calls.

Cynthia Tomlin Winston Salem, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4138 of 5002

Dear FCC

The robocall phone blocking application ( has been a blessing to me. Before becoming a member of, I was receiving robo calls every evening when I came home from work. I also received them on saturday and sunday mornings and evenings. This has got to stop. It is an invasion of my quality of life.

Although a small number of calls get through, the nomorobo program has done a great job in decreasing the number of these calls. It and programs like it must continue to thrive for the consumer who values her privacy. Please allow these programs to exist and grow in order to keep criminals hackers, spammers, and low lifes at bay.

Ms Flavia Kelsick Bowie, Md.

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I have used Nomorobo for several years and it has stopped some, but not all robo calls. However, my carrier ATT will not do anything to help stop the nuisance calls. Please do what you can. I don't answer any calls from numbers I don't know right now but it still is a nuisance to hear the phone ring twenty times a day and now my cell phone is doing the same thing. Ridiculous. I own my phone so I should be able to do what I want with my service.

Beverly DiSanza Cleveland Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4141 of 5002

We're very tired of answering robo-dialed calls or any call that is trying to get money from me, including political campaign calls. A lot of the time, the phone number is "spoofed" and may resemble a local call. Since the "do not call" list doesn't seem to be working too well, we would like a way to block these unesserary calls.

Dennis and Beth Craig Groveport, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4142 of 5002

I don't like the idea of some thing calling my phone to sell me some thing ,I don't want .I got nomorobo because I got tired of robocalls at weird hours of the day and night.I like nomorobo because it stopped the robo calls to my home .I do have caller I.D. on my phone and I do look to see who called .Thank you .

Allen Faggard Fullerton ,Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4143 of 5002

I found that my retired life was unbearable, with several unsolicited robocalls every morning and several more every evening. Almost all of them kept calling even after I told them I didn;t want their calls.

And the calls were--every one of them--obvious scams! Why would you want to prohibit me from blocking these? Do they pay for this service from you?

Luckily, a friend told me about the Nomorobo service, which has been totally wonderful.

Please help us poor citizens by making it even easier to block these nasty calls.

And don't let the communications companies tell you to prohibit blocking! It'll be a sad day when you listen to them instead of the many people who beg for more help from you in blocking these noxious calls.

Tony Fanning Davis, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4144 of 5002 get off your butts,nobody wants all of these harassing calls.pass a strict law forbidding any unsolisited calls. sid olson seattle

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4145 of 5002

If I had been able to enable robocall-blocking on my 92 year old fathers' AT&T landline, he likely would not have fallen victim to unscrupulous scammers preying on senior citizens. These calls are not merely an annoyance - usually at dinnertime - but they are also at times dangerous. We all need the ability to control unwanted phone calls into our homes.

John Corbitt Columbus OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4146 of 5002

I get ten times as many JUNK CALLS (scams, sales calls, no one on other end calls, etc.) compared to calls that I want.

I pay for my phone – I should be able to block people using my phone for purposes that I do not approve.


Ken Whitehead Douglasvillle, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4147 of 5002

I, and everyone else I know, simply HATE robocalls! I don't know why companies insist on using them. They are ineffective. I hang up as soon as I hear it is a robocall; I never listen. But being disturbed by the ring and/or going to the phone is annoying. It is an invasion of privacy.

Recently, I signed up for nomorobo calls and I LOVE it! Please support the right of consumers to block these ridiculous calls.

Thanks for listening.

Morganton, GA

Allison H. Morganton, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4148 of 5002

Please allow consumers to have choices in eliminating unwanted robo calls. They are a nuisance, and even when you tell the caller when they get on the phone to take you off their list, they don't.

Accordingly, services to block those type calls should be available to consumers.

Bruce Davis Spotsylvania, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4149 of 5002

I believe all robocalls should be illegal. Most of the time there is nothing but dead air on the line for close to 30 seconds after I answer the phone and if I phone people over and over again without saying anything for 30 seconds or more it is called harassment. The political robocalls are the worst. At the least I should be allowed to block those calls if I don't want to receive them. I am paying my phone bill, they aren't.

Kathy Farmington, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4150 of 5002

I strongly support making changes to whatever procedures are needed to eliminate robocalls. Not only are calls an annoyance, they are more often than not a scam. How many times should Rachel need to call us telling us this is about your credit card. What necessity are the calls telling me that I must be informed that a collection agency needs to talk to me. Call this number. It is time for the FCC to act in favor of consumers, you know the ones you represent. Let us put a stop to robocalls.

Robert Bell Ravenna, OH

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Robocalls are very annoying and I feel as if I am not entitled to privacy. I see no useful reson for them to be allowed. Please pass legislation prohibiting them. Make the phone companies block robocallers. The technology to do this should not be too difficult.

Herbert Schneider Plainview, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4152 of 5002

I have a phone for MY convenience, not for the convenience of those who want to interrupt my dinner (and TV, and parties, and sleep, and...) to try to sell me products in which I have not the slightest interest.

I have been using Nomorobo for quite a while and have found it be largely effective in stopping this annoyance. I strongly urge you to make it, and other robocall blockers, more widely available to the public.

No one I know welcomes robocalls and thinks of them as anything other than phone spam.

Please do the right thing for consumers, act in the public interest, and do not cave in to the phone companies. They will still make plenty of money without robocalls.

Arlene Fell Huntington Station, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4153 of 5002

These calls are annoying. Especially when you have people in your family with health problems, or even more closely than that, YOUR ACTUAL HOUSEHOLD. I don't have time to entertain these calls, especially the ones about credit card services. I don't like those, always push the option to have my number removed, & it's never been removed. Even when my recently departed Elderly Father had this phone number, he would get these calls. & HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A CREDIT CARD. WHEN HE'D PUSH THE OPTION TO TALK TO SOMEONE, THEN HE'D TRY TO TELL THEM TO STOP CALLING, THEY'D NEVER LISTEN, THEY'D HANG UP. TO ME THAT'S SPAM, & A SCAM. SINCE IT'S NOT REMOVING THE NUMBER AS REQUESTED. & NOT WILLING TO RESPOND TO EACH PERSON'S COMMENTS, OR CONCERNS ABOUT THIS.


I think that until someone listens to us, we ALL need to stop using our landlines, as well as our cell phones, & don't pay the bills until WE ARE HEARD.

Martins Ferry, OH.

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Please be more proactive in blocking telemarketing calls. Technology that can block these calls should be made avaiable to consumers. tomball tx

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It's my phone service; I have the right to block any calls I don't want. NoMoRobo is one way I can manage my telephone service. The FCC should mandate all phone companies to make this kind of management easier.

William Scott East Northport, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4156 of 5002

I fully support robocall blocking.

Bernard Huntington North Haledon,NJ

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It is idiotic not to allow is to block robocalls!

Greg Girgenti Princeton NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4158 of 5002

Robo calls are a major problem!

Not only a time consuming annoyance but they interfere with important business and security communication calls

Anthony J Chamay Marblehead, MA

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ROBOCALLs are the cellular equivalent of SPAM in email or junk-mail in your mailbox at home. Please help get Congress to establish the ability of consumers to block robocalls on cell phones, just like we can be put on the DO NOT CALL LIST. Thank you!

Fred Ruby Mar Vista, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4160 of 5002

This is an important message...... is what the recording says...... its your last and final warning.

Please give them a final warning to stop.

Ron Jaenisch San Diego

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4161 of 5002

The "Do not call" list does not stop unwanted phone solicitation. We are constantly harassed. Nomorobo has been quite effective in blocking these calls. Please do not attempt to stop this feature!

Sara Zajicek Dallas, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4162 of 5002

The blocking of unsolicited telephone robocalls should not be disallowed. If there is something that should be disallowed, it is the making of the robocalls.

Since enrolling in Nomorobo I no longer have to guess whether or not I should answer out of area, unknown caller, etc calls. If the call is on the list of robots, the phone rings once and then silence. Calls that I may wish to answer still come through.

Thanks to Nomorobo, I have far fewer disturbed dinners!

Columbus, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4163 of 5002

Robocalls are a curse. Most of them are made by shady operators and scam artists who thumb their noses at the state and federal no-call lists. We were plagued by six to eight robocalls day until we signed up with Nomorobo. This has restored peace to a household that greatly values peace and resents uninvited commercial intrusions. Like most normal citizens, we prize being able to control our own time and attention.

Eva and Larry Hardin Syracuse, NY

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I waste my time to put my phone number on a "Do not call List."

E.A. DiMarzio PA

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Robotic calls are intrusive, annoying and violation of my right to privacy. I should not have to deal with robo calls. My life has been so much better with a service like nomorobo

Mark & Sharon Moffett King of Prussia, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4166 of 5002

Please endorse robocall blocking. Blocking such calls is the customer's right, no different than posting a "No Solicitations" sign at your front door.

Doug Martin San Diego, CA

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The Do Not Call List does not work because unscrupulous callers find ways to get around it. Please let us use robocall blocking products that actually work.

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We get at least 5 calls a day around supper time. I would like to block them. ed mchugh saugus ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4169 of 5002

This is a great product for the consumers. I use robocall blocking product for a log time and I love it.

Joao Silva

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I am a 70-year-old woman. It is often painful for me to get up out of a chair and go answer my telephone. I am inundated with undesired calls, most of them robocalls, to an extreme level. Since I heard about a service which could block all the robocalls and signed up for it, my life has been a lot easier physically and is certainly less stressful. I am so grateful to have access to this service. If the call only rings one time, I don't have to get up and answer it. I have counted up to 7-8 calls in just one morning! They call on the dot of 8:00 a.m. and at the last minute before 9:00 p.m. I urge you to allow consumers to continue having access to services which block robocalls. I do not know how I managed without it.

Marta M Pierce Mobile, Alabama

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4171 of 5002

The nicest thing I can say about Robocalls is that they suck.

For years I have been getting robocalls from some credit bureau and nothing I do stops them.

I believe in the golden rule of doing unto others what I would have them do unto me - I don't blanket the robocall makers with calls of my own and all I want is for them to cease and desist from calling me.

If I want/need a service/product I can make a call, connect on the Net. I neither need nor want to be bombarded with unsolicited offers.

Gene DeVita Charlestown,MA. 02129

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4172 of 5002

Block Robocalls!

Ronald Petermann Oklahoma City, OK

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4173 of 5002 stop robo east rockaway ny

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Please limit the ability of automatic dialing to intrude upon me and my family. That is your responsibility to the public. walt barrows Alexandria, VA

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Please stop robocalls to my house. I don't want them but so far I haven't been able to stop them richard garry pearland,texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4176 of 5002

Please please please block robocalls ASAP. They are very disturbing to all who are harassed by them.

Thank you

Kathy Snyder

Kathy Snyder Akron, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4177 of 5002

Robotic calls must be stopped! My wife broke her foot trying to get to the phone when a robo call was coming in. This is crazy on top of this the calls will not stop. This is adding insult to injury--- literally in our case. You must act to stop them or require that they offer an OPT OUT provision.

Kevin Harris Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4178 of 5002

As a retired disabled 73 year old male it is hard for me to get to the phone 10 or more times to answer or review bobo phone call. This happens daily and I must at least look at caller ID as it might be the VA or my doctor.

T.J. Fitts Garland, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4179 of 5002

Please let me block all to robo calls on my phones including political calls, I don't want to use my minutes to listen to people telling me why to vote for them

Centennial, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4180 of 5002

My wife and I recently surfed the internet looking for a solution to prevent all of the Robot calls we receive DAILY. We have signed up for the DNC list and that has not prevented the hassle we have received on a daily bases from these scams, etc. I am surprised that you don't have the same problem at your home and if you do, you certainly should be for a solution to this national problem. I know your busy, BUT should you find a few minutes of time, please just google the problem online and I think you will be surprised at the amount of people out there in this great nation that are up in arms over this problem. Please, do something to stop this harrassment or at least let us.

Thank you,

Lewis Fike

Lewis Fike Lancaster, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4181 of 5002

Robo calls should not be allowed. Nobody likes them. Many times, the phone rings and nobody is even on the other end. If the company can't afford to put a person on the line to call me, they shouldn't use a machine to do it either. Please either do away with robo calls, or make it easy for me to block them. My time at home should be mine. And I should have control over who is allowed to invade that time.

Tony Quick Orlando, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4182 of 5002 we all NEED blocking products, those robocalls are SO ANNOYING !!! please put 'blocks' in place ASAP !!!

Linda Medeiros East Falmouth, MA 02536

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I am disabled and my husband is elderly and not well. Robo calls interfere with our ability to get the rest we need and they are useless. PLEASE BAN THIS PRACTICE! Thank you

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4184 of 5002

I pay for the use of my phone and feel that I should block unwanted calls. They ignore the don't call list and call at all times during the day and night. I do not feel it is fair to pay for a service and then not be able to control unwanted advertisements, etc.

Loyd R. and Wanda J. Pritchett

Loyd R, And Wanda J. Pritchett Mechanicsburg, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4185 of 5002

Each and every day I receive from as many as 6 robocalls. I have tried on numerous occasions to select the option to remove me them from their call lists, TO NO AVAIL!!! It just makes it easier for them to expand their calling base. One call I've been receiving is from groups with the name Career; I'm retired and over 70; why in heaven's name would I want a new career?

I spend almost half an hour each day reporting these calls to the Do Not Call Registry. I have caller ID on my phone and on my tv; which means I can ignore robocalls and unsolicited calls.

I also sent complaint letters to both my State Attorney General and U.S. Attorney General.

Elizabeth (Libby) E. Brinton Wayne, PA

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You don't really think I want robocalls do You? Do you like robocalls? Thank you.

Melvin Henry San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4187 of 5002

I get annoyed every time I get a robocal they call at least twice a day

I should be allowed to block these calls it is mt phone and I pay for it this iI

This America land of the free let's keep it that way let consumers be able to block these calls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4188 of 5002

Sometimes it seems as if these companies have you directly in their pockets.. What other developed countries have to deal with the same stupid crap us Americans deal with on a daily basis almost every single day of our lives? How bout I go file an LLC and send all of you to collections without proof in hopes of getting one of you suckers to pay up?

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4189 of 5002

After years of having an unlisted phone number, and numerous attempts to get telemarketers to stop calling by listing our number with the national no call list with very little results, we finally found the answer with nomorobo. This is a free service for the household user, and it actually works. Please do not stop nomorobo from blocking these intrusive calls.

Nobody else seems to care enough to stop these obnoxious calls to people like us that do not want to be disturbed 20 or 30 times a day by telemarketers who don't care if we are on the no call list. Thank you for having the courage to defend our right to privacy in our own home.

Cypress, CA

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I want the agony of these unsolicited calls to stop. We must find a way to protect ourselves from this constant intrusion.

Jeremy Robinson Palo Alto, CA

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It is my personal phone and I pay for the service associated with it. I should have say over the limits on my privacy and what is allowed to interfere with my personal life. It is bad enough these companies have the ability to find my phone number and bother me. I need to be able to control the environment within my own home.

Ann Gallman Southport, NC

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I am constantly harrassed with Robo calls all times of the day. If it extremely difficult when there is a chronically ill person in the home and the constant influx of call when an ill person is resting.

Please allow Robocall Blocking.

Detroit, MI

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Our phone rings nonstop with these robocalls. I am to the place that I will get rid of our land line to stop the nonstop harrassment.

Kraig Scott Greenville, SC

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I want to be able to block robocalls & any others of my choice on my cell phone.

Round Rock, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4195 of 5002 please allow this blocking. I get the robo calls 20+ a day interrupting my meals and sleep and child's napping. I've even been cursed out by the so called robo caller it was a real person!

Veronica Stickle fort worth texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4196 of 5002

Stop the robo calls now

Please do your job

Dave fitzgerald Naperville il

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Please let us have the ability and freedom to stop all the political phone calls, and calls from charities, that we receive at our house. Since I have cancer; there are many, many times when the phone rings that I am sleeping. The calls that we received were so numerous. Every day, we received these calls; besides disturbing my needed sleep; it was so annoying.

Please help us and stop these robocalls. It is terrible that we have to be subjected to abuse like that everyday.

Des Plaines, IL

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My wife and I have been using the norobocall service for the past several months and I think it is fantastic. I think that everybody should have it.

Marc Roddin Mountain View California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4199 of 5002

I enjoy the freedom that robocall blocking gives me. It is amazing how many times a day my phone rings just once. This tells me that the robocall has been blocked. I am really thankful that this mechanism is available. If only the political campaigning robocalls could be blocked also...

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4200 of 5002

Don't like robocalls and don't want to get them anymore

Quincy Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4201 of 5002

Computers have made our life a lot easier in so many different ways. But there usfulness can be abused. Answering the phone only to find a live person trying to sell me something I don't want is annoying enough. To make it easier and cheaper for companies to contact me by using computers to make thousands of calls is legal. But I believe that I should be able to use technology to prevent and stop this annoyance. Please allow Robocom to continue to protect those of us against annoying, persistent sales calls.

Al Shkoler Placentia, CA

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It feels like we're watching ourselves in some sort of sick, twisted movie.

Tony G. California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4203 of 5002

I find robocalls very distracting and a drag on my productivity. I always hang up immediately. Still, they consume precious minutes out of one's day. If companies have the right to make robocalls then recipients should have the right to use countermeasures. If enough people would adopt counter measures, then the counterproductive activity of robocalls would decline.

Doug Fort Collins, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4204 of 5002

I love my Nomorobo. I was receiving up to 10 calls a day from people I didn't want to hear from. I pay every month to have an unlisted number and I still was getting numerous calls. Since Nomorobo the irritating calls have cut by more than half. You, the FCC should do more to protect the people.

Lori Chino Hills, CA.

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I feel robocalls are an invasion of my privacy and would like the option to not receive them.

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I love the fact that despite disappointing us in so many areas by constantly arguing, Congress came together last year to make nomorobo legal. I have a right to stop these constant marketing calls thanks to this legislation and want to continue enjoying it. After 9 back surgeries over a couple of years which ended in a fusion, the last thing I need is to cause myself the pain of getting to the phone to try and politely reject a sales pitch. Please don't make these intrusions and annoying calls legal again, disrupting my home and family life.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4207 of 5002

I am constantly bothered by robotic generated calling. I have asked my phone company on numerous occasions when they would provide features so that I can use NoMoRobo. No one at my phone company even knows what that is. I even went so far as to buy a $100 call blocker which is a partial solution. I would say that 90% of the calls I receive are from hacked numbers. The phone company doesn't care as long as I keep sending them my monthly payment. Please require all phone companies to offer simultaneous ringing so that I can use NoMoRobo. The do not call list is a joke and is worthless.

Ronald Stowe Arcadia, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4208 of 5002

I pay for my phones - I should be allowed to decide which calls I can reject or block. It should be MY choice ... MINE. The Do Not Call list was a step in the right direction - but I think it should include political calls / ads / and charity solicitors. Other than emergency services - I do not understand why anybody ELSE should dictate who and how my phone is used.

Tony Adams Broomfield, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4209 of 5002

I'd like to stop all robo calls to land and cell lines.

Charlotte, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4210 of 5002

I had to call att to put a block on calls I was receiving in the early morning and late night from a cancer research outfit in Washington. This is ridiculous. I am on the do not call list, which is a real waste of time and energy as there is absolutely no enforcement. A toothless tiger today the least.

Fred sanchez Palm beach gardens florida

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4212 of 5002

What has become of the National Do Not Call Registry? Why are phone-bots excluded? I am sick of our life and time being disrupted, and our cellphone minutes being repeatedly wasted by automated (mostly 800-number) phone calls at all hours of the day. This should not be allowed by our government or any agency thereof.

Charles & Rene' Thompson Arlington, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4213 of 5002

Robo calls are a waste of our time. They are a huge inconvenience. They are an invasion of our privacy. We pay for our phone and that opens us up to a number of advertising, soliciting, survey, and political calls. We don't want any of them. We can block a limited number of phone calls but in recent years robo calls have become so numerous that we can't block them all. I have asked our carrier for this ability but have been told it is not available. I would rather pay $3.00 to block robo calls than to pay to have call forwarding or most other choices offered. Please od this for us.

Ken Furmage East Springfield, Pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4214 of 5002

I get 5 robocalls a day. Outrageous. Guess the Do-Not-Call-List is out- of-service now, huh? Can a citizen get no relief from these intrusions? I'll bet you have zero (0) people writing in to say that they love hearing spiels by robot tapes on subjects in which they have never indicated an interest. You can't be serving the citizens by permitting this mindless interruption. Obviously you are in the pocket of the robocallers!


Harriett and Hans Mueller

Harriett Mueller Willmington, DE 19807

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4215 of 5002

I, like most American, hate robocalls. I am definitely in favor of the FCC making robocall solutions available to consumers, and I hope you will not allow pressure from the phone companies to dissuade you from doing so.

Thank you.

Ina L. Potter Oakland, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4216 of 5002

Since the FCC did very little to block robo-calls, I am glad the Nomorobo service is available to help telephone customers get some kind of relief from these pesky telemarketers, scammers, etc.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4217 of 5002

There should be no more robocalls allowed.

Robocall blocking products should be allowed.

Sidney Chong Syracuse, NY 13209

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4218 of 5002

Robocalls constitute an unsolicited invasion of privacy which carries a cost to the consumer. In no way should the phone companies be allowed to withold blocking technology from the phone owner. Please do something about it.

Dr & Mrs robert johnson brentwood, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4219 of 5002

I love my Nomorobo. I was receiving up to 10 calls a day from people I didn't want to hear from. I pay every month to have an unlisted number and I still was getting numerous calls. Since Nomorobo the irritating calls have cut by more than half. You, the FCC should do more to protect the people.

Lori Chino Hills, CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4220 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely annoying. Prior to nomorobo I would receive the same robocall at least twice a day. And from spoofed numbers. One used my neighbors number. I had received 120 robocalls in a 30 day period. These are companies that I never dealt with nor would ever deal with. Nomorobo has stopped this annoyance. Please do not take away this new level of comfort.

Lawrence Genetti Philadelphia, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4221 of 5002

I want the opportunity and decision when and which "robocalls" I want blocked.

If it is a true "robocall", I am capable of deciding to block it. Thank you; I am Thomas McElroy, Jupiter, FL

Thomas McElroy Jupiter, Florida 33448

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4222 of 5002

Please require all Robo callers to offer an OPT OUT option.

Kevin Harris Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4223 of 5002

They are completely annoying. Why should I not be able to be free from these annoying mostly crank calls???????

Ken Derstine Quakertown, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4224 of 5002

As a consumer of telephone service and the owner of my phone and home, I should have the right to decide which calls are put through to my phone and which ones are not. That is to say, I should be able to block robocalls if I desire to do so.

Suzanne L Ward Gaithersburg, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4225 of 5002

Please continue to allow the blocking of robo calls. I am currently using NOMOROBO to block such calls. It has reduced nuisance calls from nearly 10 a day to about 1 or 2. It makes no sense that unwanted and unsolicited calls can somehow be a right for the companies making them. Do people have a right to harass other people? NO, and they shouldn't. Neither should these companies.

Richard and Martha Stum Columbia, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4226 of 5002

My husband works nights. He sleeps during the day. Thanks to Nomorobo all those annoying calls stopped. Before Nomorobo we entered do not call registry, but we continued to get all those calls anyway

We are really happy with Nomorobo.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4227 of 5002

I personally would like the FCC to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. I am tired of the false Ids and calls, that are bothersome and give false information, it also appears that the do not call list doesn't work. I have even received calls with my own phone number as the caller ID.

Gary Talerico Fairmont, WV.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4228 of 5002

Maintain Net Neutrality and Individual privacy. Prescribe a uniform standard that all must follow in opting out of unwanted contacts.

James P Marquart Clarksville, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4229 of 5002

Robocalls are extremely annoying and I would like to be able to block them. I enthusiastically support the phone companies to enable blocking these calls. It would be an improvement to my environment. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Alvin Peirson Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4230 of 5002

I do not want telemarketers to contact me. This is my only insurance to block them. I know you don't like it either, so support robocall blocking products!!! jack mangan san francisco, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4231 of 5002 block.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4232 of 5002

I need NoMoRobo to help with the unwanted robotic phone calls. Please let them continue to block these annoying phone calls.

Loren Williams Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4233 of 5002

Why do you have a no call list when you don't enforce it. Daily I get call from the same credit card company trying to get me to fix my rates. All they do is change (mask) the phone number to get around it. Why do you make the phone companies do like a reverse number look up to make sure that the call actually is coming from that number?


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4234 of 5002

I'm tired of getting robocalls all times of the day! The National Do Not Call Registry is being ignored. I need a way to stop the madness and block the calls. Nomorobo gives me a tool to use against these guys. I need this and other call blocking products.

George Colbert Willingboro, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4235 of 5002

I was getting close to 30 calls a day from various bill collectors that were trying to contact a former room mate of mine. The funny thing is at NO TIME did the former room mate use my phone number on any of his credit applications. These bill collectors somehow got my personal telephone number because it is the same address as the person they were seeking and started harassing me. I asked them to stop calling my number. They were rude and kept calling back. I added NOMOROBO on my line since I am a Verizon Fios subscriber and the calls have almost stopped completely. This service should be available to all telephone subscribers through their local service provider. I am urging the FCC to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

Thank you,

Michael J Biddle,

Bear, DE

Michael J. Biddle Bear DE

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4237 of 5002

You folks need to something more about the robo sales calls.

They just don't quit!

Connie Columbus ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4238 of 5002

It's high time that the consumer has some sort of control over the computerized, nonstop calls from telemarketers. Please make this happen, and immediately.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4239 of 5002


I get so many robo calls that I have to change phone number. These robo callers use callerIDs from non existing numbers and change these nunmbers so you can never be sure who is calling or call them back and tell them to take you off their calling list.

I want to send robo calls to them if I knew where they are calling from.


Mats Nahlinder Belmont, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4240 of 5002

Me, my family, friends and anyone else i speak with; think robocalls, also cold calls from charities, local merchants and politicians are extremely intrusive and detrimental to our personal rights and quality of life. Callers are almost always nasty, argumentative, or just hang up while you are asking them not to call again. also calls start in the AM. and continue into the late evening...(4-5-6) times a day.. sometimes more. My wife and I are senior citizens (70/75) with health issues. Lest we miss calls from our doctors/pharmacist we don't need to be answering or startled by the phone ringing almost every hour or every 10 to 15 minuets, in some cases. These calls should most certainly be blocked and prosecuted by law especially since the are using disconnected or computer generated phony numbers so that we cannot return the call and ask to be put on their do not call list... Some of us are on the government do not call registry but we still receive these unwanted calls. sincerely,

Victor L Lawrence

Victor L Lawrence Thousand Oaks, CA.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4241 of 5002

I should be able to block those annoying robocalls. I don't like how late into the evening that they call. Please allow phone companies to offer robocall blocking services.

Thank you.

Cyndy Campbell, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4242 of 5002

Robocalls are the bane of everyone. Please block them every way you can.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4243 of 5002

Since I started using a nomorobo service, I feel like I got my evening life back. The Do Not Call Registry is ineffective. The only peace we've had is by waiting for that one ring...then silence. Otherwise the phone rings all night. I either have to listen to the ringing, or pick it up to a telemarketer or to a click and disconnect. These people are an intrusion and nomorobo has been our only relief.

Alison Neill Sherman Oaks, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4244 of 5002

Robocalls are an infuriating nuisance. They are also a dehumanizing and depressing experience. We need the ability to block them, and services that enable us to do so provide a tremendous public service.

Jonathan and Lucy Penner Tucson, AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4245 of 5002

We get (at the minimum) 3 robo calls a day! Please take whatever action is necessary to stop these unwanted, unnecessary and annoying calls!

Tom & Hattie Stretz Los Alamitos, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4246 of 5002

The national do not all list is a joke. I signed up so I am supposedly on the do not call list. I get robo calls all the time. They are intrusive, unwanted and annoying. REQUIRE every phone company in the United States to provide EVERY customer with the option to have robo calls blocked from their phone AND DO NOT LET THEM CHARGE A FEE FOR THE SERVICE--make it a cost of doing business. I would be happy to share additional thoughts about my opinion.

Maurie Coleman Batavia, Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4247 of 5002

Having Nomorerobocalls on my phone has been a blessing for us. We no longer get multitude of calls at dinner time and at other times. My house phone is quiet. If I get a robo call it rings once and goes away!

I am thrilled to have this on my phone. Please do not take it away. Our lives have become so much better not having to be bothered with sales calls even though I was on the "do not call list" once I was able to get nomorerobo calls put onto my home phone. This is something that everyone should have the choice to have on their phones!

Janet Sklar and Harvey Sklar Northridge, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4248 of 5002

We are tired and sick of unwanted and undesired calls we receive daily at all times of day and night. WE hate those robocalls which often lead to scams such as attempt to get our personal info pretending to be from IRS, credit cards and all other kind of things. It is just annoying, it is disturbing peace we have right to have in our home and is occupying our phone!!!. WE want more of services like NOMOROBO It is our phone and we are paying for it, we are not paying to be called by scammers and robocalls. If we pay it is fair we decide who can call us. Thank you

Emina Cenanovic Chesterfield, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4249 of 5002

I want to keep the power to block robo callers. Would you please help!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4250 of 5002

I am a satisfied user of NoMoRobo with my Comcast telephone. It is effective and has greatly reduced illegal robo-callers. AT&T, my cellphone carriers will not allow use of NoMoRobo. I do not understand why telephone companies, through their intransigence, will continue to allow annoying and ILLEGAL Robo-calls to disturb our family. Please require ALL phone companies to allow better blocking of these illegal and annoying and intrusive telephone calls.

Richard A. Calicura Pleasant Hill, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4251 of 5002

PLEASE do something about these calls. I get easily 8 to 10 a day. I am ready to rip the phone out of the wall. Something needs to be done about it.

Sue Duncan West Palm Beach, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4252 of 5002

I have really enjoyed the service that Nomorbo has been providing! They are doing a much better job with dealing with unwanted call than the do not call list, frankly you all should welcome the help!

Lesley Hitnariansingh Greensboro NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4253 of 5002

I hate robocalls. I *love* nomorobo-robocall blocking saves me aggravation and time.

Don't ban them-rather you should encourage them. Why should I be forced to accept "robocalls" from people I couldn't care less about? Why should they have the right to interrupt me?

I really like the fact that nomorobo keeps those calls from disrupting my day. Every time the phone rings only once, and I know that nomorobo has got my back, I thank the folks at nomorobo.

Constance Knapp Ossining, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4254 of 5002

It is an invasion of my privacy to have unwanted callers be able to call my cell phone. I should be able to block them if I so desire, as I pay the bill for my phone, not the telemarketers!

Myrtle Beach SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4255 of 5002

Robocall blocking should definitely be legalized and encouraged.

There are so so many telemarketers and just weirdos calling these days including those solar sellers who use profanity almost every call when you tell them you are on the national do not call list to take you off the list.

We have an unlisted number and we get around 20 calls daily.

Please allow robocall blocking.



Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4256 of 5002

It makes the phone I pay for a nuisance. It is an invasion of my privacy. When we are at home the phone rings while we are doing something and we have to stop and check the phone because it is ringing It may be something important, we don't recognize the number so we wait and let it go on the machine. It's a robo call so we go back to what we were doing before the interruption. We did not want the interruption. We want to block all robo calls. We can block a limited number of calls but not enough to cover all the robo calls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4257 of 5002

Stp the annoying unwanted calls!!!!!!

Gooding Randolph, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4258 of 5002

We are fed up with ROBO calls, 7 days a week all hours. You pick up the phone and no one answers your hello. Several have left a message as a bill collector and we could be in trouble if we do not return the call.

These calls are a form of harrasement and threatening.

If we all switch to cell phones, we would not have this provblem and land lines would become extinc

We have a right as the bill payer to block any annoying and threatening calls on our phone.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4259 of 5002

I hate robo calls. All the legislation that has been enacted is not working. Its getting worse. There are software apps that can do this but why do we need to do that when the phone companies can do it from their end. The phone companies are a utility and should be trying to better our world NOT make it more difficult and MORE expensive.

Robert Woolley Apple Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4260 of 5002

Robocall has been a god send for me in the past year that I've subscribed to it. Don't let the phone companies convince you otherwise. They just want the revenue they derive from the purveyors of these nuscense phone calls.

Jennifer Higgins Cedar Knolls,NJ 07927

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4261 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of privacy, a supreme annoyance, irritating beyond belief, maddening, enough to drive a person to drink and I want it to stop! I believe the right to have a device that would put an end to this should be entirely up to the citizen that is being harassed beyond human endurance.

Kathy Biroschak Berlin Center, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4262 of 5002

Please, please do something to make these calls illegal. They are an invasive nuisance!!! I want to know how they get my cell #, that is an invasion of my privacy!!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4263 of 5002

There is NOTHING more enraging than the unending barrage of sales calls, and worst of all, ROBOCALLS coming into my home. Despite government regs to the contrary, you cannot get off these lists and are doomed to listen to these crooks forever. Your "Do Not Call List" is ignored by most everyone. At least stop the robocalls, please. james mccauley edmond OK

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4264 of 5002

Give us a chance to live in peace without being dragged to the phone for endless commercials from the greedy and the dishonest!


Don't stop the services that enable us to enjoy our lives free from harassment!

Jean and Joel Covell Menlo Park, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4265 of 5002

Robocalls need to be stopped!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4266 of 5002

I want the ability to restrict robo calls, solicitation calls, etc.

James T Rooney Centerport, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4267 of 5002

I use Nomorobo, and it has reduced my unwanted calls by 80%. Please leave laws as they are


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4268 of 5002

On days when I work at home it is not unusual for me to receive 4-5 robocalls a day, even though I am on the Do Not Call list. When I have answered these, I would characterize most as certainly or likely criminal in intent. "Rachel from Card Services" isn't trying to lower my rate, she is trying to steal my credit card information! All are deceptive and fraudulent in some way, and are usually presenting false or unhelpful caller ID information. If automated telemarketing were a legitimate practice technology makes robocalls so easy that our phones would be rendered useless by the constant calls. Bocking and whitelisting services should be encourged, perhaps required. Further, caller ID should have teeth. All calls should have some sort of accountable billed-party identification that is not at the discretion of the telemarketer, and calls that cross borders should be identified as such.

Luke Hamaty China Grove, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4269 of 5002

I am an elderly woman desiring to stop the continual robocalls coming into my home. I have infirmities limiting my mobility in the home. Every time the phone rings, I'm thinking it is a call from my sister or daughter. Making the effort to answer the phone and learning it is a robocall advertising a service or product I have rejected already dozens of times, is a needless harassment. Please do something to prevent repeated calls representing the same product or service already politely declined by me.

Donna Farr Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4270 of 5002

I don't want to receive any robotic phone calls. Who does? Do you want to get these calls on your home phone? I don't think so.

So why does the FCC allow this? This is not Freedom of speech or of the press. This is clearly an invasion of our privacy! On MY PHONE, IN MY HOME, I should be able to CHOOSE to receive promotions and advertising or NOT. I choose NOT!

I'm sure that millions of other americans feel the same.

Please allow Nomorobo and other such organization to BLOCK these forced interruptions into our lives!

Daniel Hurd Martinez, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4271 of 5002

I'm a Federal Retiree. I love choosing which calls should go through and which ones should be stopped. Nomorobo stops Robocalls after one ring. I should have the right to reject the calls I don't want. At one point, they were calling at night and Sundays. If anything should be regulated, it should be the Companies which launch Robocalls.

Robert H. Sammelius Lakewood, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4272 of 5002

Please allow us to block robo calls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4273 of 5002

Unwanted calls are a nuisance. I'd like to make use of robocall blocking products. I believe it's my right to be able to do so. Please make availability of robocall blocking products mandatory!

Kimberly & Robert Cowan Dayton, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4274 of 5002

I have been using nomorobo for several years now. It is the only mechanism I have to reduce the torrent of useless phone calls I get at all hours of the day. The 'do not call' registry is completely useless. Asking the callers, if there is a live person on the other end, to remove my name from their list doesn't work.

FCC: stop being strong armed by powerful lobbies. You have already caved on net neutrality, don't cave on this one. Get a spine.

Tejas Desai Fremont, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4275 of 5002

I am fed up with picking up my phone only to hear some recorded message about some politician and his/her virtues and why I should vote for them. Or some loud voice telling me that I have won a trip to some exotic place. It has gotten to the point where we let calls go directly to the answering machine. But then their messages take up most of the space on the recorder. Being on "The Do Not Call Register" doesn't seem faze these irritating idiots.

Rosedale, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4276 of 5002

As an elderly Navy veteran of 24 years, I respectfully ask that action be taken to block - or allow me to block - the robocalls that blast into my bedroom often in the middle of the night. In my 80th year, I believe I deserve protection from these calls which often originate in foreign countries and contain scams involving financial and identity theft.

Here in Hawaii, phone calls originating in the daytime from Eastern time zones are often received well before dawn. They are much more than a nuisance -their rude awakening can endanger my health. NOMOROBO!!

Robert Walls,US Navy (Ret) Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4277 of 5002

The ability to block robocalls should be easily available to all.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4278 of 5002

The do not call list is a joke. How can I gaet the 8-10 nuisance calls a day stopped? I try to call back but it says "This number is not in service."

Please Help. mike gibson huntington beach, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4279 of 5002

Robocall blocking is wonderful -- so tired of the uninvited solicitation calls during the family dinner hours.

Isn't it my prerogative to have an unlisted number!?

Cynthia Miller Martinez, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4280 of 5002

I have been happily blocking most Robocalls with NoMoRobo, and I want to be able to continue to do so! Thank you

Edward Lipman Andover, Ma.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4281 of 5002

We need to be able to stop these rob ovals as they are a nuisance. I learned about no morons and when I took advantage of this free service my answering of nuisance calls lessened as calls stopped after one(1) ring.

Please allow this to continue or make it easier to avoid these calls.

Thank you.

Chris Kosta Malden, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4282 of 5002

The misuse and abuse of my home telephone by unsolicited callers, in particular the so called robo- callers, had exceeded a mere annoyance and had become a true harassment. I did all I could possibly do to stem or stop the barrage of calls every evening, during the day, and even late into the night. I registered my number with the Do Not Call (DNC) List. I blocked as many individual numbers as was possible within the limits established by my telephone service provider. I reported the violators of the DNC list to the FCC multiple times. I literally unplugged my telephone to pause the incessant calling. All that to no avail. More unwanted calls, more disruptions to my home life, more annoyance and more frustration UNTIL... I discovered and began to use the NOMOROBO call blocking service. The calls still come in but a single short ring and solicitors are politely told their calls are not wanted and will not be accepted. The number of calls coming in has diminished. What a blessed relief this has been!

I still get all my personal and charitable calls, I certainly received plenty of campaign solicitations and calls from businesses with whom I have an established working relationship. So this service works effectively and returns the control of my phone to me and my family members. much more effectively than the DNC list did.

Since the DNC list has failed to adequately protect consumers from unwanted and illegal calls, I believe the FCC must require all telephone service providers to provide NOMOROBO or similar software to block such calls. Too many of my friends and family are in areas where they are unable to use robotic call blocking and they continue to suffer with a barrage of unsolicited calls and scammers both day and night. The FCC should admit that the DNC has failed. Instead of continuing to ignore the problem or pursuing legal enforcement on the millions of complaints filed, the FCC should require all telephone service providers to provide, free robotic call blocking software. Allowing consumers to block robo-calls is a reasonable solution to this very widespread problem.

I appreciater your consideration and immediate action on this matter.

Carolynne Lambert Bethesda, MD 0817

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I loathe rob ovals and want to be able to block them.

Marthe Stein Sherborn. MA

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I consider unsolicited telemarketing calls (robocalls) to be offensive and an invasion of my privacy. I subscribe to a robocall blocking service and it has been a blessing for me. I urge the FCC to support robocall blocking services.

Huntington, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4285 of 5002

I should be able to block robocalls.

It's my phone, my money.

Blocking solutions should be available to everyone.

Stuart Klausner Saugerties, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4286 of 5002

Let me block ALL unwanted calls coming to both my house AND cell phone.

Jim Lee Charlotte, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4287 of 5002

I spend so much energy going to the phone for these roboalls! Since they usually hang up after 4 rings, I usually wait that long before I get up to answer. (I'm 92 years old and I value my caller ID - but I hate to have to get up to look - a waste of time!

Juliet Johnson Columbus, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4288 of 5002

I am tired of getting automated phone calls. Please tell the phone companys to allow me to block these anoying calls.

Thank you,

Randall Duncan

Randall Duncan San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4289 of 5002

My life is so much better since I started using no more robo calls. I have been harassed, threatened, and cursed by unsolicited callers at all hours of the day and night. I should have the right to stop this intrusion in my life on my private phone lines! sandra walsh Florissant, Mo

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4290 of 5002

Unsolicited marketing and political candidate calls to private homes are out of control. Verizon does not support NOMOROBO in my area, probably because we are in the vicinity of several call centers served by Verizon or their old central station cannot accommodate it as it does in some other areas. The Do Not Call list is not policed and therefore, totally ineffective. Please revisit these matters and revise your requirements. You are good at what you do. I appreciate your on-going support.

Michael A. Slate Newbury Park, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4291 of 5002

Please let me not subjected unwillingly to robocalls.

John Van Benten Redondo Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4292 of 5002

I pay for the service period and should be able to control who can call me. need to PUT A STOP to ALL TELEMARKTER/POLITICAL/ROBO CALLS !

Raj Northville, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4293 of 5002

Do not want telemarketers calling me any time of the day,, they are annoying and I should have the choice to stop them, they ignore both the national as well as state Do Not Call lists,,,it is my right to say who can and cannot call Me.the Nomorobo app worlks great and I plan to continue using it. Best product I have found for this.

Memphid, tn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4294 of 5002

I have been receiving on average 5 to 6 robo calls per day on my home phone line. Usually when I have just gotten one of my grandkids to take a nap or we have sat down for a meal. Many are just dead air when I answer the call, others are trying to sell me something that I neither need nor want. Being on the do not call list is a joke and the telemarketers laugh at it. Please do something to stop this.

Terry Newman Vista, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4295 of 5002

Robocalls are a major annoyance, be they telemarketers or so-called "charity" organizations that interrupt my sleep (I don't have a normal sleep schedule, thanks to my having clients in other parts of the world), our dinner, etc. And my phone service provider (Comcast) doesn't allow robocall blockers to work. I need this service!

C.K. Leverett Eatontown, New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4296 of 5002

Please. Continue to allow robe all blocking! We were getting these calls night and day and couldn't take it anymore. Fortunately, after complaining to our phones provider, we starting blocking them and got our life back!

Cornelia Cabatingan Auburn, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4297 of 5002

The Do Not Call list has proven worthless. I normally get several calls a day from various telemarketers and scammers. Please do something to stop this.

J W Haltiwanger Columbia, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4298 of 5002

Please let me stop robocalls

They are the most obnoxious, and on my cell phone, dangerous calls to get.

Please allow me as the consumer to control my phones and stop to robocalls.

Andrea carr Framingham ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4299 of 5002

It is my money that is paying for my phone line, and the continual robocalls not only deprive me of the use of my phone by calling me, but they also destroy my security and peace of mine by allowing unknow people to call me and harrass me.

My phone

My line

My money

My time.

Lorie McGraw and Jerry Hilbish Columbia SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4300 of 5002


Sandra Blacksher Frisco, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4301 of 5002

Finding Nomorobo has been a god-send. Before finding it, we were getting 5-10 calls per day, from autodialers (many of which never even had a human on the other side of the line) that completely ignored our requests not to be disturbed. We would race to the phone, only to have a dead silence on the other end.

Since setting up my home phone, we have cut our interruptions by 50-80 percent, and it's FANTASTIC!

Thank you Nomorobo!

Jeff Fehervari Burlingame, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4302 of 5002

The National Do Not Call list is only moderately working. It is my right to be able to stop telemarketing calls to my telephone any way that I see fit. The telephone companies should be required to install call blocking features for their customers. My wife is handicapped and it is a problem for her to answer these intrusive calls. I should also be able to buy any type of equipment that I want to be able to stop these nuisance calls. They are more than an inconvenience to us.

David & Della Barna Clarkston, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4303 of 5002

I receive on an average 15 robocalls a day seven days a week. Many of these call are from the same numbers who have purchased our home and cell numbers. We receive more calls on Monday Tuesday and Thursdays starting at 7:30 am going until after 8:30 at night. I cannot understand why I do not have the right to stop these calls if I have stated to them that we are not interested in what they are selling or can no longer make donations or want to participate in marketing survey's. We have listed our numbers on the national register for do not call list for both house line and cell phone numbers and it makes no difference. These callers never leave a message because they know what they are doing is against the law. These callers claim that they have the right to continue calling because they are working in our area ( area code from clear across the United States, or they have called us in the past, they are a non-profit organization, etc. When you try and call back these numbers that appear on your phone long, the call will not go through because it states that the number is no longer in service?

Now with these robocalls going to your cell phone it becomes extremely dangerous because if you are in the process of driving your car.

These Robocalls commit fraud in trying to get you to answer your phone by having a caller ID that states it is a 911 call emergency, That it is Bank of America or State Farm Insurance or other legitimate names that turn about to be someone else trying to sell something.

If the FCC cannot protect us from these practices and nuisance calls then we need to put other people in office that will protect our individual rights.

George Jacklin Huntington CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4304 of 5002

The number of robocalls each and every day are driving me absolutely crazy.

They must be blocked.

David Levy Austin, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4305 of 5002

I'm one of 10's of millions Americans under assault by robocallers. They have to be stopped.

If the FCC is too undermanned or underfunded to enforce the law then the agency should disband and at least save the taxpayers a few dollars.

If you won't stop this, who will?

Edwin Douglas Hummelstown, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4306 of 5002

Robocalls are one of the most annoying things that I can think of. The call from early in the morning until late at night. I have been plagued by years by these calls and the DoNotCallRegistry is a joke! The only way I have been able to get any peace is to use a robocall blocking product. It is my phone number and I should be allowed to control it as I see fit.

William McIntosh Cincinnati, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4307 of 5002

I wish to maintain control over the phone calls I allow in my home. Having recently retired, I was absolutely amazed and disgusted how many robo calls my phone number received every day. Because my wife is still working, I could ill afford to turn the phone off. Yet when I was trying to read or nap, invariably a robo call or calls would disturb my reverie. I consider these calls another form of home invasion, and no one but no one wants their home invaded. The frequency of robo calls was increasing until I signed up with NOMOROBO. It's much, much better now. Please allow me my rights to protect my home from this dastardly type of home invasion. - Thank you.

Joe O. Ray Hoover, Alabama

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4308 of 5002

You need robo call blocking

You must

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4309 of 5002

I believe that robocalls are a nuisance and every citizen should have the right to protect their own phones. The FCC should make every effort necessary to make sure that everybody can have any blocking product to avoid such calls. Why not go after the real culprits; the tele-marketers that harass people?

Robert Cardoza Houston, Texas

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4311 of 5002

More than half of the phone calls I receive are robocalls which come at all hours of the day and evening. The Nomorobo call blocking product I am presently using has cut down on 2/3 of them which has been very helpful.

I would like a system which would block all of these unsolicited calls including the solicitations: political and banking related which are never ending.

Please spend your energies on doing away with the robocalls and not the blocking products.

Florence Winnik Bethesda, Maryland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4312 of 5002

NOMOROBO service has been a life saver since I have retired. The amount of unwanted calls that rang my phone all day drove me out of my house. Being on the do not call list has done nothing to stop the unwanted charity, construction & solar calls. I have seen a huge difference since adding NOMOROBO service. I no longer have the many unwanted calls all day. I can enjoy my home again which money can't buy. NOMOROBO is must for every home!!

Carolyn Freeman San Dimas, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4313 of 5002

I absolutely HATE robo calls! I believe that phone companies should offer a robocall blocking service. I currently use to block robo calls and this works much of the time with only one ring of my phone to distract me. Robo calls are a huge nuisance and I would love a way that they could be blocked from ever coming to my phone at all.

Birmingham, Alabama

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4314 of 5002

These call's are an invasion of my privacy and must be stopped!

John Moffo Philadelphia Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4315 of 5002

I think its criminal to allow robocallers the right to call me and cost me time and money. Plus they call at all hours, won't remove me from their list and are generally selling services that I don't need nor want! Please make their actions illegal in all states.

Richard E West Palm Beach, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4316 of 5002

Having all those sales and surveys blocked is a real pleasure. As well as political robo calls. If they don't want to I'D themselves, I don't need to talk to them. We don't need to tralk to some non human computer.

Nomorobo is a great assistance.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4317 of 5002

I work night shift, so robot all disturb my sleep unless I turn the phone's ringer off. That's not really an option as I am required to "be on call" in case of work emergency. I need my sleep, and I need my job, and I need an efficient way to keep to robocalls fr getting through.

Alexander Kentfield Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4318 of 5002

Logically and Emotionally this effort should be supported.

I can't tell you how many times I have had robo calls that they were totally scamming people. I have worked in the computer area so for me it is easy to spot a scammer but other people, older people like my mother and my neighbors are not so enlightened. One neighbor, who was already unemployed and struggling like crazy got a call and he ended up giving some personal information and it cost thousands of dollars that he did NOT have to get things straightened back out. It is a shame that this is happening and it would be a shame for letting an opportunity to stop this nonsense go.

James Peery Salt Lake City, Utah

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4319 of 5002

Please allow robocall blocking on cellular phones

K. Clark Marietta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4320 of 5002

Robocalls intrude on my private family time. Stop robocalls.

Jim Drucker Plymouth meeting PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4321 of 5002

I have never had a balance on my credit cards and I receive 2-3 robo-calls per day at all times telling me they will help me with my credit card debt. I have work to do, grandkids to watch and the robo calls keep coming, disrupting whatever I am working on. I HATE THEM!

Pressing three or staying on the line....DOES NOT WORK.. THESE OUT OF COUNTRY NUISANCES should NOT be protected by our agencies. They should be stopped.

MS DePere, WI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4322 of 5002

Please allow all of us who have phone services to use

Robocall blocking services.These robocalls are enjoying!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4323 of 5002

I am sick of the phone companies who do nothing to help us with the deluge of unwanted phone calls. The DO NOT CALL LIST is a JOKE. I get more calls after I signed up than before. Nobody pays any attention to the DO NOT CALL LIST including the government. I love NOMOROBO. The phone companies don't. They can collect more money by allowing all the unwanted calls. They don't even block the calls that they say I can block--annomyous calls. The put through calls with the number 1 and say that it is not annomyous!!! It has A NUMBER DUH!!!. Please allow NOMOROBO to continue. I am 77 years old and I was getting 5-8 UNWANTED calls every day before NOMOROBO. Are you for the people or are you for the people who want to harass the people??.

Myra H. Pierce Sacramento, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4324 of 5002

I think it is high time for the federal government to start going after these worthless jerks who are using robocalls and contacting people who are on the do not call list. Furthermore, it needs to be a capital crime, with an automatic death penalty for anyone who is caught. That is the only way to get this complete invasion of privacy to stop. Life would be much better with dead robocallers.

Lilburn, GA

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Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4326 of 5002

Please do something about these robocalls. They are such a NUISANCE!

I am tired of jumping up to answer them!

Please allow them to be blocked.

Thank you,



Dade City, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4327 of 5002

Please give us the power and tools to block unwanted calls. Providers should be required to provide its customers this ability, in simple and effective ways.

Columbia, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4328 of 5002

Robobcalls are frustrating and invasive. Please allow us our freedom to disallow such calls in our home.

Marie Pando Ventura, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4329 of 5002

Please stop these robocalls. They are annoying and irritating and happen at inconvenient times. They take up space on my answering machine and wake me out of a sound sleep if I finally get the time for a nap in the afternoon. Please at least give me the option to block them.

Peggy Whalen Dry Ridge, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4330 of 5002

The Do Not Call list is no longer effective in blocking marketing and robotic phone calls. You need to support any tools or products that are available to eradicate this phone spam.

Ken Dowell Montclair NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4331 of 5002

I demand to have the ability to block robocalls. I thought it was illegal, already. How about blocking any and all soliciting calls, including political and charity calls? They are a complete waste of time. I do not give to ANYONE who calls me. I actually donate a lot to charities, but not to ones that call me.

Dennis Timm North Bend, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4332 of 5002

I should be able to block any calls I do NOT want!!!! This is not your decision, I pay you for the use of my phone.

Kingwood, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4333 of 5002

I want the right to keep them off of my phone.

Charles Flynn Canoga Park, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4334 of 5002

I hate getting robo calls . It should be my option to allow or block any or all calls I choose. Think of the people's rights when considering any legislation. Thank You.

Phillip Perlstein Summerfield, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4335 of 5002

Let us block the calls we want to esp. Robo calls!

Todd lucas Rocky Hill, Ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4336 of 5002

I want legislation blocking all robocalls with no exceptions for political or non-profit related calls. I am sick and tired of getting calls at all hours of the day for stuff I have absolutely no interest in from robocalls. Please create legislation that prohibits all types of robocalls or allowing us citizens to have equipment to block robocalls.

Thank You.

Tim Hay Salem, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4337 of 5002

Robo call are an invasion of my privacy. And it wastes my time which I spend to see who is calling. I am asking you to stop this invasion.

Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4338 of 5002

I'm so sick of getting 8-10 robocalls every day. The "Do Not Call List" passed by Congress some years ago is a total farce. There's no enforcement whatsoever. Where is the Consumer Protection so-called enforcement by the FCC. All you do is cow tow to the communications industry!!!!!

Roger Hart Potsdam, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4339 of 5002

I should have the right to control who can call me.

W Miller Silver City, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4340 of 5002

Please do something to stop these Robocalls. I receive 3 or 4 everyday at all hours and 90% of the time there is no one on the line. If you call the number back you get a recording that the number is not in service.

George Werner North Salem, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4341 of 5002

I'm a very busy individual, like most people and HATE having to run for my phone many, many times a day only to find that the caller is a robo call from some company I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST in dealing with. Many of these calls are also scams trying to get your information.

These calls occur at various times during my day and sometimes several times a day from THE SAME COMPANY. Also, some of them will call day after day for a week or more.

Consumers should not have to put with this. I consider this a former of HARASSMENT, and just because I own a phone doesn't mean I should have to put with this!!!!!!! Nomorobo and services like it have been a godsend. I think ALL robo calls should be banned and made ILLEGAL!

Carolyn J. Eiche Glendale, Queens County, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4342 of 5002

I want to be able to block calls.

Alan Newman Wantagh, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4343 of 5002

The number of robocall we receive is exceedingly high. My cable company allows 36 numbers to be blocked and yet I continue to recive calls mornings which awaken us, afternoons, evenings and weekends.

The do not call list is ignored or calls originate overseas. They come in as UNAVAILABLE without accompanying telephone numbers and fictitious numbers that are not in service to name just a few ruses that are used. They even highjack legitimate numbers.

These call cause us intense aggrivation. PLEASE HELP!

East Northport, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4344 of 5002

We do not want unsolicited calls on our home phones or our cell phones.

Max and Jane McGill Mobile, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4345 of 5002

Please, please, please give us the means to stop the unnecessary phone calls. I'm answering my phone 5-6 times a day that are either robocalls or hangups. It is so disruptive and inconvenient. I thought the do not call system would work much better than it does.

This is a common complaint anytime the subject comes up in conversation. Please restore our freedom from unwanted phone calls.

Carol Ohly Hacienda Hts, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4346 of 5002

NO ROBO CALLS!! we want to be able to block them or have them blocked!!

Dana S Luce Rohnert Park CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4347 of 5002 robocalls are an invasion of my privacy, nomorobo is a godsend to stop them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4348 of 5002

I want to be able to stop robocalls because they are an infringement on my privacy. They also present an unsafe situation sometimes when I run across the house to find a phone, see the caller ID (sometimes) and don't answer. I've risked my safety more than once for one of these MANY robocalls.

Menifee, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4349 of 5002

The blocking of ROBO Calls is the best thing that ever happened to the phone. No more being disturbed by junk call and people trying to sell you stuff that you don't need or want. Please don't let the phone companies control our phones and lives. Thanks for listening

Gary Kahn Dix Hills, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4350 of 5002

Junk callers, or spam callers; called robo-callers here, in effect steal from me. I pay for my personal telecommunications facilities, and these robo-callers feel entitled to use the resource I'm paying for for their own use. Almost always, there is no consultation with federally mandated do-not-call lists.

Perhaps an arrangement should be made to collect a per-call fee from robo-callers who use facilities they are not entitled to use. The carrier could easily compare outbound calls to the do-not-call list and assess a fee/tax for inappropriate calls. Since it does not appear that there are any consequences or enforcement for law-breakers today, this idea would create an additional revenue stream for the regulatory agency while creating at least some consequence for the decision to break the law.

On a similar topic, why do current regulations exempt "charities" and "political" calls. Why are these callers able to skirt the law - what social good is served by allowing these callers to operate in an unrestricted manner.

When the do-not-call rules were first introduced, the number of instances of illegal calls dropped for several months, until the spammers realized that thee is no enforcement action being taken to make the plan work.

I use the Nomorobo product as a tool to cut down om spam calls. I can understand why the bad guys want to stop such services from running. Nomorobo is the only tool I have to protect myself against spam dialers.

David King Columbus, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4351 of 5002

No more Robo call plan detects a known robotic number and stops the call after one ring by answering the phone at a secondary number. I think you should require phone companies to dis-allow caller ID spooking so that the NoMoRoBo style blocking will work every time.

Henry Clark Richardson, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4352 of 5002

I had to switch my type of landline to "Voice over IP" to get NOMOROBO since my phone company doesn't offer that capability any other way. But I was willing to do it because robotic calls are a terrific nuisance! Blocking Robo calls is a MAJOR concern and should be available on all types of phone service including cell.

C.S. Hughes Hoover, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4353 of 5002

I am sick of the hundreds of phone calls I get every month from uninvited solicitors (robocalls). I have received calls every half hour, in one day, during a period of 5 hours from the same phone number. I receive calls from Private Name, Private Number; Unknown Name, Unknown Number; Unknown Name/000-000-0000; and the list goes on. I get at least 10 calls per day from these obnoxious people and when I answer and ask them to put me on the "Do Not Call List" they simply hang up on me and continue to call back. I have put my phone number on website three times since it began but the calls never seem to stop and now they are even doing it by fax. We citizens have a right to privacy in all areas of our life and these intruders are not welcomed in any home or business that I know of. The phone companies need to do something to stop these intruders. I tried to get something done by Verizon but they did not offer any assistance. How greedy can they be for the almighty dollar? Please pass legislation that will stop these people from calling day and night, sometimes at 6:00 am.. I am forced to take my phone off the hook every night before bed so they can't wake us up before the alarm; but we cannot be reached by family or law enforcement, in the night, if there is an emergency.

Thousand Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4354 of 5002

The FCC he's become to friendly with the industry that they were created to oversee. They do this at the expense of their employer the taxpayer. For once could a government agency consider the privacy of the individual an eliminate these intrusive robocalls? I know that you have the power to do this.

Jerry Oliver Mountain View Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4355 of 5002

I'm getting sick and tired of calls from people and companies that I do not know calling me almost every day. I would like the opportunity to be able to block these unwanted calls when I receive them.

Bryan Reding

Bryan Reding Reisterstown, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4356 of 5002

I get 3 - 10 garbage robocalls per day! WE NEED OPTIONS. Stop the SCUMBAGS! Stop working against the people you should helping!

Jason C MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4357 of 5002

The number of disruptive robocalls to both my home and home-based business numbers have dropped dramatically since I signed up with

Please continue to allow this service.

Michael S. Chester Framingham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4358 of 5002

Robo call blocking has changed my home phone from an annoying nuisance, back to a useful communication tool. After using nomorobo call blocking for over a year, l now recommend it toall my friends and acquaintances. Please do not change the laws allowing its use.

John W. Spaeth Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4359 of 5002

Robocalls are an intrusion and a become very annoying. The do not call list is only a partial answer to solving the problem of unwanted and unsolicited phone calls and is it is getting worse each day. It has to be stopped and we need your help.

David and Karen Todd Wall Township, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4360 of 5002

Robo call is a nuisance and a insult to me if I need a service or a product I

Will do my own research these calls are a waste of my time and energy it

Should be illegal for this to happen to consumers

Oxnard CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4361 of 5002

We don't want robo calls any more. They are agrivating to have them call you every day of the week.

Give us the right to block all robo calls

Larry frye Clarksburg md

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4362 of 5002

I think you should make it illegal for anyone to call soliciting business unless one has request information from their organization....including charitable groups.

John Baumgartner Birmingham, Alabama

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4363 of 5002

I would sincerely appreciated it if you could reduce/stop the users of robocalls causing the annoying and unwanted invasion of my private time and space.

Richard Baer Bowie, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4364 of 5002

Robo calls and all solicitation calls are an invasion of privacy and should be barred by the FCC.solicitations should be directed by mail.they intrude on our time and use something that we pay for to be used as we see fit and shouldn't be used for invading our privacy by someone we have no interest in knowing.

BobConroy Palos Heights,il

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4365 of 5002

Ro-bo calls are for the birds

Cut them out as you would some turds

If they continue I'll be pissed

A nuisance never missed. frank sacco soputhington CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4366 of 5002

I have been annoyed by illegal robocalls for years. It's amazing to me that the FCC bothered to write a regulation they had no intention of enforcing. I hate these uninvited interruptions and i am shocked that services like NOMOROBO might be taken down. thomas j mitchell sterling heights mi

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4367 of 5002

I want BETTER robocall blocking products.

FCC needs to understand it isn't 1 or 2 calls per day. I've had as many as 12 calls per day.

Better robocall blocking is needed until there is a way to trace every robocall and have the law handle them.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4368 of 5002

I definitely want the ability to block "ROBOCALLS" both on my landline and my cell phone.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4369 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying! I resent having these calls arrive in my home on an all too regular basis. There is no option to control them other than Nomorobo. My home is my haven. As a senior citizen, I don't wish to be bothered. Thank you.

Sharon Sylvester West Chester, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4370 of 5002

As a person who has trouble getting to the phone I am not pleased when it is a robo call. I have not solicited these calls and want these calls to be stopped. They interfere with my privacy rights. I pay for my phone to communicate with friends and family, not with advertisers and donation and survey people and businesses. When they start paying for my phone bill they can call me, and only then.

CathyDunigan Allentown NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4371 of 5002

I am growing increasingly more angry with robocalls waking me in the morning and interrupting my day with pitches I am not the slightest bit curious about.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4372 of 5002

Do you get hundreds of calls wanting money just because you donated a few times? Are you interrupted at dinner, on weekends when you want to sleep in? Once organizations have your number, you become fair game to call morning, noon and night week in and week out. They are phone stalkers! These calls honestly have a negative effect on my well-being!

So please please please let us all continue to have these nuisance calls blocked.

Robin Kautz Silver Spring, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4373 of 5002

Robocall blocking is my right! Just as I don't have to listen to a radio and I don't have to answer my door I should not be subject to unwanted noise in my house from unwanted phone calls.

Shame on you for even considering limits to robocalls.

Robot all equipment should be outlawed except for emergency notification.

I will also inform my congressional representatives that the FCC must be prohibited from limiting my right to have a quiet home and that FCCis not doing enough to protect me from garbage phone calls

Greg C Westfield NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4374 of 5002

I need robocallst to block calls from calling so early in the morninig ,i am a sick person on disability and need my rest. they call all day ,people and companys i never hear robocalls has help me a lot by stopping call not for me.

Hyattsville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4375 of 5002

Why do i have to answer my phone at all timed during the day. It interferes with my family time. Please allow blocking of allow us to block people then why can't we block computers. florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4376 of 5002

I want to utilize a service that blocks annoying robo calls. It's my phone. I should be able to choose who I talk to.

Please ensure that I continue to enjoy that capability.

Ervin O. Keeter Holland, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4377 of 5002

Robo calls are an intrusion into my peace of mind and the privacy and sanctity of my own home. The idea that robocall blocking products appear to be against the law is preposterous.

Ian Polster Springfield, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4378 of 5002

I really hate robocalls and think they should be against the law. But at least the FCC should make it easy for citizens like me to block such calls from disrupting my home life.

Donna M Schmitt Birmingham MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4379 of 5002

It should be entirely up to me to accept only the calls that I wish to accept. I should be able to block any calls that I wish.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4380 of 5002

As a small business owner I waste time answering spam phone calls. Whenever the phone rings I have to drop what I'm doing and answer the phone because I do'nt want to miss a customer. The number of spam calls have been increasing and at least programs like NOMOROBO block some of them. I personally would like to block all of them>

Tim Velde granite falls, minnesota

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4381 of 5002

Robocall blocking products should be made available to us by our phone companies. The phones are ours and you work for us. More robocall devices!!!!

Rod McKenzie Altadena, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4382 of 5002

I want the freedom to block robocalls

Stew Calkins Oceanside, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4383 of 5002

Robo calls must be blocked! df clark

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4384 of 5002

I love the concept and the service of NoMoRobo and companies like this. I think it is our right to be able to employ such services. I am not interested in listening to unwanted robo calls and detest their invasion of my privacy.

David and Lucy Levy St. Louis, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4385 of 5002

Robocalls must be able to be blocked. If one wants to block these calls they are not going to buy anyway so this does not impede commerce. We should be able to control our own phone. I will cut the cord if I can not control people from calling my home phone

Scott Sweeden Marietta, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4386 of 5002

The robocalls waste my time and money. Allow me to block them.

Cliff Lewisohn Roslyn, ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4387 of 5002

I urge you to stop robo calls from firms that interrupt our family.

Here's a sample of the irritating calls we receive:

FBI is concerned about your home's safety; buy our security system.

Your credit card is at risk; buy our security system.

Seniors, your health is at risk. Listen to our message.

Despite their saying it is the last call; we get the calls over and over again.

Louisville, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4388 of 5002

I get multiple spam calls everyday from fake numbers. Always the same person, the location always changes. The numbers are never real. Because of that, and because sometimes they are outside of the country, I can't use my call block feature. I work nights and get woken up everyday for fake calls. This needs to stop and something needs to be done about it. I want to use Nomorobo, but I can't because I do not have a smart phone and my phone company won't let me start it without that.

This needs to stop, now!

Chuck Michael Shaler, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4389 of 5002

I implore you, as a simple citizen to do the right thing and ensure we customers have numerous and easy abilities to use tools on our phone accounts to forcefully and proactivelyblock robo calls. Tools like Nomo robo need to be MORE AVAILABLE, not less. This is the only effective device i have seen so far to protect us from relentless marketeers. Listing on the many governrment "do not call lists" is a complete and utter failure as far as i can see, except to provide those numbers to proactively BLOCK calls. Thank you for the opportunity to share my view on this important matter.

Ed Condoleo Norwood, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4390 of 5002

My home life is constantly invaded with robo calls! I would imagine yours is too. Please use your power to change this despicable situation. We would like some peace in our own home!

Thank you.

Alan Otto Kansas City, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4391 of 5002

I receive about 8-10 robo calls per day. I've tried to stop them through my service provider (AT&T) and by trying to communicate with the companies who are calling. I have been on the "no call list' since it was 1st available, yet nothing works to stop these people. I finally found NOMOROBO who won the contest that you created to try & reduce the robo calls. This program has been a godsend by catching almost every robocall. The one it doesn't catch can be added to their list very easily by going online & entering the number. The best thing is that not one of my personal calls have been stopped including my reminders from the pharmacy which are automated calls. This program is GREAT!

Jim Carter Smyrna, Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4392 of 5002

Nomorobo has been more than a convenience to me. I have a sleep disorder, and this system has helped me block incoming calls while I am trying to sleep. Also, with severe arthritis it is frustrating to get up to answer call being generated by a computer. I have the cooperation of my doctors, pharmacies, etc., in not generating reminder calls, I don't use my phone system very much, but I am willing to pay for it to have it for emergencies. The phone is for MY use, and I should be able to dictate how it can be used.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4393 of 5002

We need to be able to Block unwanted unsolicited sales calls. They are an intrusion. They start calling from 4 AM thought the day until 11 PM. We received approximately 6 calls every day until I learned about nomorobo calls. They are a God send. It has stopped the nightmare of constant daily computer generated phone calls. It is my phone I should be allowed to stop this intrusion. You should Help Us !


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4394 of 5002 robocalls are outrageous and a waste of everyones' time - let us block them and allow phone companies to distribute the methods. r c mckenzie Altadena, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4395 of 5002

Ref: Robo calling:

The consumer must be allowed to block the hideous calls .... clark

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4396 of 5002

Please take whatever steps are necessary to allow me to block robocalls.

Thank you

Herbert Stern New City, NY 10956

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4397 of 5002

Being able to block Robo calls is the best thing since sliced bread! Since I signed up for no Momorobo it has been a blessing! The phone still rings but only once.

Thomas W. Beavers Douglasville, Georgia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4398 of 5002

Robocalls are highly annoying and I do not want to receive them. I am strongly in favor of having products available that will block robocalls.

It's my phone. I want the ability to control what calls I want to receive - and robocalls are *not* on my list!

How is this even a question? Seriously.

Deby & CB Jolley Memphis, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4399 of 5002

I am receiving approximately 8 robo calls each day. It does no good to ask them to remove your number. They just keep calling all hours of the day & night. They know the FCC is on there side. I have been threatened and cussed at. All total I am receiving calls from about 40 different callers. The FCC needs to allow the owners of the called numbers to block them. I have many friends who have canceled there land line because of all the robo calls. It is an option I am also thinking about. HELP!!

Kenneth Ball Garland, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4400 of 5002

You MUST allow Robocalls to be block. We receive appx 5 - 10 calls calls every evening. Starting appx 5pm its nonstop. Those who thought I was exaggerating, I had them come over and listen to the phone ring. Finally, with the help of Nomerobo at least the phone only rings once for all of these calls. We have made the decision to cancel our home line if we are unable to block them.

Jana Weaver Upland, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4401 of 5002

Seriously, I work for someone who uses this system and deal with angry people daily. Some get 30 or more calls a day. Some are called in the wee hours of the morning, primarily those who have moved or are traveling.

Many numbers are associated with family members and they will get called too. Parents call beyond angry as they protect their families.

I HATE having to calm them down.

I HATE getting these calls...both cell phone and landline. They are relentless.

They skirt the do not call law.

I am on the list and so are many that I speak with.

Stop this. Don't you hate all of the above too?

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4402 of 5002

We love Nomorobo; it is saving our sanity. So many, many times every day the phone rings - and then it stops after one ring, because it was a robo call and Nomorobo has identified it for us. Instead of rushing to the phone (and I have arthritis so that in itself is a challenge) only to realize that it is an annoyance call, we just pause to see if it stops after the first ring and then we smile and thank Nomorobo!! PLEASE don't take it away!!!

Barbara Shaw Boxford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4403 of 5002 force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

William Backes Ocala FL 34473

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4404 of 5002

The availability to me of blocking robocalls is necessary! I am an older adult and I am bothered at least 4-5 times a day with these annoying calls. I have been bothered when sleeping, sick, and after the loss of a dear friend. First, I don't want credit cards, I have enough. Next, these calls...most of the time there would be no one at the other end. They're too busy robocalling that they don't complete the call. This is very invasive of my privacy. The first time I heard of NOMOROBO and that it was free I was ecstatic. Finally an end to these aggravating calls. The FCC and all the phone carriers should hire the NOMOROBO company to block everyone's phones! Hopefully, the Government/FCC will listen to me/us, the taxpayers and support this. Thank you.

Geraldine Smith Medford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4405 of 5002

Unsolicited phone calls, solicitation calls, and auto calls make my phone unavailable for use to take care of my developmentally disabled brother.

I can't get the callers to stop. This puts my brother at risk which he can't afford.

Please assure that robocall blocking is available to all phone users.

Joan Bateman joan bateman seattle, wa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4406 of 5002

Please, please assist us by ensuring we have more abilities to use phone company tools to Block RoboCalls!

Thank you

Teresa Santuci Norwood, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4407 of 5002

Please, we need to block robo calls. I get 5 or 6 per day. They intrude on my privacy and will force me to drop my land line, it is just not worth this invasion of privacy. The phone companies should be ashamed.

Jon Right Malibu, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4408 of 5002

As someone who used to receive 5-10 robocalls a day, I think the ability to block such calls is essential to my quality of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

Judith Reynolds Torrance, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4409 of 5002

I dislike robocalls since they do nothing but waste my time. Blocking robocalls should definitely be allowed.

Lloyd Fullerton, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4410 of 5002

You must keep the ban on rob ovals.

Patrick O'Sullivan Tampa FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4411 of 5002

I receive robocalls daily. The same people and companies sometimes make the robocalls twice a day. I regard these robocalls not only as a nuisance but also as an invasion of my home and privacy.

My telephone number is non-published so these robocalls are especially frustrating and galling.

Please put a stop to them.

Thank you.

Hewlett, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4412 of 5002

I would like to see all robocalls stopped including the political campaign calls. The calls are inconvenient and a nuisance.

Tim DeRosa Woburn, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4413 of 5002

It needs to stop! It should be illegal! I feel like it's elder abuse & it's on my fathers (who is 72) phone.... Completely unacceptable!!

Jill Culver

Jill Culver Calzada Torrance Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4414 of 5002

We need any help we can get to block unwanted calls. The "no call list" has not been especially effective due to lack of enforcement. We want methods like robocall blocking allowed by all phone companies.

Kirk Crawford Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4415 of 5002

I'm 75 years old.

Robocalls get me out of bed, get me out of the bathroom, interrupt all kinds of activities.

They're worse than any other advertising in my life, by far.

If they can't be stopped, at least help with some defense.


Dean Chambers

Dean Chambers NY, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4416 of 5002

I think that robocall blocking products are great. Companies are completely ignoring the "do not call" lists and we need some way to stop these annoying calls. david vitale allegany, ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4417 of 5002

I do not want to receive any more phone calls soliciting me for anything! Robotic calls are infringing on my right to privacy on my home and cell phone. I think robocall blocking products should continue.

Susan Hohs Northfield Center, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4418 of 5002

I get 6-7 extremely annoying calls daily from telemarketers and other sources despite being registered on the federal do not call list.

I use nomorobo to block the majority of these calls limiting them to one ring.

I demand that this service continue to be made available contrary to the wishes of phone companies. I pay for a phone to communicate not to expose myself to unwanted sales solicitations and requests for money.

Jeffrey Adam Arlington Heights, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4419 of 5002

Please allow me to elect whether or not I want to permit robocalls to my cellphone.

Silas Howland Tuckahoe, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4420 of 5002

The absolute worst offenders of robo calling are politicians and charities. During campaign season and December I cannot answer my phone and have to let every call go to voice mail. Make these people stop!

Also the federal and state Do Not Call lists are useless?

John & Janet Nelson Englewood, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4421 of 5002

I am a retired teacher, and I detest having my day shattered by illegal robocalls. Nomorobo is a great product which not only blocks illegal robocalls, but has the ability to turn over records to responsible government agencies. The public deserves to be protected from illegal robocalls.

William Edgar Union, MS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4422 of 5002

Please allow me to choose to block robo calls to my phone.

Gary Whiteside Travelers Rest SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4423 of 5002

Robocallers are some of the most annoying disturbances in modern society. What right do "in your face", marketers have to disturb any American during the course of their day. Regardless if Robocalls occur on a land-line or cel-phone, Robocalls are a constant disruption to the recipients productivity and are very aggravatting. How many times have we all been disturbed by Robocallers right after sitting down with our family for dinner?

I signed up on the Federal "Do Not Call List" when it was first created. The "Do Not Call List" was a step in the right direction. It did reduce the amount of Robocalls that I receive, however these annoying calls still continue. I have reported several violators to the FCC, however these annoying Robocalls continue. This is why I now use a Robocall Blocking Service.

Robocalls Blocking Services provide Americans with a tool to fight back against these aggressive marketers that only are concerned with their pursuit of profits at all costs. It is nothing more than a numbers game to the aggressive marketers. They have no concern about the pest to society that they have become.

Bottom Line....Robocalls interfere with nearly all Americans fundamental constitutional right, The Constitutional Right to Pursue Happiness", and to live in peace, without harassment. Any regulation that the FCC can adopt, or tool that can be made available, to stop Robocallers should be embraced and encouraged by the FCC.

Everyday citizens are watching FCC decisions. We will weigh-in, in force, when the FCC renders its decision on Robocall Blocking Services. Please make the right decision to protect American citizens, and help make the United States society a better place for us all.

Brian Benschneider Henderson, NV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4424 of 5002

When my phone rings it is an intrusion into my personal life. No one has the right to do that unless I have invited them to do so. I am a voter. Listen to me rather than a big lobby

Robert and Jeri Cohn Ridgewood NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4425 of 5002

I don't answer the phone unless I know who is calling. I use Nomorobo because I do not want to be disturbed by phone calls that I will not answer anyway. Why should I have to be interrupted by this invasive marketing technique which lets telemarketers into my home with impunity?

Do YOU like getting these calls? I didn't think so. Please rule in favor of consumers so that only people who want these calls will get them.

Thank you.

Suzanne Shaps Hopkinton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4426 of 5002

I receive at least 20 calls a month from numbers I do not recognize.Although I do not answer these calls, they are very annoying and I would like them, STOPPED.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4427 of 5002

I am sick and tired of answering robo-calls. They are for all things that are of no interest to me. I am considering dropping my land line because of these calls.

Ron Kooken Quincy IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4428 of 5002

My husband and I are in our 60s. We subscribe to nomorobo. Without this service, we would be bothered by unwanted and often criminal robocalls several times a day. I mentioned our ages because after turning 60 we became "easy targets" for supposedly the worst of these robocallers. "We need to fix your computer, we need to verify your social security numbers,verify your credit card number, etc. "We are not yet the easy prey they are hoping for, but our lives are much better by not having our time wasted, our lives disrupted or having to be on constant alert to not having our financial info stolen by a phone call. It's an unwanted intrusion into our home and we and anyone else who does not want such intrusions should have easy access to having it stopped.

Patricia Kaczmarek Riverhead, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4429 of 5002

I think robocalls suck and I want to continue to use robocall blocking products!


Franklin, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4430 of 5002

We deserve the right to block robo calls or any unattended calls, for that matter any call we don't want !!

Oceanport, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4431 of 5002

I'm tired of robocalls. They call all day long, day after day, and you do nothing about it. As an example, "Novatel" (414-877-5571) has called me constantly -- December 30th (11:21 a.m.), January 2nd (11:12 a.m.), January 5th (10:44 a.m.), January 6th (10:59 a.m.), January 7th (3:06 p.m.), January 8th (11:49 a.m.). And that's just one company. Thank God for Nomorobo. They blocked each and every one of these, but many other calls go through.

Janet Susskind Bartlett, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4432 of 5002

Robocalls and many other nuisance calls are not welcome in my house. The do-not-call list is apparently useless and no calling service even looks at it. We get as many as 5 nuisance calls a day and at least 2 of them are robocalls. Please allow us the freedom to block ALL nuisance calls, including and most importantly, robocalls. gray sullivan knoxville, tn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4433 of 5002

I want to be able to block phone calls from unwanted solicitations. I am able to do so now and I do not want that ability taken away.

David Hyland Oneonta, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4434 of 5002

We are constantly getting robocalls to the point that we have to screen 100% of the calls whose number we don't know. Please allow robocalls to be blocked so we can have our phone back again.

Douglaston, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4435 of 5002

I hate the constant interruptions from robocalls. I particularly hate it because I am on the national do not call list and that seems to mean nothing to any of them. I also get a lot of calls with fraudulent purposes and that also is hard to get rid of. I therefore demand that call blocking services need to be allowed. If the phone companies are not going to provide this service for free or as a part of the monthly fees, then a service like Nomorobo is essential.

I feel that phone companies should be able to block these for free and should provide call tracing as well for free for these kinds of calls, but they do not want to because it would eat into their income as callers would just not do it if their calls are going to be blocked.

Kenneth Hand Plainfield, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4436 of 5002

Nomorobo saves me from having migraine headaches from constantly ringing from robocall. austin, tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4437 of 5002

NO MORE ROBOCALLS! Allow robocall blocking products to continue and expand.

Kurt T Manhattan Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4438 of 5002

I hate robocalls. They are an insult to my intelligence. Furthermore, I would not buy anything they are selling, even if I did answer them. Thank God for caller ID! The worst thing about them is that if you are gullible enough to answer one, usually there is no one on the other end when you first say "Hello". If you're still on the line 15-30 seconds later when someone at the other end finally realizes that you have picked up the call, you are subjected to a barrage of sales pitches, non-stop. I have a quick answer for these people-just say you're not interested and hang up. Pity the poor individual that does not know how to do this, or is just too polite. I'm sure there are plenty. Thank you for your time.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4439 of 5002

It is a bothersome when I get a call like this. I have a hard time getting to the pone beause of my health. I don't need or want calls like this.

Ms. K. Lee Price Albuquerque, NM

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4440 of 5002

Force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4441 of 5002

It is an invasion of privacy to require someone to answer a phone call from an unwanted caller.

Southold NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4442 of 5002

I don't need or want timeshares, insurance, "lower interest rate" credit cards, or any of the other myriad of solicitations being offered over my PRIVATE phone. These calls are obtrusive, and are a blatant interruption of my privacy. They call at all hours, including Sunday morning. They totally disrespect and ignore my numbers on the do-not-call list and their latest ploy has been to use a local area code to fool homeowners into answering their unsolicited calls. Surely something can be done to stop such practices.

Graham Canton, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4443 of 5002

They invade the privacy of my home and waste my time, usually at the most inconvenient moment. They even make themselves sound like they are a "real" human being. I have had enough! I should have the right to block these calls if I want and I definitely do want them to STOP.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4444 of 5002

I'm sure there's a reason you are blocking my phone from rejecting robo calls, and I would guess it has something to do with $, but the number of robocalls that infringe on my privacy daily is unacceptable, absurd, and increasing!

Why is it that I have no say in stopping these intruders… stopping them from disrupting my day, infringing upon my personal time…on my life, not to mention the calls that come when someone in my family is sleeping or ill. How absurd to deny me the right to control this issue.

Do you even know what’s happening? One of these jerks called me daily except for weekends for a total of 147 times! (I have the phone log to prove it.) And the FCC is telling me, "too bad?" Deal with it?

How dare you prevent me from my right to protect my family from ALL forms harassment. The freedom of these robo-callers, these unwanted intruders, should end where mine begins.

Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4445 of 5002

Please continue to allow us to block annoying robocalls.

Michael Ball, Elizabeth Peterson Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4446 of 5002

We had been inundated with so many robocalls I considered getting rid of our house phone. Luckily, we found this company blocking robocalls. It works great. We still get some calls, nbut the number is greatly reduced.

Memphis, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4447 of 5002

I hate receiving these calls and would like to be able to block them. Carolyn dillard

Carolyn Dillard Vacaville, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4448 of 5002

Please let us block robocalls. just visualize:

We are at home just sitting down to dinner.the phone rings,and when i answer, what do i hear? "you have just won------! It is very frustrating to be interrupted just when i try to relax after a hard day. Please let us block calls if we want.

Thank You, Don Johnson


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4449 of 5002

Robocall blocking is a god send. I get an average of 15-20 calls a day. Most start like we are old friends. but end up as a scam or high pressure sales call. Dinner time and bed time is their favorite time to call. I never buy or donate anything on the phone. They just waste my time and treirs.

Jim DeSantis Huntington Beach, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4450 of 5002

I don't want to be bothered!

Arthur Perry Manchester,NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4451 of 5002

Allow robot blocking. I am receiving at least 5 to 10 calls, daily. marcellus, ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4452 of 5002

Nomorobo is one the best things I've found to allow me to keep my privacy. When I lived in NC, all those annoying unrequested calls were blocked within a month after I signed up. Here in CA, only certain companies allow blocking of unwanted calls. It's totally ridiculous! Robocalls should be outlawed; it isn't fair that strangers are calling me at home bothering me! If the gov't can't make this illegal, then all robocall blocking products and companies should be allowed to help those of us who do not want those calls that invade our privacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beth Dugan San Clemente, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4453 of 5002

I do not want to be bothered by robocalls. Please allow robocall blocking products to continue to be available to consumers. We should be able to determine who gets to call us and who doesn't. No one likes being harassed in their own home.

P. Family Temecula, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4454 of 5002

I pay fees & should be able to control incoming calls. At least I should be able to charge unwanted calls fees for inconvenience & my wasted time. The phone company is a profiting participant in the unwanted calls. They should be fined along with the callers.

William fuchs Short hills nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4455 of 5002

I am sick and tired of ALL the telemarkerts calls but if the robot calls can be stopped --STOP THEM. I have turned in numbers to the GOV. Do not call list and have put numbers on my Internet carriers list to block calls but we still get them all the time. You can hang up on them and they call right back, we've really had enough !!

Patsy Hollie Memphis, Tennessee

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4456 of 5002

Prior to using a robocall blocking product, I was unable to enjoy peace and quiet in my home due to unwanted autodialed calls. Today, while I still receive some nuisance calls, the number has drastically been reduced. If the FCC can't step up and eliminate these calls, let the market. Robocalls are a public nuisance that need a real solution from the FCC. In the interim, robocall blocking products are a necessity for consumers.

John Katzianer Ridgewood, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4457 of 5002

You allowed 'DO NOT CALL' legislation to go through. ROBOCALL is merely a way to circumvent that law. STOP least give us an option.

Medfield, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4458 of 5002

I am an avid proponent of robocall blocking products. Just as with the e-mail spam, telemarketing and junk mail before it, we consumers need a means to ensure our privacy and provide us with effective means to combat the growing sophistication used by telemarketers and other more nefarious people seeking to get personally identifiable information by posing as a bank representative or support person. Please support our right to peacefully protect ourselves.

Robert Kayman Mountain View, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4459 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuissance, a disturbance of the peace. One should have the option of blocking all of them.

Michael Kondritz. Mahwah, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4460 of 5002

I'm shocked and surprised that even though all my phone numbers--landline and cell--are on the Federal "Do Not Call" list I still receivel robocalls and other unwanted calls from soliticitors on a daily basis. Please stop this madness by blocking robocalls and increasing penalties for any entity or person in violation of the "Do Not Call" list protections.

Ann Sweeney Cambridge, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4461 of 5002

Please extend nomorobo to more phone companies. It's a great help!

Marlene Daum Naples, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4462 of 5002

If there is something that can be rid of that I'm sick and tired of, it's definitely robocalls. Please allow cellphones to block them. valencia, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4463 of 5002

I appreciate the work NOMOROBO does on my landline. I would like to have the same feature on my cellphone. About 50% of calls on my cellphone are from some kind of solicitations, people I do not know or never contacted.

I keep my cellphone number very private and would like to continue to use as I am pleased, not to give someone the right to call me at any time of the day or night.

Unhappy G Miami Beach, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4464 of 5002

I have fallen more than once on the way to answer an unwanted call!!

Orange, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4465 of 5002

I do not want anyone who I don't know to be able to call me on the phone. It is an invasion of my privacy and I totally support Nomorobo in their efforts to block these annoying, unwanted phone calls!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4466 of 5002 its my phone and I should be able to block Robo calls

Diamond bar California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4467 of 5002

I am constantly plagued by robocalls with 4-5 per hour from the same phone number. If I do answer it, there is no one on the line to ask to be removed from their call list. I call the number back to find it is disconnected. I want the FCC to take all measures possible to insure that we can avail ourselves of robocall blocking products.

Scott & Pam Simos

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4468 of 5002

Allow me to block robocalls.

Oak Park, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4469 of 5002

I have had my home as well as cell# for several years now only to discover that these nuisance calls have just about quadrupled. That's how much good the FCC No Call Program has worked....IT DOESN'T....In the last 12 months, I have personally asked callers when I can get to a real person to take my name off his list, to no avail. I have even yelled profanitiy at them....nothing works, they just keep callin....

OUR phone companies should be required to technologically fix it so that I can BLOCK any call I want. This should be a req mt. for all phone cos.

This is REDICULOUS....


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4470 of 5002

Robocalls are annoying. We should be able to block unwanted calls at home and on our cell phones.

Santa Clarita, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4471 of 5002

There is nothing more annoying than being interruped in the middle of something to answer the phone only to find there is no one there for 2 minutes!!!!! I have asked to be put on DO NOT CALL LIST, and have asked them to remove me from their lists, but to no avail..... and if I just hang up on them....they have called back every 5 minutes with no one on the other end!!!!! I love having the nomorobo feature on my phone. It has stopped most of these annoying calls.

Linda Poulter College Point, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4472 of 5002

The landline phone has become a method of assault in our culture based on all the phone solicitors who call on a daily basis. Putting our name on the "do not call" list doesn't take care of the entire problem, and it is less effective all the time, even when we renew it. The phone solicitor assault is even more egregious when it is a robocall. And robocalls now come in at all times of day. The phone is for optional communication, and being called by a robot is not my choice, not my option.Please allow me to use this optional communication device the way I would like. I am the one paying for it.

Christina Engelbrecht Lafayette, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4473 of 5002

If a NEWT GINGRICH robocall wakes me out of my weekend slumber at 8am EVER AGAIN, I can not be held responsible for my actions.

Is this phone number and the $42 I spend each month to have the number as my personal home number worth nothing?

I would like my FRIENDS and FAMILY to have the opportunity to contact me in case of EMERGENCIES on a Saturday morning at 8am. NOT Newt and his political agenda.

You must allow us the opportunity to OPT OUT of such calls. They RUIN MY LIFE. They are in direct opposition to my pursuit of happiness.

SERIOUSLY! How is this even happening in 2015 America? Please get it together.

My name and address are yours to have. DO NOT SELL THEM TO ANYONE! I need NO MORE ROBOCALLS!

Kari Tholkes Minneapolis, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4474 of 5002

No more robo-calls!

Paul and Cara Lorenzoni Wilton, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4475 of 5002

I get at least 15 calls a day asking for money or trying to sell me a timeshare. This needs to stop

Falmouth, Maine

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4476 of 5002

Please stop or block robocalls ASAP.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4477 of 5002

I really hate getting telephone solicitation cold calls and I despise the automated "robo calls." Please do whatever it takes to make it easier to block these calls. I have registered on the government "Do Not Call" list and it has only resulted in MORE telephone spam.

Merrick Leler Lakeway, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4478 of 5002

I'm sick and tired of having my breakfast, lunch and dinner interrupted by Robo calls. Please do something about stopping these annoying calls. We've signed up for NOMOROBO, and yet, the calls continue. I can't take it anymore

John Leone Tustin, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4479 of 5002

I am sick of the robocalls that I get at home and on my cell phone and my wife cell phone. all times of day and night. No regard for those that sleep normal hours. 2-3- 4 AM nightly.

East Point GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4480 of 5002

Robocalls HOUNDED us mercilessly in the run-up to end-of-year charitable contributions. So I told one charity we'd supported that we were withdrawing our support because of the incessant calls pitching for our contribution.

Robocalls intrude at mealtimes and during my husband's nap. Robocalls alienate. Give us a way to Stop them for good!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4481 of 5002

Please do anything you can to block robocalls. has worked very well to block these calls. Do not let the phone companies prevent it from working.

Joseph Dumas San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4482 of 5002

Robo calls are extremely inconvenient because I am disabled. I am on the do-not-call lists but continue to receive unwanted telephone calls.

Donna DeCamara Citrus Heights, CA 95610

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4483 of 5002

I have my phones on the "Do not call list" for years. It is worthless. i get calls every day all day long and I am tired of it.

Walter James La Habra CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4484 of 5002

Before my ability to use Nomorobo, my household was plagued with telemarketing calls. I never do business over the phone, so this was not only a nuisance, but also a complete waste of time.

Nomorobo helped alleviate the annoyance. Please preserve my option not to be incessantly annoyed in my home for nothing.

Mark C. Hawthorne, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4485 of 5002

Phone solicitations have become ridiculous. They have now have Nomorobo to give me some quiet. It wastes my time to answer the phone and then hang up when I realize it's a robocalls. Now I wait for the second ring if Nomorobo allows it. It GREATLY reduces my wasted time. I would prefer if the FCC would enforce DoNotCall lists. Productivity is being lost here and only NoMoRoBo is doing something about.

Stephen Williams Redwood City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4486 of 5002

Please allow the use of nomorobo on my phone. It's heaven to not hear my phone ring on and on every evening!

Susan Spector San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4487 of 5002

The do not call list is not working. I get seven or more calls a day. When I get home after work I don't want to be harassed by my phone which I pay the bill and taxes. The phone is for my use not every company that wants to make a buck. NOMOREROBO catches about a third of the unwanted calls for which I'm thankful. Do you think you could do something for the American family and give us our peace and quiet back.

George Broadrick Virginia

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4488 of 5002

They are disruptive, irritating, intrusive and have

NO redeeming purpose whatsoever.

Elaine niemeier Irving, tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4489 of 5002

We should be allowed to block robocalls. They are unwanted, constant, and a continual aggravation.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4490 of 5002

I want to have control of what comes into my home, including phone calls. Let me make that choice by blocking the calls I want.

John Taormina Long Beach, Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4491 of 5002

Kill robocalls, including, and especially, political ads.

Dennis Pleasangton CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4492 of 5002

Please do not allow the phone companies continue to bother me with robo calls

Robert Wannagot CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4493 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls. Let me us robocall blocking products.

David Beitelspacher Allen, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4494 of 5002

My husband and I expect our home to be a place of peace and quiet, where we are free from unwanted intrusions - but unfortunately, we have been receiving so many automated calls that we feel like we are under assault in our own home!! It should be up to us to choose whether or not solicitors can disturb is in our own home.

Laurie Meyers Long Beach CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4495 of 5002

My family gets infuriated with telephone marketers. I pay my phone bill to facilitate communications of MY CHOICE at MY CONVENIENCE. We use our phone to call to obtain information, and to enjoy conversations with friends and family.

Sometimes when we are eating dinner, or reading, or involved in our daily activities the phone rings. The enjoyment of our life is interrupted. It is so annoying to have a marketer (usually of questionable intelligence) try to sell me something I have ZERO interest in purchasing. If I was interested - I would be calling them.

Nomorobo is rated highly in our household, right next to sliced bread!

*&^%$#@ Marketers!!!!! Those annoying BASTARDS!

Pamela S Chino, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4496 of 5002

Before I installed this service I was receiving telemarketer phone calls all day long. I still receive charity and political calls, which is ok and I can block them if I want to. This service has definitely cut back on the robocalls and I really appreciate it. The "do not call" list which I have been on for years does not work at all!! This service does work.Even when the phone answerer picks up the call it disconnects it immediately. Thank goodness for that.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4497 of 5002

Robocalls are a vicious invasion of privacy. Anyone should be able to block them by any means.

Alan Kauffman Broomall, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4498 of 5002

I believe that robocalling should not call cell because it uses up or mins. If the company doesn't have time to pay a person to callwhy sshould we pay to hear a robot on the other end los banos ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4499 of 5002

I hate them, it's my phone, and I should be able to choose whether or not to receive them.

Anita Summers Oro Valley, AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4500 of 5002

Please force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. One day I received 16 calls with in a 3 hour period. This is ridiculous.

Jo Vickers Indianapolis, Indiana

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4501 of 5002

Since we installed nomorobo on our landline we have had unexpected peace at home. Someone made a point that legitimate telemarketers honor the Do Not Call lists. Sources of robo calls aren't legitimate business people -- they run scammers. Why would the mobile phone companies support these scammers? We're sooooo tired of getting these calls multiple times a day and multiple days of the month. It's invasion of privacy and an insidious threat to the usual targets: seniors, poorly educated, and the low economic population.

Lyle & Susan Burstad Lacey, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4502 of 5002

I pay for my phone so I can call and be called by people I know. Other than that, I do not want to be called for any reason. These calls are a severe invasion of my privacy and they should be stopped.

Transfer, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4503 of 5002

Do not limit my ability to minimize receiving these calls.

Irving Ameti Long Beach , CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4504 of 5002

In spite of having signed up for the federal "Do Not Call" list, robocalls continue unabated. These calls violate the law and the callers do not check "do not call" lists. The FTC even awarded a cash prize for a mechanism to stop these calls. The FCC must order all telephone companies to do what they can to block these calls at the customer's request. Consumers should have the right to decide who can and can't call them. When robocalls use useless caller ID (ie: "800 service" or "New Jersey") they make it nearly impossible for consumers to screen these calls. When robocalls claim they're from "cardmember services" and it turns out to be a scam to get your social security number with a promise of lower interest rates on your credit cards they put people at risk for identity theft. The robocalls must be stopped and technology to block them must be both permitted and made available to all consumers.

Joshua Dubnick Hopatcong, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4505 of 5002

I pay for my telephone service. I should be able to block any unwanted calls I want, including robocalls. Please make telephone companies provide this service . Nomorobo has been a wonderful service. I am not bothered at home by unsolicited telephone calls asking for donations or trying to sell me something. There are many less intrusive methods for these companies to solicite my business or donations. I see them on facebook, emails and during Google searches. I do not need them ringing my personal telephone . Thank you

Leanne Diefenbach Hamilton New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4506 of 5002

The Do Not Call list is not 100% effective. Blocking calls through my phone company's website can only do so much. Nomorobo has effectively silenced my phone from all of those maddening calls. Predictive dialers are annoying to citizens as well as to the phone companies who service them. We need services such as Nomorobo for home phones as well as cell phones.

Nancy Goldstein Syosset, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4507 of 5002

Please make it possible to block robo calls southbend indiana

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4508 of 5002

The ability to block rob oxalis is my right. Do not take it away!

Liz Nacinovich Flushing, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4509 of 5002

Let Us Block RoboCalls!!

Pearland, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4510 of 5002

I am sick of Robo calls. I pay for my phone service. I should be able to set up my account to suit my needs. I hate Robo calls and I will never respond or buy anything from anyone who calls me in that manner. And I think it is especially offensive that politicians are excluded from any current "blocks". I have been on a "do not call" list for years and I still receive calls. I think they should be fined severely enough so that they do not keep calling and ignoring the complaints. They are irritating and probably not working that well for the companies doing them. I don't know anyone who answers their phone when they don't know the caller. It is invasion of privacy and we should not have to deal with it

Denver, Colorado

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4511 of 5002

How can anyone in their right mind not want to be able to stop these pesky ROBOCALLS? Coming at all hours of the day and evening. I don't want to be disturbed by these bothersome calls.

It makes one think that the phone companies are getting paid to allow these unwanted call bother us.

With caller ID, I monitor the calls. If I don't know the number calling, I don't answer. It's a shame. I shouldn't have to put up with this.

Lee Marsden Indianapolis, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4512 of 5002

Robocalls are intrusive and unwanted. The laws should allow an individual to reject and block robocalls and other unwanted intrusions via telephony of any kind.

Sheila Fields Hopewell, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4513 of 5002

Robocalls are a confounded nuisance, usually coming at dinner time, which is even more annoying. If businesses must be allowed to pursue legitimate business by making unsolicited calls, let them be required to have real people make those calls.

Carsten Gardan Pennsylvania

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4514 of 5002

Stop allowing robo calls. They are annoying, and an invasion of my privacy. Let it end!!!! No calls unless we ask for them!!!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4515 of 5002

I am really tired of all the unsolicited non human calls I get . I have registered my phone numbers with the do not call registry only to have the calls increase. I receive calls from 8:00 am to after 9:00 pm. why do I have a phone anymore the people who want to talk to me can't because I am afraid to even answer my phone. please give us relief from unsolicited calls. we public pay extra to have a private number why? give us our choice back. I am A registered voter and have only missed one primary in 40 plus years. linda S. van pelt ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4516 of 5002

I dont want robocalls. thry take up my time and my cell phone minutes. please make it possible to block robocalls!

-dave zornow

Dave Zornow Nyack, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4517 of 5002

The majority of calls that I receive are random and repeated robocalls from solicitors and scammers (often indistinguishable). Easy to use call blocking solutions are required to enable seniors to protect themselves from such calls and to prevent calls from invading the sanctity of homes at all hours of the day and night. The Do Not Call Lists are ineffective as are attempts to prosecute violators since they rapidly change locations, phone numbers, and identities. Services and minutes that consumers pay for should not be subject to such abuse.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4518 of 5002

It's ridiculous that the general population has to spend a fortune in time and money to block unsolicited spam calls, and be afraid to answer the phone in their own home. It's harassment and it needs to end.

Rich Hawkins Sterling, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4519 of 5002

It's terribly annoying to have robocalls coming all the time. Nomorobo helps some. FCC should do its part to make it illegal for uninvited computerized robocalls coming to my home. One should not make money at the expense of peace and quiet of any citizen's home.

Camarilo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4520 of 5002

I am sick and tired of the phone ringing everyday at certain times day I , day out from robo calls! I complained to comcast who said they provided the service to block it. On the surface, they promised to help, but the robo calls keep coming in! That's going to have to stop! Please help protect my right from this disgusting invasive practice.

Seattle, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4521 of 5002

Seriously are you people in Washington ALL out of your minds??!! Thank God this company created the nomorobo program to FINALLY STOP the NONSTOP harassment from these scumbag-dirtbag SCAM telemarketers!!

They scam seniors, poor people, the disabled it's disgusting and you want to allow it?!!

I get up to 6 to 7 calls daily and these Slimeballs constantly change their numbers so they can attempt their continued harassment over and over again nonstop!! Most of these lowlifes are calling from out of the country but can get any USA phone number and area code they want and block their number from us and we're supposed to have no recourse??

The National Do Not Call Registry is an absolute complete joke!! What is wrong with you people at the FCC that you want to allow this? Oh that's right I suppose another corporate pay off to line all of your pockets!!!!

This is disgusting and pathetic and we might as will be living in a Third World country for you to even entertain this as a topic of concern.

Why don't you idiots worry about the real issues going on in the United States not taking away a program that blocks these menacing calls.

Not only can I block with nomorobo thank God I can also block these scumbags through my carrier and you want to take all this away for what reason?? What a bunch of ignorant douche bags you are!!!

Los Angeles CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4522 of 5002

The Do Not Call registry is nice, but as you know, not completely effective. Services like NoMoRobo have done a tremendous amount to help us avoid dozens of robo calls every month. Please do all you can to support such services. Also, if we could remove the exemption the politicians enjoy, that would be great too. Every election season we get dozens of calls per week by some idiot politician interrupting our dinner. They shouldn't be able to exempt themselves from the law, and we should be able to block those calls too!

Chris Rink Austin, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4523 of 5002

I have a right to decide who can invade the peace of my home. I do not want to receive robot calls. I think they should be illegal. During election time I was receiving 5,6, & more calls each. No robot has given me a peaceful homes back.

Jennifer Gurahian

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4524 of 5002

FCC: I pay for my telephone and as such I select what calls I wish to receive. I don't need telemarketers calling my family during our dinner hour and attempting to sell me something that I don't want. DO NOT PERMIT THESE CARPETBAGGERS THE RIGHT TO CALL CUSTOMERS VIA ROBOCALLS.

Don Edwards Melbourne, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4525 of 5002

I don't want any robocalls. Please help.

Richard hildebrand Palmdale, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4526 of 5002

I live in a small town in a largely rural state, Oklahoma. I had no idea how bad the robocall situation was until I retired last year. In my little town in my rural state I was averaging eleven robocalls PER DAY at my house on my land line. I have had to buy a call blocker just to survive! Not only is it annoying but also dangerous. Most of the calls were attempting to obtain private data or impersonating Microsoft in an effort to takeover my PC or selling something with the assurance that Medicare would pay for it, etc. In other words, robocalls are scams or spoofs that can harm people.

My internet provider, owned by AT&T, provides software in an attempt to block junk mail. Why shouldn't the same company provide the consumer with a means to block robocalls?

Larry Parker Okmulgee Oklahoma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4527 of 5002

Please allow we consumers to stop the annoying, pestering robo calls. In just one week, despite my being on s do not call list, I receive at least 10-20 calls. STOP the monotony...let us block robo calls!

Sharon P Lawndale, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4528 of 5002

It has be come way to easy for people to make to robo calls. These calls come at all times of day and the same company often calls multiple times a day. Nomorobo has great increased my right to free living by significantly reducing the number of burdensome calls I recieve. Please empower phone companies to make robo call blocking available.

John Carlo Darien, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4529 of 5002

I feel that my free will is being invaded by constant robocalls. I should have the right to refuse access to my phone!I want robocalls blocked !!

Marion Casserly Babylon New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4530 of 5002

I think the ability to block robot calls is very important. I want to be able to do this on both my home and cell phone. stefan/merrier levine Brooklyn, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4531 of 5002

Without the nomorobo we get calls constantly. Please don't stop them from stopping all these calls. I'm talking all day and even late at night. This is the best thing that anyone has ever come up with, we need this. All these calls are a nuisance, it's been great not getting all of these calls.

Ruth Bone Freeport, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4532 of 5002

Please have the phone companies block robocalls based on a consumers request. It's my phone, I want to be in control of it.


Hoffman Estates, Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4533 of 5002

Please be firm with companies to provide robocall blocking.

Humberto Gutierrez Pacifica, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4534 of 5002

Please let the public block robocalls. No one wants them except the unscrupulous originators of the calls.

Edward I Shapiro DDS Commerce Twp MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4535 of 5002

I don't even know why I pay for a land line anymore. 90% of the calls we get are solicitations all of whom don't seem to care that I am on the no call list. These calls are annoying and an interruption to my day. We deserve the right to block calls from unwanted people.

V. Miles Oxnard, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4536 of 5002

I Hate Robocalls You have the power to stop them.

Angelo IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4537 of 5002

I love it. I'm so sick of phone calls from computers I could scream

Philip.krebs Canton, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4538 of 5002

Robocalls suck. We both know it. The alternative to Robocall blocking is that I rip the damn phone out of the wall and stop using it. Would you prefer that?

William Leavens Long Valley, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4539 of 5002

A robocall is annoying and unecessary. They shouldn't be allowed to exist in the first place. The fact that they are out there they certainly shouldbe able to be blocked.

Sharon Harrison Madison, Wisconsin

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4540 of 5002

The constant distraction of robo class is abusive. I've opted out yet they stll call. You need to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

MERYL stern Dresher Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4541 of 5002

Robo calls are a profound form of invasion of privacy. As long as there is a proven block for these types of calls on landlines, the mobile phone industry is negligent for not taking advantage of nomorobo for their customers. It becomes an abuse on the part of the mobile phone companies not to provide a means for their customers to utilize this tool.

Lyle & Susan Burstad Lacey, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4542 of 5002

I support blocking robo calls and also support the distribution of products and services that accomplish that goal.

Joseph Reese South Pasadena, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4543 of 5002

It is very important that Americans have the ability to block unwanted robo calls from any phone that they personally pay for.

Thank you,

Jimmy McMenamin

Hackettstown nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4544 of 5002

The constant Robo calls to our home phone are a nuisance that's no different than allowing excessive noise or other quality of life crimes. We shoild have the ability to end these calls.

Thank you.

M and N Johnson Lincoln NE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4545 of 5002

You need to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

Marc Salzman NYC, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4546 of 5002

I do not want anymore robocalls. bham al

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4547 of 5002

I have enrolled in Nomorobo. I appreciate the service, though it is annoying to have to listen to the one ring. Robo calls from the 911 network are of value. Political and sales ads have no value to all. I put great thought into my purchases and votes and find these calls equally insulting and invading. Please make them stop.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4548 of 5002

I want the ability to block robo calls.

Glenn Schafer Riverhead, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4549 of 5002

On October 2, 2014 my husband died of cancer. During his illness I was constantly interrupted by many robocalls each day. I have blocked as many as I can and have used nomorobo to help me block them. People should not have their lives interrupted by these calls! My husband required 24/7 care and did wind up in a nursing facility. However, before he ended up in the nursing facilities, there were many, many days that we sat here waiting for doctors/nurses/hospitals/insurance companies to call us back, To have the phone line tied up by these robocalls is wrong!!! I am outraged that I do NOT have the power to control who calls my home. When a person is terminally ill, it is important that the phone line remain free for medical personnel to make contact, not some idiot selling something! I want control over the phones I pay for and I want it now. I am damn sick and tired of it!! Give me the power to block each and every one of them!! Thank You!

Anita (David) Phillips Elmira, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4550 of 5002

I consider robocalls to be an invasion of privacy. I never answer my phone until I've checked my caller ID. If it's not a number I recognize, I don't answer. It is annoying when sitting in another room, the phone rings, I jump up to see if it's a familiar name/number. We're in our 80's, and it's very annoying to get up and go to the phone to see who's calling. I'm now understanding why so many people have given up their landlines and rely only on their cell phone.

Bob & Bonnie Beck Wichita Falls, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4551 of 5002

It's my phone and I don't want robo calls. I should be able to easily block all robo call especially during election time.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4552 of 5002

Originally, I was pleased with the DoNotCall list; it helped keep spam phone calls from getting to me. But in recent years, companies have ignored the DoNotCall list. Apparently there is no enforcement for the list, so spam phone calls have become rampant. We either need enforcement of the list, or some other way of protecting ourselves. Technology is available to stop robocalls at least. We need to be allowed to use this technology. Phone companies must allow us to block unwanted calls.

RT Andrews Hatboro, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4553 of 5002

My phone is for my family and friends to call me, and for business that I CHOOSE to conduct. I have a right to block unwanted, intrusive robocalls! The phone companies do not have a right to keep me from blocking these invasive calls. Stop letting big corporations run put lives and this country.

Linda L Vallejo, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4554 of 5002

I want Robocall to continue to protect me from Telemarketing.

RIcardo Correa Lakewood, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4555 of 5002

Robocalls are terrible and they invade my privacy.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4556 of 5002

It's my phone. Please act to stop finically. Thank you.

Howard W. Dillon New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4557 of 5002

Computer calls are intrusive and not wanted by me. With Nomorobo, I do not have to answer the phone and then hang up. I would like to see political and charitable calls also subject to being blocked.

James N Cook Houston, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4558 of 5002

I hate robocalls and I should have the right to block them. In fact, all carriers should make it possible to block such calls. I can do it now on my ATT U-Verse phone line, but not on my ATT business line.

Please do whatever you can to help get rid of this intrusive practice.

Bernie & Judy Pasternack Columbus, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4559 of 5002

Why do we have to be targeted several times every day by these ridiculous telemarketer calls even sometimes when we are involved doing something important? We need robo blocking products and robocall blocking ability to escape from these calls. If we are interested in something, we wouid contact them first, no need to call us. You, as the FCC, need to get a firm handle on this sorry situation that has been going on way too long!

Richard L. Robinson, Joyce A. Robinson Waverly, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4560 of 5002

I am sick and tired of getting 5 or more unwanted calls a day. I should be able to block them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4561 of 5002

I answer my business phone everyday ti find a robocaller more than 50% of the time. Even after diligently requesting to be removed by pressing 2 the calls keep coming. I need nomorobo.

Gordon Buckland

The Decorative Edge

Gordon Buckland SANFORD FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4562 of 5002

You need to force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. We're getting up to six or more of these nuisance calls a day and the "do-not-call" registry is no help at all.

Please help get us some relief from these callers!

John Miller Lexington, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4563 of 5002

Robocalls are the most annoying thing about having phone service. If I can't block them, I'll go nuts. And then I'll find another way to communicate.

Steve Reiter Syracuse, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4564 of 5002

I have a right to stop robo calls This is a service needed that at present the phone companies don't provide

Spencer, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4565 of 5002

Robocalls should be illegal or there should at least be tools to block/stop them. Please stop the robocalling.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4566 of 5002

Allow us to block unwanted calls!

Travis Waller Merced, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4567 of 5002

I would love to block Robo-Calls from my phone.

Marilyn Kratochvil West Islip, NY 11795-5041

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4568 of 5002

I am sick of robocalls - they are WASTING MY TIME! Please DO NOT unblock them.

Michael Kenney Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4569 of 5002

I get up to 10 anonymous calls per day. This is extremely disturbing. I would like to stop these unsolicited calls. Please help!!!!!!!

Patricia Lockard Huber Heights, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4570 of 5002

It is irritating to have roso calls which cannot be blocked or to which no one can request to be removed from the list. The calls come at all times of day and night. Please fix this problem!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4571 of 5002

What possible interest would I have in receiving these invasive and irritating calls!!!

Howard Hertz

Howard Hertz Berkeley, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4572 of 5002

We need robocall blocking do not call list do not work.

John Perkins Huntsville, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4573 of 5002

I am sick and tired of having my home phone (and yes, even my cell phone, for which I PAY for EVERY call in or out) hijacked by robocalls. I want ALL robocalls blocked from ALL sources unless I have specifically put their number on an allowed phone list. I work various shifts, and these calls often wake me up. What was the point of a "DO NOT CALL" list when these telemarketers can get around the laws! I would also like robocalls from charities and political calls barred. NO CALLS!!! Most of the telemarketers that call are trying to get me to sign up for financial services of dubious value, and I fear many are downright fraudulent. Give me back my freedom! I already pay enough to the phone company -- no one should be using a service I PAY FOR without my express permission!

A. Murphy West Chester, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4574 of 5002

Robocalls have had a very bad impact on our family. They come at times when it is very inconvenient to answer and seem to concentrate on ruining my dinner. For the last 2 to 3 years I have had the robocall blocker from NoMoRobo. This product works perfectly and has enhanced the time that I have to spend with my family.

I believe the Robo call blockers should be accessible to every telephone customer. Everyone should have a right to have peace in this house.

John Gilmer Manhattan Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4575 of 5002

Is there no place that is kept private from commercial interests?

J. Szynkarek Illinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4576 of 5002

Whenever I get a robo call, I simply lift the receiver and place it back in the cradle. I am not the one being rude, they are! I would love to see robo calls banned!!!!! Who's paying congress off to block such a law anyway? Because we all know that congress with few exceptions is basically corrupt and after only the money, power and prestige - my congressman is an exception (Peter Defazio).

Ken Olsen Springfield, Oregon

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4577 of 5002

I am tired of being bothered by these robocalls. If I hang up another number calls right back. I am 63 and not in good health. It is a constant bother to myself and my husband to continue getting these calls. If I wanted their services or sales " I would call them". It has gotten to the point we have to take the phone to the dinner table, because this is the time they call. Also, first thing in the morning. Just what I want to do. is answer the phone to calls that I Do NOT WANT! Please Stop bothering me, and I won't bother you. My time is better spent!

Sheila Glasure Weirton, WV

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4578 of 5002

Please allow me to block unwanted calls by blocking all rob ovals. They are a nuisance and constantly invade my privacy.

White Plains,NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4579 of 5002

Please do everything you can to stop these numerous robo calls to my home. Today I received six of them and I am on the "do not call" list.

C. Stacy Los Alamitos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4580 of 5002

Robocalls are a daily nuisance. I have tried everything to get these pests to leave us alone. A little help arrived when we found out about Nomorobo. The phone still rings constantly, but at least it hangs up after 2 rings. And, we pay extra every month on our phone bill to have an unlisted number! So we are twice hurt by these robo calls and the phone company who is supposed to be protecting our privacy. This is outrageous.

Craig & Margaret Wert Chino Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4581 of 5002

I love having Nomorerobo on our phone! I only wish it could catch all the robo calls that come in, but it gets most of them! Everyone should be able to set this up on their phones!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4582 of 5002

I am very adamant in requesting that you, who have the power stop these robocalls. They invade my privacy and I am an old senior citizen who can't jump up and answer these moronic calls. Dinner time is there favorite time to call and that sir is BS.

The public needs robocall blocking software.

Thank you

Rollo Fickalinni Sheilds, mich

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4583 of 5002

The do not call list does NOT work. I get at least 6 calls a day and I'm sick of it! Something must be done to stop this annoying practice. I will never buy anything from anyone who annoys me with unwanted calls. So why can't we put a stop to them?

M Johnson gardena, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4584 of 5002

I believe I should have the ability to block robo-calls easily. it's my phone, I pay for it, I should be able to control who can and cannot contact me.

Sean Morris Danbury, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4585 of 5002

We have an unlisted number and are on the don't call list. We still get many unsolicited calls, annoying ones trying to sell us things we do not want. we would love to have these blocked.

Studio City CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4586 of 5002

Our lives are so much better at home now that we are not constantly barraged by robocalls! We used to get so aggravated, and felt so helpless against them. Now, we don't get unwanted calls. While I am not in favor of government forcing business to provide certain services, I would beg you to not prevent services such as Nomorobo from being provided. I wouldn't want to live without it again.

Colorado Springs, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4587 of 5002

I here by request that the FCC let me control who calls me. I get at least 15 teller marketer calls a day. It is really frustrating to have them keep calling you even after you tell them a dozen times to quit calling and to take your number off of their call list. They refuse to listen to people even when you cuss and yell at them over the phone, which is probably against FCC rules also, but you get to the point where you do not care any more, you just want them to stop calling you, especially when you have had no previous contact with them. I really like NOMOROBO calling system because it has all but eliminated these types of phone calls.

Donald Myatt Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4588 of 5002

As an American consumer, I should have the right to block the calls that I do not want to receive. They badger consumers, thinking that they can get business. It's not right! It should be stopped ! And I think I not only have the right to screen my calls, but I have the right to choose which companies I want to buy from and do business with. Thank you for considering my request. I am a senior citizen on social security, and I do not like to be badgered at this point in my life!!!!!! Thank You. Sincerely, Linda Malatino

Linda Malatino Temecula, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4589 of 5002

Stop the madness !

It is time !

Michael Pittsburgh, Pa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4590 of 5002

Please allow services such as nomorobo to continue to block robocalls. Robocalls are a serious problem inconveniencing and annoying the population.

Steven Rademacher Hanover Park, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4591 of 5002

I am a retired systems engineer and had hope to enjoy my retirement. Before I implemented NOMOROBO I was getting more than 10 calls a day at all hours. This was very frustrating and made my life very stressful. Even after turning this robocall blocker on I still get about 3 calls a day. I pay $30 a month for phone service and feel the phone company should find a solution to this problem.

Joseph Filocco Greenville RI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4592 of 5002

Landlines have become a nightmare with the amount of marketing calls that they get. In one day we get 5 - 10 marketing calls. I should have the right to use any means I deem necessary to block those calls. I use Nomorobo and it is great. The phone rings once and it is done. I don't have to sit through the 4 rings, wait for the answering machine to pickup just to find out it is a telemarketer. It is time to crack down on telemarketers. The phone companies need to offer marketing blocking technologies

Todd Brabbin Cypress, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4593 of 5002

I think they should be blocked

Dennis Dean Schererville, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4594 of 5002

Robocall blocking has given us back, control of our phone. The phone may ring, but not long enough to disturb anyone. Without robocall blocking, we probably would have had our phone disconnected as a result.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4595 of 5002

I am sick and tired of receiving unwanted solicitations or robocalls. Please allow us access to robocall blocking.

David Rand Torrance, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4596 of 5002

Dont appreciate robocalls. Keep them blocked.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4597 of 5002

Please let me block my phone from to robocalls. We unplug our home phone almost every night. I have an elderly parent who needs to keep in contact with us.

Brian Lagorio Linden, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4598 of 5002

No more robocalls !

Paul Friedman Broomall PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4599 of 5002

Do everything possible to block robocalls! So many of them are scams!

Draper, UT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4600 of 5002

Robocalls are a waste of time. Allow us to block them.

Staten Island, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4601 of 5002

These calls come at all hours. If you hang up they call back over and over. You can not tell a machine to stop. At election time it's worse.

Glenn Fabbrini Deptford, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4602 of 5002

Since you won't control the spoofing problem, don't take away our few alternatives to your inaction. Spoofing wastes time, encourages fraud, and plain annoys the average person.

Kevin Ferguson Lake Elsinore CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4603 of 5002

I should continue to have the right to block calls as I choose. I pay for the use of my phone. That should entitle me to choose who I receive calls from. NO ROBO CALLS,

Choose what is right instead of money from lobby groups and organizations.

Susan Jenkins Houston

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4604 of 5002

I should be able to block any calls that I want to block, as I'm the one who is paying for the phone! The calls are a source of disruption and aggravation and to tell me I can't put an end to them if I choose to is abhorrent.

Chris and Sharon Barnes Newmarket, NH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4605 of 5002

Robocalls are the "Black Plague" of the 21st Century. They are horribly annoying. Every effort should be made to allow consumers to block them as necessary. I used a Telezapper for years until the telemarketers wised up and programmed their machines to not recognize the "disconnected" tones. I am not interested in anything a robocalling telemarketer has to offer.

Chris Franz Fort Washington, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4606 of 5002

Our phone service is a convenience we pay for. Unfortunately, this convenience ha been hijacked by anyone who pays for the privilege of using our phones to disturb us. In reality, most robo-calls not only disturb the recipients by their mere existence, but if the recipient answers the call, ther is very seldom anyone to talk to when you answer it. Our phones have become nuisances to be used against us at our cost.. We should be required to opt in on an individual caller basis to even receive any robo-calls. Robo- calls are possibly the greatest aggravating nuisance of this age.

Geoff and Joan Shannon Concord, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4607 of 5002

I would like to stop the robocalls. It cost me minutes and money to be annoyed . Please put a stop to these calls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4608 of 5002

With spyware on the Internet, I am getting more and more unwanted phone calls to go with the spam on my e-mail. I wish there were some way I could do more than just "opt out" on unwanted commercial calls. Can you help? My local phone provider can't, or won't.

Charles K. Whitten Kaneohe, HI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4609 of 5002

Robo calls have gotten out of control. If you do try to call back to see who it is, you get told that the number is no longer in service. Many of them are Internet calls. Nobody can block these kinds, nor from a toll free number.

Most folks are on the Do Not Call list, but it makes no difference.

We need your help.

Lynda &Stacey Turley Baytown, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4610 of 5002

I get woken up at all hours by the phone and when I answer it is either a recording and or silence. Even the live telemarketers are disrespectful and use only my first name, which I have never used except for legal purposes, and will not take no for an answer. I am 68 years old and have no use for what they are selling and am too polite to slam the phone down but the courtesy is wasted on the pushy sales people. Nomorobo has saved my sanity and should be available to anyone who wants to use it. I am a disabled veteran and deserve to have my peace now.

Charlene Ramirez San Antonio, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4611 of 5002


Pam Zeigler Houtzdale Pa.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4612 of 5002 robocalls drive me crazy. i work at home and they're constant interruptions. i ask to be taken off their call list and they hang up. the robocallers must be stopped. los angeles, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4613 of 5002

You can stop the scam calls. All you have to do is return control of our phones to us. We pay for them. We pay for unlisted numbers robocallers use to disturb us and scam us. Our phone companies have the ability to block the calls we do not want to accept. They are the key. If they will not do this voluntarily, you must make them do it. Please make them give us, the consumer, the right to be contacted by only those parties we choose. We pay them for the ability to communicate with those we wish to, but our telecommunication providers appear to have absolutely no concern for our wishes. We pay them. We should decide who contacts us. Do something.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4614 of 5002

I hate robocalls. I hate all kinds of telemarketing but I especially hate robocalls.

They're supposed to be illegal in California. It's not enforced and the prohibition's ignored. The phone company won't do anything.

Nomorobo's been a godsend. They block at least three, maybe five nuisance calls each and every day.

Ctein Daly City

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4615 of 5002

PLEASE help us stop robo calls. We are an elderly couple and these calls are a major problem for us.

Appreciate your help...thank you.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4616 of 5002

LOVE Nomorobo !!!! Don't tell me how I can control who calls me!! None of your biz who I want to allow calling me -- you paying my bill? Answering my phone during dinner? I don't think so !! Butt out of my business, seriously, I've had it up to my eyeballs w govt interfering in personal stuff of the public

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4617 of 5002

Robocalls drive me crazy- they are an invasion of my privacy - they must be controlled. Please allow programs that disable robocalls.

Sandra wells Long beach , ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4618 of 5002

I pay the bill, I don't want to hear from people that I have no personal or business interest in. I can call the people or businesses that I want to have a relationship with. It is really an invasion of my privacy, ,it like having strangers knocking all day or night on your front door or approaching you when you are spending time with your family and friends, having your religious service interrupted. If you want to allow this then have the unwanted callers to pay a fee to me to be bothered by them. I don't open unsolicited mail or invite unwanted people into my home. Give me and other americans the same freedoms that you and other public figures enjoy, a private number, a way to reject unsolicited calls, emails, faxes, mail or anything else that we have no interest in. Block any call that is "spoofed", or that has no valid caller ID. Have some "BALLS", and identify these people, and companies, apply a fine of $1000 for 1st offense, $5000 for 2nd and jail time for the 3rd offense. We have laws to prevent bullying, but, we allow crooks and swindlers to call and abuse, and extort hard earned funds from elderly and innocent victims. I don't care about the outrageous profits that these call mills and advertisers make buying and selling list of possible victims, fine them for providing my numbers to people that I have no relationship with.

Snellville, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4619 of 5002

I'm seriously annoyed with unsolicited calls. We get daily calls from all sorts of charities, political associations, etc. I don't appreciate the calls and also don't want to be rude to people doing their jobs. But, what really annoys me is answering the phone to hear some computer telling me to hold on and be connected to a representative. If I wait, someone comes on the line to ask who I am and what I want. You called me, idiot! Thank goodness Nomorobo is here to help us ward off the onslaught of calls.

Michael & Mary Joiner Dallas, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4620 of 5002

I am sick to death of unwanted robot calls at all hours of the day and night. I should have the right to block those calls as much as they have the right to send them. Enough is enough!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4621 of 5002

Give us a break ..... I get 10+ robocalls a day on my home phone and I'm on every no-call list there is. Can't you put a stop to these annoying calls so that no one can call you unless you 'opt in' .... the 'opt out' sure isn't working!

PJ Ridley Bethesda, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4622 of 5002

Telemarketing and automated robo calls are more than a minor annoyance they are a major issue, as most calls promote scams or illegal offers. My phone company does not allow call blocking. The FTC ran a contest to find a method to block robo calls. The phone carriers are thwarting the winning method. Please force the phone carriers to allow the FTC approved method. The do not call list is totally ineffective.

Robert Lewandowski Seattle, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4623 of 5002


William Alkire Ashburn, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4624 of 5002

Please allow NOMOROBO to continue its service of blocking annoying, unwanted robotic phone calls. Receiving such calls is terrible and an invasion of my privacy!

Ingleside, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4625 of 5002

I currently have robo call blocking and am very grateful that the phone now only rings once instead of several rings before my answering machine would pick up and then my outgoing message would play out loud while I'm trying to watch a TV show. I was repeatedly pausing my show so the rings and message would play out. I would get several calls every evening all the way up until 9 pm. How frustrating is that, that you can't enjoy a nice quiet night home relaxing before bedtime. Robo calling is harassment. And they keep calling night after night after night. People have the right to quiet without having to resort to unplugging or turning off their phones.

Carolyn Karp Crownsville, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4626 of 5002

I'm tired of getting robocalls and want the ability to block them. I'm the one paying the phone bill and I think it's only right that I be able to limit the types of calls that come in to my phone.

I'm using Nomorobo and it has been a great help, but I think there's more to be done.

Carol Cartwright Glendora, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4627 of 5002

Blocking to vocals on my home phone has rely decreased unwanted, annoying calls. I need it on my cell phone. Force the phone companies to make it available to me. It will help make up for some of the illegal charges made to me when they were aped to charge for phone services I did not order.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4628 of 5002

The policy should be "don't call me - I'll call you" maybe this also can be applied to browser ads. I have the internet so I'm capable of looking for a business - free up my browser space.

Chicago, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4629 of 5002

I am disabled & spend a lot of my time at time. Due to my disability, I have considerable problems trying to sleep. It is a real luxury to me, if I am able to fall asleep for an hour here or there. Receiving endless robocalls at my home are extremely annoying & interrupts the rare occasions of sleep I get! When Nomorobo became available to me, enabling me to block these robocalls, it was a Godsend!

PLEASE allow us to continue to block these obnoxiously annoying robocalls! It is the only peace available to me!


Jan Kubica

Jan Kubica Huntington Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4630 of 5002

It's my phone. I want to be able to block robocallers.

My personal time is my own.

Michael Vilain Palo Alto, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4631 of 5002

I get that you need to take big business money to get elected, but remember the people you also represent. Let me block robot calls.

Gary cohen Eliot, ME

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4632 of 5002

What happened to the do not call list/ It is NOT working. With robocall blocking I only have to listen to one ring and its over

Steve Pegos Sacramento, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4633 of 5002


Please give the do not call rules some teeth! The current law isn't working, and we are getting fed up with useless pandering in congress.

James Flynn Hampton, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4634 of 5002

I should have the right to block any robot calls to my phones. It should also be easy.

Stephen Haga Petaluma, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4635 of 5002

I SHOULD BE PAID TO ANSWER AND LISTEN TO CALL FROM SOLICITATIONS OF AT LEAST 25 CENTS PER CALL.If seller is unwilling to pay to capture my attention, then leave me alone. They need to reimburse the cost of my phone service, just like the income of advertising defers the cost of my newspaper and magazine publications.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4636 of 5002

I do not want to be awakened 8 o'clock on a Saturday morning to listen to some lousy telemarketer. I do not want telemarketers calling my house 5 or 6 times a day, everyday, to try to sell me something I have already said I don't want.

Yes, I know telemarketers are just trying to make a living. I understand that. I don't bother anyone when I'm at work. I don't want them bothering me while they're at work.

R. Duncan New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4637 of 5002

We should be able to block robocalls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4638 of 5002

Sick of these calls all times of day & night. Bogus names & numbers. Answer & then no one responds. Sick of it!

Burlison, Tennessee

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4639 of 5002

I like the system we are using--I think it is nomorerobos--except that the phone still rings once and then stops. That is really nice. What would be even better is if the phone didn't ring even once--that disturbs my afternoon nap.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4640 of 5002

Robocalls are a royal pain...half the time they don't even speak and when they do it is something I am not interested in or need or asked for etc. You need to stop them and/or allow robocall blocking!!!

Thank you!

Denise Medland Arlington, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4641 of 5002

RoboCall is the BEST invention I've come across!!!!! Stop the invasion of marketers into our homes! Don't take this power/this force field away from us!!!!

Mark and Sheralee Malenovsky Sayville, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4642 of 5002

Please give me the choice to deny robocalls on my Verizon and Comcast phones.

Guy & Kellie Harrigan Broomfield CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4643 of 5002

I'm sorry, could someone help me understand why nomorobo can't be made available on cell phone numbers? My mother-in-law almost gave out banking information to a robot caller [on her mobile]. We have her land line number setup to prevent this kind of information theft. It would be extremely helpful to have the same facility on her mobile device as well.

Paul Bradley Wellesley, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4644 of 5002

Robo calls are becoming more and more numerous and bold. The Do Not Call list does nothing. We need tools to fight against this attack on our homes (usually during the dinner hour).

Gary Corwin Portland OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4645 of 5002

I support nomorobo!

Arlington va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4646 of 5002

Robocalls and unwanted solicitations and sales calls drive me crazy! I've registered for whatever do-not- call lists I can get on. And still continue to get robocalls and sales calls. I've got nomorobo on my phone- -thank goodness!--and even with that, I get these calls. Do your families enjoy this kind of interruption to their days? Do YOU like it--or are you really insulated from this stuff, unlike the vast majority of the population?

Help us out here! You have the power to make things right for people--actual real people, not the "corporations-are-people-too" people.

S.E.Klein San Antonio, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4647 of 5002

The ability to block robo calls should be not only allowed but promoted and encouraged by the FCC. In particular, my wife and I as senior citizens that are not fleet of foot bless every time the phone rings. Before we got annoyed every day by as many as 5 robo calls. Please make robocall blocking solutions "more easily accessible to consumers."

Robert & Lynne Canter Huntingdon Valley, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4648 of 5002

The ability to block annoying robocalls is essential to maintaining the peace and quiet of my own home.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4649 of 5002

You need to put teeth in the so called "no call" law. I'm of the 7-10 calls EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!

Janice Micek Johns Creek GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4650 of 5002

Robocalls are a major problem for my home life. They call at all hours of the day, and multiply each week. All this and I don't even answer the phone! I want them to stop or be arrested, and additionally, have their business closed!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4651 of 5002

I have had 24 calls from telemarketers etc, between Aug 18th and Dec 12th stopped after one ring since I signed up on Nomorobo. These calls were mostly after hours saving me precious time telling them to stop calling me, yet they continued until I had the calls blocked.

Please allow everyone to continue having these calls blocked.

Thank you for listening.

Larry ONeill


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4652 of 5002

I get at least five robocalls a day. The ones that aren't blocked are done with cheap temporary cells phones. This is a complete invasion of privacy and a gross intrusion on my personal life. IT MUST BE HALTED!!!

Dennis Rein Woodmere, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4653 of 5002

The ability to block robo calls should be not only allowed but promoted and encouraged by the FCC. In particular, my wife and I as senior citizens that are not fleet of foot bless every time the phone rings. Before we got annoyed every day by as many as 5 robo calls. Please make robocall blocking solutions "more easily accessible to consumers."

Robert & Lynne Canter Huntingdon Valley, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4654 of 5002

I hate robocalls. They invade my privacy, take up my time, disrupt my family life, they are unwanted, and I demand that the FCC put a stop to them.

It has cost me money to try and prevent them. This is insane that the FCC and telephone companies can't or won't help to shut them down.

Thank You

Steven Kratky

Steven Kratky Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4655 of 5002

Robocalls are disruptive and intrusive. I resent having some stranger barge into my life, via my telephone, with a self-serving agenda. It's an invasion of privacy and disturbance of my peace.

I want to be able to block these calls.

Linda Barnes Portland, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4656 of 5002

Please clarify to the phone carriers that they can allow consumers to block junk calls. Make the law crystal clear that consumers want to block junk calls and that the phone carriers need to assist consumers in this goal.

Ronald Bracy Reston, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4657 of 5002

Robocalls are among the most serious non-lethal forms of pollution facing us in this new century. If there are effective, non-intrusive technical means to block such calls from reaching us, please do what you can to facilitate their implementation - and in any case please do not prohibit any reasonable approaches to testing and applying such blocking measures. We have been using nomorerobo for some time now, and while it is not perfect - phony Microsoft technicians from somewhere on the Indian sub-continent somehow slip throug - it nevertheless is a blessing. Please give us a break!

Thanks. FM

Frederic Mosher Chappaqua, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4658 of 5002

Blicking of Robo Calls is increasingly important. Give us the technology to support that right.

Tom Cashman Des Moines WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4659 of 5002


Randi Wolf Glassboro, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4660 of 5002

Love robocall blocking on my home phone. Need it on my cell phone as they are now making robocalls to my cell. very annoying. Mostof the calls are from out of state so thee is nothing our AG can do. Please keep robocall blocking available on my home phone and make cell providers to do the same.

Barbara Hall Shelbyville, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4661 of 5002

Please force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

Thank you.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4662 of 5002

Robocalls are the most annoying and make me think about dropping my land phone line. I am listed on the "Do Not Call" list but that does not stop the calls. Customers need products to block robocalls from coming through. I am so tired of these computerized calls some times with no one on the line, other times with recorded messages that I have no interest in. It is not unusual for the same robocall to come through day after day after day. It must be stopped.

Customers need all the help from the FCC possible.

Palm Springs, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4663 of 5002

The robo calls are outrageous. We cannot even ask them to take us off their call list.

It is unfair that we have no recourse to stop these calls (as well as political ad calls.) Please allow us to block these calls.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4664 of 5002

I own my phone and pay for phone service. It is my decision if I want a blocking service, it is not the Feds business.

Stay out of this. If you want to get involved then require the service providers to block calls.

W. H. Clark Placentia, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4665 of 5002

I have had more than my share of robocalls at all hours of the day and evening. I ask them to take my phone number off their calling list, but they do not and call time and time again. Since signing up for a robocall blocking product, it has made our lives a lot easier when we are at home having dinner or watching TV. My husband and I definitely think this should be made legal.

Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4666 of 5002 especially when they call my cell phone, it's MY usage they are using. Plus most robocalls are misleading in their intent. I just now swear at them... NEXT I'll be filing complaints to the FCC, and figure out what legal remedies I HAVE. We already have "laws" against this shit, and it still keeps happening.

Tom Nefeldt Wheeling, IL 60090

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4667 of 5002

Most of the calls I get anymore are robocalls. I am so tired of getting phone calls that I don't want. I have to let them call me over and over everyday unless you let me block them. I feel I have the right to choose who to let reach me by phone. If I want whatever their service is I will seek it out I don't need them hounding me at my place of residence, where I rest. Please understand how unwanted these calls are and how obtrusive they are.

Rocklin, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4668 of 5002

Please force the phone companies to make robocalling rejection software available to us the phone user, Of the last 50 phone calls I have received, 22 of them have been robo calls using what appears to be fake or phony caller ID names and numbers. I am getting tired of the phone ringing at all hours of the day and night and then either having no one there or having to listen to a recorded message.

Otto Dobias Lake Tapps, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4669 of 5002

As senior citizens, these calls truly have become HARASSMENT. The sad fact is that many seniors buy in to what these people say. We have received calls for years and they are very upsetting and getting worse. The callers are getting clever and using phone numbers that one is familiar with so you answer thinking it as an important call. I have responded and tried to "opt out" of their calls but that does NOT happen. In our honest opinion, this is HARASSMENT and preys on a very vulnerable group called senior citizens. Please help aide in stopping this HARASSMENT because that is what it has become. Our idea would be that a person could opt in if they wanted to receive these types of calls; otherwise, they should stop immediately.

LeRoy and Marilyn Robinson, Jr. Waltham, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4670 of 5002

Over the last 8 months I have received 141 telemarketing calls. Nearly half were computer instigated. That's an average of nearly 18 calls per month; one per business day.. That is after having registered my number with the FCC's "Do Not Call" service. Please allow us some defense against this kind of uninvited intrusion in our lives. Please allow blocking of computer calls.

Charles J Wilkinson Tacoma, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4671 of 5002

Please support the use of this technology. seattle, wa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4672 of 5002

We're so tired of having the phone ring at all times of the day and night only to find no one on the other end of the line. All our numbers are listed on the Do Not Call Registry but that does no good; the calls keep coming. I think it's about time for the FCC to step in and tell these telemarketers to stop bothering consumers with their robo dialing machines. Enough is enough. We're fed up with it!

Tom & Kathy Huey Napa, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4673 of 5002

Please allow robocall-blocking products.

Harleigh Ewell Chevy Chase, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4674 of 5002

I like the nomorerobo blocking the telemarketing calls. I know how many 1 ring calls I get in a day (at least 3-5) and that saves me time and efforts to deal with them everytime.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4675 of 5002

I get at least three calls a day from telemarketers, and that's not counting the three or more calls each day that hang up when I pick up the phone. It is an invasion of privacy. The phone companies must make money at this or they'd put a stop to it. Please make them provide blocking services.

Phil and Susan Harnage Santa Monica, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4676 of 5002

I love Nomo Robo. It was so complicated to set up so I had to have one of the Comcast tech people do it for me. All the Robo calls disappear after the first ring! I have been on the national do not call Registry since it started. However a few years ago it stopped being effective. I was getting dozens of Robo calls every day. Eventually they started showing up on Caller ID with a local phone number. I still get several calls a week from various live telemarketers. However they usually hang up on me after I tell them that I am on the national do not call Registry. Anything that you can do to stop this would be greatly appreciated.

Davi Bubnash Simsbury CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4677 of 5002

Please suppport any and all actions to stop robocalling agencies and enable ubiquidous robocall blocking prodcuts/ services

Matt Flahety seattle, wa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4678 of 5002

I love Nomo Robo. It was so complicated to set up so I had to have one of the Comcast tech people do it for me. All the Robo calls disappear after the first ring! I have been on the national do not call Registry since it started. However a few years ago it stopped being effective. I was getting dozens of Robo calls every day. Eventually they started showing up on Caller ID with a local phone number. I still get several calls a week from various live telemarketers. However they usually hang up on me after I tell them that I am on the national do not call Registry. Anything that you can do to stop this would be greatly appreciated.

Davi Bubnash Simsbury CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4679 of 5002

They are very annoying!

Richmond, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4680 of 5002

Robo calls have gotten out of control. If you do try to call back to see who it is, you get told that the number is no longer in service. Many of them are Internet calls. Nobody can block these kinds, nor from a toll free number.

Most folks are on the Do Not Call list, but it makes no difference.

We need your help.

Lynda &Stacey Turley Baytown, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4681 of 5002

You know no one wants robocalls, from politicians, scammers, charities, businesses, and anyone else, so stand up to these special interests, and outlaw them or at least make it easy to block them. I receive numerous calls every day. they are a nuisance and interfere with legitimate calls, and you also know the do not call registry is a joke bill coda saugus, ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4682 of 5002

As long as I pay for my service I should have say about who can call me.

Quit making it easy for the scammers of the world to take advantage of us.

Remember it's "We the people" not "We the corporations".

You already let spoofing get out of hand don't tie our hands even further.

I got a call from my own number one day, and I seriously hope they are not using my number to pull more scams on others. I pay for my number and I am not happy it is being spoofed to rip people off.

Nomorobo has drastically cut back on my unwanted calls and I am happy with the service. I can only block so many numbers and the scammers have a unlimited supply of new numbers. You see how frustrating this is for us as consumers. If you do decide to cut off services like nomorobo, I hope you publish everyone who works for the FCC's home phone number so it is available to everyone so you can feel our pain too. p.s. DoNotCall list only works on companies who obey the law so it really offers very little protection against the crooks. mike smith marietta ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4683 of 5002

Robot calls should be illegal. Until it is, telephone subscribers should be allowed to block them.

Nomorobo has brought some measure of peace in our home.

Stephen & Georgiana Snyderman Raleigh NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4684 of 5002

About 99% of the time when I go to my phone, I see Unavailable, Not Available, Blocked, and "area codes" from outside my area. Right now I have 25 calls from 15 different "area codes" outside my area, and several more from local ones. I have Call Blocking, but I can only block so many calls, then I have to go to the trouble of deleting some before I can block more, and most often, they can't even be blocked. If you pick up the phone to ask them not to call again, there's usually no one on the other end, and anyway that just tells them that they have reached a valid number. The "Do Not Call" list means nothing to them. I have reported some of them, but the worst offenders either don't show their whole number or they show no number at all. This is a huge nuisance. If Nomorobo can help with this problem, why shouldn't consumers have the right to use it?

Lewisville, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4685 of 5002

Please help us stop the inundation of robo calls. We are more than annoyed by the influx of unwanted calls.

Andrew Shedlosky Granbury, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4686 of 5002

I don't want my number to be called by someone calling me on a recorded line or someone trying to sell me something I don't want or need. This has to stop. I need a land line number due to health reasons and don't want or need my line tied up with these nonsense callers.

Attorney and Mrs. Michael Ross Cheshire, CT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4687 of 5002

Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy. During the day robocalls waste my time and harm my ability to earn a living. I feel I have the right to employ any type of product which allows me to block robocalls and any sort of SPAM calls. I feel very strongly about this, especially because all of my phone numbers and family numbers are registered with the state and federal 'Do Not Call' programs. I've had to make many complaints with my state Attorney General office do to 'Do Not Call' violations.

Mark McDevitt Reading, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4688 of 5002

I absolutely hate it when anyone calls to try to sell me something on the telephone. I will never buy anything from such callers.

The federal Do Not Call service does not work, as I receive dozens of unwanted calls from robocalls and local merchants. The FCC or FTC should enforce the do not call rule, and impose penalties.

NoMoRobo stops about half of the unwanted calls, but new numbers keep calling me, faster than I can keep registering them.

The phone company should make it easy to block calls, and publicize that service.

Raymond Johnson Torrance, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4689 of 5002

NO MORE ROBOCALLS!!!! You probably have no idea how annoying they are. It's ridiculous. PLEASE stop them. We get them on holidays, weekends, and as early as 8 AM on weekdays and weekends. nj

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4690 of 5002

I have signed up for every "no call" list ever put out. However, everyday I get dozens of robo calls. I use robo call blocking, but the phone still rings before the call can be blocked. Several callers have even figured out how to beat the robo call blocking system. There needs to be "real and certain" penalties put into violations of the do not call laws. Right now the rules, laws, etc., are useless and there is no simple way for the consumer to stop the harassment. We need an effective way that puts an end to this practice. The robo call blocking product is the best tool available to us right now, but it still allows the call to ring into the home before it diverts the call, which is annoying. We need penalties so severe and certain that the practice of violating no call lists is prohibitive. If robo calling tools can detect a robo call after it rings, then calls should pass though a call blocker before the phone rings and not allow robo calls to be completed.

Steve Market Debary, Fl

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4691 of 5002

I'm sick of dozens of phone calls a week, interrupting anything and everything in our home! We've been on the Do Not Call registry for years, but nothing stops the robocallers. They lie, saying they're from my credit card company, or a local contractor, or our internet's phone spam of the worst sort and we have no filters we can install.

Give us the power to live a peaceful life uninterrupted by robocalls at any and all hours (really, how is 7am or 10pm ok in anyone's book?). Give us a break!

Susan Alvaro Half Moon Bay, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4692 of 5002

I believe I should have the tools to block robocalls. Our phone service provider does not currently provide this service so we use Nomorobo. We would be happy to use any solution that works effectively and do not support any attempts to take away our right to manage what calls we wish to receive.

THank you.

Bob Rineer/Debbie Thomas Hillsboro, OR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4693 of 5002

Please, please, please. I'm so sick of robocalls, why the hell can't I block them. I tried to get nomorobo for my phone but it says my phone company supports it, but when I try to sign up it won't do it because I don't have simultaneous ring. I would have to pay more for my phone bill to get simultaneous ring in order to block robocallers, doesn't make sense for me to have to pay my phone company more in order to not get calls I don't want!!

Antelope, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4694 of 5002

Robocalling is a major nuisance that needs to be stopped. Call blocking products like nomorobo really help when the Phone companies "allow" them. I use the product on my AT&T Uverse VOIP with great benefit. I wish AT&T also allowed this product on their cellular network.

Nikki Austin Mesquite TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4695 of 5002

Please make it easy for senior citizens to block robo calls.

It's so incessant it should be considered harassment.

I'm on the no-call list however that's not being enforced.

Atlanta, Ga

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4696 of 5002

Robocalls are more than a daily nuisance -- they have become harassing. I receive robocalls every single day, multiple times a day, ANY time of the day and night, week and weekend. There is no reliable way that I know of to stop these calls -- clearly the do not call list is not sufficient for these kinds of calls. At least using Nomorobo has provided me some measure of peace, but the bottom line is that it is absurd that robocallers can have such unfettered access to my home. It is maddening and quite intrusive.

Robocalls are repeat, invasive breaches of privacy -- in a word, spam; they should be illegal. At a minimum, the public should be able to block them on personal landlines and cell phones. Businesses should have that capability as well, as they hamper productivity in the workplace.

Please do whatever is necessary to eliminate this growing problem as quickly as possible.

Thank you.

Alexandra Glynias St. Louis, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4697 of 5002

I think no one should be disturbed in the privacy of their home. You pay all your personal and private bills and you should have control on who can disturb you in your own home. This goes particularly if you are sick, in the shower, entertaining company, taking care of children, sick in bed, or just resting or on the phone with an important or long distance call. These calls should not be allowed if you should elect to have them stopped. It should not be the cost in money and time to you personally to stop them, but be able to elect to block them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4698 of 5002 hate robocalls can get 10 a day. waste of time and energy please let them be blocked after all it is my phone marc selden ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4699 of 5002

Blocking unwanted calls is a fundamental necessity in today's society. Unwanted calls are the equivalent of spam mail in email - no one in their right mind would even argue that being able to block spam mail requires so much discussion. Please, do the right thing for the public here and allow us to block unwanted calls.

Redmond, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4700 of 5002

Robocalls are becoming more and more of an intrusion on my family's time and privacy. I estimate that 75% of the calls to my home are robocalls. Many of these calls use a way around the caller ID function to trick you into answering the call. Due to the intrusive nature of these calls, I think the public needs an easy, inexpensive, and effective way to block these calls. The problem is getting worse all the time and demands your attention. Please help!

Julie Mundell Round Rock, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4701 of 5002

Please, please make it stop! Even though our phone number is unlisted and we are on the Do Not Call Registry, our phone rings multiple times a day, nearly every day, with unsolicited telemarketer calls. If we ignore them, they keep calling and calling day after day. If we answer, sometimes there's someone there and sometimes there isn't. When there is someone on the line, we ask to be removed from their calling list, but often are met with profanity. Also, if we use the Call Return feature, we find that they were using a spoofed number. These people are up to no good, won't follow the rules, and they don't give up. Please stop the robocalls! Why can't we have peace and quiet in our own homes?

The Palmer Family Santa Clarita CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4702 of 5002 i do not pay for a phone for the benefit of a robocalling company. please allow me to block those calls. thank you very much and have a pleasant day terry terry sweet los angeles, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4703 of 5002

My wife and I are currently serving overseas in Northern Japan. We have a Vonage phone number which is local for our home state. Due to the time difference between here and the States we receive numerous phone calls per month during the overnight hours. Having the ability to block some of those calls - the robocalls - is very important, not only to us, but to all service members and government employees/contractors serving overseas.

Linderman Meadville PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4704 of 5002

Subscribing to Monorobo has been the best decision I've ever made. I tell everyone I know about it.

All phone companies should provide robocalls blocking services.

J Zimmerman Downey CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4705 of 5002

Software to block robocalls should be available to everyone to wants it.

Judy Joiner Sebastopol, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4706 of 5002

I observe your sliding more to commerce only, and leaving citizens suffering because of it. I think your mission is protecting US CITIZENS and standing for net neutrality, and further narrowing the ability for telemarketers to bomb us with unwanted ads. If my telephone, currently free of telemarketers, is allowed by your agency to flood ads - - it will be time to get rid of the telephone.

My reaction to ads is to form a negative feeling toward the products touted.

Please do your duty, and work for citizens right to clear channels of flooding ads.

Alice-Anne Kingston

Alice-Anne Kingston Lexington, Kentucky

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4707 of 5002

I dislike Solicitors callers, I block them once and then I have notice that the same company will call again and again using a different numbers to hopefully get though. it's like this... if I wanted to buy something I would call them!!

Lucille Norfolk, Va.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4708 of 5002

Please allow the blocking of Robo calls. I find them highly offensive and will never deal with any company that gives me a robo. Robo calls are bad enough but we will never get Congress to support a solution there.

I use a pre-pay plan on my cell phone and every robo call cost me a minimum of 25 cents. I am on the no-call list of the Commerce Department but that has become a joke for the telemarketers. I find telemarketers on of the worlds lowest life forms.

James Grover Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4709 of 5002

Our phone rings incessantly with sales calls. With our robocall blocking product installed, we at least get some relief. We'd love to be able to block all telemarketing calls, but until that's an option, we should be able to at least stop the automated nuisance calls.

Christian H. California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4710 of 5002

It is quite obscene that we even have to request that phone companies provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers...for phone services WE PAY FOR. We are DISGUSTED & FURIOUS that robocalling is STILL allowed at all. What part of this is too difficult for anyone to understand?? WE WANT THE ROBOCALLING TO STOP!!! WE DO NOT WANT ROBOCALLING. WE DO NOT WANT POLITICAL CALLS. WE DO NOT WANT SURVEY CALLS. WE DO NOT WANT ANYONE CALLING WHO WE DID NOT GIVE OUR PHONE NUMBER TO. If this is too difficult to comprehend, give us YOUR phone number and we will call YOU everyday, several times a day, for as long as we want, and then maybe you will understand. We highly doubt that will happen though, because you want your privacy, just like we do.

Patrick & Melissa Ferguson Monroe, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4711 of 5002

I like the robocalls it works for me and I should be able to choose who I wish for my phone. Nothing against the phone company but they didn't do the job and after a while the block list at the phone company deleted my blocked calls and had to reblock them once more. Thanks!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4712 of 5002

Robo calls are an extremely annoying intrusion into the privacy of our homes. They are unwelcome by everyone I have talked to about this. Robo calls can tie up the phone line, preventing others from reaching me and in some cases preventing me from making calls.

Banning robo calls does not infringe on the right to free speech as companies (and politicians) have plenty of other media options for making their sales pitch.

Brian Harrison Scotts Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4713 of 5002 half of my calls are robocalls. they spoof phone numbers to prevent me from not answering "obvious" calls. the legislation is slanted in a way to encourage scams, coupled with lax enforcement of "do not call" lists creates an annoyance that preys on the non-skilled public. palo alto, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4714 of 5002

I URGE you to not only allow robocall blocking but to in fact do everything in your power to stop the practice of robocalls as a gross intrusion of privacy. I think it would be outrageous if consumers were unable to take advantage of technology to block these completely unwanted incoming phone calls.

Stephen Marano Nutley, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4715 of 5002

Robo callers are the bain of us landline owners. Beyond just annoying, they prey upon the elderly. Phone company complicity in this scourg is proven by their attempt to stop countermeasures such as the FTC award winning NoMoRobo. Force the phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers!

Brad Landon San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4716 of 5002

Its a joke that the phone companies can only give you the ability to block 20 numbers from calling you. I use nomorobo and the peace and quiet is enjoyable. My parents are both in their 70s. You know how many unknown calls, Spam or spoofed calls we get its ridiculous. Calls that the do not call list does nothing about. Many of these spoofed, spammed or unwanted telemarketing calls are robo calls. Its bad enough getting these calls on a home phone but so many now get them on their cell phones. So many of the Robo calls are from scammers, who go after Seniors. I google any unknown number that calls my phone or my parents phone. I have both nomorobo and a call blocking device. These robocallers even try to get around the caller id, call blocking devices. I am a big fan of call blocking products and services. It makes lives easier even those in the Government.

Michael Merencky Mentor, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4717 of 5002

Robocalls are distracting and annoying, I stop answering calls because I'm not sure if it's just another robocall. Blocking products are absolutely needed!! I have Nomorobo, what a welcome relief.

What would you want for yourselves??????????

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4718 of 5002

My Mom Is 88 yrs old and these Robo calls don't stop Calling her This is Not Right when she pays her Phone Bills and wants these calls to Stop Calling She should have the Right to Stop these Calls Also Even though you Put the Your Home Number on the do not call List that does not work. Also if you use your Block Feature on your Service it only lets you Block up to 6 Number And these calls come in like 6 times a day Why Not give the Person the Right to Control there Own Phone Service.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4719 of 5002 pls stop all these calls wa

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4720 of 5002

Robocalls are increasingly intruding on my family's time and privacy. By my estimate, 50-75% of the calls to my home are these type of calls, and it's extremely annoying! Those who send out these calls are somehow able to disguise themselves on the caller ID in an attempt to trick a person into answering the call. Due to the intrusive nature of these calls, the public needs an easy, inexpensive, and effective way to block these calls. This is a growing problem which needs your attention and immediate action. Thank you.

Marty Mundell Round Rock, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4721 of 5002

I, along with many others, as you to do whatever it takes to force phone companies to provide roboblocking solutions to consumers.

Sandy, UT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4722 of 5002

I would like to have the option to block robocalls to my cell phone.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4723 of 5002

We've turned the ringer off on my home phone, because of all the robocall voice spam. You need to outlaw robocalls, and then actually enforce your regulations with large enough fines to pay the cost of your enforcement division for the first few years, and to ultimately force the robocallers out of business.

In the mean time, and for foreign callers, I want effective robocall-blocking software.

I want an electronic "No Solicitors" sign for my phone!

Brian and Bertha McGiffert San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4724 of 5002

I'm sick and tired of robocalls. I get them on three different numbers although they're all on the do not call list.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4725 of 5002

Stop this now please.

Phyllis Cox Beavercreek, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4726 of 5002

Please allow us to block robocalls. That includes telemarketers and political calls.

Thank you.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4727 of 5002

I am bombarded every day by robo callers from India. Sometimes they leave a long messages that takes over voice mail..

Please allow Verizon to stop these calls.

Thank you.

Marie Hanerkam

Glen Mills page 19342

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4728 of 5002

I think we should decide what calls we want to receive. We should be able to block robocalls

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4729 of 5002

The FCC has been a great advocate in the battle to shut down robocalling. The easy availability of VoIP PBX technology has caused an explosion in fraudulent calls, hiding behind fake or stolen caller ID numbers. These calls cause serious financial and emotional hardship for victims of identity theft, financial scams, and harassment.

The telecommunications industry would rather let these scams continue, than have consumer-friendly regulations in place that might limit their ability to sell services to unscrupulous operators. The FCC's vital mission to protect the public from deceptive and illegal communications practices should prevail over lobbying by the telecommunications industry.

Steve Weinberg Kirkland, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4730 of 5002

I surely would like to stop being harassed by telemarketers who ignore the DNC list and phone at 7:30am and 9:45pm, including Sunday. I'm expecting a call from a child or a contractor, so rush to the phone to hear a hang up or no message, or worse they cut me off, hang up mid-sentence when I politely ask to not be called. I get these every day, sometimes up to 10 a day, all unsolicited. I would appreciate a way to stop them, changing my number will only stop it for months at best. And that is inconvenient, having to notify everyone you want to hear from. Thanks.

Gail Sateia Gainesville, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4731 of 5002

I work hard, my family deserves our peace and quiet, these robot phone calls are very irritating and invasive. I want them to stop, I want my privacy and peace and quiet.. they should not be allowed to do this without punishment and fines. And made to stop,,,thank you for listening....If you have any information regarding how to block these telemarketing calls it would be very very appreciated by me...Katie ...Washington State

Granite Falls WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4732 of 5002

The next time you can be interrupted at dinnertime while you are trying to feed your kids and the telephone won't stop ringing.

Please stop these Robocalls.

Thank you!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4733 of 5002

Blocking robocalls is a necessity. I am a stay-at-home mom who also works from home. I receive robocalls on a daily basis. No matter what I have tried nothing has worked other than Nomorobo. I am on the national do not call list. I have asked the caller repeatedly to take me off of their list. I have reported the callers to the national do not call list. I have received as many as 8-10 robocalls in a single day. They have even resorted to using my own caller ID as their own, which I find frightening to say the least and had even called the police department for advice. These calls interrupt me while I am trying to work & have become an altogether nuisance. It had become very stressful. I am so very thankful to have a service such as Nomorobo. I don't have to stop what I am doing when the phone rings. I just wait to see if there is a 3rd ring. It has been a godsend for me. Please do not make it illegal to block these calls. If anything, the robocalls themselves should be illegal. If I can post a "No Soliciting" sign on my front door, why can't I put one on my phone line? Thank you.

D-M Montesinos Patchogue, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4734 of 5002

You need to do SOMETHING to stop all the Robo calls!

Issaquah, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4735 of 5002

Robocalls waste my precious usage minutes of my phone and are very annoying. If they were serious about making a 'emotional connection' with a customer, they wouldnt rely on automated voice call. I hang up a call immediately when i notice that it is a a robocall!

Salinas, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4736 of 5002

Robocalls and other sales calls, make having a landline phone a burden. I don't understand why they can not be blocked

Sam Ennis San Rafaeal CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4737 of 5002

Please help to stop unwanted calls. Nomorobo is a godsend.

Andrew Ketchum Camarillo CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4738 of 5002

Regardless what current laws from Congress say, or prior regs of the FCC, please work to change things so that WE consumers have protection from the avalanche of unsolicited Robo telephone calls. Even with our phone numbers listed on the "do not call" registry, we are inundated with unsolicited calls. Multiply our experience by the tens of millions, and you have a lot of wasted hours in this country and huge economic losses due to the lost time. Marketing is fine, but it shouldn't be intrusive in one's home, office or life.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Sincerely yours,

Richard Edwards

Oakland, CA

Rich Edwards Oakland, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4739 of 5002

Nomorobo had cut down the number of unwanted calls that I get daily. I am also registered on the Do Not Call list, doesn't really work. Nomorobo works. It is annoying to get calls multiple times a day and night. I work nights and when I try to sleep during day, I get woken up multiple times by unwanted calls. With the help of Nomorobo I get less interruptions of my sleep. I'm glad I saw an article about Nomorobo in my local paper. Thanks.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4740 of 5002

Robo calls and other unwanted telemarketing calls are an infuriating waste of time. Most simply ignore the "do not call" lists and call anyway. If there was a way to do it, I would block ALL of them on ALL my phones! I am the one paying for my phone services, and I should have some control of who has access to my phones, like I have a "no soliciting" sign on my door.

Houston, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4741 of 5002

Robocalls are obnoxious and phone owners should be able to block them. This is a right to privacy issue. There are plenty of ways for businesses to make consumers aware of their products. Annoying people with unsolicited advertising is not necessary.

Don Athon Atascadero, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4742 of 5002

I'm tired of receiving unsolicited robocalls & emails. Please force phone companies & internet providers to protect us.

Arnold Pinck San Jose CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4743 of 5002

Please allow consumers the option to block unwanted calls, especially automated robocalls, to our private phone lines.


Cary Douglass Austin, Tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4744 of 5002

Stop the rob calls!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4745 of 5002

Dear FCC,

Robocalls are the worst sort of invasion of the peace, quiet and privacy of the home. Not only are we being interrupted of our personal time, but this is being done by a machine, a recording. It is a thoughtless and rude marketing device, that is only used by thoughtless, rude marketers because it is so cheep to set up, and because it receives responses from the most vulnerable and innocent members of the public - who should be protected from this sort of exploitation.

Alexandria, VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4746 of 5002

I feel that robocalls are extremely annoying and an invasion of privacy. Please stop!!!, Especially with the upcoming Presidential election in 2016 we will all be blasted with calls!

Thank you.

Leander, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4747 of 5002

Robo-call blocking is a godsend.

Edward DiMILIA Torrance CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4748 of 5002

I feel that robocalls are extremely annoying and an invasion of privacy. Please stop!!!, Especially with the upcoming Presidential election in 2016 we will all be blasted with calls!

Thank you.

Leander, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4749 of 5002

I hate robocalls. Please make it easy for us to block them.

James Green Livermore, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4750 of 5002

Robocalls are a real pain in the A-- I don't like getting them when in the middle of fixing what ever I am working on.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4751 of 5002

I want the ability to block robocalls on both my landline and my cell phone. The Do Not Call List isn't cutting it. Too many robocallers just ignore it, knowing that they will never be punished.

J Georges Redondo Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4752 of 5002

I want the ability to block "ROBO CALLS'

John Courtney Livonia MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4753 of 5002

This is one of life's most irritating aspects because it is such an intrusion!

This needs to stop now! Thank you. I would like some blocking products.

Rita S McShea Saint Charles Missouri

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4754 of 5002

Every day, all day long, my phone rings at home with automated solicitor calls. It is disturbing and intrusive. I am on the do not call list yet I continue to get these unwanted and invasive calls--many times there is not even a human being on the other end of the line. Please stop these robocalls which awaken the household and disturb mealtimes. These unwanted calls must stop.

Cynthia Tivers Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4755 of 5002

We were excited when the "Do Not Call" rolled out that there will be an end to constant telephone ringing. Our excitement was short-lived. The constant telephone ringing has started again from telemarketers using robocalls.

We would like the FCC make the telephone companies to make it possible for us to BLOCK any unwanted telephone calls from going through to our instruments.

The ringing of the telephone interrupts your otherwise quiet day when you are most busy just to hear somebody wanting to sell you a repair to your credit.

Leslie Johnson Kalamazoo, MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4756 of 5002

I received anywhere from 2 to 5 Robo calls a day before I found Nomorobo, I currently have verizon phone service for my home and they only allow me to block 10 numbers. Why won't the phone companies let me block all the numbers I want like my Mobile phone can.

Lakewood, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4757 of 5002

Are you people serious allowing Robo Calls???

YES, I want these "robo calls" BLOCKED!!!

Whose brainstorm of an idea is this?


Tony Navarro Montgomery, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4758 of 5002

I moved to Lynden, WA in June 2014. I had a new phone number, one that had been previously assigned. I had to many calls to count, all from callers, businesses, scammers robocallers who had nothing to do with us. It was a nightmare. My cable phone company only allows blocking of 10 numbers. There were far more than that. I signed the number up with the Do Not Call registry. Unfortunately, the scammers and robocallers don't seem to respect the do not call list. I was lucky enough to find Nomorobo. I added my number to that registry and, over time, the robocallers stopped. I screen my calls now, do not answer the phone because I know legitimate organizations and people we know will leave a message. I look the numbers up that call and check them online....telemarketers, harassing call complaints, robocallers. Nomorobo has been a blessing. I guess the phone companies get too much money for the phone lines they rent to those awful robocallers and their like.

Linda Tudico Lynden, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4759 of 5002 these calls are increasing at an alarming rate. I find them trying me at the worst of times....privacy is a god given be respected and enforced. ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4760 of 5002

I am sick of robo calls including political ones. It is an invasion of privacy, even and especially political ones. Phone companies used to have call blocking for callers without phone ID name and number, but many currently no longer have it. Please mandate his feature again and I fully support

William Maliha, MD Saugerties, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4761 of 5002 please help me block robocalls thank you randy ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4762 of 5002

Supper time is sooo quiet now that I set up NoMoRoBo Calls!!!

This system is so much better than the Government attempt to solve THE SAME problem with the failed "Do Not Call" list(?)

I have been on the"Do Not Call" list almost from the beginning but with the Number and ID spoofing now used by computerized calling abusers, I was loosing the battle to have a peaceful supper!

My Phone company's allotted 30 number blocking list is full to capacity!

And by the way, don't EVER allow telemarketers begin to call Cell Phones, as we always hear about all the time via e-mail!

Consider the lost of revenue from all those that will switch from non-wireless land-line phones to only wireless phones in order to avoid telemarketers!

Maplewood NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4763 of 5002

Our privacy is our business.

Stay out!

Ray Brooks Austin,TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4764 of 5002

Even with being on the Do Not Call list, we get lots of unsolicited robocalls. We never answer them, they leave no messages, and are generally disturbing to our peace of mind. We've used NoMoRobo for a while, and at least it lets us know when we get a detected robocall by blocking the call after 1 ring. We would appreciate getting NO robocalls at all, so we ask you to do all in your power to prosecute violators of the Do Not Call list, and enabling products like NoMoRobo to assist us when they do violate.

Steve & Kathy Akers Redwood City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4765 of 5002

Robocall blocking should be a right. Please make it happen.

Henrico, va

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4766 of 5002

Please stop robocalls. There an invasion of my privacy. If I want there service, i would subscribe. Really! isn't the movement supposed to be looking out for the general public?

Government needs to get out of homeowners personal affairs

Shawnee, KS

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4767 of 5002

No more!

I am so tired of receiving calls from 8AM until well past 9PM every single day, including Sunday.

Protect the public from this harassment.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4768 of 5002

Not only are these robo calls annoying, they use false numbers to trick you into thinking they are someone else. Please stop this for the consumer that has had enough.

Sammy Hicks Memphis, Tennessee

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4769 of 5002

I have been using Nomorobo on my home phone for about a year now and WHAT A DIFFERENCE IT MAKES to the peace and quiet of my house. Annoying robot sales calls, from persons I have no intention of speaking with are dealt with in an efficient manner. This does no harm to the caller, their computers simply move on to the next number. I on the other hand am not forced to deal with what on some days is easily 8-10 unsolicited sales calls. AND I AM ON THE OFFICIAL DO NOT CALL LIST.

If cold call sales people are allowed to use technology to dial out to thousands upon thousands of phone numbers at least we the people should be able to use technology to say NO THANK YOU. It would be a serious blow to telephone/telecommunications users such as myself should the FCC or other governmental agency step in to deny me access to technology such as Nomorobo.

Thank you.

Glenn Carlson San Mateo California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4770 of 5002

Robo calls are a real problem. My land-line has nearly been ruined by numerous robo-calls every day. If it were not for the robo-call blocking service Nomorobo we probably would have cancelled our land-line by now. Please do more to stop such annoying phone calls.


Kevin Higgins

Kevin Higgins Columbia, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4771 of 5002

Nomorobo has saved me from endless hassle answering unwanted phone calls. Please preserve my freedom to choose and my privacy.

Donald Hague Pepperell MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4772 of 5002

Robocalls are a bloody nuisance and a blight. Uninvited they intrude at all hours without regard to the disturbance they create. What's more, most of the robocalls are from scamsters and other quasi- criminals. Our phones are ours. We should be able to determine what kind of calls we receive and when we receive them.. Robocall blocking ervices like incalculably valuable. They should be available to everyone free of charge via their phone companies.

Stella Grey New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4773 of 5002

Enough spam in the inbox, enough Robocalls, they need to be blocked. We deserve our privacy back!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4774 of 5002

I have been using NOMOROBO since is was made available. I have

Verizon as my phone provider, and have had no problems with Verizon not wanting Nomorobo to block robocalls. However, it appears the AH's making robocalls have found a workaround Nomorobo. I get many unwanted telemarketer calls on a daily basis - showing "Unavailable" or

"Out of area" on my caller ID. In many cases, they do not show area code either. Additionally, when I have tried to call back to test if it is a "live" number, I usually get "this number is no longer in service", which leads me to believe it's a "spoofed number". I feel strongly that the FCC should take the necessary action to require all land-line phone providers to allow their customers to install Nomorobo, if they so desire.

To take it one step further, Nomorobo should be expanded to block non- robocalls as well.

Charles M. Muse, USN, Ret. Temecula, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4775 of 5002

We use NoMoRobo to block unwanted calls because Verizon's call blocking options can't do the job completely. With Verizon we can choose to block ALL calls, or block ALL calls that have no caller ID, or block calls from a limited quantity of specific phone numbers.NoMoRobo has no limit on phone numbers we can add to their database. If someone calls us and their phone number matches a number in the NoMoRobo database, we hear only one ring before the caller is disconnected. Why is this a problem for Verizon ? Why doesn't Verizon offer a similar service ?

Steve and Barb Loizeaux Telford, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4776 of 5002

All companies providing phone services should allow consumers the right to block robo calls. With the vast reaches of the internet, we have the ability to research and purchase goods and services tailored to our lives needs. Internet Service Providers enable use to filter out the spam with tools built into their products. Shouldn't we have the same ability with our phones, which are just another method of communication?

Richard Annapolis, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4777 of 5002

I want all phone calls from these assholes stopped!!!!!! I am going to start answering and pissing them off to the max!!

Del and Roxanne Fladwoodd Saint Paul, MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4778 of 5002

The Robo calls are more frequent than ever and extremely disturbing. My phone is private and I should be able to block these annoying calls.

Nina Foster City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4779 of 5002

I need robocalls to be blocked because they are very annoying. I support products like Nomorobo to assist in blocking robocalls.

New York City

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4780 of 5002

I think it is very important for you to consider robocall blocking on cell phones. They purposely call, writing my phone number as the caller ID to cover up who really calls. It is a problem as I have to block it but not sure I really can although iphone has functions. Please consider blocking robocalls on cell phones too! I feel the robocallls ate an invasion of privacy and those on landline has been reduced due to nomorobo. Thank you consideration.

Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4781 of 5002

ROBOCALLS are an invasion of privacy. I block them on my VOIP landline and wish to block them on my cell phone.

David Schwoelger Oakland, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4782 of 5002

Robocalls have gotten out of hand and are harassing me without my permission. Its evident that businesses as well as politicians will continue their harassment unless consumers have the ability to block unwanted phone calls that disrupt their lives. Consumer protection should be the #1 item to you. You need to allow consumers the right to block such calls at no charge to protect the consumer's personal privacy.

Fayetteville, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4783 of 5002

If the schemes perpetrated by phone scammers -- identity theft, real estate fraud, securities fraud, even extortion -- were conducted via mail, they would likely be prosecuted for violating federal mail fraud statutes.

But while the US government looks unkindly upon anyone using the USPS for fraudulent activities, phone scammers seem to do so with impunity, because I have no way of finding out who they are, where they're calling from, or stopping their unwanted calls from reaching me at all.

And so, I'm forced to endure robocalls with spoofed caller IDs (identity theft), non-existent property investments (real estate fraud), pump-and-dump stock scams (securities fraud), or threats of lawsuits from "Internal Revenue Services [sic]" unless payment is made (extortion).

Phone carriers are unwilling to provide customers with effective measures to block or prosecute unwanted robocalls, and blithely ignore the inconvenience and potential illegality of these practices.

And the National Do Not Call Registry is an impotent, unenforceable sham. Despite my being on both the National DNC registry as well as my state's registry, these calls persist.

Services like Nomorobo provide a valuable and wanted service to fill the void created by the inaction and indifference of the phone carriers. If you can't compel the carriers to act against fraudulent phone practices on behalf of US phone customers, AT LEAST don't obstruct the free market from providing innovative and useful solutions on our behalf.

Tom Lundin St. Petersburg, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4784 of 5002

We must be able to block robocalls. It is hard for us older people to get up and head to the phone in time, just for a telemarketer and robocall.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4785 of 5002

I have calls on my work cell, interrupting business. I have to answer all calls as they may be a new customer and instead I get repeat calls from some companies, several states at all times of day. Please help stop these calls!

John Orange, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4786 of 5002

All of the annoying calls and people who are just plain rude and threatening should/must be stopped, I do not want to receive any calls that are not needed or wanted.This has got to stop!!!!!!!

Patrick Buchanan Carson, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4787 of 5002

I'm fed up of my phone ringing again and again and again, with the callers just hanging up. I'm on the do not call list, but there seems to be no enforcement. They call my wife's cell phone, even though this is illegal. Robocalls are a huge intrusion and time waster for all Americans.

Adrian Griffin Sacramento, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4788 of 5002

Robocalls have a negative affect on the quality of my family's life. We get approximately one dozen calls at various times during the day wanting us to vote for a candidate, give to a charity, buy subscriptions, or remodel my home because the company "is in my neighborhood." Help--please!

Stuart Strenger La Mesa, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4789 of 5002

Robo calls are invading my life, I get 6-10 phone calls per day. I do not want to hear these sale pitches. WE are seniors on limited incomes , if we need something we will research and find the companies we choose to work with.PLEASE do not stop NOMOROBO. My life has been much more peaceful since I registered with them. Mrs. Judith Pantoja

Ted & Judith Pantoja Lake Elsinore Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4790 of 5002

Stop robocalls. Let Nomrobo stop robocalls to my cell as it does to my landline.

Lyy, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4791 of 5002

Please, oh please block robo calls. Yes, I have a phone that can filter, but the intrusion into my home is a violation of my privacy, my sanctuary, my home. (I also often proverbially scratch my head, wondering who would ever respond to or buy a product from a company that would so intrude on ones privacy and what brain-dead company would think they would)

Sacramento CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4792 of 5002

Stop robocalls. Let Nomrobo stop robocalls to my cell as it does to my landline.

Lynn, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4793 of 5002

Give me the ability to stop telemarketing calls

Charles Gunn DE

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4794 of 5002

I am 82, har of hearing' caring for a wife who can't get out of her chair without help. I registered with Nomorobo a year ago. I use the built in call blocking on my phone It helped a lot but I still get 4 to 10 robo calls a day. Some.times 3 or 4 from the same number. I guess someone is talking to them, not me. I hate them.

Mel & Nina McIntire

Mel McIntire Dallas TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4795 of 5002

I have successfully blocked robocalls on my landline, and I'm very relieved and pleased with the result. I certainly hope that no one is going to try to take away my right to do this!

Barbara Chan Mountain View, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4796 of 5002

I have a phone for my use for both personal and business. I should be able to block robo calls that interfere when I am on a call, and I should not have to give up my call minutes for calls I do not want. In my opinion robo calls are an invasion of my privacy and I should be able to block these intrusive calls on my phone, or have some other way to stop getting calls from anonymous and unknown persons and businesses.

James Kreiling Houston, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4797 of 5002

I am sick of telemarketers. I am also sick of calls when you answer no one says anything. It makes me think that they are checking to see if you are home and then call you on another number. Being that I pay for phone service, I think I should be allowed to choose who I want to talk to. I like my privacy.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4798 of 5002

We desperately need MORE robocall blocking solutions, and ways to enforce the Do Not Call List! Please help the American people! Laws making it easier to get taken off call lists, or to enforce penalties on companies that don't take you off lists are also needed.

Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4799 of 5002

Like he said, It is our phone,we should have say in what we receive on it. Robo calls be outlawed.

Douglas Wiley Taft CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4800 of 5002

Nomorobo has been highly effective in blocking unwanted solicitations, both computer voice and human. Before nomorobo, government no call listing was only minimally effective.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4801 of 5002



Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4802 of 5002

When I called Verizon to ask them to let me use call forwarding to block robocalls through NOMOROBO, they said that service was discontinued and no alternate service was being offered that would allow me to block those calls. We are being forced to endure this constant irritation and invasion of our privacy in our own home.

Jane Williams Hacienda Heights, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4803 of 5002

I have robocall blocking on my telephone. Wonderful!!! About 5 or 6 robocalls are blocked each day. My home telephones show me the numbers blocked. Actually, my telephone service provider gave me the information to enable me to have robocall blocking. I own my phones. I should have the right to determine who should or should not be permitted to call my number and disturb me with fraudulent offers, etc.

Bill Peresman Huntington, New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4804 of 5002

Peace of mind - that's all we want. Our phone lines are for emergency calls and for connecting to our loved ones: both family and friends. It's OUR phone and we should have complete control over our ability to communicate with vendors and service providers at OUR own convenience. When unwanted calls destroy the peace and quiet of the day, when it takes us away from our personal activities and priorities, when it becomes a complete nuisance - it's an invasion of our lives and is totally unacceptable. NOMOROBO is part of the family. I don't know what we would do without it. We are less angrier and we have PEACE OF MIND. Please keep unwanted calls away.

C. McDermitt Newark NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4805 of 5002

Robocalls are disrupting our home life. They are relentless. We can block individual phone numbers, but robocallers then change their number by a couple of digits and continue calling from the new number. Being on the no-call list does not work.

Please put a stop to this.

Dennis Coerber Lake Stevens, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4806 of 5002

I have been so disappointed in my government. I signed up on the Do Not Call List when it was first established. And in the beginning it worked. And then it began not to.

I thought there were laws preventing unwelcome callers, and so I dutifully reported each unwanted caller. But nothing happened. It became a demonstration of the ineffectiveness of the government, and particularly the FCC.

And then we found Finally, peace at home in our time. NoMoRobo has stopped over 90% of the robo-calls to our home. I know this because we still get one ring, and then it goes to NoMoRobo. The ratio of those one-rings to the telemarketers that still get through is more than 9:1. AND robo-calls that I DO WANT still get through, eg., the pharmacy notifying me that a prescription is ready. AND it’s FREE. All hail NoMoRobo.

But there is so much farther that this could go. While this works on my home Verizon FIOS system, my understanding is that ATT Wireless is keeping NoMoRobo from working, and whereas telemarketing calls on my wireless have previously been small, annoying they have begun to increase also.

It seems incredible to me that the FCC would even consider a proposal from the phone companies asking to stop companies that block robo-calls. REALLY!! The FCC cannot do it's own job with the Do Not Call List enforcement, and now they might consider stopping private companies from doing that by giving in to huge phone companies. Just exactly who is the FCC trying to represent??

Irvine, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4807 of 5002

Robocalls have gotten WAY out of hand. It's difficult to eat, sleep, have a conversation with friends or read without being interrupted at almost any hour from early morning until 9 or 10 o'clock at night. I pay for the phone; why can't I have control of who tries to use it. Can it be that it would inconvenience political candidates (especially incumbents)? Come on; get real!

Ed Given Murfreesboro, TN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4808 of 5002

I have 3 landlines and 3 cell phones in our home.

1 landline at our cabin and 3 business lines.

I am tired of getting calls about lowering my credit cards (they are all paid off), refi our mortgage (we have a very low rate), that I called to get a new roof and/or windows and/or fence and/or paint etc. they are all new w/i 5 years.

Especially when they say they talked to me about it a few months ago and I did not. To top it off, it is on a business line.

I get calls at all hours from 4am to midnight.

Then there are the scams about cutting my power off, IRS calling saying I owe back taxes etc.

Almost all are robo-dialed!

This is as bad or worse than spam!

Please help us stop this!!!!

Thank you,

Chuck McFate and family

Chuck McFate Sunland, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4809 of 5002

I would prefer not to get robocalls. They are annoying and disturbing my private time.

Helene Georgakopoulos Chelmsford, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4810 of 5002

I want to be able to block robocalls. I would also like to block calls from telephones that I have received unwanted calls from in the future.

Jeff Beck Los Angeles

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4811 of 5002

We get so many robot calls we hesitate to answer our phone sometimes -- and sometimes we've missed important calls because we didn't answer!

These robo calls are annoying, invasive, and a waste of our time. Please, please require all phone companies to provide ways for us to block robo calls. And tell them not to charge us a fee for the opportunity to block robo calls.

I spoke to our Comcast billing dept. just today to ask why our monthly bill has gone up again. And why we get charged a "Regulatory Recovery Fee" which is "neither government mandated nor a tax, but is assessed by Comcast to recover the costs of certain federal, state and local impositions related to voice services." Aren't the fees they charge for their services supposed to cover their expenses plus provide an income?

Linda & Don Martinson Edmonds, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4812 of 5002

Please stop robo callng! I have osteo arthritis and I move slowly and with a olot of pain. So imagine I am expecting a call from my doctor and the phone rings. It is only three strides away but by the time I put dowmnwhat I am carrying and shuffle over to theq phone. The call has gone to voice mail. I check the mail and find nothing. I look at the caller and find pa fake name. I have been ROBO called for the nth time.

George Dvorak La Puente, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4813 of 5002

Dear members of the FCC,

I love not being contacted by these companies who use robo callers. They have disturbed my family and me for years. Thank you nomorobo for ending these constant irritating calls.

RJ Nelson San Diego, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4814 of 5002

The ROBO CALLS are TERRIBLE: I receive calls everyday including weekends untill late into the night...they start early in the morning...... most are from fly by night company....Portfoliorecovery...... I researched them...they buy old Debt..from 20 yrs ago and call and harrass people that never owed a dime to anyone.....when I answer the phone...they hang up...when I call the number(there are atleast 50 different numbers from all parts of the USA) no one answers.....this has got to stop... ! I understand that New York State sued them and WON !!!!!! please advise.....

New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4815 of 5002

The most irritating thing is a robocall that keeps calling and calling.

Had one that for 6 months would call me everyday at 9:00 AM. This is an invasion of my privacy, plus the disruption of my sleeping schedule.

And nine times out of ten, you don't know who the caller is, because the information is blanked out, the word unknown is used.

My phone is for my benefit not for a sales operation, a politician to toot his horn or someone wanting a donation.

All this should be blocked, period. I'm paying for my telephone service, not the robocallers.

Grand Prairie, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4816 of 5002

I joined the National DO NOT CALL list. I have caller ID/CALL BLOCKING installed on my phone. Yet, I still get the blasted robocalls. What does a person have to do to be free of the nuisance that is unsolicited robocalls that are an utter waste of time? I no sooner block one number then it seems to roll over to another state code. I know writing this will do no good since privacy seems to be a thing of the past. kim rocklin, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4817 of 5002

PLEASE keep the roboall blocking feature. We average about 2.5 robocalls per day and they would be a needless continual interruption without robocall blocking.

James and Linda Fletcher Hacienda Heights, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4818 of 5002

Please stop robo callng! I have osteo arthritis and I move slowly and with a olot of pain. So imagine I am expecting a call from my doctor and the phone rings. It is only three strides away but by the time I put dowmnwhat I am carrying and shuffle over to theq phone. The call has gone to voice mail. I check the mail and find nothing. I look at the caller and find pa fake name. I have been ROBO called for the nth time.

It does no good to ignore the call. The machine knose that I have not heard the message so it calls again and again and again -- FOREVER!

George Dvorak La Puente, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4819 of 5002

Please take any and all means necessary to allow us consumers to be able to block unwanted calls-- there are now so many of them that telephone is becoming sort of useless.

Howell, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4820 of 5002

Verizon digital service is covered by your use of nomorobo, but they don't cover their landlines. I get more unwanted calls than I get ones that I want.

Huntington Beach, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4821 of 5002

I am so fed up with robocalls that I am ready to cancel my AT&T landlines permanently. (that will not increase interstate business)

Most robocalls are scamers and looking to take advantage of fhe elederly and vulnerable. We deserve protection from them.

I am old and unwell and they wake me up every day, they are a buden.

I get enraged by them, they intrude in my life many times a day.

Please make Robocalls illeagle

Plesae give NOMOROBO a medal for making citizens lives better

Josep Mulholland Oakland, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4822 of 5002

Registering all my family's phone numbers in the National Do Not Call Registry did not reduce the telemarketing calls we receive. Submitting complaints on the National Do Not Call Registry appears to be hopeless, as we never know the results and our complaints do not reduce the repeat calls we receive. We have to answer our phones to get messages from our kids, their schools, and other valid communications. We seem to be getting more scam and telemarketing calls from all over the world. Too many telemarketers are untouchable, and the laws and regulations to prevent violators seem less and less enforceable.

Technology allows telemarketers to acquire new numbers and discard them at will. Proof of this is the latest trend to use local numbers that look familiar to us on caller ID so we will pick up the phone. How do we know when such a call is from one of our kids who may have lost their phone, run out of battery, or is stranded in some way and has barrowed another friend’s phone? We must answer calls from local and familiar numbers. Most telemarketers are using robocall technology, this separates them from valid callers and provides a way to identify them. According to the FCC's web site" The vast majority of telephone calls that deliver a prerecorded message trying to sell something to the recipient are illegal." So it's no wonder telemarketers hide behind their technology and use it to obscure themselves.

Our political representative’s good intentions to try to control technology with legislation almost always results in innovation and the birth of pirate organizations who figure out how stay ahead of the "rules" they create. Lawmakers unfortunately just can't keep up with changing technology. The only way to fight technology is with technology and the only technology that has worked for us is For us, has made the telemarketers technology ineffective, and they do it for free! Please don't leave us defenseless by handicapping, limiting or taking away our defenses. Please support the innovation of consumer protection technology like

Gerald Human Thousand Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4823 of 5002

My entire family is sick of getting robocalls at all times of the day and night. It's high time the FCC allowed us to block this growing nuisance!

Yucaipa, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4824 of 5002

I believe that I should have the right to block robocalls from interrupting my days, evenings and meals. Despite the fact that I am registered with the DoNotCall system and with nomorobo, I continue to receive these annoying and intrusive interruptions. As the protector of the public's privacy, I believe the FCC should be doing more to help us avoid this nuisance.

Michael & Beverly Kent Oakland, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4825 of 5002

Allow blocking robocalls because they are an egregious violation of my privacy and my health. I am 83 years old.

Murray Rosenbluth

Retired Mayor of Port Hueneme

Murray Rosenbluth Port Hueneme CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4826 of 5002

We need to have control over our phone ... we get so many unsolicited calls, our quality of life has gone down dramatically

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4827 of 5002

Robocalls have seriously affected how we use our phone at home. My husband suffers from dementia, and I do not want him to answer sales calls. I am afraid he will unwittingly give out credit card, bank information or his social security number to strangers he has no business dealing with. In order to circumvent potential problems, I limit our phone to 3 rings, check caller id when possible, and let the answer machine catch the legitimate calls. Friends and family are instructed to contact us on the cell phone. Our home phone has become a hassle, no longer the beneficial tool it once was. Please allow consumers the ability to choose for ourselves if we want solicitation calls to be allowed to enter our home. Allow us to decide to use a robocall blocking product. Thank you.

Upland, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4828 of 5002

I run a small Real Estate Office, Myself and One Agent. I take all the calls to my office. While it is extreme aggravation, Here is a problem I don,t understand. I take the time out to call the number back hoping for an opt out, which many of these robo calls & solicitors have. HOWEVER, I am amazed at the percentage that are the number is no longer in service or disconnected. About 1/3rd, .33 pct. !

Dolan Realtors Oak Lawn, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4829 of 5002

This has got to stop. I receive 6 to 8 robocalls a day, they are unrelentless. This is an invasion of privacy and complete harassment. Nomorobo has blocked 95% of these unwanted calls. Give consumers a choice and allow blocking products!

Jamal Dorsey Warminster, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4830 of 5002

I greatly appreciate being able to block robocalls and want to continue that option. Nomorobo has been a great service as I value my time and don't want to waste a minute of it answering a phone call I don't have any interest in. Everyday lives seem to be full of advertisements in print, on the television, on the radio, on the internet and even driving to the local store and I'd like to be free of any attention grabbing notice in one area - my phone.

Brier, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4831 of 5002

We need more tools to block robocalls! I presently use Nomorobo, which has greatly decreased undesired calls without limiting any calls that I want to receive. Everyone should have easy access to these tools--without it, I would probably have to cut my landline.

Paul M Denver, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4832 of 5002

We have been pleased with the results of blocking land calls with the Nomorobo system and would like to have it on or cell phones as well.

Anaheim, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4833 of 5002

Please stop robocalls! They are annoying, wasting prepaid plan owners money!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4834 of 5002

If I want a product or service I'll seek it out myself. I resent the use of my minutes and the intrusion into my personal life. Please ban ALL robo calls.

Linda Smith at Charles, mo

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4835 of 5002

Robo calls are onerous and continually interrupting my business operations as well as my 'peace of mind' when at home attempting to relax and eat dinner, etc. And , they call at all hours of day and night, and i cannot call back to bother them , this is not fair,,!! Best if you make them illegal,, next best, provide me a means to block these *%^$^%)(*$ from bothering me. dave lewis denver co

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4836 of 5002

Nomorobo has done the public a great service. It has effectively and economically ended robo calls from invading my privacy. Do not mess with success- - embrace it.

Carlsbad, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4837 of 5002

Get off the fucking payroll of the telecom companies. I pay for the phone and if I choose to block robocalls that is my right.

Brian B. North Bergen, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4838 of 5002

Since the FCC does not enforce violations of the Do Not Call list, I should have the right to determine who can call me.

Do not put restrictions on robo call blocking!!

Michael Brandos Fullerton, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4839 of 5002 please continue this service it's annoying how many phone calls come to your house at night. No more robocalls is the best service.

Gabriel California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4840 of 5002

I hate them and they are using up my minutes even though I am on the do not call list. It is terribly annoying.

Ed koethet Orange, ct

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4841 of 5002

My phone is my own "PRIVATE" communications device, which "I" pay for, with "MY" money, and I should be allowed to block any & all callers that I don't want contacting me, like political partys trying to convince me to vote for them, or consumer product companies trying to con me into buying their products, or scammers trying to steal my money. Instead of looking out for the interests of politicians, and big business, how about looking out for me, the person who pays your salary, through my payroll taxes!!!

Charles Richardson St. Augustine, Florida

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4842 of 5002

Phone customers should be able to block robocalls. They are annoying.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4843 of 5002

Please block robocalls.

Mamaroneck, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4844 of 5002

We not only support blocking robo calls, we desperately want it as soon as possible. We no longer answer our home phone since 9 out of 10 calls are robo calls. Now, we have started receiving them on our cell phones. These calls are more than a nuisance. They interfere with our other responsibilities. In most cases, we can not figure out how the calling party even gets a return for their effort.

Robert Willott Des Moines, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4845 of 5002

Please allow the blocking of unwanted calls to my home phone. No one should have the right to intrude via my home phone on my privacy and peace of mind. The "Do not call" list has proved totally ineffectual. as time has gone by. At first it worked, but now it is totally useless against aggressive marketing companies which openly flaunt the law. Robono has proved to be about 90% effective. Please let it continue.

George E. Carl Ft. Mill, SC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4846 of 5002

To those who will listen:

I believe in the norobo it does give peace of mind. It also helps keep the phone bill lower in cost.

I use my phone to keep in contact with my V.A. doctors as well as with close family members.Big Business should not butt in.

We have enough advertisements all over the nation. We do not need telephones yacking in our ears to buy this or to buy that.

Newspapers Magazines pamphlets flyers



Radio shop windows internet

People claim Big Brother is Government But in reality Big Brother is Big Business They have been controlling what we eat what we wear what we sleep in, what we drive where we vacation on and on.

Hell 99 per cent of that crap I would not even buy even if I could afford it.

It is time we had some privacy for our families sake and our sanity.

Please for god sake do not let big business run our lives 24 7.

We need peace of mind

They make more than enough money for them selves.

Dale Hannon Vancouver, Washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4847 of 5002

We were getting almost 50 robo calls per week. That's significantly more phone calls than we get from friends and family. It's annoying, and we could not get them to stop. We enlisted the nomorobo service, and that has cut it down a bit more than half, but it's not enough. The phone service providers have much more capability to screen these calls than an indirect service can. I would prefer not to receive the calls at all, but facilitating my ability to control receipt of such calls would at least be a start.

Michael and Bertha Trutt Valencia, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4848 of 5002

Robocalls waste time. Time used to get to the phone, the seconds necessary to determine it is a robo call, the time to get back to what you were doing. And, let's face it, it takes time to "get back into" what you were doing. Yes, we can hang up, but why do we have to lose all that time. If we like the politician, we will vote for him. I can state as a fact that I have voted for the opponent of a robocaller because I resent being hassled. When they have NEW information to impart, they have a press conference. Robocalling is harassment by anyone who uses it - be they politicians or sales people. Please stop it !


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4849 of 5002

Stop robocalls PLease

Track these scammers and phishers down and prosecute them

Who does business with unsolicited anonomouse callers trying to scam money out of the old and vulnerable.

They have enraged me several times a day for years asking to consolidate credit card debt and sell you a panic button if you fall down.

Robocalls are a form of terrorism, constant, intrusive, uninvited, unwanted.

How about giving NOMOROBO a grant to increase their good work

Joseph Mulholland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4850 of 5002

I am fed up with robocalls especially within 2 months of an election. Before I added robocall blocking, I was receiving as many as 8 calls a day--all robocalls. We could not even sit down to a family dinner without our phone constantly ringing. If I am forced to remove robocall blocking, I will get rid of my home phone. Please continue to allow robocall blocking products. Thank you.

Rhonda Gunn Colorado Springs, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4851 of 5002

Please make robocalls illegal

Shoubhanik Makur Newark, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4852 of 5002

Please block to robocalls now!

Nancy DeMorris Cathedral City, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4853 of 5002

To whom it may concern. I am completely satisfied with the service I receive from not receiving those calls of scamers, and telemarketers.

They have saved my messages, I get the important ones, not 23 messages with no message. Work with a way to assist and stop the calls from computers, or dead phone numbers. Its not broken, don't fix it, or ruin a great service.

Gary Buena Park, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4854 of 5002

With robocalls blocked, our lives are more stress free. We were always rushing to get to the phone before the party hung up in case it was an important call. Often when we picked up the phone there would be no immediate answer because the caller had dialed several phones at once and we were not the first to pick up. In other situations we would receive calls over and over again from the same advertiser and often they were from different cities or parts of the country. Robocalls do not respect privacy.

David Marec Brea, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4855 of 5002


Gaithersburg, MD

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4856 of 5002

As a retired person I'm home longer hours and bothered continuously for 10-12 hours a day with robocalls. I will never purchase anything from an unsolicited caller & I should be able to block the calls. I've even considered disconnecting my phone because the problem has gotten so bad. We get up to 10 calls a day. We've tried everything from hanging up, not answering, asking to be taken off their list, yelling at them, &!putting them on to discourage these call with no let up.

April Reser Long Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4857 of 5002

I have a right to screen calls to my phone. If I don't want to receive certain calls, I should be able to do so. If I want to use a service to do this, I should be able to do so. I work nights and have to sleep during the day. I do not like having my sleep disturbed by annoying phone calls.

Candy Binkley Decherd, Tn.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4858 of 5002

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the government actually enforced a law as simple as the one against telemarketers and robocalls?! If's simple, straightforward, and very clear!. If the government has the capability to spy on everyone, including foreign leaders, they certainly have the resources and ability to stop unwanted, illegal calls!

David C Hobson DDS Provo, UT

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4859 of 5002

I have been using nomorobo on my home phone for a while and it is wonderful!!! No more dinner interruptions! Before, even if I answered the call, followed the instructions to be removed, I still got the same calls over and over. Nomorobo is the best thing since DoNotCall!!

Brenda Perkins Prattville, AL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4860 of 5002

Robocalls are a nuisance to anyone's quality of life. I get as many as 6 to 8 robocalls daily. When I call back the caller ID phone that is calling to get them to stop calling is usually a "non working number" so I cannot find out who it is that is calling. Most of these numbers are random computer aided phone numbers that are in a data base of non working phone numbers that they get to appear in the caller ID so you cannot report them to the FCC. Robocalls are total shame, probably a crime in the way that no one find out who they are or where they are calling from.

Doug Haney Wildomar, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4861 of 5002

Please make it possible for people to block robocalls.

They are never helpful and come at disruptive times, even waking people.

They are intrusive and don't help people. scarsdale, ny

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4862 of 5002

I hate robocalls and believe I should have complete control of who calls me and who doesn't. Robocalls are an invasion of my privacy!!! I select when I'm going to talk on my phone. With Robocalls I have no control over who's calling me. You can't talk to a recording!! Stop the madness! I pay for my phone call experiences. I should have the right to block whomever I want from my private life. The minute the phone rings, it is directly in my personal space. If I need to purchase something, that's my decision not some stupid recording machine being run by someone who is only out to make a lot of money, that I can't stop from calling! Please stop robocalls!!!! Pass legislation that let's the people decide on who is calling them. We have the right to block callers, but we can't block robocalls! It's not right! I need my privacy back! I am a disabled person who requires a lot of sleep due to an illness. Robocalls are always calling any hour of the day waking me up. PLEASE! I WANT CONTROL OF MY PHONE!

Thank You,

Gail Gebhard

Gail Gebhard Stevensville MI

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4863 of 5002

I called you guys about 18 months ago because I was getting calls from Rachel From Credit Card Services up to five times a day. The problem (reason I didn't just change my phone #) was that the number was on all my accounts, Web sites, business cards, letterhead, etc., and all my business associates had it, so I really didn't want to change it. I assume you keep a record of calls to the FCC so you should be able to reference mine. I gave your agent a list of the numbers they had used to call me over a two year period. I don't have that phone anymore, but it was at least fifty phone numbers. I also told your agent that I had proof that robocallers were using the National Do Not Call List to "harvest" good (active) phone numbers. My wife and I have two Time Warner digital phone lines. Our phone numbers are not consecutive. The only lists in the world where are numbers are associated are with Time Warner and your National Do Not Call List. We would get robocalls on our phone lines within seconds of each other. Before signing up with Nomorerobo, we routinely got two or three robocalls a day on our land lines. Since activating Nomorobo we haven't had to answer a single one. This service is a Godsend. Please encourage the cellular phone providers to install it as well. If it were available I would still have my old cell number. (Yes, I finally said uncle and changed it. I don't favor capital punishment, but I'd make an exception for Rachel.)

Obren Bokich Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4864 of 5002

Robo calls don't care if you have a sick child or parent in your home. They call several times in a row, days in a row, very early morning, late at night , during dinner, etc. They are ruining the quality of my life. Even when you pay extra for caller ID and don't pick up the phone, you still hear it ringing.

I have gotten fake calls from the "IRS" and other scams. I am on the "DO NOT CALL" list and still get calls. I get these phone calls on my regular home phone and cell phone.

Mildred Manzella Rutherford, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4865 of 5002

Nomorobo has allowed me to change the rage I get sebveral times a day from these phishers and scammers to satisfaction when Nomorobo cuts them off

I hate these calls with a passion, they enrage me.

Do not call lists are simply ignored by scammers. Do not reward them for breaking the law.

Give Nomorobo a grant to improve upon their smart work

Work with the NTSA to catch the scam callers and prosecute them, Please

Joseph Mulholland

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4866 of 5002

I do not want to receive robocalls of any type. They are annoying and disrupt my family life. I would like to see the phone companies provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers.

C. Fang Danville, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4867 of 5002

Come on, let me have control of my own phone and my home and office.

Peter Logan San Francisco, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4868 of 5002

Robo calling in an invasion of my privacy. It also is extremely annoying when I receive calls at night or early in the morning. Most are from mortgage companies or credit companies. I am on the donot call lists, but still get the calls. I have complained to the government agencies but to no avail. There should be a federal law to make them illegal.

Seattle, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4869 of 5002

Please require the phone companies to find a robocall blocking solution for consumers like me. It is EXTREMELY annoying to receive such calls any time of year but particularly during elections. Such calls do not provide any useful or often truthful information.

David Steere

Tucson, AZ

David Steere Tucson, AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4870 of 5002

NoMoRobo should be available on ALL phone systems, land line and wireless.

Please make this happen!

Steven Buttress Rialto, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4871 of 5002

Please no Robocalls. Such an intrusions. It is especially bad for Senior citizens being offered wheel chairs, life alerts, etc. 5 times a day. I stopped using my land line because of robocalls.

Dolores Robinson Studio City, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4872 of 5002

I do not want or need ANY robocalls from anywhere or anyone. They should be illegal!!! I get at least five times as many robocalls as I do actual calls from people!!

David Gray Kansas City, MO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4873 of 5002

I am tired of constant Robo calls most of which are scams to defraud the elderly! Please require all phone services, wired and wireless provide for NoMoRobo service.

Frank Buttress Cambria CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4874 of 5002

I get several robocalls everyday, when you pick up some of them, there's no people answering. This bothers me a lot. Please let consumer have ways to block robocalls.

Kung Hsu Palo Alto, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4875 of 5002

Are you not listening. Nomorobo saved us. Thank you

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4876 of 5002

Most of the calls that my wife and I receive are from robocalls or other unscrupulous types despite our 3 phones being on the do not call list. Furthermore I had to cancel data to my cell phone because I kept receiving unwanted spam emails that I had to pay for, 10 cents an email for unsolicited emails (I use a pay as you go service with ATT Gophone). It is far past due time that something be done about these unsolicited spam callers and telephone companies should be compelled to offer a service to block these unwanted calls. Of course since the telephone companies make money from the recipients of the calls I understand their reticence. However I, for one, do not understand why the phone companies can make money from someone who receives a call. Even third world countries I have been in only charge the call initiator. If this was the case we would probably have far fewer problems.

Paul Piatkowski Fischer, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4877 of 5002

My name is Chris Hernandez. I am a person. Why should companies have the right to call me? Using technology, without humans ready to say "hello" when I answer, but they don't want me to use technology to stop them. People have rights not machines.

Chris Hernandez Corona, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4878 of 5002

Why should I or anyone be charged for a call that I did not want, didn't know who the caller was, and was being solicited by the unknown caller or the case in generated calls, which are actually trying to find out what time people are home and answer their phone, so the next barrage is from the salesperson who now knows what time you will answer your phone and the intrusion starts all over again.

Michael Cooper Fresno, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4879 of 5002

Nomorobo is a blessing that has revolutionized our homebound tranquility. Previously we were getting a dozen unwanted robot calls a day to our unlisted number that disrupted our naps and daily routines -- worse at election time. Now they are cut off after one ring; only real calls get through. PLEASE DO NOT LET US DOWN and take away this lifesaving amenity!

Eric Edmunds Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4880 of 5002

I think it is very important for you to consider robocall blocking on cell phones. They purposely call, writing my phone number as the caller ID to cover up who really calls. It is a problem as I have to block it but not sure I really can although iphone has functions. Please consider blocking robocalls on cell phones too! I feel the robocallls ate an invasion of privacy and those on landline has been reduced due to nomorobo. Thank you consideration.

Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4881 of 5002

I would like to take this opportunity to share my personal experiences with companies and individuals using robocalls to solicit me for products or services. Rather legit or not it has gone way passed solicitation into blatant forms of harassment. I got them for years on my home and cell phones from sun up well into the night. My wife works first shift and I work third. With an elementary school aged child. After commuting an hour and a half to get home at 5:00am after working 8-9 hours and a two hour commute to work. I could not go to sleep until I have dropped our daughter off. Get home tuck into bed to fall asleep. Around 9:30am sometimes sooner the phone would start ringing. I cannot ignore the phones because of my wife and child is not in the home with me. Not to mention elderly parents that deal with medical issues.

In the beginning I brushed it aside, it was just solicitations. That led to my requesting to be removed from the call list every time. After being assured I would not be contacted again. It keeps happening to date. I have submitted a boat load of complaints to the Do Not Call List, I have filed complaints with the FCC. And it still continues. I cannot disconnect the home phone because of community response and my daughters school contact. I came so close to doing it. Until nomorobo was offered as a landline solution. Today the only time my home phone rings is if it's the school, the job, or an evacuation call. Problem now is my cell phone. I have been dealing with this since 2009. Dead calls, hang ups, solicitations, spoofs, all none stop. Every hour on the hour. Many when I call back to complain I learn the number is disconnected etc. which is hard to understand seeing I just get a call from it. I went to purchase an IPhone because I was told it had number blocking capability. And it does. And it works pretty darn good too. Problem I'm having now I'm getting calls from the same companies with different numbers from different cities, and states. And I'm back to square one with the same results. Companies that use such tactics would never get my business, even if I needed it I would not use them. It doesn't matter how many times they call. If they knocked on my front door and offered it free I wouldn't take it. So these calls are no longer solicitation for me, their harassing me and my family. And as it stands I have no protection, no privacy, and no rights.

Because I'm on the road late at night and early mornings. Not to mention there are no more pay phones in Southern Ca. I need my cell phone not only for personal communication. I need it in case of emergency.

Please help me and millions of others like me. Nomorobo is a free service that gives me peace and peace of mind. I've tried everything else. This works in my home and I trust it will work for my cell. Both services I pay for, I should have the option to opt out, and better yet opt in to receive solicitations.

Thank you

Jay Palmdale, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4882 of 5002

Not only should the people have a right to access and use robocall blocking products, but the phone companies themselves should be required to make those blocking solutions easily available to their customers, including those who are not tech savvy.

Thank you.

Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4883 of 5002

Many days the calls are relentless, interrupting nap time ( I am an older, retired person), meal time, visits, and other activities. They start at 8 AM and often come in as late as 10 PM. These calls are a total invasion of my life....We are warned to refrain from letting strangers physically into our homes...... These calls are doing nothing but annoying us with strangers attempting to con us, frighten us, sell us some unwanted and unneeded item....They are the same as unwanted strangers physiscally entering your home. Let us stop the calls.

Joann Griswold Amherst MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4884 of 5002

I demand more robocall blocking features, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

Whether it be implemented by the FCC, the phone companies or a private third party tech company.

Anything that reduces the amount of annoying robocalls is a GOOD thing!

Raymond McDonnell Stoughton, MA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4885 of 5002

Robocalls should banned!!! We need the robocall blocking products till then......

Jennifer Attalla, Alabama

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4886 of 5002

Please stop robocalls and enhance the efficiency of the Do Not Call process- it really doesn't seem to work now that callers (and robots) can hide the number from us. It really is a violation. I work from home and constantly have my work calls interrupted. Please help us!

Stanislaus Greidus New York, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4887 of 5002

Blocking robocalls is a true blessing. I've retired, and the early morning calls were driving me crazy. Then the dinnertime calls... Half the time, the line goes dead when you do answer. This way, I get one ring & pleasant silence returns. Just wish I could do the same for my cell phone and for my vacation home in Florida.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4888 of 5002

Stop wasting my time with Robocalls. I rush to answer what could be an important call only to find a machine on the other end talking about something about which I could care less! Not only that, I get many calls for people who DO NOT LIVE AT MY PHONE NUMBER!

Henrietta Carter Los Alamitos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4889 of 5002

I receive no less than six calls per day and weekends, even more. They invade every bit of privacy and continually disrupt my day. Most days I just let the calls go to voicemail. The calls are a firm if legal harassment and I want to control what calls get through on my phone line. It is ludicrous that consumers have to be subjected to unwanted calls from companies looking to solicit some their slip shod offers as a way to rip off unsuspecting, ill informed consumers. They prey on the weak and elderly with absolutely no conscience of the devastating end result. I have a 91 year old father who answers every call to his phone. I always worry if he will be rooked into buying some useless insurance or hand over is savings to one if these crooks. You must give the consumer control of the calls they receive and stop these scammers before they inflict any more sorrow and regret

J. Camargo New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4890 of 5002

I am so SICK AND TIRED of getting phone calls that are hang ups, loud breathers, recorded telecalls - you name it. And this, on a private number that I do NOT give out. How is this possible? But more than how is it possible that I GET them, how is it that I do NOT have the RIGHT to STOP them and block them? I didn't call them - they are calling me! I am not asking the FCC to block these calls, I am asking for the RIGHT TO DO THIS MYSELF. This is completely ricidulous.

Robin K San Francisco CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4891 of 5002

I used to get 10 - 14 robo and unsolicited taped calls per day. Since I enrolled in nomorobo, I get one or two. We NEED to have access to entities which can block robo calls for our sanity and peace of mind. Seriously, I am on both the national and state do-not-call lists, yet those people continued to call without regard to the lists. Seriously, if the government - and that includes the FCC - cannot protect us from robo calls, how can we possibly have any faith in their ability to protect us from terrorists? Please show some common sense and make robo blocking available to EVERYONE, and not just to those who have phone services through their computers. Thank you.

Susan Eldridge CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4892 of 5002

The do not call list has not worked for a couple of years now. Too many sales calls are coming from real and spoofed numbers. If the government can't help control this very annoying problem then let the people have the power to stop this intrusion. I use a private roboblocking product over voip and it has worked tremendously.. from 4-5 per day to none! This does not work on traditional land line so I can never go back.

Jeff Baerenwald Rancho Cucamong Ca.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4893 of 5002

I don't want any of these annoying robocalls.! I pay for my phone for emergency reasons, and my family only! STOP THE ROBOCALLS!

Ron Featherstone Bullhead City, Az. 86442

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4894 of 5002

The level of unwanted calls is obscene. The disruption to our family life can not be measured. We must be given an option to stop these harassing, menacing & disruptive daily (sometimes hourly) attacks on our lives. Please give us the tools to stop these calls (on both land lines & cell phones).

Thank you!

Chicago, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4895 of 5002

I want to block telemarketers from calling my phone. I appreciate being able to use Nomirobo!

Susan Maruyama Moraga, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4896 of 5002

Please allow citizens easy access to the technology to block robo calls. Their is no reason to allow robo calls to ruin our evening every day. Please help. The do not call list means nothing to these outfits.

Shawn Farrell Fayetteville AR

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4897 of 5002

Nomorobo has brought peace and sanity back to our house. The do not call list is not working!!! I was tired of getting scam calls, sometimes fifteen a day. Why would you want to keep people from getting calls from people that ignore the do not call list?

Mckinney tx

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4898 of 5002

Dear FCC,

I use a service called "Nomorobo". They try to block all the nuisance phone calls I get on my phones, both home phone and cell. These calls are a huge disruption in anyone's life, and cause extreme stress and anxiety. It isn't fun to hear your phone ringing at all times of the day and night, only to have to stop whatever your doing to answer it, and find that on the other end is a machine trying to sell you something.

I pay to have my phone in use. I do not wish to have these stressful calls coming through. They take up my valuable time, and stress me out every day trying to sell me rug cleaning services, and all kinds of things. I get these calls several times, every day, and it's overload !!

As citizens of the U.S of A., we should have the right and a way to stop these darn calls !!

If Nomorobo can do this for me, then they should be allowed to do so, as long as I agree to their terms and conditions. Matter of fact, I shouldn't even need Nomorobo. I should have a way on my own to be able to put an end to every nuisance phone call that interrupts my line. And It shouldn't cost me anything either. The Gov't should be paying for it, as our phone service is Gov't regulated.

It hasn't worked 100% for me since I've been using Nomorobo. But it does help. I can tell by the amount of stopped calls I count every day.

Some still get thru cause they have their tricks. But we need something to put an end to this rash of annoyances in our lives.

Joan S.& Fred Z. So. Bound Brook, N.J.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4899 of 5002

I use NoMoRobo. And Anonymous Call Blocking. And smart call blocking on smartphones to prevent certain recognized phone numbers from ringing.

It's MY phone. MY privacy. MY dinnertime, or run, or bike ride, or hour watching TV, etc. The FCC must enhance the Do Not Call regulations to facilitate excellent services such as NoMoRobo and to encourage that the Telephone Companies participate, cooperate and even implement RoboCall and unwanted call blocking.

The commercial value of these calls, and whatever 'free speech' rights these callers, might have, is always subordinate to the Privacy Right To Be Left Alone of the individual.

Technology such as Robocall Blocking is a necessary improvement to our ability to stop others from interrupting our privacy. The FCC must regulate in a way to assure that a robust market is created allowing the telephone consumer to NOT hear from UNwanted robotic or commercial calls. I support NoMoRobo and its principles.

Jay Libove Bowling Green, KY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4900 of 5002

Enough is now far more than enough. Relentless calls - over and over with many from the same number(s). Rarely is a message left - they just keep calling. I put their number on my phone blocking system, but it only holds a very limited amount, so it's a constant battle of remove the old and add the new. Not what I need to be doing all day.

Fix the Do Not Call list (actually, start out by enforcing it) and allow the poor consumer (ME) access to an easy to use and complete solution to this continuous invasion of my privacy.

Thank you.

John Gillett Phoenix, AZ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4901 of 5002

It is MY phone number! And as such, I demand the right to engage ironically blocking products. The many unsolicited calls at all hours are upsetting. Maybe I should forward them to the FCC!

Roseanna Lavia San Jose CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4902 of 5002

I want the ability to block my phone

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4903 of 5002

It is MY phone number! And as such, I demand the right to engage ironically blocking products. The many unsolicited calls at all hours are upsetting. Maybe I should forward them to the FCC!

Roseanna Lavia San Jose CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4904 of 5002

I absolutely want to continue to be able to block robocalls. They're disruptive and definitely intrusive. If telephone companies want to have total control over how I use my phone they should be required to provide my phone and the service free of charge. I pay a handsome price for the service and should be able to exclude robocalls if I choose to.

William O'Grady Athens, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4905 of 5002

It is MY phone number! And as such, I demand the right to engage ironically blocking products. The many unsolicited calls at all hours are upsetting. Maybe I should forward them to the FCC!

Roseanna Lavia San Jose CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4906 of 5002

We are so tired of years of Robocalls. It use to be one could ignore the 800 numbers but now it is bad enough that one has to answer them because even doctors offices and folks you do business with use the 800 numbers. It is so annoying when the same Robo callers call over and over. This pass election was crazy with one political call after another and from the same political folks running for office, it was over baring.

We should have the right to stop Robocalls!

Big Brother does not have to control everything.

So step back and let us all put a stop to Robo Cal,ers.

Thank you,


Rusty Winter Springs, FL.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4907 of 5002

PLEASE let us BLOCK Robocalls!!!

We pay the Phone bill and should have this right. GEEZ, people?

Ella and Leroy Laxron Spring Hill,, FL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4908 of 5002

Got rid of my home phone of forty years earlier this week for just this reason. Why pay for an annoyance?

Amy gonzales Fontana, ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4909 of 5002

Verizon allows 10 blocked phone numbers.....I get 10 robocalls a day from different numbers and I belong to nomorobo and I'm on the federal do not call list...... some need to step up because the ball has obviously been dropped.....

Robert Aures Buffalo,NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4910 of 5002

I strongly support the idea of blocking annoying robocalls. They are certainly a nuisance and I consider it invasion of privacy as well.

I wish I had the power to completely obliterate this nuisance once and for all.


Santa Clara, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4911 of 5002

I am tired of getting robocalls. I keep getting the same unwanted calls over and over again. The robocall systems should be required to adhere to the same no call list as other telemarketers.

Sara Kinburn Lowell, Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4912 of 5002

I have been utilizing the services of Nomorobo for the past 16 months and I am very satisfied with having countless unsolicited junk phone calls being diverted from my phone.The FCC is totally useless in eliminating unwanted phone calls from anyone trying to get the attention and money from unsuspecting people whose phone numbers they have acquired through unknown means. Robocall has filled this niche of blocking unwanted phone calls from recording devices which the FCC has ignored for years. You must not allow unwanted crank phone calls to continue. If you enact laws to prevent this type of unwanted privacy intrusion from occurring Nomorobo would not have to do this for all the telephone users who are subject to these intrusions due to your inaction.. Pass laws to stop robot phone calls, which do not abide by the Do Not Call restrictions, ans continually annoy everyone who uses all type of telephone services.

Jim Zizzo Wilmington North Carolina

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4913 of 5002

Nomorerobo Stops the computer calls that no one else figured how to do!i I wish you could stop all the company's that call my home using phones that are not working they call on numbers that are disconnected how is that? If I want to block Callers I shall its not your right to control my phone or my rights! BACK OFF FCC Do your job and stop people from Selling numbers so we stop Spam calls!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4914 of 5002

Please stop these people from interrupting my day with things that I am not interested in. I have my phone number on the "do not call list", and I believe that should be honored by all sales calls. Thank you!

Jan Hart Mountlake Terrace, Washington

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4915 of 5002

Please allow phone companies to block robe calls.

LAUSD Los Angeles

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4916 of 5002

I truly appreciate that NOMOROBO is doing the job that Do Not Call is supposed to be doing. Our unwanted calls have diminished to almost zero since this excellent and desired feature became available.



All unwanted calls are an invasion of privacy on any phone. ALL unwanted calls to your wireless service costs the recipient money. FCC, if you want to do something useful stop all unwanted calls. Attack what needs not be attacked.

Jack L. Applegate Hurst, TX

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4917 of 5002

Before Nomorobo I was bombarded by robo calls, interupping dinner, sleep, visits with guests, etc.....a terrible annoyance. Peaceful now and I want to keep it that way. thank you

Temecula, Ca

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4918 of 5002

Robocalls have provided a screen for nuisance auto calls that interrupt our least 6 times a day. It is bad enough to receive dialed, live calls that are not stopped by robocall.

E & r Bauer California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4919 of 5002

No person, no organization including a political, and no company should have the right to call my phone again and again for marketing or sales purposes, or to leave some political message. It's especially annoying when it's a robo call and I'm forced to listen to the whole thin in hopes there's an opt-out at the end of it. The do-not-call list is not very effective.

Craig Noke Pacific Grove CA 93950

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4920 of 5002

I can't te;ll you how disgusted I am with Robo Calls. I get on avaerage 6 calls a day at the most critical times of the day. Congress does not seem to have an interest i helping the citizens. I WANT NO MORE ROBO CALLS for all my robo calls with the opportunity of allowing me to plug in the calls that I get most frequently. WE GAVE YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN SYNC WITH US, DO WHAT WE NEED NOW.

Earl Foster Shiremanstown, PA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4921 of 5002

I appreciate what you do.

; so please help your public with this - Let those of us who want to, sign up with 'stop-robocalls- products'.

I didn't ask the robocallers to call me at home. - I know how to get information about anything I want.

I trust you understand..

I thank you very much indeed, for your time and consideration.

Happy New Year To You All.

Respectfully yours,

Neil L. Sachs So.Brunswick, New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4922 of 5002

Please allow call blocking, I get at least 20 calls a day, i have signed on the "Do not call list" and it's not working.....please help, make it stop...Please

Hendrick Los Angeles, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4923 of 5002

I have used the do not call service that already exists and it does not do the job. i want to have my own options in which to prevent these types of harrassing calls from reaching my phones!

Ramon Salles Brooklyn,NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4924 of 5002

I loathe robocalls with a passion! With few exceptions, they are either telemarketers or bill collectors, and since I have recently changed phone numbers the latter are almost never for anyone who lives in our home! The easy ability to block these calls would be a godsend; I implore you to clearly legalize this technology for all our sakes!

April Montgomery Austell, GA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4925 of 5002 i think, robocalls should be considered a violation of federal wire laws get rid of these things and prosecute people who spoof names on phone calls - that's interstate, intrastate fraud

Bob Topps memphis,tn

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4926 of 5002

We as Americans and consumers should have every right to block any and all calls that we desire to; I greatly appreciate Nomorobo and it's service should be enhanced, reinforced and expanded upon....thank you!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4927 of 5002

Robocall blocking is imperative for senior citizens who need their rest and undisturbed lives. Unsolicited robocalls are annoying, and wake resting seniors, or interrupt thoughts about taking medication. It can effect a citizens health and well being.

We should be able to control our lives and stop unwanted phone calls.

Robocall blocking should be mandated to all personal telephone systems.

Dr. howard Levenson San Rafael, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4928 of 5002

I'm fed up with robocalls - every day, all hours. Do-not-call list is useless. Caller-ID fails to identify who is really calling. Call-Block is useless due to their use of bogus numbers.

Constituent CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4929 of 5002

Simply put, robocalls are an INVASION OF PRIVACY. Do you really understand what's entailed within the phrase, "A man's home is his castle."? If you don't --- then look it up. It's probably a lot bigger than you imagine!

This must be stopped, because it's the same as someone trying to force his way into my home!

Melvin W Elliott Liverpool NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4930 of 5002

The number of violations to the FTC Do Not Call List are growing expidentially. Not only am I getting calls from telemarketers and robocalls on my home phone; I also getting them on my cell phone. Blocking numbers locally doesn't do much good because they are forever spoofing the number that appears on my caller ID. Many a time I've let the call go to voicemail, tried to return the call only be told that it is not a working number or the number had not been assigned.

I've repeatedly told these callers to remove my name and number from their database but it has fallen on deaf ears. I have an unlisted landline number and cell number that has only been given out to very few people. I don't as a rule give out my phone number online to to complete strangers.

William Frazier Lynnwood, WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4931 of 5002

We need our privacy. We have a right to not be disturbed by unwanted advertising and surveys

Olympia WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4932 of 5002

There is very little privacy left these days. My computer has been hacked, credit cards compromised, and my phone bombarded with telemarketers. Phone service, high speed internet, and cable tv are not cheap. All I want is to get what I pay for. By that I mean I want my private phone line to be PRIVATE! I don't want uninvited sales people calling me any more than I want them coming to my door. Privacy is a right in this country, or at least it used to be. Nomorobo is a great service. If you can't help us with the problem, then please let them.

Fair Oaks CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4933 of 5002

Please stop the unwanted telephone calls phil & jane nelson Dallas Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4934 of 5002

The National Do Not Call List is a failure. The FTC has privatized their efforts into building a national database of "white, grey and black lists" to literally shut these culprits who are committing fraud using "crowd sourcing". The government is to serve and protect its citizens. I subscribe to The call will ring once (when blacklisted) and the free service endorsed by FTC 2013 award prevents the illegal telemarketing call from being answered by me or by voice mail as a hang-up. There seems to be a legal loophole, with a financial incentive for Call Centers to invoice the carriers through monthly tariffs for connecting calls either answered by your voice mail or a human being ... This is the reason why majority of calls are hang-ups - because they get paid whether they speak with you or don't speak with you, so long as either a person or a machine answers the incoming call!!!! Either way they are committing fraud and violating the law. It's time to enter the 21st century by reverse engineering this by fighting this as if it's cyber warfare by using automated means to stop their robot calls! This includes the FCC enforcing the laws with wireless carriers, just as the FTC does with landlines.

Kevin Morgan Wake Forest, NC

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4935 of 5002

We are VERY frustrated & tired of our home phone ringing from robocalls numerous times a day and at all hours ranging from 8:00 AM thru 10:00 PM. We signed up with a robocall blocking company and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!! Since we signed up, this company has blocked almost all robocalls. There are companies that change their number often, therefore it gets through to the phone, but having 1 or 2 calls per week that are robocalls compared to 5-8 per is great to have this service. We wish for every person to have this service offered to them....PLEASE!!!!!

Karen & Paul Rogers Moreno Valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4936 of 5002

I consider robocalls to be more than annoying and irritating. They are really an invasion of privacy. I sometimes receive 7-8 of these calls per day. I do not want my phone ringing incessantly with calls from individuals that I feel should not even be calling me because I am on the Do Not Call List. Please allow us to block robocallers. A person's home should be their sanctuary. I should be able to have peace and quiet and the freedom to block robocallers.

Sandra Chertkov Dallas, Texas

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4937 of 5002

To whom it may concern,

Before I had robocall blocking I would get telephone solicitors everyday. Many were illegal being on the Government register do not call list.


ROBOCALLS TO CELL PHONES, you should continue to protect us from the Continued Invasion of Consumers’ Privacy and allow the consumer the option to block robocalls on any phone that we subscribe to and pay for.

I thank you for your attention and hope you continue to allow all consumers to have the option to block robocalls in the foreseeable future.

Sincerely yours,

Ron Esch

Ron Esch Acton Massachusetts

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4938 of 5002

Please tell the phone companies to allow robocall blocking. Politicians especially!

Neal Shorstein Oakland, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4939 of 5002

As consumers, we should have complete control over what kind of calls and messages we want to receive. I have been using robocall and it effectively blocks about two-thirds of unwanted phone calls. With more consumers using mobile smartphones, it is even more critical to block unwanted calls and messages.

Arthur Rosenberg Santa Monica, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4940 of 5002

The worst robo calls are the political push polls.

Some dufus wants to influence me by asking me about 'bad' stuff.

The way the choices are phrased is loaded. nobody should have to be exposed to a recording on their own phone. Nobody should be woken up, distracted from dinner or their family by robos. Sara at cardholder services, ex-governor fatso, google seo. All uncivilized use of my phone number.

Blaine WA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4941 of 5002

Robocalls are the worst kind of invasion. Please make it stop!!!

Troy, Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4942 of 5002

These Robo calls are taking advantage of my inability to prevent them from disturbing my home time and wasting my precious time. Nomorobo gives me back my rights to not be disturb.

Gilbert gam Aliso Viejo California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4943 of 5002

PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE support this effort.

We, as citizens, have few options for stopping or reducing these annoying and bothersome calls.

James Lemelin Sacramento, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4944 of 5002

Start listening to the people that pay you and your wonderful benifits. They do not care if it boths UA and they do not want you to know who is calling. We do not answer the phone unless a name is on the phone. Stop this now and it's not a freedom of speach issue. Anyone now can call get your number and see if you ate at home. Stop this NOW.

A J Sanchez LA California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4945 of 5002

Please make nomorobo more accessible! Verizon prevented me from joining

JF Delpech Arlington VA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4946 of 5002

Please do something to make phone companies to provide robocall blocking solutions to consumers. The problem is out of hand.

Doug Thompson and Peggy Briggs Sacramento, California

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4947 of 5002

It is beyond shocking that you, the FCC, won't listen to private citizens and consumers in this country. We, the people, are sick to death of unwarranted, intrusive, and annoying "robocalls." We demand that your agency allow our local phone providers to provide us with the tools to put a stop to them.

The "National Do Not Call Program" is a joke. Our home phone number has been on it for years and still the intrusive calls come into our home at all hours of the day and night, from 7am all the way through 11pm - and we are sick of it. Did you hear that? Let me repeat it for you:



Ric Leach

Santa Ana, CA 92707

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4948 of 5002

To whom it may concerns

I support robocalls blocking at 200%. They are annoying and are interfering with my daily life events: for example I have recieved a call at the same time where one of my family members was stuck with a flat tire on the road, I had to answer the call without realizing that a loved one was indeed was needing my help, ending up with a costly scenario, and thank god everyone was ok, just to mention an incedent. Let marketeers use mailing instead this will keep the post office open and printing companies open and not to mention the supply is being used to generate mailing and the jobs being kept.

Sun valley, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4949 of 5002

Robocalls must be stopped and all robocall blocking products should be approved, certified, encouraged and used by those Americans who want control of their own phone usage. My wife and I are bombarded daily with unsolicited automatic phone calls. Irritating is a nice way of putting it.

Richard Marks Thousand Oaks, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4950 of 5002

I do not want robocalls.

They invade my privacy.

They are unnecessary.

Avon Lake, OH

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4951 of 5002

Isn't it enough that we are bombarded daily with telemarketers on our landlines...... ??? PLEASE allow consumers to prevent unwanted calls on our cell phones! Why should innocent consumers have to pay for unwanted calls, or put up with them? Privacy IS important - STOP UNWANTED ROBOCALLS!

Studio City, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4952 of 5002

Robocalls should be blocked...they are an intrusion into personal privacy and, in some cases, cost the receiver of such calls money!


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4953 of 5002

I despise robocalls and certainly feel that I should have the right to block them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4954 of 5002

I hate robocalls and very much want to be able to block them. They are an incredible annoyance.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4955 of 5002

You need to do something to stop these calls! We get an average of 4 calls per day from telemarketers with spoofed phone numbers. So called Canadian online pharmacies, solar panel companies, home repair contractors. The just laugh and cuss me out when I tell them that I am on the DNC call list. They call from 6am to 10pm. I'm ready to get rid of my home phone to get it to stop.

David Clement Santa Clarita, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4956 of 5002

I am literally being harassed by telemarketing and robocalls despite being on a do not call list.

I am a senior citizen and need my phone, but am now considering alternatives given the deluge of calls that now come in daily to my home.

Please help support any means to stop this intrusive incursion into my life.

Thank you.

Emma Kelly Los Gatos, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4957 of 5002

Everyone should have the option to control how their phones treat calls

Little Canada MN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4958 of 5002

Please give me back my peace.... Stop these constant robo calls. Let is use robo call blockers.

Adriana Schoenberg Albany, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4959 of 5002

I hate the calls that come at all hours of the day,a nuisance that you have to answer the phone for some sales pitch.

James Posporelis Troy,NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4960 of 5002 is a God-send for stopping telephone scammers. I use them just about every day. I never pick up the phone anymore unless I recognize the caller ID. Nevertheless, I get far more anonymous calls that prey on senior citizens like me. Nomorobo does a great service for society. I've blocked numbers on my portable sell phone plus I block them on the ATT website. I've filled up all the slots available to stop annoying phone calls. I don't understand why ATT does not have enough slots to block all of them. But ATT is just for the money it makes for calls. So, I urge you to allow nomorobo to to continue blocking the hundreds and thousands of robocalls that I get every year.

D. Fajardo Salinas, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4961 of 5002

The FCC should permit companies to offer products which block robocalls. 'Junk' phone calls have been the death of the home telephone.

I pay for my telephone, therefore it should be for MY convenience, not for the benefit of advertising agencies and scams. If I choose to have these calls blocked it should be allowed.

Wendy Jarvis Anaheim Hills, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4962 of 5002

I am getting calls everyday and the national "Don't call list" is not helping!

All communication networks are granted for use by the people and the citizens of this country instruct you to protect us.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4963 of 5002

If you refuse to outright ban robocalls, then you should permit robocall blocking solutions.

Wendy Hagmaier Placentia, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4964 of 5002

All possible tools should be used to eliminate robocalls. They are a constant drain on productivity in my business and we have been victims of scammers. Thank you for your efforts to eliminate this unscrupulous and annoying imposition on the public.

Howard Freeman Basalt, CO

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4965 of 5002

I work afternoons and I am sickand tired of stupid calls waking me up.I need some way to block the b.s. without stopping important personal calls.

Jerome Moncman Canton,Ohio

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4966 of 5002

We are immensely thankful thamkful to Nomorobo for blocking probably 20-30 robocalls per day. The robo calls are what the FCC should be fighting, not anyone who is helping in any way to stop them.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4967 of 5002 block robocalls now!!!

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4968 of 5002

Robocalls are one of the more disgusting and insidius invasions of personal control and privacy invented so far.

The FCC should have no business restricting the rights and options available to citizens to block these aggravations. It is incredible that this is even being considered by the FCC and we can only conclude, without knowing more, that this is a classical case of "follow the money" and some powerful entitities are trying to unduly influence the FCC and it will be corrupted if it accepts what is offered and restricts robocall blocking.

Thomas W Bruice, MD, PhD Carlsbad, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4969 of 5002

Stop Robocalls....period!!!!!!!!

Schererville, IN

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4970 of 5002

These calls everyday morning noon and night has to be blocked by the phone companies without cost to me or others any extra charge. It can and should be a high priority starting today.

Edward Davis Riverdale ,Ilinois

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4971 of 5002

NOMOROBO is a service to protect my family from unwanted phone calls. I read about it in the AARP magazine. It has been free and it has been extremely effective. Our family life is virtually free of these nuisances and scams, which has improved our quality of life.

Please do not affect the ability of NOMOROBO to assist my family as they do.

Thank you.

Michael Zacks Rochester, NY

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4972 of 5002

Nairobi calls, please. I am a senior citizen and feel harassed by these unsolicited and disruptive intrusion s.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4973 of 5002

I signed up with Nomorobo in May of 2014. Within a day of activation I saw a big drop in the number of nuisance calls i was getting. I had gotten tired of the constant unwanted calls, I registered with Do Not Call, but that didn't have much affect. When I heard about Nomorrobo I was skeptical, but signed up anyway. Anything that might help would be a blessing. I'm glad I did. There are still calls coming in, not as many. The biggest thig I have noticed now is spoofing caller ID with loccal names and numbers. As far as Nomorrobo is çoncerned, I would recommend it to anyone that has access to it. I believe it should be available to everyone. These calls have been so annoying that I don't answer the phone anymore, I screen all calls. I shouldn't have to.

Michael Pustizzi Vineland, NJ

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4974 of 5002

I hate robocalls. They are stealing my time. I want this practice banned or the ability to block them all.

Jeff Silhan Murrieta CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4975 of 5002

It's my phone, and I don't want to pay for robocalls. Let's block them.


Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4976 of 5002

Every citizen should have the right to block harassing and nuisance phone calls. And these calls are HARRASSMENT. Once you have informed a company you don't want them to call that should be the end of it; but NO, legally you have to tell them three times before you can take action against them. Which means you have to log each of these calls. Once you have all this information you still can't get them to stop, because the government won't enforce the few laws they have in place. This has got to STOP! Why is the aggressor and harrasser so protected in our society while the victim continues to be victimized. At least services like NOMOROBO gives each person the choice to block calls from numbers that are known to be harrassers. Since the government won't take action to control these companies they should at least give citizens the right to make their own choice to protect themselves. The government "Do Not Call List" has little to no effect at reducing the number of nuisance calls. Let someone who can do the job right do it. The government should be funding enterprises like NOMOROBO. At least our tax dollars would be going to something worthwhile.

Jody Tebay Laurel, MD

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I no longer have control over my own phone. I get calls day and night from the same numbers over and over. Sometimes they even use my own phone number to call me. I have called my phone company (Xfinity) and they tell me they can do nothing to help me stop these calls. I have put myself on the national do not call list and reported dates and times of repeated unwanted calls--all to no avail. I pay a lot of money for my phone services and I would like to put a stop to these harassing phone calls. Asking them not to call only makes it worse. Please help stop robocalls.

Ray & Marianne Blumhoff Tacoma WA

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The Robocalls are a real problem as my phone rings constantly and disrupts my days work. These should be stopped so I can get important calls and not just junk calls.

Charles May La Verne, CA

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I am a senior citizen and my wife has cronic disabilities. We live alone, and feel like we are being terrorized in our own home by "robocallers". Our phones are all the do not call list available to us but they still call because they know they can get away with it. What are we to do? We are targeted simply because the robocallers know that senior citizens are gullible and easy to take advantage of, and most have good credit! 90% of all the calls we receive are from 800 numbers and from others who have the ability to cloak their calls in numbers that are not traceable like 000-000-0000.

The phone company offers call blocking features but it is a worthless feature because robocallers can manipulate the caller id to over-ride any and all attempts to identify them!. What are we to do? I really feel that if we can't get help to stop these unwanted harassing annoying calls, either my wife or myself is going to die from the stress or have a heart attack while trying to answer the phone! p.s. has anyone looked at how much money the phone company makes from robocalls?

Theodore Rhodes Sr. Long Island New York

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4980 of 5002

Not only should robocalls be banned, but the practice of using phony caller ID credentials and phone numbers should be banned. I have even had phone calls that showed my own name and phone number in the caller ID screen. Personally, I think it should be a felony, because it is circumventing the "Do Not Call List" restrictions.

Paul Dyke Desert Hot Springs, CA

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Do they enjoy getting robocalls? Of course not. They have there phones blocked.


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Why should I be forced to endure the incessant unwanted calls on a service I pay for? At least the robocall blocking product I use cuts the number of unwanted calls.

Sue Fay King Ballwin, Mo

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The number of unwanted and burdensome calls received is growing astronomically. My phone service, AT&T, only allows me to block 20 calls. This number is ridiculously low and does not as a practical matter satisfy in any significant way the blocking of unwanted calls, particularly computer generated dialed calls that have no reasonable purpose other than to annoy!. Services such as "robocall" are absolutely necessary and should be expanded to permit legal action against harassing entities that place unwanted calls.

David E Lovejoy Novato, CA

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My family have sent complaints to the FCC without any action on robocalls on my phone. We are on the do not call list, but calls still come. We pay a lot of money for phone service, these calls waste data.

Susan + Michael Kollins Long Beach, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4985 of 5002

Robo Call blocking is a necessity since the do-not-call list does not work and everyone ignores it.

I currently get several calls every day that I don't want and are just machines trying to sell me something.

NOMOROBO has been the best addition to my phone system in years.

Donald Ferguson San Jose, CA

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4986 of 5002

Robocalls are nothing more than another attempt by companies to control what they want me to hear and when to hear it. How about 8AM and then after 9PM. I should have the right to decide who and when.

Russell Wells Blacstone,Ma

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4987 of 5002

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone to be a convenience for mankind. It is... except when one is interrupted by unnecessary calls. That would be calls from solicitors, robocalls, calls where no one is on the other end of the line and wrong numbers. It's well known that the fee for 'phone service is way higher than it needs to be. It's also known that the 'phone company administrators and executives are grossly overpaid. At least, part of the provided service should be the ability to block all unwanted calls.

Mark Delman Castle Rock, Colorado

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I have talking Caller ID and don't even pick up the phone if I don't recognize the caller. I'd rather not hear it ring!!!!

Gary Plantinga Tinley Park, IL

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4989 of 5002

I can't tell you how many times I've complained about Robocalls. I have pages of documentation where these companies call and disrupt my day and evening. I finally got a phone that will block more numbers than my carrier allows. No sooner do I block one number and the companies start calling back with one number changed. Furthermore, some one started spoofing my name and number. Would I like to block all these companies, you're damn right .. if I need something, let me be the one to call them.

Barb Santucci Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4990 of 5002

Please give the public the ability to stop unwanted calls. I want access to products that can help me do this, require phone companies to offer these capabilities.

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4991 of 5002

Please, as a consumer, my family and my extended family asked me to plead with you to have robo calling placed as an option on the “Do Not Call Me” or a blocking solution made "more easily accessible to consumers."

It’s an annoying invasion of our privacy, and would like the phone companies to allow an option to stop any future calling of this nature.


Mr/Mrs George Toscano & family

George Toscano Sun City, CA

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The calls are disturbing. They disturb my busy schedule, and I risk missing a call from elderly relatives

Rose milwaukee wi

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Stop all ROBO calls and enforce the opt out provisions of our laws since they seem to be routinely ignored.

Ronald LeFever Brookfield, Wisconsin

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4994 of 5002

It's time to stop robocalls. The FCC needs to compel telephone service providers to allow companies that are capable of fighting these intrusive nuisance calls to operate freely.

I am tired of Rachel from cardholder services, disembodied voices offering seniors life alert bracelets, and the untold scammers impersonating Microsoft, the IRS, ad nauseum.

I pay for my telephone service. I pay taxes to allow the FCC to operate. I should not have to pay for scammers to continue to operate.

Please ACT!!

Sheila Gerstenzang Las Vegas, NV

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We are just plain fed up with constant barrage of robo calls they wake you up, they wake up the babes, they interrupt you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. and not just robo calls but also regular sales calls and they are very pushy, you tell them that you are in the do not call list and they say oh this does not affect us we are not under that rule, and they become very rude,the FCC should put their foot down and put some teeth into a law that would stop them because they just do not learn.

Ruben El Monte

Comments-10001-15000 - Page 4996 of 5002

I am tired of all these calls I get despite the fact that I register and re-register with the website. The only thing that has helped even a little is nomorobo but these companies and individuals still manage to figure out a way to continue to harass people on their home and cellular telephones. I'm tired of it and I want YOU to do something about it.

Don Filicetti Rutherford, NJ

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On any given day, our home phone line receives roughly 8-10 calls from 800 numbers. None of the numbers are from companies we deal with or have given permission to contact us. These calls start at 8am and don't cease until 9pm.

This is AFTER registering on several occasions for the FTC's do not call list and utilizing an online robocall service! The next step for us is to disconnect our home line. We essentially took matters into our own hands and enlisted the help of a free service (NOMOROBO) to assist us eliminate these calls. WE DIDN'T WAIT FOR A USELESS GOVERNMENT TO HELP US!

None of this would be necessary if your agency and it's employees would perform the work we are paying you to do. Instead of monitoring radio and television for the use of profanity, maybe you should be cracking down on these offenders who are insistent we absolutely need a home alarm system, new windows, insurance, investment opportunities & the slew of charities (most questionable) who desperately need our money.

In my opinion, your agency needs to have a budget cut.

Michael A. Rupp & Lori A. Rupp Fallston, Maryland 21047

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I think that since I paid for the phone I shoud be allowed to block whm ever I wish. tony Buitrago New York City N.Y

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Please make these calls STOP!!!

Sheree Williams Santa Clarita, CA

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Please stop these annoying calls

Mike Schwing Salem,NH

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